The Straits Times, 17 July 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.23(> SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 203 1 THE CELEBRATED SCOTCH tTj WHISKY EsTABLD-HKD 1742. PALMER TYRES OBVIOUSLY STAND IN A CLASS BY THEMSELVES.' (Daily Mail, May 18, 1018). PALMER CORD TYRES Kitted to your Car will give you greater speed, comfort and safety, together with a reduced petrol consumption. THE TYRE 00^ THE TYRE THAT mJT THAT
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    • 309 1 ROBINSON CO. Complete House Furnishers, Singapore. a THE FILTER FOR THE TROPICS I JMCa,me Filter T~~"ffT THEORIES PASTEUR Stands Superior to all known Germ-Proof Filters. ADOI'TFD BY 11. M. GoVKRNMIN'T ■>K I'HK BRITISH ABMV IN INDIA. The Mallie Filters are specially su table for die in very hot countries where
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    • 2 1 JGoodßiuH TYRES
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  • 1021 2 Br Majob J. A. R. Glknnie, Ao. Commandant, S.V.C. Singapore, July 15, 1913. s. v. o. Balestier Rifle Range. I:— The range is allotted as under Sunday, July 20, at 7.80 am., Chinese and Malay Co., S.Y.I. Saturday, July 26, at 2.80 p.m., S.R.E. (v.) Rifle Club Monthly
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  • 416 2 Keen Competition With Hongkong Refiners. The Osaka Mainichi states that the high price of silver since the beginning of the year has favoured the export of refined sugar to China, and all the refining companies have contracts for shipments up to this month or next. It is
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  • 381 2 American Professor's Alleged Discoveries. Professor Hallock, Ph.D., an American archaeologist, has been engaged for some years in extensive arcbieulogicaJ researches in tin Kiamath Lake County of Southern Oregon. As one result of his enterprise he claims to have abundant evidence that North America was the Land
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  • 47 2 Do you know that a very large per cent of supposed cases of appendicitis are only an inflammation of the bowels brought on by constipation Chamberlain's Tablets care constipation even after it becomes cboronic. (live them a trial. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 275 2 Have you *^06^ used this C'^^bhßl Beautifier? HAZELINEA B ITRtDE HARKI I SNOW" jV Let the skin be rough or wrinkled, dry or greasy, dull and colourless or too florid, Hazeline Snow will do more to restore its fine texture and youthful freshness than any other preparation. "'Hazeline' Snow" effectually
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    • 946 2 I x?"*^ I Japanese Dentist, '\drVs^l 74. BRAS BASAH ROAD. II MSL. W7 TSLKPUONB NO. 1246. V I' It IliL *SIH Dtl Xi Tsnt a<lB ie the ouly JaptoMe v *f 'K- (fcil «T S^^m 8 "Je town witb whom you eaa r \>X\/f~\ aonsnlt dir <»» oither in Eu«li
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  • 889 3 RAPID GROWTH OF THE FOREIGN CONCESSIONS. Energy, Enterprise, Achievement. Although the development of Tientsin is not perhaps proceeding at the pace it did last year, yet there are abundant signs of activity in every direction, observes The Peking and Tientsin Times. As was mentioned in the report
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  • 100 3 Recent news of tbe Turkish cruiser Hamedich was that she had been bigoted in the lii-.l Sea. At Suez it lias been reported that four Greek prisoners were court martiailed and executed on board the vessel, which put iuto Hodeida, but left again for her hiding place, tho island of
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  • 70 3 Can You Afford the Risk Were yon ever seized with a severe attack of cramp colic or diarrhoea without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in the boose Don't take such risks. A dose or two will cure you before a doctor could possibly be called,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 467 3 R ANEEGUNGE GLAZED STONEWARE. Drainpipes and Junctions. ALL SIZES STOCKED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LD. YOU MAY REST ASSURED 1 > ;Hai Beecham's Pills will be of great service (O you if your stomach is oul cf crdcr I or your liver is sluggish. The conditions of life in (hese days
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    • 556 3 DRY SCURF FROM NECK DOWNTO KNEES Scratched Until Blood Formed. Backs of Hands Dry and Cracked. Used CuticuraSoap and Ointment. In a Month's Time All Right. 18. Mot St., Aecrington, Lane*. Eng.— I was simply covered with dry scurf from my neck down to my kneet. I suffered a great
