The Straits Times, 20 September 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.292 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 198 1 ROBINSON CO. SPECIAL OFFER High-Grade Table Napery At GREATLY REDUCED PRICES during the SALE. GRASS BLEACHED DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. Linen Linen Manufacture. atf^L Manufacture. No. *****. KXTRA NBAW, FINK BLKAOHBD DAMASK CLOTHS, in t very bftndaome Horn and Kibboi Design, with fine bold border, m illustration. ALL PUltl LIMKN, bemmed
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  • 1025 2 THE PRESS AND DIVORCE COURT REPORTS. Views of Journalists The buaineaa part of tbe annual confer ence of the Institate of Journalist* concluded on August 30 at York. Mr. Robert Donald, of London, presiding. Mr. J. S. K PhiUipa ,'Leeda) read a paper oa the Court*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 359 2 »'KEPLER' I Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract The best of the harvests of sea and land concentrated into a delicious, digestible, fattening and vitalising food. Every spoonful helps to increase the strength and build up the bodies of delicate children, convalescents, etc. It will protect you against weakness and
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    • 44 2 Chamberlain's Pain Balm Tbere ia nothing ao good (or mascnlsr iliaaaialiain sprain*, lami nism. cramps of the ainsclss, hiuiaas aad like iajoriss as Csssfß-berlain-s Paia Balm. It will efleet a our* ia less time than any other trsarassat For sale by all Diaraaaahssaad Dsalars.
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    • 504 2 Swlig BY ABtTHf. AUCTION SALE OtTHIBTEBS VALUABLE HISTORICAL OIL PaINTINOS IN at AS»I .h. ILT KRAMBB At Powell Co. s Sale-room, On Wbdkudai, Sai-Tsaßsa M, at It a.m. (For aooooat of eoooeraed). Now oa view. POWBLL A CO., Aootjooeera. 19 9 ni MORTGAGEE S SALE. At, SarrsMMa If, ar i
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    • 181 2 RANEEOUNGE GLAZED SXONEW ARK. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. BHARPE, ROSS CO.. LD. %»~^»v^^-^^l^\!AJpTWlHis ami *»ti i jT^sjLiX Norses and cnstonirr-.- »nt>- in tfll wA m aaßßiB njßa^ Dg tDe (oo)] ha.s donr. V m too If you send 12 cents stamps to Colenun is tbe very best tonic
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  • 920 3 HLNDREDSor CHINESE CHILDREN STOLEN. A Campaign of Prevention. Oae of tbe moat Dnfortnnate fce,tarm of tbe recent trouble at tbe Araeaal and WooeuoK that haa com«- to light haa been tbe disappearance of handreda of childn-o particularly yonaa; cliildrao. writea tbe North Cbiaa I>aily News iShangliaii. It in
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  • 49 3 Tbe Japaaeae Oorarameat will introdoce, ia tbe aezt aaatioa of Ike Uiei. a drastic re form of tbe aoa<Briptiai law. Aerordia« to il,e»,iU..r,tu-. aaaaj wo empl<.y«i id b*nk. aad firata, or eaaaaad ia other boaiaeaa. are eradiDK ocaeniptioa by rrgi<terin K tbem arlvea aa atadeata ia auppletnentary oollefla cuanee.
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  • 56 3 The Dew wiaif of Urn Britiah Maaeam which haa area ia oooraa of eractioa ia MoaUffß plara aiaoe IMB, M bow approach ia« oonptatioa. Th. kaildiaß •taelf wUI ■bortlT ha baadad over ky tL« Office of Wurka to Urn Trartm. aad the eoatraetora are already at woik at tbe iaatallalion
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 165 3 DISINFECTANTS are INVALUABLE IN THE TROPICS. SAM lAS" HATHOL. A fluid for bath and toilet use; •^aam refreshing, fragrant, and antiseptic. Jfl IA Prevents prickly heat. Sold in B bottlee. Jk "SASirAS" BATH SOAP Specialmk ■'"&-Oi«^k '>" PrePar *d f°r tropical use. Pre**SHmP vents and cures prickly heat; proB tects
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    • 63 3 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are too sabject to attacks of diarrhoaa Kaaa aUolatrlv naist for s frw days, rast ia bad il possible, as oaralol of joar dts« aad take Cbambrrlaia s i obe. 1 balara aad Diar ranea Hunody. This nedicias aas earsd easts of rhroate diarrbosa that paysieiaas have failed
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    • 479 3 Do You Wish to Improve Your Complexion, Hands or Hair? If you wish a skin clear of pimples, blackheads and other annoying eruptions, hands soft and white, hair live and glossy, and scalp free from dandruff and itching, begin today the regular use of Cuticura Soap for the toilet, bath
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    • 330 3 I The National Mutual Life Association Of AUBTRALABIA. LIMITED. Established 1 «6B Tbe first Lite Offlee ia the world to introduce tbe nonforfeiture principle to Policiea. A Mutual Oflloa. No Shamholdsrs. Low rVsniiumsAmma.l Ihsohii a»l,«—,»■<. Fwnda «7,a9i,280 Claime paic «c,075.850. ALL profits are distributed amonKst IVjlicy holders. Claims paid ia
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 673 4 ITEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CEYLON. INDIA. ADBN, BOYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Tbroogh Hills of Lading issued tor China Coast, Persian Oult, Continental aad American Porta. Strain rirs will leaTe Singapore on or aboat— MAIL LINES 19)1S r for Europe).
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    • 637 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Yle JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. ElraUrCWI LIRE. A FortaighMy sarriee ia maateined aatwsee Yokohama Tia ports to Maneillea, Loadoa aad Antwerp under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese OoTernment. Tbe New Twi screw Steameni maintaining Ibis service bave beea specially dengaed aad lUßsaiiiutil aad are fitted with
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    • 713 4 STEAMEI BAIUMBB THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahaag. Berserah. Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Semera, Bacbok, kt lantan. Tabai, Baagaara, Telopia, Panarai, Pataai, Siogora Lacoa, Kobsamai, Hid don, Langsaen. Taku. Chumpon, Kohlak aad Bangkok. Out Departure c.a. VUQAL A Sept. 9O •s.a. PftAOHATIPOK Sept. 91 Sept. 94 a.a.
