The Straits Times, 8 September 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.281 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 215 1 THE CKLKBRATKD White Horse INTM F fl «WHf B«T*aLi«aaD 174 i. ICY HOT BOTTLES Hot liquids remain Hot for 24 hours. Cold liquids remain Cold for 48 hours. Useful in the Home, for Picnics, Hunting, etc. M3H NISKIE-PIATED CABIMG WITH BCRFWI X TOP DRINKING CUP II LEATHER CASES. Qu;.rt size
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    • 146 1 ROBINSON CO. Annual Cash Sale. 22-INCH FRAMES J^T^kA Ja&=^ 80UMD 24-INCH NAMES ff\\/\i -/i/\ ND 26-INCH FRAMES (f (["> RELIABLE British-Made Cycle, fitted complete with DUNLOP TYRES, Nickle-Plated Lamp and Bell, etc., etc. SPECIAL SALE PRICE: $37.50. ROBINSON CO. NOW RECriVED FRESH SUPPLIES OF Xurbot. F-illets. Halibut, Haddock*. Sole*. Kippen.
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  • 1003 2 FAVOURABLE START FOR FIRST YEAR. Great Trade Prosperity. Oa August 8, the Board of Trad* iaaoai a Blue Book embodying their Ant report oa tba working of Caowuliijiiiaut laanraaea. Tba first year baa beaa oae of min'mnm aaemploymaat, aad tba Unemploymeat Fund, after meatian claims, baa been abb)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 571 2 A Celebrated Violinitte ana J N L aUI /^mßmUP^m^BP^Mlat HdmV^mVmT *j^\mfc^ t>f i 'mfl ill T r^Wrn^ Nervous Fatigue. Languor— Tbe fowtt to txctl, the ccnjUnct which ensures her brilliant wn i twwm. says the taleated violinist, Miss Sybil Keymer, is entirely due to her abundance of vigorous utrvt forct
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    • 580 2 London Buying Agents C W* oll»» y*m oar BnrVtSSS •> *vyint ■friHi lor IW-iMh or Cor* mf-rtr«i r*H>^t Finnaahi it ia ia.4. »«i il aWM. om mn» m j SV«IS| oar cwtnai t» tainrvMi <> »r «ir-i. Fit* rKprrt »•>«*». w»n «jesaa« »ui'.. ■moss* Mtmtnm naasramvaa hnaatg wirk llnlM carr
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    • 189 2 H^| and Complexion jjj jiy There i» beauty and rit'T '""Istfl comfort ft* the skin ■■BmWamißmjßJ| in every particle of HAZELINE SNOW M HMkakm) m The incomparable Beauty-Balm. It acts as M a most beneficial tonic to the skin, cleansing m it from impurities, removing roughness, ex- > ccssivc colour
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  • 1093 3 BABEL OF TONGUES AT LONDON CONGRESS. City Caught ia Curlers. Loo-ion need to hare a rapotatioa lor boa pilality, write* K K.J.iiTbe Daily Expraaa of Aagaat 7. Whether it will (arrive after tbe Coasreai of Medicine ia ooaclndori ia a matter for aartooa d-mbi. We oa™, ao to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 262 3 RANEEOUNOK GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZKS STOCKED SHARPE, ROSS CO.. LD. LUNCHEON BASKET FOB MOTOR MB OR GENERAL USE. BBBBB^ Will stand oa 'ifTK^^ T""S "*^shr^MßW tljly »l-derp BmJ^^^^V^Sß ri bi h k¥ BBBBBUI* T&cS9s|lbbCsßßbl l I. Lw4\'^ll W For 4 person*. {^■M^Pj^* 'yj ~^"ln«ni A2IO. 16. O.
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    • 10 3 Fo» CliafcWt HaobJa* Ooaa* at Nigbt, Wood*' Oraat Poaoarmiat Oara.
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    • 401 3 The National Mutual Life Association Of AUSTRALASIA. LIMITED. Established 1969 Tt» Brat Lsfa OSaa ia tb* world to iarrodao* tba aoa-iortortare pnnoiple to "riHnlai A Mutual Offlo*. BM> ■hMPßlißlslaaiah Annual IwatßH «1,584.554. Fund* A 17.291 290 fjaalma paid M,0T9,960. ALL proflts are diatriboted aaioaaat Polioy bolder*. Claim* paid ia aay
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    • 688 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBD ■■ftvica O* THE OCEAN 8. 8. CB.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUBTRALIAH 8 N. CB.. LTD. l>Mtnwftt»a ("^rth), North Wee* Auetrallan Porte, Java •Mcl Slngaaor*. Kaaajai Fortalßhtly sailian serween ■taajipnri aad Waaaara Aostralia, ea >in M at Java (a* iadaeemaat offers), Derby Km* Scaad (Port tor tbe
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 684 4 iTEAMEB MILIIIM. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. M iK i HINA. JAPAN. PBNANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA. INDIA. ADEN, BOYPT. MEDITERRANEAN PORTS PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Tbroogh Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Onlf, Continental and mencan rorv. Steamers will leave Singapore oa or about— MAIL LINES 1f)1» Hv»i»ward (for
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    • 589 4 BTEMBI UUm. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUMKMUK. A VwtaJßbMy aarvioe ia MnWHd l« twees Yokohama Ti» pocti to Maraeillrt London ud Antwerp, oader mil apahraal witfi Impend Jirum Gorenimeai. The New Tww-aentw Mmom maiDtaiaiaa 1 ■--••ii-i 'tin ill i lit It j ii-'jrT* J oonatraeted, aad are fitted
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    • 520 4 STEAim BAILHHB THE SI AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahaag. Baraerab, Kretay, p^fe, Triaggaao, Biwrt, Stam, Bacbok, lUlaatan, Tahai, Baagaara. Telapia, Puwi, P ata »i, Siegora Uooo, Kabaamai Hudon, I Tako. Champoa, Kohlak and Bangkok. Ova Dcpartuit ••HUM 9^ tm o MAHIOOL 9mmt 14 j^^. ,T, T VUGALA
