The Straits Times, 13 November 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 NO. 24.338 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 895 2 THE ADMIRAL WRITES HIS STORY MODESTLY. A Distinguished Career. The Autobiography ot George Dewey Admiral ot the Navy is a new volume published by Constable and Company and according to the Evening Standard is the simple, straightforward narrative of a seaman who leapt into great fame with
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    • 547 2 Have you *4&sLm^ used this OK n Beautifier? AhazelineA M (TRADE HAHK) I SNOW" m Let the skin be rough or wrinkled, dry or greasy, dull and colourless or too florid, Hazeline Snow will do more to restore its fine texture and youthful freshness than any other preparation. Hazeline Snow
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    • 90 2 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that cod tains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on
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    • 610 2 FACE m NECK ALL BROKEN OUT In Blotches. Got No Relief, Only Smarting and Pain. Work Out of the Question. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment Cured. 419, Glasshouse Row, WrockwsMlne Wood. Wellington, Salop. Eng. It was in the latter part of 1007 my face was puffed and swelled. I called
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    • 169 2 RANEBGUNOB GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. Vy^^^ Good Teeth Good Health— T^Wy/^iV Good teeth enable you WiUJm^&K to chew y° ur iood. This Im mA gives good digestion the UK T JF\ \X foundation of good Health, k^aaaJWß\ Care for your teeth with
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  • 1039 3 DEAN INGE SPEAKS ON IDEALS AND POSSIBILITIES. Things that arc Missed. Speaking at Westfield College, Hamptrtead, on Liberal Education Ideals and Possibilities," the Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, Dr. Inge, dealt with the good things that are missed owing to a wrong idea of education, and incidentally pilloried the
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  • 210 3 HOW TO OVERCOME THE WEAKNEBB IT CAUSES. Sir Tfiomas Stevenson and Sir Shirley Murphy, in their treatise on "Hygiene and Public Health," write with regard to tho effect of the tropical climate: "The digestive powers art) lessened, the nervous system is depressed, the functions of restoration and blood-making
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    • 406 3 JV Easy on your pocket easy X on your face. IT\ Easy on your Easy on your pocket -BECAUSE face— BECAUSE Whatever ihe price of a razor n, You can mop ihe Had* BM «re >i ccniiant eipetne (or lo «uca kr»i...a»j that lh* new S!ad« unieu you vie aa
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    • 14 3 For all i it-rral oomatiißjli. Take Woods' Great Pepy.rmist Cora. BO oenta a bottle.
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    • 210 3 BRITISH HAIR DRESSING SALOON. 22. Raines Place Late Europ* Hair-Dressing Saloon 1 The nndersigoed has tsken over ihe Europe Hair Dressisg Saloon and will run the establishment under the abovementioned name, as from this date. Singapore, Ootober, 10, 1918. 9. BALTAZAB, Proprietor. ONRIVALLRD TONSORIAL ARTISTBS. (Stands ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE). SPECIALISTS IN
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    • 408 3 NOTICES. flteJliK! l ml ilti 1t p at WE* VL pp J *l $Bftnsvl§R ii 4 Si p ISS «SS i*^7 |j BIAN HIS CHOO BUAY i <an thai h e te^ -^JL mSSi ittffip \*J o*^/ HOE TEH HUAT BUAY. Zb-AN hinV |-»SINCAPORE.» #**«tfi^n7 a P«5 1 its 7
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    • 523 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PEN ANG, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN. EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES 1913 Homeward (for Europe). {Connecting
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    • 534 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY7K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD, EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly eervioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, undor mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 750 4 STEAMER BAILIH6B. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang. Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semera Baohok, Kalantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora Laoon, Kobsamoi, Bandon, Langsueo, Taka, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Doparture s.s. ASDANQ Nov. IB s.s. MAHIDOL Nov. 18 Nov. 19 a.a. YUGALA Nov. 19