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    • 64 4 SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS. s-s. Oleaogle 8,780 Toas. a.s. Seangfßes 5,70 V Tons. s.B. Seaag Cboon 6.776 Tons. FOR PENAMBANO RANGOON v. BEANO CHOON, oa Sept 39, 1918. This steamer baa excellent accommodation tor pasßSßgTirs, aad carries a qualified surgeon She has Electric Lights; throughout For freight ar passage, apply
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    • 529 4 STEJUKI BAILINM. HAMBURG AKRIKA URL HAMBURG 1 ass HITM* BBBrfMIIM MHTMCi tana mmbmb Combined M«b ■1o«. Tbe Btramretof .heae Coronai le» mamta ■> a regular bbtt ob between Ha:ibarg Brumes As twerp, Rotterdam aad Emden aad the Straite, OUaa aad Japaa. Homewards, they are despatohed tortaigbtly tor Hbttv and Hambnrg
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    • 610 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. ~N D L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLYOD. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tat and well known mail otcamern of tin* I'jmpany >aii fortniithtly Ir m Brituen, Hsmburt via KjH.-r.Uiu Antwerp South ampion OAsaMar, Oaaea, Nanlp* iconnect im M ir-t.lluH, Haalas, AU-x«u>iria, anl Tioe Tersa) I* .rt ■>» i i >'olombo,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 512 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA runtal S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. it. T^pks. Be clnij and Haa P-tßOraei to ail psaats m tbt Latted 9taa»». Cacada Mcxiec and Bareaa. < sal asw .'i.sqs trtaH larow TsvOas Ua»i -Bsls|i aara" "tawni aa» Bs.»i aan,' las juisief iaa Pastna, tastMaa
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    • 714 5 STEAMER SAILINGS BURNB PHIU LIKE rtoMAroaa to Java Poars Post Daawia Tbdbsdav Isuutd, Baiaaajra ud Svobbi n Toaaaa Stbaits. Also taking paaaengers an J sargo with traashipmeot for other Victobxiii Bootb AcsTmaUAM and Noitb Qdbbnslam Pobts, Bamaa Nbw Ouihba, Naw B»jt»ix TtsMiwtß and Naw Zbahhd Pobt*. Bwsaatw faaaaaa. •userk Bsensr*
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    • 471 5 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT*. THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Corner ol Orchard and Pcnacg Roads AT 8 P.M. SUBJECTS: SLNT>AY: "THE ORIGIN. NATURE AND DESTINY OF SATAN Wby r M be created I Wl.y didn't (iod kil him after be udo .1 Why win he permitted to enter the Oar d, naj E
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 335 6 TARAKAN CRUDE OIL An Efficient and Economical WOOD PRESERVATIVE Compare the price with that of "Patent" Preservatives. 1 <£-f aTlsTl PER TIM OF I iUU GALLONS. THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (Strait* Settlements), Limited, Winchester House, SINGAPORE:. n l CLEAN. ODOURLESS. THE STANDARD OIL GO. S New Perfection m^JH wics amf.
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    • 392 6 THE VERY BEST MILK OBTAINABLE. IMPORTANT. Owing to the unprecedented demand for MILKMAID NATURAL MILK. We arc completely oat of stock of t:ie ordinary TALL" aise tins j pu la order bowever, tbat the public sliall not be ißoonTeaieDced until increased qnaatitits arrive we will supply (or the present oar
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    • 434 6 6UAN KIAT CO. ■hlp-Chandlcn. 37. PHILLIP STRCCT. Mow Shipment Just Import ad i Hubbuck s coloortd p»ict oil anl xund.ies Axe, hammer, broom, file and ncytho h»ndlf Black »Uplc »ice* ;t .8 j 4 4J", S 7 jaw Kraat and iron butt hinges Brass wire gauze and fire clay Canraa
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    • 191 6 Tropic Colds not onl flu mi «l Jisaerrc- .lU lh«r m >l i»nn<-wnu «i>rt of pi aa u-. I I liuy alto arc Hard to rid of I Tl'L 0 vJUi n lht n> VVhV r'-* >'»ur »y»t«B U V aj ilt ferblot. you it, aic vorn tul .listed B(
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  • 135 7 FIXTURES. -.eptember 20. II tO. > 1.1 11*11. Sunday. >epK-rnNer 21. High ffaaar, 1 IT 1 v I p v Monday. Septemher 22. 1 -n v D 1. h .a' .v.ll 1 mtil ilaa. Tue«J»y, s«pternber 23. Hi|{h *%t«r I II 1 td I 5 p ra.
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  • 164 7 To DAT. IVitii kajati and Indrawn Quorra I pm Malaga. V. Swettenham an.l IVnanK Klan»( pm Vawaaf Tinm;i. Benßkali* an.l liatfan Kitmeralda 9pm Rhio, Itillitoii. HaUvia. i ">aniarann atafaja Am|<auan, MaajHaaaa 4pm Pnlan Batain H» k Keng 4 inn I'm:! I 'i (ilanm;i 4 pm Hock
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  • 131 7 111. ill 111. 11 l ■t.atlicr I,n. BBW j at II ».iu. on Ttu ~ia\. -m pU mix i I". »Dl iiiiv U i ti-' h<-rrmt4|.in i>n Mon.Uy. s,i.u-nih«r Xl. She will be (k-»|*'t. In-.! fur Europe at 8 a vi. oa W.Hlnea.lay. S.|*.* '24.
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  • 172 7 Latest Arrivals. s law .ipt i k(I I. II .in. 1' I |.t 17. <■ an.l I is~m. -v pi 'JO. npum Seat M i *aig ri at 17 .1 -M-pt U. M- I) I. W 1..1U1 >v I.. 1 W H.t Uaraaa. Sept »n.l dp. 1 ..r
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  • 101 7 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To-Day. TANJONO PAOAR. Bait Waaar Basdi Nil. W. SacTioM No. l...Koehaaaeo, Tara. Saasa* Waaar Nil. Maw W. Sbct. No. S...Kum SanK. Dunera. i...Netberlee, Idoooenius. n H 4...()ranj.. I. ..Charon. 6...Hysoa. Naw Does B V... (Under ooostroetion) Wan
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  • 61 7 Arrivals. ."or -tr. Tara. Set>t 19.-Krom Mailraa Mr. and Mrs. Mat Me*«ra. W >. Wil,.r. l( S, .|,,|,aw.n. V. Hanson, A, Kewtler and K. oNeill. I'.-r str. China, September 19.— Kroni 1...D.1..D Mr. A. Ma. U.nal.l. Mr. T. Mai, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Mciullum, Mr. and Jim. Yearwoo.l.
