The Straits Times, 21 August 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.266 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 21. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 304 1 THE CKLBBRATBD White Horse IMTM A U "HUM Established 1742. Guaranteed UTIALMERS W\ I I. f^x F^y^\% Porosknit UNDERWEAR. f W There's No W "Short Waisted" Feeling Singlets Sleeves T&'-.i in Chalmers "Porosknit" Union Suits. They have elastic fitting backs that ftretch both $1.00 P^r garment Nett. "up and l
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    • 196 1 ROBINSON CO., Ladies 1 Stylish Footwear. THE SHOE j^& Easy t0 put on I Smart OF THE M in JHIf Appearance MOMENT. Very comfortable. No. 999. LADIES SMART GANVAB COURT SHOE. Cuban heel, covered canvas, Stylish Flat Bow, Light solid leather soles, as illustration, in the following colours.— Brown, White,
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  • 1151 2 Bt Majoi J. A. B. Olinnii, Ao. CoMItaJIDaKT, S.V.C. Singapore, Aofroat 10, 1918. g. t. o. Balestier Rifle Range. I:— The range is allotted as under Saturday, September 6, at 2-80 p.m., S.R.E. (V.) Rifle Club. Sunday, September 7, at 7 30 a.m., S.V.I. Chinese and Malay Co.'s
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  • 455 2 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Report, Messrs. Samuel Montague and Co., write from London, on July 24 Over £700,900 was received in the form of bar gold, of which £126,000 was reserved for India. In the absence of other external demand the Bank of England is
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  • 137 2 H.M. Commercial Attache at Yokohama Mr. E. F. Crowe— reports that a joint undertaking by Japanese and Chinese capitalists has been projected with a view to engaging in any entei prises in China which appear to be promising. Tbe capita] of the company ia to be 6.000,000 yen
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  • 45 2 Errand Boy to Employer: "I wish S leave at the cud of Uie week." Employer Why do yen want to leave I thought you were satisfied with your worV So 1 am," replied the boy, but I dovt like doing a horse of a job."
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 371 2 Have you r^^^k used this j Beautifier? /"Hazeline\ M ITRADE MARK) I SNOW" B Let the skin be rough or wrinkled, dry or greasy, dull and colourless or too florid, "'Hazeline' Snow" will do more to restore its fine texture and youthful freshness than ;j any other preparation. Hazeline Snow
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    • 73 2 Teethinir Children. Teething children have more or leaa diar rboea, which osn be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that ia neceaaary i« to give the prtMcribed doae after eacn operation ut the bowels more than natural and than ca»tor oil to cieanae the ayateui. It
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    • 691 2 STREETS 6" Co. 120 Chcapsidc V\ A f> g\ ITITn SA/Wcr. (o all I LONDON. INGUND. KA i» 17 A I ll S £^"\.V Direct frcm ENGLAND 2?//l\l!\ J'^i*r Gr Cl fARANCE SALf of tmg^^'—m I \lrV *jw' Mf**' y- Mar.ii aeturcr*' Bankrupt Sticks g^P Bsfft^lliiSai cfiption. I wrylhipg lent
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  • 731 3 HATCHING OF THE SECOND REVOLUTION. Dr. Sun Vat Sea's Refutation. The following letter is addressed to the N. C. Daily News by Dr. Sun Vat sen, who wrote from Shanghai on August 1. While I can well understand a tendency amongst interested publicists to evinoe a certain
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  • 257 3 Prospects of Decrease by Japanese Government. The Budget of the Department of Comma nicatioDß in Japan for the next fiscal year is now being compiled. In this connection the authorities are quoted to the effect that, concerning the subsidy on navigation granted to the Nippon Yoaen Kaisha, Toyo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 317 3 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUBTRALABIA. LIMITED. Established 1889 The first Life Offloe in the world to introduce the non- forfeiture principle to Polioiea. A Mutual Offloe. No Shareholder.. Low Premiums). Annual Inoome £1,284,304. Fund* «7,291,250 Claims paid «e,078,9e0. ALL profits are distributed amongst Policy holders. Claims paid in
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    • 68 3 Arc You doing on a Journey Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- 1 rhoea, Remedy should be packed in yonr hand luggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend to produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship.
