The Straits Times, 5 November 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.331 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 THI CELEBRATED White Horse SCOTCH A U WNIUV E9TABLIBHID 1742. KATZ BROS.' CHEAP SALE Now Proceeding. FOR 10 DAYS ONLY THORNVCROFT MOTORS SLEDGE MILK THE MILK THAT'S WORTH ITS PRICE. It Combines all that is Best in a Sterilised Canned Milk. It is obtained from cows grazed on the famous
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    • 166 1 ROBINSON CO., SINGAPORE:. Complete House Furnishers. AMERICAN REFRIGERATORS. Made of Hard Wood. Perfeotly inanlkted. F.tted with cortnf?atod zinc trayg and i n o»stora. ?^f R 595. EHkI iL?lM Size 1, 18 x26x 41 ioohe*. Hjgßg^ j Pnoe: $37.80. B_BHff' > -V i Size 2, 19 x 27 x 43 inches.
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    • 41 1 MARTELL S BRANDY. Soli Aoknts: ADAMBON. GILFILLAN CO., ITC. ASHCROFTS Patentee* of the AERO cushions ib Bopplied by os to Sea View Hotel, Singapore Amateur Drawing Association, Singapore, Chinese Recreation Club, Malacca. Oriental Hotel Bangkok, etc A. FRANKEL CO., VICTORIA STREET.
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  • 832 2 STARTLING STORY OF INTENDED ASSASSINATION. Field-Marshal's Views. From Venice there baa oome a startling story of a plot to assassinate Lord Kitchener. Happily, owing to a discovery by tbe Italian police, this was frustrated, and tbe famous field marshal is safely back in Cairo. According to an
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  • 169 2 Commenting on the fact that a law has just been passed in the United States which specially penalises bachelors, Tbe Telegraph says: English married men with limited incomes, the value of which varies in accordance with their positions, are heavily penal ised. They pay all tbe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 187 2 Loss of Weight j Do not neglect it. Reinforce your daily diet with this j highly concentrated and active fat-, flesh- and muscleforming food— ""•'KEPLER' 111 Cod Liver Oil ||S|gs Malt Extract p^l You will like its delicious flavour Kfr^^£- W and be highly gratified with your EjjpSßapifc I steady
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    • 32 2 Lam* Back. Lame back may be cared by applying Chamberlain's Pain BJm two or three times s day with s vigorous rubbing at each application. For sale by all Dispensaries scd Dealers.
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    • 247 2 La-rolaj 7?<y^* m«icm wm s» |n (jftOWr A j VELVET. *na kM»> fj SOFT. SMOOTH «nd WMITi til k ij all «h» W round *W Rf Remove* ud pravenU Roo»Kn««. :~B Rednete. Irritwioa. Tin. etc.— r Jl COOLING AND REFRESHING L V\ DURING THE SUMMER HEAT 'L ffl«|, BCETHAM SON,
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    • 247 2 RANBEOUNOE GLAZED stone: ware. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. XMAS SHOW Fine Xmas Cards, Calendars for 1914, Assortment of Silk Goods, AND Plenty of New Goods JUST ARRIVED. YAMATO&CO., 41, High Street, Singapore. Wood-Milne SOLID TYRES After FOUR YEARS' Test on Lancashire Roads WHAT A
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  • 612 3 NATIONAL FEDERATIONS BANDED TOGETHER. Nine Million Members. The position of the Trade Union movement is such that great interest attaches to the conference, just concluded at Zurich, observes The Evening Standard. A score of countries sent representatives to the International Secretariat, which has affiliated to it the national
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  • 393 3 September 29 Michaelmas Day— is principally known to Englishmen as one of the four quarter days of the year, and day on which the mayors for the various boroughs throughout England are elected. The foundation for this latter practice, however, is based upon the belief that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 476 3 DISINFECTANTS. Mil Kind* and for Mil Purpomem. AS BUPPLIID TO H. M. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. BAN ITAS'UKOL, 20 time* the 00 efficient of carbolic add. Tbe Meal diainftoiapt for oae in tbe Tropic*. Rights efficiency and krwaat coat Powerful Larrecide. Unaffected by organic matter, and mlaofble with both fraah and aalt
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    • 16 3 Fur oolie and windy »pa»n>>. Take Woods •treat Pfpwrmiot Corp. ttold everywhere 30 rxnt< a b-t'.le.
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    • 488 3 iniiiijiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiißiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii proraJtoUfc— IQf 20 *******************************************************1111 l Knife-like Pains Tbe sharp, shooting pains, tbe intense agony of Sciatica, often make death preferable to life. Tbe fiery darts that run from hip to heel, tte sleepless nights, the cheerless days— why not stop all tbis and get back to health and comfort
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    • 590 3 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUBTRALASIA. LIMiTED. Established 1 869 Tbe first Lite Office in the world to introduce tbe non-forfeiture principle to Policies. A Mutual OHIO*. No Bh.rehold.rm. Low PremiumaAnnual lnoom« 1,284,304. Funda «7,29i.aa0 Olaima paid £6, 078,90 c. ALL profits ate distributed amongst Polioy holders. Claims paid
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 501 4 STEAMER SAILINQB. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANBAN PORTS PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES 1013 Homeward (for Europe). From Singapore.
