The Straits Times, 8 August 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.255 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 8. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 ;thk celebrated ■earn y whisky Established 1742. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF NEW GOODS. Large assortment of Washing Skirts, very latest styles. SATIN EVENING BHOEB. SILK STOCKINGS. Superior quality Satin and smart shape. Special value in coloured Silk Stockings. Price %A.BO per pur. Prioe $1 .OS per pair. All shades stocked. All
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    • 119 1 ROBINSON CO. "Cravenette" RKfID. FOR ALL OUTDOOR GARMENTS IN RAIN OR SHINE SHOWERPROOF. THE IDEAL PROOF J* N IN SUITABLE CLOTHS FOR isJfa Jfe*£fr AND WEIGHTS t^ffai Dustproof as well Golfing, Showerproof. Out-door Sports. 2**^^JPrj3^ Odourless. JLByngglAsFlL JFJgsl** HIRSCHHORN S Patent Lamps NOW RECEIVED FRESH SUPPLIES OF Large assortment to
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    • 11 1 Eternit Asbestos Slates. I Solk Auknts: ADAMSON. GILFILLAN A CO LTD.
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  • 741 2 INEVITABLE DOOM OF THE ROCK DRILLERS. Ravages on the Rand. To appreciate the real seriousness of the present industrial trouble in South Africa, the Daily News and Leader of July 7 says, it is necessary to realise that the miners whose grievance looks comparatively trivial when it is
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  • 189 2 The Tokio Asahi, under the heading Disrespectful Naval Offioer," bitterly complains that tin! 1b neb Hateukaze, attached to the Kure Naval Station, by Imperial order at the end of June proceeded to Hayama, and is now lying off the Royal villa Hayama. In view of the
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  • 53 2 Five Philadelphia aorgeons, including a university professor, are being proceeded against by aotivivaectionists on the charge that twenty live dogs were dropped from toe roof of the university, in order that they might break their backs and thus provide canes for the study of the functions of the motor-sensory centres
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 635 2 yB|S^ Have you taken <JIU m 4 \T i r IV T W ll I\^ Jl\\ \l BIAND 111 \I 1 I ]v* yyr~Z%y residents in hot climates i^One or two doses daily, counteract thc^ lassitude and fatigue caused by extreme heat. 1 Vana Tonic also keeps the appetite keen,
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    • 10 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods' Great PeDDermint Core.
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    • 675 2 "Freny Lcdje," Churchill Road, Rangoon. In this beautiful Burma home (As in thousands of others the world over) Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are Regarded As A Proved Friend. The above picture shows one of the hundreds of thousands of homes wherein Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are held in the highest
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  • 1075 3 DAY OF SAMPLES IN TOUR OF LANCASHIRE Rousing Welcome. i The special correspondent of the Daily News and Leader wiring from Preston on July 8 stated:— This has been a sort of sample day for the King and Queen in their pilgrimage throngh Lancashire. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 390 3 RANEEOUNQE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA, LIMITED. E.tabllahed 1 BBS Tbe first Life Office in the world to introdooe the non -forfeiture principle to Polioies. A Mutual Office. No Shareholder.. Low Premium*. Annual Income «1.284,354. Fuoda
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    • 712 3 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDQ-CHINA BTEAM NAY. 00. 10. 31-oct Wrvlea ta Japan via Hontkeat A IhantM •H to Calaatta tia Paaan| fraai tlajaaara Taking cargo on throngh Bills of Lading or Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo tTioctun, Newohwang, Yangtsse Ports, For now, the Philippine*, etc.. etc.. etc. Itwmtrt. Tons Commander Kdisaho"
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    • 808 3 STEAMER BAIUNBB. AUSTRIAN 1-J-OYD UNDER MAIL J 9^ y WITH THE AUSTRIAN CONTRACT frAU GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai mJ^SiS^USSgS: mm§ BaMt BDMi 4i Oolomb0 PeMn OUTWARD. HOMBWARD. Due to arrive on or about Due to sail on or about 1018 1818 B.. Africa ..8.840 toDS Aug. 30 s.a.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 666 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVI6ATIBN CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBTLOH. AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT, MIDinBRANIAN PORTS, PLT MOUTH AND LONDON. Through BiUa oJ Lading lamed lot Jciia Coast, Persian Golf, Oo««*a»ul aad titrteu Potto. Cte*men wiU teve StaflMon oa w Ooot: MAIL LINES ISIS fIMMMH (/o» Bmropt/. fOaueottu
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    • 664 4 STEAMER BAILIRBB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, un let mail ooutraet with the Imperial Janant>*e Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamer mam*eining this servioe have been specially unsigned and oonstruoted, and are fitted with
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    • 680 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. ffot Pahang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Triaggaan, Bisul, Semera, Baahok, Kelaataa, Tabai. Ba—jiara, Toluma, Panara, PataaJ, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamol Bandoa r aafiiis. Taka, Ooanpon, Kohlak aad Bangkok. OtM DSMPSWtIIM. HEIM Aug. 9. a.a. PRAGHATIPOK Aug. 1O All*. 13. e-e. BORIBAT Aug. IS
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    • 477 4 STEAMER BAILINQB, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. am Combined blch~~ it I o<i. The steamres ot these Oompanios maUtein a regular sanlue between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, Bottardsm and Emden, and the Straits, GUM and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly tor Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhavea direot,
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    • 608 4 STEAMER BAIURRI. N. D. L. orddeutsoh.r Lloyd, Brtnea. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL UNI, The fast and well-known mail steamers «i this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonnerting MarseUles, Naples, Alexandria, and vlee versa) Port Said, Sues, Adoa, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Taingtaa,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 127 5 No. 5 Royal tT=^^~^=fl THE MASTER MODEL it TYrtT^* fgpi II $175 mII DEFIES COMPETITION \\^H SUPPLANTING ALL OTHER MAKES. t^ n l\^77\ Tl soie A ents f r s s rM s W^^^^^y Huttenbach Bros. Co. V\^^ 18a 81-7-14 THE ABSOLUTE IT j FRASER NEAVE'S SODA WATER. Sambal Trays.
