The Straits Times, 15 September 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.287 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 230 1 THE CELEBRATED White Horse SWTSIE U fWHI! BITABUIBBD 174' i. 4 ICY HOT BOTTLES Hot liquids remain Hot for 24 hours. Cold liquids remain Cold for 48 hours. Useful in the Home, for Picnics, Hunting, etc. mrm niskle-puted casing with serf* (qms 4 TOP ORINKIN6-CUP. flj I I Hi I
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    • 175 1 ROBINSON'S SALE BARGAINS. The best VALUE ever offered in WHITE STRAW HATS Made from Pearly l^^^^iv^jß Fitted with the Patent White Straw. i| le^M _.jJL_j£ShHBU cushion head lining 7^ w^ich not only prevents Lined with undyed w^ leather head band. (7 H the Hat from blowi "K Vjfew» f\ oft
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    • 26 1 GOODRICH TYRES. Soli A..«»iAOAMbON. 6ILFILUN as., no Britain's Cheapest Juveniles Motor Cars COMPLETE WITH HOoTBK. LAMP, ETC. PHmi $16 only. A. FRANKEL CO., VICTORIA STREET. Singapore.
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  • 1162 2 SPONTANEOUS IMPROVEMENT IN PRICES EXPECTED. The Inscriptions Method. We take the following from The Financier of August SI The moat conspicuous feature in Mincing Lane opinion if such an entity exist* -con cerning the methods adopted for the marketing of robber is that no change m likely
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 764 2 A Celebrated Violiniste Nervous Fatigue. Languor— The txci', the hicta ensures her biilliant success**, say 1 \.w ;n:st, Miss S\bil Kejmer, is entirely due to her abur.dinc- of vigorous mr.i f i.c created by l'tiosferiiie. How Rieaily the Duma I and triun.pham care- r <•( this accomplish' d mv -i.
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    • 56 2 Chronic Diarrhoea. Are job Hbject tv attack* of diarrboea I kup absolutely uniet lor a Uw days, rest in bed il possible, be oaraiol ol you diet and take Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera aad War rtuea Ketoedy. This mediciae has cured inn of eliruoic diarrboea that pbysiciaaa have failed on, aad
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    • 274 2 STAMPS BOUGHT Bett price* paid for ail w r :< of 1 't»«< K'Tesoe and Tn!tnr*p>i Stamps CASH PER RtTURN MAIL. H. ROSS SHI&LLS k CO., 4, Eldon Street. L^ndoo, 8.C., Eng (Banker* loioo of London aod Smitb*). 19» 3411 JUST ARRIVED Tbe latnou- Plock«ar»taod Cervelat* or* t id Gelatine,
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    • 127 2 BKEig^ For the Skin W*nRS and Complexion I cS ■H»^4BBansn MBsfcH fci >>.it> SntMfcßßswswal I i n i-M.t\ i>.i; 'HAZELINE SNOW I The incomparable Bcauu -B.ihn It Kta M I a most KiK-ticial tonic to tlu- da*MUtf it from impurities, PMMvifl| roughness cx- ecaiivt ootMaf and hknmbct, imparting a charming
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  • 1090 3 INFLUENCE OF EVENTS IN THE BALKANS. Important Protest I An important correspondence has passed j between the London All India Moslem i League ami the Foreign and India Office* on the subji-ct of the influence ot recent erenta I in the Balkan* upon Mohammedan feeling in India, Writing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 410 3 RANEEGUNOE GLAZED BTONEWARR. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED SHARPE, ROSS CO.. LD. NUWARA ELIYA, CEYLON. The Sanatorium of the East. 6.200 feet above sea level. l-amoo* fcr its Golf Link., Botanical Oardeas, Ttnnis and Trout Fiahißß. 11.. OR AMD HOTKL, the largest and beat appoioud hotel in Nuwara E.iya
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    • 439 3 LONDON, BOLTON MANSIONS HOTBL, BOLTON GARDENS, SOUTH KBNSINOTON, S.W. I M-t (-.4sr<Tt.i<>l« ftnt <-I*m rMi.lMtlsi k.4«l In |..n.|.a (fallr lir*s>«.U .il<iu«.t la liw »l»s—Mwt is.l ia<at i»n»al«M Bart ol Loarfoa, *a 4 *trmul> r*. >>nini«n.|^.| t.y nnrrou, cl.c 1 tl < IsBSSs, utl lit<ar >1 ralrtn. ladar th«
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    • 337 3 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUBTRALASIA. LIMITED. Eata.bll.hexl 1 169 The first Life Offlee ia the world to iatrodoee the con -forfeiture pr.neiplc to Policies. A Mutual Ofllcs. Mo hm^ hohlmo^ Low rVsmluma- >«-Om« aH,aS4. 3 e4. Wum^ «7.281,280 Claims paid C 8.078.850. ALL profits are aiatributed amongst Policy
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 667 4 mMER mums. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CBTLON AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT. MEDITERRANEAN PORTS PLY MOUTU AND LONDON. Through Rills of Lading imned to China Cotrt, Persian Galf. Continental mi American Porto. Steamer* will leave Singapore on of about MAIL LINES Hom—mri {for Euro/*). Pro. S»«apore.
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    • 613 4 N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUMKANLML A Kortaictitiy wrin ia mmMm* k»Iwm Tokohaaaa via parti to Maaaaflbo, Loadea ud Antwerp, uto mail ralmt wttb Ibe Ifiriil JyiiM o»>mit The New Tmiiemw fl teamen maiataiaiao; tkaioorvtoahava booa ■la'lltyiia'piil aad ooa*traeeed. and an fitted witi au£eta*aal Imp alitiittii ii*t*t
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    • 785 4 BTEAMEI SAMJtt THE SUM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LO. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahaag. Beraarah, Eratoy, Paka, Triaggaeu. Bisat Semera, Bachok, Kelaaton. Takai. Baagaara, Telnpia, Paaarai. Pasaai, Siagora Laooa, Kobssoni. Baadon, 1 isgsnis, Taku. Champoo, Kohlak aad Baagkok. Due Depart wa c.a. MAHIOOL tftapt. 17 e.s. vuoala saart. it »apt. BO PtIACHATIPOM S«pt.
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    • 495 4 STEAMER SAILINIB. HrUHURfi AMEMKA UNE. HAMBURG, aaa Combined BaanTsTftsSas. The stwamrfis ot them Companies maintain ragalar aaniee botweea Hambarg Bremen Aerwerp^Rcrtec^aro aad Bmden aad ate Homewards, they are despatched lortatglitlj tor Havre and Hambarg and aaaa a moath lor Bremerhavea direot ealhag at Paaaag aad Colombo. Takiag cargo at throagn
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    • 613 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. IM. D. L." NOROOEUTSCHER LLYOO. BREMEN IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL UNE. i The fast and well known mail steamers ol Uiis Company nail fortnightly frcm Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam Antwerp. Soothamatoe, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (coaaaating Marseilles, Naples. Alexandria, aul vice versa) Port Said, Sues. Aden. Colombo, Penaag, Singapore, Hongkong.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 374 5 The smoking W~Hf "T/j world's opinion C^^^vJCiJ^Zaf is unanimous \r^\A, pTl^^ on the high standard of /jj) quality of r<&\ \YIhifREEF VIROINIA CIGARETTES. VmcmmmrtnM. D\J~ i ±O CtntS. Si rJfcLJSt,. ARDATH TOBACCO CO. LTD., LONDON, ENG. STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY GO.