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    • 1100 4 STEAMER BAILINIS STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. f^l HAMBURG. NORDOEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Vv^sS&iJj^S^' The fast and well-known mail steamers .^=£^+m)r this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, <\ V |?V J[ Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South- ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connect- I ing Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 285 5 FOR Kerosene Oil Engines THE IDEAL FUEL IS "CROSS" KEROSENE The Cheapest Refined Oil on the Market. "CROSS" will give you MORE POWER at a LOWER COST THAN ANY OTHER OIL. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS Jigz Per 4-Qallon tin ■♦O (inducing Duty). THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (Straits Settlements), Limited, Winchester
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    • 803 5 GUAN KIAT CO.. SHIP CHANDLERS, 17. Phillip Street. New Shipment Just Imported i Hnbback's coloured paint oil and sundries, Screw Angers, American Axes, Catting Pliers. Gas Pliers, Barbed Wire, Brass, it Lead Wire, Copper Wire, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, Hand Saws, Galvd Rivetted Backets, Gaagp Glibkb, Adzes, Hand Hatchets, Iron
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    • 520 5 J E T N V A R T E Z S V HOOGLANDT CO., SINGAPORE. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received op to noon on Friday, the 14th November, 1918 at the Principal Civil Medical Officer's Office, Singapore, for the removal of Night Soil and Mortuary washings from the undermentioned
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    • 667 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. U.S. MAIL LINE. The great steamship lice between CHINA, JAPAN and EOROPK, via Honoln n md San Francisco, operating the new 27,000 tons twin screw steamers MONGOLIA and MANCHURIA, and 18,000 tons twin screw steamers KOKBA acd SIBERIA together with the well known intermediate
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    • 405 5 [lux FOR TAKiNG CARE OF WOOLLENS, Tor Washing Blankets, Flannels, Woollens. Dainty Fabrics, and for preserving clothes of nil descriptions, LUX is an ideal preparation. Made in the form ol flakes or wafers LUX is delightful in use. giving a Ires and creamy lather which .oaxes rather than forces the
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    • 650 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS ROOMS WANTED. Wanted, by jouer Englishman in Governmeet Service, comfortable room or rooms, mewi or private family, from Deoember 1 moat be near town. Tennis. Write P. P., c/o Straiti- Time*. 1811 »-ll DRAFTSMEN WANTED. Arofaiteotnral and Survey Draftsmen wanted. Good salaries to capable men. Applications together with
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    • 257 6 LATBST ADVERTI3HMBNT3. OFFERB INVITB. Any reasonable offer will be entoitained 01 the followiDK two Coconut Properties ituated at Bagan Datob, Lower Perak. Acreage. (1) Planted with Coconuts 1912 1918 Acres 264 000 Reserve > t B7l 1 07 Total Aorea 2,525 1 07 Acreage. (2) Planted to July, 1011 Acres
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    • 183 6 NEW YEAR JfPORTS. 1914. J^f tS?^ D MOTICL HIBAHA CIGARS $3.60 per 100. A PoMio Meeting will be held in the North LA MEXICANA $2 per 50. Room, Singapore Crioket Club, on Wednea- FIVE STAR $3 per 50. (lay, the l'itb November, at 6 o'clock p.m. To ALB consider the
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    • 63 6 SIEMENS WINCHESTER HOUSE. SINGAPORE. i I Tblsgbaks: BIEMESS, Siogaporo. Tk.b^honi No. 647. SIEMENS Continuous Current Motor Type FC. Over of these MACHINES at work Z^.W Mm. M the Straits Settlements tind Federated Malay States. < SIEMENS BROTHERS DYNAMO WORKS, Ld. ■mJ Office:— Caxton House, Westminster, London. Supplies Dept. and Storea
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  • 190 7 FIXTURES Thursday, November 13. High Water. q.«7 a.m., 10 il p.m Band in the Gardens, 9. Friday, November 14. High Water, 10.11 a.m., 11.5 n.ra Children's Concert, Victoria Hall, 6.15 p.m. Saturday, November 15. High Water, 10.39 am., 11.41 p.m. P. and O. outward mail due. Public
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  • 233 7 The P. and O. outward mail steamor Asmye left Colombo at 2 p.m. on Sunday, November 9, and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning, November 16. The M. M. company's steamer Guadiana left Saigon at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, November 12, and may be
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  • 323 7 Latest Arrivals. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit. str. 195 tons, Capt. Troan, Not 18. From Anambas Is, Xov 10. Copra and d.p. Chins Sing. For Anarubas Is., N»t 16. Rds. Carlyle, Brit. str. 206 tons, Capt Oamblen, Not 18. From Kelantan, Not 9. G.c. and 12 d.p. Straits Steamship
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  • 94 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day TANJONO PAGAR. Bast Wharf Basin Nil. W. Sbction No. l...Ellenga, Klang. Shbbrs Whabt Lincairn, Calcuas. Maim W. Sict. No. 2...Qnebra. B....\yuthia. 4...Mm. 6. ..Charon. 6...Marudu, Jason. Niw Dock 7.. .(Under construction) Wist Wharf B.. Den of
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  • 14 7 Arrivals. Per str. Chantaboon, Not 18. From Bangkok Mrs. H. Meyer.