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    • 196 5 T. NAGAI. CO. JAPANESE Fine Art Curios and Porcelain (antique: and modern). All orders executed promptly. Goods packed and shipped to any part of the world. K-L. Adis Buildings. High Street SINGAPORE. a-7o aia TO RUBBER PLANTERS! Bush's Coagulating AND Bleaching Powder Causes the immediate separation and clotting of the
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    • 520 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JUNIOR CHINESE CLERK WANTED. Apply to Vade and Co, 8, D'Almeida Street. 8 8 us TO LET. Comfortable furnished boose in Tanglin. Immediate entry, Bth August, 1918. Apply to POWELL CO., Auctioneers. 88 148 TOUT. Booms and offices to let at the premises at the corner of Kliog
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    • 361 5 M INSURE AGAINST INFECTION i;v USING SOAP ALL CLIMATES AND AT ALL TLMES. KEEPS THE BODY HEALTH. The Name LEVER on the Soap is a (iiiai;mit-f >.{ I'urity and Kxci'llence. ■M TOGO CO., HIGH-CLASS JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHERS. 27, MIDDLE ROAD. Oar Chargee are low and work the vcr j best. Prompt
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 GRAND PRIX DE FRANCE. ~~0-*lcl 9 s Biggest MOTOR RACE CONTINENTAL b^H _^_^V _^_^_l _^_^_l _IHI _^_^__^^^^m^HB Ist Bablot, Delage Car, Continental Tyres. 2nd Guyot, Delage Continental Tyres. 3rd Polette, Mercedes Continental Tyres. 4th Salzer, Mercedes Continental Tyres. sth Duray, Delage Continental Tyres. 6th Lautenschlager, Mercedes Continental Tyres. 7th Thomas,
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  • 262 7 TO-DAT. Batu Pabat Aing Leong 8 pm Bandjermasmn, Broouie, Derby, P. Hedland, Cossack, Onslow, Carnarvon, (Jcraldton and Krcmantle Minderoo 8 pm Bengkalis, Labocan Bilik, Tandjong Baloi and Medan De Kock 8 pm Port Swettcnham and Telok Anson Kuala 8 pm Malacca and Muar Lady Weld 8 pm
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  • 27 7 Daily (Excipt Sckday) Bt Train. Federated Malay States, Malacca and Penang 6 p u Oemas, Tainpin, Malacca, Seremban, Port Dickson, Port Swettenham and Koala Lumpur 6 am
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  • 134 7 Tli- M. M. company's steamer Haiphong left Saigon at 4 p.m. en Wednesday. August 6, and may be expected to arrive here at about r i a.m., on Saturday, August 9. The Imp. German mail steamer Yorck left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, August 6, and
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  • 242 7 Latest Arrivals. Arratoon Apear, Brit. str. 2931 tons. Capt Thomson, Auy 8. From Calcutta, July 30. G.c. and dp. A. (.iliillan Co. For Hkong. Aug 9. W. IVovrc. Nor. str. 733 tons, Capt Sigveland, Aug 8. From Bangkok, Aug 2. G.c. and d.p. Straits Cable Trading Co. For
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  • 99 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONG PAGAH. E.isT Wharf Basin Nil. W. Section No. l...Kiuta. Jelu-:«ja. Itinda. Shbebs Wharf Obra. Main W. Sect. No. 3... G. Apcar. 8... Ni1. 4.. .Ni1. S ..Nil- 6...Patani, Tona Maru. Niw Docs 7... (Under construction)
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    • 102 7 SINOAPOU, ACOCST 8, l, 1918. On Lonxw Bank 4 m/» a/4U Demand Private O.m/a Bm/a On Gibmavt Bank d/d Private 8 m/s 2/4 2/4|s 288 2434 On F*a*cb Bank d/d Private 8 m/a 204 2V9i On Ihdu Bank T. T. Frivat BOd/B On d/d Private 80 d/a 174.
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    • 150 7 Siwaapom, Inm 8, 1911. Oambier 7,05 do (Cube No. 1) unpioked 1100 Copra Sandried 18.80 do Mixed 1810 Pepper, Black buyers 19.00 do White 6% 84 20 Sago Floor Sarawak 8.60 do Brunei No. 1 noin. Pearl Sago 4.30 Coffee Bali aaOO Coffee Palembang, 10% basis 80.00 Tapioca, small
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    • 167 7 vSil Bayers 10 10 Ampane 8.00 9.50 10 10 Belat Ti» 2.45 2.e0 10 10 BrniDg 050 1.00 10 10 Kanaboi 1.90 2.10 10 10 Kaiupar par 10 10 Kinta Association 10 DO 10.76 £1 £1 KinU Tin 1.17.6 2.4.8 £1 £1 Laliat Mine* 18/9 1.2.6 £1 £1 Malayan
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    • 613 7 J? 8 6 1 Buyers. Sellera. Value S 3/- 3/- Allagai 2/- 2/4 £1 £1 Anglo Java 4/0 3/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 9/7* 10/7 3/- 3/- Batang Malaka 1/- 1/0 £1 £1 Hutu Tiga 3.7.6 2.15.0 £1 £1 Bakit Kajang 1.18.9 2.3.7 £1 £1 Bakit T-i"fa""g 8.1C.0 4.5.0 norn 2/-
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    • 110 7 J*? c Buyers. Sellerg Value a! 41 £1 B. Smelting Co. 14/8 in. 6 41 XI Prel. 18- 1.2.0 6/- 5/- Electrio T'wayn 8/- 4/10 10 Fraaer A Neave 60.00 61.C0 100 Howarth Erskine 45X0 100 7%Pref. 95.0 C 100.00 100 100 K»t« Bro, DeL 180.00 140.00 10 10
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 9 7 For Bronchial Coughs lake Woods' Or. at I'tpperm^t Cure.
