The Straits Times, 7 August 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The StraitsTimes. NO. 24.254 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 7. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 231 1 THE CELEBRATED SCOTCH K^TJ WHISKY Established 1742. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF NEW GOODS. Large assortment of Washing Skirts, very latest styles. BATIN EVENING BHOEB. 8111 STOCKINGS. Superior quality Satin and smart shape. Special value in coloured Silk Stockings. Prioe S4.SO per pair. Prioe SI .98 per pair. All shades stocked. All
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    • 37 1 SLEDGE MILK IS GESUINE Swiss Milk from cattle grazed on the FAMOUS PASTURES OF THE BERNESE ALPS. E fe^i S NESE^ftMittq K A«»» for: SLEDGE BRAND Unsweetened Condensed or Natural Sterilized. Sole Importers: J. TRAVERS SONS, LIMITED
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    • 117 1 ROBINSON CO. "Cravenette" RKOO. FOR ALL OUTDOOR GARMENTS IN RAIN OR SHINE SHOWERPROOF. THE IDEAL PROOF S J\ IN SUITABLE CLOTHS FOR f 4ffi? AND WEIGHTS. B> 4bW> 3 A Ab^bb^^ScNEk9 Dustproof as well Golfing, W v^ Showerproof. Fishing and all t Jtl Out-door Sports. ]p^^-W9r Odourless, PATENT IRON SAFES.
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  • 1504 2 FRATICIDAL SWORDS IN NEAR EAST. The Victims. The following article was written by Francis McCullagh, the war correspondent of the Daily News and Leader, the day before his expulsion from Servia by the Government for cabling a description of the brutal treatment of Bulgarian prisoners in the
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  • 433 2 Views of a Japanese Shipping Expert. Mr. Isaka, director of the Toyo Risen Kaisha, who left Japan for America in November of last year to carry out investigation) concerning the effect of the Panama Canal upon the navigation business of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, returned to
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  • 136 2 Doctor's Experiment for Beri- Beri. The Berlin Medical Association has reported that the well known investigator of beriberi, Dr. Max Moszkowski, as the result of his extraordinary experiment concerning the causes and treatment of that disease, shares the contention of Dr. Ellis Fraaer and Professor Fletcher, of the Malay States,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 234 2 Have you j^§33B^. used this f^^SWa Beautifier? HAZELINEA m /TRADE MURK/ I SNOW" a Let the skin be rough or wrinkled, dry or greasy, dull and colourless or too florid, Hazeline Snow will do more to restore its fine texture and youthful freshness than any other preparation. Hazeline Snow effectually
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    • 68 2 Are You doing on a Journey Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea, Remedy sbonld be packed in your hand luggage when going on a journey. Change of water, diet, and temperature all tend to produce bowel trouble, and this medicine cannot be secured on board the train or steamship. It may
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    • 440 2 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA, LIMITED. Established 1 Se« The first Lite Offloe in the world to inrrodnoe the non -forfeiture principle to Polioies. A Mutual Ofllo*. No Bh«P.holder.. Low Premiums. Annual Ineom* «1,854,8e4. Fllnd 7 ,WM,WO Claim* paid £8,075,850. ALL profits are distributed amongst Polioy holders. Claims
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 705 3 RANEEOUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. STREETS V Co. 120 Cheapside W% IRA At ITQ Sh lpptr ,,oaU I LONDON. FNGLAND. f> AKIf I N Ci.lojum Fret. Ml^ 1 at A V 1 al li W*' Direct from ENGLAND 2?/MiiK NF^MfIC Gr CLEARANCE
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    • 791 3 S.V.C. ORDERS. By Ma-iob J. A. K. Glbnnib, Ag. Commandant, S.V.C. Singapore, August 5, 1918. 8. T. o. Balestier Rifle Range. I:— The range is allotted as under Saturday, August 9, at 2.80 p.m., S.R.E. Rifle Club. Sunday, August 10, at 7.80 a.m., S.V.I. Chinese Co. Recruits. Sunday, August 10,
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    • 554 3 SKIN TROUBLE GRADUALLY SPREAD Started with Watery Pimple. Crown of Head Covered with Brown Scab. Would Scratch and Rub. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured. 108. Hytbe Road. Preaton. Brighton. Eng. —"In the first place my child. dlwaM started with Juat a little watery pimple and #ao It gradually spread until
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    • 116 3 100 Copies in 1O Minutes. The Doplicator will reproduce perfect copies of handwriting, typewriting, drawings, music, menus, eto., in several colonra at one time. Chinese, Malay, Tamil, Siamese and even Shorthand characters can be faithfully oopied. $8. P. A. BEINS C<K, 12, Change Alley, SINGAPORE. aa-s-L 21 6 14 We
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 670 4 STEAiER BAILINBB. p. &o. STEAM NAYI6ATIBN CB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, OBTLON, ADBTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BQTPT, MBDITBRRANBAN POBTS, PLY MOCTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading Issued lot Coma Coast, Persian Gulf Continental and Aoerieaa Ports. Koamers will leave Singapore on or about:— MAIL LINES 191S »i M t A
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    • 668 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government The New Twin-screw Steamers ""*'"**''"'»g this servioe have been specially liewgnwd and constructed, and are fltted with allthe
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    • 670 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. Fot Pahang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisut, Seme**, Bach ok, Kelantea, Tabai, Bangnara, Tefflplß, Panarai, Patani, Biagora, Laeon, Kobsamal, Baudot, iiangcoes, Taku, Ohontpoa, Kohlak and Bangkok. Duo Otpartur*. HUM Aug. 8. -a* PRAOHATIPOK Aug. 10 Aug. 13. s.s. BORIBAT Aug. 18
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    • 506 4 STEAMER SAILINeS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD lAflflTavflES lAlftal sWfMBI Combined Heiaiailuet. The steamres of these Companies maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, Hosteriisin and Emden, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they ate despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhavea direot,
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    • 609 4 BTEAMEK SAIUIHt. IM D. L. orddfjutsohur Lloyd, ■••■t». IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINK. The fast and well-known mall steamers a* this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (ooaaesting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vbM versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsiagtaa,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 577 5 Whiteaway, Laidlaw's CLEARANCE SALE Our great Sale is proving in public enthusiasm as well as in values the greatest sale we have ever held in Singapore. Stocks are immense and complete. We believe there is no want in Drapery goods that cannot be well satisfied. All goods are of our