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  • 235 7 . Tbe follow tag rerieed rulea appear in an In liar. Army order -ill A British aoldier on final .liseliarjte from tbe aruiy oa complet iPX liio full term ol colour service may elect to receive free paaaa«c for liiiu«-lf aad family, if <m tli<- marned roll either
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  • 51 7 Tim. balU on Kort Canning and Mount baf daily at 1 pni., Sin«»|«>re .taudanl Uur. "owTrspoodiau to 6 |MMM mean time. lbs tia»e nan i« hi. .1 at H u kick u..>B, tadicatiMß Bin«apore Kt»D.I«rO 1 1 we. oa every day exa-pting >uuJav. wlki it in fired at oaeo
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    • 108 7 EXCHANGE 8i«a*FOB». .C, On Lohpom Hul 4 diii -I 4 Demud m, 2 < KTivate 6 mfc J 4. Ili.' 2 4;j Oa O»»«»«n Bank d/d 2.i> Private m/i m, 848* Oa Fbakcb Bank d/d 3Mi Private 8 m/a M (00 Oa Ibdu. Bank T. T. 174 PnTat. 80 d/»
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    • 144 7 8mo»ro»B, IMHM -'0. 191T Qambier t 725 do (Cube No. 1 unpicked 10 50 Copra SundrioJ \P AS io Mixo.l P«pp«r, Black buyers MM do White 8% 8l.(iO S»ko Kluur Sarawak 8.50 do Brunei No. 1 com. rearl Sago i.M Coffee Kali iH.OO Coflee I'al.i; hanw. 10% Uu f)JOO
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    • 170 7 It* i ■■>«• 10 10 Aropang 8.00 1 1 Ayi-r Worm 10 10 Bela* 10 10 Broan* 050 10 10 Kampat 10 10 Kanaboi 1.90 10 10 41 41 KinUTia 1.17.8 41 41 Lal.»t Mm.» 16/ 10 6 Malayan I'olli. nw Malayan Tina 1 3.6 10 10 MuldletoD
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    • 643 7 J?"« 1 Buyer.. Sellaw. 2/. >/- AUacn 1/9 £1 XI AdkVo J»v» 4/- 6 I 2/. a/- Anglo Malay M 2/- 3/- Batang Mal»ka -/9 If XI XI H.tu f ik» 200 8.1(1.0 ■>■ 2 H<k,.li /MH 1 1 18 1/ <lis Vdw XI XI Bokit Kajanß l.Jti 1.10.9
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    • 103 7 Hayew. Bella II 41 I. Smelting Co. II 6 17/ II 41 Prat 1.0.0 1-- «i I/- Electric T w»ji 4/- 4/6 10 10 Fnaet t Nutra 61.00 100 Uowartii Kmkine 45.C0 100 7%1W. 100.00 100 100 K*U Bro. Del 1301)0 140.00 10 10 M»ynMd Co. W.OO 100 Kftj
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 Chamberlain Couch kcmcd> lias no aaptrior aa a cure lor ..ip au.l wli naaaa: ooa«k. It ha« b.-.n a (aToriW witli tbe latllßW af d lor almost forty year*. v rlaiu s Coa K h Baaaady can al»ay» ha ainiaiwl aaoa aad i« pamaaat to take. 111 1 s.n
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    • 233 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell an.l Co.. H«|>tember 21— At (Ratlin- anl > fa, <>.kl..v»h. Havolook Uoal, liver Hrowini{ Marhine. at 11. S«|»t«iuUT H.— At »*ler<>im. v»lu»l>le |>r.>|M3rtM« mtaaki at Johon- Koa<l. Middle hni, etc at LM >. i.t. 'i.b. t '24. At saleroom, a new 12 bure •loiible barrelled liamerleaH ej<<-tor
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    • 87 7 To-Nitf ht To-Nirfht COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME AT THE HARIKA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BKIDOB BOAD. Some of tbe Features In the 2nd Show THE SORROWFUL SHORE A.B. (4 TrsKt-dy of lowly lilt by tbe tide of tbe Baa). AN OLD MAID DECEPTION A.SV (Veeo* aaadoratd puts sons of Mam to
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  • 1061 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. ATHLETIC SPORTS. Some enthusiasm appears to hare been aroused auiong«t athletes in Ipob, by the remarks of Mr. K. U. Watson. C.M.U., at the conclusion of the athletic sports meet ing in the tin town l«tt week. He impressed upon the company that there
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  • 93 8 Sir Frank SweUenham. X.C.M.0.. writea to the Daily Express -<a regard to Mr Arnold White's rliUmaat on the subject of the Malay balthahip, it would be possible to write a great deal about tbe cynicism of calling a may* id gift a spnataaeoci <tft, and a great deal more about
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  • 17 8 I'nder the Merchant Shipping Onliuanr. Mr. E. Kobprta i^ appoiated an i\ainiD<r of engine drivers at l*buan.
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  • 29 8 The plum crop in the Taassf i Hunting donshire I orchards has bxen no In aw ilial the Kn<cn fruit bad tobt- thinned to prevent the b»ui;hs from broakin|(.
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  • 32 8 Plymouth coal portris struck en August J'l while coalini; a l»|vin. warship, on failing to get an advance in wign of '20 per coot. Tbe Japanese then coaled the anaf HWai •elves.
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  • 33 8 Warrants have been issued for tin arrmt I f 23 persons Huspected of loruplicitj in th< atrocities oomuiitted in the I'utuuiayo alley, in Peru, by the agents of the Peruvian Amazon Kubber Company.