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    • 539 3 PIMPLES SPREAD DOWN lEf FACE Could Not Sleep At Night for Itching and Scratching. Spread to Head. Hair Began to Fall Of. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured, 20. Frederick St., Bradford. Yorks, Ens. 11"Some1 1 —"Some two years ago I broke out down tbe side of mj face with some
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    • 358 3 RANEEGUNOB GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. .J^^fl B> 9J^^^ JtZZmM -1 j There are so many Brands >f Perfaotion Whisky on the m Q Market, to protect the public, and to make oar Bottle qaite &ZS& distinctive, we have adopted thia Orange Ribbon
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 665 4 STEAMER SAILIWOB. P. &O. STEAM KAVIR ATI9N CB. FOR'OH NA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBYLOh, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT, MBDITBRKANBAN PORTS, FLYMOUTH AND LONDON. through Bills ol Ledi** Issned foe J^Ua Coast, Persiaa Gulf, ConMaoistal aad A^itrieaa Porte. ttoamen will leave Singapore oa or about:— MAIL LINES ISIS flowmfrd i/or atareps> Ccnaocttag
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    • 673 4 STEAMER BAILIN6B. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-sorew Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and oonstrnoted, and are fitted with all
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    • 737 4 STEAMER BAIUHBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berwar, Kretay, Paka, Tringgano Bitut, rfamtra, Bacbok Kelaata*, Tabai, Banoaara, Telnpia, Paaara), Patasi, B!a*ort, Lkm, Kohaamol, Baadon, LABgnea, Taka, Ohamnoa, Kohlak and Bangkok Dual U«partui«« .a. YUOftL* Aug. 23. MAHIDOL A u g. 24 Aug. 97. ASDANO Aug. 97
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    • 506 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. MB MITUI UsWrMSIII MIRTIGFI. "MUM" MUU. Combined Mervloe The steamres ol these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg Brescia Antwerp, Rotterdam and Emdeo, aad the Strait!, China aad Japaa. Homewards, they are despatched fortaigbtly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month tor
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    • 619 4 BTEAMEB SAILINtt N D. L. lorddauttohtr Lloyd, Brents IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL UNI. The 'ant and well-known mail steamers 6 this Company sail fortnightly from Brem°» Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antworp, Soothamp<ou, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (eouect ing Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vine versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, 3han?hal
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 530 5 Whiteaway, Laidiaw's -:~r 7 GREAT ANNUAL SALE, Our Great Summer Sale has been successful beyond our m-st -sanguinn hopes; we knew that we had innumerable bargains to offer that were well worth attention, bat the promptitade of the publio in taking advantage of them was such that all previous sale-time
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    • 973 5 I"«X BNATZY" Motor Tyres. CO« 9 SOLE AGENTS. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE Of EXCELLENT TEAK HOUSEHOLD FDRNITORB, COTTAGE PIANO, ETC., At No. 20, Sophia Road, On Saturday, A ufjust SO, at 2 p.m. An excellent toned cottage piano by S. Moutrie Co., Ltd., in good condition exception a:ly well-designed Shanghai
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    • 433 5 I Saving Clothes is saving money. Using Sunlight Soap is saving money, because it saves your clothes. You might spend a few pence less on buying inferior soap, but you would spend many shillings more on your clothes. Spend the pence in buying Sunlight Soap and so save the shillings
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 290 6 TARAKAN CRUDE OIL An Efficient and Economical WOOD PRESERVATIVE Compare the price with that of Patent Preservatives. (f» _f />/> PER TIN OP 3> I■ WW 4 GALLONS. THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (Straits Settlements), Limited, Winchester House, SINGAPORE. B CLEAN. ODOURLESS. THE STANDARD OIL CO.'S New Perfection JB^mi WICK BLUE
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    • 213 6 PATRONIZED ■'^S^B^U^t^^ 0V "OYALTY. BD Da fill I#A Manufacturing Jowelier t*. US 911.VA, and Diamond Merchant KB^3j JSSSm TnK *"JCACY >Nl> REFINKKBNT OF THK 8.4 9 v/?V^V-<^^» DSSIOVS COMMKND IT TO THOSE WHO LIKE 1B""^P yflKfEK&md ar t in ornament. b <€• tjy Stf&*?iir THIY AIK FAIRVL I" B W
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    • 186 6 Lancaster's STILL LEADS AS THE ONLY UP-TO-DATE HAIR DRESSING SALOON IN SINGAPORE REGULAR WEEKLY SHIPMENTS OF The Latest Choice Perfumery, The Best of Toilet Requisites, All Brands of Cigars and Cigarettes. Fancy Goods of all Descriptions OBTAINABLE AT Lancaster's Hotel de I'Europe Buildings. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE AND BTUDIO. Developing. Printinar and
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    • 87 6 ABRAMS MOTOR HIRING TRANSPORT CO. SUCCESSORS TO STRAITB MOTOR GARAGE (HIRING OEPT.) Office and Garage open day and night. Telephone Numbers 606 719. A nnnibpr of new cars having now arrived, a (nil and efficient service can therefore be guaranteed. Full particular* as to revised scale of charges cm bs
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  • 161 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, August 21. High Wator. 0.38 a.m., 1.10 p.m. Bandmanu, Autumn Manoeuvres. Taiping K-* Chinese Christian Association Lecture, 8 p.m. Friday, August 22. High Water. 1.11 a.m., MCI p.m P. and O. outward mail dne. Bandmann, QM in the Taxi. Lou'islativf Council. Taiping Races. Saturday, August
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  • 278 7 Daily (Bxorpt Sokdat) Bt Trun. FwWawrf Malay States, Malacca and Penang 6 p i O-uinß. Taiuuin, Mala ca, Soremhan, Pnr» Dicl-«on, Port Swettenham knd Kuala Lumpur 6 am To DAT. Bata Paliat Merging 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm Port DickRon and Port Swettrnham Selangor
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  • 70 7 The P. and O. outward packet Devuiha with nwils from London up to the evening «t August 1, wan Hignalled at Penang at 4 a.m. to-day, and may be expected to arrive here on Friday morning. August 22. The P. and <>. outw rd intermediate stoaraor Nile
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  • 70 7 Lift Dm in Lomdoh. July 17 B. I. i Augußt 11 Jnlv n MM. 16 July 25 P. ft O. 18 My N D. L. M July 31 K I 34 Auk 4 M. M. *J8 Aie. 8 P *O. September 1 Am*. W N. D. L.
