The Straits Times, 12 July 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.282 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JULY 12. 1913. PRICE 10 CBNTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 251 1 'His Master's Voice' GRA^BHONE A N'E^^IBT MODEL. The New Double Spring. a SIMMiK^JI MIL SPECIFICATION. MB JK^Rf Double Spricß Motor. At"'* iMT *Bw^ I^B> Medium size patent Tone Arm. Jp' <1 Exhibition Sound Box. s^*W Pannolled Oak Cabinet. AY, PJP^^>h_ Hin»cd Lid. B^BB^ >*****111 ""B^^feiJJ 10 Inch Torntablc. flV^RB^ Lar«o
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    • 3 1 GoooRICH TYRES i
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  • 761 2 AMERICAN'S ADVENTURES IN RUSSIA. Diplomat's Arrest. The arrest and imprisonment last week in Viborg, Finland, of the secretary of the American Consulate in Moscow by the Russian police, lends considerable interest to the following statement ot experiences with these Russian functionaries by another American who is now in
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  • 162 2 Only a Miracle can Save Us From Election." Mr. Keir Hardie, M.P., in the Merthyr Pioneer, says: The Government is being smothered in Marconi mud, and at the moment of writing it looks as though nothing short of a miracle can save us from an election in
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  • 52 2 The Courier d Haiphong states that prospectors have found in the district of B attain bong valuable deposits of phosphates, and that a strong company has been formed to exploit the discovery. The company has asked the permission of the Government to build a railway for the transport of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 259 2 KEPLER' mrk Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract The best of the harvests of sea and land concentrated into a delicious, digestible, fattening and vitalising food. Every spoonful helps to increase the strength and build up the bodies of delicate children, convalescents, etc. It will protect you against weakness and
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    • 47 2 Operation Averted. Do you know that a very large per cent of supposed cases of appendicitis are only an inoammation of the bowels brought on by constipation? Chamberlain's Tablets care constipation even after it becomes choronic. Give them a trial. For tale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 723 2 NOTICES. NOTICE. I, M. K. O. S. GovindMamy Pillai, hereby give notice that I have never at any time authorised my son Kovanna Kancu Pillay to pledge my credit, and I hereby notify the public that I will not be responsible (or any debts whatever whether already incurred by my
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    • 1111 2 Secret of Mysterious Power Revealed at Last. HOW PROMINENT PEOPLE HAVE 6AINED WEALTH AND FAME. Simple Method that enables anyone to control thoughts and acts of others, cure diseases and habits without drugs, win the love and friendship of others and read the secret thoughts and desires of people though
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  • 1124 3 TRAVELLER'S NOTES ON MAIL TRAIN. Cost of the Journey. [An interesting account of tbe journey to England via Siberia on the Russian Poet Train baa been received in Shanghai, and is summarised below for tbe benefit of those who may have a similar journey, states the X.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 438 3 BABY LOVES HIS BATH CUTICURA SOAP No other keeps the skin and scalp so clean and sweet. Used with Cuticura Ointment, it soothes irritations which if neglected often become chronic disfigurements. Millions of mothers use these pure, sweet and gentle emollients for every purpose of the toilet, bath and nursery.