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  • 327 7 The report of the Sumatra Para Rubber Plantations, Limited, states that, after proTiding for depreciation of buildings and machinery, the profit for the year to June 80 is £48,790, to which must be added the balance from last year's account, £2,068, together making £50,853 deduct interim dividend
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  • 563 7 sal 41 41 B. Smelting Co. 15/8 17/41 41 Pre«- 1-8-0 1.4.0 6/- 6/- Bleotric T'wtyi 4/- 4/8 10 10 Fnaer Neave 52.00 100 Howarth Erekine 45.C0 100 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 K»ti Bro, Def. 180.00 140.00 10 10 lUynwd Co. 30.00 100 100 HargroftVM 106.00 Buyer*
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  • 18 7 Issued by Fnuw and Co., Exchange and Share Brokers, Singapore, November 13, Twelve noon.
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  • 622 7 RUB BE R. 100 100 R. H. 7% Prof. 100.00 107 50 41 £1 Shell Transport 618 6.0.8 10 10 Spore C. Storage 22.00 ?8 00 160 60 Spore Digpensary7o.oo 76.00 10 10 Straits loe Co. 16.00 CO 100 Straits 8. Ship 280.00 296.00 10 10 Strait* Trading 48.26 48
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 147 7 l3*Peuang, Ceylon, Australasia, Mauritius, India. Aden, Egypt, and via Brindisi for Europe, etc. India 6 am Rhio, Lingga and Singkep Pontianak 9 am Piilau Batam Hock Kcng 9 am Uliiu. Billiton. Batavia, C'heriboD, Samarang Sourabaya, Ampanan, Macassar, etc. V. der Hagen 9 am Batavia Y. Linscboten noon Sambas, Pamangkat and
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    • 155 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. November 14. At saleroom, four folding packet cameras, etc at 11. November 16.— At Godown B, East Wharf, Tanjong Pagar, Cement, etc., at 9.80. November 16. At saleroom, 11 birds of Paradise, at noon. November 15.— At No. 17, Wilkie Road, teak houslio'.d furniture, etc..
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    • 229 7 "BLUE BOAR" SMOKING TOBACCO. A rough cut tobacco for discriminating *-*i j3^ Smoli:ei i s. Packed in V/ 2 ozs. Patent Tins. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. Sole Agents for RANSOME'S \%j^ SAW MILL MACHINERY *T %AJ>M^. SANDERSON BROS.' X^VjO^ o><^° AND NEWBOULD'S VXV X CIRCULAR SAWS (THREE CROWNS MARK). 100 Copies in
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    • 67 7 THE GREATEST YET This la what issues from tbe throats of those wbo have teen ZIGOMAR, THE EEL'S SKIN The most excltln**. thrilling, and sensational detective story IN CONNECTION WITH Ist ZIOOMAR SERIES. ZIGOMAR v. NICK CARTER TO BB SUPPORTED BT. GAUMONT GRAPHIC, No. 41 (New Edition). A SHRAPNEL DUBL
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  • 26 8 Paoldsz.— John Gerard (father of Richard and Cyril Paulusz), at St. Augustine's, Have lock Town, Colombo, on November 8, aged 78 years and 2 days.