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  • 52 7 Time balls on Fort Canning and Monnt K.iU i drop daily at 1 pni., Singapore •tantlard time, corresponding to b a.m. (1 eenwich uean time. The tme gnn is at 1 J o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day xo pting SuuLi;, when it is fired at
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  • 642 7 Latest Arrivals. AuHtria, A us. str. 4870 tons, Capt Cosulich, Aug Ml From Trieste, July IA O.c. and p. it. Schmidt A Co. For H'kong, Aug 22. Rds. Awlang, Siam. str. 408 tons, Capt Anderson, Aug Fro™ Bangkok, Aug 12. O.c. and d.p. E. Asiatic Co. For Bangkok,
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  • 94 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Uay. TANJONG PAGAR. Bast Wharf Basin Nil. W. Section No. l...Senegambia, Ellora, Pretoria. Shbbbs Wharf Hong Wan I. Main W. Smct. No. 2...OUuder, Boyne. t... Olenlogan. Patrol. 4...CbienKaiai. 6 ..Oorgon. 6...Peiho, Marudu. N'kw Dock 7. ..(Under construction)
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    • 109 7 Soc«APoma. Acocst 21, 1913. On LoMDoa Bans 4 m/a Demand M Private 0 m/a 8 m/a Oh Gismavi Bank d/d Private 8 m/a On Fbakob Bank d/d Private 8 m/a On India. Bank T. T. m Private 80 d/a a/4| a/<A 2/415 388 3484 304 39« i 174} 170
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    • 142 7 Siwoapobb, Auocst SI, 1918. Gun bier 710 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11.00 Copra Sandried 14 f 0 do Mixed 13.20 Pepper, Black bnycrs 1910 do White 6% buyers 84 50 Sago Floor Sarawak 8.60 do Brunei No. 1 nom. Pearl Sago 4.30 Coffee Bali 28.00 Coffee Palembang, 10%
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    • 167 7 10 10 Ampane 8.00 8.50 10 10 BeUt Ti« 3.45 2.e0 10 10 Bruang 0.50 1.00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.00 2.10 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 10.76 £1 41 KinuTin 1.17.6 2.4.6 £1 £1 LuhatMinw 18/9 1.2.6 £1 £1 Malayan Tina 2.9.0 2.1 1.9 10
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    • 624 7 sal Buyer w •J/- 2/ Allagai 2,4 i 8/£1 £1 Anglo Java 6/- 6/1 3/. a/- Anglo-Malay 9/4* 10,8 2/- Batons Maiaka 1/8 1/9 XI £1 Batu Tiga 2.15.0 8.1.6 £1 £1 Bakit Kajang 2.1 .0 2.4.4 £1 £1 Bakit Lintang B.l' .0 4.5.0 norn ■I/- 3/- Bakit Mertajam
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    • 117 7 vTlwl BnyerB MkMl 100 100 R. Hargreaves 100.00 107 60 100 100 K. H. 7% Prof. 100.00 113 60 10 10 Spore C. Storage 28.00 M.OO 150 SO Spore Dispensary 70.00 80 00 10 10 Straits Ice Co. 17.00 SO 00 *00 100 Straits S. Ship 285.00 305 0
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 Would You Be Happy No matUr what yoar financial or social condition* are, you cannot be happy with a dixordrrtid digestion. If yon are a dynpeptic a package of Chamberlain's Tabletn will make a new man of you. For salu by all Dispeisariea and Dealer*.
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    • 111 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Aurost 23.— At Holroyrt Noll, Syed AU Road, teak household furniture, etc., at J v AngmtaS.— At "Castor" No. 68, Oxley Road, teak household furnitare. etc at 2.80. Angust 29.— At No. 8. Mt. Elisabeth Road, off On h rd Road, teak household furniture, etc.,
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    • 124 7 D 111 U IV C |SSj mgm PADDIPV uAltiilblV. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. SOLE AGENTS FOR "PAXMAN" U^., SUCTION GAS „*l£Vv&» PLANTS, oVA^> "tfA TOSI \l®^\ 1 DIESEL OIL ENGINES. APPOINTMENT H M THE KINa CONTRACTORS TO The British Admiralty. The War Office. The India Office. ALSO The Federated Malay States and
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    • 90 7 TO -NIGHT! TO-NIGHT A Grand Attractive Dramatic Film fall of Plots and Stratagems arising from Avarice, entitled: 11 THE MONEYLENDER (In 3 Parts, Coloured Throughout). S i's the deepest feeling, an! bolus the attention through >uk. Splendit! stagiig quality aid sating. SUPPiBTBD BT THE SWITCH-TOWER i (Railway Drama). A.B. ALMOST
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  • 1162 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21. MISERABLE MEXICO. With the lull in the Balkans and the appa rent inability to discover sea serpent or a giant gooseberry, the news agencies have been looking round for other sources of midsummer news, and Mexico has been very pleased to oblige by creating
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  • 51 8 A number of complaints have reached the China Mail respecting objectionable behaviour of some British soldiers in Hongkong when walking the streets at night. It has become quite a common thing, it seems, for soldiers to stop European residents with request* to stand them a drink," 1 1 give them
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  • 28 8 Mr. Justice Sproule returned from Penan y where be bad been sitting on the bench of the Appeal Court, today by the steamer Klang, accompanied by Mrs. Sproule.
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  • 39 8 Tbe fact that an Indian named Kagunanan was fined f 5O and costs in the third court this morning for selling adulterated milk may serve as a warning to other milk sellers that tbe inspectors are mindful of#»ch shortcomings.
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  • 32 8 At the trial trip of the NIK. Katori Maru, constructed by the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Yard for the European Service, a very successful result was recorded, the speed being registered at 16.13 knots.
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  • 31 8 It is authoritatively declared at Portsmouth that the super-Dreadnought Queen Elizabeth, now building there, will be the first battleship in the world to be completely driven by means of oil fuel.