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    • 495 4 steamer mums. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained betweea Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe bare been specially designed and constructed, aad are fitted with afithe
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    • 767 4 BTEAJEK SAIUMM. THE 31AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserab, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, fiisut, Semera Baohok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsnen, Taku, Chumpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Duo Departure •a. a. PRAOHATIPOK Nov. 5 BORIBAT Nov. B Nov. S NO STEAMBR Nov. 9
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    • 499 4 steamer mums. HAMBURG AMERIKA UNE, HAMBURB. ■B ruiTua "uiu ii»it PrmiMmxl tanrlos. The steamres of these Companies maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp. Rottordsm and Emden, and she Straits, China aad Japan. Homewlrds, they are despatched tortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month lor Bremerbsvea direst,
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    • 634 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL 6ERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Mameilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau, Nagasaki
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 743 5 STEAMER SAILINGS BIBBY LINES' of fast twin-screw Mail Passenger Stammers) between Rangoon, Colombo, Suez, Port Said, Marseilles and London. Proposed Sailings fop 1913. HOMEWARD. Departures Departures KrT t m Steamer ■■I all rrom from m^,^. i™™* Rangoon Colombo London LEICESTERSHIRE Nov. 11 Nov. IS Deo. 7 Dee 14 GLOOCBSTSHIRE Nov.
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    • 563 5 SWIFT-CYCLE-CAB (The Perfection of its Type). Price Complete $1,400 Nett. ON SHOW AT AGENTS' OFFICE Huttenbach Bros., Co., 13, COLLY EX QUAY. STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. U.S. MAIL LINE. The great pttamohip line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, viaHonolu v and San Francisco, operating tbe new 37,000 tons
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    • 545 5 combined aamvioß op THE OCEAN 8. 8 CO.. LTD.. THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CO.. LTD. sarwasn F-.m.ntls (Perth), North wV«M Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regalar Fortnightly sailings betweei Singapore and Western Australia, oalling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's 3onnd (Port for the Kimberley Gold Fields), Broome,
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    • 212 5 BOARD AND LODGING. BOMO AMD RESIDENCE. Rooms to let with or without board. Terms moderate. Apply A, Wilkie Road. JH l! SILVERBANK.NO. 107. ORCHARO ROAD. Board and Residence, English home. Vacanoy. Tel. 628 HO 81-12 VIM.C.A. HOUSE. itxcellent rooms, with or without boarJ Apply i'be Goners 1 Secretary. 1-a-SDs o
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    • 103 5 ■■KBJBHBBBBBBBBjagaPMajaB^^^BBBBBBJ The Elephant is the largest inhabitant of the forest in the world. This is an undisputed fact. SUNLIGHT SOAP has the latest gaJc of any Soap in I lie world. This, also, is an undisputed fact The meat value of the Klephant's tusks is well known, far better
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 577 6 THE CEYLON TAILORS CO., present their compliments and beg to announce to the public of Singapore and F.M.S., that they are starting business as Gents' Tailors and Outfitters on the 6th instant in the Hotel de l'Europe buildings, and trust that they will receive their esteemed and continued support. O,
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    • 175 6 FISH BRAND KEROSENE FISH pija Pap Case iL.X&23^ BRAND V \Kiffiife* Jtfl 9UI«IU of 2 Tins. /l&^Qji&n&S&gE^ The Best Oil on the Market for House Lighting. Trade Mark. OBTAINABLE FROM: CHOP CHIN HUAT HIN, 246, South Bridge Road. CHOP CHIN KWANG, 23, Circular Road. CHOP EE HIN, 303, Beach Road.
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    • 540 6 GUAN KIAT CO., SHIP CHANDLERS, 17. Phillip Street. Mew Shipment Just Imported I Hubbnck's coloured psint oil and sundries. Screw Augers, American Axes, Catting Pliers, Om Pliers, Barbed Wire, Brass, Lead Wire, Copper Wire, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, Hand Saws, Oalvd Ri vetted Bnokets, Gangp Glasses, Adzes, Band Hatchets, Iron
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    • 152 6 Anaemia mark K 1 *W the cure. Anaemic girls, weak children and jaded mother* get new life and vigour by taking SCOTTS Emulsion. Medicine and food, it fortifies the blood, promotes appetite, and brings back the roses and the joy of health. But be sure to get SCOTTS— no other
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  • 131 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, November 5. High Water, 3.21 a.m 211 p.m Thursday, November 6. High Water, 4 43 a.m., 8.18 p.m B. I. homeward mail closet. Priday, November 7. High Water. fl.B a.m., 4.54 p.m. B. I. outward mail due. Municipal Commission, 2.80. Saturday, November 8. High Water.