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  • 35 8 By kind permiaaion of Lieut. -Col. A. G. Marrable and officer* of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, the band of the regiment will play in tbe Botanical Gardens on Monday next, at 5 p.m.
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  • 37 8 Pywell, a young man of Leicester, has played the piano for M hours, an<l turneil out 1 ..'iili tune« from memory. He took only cold liquid refreshment, chatted m< rnly while be was playing and finished fresh.
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  • 30 8 II:. North Malaya Exploitation Company. Limited, has been registered with a capital i ■>'. in Xl shares. Objects :To cany on the busineoM of dealers in lands, concessions, estates, plantations, etc.
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  • 38 8 A bill is being introduced into the Ueirhstag authorising tbe Federal Council to ex tend to Great Britain and tbe dominions the privileges of the most favoured nation provi sions of tlie tariff until tbe end of 1915.
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  • 42 8 It is most probable that the midday gun at Fort Canning will not be fired for a few days as a defect has been found in the cable, at Keppel Harbour, which transmit tbe electric current from tlie < tbnervatory on Mt. Vaber.
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  • 43 8 Thursday next is to be observed as a public holiday in I'erak. in honour of the pr.svnta tion to His Highness the Sultan of Perak of tbe iaaifcnia of the (iraml Qmm of the Hoyal Victorian Order by Sir Arthur at Kuala Kangsar.
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  • 44 8 Tbe two young orangs brought from Borneo by Mr. P. C Krackenbury have been purchaMed from tbrir owner by the S>Kiety a| Inlaml, and have gone to Dublin where they will join a chimpanzee U nt t< > the Dublin /oo" by tbe London Society.
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  • 49 8 Mount Etna waa shaken on tho night of August 1M by a severe earthquake, which caused a panic throughout tbe Catania region. Experts consider that this ami other shocks, together with the recent remarkable ferment within the Vesurian crater, denote a not far distant upheaval oa a vaster scale.
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  • 52 8 According to a report issued by special commissioner, slavery exists throughout the Philippines. In msny parts of the islands. it is asserted, tlie Filipinos capture children and sell them as slaves in Ciiina and else where. Kven members of the House of Assembly maintain a system of slavery oo their
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  • 70 8 Tbe following is a copy of a telegram sent to Singapore on the 17th inst. by Mr II M Kassiroon behalf of tbe Muslim* of Penang Haahim Supreme Court Singapore. Penang Muslim Society Kapitan Klan] nim.q ie are at one with you on subjict of petitioning Secretary of State for
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  • 80 8 The Acting British Vice Consul at Poket, on the West Coast cf Siaui. Mr If Kit/ maorice, reports that there is much land in tbe Province of Puket that might be found suitable for coconut planting, while it also •eeuis probable that rubber might do well in some of the
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  • 81 8 The Admiralty has inriW-d design* for a lar.e r) wtmg self contained factory for the niw aaaal base at Croiuarty. Tin asasarf ■uust be capable of executing all kiud* uf repairs to warships without the ne<_,-s>.uy fur >lry docking. It has to include a foundry and other shops, to be
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  • 128 8 This morning, in the second court. Koh Kee liin, a coolie in a pineapple fai tory at riauipong Malacca, was found guilty of oauaing hurt to another cool it and also to a Sikh j«gah on the premises. The anMaaaj against him was that be had a quarrel with the
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  • 131 8 A goldsmith's asdistaat. named Ah Trail, plaaded guilty in tbe third court tin* njurning whea charged with stealing a <ivan tity of goU rained at 117. He waa employed in the shop of Yeoog Cbec. in North hnd k < Koad, au<l entrusted with the (old to make up
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  • 368 8 Mi W s r.b'm lias bot-n appointed a Municipal Commissioner for Malacca. l apt. A. M v ha- been ap |«iiiu<il totlic HonKUoOj; Singapore llattahon, Th«- Kidk ha* bii-n pleased to approve uf Mr. Kujn a» Qasaal of U|>*n at Siugapore. Mm May.* Marriott, wifr al
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  • 155 8 We take tbe following information relating to the robber industry from the London and China Kipretts of August M At lln anaj menoeoient of tbe week tlie K.ibher >ham market showed idleness and depression, all tbe leading speculative wu > b. Ms iuwkci down further in tbe
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  • 188 8 Death of Mr. Ong Kim Wee. We regret to announce tbe death, win. h took place at his residence id Malacca, on Wcdnewlay last, at 1 of Mr > i iik; Kirn Vwe. the only son of tl.e. late Mr Oaf, K. n»; HaM a km H millionaire. Tbe
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  • 228 8 We were anticipating thing* by aaaoaaaiaa; the and of the SioKapore Anauaa vnterday. Another cane was prooMxJed witli in wbtiti Ho (»i wan ciiarged willi < 'ilpsblt homicide. He plcsduil out «ui!ty. Mr. I". .Sammy MM coted and Mr. .1. I.ucm: Siuitli iio*tn.l.-.i It wu alleged that aoeudcd,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 108 8 THE PEOPLE WANT HELL! Crowds are still turning op to see tbe I l.. ;n l'icturn of Hell an depicted AT THE ALHAMBRA BBAIH huAi), i laa WORLDS GREATEST AIXKGORY; DANTE'S INFERNO so we have decided to keep it FOR THREE NIGHTS MORE ONLY Saoos-D Saow, 9 JO to 11
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on psges 8 and 11.
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  • 126 9 GENERXL STRIKETHREATENED IN LONDON. Bases, Tubes and Trams Involved RsiTßk'a TsuokAa. London. September 19. Tilling*' bos service ia Loadoa completely stopped to day. aad 150 bases were with drawa. Ab i,t._ v n,-,,.u,;.v.> bjgj rital accepted an invitation of tbe Board of Trade to a oonferrnce oa Moaday.