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  • 64 8 The Saigon papers give details of the programme of the Socit'te Anonyme des Conserves Alimentaires dv Mekong, which is being formed. It is estimated that there are 2,400,000 head of cattle in Cambodia, and as there is always a market for tinned meat, the new company proposed to start the
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  • 80 8 The succors of the campaign against the smuggling ol opium into the Philippines is shown in the fact that opium is now hard to get at the high price of PB5 a tin, whereas the price usel to be less Uian half that figure. Chinese are now presenting themselves at
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  • 80 8 A case of drowning has occurred at Swatow, the victim being Mr. Gordon Henderson, third engineer of the steamer Wingsang. On the evening of the 12th inst., on returning to his ship, he appears to have missed his fooling and fallen from the pontoon at high water. Next evening, at
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  • 97 8 Arthur Ast, who claimed to bean American subject, was fined 1150 at the Hongkong police court on the 15th inst., with tho alternative of one month's hard labour for stowing away on the B. I. steamer Gregory A pear from Singapore to Hongkong. Defendant stated he was an American citizen
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  • 102 8 A resident of Sourabaya recently left a bundle of papers in a gharry which he had paid off. Discovering his mistake soon afterwards, he set out to look for the gharry which he saw driving some distance away. He ran after it and hailed the driver who at once whipped
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  • 118 8 In the first court this morning Dollah bin Hadji Hassira, of North Bridge Koad, was charged by a Boyanese woman named Nor diah, living at Teluk Kurau Kichil, with the theft of jewellery valued at 1880. The woman alleged that the accused broke into her house and stole the property,
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  • 125 8 There was an exciting scene in Hongkong harbour on the night of August 13. The German steamer Tsingtau brought up an elephant from Siatn, which bad to be tran shipped into the Iyo Maru for Japan, the elephant being intended for the Zoological Gardens at Kyoto. As the Tsingtau was
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  • 126 8 A case was called on for hearing at Madras, on August 9, in which Mr. K. A. Mirza. agent to tbe firm of Madan and Co., Calcutta, suppliers of films to the Empire Cinema, charge d Sir Mark Anton, quick change artist, Mr*. Wadia, an actress, and three of Sir
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  • 170 8 Mr. Bham Chan linen, ex- Viceroy of Canton, is said to '.aye left Hongkong for Singapore on boani the French mail boat Amazone. It is understood from bis conversation to several friends, says the 8. C. Morning Post, that he regrets the part be bad taken in the recent rebellion
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  • 444 8 Mr. A. C. Baker, acting Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court, Singapore, will relieve Mr. G. H. Sugden as District Officer, Balik Pulau. Mr. Francis McCullagh, formerly of Bangkok, has been evicted from Servia, where he was acting as Daily News war correspondent, on account of a message he
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  • 81 8 Mr. J. R. Nicholson, C. M.G. His Majesty the King having been praciously pleased to confer upon Mr. John Rnmney Nicholson the dignity of a Companionship in the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George and His Majesty's commands that the insignia be presented having been communicated to
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  • 226 8 An unusual and quite unexpected accident occurred in Orchard Koad yesterday evening about seven o'clock which might very easily have rtsulted in serious damage and loss of lif*. As it was, Mr. I. Meyer, of Meyer Bros., who was motoriog out to Tanglin with his
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  • 283 8 Tbe story of a smart capture by two Malay detectives was related to Mr. Robertson, in the third court, today. In the eai ly board of thin morning they were on duty in liivi r Valley Koad, when they panned a Chinaman. Something about the man's appearance
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 164 8 BY ROYAL WARRANT OF APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY King George V. BOLLINGER CHAMPAGNE. SOLS AGENTS. CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO. lycana M&m CIGARETTES Wf^-R-JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. WOLSELEY AUTOCARS. SOLE AGENTS: Central Engine Works, Ltd. Anyone contemplating the purchase of a MOTOR CAR wou'd do well to inspect the elegant 4-seater "HTJMBER"
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    • 123 8 TONIGHT'S FEATURE AT THE ALHAMBRA Bbach Boas, Sicokd Saow, 9.80 to 11 r.M. THE GREAT MOTOR CAR RACE FOB THB GRAND PRIX Of the Automobile Club de France, 1913. To be supported by tt Clauds and Environs. (The Highway of the Alps). The Two Ramoas. (Variety Turn). TO LOVE AND
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 5 and 11.
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  • 252 9 THE POSSIBILITY OF ARMED INTERVENTION. Bulgarians Accuse Greeks. Rictir's Telegram. London, August 23. Pending representations by the Powers, there is some speculation in the papers concerning possible anti-Turkish action by Russia, in which connection the withdrawal of two Russian warships from the Bosphorus to Sevastopol is quoted
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  • 59 9 Berlin, Augnst 20. The principal candidate for the Albanian throne so far is Prince William of Wied. The Porte, in case of need, is prepared to give Bulgaria a share of Adrianople. Tbe Oreeks have evacuated tho9e coast districts which, according to the treaty, will remain
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  • 37 9 KacTiß's Tblboras. London, August 20. Accoiding to trustworthy information at Bruaselc, the Belgian Minister of tho Colonies is about to issue an urgent decree for almost complete exemption of Congo rubber from export duties.
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  • 18 9 Berlin, August 20. Belgium has abolished the export duty on rubber from the Congo.
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  • 41 9 Kbctph s Tsl.o»a». London, August 20. The Fronch aviator Pegoud yesterday evening dropped by parachute from a monoplane at Chateaufort aerodrome from a thousand feet up. He landed unscratcbed, and the aeroplane came to earth a hundred yards away.