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  • 2118 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18. THE KIEFF TRIAL The terrible farce that has just been perpetrated at Kieff in the name of justice what a travesty has come to a saner conclusion than appeared likely. It is amazing that there should ever have been any probability of Beiliss being
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  • 386 8 Mr. C. F. C. Ayre. Inspector of Schools, Selangor, proceeds on long lea\e about the 19th instant. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bingham arrived in Shanghai from home on October 27, by tbe Siberian mail steamer. Mr. C. H. Follett, tbe Cbief Accountant, Singapore Harbour Board, has
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  • 126 8 After being ashore on a reef by the Horsburgh Light for close upon a fortnight, the Japanese steamer Unkai Maru No. 2 has been refloated and brought back to Singapore. Unfortunately, however, she had sustained such severe damage that on her way to port it was
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  • 135 8 At a meeting, held at the Cricket Club, last evening, it was decided to hold the New Year Sports as usual on January 1. There was a suggestion, put forward by the Chairman, Mr. J. G. Mactaggart, that the land sports should be held on another day
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  • 173 8 Mr. K. A. Stevens, the lion, secretary and treasurer of the Children's Band Fund, in leaving for home and has issued to subscribers a statement of tbe account*) to date. This shows a balance of 5343.15, the total amount of subscriptions since June 17 being 9739 against
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  • 160 8 The Hod. A Monteath, of the British India Steam Navigation Co., ban, since he arrived in Japan in July of this year, held several interviews with Mr. Hiyashi, Director of the Nippon Yosen Kaisba, and has duly reported the result of the interviews to his bead
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    • 129 8 THREE NIGHTS MORE ONLY or THE MUTE DRAMA ON THE SCREEN ■NTITLID GERMINAL which occupies the whole period of the second show and which has been ATTRACTING THOUSANDS TO THE ALHAMBRA BIACH ROAT. COMMENCING 0 P. M. SHARP. Complete Change of Programme of Select Pictures in tbe Ist Show, 7.80
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 6 and 11.
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  • 249 9 CHANCELLOR RENEWS ATTACK ON THE DUKES. "Vacant Laughter." Rbctbb's Tblbobam. London, November 12. The National Liberal Club banquetted the land enquiry committee. Mr. Lloyd George, presiding, paid a tribute to the compilers of the greatest work on tbe land system ever published, and said the Tories, at
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  • 114 9 Jobbers Suspended For Dealings In Marconis. BauTSft'i Tsliobah. London, November 12. The Stock Exchange committee today issued its decision suspending for five years the well-known jobbers, Heybourn and Croft, in connection with the introduction of American Marconis to the English market. The decision severely condemns the manner
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  • 103 9 Duma Denies Them Full Rights Of Citizenship. Rao-ris'? Tblbobam. London, November 12. A St. Petersburg message Bays the Duma has rejected by 152 votes to 92 a motion by the Constitutional Democrats to confer equal dvil rights on everyone in Russia. The Democrat s urged that ao
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  • 76 9 Destructive Gale Sweeps American Lakes. RaOIMt'S TSLMBAM. London, November 12. From Ottawa it is reported that many disasters have occurred daring a gale on tbe Lakes. The most serious is that a cargo steamer was capsized on Lake Huron and the crew of twenty have perished. At Cleveland*,
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  • 24 9 Rbctbb a Teuoba«. London, November 12. Suffragettes have bombed the cactushouse at Alexandra Park, Manchester, and burned a mansion near Bristol.
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  • 33 9 RBCTBB'S IbLEOBAM. London, November 13. At Paris the famous aviator Captain La gude has been killed. He was caught in an ed'ly and fell and was crashed by his engine.
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  • 111 9 All Jewry Charged with The Murder. RauTßß's Tblbobam. London, November 12. Beiliss has been liberated. Cossacks are patrolling the murder quarter and the vigorous action of the authorities has allayed any apprehensions of pogroms. The St. Petersburg press of the Extreme Right party is disappointed with the acquittal
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  • 79 9 Proposal to Withhold Finances From Huerta. Rbotbb's Tblbobam. London, November 18. A telegram from Washington says the United States is seeking the acquiescence of the Powers in its policy of discouraging tbe granting of financial aid to Huerta. It is believed that in a few weeks financial
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  • 36 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report The market in London yesterday was easier. The closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 8/2* Forward 8/1J First latex crepe, delivery next three months 2/3 J
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  • 57 9 (From Olr Own Correspondent.) London, November 12. Tbe Rubber Growers' Association are presenting Guy's Hospital with rubber flooring for the Stephen Ward. Vai ions plantation companies are displaying specimens of rubber flooring at the forthcoming Rubber Exhibition. The following dividends are declared: Kamuning hj per cent., Klanang