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    • 346 3 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA, LIMITED. Eitabllshed 1 869 The first Life Offloe in the world to introduoe tbe nonforfeitnre principle to Policies. A Mutual Offloe. Mo Bhar«hol€Ur». Low Premiums. Annual Inoom* «1 ,984,864. Funds «7,291,290 Claim* paid £6,078,980. ALL profits are distributed amoDgst Policy-holders Claims paid in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 671 4 STEAMER BAIUHBB. P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION GB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOOTH AND LONDON Through Bills of Ladiax Mratd for Jblaa Coast, Porsiaa Gult, On*'! j»'»v aad Aaerioaa Porte. Ueam3r« will leave diagapt v oa cr aboot: MAIL LINKS ISIS Homeward [for
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    • 686 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.KJ 1 JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO.j LTO. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained beiveu Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail eontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been speoially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 768 4 STEAMER BAILIHQS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserab, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisol, Semera, Bachck, Eelaataa, Tabai, Baajraara, Teiupia, Panarai, Pataal, Biagora, Laeoa, Kobsamni, Raadoa, L>tagaoe«, Takn, Oautopoa, Eoblak and Bangkok, Due Departing. a.*. RED AND July 19. PRACHATIPOK July 81 July S3. BORIBAT July S3 July
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    • 518 4 STEAMER SAILINQ3. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD atUTBCB UaWiaiifs MIRTMES. IMS! Combined lervloe The steamres ot these Companies maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japaa. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bromerhavon direot,
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    • 636 4 STEAMER SAILIHH N. D. L. orddautsch»r Lloyd, Br«* IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINK. The fast and well known mail steameta 0' this Company Bail fortnightly from Bremna Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (ooaaeot ing Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vis* versa) Port Said, Suea, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 700 5 "JENATZY" Motor TyresHooglandt «St Co., sole agents. LATEST ADYERTISBMBNT9. NOW ON SALE. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE JAVA TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE TURNOUT, ETC The Property of Captain G. Hulscher, llOHcll* At No. 2-b, Lloyd Road, On Saturday.Jul, 26, at 3p m. CllO»l£fc 1/olllAC Exopllently carved Java teak upholstered and spring-seated drawing
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    • 449 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. POSITION WANTED. LESSONS. By experienced Bookkeeper. Thoroughly In French, in English and Piano, by understands Bookkeeping by do i hie entry diplomed lady-Ua:hcr (late of Government and eh tat a accounts. Can also typewrite. House, Saitor). For parti-nl»r-, a^-ply K T., (smadiate engagement. Kxce.l.nt references, r
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 144 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, July 17. High Water. 10.59 a.m., 9.35 p.m. lian.l in the Hardens. B. I. liom. -ward mail close*. Friday, July 18. HWh Water. ILM a.m., 10.20 p.m. I). L. oiitwanl mail due. It. 1. outward mail due Saturday, July I°. High Water, 0.10 p.m., 11.0
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  • 205 7 Today. l\>nti;ni:il, It. K.i Soon 8 pin l!.itii I'aliat Kaaa 8 pm Batu I'aliat Aiuy Hin 8 pm I'ort MbBBM an.l I'oil <■.■..-tt. iiliiini 8 lanyor Bpm ii I Muar Kaka 3 pm Tobtna Ti iggi, BnagViHn and I.i in I pm K.Miuai. BuBtlJCRuaMlB, K. I'.ai
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  • 223 7 Tin Imp. (iiiinan mail steamer I. Alice I, tt I'.-iriiiy at 6.10 pin. \.Ht.i.lay an.l may be. s|i«it. .1 in ;i ii is. bereoa Kii.lay morning. Jnlj IH. slicwill piobalily Ix .l.s| I'm Hongkong, tUiaagnai, Nagtaa and Japan (Kilts tin MM .l.iv at 6 p.m. Tin I!.
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  • 625 7 Latest Arrivals. Bmm Cnmim, ML MMt*M.Uapt Ci-Uio. -l uly 1". I i > ■< ii Cliiiinw.uit'a, July 4. tKUKMM t CO, lUi Mi Can l',.htiiKiii. 11l it. str.. IN t"ii~. CM Smitli. .Inly 1" l-'n>iii HaUxia. July 11. Qjc.tmi f. Heap Bag K<u Java, RdV Baa HoLmg.
