The Straits Times, 1 September 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.275 SINGAPORE. MONDAX BEPTEMBER 1. 1018. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1469 2 THE DEBATE IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Shortage of Aeroplanes. Describing the debate ia the House of Commons on July 80, Mr. John Foster Kraaev, writing ia The Standard, says Complaint was made in the House of Com. moos about the apathy of the public on national defence.
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  • 406 2 The Few Return Rich, the Multitude Poor. The statement that more than four lakha of rupees were brought back by lixiian etui111 ants returning to Calcutta last joar from I>■ mrrara. Fiji, and Natal K* Te imprea. sion that tlie labourers most have prospered ilurinu their exile.
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  • 220 2 Three Young Nuns Set Out For Caoton. Father Coerardy, wboae work among the lepera in China was noticed recently in the home paper*, will ahortly bare the aaaiatanoe of three aw, who have just left Montreal to spend the remainder of their lire* ia the leper
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 649 2 A Celebrated Violiniste awaf aB wat fJ «1 Nervous Fatigue. Languor— Th- m.v., the nridtiut which ensures her brilliant successes, says the talented violinist, Miss Sybil Keymer, is entirely due to her abundance of vigorous ntrvt fcrct created by Phosferine. How greatly the numerous distinctions and triumphant career ol this
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    • 91 2 Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. Thia remedy has ao superior as a oar* for oolda, croup aad whooping mugf! It baa been a favorite with the ssoibers of young children for almost forty years. Chamber lain's Couch Remedy oaa always as depended anon and ia pleasant to take. It not only cares
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    • 124 2 BFor the Skin There is beaun Mai comfort fi* tin.- -l^n in ever) |<ariick uf— "HAZELINE SNOW" a The incomparable Beauty-Halm. It MM M a most beneficial tonic to the skin, cleansing 1 it from impurities, removing roughness, excessive colour and blcmi>lies imparting a charming fresh- <**Srf^^ I Delightfully cooling,
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  • 986 3 PROPOSALS BY THE INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL. Machinery of Peace A White Paper of considerable importance was published ou July 81. Thi« ia the report of the inquiry which was directed by Parlia- 1 ment, aa the result ol tbe miners' strike of last year, into tbe beat method of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 293 3 The National Mutual Life Association OF AU8 T RALABIA. LIMITED. Established 1 The first Lit* Office ia tbe world to introdace the noo fcrtettare pnnoiple to Poliotot. A Mutual Offloo. «O ■r.a*o*iolslai-a. Low Pi*#niiuiwft. ftnniMl Inooma *I,aS*,BS*. Fund* atT.Wl.awO Cln. me P..d Ce.OTB.tMO. ALL pmota are dtssttaatod amootr* Policy -holders.
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    • 63 3 ChrsMiic Diarrtooea. Arc von subject to i^ti- 1 at diarrfaosn Emm aaaulateiv qaict lor a taw days, rest ia bf.l if poaaiale. 4* careful d yoar diet aad Ukc llisiaUilsia sts t olie, flinliis aad Dia*. rtMwa Kriucdy. This aasdu-iac has eared eases ol rbroaic diarrboaa thai poysteiaaa aavr failed
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    • 595 3 > tn. 'i in at.y II it Hl««»l •urh *s Keaaaaa, asaafaksi Bad u.--.-^..-.. i loans, Baaax s..n*. and ■a of all '..n<U. liUnl .l.vr SarvllinK*. ji:..«l Mm, i:ii. uum'-m. Oeat, «< .1... t Iw-qt-it* t«i n conrw ol 11.Ai.,! s 11..., MIVriKK. Mi tlie m»ti. n. i- of MbMaaafli
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    • 96 3 RANEEOUNGE GLAZED ■TOME WARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO.. LD. THE ABSOLUTE IT FRASER NEAVE'S SODA WATER. TO RUBBER PLANTERS! Bush's Coagulating AND Bleaching Powder Causes the immediate separation and clotting of the rubber, at the same time giving it a fine light colour. SAMPLES FROM
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 675 4 4TEAMEB BAIUWBS. p. &o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA. JAPAN, PBNANQ, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA. INDIA, ADEN, BOTPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Throogh BUIa ot Ladiag issued tor China Coast Panian OuU, CoaMaaatal aad Amencaa Porto. Steamers wilt leave Singapore on or about— MAIL LINES ISIS Homeward {for Europ*). From
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    • 586 4 tIBWB BAIUWB. I N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUMKAN UNL A KartH^faMy Mrvieo io Mil hetw iWtoi vfc ports to MMwillMk wtth Mm ImperiaJJapaaava OavwaiaM The New TrnmtMNMH malitola«| lUs aarvtoe have taw iPMtelhr eMoMdawl oouerotod. and are fitted wtth all &c lateet .mprovemeam lor the etfety aad comfort
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    • 653 4 BTEAJEI BAIUWB ME 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pabaag, Bmibl), Krofay, Paka, Triaggaan, Bfaat, Samera, Biahek. Ealaataa, rabai. Bib aim Tafaafa, Paaara Pataai Bmaara. Laeoa Kobsamm Baadoa, Tatßtßa ObfAMSYOnft, KnBMMMsT sBMm! BAbMbMsAU *.b>«. PRAOHATIPOK tWpt. S. WUI aot sail at Kretay, Paka, Taka aad Kohlak Will aot oall
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    • 508 4 BTEAIER BAIUNM. HAMBUK6 AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG AJTB ComblnsO laia ■Ilia. Tbe staamres ot tbaaa Oompaniss mautaid tafobir sarvfae butwuen Hambarg Bremen Antwerp, Rotterdim aad Kmden aad tin B^^g), Ocsma tail Japan Homewarde, they an nasßStshad tort oigbtly fat Havre and lUißbms aad oaee a moath far Bremerhavea direst aaihag at
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    • 609 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D L. NORODEUTSCHER LLYOO. BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The taat aad well known mail steamers of this Company rail fortoitfhtly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam. Ao-.werp. South ampton. Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and »ice voraa) Port Said, Sues, Adoa, Colombo, Penaag, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 224 5 The Sign of Quality. VIkOIMA CIGARETTES. Vac \rd in TaUnt Cr\ AC T, h, ■>»...< rmcwmmTlms. DU-^O cents. T f ÜBATM J^r\CQO CO.. LTD.. LONDON. ENG. "CROWN" MOTOR SPIRIT FOI BUSSES, LORRIES, Etc. "What 'SHELL* is to the Car 'CROWN' is to the heavier motor" This Is tbe general verdict