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  • 48 9 Mkoru's Tsuaain. London, August 20. According to alvicc received at New York, the Mexican Government has intimated to all the legations that negotiations between Messrs. Lind and Huerta are continuing cordially. Felix Dias sails on Thursday from Montreal, for Liverpool, en route to Japan.
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  • 50 9 Hkctkh's leleghax. London, August 20. Hampshire defeated Somerset, at Portsmouth, by seven wickets. At Canterbury Kent beat Leicestershire by 264 runs. Worcestershire beat Lancashire by five wicket", at Dudley. At Bradford, Yorkshire beat Easex by an ioniugs and 48 runs. The match between Surrey and Notts wa. drawn.
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  • 59 9 fUCTBt'S TBLBORAM London, August 90. The Canadian authorities are in some difficulty about Thaw— whether they should deport him as an undesirable, transfer him to the American police as an escaped criminal luuatic, or allow extradition proceeding* to Thaw is determined to fight the case j to
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  • 38 9 The East Asiatic Company's Dai!) Report The market in London yesterday wa# weak for plantation grades. The dosing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 8/10 n Forward 8,6| First latex orepe, delivery next three months
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  • 118 9 (From Ocb Own Corres.-ondbnvi. Kuala Lumpur, Aagust 20. The hearing has commenced before Mr. Justice Edmonds in tbe Supreme Court of a case in which a railway engine driver named Wilkinsou sues a Chinese contractor, Tan Vat, for five thousand dollars compensation for permanent injury. Plaintiff was
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  • 488 9 Narrow Escape of Engineer Near Bangkok. An engineer in tbe service of tbe Royal Railway Department, Mr. R. Eschcnbrenner, has hid a narrow escape from being killed by a tiger at Paicdba. According to the Bangkok Times of the 13th inst., he was seized by the
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  • 219 9 During 1912, tbe Federal Life Assurance Co. of Canada, of which the General Agents in Singapore are the Borneo Co., Ltd., secured very sound and satisfactory results. Tbe accounts show that an increased rate of interest is being earned on the company's invested funds, while on
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  • 79 9 August bw been an eventful month in the bwtory of British rule. It vu in August that Clive übuined in 1765 the Dewani of B-.-n,.'*!, Bihar and Orissa. On Augmst l.'i, MML the KahJ Indian Railway was open.-!. On tl»- 18tb of the month in 18CO, Fort William was founded
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  • 615 9 MANAGER'S REPORT ON WORK IN AUGUST. Satisfactory Operations. The report of Mr. C. C. W. Liddlelow, manager of Titi Tin Mine, on the estimates aud working of the mine for August, is as follows The mine is I am pleased to say doing exceedingly well and I
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  • 357 9 Ghastly Crime Discovered At Batu Gajab. A gruesome crime was committed at the Government Clerks' quarters at Batu Oajah in the early hours of Sunday morning. According to the Times of Malaya, at half past six tbe occupant of number 84, on stepping out of his quarters,
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  • 119 9 Mr. Justice Woodward decided an interesting point in licensing law at Ipoh Aasiaes in a case of appeal against a conviction and fine of 1500 by the magistrate for selling drink without a license. It waa stated that ap pellant sent fur two bottles of brandy
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  • 1085 9 DISAPPOINTING RESULT OF COCONUT AREA. Production Costs Reduced. I The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Bnkit Toh Alang Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on the 11th mat, at the oompany's offioes, 88 Canton Road, Shanghai. Mr. V. Meyer presided, and he was supported by Messrs.
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  • 37 9 On the lltb insi. Dr. Snn Vat Sen was still in Kobe, where be waa staying with H. Mikami, a steamship owner. According to local account* Dr. son Vat Sen doe. not intend to proceed to America.
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  • 949 9 Awful Scenes in Crowded Clothing Factory. I The latest reports from BinghamptoD, in the State of New York, indicate that the I number of persons bnrned to death in the I fire which, in twenty short minutes, entirely consumed the (our- storey factory of the I Bingbampton
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  • 87 9 A change of programme is announced (or the Hippodrome Circus to-night, and the turns shown up to date will be varied with other performances equally amusing and interesting. The jumping contest for local horses and local rider*, which baa been fixed for Saturday night, is a feature
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  • 95 9 Anawoogae-Road, in Sampeng, Siam, was the soene of a serious fire on the night of tbe 10th instant. The whole of a block of wooden buildings occupying an area of about a hundred feet square was entirely destroyed, aad included among them were two godowns filled with goods belonging to
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  • 155 9 OLD AND YOUNG CALLED TO ARMS. Home Rule in Force Next June. R.CT.R'9 TbLBURAM. London, August 20. In view of expected developments, it is understood there will be a great march past of the whole Ulster volunteer force at the end of September. Colonel Wallace, Grand Master of
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  • 97 9 Hungarian Politicians Fight a Duel. Raons's Tilboram. London, August 21. Budapest, August 20. Premier Tisza baa fought a duel with swords, with Marquis Pallavicini, tbe latter having charged the Premier with seeking to influence witnesses in the Desy trial. Both were slightly wounded in the head, and
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  • 28 9 R.utee's Tklkc.ram. London, August 20. A Paris message states that M. Regnault is appointed Ambassador at Tokio in succession to M. Gerard, who has retired.
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  • 29 9 RbCTBBS TsLBORAH. London, August 20. A report from Winnipeg states that the crops are splendid, the higher grades giving heavy yields. Storm damage has been slight.