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  • 93 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day; TANJONG PAGAR. Ea.ii Wuakf Basin Kuala. W. Section No. l...Lmnka Teesta. Shffrs Wharf Nil. Main W. Skct. No. 2... Rangoon Mara, M. Treub. 8...NH. 4...Co.|iut. 5 ..Nil. 6.. .Dai v.l. New Dock 7. ..(Under construction)
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    • 110 7 SIKOAP0B1, JULY 17, 1018. I, On Lokdon Bank 4 m/a Demand Private 6 m/s 8 m/e Ok GiBMAin Bank d/d Private 8 m/s a/4',i 2/4A 2/433 2/4J! 2381 2481 On France Bank d/d 304 Private 8 ni/s 29»i Oh Indu Bank T. T. Private 80 d/e 174] 176J On
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    • 161 7 SlNOAPOM, .IlLV IT, 1918. Oambitr 8.50 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11.00 Copra Sundried 13.20 do Mixed UjM Pepper, Black 18.60 do White 6% buyers 8.J.C0 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.46 do Brunei No. 1 nom. Pearl Sago 4/20 Coffee Bali 28.00 Coffee PalcmbanK, 10% bap ih 80.00 Tapioca, small
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    • 165 7 I? 8 0 1 Buyers. Sellers Value (S 10 10 Ampane 8.50 9.50 10 10 Belat Tia 2.25 2.e0 10 10 Bruang 0.50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.80 2.00 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kinta Association 10.25 Ii.CO £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.17.6 2.3.1 £1 Lahat Mine* 1.2.6 1.5.0
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    • 591 7 jM, ne Buyers. Sellers. Value 2 J 2/- 2/- Allagai 1/10 M £1 £1 Anglo Java 4/6 6,7 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 9/- 9,9 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 1/9 2/XI XI Batu Tiga 2.5.0 2.15.0 XI XI Bukit Kajang 1.17.6 2.H.7 XI £1 Bukit Lintang 8.7.6 4.5.0 now 2/- 2/-
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    • 102 7 vZog Bn ere SeUeM XI £1 E. Smelting Co. 18/8 19/£1 £1 Pi-el. 18, II 5/- 5/- Electric T'ways 3/3 4jf10 U Fraser Neave 60.00 51.00 100 HowarthErskinc... 60.C0 100 7%Prel. 95.0 C 100.00 100 100 Katz Bro, Del. 180.00 140.00 10 10 Maynard 4 Co. 20.00 100 100
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 8 7 For Bronchial Cougha take Woods' Great Peppermint Core.
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    • 322 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. July fclr- At No. r,:j. North linden itoad ■aid Nil-. 2 an<l Hony Hin Court, stock rb-., at 10..'50. July 19- At (ioJown A, Kcppel Harbour. Tanjou-" i'a^nr, unclaimed yooils. at 9.30. July 21.— At saleroom, Victoria and Horse, at 11. July H- -At
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    • 191 7 SPRINGBOK i I Genuine Magaliesberg Tobacco. MANUFACTURED IN THE $1.20 per lb. sold everywhere:. IN ADDITION TO OUR OWN MANUFACTURES. WK ARK SOLK AUINTS FOR Baboook and Wiloox' Boilers. feC^ Davey, Paxman Suotion Gas Plants, \^> Portable Engines. Etc. Greening's Screening. Ytf^C^^^ S nd T.^W. Smith's Ropes. To.iS^ Gould's Pumps.
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    • 81 7 ANOTHER SPECIAL FILM, THE LATEST NICK WINVER EXPLOIT: "DEVIL'S EYES." A m ZmT ter A Masterful Detective Story IN 8 PARTS. IX BEATS THEM ALL Ab renrda ioecnuity, k usaiioD, draui%tic Hurprigo, and rapidity of action It is a Perfect NIAGARA of Thrilinj? Episodes. SUI'POBTKD BY THE HERO OF LITTLE
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  • 1227 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, JULY 17. EAST AND WEST. He would be a bold man who claimed to prophesy with certainty the precise period of time within which the yellow races of the Farthest Kant may be expectei to overrun the face of the earth and to successfully compete in
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  • 35 8 The appeal of Lucitn Hiver, better known in England as Monte Carlo Wells, against his sentence of five years' imprisonment and a tine of £120, was dismissed in the Correctional Court of Appeal, in Paris.
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages 5 and 11.
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  • 26 8 At the Penan" rubber auctions on the 16th inst., smoked sheet ran from 1124 to J129 and No. 1 crepe fetched $142. 93,000 lbs. were sold.
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  • 31 8 The importation of saltpetre in West Borneo is only allowed for account of the Government service and with special permission of the head of the financial administration, says the Java
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  • 29 8 The Kwong Yik Banking Corporation, Limited, which has been duly incorporated in Selangor with a capital of one million dollars, will probably commence operations in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.
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  • 44 8 The Court of Batavia, on the 2nd inst., sentenced Mr. M. van (ieuns, editor of the Sourabaya Handelsblad, to fourteen days' imprisonment for libel. This was the result of an appeal against the decree of the Sourabaya court to a fine of f .600.
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  • 43 8 A bullock-cart driver was found in a dying condition on the East Coast Road yesterday. From the surrounding circumstances it is gathered that the man fell off the cart whilst asleep, a wheel passing over his chest and inflicting injuries which proved fatal.