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    • 376 5 JjjjL No. 5 Royal (F^^^^=t? THE MASTER MODEL A^iiiS J^^^T/ BUPPUHTW6 UL OTHfB MUEB. jl^T^ [T 801. aimu (or ss ras \T^iJ^^ HMttmbtch Bros, k Co. -ll 81-T4l STEAMER SAILINGS. WtUN MHUA STEAM IAIIMTKtti COMPANY. LIMITID TO PBNANO. BANOOON a ALCCTT* Owe aba Company's ataen la intaalvd la leave Tan
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    • 280 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITIBH INDIA STEAM NAY GO.. LO. APCAR LINE OP STEAMERS. Tbe oaarrmeavieaed mail steamer* ot kbt above Line maintain a i«-rnler er-rviee ac rween CalerMa and Japan e%Uin« at "imi Sienporr Honffkoaa; aad Bhaa«faai ea roate. FLEET Teat OommaaVi J*»*» B.PH c. P. Saooca Caaeeat *.c*» «.«0C J
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    • 446 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OOMBINBO •■MVIOB OP THE 6CEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. A THE WEST AUSTRALIA* 8 N. CO.. LTD. aarrwaaa F^amant la i Part h), HoMh tVaat •VtaatMUvajt Porte. Java tutel Singapore. ■ajrolar Portaiffhtly sailin*. betwew Siaaapnrf aad Western Aastralia, calling aj Java (aa indaoemeat offers), Derby, Kiag's Sooad (Port
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    • 166 5 lux] is someihiiiK more ju>t an ordinary cleansing aurni it is a uni(|iie and sciontilit Wwhiai |>rt|).it.itioii WliiUi I I li.» .ill (lurfTo livnu-ss <>t <>I<|| SI l.l|l il |M\vvsc\, in addition, distinct advanlatces where tin- \\.in|ijm U (l FlannrU. NNOolkus. |..kc Hosiery and l).iint> J'.dn K i<
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 408 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTI. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby civeo. that Mr Woods. M. R. C. V. S.. is do long- r in my service. Tbe power of attorney wbeb was held by him d iriag my abasaon has been eaaoaUaaV C. W. ABRAVS. v H if 1* w FOR SALE hriosmead fiino
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    • 64 6 BIHTIBH INDIA tTUM HhUMTMN COMPANY, LIMITED FOR ADELAIDE. MELBOURNE AND BYDNBY. The Company stnamtr BBALDA, MM toa«. F. W. Jooa«oa. Commtn&ar, isdae bora oe or ab- ot the 4ib Septtmlrr, aad will bave prompt lo patch lor above ports. Sbe h»s sxoelleat scoommodatioa tor saloon past eager*. Term* aad rates
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    • 974 6 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE AUTUMN MCE 11X*****. (OaaW BILA JtaJs* of Jcusy), WILL SI lILD OM TuMd.y, Oot. 1», Thupsdsy, Oot. IS, and Uturd.y, Oot. 18, ISIS. PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. Tussdsy, Oo»o>a* 14, 191 J. 1. THB PAVILION STAKES Valoe MOO. A Selling Raoe A Handicap for Ilor see Tbe
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    • 649 6 PHm wMbMrty k*#«M w*mm thw« wlf»WJWll IMIIW. MOTB t— THa) attaint lon of owimi I* to Rul« IBS, wtiloh m.h M Mm hww tar ■■P»>«iiliig m-nt mm Urn DAY BIFORI t h« R.o*. Owaen of (hiflri are entitled to enter (or Bither of Urn fallows* asriae of Bum Fui Serfa*
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    • 281 6 After Fever Aft*r operation.. drmiUn. or at any tim* when health la low ard strength fwbl*. Semtfm EmuUinn i. unnvall-d a* a atrrneth maker, a buildrr up of tiwu-. mu»cl*. ai.J b..n.. No olhrr remedy ha. such a worldwide r.putituwi for purity qoalitv itreogth. for RnmH: m»»"«j. SCOTT'S I aJ>
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  • 118 7 FIXTURES Monday, September I. p.m M .inilily Mi-uoa meeting, nil p.m. Tuesday. September 2. Hi^li Water. 11.41 *.m 11 H pan Wrdne«4ay. September i. Hiyh Water. O.» p.m Han Raya. Thursday. September 4. Hn-li W»Wt. nin m.. OJW p.m H <", S|*jrtM. Kl«.k»n Mati. 4.90 p.m. P.
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  • 164 7 To DAT. Tebins Tintu>. Bengkmlia u.l Hxtn Kitu 8 pm Batu PaluU Ai«K Leong 8 pen P. Swrttrnham aa<l Teluk Aneon F *ak 8 pm Hilm* ud Xoir Ktkt pm Ks^iVyl'in. \u«tralaiiia. Maunti .in, ln.lia. EiOP* and twin, etc Chili S pm P. SwptU-nluun PfoanK. Negaptttm, and
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  • 145 7 The P. an 1 O. hora-ward mail iWnier Arcadia left Hungkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday. Align* SO. and may he expected to am»e here oo Tl.onnUy rooming. September 4. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Aasaye left Colombo at 1 am. on Sunlay. Aagnstll, and
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  • 67 7 Larr gnuirou. Dm Lobdob. A»»it«d Jolt MN. D L. Aagwl Aon. Tl July HI Rl M An* An* 4X. M. Au K Am. •P.* O. SeptL-mbor 1 Srj*. 1 Aon. 1* N. I). L. a I An«. 14 It. I. B I Uk 1- M M a
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  • 554 7 Latest Arrivals. AUmart.*. Pi«t. Cruiacr ITW toaa. MI rrw 14 gun* 4000 lip. torn. Judo t'aatro. Sept 1. Frrm Macao, Aag M. For I nina, Sept 4. It U. Broawer. Dei. aw. M 4 toaa. Cant I naaianfc. Aa, 11. Krom P. Baroa. Aacfc. Ox. aad v«.d<t Ltd.
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  • 101 7 Wharves at which V easel* ara Bcrtkwa 10-l)i>1 0- l)i> TANJONO PAOAR. Bait WaAar Basdj Nil. a W. Sacnoa No. l...KuaU. Saaau Wbamt Kuinphioa. aim W. Sacr. No. S...Tara. 8.. .Ni1. n «...Nil n i..Nil. H «...Nankai Mara. I'jUb, Calypao. Niw Docs a
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  • 170 7 Arrivals. Per atr. Ipoh, Sept 1.-From T. Anaon ria ports Mesara. H. W. Jones. F. Adam, R Scoalar. U. Hogbea. Bell. T. Ratbartord. W. M. Sime, H. Robinson, J. C. Robertson. Staples. Beng Sech Geoh. H. F. Gray aad Mrs. H F. Gray. Par str. Lady Weld,
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  • 256 7 EXCHANGE Riaoirou. Skpt»»»k« 1, 1913. O» l<n>o« bun < b|i a/41 DtCDMd fri»Me Iml -ijji Im/t 8,4,{ On Oiui«i....l)Hk d/d SM Private I m/» 3484, O» Fa*«ca Buk d/d SM Private m/t 5994 Oa Inu BMk T. T. 174, PriTtlo BO d/i IT* Oa HoMioN...6uk d/d 14%
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    • 182 7 Bo,«. B.llm 10 10 Ampul 8.00 9.60 1 1 AyerWen* 1.90 10 10 Beta* M» WO 10 10 Bra*n« 0.50 1.00 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kanabo- 1.90 £l 0 10 10 KinteAwoeuttioa 10.71 I'i.OO tl tX KinuTm 117-6 3.4.6 MS tl L«hm* Mi«r- 18 i 1.2.6 10
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    • 658 7 1 Barn. SeUan. S/. jy. AUm«j 1/10* 2/6 41 41 An«k) J»t» 4 9 8/9 I/- 1/ Aaglo Malay H 10* 0,9 1/- I/- Batang Maiaka 1/1 18 41 41 BttoTifp ai« 0 8.2.6 2 2 Bekoh 1/3 1 6 2 19.. 1/ din di» 41 41 Bukil K*jana.