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    • 329 5 No. 5 Royal (f=^^~^=7? THE MASTER MODEL fJ| > DEFIES COMPETITION \\^^Sif^ o^^ I SUPPLANTING ALL OTHER MAKEB. r^frTi\VZA IT le A enu lor 8S o}<! Huttenbach Bros, ft Co. FAR EABT OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE CO., LTD. Singapore BratncH. OXYGEN GAS AND DISSOLVED ACETYLENE Marine Boiler Repairs by Autogenous Welding.
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    • 4 5 oa or akoat 1919
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    • 551 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAY CO.. Lfl APOAR LINE <) STEAMERS rbt aa4eraealtoa<«3 mail stbam. ro t t... saovo Liae maintain re|rolar s»rvioc We rweaa raiaatt* aad Jspaa esJliac at Pcaaa* Siß^ttire. BcL^koßyaad Ph-sfSi. sjj sj susn TttM coasnaailt. J t 011 C. P. KauDOk Oassaai Ami 440 C
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 266 6 FRESH MX! IUC!! SINGAPORE MODEL^ DAIRY. CONTRACTORS TO TH» M.UTABY ASP OOVKRNMIWT HOSPITALS. Tbc milk v prodoced atder the »<»» J^V* Urn mo»t up »o-d»»e macbinny ud implement* o»ea. Price SO ot». per imperial pint. INSPECTION INVITED. Visitor* are welcome from 4 to 6 p.m THE SINGAPORE* COLD STORAGE CO.,
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    • 971 6 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE «UTinW MCE MEETING (OfMbr BHA Bmlm of Banngs WILL Bl lIIU OM TuMday. Oct. 1*», Thui«Aqr, (tat. 16. and Uturdtf, Oct. 18. 1913. PROP RAM MBFIRST MY. Tuttdty, October 1«, I*l3. 1. THK PAVILION STABBS-Vatae •600. A Selling Race A Handicap ter Hones Tbe Wmier to
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    • 744 6 In all raoMlh*adv*rtiMdtM>ond pmza will only ba gi van wh«ti th.r. in flv*Start*>e*. th« property of <mwmt owiww. MOTS i Th« at t ant ion off owwswa <• oalloal to Rul« IBS, which makaa the hour tor Sormt ohing S p. m or t h. DAY BEFORE the R.o«. Owner
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    • 417 6 MHM^ MM> -^>^_^_^_^.^« B i New Strength Kor all who are "run down v 1. 1. mlcfMirtv l». kinfi in ttamina and ilrrngih, Scott 'i Kir.ui' mm ri. h tourcc < I ual nournhmtnt. In every part of trie vtrrld SCOTT'S Emubion ia praised by th. iuaaiid« of Doctor. r.xprn'nrc
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  • 130 7 FIXTURES. Monday. September 15. Hiiib w»-.r II in.lOUpm. S, laiii;or Km r Tin I km nooo. \l, U» taataaa, I. M < a.- 44 p.m. rue«day, September lA. Hiijh W»ter. II J 1 v 11 19 p-m Wednesday. September 17. H «h W»ter lit' in. 1141 p.m
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  • 160 7 To DAT. Samban, pHinanukat aad taak 8.1 Baal 3 pui Batu I'ahat Ai.y Ilia 8 pm Ti-bins; Tlaaxi, IU-n^kaliv an.l Itauan -V. ran 8 pm Malacca and Mtiar Kaka 8 pm nham an.l Telofc An»on 8 pm Pc naac and CalcutU Kutaan« 3 pm BaTUeyloß, Aaaavaaaa, MaiiritniH.
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  • 58 7 I p mil o linui'wanl mail »t earner DOTaaha M ■easwaag at MM p m sat'ir lay Heaaaaeei 1 1. au.l awyki aaaaalal U> arrive here on Thurwlay luoruiau. Beataealx r 1h The P. ami out war! mail »tramer Chiua k-ft 'oliiiubn at a.m. on Sunday. gcateabcr
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  • 109 7 Tbe P an.! O. outwanl int»-rm.-<liat.-.teainer HyHa i« i'X|>r<'t«l U> leave Port Sw.tUnl.Aiu at piu t>. day. in which caw ami.- hen al»ut noon on Beataaaet ie i' an.l <» oatwaril intt> m.«liat< I4 l.mfr Sumatra i- due at Olomho at I a.m. nbi t 19, an.l ntay b«- 1
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  • 422 7 Latest Arrivals. iiti 7W) t.>n«. Capt Kolk, Sept 1 l'..ntianak. S. pt 1:1. Ho an.l il.p. n'.umk Hept I- l('i» t..nH. Captaia l< r r in V-koluUß*. Aa* i p M M to. Kor ManeUlea. i a, «tr i»»-' BBWi «'a|>Uin 14 Kr..m ManetUea. Aa« I I Left
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  • 101 7 Wharves at which Vessels art Kerthed To-Uay. TAXJONO PAOAR. But Wn*»r Ba«iii Kuala. „W. Sk lion So. A Mat;..n. Teesta. Saaaas Wa»ar l»c c.r. Maim W. SbiT. N0.8...Knt Sany. Kuinpl.ui-. (...Ik.intiay Mam. 4....C. d«' feirayuirn'. 1..C«1>!~.. •...('baron. Kot-iihani;. Xtw Dock 7...(L'ndrr orantrocttoni Wbst
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    • 88 7 BIM4TOBI. Sm-riMRKR Loaooa Bank 4 m;» 19, 191 18. mm D«Uand mtk Jrivate m/i OlUil H»nk id Mii PnvaVe 8 m/t FaA*c» Hank d/d 345« Private t m/i laoiA ....B»nk T. T. MO 174 Ptit»l. 80 dVi 176* Ho«a>oM*...Buik d/d 131 Private BO.d/» B«i»ußAi ...B»nk d/d Private 80 d/«
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    • 144 7 ■M*»ou, Hmm M, ibm. Oambier 710 do unbe No. li unpicked 10 51 Copra Sundriel IH(S Jo Mixed 1106 Pepper, BUck Itf 10 do White 8% buy is 84.-6 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.50 do Brunei No. 1 norn Pearl Sa«o 4 JO Coffee Bali jh 00 Coffee Paletubaog, 10%
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    • 180 7 SSI **>*■ BeU 10 10 Ampul 8.50 10.00 1 1 A yet Weng 1.(0 10 10 HeUt a.60 8.76 10 10 Bnung 050 1.00 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kanaboi 1.90 KM 10 10 KinUAwoei^«oalHiiO 14.00 11 41 KinUTiß 1.17.6 -J. 4.6 tl 41 Laliat Mine. IS 17/
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    • 675 7 RUBBE R. !-.<" Buyon. SeUen. i/- a/- AiUuu i i"j M Cl £1 Anglo Jar* 4 6 »/6 I/- 2/ Anglo Malay 8 6 9/8 I/- '2/- H*um< Malik* 1/- 1/6 Cl 11 H»tu Tiga 8.6.0 iI.U 2 iwk.ih i/- i 4 {.19.. 1 clis '.i Ji« Cl 4CI Hukit
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    • 99 7 v3oe2 Buyew. Mm 11 il B. Smelting Co 1:6 17/ 41 41 Pral 1.0.0 1.3.0 Bleetrie Tnji 4/- 4,0 10 10 Fraaw Near* 61.00 100 Howarth EnUuw. 4S.C0 100 7% Pral. ICOM 100 100 tUU Bro, Del 180.00 140JM 10 10 lUyaMd Co. WOO MO ino K. Hartrmrea 100.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 35 7 Kor Rrox-hial Coot(ha take ir.^l Pooparmiat Core. SOLK AOtNTS FOR HYDRAULIC *t\ MONITORS and r f^(l* V^ ELEVATORS. ij\\^ OWW^Vo^ VANN.B. O \^V f*"*^ aaaaaaaaaßßß <WS^ FOR MINES. \V^ yi ICK DELIVERY. MODERATE PRICES.