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    • 685 3 Can You Afford the Risk Were you ever seized with a sevore attack of cramp oolic or diarrhoea without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lii rnedy in the house Don't take such risks. A dose or two will cure you before a doctor could possibly be called,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 606 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. P. O. BTEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGVPT MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOOTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Ladiag Isnoed tor Ghlaa Coast, lonian Gulf, Ooakiaeatal sod Amerleaa Ports. •tenners will leave Singapore oa or about:— MAIL LINES 191S Hoi—wrs (/Of ««roj>./ from
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    • 654 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAM MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained betveao Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London and Antwerp, under mail oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe bave been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 772 4 STEAMER BAILIWBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. Fot Pahang, Berserah, Kretay, Paka, Tringganu, Bisul, Semera, Baobok, Kelaataa, Tabai Bamrnara, Telnpia, Panarai, Patani, Biagora, Laeoa, Kohsamui, Baado*, uaagsoet, Taka, Obutopoa, Kohlak and Bangkok. Out O«p«rtuM. ASDANQ July 12. ...MAHIDOL j u y 14 j u ry 16. REDANQ jj
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    • 524 4 STEAMER SAILIWeS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD OMTSei OiMPFSOIiII 4HHTIBEI. IINS* IREMII Combined Bervlo*. The steamres of these Compaaies maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad the Straits, Obiaa and Japaa. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven
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    • 617 4 STEAMER BAILIIHt. IM D. L. orodßutscher Lloyd, IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremea Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (ooueoting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and visa ver»a) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Peuang. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, THingtau, Nagasaki
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 132 5 LADIES ARE INVITED TO VIEW a huge display of new Dress Materials From To-day to Saturday, July 12. 1,500 '^LT J^K "K^f* ~W^fc GL JmL x"m. fm JL^ g^^ of fashionable new fabrics just arrived per s.s. Hitachi Maru." The display will be made on 21 separate tables and 5
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    • 587 5 «T ENATZY" Motor Tyres. Mooglandt «S^ Co., sole agents. STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED MRVIOB OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. ft THE WE8T AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CO.. LTD. niwiia PMmtntlc Perth i, North Weat Australian Port*, Java and Singapore. Regular Fortnightly sailings botwce Singapore and Western Australia, calling at 'ava
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    • 697 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE HARBOUR 30ARD. MOTOR CAR8 WANTED. Offioe to let— Collyer Qnay. Apply to Wanted to purchase at onoe,— B secondEstate Department, TanjoDg Pigar. hand 6 Beater motor cats in good condition 12-7 a and perfect running order. Send brief ptrticalars with fair and reasonable prices 8KIRE LINE OF
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    • 368 5 INSURE AGAINST INFECTION BY USING iiii ALL CLIMATES AM) AT ALL TIMES KEEPS THE BODY hka'Lth. Tin NhM LEVER on llu- So;ip is .1 Ciiiimiittc ..I i'uiitx :uul i:\iflleiKc. ■■'>-.« A FANCY BAZAAR IN AID OF THE POOR, supported by the SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL will bo held
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 614 6 TO CAPITALISTS. .THIS IS TO REMIND YOU: 1. That Singapore has proved itself to be a healthy and atmirtive colony and is noted for its exceptional geographical value, its probable future position as a naval base, its unrivalled shipping, docking, and coa ing facilities, and its large and steadily increasing
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    • 187 6 rsn— ■jsi f^si i— irai Tropic Colds zre pot only the most disagreeiMl, the most annoying sort of cold?, but Hkv also are Hard to get rid of iiji «j Rccause in the TroyVhV Pc s >" ur system Is at Its feeblest, you are worn out- exhausted by the
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  • 144 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, July 12. High Water, 4.2 m a.m., 4.51 p.m. Catholic Bazaar. Victoria Memorial Hal). Strait! Philosophical Society. Anylo -Chinese School Sj»rts. Sunday, July 13. High Water, 5.56 a.m., 5.46 p.m I. A. M. meeting, .lohore. Monday, July 14. High Water. 7.1 a.m., 6.44 p.m Kiem
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  • 188 7 To -OAT. Malacca. I. SwetUnham and li n:i!i^ Klan<> pm Tehiny Tinyyi. Bengkalis am I Hawaii Esmeralda 3pm Kemanian. Kuala Duukuu and TroDgi{ann Will o'the Wisp psj Batu Pill it. Sri Wongsee 3pm Muntok and I'.iliinlianu' -M.ii.i- 3 pm I'ontianak H. Hin (iuau 8 pm Bangkok Profit
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  • 85 7 Tlir Fiap. German mail steamer Mkl i Ml Hongkong at 5 p.m. on Thursday, I m!v 10, and may bo expected to arrive heiv mi Tuesday morning, July 15. She will probably be ili^p. u. In I for Kuropc at H a in. on Wednesday. .Inly 16.
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  • 71 7 Lin SiMOAPohi. Dei in London. Akkivep, June 9 M. M. July 7 lulv 7 Inn.' II P. A O. f .Tuly 7 lime 16 N. l>. L. 10 .June 19 IV I. 18 .1 iiiiei) M. M. 17 I mi. n V. x O. 21 Inly 1
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  • 206 7 Latest Arrivals. R.i it. ttr. ttMtcaa, i apt rol.Uell, July 11. Kmm BotshST, -Inly 13. U.r. m;iil :ui.l p. I. ,v o. Coy. f« MMMghei, -luly IS. r.iimwi'i-. Dut. str. 321 ton-, (.'apt Lensiuck. .Inly I*. Kr.mi I'uri.ljaiiy. .Inly P. (if. iiiui Ip. S. A-'riuy Lul. r'or I.
