The Straits Times, 14 November 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.339 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 179 1 PHK CELEBRATED White Horse SCOTCH jt U WNIUV ESTABLISHIO 1742. KATZ BROS., LTD. ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING SALE Carpets, Rugs Linoleums FURTHER REDUCTIONS Carpet Headquarters: KATZ BROS., LTD THORNYCROFT E MOTORS «jB i 9" "AlHiijitSSwl mri'f^ji^, J FROM _j*m?i*w i^^^* to 'i* s^^fc H.^^t SC B^^L. :i ?WSSB&SBk UHITED ENG|NEERS mm SINGAPORE.
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    • 126 1 ROBINSON CO. FOR SPORTING CARTRIDGES. lilllULll 15 BONAX, T OPEX, GROUSE EJECTOR, Etc., Etc. iffiT turikft^"^ IjLIjI k> SMOKELESS, PEGAMOID, Etc., Etc. Fresh Mllfa:. ASHCROFT S BILLIARD TABLES Further supplies of the Singapore Model Dairy Co.'s FRESH p at A n W t iL D of D t2^SR M ooi.
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    • 10 1 Eternit Asbeb-ios Slates. Soli Aoes'ts < ADAMBON, GUFIILAN; A CO., LTD.
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  • 781 2 MIGHTY SEAS STILLED IN TEN MINUTES. The Volturno Disaster. When the oil ship Narragansett, with 29 survivors of the Volturno on board, came alongside the Anglo-American Oil Company's gaily decorated wharf at Purfleet on October 16, somebody on the ship answered the cheers of the crowd with
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  • 204 2 Foreign-Sty le Clothing ia China. The American Consul General Oeorgo E, Anderson, of Hongkong, states that while there was a notable turning to foreign-style clothing of many kinds shortly after the revolution in China there has been more or less re-action since, and the exact future of trade in all
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 485 2 ps^ Have you taken tfu\ w/« I^l /V BIAND 111 ll IM Jg&NS^ the ideal invigorator for residents in hot climates or two doses daily, counteract the> lassitude and fatigue caused by extreme heat. 1 Vana Toxic also keeps the appetite keen, the digestive organs in tone and the nerves
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    • 89 2 Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. When you have a bad cold yon want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature's
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    • 653 2 Mr. E. L. StainfielJ. "SOON FELT A LOT BETTER. Hongkong Man Regains Health Through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. There is nothing bo easy to lose in hot climates, nothing so difficult to regain when lost, as vigour and vital force. Once these two essentials for health have slipped away from
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    • 102 2 RANEEOUNOE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ▲LL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. t Waterman's Fountain Pen U El a BEST FOUNTAIN PEN B fl REGULAR. SAFETY. SELF-FILLING B I B L. &C. Hardtmuth, Ltd., H 0 Koh i hoot Hoses. LONDON. ENGLAND. m^^~~ «-L OIL ENGINES ILLUMINATING A HIGH.
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  • 1078 3 SUGGESTED SPEECH FOR THE CHANCELLOR. Worthy New Motto. The hollow insincerity of Mr. Lloyd George's speech on the land question, says a writer in The Globe, is sufficient evidence that the words he spoke by no means represented tbe thoughts that were in bis mind. We venture to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 398 3 ■M LaaT a77yA^V\s^ <9k^ W* The Warm Season curiously enough brings with it most dulls. This, however, b easily explained by the great variations between the temperature of day and that of night, the wearing of light, airy, clothing, over-heating, the drinking of ice-cold liquids etc For chills and colds
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    • 16 3 For all Stomach troubles. Take Woods' Great Ptpp=rmint Cure. At a'l S'.orts, 80 cc lit bottle.
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    • 278 3 piiiijjiiimiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiniiiiiiUaUijiiiniiiiiiii§ prondlebahm IOteZO iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BRITISH HAIR-DRESSING SALOON 22, Raffles Plaoe Late Europe Hair-Dreeslng Saloon The undersigned has t ken over tbe Europe Hair- Dressing Saloon and will run tbe establishment under the aboTementioned name, aa from this date. Singapore, October, 10, 1918. S. BALTAZAR, Proprietor. DNRIVALLRD TONSORtAL ARTIBTBP. (Stonds ABSOLUTELY
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    • 224 3 WHITEAWAY'S GREAT XMAS BAZAAR AND Toyland Is now full of the latest, newest and most reasonable priced Toys ever imported into Singapore. COME AND BRING THE CHILDREN. LaßWs^i^sßr *KOT. **JfiPl m^l^^\ i^^^^^V /^^^^K. /t^^a i^^^^Vß Brd Madras Light Cavalry. British-made Toy Soldiers. 6O oanta a box. A^ k*\ /T% 7?J
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 524 4 s r ewer mum. P. ffO. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PEN ANO, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Amerioan Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES 1913 Homeward (for
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    • 519 4 STEAMER BAILIW63. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortsightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marnoillea, London and Antwerp, nnder mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all tho
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    • 758 4 BTEAJEB SAILING. THE SiAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Beraerah, KreUy, Paka, Tringganu, Bisnt, Semera Baohok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Siogora Laoon, Kohaamui, Bandon, Langsuen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure «a. ASDANQ Nov. IS s.s. MAH IDOL Nov. 16 Nov. 19 M. YUGALA Nov.
