The Straits Times, 26 July 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.244 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JULY 26. 1913. PRTCE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 318 1 THE CELEBRATED SCOTCH^ Jfl WHISK* ESTABLISHED 1742. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF NEW GOODS. Large assortment of Washing Skirts, very latest styles. SATIN EVENING SHOES. SILK STOCKINGS Superior quality Satin and (mart Bhape. Special value in coloured Silk Stockings. Price l S4.SO per pair. Price $1 .98 per pair. All shades stocked.
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    • 141 1 ROBINSON CO. LARGE SHIPMENT OF Ladies' Smart Ready-to-Wear Hats. Ladies' Smart Up-to-date Ready-to-Wear Hats, in Tagel and Chip Straws. In all the Newest Colourings. Prices $1.75, $2.75, $3.75, $4.25, $4.50, $4.75, $5.50, $5.75, $6.50 and $7.50 each. ROBINSON CO. BEAUNE BURGUNDY From Beaune iFranoe JOSE PEMARTIN SHERRIES From Jerex (Spain).
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    • 3 1 GoodRIGH TYRES i
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  • 820 2 MR. BALFOIR ON THE VALUE OF MEASUREMENTS. Recent Progress. The buildings of the National Physical Laboratory, which have been erected and equipped from year to year around Bushey House at Teddington, are by no means complete. Probably they never will be, for as science and scientific commerce develop
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  • 201 2 Important Decision by a Manila Judge. Judge Croasfield of Manila banded down his decision in the case of the steamship Rubi v. the United States Government In February, 18,880 kilos of opium and 2.62 kilos of morphine were seized on this vessel by the customs officials as unmanifested
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 348 2 ■'KEPLER' Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract The best of the harvests of sea and land concentrated into a delicious, digestible, fattening and vitalising food. Every spoonful helps to increase the strength and build up the bodies of delicate children, convalescents, etc. It will protect you against weakness and loss
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    • 406 2 DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR Prevented by AW W¥Y^ Treatment with CUTICURA SOAP And Cuticura Ointment. Directions: Make a parting and rub gently with Cuticura Ointment. Continue until whole scalp has been gone over. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap. Shampoos alone may be used as often as agreeable, but once
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    • 204 2 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA, LIMITED. Established 1869 The first Life Offloe in the world to introduce the nonforfeiture principle to Policies. A Mutual Ofllotj. Ho Sh*r«holder a LOW Premium*. Annual Inoome 1,284, 864. Fund* C 7,291,290, 291,290 Claims paid £6,078,960. ALL profits are distributed amongst Policy -holdero.
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  • 646 3 CHICAGO'S COLOSSAL MEAT INDUSTRY. 200,000 People Engaged. Tbe meat packing and allied industries of Chicago are dealt with at some length by tbe British CYnsul General at Chicago, Mr. Nugent, in his report for 1912. He points out that it is upon the packing industry that the
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  • 330 3 Advertising for a Husband In China. The following advertisement has been appeariDg in tbe Hankow newspapers. It is written in a style that proves the writer to be able to write Chinese of a high literary order, and is interesting as showing tbe modern young woman of China:
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 485 3 Bctchim's Pills, they »re just the thing «s a family mrdicine. Nothing to b« compared with them has yet been put before the public. For over half a century this medicine has been an easy First Favourite in countless households and the name and fame of Beecham't Pills have spread
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    • 10 3 Por i'biMren'* HackiDg CoQtfb t\t Nigbt, w\m«l> Graal Peppermint Curt
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    • 431 3 GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS GO., LD. r w y I i 111 i Recent public statements about Sanatosren The Health-food with true Tonic Properties TJie Right Honourable ,^1 I 111 Tl llSl ii j v7 iiii v^p yj i olo l writes that he
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 681 4 STEAMER 8AILIW68. P. O STEAM NAVIGATION C8. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CBTLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT, MHDITBRRANHAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills at Lading uwaed for U jr»» OomI, Persian Gulf, CoitteefttsJ ud Aaetiou Porte. Steamori will lo**e Singapore ob or about: MAIL LINUS ISIS Hornet— rd (/or
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    • 663 4 STEAMER 8AILIH03. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained eI wee a Yokohama via ports to Marseil London and Antwerp, under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin Borow Steamers maintaining this servioo have been Bpeoially designed and oonBtraoted, and are
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    • 639 4 STEAMER BAIUN6B. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserab, Kretay, Paka, Tringgenu, Bisnl, Semera, Baohck, Kelaataa, Tabai, Bangaara, Telupis, Panarai Pataal, Biagora, Laooa, Kobsamui, Bandos, UMgsces, Taku, Obumpoa, Kohlak aad Bangkok. Dim Ospairtufs. BORIBAT July 28. •s.B. YUOALA July 98 July SO. ASDANO July SO Aug. a.