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    • 245 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. s, pt. tnl«-r 18. At talfrooiii. Un.l ao<l houae |iro|icrty, aitoate at Killiney Hoa.l. at 2 .80. -> -pU-iuUr 14. -At aaleronm. raluaMe fn- IkilJ propertie* at \nw>n Road, etc., at 2 JO. bet 18 VtNc 3», Ihurch Street, -t.- k in traile. etc., at
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    • 115 7 TIMES ARE CHANGING YOU MUST KEEP PACE WITH THE TIMES. TRY THE NEW ILLUMINANT clou DDAiin rloil DnANU J'iWlP'' KFROSFNF 111 1 LI I\Jw I— 1 1 1— Trad. Mark. The Best Oil on the Market for House Lighting. •fco en P CASB S>«J'^ U OF 8 TINS OF ALL
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    • 105 7 AT THB HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BKIUOB R >*U. S FEATURE FILMS S WILL BB PI T OS THB SCKBKN TONIGHT! 5.30 to 1 1 p.m TO-NIOHTII Wevtera drama THB WELL A.BW (A (timer brown down a well ia r. »c)*-l by bia wiJo. Another boxißK comedy THB RIBB AMD
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  • 923 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. THE POLITICAL CRISIS. Four weeks ago Parliament adjourned after sitting for tea months, and it will not meet again till next year. Bnt though many members of tbe legislature have retired to tbe country aad tbe Continent to enjoy tbeir official emolumeaU. during tbe
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  • 41 8 Mr. H. Yesler, of Lahad I >«tv, Bsrneo, h.irecently caught a python nieaituring 23 feet. This srrpeat was found curled round a stone in the river and was. after a fight, despatched by having its head cat off with a parang.
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  • 34 8 Mr. J. N. Wardrop ba« been appointed an acting member of the British North Borneo Legislative Cooacil, representing the Kuropean and mercantile communities, dur ing the absence on leave of Mr. W. O. Darby
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  • 41 8 Srmral eartbqaake shorku have been frit in the Lahad l»atu district of BN. Homm. recently, but no damage waa done. I*icture* and glasa were sbakta, and the coolies who were ia the drying sheds on the tobacco estates warn somewhat frightened.
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  • 46 8 .Miss Maul Allan's ageat, ia a letter to the Bombay press, attacks tbe strong agitation against her appearaaes in ladia on the ground that luJiaas should not be deprived of a great opportunity of having a spiritual iv puU .iTtn to tli^ir uati n»i Anl .dk
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  • 53 8 Mrs. Bartlett. M.I) baa kindly consented to give a coarse of six lectures to a first aid class now being organised at the V. W.t'.A. Tbe first lecture «ith be given on Friday next, at 5p m. The first aid baodbouk can be bad upon application to tbe secretary at
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  • 54 8 Exeat aliooa at Kaacbeater, near Hereford. are bringing to light more and more etid— j— at a on— iJnaMu Kootan oc copatkMU Tha WlMt dtaoorvry is a very &oe ■oaaie Ba««Bcat of a rioh ireocMtrioaJ daaiga. asd a Um aflcood paTeoieot to be discovered tfcerr. It ia, aa U neaaUy
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  • 70 8 Tbe Great Air Derby ia to take place oa Sainroay next, tbe compel ilon starting from the aerodrome at Hraooa on tbeir IUO mile circuit of London, aad paaainK the- follow ioy ■oials m the order gives Kt-mpton Park. kpaom. West Tarrock inear PnrnWti, Kpj in_ aad Hertford. finiahißK at
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  • 28 8 At will be iioen from the tdrertiM-racot i>f Uic Marlboroui{li cinpuistoxrapli. a tiliu pro d action of hint.- l'»r».li-c will b.- screened »t that show on Wedoewlsy ni^ht.
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  • 30 8 Near the tramway bridge on iiaylang Road, a motor car knocked down and passed over a small Chinese child yesterday morn ing, but fortunately the child aunlaineJ no serious injury.
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  • 38 8 The Key. \V. Kunciman, hon. treasurer of the destitute Strangers' Aid Fund. n.|i.~ U) acknowledge receipt of a donation to the fund of t AX) from prooee^ls of the entertain ment by the K.0.Y.L.1., per Lieut. 11. Carter.