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  • 145 9 is a deadlock in the negotiations bet* sail tl .i 1..\.r|»..l railwaymen and the companies. The I iverpool companies nave notified the mea who have struck or were Baapeaded that they will he taken on if they are willing to handle traffic which the company is bound
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  • 126 9 STRIKING SUCCESS OF ENGLISH PLAYERS- Vardoo, Ray and Ouimet Tie KacTsa's Tntaea*B. London, Septombat 19. At llrnuklint*.. IS. A., on tbe first d»y of tbe golf championship proper, six Americans led in tbe morning, but were out driven and out putted by tbe Englishmen in the after
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  • 57 9 Kllllkl TskBi.BJM. Loadoa. September 19. Captain Craig, speaking at Bambr.dge, Co. Down, introduced Sir George Kichardaon as tbe Gearral commanding the I'UUr Tjlun leers. Tbe Utter, uddrassing Mm Meeting, ex preset I hi* pleasure at tbe magnificent turno it. Their diecipliae an I knowledge of Mm ritle
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  • 41 9 PAVEMENT PEARL-BROKING. IUiTSB* 1 »l« .ham London. September 19. I'uriOK tin- hearing of the pearl necklace caw. at liow St.. Mr ijuaJrateteia. one of tbe i '< bad no permeaeat premises aad coadacted hia busiaeas aa a pearl broktr ib tbe cafes.
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  • 66 9 THE FIRE ON THE PREUSSEN. KaCTBS TsiSOSta I/oadon, September 19. Uoy.l* agent at Malta tilagrapbi that Mm cargo in two holds of tbe Preoasen ia rlamagmi by are, steam aad ssawater. Ths damage to ths v-eesl is slight. The ire has been extinguished. It burned tot thirty sax boars. Part
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  • 25 9 . tames rsi.s.a»a London. September 19. King George gives away tbe bride at tbe I. arris. c of Inner Arthur of I oonaagbt.
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  • 86 9 Kirns'* TsLßea*» London. September 19. Tbe Grand Duke of Saxe Wtimar, h<«d of tbe family, insisted that Princess Sofia should resign her rank before marrying the son of the banker Bleichrceder. Tlie Princess de ulmed to do so and her father and tbe Kaiaur Wilhelm were
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  • 36 9 Kbctbb TsLseaaa London, September 18. A telegram from Mexico City announces that the tribunal which has been iaventigat ing tbe shooting of ex President Madero find* that no punishable crime is involved.
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  • 77 9 OsTA»iATiseaa Lloyd Tiimiii. Berlin, September 19. Bulgaria ha* ceded Oe.raotika to Turkey, and peace will be concluded on Saturday. Servia i* desirous to reorganise her forest, agricultural and cattle breeding department* with tbe help of German exports. The Turkish press celebrate tbe signature of tbe frontier treaty as
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  • 105 9 l>Bk OsrasiATiacaa Llotd TsLsaaaM Berlin, September 19. Tbe Lokalanzeiger aad the Temps com meat upon the good work of tbe Cameroon commission and hope that there will be a direct settlement of the two last disputed points between the German and French governments, without reference to the Hague.
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  • 54 9 Daa O«Ta*UTUcaa Llotd Tsiaaatn. Berlin, September It. In tbe Neve Freie Presse, tbe Japanese vice Consul at Vienna declares tbat Japan is not aiming to pursue secret plans in China in connection with the negotiations on tbe Moo goliaa aad Minchurian question. A peaceful settlement of the
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  • 42 9 Dkb itaraMATiM hi Llotd Tkliguam. Berlin. September 19. At a Hamburg office for the employment of sailors, embezzlements have been discovered which have been going on since 1890. One million marks are involved. Tbe alleged culprit has been arrested.
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  • 34 9 l>sa OsTasUTisca* Llotd TaLaaata Berlin, September 19. The Krankfurter /•■itung favours acoelerat ing the election of the Chinese President and a speedy and definite recognition of the K public by Germany.
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  • 12 9 !>•■ OsTASunaoan Llotd TsLnesAa. Berlin, September 19. Ooloasl Wisterfeld is improviag.
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  • 45 9 . Market ia Hopeful Frame Of Mind. (Faoa Ova Owa CoßaasroxDnrri Loadoa. September It. Stlab* aad Consolidated Malay pay 25 per ceat. Malacca Plantation* and tbe Home White M) group join the proposed combine to control sate aad prodactioa. Tbe market ia hopeful.
    45 words
  • 38 9 LONDON RUBBER MARKET. rt» East Asiatic Coapa.y's Daily Report The market ia Loadoa yesterday opened firm but closed easier. Tbe etesi Bg anoss were (lard Fins Para Spot IT Forward llriret tears oreaa. delivery nest three atuathe 30,
    38 words
  • 3830 9 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AGAIN SATISFACTORY. Official Reports for 1912. We have receiTed a copy of the annual re port of tbe Adviser to the Kodak) Gown ment, Mr. W. Oecn(« Maxwell, fur 1912. with which is bound the report of the Adviser to the Perli. Government, Mr. H.
    3,830 words
  • 281 9 . Messrs. Lyall and Evatt s Weekly Report. Singapore. September 19. There ha* been a heavy depreciation in rubber quotations during the week, an I prices all round are materially lower. The fall is attributed to heavy liquidation an account of the wttaknesi of the material whu-h ia
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  • 260 9 So many rumours have been current in the Pre* of late, says tbe I'maot; Ossetts if Urn 17th inst that, in order to obtaiu if puwible correct information n^ardinK the I'rye i|Ues tion, our represrnutive waited on the Resident Councillor this morning at his office. Tbe
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  • 127 9 Civil Ser vants and Pensions. A bill to amend tbe Pensions OtwJaaaaa, tßai, is about to be introtluced into tl lative Council. The aMMaI and reanous are as follow i Thi* Kill ui»«-s power to the Governor, with the approval of the I »f SUlc for the Colonies, to direct
    127 words
  • 130 9 This is tbe tale of a telegram, despatched through the < iovernment Telegraphs ysntsrday. say* the Straits Rcho of September 17. It left Singapore at 12 «V p.m. and after many vicissitudes arrived at the Telegraph Office hare precisely at 7 5 p.m., taking to less than 0 br. 10
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  • Sporting Intelligence
    • 26 10 . werj t. Hindu rrk-kct match I i:<-y mt*\v 119 in ibc 1 Ike 1 1 lU'liin IN (or f w h hi li
      26 words
    • 21 10 MWfteOafcMß, "f th. Argyll lUginmt, --.»ncv from (ih.«iu to Kur in 1 hour an<l Mi uinutcH, til trkiu by two minutes.