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    • 519 4 STEAMER SAIUM8. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG, A»D MOT10I OAKPFIOIIII iiunm, inti iiEMit Combined atarv o* The Bioamres of theae Companies maintain i regular aervioe between Hamburg Bremen Utwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, Jhima and Japan, Homewards, they are despatohed fortlightly lor Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month (or
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    • 609 4 STEMMEK SAILIWM, N. D. L. ordd«utsoh«r tloyd, B»»»»IMPERIAL 8ERMAN MAIL UNI. The tat Mid well-known null ■teamen at lhi« Company sail fortnightly from Bremti Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oommeoting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, aad vise rersa) Port Said, Snei, Aden, Colombo, PenanR. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai Tsingtau, Nagasaki
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 148 5 WHITEAWAY, LAIDLAW CO., LTD., j Who pays quickly I (.llltf SHUIPP 141 ir nchM pays toa.t." OIIIg<IjJUIC. |41 East of SUEZ. OUR BIG SALE BEGINS ON MONDAY, July 28. Our stock has never been larger or better assorted than it is just now. During the last few months we have
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    • 539 5 "«J E N A T Z V" Motor Tyres. *iOO^l»M>Cl/t; Co., SOLE AGENTS HOTICE3. HOLLANDSCHE CLUB. Aan bonders van obligatien wordt bier mede ter kermis gebracht, dat de op 1 Juni j. 1. verschenen rente van heden af betaalbaar is ten kantore van den Penningmeester tegen overlegginx der obligatien. 26-7
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    • 604 5 NOTICES. TAN BENG CHIANG NURSERIES. Orchard Rond. Importers and Exporters of Orchids and all sorts of Palms and Flowering Plants. Exchange and baying business and Commission Agents. Decorate Plants to houses and Offices, changing once a week. Dealers of all kinds of live animals, Snakes, Birds, English Fowls and Pigeons.
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    • 520 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT*. LADY HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Applications with foil particulars to No. 815, o/o Straits Times. 26-7 8». 7 COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET Bnrwood," No. 81, Grange Road, to be let. Apply on the premises. 8 »7 MOTOR OAR WANTED. Wanted, second-hand two seated Motor Car, English-make preferred. State parti onlars
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    • 230 5 Lever's Genuine Carbolic Soap. For washing Clothes, Linen, Flannels, Blankets, Sheets, Bedding, Floors, Woodwork and Furniture. WHILE IT WASHES IT ALSO DISINFECTS It is a perfect Soap for use in Sculleries and Kitchens, keeping all sinks free from disagreeable smells and the rooms pure and fresh. Manufactured by LEVER BROTHERS
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 276 6 GoodRICH TYRES Amington Hill, Tamworth, March 7th 1918. IX ar Sirs, I want to tell you of llie splendid resslt I have jast got from one of your 806 x 185 rabber-stadded cover*. It bunt a few days ago after having baen on one of the front wheels of my
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    • 98 6 it you with to keep the Rubber Trees Healthy TRY CABBOLINEUIW PLANTABIUIW SCHACHT. For Killing Fungus (see No. 9, Vol. IX, ot tne Agricultural Bulletin"), Parasites, Beetles, Ants and other Enemies of the Rubber Trees AND FLOBAEVIT For Disinfecting and Freeing the more delicate parts of the Rubber Trees as
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    • 110 6 GRANITE. The undersigned are prepared to eater nto contracts for the snpply of Oranite crashed and soreened to an; sizes FRABER CUMMING. 39, Winchester Honae. V.M.C.A. OF SINGAPORE. TECHNICAL CLASSES. EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOB. Mb. A. A. HINT/.. The New Sestion begins on Monday, 28th instant, when a Lecture on The Kdaoational
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    • 150 6 ABRAMS MOTOR HIRING TRANSPORT CO. SUCCESSORS TO STRAIT8 MOTOR GARAGE (HIRING DEPT.) Office and Garage open day and night. Telephone Numbers 6O6 Ac T19. A cumber of new cars having now arrived, a (all and efficient service can therefore be guaranteed. Foil particn'ara ai to revised scale of cbargrg c»n
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    • 74 6 Nerves 1 Young and old have them. I Some almse them. They g .ut'l tired, starved. 3 Symptoms: Loss of appetite, sleeplessness, •i indigestion, irritability, eventually a wrecked constitution. Alcoholic remedies stimuI late only; they do no J good, much harm. f SCOTT'S Emulsion soothes, nourishes, and feeds, the nenes.
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  • 151 7 DAILY TIME TABLE. FIXTURES. Saturday, July 26. High Water, 3.1 a.m., 8.31 p.m. Penang Races, third day. Mutual Trading. Ltd.. Flint St., 11 am. K. O. Y. L. 1. entertainment, Vie. Theatre. Sunday, July 27. High Water, 3.52 a.m., 4.12 p.m. N. D. L. homeward mail due. Monday, July 28.
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  • 154 7 Today. Batu Pahat A ing Hin 8 pm Batu Pahat Mena 8 pm Port Swcttenhani and Tclok Anson Kinta 8 pm Bangkok Dovre 8 pm Medan Ilanee 4 pm I'an^kalan Brandan and Medau Indragiri 4 pm Pulau Batam Hock Keng 4pm Kcrimon Bong Aik 4 pm Pouloe
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  • 154 7 The Imp. German mail steamer P. E. Fricdrich loft Hongkong at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, July 2J, and may be expected to arrive here at 6 p.m. on Sunday, July 27. She will probably be despatched for Europe at noon on Monday, July 28. The P. and
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  • 382 7 Latest Arrivals. Benclcuch, Brit. str. 2670 tons, Captain McMillan. July 26. From Saigon, July 11. G.c. P. Simons Co. Left for Dunkirk, July 25. Belgrave, Ger. str. 4201 tons, Captain Oimnibran, July 26. From Hamburg. June 20. G.c. and p. Boustead Co. For H'kong. July 28. Delta.