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  • 219 7 For Bronchial Coughs take Wood*' Grest Peppermint Care. Degnchi, July 11. From Calcutta. July 2. (i.e. I. Simons Co. For Yokohama, July 12. W. Karimoen. Dut. str. 4481 tons, Capt Boem, July 11. From Amsterdam. June 8. G.c. S. Agency, Ltd. For Batavia, July 12. Rds. NiD^rliow, Brit. str. 583*
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  • 90 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day; TANJONG PAGAR. East Wharf Basin Kuala. W. Siction|No. l...Karimoen, Teesta. Shims Wharf Nil. Main W. Sici. No. 2...Dih\ara, Kirin Mam. B...Thongwa. 4...80yne, Held. 5 ..Isrhia. I TUsgnhnw. Patani. New Dock 7... (Under construction) Wbst Wharf B...Pcrak,
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  • 154 7 Arrivals. IVr Haiphong, .July UL Froni Saigon Mrs. Hobcrtsun, Mr. and Mrs. Hcim, Mes»rs. G. Oueuther, D. R. (iarrctt and others. Per str. Assaye. July 11. From Lomlun Mr. R. L. Ormsby, Mr. O. Wayman, Mr. H. E. B. Thornhill, Mr. K. Bailey, Mr. H. t'loujjh, Mr.
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    • 101 7 Sinoapori, Jolv 12, 1918. On London Bank 4 m/e Demand Private 0 m/a 8 m/a On Gikmant Bank d/d Private 8 m/t 2/4',} 2/455 2/4J! 238i 248| On Fkanci Bank d/d Private 8 m/g 394 299^ On India Bank T. T. Private 80 d/s 174] 176i On HoNOKONa...B&nk d/d
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    • 148 7 SiNtiAroM, JiLY 12, 1918. (iauibuT 6 80 do (tube No. 1) unpicked 11.00 Copra Sandried 12.60 do Mixed. 12.80 Pepper, Black' buyers 18.6U dp White 6% buyers f3.«Q Sago Floor Sarawak 8.48 do Brunei No. nom. Pearl Sago 4.20 Coffee Bali 28.60 Coffee Palembang, 10% basic 80.00 Tapioca, small
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    • 161 7 vSLI 10 10 Ampang 8.50 9.60 10 10 Belat Tta 2.25 2.e0 10 10 Bruang 0.50 10 10 Kanaboi 1.80 2.00 10 10 Kanipar par 10 10 Kinta Association W:li, 11. CO £1 £1 Kinta Tin 1.16.8 2.2.4 £1 £1 Laliat Mine* 1.2.6 1.5.0 £1 £1 Malayan Tins 1.19.0
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    • 590 7 'vTel SeUer8 2/- 3/- Allagu 1/10 2/5 £1 £1 Anglo Java 4/7 J 6/7 2/- 2/- An^lo Malay 8/9 9/7 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 1/9 2/- Hutu Tiga 2.5.0 2.15.0 £1 £1 Bokit Kajang 1.16.3 2.2.4 £1 £1 Bukit Lintang 8.7.6 4.5.0 nom 2/- 2/- Bukit Mertajam 1/11 2/5
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    • 104 7 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 18/8 10/£1 £1 Prei 1.18 1.2.8 5/- 5/- Electrio T'ways 8/4 4/10 10 Fraser Neave 60.00 51.00 100 Howarth Erskine 60.C0 100 7%Pre(. 95.0C ICO.OO 100 100 K»ta Bro, Def. 18C.00 140.00 10 10 Maynard A Co. 20.00 iTe! Buyer,. SeU«. 100 100 R.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 293 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. July SL -At saleroom, Victoria and HorM. 1 at 11. July 18.— At No. 03, North Bridge Koatl and Nos. 2 and 3, Hong Hin Court, stock-in-trade eoc\, at 10.30. Chin Keng Lee and Co. .1 uly 1 1.— At No. 218, Orchard Rd., stockin
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    • 172 7 SPRINGBOK Genuine Magaliesberg Tobacco. MANUFACTURED IN THE $1.20 per lb. soud everywhere:. IN ADDITION TO OUR OWN MANUFACTURES, WK ABE SOLK AOBNTS FOR Babcock and Wiloox' Boiler*. V^ Davey. Paxman Suotion Gas Plants, Portable Engines Etc. Greening 1 Screening. B*Bd8 Bd T. 4 W. smith-. Rope.. T S I\U\\\<" <?°
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    • 81 7 ANOTHER SPECIAL FILM. THE LATEST NICK WINTER EXPLOIT: "DEVILS EYES." A TknT 16 A Masterful Detective Story IN 8 PARTS. IX BEATS THEM ALL Ai regards ingenuity, sensation, dramatic surprise", and rapidity of action It ia a Perfect NIAGARA of Thri'ling Episodes. SCI'I'ORIKl' IY THE HERO OF LITTLE ITALY m
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  • 24 8 Wilson.— On June IS, at Hamstead, John Wilson, late of Java and the Straits Settlements, also of S. Figgis and Co., aged 62.