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    • 384 5 "Of ENATZY M Motor Tyres. Hooglandt Co., sole agents. FRESH MILK! FRESH MILK!! SINGAPORE MODEL DAIRY. CONTRACTORS TO THB MILITARY AND GOVBRNMHNT HOSPITALS. The milk is produced under the most sanitary conditions, the most up-to-date machinery and implements being used. Price: 2O eta. per imperial pint. INSPECTION INVITED. Visitors are
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    • 353 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TURNOUT FOR BALE. Smart Calcntta-bnilt Victoria and yonng Australian horse. Apply Box No. 828, Straits Times. 7-B 18 H CLERK WANTED. Required at once, olerk thorough knowledge of English and Dutch essential. Apply John Little Co., Ltd. 7-8 9 8 DUTCH LEBBONB WANTED. Wanted by a lady, Dutch
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    • 379 5 Xo One Hesitates to take the best when offered. Sunlight Soap offers the very best in Soap, and an increasing number of careful housewives all over the world are finding this out every day. Do V 1 not be misled into buying an inferior Soap, but ask for jffr-i Sunlight,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 282 6 TARAKAN CRUDE OIL for use as a WOOD PRESERVATIVE (Tn f»er tin OF 9 'JL 4-OALLONB. tf Most Efficient. Most Economical. THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY (Straits Settlements), Limited, Winchester House, SINGAPORE. B CLEAN. ODOURLESS. THE STANDARD OIL CO.'S New Perfection Oil Cook -stove FOR SALE BY Julian Frankel Furniture Co.,
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    • 250 6 THE HIPPODROME CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE. Acknowledged the Barnum of the East. i3C> EUROPEAN ARTISTS C^<> Culled from the World's Greatest Shows. A Gigantic Combination of the Brightest Stars of the Arena. also otjb -HZoo of Performing WILD ANIMALS. Trained and Performed by dompteur g. URBAN. Opening Night: Saturday, August 9.
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    • 111 6 THE TOILET CLUB OF THE EAST, Lancaster's Country Clients promptly attended to. WRITS OB WIRK. Shaving, Haircutting SingeIng, Face Massaging A SPBOI4LITT. Hotel da l'Earope Buildings. CHEONG BROTHERS. Deatlsts. Wo. 28, louth Bridge Roas Pint-olaM Meobaoieal Dentiirtrj. Gold OrowM Bnd«o, Filling ud Vuioamn Lmration ol Ws»t guaranteed CHARQBS MOUERATK. FULL
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    • 147 6 ABRAMS MOTOR HIRING TRANSPORT CO. SUCCES3ORB TO BTRAITB MOTOR GARAGE (HIRING DEPT.) Office and Garage open day and night. Telephone Numbers 606 6c 719. A number of new oats having now arrived, a fall and tffloiont service can therefore be guaranteed. Foil particulars a» to revised ecale of charges can
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  • 140 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, August 7. High Water. 1.6 a.m., 1.50 p.m. Rev. W. E. Horley, Sa Po Sia, 8 p.m. Friday, August 8. High Water, 1.5* a.m., 2.24 p.m. Volunteer meeting, Vie. Hall, 6.15 p.m. P. and O. outward mail due. Saturday, August 9. High Water, 2.62 a.m.,
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  • 205 7 SI NGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. To-day. Batu Pahat A ing Hin 8 pm Batu Pahat Mena 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 8 pm Port Dickson and Port Swcttenham Selangor 8 pm Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Glenfalloch 8 pm Batavia. Sourabaya. Macassar, Menado, Gronotalo, etc., V. (.'loon 4 pm Penang, Rangoon
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  • 116 7 The P. and O. outward packet Arcadia with mails from London up to the evening of July 18, was signalled at Penang at 6 a.m. to day, and may be expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon. August 8. Malta for Europe. Lift Singapom. I July 8
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  • 597 7 Latest Arrivals. Aswyc, Brit str. 4100 tons. Capt Coldwell, Aug 7. From Shanghai, July 28. G.c. mail and p. P. &0. Coy. For Bombay, Aug 8. \V. Amherst, Brit. str. 13S tons, Capt Scott, Aagflt From llagan. Aug I. O.c. and d.p. Hcng Joo Song. For Bagan, Aug
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  • 100 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day: TANJONG PAGAR. East Wharf Basin Nil. W. Sbction No. l...Kinta, Jelunga, EUora. Shiees Wharf Mamlasan Mora. Maim W. Sict. No. 2...Klang, BeDlomond. 8...NU. 4...NU. 5 ...Mi lull -run. B...Shinko Maru. Niw Dock 7... (Under construction) Wbst
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  • 84 7 Arrivals. Per str. Benlomond, Ang 6. From London Mr. Drake. Per str. Kaka, Ang. B.— From Malacca: Messrs. J. Barclay, J. G. Gray and Miss Stiles Per str. Ellora, Aug 6. From Rangoon Messrs. E. Higgs, H. O. Button, O. Christ and C. Muir. Per str. Kinta,
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  • 128 7 The Benta-Kuantan road which may be completed early in 1914, and which is estimated to cost a sum of more than three and a half millions of dollars, will open up a very large area of land, some of which, on both sides of the Pahang river, is within a
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  • 273 7 EXCHANGE Swsapou, August 7, UK, On LoHMw Bank 4 m/a m 2/4 tf Demand M 3/4 Private e.m/i M 8/4} J b iu/b m a/4 4 On Uiuitt Bank d/d m SIBB Private 8 m/a M 3484 On Fbajicb. Bank d/d M 204 Private 8 m/a 200^
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    • 166 7 vKel Sellew 10 10 Amr*"g 8-00 8.50 10 10 Bt-Ut T i» 2.48 2.60 10 10 Bruang 050 1.00 10 10 Kan&boi 1.90 2.05 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 10.76 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.18.0 2.4.1 £1 £1 Labat Mine* 18/9 1.2.0 £1 £l Malayan
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    • 612 7 I? 8 8 1 Buyers. Sellem. Value (5 2/- 3/- Allagai 1/U 2/4 £1 £1 Anglo Jar* 4/9 5/9 3/- 3/- Anglo-Malay 9/8 10/2/- a/- BatanaMalaka 1/- 1/0 £1 £1 BatuTig* 2.7.6 2.16.0 £1 £1 Bnkit Kajang 1.18.9 2.8.7 £1 £1 Bokit Lintang 8.10.0 4.5.0 norn 2/- 2/- Bukit
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    • 110 7 ££2 Bayen BeU Bl £1 B. Smeltine Co. 18/8 19/gl £1 19- 1.2.0 >/- 6/- Electrio T'ways 8/- 4/10 10 FrMer Neave 60.00 61 X0 LOO Howarth Erskine 60X0 100 g 7%Prel. 96.0 C 100.00 LOO 100 EaU Bro, Del. 180.00 140.00 10 10 M»yn»rd *Ca 30.00 Shi 2
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 44 7 Would You Be Happy No matter what your financial or social conditions are, yon cannot be happy witb disordered digestion. If you are a dyspeptic a package of Chamberlain's Tablets will make a new man of you. For sale by all Dispensaries and Daihleca.