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    • 67 4 SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS m. "Qiaaofcle" I.TM TaM v. Seaac Bo< ITM Taw. a* "*jaa# Obooa" in lam, HM HOMKOM. MMV iANO B WATOW. M. OLBNOOLB. on Sept, 10. 191 S. Thin atasjsnav bas azoaileat i^m tat pasnaagera, aad aarriat aejaUsV sargaoa. She baa Bleetrir Lights tbronab. ■ft »or (mcm
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    • 519 4 BTEUBEI MIUIHt, HAMBURG ANEJIIKA LINE. HAMBURG a» Combined ■■■WJO*. The etnomraa of Umxm tJomr at k mauiuk rojruiar service ißtwatn Hamburg Brae < n Artwtif Bottotdam ud Kmden tad U* MtaNa, Obm* ud Jap** Homeward* they are rtnapatehfJ tort B«htiy to* Havre and Ham bar* mm) mm a month lor
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    • 635 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. N. D L. NOROOEUTSCHER LLYOO. BREMEN. IMPERIAL SERMAN MAIL LINE. Tl M M.I will known mail •teamer* of m I'oiupany tail «ottni«hlly Brtuieo, Hamburg, t Kotwrdsm An-.*, rp Sooth nip- on G'bralUr. Gi-no*. \»pl,« > ing Mai-euk-r. Naple*. Alexandria, »d! »ice WM| Port S»,l, Suei. Adas, Colombo,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 ■GRL/a.m. VALUE IN THE WOitLD. 1 3 W—mmmTtm* 00-4O cents. feaafieJa- > \H TO <\CCO CO.. LTD. LONDON. ENG. v -J TfjE ONLYGENUII^ p ROSKOPFPATENti w 7sV Ak tJJ jl Mw^\. \l /^Vbbbsbbbbbl TV I ■=;•—•>■ an Ocular Headaches. •0 !jchr» are Ocubr H. I jamt 'Vj^ B you will
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    • 605 5 tr=^^^l~7? THE MASTER NODEL \\|K ~*^^Mll COIIPETmOII ®J*^^ll •UPPUWTIBG ILL OTHER MAKEB. Sole Ajenu tor S3 r.M 8. Huttenbach Bros. I Co. NiI W ARA ELIYA, CEYLON. The Sanatorium of the East. 6,200 feet above sea level. Ka irons I r ita Golf Linki, Botanies I Gardens, Tennia and Trout
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    • 341 5 6UAN KMT i CO. Sblp-Cbandlers. Qovernment Contractors General Importers and Exporters. Commission Adents ST. PHILLIP STREET A.BC. 6th EDITION aad A I CODES •low Shipment Just Import ad i llobbuok's ooloored paint oil aad »undrieH Hubbook's genuine turpentine Beat Caotdiaa turpintini' Boeting, assorted, coloured Double pouted p. okaxes, 81b» Buropr
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    • 571 5 THERE ARE 1 REASONS why niiml housewives should use Sunlight Soap It is guaranteed ahsoluiely pure .md therefore will not injure the clothes. It works for you. and .it the miiic time saves >ou money. It is the r»<-st sotip th;it skill and money can produce. dive it a trial
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 115 7 FIXTURES Monday. September 8. High Water. S.4i s.m., 1 5H p.m rue.«day September High Water. 5 15 a.m.. 4J pm Singspwe A**iasa. Wednesday. September I*. High Water. Ml a.m., 9M p-m Thursday, September 11. High Water. aVfl a.m 7 17 p.» ■*j Sia, Mr H. S Mackemie's
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  • 165 7 Dailt ißxcarr Somoat) Bt Tbaw. Fadsratui MaUy States, Malacca aad Penang Spu lisas Tiiii|in Malacca, Seremban. Port Dickaon. Port 3wattaahim and Kuala Lompor Bam TO DAT. Malacca an.l Maw Kaka I pm I 1 -i. nliAra and T.-I..k Ahm Penk r>" Tebmu Tm^jji. rk.-a«kaH» »n,l Kai;an Meran
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  • 114 7 The Imp. German mail *teamar Boelow arrired here yesterday. She will be despatched (ur Europe st a.m. to morrow. The P and O. ootward intermediate steamer Syria* an due at Colombo at noon on September A. ami may be expeotol to arrive bare on or about September
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  • 506 7 Latest Arrivals. Ruelow, (ier str. MM ton*. Captain Nubratt. 7. From Yokohama. An« mail and p. Bchn Meyer A Co. r,.r llmnen. Sept*. W. Hn.uw.-r. Ihit. str. B*4 tons. Capt Liariaaa. Sept 1. From P. Barue. Sept S. G.c. and Agency Ltd. For P. Baroe, Sap* I lI.U
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  • 95 7 Wkarves at which Veuels art Berthed To-Day; TAXJOXO PAGAR. Bast Wbabt Basi« Xil. W. Sacnoß No. l...Taroba. Islander. Rajaburi. Saaiat Wuw Xil. Maim W. Sbct. No. 9...X Treub. Sui San K 8...XU. 4... Xil. »..NiL a t—.Thasans, Calypso. Siw Docm R T...(Cadav uu—
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    • 81 7 0» Lonxi* ......Buk 4 n/i Dauad Private* a* Oa Ombuh Buk dAd PriTktcS m/t O» Pbam* Buk dyd MA 1/4} i Wit S88 S4»i 2M PriT»t6Sm/i Oa Udu.. Buk T. T. MnleNd/l 174* 176 Oa HoNnN...Buk d/d Pnnt«Md/i Oa 8«*—ii ...BmU d/d PrinaHd^ 14% 1«% B«4 Oa Java Buk
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    • 147 7 BHWIlim, >nrn»rii o. ivi* (kwHw Tts do (Cuke No. 1) wpiohad 10.60 Com SaDdnad M 18.70 do Mixed m. ISA) Pepper, BUck boren 1900 do White b.i>. r» 84 .'5 Sago Floor SMwik 8 JO do Brunei No. 1 mi. Pearl Sago 4.90 Coffee Bali M MuM Coffee PmlembwiK.
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  • 21 7 I— M»< by ffM» and Co, Exchange and Share Broh«r t Si ng«por«. IIUIWIW 8. Tw**VS) IMM.