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    • 496 4 STEAMER SAILIMS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD ■EUTSCI HimillN mmtmo. ••■lisa nrau. Combined ■e>nrla«The steamres of these Companies maintain a regular servioe aetwenn Hamburg Bremen Antwerp Rotterdam and Emden, and the Straits, China and Japan, Homewards, they are despatched tortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onae a month tor Bremerbaven
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    • 633 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples. Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 500 5 GUAN KIAT CO.. SHIP CHANDLERS, <)7. Phillip street. New Shipment Just Imported i Hubbuck's coloured paint oil and sundries, Sorew Augers, American Axes, Cutting Pliers, Gag Pliers, Barbed Wire, Brass, Lead Wire, Copper Wire, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, Hand Saws, Oalvd Ri retted Buckets, Gauge Glasses, Adzes, Hand Hatchets, Iron
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    • 704 5 STE AM E R SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. U.S. MAIL LINE. The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 37,000 tons twin screw steamers MONGOLIA and MANCHURIA, and 18,000 tons twin sorew steamers KOREA acd SIBERIA together with the well-known
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    • 343 5 NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF GAETANO DEMENZIEB, DECEABED. Pursuant to The Conveyanoing and Law ot Property Ordinance, 1880," Section 40, notice is hereby given, that all creditors mid other persons having cny claims or demand* against the estate of Caetano de Mtnzies, late of Singapore, deceased, who died on the
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    • 93 5 The Leopard cannot cli.myc liis spots, hut the removal of spots and blemishes from clothes is assured if SUNLIGHT SOAP is used. As the Leopard's eyes in the darkness of the night, so clothes washed with Sunlight Soap gleam white and pure in the brilliant lii>ht of day. Unlike
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 503 6 MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE. II q |(|DU/AN TUNNEL-BTE N. «IN CYLINDER ENGINED lillllffllli MOTOR BOAT. Forage Contractor, Jobmaster, Trainer, etc. Built throughout of teak, copper fastened, length over all 85 feet, beam 8 feet, depth at CTARI P AIMh PODHP bow 4 feet, draft 1" inches with two tons dIADLd
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  • 119 7 FIXTURES. Friday, November 14. High Water. 10.11 a.m., 11.5 pm Children's Concert, Victoria Hall, 8.15 p.m. Saturday, November 15. High Water, 10.36 am., 11.41 p.m P. and O. outward mail due. Public Holiday. Sunday, November 16. High Water, 11.3 a.m. Monday, November 17. High Water, 0.21 a.m.,
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  • 197 7 TO-DAI. Medan Merkns 8 pi n Batu I'ahat Aing Leong Bpm P. Swettenham and Telok Anson Kinta 8 pm Malacca and Mnar Lady Weld Bpm Bcngkalis, Labocan Bilik, Tandjong Balei and Medan De Kock 8 pm Batu Pahat Aing Hin 8 pm Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Olenogle
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  • 100 7 The P. and O. outward mail steamer Assaye left Penang at 10 p.m. yesterday and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning, November 15. The M. M. company's steamer Goadiana left Saigon at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, November 12, and may be expected to Arrive
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  • 65 7 The P. and O. outward intermediate steamer Candia is due at Ponang at 6 a.m. i)ii Sunday, November 10, and calls at Port Swettenham en route to Singapore. She may be expected here on or about Thursday, November 20. The P. and O. outward intermediate steamer Simla was doe at
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  • 68 7 jmrt Swoapom. Doi Lokdom. Aekiv ).t. 18 M. M. November 6 I Not. )ct. IT P. AO. 7 Not. )ct. M N. D. L. II •<-t. -l i H I I 16 •< t. -'7 M. M. 19 H tl P.tO. I 28 «ov. 8 N. 1).
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  • 279 7 Latest Arrivals. Asdang, Siam. str. 406 tons, Capt Anderson, Xov 14. From Bangkok, Nov 0. G.c. and 37 d.p. E. Asiatic Co. For Bangkok, Nov 15. Rds. Glenogle, Brit. str. 2899 tons, Capt Gravis, Xov IS. From Rangoon, Nov 6. G.c. and d.p. Giong Hoe. For Hongkong, Nov
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  • 99 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day; TANJONG PAOAR. Bast Wharf Basin Nil. W. SictionNo. I... lslander, Krian. Sassas Wharf Lincairn. Main W. Sbct. No. 3...Glcnoglc,Kohsicbang. 8.. .Mm. 4... G. Apcar. 6 ..Charon. o...Marudu, Sithonia. New Dock 7.. .(Under construction) Wbst Wharf B...
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  • 274 7 BXCHANOB Simapou, Notixbis 14, 1918. On Lokdor ......Bank 4 m/e 2/4 1 Demand M 2/4 i Private 6 m/B 2/4 8 m/ 8 3/4U Oa Ghmavi Bank d/d 2HM Private 8 m/ 8 m, 844 j Oa FkAaoi Bank d/d 294 J Private 8 m/a 101 Oa
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  • 18 7 Issued by Frason and Co., Exohange and Share Brokers, Singapore, November 14, Twelve noon.