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    • 110 7 Value,? Bayata. Sellan Ml Ml B. SmeHiag Co. 17/41 41 Prat U.O IAJO Bleotrie Tway* 8 9 4,8 10 10 Fraaar A Neava 60 0 6*2XO 100 Howarthßrakiae... 46X0 100 7% Prat 96.0 C 100.00 100 100 Eata Bro, Dat 190 M 140.00 10 10 Maynard a Co. 10.00
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 chambtrUin'i Pain Bat*. There ia noUna* ao aood lor Btaaoalar ikwaejataßa. aaraiaa. lameaeas. craasna of taa ■null, kraiaes aad like iajariea aa Cfcaav kvrlata a Paia Balm It will efleet a ear* ia leas tiaM Uiaa any other Uustmaat. For aale aj all lhapeaaaneaaad Dealers
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    • 162 7 AUCTION SALES PowaU ami Co. Haneaaiksr I— At •aleroom, ■■iilnil< wUijm. at 10. September At aalemoa. ralnable pm parties known as Locbater, lov.rl xbj sinrara and Balmoral. SinKapore. at 2.W. (ieptpmbar I— At saleroom, freehold laad aituatr ofl GaylanK Road, at IN. Hipt— ihm I— At aaleinnm, fcashnll lan.l aad
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    • 75 7 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BHI DOB BOAD. TO-NIGHT'S CHOICE FILMS In the 2nd Show. Tbrillinii drama, DEATH 8 MARATHON A-tj. (Tba Lottery of Marriage aad iti oaten— a). Masioaa eoaaady. THI MOtSV SUITOR A.eV (A Lo*ar beat* bis nrala ia aa artful way). Krameol town Ula, A DANOIROUI rom A.m.
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  • 1033 8 The Straits Times MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. THE CHANNEL TUNNEL SCHEME CnasJltsrslli »paoa is sgata brio* deToted •o doom paper* to tli«- project of pietciag tbr bed of the Kagliali I l.aanrl with a taam Haitian Great Britain an] France. Atu bearing the view* of a d. |>uUtioa of membi t
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  • 13 8 The Aagsst output from Titi Tia Com paay's miss amouau to 1,024 sisals.
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  • 21 8 A Mr. Altiag Siberg. whilst oat hunting Bear Tyikampek, Bsadneag. shot dead a native whom be mistook for a wild animal.
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  • 27 8 A Malay cosstsblt named Abdal Lalip bia Haaaaa waa- this ssorniag ia the District Court, aaatoaoad to three weeka' riayicoas asjatajsmmeat for il*ssHisg from the pawoi force.
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  • 12 8 I Latest advertisement! of the day appear on page* 6 and 11.
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  • 31 8 Tbe new* of the death of M. Pelissier will be received with regret by all wbn bavr ever beard tlie Follies, and enjoyed bis Potted Plays, says the Times of Ceylon.
    The Times  -  31 words
  • 32 8 Jspanese papers undmUnd that the cable rate* between Shanghai sod Japan will, an a result of negotiations between the Chinese and Japanese authorities, be reduced by thirty per cent, fruui to Jay.
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  • 40 8 Miss Kadford. secretary of tlie Y. W. C. A will give tbe address to night at H 15, at the Prinsep Streut Church tuiiiaionary meeting, on the need of a great spiritual awskenicg These meetings are open to the ssMfja.
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  • 42 8 On Saturday night Mr. Tambv Kama Haitian, a barinter of Jaffna, delivered a lecture in English to tin members of tbe Arya Sangham at the Saonhaiii b Hail on lluddhiam and it« Principles. Dr s. V s. A yengar occupied Uie chair.
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  • 47 8 A leading firm in KuaU Lumpur has just reoeived a cable from borne asking Bnanj to quote for tbe supply of a million coconuts a month. Tins *M of thing, »ajs tlie Malay Mail, looks promUing for estates ■SaM coconuts have been planted in addition to rubbtr
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  • 46 8 An unknown young man called at tbe Medical College Honpital at Calcutta and one of tlie njruvs to go out with him On her refusal he shot her with a revolver and then shot himself. Tbe girl will recover, but Uie man is fatally injured.
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  • 49 8 During tbe part week the examination in practical teaching of tbe senior normal class students from the various Singapore schools ba* been conducted by a board consisting of the Director of Education, the Inspector of bchools, Mia* Kent, of the AngloCbinese School, and Mr. J. Cunningham, of Haffles Institution.