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  • 53 8 During tlie bearing before Mr. Talma this morning of charges of gambling against sixteen coolies it was stated that an attempt was made by a party of friends to rescue the men as they were being conveyed from a place six miles away to Changi. lv tho attack two native
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  • 57 8 In an examination paper placed before a certain class of budding educationalists in Singapore not so long ago, to plumb the profundity of their "general knowledge," was included the requisition Name three of the most important shipping lines in the world." One examinee made reply The P. and the Straits
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  • 67 8 The wireless telephone experiments made recently at Yokohama and Kobe are considered sufficiently decisive for the Nippon Yusen Kaisba to take up the invention. An installation has been set up at Moji for the purpose of getting into touch with incoming steamers, It is reported that the Moji office of
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  • 71 8 Three Cingalese men have been arrested in connection with the theft of dollar notes, diamonds, half- sovereign battons and other articles to the value of 5253 from another Cingalee named Veloon d'Silva. The case was mentioned in the second court this morning, but will be gone into fully in the
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  • 85 8 The Ceylon Government is taking steps to meet contingencies arising from the development of oil as motive power in shipping, which might have an adverse effect on Colombo harbour. Enquiries arc being made as to the most convenient sources of the supply of oil. It is believed that Burma will
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  • 82 8 At a meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, Mr. Clodd suggested the advisability of applying to Government to place the electric light department under the control of the board. He considered that there would be improved coordination and consequent economic working, and ho was of the opinion that it
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  • 89 8 The Royal Dutch Petroleum report notes that when the new ships, which are now building, will have been delivered, the AngloSaxon and the N'ederlandsch Indische Tank s too in boot Maatschappy, the two shipping companies of the Royal Dutch- Shell Combine, will have a total fleet of 64 ships, measuring
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  • 96 8 For the first time in the history of Sourabaya, the monthly receipts of the import and export duties at tho Custom House there rose to over a million guilders. This record was made in June, the receipts being f.1,011,980, exclusive of port dues. The in come for the half year
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  • 85 8 The magistrates at Christchurch iX are committing large numbers of youths to military detention in forts for refusing to take the oath and do their drill under the compulsory training scheme. The Minister of Defence has been informed by the antimilitarists that unless the boys imprisoned on Hipa Island, in
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  • 110 8 The Director-General of the Telegraph and I'ost Offices is giving particular attention, to the provision of really good telephonic services in all centres in India. In Simla the telephone scheme has been greatly improved during the last year, and its popularity in proved by the steadily increasing list of subscribers.
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  • 455 8 SOCIAL AND PERSON AL. Mr. J. K. Davis, of the VS. (Vnsu'ati at Shanghai, is seriously ill in IVk'ng. The marriage of Mr. Herbert P. Curtis to Miss Florence Beldam takes place in Sin»a port- on the 31st inst. Mr. N. J. Austin, uf the Mcdan Branch of the Chartered
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  • 82 8 A dramatic illustration of tho Amcricau journalist's devotion to duty is provided by a railway accident at Stamford, Connecticut. One of victims was a reporter on the stall of the Xew York World. He was drag ged out of the wreckage in a terribly injured condition, and
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  • 78 8 The arrangements for Saturday night at Rattles Hotel provide for another of the special dinners that are now a pleasing event in the weekly round in Singapore, and for roller-skating on the floor of the big dinningsaloon afterwards. The music, not, tho least important feature of such
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  • 84 8 Tho mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, during the week ending July 12, there were 240 deaths 16"» nniles. 7.5 females) gMlg a ratio per mille of population of IMS Malarial fever accounted for M deaths, phthisis 84, convulsions
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  • 114 8 A batch cf thirty Australian griffin ponies will arrive on or about the 20th instant for the Singapore Sporting Club's autumn race meeting. Members of the Club who havo not yet seen the list and are desirous of taking a griffin for tho meeting arc requested to
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  • 114 8 Speaking at a meeting; of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary lioard. Mr. C'lodd said that owing to the large increase in the ilntit of the II- ilth Officer he considered it that a health officer slmulil be appointed to devote his wliole time to tin- suvii'i-nf tin
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 1 TANSAN A NATURAL TONIO WATBR IN PINTS AND SPLITS. FRESH STOCKS ARRIVE MONTHLY. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. SOLE AGENTS: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO- fcJSf i Sandorides £4^ lucana w**w CIGARETTES *J' JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. WOLSELEY "Tiie Car of Refinement and Reliability I These Cars have now been before the motoring
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    • 109 8 A SPLENDID SELECTION OF PICTURES providing excellent entertainment and comprising TRAVEL. NATURAL HIBTORY. TOPICAL DRAMATIC AND HUMOROUS SUBJECTS KHiI'RES IN To-Nighfs Grand Programme AT THE ALHAMBRA Biacb Road. Sbcond Show, 9.80 to 11 p.m. View* of Genoa. Members of the Force. Patbe'i Animated Gazette (ISlrd Edition animals at War. A
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  • 326 9 WHAT GREECE DEMANDS FROM BULGARIA. Russian Demands. KacTiK's TiLaokAH. London, July 17. Athens. July 1R. Replying to Russian representations, Greece states she will only agree to a cessation of hostilities when Bui garia consents on tbe battlefield to abandon all territories occupied by the allies to pay an
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  • 226 9 < CONFLICT BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH. Fears of Second Revolution. Rkitku's lamia London, July 16. Shanghai. July 15 There has been serious righting between the northern and southern troops in Kiangsu. It is feared this may be the beginning of a second ret hition. The situation is
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  • 39 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report The market in London yesterday was weak an.l declining. Tin cloning prices were Hard Fine Pat 3 H Forward I 7; First latex crepe, delivery next tLrtv months 2, 9j
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  • 117 9 King George Approves the Match. Kkctkr's Tklkoram. London, July 16. The King, on his return from Lancashire, was informed of the proposed match between Prince Arthur of Connaught and the Duchess of Fife. He telephoned to the Duke of Connaupbt and Prince Arthur at Bagshot. Both came
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  • 35 9 (From Oi-k Own Corrkshjsdest.) London, July 17. The Kinta Kellas profit is £5,800, but the dividend distribution is deferred. Klanang pays a 20 per cent, dividend, and Kuala Selangor 25 per cent.
