The Straits Times, 25 October 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.322 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 222 1 [THE CELEBRATED White Horse ICOTCM 4^M WHISKT i Established 1742. KATZ BROS., LTD. JUST ARRIVED: #fe 'Ztifl T OUU M' Travelling Rugs T^? n EXTRA LARGE SIZE 58* x 90" Weight 4y 2 lbs. exclusive: designs Sp^3»^^^^ each. THE BEST VALUE IN THE EAST. KATZ BROS., LTD. RIMS BY wf
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    • 184 1 ROBINSON CO., Agents for The Kynoch Motor Cycle. The Kynoch 4 H.P., Motor Bicycle.— Model C. With Sturmey Archer Free Engine and 3-speed Gear. Gear operated by Lever on top rail Pedal starting from Saddle. The Kynoch 4 H.P., Motor Bicycle.— Model B. With Free Engine in back Hub. Pedal
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  • 784 2 AN ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME ARRANGED. Prizes and Surprises. Writing from Taiping on October 20, the correspondent of tbe Times of Malaya says that tbe details of tbe Taiping Bisley have at last been settled by tho Council of the Perak Division of the M.S.V.K. Rifle Club, which met
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  • 59 2 The following despairing paragraph is taken from a Japan paper:- Huang Using, Liehchun and more than twenty others had a conference in Tokio on Monday last and decided that in view of the present condition of the Government of China they would not raise any opposition, bat they will engage
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 117 2 —-•KEPLER' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract The best of the harvests of sea and land concentrated into a delicious, digestible, fattening and vitalising food. Every spoonful helps to increase the strength and build up the bodies of delicate children, convalescents, etc. It will protect you against weakness and loss
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    • 64 2 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is safe to say that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has saved the lives of more people and relieved more Huffering than any other remedy in existence. It is known all over the civilized world for its speedy cares of cramps in
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    • 660 2 Ask this Man to Read your Life. His Wonderful Power to Read Human Lives at Any Distance Amazes All Who Write to Him. Thousands of people in all walks of life have benefited by this man's advice. He tells yoa what yoa arc capable of, acd how joo can be
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    • 310 2 if It's the Curve that does it. r" The ingenious curve of the Gillette, its adjustability, its clean and quick results, have rendered self shaying a delight to over six million s.uo* men. The hardness, smoothness tCvC*«S\V and keenness of Gillette blades ghaMi /^^^«3»\r ft\ B ensure such excellent shaving
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  • 585 3 OIL COMPANIES HOLD FIELD IN KUANGTUNG. Canton's Minerals. Reporting on the trade of Canton for 1912, Mr. Pro-Consul Walker says The silk market tip to the China new year remained quiet owing to the upward tonj dency of exchange and the high, prices demanded here, but
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  • 207 3 Opening of First Conference At Simla. The first meeting of the Tibet conference took place on October 13 at Simla. Tbe British plenipotentiary. Sir Henry McMahon, was accompanied by Messis. C. A. Bell and Archibald Hose, C.1.E., and Ivan Chen, the Chinese plenipotentiary, by Messrs. Shah and Wang,
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  • 113 3 Naval manoeuvres on a large scale will take place off the South and West of Kyushu for twelve days beginning from October 26. Twenty eight warships (outside of the Third Squadron, now in China), numerous torpedo craft, submarines, and hydroplanes will participate in a sham fight,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 501 3 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA. LIMITED. Estnblished 1 169 Tbe Brut Lite Office in tbe world to introdaoe tbe non-forfeiture prinoiple to Polioiee. A Mutual Offloe. No Shareholders. Low Premiums Annual Inoome 1.284, 364. Fund* £7,291 ,280 Claims paid £c,078,550. ALL. profits are distribnted ainonßit Policy holders. Claims
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    • 15 3 For eougb* and cbill*. Take Woods' Great Ptppermint Core. Sro'd everywhere, 90 cents a tottle.
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    • 222 3 Loveliness of Skin and Hair Preservedby Cuticura Soap And Cuticura Ointment. No others do so much for poor complexions, dandruff, and dry, thin, falling hair. CuUcuraßoapandOlnttneotmldevfrywhere. flampie o( ™ii with 32 -p. book rraa from Marast depot: Newberr. 37. Chartcriioujas Bq.. Loadoo: R. Towns Ac... Hyiiury. nsW; LrnDon, Ltd.. Cape
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    • 158 3 RANEEOUNOE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Bracelets and Rings Plain, Engraved, and set with Diamonds and other Precious Stones In a variety of designs and in the latest styles. Prices from $2O to $1,000 ISMAIL RAHEEM BRAS BASAH ROAD.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. o. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN. EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES 1913 Homeward (for Europe). {Connecting at
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    • 650 4 STEAMER SAIUNBB. nTyjk: JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Kortnightly aervioe ia maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 600 4 STEAiER SIILIHBS THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pabang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semen Baohok, Kelantan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora Laoon, Kobsamai, Bandon, Langauen, Taku, Chumpon, Koblak and Bangkok. Due Departure 8... ASDANQ Oot. 28 a.m. MAHIDOL Oot. aa Oot. 29 VUGALA Oot. 39 Nov.