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  • 203 7 Today. Bangkok Singaporean 3pm Tebing Tini^i, Bengkalis and Bagan Meran 8 pm Port Swettenham and Penang Lama 8 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Telok Anson Ipo'i 8 pm Billiton, Bataria, etc., V. Oathoorn Bpm Medan Circe 8 pm Muntok and Palembang Japara 8 pm Batu Pahat A
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  • 169 7 The Imp. German mail steamer Yorck left Colombo at 9 a.m. on Sunday, November 2, and may be expected to arrivo here on Friday afternoon, November 7. Tho B. I. contract packet steamer Taroba with mails from London up to the ovening of October 17, loft Nogapatam
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  • 280 7 Latest Arrivals. Sucrib, H. I. S. M. Gunboat 550 tons, 115 crew 10 guns 800 li.p. Com. Nai Yotii, Nov 5. From Sourabaya, Not 1. For Bangkok, Nov 7. Kds. Kali. H. I. S. M Gunboat 550 tons, 116 crew 10 k uds '00 h.p. Com. Dory, Nov
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  • 96 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day; TANJONG PAGAB. Bast Wharf Basin Nil. W. Section No. l...Tara, Japan. Shiibs Wharf Nil. Main W. Sbct. No. 2.. .Nam Sang, Rheinfels. B.. .Nairn. 4... Edavana. 6 ..Darvel. B...Oanfa. Niw Dock 7. ..(Under construction) Wist Wharf
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    • 106 7 8inoapom, November 5, 1918. Oh Lohdon Bank 4 m/i 2/4{ Demand 3/4} Private 0 m/u 2,4, 8 m/B 3/4i! Om Oikmaiii Bank d/d 2884 Private 8 m/s 344} Oh Fbakoi Bank d/d 394* Private 8 m/s 801 On Indu Bank T. T. M 174 Private 80 d/s 176] Om
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    • 154 7 SIM31P0R1, .V>VKMHKB 6. 1918. Gambier I 6 90 do (Cnbe No. 1) unpicked 10.60 Copra Snndriod 12 80 do Mixed 12 80 Pepper, Black 18 80 do White B% buyers 82 (0 Sago Floor Sarawak 8.40 do Brunei No. 1 nom. Pearl Sago 4.20 Coffee Bali 30.00 Coffee Palembang,
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    • 184 7 vSLi Bnyer BeUelll 10 10 Amptng 8.50 9.25 1 1 AyerWeng I.CO 10 10 Belat 2.35 2.80 10 10 Broang 0.60 0.86 10 10 Kampar 10.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.00 10 10 Kinta Association 13.00 14.00 61 £1 Kinta Tin 1.15.0 2.0.0 61 £1 Lahat Miner 6.60 7.(0 10
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    • 630 7 £Tuel Bnyen> BeUe 9 I/- 2/- Allagai 1/8 2/8 El £1 Anglo Java 4/1} 6/1 I/. 3/- Anglo-Malay 8/6 9,3 2/- Batang Malaka 1/1 ci £1 BatD Tiga 2.2.0 2.12.6 norn 2/- Bekoh 1/£1 £1 Bukit K&jang 1.6.8 1.12.1 61 £1 Bukit Lintang 8.0.0 8.10.0 norn I/. 3/- Bukit
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    • 117 7 X vTe2 Bn y««- 8-toi 41 41 B. Smelting Co. 15/6 17/£1 41 a "«<• 1.8-0 1.4.0 5/- 6/- Electric T'ways 4/- 4/8 10 10 Fraaer Neave SI.SO 100 Howwtb Brskine 45.00 100 7%Pref. 100.00 100 100 K»t« Bro, Del. 180.00 140.00 10 10 Maynard k Co. 30.00 100
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 41 7 Treatment for Dysentery. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhuea Keuivdy followed by a dose of castor oil will effectually cure the most stubborn cases of dysentery. It is especially good for summer diarrhoea in children. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 420 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. November 7. -At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. November 7. At saleroom, 15 Valuable Oil paintings, in Massive Oilt Frames, at 11. November 7. At Dalian's Yard, Koek Rd., off Orchard Road, Horses and Carriages, at 6.15. November 11. At saleroom, British steamer Glanggi," at
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    • 102 7 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO- NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! FEATURE FILMS THE CROOK AND THE GIRL A.B. In the gaise of a gardener the crcok endeavours to steal papers giving the hiding-place of a hidden will. The girl learns of his mission, and wins him on to the side of
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  • 1010 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6. THE ANDERSON PORTRAIT. A larger number of guests than usual attended the periodic reception at Government House yesterday evening in order to be present at the ceremony of presenting the portrait of Sir John Anderson, G.C.M.G., X.C.8., to the Municipality. The picture has been
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  • 19 8 The output of the Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during October was 782 pels, (mill 691 pels tribute 191 pels.).
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  • 25 8 At the inquest at Butterworth, on Monday, on the bodies of the five victims of the Alert-Colleen oollision, a verdict of fonnd drowned was returned.
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  • 30 8 The Peking Daily News learns that Ger mans have arranged to provide money for the construction by the Chinese of a railway from Tsinanfu to Shuntehfu on the PekingHankow Railway.
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  • 45 8 Information having been received that foot and mouth disease exist* among cattle is Bangkok, the Governor prohibits until further notice the introduction into the Colony, either by land or by sea, and the tranship meet, at any port in the Colony, of cattle from Bangkok,
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  • 12 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 6. 7 and 11.
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  • 22 8 The output from the Belat Tin Mining Co.'s mine for October amounted to 212.41 pels. That from Bruang, Ltd., was 50.14 pels.
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  • 25 8 It is understood in Bombay that the revised scheme for facilitating the shipping of pilgrims to Jeddah is now under preparation by the Local Government.
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  • 24 8 A sadden flood in a tributary of the Irrawaddy has caused extensive damage to tbe irrigation system near Mandalay, and flooded the surrounding district.