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  • 53 8 Mr. l>hn J. lookay, who rtvently left Shanghai fur ttao^kok. has been appointed instructor to the private band of the kini{ of Siam. Mr. Inokay was for many years resi leut in Shanghai, and in Peking he was in charge of many of tbe orchestral gatlur i v as, at
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  • 67 8 Itatben at Tan j Katoni; anil tbereabnut'need take no alarm, but it ih perhaps w< II to ssy that two or three crocodiles have recently bi en captured, by fishermen close in shore < >nly thin mornin|{. a specimen about five feet long over all was uauj|bt— not a
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  • 57 8 Tin r rani with Captain Amundsen af U r passing thruuK'i the Panama fatal, will gi to thy Arctic regions, and it in the intention of the explorer to reach the North I'ole Ii) niakinit u~- of tbe Arctic current*. lln Kram will return to l'hri«tiania via Spit/ ber^en The
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  • 66 8 At the ooncloaion at counsel's address, in thr T. kka cate at Ipub. Mr. .lumi.e Wood ward intimated thai lit- did not ate how he could conic to a decision except that plaintiff had not pro Ted liv case. Mr. konion askv<l fur an rxpert ccmuiiaaion to be appointed and
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  • 78 8 A new bill to regulate wireleos telegraphy is shortly to be introduced in law I N Borneo Legislative LVmncil. The regulation of wireless telegraphy is to some ir covered by the provisions of tbe Teh i^rsph I'roclamation, IUUI, but that proclamation is considered to be of icsuflicient'y wide scope fur
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  • 109 8 It liu been decided to erect an obt-lisk xi Hawaii^. B. N. llornto. to tbe m.-ui..rv of c »|)t. Hi- Fontaine and bin companion* who Diet tlit-ir stlit there in 1HM.V I i j.- inncrip tiont UjKin tlif i.k mortal will be ax follow* Tins obelisk in t rt-cWd in
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  • 118 8 A now London daily morning paper is an nounced for next year. Paf about thirty years the Shipping and Mercantile Uaz< tie belonging to Minsr«. Spottinwooiie and Cv LituiU il, and Lloyd List, b> lou^idk to the corporation of Lloyd's, have been publi-heil ax a j.iint oew«|>aptr. At the end
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  • 134 8 Charges of kidnapping and tin ft w.-ri brought against a Chinaman, Tan Ah 800. who apptan-l before Mr. r inu«too< in the D.strict Court thm morning. Court Inspector Bourne, wbo conducted the ca«n\ ixplaiotd that for Kouie years the acco«e<l ha<l liti-<t with a women named NooTwa Nia. Sometim--Ukt mooth
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  • 137 8 An in.| wan held before Mr. I. M. 1.. »n into the circuiustaaces of the death of tl.iTamil youth named K T. Ratnaiu who. com mitU<l suicide at tbe Dint rat Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, on Tii.-».l»y, by ah-wtiug liimwll. A Verdict of micide by a nh it we in.i in
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  • 143 8 That China •ffen aa immense ft. 1.1 fur tljt diapuaal of keroaiac aad other petroleum pro ducts ia a well known fact, reinarka 1 1» Kiaannal News, aad with the more rapi 1 mwaias, op of tbe country ihe market ml! undoubtedly expand very freely. I. itberefore isterweVisg to note
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  • 381 8 Mr. lustice Thornton left IVoani; f..r Iftk on Saturday to BBaad a f«-w ,Uys a* ;l of Mr. .ln»tu t Woodward. Major k. LX. WMtohai, i: <■ a kb, inn tr»n»Urr« il frjiu No. -ft I <v. it, to tin post of Aiiuaujt-ut i Umi, >mn»pi
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  • 72 8 II K the liovernor and l.«.|y Kuljc Young, si'i-oinpitnied by Mr. II Marriott, private wcretary, ami Cap.. G <> < Miner, vlx lift MMgafaaj h\ tr«io la»t nitiht i'U n ute for IVusli;. The )>arty will stay for a few days in the northern |> rt and
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  • 96 8 In coii" |'n v. if thr rspid growth of tlm railway trtttio at Tenant and Hie u.i |m a conniderable extension of the pr.».. i aW K MS autln.riti- lafsnailnd the Penan j II irU.n Rasas Mass time nawt with a view to ntajMaa] the I'm
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  • 125 8 The lUrv t «t TkankagiTiag aa.l aaniventary of th. ssaaMMnntsnl of I lnh < hui. I in SiDt>a(ore were made the joint occanion of a itptcial mtvic. in ~>t. AD-tn Cathe-lral yi -u-niay aaaaJaa> There wan a large congregation and the part of tin Rurvice wa>assaa>aa by
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  • 274 8 Nulling seem* to be txyoui !1,.- raD«< of tbe cincuiatoxreph nuwatJsjs. I triuiupli of RUrfe craft or natural I'cUcular >m1 and tlj.n auo I would nut bo unr.<aauoabl« to mm that Uio attrartion at tl.c Alliarnbra H n< tlntin l<** tliao l>auU lufttoo tv |i. tur««. stan<l*M the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 174 8 I SMOKE p||| PADDIPI/ j^J bAnmulV. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. Our New Price List OF Wines, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Has been carefully revised and if not already to hand we will be pleased to post you one on application. John Little Co. Anyone contemplating the purchase of a MOTOR CUR woud do
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    • 163 8 HELL ON THE SCREEN! Vividly Portrayed by the Picture which took '2 years and cost l~i< n« I to complete DANTE'S INFERNO LENGTH '..000 FT. 8 RBKI.S. (The original Milano film which has made such a hit in moving picture theatres all the world Ma} THE WORLD S GREATEST ALLEGORY
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    • 9 8 Latest advertisement* of the day appsr on \»w 11.
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  • 645 9 SIR E. C4RS0N ON THE PROPOSED CONFERENCE. Unionist Leaders at Balmoral RacTßß't TsLßtaiM Ixwdon, September 14. •arson, at Durham, n plying to Lord l.<>ri burn, said the mandate was only a dreatod up corpse. The letter on tbe sag gtsted eoaiereane showed that men were beginning to
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  • 56 9 l.»i rsfc'- TiLsiißta Loadoa. September 14. I resaraad bearing of the charge* agaiaat the accused ia the st. lea aocklao* oaar. Mr. Hrawlataater, a French diamoad broker, dtecribed interviews with the thr<« aocaaed at a hotel ia LjoJoe. where he s*« the Back la r» ia the
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  • 44 9 kacTaa < Ik»iui Loadoa. September 14. The Xoraaug Poet aaaw osi that the firm of John Aird aad Ceeapaay will abortly cease to nut the aaooai baroatt baviag aacalai to |i*e op bwaaaat. Later. The repot of the dieeolwaMai of Juha AM
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  • 94 9 Painters Give in -The Position in Irelaod. Kbotsb Isls.baii London, September 18. Tbe Loadoa paiaters have agreed to accept the maaters 1 tarma. Thi. affects seven thousand men. It is expected that there will be thirty thousand unemployed in Dahlia shortly aa the result of tbe action
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  • 45 9 Kbovbb's Tblsob.b London. September 14. At Newport. Rhode Island, it is announced that Robert Wt-mtnons saila the Herreahoff America cup defender and it is practically t-rUun tbat second and possibly third candi date* for the role of defender will be built.
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  • 38 9 Kbl-tbb's Tblsosju. London, September 14. Kenton Station. Northumberland, haa been bnrmd with a lose of a thousand pounds. Luggage tags were found inscribed Aaquith is responsible for militancy apply to him for tbe damage.
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  • 67 9 SOMALI LAND. KaoTßß'* TaLaaBAB). London, September 14. It- uter says tbe situation is qiiet in Somalilau.l The Indian troops sent from Aden after the recent reverse remain at Berbera, where troops from Sheikh and Bnrao are al so concentrate!. The Mullah is <]Oiut. London. September IS. Renter 1 Aden correspondent
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  • 29 9 Rbctib's Tilsgba*. London, September 14. The 0. sV Houee o( Representatives has passed a resolution appropriating a hundred thousand dollars to trau<purt destitute American* from Mexico.