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  • 95 9 (From Oik Owk Correspondent.) Penang, July 16. On Saturday, Mrs. Evans christens the I'erlis, a new steamer for the Penang-Perliß run. She was built at the Kastern Shipping Company's dockyard at Sungei Nyok. The Perils is 107 ft. 4 in. long 19 ft. 6 in. broad and
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  • 689 9 Supplying Quarter of the World's Copra Output. The Philippine Coconut Industry is the title of a bulletin issued by the Philippine bureau of Agriculture and written by Mr. O. W. Barrett, chief of the Division of Horticulture, who plaers the coconut on the highest plane when he
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  • 20 9 kli'io Wepuau, a partner in the I'nion i tiv. level for Kurope by the •teaiuttr hoeioer, on the 21st inst.
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  • 502 9 KUALA LUMPUR FIREMEN DOWN SHOVELS. Prompt Measures By Authorities. A strike of firemen employed on the Federated Malay States Railways occurred at Kuala Lumpur this morning, and was the cause of considerable inconvenience and delay, reports the Malay Mail of July 16. Some difficulty has been experienced
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  • 59 9 iFhom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 17. The railway strike is practically over, the railway authorities havicg successfully dealt with tho trouble. The Tamil firemen btrikera arc still out and are unlikely to return to employment on the railway. They have becu replaced, and the full train
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  • 322 9 Y. M.C.A. MEETING. Encouraging Statement at Annual Gathering. The annual meeting of the V.M.C.A. subscribers was hold in the hall of the Institution last night, Mr. A. W. Bean, president, occupying the chair. The evening was largely of a social nature, musical items being interspersed with the presentation and discussion
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  • 59 9 Mr. liacima, an It&liaD, was fined f.50 by the court of Sourabaya (or blowing bis motor liorn unnecessarily and continuously whilst K 'iu»! slowly past a music shop where 1 1 was in progress in the exhibition ball. I'm no lover of music," said the magistrate. but there are others
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  • 1337 9 SENTENCE OF DEATH ON LABUAN MURDERER. The Tanjong Pagar Embezzlements. The trial of Tan Ah Boon for the murder of a Japanese brothel mistress in Labuan on April 2 thi= year was concluded at the Assizes yesterday afternoon, the special jury bringing >n a vtrdict of guilty. The
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  • 513 9 Big Programme at Annual Sports Meeting. The annual sports of the Outram Koad School, held yesterday afternoon, passed off most successfully. The balconies of the school and the fine terrace at the side of the ground were taken advantage of by a large crowd of interested spectators,
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  • 235 9 Mention was made, by Inspector Meredith in the third court this morning, of a serious case of criminal bieach of trust in which the total defalcations aro said to amount to over 911,000. The accused is a Teochew named Ang Kee Phang who has been employed
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  • 67 9 Some interesting notes from the mission stations arc printed in the annual report of the Mission to Lepers in India and the East. There are now HO different station-, and tho workers are benefiting, to some extent, abjut 11,000 lepers and their children. Requests have been made for the erection
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  • 123 9 CHAIRMAN'S SPEECH AT ANNUAL MEETING. Excellent Prospects in View. Reutbr's Telegram. London, July 17. Sir J. West Kidgeway, presiding at the annual meeting of the British North Borneo Company, said the prospects of the territory were excellent. The revenue was increasing by leaps and bounds and
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  • 139 9 TIMES REPRIMANDS UNBALANCED SENTIMENTALISM. Boxer Indemnity for University. R.OTlß's TbIEOEA*. London, July 17. The Times publishes prominontly an arti cle drawing attention to simultaneous proposals to divert .£250,000 of the Boxer indemnity to the British I'niversity in Central China and the destruction or resbipping to India of
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  • 39 9 Kbdtib'j Tplioram. London, July 17. Lancashire beat Gloucestershire, at Man Chester, by 54 runs. Somersetshire beat Derbyshire, at Derby, by 59 runs. Sussex and Northamptonshire drew, at Northampton. Kent and Worcestershire drew without points, at Tunbridgo Wells.
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  • 22 9 Rictbr's Telkoram. London, July IK. It is annouucod that Mrs. Cornwallis West will in future be styled Lady Randolph Churchill.
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  • 18 9 Kiutik's Tilioram. Lonond, July 16. The Insurance Act Amendment bill has passed the second reading.