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  • 53 8 The gang that maimed nine animals in the WeJneabury district in South Stafford ■hire, about 1 1 month* ago. ban recommen end operations. On the night of Anguat 8, a pony at Wolverhampton was maimed The owner of the animal receivtd a postcard containing a threat prior to tbe perpetration
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  • 74 8 Mr. Justice Edmonds, in the Kuala Lum pur High Court, has concluded too hearing of the case wherein Mr. A. E. Beavm claimed from Messrs. W. H. Crompton and Wee Hap Lane I- H »4. being wagus doe for services rsailered on tbe Sungai Seredang Mine. There was no written
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  • 68 8 Tbe birthday of H. M. Qneea Wilbelruina was observed by tbe Dutch community in Singspure during the week emd. A reception was held by the acting Consul Oeneral at bis residence yesterday. The Dutch ships in the hsrhour flew bunting tbe grounds and buiMing of the Hollaodsche Club were fe*tiv«ly
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  • 115 8 On page 7 of this issue apprars the an nounevment of the Eastern MM K^-ursm.-Corporatioa, Limited. Tbe board of direc tor* is a strung one ar.J thin compauv oliuiilil be able to command a fair share of tl»- Br« aad marine insurance offering im >dk<i the Chinese. Tbe cempany has,
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  • 122 8 The central executive committee of the Victoria League, a aoa party ssspaiatipa of British mea aad womea founded ia memory of Her Majesty the late Qoeea Victoria, for ths aurpoae of promoting closer union between British subjects living ia different part* of the world, is offering a prise of tweaty
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  • 147 8 The Batavia police have, it appears, ua earthed a public dasaar ia a Chinese society called Hap Ho. Memasr* of Urn society have to be above storage ■ aad nspssli of killing a man with a bottle. The police have examined both their rajratatiua* aad laws and Urns are now
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  • 158 8 Thoa a eorraapoayiaat A Singapor* rear deal who foaumi a rather good type of HfSßMsbasi. baa c snovsred that thu ia«Uu maat. whaa ia nee. pinimu a particular attractioa (or BManutoaa With certain re ourds the illitti ooltoot ia fruat of the bora, aad evea a lighted joss stick wnl
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  • 403 8 Mr and Mis. J. Aitken and Mi«s M. Auk. n are dv.' in Singapore from home on BWtS, they being aboard the X l> L. *toame* fjsnsJai nan. Sir Charles Klliot, PriDoipal of tb* I niv, r Bw] ot llnngk.ini;. is on a visit to NknnfL Mai
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  • 36 8 The Coroner's inquiry into the U-stli of Mr. K y H. K.ilin. cooductod by Dt. W. Me l>oogall. has been concluded and resulted in a venlict of suicide during temporary m sanity.
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  • 99 8 Tin- energetic chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, Mr. K. W. Pou^lsx. has been appninted acting Itnti-li Keaideat of Labuao, says the Malsy MssV WMM cunttratulatiDu him oa hi* new appoint nient wo fwl that it m s pity I not have been left here
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  • 111 8 The S V.C. joined forces with the »rd Brahman* at maaiuuvm Vfktorday uiotoiok Moateriaa: at the Drill Hall at ASO a-m. they went bj motor lorry to a resdesvoas ia the vicinity of Aver Majah Hoad. There •hey were joined by a detachment of ths Hrahioana, while
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  • 154 8 Toe fancy dress dance at lUfflds Hotel on Saturday uvemng proved a gnat nine— There was a good uiuhu r t.T dinner, at which the baud of the Kit L 1 played, but by Urn tine the hall bad bnn cleared fot dancing it was
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  • 171 8 Two privates is Uit- K.0.Y.M., Jobn I'ntcliani aad >ydoty Spurn. charged this iuutoidk bufure Mr. KobrrUoa in tbe Uiird court with boascbreaVinK witli intend to oommit tbeft early on Sunday luoraing. Tlie premises it la ftaul Hi. y nUHut were Ukim of Uwm Wbiteewav. Lairllaw and Co.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 159 8 CMHI/C S^iS oNIUIVI mm* m^M PADDIPI/ mj^m uAnHlulV. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. Ail Next Week SPECIAL DISPLAY NEW SEASONS Cretonnes AMD Casement Cloths JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. Anyone contemplating the purchase of a MOTOR CAB wou'd do well to inspect the elegant 4-seater "HUMBER" Model also tbe 30 h p.. 2 and
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    • 186 8 Yon haw seen Max<W« Farcical Comadiaa asd have always eajojad ibem, hot you wUI waat to SEE him in hi* latest sari* comic 3 part production Max, the Toreador when 700 are told that in tbe film you will ace him engsg<? in a genuine 801 l Fight at
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  • 185 9 THE ENQUIRY INTO ALLEGED ATROCITIES m Bulgarians for Constantinople. RacTS*'* Tataaaam. loatdoa. August 80. A Salonika message states that Urn araegie inU-rnationa' committee of enquiry into Uie Balkan ma— sin* has decided to abandon it* tank owing t<> objection* raintd by Servia aad Greece, oa Urn ground that
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  • 97 9 KfITIB TIU'.UK London. August 80. At a meeting of Urn Keicbsbank. Urn vie* Pi— ideut declared that a reduction of Uie bank rate was still impossible although the bank's present bullion deposit was nearly niae millions sterling above August. 191*2, despite Uie transfer of over a million
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  • 71 9 Knti«< TlLl.K.y Ix>a>lon. August 81. Mexico City. August 30— The freaideat of the Mexican Senate liaa teU-graphed to York representative of Urn Mexican Ti U ktraph Company, requesting him to protest t" I'reeidfDt 'Alison against the with drawal of Aiu.nean citizens from Mi xioo, an<l declaring that
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  • 65 9 Kac TS»» ISLBOkAM Loadoa, August 31. Tbe Daily Telegraph* Tokio corrsspoa dont asad* s *eo*stioaal story is which bs declare* that Urn reason wby Yaa Sbih Kai maasni troops oa Urn Yaag tee aad prepared for war wa* kncsnss bs was poiaoaed by araeaic ia May
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  • 71 9 HaoTBB TsLseaaa London. August SI. Tbe lawyer* ooatinoe Urn Aero* *trjggl« over Thaw. Tbe advaatag* rsste tm Urn momeat with Urn Chief of Police of C«t cock, wbo fir»t srrested Thaw. At Urn in •taacs of eiaaul for Urn State of New York. tbe chief ha* now
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  • 55 9 Kaorsa t Tatasaaa. Losdoa, Aagaat 80. S array beat Leicestershire, at the Oval, by an iaaiags aad 101 runs. Hampshire beat (iloooastri shire .at Bourse Bssatk. by ;U5 rasa. Sussex aad Yorkshire drew, at Hastoags, without points. Keat beat Middlesex, at Lord*, by Aye wicket* Worcester beat Somerset,