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  • 98 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONO PAGAR. East Wharf Basin Nil. W. Suction No. l...Tara, Fazilka, Santhia. Sbikks Wharf Nil. Main W. Sect. No. 2...Kut Sang, Bohemia, i, ,i B...Olenogle. 4.. .lslander. 6 ..N.I. 6...NU. New Dock 7. ..(Under construction) West
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    • 103 7 EXCHANGE Swoapou, July 26, 1918. On Lohdok'. Bank 4 m/a Demand M Private 6 m/a 8m/8 m. O« G»»MAiri.....Bank d/d Private 8 m/a «/«H 2/4 V*\l 2/<m 388 2481 On Fiamcb Bank d/d Private 8 m/a 294 2991 Om India. Bank T. T. Privat 80d/8 m. 174] 176* Ok Ho*oione...Bank
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    • 157 7 Sinoapou, Jolt 26, 1918. GamMer I 8 80 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11.00 Copra Sandried inn) do Mixed 12 75 Pepper, Black 19.00 do White 8% buyers 84 H| Sago Floor Sarawak 8.46 do Brunei No. 1 nom. Pearl Sago 4.20 Coffee Bali* 28.00 Coffee Palembang, 10% basis
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    • 160 7 10 10 Ampang 8.00 9.60 10 10 Belat Tia 2.30 2.e0 10 10 Bruang 0.50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.95 2.10 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kinta Association 10.00 10.76 £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.17.6 2.8.7 £1 £1 LahatMine* 18/» 1.2.6 £1 £1 Malayan Tina 2.4.6 2.10.1 10 10
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    • 601 7 2/- 2/- Allagai I'll 2/4 £1 41 Anglo Jay» 4/8 5/6 2/- 2/- Anglo Malay 9/- 9/9 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 1/6 2/£1 £1 Batu Tig* 9.7.6 2.16.0 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.19.9 2.5.0 £1 £1 Bukit Lintang 8.1P.0 4.6.0 norn 2/. 2/- Bukit Mertajam 1/1 1 2/4 £1
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    • 102 7 41 £1 B. Smelting Co. 18/8 19/£1 £1 Prel 19- 1.2.0 6/- 6/- Electric T'wayi 8/8 4/10 10 Fraser A Neave 49.50 60.50 100 Howartb Erskine 60X0 100 7%Pref. 96.0 C 100.00 100 100 Kats Bro, Def, 180.00 140.00 10 10 Maynard Co. 20.00 SS.I Wte 100 100 R.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 91 7 Don't Nefflecl'Your Family. When you fail to provide your family with a bottle of Chamberlain'n Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at this season of the year you arc neglecting them, a* bowel complaint is sure to be prevalent, and it is too dangerous a malady to be trifled with. This
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    • 284 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. July 31.— At No. 63. North Bridge Boad, stock-in trade etc., at 10.30. August 1. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. August At No. 26, Seah Im Road, Keppel Harbour, teak furniture etc., at 2.80, August 2.— At No. 58 5, Neil Rd., Chinese household
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    • 154 7 SPRINGBOK Genuine Magaliesberg Tobacco. MANUFACTURED IN THE P F^T^"y^g J^.'W^ #ssEl^^y J^.fTaV^ $1.20 per lb. SOLD EVERYWHERE. IN ADDITION TO OUR OWN MANUFACTURES WE ABE SOLE AOINTS FOR Babcock and Wiloox' Boiler.. \vV Davey, Paxman Suction Qaa Plants, A^*»^ Portable Engines, Eto. Green. nif. Screening. Y«\V^^ T.*W. Sm .tn',R ope
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    • 150 7 AT THB HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. To- Night! To-Nltfhtl! Selected Subjects In the 2nd Show THB LADY AND THE MOUSE A. B. The benevolent tradesman give* shelter to a sick tramp, aa he thinks. His gueat, is in reality, a very rich man. He falls in love with
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  • 40 8 l>n k Laii'Kk. On June 27, at London, John Edward Arthur, s m of late Sir John Dick Lander, Bt., aged 64. Mvktle. On Jnne 26, at Bowdon, Jean Hastings, widow of late John Myrtle, of Java, aged 94.
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  • 1106 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JULY 26. MARCONIS— AND THE SEQUEL. One can only read the concluding chapter of the Marconi transactions with a sense of tbe greatest dissatisfaction. It was a question altogether ontside the pale of party politics, impinging seriously not upon the integrity of the Liberal administration per
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  • 22 8 Tbe Rev. W. E. Horley, of Ipoh, has kindly consented to preach in the Presbyterian Church here, on Sunday afternoon, August 8.
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  • 34 8 It is reported that Dr. Sun Vat Sen has concluded a contract for tbe construction o( tbe Canton Chungking Railway. The main idea of this railway is to dm rt Szechnen trade to Canton.