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  • 61 9 Kictbr TBLaoaaa. 1. .ii. lon. September 14. Tbe bo !y of Judge Gay nor lay in state at the Liverpool Town IUII on Friday night, guarded by police, tbe catafalque being specially brought from Westminster Abbey. TbecoOa, covered with Anglo American dags, was removed in procession
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  • 49 9 (Fkum Oib Own CoausronDßXT). London, September IS. Tin- rubber action prices avenged ii r 81 per Ib. The present prioe is 2/4, but Urge ship menu are arriving and the market is depres aad. The Rubber Growers Association rucom mends companies to sell itandard <iualitiea ixivately.
    49 words
  • 152 9 The following are declared by the Civil Service Couiuiisnonci s to hare obtained the nr«i thirty places in the leotnt concurrent •lufntilnt- e&auiinalions (or M appoint luouta in the Indian Police Service, anJ oni iH«j.nuu.nt in the Pulice Su-rico of the ■Sbbbl Settlemeats. Ihe names are
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  • 210 9 111 1 lar,>.-t gun in the world i* to be aaad to >ruard Uw Panama Canal. Una 16in. bn-*sh U^ding i rt... »ni is the nr»t uf several •uuilar great cannon that are to be built for tin w« coast defence of the I oiUxl
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  • 793 9 OPTIMISTIC FORECAST OF THE STRAITS PRODUCT. Mr. kelway Bamber Interviewed. Moat re assuring facts concerning the pros pects of the coconut industry generally and the position in the Strait* Settlements parti cularly were given by Mr. M. Kelway Hair ber, the Ceylon Government Analytical Chemist, in
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  • 240 9 Try aa one may, remarks The Financial Num. it is impossible to ignore the increas ing kcennres of Jsnaaeae competition ia Far cistern waters. All the available steam ton nape in gradually being bought up, aad, as nrnu in the IsUnd Empire are able to run ti
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  • 56 9 Tbe aadermeatioeed rubber waa sold by auctioa at the Peaang rubber BBBtiaa roots* oa Wednesday W. 707 lbs. of rubber were told at the pnoas defiled below I ikmi No. 1 Crap* No. 4 No. 5 Virgis Scr»p Cam bM HOtotltt W 111 124 Itt T6 m
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  • 1069 9 BRUTAL MURDER IN REFORMATORY ROAD. Accused's Statement in Hospital. Ngin Tho, the Chinese coolie who is cbarg ed with the brutal murder of a woman and ber two children in a house in Reformatory Road on June 37, waa indicted at the Singa pore Aariiea this morning
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  • 92 9 The executive committee of the Aerial Lam of the Bcitiah Empire decided ye* terdaythat the gold madal which was award ed to the late Mr. Cody lor hia ssrvtoes to aviation ia tbt. year 1911 be forwarded to Mr*. Cody ac a awrceato of the bigb eetiroa tioa ia which
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  • 372 9 Instructive Discourse Before Chinese Audience. On Thursday night last, there wan a full attendance at tbe Su Po Sia to hear tbe addreaH on Citizenship by Mr. H. S. MacKen/ie. (oruH-ily of Amoy, now tbe acting general secretary of the V.M.C.A. at Singapore. This was pat into two dialect*
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  • 374 9 Vacates Artillery Command At Gibraltar. His Kxcelleney the .\<-:ing Governor of Gibraltar. M.j ii. n. T IVrrotl, C. 8., nn August 11, In M a farewell inspection parade of the It A. South at Kuropa. Oaa. Ivm.u who «ru ascompanitd by Least vTaasW, A. II I and
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  • 290 9 In the tliiid court this morning a Kuraaian tiued Hector K. Askcy. Sorri* Koad, was charged with cheating Mr. Hugh Hutchison by obtaining an advance of 100 by false areaaaoaa. It waa alleged that be wa» engaged to proceed by the steamer Kinta to Tt
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  • 82 9 The mom of the train murder victim near Lockaow v Mon» Murphy, sbe waa a student at the Isabella Tboburn College, and waa oa tier way to readme bar studies. The mo tire is believed to be robbery. The bodiwaa foaad at 10 IS id. on the fed iaetaat. Wbea
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  • 137 9 SCHEME FOR STAFF OF GERMAN INSTRUCTORS. Berlin Denies the Report. RSCISB TaLBwBAM. Loadoa, September H. At Peking, it is persistently reported in well informed circles that an agreement has been partly reached with Germany whereby China will employ r German l.iiuUnant General, with a staff of six
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  • 119 9 Greek General on German and French Systems. Das OsTASUTi* as Llotd Tblbob««. lierliu. September 11. Tbe Greek Lieutenant (ioneral Danglis has told the e.htor of The Temps tbat the lire, k victories were tbe result of tbe use oi German military method* and the same applic* to tbe
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  • 32 9 RaCTBB TsLSOKAa. London. September 14. A Berlin message state* that the aviator I^orens (til a thousand feet. This makes tbe twenty third air fatality in Germany in a wetk.
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  • 63 9 KacTSß'* Tblbubah. London. September 14. Japan's demand* from China include an apologyby General Chang Hsiin. thelomman•lor o( the government trouiK at Nankin, to the Japanese Consul. China baa accepted all Japan s demands. Paa O»t»«uti«« hi Llotd Tilbubam. Berlin, September 13. Many of tbe papers are satisfied
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  • 73 9 Rai'iiK s Taiß<.aus. London, September 11. At Constantinople, the Turkish and M garian delegates met -n the afternoon and it waa subsequently announced that an examination of the proposals of both sides affords ground (or hoping that a satisfactory settle uient is approaching. L»S» OSTAIMTIMHI LLOYP T«LI
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  • 43 9 DBS OsTABIATtSCHI LLOTD TILI UK, Berlin, September 13. There arc rumours of the rcnignation through illness of the Aoatrian Ambawiador at Berlin. Count Csoegyeai Maricb. who is 70 years old. His successor i* likely to be Prince Emil Karl of Fucrstocberg.
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  • 35 9 I>BB OaTUUATIm'HB. l.L ,U' TsLBoKIM. Berlin, Saptacber IS. Holland and Portugal have agreed to arbitration on the divi*ioa of Timor, through the Hague tribunal or the President of the Swiss Republic.
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  • 22 9 I>sh OrrAaunx ii I.i Tm.Fi.Mtii. B<rlio, September 11. The American Consal General Thackara at Berlia ia traaaferrei to Pans.