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  • 165 9 fourth's TiLaiii-.AM London, July 17. Doctor Robert Bridges has been appointed Poet Laureate. Tbe new Laureate's career is given thus in Who's Who:— Bridges, Robert, M.A., MM. Oxford F.R.C.P. b. 23 Oct. IH4 J s. of late I.T. Bridges of Walmer and S. Nicholas Court, Isle of
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  • 16 9 Dm Ostasutischi Lloyd Tilbura*. Berlin, July 16. Austria-Hungary is increasing her recruits by 50,0C0.
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  • 24 9 DEH OBTA9IATISCHI LIoVI. TILIOKAH. Berlin, July 16. Prince Henry of Prussia has made an hour's tligL; iv I I. inkier BmUm
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  • 3127 10 THE FAR-FAMED TROSSACHS TOUR. Oban and Glencoe. lust as Stirling, picturesquely situated, and steeped to the lips in historical associations, forms a convenient starting- place for the traveller, to whom the beauty, the glamour, and the romance of the Scottish Highlands are still an unopened book,
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  • 177 10 The total amount of capital invested in electrical concerns in Korea is about 1 1,225, 000. Of this sum .CtW.OOO is invested in concerns already working, and the balance in electrical works which arc in course of construction. During the year two new companies commenced operations. One
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  • 188 10 A story of a most daring attempt to defraud the Chartered ltank of India, Australia and China, in respect of a lakh of rupees, has been related to the Commissioner of Police at Madras. A coolie who gave his name as Kedu Dorsad, witb a large canvas bag, bearing the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 440 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A worthy doctor, leaving this part of the world, has been repeating the same old monotonous statement (maybe to ex-patients) that the Chinese have made this country. Is it not time that the Press left these sort of idle
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  • 476 10 Effect of Strike of Sailors And Stokers. The detailed report of the Compagnie dos Messagerits Maritimes for the year 1912 is now available. Its principal feature is the prejudicial effect produced by the long strike of sailors and stokers last summer. This explains the reduction of the
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  • 92 10 The guest of the evening at the annual Queensland Dinner which was to be held on June 19 under the presidency of Sir Thomas Robinson, Agent-General in London, was to be Sir Samuel Griffith, Chief Justice of Australia, and formerly Premier of Queensland. Lord Emmott, lender-Secretary for the Colonies; Lord
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 158 10 Id the Straits Chinese Recreation Club chess competition the prize winners were: Championship, 1 Chee Toon Cheng, 2 Chia Hood Sang, Handicap, 1 Chee Toon Cheng, 2 Chua Sim Gbeo. A football team, largely composed of I'.W.D. men tried conclusions with a team from the Baffles Institution
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    • 155 10 Dr. Yin Shield. There was a large crowd of spectators on the Haflles reclamation ground yesterday afternoon to watch the replay match between the Straits United K.C. (A) and the Sunrays F.C. in the competition for the Dr. Yin Shield. The Sunrays forwards, especially Siew Ilye and Ah Bah,
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    • 207 10 5.C.R.C Prize Distribution. The championship final in Urn Straits Chinese Recreation Club's lan-n tennis tournament was played cIT yesterday, the result beiug somewhat unexpected, Tan I'linuy Kee beatiug Chee Toon Cheng by 6—o,6 0, o—4.0 4. After the game the prizes were distributed by Mrs. Hoo Wei Yen,
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    • 545 10 S.C.C. Tournament. Yesterday's results were Sinulks BuMUf, Lyall beatThrelfal), 21—17. McKeD/ie beat Pitceatbly, 21— ID. I'riknuly Pairs. Uutcliison and Dielil beat Foreman and Sinclair, 21 14. McKean and Wilkinson boat Bcntley and van Cuylenberg, 21 10. To-day's Ties. Frikndly Paii;s. llay and Knowles v. Welsh and Kerry. Dmw
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  • 449 10 Famous Amateur's Views of Golf Gambling. Among the gruul army of week-end golfers this week one topic has monopoliseel conversation the .-ierious effect which gambling is having on the game in the South of England. Money stakes, frequently of £•"> and sometimes going as high
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  • 400 10 Curious Cases in the Pacific Ocean. It might not seem very easy to steal islands from a Power like France, yet v. ral newspapers simultaneously seem to have discovered that the Colonial Department, so to speak, lias ha 1 its I'acitic OotM po* kit pick ed several
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  • 730 11 British Vice-Consul's Fight In Trans-Caucasia. Like a miniature, battlefield was the dining room of the residence of Mr. .John I'avoni, British ice-Cou«ul at I'oti, in Trans Caucasia during a thrilling fight with brigands, Mr. I'avoni and his brother were injured happily not seriously, in a desperate affray
    730 words
  • 352 11 Steady Decline in the Birth Rate Although it has uot yi-t allowed its own birthrate to siuk to tlio abnormally b.v U m 1 i.l two or three of its western and more pleasure s< eking milhiiXh, Berlin lias now to take one of the lowest places in