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    • 503 4 STUMER SAIUNIS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LIME. HAMBURG V _JID mbtui uawtuit* I.IRTUI*. '■AHA UiMlft Combined Hervloe. The steamrea of tuese Oompaniee inaiatam a rsgolar service between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emden aad the straits, Chins aad Japa. Homewards, they are despatohed fort nightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a
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    • 652 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The list and well-known mail steamers this Company Bail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Oenoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, au i vice verea) Port Said, Suez. Adon, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Teingtau, Nagasaki and Kobe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 296 5 HOOGLANDT CO., SINGAPORE:. JENATZY fe JENATZY JENATZY S3 JENATZY JENATZY J= JENATZY JENATZY JENATZY 1 H JENATZY JENATZY HOOGLANDT CO., SINGAPORE. j Stock-taking CLEARANCE SALE AT TAN BEN 6 CHIANG NURSERIES Orchard Road. Ail stocks to be cleared from September 1 to 16. Best English Pigeons. Fowls and liir .Ik,
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    • 622 5 NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given, tbat we have been appointed Agents for the Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Limited, of London, and are prepared to accept fire ricks at tariff rates. H. k W. GRKER, LIMITED. 22 10 28-10 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given tbat the partner, ship heretofote subsisting
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    • 790 5 GUAN KIAT CO.. SHIP-CHANDLERS, 17. Phillip Street. New Shipment Just Imported i Hnbbuck's coloured paint oil and sundries, Screw Augers, American Axes, Cutting Pliers, Gas Pliers, Barbed Wire, Brass, k Lead Wire, Copper Wire, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, Hand Saws, Oalvd Rivotted Backets, Gauge Glasses, Adzes, Hand Hatchets, Iron Butt
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    • 386 5 For bright homes, clean pots and pans, shining brassware, crockery and enamel, for a thousand household uses MONKEY BRAND never fails to please. BKNJAMIN BROOKE CO. LTD. aiei BRITIBH INDIA BTEAM NAY. CO.. LO. APCAR LINE M STEAMERS The undermentioned mail rt. vnr- at Ue kbovo Line maintain a regular
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 223 6 SINE DARBY 4 Co., LTD. BICYCLES. THE VELOCE $45.00 each. THE MALACCA $35.00 Complete with lamp, bell, tools and pumps. Both strongly built, well-finished machines. Malacca, Seremban and London. There is One Good Wife in the Country, and Every Man Thinks He Hath Her. There is one good Brand of
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    • 146 6 CHINESE CLERK WANTEO. Wanted immediately, for a Mercantile firm, good Chinese clerk Must be quick at figurt h and have knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Apply A. 8., c/o St' aits Times. 36 10 v FOX TERRIER LOST. Advertiser will be glad to have news of Foxterrier lost at hata
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    • 36 6 CHEONB BROTHERS. Demists. SB, South Brldga Ho as. Fint-clafct Mechanical Dentistry, 1c d Orowas Bridge, filling and Vulaaatli OanUos of Watt guarantee! CHARGES MODERATE. c ILL LINE OENTAL SUPPLIES. Tootfc Powders and Brutal tot s*il.
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    • 400 6 FISH BRAND KEROSENE FISH brand \Wlfi(lk\ jA ▼UiyU of 2 Tins. 4*^&bßEblW^ The Best Oil on the Market for House Lighting. Trade Mark. OBTAINABLE FROM: CHOP CHIN HUAT HIN, 246, South Bridge Road. CHOP CHIN KWANG, 23, Circular Road. CHOP EE HIN, 303, Beach Road. CHOP ENG JOO SENG, 30,
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    • 196 6 G3EBBS3 S9 (sssbbsJQl Tropic Colds 1 are not only tlie most disagreeable, the most annoying tort of cold.'. Hut thty aUo are Hard to get rid of 1171 O ca se tne TroWhY Pc s your system Is at its feeblest, you arc worn out cxh. tutted by the debilitating
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  • 115 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, October 25. High Water, T.M a.m., 6.10 p.m. Sunday, October 26. High Water. 8. II a.m 7.51 p.m. M. M. outward mail duo. Monday, October 27. High Water, H 56 a.m., 5.52 p.m. M M homo ward mail due. Y.M .A. lecture, M.45 p.m. Tuesday,
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  • 191 7 TO-DAT. Batavia M. Treub 8 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Penang Klang 8 pm Batu Pahat Hong Wan Bpm Anamba and Natuna Is. Ha-i W. Hin Bpm Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis and Bagan Abbotsford Bpm Penang Hong Bee 8 pm Penang and Rangoon Glenogle Bpm Hongkong, Amoy.and Swatow
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  • 97 7 The M. M. company's steamer Armani! Beliic left Saigon at 10 a.m. to-day, and may be expected to arrive here at about 6 a.m. on Monday, October 27. The M. M. company's steamer Amazone left Colombo at 11 a m. on Friday, October 24, ami may be
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  • 69 7 Lift Sinoapori. Du« in Londok Abkitid. Sept M N. D. L. October 18 > Oct. 18 M H. I. 18 Oct. 18 Sept 29 M. M. 24 I Oct. :i P. a 26 Oct. 7 N. D. L. 81 Oct. 9 B. I. November 1 Oct.