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  • 30 8 A German firm of steel tube manufacturers has secured the option of 100 acres of land at Newport, and if the scheme matures it will give employment to 10,000 men.
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  • 40 8 Sir Edward Brockman, Chief Secretary for tbe F.M.S., has at last paid his promised visit to Lower Perak and planters in the Bagan Datoh district, are anxiously awaiting tbe result which will, they hope, take the shape of better communications.
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  • 44 8 The Pioneers frontier correspondent states in connection with the Kandahar outbreak, that the Amir had ordered dancing girls to be sent for the marriage of one of his sons, and tbe Governor of Kandahar misinterpreted the Farman. The Governor has been summoned to Kabul.
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  • 47 8 It is understood that tbe committee of Ceylonese in Selangor are working most enthusiastically in connection with the Ceylon relief f and, and that a sum of Rs. 600 was cabled to the Hon. Mr. Freeman, hon. treasurer of central committee in Colombo, as their first contribution.
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  • 49 8 Two Siamese gunboats, the Bali, with Capt. E. J. St. Dt'-ry, senior officer of the Training Division, in command, and the Sucrib, Lieut. Nai Yaw, arrived this morning from Soerabaya and saluted the port. They are lying in the roads and are expected to depart for Bangkok on Friday.
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  • 63 8 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. advise us that the estimated output of tin from the Heawood Tin and Rubber Estate company's properties for October is 324 piculs, of which 120 piculs were mined by the company and 204 piculs by tributers. The estimated gross revenue, including tribute, is $8,791 and tbe
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  • 86 8 The police have discovered the body of a Chinese man named Poh Ah Toh in a drain in the Kandang Kerbau district, with a wound in the side of the head. They have reason to believe that he met with his death whilst fighting, for a woman who lives close
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  • 85 8 A remarkable feature in connection with the sailing of the Allan Line steamer Tunisian from Liverpool to Canada recently was the large number of married women with their babies who are going out to join their husbands in Canada and also young women who are going out to be married.
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  • 77 8 An experimental test has just been conducted at Towkay Loke Chow Thye's mine, Ampang, with a view to reducing the cost of working the hard clays in the district. Mr. McQueen, representative of Messrs. Nobel and Co., Glasgow, carried out tbe test, using black powder for the charge, which was
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  • 83 8 For the third autumn in succession the West Bay, Portland— Deadmcn's Bay of Mr. Thomas Hardy's novels has been visited by waterspouts, no fewer than five of these phenomena being visible between midday and one o'clock on October 6. Three ef them appeared coming from the direction of Lyme Regis,
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  • 113 8 The work of renewing the underground sewer leading from the Railway Kentaurant Weld Quay, says The Straits Echo, is being undertaken by the municipality on behalf of the F.M.S. Government which will bear the cost. It has proved a somewhat difficult job because every high tide brings a rush of
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  • 192 8 A cue which Mr. Howard, of the Govern ment Monopolies Department, brought before Mr. Kiruihtone in the senior magistrate's court this morning, gave rise to an interesting point of law. The defendant was a Chinese woman, engaged in looking after an eatinghouse in China Street, and the charge against her
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  • 498 8 Mr. F. M. Campbell, of the Kuala Lumpur Rubber Company, has returned from leavo Mr. A. B. Voules arrives at Penang and assumes tbe duties of Solicitor- General on the 15th instant. As at present arranged, says the Pinang Gazette, tbe Hon. W. Evans will be going
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  • 116 8 The arrangements for the Swimming Club Carnival in the Lagoon Dock on Saturday are now being completed. Tho events (commencing at i) p.m.) are 100 yds. handicap 50 yds. breast stroke 75 yds. novices 100 yds. championship (timed for 4 p.m.) fancy diving, koleh tilting in fancy
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  • 172 8 A bold attempt at swindling a first saloon passenger, Miss Watkinson, on board the outward bound German steamer Roon at Colombo was fortunately frustrated. Providing himself with half a dozen telegram envelopes, an ex-peon of the Telegraph Department boarded the vessel and, having ascertained the
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  • 176 8 The Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, presented a gay and lively appearance on Monday evening, nays The Malay Mail, when the staff of the Sanitary Board gathered to bid farewell to Mr. F. W. Douglas on the eve of his departure for Labuan as British
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 Are You Satisfied WITH YOUR SYSTEM OF LETTER-FILING P Can you locate any particular correspondence quickly, just when you need it? II yon cannot, yon ire wasting valuable time. We are speoialists in filing systems. Consult as if you have an; difficulty, and we will give you advice free. The
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  • 221 9 CURIOUS ABSENCE FROM WORK AT WASHINGTON. Sir C. Spring-Rice Recovering. Rbdtbbs Tblboram. London, November 4. A noteworthy letter in The Times calls attention to the absence of tbe British Ambassador, Sir Cecil Spring-Rioe, from Washington during the Mexican orisis and says he is understood to have been living
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  • 123 9 Business Men Join the Carson Crusade. Rbctbb's Tblbobah. London, November 5. At Belfast, over six thousand business men, representing capital of almost a hundred millions sterling, assembled in Ulster Hall to protest against Home Rule. The meeting unanimously voted to hold back all taxes so long as any
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  • 49 9 Malayan Companies in Favour of Combination. Rbotbb's Tblbi.ham London, November 5. At the meetings of throe Malayan rubber companies yesterday, the chairmen all emphasis* d the necessity for concerted action in tl:<; BBBfBMI of rubber, and expressed willingness to join any effective organisation for that purpose.