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    • 274 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. August 9. At saleroom, furniture, etc., at 11. August 9.— At The "Manse," 85, Cavenagh Rd., flowers, property of Rev. W. Ruuciman, at 8. August 9.— At No. 21, Wilkie Road, furniture, etc., property of E. Evans, Esq., at 2.80. August IS.— At Central Police
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    • 206 7 TIMES ARE CHANGING YOU MUST KEEP PACE WITH THE TIMES. TRY THE NEW ILLUMINANT FISH rion nnAiin KEROSENE Trad* Mark. The Best Oil on the Market for House Lighting. ,-A yWlOv OF 2 TINS OF* ALL RETAILERS. THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (Straits .Settlements), Limited, Winchester House, SINGAPORE. A NEITHER NEW
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    • 111 7 AT THB HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BKIDOE ROAD. To-Ni^ht To-Night 1 1 Feature.* in the 2nd Show. A MISUNDERSTOOD BOY A.B The boy is alway miaonderst-jod. Ha goto into trouble in the villiago, and fleeing to the moiiitaina with his girl wile, v accused of murdering a traveller. The murderers
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 136 7 DAILY TIME TABLE. FIXTURES. Priday, August 8. High Water. 1.5 A a.m., 2.24 p.m. Volunteer meeting, Vie. Hall, 6.15 p.m. P. and O. outward mail due. Saturday, August 9. High Water, 2.62 a.m., 8.8 p.m Sunday, August 10. High Water, 3.59 a.m.. 8.52 p.m. Malacca Planters meeting. Malacca. Monday, August
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  • 25 8 Mrs. W. P. Hale and family desire to thank all those friends who so kindly sent wreaths and letters of condolence during their recent bereavement.
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  • 865 8 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8. EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS. We are at one with those who join issue in the growing revolt against the useless cruelties of vivisection. At the same time we unanimously support the physiological section of the Medical Congress who aro agreed that experiments on living animals
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  • 19 8 The price of bricks in Kuala Lumpur, which was formerly about 190 a lakaa, is no* $140 to lloOalaksa.
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  • 27 8 Several cases of plague have occurred on the Island of Madura (near Soarabaya). Tbe authorities are taking active steps to stamp the disease out before it spreads.
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  • 41 8 A representative meeting of the British Medical Association iv London, on July 24, unanimously passed a resolution sympathising with the appeal appearing in the news papers of tbe 22nd idum for the appointment of a Royal Commission to investigate venereal disease.
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  • 49 8 The recording of oonfessions by accused persons prior to trial, which is at present governed by Section 164 of the Indian Code of Criminal Procedure, is at present occupying the attention of tbe Government of India, and a despatch on the snbjdct has been forwarded to the India Office.
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  • 86 8 The inclusion of the Hon. Mr. Oodley, Director of Public Instruction, and of two Inspectors of Schools in tbe Sanitary Con feruuee which is to be bel.l in Simla in the Usi week of Auguxt, indicates that the con ference is to tak« op the all important question of school
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  • 24 8 Mr. Zerner, of Zetland House, Armenian Street, baa reported to the police the theft of a topee and clothing to the value of is.
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  • 33 8 Tbe 2nd Battahou, Somerset Light Infantry, will embark on board the transport Soudan at Cbingwangtao oi October 22, and will reach Karachi on November 21. The battalion is to be stationed at Quetta.
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  • 53 8 The annual report of the cancer research fund shows no progress towards discovery of its causes, its treatment, or cure. Surgical extirpation in the early stages is the sole remedy. Observation in connection with mice tends to suggest that tbe disease may be hereditary from parents, but scarcely from grandparents
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  • 51 8 A British departmental document, just issued, shows that wheat, barley, oats, bread, beef, mutton, pork, bacon, milk, cbeese, and eggs were all dearer in 1912 than previously. Butter attained the highest figures reached for nine years past. Vegetables, apples, gooseberries, and pears were cheaper, and grapes, greengages, and strawberries cost
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  • 83 8 With reference to Notification No. 2553, published in the F.M.S. Gazette of October 11, 1912, it is notified that copies of a notice which has been issued by the Army Council respecting the date for the commencement of the autumn examination in military subjects of candidates for commissions in the
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  • 96 8 An interim report from the Special Committee on Food Supplies in Time of War regarding tbe proposal for the construction of a Channel tunnel, was presented at a recent meeting of tbe London Chamber of Commerce, and a resolution was approved for submission to tbe autumnal meeting of the Associated
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  • 111 8 In the Court of King's Bench on July 9 a case involving the validity of a colonial judgment in England was decided. The plaintiff Gibson Company, Ltd., formerly carrying on business in Victoria and New South Wales, on March 9, 1912, obtained in Victoria a verdict for £2,755 against Frank
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  • 145 8 Not long ago, during a disturbance in the village of Maspati in Sourabaya, a European and his wife were chased and assaulted by a number of the native villagers. Some c f the perpetrators were known and so it was reasonable to expect that they would have been proceeded against
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  • 139 8 At a special committee meeting of the Singapore Protestant Benefit Society held on the fith inst., the following resolution was proposed by one of the members That this meeting records with the deepest regret the sadden and unexpected death of their brother- member, Mr. W. P. Hale, and that the