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  • 193 7 {f? 6 1 Buyers. Sellen Value (J 10 10 Amp"«fi 8 60 9 5 1 1 AyerWeng IXO 10 10 Belat 3.85 2.00 10 10 Bruang 0.60 0.86 10 10 Kampai 10.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.00 10 10 KintaAasooiation 18.00 14.00 41 41 Kin ta Tin 1.15.8 1.18.0 £1
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  • 632 7 £Z| Buyer* Seller* I/- 9/- Allagai 1/IOJ 2/4 Cl £1 Anglo Java 6/- 6/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 8/9 9/0 3/- Batang Malaka -/10* 1/8 61 £1 Bata Tigs 3.6.0 3.12.6 norn 2/- Bekoh 1/61 41 Bukit Kajang 1.0.8 1.12.1 SI 41 Bakit Lintang 8.C.0 8.10.0 norn I/- 3/- Bnkit MerUjam
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  • 116 7 ££2 Bnye Jl ilB. Smeltins Co. 15/6 17/A A Pwl. 1.8.0 1.4.6 6/- 6/- Electric T'myi 4/- 4/8 10 10 Frsaer Neave 62.50 68/4) 60 60 Hammer Co. 96.C0 106.00 100 m, HowarthErakine... 46.00 100 T%Pnt 100.00 100 100 Kftta Bio, Def. 180.00 140.00 10 10 Mayim-d Co. HO.OO
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 16 7 For colic and windy spasms. Take Woods' Great Peppermint Caret Sold everywhere, «0 ants a brttle.
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    • 233 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. November 15.—At Godown B, East Wharf, TbDjong Pagar, Cement, etc., at 0.80. November 15. —At saleroom, 11 birds of Paradise, at noon. November 15.—At No. 17, Wilkie Road, teak household furniture, etc., at 2. November 22.—At Holland House, 87, Caimhill Road, teak household furniture, etc.,
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    • 158 7 THE ORIENTAL SPECIFIC is the Specific for the Specific oomp'aint and of whatever standing. Frioe 11.26. THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT An efficacious Ointment tor both external and internal Piles. 1126 and 76 cte. THB CITY DISPENSARY. Selegie Road, Singapore. 23 1 c 21 1 Have you Noticed P Have you
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    • 68 7 THE GREATEST YET This la what issues from the throats of those who have seen ZIGOMAR, THE EEL'S SKIN The most exciting, thrilling, and sensational detective story IN CONNECTION WITH lut ZIGOMAR SKKIKS. ZIGOMAR v. NICK CARTER TO BE SUPPORTED BY GAUMONX GRAPHIC, No. 41 (New Edition). A SHRAPNEL DUBL
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  • 996 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14. THE RISING GENERATION. During the dull season in London, whta the precincts of Parliament are invaded by country cousins and society is oat of town, the home press is liable to run wild in its search for specials. Topics for table talk on every
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  • 15 8 The next meeting of the Federal Council commences at Koala Lumpur on Tuesday, November 25.
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  • 40 8 Nine months' rigorous imprisonment was the sentence passed by Mr. Firmstone in the first court yesterday upon Ho Fong. of no visible means or fixed abode, who was found guilty of breaking into 62, Cross Street, occupied by Neo Chuan.
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  • 26 8 A new wireless telegraph station has been established at the Kure Naval Station. An experimental exchange of messages with Nanking was satisfactorily effected on October 22.
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  • 32 8 The Peking district court recently announced that about 140,000 worth of opium was to be publicly burned in Peking. This opium has been confiscated by tbe court during the past eighteen months.
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  • 39 8 Chester city boundaries were walked by the mayor and corporation on October 18, a revival after 40 years' lapse of an ancient custom. Miss Dutton, the mayor's daughter, was the only woman who completed the circuit of twelve miles.
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  • 43 8 Probably tbe heaviest passenger ever carried in a (light ascended in a Grahame- White biplane, piloted by Mr. Louis Noel, at the London Aorodrome, Hendon, on October 16. The passenger, Mrs. Emma Griffiths, wife of the Vicar of Mathry, Pembrokeshire, weighed 19st. lOlbs.
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  • 44 8 A large number of members of the Chinese Parliament have been enrolled in a new party called the Taotehhui, or Party of Morality, eligible for men of pure character who consider morality more important than money or influence. Chao Ping-chan is a leading member.