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  • 431 7 Latest Arrivals. Anilicrttt, Brit. Btr. 135 tons, Capt Scott, (Vt24. fimm Mayan, Oct 22. O.c. and d.p. Heng .100 Seny. For Bagan, Oct 25. Rds. Colombo M:ini. .lap. Mr. 3?19 tou-i. (apt Kawashiwa. Oct 24. From Calcutta, Oct 16. (i.e. anil p. I*. Simons Co. For Bombay, (MM.
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  • 97 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONO PAOAR. Bast Wharf Basin Nil. W. Sbction No. l...Kawachi Mara, Sbsibs Wbabf Scang Choon, Glenogle. Main W. Sbct. No. 2...Tecsta, Netherlee, Colombo Maru. B.. .lslander. 4...M. Treub. 6 ..Nil. S...Eumacus, Patani. N'hw Dock 7. ..(Under
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  • 256 7 EXCHANGE Simoatou, October 25, 1913. On London Bank 4 m/a 3/44 Demand 2/4 Private 6 m/s 2/4$ 8 m/s 2/4J! Oh OaiMAMi.....Bank d/d 288* Private 8 m/s 244+ On Feamob Bank d/d m, 294* Private 8 m/s 801 Ok India Bank T. T. 174 Private 80 d/a
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    • 175 7 10 10 Ampang 8.50 9.25 1 1 AyerWeng I.CO 10 10 Bolat 2.35 2.60 10 10 Bruang 0.60 0.85 10 10 Karupar 9.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.00 10 10 Kinta Association 13.00 14.00 El £1 KintaTin 1.17.0 2.1.6 El £1 Lahat Mine* 6.50 7.C0 10 6 Malayan Collieries 6.00
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    • 628 7 vS£l Bayerß BeW 2/. 2/. Allagai 1/8 1/11 £1 £1 Anglo Java 8/9 4/9 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 7,6 8/4 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka -/S 1/1 £1 £1 Batu Tiga 2.0.0 2.10.0 norn 2,'- 2/- Bckob 1/£1 £1 Bokit Kajang 1.8.9 1.9.6 £1 £1 Bukit Lintang 8.0.0 8.10.0 norn 2/-
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    • 106 7 £1 £1 B. Smelting Cs. 1.6 17/£1 F»ot. 1.2.0 1.3.6 6/- 6/- Electric I'waye 4/- 4,8 10 10 Fraaer 4 Neave 61.60 100 How<u'.n Erskine 45X0 100 7%Prel. ICO.OO 100 100 KatE Bro, Del. 180.00 140.00 10 1 Mavnard Co. 20.00 100 100 R. Hargroavee 107.60 100 100 R.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 Children's Colds. Why let the children rack their little boilu s in hiioli a distressing manner when you can so eaaily cure their colds with a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough liemedy. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 448 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. October 2rt. At saleroom, freehold residential properties, nituate at Orange Grove lioail, Tanglin. at 2.80. October 28. At saleroom, freehold properties at Teluk Blanttah Itoad, at 2.80. October 23. At saleroom, freehold pro[x'rtii s, at Neil Road, etc., at 2.3". October 29. At saleroom, freehold
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  • 1390 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25. MALACCAS PROGRESS. Although most of us recollect that in the not far distant past our neighbours in Malacca had earned for themselves the unenviable notoriety of being classed as inhabi tants of Sleepy Hollow, there are very few nowadays who will maintain that our
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 6 and 11.
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  • 22 8 At Rio de Janeiro the announcement has been made of a reduction of 10 per cent, in the export duties on rubber,
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  • 21 8 Owing to an outbreak of measles the monthly meeting of the Ministering Child ren's League will not be held on Tuesday.
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  • 23 8 During September there were 088 deaths in Singapore, 111 being from cholera, 108 from malarial fever, 102 from beriberi, and 100 frcm phthisis.
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  • 24 8 The Pioneer's London correspondent cables that a special message to The Express says that the Mullah has exhumed and shamefully mutilated Mr. Corfu-Id's body.
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  • 33 8 A party of about a dozen lady missionaries are in transit for Shanghai by the P. and. O. steamer Sunda, which arrived from London this morning and is bound for the Far East.
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  • 39 8 Among the craft in Colombo on October 17 was the Dutch tug Titan of 352 tous gross. She is being taken out to Soerabaya under command of Captain C. Spanger. After bunkering there she was to resume her voyage.
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  • 36 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires that the representative of Nobel's explosives gave a demonstration of the uses of gelignite in relation to agriculture at the experimental plantations, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday morning. Tbe demonstration was well attended.
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  • 50 8 The Lord Bishop of Singapore will read a paper on The Mohammedans and their religion, at a meeting of tbe Church of England Men's Society to be held at the Parsonage on Monday next, at 9 p.m. It is hoped that all members will be present and bring a friend.