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  • 66 8 The genera] meeting cf the NederlandschIndiscbe Handelsbank has been held, when tbe accounts were adopted. The dividend was fixed at 15 per cent, and f1.908.45 per founder's warrant Mr. T. J. van Haren Numan was re elected director, and Messrs. A. D. de Mare/ Ovens and Jbr. H. L. van
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  • 14 8 Locusts have appeared in Sind and are beginning to do damage to the crops.
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  • 14 8 During a squall at Malacca on Sunday, live houses collapsod. No one was injured.
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  • 26 8 The monthly meeting of the Y.W.C.A., will be held on Monday at 5.15 p.m. The speaker will be Mr. Tcfkay. All members and friends are invited.
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  • 28 8 A committee with the district magistrate as chairman has been formed by leading Mohamcdans at Chittagong to provide Hadji pilgrims with information and dissuade the indigent from going.
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  • 38 8 Of the appropriateness of tbe form of such a memorial there can be no question, says the Bangkok Time*, discussing the proposal to erect a Buddhist temple in Singapore as a memorial to the late King of Siam.
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  • 41 8 In accordance with tbe provisions of tbe Holidays Ordinance, 1879, Saturday. August 2, 1913, and Monday, the 4th idem, will bo kept throughout the Colony as a public and bank holiday, respectively. All Government offices will be closed on those days.
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  • 46 8 The hospital authorities of Buffalo, U.S.A., arc appealing for 200 volunteers to supply 10,000 square inches of skin for gratifying on 60 people who were injured in a recent explosion. They are suffering from burns, and, unless the cuticle is obtained, many of them must die.
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  • 40 8 The committee of the Cama Hospital, Bombay, bave declared the Lady Superintendent's rules to be reasonable. With the exception of the ringleaders, the committee will allow pupil nurses, who immediately return to duty, to continue their present course of training.
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  • 47 8 The X.M.S. Government has been showing tbe products of the Malay Peninsula at the Royal Society's Shotv at Bristol. Some very fine exhibits of rubber from many of the leading estates were included, as well as specimens sent from the Department of of Agriculture at Koala Lumpur.
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  • 59 8 Irving Berlin, a ragtime composer in London, is making .£2,000 a year from royalties. He cannot write a note of music, but his brain is teeming with melodies. He whistles them to a pianist, who plays them to a third man, who writes them down. He is 25 years old,
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  • 55 8 Six persons have been arrested in connection with tbe murder of Mr. Lawrence Barber, planter of Azamgarb, reports a Simla despatch of July 17. Of three who confessed one has been made approver. It is alleged that bis servants kept back the dogs which used to guard his bedroom in
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  • 67 8 Mr. J. D. Rockefeller, tbe head of the Standerd Oil Trust, was stepping into his motor-car after leaving church, when he was greeted by two little girls dressed in white. The multi millionaire stopped, pulled two quarters from his pocket, and gave ono to each of the children. Put those
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  • 70 8 The Hongkong Chamber of Commerce have referred the Secretary of the Far Eas tern Section, London Chamber of Commerce, to the Shanghai Chamber, for information regarding the use of the metric system of weights, measures and currency in tbe Far East, at the same time observing that thtir committee have
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  • 88 8 The attention of all interested in education in the Colony is called to tbe li-ctm upon the Educational Needs of Singapore, to be given by the Key. W. Hunciman at the V MCA. on Monday evening at 8.45*. The lecture is being given at the opening of tin aew session
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  • 89 8 Describing the new dress goods for 1914, The Times says that there will be an incipient reaction against tbe stripe and a timid return to small checks in black on white. Browns will be marked out, and there will be a widespread use of greys, which will divide favouritism with
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  • 86 8 Mr. Frederick Henniker Baness, a wellknown planter of Lintang Estate, Sungti Sipnt, has appeared before the magistrate at Kuala Kangsar on a charge of criminal breach of trust, states the Times cf Maiaya. Evidence was given by Mr. F. N. SandersoD, of Messrs. Gibb and Hope, Ipoh, solicitors (or the
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  • 129 8 For stealing eighty-one cents from a ricksha coolie, a Hylam boy named Chan Sang Lv is now serving a turn of six weeks' imprisonment The story told in court was that the boy met the ooolie in Hill Street and asked him for a match. The coolie, all unsuspecting, lifted
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  • 310 8 . Mr. W. C. Michell's leave has been cxten.led lo October '^8. Mi. K. 1». Hcwan is appointed to tbc Singapore Harbour Board vice the Hon. 1'. f. boyd resigned. Captain S. J. (j. Beaumont, of the Malay States Guides, will shortly leave Taiping for home. He is
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  • 64 8 The Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak will preach at evensong in St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday evening. At 9 p.m. on Sunday, there will be a service for men only in the' Cathodral. The preacher will be the Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak. At 9.15 on Sunday
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  • 88 8 Enquiry into the grounding of the oil tank steamer Saranac, off Point de Ualle, has been postponed owing to tbe continued illness of Captain Hums. According to a Calcutta wire, the legal remembrancer stated that the Saranac had also grounded off Bizerta, in Brazil* during the
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  • 111 8 Tbe authentic statement of Captain Waterfield concerning Captain Pritchard's death makes no mention of the surveyor gtiring np hostility of the villagers, but merely, records that they had developed an unfriendly attitude. A cane bridge over tbe junction of Mung Bli Wang and Tnrong was loosened
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  • 139 8 The directors of the Duff Development Company bave issued their report for the year 1912, in which they state that the total income from all sources during the year amounted to £48,175, as against £'28,897 in 1912, and that the working expenditure (including the sum of £2,347
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  • 143 8 The London, Singapore and Java Back, Limited, announces an issue of 1,000 shires of £10 each at par, payable £1 on application, Al on allotment, and £:i as and when required, in calls of not exceeding £1 at intervals of not less than three months.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 213 8 BULLOCH. LADE CO.'S WHISKIES. Known as f^ I Whiskiev The most Famous Oldest Firm of Scotch Whisky Distillers io tfc World |TOCKS KEPT OP: EXTRA SPECIAL (Gold Label) AND SPECIAL VERY OLD BLENDED (White Label) BY CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., SOLE AGENTS. Sandorides m&tim&SL-. lucana jM| CIGARETTES Wjg^J*? JOHN LITTLE CO.,
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    • 170 8 SEE MAX UNDER AT H S BEST in his Latest Ripping Creation The Complete Sportsman and enjoy a hilarious half- bour over it. You will spend a most pleasant evening AT THE ALHAMBRA Be.uu E.i hi, ovor the choice ittms of the SUPERB PROGRAMME In tbi Second Show, 9.80 to
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 5 and 11.