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  • 33 9 I»ik O»TA>iATi»car. Lloyd Tr.La»BA«. Berlin. Septenibri 13. A French aa I Turkish agreement (or rai) wayoonceaaioas in Syria, awl the taking on* of a 700 millions loan, liak am sigaad-
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  • 1950 10 THE CONSIDERATION OF ESTATE QUESTIONS. Government to be Approached Al extraoMiaary gtmtnX meeting wm 1,. 1.1 it Urn .loh.*» Hotel. Johore liliaru I'U-iuUr 7. »t In a.m. when Ml h l». Uryre in the K \.»Wnlal. II K iMM, I I. i\. t~ I I'.riof, llruc*- li ti
    1,950 words
  • 178 10 patrolling tbe \tlantic for netrly fire laoaths. tU« old I>uad«e whaler scutia, winch wan transformed iatu an iceberg scoot, baa raiuraaJ k> Ur- Tay Oa« of the scieati fie staff described the reports that bar UUslaWUsVi bsM] t dUlotl AS OtiCf BMMGSSO ABel HMriHl
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  • 1492 10 WHAT THE SPECTACLE WILL REVEAL. Progress Well Up to Schedule The editorial bureau of tbe Panama -Pacific International Kxposilion han forwarded some detail* of Uie features of t)ie Fair which is to ct It-brake ibc- opening of tbe Panama 'anal at San Francisco ie 1915. We reproduce
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  • 591 10 Man of Many and Remarkable Adventures. The engagement of one of the most remark able men living Kaid Sir Harry Macleanis announced. Mis bride in to be Miss Klla I'renderganl, daughter of tin Ute < Sir Harry I'rendergant. V.C.. of Heron Court. Kichmond. The we<lding
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  • 144 10 Tbe French Ministry of Urn Colonies baa issued a *ta.tetneat of Urn foreign bnsinsss done by the French Colonies in Urn year 1011. fcicludiag Algiers, Tunis and Morocco Urn impurtations amounted to 601, 257,49 m. or 41,:>7'2.)h~f more than in Urn precedis* year. Tbe eiportatioaa made MI.WO.MM.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 29 10 Kuala Lumpur are the winners of the Murray Cup for la*t month, the respective mores being a* Selangor 171, Singapore nang Ms\ Kinta Mb, Faaah I.M.
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    • 51 10 The Ladiea' Bisley is definitely fixed to take place this year on the Taiping range on Friday and Saturday. October 24 and i 5. There is expected t be a record gathering of Urn force* tin* season, when Singapori Penang, Kuala Lumpur. Taiping aud Kinia Clubs all meet in o|wn
      51 words
    • 111 10 Singapore, Uanxoon, Calcutta, Ceylon. The members selected to shoot for tin Singapore team against lUngoon. Calcutta, ami ».\lon »r. 1: W. Chater. Gen. l> Neubronner, J. Umg. Tan Chow Kirn. K. I Silva, and Uuee from the following, depend ing on what scores they return in the m
      111 words
    • 294 10 K.0.Y.L.1. (2) v. Azevedos. Tbe second eleven of Uie km 1.1 had not much difficulty in registering an oth r win in tbe I<eague competition when tl ey played the A/evedo* at Tanghn on Saturday. The civi'ans were, it must be admitted, unfortunate in losing their centre forward early
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    • 451 10 5.C.C. Tournament. Following are Uie ties fixed for to day I Ch \*i lo.v-mr II S. C. Kowley v. <.. K. Teale. A. Sl>'.Lk~. K. I. 1.. Braddell v. K. H. Hartuill. 15. Slv,.Lf>. .1. H K H-ss,-link v K I' Maumlr. 11. It. .1. Saumlers v. J
      451 words
    • 682 10 Day of the Meeting. TtMajafc bMbMbI >|»>rts opened on Kri day »ft< rniKin unli r ui>»i depressing rondi turns, n BBfti tin- I inn-s i NU'na .A lu«\y -li.>«.r i>( rain in Mm niorum^. nlndi was (ollowtxl by au run hi »vu r om al' p.m.
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  • 33 10 t uantU K<tt»U*. KImk.-«,VJO Ib* pr«tiom 1)7.170 lbn toUl «:i.«00 Ib-. S«puo K .-15.M0 Iba. TuUl to date IO»,W7 Itw. ll.vop 1 U'*> Itm. I.Ul ciitiit moaUia ***** IU. Iba.
    33 words
  • 127 10 Id a dincuaaioa between Mm tahf (l.»'ub.r of Commerce and Mi William II I -<ir < Arnmtroag), ||||<I Um> pUrinu <>• t"»i-r nim-Bt of the BMM*y market owibx to banibrr harTent. .incial rtriaycy would •tmrtiy ba (clt if aouw rtrlit-f wa« sot al 10 bJi r. ply poiat*d oat that
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  • 552 11 Superior Quality of the Copra Exported. Mr I in- Coamil IWak. ia bis report on Urn trade anil r<>nin.- r '^n/iber (»r the years SS tin- rrntn ,',f Urn iii .v. it" ut-Kiuuing u< aW nineteenth rentury until quite recently (1. i ..n«t<-<l (1..- trail, d Kant
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  • 437 11 IfJlWafatfM Nrt Held B) Other Steels. Borne considerable iitmt ban rccratly beea taken in atael cirri—. aaja a corrrspuadi ut Tli. Kmuatl Ni-»a. «ith refer, oce to the iatrodoctK'O into Urn market if new brand winch, it i- aai<l. posses** nlnnlaum not ri.nuiD^ t. any otbar at
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  • 297 11 Enormous Bill of Costs for Balkan Peoples. How much moaey will Uie varions Balkan belligerents need to meet Uie bill for the warn People neem to be very interested ia this .luestion, I writes the cuy editor of Uie Uaily News and Leader), but as yet