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  • 49 8 The Singapore Venture Syndicate advise us that at their sale (by private tender) on Friday the following prices were realised Smoked sheet 9107.60 to $116.80 per picul, unsmoked sheet 9103.60 to 5116.80, scrap crepe 980, bark crepe 968.80 to 973.20, scrap and virgin 955.15 to 902.25, latex crepe |93.
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  • 60 8 Mr. A. J. Watson, the artist, has just completed for Mr. Lee Choon Guan an excellent oil painting of the Chinese temple in Teluk Ayer, which is intended to fill in a cornice in Mr. Choon Ouan's house. Mr. Watson has also in hand some excellent miniature portraits and a
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  • 70 8 At the general meeting of tbe I'dang Gala Association held on the 23rd instant at Mr. Chua Chwee Lim's residence the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year President, Wee Tiam Ghee hon. secretary, Tok Tek Hok hon. treasurer, Chua Chwee Lim hon. auditor, Tan Eng Seng committee, Wee
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  • 84 8 A record haul of 216,000 grains of cocaine was made by the Bombay authorities on October 11, and the next uiuruiu j a European bedroom steward of the P. and O. Persia, named Blundell, and a man named A. N. Churchill were sentenced to "Be year's rigorous, and a fine
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  • 95 8 Tbe trial began at Colombo, on October 15, before Mr. Justice Pereira and an Englishspeaking jury, of Mr. C.A. dv Moulin Browne, late superintendent of Weddemulla estate, who was charged with breach of trust in respect of estate funds. Tbe police court enquiry was held at Nuwara Eliya, and the
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  • 98 8 A letter has appeared i i |Im London press from the Mincing Lane kta iber Brokers' As sociation stating that al.liuu.h a circular letter was sent by them to all companies in June suggesting tbe forming of an association with tbe object of fostering new uses for rubber, which is
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  • 395 8 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sims arrive from home to-morrow by the Austrian Lloyd Bohemia. Mr. George Bocttcher, of the Berlin Museum, is mskiDg an exhaustive onquiry into the entomology of the Philippines. Mo will spend a year and a half there. Madame Kremer, who is well-known
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  • 107 8 According to a cable from London, dated October 15, reconstruction is considered to be necessary in the case of the Johore Rubber Lands (Malaya) Limited. Tho 1912 expenditure was £62,000 and the receipts from rubber £8,000 (the original estimated output was 44,000 lbs.) At a meeting of
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  • 122 8 The Court Cards gave another very enjoyable entertainment at tho Victoria Theatre last ni^lit. Friday, from the theatrical point of view, is always a slack uiglit, tho reason why it would bo interesting to know, and so the audience was not particularly large. It was just as
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  • 94 8 By kinl permission of Lieut. Col. A. O. Marrable and officers of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, the mouth organ and string band of the rt^iu nt will play in the Botanical Gardens ou Monday next, the 27th inst from sto 6.15 p.m., tl following
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  • 199 8 The preliminary enquiry into tbe allegations of defalcations wbicb have been brought against Oiow Teck Son«. a Cbinose employe of the Nestle and Anglo- Swiss Milk Company, wan continued yesterday by Mr. Talma in tbe second court. According to the evidence of Mr. 11. M. Ware, the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 220 8 Italian Vermouth. An Excellent Tonic, Stimulant, and Astringent Beverage. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., SOLE IMPORTERS. THE CHAMPIONSHIP FINALISTS USED OUR JAELANGO Tennis Racquets. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. the "LISTER-BRUSTON" AHTriM ATlp ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND AU I UlflA I 111 PUMPING INSTALLATION. STARTS ITSELF. STOPS ITSELF. THIS PLANT generates electricity automatically and
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    • 138 8 AN INTENSELY ABSORBING AND STIRRING WESTERN STORY IN PICTURES: THE COUNTERFEITER by the Kay- Bee Film Co., IN TWO PARTS WILL Bl SHOWN TO-NIGHT ATTHI ALHAMBRA Biach Road. Sicokd Show, 9.80 to 11 p.m. IN CONJUNCTION WITH Manila Hop* Making. ah Slat -■•re. It* Pat he Animated Gazette 166 th
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  • 180 9 POSITION BETWEEN BRITAIN AND AMERICA. Tension Denied. Rbutbb's Tbuobah. London, October 24. A message from New York states that Felix Diaz is still at Vera Cruz, surrounded by a handful of followers. So far there have been seventeen arrests in connection with his arrival. The situation regarding Mexico
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  • 141 9 CALCUTTA IMMIGRANTS TO BE DEPORTED. Severe Sentences on Miners. RSDIIB s TILBOJUM. London, October 24. A report from Victoria, British Columbia, says twenty-four Calcutta Hindus arriving from Calcutta have been ordered to be deported for non-compliance with tbe immigration law providing that they must have made a continuous
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  • 102 9 Lady Socialist Charged With Abduction. Ketikh's Ibleobam. London, October 24. Crowds who assembled on the Dublin qnays, including |many priests, anticipating the departure of fifty children for England, yesterday evening, sang Faith of Oar Fathers when the steamer left without the children, and they cheered the Archbishop.