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  • 45 9 JUctbb i Tataaaaa. 1 on I v V it' J^t As arroptaae which was flying from lisa doe to Faraaoroogh lor dalivery to Urn War t»aVe tall a baairsJ fast at Maideahead, the pilot 1 't-bussy'aad two i mrsiusi* sastaiaiag tract orsd Unas
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  • 62 9 Naval Stores Narrowly Escape Destruction. KSDTBB* TlUOtil London, August 80. Great txcitemeat was caused in tbe after noon by a fierce blase ia tbe naval canteen building at Haulbowline Island, yueeastown, ia close vicinity to large Goverameat store* of coal, oil an J powder Three hundred blue
    62 words
  • 37 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report Tbe market ia Loedoa oa Saturday wa* weak. Tbe closing priom were I Hard Fine Para Suml BS| Forww-d 841 First latex orepi, delivery next three months 3,6
    37 words
  • 121 9 (Fbom Oca Own CoßJtssroKDairr.) Praaag. August 80. At Uie annual meeting of the Peaang Automobile Club, the Hon. K. Young prraid ing. deplored the apathy of motorist*. The luemborship was 50, four being Chinese. He allujnd to the work done during Uie year, mentioning tbe erection of
    121 words
  • 357 9 Japanese in Command of Landing Parties. In the Houas of Cotnmoa* on August 7 Mr. Stewart **k«d Urn ftrat Lord f the Admiralty whether the Jspaaear admiral waa senior officer in command of Urn bluejackete aad marines landed during recent operation* at Sbanxliai i wht-tlier the
    357 words
  • 262 9 Since ft oouple of polio* *teaiu*rs have been pot on Ibe ran i* the Straits of Madura and niae* Urn mill heavy o»i passed by Urn court of Hsarabaya on several Madurese pir*t— we beer no more of attack* aaJ plaaatoiag of boaU in tbo— water*,
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  • 325 9 OFFICUL DENIAL OF CURRENT RUMOURS. The Governor-General's Assurance We are courteously informed by Mi. Van der Woude. Urn Consul for Urn Netlierlanda. ■ay* Urn Piaaag Uaxstte. Uiat in reply to a communication addressed by him to Urn Consul General at Singapore, he has received an official
    325 words
  • 293 9 Mr. Humphries Wins a Decisive Victory. Tbe final tie for tbe Singapore Golf Cham pionship, over HA bole*, was played off on the Kacecoorse links daring tbe past week end, Urn first 18 bole* being played oa Saturday afternoon aad Urn re mainder yesterday. Tbe finalist* ware
    293 words
  • 386 9 Tbsaaaaai report el Urn Kuperinteadeat ofUMHragapore Fir* Brigade for 1911 show. UMt the aamber tt call* to Bras, or supposed Urea, during the year was 88, a rtsnriaa* of 30 oa 1911. «>f these calls .'1 proved to ha geauiae fires oa assessed property within Municipal limit*
    386 words
  • 68 9 Tha mom a< the office known a* that of lU|»tmO«Mnl is Hnagkoag ha* been chsfawsaVafsA fta^tt nuULii BKtfafatMs^BV^KaW +*t la*> rU Sou story lor Cbisese Affurt/TbL omce v beld by the Hrn E. K HallifaT, a younger ntnlir of Mr. F. J. Hallifax. of the Strait. Civil Servics. Mrs. E.
    68 words
  • 1384 9 PROPOSED IMPOSITION OF AN EXPORT DUTY. The Benefits Questioned We take the following from a recent issue of The Timea of Ceylon The general feeling of merchant* in i 'oloiubo with regard to the proposed export doty on rubber in order to provide inrrra*-! revenue for diatribution
    1,384 words
  • 885 9 Amateur Drawing Association's New Premises. Tbe progressive popularity of tbe Amateur Drawing Association »iu< nj, tbe atubitiou* young niin of the Straits Clioi ne community Las outgrown Urn provision* made for acooiu inodation and recreation several year* ago and a new epoch in Urn club* history ha*
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  • 92 9 MANY INJURED BY POLICE BATONS. A Proclamation Burned. RacTaa Tilsosjii. London. August SI. Serious strike rioting took place in Dublin »t nigbt. The pol.ce repeatodly charged a crowd of seTeral thousands and 'reowTod showers of ttoncM and bottles. Many were injured by truncheons. At a iiK«tiuK at
    92 words
  • 43 9 KmuTBB 1 TkLKi.k KM. la>dJi>d. Au^'iiit 80. The niuU'i decorator* have olTirol an immediate increaw of a penny an linur and •übuiiiwioo of the other halfpenny to arbitration. The ballot oi the men will be taken today upon Uiia offer.
    43 words
  • 21 9 KacTiK n TiLiaKAa. I-ondon, Auguit HO. Prince Albert lim been »pp>mu-d a mid ■Lipruao on thu battleship (.'ollinxwood.
    21 words
  • 52 9 Rll'Tll'l TIUotAM. London, August 81. A caae of Asiatic cholera in reported at Vienna, the patient bring a merchant who recently arrived from Salonika, via Serria. Dll OSTASUTISCBI LbOTD TILI.tHM. Berlin. Aogoat 81. A oaae at cbolora at Vienoa is ancerUined lo have been imported by imaiigranU
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  • 67 9 DIX OsTARUTIM HI LLOTD Tr.LlokAM. Berlin, August 31. The Kin« of Saxony ha* invited tin- h'use lb« Federal Prince*, the Austrian Kniperor tneCxar, and the Kiok u( Sweden to thy in»u« oration of tlie monament to commemorate the Battle o* Leipzig, on October Ih. All nave
    67 words
  • 39 9 Daa OttMiATiacM Llotd Tiuuui. Berlin, August 81. The Premier of Btiuit, Hwoo too Her* ling, baa celebrated bia •evootieili birthday, •nd Urn Imperial CbtaoaUor, in the mom of the FidMl Co— oil, bee offered hi. hew*;
    39 words
  • 36 9 Daa OsrasuTucßß Llotd TsLsaaaa. Berlin, August 8a A visit which tbe Roumanian Crown l'riao* aad hi* son are paying to tbe Ciar and Urn Cearitxa, at Yalta, ia connected with a wedding project.
    36 words
  • 35 9 I>S* (>STAI>UTI«< MS I.Loyl) T*L*.I*AH. Berlin, August 80. Tbe Ccar baa asat to queen Wilhelmiaa his cjagratalatioa*. trusting Uiat Urn Paaos Palace may become Mm international cents* tor Urn decisions of arbitration oourta.
    35 words
  • 29 9 Uaa O*Ta*iaTi*ca* Llotd T*l*<il4S. Berlin, Angu*t 80. In 1914. Urn Norddeutschor Lloyd is establishing* aa agaacy at Hamburg for ilealiag with Urn tola! of icooming freight.
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  • 21 9 Dsa O*TA*i*rtsc'as Lloyd TiLa.iam Berlin, August 81. Tbe Kaiser has invited General von Hoe* sawioH to Urn Kaiswr maaoMivrea.
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  • 28 9 Dsa OsTasuTiscaa Lloyu TibaoßAM. Berlin, August 81. Tbe new professor at the I t of Tokio, Hen Tbeodor Sttraberg, ia tsaviag to morrow.
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  • 25 9 Daa O*T**L4TiM;aa hftaaa T*LS»s»a Burba, August »1 The Priaos of Wales bs* arrived at IWrha aad ia stoying at Urn Castli,
    25 words
  • 33 9 Mis* SackvUle Wat, tbe Kidlet of tbe recant 41.000.001 will unit. «w XI year* old <**t Man*. aa<! her iv» m >7. He is attached to Urn British Embassy m Coe stSB tisopls
    33 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 25 10 To day Football League match wiU he played oa the S ICC. ground and not the M FA. ground as previously aaaoaaood.
      25 words
    • 41 10 The 300 yards Jackson Miller handicap race was swum off at the Swimming Club v morning. There were only three »nipf titor* and a clone race was woa by Heath, serrood plv-e being taken by Bagnsil aad third by Huttoe.