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  • 527 9 KING FERDINAND PROTESTS AGAINST OUTRAGE. Greece and Servia Alarmed. Rbctbb's Telegram. London, July 25. A message from Sofia states that tbe Turks have croi-sed the frontier northward of Adrianoplc and are marching on Jamboli. To day's conference of ambassadors has been seized with consternation by reports that the
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  • 161 9 I>kr Ostahimis. hk Lloyd Telp..;kim. Berlin, .July 25. Turkey lias invaded southern Bulgaria. au.l this his called forth a protest by King Ferdinand to tho Powers. In the Li in lon conference of ambassadors the Russian representative moved in favour of immediate measures eg-iinst Turkey. So far however,
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  • 36 9 Red Invaders Make Important Captures. RbjTlß's TILBOBJM. London, July 25. The Red invaders have occupied Grimsby, Cleethorpes and Immingham and have captured the Admiralty's oil depot and two of the moot important wireless stations.
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  • 34 9 The East Asiatic Company's Dailj Report The market in London yesterday was depressed. Tbe closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 3.7* Forward 3/41 First latex orepe, delivery next three months
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  • 210 9 Handicaps and Scratchings For To-day. (Fro* Ocr Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 25. The following are tbe handicaps for today's races: Kki>au Ci r (race coursei.— Scottie, 11.7; Kismet. 8.12; Intombi, 8.7 Bright Star, 7.7 .luhn. 7. PiNANii Plati (mile and distance). Lodestar, 910; Yeoval, 8.6; The Colonel, 8.2:
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  • 480 9 Fisherman's Amazing Story Of Disaster. A remarkable story of the sea is narrated by the officers of the P. and O. steamer Banca which has arrived in Bombay Harbour from Japan, states the Madras Mail of Jnly 16. They have on board a swarthy Dutch Malay, who
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  • 310 9 ADDRESS PRESENTED TO MR. W. PEACOCK. A Chinese Appreciation. Yesterday afternoon, at the Chinese Protec torate, a tribute was paid to the work which Mr. Walter Peacock has done as assistant Protector of Chinese on behalf of the Chinese community of Singapore. The Hon. Tan Jiak Kirn, C.M.G.,
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  • 763 9 Impressions of a Recent Visit To The Coast. Following the article published under tbe above beading, on the 23rd inst., our correspondent goes on to describe Sangkawang and district. The town, he states, is probably one of the most popular amongst the Dyak community on tbe coast,
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  • 756 9 STANDARDISING PLANTATION GRADES. Important Proposals. A telegram from London dated July 17 and printed in the Times of Ceylon says The Rubber Growers' Association will hold their second general meeting on Monday to consider three additional proposals for the appointment of a committee to investigate the recent
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  • 235 9 Messrs. Lyall and Evatt's Weekly Report. Singapore, July 25. After slight fluctuations during the week the market closes practically unchanged. Business has, however, been on a wider scale, and there have been many more enquiries and more buying than for some time past. Steeling Rubbers. Anglo Javas
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  • 417 9 Laboratory For The City Bacteriologist. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, the Deputy President, Mr. R. .J. Farrer presiding. Those present were Dr. Fowlie, Mr. A. W. Bean, Mr. Syed Mohamed Alsagoff, Mr. P. Peirce (Municipal Engineer), Dr. Middleton (Health Officer) and Mr. J.