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  • 45 9 RICTB»'» TIISORAM. London, October 24. The sule survivor of the Finnish steamer VeUkusten has been brought to Hornoesand. There were 25 passengers and twenty crew. The survivor clung to the rigging with a number of firemen, who dropped off in the night.
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  • 46 9 Kjctik's Tblbobab. London, October 24. The latest Cambridgeshire betting is: oto 1 Fairy King, 10 to 1 Santatr, 100 to 8 Florist anJ Prinjiore, 100 to 7 Equanimity, 100 to 6 Erlegh and Bluestone, 20 to 1 Lorenzo and Khedive, 40 to 1 Mercutio.
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  • 45 9 Kbdtib's Tilioram. London, October 24. The appointment of the railway com mission and the vagueness of the terms of reference are commented on. It is stated that this was a surprise to many railway directors. The papers opine that nationalization is contemplated.
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  • 179 9 Seven Launch Passengers Reported Drowned. (Fkom Our Own Corresponding) Penang, October 24. At 5.80 a.m. to day a collision occurred at the mouth of tbe Prye River between the Government Wharves tug Alert and the Prye Dock lannch Colleen. Seven are reported lost by the sinking of
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  • 89 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 24. At an extraordinary meeting of Langkasi Kuala Pandan Kubber Estates Co., Ltd., Mr. Mitchell, presiding, explained that the company had expended $37,411 and had only $476 in hand. Unpaid allotment money amounted to $3,700. Twenty shareholders have refused to pay
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  • 252 9 Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Weekly Report. Singapore, October 24. After a quiet week tbe market advanced sharply yesterday, but today's advices, however, again show a declining tendency. London reports that tbe future prospects are brighter, but there is evidently at present insufficient support from tbe public to
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  • 139 9 A London wire dated October 14 and published by the Times of Ceylon says A receiver has been appointed for the Sungei Liang Kubber Company, Limited, State of I'ahang, Federated Malay States. Thin com pany was formed in August, 1909, with an authorised capital of £70,000
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  • 207 9 Devotion to horseracing would not by some people be considered a good advertisement for a young nation. Australians are very fond of horse flesh of all descriptions, and they patronise the racecourse to a greater extent than the residents of any other country. It is remarkable that
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  • 825 9 SENTENCED TO IMPRISONMENT FOR THREE MONTHS. Possible Appeal. The hearing was resumed yesterday afternoon before the senior magistrate, Mr. H. W. Firm stone, of the case in which Gopalachari, the chief Tamil interpreter in the Supreme Court, was charged with attempting to obtain from Navena Suna Naraina Pillay
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  • 269 9 Within the past few weeks no fewer than five Chinese firms in Penan); have informed their creditors that they are in difficulties. A representative of the Pinang Gazette on October 22 sought an explantion of this ap parently abnormal state of affairs and the position was
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  • 2111 9 SAFEGUARDING THE FINANCES DURING CRISIS. Market Position. The second annual general meeting of the members of the Selangor United Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on September 29, at Winchester Honse, Old Broad Street, E.C., Mr. T. A. Motion (chairman of the company) presiding. Mr. W. F. Maclagan, representing
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  • 187 9 ProposeJ Weekly Service To London. A weekly N.Y.K. swvioeto London is foreshadowed by Baron Kondo. The Katorimam took a number of guests from Yokohama and Tokio out for a cruise in Tokio Bay, says the Japan Chronicle, and the chairman of the company made an interesting speech during
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  • 177 9 THE ULSTER CAMPAIGN AND INDIA. Lord Crewe's Warning. Rbdtbb's Tilegram London, October 24. Lord Crowe, at Ipswich, said despite tho vast correspondence on the subject of Ulster, be desired to guard the country against being misled into the belief that a new situation had arisen. He had heard
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  • 62 9 Help for Agriculturists in The N. W. Provinces. KicriK'i Tsliubah. London, October 24. A Simla message says distress is forecasted in the drought-stricken districts of the United Provinces. Sixty lakhs have already been advanced for the relief of agriculturibts. A Bombay pearl merchant has failed with liabilities
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  • 43 9 Great Loss of Life in New Mexico. Rbuter's Telegram. London, October 24. In an explosion at a colliery at Dawson, New Mexico, 284 are entombed. 22 have been rescued and six bodies recovered. It is feared that 261 are dead.
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  • 24 9 Rbcter's Telegram. London, October 24. Another severe earthquake has occurred over the whole isthmus of Panama, but tho canal zone is undamaged.
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  • 17 9 RaOTBB'S TILIORAM. London, October 24. Mr. Buckmaster, the now Solicitor-General, has been knighted.