      41 words
    • 233 10 At Ibrox Park, tho annual sport* promoted by tlie Ranger* Football Club attracted 2>U*»> spectators. W It. Applegarth. Polytechnic Harriers, accomplished a aeries of remark able performances, lowering the Scottish record for the 100 yards from 10 seen, to somnsa in addition to which he won the 2*JU yards
      233 words
    • 163 10 Malacca v. Selanror. The Malacca football team journeyed to Kuala Lumpur oa Saturday to play the Helangor i leveo. and after a splendid game, in which the visiton bad tlie betUw of the eirhanges, ran out winner- by 1 goal* to I. The win waa a popular oae
      163 words
    • 206 10 S.C.C. Tournament. Tue following are the ties fixed for today CBAMPIOKsBIP. I'erkin* t. Sauaders. Leggatt v. Henson. D. SIXDLtS. Pott, r v D M. Miller. Hume v. Oraham. OsMsMawasa* Pairs. I.t. IHaci and KUiinmacn v. Badham and Harto.ll Morgan aad Dr. Butler v. I termark and Ueaaeliak (to
      206 words
    • 496 10 M SRC. v. 5.5.P.C.C. <>n ■atSJwaf afteraooa. at the Ootram Kna<l bclmol ground, the Straita Settlameats l\,li, irK'kn Club were haatea by tha Mfdioal stolent* rtecnatioa Club. The scores are as follow I lit 1 Mass c and b Pathy 16. Hill Patby f McLean b Kathigasu l:t. M.r.
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  • 345 10 Co-respondent to Pay Rs. 10,000 Damages. George Thomas Ma wane, aa engineer be longing to the arm of Marsland aad Price, charged Anne Kate, hia wife, with mieconduet, and prayed tor dissolution of his marriage. states a Bombay despatch dated Auguat7. Mr. Mawaoe further churned Rs. 10.000
    345 words
  • 325 10 The report of the British Boraeo Pan Bsbksr Company, Ltd., tor the year eadrd April 80, states that the output of dry rubber was 125.011 lbs., aaaiaat aa estimate of 110.000 lbs. Tha astraaate far tha year ending April 80, 1911 ia *****0 lbs. The number
    325 words
  • 21 10 Bakit Timah.-14,7» lbs., making a total fir the eight month* of the current laaaoial year of »IJM am.
    21 words
  • 1085 10 Manufacturers and (he Qoality Of Plantation. Mr. A. W. Torkiagtoa writea thus to The Financial Times oa August S There is ao much misapprehension as to tha real canoe of the slump ia the price of plantation rubber that I veatun to trespass on your space
    1,085 words
  • 100 10 Tha followiag aapniatmaiU at* aohaWi hi tha FJLS. "insaiial OaaaMa:— Mr. B. W H-amtobssayaeeriag iniiUst. eagiaeenag Jsaartmsat7rMB.lL; Mr. K. C. CaJdjoottto be district eagiaear Mr. O. C. Bediagtoa to be aaaiataat wagiasor, P.W.D.. Mr. W. 8. Oibsoa to aot as magiaaialii, Iaoh; Mr M. B. Shell, y
    100 words
  • 1774 10 (Fbom a C<nu<roM>iM.i Kuala Lampur, August >. Thi» department of the Government macbioery Dae -xisted dow for uany yean, even prior to the federation of the State* wbea there were forest officers in Prrak, ■^clangor aad the Negri Keuibilan. Tbeee poaitioo« at that time were held
    1,774 words
  • 318 10 Two Boys Work Tbeir Passage To England A craving to ace the home of the ir ancestor* led Edward and Noel Kobtnaon. aged 19 and 14, to leave Ceylon for Atherstone, Warwick •hire. Their journey was not unattended by incident. Edward and Noel were born ia Ceylon,
    318 words
  • 95 10 We oaderataad that the Austin motor oara irbicb were ordered by the r MS (Jorera meat for official nee bare given ao mocb aalia tacUoo that the original order of tweaty \1 kone power can (of which Die 6rat batcti baa teas, put ia
    95 words
  • 154 10 The death, *4aoaaced at Hongkong oa Imm 18 of Mr. A. K. Donnelly, tttklM 4 60, removei one of the old China baada »bo bare seen many of the tips aad down* in be politioal aad commercial life of the Doatry. lays tha B.C. Morning Poet. Tha ale Mr. Doaaelly,
    154 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 131 10 To the Editor of th. strait* Times, Sir. I once scanned a poem the 6mt line of which read. I woul.i 1 w«.r t a purple cow." It must have b- en with feelings such a* these that tlie Singapore Elephant -which to day stand* unabaslK-)! oppose
      131 words
    • 477 10 To the Editor of the Straita Times. Sir.-I have been aaked by I'rof. \V U. Dvn -i tan to bring to the notice of the public in the Stra.ts Settlements tlie International Aasociation of Tropical Agriculture and Colonial Development and 1 write to you to ask if
      477 words
  • 68 10 From The Timea of August 4 Englishman twenty three, well educated, strong, luiailhy, good family, travelled, haa been ui.tuu-d for ordinary employment by becoming tint a a schoolmaster aad afterward* a rubber planter i* at (.resent in the Federated Malay State*. Will any philaathropically disposed magnate
    68 words
  • 126 10 Patrick O'OraJy. aged tweaty five, a oar risge cleaner, was released by Mr. Allan Lawrte at London Seaaioaa after he had been sentenced to three months' hard labour fur theft. Hi* aunt appealed to tlie judge tn gnu him a chance to aae his dying
    126 words
  • 111 10 To the making of words there ia bo aad. The first dictionary of Kagliah words w«s published Ml yean ago, aad waa little else tliaa a eetrct vocabulary. Joha Bullokar produced what be tv mad a compleat die tioaary" ia 1016. and it contained I.o*o words. Thomas
    111 words

  • 1362 11 The foUowiag is tbe third article oa tbe rtetectioa of crime which a correspondent has written lor Tbe Times and rl— ln with Major Atcberley innovation*. Tbepreviouaarticlee reprint id in our i— nt* of Friday aad Saturday The new systeas of rW-issotiag crasuaaja in baaed apoa tbe fact*
    1,362 words
  • 620 11 Satisfactory Increase ia Area Under Cultivation. The first aomm) xro< r*l meeting of the T»uah batar Kubber KsUte, Limited, was held oo Am ixt 1, at the Institute of Direc torn, 4 Corbet court, tirsoecliurch street, EC. Mr \V Arthur Add in sell (the Chairman i
    620 words
  • 213 11 Tbe report of the Kubber Seooritiea, Limit ad, state* that during tbe 13 moatha to June 80 tbe director* have diapoaad of oaa of tba properties owaed by this company to tba Maliboda Tea K,t»U*. Limited. The net profit for the period amounted to tU>,fn add carry
    213 words
    • 802 11 M 1 Krmmat Pnl»i 800 1 MaUyaa I a Ul 10 MiddUoa 13 00 Pmjiumg Coaaoltfatad 10/1 1 Pwffhmte 8 00 1 Pmw« Bh.n 10 lUbnMa Hydraulic 16.M 10 Rthmu Tia JO CO 1 rUmbnua U 79 1 Rtok a 78 1 KniliilU ISO f Royal Jdtior, 0
      802 words
    • 102 11 10 rtaaar aad Nwva Ld. 80 50 61.60 10 Hotel tv Wiik 17.00 19.00 10 Howarth Krmkine Ld. 46 00 66.00 100 7* ivrf. go.oo 100.00 10 Maynard Co. Ltd. 28 50 31.00 10 C. A.Kib«iro*Co.. Ltd. 10.60 U.OOboid 100 K. Har K re«T M Co. Ld. (0 00
      102 words
    • 32 11 (100 Howarth Brakiae Ld. pat 100 RiluyHarjcreaTMACo. Ld. 6% 3% pm 100 Sincere Moaieipal S% pm JW do la, 100 do 4% t% pn. 1100 Sißgmpore Bled. Tiun 2% li% dia
      32 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 28 11 Couching into Conaamptloß Oart a Oaaaft bat yea atoa wkfk k) bj OVT.T a *s«jnv wITDWUTT" MTA6OLIZEI ODCuvuan OUBaW aaf aaajh wnaTei aa»faa>aah. Tary I I nu nVanawr*.