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  • 175 7 £&1 *w 10 10 Ampul 8.00 8.60 1 1 Aver Wenjj 1.30 10 10 PuUt J.4J 2.C0 10 10 Bnuuig 050 1.00 10 10 Kimpu pur 10 10 Kanmboi 1«0 110 10 10 KiatoAMoetotkw 1860 14.50 41 Ml KiDttTii 1.17 J 2.4.6 gl 11 L»i»X Uinr* 15 17/ 10
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  • 630 7 2/- 1/. AllagM >/- 2/* 41 11 AngloJaTa 4 104 6/1 1/- Aim^lUUy »/l« '10 S/- Bataag Malaka 1/- 41 41 B»to Ti«» ajo a.12.6 I/, ty Bekuti 1/- 1 1/. l/t 1 dk «1U 41 41 Bokit Kajan* 11' fi Si* 41 41 Bukit Lintaag 8.X.0 4.5.0 boo
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  • 105 7 II ill. SmaHiac Co. IS, 6 17/ 41 41 Z >■*«• IJW> I/- BUekrie Twiji 810 4,8 10 10 Fnw Ne»»e MM) CiXO 100 How»rth Knkioe 4SXO 100 7%Pwt 96SX. 100.00 100 100 K*U Bio, Dtt. 180.00 140.00 10 10 Msfurd Co. *J.UO ™L 2 Boy 8-1 100 100
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 210 7 AUCTION SALES. rVwal MM C*. Sr|>tember 9.— At saleroom. Chinese aad Malay Ornaments, at 11. St-ptinber 10.— At saleroom, thirteen valuable Oil Painting* in Maewiva Oilt Krames, at 11. St>nt>-niber IS. At Mount Alma." Dalvey Road. Superior Wax Polished teak householi f urmturi etc.. at 2. CW«C Kent lee and
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    • 89 7 ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME AT THB HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDOB HOAD. CHOICE FILMS IN THE 2ND SHOW Billing oomedy MO MICK* OBFIK* THE WORLD (Tbit tunny ftiia i« almost another use Rooad O Brie*.") Powerful Backwoods diama THI TINDIRFOOTI MOMBV aVaV l\ illaiay meets vitb Ms own reward). BorlasasM
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  • 886 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. CONGRESS OF MEDICINE. It ia estimated that orer aix tbonaaau madioal men from tweaty eigbt eoaatrie* artaartsd Urn aaTaatsaa th latemattonal Coagraaa of Medici aa which baa jaat aoaetadod ita laaoars ia Loadoa. It wm arrided iato twoaty aix Motion, or aab aaetioaa witb
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  • 24 8 Tba Rahman Tia Co. haa declared a Brat intai ioj dividend of 8 per oent. far tha correat financial year payable oa Siptamaai 1«.
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  • 23 8 Qraraatiaa reatriotioaa agninat Calcutta on accrual of cholera are withdrawn. l>jambi and f.k«lnagaa are declared iaiectod owia K to the euatonco ot cbolara.
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  • 34 8 It baa baaa aendad to make a atart to warde pman« ooatracto for the building of ofaarob at Koala Kobo. The oommittoF make aa appeal for a farther 11,000 to roador tho aobeme completr.
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  • 47 8 Traffic waa mßiarlii oa portion of the Keppal Harboor to Tank Road tmmliar yenterday throagb a ear becoming derailed betweaa Jobaotoa pier aad Coal Strert. and (or boom tiaM tho trama ran oalyfroni Kepp.l Harboar to Taajaag Pagar, where tho traaV waa diTartad to the lataraecting line.
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  • 72 8 We boar that the ant wipe of lha aaaaon at Johore Babra tail to tha gaa of Mr. Aabaad, of Bcodi, who ba«od two and a half ooaple. oa the third iaat, aad that Mr. V. E. BeoW aecarod a Brace af gotten plover, oat of a atnad of o*ar
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  • 65 8 Mr. F. H. Baaaaa, Into is, i of tha Bukit Ualnag ftato, waa caargei before Mr H. B. Babrtue at Kaale Kaagaar witli criminal at ana of trust. There attend to be a ihinhary of 110.000 ia bis hook. Tho aneuei A waa ooaam-Ued to trial -at la* aaaaaa. aad
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  • 20 8 During August 60,910 coconuts were gathered oa Kainpah Kstete, making a total tor tbe company's year to date uf U9.'/70.
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  • 37 8 Tbe banks of tbe Yellow Kiver in Shantung have given way, caoaiag the devastation ot over foar hundred Tillages aad tendering numberless families homeless. Tbe autbori ties is that province have begun to relieve tbe famine refugees.
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  • 75 8 Tbe steamer SaUnms Mam, conaigned to Messrs. Dodwell and Co., Ltd., ia overdue at Kobe and ia believed to have foundered in a typhoon experienced last Wednesday, says a Tokio wire of Angost 81. The typhoon caused havoc ia tbe country. Tbe most srri ous disaster is the loss of
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  • 89 8 Tbe Straita Echo would like to know for pillory purposes tbe name of tbe k'gal sVfJ ia tbe F.M.S. which advertised in the l.ew Tiuit. for a qualified assiktaxl at a salary of 4170 a year. Our contemporary proceeds: This is .wealing of the worst description aad as bad at
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  • 80 8 Major Oenera) Shiba, who viaiud the scene of tbe disturbances in China undtr instructions from the Japanese Government, admitted to tba Oaaaa Mainichi that it seamed to be a fact that some Japanese barbers, laandrymon and the like were with tbe Southern army, and among them seemed to be some
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  • 87 8 Tbe loss of life aud iajury to person, from street ac^deata abowa a tendency to increase, states Mr. Cascade n in his an anal polioe report. Electric trams, motor ears and loiiiaa are responsible for tbe greater somber. Ia Siasjipnre last year, 157 persona were injured by street aoci dtata
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  • 88 8 Within a week, aajs tbe Pinang Ussette. ae shall have a Beet of uteaiuera in Penang bringing 90,000 tons of ooal aad a repetition of some of tbe recent troubles at Prye is not at all unlikely. Tbe importing merchant. might have learned wisdom aad arranged to bring tho steamers
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  • 89 8 Tbe Ipoh papers are informed that tbe fetation of tbe Ipoh Tin dn-dging 10., which i- being plaoad oa tbe London market by Mr K. L. Corbet*, baa bean delayed .ince August oa acoooat of tbe belated arrival in London ot eertein docuoH-nU. Tbe capital of tbe cjmpany is tUijOOO
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  • 94 8 The following cbaages in the Police Fores will take place aooa, says the Straita Kebo. laspantor W. Mclntoab from Siaaapore to ptuceed to the Dtn>linn and Inspector WuiiLain from tin Dindin^* will oonif to HtaaoK to aanunie duty ia tbu Oaniblinit Saantwauon lh partun nl. laapcctor K J. O'Neill, who