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  • 143 8 Dr. C. Strickland, travelling medical entomologist, F.M.S., and lato assistant to the Quick Professor in the University of Cambridge, has just issued a short key to tbe identification of tbe anopbo line mosquitoes of Malaya. Tbe work appears to have been prepared with every care and must have occasioned much
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  • 164 8 On tbe night cf Jannary 27 last. Lance Corporal Bartlett, of tbe 17th Lincers, was murdered in the train between L»la Musa and Wazir&b* l. After a protracted enquiry, which w» j rendered excessively difficult by the absence of evon a shadow of a clue, the Punjab Criminal Investigation Department
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  • 191 8 Mr. Justice Braddt-11 arrives in Kuala Lumpur from home at the end of this month. The Governor- General of Indo I'liina had a narrow escape the otbor day, the groom losing control of the horses attached to the carriage in which H. E. and his wife were
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  • 67 8 Mr. Rockefeller, the Standard Oil King, attended service in Euclid avenue Baptist Cbarcb, Cleveland, on July 8, and was praised by tbe pastor, the Rev. Dr. Bustard, as one of the rosebushes in God's Garden." Mr Bustard also paid a tribute to those faithful followers in the Church, who, liko
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  • 71 8 We regret to announce the death of Mr. J. M. Pierron, accountant, French Tekka Mine, Gopeng. He arrived in the country two years ago after having spent several years in the service of the Messageries Maritimes Co, at Madagascar anl in India. Deceased was 30 years of age and was
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  • 86 8 It is officially announced that Bishop Boyd Carpenter has been appointed SubDean of Westminster, in succession to the late Canon Barnett. The Kight Key Dr. Boyd-Carpenter resigned the Bishopric of Ripon in October, 1911, upon being appointed Canon of Westminster. He had previously announced his intention of retiring on tbe
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  • 45 8 Owing to the performance by the K.0.Y.L.1.'s on Monday next, the Utli inst, in the Theatre, there will be no music in tin Gardens. Fourth list of subscribers Miss Mary Muhlenbein, 15. The list is now closed, as funds are sufficient.
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  • 88 8 The output from the Tin.; Kil Tin Mine Company's mine during July was pis. 13d 80 made up as follows: Plant ore Pis. 110, tribute ore Pis. 28 80. Tbe manager reports as regards tbe working of the plant as follows Sluiced 300 hours, material treated
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  • 92 8 Preliminary announcements are being made of tbe coming visit of tbe New Bandmann Opera Company with a range of favourite musical comedies which are sure to draw crowded houses. Thu company will play in tbe Victoria Theatre for six nights only, opening on Thursday, the 21st inst.,
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  • 138 8 Arrangements for the Tannin Club fancy dress ball on the 15th are now completed. By kind permission of Colonel White and the officers, tbe band of the 3rd Brahmans will play during tbe evening. Danciug will bo held in botb the rooms. Supper will be laid in
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  • 148 8 His Excellency Major General C. A. Anderson, C.8., accompanied by his A D.C., C'apt. Brocb, left Hongkong on July 81 by the 8.1. steamer Jelunga to take over tbe command of an Indian Army division with headquarters at Meerut. In the last orders issued to tbe
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 284 8 0 IVI U IV C p|§|||| GARRIuK. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. SMART TAILORING r LITTLE'S SUIJ 'j Our speciality SEMI DRESS SUITS d*y| Sl> lined silk JJ>DU. i PERFECT FITTING. A large variety of new tweed suit■W inK* just unpacked. WRITE FOR PATTERNS. 1l Fancy Dress Costumes made at 3^l shortest notice.
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    • 158 8 IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD A GOOD LAUGH FOR SOME TIME See whether M. Chas. Prioce won't give it yon in admittedly one of his best creations AN AFFECTION OF THE HEART which has delighted the audiences all aloog, which ably seconds THE GENTLER PASSION A REFINED PICTURE COMEDO IN THREE
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisement* of the day appear on pages 5 and 11.
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  • 225 9 STRUGGLE IMMINENT OVER ADRIANOPLE. The Calm Before the Storm. RSUTBB'S IILBORAM. London, August T. Bukharest, August 7. —The frontier agreed upon starts at a point on the old frontier west of tbe Struma River, follows the watershed to west of the town of Strumnitza thence via tbe
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  • 128 9 Dm Ortasiatmcbb Lloyd Tblbobam. Berlin, August 7. According to the verbal agreement, Bulgaria receives Stramnitza, Servia gets ltadovishte, and Greece takes Kavalla. To-day the written orders for the immediate demobilisation of the Balkan armies will be signed. Austria and Russia are roporte 1 to favour revision of tbe
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  • 50 9 Expert Opinion at the Medical Congress. Rbctsb's Tbliobah London, August 7. The. physiological section of the Medical Congress has unanimously passed a rfsolu tion that experiments on living animals are indispensable to tbe progress of medicine. The resolution will be submitted to every section of the Congress.
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  • 31 9 Kbotbb's 1 ■lshbam London, August 7. The late Mr. W. McEwan, chairman of MoEwan and Co., brewers, Edinburgh, left estate valued at a million and a half sterling.
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  • 27 9 Kbotbb'* Tbi .»m London, August 7. Mr. Churchill has secured an additional vote of a quarter of a million paand* for naval aircraft.
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  • 30 9 KaoTßß's Tslboham London, August 7. Sir E. Carson has concluded his three weeks' tour in I'lstcr addressing a demonstration and reviewing three thousand drilled men at Oinagh.