      28 words
    • 43 11 Ota a body aaset a body Oawata to the kirk If a body ana. as onduly need a body smirk •eater tat to say aaa brit nor Dtana leak so dear. Well c-ire oo- coaabe an] eo'ds lhagither Wr Weeds' Urea* P»m ■■■'■> Oaae."
      43 words
    • 127 11 LATEST ADVEBTISEMENTS. CHEAP MUSIC VOCAL SCORES Reduced to $2.30 olrl in the Taxi Autumn Manoeuvres Qlpsy Love Sunshine (iirl Nightbirds irass Widows Pink Lady Princess Caprice (iirl in the Train FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY MOUTRIES RAFFLES PLACE. THE RITZ THE LAMGHAM THE CARLTON THE SAVOY THE CECIL One and all
      127 words
    • 268 11 THE BEST. AOENTB. c go fl RAFFLES HOTEL Special Dinner ON SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Samlefon. The only first «:aai Hotel It S»v n. Irery ootrott. Splendid rer <a) h* > Witt: maaafletneot, F'r o">. t^ivbeo j.l udanec M BcatouranU. uuikKt. vj. uia-.d>, truui tv Orand ii. i
      268 words
    • 183 11 Money Spent Ito procure K"°*l *Uh'uuii mjujiu u| mcli :as is to be not nut of the plciaant entertain me v t TO-NIGHT AT THI MARLBOROUGH FICTURB TBaUTKB. HBACH ROAD. MONEY WELL SPENT TONIGHTS SECOND SHOW PR'iORaMME iW fO to II Ma) PlK*. 411 OLD TOSI'AK IT» Makimi. a l!>>Ma
      183 words

  • 1125 12 An iadictmeat brought a«aiaet tbe p I *p is that it ie nUaxj sad" ■loayy,'' write* Korrustsr FMeher ia the Daily ChroawW. iTbeßoeae, time aad bccaaioa are s aright July moraine id a seeio<led part ol Kaaainn n- Tin- dramatis person* are, oa the ooe cluur a
    1,125 words
  • 321 12 Mr. Lloyd George's Appeals To Scripture. At a I oioeist demoaatratioa bald at Blagdon. Uw Northumberland seat of Lord Ridley. Mr. Steel Maitlaad. M.P., replied to Uw chaUaaga of Uw ChaaeaUor of Uw Exchequer aa to dealings in American Marooaia. He remarked that when Mr. Lloyd George waa
    321 words
  • 297 12 Disappointing Results in The Mineral 4reas. In Uw annual report on Ceylon which haa just been presented to Parliament it ia stated that Uw examination of Uw mineral bearing areas which gave moat promise of being adapted for commercial exploitation baa prov I disappointing, the result showing
    297 words
  • 260 12 Should a maa keep his promise to marry a woman wbo baa aceideatally lost an arm I This quest ioa is raised by a Flintshire jury's award of £25 rtamagea tor breach of promise to a girl, whose sweetheart contended that aa she had loat an arm m
    260 words
  • 124 12 Keporting debates ia China ia evidaaUy not an easy teak. Oae of the earliest acts of the afsaaWiw fliwwal was to foaad aa is tin to traia maa to report Parliamsatary arnmaaisgs A special ijilim tl ahnrthaad was evolved to nvumi the psivsisitiss at CMasas acript, aad
    124 words
  • 1085 12 Record Uw Term Wide Range Of Interest. A acrutiny of the record* of the Law Courts would probably fail to discover a term of saeh crowded ooaosra aa that which baa rjDßßßiii Uw last nine weeks aad oomea to an end to day, atates the Daily Telegraph
    1,085 words
  • 811 12 Forthcoming Arrivals tad Departures. The following niaaeßgar bookings to tbo Struts an taken from Uw Loadoa and China Bxpreaa. It should be understood that, ia some inatanr-ws, booking* may be provisional aad that intending paaaiwgH a may alter their arrangemuata, subsequent to Uw issuance of this list in
    811 words
  • 181 12 Do It Now If you have a grey haired mother In Uw old home far away, Sit down now aad write Uw letter You put off day by day. Doo't wait antil her tired step* Reach heaven's pearly gateBut show bar that you think of her Before it ia too
    181 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 22 12 She We wumsa are all mianadai stood. Ha— Wall, you never saw oas wbo triad to make uaraatf plain did yon 7-Ciaauuati
      22 words
    • 66 12 Lib still there, aad I won't hart you. All I waat is your money and your jewels, and than I'll git." "All right, old maa. aad while you re aearohiag for the jewels, if you run across my dress shirt atods I wiah you d pat them oat oa the
      66 words
    • 312 12 F.M.S. GOVERNMENTS APPRECIATION AUSTIN MOTOR CARS. The Federated Malay States Government originally ordered 2O (12 H.P. 4-Cylinder AUSTIN CARS and were so delighted with the running of the first cars when delivered that they ordered 1 7 MORE CARS making in all a total of 37 AUSTIN CARS ordered. Any
      312 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 190 13 FOR Tiffin and Dinner The Best Drink is Key Seer Sole Agents: Behn, Meyer Co., Ltd. TO ESTATE *OWr«ERB. Tbe undersigned wiil undertake Contract* on any iitat i NrWEIMM. HUN*. •UAMBa. ETC aad Snpplj of Proriaioaa, ate, for Batata Sbopa. TNB TSAK TSIKK OOMPANV. Lahonr Contractor* aad Commiaaioa Aaaata. No.