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  • 131 11 Arrivals I r Main. lll. ptcniU i 14. Krom liahuHU Mi— ~i» Vi«apr and I I', i Cwayaaa, >• |.t. n.U-i H From I'ort BsßjMaakaaj I Mr. Wary«. Miss Anpn. I', i -tr (hatou. Si'i.U-mbcT 18.— From Kn-manllt- Mr. and Mrs. Roar. Meanr*. ml Aikman. Per
    131 words
  • 260 11 I 1,, >dk excerpt from tbe Timea of t'. >li>n M ix of irttremt to some readers: Kruiu r. Rtl.oose cbirken. trotu native bar U rbea. and from buni;alowi Uiat Kroiu niu. rupees a day, fiom knuts from V.A Bj an I from Urn smeil of coconut
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  • 81 11 r or tbe period from Maptamber 19 to Ooto b. r 1. lwli locluaire. Urn doty oa cultivated rubber on which export duty ih leriable ia Urn r' M.>. oa aa ad valoretu basia ia eacor naari with the rules under the Cnaioma Duties Enactment
    81 words
  • 1007 11 Price* QiMicd la the Market roll nioroinj? Sißffapore. September 16, IBIS. MeaarN Lyall and BvaW. Bxehance aad' Share Broker*, amne Urn toUowia« list Of I .]Ootati"tm tl.v tuoromg t— !Co« l*iri Bctbb* Sbllim 8/- Allan, 1/9 i 4 1 AdkIo J*T» 4 >• 6,6 1 Anulo Johott
    1,007 words
  • 131 11 I Sine, thou art dying, dear, in a utrangc lan.l And none that love the* may attend Uiee there And calm Uie trouble of tby dark brown aVB While from life K laas ebbs out tbc last paliii and Since it in no thou mayest understand How
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 I Losing Weight by the Pound Cads* Vsastea.- a aswawajaa at ill ttaai>« aWvavass) aaatawawalßß aassasm < miumrtmm*an *x urn m tmmm *mn* •'<* Ma* BsarMfiim ssd tm. wi j Asak MMta* aawartaJa «i««> m. t i ■l.*s aassjai mm
      39 words
    • 51 11 Johnny Jos** bad Acres pasnmoaia Kacing wildly ia hia ebsat. Aad hia vote* grew weak aad husky. Harm riaa Boys t I'll give it beat." Tbea af apakc a aoals eomradc. Drop that, mate Hi ra snanthiag sore TV>st wi 1 makr von sonn4 sari h'«-tf Tv Wovala' Otsal P«;p|Mru.i.t
      51 words
    • 120 11 LATEST ADVEIrTISEMENTS b-| U^. I r"^ b THE MACHINE t»at iisiplim ths fa»W| drcts. Bvtryoee Ii on hand io the evening to sajoy the n.u-ic < t tbe His Master Voice machine. This wocderfnl inntrumont mskes tbe be me attractive for tbo children and livean up tbe entire household. No
      120 words
    • 264 11 <^b M m (^^J^michewP v^^-s.^ y^ fl^f 1^ THE BESTt 13 vi f>i r»*e Bros., AGENTS. 17. RAFFLES HOTEL. Special Dinner ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. :^^=^r Tbc oaly (list class B-.v ii> aMawm bvt>ry coo-.fort. Splendid ver .ndni. Hcauutaat. With managemoat. Frr-nch ku.-hon aad attcrdmcc af
      264 words
    • 160 11 THE KIND OF PROGRAMME YOU'LL ENJOY in lll«.. II AT THE MARLBOROUGH j PICTURBTdBATKB. BBACU ROAD. TO-NIGHT Yoa La vt do idi a how ENTERTAINING PICTURES ''are. Bee th< m an! grt fully yoar moaey worth of enjoyment out of thf m. On Wednesday Nirfht ■apraviaaa it. YOU WILL SEE
      160 words

  • 1140 12 INFLUENCE OVER HER ROYAL HUSBAND. Extraordinary Tact. No letrceatctina of the laat yean would be complete without aome reference to the very important aad beneficent influence which the Uermaa Emperors baa exercieed upon the Kaiaar'a i«-ign. Tbi. i. the riew of a Veteran Diplomat who contribute, as
    1,140 words
  • 490 12 English Versos American Resorts A ciunaanundwit writea »o a home paper caaiilaiiln of the Krowing dnlnass of Ennliah anairln resorts. The ureed o( the corporations of Urn popular snmmer resorts," he anys, has lad them to raise the prices (or prrmits lor pitches oa the sands to
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  • 544 12 Experiences of Author of London Play. The production of The Barrier at the Strand Theatra recalls Urn fact that the author, Hex Beach, lived Urn strenuous life of Urn Alaakaa miner aad prospector for several yean Before be took to writing stories oftbeXortb. This accounts m a meason
    544 words
  • 78 12 Samuel trees, officially daacnbed a* aeKro. thong* tram the ■ataJpaiat of Wood beis thre. Tourtba white, Uaa ■■inHlans unpardonable o4oac«ia Amoriea of niwrsjag aau tMopiaW with Mifli OwtiuiM rMtefsos. ftassntj wl.iti ajft\ v.l h-ima to XHU«m. Taa«riMbM«b»M thraa NMa Tflaajaa ib Paaaaie Coaaty to aooh v axtaat that the people
    78 words
  • 909 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following paaacagar bookings to ton Snmna an takaa from Urn London aad China Express. It should he understood that, in some insteacia, bookings may ha provisional and that intending paaanagm may alter their arrangements, subsequent to Urn i— nsooe of thia list in
    909 words
  • 118 12 The following is supplied by Urn local agent Per N I) L. rtssißfc Derfflinger, doe Septeasber LmuL Chit, Mia* S. r eldblura, Mr. and Mrs. M. Suhl and children. Miss M. H. Lockyer. Mr. aad Mrs. L. Movyaart an.l child. Mr. L L Wrathall. Mr aad Mrs. D. Kitoviu, Mr.
    118 words
  • 155 12 Her P. ud O. DcTtnht. nnmnMH at Colombo with Mslwa. asilias SepUmber 19.— Mr. J. O. Barclay. Mr. .1. Inn.Mian Ballinga!. Mr. and Mrs. Laird and infant. Mr. K. Marfx! vt-n. Mr. ud Mr. S. Tomlinaon. Mr. T. B. Maxwell, Mr. Bockairy. Mr. Jaattoa Tb ornton ud Mr*. Thorn to*.