      21 words
    • 27 10 m nt tiw Ohka i \woci» IMII1 M 11 Hub h»ve txptnded XlO.OOO in uri!Koi<iDt! t««tu for Hrn I. i thcoiuinii MM. They have »p.-ui CMH >■> *«urint;
      27 words
    • 774 10 k.o Y.1..1.<1>. v. 5.H.C. The first eleven of the K 0.V.L.1. could only .|.(.*t the S.KC. last evening in tiieir league engagement by one goal to nil. Taking the game all round and even allow r. ally plucky way in which the losers fought until tbe call of time,
      774 words
    • 476 10 5.C c. Tournament. liag i» the result ol yesterday's play It.. I. I: Macphail beat 11. Immu I S I. 1 lark" v I* ii.1.1 unfinished. .1 II K He**. link beat E K. Ms»bsb»sl. S 4. '^.ks.* beat G Bland. S-«, 7-5. I Nek] that W. I
      476 words
  • 461 10 Property Restorers at Scotland Yard. An unbroken prooetutiun of rtuntvred women, excited old men and garrulous fin n;n. r-. all bewailing tb. low of utubn 11m ml brouclie« aD 1 all j'.ially tia/y a* la ho* hi.<l *li. n iro-t »J nte. a pleaMMit t»-.k
    461 words
  • 47 10 When tbe Weet African mail steamer Nigerian arrived at I'lymoaUi an August IT ■be report. -d tbat I >r. l>. F. Kuram. wbo west out from Uverpool to sfili lUnpinftnii ■a Southern Nigeria, had (alien out of his bunk aad broken bis neck daring the voyage ■bbbbj
    47 words
  • 664 10 To Be Installed Between India and Ceylon. Mr. H. W. Pendry, Government expert, who has been appointed to iu«t»l tin- Baudot telegraph system for communication between India and Ceylon, arrirol in Colombo from London recently, lie accorded an Observer representative an inlet view when he described the
    664 words
  • 241 10 The Mosquito Plague at Home. Complaints are being beard everywhere concerning tbe extraordinary number of moa ijuitoea to be seen— and fplt —in England this summer, and of the deadly effects of their sting. No statistics, indeed, are need ed to convince tbe average holiday maker that tbe mow]uito baa
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  • 136 10 Tbe Morning Post baa published an article advocating a bi weekly mail service to India. It suggests that the midweek service be given to a different company, so promoting competition. It should also go to Karachi, instead of Bombay, a« the pannage both with and against t:ie
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  • 74 10 A step in the right direction baa been takra by Uie War Office m appointing Cap tain A. Syke* a* instructor is catering to the Army. The duties ol Captain Sykea, who it quarter -Blaster, Hoyal Irish rusiliere. are to vMut the umu at tbe principal home stations aad five
    74 words
  • 251 10 Railway Passes Available for The Rifle Meetings. Tlir Taiping corn «f«.ii.l< nt of tlio Malay Mail write* Colonel Murray h.i« HMM from Lieut. Col. llubback a Mff of Ml <■ -t inn correspondence bela-i* v the iliitf Se« re. tary to <■ ivtmmi nt
    251 words
  • 548 10 Sunday. September 21, 1913. St. Ahdbbw's i'iihiikil. Kighhvnth Sunday after Trinity. St. Matthew, A. V. M 7.45 a.m.— Holy Commaniun I Choral). In Iron. Psalm Service, Black Hymn at Offertory, 264 Hymn at Communion. 5j9; Hymn at Ablution* .'>5H. Nunc Dimittis. 9.15 a.m.- Matins followed by Holy Communion,
    548 words
  • 197 10 The death occurred at Sues, on Saturday. August of Mm. J»hjc« F. Main, formerly of Dutch K»*t Borneo. An a rvnideiit for nouit eleven veart in Halik i'apan, where her bunbaoa wan engaged at the oil refinery of the Ad^'o Saxon Petroleum Company, Mrs.
    197 words
  • 392 10 Procurator Asks for Reduction Of Sentence. The case of Mr. A. l> Maaoo of the I nun Mines n>, nays the tbe Appeal c'outi it Pyongyang on tin- morn ing of August 27. It will be remembered that Mr. Mwiiii app. »l. .1 to tin i
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  • 415 10 VICTIM OF JAPANESE MOB RULE. Assassination of a Promising Politician. As already reported iv our columns. Mr Moritaro Ahe. Director of the Bureau of Politics and Investigation in the JapanemForeign < >ffiiT. wan stabbc! on Scptemlier I an I later dnil from his w»inds. It is unccr tain whether he
    415 words
  • 209 10 It appears that ll* Uto Mr. E. B. Helme. whose death wo haw recorded, waa nearly a year on the sub editorial staff of the Pinang tiaxette. He bad two in inditTerent health for some time and .»uly came out of hospital where be was a atient
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  • 91 10 Experience in entertaining lioyal guest* should bt a useful asset of .">ir 'lhoiuas \an sittart Bowater. the Lord Mayor I London. During his shrievalty .1. wUtn be kmghte<l, the Ule him; ol Greece, wa-. entertained in the City, an well an King 1 >eorge and ljueea Mary, then Ii tner
    91 words
  • 565 10 WHEN NO LEGAL DIFFERENCES EXIST. Police Court Proceedings Than m m Mm bY 111.1 11. 1 by the in 1 wMeh I I'u.ral. mi, Mi.1i .1.!,.■1 ■saaai lauuch sWasV »«< s in. in more passengers than his lio It was claimed that those (.11 boanl bbjbi aatJ
    565 words
  • 422 10 How The Conditions Vi^ht lie Improved 11 11 ti 11, :n Ism Ui si t i» I 1 1 c v. 1 iv IsM rVaaksSBSSM Kuner, of \uri 111U t I >r. I'aul M .In at s. mi. 1 ,an conMOsiasM with China. In the
    422 words
  • 48 10 A ruarr.i. lax l»en arranged an I will a) I'eaang. iv October Mr Clarence Hecktir, ynuug<»t KM tu<n Hmker, of 11 huglaud. and Blanche sister of Mr. 1 N t iddelow, man.tger of Titi Tin M.v- ■•■MassY A- Mr. Meeker goes I honeyujoon will be tpeut 10 England.