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  • 28 9 RbOTBR's TbLBQEAM. London, August 20. The death has taken place of M. Ollivier, who was French Premier at tbe opening of the Franco-German war.
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  • 124 9 Rumoured Acquisition by the B. I. Company. (Fbom Ocb Own Correspondent.) Penang, August 20. The rumour has been revived that the Eastern Shipping Company, Ltd., has been acquired by the British India Steam Navigation Company. The Pinang Gazette, whilst unable to confirm the rumour, states that negotiations
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  • 131 9 (Fbom Oor Own Correspond.nt.) Penang, August 20. The cases against tbe remaining fonr Sikh police constables of being in fraudulent possession of articles belonging to Chop Chip Kng, of 135 Beach Street, the premises of which were burned down on the night of July 1, concluded late
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  • 1464 10 JUDGE ON HOW TO STOP FOUL RIDING. A Farthing Damages and Costs. The racing libel action ended on July 28, in a verdict for the plaintiff for a farthing damages. The plaintiff in the action was Mr. Richard W cotton, the well known Epsom trainer, and the
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  • 614 10 Annual Egyptian Exploration Exhibition. At Burlington House the annual exhibition of the Egyptian Exploration Fund has just been opened. The year has not been marked by any discovery of extreme importance such as at times in the past it has been the good fortune of the fund
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  • 160 10 According to the Japanese Kokomin, the centralisation of Japanese emigrants in Korea and Manchuria was projected at the time of the late Marquie Momura and elicited various comments, but now that emigration to America has become so difficult that Japan has to abandon all efforts in this
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  • Correspondence.
    • 283 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l observe that at the meeting of the Legislative Council, to be held on Friday next, a greater portion of the time of honour able members will be taken up with supply and amongst the votes intended to be
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  • 790 10 Proposals to Protect Rubber Producers. The third annual general meeting of the Padang Jawa Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on July 17, at the Institute of Directory 4 Corbet court, Gracechurch street, E.C., Mr, W. Arthur Addinsell (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said I move
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 134 10 The French boxer, Carpentier, will again fitiht Bombardier Wells in London, on December 6. Who would think of the Andamans as aportloving islands, yet July seems to have been a gala month in Port Blair. The 1st Koyal Monster Fusiliers, who are stationed there, ht Id a
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    • 769 10 5 C.C. Tournament. The results of yesterday's play are as follow:— Championship. C. C. Dunman beat 11. C. Morgan w. o. R. J. Saunders beat O. O. Hill 6—l, 7—5. E. O. H. Hartnell v. V. O. Savi (postponed.) Li. D. M. Black v. F. Diebl (postponed.) K.
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  • 594 10 Two English Ladies' Amazing Journey. One of the most extraordinary holiday trips even undertaken by women travellers was described recently at the Lyceum Club, London. It was a ride across the roof of the world— that part part of the Himalayas which separates India from Eastern
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  • 167 10 On the afternoon of the 3rd instant, a first-class passenger named Scott, a Britisher, aged 88, on board the N.Y.K. liner Hitachi Maru, which has just pass ed through Singapore, bound for Europe, took a quantity of poison when the Hitachi Maru was nnaring
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  • 162 10 A rumour was current in Shanghai on the 12th inst., that the steamers in port belonging to the China Merchant*' Steam Navi gation Company were to be transferred to the British flag imiu.diately, but, says the N. C. Daily News, it appeared ho illogical as
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  • 29 10 Mr. G. Gardener, of the Persian Gulf Telegraph, has been arrested by the Karachi p. .lice on a charge of shooting Mr. Lenahan, a Customs officer, with a revolver.
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  • 982 10 A TRIP ON THE PARIS TO CALAIS EXPRESS. Seventy* Five Miles an Hour Mr. G. Ward Price wrote thin thrilling story for a recent issue of the Daily Mail Overseas edition In July and August the Gare dv N HI is the most Anglo-Saxon place in Paris.
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  • 158 10 Arrivals. Per str. Austria, August 20. From Trieste Miss S. Hartlongliawser. Per str. Kaka, August .O. From Malacca: Mr. and Mrs. B. W. bokenbauH and Mr. H. D. Mim .ell. Per str. KuaU. August 20.- FroinT. Anson via ports Men-re, C. J. Mason, Bull, Webster, Weare, Gar
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  • 953 11 BE YOURSELF." This is a piece of advice constantly given nowadays and it is popular, no doubt, because it sounds easy. But since it is advice it must exhort to some kind of effort and must be designed to produce some kind of change, says The Times in an editorial.