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  • 114 8 f isntiwait Done, aa ex army officer, oa Aagwt 11, Bade a »eciots»fiil cntm ch»uo.l ttffct With M MtoplMt Working bj Dt-o iareatio*. The obiet foatore of tbm o«w ■mWm to ■■toiMlic atobilitj which raoden a mto slip impowible Dur iag iU trial trips the mafiiixi flew a oooaiderable dutaaoe
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  • 110 8 A danoe will be bald in tba Taatoaia aab to-morrow to which all maiiiaen of the Taaglin. Sinnapora, Swim and Dwtob Club, are inrited. aaaacriptioa 11. The oommittee ot lha Taatoaia Club have arranged far a sariaa of Spaniah eon*, and dancea to be Rirea by Mr. aad Mra. Malaga
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  • 194 8 By tbe kM (Ml of Umm baraer Perfec %toa stove beat *U» Standard Oil Com pan*, it hM »<oom» poasible to start the V*Ci.eoot<r; nl rtno, Umclm for Onuses ,fuW, a already M work mn r rklsy MUa. 1 oooaerj club bna« luassissil aad all pnrtioalars may be had frum
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  • 468 8 Mr. Hastiag* Rhodes, forme rly artiDC Solicitor (rencrsl in Peosag, i. expected back in tbe Straits ia November. Miss Stephenson, daughter of Major(teneral T. K. Stephrnson. returned to tbe StraiU by the P. and 1). steamer Assays. H. U H tbe Prince of Pitaaaulok. arrived from Bangkok
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  • 112 8 In tbe first court thix morning Mr I; C. Stoat wu fined fJS and coaU lor (ailing to reduce tbe speed of hi. motor oar when approaching a dangerous corner. The evidence wa. to tbe effect that Mr. Stout drove hi. car at aa excessive upred aloaK Orchard
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  • 170 8 We bare board a lot lately from Rnrope of vtrikaa and Üboar trooblea aad tlie oonaoqoent dialonatioa of trade. My. t>ie Straita Echo. In the idat, fortunately, we asldom hare to reaort to nucb draatk meaKiirea to obtain a fair hnariag for the adjuatmeat of
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  • 210 8 W« have rcoeired fro n tba Imperial JapaBeer Coaaal. a copy of tie tfairtoaath issue uf the Financial aad Eooanmic Anaaal of Japan which ooataiaa, aa asasl. a nm of eouipruhaaai*e statiatiw aad iiilormatioa relative to lha assess, trade, and inJumrw. of tha f mpira, haaidea a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 153 8 omUlxt mm p^y PADDIPI/ OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. THIS IA/EEIK SPECIAL DISPLAY NEW SEASON'S Cretonnes AMD Casement Cloths JOHN LinLE A CO., LTD. Anyone contemplating the purchase of a MOTOR CUB woud do well to inspect the elegant 4-seater "HUMBER" Model, also the 30 h.p., 2 and 5-seater OVERLANDS with Bosch Magneto,
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    • 160 8 It Mirthful Programme That's Joat What yon Waat aad That's Jaat What the Films go to make up TO-NIGHT ATTHB ALHAMBRA Pictcbs P»nfi, Bates. Boas, gaooa-D Sbjow, 9 JO to 11 r.a The Pictures are Mainly Humorous Has »«ssi TIM toMlrj BMH Tba Tat wenßTaraa. (M. Priace'. aad include Tbs
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    • 6 8 Latest advertisement, of the day appear
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  • 142 9 MORE PASSENGERS SUCCUMB TO INJURIES. Evidence on the Signals. RICTM'I TIIMIH L<»do.. ifeptenbar 7. There are bow ameateea waad aa a reaalt of the Aiagill diaMter. Sir Arthur iKxiflU. likTioK •nocumbed. Mr. Liadaay, who wm injured ia the di—rtar, haa aiao ««m:»i>»d Tbe drivw o( Uie Mteo^l train
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  • 66 9 Unparliamentary Language at Johannesburg. Rarru'i Ibuobam. London, Sepfcaabav 7. At .l,4uui»«.buri{. a labour meaiiag as Market Square attended by MTertl tboa mikU. paaaed ft rmolaltoa expr— inn dia«uat with tbe acliuo of the aatboritiat in attetupUnK to luppm* the esUbiuhed righto ot the people to free ipeeeh
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  • 109 9 Kaoraa's Tumih, London, aiytimair 6. Mr. w ir— -ir"^" r Peekbam. said Mr. Lloyd Oeorfls's liwm had euW Eaglaad amply to meet the ftrowiag cost of asiMianl lilmi I. which was the firrt doty of Urn OofVTßiiMßt. It <v deplorable to •pawl moaej is •ach a
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  • 66 9 RjlTßftf TIIKIUI. Loßdoa. Soptambar 7. Tb* SUoclarJ Vtataa tbat Lord Murray, formerly Maafa* u» Blib&ak, acting, on behalf ot Mown. rVaraoa, baa aaooraJ a inampti o»rr AiutTMaiß aad Dolch nraU by obUaaiatt a raluabie cuotwoa to work oilfi«-UU in Fii— rtn« in returc for baildißg railway*,
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  • 70 9 KaoTia'i TaLMMua. Loadoa, S*pietaUc T. Mr. Halfoar. in a apeeeh at Haddiaffto*. ■aid Urn mnenimaajt ooold appeal to the country before paaaiag Uoma Hale, ot eonld appeal after ilbeoaaelaw bat before it came into opermtioa. Bomoot iadioated that KoreraoM-ot Uvoored the aeoood ooora> bat Mr. Balfoar
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  • 34 9 tUVTM T»l Uo-do.. S^ta.k« 7. Mr. JrrauM-, the J»wj«. tlippad qoiftly •ctt»« U» bucdw of Ik* I'Mtod SUh- ud UtUdtokormdOTto biakvl. Omul ft—4•U that be oaavoidaMj J»««i««d tad tha cms or»ed.
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  • 61 9 Kscißßl TIUMU. Loodoa. Saptamfc*.- 7. The rriok^wa who an Milim k* Soudi Alrio* oa (X*okat ar» D<m«lm (Kan. »»pumi. Bud ,*umj BokiMoa (OkMOWIM t. HOC U !«•>"• ahin). Wooltoy iK«»>. M««J H«mp«hiM». J. W. H«M (MiJdl— it. A. Half (SaMtk). hvM ;Stallot<tabir«i I» a aptaadid
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  • 23 9 Imwi Tm— The U*r. Jum Of. Piiiliiiii d Apofe artia i>a Tl-olofy M Ik. Tt.Jrgn.l CoIV«e ol th. I'lM IVw Ctafek. Otmtom.
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  • 84 9 Electricians Resume Work on Old Conditions. Racrm'i Trmii Um*m,o, 9 Umkwl. Tbo rfnke oommiUM U. te*«d to allow the paiaten »o oompbto work U B*. Maryi HtapiUl. IVMi»«»o». Uw. «idod»« eighty pttiNta. Fir* hudred ekwtrieiMa employed by the Otto* of Work. h»~ deektad hy «rf«rtM»Ul majority to
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  • 49 9 KauTSk'* Tiuuua London, September 7. The Prince Edward Handicap resulted a* loUowa:— AtLaat 1 KincUidM Himaa > Ki«ht ran won bj two len«U>«. with a heftd between aeoood and third. The betting was 11 to 8 At Last, 9 to 19 King Midaa, 100 to. 13 Himaa.