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  • 59 9 (Feom Ocb Own Cobrbspohdimt.) Kuala Lumpur, November 12. The Kajang and District Planters' As Bociatiou has held a meeting to discuss the question of coolies' wages and has resolved unanimously that the maximum rates for Tamils from the beginning of 1914 shall be 33 cents for men and
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  • 136 9 (Piton Oi'B Own Correspondent.) Ponang, November 12. Mr. Johnson, the construction engineer for the Penang Hill Railway, has commenced work, and it is expected that the line will be open to traffic at the end of 1915. The line starts at the Ayer Itam Road and will
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  • 226 9 I udcr the capable management of Mr. R. Crichtoo, General Adviser, Mr. L Bowen, PW.D, and Dr. Grant, Medical Officer, the Johore Government is to be congratulated on the vory marked improve oieiit of Bandar Maharani as seen by one who is acquainted with it for a
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  • 1032 9 TWO STATIONS ERECTED AND EQUIPPED. Messages From Singapore. The Telofunken wireless station which has been erected out at Sapatum is now quite complete and fully equipped. IV is a station of \l{ kilowatt type and has a contract range during the day time of 1,000 kilometres. The
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  • 583 9 HONGKONG DEFEATS SINGAPORE EXPERTS. Exciting Doubles Contest. A remarkably good doubles match was seen on tbe Hongkong Cricket Club ground on the sth inst., says the China Mail, when the local singles champion, Mr. H. A. Nisbet, partnered by Mr. R. Hancock, opposed Captain Day, who will be
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  • 205 9 Tbe record of a year's work on behalf of the trading community is contained in the annual report for 1912 of the Perak Chamber of Commerce. The membership at December 21 was 20, this number including all the leading firms in Ipob. Among the achieve monts
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  • 233 9 At the Calcutta Police Court, on October 80, ilr. Keays heard a case in which Mr. H. B. Moller charged Mr. Dow Melbourne, an actor, appearing at the Gaiety Tbeatre, with assault, and Mr. Warwick Major, the manager and lessee, with aiding and abetting the
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  • 203 9 Prisoners Acquitted and Witnesses Imprisoned. The will case at the assizes, wbich bad already occupied the attention of Mr. Justice Sproule for two days and which was expected to last quite two more, came to an end yesterday afternoon. The two accused were Gan Chuan Thai and
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  • 261 9 Shooting in Governor-General's Office. On Friday morning last, tbe 7th instant, states the Straits Echo, a European named David, paid to be the- agent of Koler and Co., but to have formerly been a member of a touring company of variety artistes, paid a visit to
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  • 573 9 Pleads Immunity as Government Servant. In the High Court, Kuala Lumpur, on the 11th inst., an interesting ruling was given by Mr. Justice T. de M. Braddell who decided in favour of a Chinese defendant who claimed immunity from proceedings for debt on the grounds of being
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  • 150 9 LABOUR INCENSED AT THE CONVICTION. Government Losing Votes. Rbutbr's Telegram. London, November 12. The Cabinet met to-day in London and in connection therewith the papers state that several Cabinet Ministers are convinced that the imprisonment of Larkin at Dublin for sedition was one of the most important factors
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  • 110 9 Lady Strathcona and Distinguished Colonial. KaOTBB'S TSLSOKAH. London, November 12. Tbe death is announced, from Hobart, of the Hon. Sir John George Davies, Speaker in the State Parliament of Tasmania. Tbe death has also occured of Lady Strathcona, wife of the Scottish Canadian magnate. [Sir John was born of
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  • 49 9 Reutib's Tiliqkam. London, November 12. Six strike leaders at Wellington have been charged with using seditious language. Bail was refused. The music ball orchestras dispute has been settled. The question of the employment of non-unionists has been re/erred to Sir George Asquitb, of the Board of Trade.
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  • 52 9 Rbutbb's Tklkoram. London, November 12. The P. and O. S. N. Company has declared a dividend of six and a half per cent, on the deferred stock with a bonus of five per cent., making a total of fifteen per cent, on the deferred stock for
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  • 58 9 Kbctbb'r Tblbqbam. London, November 12. Mr. Dillon, at Plymouth, deplored the tendency of the Liberal and Labour parties to split it meant gre»t danger ahead for both. He reiterated that tbo exclusion of any part of Ulster would defeat the whole object of Home Rule. All the
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  • 28 9 Rbotbb's Tbiboeam. London, November 12. Stockholm The Nobel prizes for physics and chemistry have been awarded to Professors Onnes, of Leyden, and Werner, of Zurich, respectively.
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  • 37 9 Rbutbb's Tblbobam. London, November Ml The Super- Dreadnought Benbow was launched by Lady Randolph Churchill at Glasgow. The vessel is of 25,000 ton-, has a speed of 21 knots and carries ten 13.5 guns.