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  • 994 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JULY 12. SIGNS OF THE TIMES. The two big real estate transactions recently and just completed must have prodded Singapore business men into a thinking attitude. It may safely be concluded that there never have been bigger deals put through in the transference of landed property
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  • 32 8 The total quantity of tin ore exported by the tributors on the land of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Co., Ltd. for the month of June. 1918. was 41 bags, piculg 38.
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  • 34 8 Fifty- rive people have been executed in connection with a plot at Wuchang to depose vice- President General Li Yuan-hung. The ringleader is reported to have escaped to Shanghai on board a foreign gunboat.
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  • 38 8 The Rev. Mr. Hall, an American preacher and lecturer, who was for some time associated with Gipsy Smith, will give an address mi The Message of Gipsy Smith's Life at the Middle Hnad Church at 8 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • 35 8 Mr. Douglas Osborne, on behalf of the Uopeng Consolidated, Ltd.. and Tekka, Ltd., has given $3,000 towards the new building of the ADglo-Chinese School, Ipoh. The new buildings will be finished about January 1, 1014.
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  • 50 8 Subscriptions amounting to XI-;.-l.'> Ns, lid.— the largest sum realised since 1898, when King Edward (then Prince of Wales) presided at the Centenary Festival and 1141,000 was subscribed were announced at the 115tb anniversary festival dinner of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, which was held at tbe Connaught liooms.
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  • 56 8 The person who created tbe great disturbance at the China Merchants' Steam Navigation Co.'s meeting at Chang Su-ho's Gardens, Shanghai, by breaking the table and throwing down the ballot-box and generally assaulting tho members of the company seated on the platform, was discharged in the Mixed Court, on Juno '27,
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  • 71 8 At Shanghai the other day a start was made on the foundations of the new buildings of Messrs. Geo. Mcßain on The Bund to the south of tho Shanghai Club. When completed tbe N. C. Daily News says, it should be one of the most handsome and probably the most
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  • 101 8 At the last meeting of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce an enquiry was received from the Government re tbe probability of the successful cultivation of sisal hemp or Manila hemp in tbe territory. The secretary was instructed to say that the principal cause which would militate against the successful
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  • 73 8 Offended at not having been invited to a wedding at Fivemile Town, Tyrone, seven neigbburing farmers threw large stones through the windows of tbe house where the ceremony was taking place. Then they fastened the front door with wire, climbed on the roof, shoved over the brick chimneys, trampled on
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  • 78 8 For the first time in the history of France the Paris morning newspapers were on Sunday, May 25, on sale at Lyons a few minutes after noon. They were carried by aeroplane. The airman Daucourt, left soon after four o'clock on his Borel monoplane with a large bnndle of newspapers
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  • 68 8 Movements of Chinese troops are still taking place on a small scale, but sine the trouble at Kiukiang quieted down these are principally in tbe nature of returning time-expired men to their homes. For two months previously, ships had been engaged in transporting northern troops to Wusueh, near Kiukiang, but
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  • 69 8 "A Correspondent, who continues to forward anonymous accounts of a recent Chinese wedding at Malacca is giving himself a great 'deal of unnecessary trouble. We have al ready made it clear that unless the correspondent extends the usual courtesy of forwarding his name and address and unless we have the
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  • 65 8 Twenty British steamers, aggregating about 120,000 tons dead weight, have been chartered on behalf of the I'nited States Government for employment between Atlantic and Pacific ports, the period stated being from five to six months. It is understood that the cargoes will consist chiefly of coal, though war materials will