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  • 56 8 Mr. Ku, Interpreter of the British Consulate General, Mukden, was held up the other night by soldiers in nniform. He was robbed of 1175, and handled in a very rough way. The Consul complaining, the money was returned, with the plea of mistaken identity. Mr. Ku belongs to Canton, so
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  • 63 8 Although it was found necessary to beach the Unkai Mara at Tanah Merah after she had been refloated from the reef at the Horsbargh Light, little time has been lost in getting her down to the King's Dock at Keppel Harbour. The journey up to Singpore was interrupted yesterday because
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  • 59 8 The Cabinet has drafted regulations, Bays the Ostasiatischer Lloyd's Peking correspondent, under which foreign and Chinese advisers cannot be engaged for a longer term than two years nor get a salary of more than •400. Presumably 1400 a month. A mere member of Parliament can do bettor than that all
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  • 66 8 At a meeting of the Perak Chamber of Comaerce held at Ipoh on November 12 it was pointed out that that body was gaining both in membership and influence. Mr. J. H. Tatlock was re-elected chairman, and Messrs. Stuckey, Goetzee, Fleming, Dalziel, Johnson and Physic were appointed the committee. The
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  • 82 8 A company entitled Garner, Quelch and Co. (Singapore), Ltd., has been formed to ac quire as a going concern the business of Garner, Quelch and Co., carried on in Singapore, at a cost of 117,500, as to 17,500 in cash and the balance in shares According to the Malay Mail,
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  • 68 8 Having been committed on a coroners's warrant, although the police court prosecution was withdrawn, Reginald Jones Bateman, an Oxford undergraduate, was formally acquitted at North Wales Assizes on October 16 of the manslaughter of Little Turpin," an escaped convict. No evidence was offered. Mr. Justice Bankes said that although defendant
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  • 117 8 According to the Japanese Cbawo, an extensive coal field has been discovered in Japanese Saghalien. Mr. Gata, expert of the Japanese Department for Agriculture and Commerce, who has just concluded a survey of the field, is quoted to the effect that the extent of the field is unknown, but the
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  • 110 8 When at Swatow, Capt Wolff, of the steamer Rajaburi, was presented with a big silk flag, bearing bis name, given by the shippers of the cargo sent by the Keong Wai, which met with a mishap recently. Capt. Wolff sighted her on the Rajaburi, and went to her aid, towing
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  • 166 8 The Governor General of the Philippines has issued the following statement Since his arrival here, Governor- General Harrison has teen kept in daily touch with the police nituation in the City of Manila. To Chief Harding, in the organization of the uniform ed police force here, as well as in
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  • 16 8 Mr. W. L. Conlay, Chief Police Officer, Perak, returned from leave on Monday.
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  • 22 8 Mr. J. Henry, local manager of the South British Insurance Co., Ltd., leaves for New Zealand to-day on a six months holiday.
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  • 36 8 Mrs. R. G. Watson is expected back by tbo P. and O. steamer Simla, duo in Penang on November 19. Miss Day, sister of tbe Hon. G. H. Day, is a passenger by tho same steamer.
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  • 34 8 Mr. Meadows Front, who in leaving Alor Star to take up the position of Registrar of Titles in Perak, has been tbe recipient of many marks of good-will from all sections of the community.
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  • 33 8 At tho regular meeting of Lodge Zetland in the East No. 608 on Wednesday evening, Bro. H. Carpmael was elected Master for the ensuing year. Tbe installation takes place on Saturday, December 27.
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  • 57 8 Invitations are oat for the marriage of Mr. Edward J. Horan, on the staff of the Straits Trading Company at Buttcrwortli, to Miss Florcnoe Jane Stiles, who will arrive in Penang by the P. and O. steamer Simla, on the 19th inst. The wedding baa been fixed to take place
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  • 106 8 There was a record gathering at the P. and O. Wharf this morning, to bid farewell and bon voyage to a number of prominent residents going home by the P. and O. Mail. They included Dr. P. Fowlie and Mrs. Fowlie, tho Rev. J. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Elphic,
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  • 126 8 Professor Sir Edward Schiifer, who gave his much-discussed presidential address on the Origin of Life before the British Association, will give, daring his visit to Singapore, an address at the Medical School, Sepoy Lines, on Tuesday, the 18th inst., at 3,30 p.m., to members of the medical profession and lecturers
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  • 97 8 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, daring the week ending November 8, there were 235 deaths (181 males, 54 females) giving a ratio per mille of population of 88.17 (including St. John's Island) or 36.22 (excluding St. John's
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  • 202 8 The business returns of the Nippon Yusen Kaicha for the second half year ending September 30 last is stated to have proved generally satisfactory, says the Japan Herald. Cargo available for steamers on European, American, Australian and Bombay services has increased, and vessels on the
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  • 237 8 Last evening, at the Church Institute, Tanglin Barracks, after a most enjoyable tea at which about 150 time-expired and furlough men sat down, a concert, nnder the chairmanship of the Key. H. O. Marshal, M.A., chaplain to the forces, was given, to bid farewell to the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 "BLUE BOAR" SMOKING TOBACCO. A rough cut tobacco for discriminating Packed in V/ 2 ozs. Patent Tins. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. John Littles Bazaar Opens Monday, November 17. Special FEATURE: 'SINBAD the SAILOR' IN BUCHANAN'S Famous Whiskies. Red Seal," Black White," Royal Household." js *59 U? r i" .SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVkn^BJr ■D *Ml J^^
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    • 124 8 LAST NIGHT, TO-NIGHT or THE MUTE DRAMA ON THE SCREEN ■MTITLSD GERMINAL which occupies the whole period of the second show and which has been ATTRACTING THOUSANDS TOTHK ALHAMBRA Bbach Road. COMMENCING 9 P. M. SHARP. Complete Change of Programme of Select Pictures in the Ist Show, 7.80 to 8.30
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    • 9 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 11.
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  • 401 9 HUERTA PRESENTED WITH AN ULTIMATUM. Invasion of Mexico Threatened. Rbutbb's Tblbobam. London, November 13. Tbe Washington correspondent of Tbe Times states that President Wilson has decided on his policy towards Mexico. If tbe financial pressure fails to secure the elimination of Huerta there will be a blockade
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  • 26 9 DlB OsTASIATISCHB LIOVD TbLIORAM. Berlin, November 13. Mexico President Huerta appears to be prepared to resign if, besides the United States, the European Powers desire it.