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  • 89 9 KaoTiii TiiMiii London, September 7. At Hoteprin«. Hrkuiu, that* baa been a great 6re a mila loo* sad teo blocks wide. The eaatarn lection of the city v. iartroyart as wall aa taetorias, boaak. ratiiiaanaa aad pobUe baiWmg. Two tboaaaad arc bomel— I>ynainite waa oaad to preveat
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  • 93 9 Raima'! Tamil. London. Bi t >iia»T. At Room, it traaspiree that aa tba kmH I at diaaatiafaotioa caved in Italy by ordia aooaa dumiasing foreignera from taa aarvioa at the municipality at Trieste, anppoacd to be chiefly directed agaiaat Italiaaa, it ia propoa ed that the riait
    93 words
  • 69 9 Raoraa't Tn <■ Tli.- trade return, for Anffoal (how a Juuoast in imports of J5.M8.763 ud aa iacreaae ia export* of £884,008. The priacipal Juertaiai ia Urn import! ire id d ink. tufeaoeo awl raw ma toriala, tbara beia« declißM of JMIJOOO im wool aad tn MJOOO
    69 words
  • 27 9 RacTu'i TuaoiAM. L— l.u.Ti|iTr*- A New York i nn,itythl Hanaabofls are baildin* »e»eo«j. foot all *mi iloop an -i-^^-t- to iletoad the Amoric* Cop.
    27 words
  • 105 9 KaOTU'l T ■>—■!■■ Loo Ami. B*p«aa>bar 1. The ftrat Meatiag of Ik* Tmm Bal*>ri— tfoaday altanooa. whM th. <Ute o« Urn rttl opaawc of toiii— will bt MM. !>■■ OvTASurncm Lion Tamil Barlia. B»p«— b» 6. Tha imMim Coast DwehtaM Md Coaat Su OimliMo M adjoonad Mil
    105 words
  • 15 9 [>•■ OrrtaiATUi-a Lxori> Tiuwm. [luring Urn u*«nM, abort cucuit took ptM* <» ntMliM No. ta*|
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  • 17 9 Dm OnAMATiacn Luotb Tnnm tfrlim, g^liriM C fa, tra* i n ilrtliimy iMi^P* ky th.
    17 words
  • 459 9 SIXTY PER CENT DIVIDEND FOR PAST YEAR. Annual Report. The «icbth aaaoal report of the *r*etor. of RabDM> Ti> Cowpaay. submitted to Ik* ,lim, Bn.tiag if shareholders to be bald in the iialawrttl ottos of the com paay, 106 W«t Oeora* Street, Olaagow, oa Wrdaeedey, Angus* 80,
    459 words
  • 85 9 Dsa OsTAaiATiacaa Lxotd Tnmn The N.D.L. h»lf yearly balaac. *«4 ■bows Out rawly moarin h*T« iMmml by ter miiliaM of narks. With npri to mml of Urn imfrial mtmii ooatraot*. ■Bgo*i«WrTi »re fJi««- T^* fotiaiffbUy p r aerrioe to Bml Am will ba cob ktaoad.
    85 words
  • 16 9 Dib OoTAsunacM Llotd Tbmobam. Barlia. Saptamte 6. Tha Pope tea nonfri «JOOO pilgrim*.
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  • 37 9 Dm OttuuTucu Llotb Tmmu Berlia, Swpktmtmt. The Otnua prew express with lUly dec-Joe to uuartnmt om bOt»e ■kip immU; and My* the Tripla Uli— a» ia daug its d»iy raRMd to d«»»1 ud miUl^y
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  • 21 9 Dm OMiiunMn Llotb Tb B«f lia. UiptwnW 6. Tb* ItaliM wh— wrier Pwi». «»M Tittoai. w limd al oi»
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  • 32 9 Dai OnuunKi Lloyd T«uw»«m. Bar Us. September 6. A tßiMia iirtujli oooMrao tod at tha Valkma y»H kM ■■■>■!< worid MMri ter IrW trip a* 17 8 miki M how.
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  • 19 9 Dsa OaTMiATtaoaa Liots Twimi Bt^BnH Hi*. T)m tator pMliMßMtery eadMM at tot «xpi»— vi JWf to preparalor
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  • 627 9 REMARKABLE ACCIDENT IN THE CHINA SEA. Six Men Missia*. A story of hazardous adveaturs baa been toM during the week end by the crew of Urn tanii, the N.D.L. stnrasr which wm towed into aimfiiri oa Saturday aigbt in a diaabled ooodition. The cir mwliici of Urn
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  • 284 9 Range 12,000 Yards, Speed forty Eight KxXs. The new topedo which Messrs. Whrtebeads hare taw lillug in Portlaad Harbour n mm of a consignment made to the order of lbs Juhw doTernraent, cay» tbe Na»al ud kJbterv Rroord. It is known as tbe U i? Vickars, Limited),
    284 words
  • 97 9 la hi* aaaaal raaort oa tbe polie* depart ■Mt,HrCwwlMwtttM:-Ihini||tlMjnr 1M IllWti b»T» kMB Mdt ■!!!■■> HT^Bti of tfaata or II iM thatte. IHUM 48 m aimlll aad M ooariotod. lam fU lomUi* p«Uic both b«e ud Urn F. ft 8 h*r» kM> a«itatw|[ lor oocnpdbor, raglrtM Uoa of
    97 words
  • 26 9 Tta. Mimr irruH brtwaa Urn Ho. Ml 1 lij hi* iMi Mil Mr rfirrt" M g(ir Artbar Klulw, wfll teka pUc v. W mlij. (Mok* 1.
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  • 50 9 Tkt East Asiatic Company's Bail) Keporx The Market to Loadoa on Saturday waa mk. About «50 loo* will be offered by aaettos to morrow. Meaawbile. qootatiooa ara aomiaal Thaotoaian prioaa were: Hard flaa Para Spo4 8/8 a Forward 8»i Krrt latex erepa, daUvary ant three moatha i?