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  • 30 9 Kbdtbb's Titi'iua London, August 8. Pixley Audi's circular says business in silver has been very limited this week, only muall orders being executed (or China and India.
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  • 17 9 RbXTßb's TsLßaftAM. 1.0d.10d, August 8. Tbe death tiu occurred of the American philanthropist, Kobert C. Ogden.
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  • 228 9 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser Co.'s share circular dated August 6, states The rubber share market continues to dis play a dull but steady undertone, and with only small parcels of shares changing hands prices have varied but little and anything like an enquiry
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  • 416 9 Volley of Toy Mouse Traps For Members. Two men who are presumed to be sympa thisers with tbe suffragette movement created a mild diversion in tbe House of Commons on July 11, one firing a toy pistol and the other flinging on to tbe floor of
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  • 258 9 Government Approach Mercantile Community. The following letter has been received by the secretary, Rangoon Trades Association, from tbe Revenue Secretary to the Government of Burma: In reply to your letter of Juue 30, 1918, I am directed to say that the chief point in the contract
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  • 45 9 At the Penang "ibber auction rooms on Wednesday. 15,955 lbs. of rubber were sold at the following prices Price per picu), Penang. Dbtuoked 40. 1 Crepe *o. 8 «o. 4 >'irgin Scrip iUniboDg ntre«ted Scr» 121 94 72 S7 1: I I
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  • 420 9 MR. CODY AND PASSENGER FALL TO DEATH. Waterplane Drops 200 Feet. RBUTBB 8 TIIBOKAH. London, August 7. Mr. S. F. Cody, while flying with a passenger near Aldershot, fell 900 feet. Both were killed. London, August 8. Mr. Cody is widely mourned He was a great
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  • 283 9 Development of the Industry In Japan The British vice Consul at Hakodate has furnished the following particulars of the tinnod salmon and trout industry of the Hokkaido and Karafuto (Japanese Sakhalin):— During the past two years the tinned salmon and trout industry, in which previously only some three
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  • 157 9 Mr. Mahomed Haniff who was in charge of the Prnang Botanic U Gardens through out the year, states in bis annual report that during 1912 he visited K«Uh Peak and S itul and obtained a large collection of orchids for cultivation in the gardens. The gardens made
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  • 26 9 Mr. Kengo Mori, who for some time has been acting Financial Commissioner to tbe Japanese Government, has been appointed Financial Commissioner for his government in Kurnpe.
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  • 1656 9 NO EXTENSIONS INTENDED FOR THE PRESENT. Suggested Report on the Property. Tbe fifth annual general meeting of the Tebong Rubber and Tapioca Estate, Ltd., was held at Shanghai, on July 35. The chair was occupied by Mr. K. MacGregor and he wan supported by Mr. E. O. Camming.
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  • 269 9 Mr. Wethered's Work for Nigeria And Cornwall. In mining circles deep regret is expressed i at the death of Mr. Walter Wetbered, which is announced by cable from Nigeria. He was one of the pioneers of Nigerian tin mining, and one of the first to appreciate its
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  • 332 9 Many Gloomy Predictions by Old Moore." Old Moore has made his appearance with bis forecast— a gloomy one, in all conscience for 1914. In the first quarter of the year the death of a Koval personage is predicted, while towards the end of tbe year there is
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  • 144 9 DEPERDUSSIN'S DEBTS SET AT HUGE TOTAL. How Alleged Fraud was Worked. RaUTBB'S TltlOlil. London, August 7. M. Deperdussin, who has been arrested for alleged frauds, owned a silk factory besides being an aeroplane constructor. The liabilities are estimated at one and a half millions sterling, mostly in connection
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  • 43 9 Kaona's Tblsi»«*». London, August 8. Mr. Asquith has announced that Parliament will be prorogued on the 15th or 16th inst. He said that, owing to opposition, it had been impossible to proceed with the Stuart Samuel Indemnity bill this session.
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  • 47 9 RBUTBR'S TkIKc.HM. London, August 7. A Sydney telegram states that Dr. Mawson, after a month of silence in the Antarctic has sent wireless message that he has just repaired tbe wireless mast, which was damaged in a hurricane, and that all are well.
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  • 46 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report- The market in London yesterday closed steadier for para grades but with a declining tendency for plantation ({rades. The closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 8/8J Forward 8/4 First latex crepe, delivery noxt three months 2/9
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  • 50 9 (From ocb own Corbkspondbnt). London, August 7. There is a strong rally in the rubber share market with an active bear covering plus speculative buying. The Balkan peace declaration is a potent factor. The British Borneo Para Company has declared a final dividend of 10 per cent.
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  • 105 9 Gifts sent by the Dalai Lama to Sir Edward Grey and Lord Crewe were presented at the Foreign Office, and India Office, respectively, by tbe party of young Tibetan gentlemen, sons of officials of high rank in Tibet, who have gone to England to be educated. The gifts included Eastern
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 284 9 AN ADVERTISEMENT? Mysterious Affair on Pacific Mail Steamer. The San Francisco Chronicle of June 22 writes A bold and mysterious attempt to purloin tbe credentials and valuable documents of Herbert E. Hasse, special agent for the Mogul Motor Truck Company of Chicago, which is contracting with the new Chinese republic
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  • 1452 10 EXCITEMENT IN THE FOREIGN SETTLEMENT Stampede from Native City. Our Rpecial telegrams from Shanghai are amplified by the following taken from the North China Daily News of July 28, describing the firing which took place on the previous evening. The report says After two nights of rest,
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  • 580 10 Messrs. Simuel Montagu an Co.'s Weekly Report. Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co., writing from London on July 10, states Over £600.000 .arrived in the form of bar gold, of which £121,000— a rather larger total than that of last week was reserved for India. Otber external demand
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  • 177 10 In order to be profitable, oold storage mast be operated upon a large scale. Eggs require to be unpacked and laid upon shelves or in trays, and kept at an even temperature, not falling below 33deg with a f roe circulation of air which should be
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  • 2111 10 The annual report of Col. H. M. Jackson, Surveyor General of the F.M.S., for 1912, has been issued as a Supplement to the F.M.S. I Government Gazette. We make the following extracts Preparation was completed daring the year for the extension of the main triangulation by the beaconing
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  • Sporting Intelligence
    • 121 10 General permits to ride as gentlemen riders have boon granted by the Straits Racing Association to Mr. Noel Walker and Mr. H. F. Mills. The monthly handicap of the S. R. E. (V) Rifle Club will be fired on Saturday, August 9, at 2.80 p.m. The N.R.A.