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    • 126 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. August 9.— At saleroom, furniture, etc., at 11. August 9.— At The Manse," 85, Cavenagh Rd., flowers, property of Rev. W. Rnnciman, at 8. August 9.— At No. 21, Wilkie Road, furniture, etc., property of E. Evans, Esq., at 2.80. August 18.— At Central Police
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    • 257 7 I SPRINGBOK Genuine Magaliesberg Tobacco. MANUFACTURED IN THE ia^» sn^ i^^^P jEC $1.2O per lb. SOLD EVERYWHERE. THE ORIENTAL SPECIFIC GRANITE. is the Spucifio (or the Specific complaint tnd of whatever .tending. W*^«- The undewigned are prepared to enter THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT nt0 tmMl tot toe appIy An offioaoioas
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    • 113 7 AT THB HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. To-Night I To- Nigh t 1 1 Features in the 2nd Show. A MISUNDERSTOOD BOY A.B The boy il alway misunderstood. He gets into trouble io the villiage, and fleeing to the mountains witb bis girl wile, is accused of maidering a
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  • 840 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. NAVAL STANDARDS. There can be little doubt that the criticism which has been levelled at the Government, for their alleged remissness in ensuring that British naval power is adequately represented in the Mediterranean, is the outcome of the progressive naval programmes of Italy and
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  • 17 8 The output of tin ore from the Kanipar Tin Mining Co.'s mine for July is 120.41 picula.
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  • 49 8 A case in which Luang Ctitr Chamnong claims damages to the extent of Tcs. 2,550 from Capt. Rusbton, of the Ban Hong Liong. and the firm of Ban Hong Liong, on account of a collision in the river on May 19 has com tnenood in the International Court, Bangkok.
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  • 63 8 At the entrance on the Swiss side to the great Simplon Tunnel, through the Alps, there is a massive iron door, bnilt into the rock, which is meant to be dosed in tho event of an attempted invasion of the little country. Recently the mechanism of the door went wrong
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  • 64 8 Owing to the great drop in the price of minerals especially zinc --many of the mines in Tonkin have been seriously affected, and it has been so necessary to reduce expenses and output that 20 European experts are at present out of employment. It is hoped the lull is only
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  • 67 8 Since the death of Canon Greenstock and the departure of Mrs. Grey, the work of the S.P.G. in Bangkok has been maintained mainly through tLe help of its friends. The Bishop of Singapore, who is conversant with the state of affairs, has been endeavouring to get the society to meet
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  • 108 8 Glasgow has been drinking deeply for years— water from Loch Katrine. It is now estimated that the limit of the Loch Katrine snpply will be reached in 1920.' A new supply will by that time be necessary, and it is proposed to tap Loch Voil and Loch Dome. These lochs
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  • 22 8 Tbe Rev. W. Ranciman will give an address on Paul— the model missionary, at the Middle Road Church, on Friday, at p.m.
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  • 44 8 The output of the Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Limited, during July was 730 piculs. Tbe output of the K.ihuMn Tin Co., Ltd., was 768picuta. Owing to the non-arrival of the Hippodrome Circus from Hongkong this morning, the opening performance has been postponed till Saturday evening.
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  • 45 8 July 31 was one of the stormiest days that Calcutta has known for some years. The wind blew in gusts, became quite terrific after Dightfall and attained its maximum between nine and eleven. It seems a cyclone passed inland and its centre fortunately missed Calcutta.
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  • 60 8 Malaria was responsible for nearly 39 per cent, of all the admissions and for 28 per cent, of tbe deaths in Pahang, last year. The admission rate for malaria was highest at Raub with 56 per cent., 45 per cent, at Kuala Lipis, 30 per cent, at Bentong, 27 per
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  • 64 8 Steel rails are not only a cargo detested by marines, but would appear also to be not the most desirable of articles to handle in discharging. The unloading of the Atholl at the West wharf during last and this week has resulted in no less than seven coolies losing fingers
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  • 64 8 The opening of the new Lodge, King George in the East, of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, was most successfully performed at Penang on Monday evening by Mr. J. Kerr from the Singapore No. 1 Lodge. After the consecration of the Lodge and other ceremonies bad been performed, the
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  • 65 8 The leading restaurants, hotels, and clubs, in London, are complaining of the dearth of chefs, cooks, and waiters. The shortage has been largely brought about by the abnormal demand from Canada. During the slack season in London 620 men of these classes left England to take up positions in the
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  • 75 8 An extraordinarily large snake was killed by an Indian near Tai O, Hongkong, recently. Sert;t. Pain and the Indian observed the snake, and gave chase, the latter shooting its head clean off with a shot from a rifle. Inside the snake, whicn measured 12 ft. in length and 14 ins.