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  • 146 9 Scenes of Frantic Enthusiasm at Norwich. Rbotbb's TiLsomja. London, November 18. Mr. Bonar Law, speaking at Norwich on Home Rule, said the situation was unchanged since he spoke at Newcastle on October 29. If Government persisted in obeying the orders of Mr. Redmond we were face to face
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  • 64 9 hBOTBB't TbLSh&aM London, November 13. Sir Claude Macdonald baa factored before tbe Japan Society on the Japanese detach ment during tbe defence of the Peking Legations in 1900. The Japanese Ambassador presided. Sir Claude Macdonald praised the heroism of the Japanese contingent nndet Colonel Shiba sn I said
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  • 88 9 Suggested Reform of Australian Wages Board. Ridtbb's Tilsoram. London, November 14. A message from Sydney states that Mr. Justice Piddington, a Royal Commissioner on industrial arbitration, s»ys the wages board system is cumbersome, lengthy, and expensive. It should be replaced by a court of three judges of the
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  • 35 9 Tbe East Asiatic Company's Daily Report. The market in London yesterday waa quiet. The closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 8/2* Forward 8/1* First latex crepe, delivery next three months 3/8*
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  • 106 9 (Fbom Ocb Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, November 18. Tbe libel action Loke Cbow Thye and D. G. Robertson was advanced a further stage yesterday when counsel for the defence having spoken on tbe law, the defendant went into tbe witness box and denied that there had
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  • 418 9 Encouraging Remarks At Seventieth Anniversary. The annual reports were read at the Straits Chinese Church on Wednesday and the 70th anniversary was celebrated. There was a large attendance, and many more would have been present but, owing to limit ed accommodation, admission was by ticket only. Tbe
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  • 192 9 Here it- another tale of an original cure for snake bite. It is told by Mr. K. de Roose Norman, in the Madras Mall. He says one of his rubber tapping boys was bitten in the foot by a KushiTs viper (Hangarua Indica) while at bis work. Tbe boy was
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  • 659 9 LESS CHEERFUL FIGURES FOR LAST QUARTER. Penang Returns Decrease. The figures in the statement of imports and exports compiled by tbe Registrar in Singapore and referring to the third quarter of the present year (July September inclusive) do not make such cheerful reading as its predecessors for
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  • 171 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s share circular, dated tbe 12th inst., states A more hopeful view is prevalent owing to the sustained rise of rubber but shares have not shewn tbe equivalent improvement. The local rubbers are affected daily by the London
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  • 20 9 Tbe death is announced at Kuala Lumpur of Mr. F. A. Gill, one of the senior guards oi tbe F.M.S.R.
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  • 926 9 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SUB-COMMITTEE. Suggested Improvements. From the secretaries we (Pinang Gazette) have received the following report of the subcommittee of the Penang Chamber of Commerce appointed at the special general meeting of the chamber on August 12, 1918, to consider and report on the question of the
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  • 75 9 At tbe Penang Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's auction on tbe 12th inst. there were offered for sale piculs 185.3*4 or 34.707 lbs.,— sold piculs 717.61! or 22^82 lbs. Tbe prices realised were Sheet smoked till to II2U Sheet unsmoked 108 110 Crepe No. 1 119 128
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  • 445 9 The Estate of the Late Mr. Tan Kirn Cheng. There was again an exceptionally large attendance of buyers at Messrs. Chins Keng Lee and Co.'s sale room on the 12th inst., when the following properties were disposed of by auction and realized very good prices i 65 Kling
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  • 250 9 Rumours of Failure of the Crop. It is somewhat remarkable that despite the bright prospects of the rice crop repeatedly announced by tbe authorities, tbe price of rice is unusually high at the present time, says the Japan Herald. Apart from crop prospects, tbe price should
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  • 396 9 Overlooking Important Branch Of Service. In these days, when the navy makes such an enormous demand each year upon the national revenue owing to the intensity of the struggle for sea power, it is possible (observes tbe Naval and Military Record) that some branches of the
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  • 286 9 DENOUNCED AS A SCANDALOUS ABUSE. Government States Reasons. RaUTBB'I TSUOBAM. London, November 18. There has been a growing agitation in the Radical press lately in favour of the release of Larkin. The Labourite members of the House of Commons have memorialised Mr. Asquith, calling attention to the widespread
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  • 117 9 1)IK OSTASIATISCBK LIOYH TbLEQBAH. Berlin, November 18. The cruiser Nuernberg has arrived at Matzatlan. In Bavaria to-day everywhere the country is paying homage to King Ludwig. The Grand Vizier and tbe Council of Ministers have supported the immediate signature of the peace treaty. Tbe Serbo- Montenegrin frontier negotia
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  • 53 9 KaUTBB'* TILIOBAM. London, November 18. Tbe result of the Derby Cup race at Derby was: 1. Bowman, 100 to 7. 2. Rod wood, 4to 1. 8. Farakabad, 10 to 8. Fourteen ran and the race was win by a neck, the second horse securing his position
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  • 47 9 Rbutbb's Tklboram. London, November 14. A New York telegram states that an earthquake devastated the Province, of Aymaraes in Peru on Friday. 120 are known to hive been killed and it is feared that hundre rs of others succumbed. Ten small towns were destroyed.