    155 words
  • 1110 12 QUESTS DECLARED TO BE INVAUO. Interesting Legal Ruling. An interesting point of law, touching Uk> legality of a bequest made under the will ci a Chinese lor Urn purpose of aoonstor wot shin, oame before the Chief Justice of Hong koag, Sir William Rees Daviea. X.C.. for de
    1,110 words
  • 21 12 A typewriter adrartised which ou to bald on Urn kaas. Bat, asks Urn Helios* m share an jibing tew in this
    21 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 326 12 SEMI-DIESEL ENGINES "BERGSUND For All Purpose* ON Complete L lunch equipments and complete Power Installations quoted tor on application to Sole Agent*.: The Singapore General Electrical Engineering COMPANY. LIMITED. SI, Mohamed Sultan Road. SOLID INDISPUTABLE FACTS. LARGEST AND MOST EXCLUSIVE LINE HOUBEHOLD. OFFICE AND ESTATE FURNITURE In the City. OUR
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 140 13 FOR Tiffin and Pinner The Best Drink is Key Beer Sole Agents: Behn, Meyer Co., Ltd. J. CROWTHER SHAW A GO., Merchant TaUon, RArrLES PLACE ■TYLB Faultlas*. FIT Perfect. MATERIAL The* Be»t. WORXMHNBHIP Fineit. PRICES Moderate. TO RUBBER PLANTERS! Bush's Coagulating AND Bleaching Powder Causes the immediate separation and clotting
      140 words
    • 179 13 INMhCHINA STEAM NAY CO ID. mmt t. •alartt. »4e Peaaeg freai lleaeaepa Taktae; aarao oa throofffa Bilk of Ladia* at Oaatoa, Muu. Bwatow, Amoy, Cbeloo fTiooteui, Newobwao*. Taagtaie Port* For m the Philippine*, etc. ate., ate. EotauM' 4,w» R.C.D Bucui Nibum 4J»i P. M. B. Lakb "Liium 1 MM JTapd
      179 words
    • 711 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE^Si I I CO.. LTD THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S N. CO.. LTV. lITWIII F~mantta Itathli «o»th kiMtPtiltn Port., Java Mid HII—PW* BeffUai PortßigMly mtOmm Mmm ■Ha»aanrn and Wokn Aaatralfc, calling at Java (m indooemeat offer*). Derby, Kin* aonad (Port lot Mm Kimborloy Gold Fial*) Breotoe, Roebuck Bay, Port
      711 words
    • 138 13 UPRIGHT GRAND PIANOS ■OLID MAHOGANY FULL IRON FRAME ABSOLUTELY OUARANXEKD. $350. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LD. THE STANDARD LIFE Auuranoe Company. 1825 FUNDS-£ 13,000,000 An old-eiUbllthed Office ot the highest Integrity with A LOCAL DIRECTORATE. Attractive Schemes -Moderate Rates. Liberal Terms— lmmediate Cover. Chief Agenti ADAMSON. GILFILLAN t CO.. LTD.. A
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1286 14 wmmKtmimmm. urns hbw w*ul m m wnmmmm. PROSPEROUS and PROOREBBIVK. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HftAD OPWUI 1 miiatnaOi "i--n. T >V> 1 1 LAXaOOaI tWßßßafta a*. fJM Ji_i .yTfaAVOTIVfi ayajin AaeUtiajao^ BKHSaTY T» IjQAaa. I rWaTBMM OQMMI—fSI TO ■fSOIMISB. 9m sal parti mmtr A. SL r Ai
      1,286 words
    • 495 14 IMHUWL BEUTBCH-ABIATIBCHE BANK. MUf NB) B> atmam. (•a. Tajaj I4SMS6). Head Omaa... Board of Dire«tor*.....Ber in. BRANCHB8 1 °^S*f Hambor,, Caatoa. Hankow Hoa«rlon X KnW, P *in*,Ti^nHia Tunaafa TbwkUo, Yokthama. THE FOLLOWING BAMS ANO BANKERS ARE REPRESENTED ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Bank foer Hacdal aad iadnalrtt 1 Oeateeheßank O*»aatfaii
      495 words
      792 words
    • 54 14 Bk^jnf^r^h|J w vA By Special Appointment and Under Distinguished Patronage EUROPE HAIR DRESSING SALOON ■k Rafflea Place, oppoaitc M« roaatiie Banki (.NKIVALLRD TONS< >HIAL ARTISTBs S-»i,d. ABSOLUTS!. V UNIQUE !»l'a-ULISTS IV -Hair CnM ag, Btard TriuiniiiK. Sha<iat{, Uair Sbaiupooiim. Uair fliajtrtni and K»ior Stiarpvnib||. ItattM MSoBBUfaV H. CIPRIANO t r
      54 words

  • 1052 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The New Traffic Board. H 11. Cordon. L.C.C., contributes the fol lowing article to Tbc Daily News and I The reference to the Select Committee on I Motor Traffic— "to inquire into the circum I tances which have led to the
    1,052 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 505 15 THE fOLLOWINO POINTS ARE NOT SALESMEN'S 'FACTS' BUT ENGINEERING TRUTHS, AND WILL MAKE CLEAR THAT THERE IS NOTHING TO HIDE IN THE r^ ■lit I HI marine D J INN MOTOR. tig luy in aMtirtd, and no« on ►prmf »n«U« M m acme make*. 1. 11,I 1 rluct aceeaaibility within
      505 words
    • 8 15 Fot Childwßi H*dbag Co««b MifM, Woods' Owmk PnmmMOm.
      8 words
    • 171 15 DUNLOP THE CHEAPEST BEST MOTOR TYRES. PALS HARU AND MR. FUJITA. ~r=£b: Best Wicker Baskets M*eti*t! »nd Munnr. JUST UNPACKED. IfIASdAU C and tou h A tahle and inexpensive We adTiM Ladies and (i«nt<n-en to try it Ma*.*, a* well m Medicine. hamper, with leather bound corners, three lritli-r iipiin
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 427 16 LARGE French btocks ofTILI and RIDGES ALWAYS PATENT on Roofing ALSO J- ILIES Ventilators r AND Fimals Tile Crestings RIDGES WAMTS. CHINESE CLERK WANIEO. For Robber BnUto. SdowUm of book kerpi-i nqui'ed. Apply with testimonial* to Boartead Co.. Estate lipartraeat SHIPPING CLERK WANTED. Wanted for oar < udowi, a junior
      427 words
    • 218 16 WAMT3 OFFICE WANTED. Waettd. m airy oeftee <* mediom «aa. I?J *pp*y w CHINESE BOOKKEEPER WAITED. Capable CbiMae Book keeper wanted im mediate!. 0.1, exparieneed mm Mai »pply Box No. Ml. Straits Times CHINESE KRANIB WAKTEO WaßUdlot o«c U Sarawak, om jonior CfaiMN i book kreper Mint be quick at
      218 words
    • 473 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. HOUSES TO LET. To Iti, No 31 aad Suku Road. Apply Natbaa Soa. Ctmmm Alley. Ml OFFICE TO L£T. To la*. Large and Commodiooa Offlob at Mo I. Maiaeea Street '"-^ih Miry Apply to J. A. BUM. 1. Malacca Wrait _M OFFICES TO LET. L^.'g'J''"^
      473 words
    • 644 16 NOTICES. KIM KMT at CO SHIP-CHANDLERS, iMWBfIHBI SaW MMfliimßftmaJ nmmtnt 101, 108 109. Market Street TatefboM Not. 431 ud 1174. GUANKIATffCO.. ■air chavdlbbs a oovbbnmsnt oorraACToaa. BBMBBAL IIrOITIU AKD BXPOBTBU AKD coawusioa aobbts, 87. raiujr »tbbbt. Phone I*B. (Private 1410); Tnlaa,iiiis MUUT. IB Q GUM KMT t GO. NOTICB ii
      644 words
    • 477 16 HOTICEB. nonet Mr. P. Vaadermark etui d to be employed by o« as from lit of September, ud the ■■■■glHtlil of tlie Uirme h mw vette* in Mr J. B. Fiedler STRAITS MOTOR OARAOE Abrania Motor Hit ing ud Transport Co. 189 1, 1, 8, M. CO. LTD. SPECIAL MTEB
      477 words
    • 684 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Tines List Tba fallowing fixtures for the current week »ad important fortfaeoauftß fixture, are kindly ■applied by the secretaries of the various slabs. Convenient forms on which to make tha return, will be ■applied on application to the Manager, Strait. Tinios. Singapore Cricket Club Lawn TiDDin
      684 words