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    • 101 10 Singapore Oolf Club. The first round of the Singapore Golf Championship must be played on Saturday, August 9, the second round on Sunday, August 10, and the third round on Saturday, August 16. It is hoped the semi-finalists will play on Sunday, August 17. The president and members of
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    • 114 10 S.L.R.A. The scores of the Singapore Ladies' Rifle Association for the August competition of the Murray Cup were 200 yds. Miss Kcrr 29 Mrs. Soonlar 28 Miller 27 V. Thomas 25 Mauldon 24 Brickmann 28 156 The A-igust spoon was won by Mrs. Brickmann, the scores being Mr.
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    • 356 10 L.L.T.C. Tournament. The result of yesterday's play was as follows Ladies' Doubles. A Class. Miss J. Gunn and Miss Fiendel owe 80 beat Mrs. Ransford and Mrs. Uewan owe U, B—B, 6— B. Mrs. Savi and Mrs. Saunders owe 3 v. Mrs. Hartnell and Mrs. Walker rec. 15.2,
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    • 256 10 Success of Irish and Scottish Team*. The international bowling tournament opened at Cardiff recently on the Macintosh Clnb's green, the conditions being ideal. The first teams to meet were England and Ireland, the respective sides being England— F. H. Ing. H. Childs, J. W. Dicks, and J. Bryant;
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    • 809 10 S.C.C. v. K.0.Y.L.1. A large crowd assembled on the Esplanade last evening in the anticipation of seeing a really tine struggle between the S.C.C. and the first eleven of the K.0.Y.L.1. The game was expected to be a particularly keen one as both Warns were anxious to preserve their
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  • 134 10 Mention was made a few months ago in the London Press of the prayer- mat" used by General QorJon when Governor of the Soudan, from 1875 to 1879. It was presented to Bishop G wynne by one of the Gordon family, and placed by him in the Gordon
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  • 712 11 CHANCELLOR ON INFLUENCE OF FINANCE. Trade Boom Not Yet Over TUe Chancellor of the Exchequer was the chief til- -Tnly 11 at the banquet given at the Mansion limit*; by the Lord Mayor to the bankers and merchants of the City of London. Responding to the toast, Prosperity
    712 words
  • 163 11 Arrivals. Per str. Kanee, August 7.— From Deli:' Mr. (i. E. IV 11. Per str. Hye Leong, August 7. From' Kuantan Mr. H. 0. H. Lane. Per str. Singkawang, August 7. From Djambie MexHre. K. Jackson and M. Challick. Per str. Klang, August 7. From Penang via
    163 words
  • 155 11 The report of the Bangawan Robber, Limited, states that daring the year 1912 no farther acreage was planted up, the work being confined to upkeep of the area already planted, and the t-xU union of roads and drains on the eetate. The total of 1,80(1 acres felled, cleared
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  • 257 11 PICTURES FOR THE PEOPLE." A Hundred Oil Paintings on London Hoardings. A hundred oil paintings are being fixed to the London hoardings by degrees in advertisement of a famous soup. An example is to be Been at the junction of i ford Street and Tottenham Court Road. The canvas is
    257 words
  • 216 11 Anglo- Malay.- 111,748 lbs. Pataling.— 44,loo lbs. London Asiatic- 90,360 lbs. Golden H0pe.— 16,150 lbs. Selaba.-87,020 lbs. 8ikam.— 19,727 lbs. Sungkai Chum0r.— 27,360 lbs. Seaport.- 20,048 lbs. Rubber Estates of J0h0re.— 26,336 lbs. Tangkah.— l2,oB4 lbs. Hidden Streams. 10,017 lbs. Kuala Kubu.— 3,6B7 lbs. Ribu.— ls,B7o lbs.
    216 words
  • 241 11 The report of the Kalidjeroek Rubber Company, Limited, states that after providing for directors fees and all London expenses, and after writing off the balance of preliminary expenses, as well as a sum of j£Bso for depreciation of buildings and machinery, the net amount at credit of
    241 words
  • 64 11 The United States Postmaster has just ordered, through the Secretary of the Treasary, 12,071,480,000 postage stamps, the number estimated to be needed for the fiscal year beginning July 1. The order calls for 11,980,500,000 ordinary stamps of various denominations, 20,000,000 special delivery stamps, 70,980,000 postage doe stamps,
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  • 681 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, August 8, 1918. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Non. Yalub. Butbbs. Sslum. a/- AlUgar 3/- 3/7* 4 1 An«lo- Jav» 4/9 6/9 1 Anglo-Johore 5/6 7/3/- An K
    681 words
  • 41 11 •100 Howarth Erskine Ld. 0% pw 100 RileyH»rgre«vt»*Co.Ld. 8% 2% pm 100 Singapore Municipal 6% 30% pm 100 do 6% V 2% pm 100 do 44% 10% pm 100 do 4% 6% pm 4100 BiD«»pon> Bleoi. Tnm 9% 16% di»
    41 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 40 11 Losing Weight by the Pound ts<W Wai-**,- a mill' st illLaBsSJtH ssV sssssW"ssss» J I WATERiWnMETMsIIZED COO UVEI «L OOMPQUKD li i the blood with the wanted :.j.« aod h**JtU7 Assti smUdi.g umamlssv Tsry pal»i»»ls i i ni.aa *.nd *a.