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  • 81 9 KaOTSB'S TBLIORAM. London, October 24. The Zanzibar report is declared to be wholly untrue. In connection with the Zanzibar despatch, the Daily Chronicle gives prominence to a telegram from its special commissioner in Germany, stating that Antdo German negotiations which are proceeding are largely concerned with colonial
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  • 47 9 DBR 08TA8UTI3CHB LLOYD TeIBQRAM. Berlin, October 1 1. The treaty of peace has secured accord between Greece and Turkey by compensating Turkey for her church properties. The Ruaso-Turkish negotiations, especially those regarding railways in north-east Asia Minor, are progressing smoothly and will soon be signed.
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  • 52 9 DlB OsTASIATISCHB LLOTD TILSOEAM. Berlin, October U. The decision of the Federal Council on the Brunswick question will be given on October 27. The Brunswick Diet is convoked for the same date. The town of Brunswick is preparing to celebrate the entry of Prince Erust August on
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  • 49 9 A circular of the Kubber Growers' Association appeals to members to support the exhibition in 1914 and mentions the fact that certain manufacturers have constructs! experimental tyres from plantation rubbir which will be put on the road immediately and will be shown at the exhibition the registered mileage.
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  • 2582 10 EX-CIVIL SERVANTS AS COMPANY DIRECTORS. Servants Registration Again. The Legislative Council yesterday afternoon~was mainly engaged in committee work on various bills, among them the Domestic Servants Bill, as to the fate of which some fears have been expressed recently. There was an interesting debate also on tbe bill
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  • 482 10 What it Means to tbe Average Man. Mr. Rudyard Kipling, addressing an openair meeting at Burwash, Sussex, from the platform of the National Service League caravan strongly supported the objects of tbe League. I sympathise with the league speakers," he said, "in tbe difficulties of their
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  • 96 10 Arrivals. Per str. Mataram, Oct 24. From Sydney Miss Johnson, Messrs. R G. Turnbnll, E. J. Peck, A. J. King, W. Shand, A. Mclntyre, A. E. Elliott, F. 8. Gaston and W. C. Warren. Per str. Sunda, Oct 25. From London Mrs. C. M. Phillips and child,
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  • 128 10 Government promissory notes believed to have been the property of the late Chief Jasdao, who died in 1903, have been traced to Bengal by the Criminal Investigation Department at Bombay. When the present chief succeeded he found practi cally nothing in the Treasury, though bis
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  • 56 10 The annual report of the British Prisons Department shows a Urge decrease in criminals convicted during the year, as compared with the previous twelve months. The number of prisoners sentenced was 10,000 less, and the number tried 100,000 less than in last year. One of the chief causes of this
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  • Correspondence.
    • 284 10 To the Editor the Straits Times. Sir, Now that so many ladies are going about Singapore with subscription books for a very deserving object of charity, it appears to me an appropriate time to call attention to the want of charity amongst Europeans to their own folk. It is
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  • 566 10 A Further Plea for Powerful Local Action. (Contributed.) The rubber and rubber share markets will apparently not be contented with themselves until rock-bottom level has been reached and it is to be hoped that shareholders will not lose their heads in consequence and attempt to sell out
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  • 123 10 M. Max hinder, the celebrated cinematograph actor, finds that his profession is not without risks. The other day be was being filmed from a comic episode in which he played the part of a jockey wben his mount bolted. M. Linder wai carried through the streets of
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  • 40 10 The latest Dreadnought, the battleship Queen Mary, 27,400 tons displacement, 75,000 i.h.p., baa done her trial runs with extraordinarily good results. Her speed was to be not nnder 28 knots, but on her trial she steamed 35.7 knots an hour.
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  • 394 10 The Proposal to Raise Additional Capital. A circular has been issued to the shareholders of the Eastern Produce and Estates Company, Limited, which states as follows The directors would remind the shareholders that the resolutions proposed to be submitted to tbe extraordinary general meeting at the close
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  • 516 10 Sunday, October 26, 191 J. St. Andruw's Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. 7 a.m. Holy Communion (Plain). 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral), Introit, Lead me Lord Service, Smart Hymn at Offertory, 217 Hymn at Communion, 823 Hymn at Ablutions lti.'i Xunc Dimittis. 9.15 a.m. Matins anil Litany. First
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  • 56 10 Sir John McFadyoan, Professor of Comparative Pathology in the Royal Veterinary College Camden Town, declared at the opi-n ing of the college on October 1, that tuber entasis had an enormous hold upon every country in Europe, and that the number of milking or dairy herds in England and Scotland
    56 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 72 10 A proposal has been made for an bdhfe hockey team to visit Australia ami half a iloze.i prominent players have expressed tbeir willlingness to take the trip to Australia and New Zealand for a tour, probably extending from April to August, MM. Tho rules of the Hockey
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    • 712 10 K.0.Y.L.1. v. The Rest. Last evening on the padang, the K.O.Y.L I. as winners of the league, met a combined eleven representing tbe Rest and succeeded in winning by three goals to one. The game was not a good one, play being very scrappy and at times quite uninteresting.