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  • 76 8 A snake about eight feet long entered the mess room at the Siam Electricity Co.'s premises, Bangkok, a few days ago. A cat in tbe room was seized and crushed to death by the snake, but before it could swallow its prey it was disturbed by some one entering the
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  • 61 8 The local manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation has received a telegram from his head office in Hongkong, stating that subject to audit, tbe directors at the forthcoming half-yearly meeting will recommend the following A dividend of ill per share, $250,000 to credit of silver reserve fund, $250,000
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  • 69 8 Ramkissen Sanyal, one of the survivors of the Salpo Bridge disaster, states that the guard of the train a European 60 years' old— did immense service in rescuing people. When the third class survivors heard that the railway officials were coming they bolted in a panic under the belief that
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  • 52 8 The lantern lecture in the Presbyterian Church on Monday next, is at 8.45 p.m., by the Rev. J. A. B. Cook on Malacca, Johore and Singapore." Tbe proceeds are for tbe repair of the mission house. Programme tickets, II each, may be had from the usual places in town, including
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  • 28 8 Steam launches, tongkangs and all other vessels are prohibited from making fast to any portion of the works in progress in connection with the lagoon dock, Keppel Harbour.
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  • 29 8 The Eastern Telegraph Company's new cable from Singapore to Colombo direct has been kept very busy since it was opened for the use of the public on July 1.
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  • 481 8 Mr. O. G. Seth has returned from leave* and will act as Deputy l'ublic Prosecutor, Singapore. Captain O. Hadhaoi-Thornhill, Royal Oar rison Artillery, has been appointed staff officer of the Colonial Forces in the HtraiU Settlements. Much sympathy will be felt for Mr. Alex Stronach. of tho
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  • 64 8 The proprietors of the Harima Hull haw shown us a precis of the detective film. Devil's Eyes, in which Nick Winter, the famous film detective takes part. The story is one which gives both lawbreakers and policeuiau the fullest opportunity for the display of their respective taleuts,
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  • 120 8 A change of programme is announced to night at Hose's circus, which has been strengthened by the arrival of twelve European variety artistes from home. Their performances include trick cyclist and musical acts, comic entrees, dances, comic acrobatics, pantomimes turns, and so forth. The manage ment desires us
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  • 151 8 Mr. Charles Benjamin, stock and share broker, applied to Mr. Justice Sproulc yesterday for bis discharge in bankruptcy. No creditors were present and the acting Official Assignee (Mr. S. Codrinitton) stated that he had nothing to add to his report. His Lordship then said The Official
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  • 152 8 As already stated in tlits«i columns a private wire was received in Hongkong on July 2. an nouncing that the Swedish steamer Nippon, which has for so long been stranded on Scarborough Keef, had been re floated and towed to Olongapo (Philippines) for repairs A little later,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 f TaNSaN rf^H^ iV A NATURAL TONIC WATBR IN PINTS AND SPLITS. V^^wt.nMjwrto^Jl FRESH STOCK 3 ARRIVE MONTHLY. LiJii THE TRADE SUPPLIED. SOLE AGENTS CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. Sandorides lt*\? lucana mfh CIGARETTES TLf» JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. WOLSELEY The Cm of Refinement and Reliability I These Cars have now been
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    • 169 8 ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME CHOICE PICTURES PLENTY OF VARIETY AT THE ALHAMBRA Bkai h Road. Smusi. Show. 9.80 to 11 I.M. TO-NIGHT. Deep Sea Trawling off the Australian Coast. A Gymkhana at Rio de Janeiro. New Number (152 nd Edition) of Pathe't Animated Gazette WRECKED LIVES. A very appreciative sporting
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    • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 and 11.