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  • 87 9 Die Ostasiatischb Lloid Telegram. Berlin, November 11. M. Jonascu is expected soon at Constantinople for the negotiations with Talaat Bey regarding the Graeco-Turkihh peace conclusion. The Graeoo-Turkiah treaty has been signed with a proviso that tho Turkish Minister and Council approve it. Britain suggests the withdrawal of
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  • 1299 10 CELEBRATIONS IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. Educative and Practical Ideas In a year from now the peoples of Great Britain and the United States of America will be on the eve of the celebration of an event of supreme significance to both nations. Christmas Eve, 1914, will
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  • 184 10 Notes in General, Mr. A. Robinson, a well-known sportsman from New York, is visiting China. Iron Bux, the Hongkong pugilist, was knocked out in the fifth round in a fight with Billy Duncan, the Stotsenburg battier," in Manila recently for the light-weight championship of the Orient. A committee
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  • 150 10 Highlanders Win Meerut Cup. The B.P.R.A. meeting concluded at Meerut, on the 2nd inst., the results of the Meerut Cup being Seaforth Highlands, 617 pts. 1 Simla Volunteer Rifles, 590 pts. 2 Royal Berkes Regiment, 585 pts. 8 General Anderson presided at tho prize distribution, and the Honorary
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  • 277 10 The report of the Bernam-Perak Rubber Plantations, Ltd., for the year ended June 80 which was to be submitted to the meeting on October 21 states that the net profit for the year amounted to £8,778, as against £5,046 for the previous year, to which has to be
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  • 149 10 The director! report for the year ended Jane 80 that the total area now is 1,785 acres. The crop of robber amounted to 109,675 lbs. and the average gross prioe was 3s. 9. lid. per lb. London. The crop for 1918- 14 is estimated at 150,000 lbs.
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  • 763 10 LIFE STORY OF THE EMINENT ENGINEER. The Stephenson of France. The record of the life of Marc Sequin, the eminent French engineer, to whose memory an influential committee is now arranging for the election of a statue in his native town of Annonay, makes it remarkable that in
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  • 310 10 The directors report for the year ended June 30, 1918, that the crop of rubber for the year amounted to 35,278 lbs., being 6,278 lbs. in excess of the estimate published in the last report. The estimate for th» current year is £50,000. The manager states
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  • 1004 10 By Major J. A. R Glknnic, Ag. Commandant, W.O. Singapore, November 11, 1918. s. t. 0. Balestier Rifle Range. I:— The range is allotted as under Sunday, November 16, at 7 30 a.m., Maxim Co. S.V.A. Sunday, November 80, at 7.30 a.m., S.Y.L Sunday, December 7, at 7.30
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  • 501 10 Programme of Royal Geographical Society. When, on November 10, the Royal Geographical Society resumes its meetings, the session will be opened by a lecture of great interest. Mr. Raymond E. Priestley is to tell the story of the work of the northern party of Captain Scott's Antarctic expedition.
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  • 140 10 A record run between London and the River Plate, Sooth America, is reported. The Highland Corrie, one of the vessels of the increasingly popular Nelson fleet, left London on September 19, and reached the River Plate at 1 p.m. on October 8, thus performing the
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  • 162 10 While discharging petrol in drums into a barge lying alongside the Burma Oil Co.'b steamer Twingone, in Tutioorin harbour, a fire took place on the barge and was communicated to the steamer, which was ultimately abandoned. It is feared the vessel is a
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  • 15 10 Siak (Sumatra).— s,297 lbs. Pakan Karoe.— 4,l9l lbs. Taiping Estates.— 4,7oo lbs.
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  • 1060 10 Yards— and Yards. DISCUSSION ON "THE LITTLE HIGHLANDERS." Interesting Comparisons. There is nothing derogatory in being small, and, as we are now reminded, the Highlanders never prided themselves on mere tallness of stature. Nevertheless the figures given in a recent book called The Oordon Highlanders, pu blished by Mr. J.