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  • 526 9 TASMANIAN MYSTERY. i Evidence of Brutal Murder Of i Farmer. As tbe result of a discovery made at Mathinna, Tasmania, on July 4, colour was lent to the supposition that William James Mullins, a farmer, who bad been missing from his home since June 20 had been murdered. A search
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  • 156 9 The New Governor of Ceylon. At the lnnch given to him by the Rubber Growers' Association, replying to the toast briefly proposed by Mr. Noel Trotter, who presided, Sir Robert Chalmers, says a London wire to the Times of Ceylon, dated July 17, expressed the view that the Indo Ceylon
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  • 70 9 SUPERB GAME IN CHALLENGE ROUND. American Representative Beaten Rjutbr's Tblioram London, July 25. At Wimbledon, Williams (America) beat Dixon (Great Britain) by B—6, B—6, 6—2, I—6, 7-5. In tbe Davis Cup challenge round, Parke (Great En tain) beat McLoughlin (America) B—lo, 7—5, 6—4, 1— 7—6. It was
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  • 50 9 Government Troops Defeat The Rebels. Rkutbr's Telegram London, July 25. Shanghai, July 25. There has been a series of fruitless attacks on the arsenal in the past 24 hours. Tbe Government troops, encouraged by their success, assumed the offensive, driving back the rebels to the suburb of Nantao.
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  • 93 9 Rbutbb'!) Tblbgban. London, July 25. A crowd of suffragettes who entered St. Stephen's Hall to present to Mr. McKenna, Home Secretary, a memorial against the "cat and mouse" act, resisted the police who were removing them and attempted to make speeches. Mrs. Pethick Lawrence and two others were
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  • 42 9 ReCTBR's IELKiiKAM. London, July 25. It is reported that the Prince of Wales will be best man and Princess Mary one of the bridesmaids at the wedding of Prince Arthur of Connaugbt and the Duchess of Fife in October.
    42 words
  • 68 9 Reuters Telegram. London, July 25. The House of Lords have rejected the second reading of the Plural Voting bill by 166 votes to 42. The House of Lords have adopted the motion of Lord Peel declaring that the House is not prepared to accept a bill
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 104 9 RIOTIB'S TILBOBAM. London, July 25. The result of the Liverpool cup was Long Set 1 Bachelor's Hope 2 Knucknacorriaga 8 Five ran, the race being won by a length, with four lengths between second and third. The starting prices were 5 to 2 Long Set and Bachelor's
    104 words
  • 15 9 KbOTBBS TSIIGKAH. London, July 25. Kent beat Middlesex by seven wickets, at Maidstone.
    15 words
  • 24 9 Rbdtbb'i T«l«»baii. London, July 25. The death is reported of General Sir H. If D. Prendergast, V. C, at the age of 79.
    24 words
  • 24 9 Kbctbb'i Tilioeam. London, July 26. Sergt. Ommundsen won the tie for the bronze medal in the King's Prize competition at Bisley.
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  • 20 9 DlB OSTABUTUCHB LIOVD TbLIORAH. Berlin, July 36. Baron von Seckendorff left Berlin to-day, via Siberia, for Peking.
    20 words

  • 6475 10 PLANTATION IN RELATION TO PARA. Need for Restricted Output. The following article has been contributed by Mr. C. C. Malet:During the last few weeks there has been much searching of heart in Malaya— and elsewhere— as to whether there is or will be any profit in rubber
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  • (Lorreeponfcence.
    • 307 11 . To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Liit- iv Mngdpore has now become difficult by the increase in cost of the neces saries of life. In spite of this, the rents of houses have gone up by leaps and bounds. Rents, in fact, have been doubled,
      307 words
  • 441 11 Sunday. July 27, 1913. St. inuw'a Catbedral.— Tenth Sunday alter Trinity. 7 a.m.- Holy Communion, (Plain). 7.45 aan.— Holy Communion (Choral). Introit, t». Salutaris Hostia Service, H. iJluir Hymn at Offertory, 204 Hymn at Communion, 320; Hymn at Ablutions, Ps. ISO chant 325 Recessional, Xunc Dimittis. 9.15 a.m.—
    441 words
  • 50 11 . Arrivals. Per str. Delta, July 26.— From London Mr. O. H. Wheatcroft, Mr. E. Smith, Miss K. Moore, Mr. F. Campbell, Mr. N. Fraser, Mr. A Mackay, Mr. L. Sewell, Mr. \V. Smith, Dr. W. Quaife, Mr. D. A. Bisbope, Mr. P. S. McMahon. Mr. R. Mayer.
    50 words
  • 121 11 Graduation Rag in Glasgow. Lively scenes marked the gammer gradation oereniony at Glasgow I'nivereity on June 20, when the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred, among others, on Sir Robert Chalmers, Permanent Secretary to the Treasury and Governor- Designate of Ceylon. Principal Sir Donald Macalister, who presided, was
    121 words
    • 40 11 It is asserted in several quarters that S. f, Barnes, the famous Staffordshire bowler, is going back to Lancashire, having been offerod a big cash inducement. Barnes is perhaps the greatest wizard with the ball in the cricket world today.
      40 words
    • 109 11 Following upon the Derby fiasco, the English Jockey Club has been discussing present day styles of jockeysbip. Lord Londonderry said that the old system of racing had been spoiled by the present-day fashion of riding. They no longer saw fine horsemanship. Accidents at the starting gate were largely due to
      109 words
    • 220 11 . Singapore v. Selangor. Singapore have invited Selangoi to send down a football team in addition to the cricket team and tbc invitation has been accepted. The match will be played on August 2. Both teams will travel down to Singapore by the night mail train on August 1. S.C.C.