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  • 622 9 ASKS FOR INTERVENTION OF RUSSIA. Rou mania Declares War. Kbltk.k's Tklki.kam. London, July 11. licl-jradc. July 10. A great battl.- is in program at Kustendil, forty miles from Sofia. Wounded men relate that the recent battlewere indescribably terrible. The greatest difficulty was experienced in extricating the wounded from
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  • 13 9 KauTiu kMH London. July 11. NorUiant* beat Somerset by niue wickets.
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  • 35 9 The East Asiatic Company's Dail) Report The market in London yesterday wn doll. The closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot B,*t Forward 8/7 First latex crepe, delivery next three months "M
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  • 50 9 (From Ot ii Own Correspondent.) London, July 11. The following dividends have been declared: Kuala Klang 10, Padang Jawa I<>. A small auction is anticipated for Tuesday. About M tons will be on offer. The market is steady. Standard crepe and spot have buyers at 2 9.
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  • 372 9 Entries For Forthcoming Autumn Meeting. iKikini On: O»N OMMNMMMMJ Penang, July 11. Following are the eutrics for tbe Penang Tmf Club's Autumn meeting, commencing on .luly FiKM Day's Ksthh.-. .Mixed Handicap. (Distance one mile). San Sebastian, Sweet Marie, Gold Nugget, Sirdar, Tbe Friar, Gerrits (late Millionario). George
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  • 241 9 Messrs. Lyall aod Evatt's Weekly Repor'. Singapore, July 11. Depreciation lias continued in both Sterlings and Locals, and there has been a considerable amount of liquidation during the week, prices closing lower all round with sellers predominating. SiiRLiNn Rubbers. Anglo Javas were done at 5 4, Bukit
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  • 48 9 Mi. .1. K. Oldham, of Messrs. John Little and Co who is now at home on holiday was iiiai riiii at Lyiuington. Hants, on June 12, I to Miss Charlotte Thorn. Mr. and Mrs. I Oldham leave home for Singapore by the Mishiiua Mam. sailing on September 13.
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  • 939 9 MARKET IN DISHEARTENED CONDITION. Company Reports. The London and China Express of June 20 has the following reference to the rubber industry The course of the rubber share market (luring the week has been of an erratic nature. The forced closing of an important account at one
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  • 83 9 The mortality returns for Singapore issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths show that, during the week ending July 6, there were 242 deaths (186 males, 61 females) giving a ratio per mille of population of 89.20. Malarial fever accounted for 30 deaths, phthisis 27, convulsions
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  • 20 9 William Williams, late sab-inspector of police, Bombay, has been sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment for defrauding the Uuzerat Bank.
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  • 1625 9 COLONIAL SERVICE OFFICIALS COMPLIMENTED. Fitting Tribute to The F.M.S. Mr. Harcourt, Secretary of State for the Colonies, delivered an amusing speech at the Hotel Cecil on Jane 17 at tbo annual dinner of the Corona Club, over which he presided. Among others present were Lord Emmott (I'nder
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  • 473 9 Pleasant Function at The Memorial Hall. There was nothing in the nature of a formal opening ceremony at tho Victoria Memorial Hall last night, but that, perhaps, made the bazaar, which has been arranged by members of the Roman Catholic community, all the more pleasant. The organisation on
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  • 103 9 In the House of Commons, on Juno 19, Sir J. D. Rees asked the First Lord of the Admiralty to state what was his decision as regarded the use to which the Malaya battleship would be pat.— Mr. Churchill The plan which I foreshadowed in introducing the navy
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  • 150 9 FIRST PRIZE TO ROVAL MARINE ARTILLERY Hongkong Takes Seventh Place. RlCTM's TlLKUBAM. London, July II. TLe prize-winners in the Empire Day shooting cup match aio announced as follows 1. Royal Marine Artillery (Portsmouth) 8704, out of a maximum of 4200. 2. The Hampsbiros (Mauritius) 310O. Other scores were
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  • 54 9 America Enters the Final Round. Rbotbr's Tilioram. London, July 11. McLoughlin and Hackctt beat Habo and Kleinschroth by three sets to one. Thus America enters the final. Powell and Schwengers beat Watson and Vivier by three sets to nil. Canada meets America, the winner play ing England
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  • 59 9 Fresh Attempt to Limit Influx Of Immigrants. KSOTIR'S TILBQBAM. London, July 11. A message from Victoria i British Columbia) says it is announced that Canada negotiates a treaty with China limiting the number of Chinese immigrants to four hundred and fifty annually. Thousands are at present arriving,
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  • 47 9 Rkutbr's Tklrgkam. London, July 11. While the Commons weru discussing tlic Plural Voting bill, a man in the gallery tired a toy pistol with a loud report, shouting "Justice to Women." Another showered pamphlets on the house. The men wera ejected and detained.