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  • 930 11 HIS APPEARANCE IN AMERICAN CIRCUS. Home Rule Views. Some good atotics of Mr. Labouchere are told in the biography by bis nephew. One is of bis adventure in an American circus when he was serving as attache in the British Legation at Washington. He was in love with
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  • 723 11 Prices Qooted Id the Market This Morning Singapore, November 18, 1918. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Bxabaag* and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning (Sum Valos. Botbm. Siuibi. 3/- Allagar 1/10* 3/5 4 1 Anglo-Java 6/- 1 Anglo Johor. 4/0 6/2/- Auylo-M.ilay 8,9 9/6
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 The Man Who Gets There fctte mtm wtafcas Mosl tssJ ri* ssji s*s»4 mm* pissr* •< lt-bi bis ksdy wramn mtmouzb Ml LJYU fIU OOMPOUM oiakr* blood- Ma ot U— lite K> vtan, sr».. •tor! bis* s»f— ««h rep.™: •>• Mo< O*r mi. OHIMim t is *.nd sya.
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    • 47 11 Tis c aid the English nation was Built np on beef and beer, And young Australia mutton fed, The mother land holds dear. So let us then our standard raise, One flag oce hope, one brewer Tbe certain brew for cbest cjmplaints, Is Woods' Oieat Peppermint Cure.
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    • 393 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A Call at MOUTRIE'S will convjnee you that the GRAMOPHONE RECORD is thf MASTER RECORD. 1 0.000 to select from. INSPECTION INVITED. S. MOUTRIE 00., LIMITED, Raffle* Place. THE "CRAG" HOTEL. PENANG HILLS. The Sanatorium of TLe Straits Settlements. Completely Renovated. Twtnty-Bix boors from Singapore. A perfect Ueaith
      393 words
    • 466 11 TWO CHOICE WESTERN Fl r MS enhance the enjoyment of the entertainment provided: TWO BATTLES By the Vitagraph Co., WUN LUNGS STRATEGY By the Flying A Co. AT THB MARLBOROUGH PICTURE THEATRB, BEACH ROAD. Second Show, 0.80 to 11 f.m. TO-NIGHT, the ether pictures being A Paw of Shcttkhs. VILLAOk
      466 words
    • 218 11 Look for th« name of W. I>. 6c I-f. O. WILLS before purchasing a tin of Cigarettes. Their latest production is em: b a s s y Virginia Nc. 77. A cigarette which bas footd favour wherever it Las been intrcdnoed. iSsfrjC^^r!M*uJ*>w3. VIRGINIA -3l V CIGARETTES ipM „vi BRISTOL! LONDON-
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  • 1777 12 REDUCTION OF THE COST OF WEEDING. Satisfactory Results. The fifth ordinary general meeting of Bakap Rubber Plantations, Limited, was held on October 13, at tbe London Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing-lane, EC., Mr. A. J. M. Harrison (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Von have already had the report
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  • 146 12 For the year to March 31 last, the crops harvested were Liberia coffee, 875 cwt. Robusta, 1,777 cwt.; Hevea, 4,685 lbs. the average prices realised being 83s. Bd. per hundredweight Liberia, 655. 4d. per hundredweight. Robusta at Soerabaja, and rubber 3s. 6(1. spot. In
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  • 387 12 Sungei Buaya' (Sumatra) Rubber. The report of the Sungei Baaya (Sumatra) Rubber Company, Ltd., for the year ending Jane 30 last, states that daring the year under review a farther 86 acres have been planted with Hevea rubber, the total area of the estate being 2,530 acres. The catting oat
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  • 714 12 Rome's Loss of the Disciplined Legion. At University College, London, Professor Hans Delbriick has given the second part of his lecture on Numbers in History." Professor Delbriick, passing to the overthrow of tbe Roman Empire by tbe Teutons, said that all tbe statements about the hundreds of
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  • 145 12 For tbe year to March 81 last, the crop was 20,082 lbs., costing f.o.b. Ib. 1.84d.,and realising a net average of 2s. 8.33 d. for the portion sold. This crop was secured from 18,000 trees. The estimate for the current season is 50,000 lbs. The following
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  • 292 12 The directors of tbe North Hammock (Selangor) Rabber Company, Limited, report for tbe year ended Jane 80, 1913, that the profit for the year was £25,572, and, after bringing forward tbe balance from the previous year and deducting the interim dividend of 10 per cent., paid
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  • 1180 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest List? The following passenger bookings to tne Straits are taken from the London *nd China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 281 12 LIBBYS ASSORTED SOUPS Are packed in cases containing 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The Assortment is made up from the following Soups TOMATO. MOCK-TURTLE. OX-TAIL. CHICKEN. MULLIGATAWNY AND VEGETABLE. SOLE AGENTS J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD., Singapore. MO-« 80-818 PREPARING FOR ACTION Cart Loads of Goods Arriving Daily. The Btuisb.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 135 13 All Other Brands I are selling I By Far Less Than the Best and Leading Beer I in the East: I Key Beer m\ t/' r v A 4 bbb! JBd-.3lhß^B4w^ r. S bbbl M! i Ibt4 bbbl Every why hath a wherefore Why does the Michelin Cycle Tube PQtsea*