    352 words
  • 115 11 Tin' ijuf stion of the opening of the Panama Canal wan dincussed in the Italian l'arlia im ut on June 9, when Signor Miliani pointed out that Italy's participation in the forthcoming Panama C anal Kxbibition would be uftelcss ami without bent-tit unless steps were takin to
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  • 593 11 Some Devices For Punishing Children. I )isplayed in two glass cases in the entranceball of a certain institution in the West- End of London, says The Globe, are a number of articles which, though of a familiar, and in many instances a domestic, nature, form one of tbe
    593 words
  • 311 11 A series of civil actions which a Chinese ex convict in Sourabaya proposes bringing against others there presents a curious feature, sajs the Sourabaya Couraut. Some years a^o. The Jan Kie, the Chinaman in question, was sentenced to a term of imprisonment. At that time, be had
    311 words
  • 81 11 A Washington clubman was ciceroning a friend from the West through the social whirl of the national capital. Who," asked tin Wi sterner, indicating a big, goodlcoking fellow at one of tbe clubs, "is that dis tiu«ui-.hed person I That," replied the \V,;iu in the gravest of tones, is Louis
    81 words
  • 692 11 Prices Quoted In the Market This Morning. Singapore, July IT, 1018. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations thiß morning: Nom. Bdtibs. Sbubbi. 3/- Allagar 2/- 2,7} 4 1 Anglo-Java 4/6 6/7* 1 An^lo-Johore 7/8 8/8 3/- Anglo-Malay 0/-
    692 words
  • 43 11 100 Howarth Erskine Ld. 6% par 100 Riley Hargreavea Co. Ld. 6% 2% pm 100 Singapore Municipal 6% 20% pm 100 do i% 12% pm 100 do 4*% 10% pm 100 do 4% 6% pm 4100 Singapore Elect. Trams 6% 12% dis
    43 words
  • 53 11 The swagman bends beneath his load, A» on the cold ar.d muddy road He trnd^t s to his camp rie knows that evenings brings tbe chill, riiut midnight brings tbe fogs tt at kill, With their in-idu us damp, He kenas tut yit he f eU Fcrnre, Uio b*«K contains
    53 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 40 11 Losing Weight by the Pound Date IUW4" ft ifili erf 111kMatith. aUfi^BM mmwmM% WATERBmrS HETAMUZED 000 LiYU ON. CaMmONO gnpplM Urn Mood wMfa the wanted notniatiiag and healthy fiaab femildia* nr.i»—^»>» Vary paiatabl*. I I I •f aUIaWMtTI. li.aa ud
      40 words
    • 255 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A Call at MOUTRIE S will convince you that the GRAMOPHONE RECORD is the MASTER RECORD. 10,000 to select from. INSPECTION INVITED. S. MOUTRIE CO., LIMITED, Raffles Place. 1764-1912 The survival of tbe fittest. MEUX'S L9NOON STOUT has been famous for a century tnd a half, and immorta'ized
      255 words
      293 words

  • 3192 12 THE HOME OF POETRY AND ROMANCE. Rob Roy's Grave. Why Southron folks, when they are making their holiday plans, give so little attention to the claims of the Scottish Highlan Is, must ever remain a matter of wonder to all who have once tasted the delights
    3,192 words
  • 198 12 A recent issue of The Bulletin of the French Society of Civil Engineers contained a paper on "Coke Oven Oases and their Utilisation by A. Oouvy, in which the writer refers to a new application of coke oven gas, viz., the manufacture of artificial robber. M. Oouvy points
    198 words
  • 117 12 That this will be the worst fruit year known in Kent for 25 years is the gloomy opinion expressed by several large growers. The changed prospects (or what recently looked like being a record fruit year are due to k spell of cold winds which set
    117 words
  • 679 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    679 words
  • 157 12 The Dean of Canterbury, speaking at tl c dinner in connection with the jubilee celebration of St. John's Hall, Highbury, mentioned that he heard a few days ago that his Majesty made a rule never to travel on Sundays unless it was absolutely necessary. The Church
    157 words
  • 139 12 Amongst the suggestions for new uses for rubber is one by Sir Ernest Birch that luggage trucks and barrows that have many little iron wheels, and make more noise than one would think possible for beasts of their size, should have solid rubber tyres to these
    139 words
  • 57 12 The chief constable of a small town received by poet six Rogues Gallery photographs, taken in different positions, of an old offender wanted for burglary in a neighbouring city. A fortnight later the city chief of police received this letter from the constable: "I have arrested five of the men,
    57 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 428 12 LIBBYS ASSORTED SOUPS Are packed in cases containing 48 tins, say, one month's supply. The Awrtment Is made up from the following Soups TOMATO. MOCK-TURTLE, OX-TAIL. CHICKEN. MULLIGATAWNY AND VEGETABLE. 80LE AGENTS J. TRAYERS SONS, LTD., Singapore. 1-10-K ***** SAVE THIRTY PER CENT. TERRELL'S EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR STEEL OFFICE FURNITURE
      428 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 192 13 Of Course there is only One Beer in the Market which can lead and this is Beck's Key-Beer. If you want the Best You Must Drink our excellent and unsurpassed Beer, known everywhere as KunchiBeer" or "Beck's Beer," or Kevßeer SOLE AGENTS JJEH N M E VER *CO LTD J.