      40 words
    • 55 11 Here's to the man whose eye is bright, And dear as he looks at you His hand ia strong, There's nothing wrong, When one strips as his lingers do. Then here's to the man who's breath is parr, Mo coagh nor pain shall be endure. For he alwtjs takes Woods'
      55 words
    • 283 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The "DOG' Mark is the Hall Mark of Perfection. See that you get it. None genuine without it. A Large Stock of NEW MACHINES AND RECORDS To select from. S.Moutrie&Co.,Ld. RAFFLES PLACE. THE RITZ THE LANGHAM THE CARLTON THE SAVOY THE CECIL One and all supply DENIB MOUNIE'S
      283 words
    • 332 11 Sweet Cdestnz/t 7b6acco Because of its delicate aroma and sweetness of flavour Sweet Chestnut Tobacco assures that pleasing contentment. THE CRITERION OF QUALITY. TO BE HAD FROM ALL DEALERS. RAFFLES HOTEL. Special Dinner ON SATURDAY, AUGUST c. OPEN-AIR CONCERT ON THE LAWN. DANOINO IN THB DINING ROOM. Bj kind permission
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  • 2534 12 LAND OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR CAPITAL. Big Profits in Agriculture. A valuable series of articles on the position of Mexico have lately been appearing in The Daily Telegraph and the latest one, published on July 12, deals with tho opportunities that are open for the development of the natural resources
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  • 354 12 £70,000 Expenditure at Earl's Court. A sum of £70,000 to save one minute; That is the expenditure which the District Railway has undertaken at Earl's Court. When the work is completed towards the end of the year, no fewer than 100 trains per hour fifty in
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  • 324 12 Tbe Height of the Gordon Highlanders. In his new book on the origin of the Gordon Highlanders, Mr. J. M. Bullocb, who has devoted much labour to investigating the records of the Gordons, reproduces the parti culars of the first muster of the Gordon Highlanders. This famous
    324 words
  • 54 12 This is the twentieth time," said the magistrate, severely, that I hare seen you in the dock before me." Your worship," replied the prisoner, with dignity, for eight long years I hare visited this oourt, and, though I have always found you sitting in that chair, I have never ottered
    54 words
  • 43 12 The Miseries of Editing.— The late Mr. Stead was once asked at the dinner table if he would take some padding. In a fit of abstraction he replied "Owing to the crowd of other matter, I am unable to find room for it."
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  • 23 12 The director of a famous printing house, while on his death-bed, was requested to be oompoaed. Distributed, you mean," was the faint reply."
    23 words
  • 412 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
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  • 71 12 The following is supplied by the local agents Per N. D. L. steamer Lutzow, August 16. Mrs. J. Frankamp, Mr. E. flieronimus, Mr. E. F. P. J. van Emmerick, Mrs. C. Goelst, Mr. J. F. M. Weyers, Mrs. S. Mog, Mr. C. Slag, Mr. C. Weller. To Penang Miss A.
    71 words
  • 128 12 Homeward Bound. tor P. and O. Delta, connecting at Colombo with Mongolia, sailing August 22. Mr. D. Phillip, Mr. J. McCauU, Mr. T. C. Hume, Mr. R. J. Farrer, Mr. B. D. Duval, Mr. G. H. C. Clarke. Per P. and O. Simla, sailing August 18. Mr. B. P. Dillon,
    128 words
  • 164 12 Search to be Carried on by New Company. The hunt for treasure trove in tho Sacred Lake of Guatavita, in Colombia, has not been abandoned, as the voluntary liquidation of Contractors, Limited, first suggested. A new company is in course of formation, with the unanimous
    164 words
  • 137 12 The hopeless failure of the Cat and Moose Aot continues to excite public derision. Even when the moose is caught it has to be almost immediately released again, and just now, says The Evening Standard, several prominent mice decline to come within the range of the
    137 words
  • 95 12 Rnmour has it, nn the Referee in it* Mustard and Cress, that the following plays have recently been performed in London for copyright purposes O Crikey I "What Hot" "O Jimmy Christinas!" Great Scott and Well, I'm Foot of the fire new revues which are in preparation at the West
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 183 12 GENT'S Up! d& P VI suits y$ TO MEASURE $25.00. |jf E COLONIAL STORES Limited Got *E.ur* .Aggg^iM. We hive jtut secured tbe FURNISHING CONTRACT for Singapore's Premier Picture »nd Vandevillo Theatre "TtlE PALLADIUM >i.. iiAi.i. Road. Consisting of the most Comfortable, Rleyant, AUTOMATIC TIP-UP CHAIRS. TABLEAUX CURTAINS, PROS BNIUM
      183 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 673 13 i STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED MRVIM OF THE OCEAN S. S. CO.. LTD, THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. •BTWIM f ~mantia (Perth), North «V»at Australian Ports, 4mv» and Singapore). Regular Fortnightly sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offerc), Derby, King's Sound (Port for the
      673 words
    • 838 13 ARRIVED THIS WEEK NEW RECORDS Latest Bags, Comic Operas, Ballads. the ROBINSON PIANO STEAMER^ BURNS PHIL? UNE. SwoAPOiB to Java Posts. Pobt Dak win Thursdat Island, Busbanb md Stdkbt via Toius Straits. Also taking passengers and cargo with transhipment for other Viotobiam, Sooth Australian and North Qdibnsland Ports, British