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  • 68 9 KscTßk'a Tblsobam. London, November 4. Mr. John Burns, during a surprise visit to Glasgow, broke his long silence by a speech at the Liberal Club, dwelling on the confidence of the Liberal party, which was in inverse proportion to the despondency and despair of the
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  • 54 9 Kbcteb's Tklboram. London, November 4. The race for the Melbourne Cup resulted as follows: Posinatus 1 Belove 2 Ulva's Isle 8 Twenty ran. Won by three quarters of a length, half a length separating second and third. Posinatus wid at l."> to 1, Bora goon bcinif favourite
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  • 21 9 Kiitkh s Tblbobam. London, November 4. Surgeon General Sloggett is appointed Director-General of the Army Medical Service.
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  • 20 9 Rbctss Tslb»bab. London, November 4. At Melbourne, Hughie Mehegan beat Matt Wells on points in twenty rounds.
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  • 21 9 KaoTßß* Til* .bah. London, November 4. The O'Brienite, John Guiney, has been returned unopposed for North Cork.
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  • 242 9 Business Relations With Foreign Countries. Dbb Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tblboram. Berlin, November 8. In the Krupp trial, the court decided to call General Buecking and Major Aders, of the artillery test committee, for Herr Dreger's examination onthe utterances of von Metzen which are alleged to show without doubt
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  • 50 9 KSUTKB S TItLIOfUM. London, November 4. A Bombay message reports that the KaUiiawar and Ahmedabad Banking Corporation has suspended payment. The authorised capital is a crore of rupees, subscribed 21 J lakhs. The bank has numerous branches throughout India and also one at Nairobi, British East Africa.
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  • 22 9 Kictkk's Tblbobam. London, November S. Germany has notified Greece of her sopport of the Austro Italian measures at Athens.
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  • 539 9 Tragic Affair in The French Concession. A very daring armed robbery was per oetrated in the French Concession en Monlay night, reports the N.C D. News (Shanghai) of October 22, as a result of which a youth of fifteen years of age now lies in the hospital
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  • 139 9 FORTNIGHTLY SALES PASS OFF QUIETLY. Little Variation in Prices (From Oub Own Cobrbspondbnt.) London, November 4. Business was qniet at the auction to-day. Nine hundred and sixty-four tons were offered for sale, of which 758 tons were Malayan. At the auction on October 21, the offerings were
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  • 283 9 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's 112 th auction was held on Tuesday, when there were offered for sale 990.49 picnls (or 132,06) lbs.) and sold 915.69 piculs (or 122,118 lbs.) The prices realised were The next auction will be held on Tuesday, I November 11.
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  • 368 9 Official Statement on Railway Loan. Deliberating on various financial questions, Baron Takahashi, Japanese Minister (or Finance, ia quoted to the effect that, concerning the railway account, as it is impossible to secure a requisite construction and improvement fund from the railway income, Y21,500,000 has been accommodated from
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  • 1369 9 PRESENTATION OF PORTRAIT TO MUNICIPALITY. The Governor's Eulogium. Although the time and place of the func tion made it of a semi private nature there was quite a large number of guests at Government House yesterday evening to witness the presentation of the portrait of Sir John
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  • 716 9 Last Year's Trade Comes Up To Expectation*. The eleventh annual general meeting of the Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd., was held yesterday in the Secretary's office of the Chamber of Commerce. The Hon. D. T. Boyd presided and the others present were Messrs. F. R. Heron, H.
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  • 124 9 A native at Drogeveld Estate River Digging, in Griqualand West (says South Africa), recently fonnd a diamond of 160 carats. He casually stepped into a disused claim, which had originally been worked on behalf of the New Vaal River Diamond and Exploration Company up to two years
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  • 81 9 The Kwantung Government- General, in view of the successful results of its investi-gations-concerning land in Korea and For mosa, proposes to carry out similar investigations not only in the leased territory bat throughout Manchuria as a ten years' con secutive work, at an annual expenditure amounting to Y'70,000. It is
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  • 168 9 REPORTED ULTIMATUM BY AMERICA. No Conquest Contemplated Rbltbr's Tblbobam. London, November 4. In diplomatic circles at Washington, it ia declared that a United States ultimatum to Mexico has been transmitted to all foreign government. There are now seven American battleships in Mexican waters. An emissary of the rebel
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  • 77 9 Rbdtbb's Iblbqkam. London, November 4. The strike settlement negotiations at Wellington, N.Z., have proved abortive. The employers insist that any settlement must be registered under the Arbitration Act. A fuller telegram from Wellington says that a mob stoned the barracks of the special constables and revolvers were
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  • 83 9 Rbdtbb's Tblbobam. London, November 4. Sir Horace Rumbold has died. The Rt. Hon. Sir Horace Rumbold, PC, G.C.8., G.C.M.G., had just passed bis eightyfourth year. He spent over fifty years in the diplomatic service, having commenced bis career as attach.'- at Turin in 1849. Naturally his
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  • 55 9 Dbr Ostasiatiscub Lloyd Trlbqrim. Berlin, November 8. The Duke and Duchess of Brunswick made a brilliant entry into the capital. In a speech from the throne, the Duke said tho country's prosperity and the people's happiness waa the lodestar of his action, and bis sentiments were in every
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  • 45 9 Deb Ostasutischb Lloyd Tblbobam. Berlin, November 4. The French papers report that M.Kokowzew is negotiating in Paris for the construction of a new Russian railway, guaranteed by the state, with strategical points on which the Russian and French general staffs have agreed.