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  • 74 8 The diary of the late Captain Scott was written in pencil, but despite its exposure the book is in perfect condition. The last three volumes are devoted to recording the dash to the pole. The last appeal, written just before his death, shows a complete absence of emotion or excitement
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  • 72 8 Lady Sackvillc, who was the defendant in the recent law suit brought by Mr. Malcolm Scott regarding the will of the late Sir John Murray Scott, is expressing her gratitude in practical fashion to the jurors who established her right to the fortune. She has invitel them to her home,
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  • 70 8 11 M.S. Philomel has returned to Bombay. The Bombay Chronicle reports that six dhows were captured on June 13 and two villages were bombarded. The Philomel, I'elorus and Sphinx landed three hundred men next day and burnt the villages, five British being wounded and one killed. Reinforced by two hundred
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  • 77 8 The following is from the nowly issued notes and statistics on hospitals and dis pensaries in Burma for the year 1012 Captain Walker, the medical officer in charge, brings to notice that unless arrangements b*> made to vaccinate all imported coolies un arrival at the Burma ports, it is not
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  • 91 8 Dr. M. Z. S. Pembry, lecturer in physiology to Guy's Hospital Medical School, London, has contributed an interesting article to a well known magazine. He says that the possession of a baby by a woman is a far more valuable asset than her ability to display a first-class certificate for
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  • 93 8 An accident, quite unavoidable on the part of the driver of the vehicle, occurred at the corner of Stamford awl North Bridge Roads at 10 a.m. today, i. Eurupp&u was driving towards town in a gig when an elderly native who was criming the road became confused, hesitotcd, and then
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  • 96 8 Referring to the approach of the Mecca pilgrimage season the Aden correspondent of the Times of India says -It is stated that at the request of the Kbedival mail line, tin minister of the interior has advised the vari ous governors to send an official with tin pilgrim boat going
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  • 364 8 The engagement of Miss Waller and Mr. Oreenhill, of Highlands and Lowlands, is announced. Hate 11. Ijovett, A.0.D., and Lieutenant C. J. Heath, R.A., were placed on the sick list on tbe sth inst. Mr. H. C. H. Lane, Inspector of Schools at Pahang, arrived in Singapore
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  • 107 8 Young men are reminded of the public meeting to be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday next, at 6.15 p.m., when the question of tbe proposed formation of Volunteer infantry companies, in the terms of a notice advertised elsewhere, will come under discussion. The Hon.
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  • 114 8 Mr. Yung Sing Ku, formerly assistantdirector ot Uie Communications Department, at Canton who wasappoiuted by ex- X'utuh Wu lluii man to prooeed to Siam to solicit capital for a proposed South Cliina Mail Steamtiliip Company, telegraph**] to the Communications Department a tew days ago, advising that
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  • 117 8 At a large meeting of the Rubber Plantations Investment Trust in London, on July 81, Mr. Lampard in a long speech maintained that the manufacturers knew that plantation rubber was the best material at tin it disposal, though requiring slightly different treatment from wild rubber. People asked
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  • 162 8 A very quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at St. John's Church, Kuala Lumpur, on the 6th inst. says the Malay Mail, the contracting parties being Dr. Jamos John Hickey, of the Johore Rubber Lands, and Miss Annie Muriel Charter, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 142 8 the: booklet "Subscribers to the Telephone Company" (NUMERICALLY ARRANGED). A few copies may be still had Free on application to CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. Sandorides ffflC [lit dud «sr, sym CIGARETTES jf|| jS/ JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. WOLSELEY AUTOCARS. SOLE AGENTS Central Engine Works, Ltd. Anyone contemplating the purchase of a
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    • 176 8 IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD A GOOD LAUGH FOR SOME TIME See whether M. Chas. Prince won't give it you in admittedly one of his best creations AN AFFECTION OF THE HEART which has delighted tbe audiences all along, which ably seconds THE GENTLER PASSION A REFINED PICTURE COMEDY IN THRBE
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day apptar on pages 5 and 11.
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  • 258 9 NATIONAL WELCOME EXTENDED TO DELEGATES. A Message from King George. KlClil'S T«tIO»AM. London, August 6. The Government gave a banquet to the principal delegate* to the Medical Congress, at the Hotel Cecil. Lord Morley, presiding, said the occasion was uncommon. It was a generation since the congress met
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  • 55 9 Rbutbb's TatnoßtM. London, August 6. Sir E. Carson at Monaglian inspected two thousand volunteers and addressed an openair demonstration. Interviewed regarding the rumour of a warrant fur his arrest, he said he had infringed nothing either of law or morality. His advice to Ulster was quite consonant
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  • 38 9 KS'.TSB TIJOIK London, August 6. The work of ri fronting Buckingham Palace' according to the design of Sir Aston Webb, began yesterday. It will cost £60,000 and is expected to be completed in three months.
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  • 45 9 Kilter s Tklxurax. London, August 6. Kent beat Sussex by 240 runs. Yorkshire i>c Lancashire by three wickets. Gloucestershire beat Somerset by seven wickets. Middlesex and Hampshire. Derbyshire and Essex, Northamptonshire and Leicestershire drew. At the Oval, Surrey beats Notts by ten wickets.
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  • 25 9 KIDLET ENGAGED. RiCTIB's TILKI&AM London, August 6. Miss Sackville West, prominont in the Scott will ca«e, is engaged to Harold, son of Sir Arthur Nicolson.
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  • 34 9 RaoTit's TauosAM. LonJun, August 6. Earl Rocksavage was married to Sybil, sister of Sir I'hilip Sassoon, at tbe Registry Omce. in tbe afternoon. The bride's brother and a number of relatives attended.