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  • 60 9 Rbotbb's Ibliokam. London, November 14. A Calcutta message statoa that while Colo nel Williams.lnspector-General of Explosives, was opening a suspicious letter aJdrusscd to the newspaper Englishman, it exploded. His face was burned, but his eyes escaped injury. A similar letter to the Statesman did not explode. A
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  • 30 9 tUOTBB'S TSLBOUM. London, November 13. Ottawa, November 18.— Twenty cargo steamers and probably a hundred liven have been lost in a gale on tbe Lakes.
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  • 1564 10 MORE RACES FOR GENTLEMEN RIDERS. Annual General Meeting. Over forty members attended the annual general meeting of the Penang Turf Club at the Chamber of Commerce on the 10th inst. Mr. W. Peel (President) was in the chair, and Mr. R. T. Reid, the new secretary, was
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  • 469 10 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Report, Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co. writing from London on October 16, states About three-quarters of a million sterling arrived in the form of bar gold, for a portion of which there was a Continental demand. The bar gold to bo
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  • 167 10 Arrivals. Per str. Asdang, Nov 14. From Bangkok via ports Messrs. E. Bissen and F. M. Taig. Per str. Protesilans, Nov 18. From L'pooF: Major Williamson. Per str. Koching, Nov 13.— From Sarawak Misses Bryan and Hastie. Per str. Klang, Nov 18. From Penang Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 466 10 [The Straits Times is not responsible for toe opinions of its correspondents.] Mr. Asquith's Guildhall Speech. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— That part of the speech which the Right Honourable Mr. Asquith gave at the Guildhall banquet concerning the Mohammedan holy places is sure to give
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  • 328 10 Oilskins and Son-westers for Women. Woman is facing the winter in England without an umbrella. Oilskins and sou'westers are taking its place. If you study the girl walking in front of you down the Strand on the next rainy morning you will see that she is encased
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  • 124 10 What is the Finest View in London From the top of the scaffolding of Buckingham Palace, says a writer in The Standard, one gets a good impression of London as the King sees it. The Mall is .certainly at night one of the most charming thoroughfares in Europe. In daylight
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  • 37 10 An interesting football match was played on the St. Joseph's Institute ground on Wednesday between St. Joseph's eleven and the M. S. R. C. team, resulting in a win for the latter by one goal to nil.
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  • 69 10 Swimming club launches for Saturday, Sunday and Monday will leave at 0, 10 and 11 a.m., a 80 and 3.80 p.m. and return at 9.30 and 10.80 a.m., 12.16, 8 and 5.80 p.m. The four a aide team race will be swum off on Sunday on the arrival of the
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  • 1329 10 WHAT HAPPENS IN STREET OF ADVENTURE. Producing A Newspaper. The Press and its Story, by J. D. Symon, has been issued by Seeley s publishing house. In reviewing the woik in The Daily Chronicle, Tighe Hopkins says: The President of tho Institute of Journalists, in a very
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  • 757 10 The Duchess of Aosta Writes on Her Travels. There will be published at Milian, says the Journal des Debate, a very beautiful book from the pen of Helene, Duchess of Aosta, descriptive of her t.-avels in Africa. Tbe three expeditions, tbe second of which, the longest,
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  • 193 10 That young unhatched crocodiles utter an audible croaking cry within the eggs in which they are bid is averred by Knowledge, and it adds the cry is so load and distinct that it can be heard when the eggs are buried in one or two yards of
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  • 1041 10 INTERESTING VIEWS OF WOMEN WORKERS. Morals and Modern Novels The harm done by certain modern novels, moral teaching in our homes and schools and the care of children, were among the subjects discussed at the National In ion of Women Workers' Conference at Hull, says Tbe Daily
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  • 20 10 Bukit Katil.- 6,400 lbs. Kuala Na1.— 4,484 lbs. Kapoewas. 6,950 lbs.; total for current year 65,000 lbs.
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  • 1432 11 For anyone in search of amusement London nowadays is full of surprising possibilities What is happening to the old town It seems to me, writes Philip Gibbs in The Daily Ne»s and Leader, that we are bocumii s»o Ainiiicaristt!, Orientalised, and Continentalised that the queerest mixture of
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  • 762 11 Bright Reminiscences By Jimmy (i lover. As might be expected, says the Evening Standard, snch an experience 1 man of the world and Bohemian as Mr. Glover though he may disclaim the title— provides in his volume of reminiscences an abundance of excellent stories and anecdotes which will
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  • 711 11 Prices Quoted In the Market This Homing. Singapore, November 14, 1918. I Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list o! quotations this morning Nov. Be rim. SauaM. 3/- Alla^ar 1/lCj 3/6 6 1 Anglo -Java 6/- 8, 1 AngloJohore 4,6 6/3/-
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 38 11 The Man Who Gets There aki au ifakti Mill il iM Ml Umi im FU-* W it --la Us W*3j VftTHMtrt MTUOUa. BMfca* Mac4-lc«sc< *-Uto gMag, Wain ■■■Ishli EBtsEgfch TOplsßlafaing Me- A Of ALL ChIMHT». 1 SO mnA
      38 words
    • 49 11 Pains in tbe stomach are awful unpleasant, yon never know what they portend. Get a good medicine in Woods' Great Peppermint Core, and you will find early relief from the taking of a dose or two. It is sold by Dispensaries and stores everywhere at 80 cents a bottle.