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  • 47 9 Dbb Ostasiatiscbb Lloyd Tblbgbah. Borlin, November* 4. Austria is taking proceedings against all the shipping companies in regard to the inducing of emigrants to leave. Several offices of the Austro- American S. N. Co. have been closed, and several agents have been arrested at Krakau.
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  • 32 9 D*B OSTASIATUOHB LbOTD TsLIOBjr. Berlin, November 4. The German army aviators Carganico and Friedberg have landed at Vienna after a ten days' flight on a round trip of 8,200 kilometers.
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  • 40 9 Dbb Ostasiatisohb Lloyd Tblboram. Berlin, November 4. The Prince of Wied is prepared to accept the Albanian throne on principle, but he stipulate* that before he assumes the government, the frontiers and the finances must be settled.
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  • 26 9 DSB OSTASIATISCBK LLOYD TbLBORAM. Berlin, November 4. King Carol of Roumjnia has conferred on Dr. Bethmann the Grand Cross of tl'O Carol Order.
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  • 1760 10 ISSUE OF PREFERENCE SHARES SANCTIONED. Prospectus Estimate Realised. The third ordinary general meeting of the Hevea (Johore) Rubber Plantation*, Limited, was held at London House, Crutched Friars, EC, on October 7, Dr. Samuel Rideal presiding. The Chairman »ai I This is the third annual meeting of this company,
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  • 575 10 The Estate of the Late Mr. Tan Kirn Cheng. There was an exceptionally large attendance of eager buyers at Messrs. (Jhing Keng Lee and Co.'s sale-room on Monday afternoon, when valuable properties belonging to the estate of the late Tan Kirn Cheng were dis posed of by auction,
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  • 33 10 Native reports bave reached Assam that Captains Bailey and Morsbead bave explored Sanpoi. Tbey were at C'hatang, south east of Lhasa, i.a September, ao may be ixpt del to re-appear north of Mangaldai.
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  • 674 10 Counterfeiters and Silk Thieves Sentenced. At the Assizes yesterday, Mr. Justice Sproule presiding, the counterfeiting case against a Chinese man and woman was concluded. The evidence for the prosecution, as stated by the D.P.P., was conclusive. On raiding a bouse at 118 Lavender street on October 4,
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  • 338 10 Explorers Seek Source of Mattock's Wealth. For nearly two centuries the source of the famous hot springs which have made the fame and prosperity of Matlock Bath has been lost, but it is believed that a daring exploration which has justj ust been carried out
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  • 1045 10 Bishop Ferguson Davie on the Year's Wrk. The scholars of St. Andrew's House, the younger ones with the quaintest of stiff little »ws, yesterday received the rewards of their labour from the hands of Mrs. Wilkinson. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that those who
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  • 125 10 An armoured train has just been built at the G.I.P. Railway Locomotive Workshops, Parel, India, for the use of railway volunteers. This progressive stop has attracted much notice from volunteer bodies and military officials themselves. The train consists of an armoured locomotive, an armoured wagon with
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  • 1440 10 By Majob J. A. R Glbnnih, Ao. Commandant, 8.V.0. Singapore, November 4, 1918. t. o. Balestier Rifle Range. I:— The range is allotted as under Sunday, November 9, at 7.80 a.m., S.V.L Trained Men. Sunday, November 9, at 3.80 p.m., S.V.I. Recruits. Sunday, November 16,, Maxim Co.
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  • 160 10 Tambalak.— 2,BBl lbs. Permas.- 6,800 lbs. Majedie (Johore).— 8,280 lbs. Lendu.-6.250 lbs. Krubong (Malacca).— 6,2oo lbs. Rembia.— lo,3Bs lbs. Strathmore.— 6,9o6 lbs. Mount Austin (Johore).— 3l,4oo lbs. Tanjong Olak.-14,780 lbs. Pahang.— ll,22B lbs. Balgownie. 20,770 lbs. Lanadron.— 93,6o4 lbs. Ledbury.— BB,o44 lbs. Cluny.— lo,49l lbs. Senawang.— 2l,osl
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  • 68 10 Oarrison ladies' Rifle Club. On Friday next, at 4-15 p.m., a match will be fired on the Tanglin range between the club team and a team representing the Singapore Ladies' Rifle Club, distances 100 and 150 yards, seven shots and a sightor. The following have been selected to
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  • 79 10 Another veteran soldier has passed away in Major-General Richard Warren, who died at Southsea, on October 8, at the age of 86 General Warren, who retired from service in the Royal Engineers thirty years ago, was the last imperial officer on duty in Tasmania. He saw service also in Ceylon
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  • 476 11 Issue of Debentures Present Method of Selling. Presiding on October 8, over the second ordinary general meeting of the Parit Bruaa (Malay Rubber Company, Limited, held at Salisbury House, Mr. J. Cecil U. McFerran (the chairman of the company) said that last year be was able to
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  • 171 11 Proposed Extension to Atlantic Coasts. Concemiug the Japanese navigation sub sidy ijuestioii, Mr. \ukawa, Director of the Mercantile Marine liureau, is quoted to the effect that the authorities concerned are makiug preliminary examinations of the busim-HH reports of uhippiug companies, but it is expected that some time
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  • 296 11 The ..pott of the Straits Plantations 1. 1 mitt i. ntatos that the number of coconnts harvested in the year to June 80 was 2.904,2^0 against 2,491,680 in the previous year. 762 tons of copra were manufactured at a cost of £14 Ba. 3d per ton f.o.b.