      220 words
    • 87 11 5.C.C. Tournament. The following are the results for Thursday: Championship. Hay beat Mucdonald, 21—17. Elpbick beat Norrie, 21—14. Doubles H'caf-. Mckeau and Welsh beat Knowles and Threlfall, 21-15. Monday's Ties. Championship. Hay v. bond. McKeii/ie v. Elphick. Friendly Pairs.—(Final Tie.) Scoular and Colinitz v. McKean and Wilkinson. Tuesday's
      87 words
  • 288 11 The report of the Cicely Rubber Estates Company, Ltd., for the year ended March 31 last to be submitted to the meeting on July 10 states that the net profit, after providing for administration expenses, directors' fees and commissions, and allowing for depreciation, is £32.731. To this
    288 words
  • 703 11 Prices Quoted In the Market This Morning. Singapore, July 26, 1918. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, iw-ue the following list of quotations this morning Nom, Valui. Bdtim. Siuiu. 3/- Allagar a/- 2,7* 4 1 Anglo-Java 4/8 6/8 1 Anglo-Johore 5/6 7/a/- Anglo-Malay a i
    703 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 44 11 Couifhln^ into Cons v m ption Omty a Oaagh bo» 70* itof wfcmk II to ONLY a sough. VATERBURTS METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND Tb* inert preparation made Ik oombrtm www ooogha. OUUB aay cough ktaa* ki ■dy a couth. YerrpekHE* ■1 aa ElSAflh
      44 words
    • 52 11 A cold and treacherous frosty night, A lady dreesed in gown so light A cough, or cold, and then to bed, A doctor gravely shakes his head. A lover oomes. hotfoot and sore, A new, a speedy, pleasant cure A marriage. Bach-lore, take the hint A bottle T was of
      52 words
    • 291 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PIANOS By the worldfamous makers BLUTHNER GORS KALLMANN KEMMLER ROSENKRANZ Etc., Etc. SOLE AGENTS: S.Moutrie CO., LTD., RAFFLES PLACE. REASONABLE CUNLIFFB, DOBSOX CO. do not compete in price with the low-priced wines, which are often only Claret in name but they DO undertake to give the best possible
      291 words
    • 184 11 V^—Sff^ THE BEST. I AGENTS. 170 so a RAFFLES HOTEL Special TO-NIGHT. ABSOLUTELY FDC 0 U II lIV I I RICH IN pure! rliton mILIv cream! COWS MILKED ENTIRELY by MACHINERY. Prom the Cow to Your Table, Untouched by Hand. Think What this mean* I Milk Strained, Filtered, Cooled, and
      184 words

  • 1084 12 UNITING TO PURCHASE LAND IN PALESTINE. National Fund Opened The Jewish correspondent of the London Standard writes to that paper as follows A graphic story is unfolded in a pamphlet just issued by the Jewish National Fund of Cologne. The object of the fund is the
    1,084 words
  • 1428 12 . Dividend Maintained Future of The Industry. The tighth annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Federated Selangor Rubber Company, Limited, was held on June 26, at the offices of the company, 20, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. H. K. Rutherford (chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Doubtless you will
    1,428 words
  • 904 12 Good Progress Made— lncrease Of Capital Agreed To. The third ordinary general meeting of the Kerala Rubber Company, Limited, was held on June 26, at 17, Gracecburch Street, E.C., Mr. Wm. Lumsden Lyall Grant (chairman) presiding. The Chairman said So far as the accounts are concerned, there
    904 words
  • 631 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to Mie Straits are taken from Mie London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to Mie issuance of this list
    631 words
  • 350 12 Cateriog For Gentility in the Black Forest. We had wandered through the Black Forest, writes a correspondent of the Cologne Gazette, past an endless succession of pine trees on our left and silvery brooks on our right hand, such pines and such brooks as suruly exist nowhere else.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      487 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 379 13 WAH HENG GO. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORES. DBVBLOPINO, PRINT WO AND BNLARGING AMATEUR* WORE. Plates, Papers Films, Cbemioaij Camera* Uonßca. and Oeceral Photograph;: Materials Frames ot every variety mads to order, NO. 9S. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Opposite Adelpbl Hotel 17-6 16-6 14 J. CROWTHER SHAW CO., Merchant Tailors, RAFFLES PLACE. STYLE Faultless.
      379 words
    • 761 13 8TEAHEB SAILINGS. COMBINED MRVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CO.. LTD. bbtwbbk F ••mint le (Parth), North Australian Ports, Javi Mid Singapore. Regular Fortnightly sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, oallinn si Java (as inducement oflorsi, Derby, King's 3onnd (Port for the Kimberley
      761 words
    • 939 13 OTEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Go.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Roote Via China, Japan, Honolalo, and San Fraaoi?.o to all points ia the Doited States, Canada. Mexico and Bur ope ftaratlsi Us Ni H.BMtaa THpt* tsrsw ThMm Llatrt "Ihl.t. Mar* "Tsar* Mar ■■< imp aarm"
      939 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 495 14 W*APO«E 8 WILY OOMPANY. LAMEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF AMY EABTLRI COHPAIT PROSPEROUS Knd PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE i Winohnttr Houu, Singapore* LONDON OFFIGB i SB, Old Jswry, E.C The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Ctwri at England, aad aonaphei wttk tbe British
      495 words
    • 177 14 IW3URAMCE. FEDERAL LIFE UBUUNCE COMMNT OF CMMOt. BsTABLUBBD 1882 Olvwot Government tup.rvl.lon Oovsmmsnt Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDE" aad Nou-Forteitable, large Net Surplus above liabilities tor Reserve and all outstanding claims. Haw Bualnaaa, 1911, over... tB 800,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc,, made locally. Numerous modern sohemea. 4. H. EVANS, Manager.