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  • 639 9 A Farewell Shooting Match And Saoker. Saturday m a Double <laj lor the S.RE, it i, a shooting match organised by the rifle club taking place in tlie afWTOoon and nmokiOK concert in the evening, the occasion for both (unction* being lli. imp. t>. linn d.psc tore of
    639 words
  • 41 9 Oetobar protniaf« to be ok d lmm-y ma Uimoaial afliiT in MaUi— The Malay Pida that there will be at least united is wedlock, oh at the Mr. htknkm, ol the Malacca tfoM. LM-. aod Mia FeralU. E P«Ha, ii ■»>■■♦ ge^ral
    41 words
  • 31 9 Mm. J. C. ltamllrtm, who bM taeo «< Sjte IT the Tm« tow. Di»ii»o^««lb« Tr-~- lUilw»J "t>.cb mcJutU* r"?La o. Knd«y lor >j*ChJ. on gMdtal d tatofco- «w^ rl i i 111
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  • 121 9 FATAL ENDING TO CANADIAN EXPEDITION. Leaders Speared By Eskimos. RacTM't Tiutui. London. September 7. New* baa bees received at Ottawa that Messr*. Radford and Street, the Amenoan and Canadian explorers, respectively, who in 1011 left Chesterfield Inlet. Hudson Ray, to travel overland to Baihurat Inlet on tba Arctic
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  • 106 9 America Undertakes a Mission Of Persuasion Kacri* TiLiAita London, Septemhti 7. At Waahiagton it reported that the administration is sounding Mr. KooeeTelt with view to hia visiting Bngland, Kraace, Oernuuiy, and other European countries to eadeaToor to induce them to participate ib the Baa Kraociaoo Kilnbition Oaß
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  • 31 9 London, September 7. A mass meeting at Tokio, b»ld is deftaaoe ol police prohibition, protested against tbe Nankin incident and passed a resolution urging the government to mobilise troops.
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  • 35 9 Kanma't Til aatiM London, September T. A sorter baa been killed and w?enl injured at Manchester by the explouoo of a postal panel supposed to oontain cartridK** or starting races at sports.
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  • 39 9 HlDTll'l T*LM*AM. London, September 7. The oounterrailing duty on wood pulp baa beea eliminated from tbe American Tariff bill by the ftaMoe oommittoe. which [hbotiWkl tnh*-^-"— under which all anti l anadiaa retaliatory t«aturea are remoTed.
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  • 43 9 RacTH i TiLaoBAM. Loadoa. September 7. A Simla mninfl- report* that ISO penoa* wbo 1M crown* telbuUry ul Uic Bo*. ri»«r in the Uoahisrpor diatricl, co route to tmir, were oTerwbelined bj spate and tbe whole party was drowned.
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  • 45 9 KaCTKB'n Tflikh Loadoa, Sept— )hm 7. M Poiacare baa ai«Md a decree oraatiag a »ancU to adTia. tba Admualty o. tochmcal naUan. al»o a Aeon* eaUttiiabia K K reach 3oarto in Xoroooo (or K reach citiaaaa aad ■tolaaaa, repiaciOK the Conaalar court*.
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  • 53 9 Racrai't Tiuiih. Loado*. hrtahr7. The KißfC of Oteeoe, aooom|Mied by the Qaeea tad Urn Crown Prince, ha»e unnd at Berlin to »<— A the army BMnomi They wen welcomed by the rUiM* and PriMea ikd drove to l'otedam. Tbe ebieb of Ute jut— «t»fl» of Anetri* and li»W
    53 words
  • 77 9 Dm Onuumcn Ltoro T»i Berlia, September 6. Tbe Kaieer rwaWad Kia< Co— ftiat>ni his family am a wu which tbe praaa haiU T«la«Ma Iron tba pol.ti:*! aap«*. M— y fai—dly articUt lay Mca> on the filial of tha AoaUM »n 1 Ilaiiaa^ehief* ol the Oaaaral Staff at tha Kaiaar m—<rorraa
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  • 2 10
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  • 82 10 I o a wm ol lßterport nriaaii* oomimf ■haßffhai mom) SI potato again* Hoag kM«*S7. BrMat Barry, the champion ■collar of Urn world, in accepting Ux cfatlleoa* ol Freak Uwv, Mi Adwicu, to row him (or the title. .lipnl.Wi that tbe match (ball bu lor XSOO a
    82 words
  • 192 10 Singapore UoM Club. Tbe September monthly medal mi played on >»tur.i»y ud Sunday and resulted id a via for Mr. Geoffrey 0. Procter who returned sett aoore o< 77 Tbe »weep on Saturday was won by Mr S»>uUr aad on Sunday by Mr. K. L I. Braid. 11. Many
    192 words
  • 163 10 S.C.C. Tournament. hollowinu are tlie result* of Saturday's play CsUMPtoMaaiP. C. K. Terrell beat A C Terrell. w.o. Tyler beat Major I'lncbes, 6 1, 1 8- 6. A Cum SixiLU Handicap. Kraddell owe 1 t. Hartaell acr., postponed. Wilson scr. beat LeaUiall owe 15.-J, 6 4. l. IVrkm.
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  • 435 10 k.O.Y.L I. (I) v. K.O.Y.L I. (2). The fimt ud seooad elevea* of the BjU L I (toed each olfa«r on the graved at Taaglia Herrackt on Saturday, whsa, despite the (act that there was do acore at half time. th« aec km- team proved aneoeeaful by four goal*
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  • 44 10 hat the Suffragette mm! to bar Inhni wi4m Urn Chicago Saw*— Now Williaaß. if To* upKt hi iraaMaal 70a got to fi op ud atart tbe ii« ia Uw n>f» wwll. liaraiag two cat hi tad a eatfcudial laat o.Ktil baa brud aa oat.
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  • 614 10 Dinner and Presentation At Peauft. Ai briefly maotionad in oar ooiamM oa Saturday, a diaaer m givea by the Chief Folioe Omoer, Major H. Barry de Hamel, ud Uk InliliH 3u£»»>i of Poltoa. a* tbe K. ud O. Hotel, Pwaaag. oa Thunday night, to Mi.
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  • 428 10 ■r. F. Lander Discharged by Taiping Magistrate. The bearing of the charge against Mr. Fred Lander of committing a breach of toe Betting Kaactmeut at Taiping Kaon came 00 at Taipiag before Mr M. B. Sbelfe). I MucL lotrreat was takes in the proceed ing's and the
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  • 5 10 T«efa« (with WaUnlbi h«d) i
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  • 11 10 Tba fctaat raport fTide PmcL ia UjM Urn L%Mte ia fmm«.