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  • 138 10 The banks throughout tlio world bavo been notified by thu t'nitod States Kxprcss Company that a band of international swindlers have counterfeited the company's 150 travellers cheques, and are pausing them in Europe. It is stated that upwards of a score of counterfeit cheques cashed at Carlsbad, Lugano,
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  • 427 11 Rumoured Successor To Home Secretary. Currency is given to a singular story regarding the political future of Mr. T. P. O'Conunr. Ml., who hati born one of Mr. Redmond's fort-most henchmeu since the Home Rule split was patched up after I'arncll's death. During the famous struggle
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  • 294 11 The Equipment of Important Companies. The Chantiers de la Loire, one of France's leading shipbuilding concerns, has establishments at both Saint Nazairo and at Nantes. At the former, large war and merchant ships are buili. and at the latter, smaller vessels, such ah car^o-boats and torpedo-boat destroyers.
    294 words
  • 206 11 Supi>urted by the most influential business turn of the rmuuiuoity and aided by men with technical training, says a Manila paper, Luis L. Yangco is to start a cotton goods factory in the near future. A preliminary meeting at which plans will bo diHCUHaed has
    206 words
  • 719 11 Prices Quoted In the Market Thli Morning. Singapote, October 26, 1018. Messrs. Lyali Mid Svatt, Bxnhange and Share Broken., issue the following list ol qaotationi this morning i— WUBBBR SHARES. Num. Valo». Bonn Sblubi. 2/- Allagar 1/0 2/4 1 Anglo-Java 4/- 4;9 1 AunloJohort 4,6 8/2/- Anglo
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 42 11 The Man Who Gets There b SB. m+* wfa. Ui Milt —I rtat N* bb»4 a*4 bU>* at h>-ta Mb b«dj •ATIMUfn MUMUZB IN UVH ML OOMrflM embtbsUbsil l*sstl»- 7 U>tttrtß«,Br»". aaEatafeiagV .SNagiß r»»l»nlafcing bio O*> ALL OH MISTS. Bbl m>\« tya.
      42 words
    • 46 11 Old friends may coldly pass us by, And those, best lored of old, Brush patt with hard unseeing eyas, And face fo icy oold. More chill than these, yet burning hot, The torture far more sure. Is influenza, were it not For woods' Great Peppermint Cure,
      46 words
    • 255 11 r ,LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS.' IHf PIANO Moutrie's SUPPLY|,IT. Price: gSU26O Guaranteed for 5 years. Liberal discount for raw S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD., RAFFLES PLACE. AUCTION BALE Of 5 6 FULLY PAID 110 SHARES IN THE EAST INDIES PETROLEUM CO., LTD., To bo held at Powell Co.'s Sale-room, On Wbdnbsdat, Octobbb 29,
      255 words
    • 357 11 Victoria Theatre Under the Distinguuhtd Patromgc and in the Presence of His Excell he Governor. TO-NIOHT. RpTrntr Visit of Old Favourites. Mp. EDGAR WARWICK pbbslntB the b^^^Th^Tr^?^^! in mkw bepebtoibb. New Songs. New Scenes. New Quartettes. PRICES: «3, aA 1. I'lan at MOUTRIE'S. 1810 8910 CROWN DRAPERY, 29, Selegio Road.
      357 words
    • 330 11 From Ist October, 1913, OF MIGHELIN TYRES are REDUCED on Michelin Price List No. 5632, as follows:— 17% on all covers of millimeter sizes. 17% on tubes 3^ and 4 inches. 15% on covers 3^ and 4 inches. 15% on tubes 105 and 135 millimetres. 8% on tubes 90 millimetres.
      330 words

  • 2234 12 NEED FOR CENTRAL SELLING AGENCY. Production Prospects. The third annual general meeting of the Eastern Sumatra Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on October 1, at the registered office of the company, No. 59, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. W. F. de Bois Maclaren (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman
    2,234 words
  • 127 12 Should Stock Phrases be Barred A correspondent of The Times Las been industrious enough to jot down some of the hackneyed phrases he has encountered lately. Here is his list: Fix vp fix; come along i-oiue later on later; or otherwise— or not direct ancestor ancestor; entertain to entertain at
    127 words
  • 666 12 Nearing The End of Many Months Work. Included in the work of renovation in progress at St. Paul's Cathedral, says a writer in The Evening Standard, are the regilding of the cross, the ball, the trusses, the small dome, the golden gallery, and the two western towers,
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  • 275 12 In an article by K. P. Cheyncy in the American Historical Review, the writer says —No characteristic of the practice of the Court of Star Chamber has left a stronger impression upon posterity than the nature of its punishments. They were of four general types, imprisonment, money
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  • 168 12 The doings of the French Admiralty have been causing a little welcome amusement at this dull season of the year. The grave ques tiou as to what constituted fair travelling expenses of public servants has been in dis pute. When M. Pelletan was in office he would
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  • 1084 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    1,084 words
  • 78 12 A Londoner just returned from Scotland sends me this example of Firth of Clyde language*: poo-pa poo aw ma noo, gaur pa poo." The strange squnds are supposed to be uttered by a wee Macgreegor in a rowing boat with bis parents and the interpretation is, Poll, pa, pull oh,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 106 12 REPAIRS MOTOR CARS. Carried out expeditiously and in a workmanlike manner. AGENTS: Austin and Belsize Motor Cars. The Singapore General Electrical Engineering CO., LTD., 81, MOHAMED SULTAN ROAD. GREAT BILLIARD MATCH. AS USUAL A PADMORE table: selected (Stephenson s Favourite). TO BE HBLD AT JULIAN FRANKEL'S FURNITURE CO. S SHOVROOMS.