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  • 42 9 RacTiK Tiuobam. London, August 6. Vicuna, August 6. —It in announced that the War MiuisUi will ask the delegations in the autumn to vote an increase of about forty thousand recruits, including two thous and for the navy.
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  • 23 9 KlOTll'l TILBORAM. London, August 6. A Paris telegram reports that the Senate has approved the three years' military service law.
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  • 23 9 Das O*TA»UTUCBa Lloyd Tiuoeab Berlin, August 5. The Chancellor will confer with the Kaiser at Swinemuende on tbe 7th inst.
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  • 665 9 Legal View as to Necessity For Truth. Before Mr. Firmstone in the District Court, this morning, a Chinaman named Li Chong Lai, alias Li Teow Xi, of 618, North Bridge Road, was charged with making a false statement toMr. Talma, the magistrate in the second court, when
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  • 176 9 Chinese Support The Government's Policy. Mr. F. J. Weld, the acting British Resident, Pahang, in his administration report for the year 1912, says It is remarkable as regards the suppression of gaminx tli it representative gatherings of Chinese have been held in Ranb, Kuantan, and Bentong supporting
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  • 227 9 The Hon E. G. Broadrick, Resident of MaMMar, unes on long leave by the P. aud O. mail boat on FriJay. His duties will be taken by Mr. E. Burnside. till recently Registrar of Titles, Prrak, and who has already arrived in Kuala Lumpur. Mr.
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  • 97 9 ALLEGED FRAUDS ON A FRENCH BANK. Huge Sum Involved RIDTIRS TbLIOBAM. London, August 0. A sensation hag been caused in Paris by the arrest of the well known aeroplane manufacturer, M. Deperdussin, at the instance of the financial firm who have been lending him money. The sum involved
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  • 35 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report The market in London yesterday was weaker. The closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 8/8 Forward 8/3} First latex crepe, delivery next three months 2/9
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  • 129 9 Results of the Great Automobile Race. The Coutinental Tyre and Robber Co., Ltd., received this morning a cable informing them of the results of the Grand Prix race, which was finished yesterday. The winner was Bablot on a Delage car and the next seven places were taken
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  • 391 9 Details of Outragists' Latest Mad Scheme. The authorities of tbo special branch at Scotland Yard have juat unearthed an elaborate plot on the part of the suffragists, which was intended completely to eclipse anything that the militant women have hitherto attempted in their fire-raising campaign, says a
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  • 57 9 For almost two months Manila and the Philippines have had as an unheralded visi tor, one of the foremost scientists of the world, and tbe foremost volcanologist of bis time, in the person of Doctor Tempest Anderson, D.Sc., who is accepted by tbe Royal Geographical Society as one of its
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  • 66 9 The Official Gazette of Japan announces that although August 81 is the anniversary of the birthday of his Majesty the Emperor, the ceremonies connected therewith this year will be confined to the Imperial Court. On October 81, the Emperor will receive greetings from bis subjects aud give the usual banquet
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  • 1751 9 DIRECTORS ADOPT CAUTIOUS Progress on the Estate. The third ordinary general meeting of tbe Teinpeh (Java) Rubber Plantations, Limited, was held on July 11, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C., Colonel Ivor Philipps, D.5.0., M.P. (the chairman), presiding. Tbe Chairman said Taking first tbe balance sheet,
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  • 271 9 At the auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held yesterday there were offered for sale 493 cases, (496.13 piculs or 66,151 lbs.,) and sold 468 csseH, (471.84 piculs or 62,925 lbs.) The prices realised were: The next auction will be held on August 12, 1918.
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  • 88 9 On the occasion of the special dinner to be held at Raffles Hotel on Saturday next, the band of the King's Own Yorkshire Light In fantry will play the following programme of selections March Graf Zeppelin Teike. Overture Hungarian Kela 11.' la. Song Eileen Alannah Thomas.
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  • 14 9 Tbe death is announced of M. A.ser, one of the Hutch minister, of State.
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  • 245 9 lELCOME NEWS WIRED FROM BUCHAREST. Servian and Greek Demands. RIUTBRS TILKtRAM. London, August 7. ujkhareet, August 6.— Peace has been concluded. Renter learns tbat Roamania insisted on Greece relinquishing her claim to Kavalla and some hinterland, also on Servia giving up her pretensions to Radovishti, Strumnitza and Kochana.
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  • 39 9 RaUTßß'ft TbLBGRjO. London, August 7. In the House of Commons, Mr. Acland stated that an agreement was recently concluded with Portugal whereby it is hoped to render smuggling of opium into China via Mado extremely difficult.
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  • 219 9 Rectkr's Tklioram London, August 6. The Daily News forecasts ministerial changes in the autumn, Mr. Masterman entering the cabinet and Mr. Macnamara succeeding him. Mr. Burns and Mr. Samuel will probably bo promoted, and Sir Rufus Isaacs will be made Lord Chief Justice of England. Precedent
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  • 87 9 Dm Ostasutibchm Lloyd Tiliora*. Berlin, August 6. In the Krupp trial, sentences of imprisonment, confinement in a fortress, and dismissal have been passed for bribery, grave disobedience, and partial revealing of military secrets. Tbe press of the Middlo parties expresses satisfaction with the sentences and with the
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  • 87 9 (From Our Own Corrbspondbnt.) Kuala Lumpur, August 7. At the annual meeting of the Selangor St. Andrew's Society held in Kuala Lumpur, yesterday evening, Mr. D. G. Robertson was eleoted president and chieftain, Mr. A. H. Tait hon. treasurer, Mr. H. L. Snowie bon. secretary, with
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  • 1506 10 NOT APPRECIATED BY BRITISH PUBLIC. More Enterprise Wanted Although enormous quantities of fruit are consumed in London, it is none the less true that many of the public do not fully appreciate its use, says The Daily Telegraph. Daring the present season there bat been much grumbling
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  • 845 10 Play on the Crown Green and The Tame Flat Rink. Writing in the Daily News and Leader, D.D." says In an article upon an entirely different subject, Judge Parry oees the following figure of speech to illustrate hi 9 point In Lancashire where the game of
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 19 10 In the inter-state cricket match between Negri Sembilan and Perak the latter won by eight wickets.