      192 words
    • 354 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITIBH INDIA BTEAM NAVISATiOK COOPANJU.IMITEP. TO PBNANG, RANGOON CALCUTTA, Ont i>: the Company's steacv.isis inteaj- Io leave Tanjnng I'agar T7barf every w. i'AE-tugera «cd Cargo booked by Hn abov. iteam<ri< at through ratcc to all port'; I* Indta mil i';-ylcn, aleo So B».it Afr:o»o Port? Mauritics aim London,
      354 words
    • 759 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED BIRVICI OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BITWIIK Fp.mantle (Perth!, North Wast Australian Ports, Java and Smgapors. Regular Fortnightly sailings betweer Singapore and Western Australia, calling a' Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King't Sound (Port for the Kimberley
      759 words
    • 920 13 BTEAMEB BAIUN6B. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Bonte Via China, Japan, Honolnlo, and Baa Fraaolgoo to all points ia the United States, Canada Mexico and Borope lairatlai thi l«« 11,000 toi Triple tertw TarMaa Llaan "Shinyo Miry ti«,« mif Oklf ■am," tka
      920 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1733 14 tttMAPORE 8 ONLY COMPANY. LARGEBT PAID-UP CAPITAL OF AMY EABTEBI COMPAIT. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE 1 Winchester Houu, Singapore LONDON OFFIOI I 32, Old Jewry, EC. The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Ooart of ■aglaad. aad complies walk tba Britiah
      1,733 words
    • 568 14 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, Haad Office: SHANGHAI. ASSURANCE ln force $15,612,031 SECURITY to policy holders 2.698.508 INCOME for year 1.332,597 registered in Great Rritain ondrr tbe (1S09) Assurance Act* and has deposited with tbe High Court X20.0 0 as a (and for tbe >ecority oi policy holders.
      568 words

  • 1088 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Motor and the Man, Autocratic writes in The Financial News There are many motorists, particularly among purchasers of new cars, who are in doubt as to the licenses they had to take oat iij connection with their vehicles and tbe
    1,088 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 10 15 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods' Groat Peppermint Core.
      10 words
    • 190 15 THIS TRADE MARK is Pound on Every Continental COVER and TUBE. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., SINOAPORE. Telephone: 290. Telegrams: "CONTINENTA." WAH HENS 4 CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORES. DHVRLOFINO. PRINTING IND ™f TT TT W W -4 W™4 a Platen, Papers Films, Chemical!', Camerte W W W^^ J[ B, \_f J&
      190 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 845 16 Disinfecting Fluid. "ANTIMAL" IS A DISINFECTANT, ANTISEPTIC and DEODORANT for all purposes. A SURE PREVENTATIVE of CHOLERA. DIPHTHERIA, PLAGUE, MALARIA, TYPHOID FEVER. Etc. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. lUNfL_ CLEM WANTEO. Wacttd a Clerk with experience to supervise hteved rPL't- work. <iood salary to suitable appliciut X, c o Straits Times.
      845 words
    • 414 16 WANTS. BUNGALOW WANTED Wanted. Runaalow (fnrnishfd*, not more than 4 rcoms, onitable for 8 bachelors. Addr. O. A. N\, c/o Straits Times. 16-7 177 NI6HT OPERATORS WANTED, Wanted at once, 3 night operators for the telephone exohange. Previous experience I not necessary. Apply personally to Oriental Telephone and Electric Coy.,
      414 words
    • 589 16 NOTICES. 1 KIAM KIAT GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS. Government and Municipal Contractor*. 105, 108 A 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 421 and 1174. GUAN KIAT CO., SHIP CHANDLERS OOVKHNMKNT CCNTR ACTORS. OKNHRAL IMI'OItTKKS AND KXrORIKRS AND f COMMISSION AOKNTS. 87, Phillip Street. ■Phone 1288. Telegrams OUANKIAT. 106 a OVERLANDS. The Favourite Cars
      589 words
    • 541 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Office to let— Collyer Quay. Apply to Estate Department. Tanjong Pagar. 12-7 n HOUSES TO LET. To let, No. 21 and 22, Sambau Koad Apply Nathan k Son, Change Alley. 111 v FURNIBHEO BEASIOE RESIDENCES TO LET. Belmont, Benzoline, Ben Ledi.'off Tanjong
      541 words
    • 699 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for the current week and important forthcoming fixtures arc kindly supplied by tho secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to inako the returns will be supplied on application to tho Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Annual Sports,
      699 words