      49 words
    • 359 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MACHINE that completes the family circle Everyone is on band in the evening to enjoy the music of the "His Master's Voice machine. This wonderful instrument makes the home attractive for the children and livens up the entire household. No l.omi' nerd be without a His Master's
      359 words
    • 353 11 Look for tho name of W. D. H. O. WILLS before purchasing a tin of Cigarettes. Their latest production is Virginia No. 77. A cigarette which has foncd favour wherever it has been intrcdnoed. VIRGINIA W I CIGARETTES j\ Hfcail Try a tin to-day. Save the COUPONS which are packed
      353 words
    • 95 11 TWO CHOICE WESTERN FILMS enhance the enjoyment of the entertainment provided TWO BATTLES By the Vitagraph Co., WUN LUNG'S STRATEGY By the Flying A Co. AT THE MARLBOROUGH PICTURE THEATRE, BBACH ROAD. Second Show, 9.80 to 11 p.m. TO-NIGHT, the other pictures being A Paib of Shottirs Village Life in
      95 words

  • 1458 12 FLYING CORPS AT WORK DURING MANOEUVRES. Excellent Achievements. Tbe recent army exercises will be memorable chiefly for the excellent work accomplished by the air scouts, and for the eminently valuable experience gained in this new branch cf warfare. From the very first the conditions militated against success,
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  • 506 12 Salvage of the French Passenger Liner. In the High Court of Justice on October 17, before the Right Hon. Sir Samuel Evans, President, sitting with two of the Eldor Brethren of the Trinity House, an action brought by tbe owners, master, and crew of the steamship Essex to
    506 words
  • 228 12 China's total import of kerosene oil in 1912 amounted to nearly 198,000.' XX) gallons, or 38,000,000 gallons less than in 1911, the docrease in American oil alone being !> 1,000,000 gallons. This decrease is not surprising, in view of the exceptionally large arrivals in 1911, and in
    228 words
  • 532 12 More Co-Operation Between Master And Man. We are witnessing in our time a gradual but certain change in the mutual attitude of employer and employed in business. A more human atmosphere is beginning to prevail in the relations between master and man. A rroganoe and too obvious
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  • 431 12 Agreement Between Merchants And Steamship Lines. The Union- Castle Mail Steamship Company, the Clan Lire steamers (Oayzer, Irvine and Co.), the Bucknall Steamship Lines, Bullard, King and Co. (Natal Direct Li ie), John T. Rennie, Son and Co. (Aberdeen Direct Line), and the EUerman and Harrison Lines
    431 words
  • 63 12 A correspondent in the Book Monthly, who complains that public libraries are uncom f ortable, says the old story of the museum is now equally applicable to libraries. A city man was telling a friend that to escape a suddenshower of rain be had paid a visit to a mv
    63 words
  • 942 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. Tbe following passenger bookings to tee Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    942 words
  • 144 12 The following is supplied by the local agent:— Per N. D. L. steamer Princess Alice, due November 21. Mr. C. Cords, Mr. and Mrs. Surbeck and children, Mrs. M. Schulz, Mr. C. Kublen, Mr. I. Knebel, Mr. P J. M. Valkenburg, Mrs. L. J. M. Zuur, Miss H. Chapman, Mrs.
    144 words
  • 109 12 Homeward Bound. Per P. and O. Sumatra, sailing November 18.— Mr. W. H. Dakeyne, Mr. F. S. Monteith, Mr. F. H. Whitley, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. C. Ayre, Mr. P. A. Satow, Mr. W. Webb, Miss M. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Keiiich, Mr. A. E. Oough. Per P. and
    109 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 329 12 AUSTIN MOTOR CARS 12 HP. Special Vitesse. NEWLY ARRIVED, one 12 HP. Austin Motor Car with Special "Vitesse" Touring Pbaetoo Bdv, complete with 3 Hfad Lamps, U Side Lamp*, Tail Lamp, Speedometer, Spare Wheel, 4 Tytes (big Riley Detachable) Wire Wheels', Hood! Windscreen, 2 Detachable Seats All footbotrrii of a'urrioinin
      329 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 549 13 ■k n «nt\v\ Hoik T\nl i I Low Low i Price >^J K Price I No. 7: Office A Travelling I Model J^L MoteL I Use SLdler I Typewriters. H Sole Agents: I Behn, Meyer Co., Ltd. IUNIOK 8.8 CO. OF NEW ZEALAND. LTD. SIHGAPORB TO NBW ZBALANP DIRECT, AUCKLAND,
      549 words
    • 398 13 INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LD. Olivet S*nrlc« to Japan via Hontkonf A Shanghii aad to Calcutta via Penang from Singapore Taking cargo on tbroagh Bills of Lvdin^ or Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Obefoo iTiontfun, Nfwchwan*;, YangtsKo Ports, For mo«a, the Philippines, etc, etc., etc. Steamers. Tons Comm&ndbt Kctsa.? IBM OI
      398 words
    • 781 13 STEAMER BAILHMB. OOMBIW-O ■■RVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8, CO.. LTD.. A THE WEBT AUSTRALIA" 8 N. CO.. LTD. BSTWSM Framamtla (Papth), North Waa» Au«tp«ll«n Porta, J«w« and Singapopa. Regular Fortnightly sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port tor the Kimberley
      781 words