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    • 48 10 President Poincare witnessed the Grand Prix cycle races. The race for professionals was won by Rutt (Germany), and the race for amateurs by Bailey (England), who scored an easy victory. The President congratulated the two winners, and handed them scarves in the colours of the city of Paris.
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    • 84 10 A correspondent at Malacca writes Taking advantage of the Bank holiday on Monday, the St. John's Old Boys' Union team travelled to Malacca by train to try conclusion at soccer with the Malacca United team, which is being formed with the object of entering fur tbe proposed League matches in
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    • 120 10 Lord Charles Hope won tbe amateur golf championship of France at La Boolie on July 5 in somewhat sensational manner. His opponent was the British amateur exchampion, Mr. E. A. Lassen, who finished the first round five down. In the afternoon Mr. Lassen regained his confidence, and the match, with
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    • 144 10 Attorney Bachrach, Jack Johnson's Chicago attorney, says that the big black, with all bis talk, is merely doing a press agent stunt for his Paris fights. Johnson has cabled to Bachrach asserting that he will appear in court when the appeal comes off. The officials in the Department of Justice
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    • 340 10 keppel Oolt Club. A very enjoyable day was spent on Monday at tho Keppel Links when the Sepoy Lines Golf Club played an all-day match against the Keppel Golf Club. Singles were played in the morning and foursomes in the afternoon. Tiffin was served in the club-house. The result
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    • 292 10 (Jovernment Service v. Azevedos. The Government Servioe team last even ing defeated the Azevodoe by tnree goals to nil. Play was not quite so much in favour of the winners as the score would suggest, but nevertheless the Government men al ways held the upper hand. They might have
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    • 358 10 L.L.r.C. Tournament. Following is the result of yesterday's pl*yMixid Doubles. A Class. Miss Menzies and Mr. Throlfall owe 4 v. Mrs. Gansloser and Mr. Darbishire owe 15.4, unfinished. Mrs. Backland and Mr. A. Bobertson scr. beat Mrs. Hartnell and Mr. Teale rec. 8, 6-8, 6-2. Miss J. Goon
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  • 339 10 The Awful Crime of Motoring With M. Briand. An amusing light is thrown on the ways and manners of French politics by the case of the unfortunate deputy for St. Denis, M. Willm, Unified Socialist. M. Willm was incautious enough to go for a drive with M. Briand
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  • 172 10 Arrangements have been made for the introduction into London of the Mueller- Walle system of lip-reading, on which a series of communications was made to last year's meet ing of the American Association to promote the teaching of speech to the deaf. The feature essentially
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  • 53 10 Mr. Solomon John, chief clerk, Govern inent Telegraph Office, and Vestry Clerk oi St. George s Church, Penang, for a number of years, left for Madras en route to England via Bombay by the Taroba on the 2nd inst., on twelve months' furlough, to qualify him self in telegraph, telephone
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  • Correspondence
    • 317 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I crave some space for the following which I hope may catch the eye of the public and of the authorities. Daring the holidays, I and a few friends were staying at my bungalow at Teluk Kura.i, next to
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  • 399 10 C1uny.— 10,676 lbs. Cheng.— lo,soo lbs. Sungei Duri. 4,800 lbs. Kota Bahru.- 18,278 lbs. A1ma.— 6,661 lbs. Bnkit Toh Alang.— 2,9lo lbs. Shanghai Klobang.— B,7s7 lbs. KiutaKellas. ll.SlHlbn. Tanjong 01ak.— 12,889 lbs. Pahang.— ll,6oo lbs. Singapore United.— l9,ooo lbs. Bukit Sembawang.— l6,ooo lbs. Serangoon.— 2,9oo lbs. Tambalak.—
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  • 93 10 According to a recent report by the United States Bureau of Mines, that oountry is actually the greatest radium-producing centre in the world. Hitherto practically all the ore from which radium had been extracted has been exported. The Bureau of Mines estimates that one <*ud a quarter
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  • 71 10 The Ceylon. Observer is authorised to announce the engagement at Ootacamund, South India, of Miss Marjorie Hamlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamlin, of Glen Devon, Halgranoya, to Capt. George Meyrick, 7th Hussars. Capt. Meyrick is A.D.C. to H. E. Lord Pentland, the Governor of Mad ras, and Master
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  • 881 10 GRIEVANCES AGAINST THE POST OFFICE. Worse Than the Monopoly Days. In hia reply to the deputation from the London Chamber of Commerce on the subject of the faulty working of the telephone service, Mr. Herbert Samuel, the Postmaster General, stated that many of the complaints were without foundation,
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  • 171 10 Mr. F. J. Weld, acting British Resident, Pahang, in his report for 1912, writes A large amount of new machinery and boilers have been introduced into the district during the year notably at the mines of the Pahang Consolidated Company, Limited, where a large amount of development
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  • 24 10 A lady, given to tattle, says she never tells anyttiDg except to two classes of people those who ask her, and those who don't.
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  • 1176 11 WHICH IS THE BEST ROUTE FOR TRAVELLERS. Notable Things to be Seen. Which is the best way round the world asks Tbe Times in a delightful travel article. There can be no (greater mistake than to suppose that the Siberian Railway is dull. Who that has seen
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  • 233 11 No Chance of Early Realisation Of Scheme. Mr. Henry Arthur Jones, who acted m judge at the annual elocution rxmpetitio'a in connection with the British V.mpin Shakespeare Society, held at the Haymuket Theatre, said he understood that the promotors of the National Shakespeare Theatre were in great difficulties.