      135 words
    • 764 13 BTEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBIMBO SBRVIOB O* THE OCEAN 8. 3. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BBHBBI Framantla (Perth), North Was* Australian Ports, J«v« ■nd Singapore. Regalst Fortnightly sailings betweec Singapore *nd Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sonnd (Port for tbe Kimberley
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1230 14 &IN6APOAEB ONLY COMPANY. UUKEftT HUB-** CAPtTAI Of ANY EASTERN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HUD OFFICE I Winofcaater Hmm. Sinfa^o**. LONDON WflM. aft, OW J.wry, EC, Tbe Company aas deposited with Urn SaateaM Ouart al BagiaaaV aad aaaapSaa wtta Mai Bau** La. iamsM
      1,230 words
    • 558 14 BHKIta. KUTWH-MUTMCHE BMK. •BUT MM U» simst Is laeli 7,1M,M«). Head 0me0. .5hanghai, Board. of Direotore.....Ber'in, BRANOHBSi Berlla, Calourta, Hamburg, Cantos, Hankow, HoagEODK, Kobf, I> iking, Tientsin, Tsinanfu, Tsiagtaii, Yokohama, THE FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Bank fner Baadel aad laftaatrie Hsadelt Otoatfeobsft.
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    • 771 14 INSURANCE ■"»^sT^a» w^iB 1 "BPBBB^BBB»a»sBBB^BjJ SJ TO-MORROW said the procrastinator I will have my life insured, but alas for him there is no to morrow. He congratulates himself again on having etcaped the obligation of providing for too future of bis family, although he knows bis wife and children are
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  • 938 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. New Motor Fuel. Motor experts and members of the Press were the guests of the Economin Syndicate, Limited, at the Savoy Hotel, the other day, when Mr. L. K. L. Squire, who presided, described the merits of a new motor fuel,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 32 15 Lame Back. Lame back may be cared by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day with a vigorous robbing at each application. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 93 15 DON'T TROUBLE I about Discounts CONSULT our new reduced price list, AND YOU WILL FIND CONTINENTAL MOTOR TYRES ARE THE CHEAPEST as they have always been ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST QUALITY OBTAINABLE Continental Tyre Rubber Company, Singapore, Telegrams: CONTINBNTA. 17, Colly** Quay. Telephone: 990. NAPIER CARS. The materials used are of
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 454 16 FIRE! FIRE! Where is your CITEX "P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple; a pull and it is Free, a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Agents
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    • 568 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE Rover Two-Seater Motor Car, in ase only short time, thoroughly overhauled October, 1918. New hood and screens, teak body, head tail and side lightß, complete set of toole, pump, jick, etc., tyres in use all new, also four spare now Jenatzy tyres. Car runs forty
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    • 510 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUSES TO LET. To Itt, No. SI and 22. Sambau Road. Apply Nathan k Son. Change Alley. Ml o FURNIBHED REBIDENCEB TO LET. Ben Ledi, off Tanjong Katong and 400, Serangoon Road. Apply H. Somapah, 19. Raffles Plaoo. or 817, Serangooo Road. 88-11 a OFFICE
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    • 478 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP JHANDLERB, Bovarnmsnt and Municipal Contractor! 106, 109 k 109, Market Street Telephone Nob. 421 and 1174. GUANKIATffCO., BHIP CHANDLERS k COVBHNMKNT CONTRACTORS. GINBRAL IMPORT" KS AND EXPORT BBS AND COMMISSION AGENTS <J7, I HILLIP STHBET. I 'Phone 1288, (Private 14(0). Telegrams OUMKMT. 10 6 v
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    • 369 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. j It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be 1 closed on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 15. Public MONDAY. NOVEMBER 17. >' Holidays 1111 1411 NOTICE. CHAN6E OF SECRETARY. Notice is hereby given, that the Secretaryship of the Tampin Rubber Corporation, Ltd., lately carried on by Mr. N.
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    • 680 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for the current woek and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries oi the various clubs. Convenient foi ms on which to make I tho returns will be supplied on application tc tbo Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club.
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