      177 words
    • 449 14 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TOW BANKINO AND INBURANCE CO. LTD.. MO. IT AND 68. KLING STRBBT. HITABUUBBD 190 T. Capital paid ap. 11, 000,000. 00 Reserve liability of proprietors... l 000.00 Reserve Fond 1800,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Ta» Tboi Joon I. Low Eboom Ybb I. Tax Swi Khi
      449 words
    • 503 14 BANKING. THE CHINEBE COMMERCIAL BANK. LIMITED. NEW PREMISES, M, Kling Street, Singapore. AUTHORISED CAPITAL 14,000,000 ISSUED CAPITAL 13,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 Lee Choon Guan, Esq.— Chairman. Lim Peng Hiang.Esq. Cbeok Cheng Kee, Scow Bog Tin, Esq. Eaq. Yeo Cheng Hai, Ewj. Tan Sian Cheng, Bsq. Tan Chay Tan. Esq.
      503 words
    • 721 14 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, Head Office: SHANGHAI. ASSURANCE In force $15,612,031 SECURITY to policy holders 2.698,508 INCOME for year 1.332.597 registered in Great Britain coder the (1909) Assurance Acts and has deoosited with the High Court £20,0 0 as a (ond for the > ecarity of polioy
      721 words

  • 979 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Coming Boom in Cycle-Cars. Fifteen years ago or so the smart world passed a considerable portion of the day in the novel pleasures of cycling in Battersea Park and elsewhere. Noting the signs of the times, even a tyro among
    979 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 385 15 I XHE BEST IS XHE CHEAPEST. WOLSELEY is k GUARANTEE of EXCELLENCE. WOLSELEY CARS HAVE ACHIEVED A LASTING REPUTATION FOR RELIABILITY AND SIMPLICITY. Several of the 18-20 H.P. Model are due to arrive shortly. Fall particulars and prices may be had on application to tbe Sole Agents O 3 IJ
      385 words
    • 68 15 Can You Afford the Risk Were you ever seized with a severe attack of cramp colic or diarrhoea without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house Don't take such risks. A dose or two will cure you before a doctor could possibly be called, and
      68 words
    • 198 15 Continental MOTOR TYRES CHEAPEST IN USE. From all Garages. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE, 17, Collyer Quay. Telephone: 290. Telegrams: "CONTINENTA." |gffi m i«sfflS Another of C. B/s Delicacies sasg S C. B. OXFORD SAUSAGES 1 UNISAv&LLfcD. Crosse Blackwell guarantee S^L 4i W\ these and all their other table
      198 words
    • 86 15 COME AND INSPECT the latest designs of in plain gold and set in various coloured stones from $1O to $50. ALSO the latest creations in in plain gold and set in > ariom c lound stones from $15 to $100. ISMAIL RAHEEM Local and Outstatlon Orders promptly attended to. PEN
      86 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 802 16 "FIBROCEMENiFI Is made of the best PORTLAND CEMENT reinforced with Asbestos. It has therefore the strength and durability of CONCRETE, and the FIRE and HEAT resisting qualities of ASBESTOS. S R SUPPLIES IN H 0 A s Slates for Boots J J Sheets for Ceilings. F fit) c They harden
      802 words
    • 466 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Office to let Collyer Qn»y. Apply to Estate Department, Tanjong P»gar. 12 7 n H0U8E8 TO LET. To let, No. 81 and W, Sambau Road. Apply Nathan Son, Change Alley. Ill D FURNISHED 8EA8IDERE8IDENCEST0LET. Belmont, Bencoline, Ben Ledi, off Tanjong Katong. Apply
      466 words
    • 666 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO SHIP-CHANDLERS, Bo»*rnment and Municipal Contrition 106, 108 k 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 421 and 1174. GUAN KIAT CO., SHIP CBANDLBRS k OOVBRNMRNT CONTRACTORS. ORNKRAL IMPORTERS AND RXPORIBRS AND COMMISSION AGENTS. 87, Phillip Street. 'Phone 1288. Telegrams MMNKUT. 196 a OVERIANDS. The Favourite Cars of the
      666 words
    • 625 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for tho current week and important f orthooming fixtures are kind); supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Saturday,
      625 words
    • 651 16 BOARD AMD LODGING BILVERMNK. ORCHARD ROAD English Home, vacancies Telephone 628. 20 0 19 9 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. With private English family near town Apply ENGLISH, e/o Straits Times. 28 7 b 20-7 BOARD AND REBIDENCE. Large comfortable rooms vacant near town. Apply G. S., c/o Straits Times. 217 81"7
      651 words