    233 words
  • 204 11 Dr. Morrison as Ornamental Adviser. There is nothing that makes the chance that has come over China more strikingly than the ever- multiplying list of newspapers and periodicals. There was a time, says the Central China Post, and this only some ten years ago, when besides the
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  • 193 11 MORE SCHOOLBOY HOWLERS." Strange Answers to Examination Papers. The report of the examiners of candidates for Surrey junior scholarships, which was presented at a meeting of the Surrey Education Committee last month contains some amusing howlers extracted from the examination papers. Among them were the following "The Thames starts from
    193 words
  • 115 11 At a recent dinner in New York, Professor Alfred E. Steams told this story in illustration of a point in bis speech In Orange in my childhood I once complained of the dim culti'-a of spelling. I said that ci and 'ie in such words as 'believe' and 'receive' always
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 32 11 Losing Weight by the Pound W»TERBUtT« METMIUZEO COO UVEI ML OOftVOUND ftop,li«« the blood wish the wanted u oar.abißf tad heahfcr lash Mldia* iMtariafa. T«ry palatable I i i »i .M MBA
      32 words
    • 60 11 A Billy old dnffer named Wray. Went into the chemist's one my, A bottle he bought of a care which he thought Would chase his bronchitis away. His wife said, You asst what a sell The name isn't Woods', oan't yon tell Then qaiek as a thought she ran oat,
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  • 1244 12 JAPAN'S TASK OF CIVILISING ABORIGINES. Thirty Thousand Wild People. A strange tale of Japan's silent war i& Formosa against the aborigines in that land of camphor is told by Shinji Ishii, a Japanese, in the Asiatic Quarterly Review. The conception of so-called primitive people with regard
    1,244 words
  • 381 12 The following new books will be ready for issue to day Bancroft, F., Thane Brandon S ***** Barr, Robert, Lord Stranleigh Abroad S ***** Benson, Robert Hugh, An Average Man S ***** Beresford, J. D., Jacob Stahl S ***** Bridges, Victor, The Man from Nowhere S ***** Cobb,
    381 words
  • 357 12 Question of Suitability of Sumatra Soil. On July 4, in the Appeal Division, Lords Justioeti augban Williams and Buckley bad before them the case of tho I'akan Baroe Rubber Estates, Limited v. the Siak (Sumatra) Kubber Estates, Limited. It was an app al by the
    357 words
  • 493 12 Loan to Provide for Full Development. The report of the Jam Estates, Limited, states that the addition to the planted area daring the year to March 81 was 106 acres, the rubber area being increased by 78 acres and the coconut area by 28 acres. At the close
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  • 388 12 Should These Promises be Broken Or Kept? How heavily should the hand of the dead be allowed to press on the soul of the living This question, arising oat of the Marquis of Northampton's breach of promise case, in which it was stated that the defendant's withdrawal of
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  • 204 12 The inadequacy of the wireless telegraphic apparatus in Shanghai, in comparison to the necessities of so important a port, has been painfully apparent within the past week or two, says the Shanghai Mercury, which asserts that the apparatus is so weak that vessels equipped with the
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  • 464 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may bo provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    464 words
  • 71 12 The following is supplied by the local agents:— Per N. D. L. steamer Lutzow, August 16. Mrs. J. Frankamp, Mr. E. Hieronimus, Mr. E. F. P. J. van Emmerick, Mrs. C. Goelst, Mr. J. F. M. Weyers, Mrs. S. Mog, Mr. C. Slag, Mr. C. Weller. To Penang Miss A.
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  • 218 12 Homeward Bound. Per P. and O. Assaye connecting at Colombo with Maloja, sailing August 8. Mr. R. E. Smith, Mr. E. G. Broadrick, Mr. J. S. St flair Saunders, Mr. H. B. Wilkinson, Mr. C. J. Scott, Mr. G. E. Falkner, Mr. N. W. Barritt, Mr. H. Richards, Mr. Murrell,
    218 words
  • 295 12 Marine Cadets Spend Ten Hours In The Lifeboats. Cadets from the Vivid, the Glasgow Tech nica.l College training ship, which was wrecked on July 9, off Islay, arrived at Glasgow the following afternoon. In the course of an interview the lads stated that the vessel struck the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 197 12 LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS Are packed in cases containing 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The Assortment is made up from the following Soups TOMATO. MOCK-TURTLE. OX-TAIL CHICKEN. MULLIGATAWNY AND VEGETABLE. SOLB AGENTS J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD., Singapore. MO*. ***** We have jmt secured the FURNISHING CONTRACT for Singapore's Premier Picture
      197 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 192 13 Key-Beer sells much more than all other brands together Therefore drink only Sole Agents Key-Beer behn, meyer Co., Ltd. J. CROWTHER SHAW CO., Mcpchant Tailors, RAFFLES PLACE. STYLE Faultless. FIT Perfect. MATERIAL The Best. WORKMANSHIP Finest. PRICE S Moderate. FAR EAST OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE CO., LTD. Singapore Branch. OXYGEN GAS
      192 words
    • 169 13 THE SERVANTS' AGENCY OFFICE. NO. 79, TANK ROAD. SINGAPORE Domestic servants (Indoor and Outdoor) of every dcbcription, Clerical Hands, Estate Kraniee, Conductors, Mandores, Coolies. Masons, Carpenters, Painters, Mechanics, Demarcators, Time-keepers, Draughtsmen and other employees supplied at short notice CHARGES MODERATE. All Clerical hands and offioe Tambies supplied free of Agency
      169 words
    • 763 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED lERVIOI OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEBT AUBTRALIAN 8 N. CO.. LTD. utwin F'»m«ntu (Perth), North «V«a>? Australian Ports, Java and Singapore. Regular Fortnightly sailings betweet Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as indnoement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port tor the Kimberley
      763 words
    • 750 13 STEAMER SJUUNM. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Frsßoiaoo to all points in the United States, Canada. Mexico and Burope. lasMttlt MM hi n,sMt* a Tri*talanwl l irWßsUßaPi"nißTaMapa' TMfs alar Ut "■HH mmf MM Immil BW
      750 words
    • 299 13 BRITIBH INDIA BTEAM NAY. CO.. LD, APCAR LINE OF ITEAMERB. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular service between Caloutta and Japan, calling at Penang Singapore. Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET Tens Coitmaad Jajpah 8,018 O. P. Sbddom Gbboobi Aro4B 4,600 J. B. Dbakb 11
      299 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 465 14 MMirniri mn oommmt. largest paid-up capital if mt emthhi mimil PROBPEROUI «.r»d PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICB I W.nohMt.p Houm, WnjeneNl LONDON OFFIGB I U, Old JsMrry, B.C. The Company has £30.000 deposited with the Sapreme Coats at Baalaad. aad eoaapttes waft fta British Lfls
      465 words
    • 346 14 INBURMICE, FEDERAL LIFE ABBURANCE COMUNY OF CANADA. ■stAMiaaac IBM. Dlr»ot Oowernmen* Buparvlelon Oovernment Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDB" sad N on Fortei table, Large Nat Surplus above liabilities tor Reserve and all outstanding claims. Haw Bualnaaa, 1911. 0ver.. .18 800.000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc., made looally Numerous modern schemes c.