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  • 169 11 Victims of the War Estimated at 400,000. The correspondent of the Corriere delta Sera, recently in Macedonia, who has visited all the chief centres of the Balkan battleground, has sent to the newspaper he represents an approximate table of the losses in men and money up to the
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  • 531 11 Remarkable Case of Nunhead Blind Girl. Recently The Globe published some details of an interesting case of the reported core of a blind girl by means of hypnotic suggestion. In commenting on the case, says The Globe, we ventured the opinion that the sight might not really have
    531 words
  • 343 11 What is Heard by The Wireless' Operator. Another weather prophet, and no mean one either, has to be added to to the list which already includes cows, cats, mudfish, crows, and barometers. The French metrologist, M. Frank Duroquies, has, says the Hamburger Nachrichten, established as a
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  • 65 11 The 40th Patlians have the reputation ot containing more travelled officers than any other regiment in the service. The current issue of the journal of the United Service Institution of India contains two articles by officers of the 40th, one by Lieutenant Fowle, who has just returned from Northern Persia,
    65 words
    • 606 11 Norn. Vildi. Bdtirs. Slum. 2/- Allagai 2/44 H,l* I 1 AuyoJava 6/- 6/li 1 AnyloJohore 6/8 7/9 8/- Anglo-Malay 9/41 10/8 x.d. 1 Ayer Kuning 12/8 14/44 3/- Batang Malaka -/10| 1,9 I 1 Batu Caves 160/- 180/1 Bata Tiga 54,6 61,6 1 Beaufort Borneo 17/6 •JO/1 Bokit
      606 words
    • 39 11 •100 Howarth Bnkine Ld. 6% p&» 100 KtfeyHargreave«*Co Ld. 6% 2% pm 100 Singapore Municipal 0% 20% pm 100 do 5% U% pm 100 4i% 10% pm 100 do 5% pm 4100 Singapore Elect. Truna 3% 16% dia
      39 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 42 11 The Man Who Gets There kite wmm wfc* kai Hssd 1 rtoh Mi kM a»4 rU. <rf it— la hta My. HTMHUri MTABOUZB MUIBI 00MP0UM ■■■iiVii* 'I'" fl '-p I— lSEtlig. stnagtr. i»pienUhiu S blot J. OP ALL OHIMItTI. 1 an and
      42 words
    • 68 11 Some soak their feet in ninrtard baths, and some Swear by the potent liqnor known as nun. Ah 1 take bat WOODS' and let the others go, Straight to his PEPPERMINT CURB all colds HuccDmb. They say tbe plaster and the poultice keep Their hold in many a home, still
      68 words
    • 194 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A Call at MOUTRIE'S will convince you that the GRAMOPHONE RECORD is the MASTER RECORD. 10,000 to select from. INSPECTION INVITED. S. MOUTRIE CO., LIMITED, Raffles Place. THE RITZ THE LANGHAM THE GARLTON THE SAVOY THE CECIL One and all supply OENIB MOUNIES BRANDIEB. Why? Quality Tells. Garner,
      194 words
    • 160 11 Sweet C/iestnuc 7b6acco Because of its delicate aroma and sweetness of flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. TO BE HAD FROM ALL DEALERS. RAFFLES HOTEL. Fancy Dress Ball, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 30. By kind permission of Lieut.-Colonel Marrable and Officers, the Band of the
      160 words

  • 2390 12 PROGRESS OF THE RESTORATION SCHEME. History of Famous FortressTbe restorations now being carried oat at the Tower of London will reveal more clearly than for many years past some of the essential features of the most famous and historic English stronghold, says The Times of July
    2,390 words
  • 748 12 The Importance of Professional Bug Hunting. The crank who once went about the countryside with a big green net, and his pockets bulging with bottles and pill boxes too much in earnest to notice the laughter which followed him, chasing butterflies and bugs with a zest which
    748 words
  • 324 12 The report of the Telok (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, for the year ending Deoember 81 last, states that the purchase price of the estate has been settled by the allotment to the vendors of 6,600 fully-paid ordinary shares of £1 each, and the taking over by the
    324 words
  • 855 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest List* The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    855 words
  • 138 12 I shall not vote for Mrs. Biigge, I do not like her sown And I remember well the digs I sot from Clara Brown. Jemima Patterson Magee Shall get no vote of mine A horrid, stuck-up thing is she And also I decline To vote for Anastasia
    138 words
  • 27 12 Yorkshire chemists have discovered a new virtune in the Insurance Act. They state that, when the panel doctors give prescriptions, the people light their pipes with them.
    27 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 166 12 ÜBBYS ASSORTED SOUPS Are packed in cases containing 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The Assortment Is made up from the following Soups TOMATO. MOCK-TURTLE. OX-TAIL CHICKEN. MULLIGATAWNY AND VEGETABLE. SOLE AGENTS J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD., Singapore. I-10-k ***** IN CONFIRMATION OF OUR ANNOUNCEMENT. The CHINESE 'KEMANTEN' BEDS ARE READY
      166 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 61 13 Our Beer is known under these names BCCK S Beer KeyBeer Kunchi its excellent quality makes BCGF !t the most suitable f or the Tropics. Agents: Dtjllll) Ifllj I IjK LIMITED. J. CROWTHER SHAW A CO., Merchant Tailors, RAFFLES PLACE. STYLE Faultleia. FIT Perfect. HATERIAL-The Beat. WORKMANSHIP-Flnest. PRICES Moderate. We
      61 words
    • 328 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAY. CO.. LD. APCAR UNE STEAMERS The anderaoentioned mail steamers ol Iti above Line maintain a regular servioe between Calontta and Japan, calling at Peeaag Singapore. Hongkong and Shanghai en route PLBBT Tens Commander Java* B,ola O. P. hiddo». Oumii iron 4,600 J. B. Dbau