      106 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 276 13 only has the S' H LARGEST SALE m I m in Singapore, JB F.M.S., etc. JK M M ALL OTHER. BRANDS I J^m are selling H m BY FAR LESS I a^m than Key-Beer. J^W Sole Importers Jm Behn, Meyer B Co., Ltd. H Private Hotel! Private Hotel!! "ISTANA LAMA."
      276 words
    • 775 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SBRVIOB OP THE BCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. A THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. C 6.. LTD. annrann F 'tmsnt la Perth North «V««« Australian Ports, Java and SingipoF.. Rflpilar Fortnightly aailiass belwetin Sinßapore and Western Aaatraiia, calling at Java (as indooement often), Derby, King'a 3oond (Port
      775 words
    • 343 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Roate Via China, Japaa, Honolulu, and San Francisco to all points in the United States, Canada Mexico and Bnrope, latratiat Iks Urn II.QH t M Ir\pH tort* TsrMat limps "lhli T e Him TT M
      343 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1223 14 SINGAPORE 8 ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EASTERN COMPANY. PROSPEROUS «Jid PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEADOFFIOI. WlnohastM Houa*, «n«apeN. LONDON MVIOI M, OM imvny, K.O. The Oompaay has £20.000 li|ial>ll with tha iajin Oca* of Baaiial tad aoaapMa* wflfc B» MM* Ufe iaWM Qllli|»Ill
      1,223 words
    • 551 14 BANKIHQ. BEUTSCH-ABIATIBCHE BAMK. NUT MM Wf oama t m. iMU Head Offlee Shanghai, Board of Directors Ber'io. BKANCHBSt Berila, Calcutta, Hamburg, Canto* Hankow, HoogkoDg, Kobo, Pakiav, Tientsin, Tainanfn, Tsingtan, Yokohama, THE FOLLOWING BANKS AND BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Bank fuer Handel und Indnerrie, 1 Berliner
      551 words
    • 863 14 INSURANCE. INVEST IN A POLICY cf Insurance! I can do better with my money! Expressions like these, thoughtless, of course, are often heard from tbe lips of the unsophisticated, who are oblivious to the absolute security of a "LlrK POLICY," which does not suffer from market changes, but on the
      863 words

  • 1205 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Car Electric Lighting. The user of electric lamps should be ever on bis guard against loose contacts of any kind and against special road -risks that may be brought about by any sudden giving out of the filaments inside the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 201 15 EXTENSIVE REDUCTION IN CONTINENTAL Motor Tyres. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. 4aPPX*Y TO Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., XT, COLLYER QUAY. Telephone: 290. Telegrams: "Continenta." ♦^> *^BjjjJSl+~^~* I C.& B.English Soups 111 =t |^^^^fflH3^B?jl Mad* in 30 Varieties All Delicious Hgspii The Cuisine of one of the finest chefs in the
      201 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 457 16 FIRE! FIRE! Where is your "CITEX" P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple; a pull and it is Free, a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Agents
      457 words
    • 361 16 WANTS. WUtIEO. Young Englishman wanta to join Meaß or live with privato English family, from November 1 must be near town. Tennis. Write M. C. P., r/o Straits Times. 2410 27-10 KRANIES WANTED. Wanted, temporary kranies for our cheap falc. Apply personally to tbe Manager, Katz Bros., Ltd. 18-10 v
      361 words
    • 571 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUBEB TO LET To let, No. 21 and 22, Sambau Road. Apply Nathan A Son. Change Alley. Ml o FURNISHED REBIDENCEB TO LET. Belmont, Bun Lodi, off Tanjong K&tong and 400, Serangoon Road. Apply H. Somapah, IS, RafflV.- Placa, cr 817, Serangoon Road. sen a
      571 words
    • 629 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT AGO? SHIP CHANDLERS, Qovsrnms»t and Municipal Contractor*. 106, 108 k 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 421 and 1174. GUAN KIAT ff CO., SHIP CHANDLERS k GOVIRNMKNT CONTRACTORS. OMNKKAL IMPORTERS ANO BXPORIBRB AND COMMISSION AOBNTS. 61. PHILLIP STRUT. 'Phone UtS, (Private 14(0). Telegrams: •UANKIAT. 196 Q GUAM KIAT
      629 words
    • 547 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RUBBER STUMPS FOR SUE. 8., Minyala Bttate Port Dickson. 9-11 BAY 6ELDING FOR BALE. Qu<et good appearance, fa*t trotter, gocd jumper, broken to saddle and harness, has also been ridden by a lady. Apply Box 864, Straits Times. 2810 2510 MOTOR CAR FOR SALE. One 10/20 H.P.
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    • 690 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following flxt ares for the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various dubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits* Times. Singapore Cricket Club. October
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