      346 words
    • 451 14 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TOMe BANKING AND INSURANCE CO. LTD.. HO. 87 AND 68, KLING STRBBT ■sTAßUsaas 1907 Capital paid np........ 11,000,000.00 Reeerve liability of proprietors... »l,ooo 000 J» Reeerve Fund 1800,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. T*j> Tbok Jooa 6. Low Khooh Taa 1. Ta> Swi Kju f 8m Kia
      451 words
    • 475 14 BANKING. THE GHINEBE COMMERCIAL BANK. LIMITED. NEW PREMISES, 64, Kling Street, Singapore. AUTHORISED CAPITAL 14,000,000 ISSDBD CAPITAL 12,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS! Lee Choon Guan, Bsq. Chairman. Lim Peng Sianp.Esq. Cheok Cheng Koe, Scow Bng Tin, Bsq. Esq. Too Cheng Hai, Esq. Tan Sian Cheng, Bsq Tan Cl ay Tan, Bsq.
      475 words
    • 693 14 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, Haad Office: SHANGHAI. ASSURANCE ln force $15, 612.031 SECURITY to policy holders 2,698.508 INCOME for year 1.332,597 registered in Great Britain onder the (1609) Assurance Acts and has deposited with the High Court £20,0 0 as a fund for the security of poiioy
      693 words
    • 176 14 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. On Monday, August 11, at 2.80 pm. Freehold buildiag allotment s taate at Van Kit Koad in tiie District of latjong Pagar, off Natcis Street, Singapore, area J,*U7 tq. fee*. CHING KBNG LEB 4 CO., Auctioneers. 3 0 8.8 AUCTION SALE Of EXCELLENT TBAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, COTTAGE PIANO,
      176 words

  • 876 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Poor Man's Motor. The following is taken from an American paper:— The United States has led in the production of high class motor-can with the reach of men of moderate moans, bat it seems that Great Britain has already taken
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  • 135 15 I An interesting and valuable historical document, which was discovered recently under unusual circumstances, has (says The Canadian Mail) been added to the Dominion archives. It is the district general order of October 10, 1812, for the arrangements for the funeral of General Brock, who bad been
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  • 57 15 The unusual high tide accompanying the passage of the recent cycloue across the Hoogbly river nearly destroyed the bunds at Diamond Harbour. The risk of destruction by the flood was at one time so great that the authorities made preparations to release prisoners under trial, and numbers of people fit
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 273 15 TENAX BITUMINOUS SOLUTIONS TENAX BITUMINOUS SOLUTION is a preparation of the finest bitumens in Said form rt lined by a eptcial process to tbat absolute parity so necessary to a first-class iron and steel preservative. Although possessing an uonsoaUy high specific gravity, this Solu'i n works Iraely from the brnsh,
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    • 10 15 For < hildren's HAcMng Con^li at Night, Woods' Great Puooeimint Core.
      10 words
    • 88 15 Continental MOTOR TYRES CHEAPEST IN USE. From all Garages. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE:, IT, Col Iyer Quay. Telephone: 290. Telegrams: CONTINENTAL' Telegraphic Address: "ABRAMS," Telephone No. 719. Singapore., Straits Motor Garage. JUST ARRIVED THE 1 21 5 H.P. LEON BOLLEECAR Made by one of the oldest firms in
      88 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 818 16 —INl— II WIIH USEFULNESS MB«WaW I I "PLEX" UNIVERSAL SCISSORS, $1.25 each. Theae Unique Scissors are the most convenient and useful artic^ for the pocket of either lady or gentleman. They combine the following distinct appliance-'. rta Soissors, Button hole Soissors, Cigar Cutter, Ruler, Cigar Bor Opener, Penknife, Glass Cutter,
      818 words
    • 466 16 TO BE LET OR SOLO. COMPOUND HOUSE TO in. Burwood," No. 61, Grange Road, to be let. Apply on the premises. '.6 7 n SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Offioe to let— Collyer Quay. Apply to Estate Deputmont, Tanjong Pagar. IS-7 a HOUSES TO LET. To let, No. 21 and 22, Sambau
      466 words
    • 643 16 NOTICEB. KMM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, ■Mf i«t —a Weal Oeetratteri. 106, 108 4 100, Market Street Telephone Nos. 431 and 1174. GUAN KIAT ff CO., SHIP CHANDLBBS k QOVBBNM BNT CONTBACTOBB. GBNBRAL IMPORTERS AND BXI'OBIBBS AND COMMISSION AOBNTS. 87, Phillip Street. 'Phone 1388. Telegrams MAMUT. 19-6 OVERLANDB. The Favourite Cars
      643 words
    • 624 16 NOTICES. THE DRY CLEANING DEPOT. Has removed to 913, Orchard Road. Orders taken for dry oleaning, dyeing, etc Price List* on application. Mrs. Kraal, Manageress. 1-7-B 80-0 THE SALLINGSHIP ALBERTINE BEATRICE due to arrive here in September. Consignees of cargo are requested to communicate forthwith with HOOGLANDT CO., Agents 68
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    • 688 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures tor the current week and important forthcoming fixtures we kindly supplied by the secretaries ot the various 1 clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Cricket,
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