      328 words
    • 756 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINID •■RVIO. Of THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. A THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CO.. LTD. BBTWBBK F*emantle (Perth), North Mfeat Australian Porte. Java and Singapore. Regular Fortnightly sailing* betw.y Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as induoement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Pott for the Kimberley
      756 words
    • 586 13 BTEAMER SAILINGS. rOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route Via Chink, Japar, HoloJolu and San Frani !aao to all points in the United Stales, Canada Mexioo and Bui ope. lawtflat mi 11,001 to. Irlpi, tertw Turblst LI..M "lhl. T Miru" "T.sraß,, ii< Okii*
      586 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 480 14 ssttßfMTl «LT WVAMT. LAtfiEgT PAIO-W ItflTIL sf AIT EABTEJB COMPAIT PROIPEROUI Sand PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE Winoh«s>t**> Houaa, Sla«apa>B LONDOBI OFFICE ma. OM Jswry, E.C Hrn Osasaaay has £30.000 li|.aitil with aaa Saaresne Ooart at BaKaiasi. aad asaaalsa «aa% ts» Bnttah Lib h nn
      480 words
    • 385 14 IWBURAWCE. FEDERAL LIFE tMUMNCE OOMPMIf y UMW. BSTABUSBBO 1881. DlMOt OevtmsMnl lupsfvUion Oovarnment Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDB" aad Nob Forfeitable, i-arge Nat Surplus »bo»e lisbiljties tor Reserre and all ootetaadiag claims. Mow Bualnoaa, 1911. 3»er...«.8O0,0O0.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, eto., made looally. Numeroas modem sohemea, 4. H. IVANI, Manager, Sooth
      385 words
    • 448 14 BANKING. THE tZE HAI TONB BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD.. NO. 17 AND 68. KLING BTRBBT. Bstaausaao 1007. Capital paid op ....11,000.000.00 Reserve liability of proprietor!!... l l 000 000.00 Reserve Fund 1800,000.00 COUBT OF DIRBCTORB. 1. Ta» Tbob Joo», 8. Low KaooM Tss i. Tan Swi Kai 7. Sm
      448 words
    • 410 14 BANKING. THE GHINEBE COMMERCIAL BANK. LIMITED. NEW PREMISES, M, Kling Street, Singapore. AUTHORISED CAPITAL #4,000,000" IBBUBD CAPITAL laloOoloOO^ BOARD OF DIRECTORS! Lee Choon Onan, Bsq. Chairman. Lim Peng niang E-<q. Cheok Chens Koe Scow Bng Tin, Bsq? Esq Yeo Cheng Hai, E*q. Tan Sian Cheng. B«. Tan Chay Tan. B>q.
      410 words
    • 786 14 INSURANCE. I CANNOT AFFORD IT is a reply very often given by tbe uninsured, and particulaly by those who ooght net to be. WHY? $1.20 a wo«k will insure a man age f6 for 11,(0. .CO on the twenty year Endowment principle. Many times this sum is devoted weekly to
      786 words

  • 1096 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Vehicles in War. The second session of the Imperial Motor Transport Conference was held on July 28 at the Commercial Vehicles Exhibition, Olympia. Mr. Sidney Straker, chairman of the Commercial Vehicles Committee, presided, and there was a large attendance of
    1,096 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 386 15 TENAX BITUMINOUS SOLUTIONS TENAX BITUMINOCS SOLUTION is a preparation of the finest bitumens in fluid term rtfioid by a rptciil process to that absolute parity so necessary to a first-class iron and steel preservative. Although possessing an ncnsua'ly high specific gravity, this Si'uim works freely from the brush, and dries
      386 words
    • 11 15 Fot Children's Hacking Cough at Night, j Woods' Great Peooermuit Core.
      11 words
    • 62 15 Continental MOTOR TYRES CHEAPEST IN USE. From all Garages. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE:, 17, Collyer Quay. Telephone: 290. Telegrams: "CONTINENTA." Telegrams "ABRAMS," Telephone 719. Singapore. (ABRAXAS') Straits Motor Garage. THE ABSOLUTE BEST 111 NOISELESS NAPIER CAR Now ready for immediate delivery one 15 H.P. Model with five-seated body,
      62 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 393 16 j- T Elm f-^^s »If IT Bach file holds securely from Ito 260 papers. Ita use enables you to put your hands on the whole of any mans correspondence in a moment. c foolscap or 7 quarto for $1. In 100 lots at cheaper prices. P. A. BEINS CO., 12,
      393 words
    • 309 16 WANTS. ASSISTANT WANTED. Assistant wanted. Must read and write English and 1 utch. Good salary. Apply John Little Co., Ltd. 208 a DRESSER WANTED. Wanted, for Kemaman, fully qualified dresser. Apply by letter stating qualifications and salary required to Guthrie Co., Ltd69 a SITUATION WANTED. By a lady as Companion
      309 words
    • 639 16 WANTS. BOOK KEEPER WANTED. Wanted immediately, Book keeper for Mine in Pahang. Apply I c/o Stiaits Times. 16-H v TELEGRAPH OPERATORS WANTED. Wanted for British North Borneo, Telegraph Operators. Apply Guthrie Jt Co., Ltd. 10 8 80 8 TEAK DECK PLANKS WANTED. Wanted, 1,000 teak deck plcnks for steam launches,
      639 words
    • 571 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, IstsraiSßt and Municipal Contractor! 106, 108 k 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 431 and 1174. GUAN KIAT CO., SHIP CHANDLERS GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS. OBNBRAL IMPORTERS AMD BIPORTBRB AMD COMMISSION AOENT3. 87, Phillip Street. 'Phone 1288. Telegrams BUaNRMT. 19-6 a GUAN XjAT ft CO. NOTICE is
      571 words
    • 406 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. BM-SIDE RESIDENCE TO BE LET. Belinda," Telok Eerau, furnished. Apply Mrs. Martia, No. 9, Mt. Sophia. 16-8 v HOUBEB TO LET. To let, No. 31 and 33, Sambau Road. Apply Nathan Son, Change Alley. 11l v OFFICE TO LET. To let, Large and Commodious Offioe
      406 words
    • 679 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. L. T.
      679 words