    48 words

  • 974 11 Twentieth Century Influence of The Game. V I rawley writes, in the Tall Mall Lawn assjsjis is in th» fortieth year of its ■i a game, but it must i he retnemberfi that nmr of our great na tiimai gainrs, i ri. ket. football, polo,
    974 words
  • 99 11 To tU ••'«»> ooualiss wbara U hacco is oakwvatei, Uie aasaa of S urrey owl au« ac sddnl. An .i^hi acre plot at buam a crop tbat will aburtly b» .u.I from wlucii xrtmt tl m afSI ...I I «< Hafal oal ma to Uw cultiv»uua of tobacco lalaa »boaki
    99 words
  • CorrceponNrnce.
    • 95 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l was particularly amused at Mr. Toser's edifying effusion which appeared in Cr issue of yesterday regarding the above. Dg a lawyer himself, it would be ex Isnssajh Dterrsting to th< t--: tin laaml .iy vi know
      95 words
  • 491 11 UNDER THE CHANNEL. Engineer Describes the Tunnel Scheme. TU question at the Channel Tunnel again being seriously discussed in France »n.t tin chief engineer of the Northern Kail way. M. Sartiaux, lias nade an interesting statement to the K. ho de Paris He says that aa mood a* tin- kn^lish
    491 words
  • 222 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 University Lectures. l>r. T. >t«wart ban been appointed a lecture in uuttliuiuatica in tliv Inirorsity of llunKkun^, and ii txpected to arrive in the Colony early in September. He cornea to ll»Dk;kuDi: (rou the niveraity of l<oodoa, ia Inch be haa been a member
    222 words
  • 42 11 A Chiaamaa took the oath in Scottish (aahioa at Weatmiaater Coroaer's Court oa Augoat ii. A plate and saaoar, some salt aad a candle had beea providad so that the witaeas mi|(ht swear ia native taabioa, but he pralenred the SootUah manner
    42 words
  • 705 11 STOCKS AND SHARES. Prices Quoted la the Market TWi Moraiag. Singapore, September JO. 19U. Mtnan- Lyall aad Bvatt, Exchange aad ?harv ?-rokers. issoe the toUowiag list "f juotatioos this morning I Nob. Vavoi Both. Slum, I Aliagar It 2/8 S 1 Aagki J*ra 4, i 6 8 i Anglo Jobort
    705 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 33 11 i Losing Weight j by the Pound i aaatrsn. sWwevsaßT aaaCZlS** aawsas 1 immmtnwjtmuitP COO UVB Ml HaVMIND tL. s«ooa ana tun ssnr bus| a* haa lH asab lafllls Tisswiaal Tsry yilsssaaa i >
      33 words
    • 50 11 The doator trowaed aad shook hi* bead. When Smithkin'a form wit ahakea. With baakiaff eoaafc. poor Sruithkin sssi. oiiios every oars I ye taken, Id bsiter die —he heswsd a sigh, Bat vary soon heavso* fewor. Barsm i li.s »ii«. sloo sa.ed kss life, i With Woods Onal Fepperuiat Cm.
      50 words
    • 239 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TH| PIANO Moutrie's SUPPLY IT. Price 25»360 Guaranteed for 5 years. Liberal discoont for caab. S. MOUTRIE I& CO, LTD., RAFFLES PLACE. THE RiTZ THE LAN6HAM THE CARLTON THE SAVOY THE CfcCIL One and all supply OENIB MOUNIE 8 BRANOIEB. Why V Quality Tells. Garner, Quelch h Co.,
      239 words
    • 302 11 C^(J>^'^a/ ark THE BEST. si AGENTS. IT-0 80 c RAFTLESKOTEL Special 3)inner v ssi jj 1 1" r U The Brighton of Singapore. STenri.. «m Tel. 335. m m BiUiard. E A Ul E W HOTE L Electric Li,ht and fan*. fMaUHMUNM Grove Hotel A Grove Bungalow uciuibt cuisim STAMFORD
      302 words

  • 3303 12 NEWS LAID ON LIKE GAS AND WATER. The Journalistic Dreadnought The annual conference of the Institute of Journalists was opened at York oa August 18. when, in an extremely interesting ad dress. Mr. Kobart Donald, the president, re viewed tlie changes which hare taken place in
    3,303 words
  • 31 12 Hmni Cn— lir report, fnm Ur»» stats that tb. China, are alleging that aa English capitalist ofieria. tbe Xoa«oliaa OovsnnmttmiUiondollan worth of opinm, aad that tb. Mongol, are Mnooaly 1i kagtwaofe.