      190 words
    • 710 13 stejuki mm BURNS PHIL? LINE. Bipaaraaa fa Java Poata Poar Duwo Tmiaaait lauav, Ita—iaa lad Bi»b»i via Taaaasanam. Aiao tafaag b gin and ■MaawUhkiiHl, MliaTiaWTio^aiA. Socra AoaTBAUAB aad Noara Quaaaaburc I'obt». Bamaa Naw Ooura*. Naw Hartal. and Nan »—> Poars, A regular monthly aerTtee to aaore porv hi laaaatail kr
      710 words
    • 487 13 UPRIGHT GRAND PIANOS ■OLID MAHOGANY PULL IRON FRAME ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. $350. ROBINSON PIANO CO., LD. STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO RISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tba Maw Route Via China, Japan, Hoao'ulo aed Saa Fraaateot to all potato ia Mm United State*, Canada Maiiao and Bofape. •avaaat
      487 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1121 14 MnMMMBBVJMMMMar** MMMI MMMMMMMaV MfEt MbbbbPbW BBta aai f^bk aaaß*a»«ka aaaaF a aaaW W A aßka*«B«Bßßka\ bbbb* PROBPBROUB avxid PROOREMIVB. THE GRt^EmERN^UFE^AS^^ Taa nißipaay aas 400.00* iaaaattaa wMk Mm tl OMM) al ■aajaarf, aad asaapaas wa» Ma MM IdM MMMMaM 4M m every pfM» 4TTTWAOTIV BHJMM3 O# atMWHKtMQ^ 88OM8TT T» IXXUB.
      1,121 words
    • 477 14 BANKING. THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. UNITED. NEW PREMISES, 84, Kling Street. Singapore. AUTHORISED CAPITAL 14 ,000.000 ISBUED CAPITAL |i.000.000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laa Cboon Ouaa, Esq.— Chairman. Lka Paag Siang^Esq. Cbeok Cbeng Keo, Snow Bag Tia.itoq. Bag Yeo Cbeag Hai, nUq. Tan Bian Cbeng, Ban, Taa Cbay Taa, Bsq. Taa
      477 words
    • 775 14 SALES BY AUCTION. ESTATE OF J. J. MACBEAN. DECEASED. AUCTION SALE OF THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES KNOWN AS LOCHABER, INVERLOCHY, KINRARA «ND B4LMORAL, SINGAPORE. *io be bold at I'owell A Co.'s sale-room. On Tustday, September a, At 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. LOCHABBR, Soott'n Road, Tang in, area BI,W> vqoare
      775 words

  • 1005 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. New Type British Engine Starter. The problem of readoriag the scores of tbouaanda of oars at present ia service self■tartiag ia dealt with ia aa uncommonly ingenious way by a new apparatus about to be put oa the market by the
    1,005 words
  • 103 15 Waiter The voice of the eaataaast rose in aeo—U of wrath from hia table by the wiadow. "Yes, air," replied the waiter, tustliag forward. The easterner swallowed several time* quickly before he ooeld esssssead Ma voios. Hera, tese talr* thia sax away I he roared. Yea, air," laid the waiter.
    103 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 346 15 TENAX BITUMINOUS SOLUTIONS TKNVX BITUMINOI S SnI.ITION ia s preparaiion of the finest bitumens ia fluid form n fistd by a »ptcial proof ss to that abwiuts parity so accessary to a first eleaa iioa aad steel preservative. Although aosseesiac aa ueusna'ly bi«b specific gravity, this Mi h« «orks trsaly
      346 words
    • 12 15 rot Children s llnkis. Coa-h at Might, I Woods' Ores* Pissimiiiat Case.
      12 words
    • 268 15 DUNLOP THE CHEAPEST BEST MOTOR TYRES. STEAM AHEAD Optaia H. B. Saakey, M.1.W.8., in his lecture on Heavy Oil Engines tx ton the Royal Society of Arts places tlie present day powers ia the following order power for cost tverythiog considered. GARRETT'S F wq a. Diesel OU Engine. SUPERHEATED "---e^
      268 words
    • 158 15 Wiktorin Light. 4 The oaly Spirit Lamp patented throughout CV the World and acknowledged to be the i bast light ia existence. Burns pure Methy Uttd Spirit only, which we supply, aad t very S\^. lamp Dairies with it a writttn guartnteo. (¥t£^^% BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. g^^^H amVEfi I Ask
      158 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 467 16 FIRE! FIRE! Where is your CITEX "P The Citex Fire Extinguisher Protects Life and Property. The CITEX Is simple; a pull and it is Free, a Bump and it works. NOTHING TO PERISH No solution to make up, no acid to handle. WATER and a CITEX CARTRIDGE only. Sole Agents:
      467 words
    • 418 16 WAMTB PUG MILL WANTEO. Wanted, Pug Mil!— new or saooad band. > Foil particulars aad price to Box No. KS, Strait* Times. as a is LESSONS IN PIANOFORTE ANO SINGING Pianof jrto and Singing Lessons for children are given by young lady. Box 818, Straite Times. «T a NURSE WANTED.
      418 words
    • 450 16 TO BE LET W SOLD. HOUSES TOUT. I To let. No. 31 aad Bf, Sambaa Itoad. Apply I Nathaa Son, Ohassji* Alley. 11l a OFFICE TO IF. To let. Large and Commodious Otter, at MaS, Malacca Street. Immediate entry Apply to J. A. Bliss, i 1 Malacca Street SS a
      450 words
    • 610 16 NOTICES. KIAM KMT GO. SHIPCHANDLBRB, lOt, 108 a 108. Market Street Telephone Nos. 421 and 1174. GUAN KIAT CO., SBIP CBUXDLBBS OOVBINaiNT COKTBACTUBS. aSKILLL IMPOSTS** AMD ■XPOBTBBS *»D COBnUSSIOK AUBKTS. 87, Philhp Street. Phone IMS. Telegrams BMMUT IBS a NOTICE. We beg to notify that we have, aa from the
      610 words
    • 528 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RUBBER BTUMPB FOR BALE. B Miayala Bstete. Port Dicksoa. 84 9-n FOR BALL Piano ia good order. Apply No. 171, Waterloo Street. ST-8 iS-9 TURNOUT FOR BALE. Australian Horse and Victoria (4 seated). Newly done up, Tyres new. Apply X.Y.Z." Straite Times. SS-8 a FOR SALE. Land
      528 words
    • 694 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for the current week and important forthcoming fixture* are- kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the rrturcs will be supplied on application to the Manager, StraiU Times. Siagapore Cricket Club Sept. 18.
      694 words