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  • 755 10 DAY OF THE FURNITURE-FAKER OVER. Gennioe Articles. That thing* are not what they Mem is dictum which has long been commonly re yarded a* applying with atpeoial force to the antique furniture trade. Indeed, ao many people asem to be in the know, and to wax ■VBttqtM
    755 words
  • 341 10 Medical Delegates View "Bedlaa" Pkt.rts A party of delegate* to the Media*] Co. grans wlio t i«ited Bethlehem Hospital iWNt ly were ihavi number of rriuaAable paiat iDKt from the brashes of msrtisa. At mm time, before Broadmoor tit built, criminal Innstios aaderan arraagotamt with the
    341 words
  • 1277 10 SOME CHANGES IN THOUGHT AND MANNER. Facts to be Noted. It it do light frivolity which >• changing women, say* the PaJI Mall. They are changing is whim with a genual change which is affecting the world, and which U rendering their old sheltered sphere of
    1,277 words
  • 404 10 French Civilian Aviators to Be Enlisted. The question of an aerial militia in Frmaor ha* been frequently discussed, and ia now about to receive satisfactory solution. It is expected that in a few month* there will be 'JOO civilian aviator*, with a compact organ i aation forming
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  • 243 10 Koala Nal.— *,2oo lbs. Ayer Tawab.-6,H00 lbs. Broas Perak.— l,l7l) lbs. BerntniPmk.-5.86e lbs. CxMlj.-M.Xi6 lbs. Connor rßilod.-T.165 Ik.. Kominioo- 19.16U lbs. (ilea«Al7.-5.0M lbs. Lower Perak.-8.510 lbs. Ratanai.-lS.5Wta. Trolak.- In.* 7 lb. F.M.S. Rabber Co.-110,2.'>0 lbs. k.L. Rabber Co.-114.i75 lbs. Tanjoug Maliui 29,270 lbs. Kou».- i.MTO lbs. Heverlar
    243 words
  • 81 10 Arrivals. IV atr. Itarwaot, Sept 7.— From taiga* Umm*. I'tnta ud ltel** Faratr. CTlif g— i. Sept 6.— From Bug iMk: Mn. Urn. Mr.CMonr. Her «tr. Siagapor*. Sapt From Sine hiwHf: Mr. and Kn. Ifilm. Pw rtr. Ctlvpao. Sept 7 —From Port Sw«t— lnui: ikMra. C. Silken,
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  • 702 10 DOCTORS AND PREHISTORIC MAN'S BRAIN. Was He Half Ape? Hrn a very ancient inhabitant of tin In laad* been seriously libelled by the antlir pologisU? That M ooe ot Urn question* which the doctor* attending the Anatomical Section of the International t hduh r« hare to
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  • 311 10 Some remilU of mea*area taken i«aiait Heri beri 10 Kritiah Malaya formed the subject of a paprr road before the 1 laaiaaj Medicine at-ctiou of tlie Imperial Medical Congrraa by Mr. W. L Hraddon. Epidetnio logically, be naid, and apt-akiox broadly, beri bwi amoogat rice mating native*
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  • 59 10 Wife it-xaiuinioK (be billl.— l>o yon tr ibtr. aij dear, how out troat too MHht iMt Saturday f Hu»ba>d.-Tbar« wan joat lw»i»»— all bMatiM. Why? Wife.— Tk* bbaoiMr baa made a m» taka— be oaily cbamw br bait a doara. Hvapaciive Employer Nut afraid of early boon, I tuppo* Bmpioyaa
    59 words

  • 946 11 POPtLAR THEORY OF M4TERNAL IMPRESSIONS. Experiments Wanted. 'I v. widely »|ircad beliefs —ia regard to the oompltcatod aad not generally faiuiluu nubjoil ff tlic r< |irmluctioo Jf BBwßsajß-arf' rtainpUe ot the iinjuxtifteil an.i priuiiure motk> ut forming a ooaclaaioa known aa poet hoc ergo uroptar hoc" Than are,
    946 words
  • 664 11 PrkM QfMi*. Ib the lark* TUs Mnraind Siagapon, September 8, 1918. Mown. Lvall and ■vatt, Binhaags aad Shan Brokers, aaws tha toUowiag Mat tt jootalioaa this mormiac N>■ Wmm Rrraa*. Siuin AikMM 1/104 a/44 4 1 Aacb-J*** 4/104 6,14 1 A agio Johor* 0/ 7,8 I/- Aaffte-MaMj
    664 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 34 11 The Man Who Gets There n aai whs has tlisi ml Hah red htoad aad pisa* af It— la hto bsdy IITEWBTt 1-fT ABOUZO -üßiißimt rtssfn r aiawlihtsg. swiswt" r*a*sa)utia« M O0 ALL OHIMIIrI
      34 words
    • 49 11 As an to short, tto eaiy rigwt It shoBM hs happy In II haafch daparts. tha siigbtoat bght la Mows right oat tor yea. If nwsh or coid rob yon of haaMh, Aad joy will aot awJwJM, Take s -t'o-t rot to artoaton wiaMh. Wak Weed. Onatriniii in Os—.
      49 words
    • 339 11 I.ATES7 ADVPRTISEMENTS BABY ORGANS Prices from $25. ,^^BSjW^B»WSWBBBBISt"*-». Mtem-MVim awBwBBwH i Wf J »J S. Moutrie CO., LTD. THE RITZ THE LAN6HAM THE CARLTON THE SAVOY THE CECIL One and ail supply DENIS MOUNIE 8 BRANOIEB Why? Quality Tells. Garner, Quelch A Go Battery Road. Sraoapon Tssapbeae SSI QUITE AN
      339 words
    • 667 11 NOTICE. Chop Baa Ho Ilia. il. akr ia Soadr j Goods sad Commission Ag»ct which haaism waa f .raceriy earrird en at No. 78, Market street. ,i«»ro'., have aow n moved to No r*. Teluk Ajcr Sirtet, Rtagannrs September 8, 1818. OsTswf HAS HO HIN. 88 a us WAR DEPARTMENT
      667 words
    • 335 11 £~fa iilif mi THE BEST, j Dupire Bros*. AGENTS. ITc v a RAFFLES HOTEL, Special Dinner ON SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 13. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saalftfon. Tha only fttst nlaas Hotel in Saiyon. Bvc«y ecu fort Hpleadii verusdah Heetaorant. WMh msßßgeinewt. Fmaob kitohea aad attcedißce as in the Bao«t Bnropna Bustanraata. Ma—
      335 words

  • 1511 12 DIFFICULTY OF DISPROVING THEIR CLAIMS. An Eminent Scientist's View. Though the qaaatioa as to the nMHM of now myatarioaa power which ict> upon Urn water finder or upon hi* forked twig, and guides him to the discovery of deep- lying subterranean water, haa been tented by ex penmeat,
    1,511 words
  • 429 12 Favourite Hobbies of the Long Vacation. Tli" I.»w Court* having risen (or the ten wiekt' Ixmg Vacation, it is interesting to Dote, says a home paper, tbe hobbies ut some of tbe King a judge*. Golf baa a special attraction fur the judicial wind, and tbere i*
    429 words
  • 164 12 Golfer* will raaeive with mixed feeling* the proaoaaoenießt of Mi. M«~t»^n Wbitlacfa. the American player, that "Rolf and braias do not Hem to aaumilate." To mm ap his theory is hi* own wards, "Road golf m pUyed through the lower aerre oeatm aad motor chaaaeU, whil* poor
    164 words
  • 85 12 Crordoa. oa Aaga* 4, lor the Bfth Aon* >*.. Hoiku, i. i... pu^ M jn. cnckrtm»lcho< two ianuM for Md, Tb>y ilium Bright— aml&Ukf+CUk*, M raw with two wickaU to spare The touk wm -i«i aad 148. 1. tte IWimMml pU r «l U- Wo^r, kjr.