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  • 728 11 Prices Quoted In the Market TbU Morning. Singapore, November 5, 1918. Meson. LyaU and Bvatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations this morning 1U rraner uu netn lki. oi.uu 10 Hotel ran Wiik 17.00 10.00 110 Howarth Erakine Ld. 40 .00 45.00
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 46 11 Coughing into Consumption Only a Cough but you stop it while it is ONLY a cou^h. WATERBURYB METABOLIZED COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND The finest preparation made lor combating severe coughs. COW any cough that is only a cough. Very palatable. OK ALL CHEMISTS. $1.35 and $200.
      46 words
    • 52 11 Tboae severe pains caused by windy spasms need not be endnred one minute longer A do»e of Wood*' Cre at Peppermint Cure will provide instantaneous rebel It is the finest specific known for this trouble, and very plr a*eot to take. Sold by Dispensaries and b tores everywhere. 80 oents
      52 words
    • 366 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MACHINE that completei the family circle. Everyone ia on band in the evening to enjoy the music of tbe "His Master's Voice machine. This wonderful instrument makes tbe borne attractive for the children and livens up the entire household. No home need be without a His Master's
      366 words
    • 625 11 THE WORLDS WONDER Mrs. GENERAL MITE Tbe smallest lady In tbe world. Height 39 int. Weight 32 lbs. Atfe 35 years. All should come and visit this remarkable little lady, and have a conversation with her. To be seen at Tent Circus ground Beach Road, From 3 till 6 p.m.
      625 words
    • 397 11 From Ist October, 1913, OF MICHELIN TYRES are REDUCED on Michelin Price List No. 5632, as follows:— 17% on all covers of millimeter sizes. 17% on tubes 3^ and 4 inches. 15% on covers 3^ and 4 inches. 15% on tubes 105 and 135 millimetres. 8% on tubes 90 millimetres.
      397 words

  • 1930 12 MR. LAMPARD ON QUESTION OF COMBINATION. Annual General Meeting. The seventh annual general meeting of the Sungkai-Chumor Estates, Limited, was held on October 6, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford -court, Cannon street, E.C., Mr. Thomas Ritchie (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said I will,
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  • 204 12 After detailed negotiations, the Frankfurter Zeitung is informed that the Government and the merchants have now agreed to endeavour to improve the quality of rubber in order to place the rubber trade in the German Colonies, particularly in the South Camaroons, again on a remunerative basis. It
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  • 181 12 Many and diverse are the ways in which Nature works to perform her cure. It is late in the day to marvel at her miraculous processes, but the influence of football as a restorer of lost speech, which is recorded from Stirlingshire, is assuredly one
    181 words
  • 856 12 EASTERN PRODUCE ESTATES. Increase of Capital Unanimously Approved. An extraordinary general meeting of the Eastern Produce and Estates Company, Limited, was held on October 6 at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. K. A. Cameron (chairman of the company) presiding, to consider the following resolutions:
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  • 227 12 Seremban Rubber Estate. The directors of the Seremban Rubber Estate Company, Limited, announce that, while the approximate results of the work of the property for the first half-year showed a profit of about 5 per cent, (actual) on the capital of the company, in view of the present state of
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  • 967 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to tne Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    967 words
  • 169 12 Homeward Bound. Per P. and O. Sumatra, 'sailing November 18.— Mr. W. H. Dakeyne, Mr. F. S. Monteith, Mr. F. H. Whitley, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. C. Ayre, Mr. P. A. Satow, Mr. W. Webb, Miss M. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Keilich, Mr. A. E. Gough. Per P. and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 220 12 SEMI-DIESEL ENGINES "BERGSUND For All Purposes ON Complete Launch equipments and complete Power Installations quoted for on application to Sole Agents The Singapore General Electrical Engineering COMPANY, LIMITED. 81, Mohamed Sultan Road. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF PADM O :Ffc IEZ 9 S BILLIARD TABLES IS SOLD. A Fresh Shipment of
      220 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 72 13 Key isV' M There is no Beer in the RJ*^ Owing to its excellent Market which is sold f 4j "I -jj^ Quality it sells much in such quantities as jfcjf 'i^^'i'-Jll^ more than all other "^JBfitt Beer Sole Agents: Behti, Meyer Co., Limited. SIME DARBY Co.. LTD. BICYCLES. THE
      72 words
    • 764 13 BTEAMEB SAILINGS. BURNS PHIL? LINE. Bi«SAPoas to Java Pobm Poar Dabwi* Tbcbbdat Iswhd, Bbisbani md SrDiraf via Tokus Stbaits. AJio taking pautuDKew and cargo with traoßhipment for other Viotokiah, Sooth Aostbaliam and Nobtb QoaBNSLAirD Posts, Bbitisb Naw Guimba, Naw Bbitaw Tasmakiam and Nsw Zbilawd Posts, ■mooth Paaaaga. Supawb Soanary A
      764 words
    • 136 13 PIANOS m PIANO PLAYERS W^ FOR HIRE MEDIUM CHEAP AND THE BEST TUNING ROBINSON PIANO INCLUDED Company, Limited. THE true secret of getting the full enjoyment that each meal should give, is to break yourself of the habit of saying Worcestershire sauce," and always to call for "LEA A PERRINS."