      838 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 451 14 mmtmct mi mmm. largest paid-up bapital if ait eastui wmpui PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. MEAD OFFICE Winohtatep Houta, KniMiOfS. LONDON OFFICE I S3. Old 4*wry, E.G. T*e Compaay has £30.000 daooaited with the Snateai Ooart el Ba*iaat aad aoanpUes ws» tfae BrMaa LBa I
      451 words
    • 337 14 ihBurmice. i federaTlife^ •88UMNCS OOMPANf OF MUM. BITAELISBBD 1801. Direct Qovernmant Bup«rvlelon Oovapnmtnt Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDB aad Non Forfeiuble. CBPge Mat Surplus above liabilities for Reoerve and all outstanding claims. Naw Bualnaaa, 1911. 0v0r. .18.800,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, ate., made looally. Numerous modern sebemea. 4. H. IVANI, Manager
      337 words
    • 438 14 BANKINB. THE IZE HAI TONS BANMNB AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD.. MO. 67 AND 68. KLING STRBBT IllillllßlD 190 T. Capital paid ap».«.»...».« tl 000,000.00 Reserve liability of proprietors.. .t 1 ,000 000.00 Reserve Fund 1800,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. T a» Taos Jooa Low Khooh Ysb I. lam Swi Khi
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    • 472 14 BANKING, THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. LIMITED. NEW PREMISES, 64, Kling Street, Singapore. AUTHORISED CAPITAL $4,000,000 ISSUBD CAPITAL 13,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS i Lee Cboon Ouan, Esq. Chairman. Lim Peng Siang.Eeq. Cheok Cheng Kee, Scow Bng Tin, Esq. Esq. Yeo ChensHai, Esq. Tan »ian Cbeng, Esq. Tan Chay Van, Btq. Tan
      472 words
    • 732 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION- SALE Of RARE AND BEAUTIFUL FLOWERING AND FOLIAGE PLANTS, THE PROPERTY OF REVD. W. RUNCMAN, At Tho MANSE, No. 35, Cavenagh Road, On Saturday, August 9, at 3 p.m. Compiising rosetrecs, orchids, maidenhair, asparagus and silver ferns; fancy orotonsraladiams and anthoriums pslms of various kinds, oleanders,
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  • 864 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CIRKENT TOPICS. The Übiquitous Scot. The multifarious incidents in the daily life of a patrol of the Automobile Association and Motor Union are admirably described by an A. A." scout, who was Bent to the Isle of Man during the week of the
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  • 95 15 The Japanese Department of Wat is carrying out investigations relating to the compilation of a law for the protection of automobiles. It is reported that the draft of the law may bo introduced in the next session of the Diet The Japan Daily Herald says the protection will probably consist
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  • 75 15 A wonderful motor car has been despatched to Buckingham Palace for the Ring's inspection. It has been made for the use of the Survey and Scientific Research Expedition from the Cape to Cairo. The body is detachable and can be used as a pontoon for carrying the chassis, engine, and
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 322 15 TENAX BITUMINOUS SOLUTIONS TENAX BITUMINOUS SOLUTION is a preparation ol the flnert bitomeni in fluid form rtfined by «pfci»l prooew to that ab«lote parity so neceswry to k first-class iron and steel preservative. Althocßta possessing an ucnsna'ly high specific gravity, this Solu i>n works freely from the brnsh, and dries
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    • 73 15 Teething Children. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is necessary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to cleanse the system. It is
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    • 158 15 DUNLOP THE CHEAPEST BEST MOTOR TYRES. THF. EIRAKUDO (TOKYO, JAPAN) (MR. FUJIMORI). The Bone-Setter of Japan begs to inform the public, that he has opened a branch consulting chamber at No. 19, Dhoby GhauLSingapore, where any one suffering from accidents or disorders of the bone can consult him, and also
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 751 16 In the opinion of Speed pressure or I those who are most V I temperature makes competent to judge. jj no difference to the CHAMPION MO- lubricating value TOK OIL is the of Q R most economical and most effective vents wear and tear for all kinds of of bearings,
      751 words
    • 486 16 TO BE LET OB* SOLD, COMPOUND HOUBE TO LET. Barwood," No. 81, Grange Road, to be let. Apply on the premises. 18-7 a BIN6APORE HARBOUR BOARD? Office to let— Collyer Quay. Apply to Estate Department, Tanjong Pagar. 13-7 n HOUBEB TO LET. To let, No. 91 and 33, Sambaa Road.
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    • 681 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Bover*m*nt snd Municipal Contractors 106, 108 k 100, Market Street. Telephone Nob. 431 and. 1174. GUAN KIAT CO., SHIP CHANDLERS k OOVBBNMKNT CONTRACTORS. OBKBBAL IMPORTERS AMD BXPOMBBB AND COMMISSION AOBNTS. 87, Phillip Street. ■Phone 1283. Telegrams SUAMUT. IB 6 a OVERLANDS. The Favourite Can
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    • 547 16 HOTICEB. THE SAILINGSHIP ALBERTINE BEATRICE due to arrive here in September. Consignees of cargo are requested te communicate forthwith with HOOGLANDT A CO., Agentß 68 8-8 NOTICE. My wife, Tan Tek Nyong, having left me and being no more under my protection, I hereby give notice that I shall not
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    • 678 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for the current week and important forthooming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various clube. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Cricket, August
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