    31 words
  • 925 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest List? The following paaaoager booking* to the Straita are taken from the London ud Chin* Bxpreaa. It should be understood that, ia nme instance*, bookings may be provisional and that intending pa monger* may alter their arrangement*, subsequent to the iaaaanoe of Uiia
    925 words
  • 133 12 Messrs. Toa Boyei Shokai, a .lapaacae Arm, of Yokohama, who have a branch id Bombay, have decided to start an anti moatiaito rempaif to last a fortnight, for which M priaas are oflereJ. The modus iiparaadi of lbs nampsif is axoaediagly ajampia. Compatnors nave to oaten mosqnitoaa and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 362 12 F.M.S. GOVERNMENTS APPRECIATION AUSTIN MOTOR CARS. The Federated Malay Statt s Government originally ordered 2O (12 H.P. 4-Cylindcr AUSTIN CARS and were so delighud with the running of the first cars when delivered tint they ordered 17 MORE CARS Baking in all total of 37 AUSTIN CARS ordered. Any one
      362 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 266 13 BBBMBBMnWaWaWawawawaWa^aWaWaw^nnw^nwaWaWa^aWawMawaWaßWaWaWawaWaWaWaW^nw^aw^w^w^aw^Bßßßßßßßßa^ BEER BEER I BEER v BEER I I BEER v BEER I COALS. COALS. COALS. Good SteamiDK CcsJa to be obtained at Laboaa at 16/0 per tew, K. O. B. Masters reqairiDti B jVir». fsbliLBWIS, I.»bn«D. Made in Dublin. BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION B, READ BROTHERS. l--w Dog's Head
      266 words
    • 213 13 ZFI KMT f& CHEONfi BROTHERS Demists. Mo 85, South Brldt* Ratf, rtotMua-, tueba^i**! u^u+n 3old Crowns Bndfpt, FiUinu aad Vdoaalte CHAROBB MODBRATB. FULL UNE DENTAL SUPPLIES Tooth Powder, and Braabe. te Ml*. WLtcs "IMPERIAL" WHITE HELMET $6.50 E "^^a»naa^— Thej" Imperial Helmet is covered with while drill oo a
      213 words
    • 12 13 RYDERS" SEEDS, A V arietV rydER A SON Ltd trOlTi 4t» lpackets
      12 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1159 14 PROIPBROUI avnat PROORBUIVB, THE GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HtAO Ofatoa i Vtlfaoaiawjßav Haaaaav ■BBama«ewk kawXBMB flOT^aama SaVVSai aaaana. K.aV <^ m m^m ana n^aaaai «aai aj aaaat aaa aaawaaan ana) mm aaaaa i-fla aaaaaaaaa uaaaaaaaai Aae m ewary naaaaattaa. I afl "">'>"»« P«-aMa» ♦> MtmttUmm^ Bw»6aßT T» 9>awMaj
      1,159 words
    • 556 14 BMWWL BEUTUH-ttUTISCHEWK wut *a> •> awwm. oa-»- JL4W.U, J -'"irmii Wtia BBANCHBB, Battia, Calootta. Haaborr, Oaaton, Hankow, ■wajkonK, Koar,p.Jr)nß,TiHntyn Tainanta, Taia R tao, V k V.iama. THE FOLLOWING BANKS ANO BANKERS HE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF OIRECTORB. Bank foer Handel and I»«t wfc> 1 DwabKbeßaak DM*anao.O«M.. i J-Bamu.. Dtaadner
      556 words
    • 898 14 INSURANCE A MARRIAGE ENDOWMENT f» »5.0t0 on behalf of Li. chiH may b pnrobaand by a father a.i-d 3S. at the rate of <- iU a day for 1.1 year*, the ciin.l b. inn 5. aat tba dtath of the faiUer take plaoe any timt after payraect of the liral
      898 words
    • 78 14 SHERIFFS SALE K H ML'THLHA^ATPA lUTTV. TKAU I.SO A» P. A. I. L MUTHIKANU'r-A CIIITT*. K S KaNDOO AND B S MAhl tit \t M>-«r- liio^ K-o^ L«- k Co i aMB MovbAt, HaiTivaaa iJ vt'ltOrn Six f'xhild allota.ei.ta »iloate io tha diktrcin il K«llao« aul Am -kio. b> in*
      78 words

  • 1131 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. How to Use Benzol. Some useful hints on tbe use of benzol are contained in a pamphlet issued by the I'etrol Substitutes Joint Committee, which is composed of repreaeatativea of tbe Society of Motor Traders and Manufacturers, the Koyal Automobile Club,
    1,131 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 479 15 THB rOLLOWINO POINTS ARE NOT SALESMEN'S 'FACTS' BUT ENGINEERING TRUTHS, AND WILL MAKE CLEAR THAT THERE 18 NOTHING TO HIDE IN THE Dl) INN MOTOR 1 Coa-trocied npo. mtxia. .team eng^ae line* with the *«VB*>£ O °**J* M.irNTBD ON A SOLID EXTENSION of the badalata, wbereay aaawute rigidity is anarrj.
      479 words
    • 10 15 tot OuMreai Haakiag Cough at kTiafct, Wood* Great Peeaarmial Oaaa.
      10 words
    • 152 15 THE PROVED BEST MOTOR TYRE SUPPLIED BY Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., Telephone: 17, Collyer Quay, Telegrams. 290. SINGAPORE. "CONTINENTA. JAMES MOTION CO. IP YOU HAViel SIGHT ASrnGIIATISM MARINE AND Some of tbe above letters will seem BLACKER than others The? are really all equal Try each APHTHA! HIP cya
      152 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 495 16 FIRE! FIRE! Where is your "CITEX" P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple; a pull and it is Free, a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Atfenti:
      495 words
    • 280 16 WANTS LEBBOMB IN PIANOFOITE AND 81N61N6. Pianoforte and Singing Lessons for children are given by young lady. Bos 918, Strait* Times. M a CHINESE CLEM WAN HO. I For Robber Bstato. Knowledite ol book keeping required. Apply with testimonial* to Boußtead k Co., If state Department. 98 a CLERK WANTED.
      280 words
    • 410 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUSES TO LET To let. No. 11 and 31, Samban Road Apply Nathan Sob. Change Alley. Ml o OFFICE TO LET. To let. Large and Commodioo* Ofnoe at No. I, Malacca Street. Immediate entry. Apply to J. A. Blias. 1. Malacca Street. •4 OFFICES TO
      410 words
    • 684 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, 106, 108 109, Market Street. Telephone Noe. 421 and 1174. GUANKIATiyCO., SHIP CSUtrOLBBS k aOVBBNBIBXT COMTBACTOBS. ÜBMSBAL IMPOBTSKH AUD BXI'OBIBBS aJTO COBUIIaSIoa AOB¥TS, 97, rHILLII STBBBT. Phone UtS, (Private 14*0). Telegravs NAMUT. 19 9 a GUAN KIAT A CO. NOTICI is hereby given,
      684 words
    • 646 16 ARTICLES FOB SALE. RUBBER BTUMPB FOR SALE. 8., Minyala Ettate Port Dickson. 9 8 an FOR SALE Piano in good order. Apply No. 171, Waterloo Street. S7B U-9 BEED COC3HUTB FOR SALE For rale, selected coconuts for seed from healthy trees over 90 yean old. Arply to Paterson, Simons k
      646 words
    • 679 16 SINGAPORE CLIB FIXTURES. Straits Times List The following fixture* for tbe current week aad important forthcoming nxturv« are kindly aupplicd by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the return* will be supplied on application to the Manager. Straita Tiuiea. Singapore Cricket Club. Lawn Tennis
      679 words