      136 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 427 14 SINGAPORE S ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANT EABURN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE:. a THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HtaD OFFICE i W.nohaattr Houss, &mgapo<«. LONDON OFFICE S3, Old Jawry, EC Ibe Company has £30.000 dafioaitad with tba Saynßa Obart of Kaglaad. aad aaaantias wish Iko Bdlfcfc
      427 words
    • 159 14 WBURJUICE. 1 FEDERAL LIFE MMIMNK COMMin OF MNMM, ■aTaauaaao IBMDlPOat Qovtrnmtnt luparvltlon Oovsfnmswt Audit. Polloies are WORLD WIDB" aad NonForteitable. Utrtfa Nat Supplu* above UsbiliUes for Reserve and all outstanding olaims. H«w Bualnaaa, 1912 3ver...18 930J0a00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally Numerous modern sohemea, 4. H. BVANS, Manager. South
      159 words
    • 450 14 BAWKIWB. THE IZE HAI TOM BANUM AM INSURANCE CO.. LTD.. NO. IT AND 68. KLINO BTBBBT. ■TABIUBID 1907. I Capital paid ap... 91,000,000^)0 Reserve Uability ol proprietors...ll,OOO.OOOJ)o Reserve Fund 1e00.000.00 OODRT OF DIRBCTORB. 1. Ta» Tsob Jooa 8. Low Kaooa- Yss 1. Ta» Swi Kmi f Sna Ku Jam I.
      450 words
    • 507 14 BANKIHfI. K«TtCH-*M«TItCHEBMK. NUT HID BP UiPITil (•>. laaa 7,fM,WC). flead Offloe Shanghai, Board of Director* Ber in. BBANOHBSi Betlia, Calentta, Hamburg, Cantoc, Hankow, Hongkong, Kobr, P iking, Tiantan, Tdnanfu, Tsicgtan, Yokohama. THE FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Bank fuer Handel and Indost?!-, N Berliner
      507 words
    • 484 14 MLEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE Of UNSERVICEABLE TOLICE STORES, UNCLAIMED AND CONFISCATED GOODS ANU INTESTATE BSTATB PROPERTY. ETC., BY ORDER OF THE CHIEF POLICE OFFICER, To be held at the Central Police Station. South Bii.ige Ros<], On Wednesday, November IS, at 2.30 p.m. For paiticolarp, tee circulars. POWELL CO., Auctioneers.
      484 words

  • 924 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Storming Alps on a Napier. The Napier has added another notable page to the history of antomobilism. Not content with holding the largest number of officially observed Royal Automobile Club tests daring which it has, over the last few years, robbed
    924 words
  • 96 15 One cf the features of the Christmas perfumery sessjn will be the extraordinary number of odours made from artificial attars." Perfume in some cases will be made as cheap as 6s. a pint, but although this figure must be taken as representing a very cbeap class of perfume, the cost
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 89 15 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. When you have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets alt these requirements. It acts on nature's
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 923 16 M7T In the opinion of MlT[ Speed pressure or H II those who are most w_ I temperature makes il competent to judge, jj n0 difference to the CHAMPION MO- lubricating value TOK OIL is the of most economical and most effective vents wear and tear for all kinds of
      923 words
    • 447 16 TO BE LET W BHD. HOWES TO LET. To let, No 31 and 23, Sambau Road. Apply Nathan k Son, Change Alley. 1-11 a FURNISHED RESIDENCES TO LET. Ben Ledi, off Tan]ong Katong and 400, Seranenon Rosd. Apply H Vomapab, 19, Rafflna Place, or 817, Seranuoon Road. It 11 Q
      447 words
    • 532 16 HOTICES. KMT* KMT ft CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Bo«ersment »mt Muatcipal Contractor*. 106, lua 100, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 431 and 1174. GUAN KIAT 6^ CO., SHIP CHANDLERS k QOVEBKWENT CONTRACTORS. OSNMJIL IMPORTKKS AMD IXPORISBS AMD COMMISSION AGENTS, 61, FHILUP BTRBST. 'Phone 1388, (Private 14(0). Telegrams MAMUT. 136 o GUAN KIAT
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    • 650 16 HOTICEB. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that Mr. Tan der Mark formerly manager of Straits Motor Garage is now employed by ns as Sales Manager of our Motor Car Dept. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LTD. 8010 ft 11 NEW YEAR SPORTS. 1914. NOTICE. A Public Meeting will be held in the
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    • 714 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Nov. 6,
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