    • 412 13 PIANOS JU PIANO PLAYERS W^ FOR HIRE! MEDIUM CHEAP AND THE BEST TUNING ROBINSON PIANO INCLUDED Company, Limited. AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MA*L *ff* WITH THE AUSTRIAN CONTRACT kjfJL^ GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venioe, calling at Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong
      412 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 447 14 SINGAPORE 8 ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EABTLRN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HE AD OFFICE I WinohwUr Houh, Singapore. LONDON OFFIOB I SO, Old Jewry, EC The Company haa £30.000 deposited with Urn Saatena Ooert of Bnglaae, and ItiaspltM wia» Mb
      447 words
    • 331 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE WWMNCE COMPANY OF MMM. BsTAaUSKBD ISM. Olreot Qovsnimant Supervision Government Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDB aad Non-Forfeitoble, ■-arfta Mot Surplus above Uabilities for Reserve and all outstanding it 1"*""1 New Buelneee, 1912 0ver. ..18 900,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, ate., made looally. Numerous modern sobwmea, 4. M. IVANS,
      331 words
    • 448 14 BAHKIM. THE IZE HAI TOM IMHUNI MM INBURANOE CO.. LTD.. MO. IT AND 58. KLING STRBBT. IITIIUIUD lflOT. Capital paid 0p... ...11,000,000.00 Reserve liability of proprietors... ll, ooo Woo Reserve Fund •800,000.00 COURT OF DIRBOTORS. 1. T*» Tbob Jooa 6. Low Knoon Taa 1. Tax Swi Khi T. Sim Kia
      448 words
    • 533 14 MNKINQ, BEUTBCH-ABIATIBCHE BANK. RJUI MM UP MFITIL lasll I.MMM). Head Offloe Shanghai, Board.of Direoton.....Ber'in. BBANCHBSi Berlin, Calcutta, Hamburg, Canton, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobe, Peking, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Tdegtan, Yokohama. THE FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Bank fuer Handel and IndmMe 1 Berliner Handela-Oesellechaft. S. Bloiohroeder. Doutsohcßank
      533 words
    • 894 14 MtJB BY AUCTION. auction sale: of wax polished teak household furniture, eto., At No. 17, Wilkie Road, On Saturday, November 15, at 2 p.m. Excellent straw string woven arm chairs and tables teak whatnot very tine designed wax-polished teak tideboard with ncirror panel wax polished teak dining table and dinnor
      894 words

  • 945 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Villagers and Motorists. There is something very nearly approaching a state of war against motors and motorists at Dunton Green. The little village lies along the main road from London to Hastings, about two miles from Sevenoaks, and, during the summer
    945 words
  • 69 15 Tbe vicar, dining with some friends, bad indulged in a very long grace, whereupon the hostess's little daughter exclaimed, That's not tbe kind of grace papa says." Then what kind of grace does your papa say?" asked the vicar. "Well," replied the precocious four year-old, when papa sat down to
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 32 15 Lame Back. Lame back may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Halm two or three times a day with a vigorous rubbing at each application. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      32 words
      257 words
    • 103 15 THE CAR THAT'S WORTH THE MONEY. *y]Hljjj s Mli ßl^^B BEyff^BMß^'^T' T~^^^Sc* Fully equipped $1,550 nett. On view at oar Showroom. PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. GASOLENE LIGHT CYCLE CO., 1 5-1/5-2, Beach Road. 'SOLB AGENTS: STAR, BRITON, MITCHELL, PAIGE LILTLE CARS, 17 POPE B. S. A. MOTOR OVCLES. a THE STANDARD
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 445 16 Each file holds securely from Ito 260 papers. Its use enables you to put your hands on the whole of any man's correspondence in a moment. G foolscap or 7 quarto for $1. In 100 lots at cheaper prices. P. A. BEINS CO., 12, Change Alley, Singapore. WANTS. BHORTHAND TYPIST
      445 words
    • 395 16 WANTS. DRAFTSMEN WANTED. Architectural and Survey Draftsmen wanted. Good salaries to capable men. Applications together with a copy of testimonials to be sent to V., o/o Straits Times. 18-11 a ROOMS WANTED. Wanted, by young Englishman in Government Service, comfortable room or rooms, mess or private family, from December 1
      395 words
    • 468 16 II BE LET OR SOLD. 4 HOUSE- TOUT. To let, No. 21 and 22, Sambau Road. Apply Nathan Son, Change Alley. 1-11 v FURNIBHED REBIDENCEB TO LET. Ben Ledi, off Tanjong Katong and 400, Serangoon Road. Apply H. Somapah, 10, Raffles Plaoe, or 817, Serangoon Road. nil a OFFICE TO
      468 words
    • 489 16 notice*. KIAM KIAT ft CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Bovsramsnt and Municipal Contractor* 106, 108 k 109, Market Street. Telephone Nob. 421 and 1174. GUAN KIAT CO., BBIP CHANDLERS k OOVBBNMBNT CONTRACTORS. GBNBBAL IMPOBT>BS AMD EXPORTERS AND COMMISSION AfIBKTS, 67, PHILLIP BTBBBT. 'Phone 1288, (Private 1460). Telegrams BUAMIAT. 198 n GUAN KIAT ft
      489 words
    • 429 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 15. Public MONDAY. NOVEMBER 17. J Holidays 1111 1411 ENGINEERING MATERIALS. Tenders aro invited for the supply of Engineering Materials required by the Sara wak Government for the year 1914. Full Sirticolars can be
      429 words
    • 661 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of tho various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Nov. 14,
      661 words