    85 words
  • 73 12 White no* uibm— wore rapinu aa oM rnttigi is Brawery Street. Pembroke Dock, twaatly. they inouf id ia a hole la a —i. ...->■ i- f 1 ,n,, Tfc)(M U. kbuat *1.1O) i i illlli mi 111! DMd by I%txl Xinfcplti, a rMind farmar ud I'Hiii, who carried as Mini
    73 words
  • 851 12 Forthcoming Arrivals tad Departures. The following nasseagoi booking! to the Semite are taken from tbe London and Chin* Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending psswrngen may alter their arrangements, nubwqaunt to the issuance of this list in London:—n
    851 words
  • 169 12 II women ooakl bat be induced to Uriah ub btbm tbe our they bow lavish on don, there would be do Poor Law ciiildreo pro bleu to solve, I waa told the other day, in reply Id timid anggMtinn M to bow that pro Mem might, perhape,
    169 words
  • 93 12 Kicbard Hartiag Vmwm had aa amoains experience while oa a raeal riait to Eiw laad. Whila uuXunaf throa«h tbe ooaatry In. party (topped to w v aUcboKa. Thi o«B style. In the (ar ooraer u( Uiia 'era church," be •aid. lies William the Coaker be nd the ?"T wh T
    93 words
  • 801 12 STILL HAS TIME TO THINK OF t MATRIMONY, r Higher Code of Honour. of the silly huoo topic* which are filling the columns of the home prea* nut now is the question of the athletic girl. The following letter on the subject ia from the Daily Telegraph
    801 words
  • 360 12 Necessity for Silent Motor Vehicles. How to reduce street hum ia becoming every yew a more serious problsiu. The Londoner to a great extent doaa not motioe it, bat bis health dot*. doctors say that many DerroQ* oomplaiala are doe to the roar of oar atreata. The
    360 words
  • 15 12 ttoaa Wo^( to dabs, ud otbtn msc I »o think Urn data Maa« to Urn.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 271 12 SEMI-DIESEL ENGINES 'BERGSUND For All Purpose* ON I Complete Launch equipments and complete Power Installations quoted for on application to Sole Agents: The Singapore General Electrical Engineering COMPANY. LIMITEO. 81, Mohamad Sultan Road. "•Quality SHop Quality Goods FM Qmmst,lity People The Middle East. JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE COMPANY. Only Addre** ORCHARD
      271 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 271 13 FOR Tiffin and Dinner The Best Drink is Key Beer Sole Agents: Behn. Meyer Co., Ltd. J. CROWTHER SHAW CO., Merchant Tailors, RAFFLES PLACE STYLE Faultlaaa. FIX Perfect. MATERIAL The Beat. WORKMANSHIP Flnctt. PRICES Moderate. ■^aw XL *e^^^F .^bT^bW. c Have removed to No. 37. Hlffb Street Junction Hlfb Street
      271 words
    • 402 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. woiHrttWA tram law, 00. ld. Takian aano oa toroo«b B.Us of Ladiaf or Oaatoa, Macao, 3 watow, Amor, Cbetoo fTlaaava, Newohwaaa, raasrtaae Porta. For »oca. the Pfailippiaee. eto.. om.. eaa. XQbW COOUaMaVpdl^f Kviß4>e «.BBf 8.0.D. Buoui NAaaAao *JM P. M. B. Lamm -Lacmm" MM B.J.Tadd "Knau* 11 IW
      402 words
    • 511 13 UPRIGHT GRAND PIANOS SOLID MAHOGANY PULL IRON FRAME ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. $350. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LD. STEAIER BAIUNBB. TOYO KISEN KAISHfI (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Toe New Bonte Via Chins, Japaa, Haoolnlo aad Saa PraaoUoo to ail points m the Darted States, Canada Uexieo aad Bnroae. IHftUt
      511 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1605 14 THE fiRJ^HOT^^ ■fgf-TTwIACTIVwaI P*LJ«M4B AfISUMMM^ ■aVliWt T# LjOAatb LIYXAAA, OOMMMafMaMI TO BWOtty*^ »"MT Hat Pfeaf«BTa9AMßT B aB a ftPfßr aV. K- Wm Ib*«* aßßaawaftaP***! aßaafa"aWßß^ a) BfUf PSfl fja Btmaa. (Sa, T aat. J »at taa aaad Oaee Sbaaßbai. BaaH of Daraotan Bar'ia. BRANCHBB, Barav Caloota Haaaorv, Oaatoa, Hankow, aaaffeoan.
      1,605 words
    • 586 14 SUES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of THIRTEEN VALUABLE OIL PaINTIN*;-} IX MASSIVE GILT FRAMES. (•lightly dama«ed). To be held at Powell A Co Sale-room. On Wadnaadar, September 10, at 11 a.m. For aooonat of concerned CaUlogot* uaaed. POWELL CO, Auctioneers. M 99 AUCTION SALE Of SUPERIOR WA.WOUSHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,
      586 words

  • 1131 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Noa-SUds u4 Twii Tyres. It ia Mi possible adeaaately to deal with tbe tyre question wiskout eoaaidariagl i IL.I M^«^^tvia alt Milling is I 000 of tbe most important potato in ti» whole mill and oh thai has a nx*able bearing
    1,131 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 313 15 TENAX BITUMINOUS SOLUTIONS TKNAX BITUMINOUS SOLCTIOH it ptep»r«l*o« ol Urn «h* Ulmhi floij lorn, nfi^d b 7b 7 .p.cUl proo.* to in* Unoioto polity «> "7 to fin* cUm mm mi *mI pwmliN. Altbocfffa 1 M udmUt bi«b wfm>tc «i*Ti»y. »Wi Mo i- .ortali^Jj ,|,rtj/j MTadbMia.. T-M U- proko«iT6 p»r
      313 words
    • 48 15 ClMmberUin s Pain Halm Than is ■irthiag ao Rood lor moaeolar rbanmitiai. apraiaa, hmm w nriwf of Urn < moacla*. iinim aad like iajariw a. Cbaa I •arlaia. Pua Balm It will «Ssot a core ia 1 law Übm tkaa aay other Iralaal For mlm Vy all Phwisiirieiaad Daalaw.
      48 words
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