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  • 215 9 KlDTm'S TlLIOKAM. London, .July 11. A Tokio telegram reports the death of Count Hayasbi, negociator of the Anglo Japanese Alliance. Count Hayashi had suffered for some tiinu from trouble with oue of his legs. Towards the end of last month, be underwent an ope ration at
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  • 51 9 Kkl'Teh's Tblbokam. London, July 11. Tbo Hague, July 11. Tin Liberal Denio crat, Dr. Bos, has formed a cabinet repre senting the entire Left. Die Ostasutischu Lloyd Tilioram. Berlin, July 11. Queen Wilhelmina has ordered the Liberal deputy, Dr. Bos, to form a cabinet from among the Left
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  • 15 9 Dbb Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tileobam Berlin, auly 11. Spain is establishing Foreign Legion.
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  • 1189 10 IPOH'S AGITATION FOR HOSPITAL SITE. Government's Attitude. The votes for •31,i>00, and »109,700 to meet the purchase price of a site, and to meet the cost of a hostel for F.M.S. students at the Medical School, Singapore, provoked some discussion at the Federal Council meeting. The Chief Secretary,
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  • 621 10 Record of Useful Work During Last Year. The report on the work of the Survey Department for 1912 has just been compiled by the Colonial Engineer (the Hon. F. J. Pigottl and published. Summarising tbe activities of the Singapore staff it is noted that forty-seven miles of
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  • 318 10 The report of tbe Malacca Rubber Plantations, Ltd., for the year 1912, to be presented at the seventh annual meeting on June 24 states that the net profit was £312,937, plus £6,436 brought forward, making £319,373. Debenture interest, commission and incometax absorb £37,497, leaving for disposal £281,876.
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  • 61 10 foreign suit for divorce is engaging the attention of the Japanese Court at Kobe, the parties to the suit bt in^ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Happer, who have long been resident in Japan and are well-known there. The suit is brought by Mrs. Happer. who alleges ill treatment and
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  • 537 10 The Intentions of The Indian Government. For some time past repeated rumours have attributed to tbe Government of India an inclination privately to repent of the policy of transferring the capital to Delhi, and an intention to cover up the mistake and reduce its cost by planning the
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  • 476 10 Sunday, July 13, 1913. St. Andbkw's Cathkdral. Eighth Sunday after Trinity. 7 a.m. Holy Communion (Plain.) 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). Introit, Psalm XXIII chant 42; Service, Smart Hymn at Offertory, 553 Hymn at Communion, 528; Hymn at Ablutions, '292. 9.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. First Lesson, I
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  • Correspontence.
    • 164 10 Dancing Hussars. To tbe Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir,— With reference to your statement in yesterday's issue of your paper that Russian and British forces, together with the Prussian army, defeated Napoleon at Leipsic, I take the liberty to point out the following historical facts, which you can find
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    • 118 10 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, We see from an announcement in your columns that a deputation has been waiting on tbe Consul -General for Siam to take steps towards the erection of a Buddhist temple in Singapore with Mr. B. A. Pereira as
      118 words
  • 754 10 Full List of Entries, Handicaps And Heats. The following is a list of entries, with the handicaps allocated in certain events, for the S.C.C. sports. The preliminary heats will be decided on Wednesday and Thursday next leaving only the finals to be contested on Saturday: Wednesday, 4.45
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 102 10 Owing to the Derby and Ascot Gold Cup incidents it is likely that the spectators will in future be kept behind a second rail, says a home paper. The police hockey eleven played the Hong-kong-Singapore native artillery at Blakan Mati yesterday when they were defeated by tbe
      102 words
    • 69 10 White v. Colours. It is hoped that after several postponements, due to the weather, the match for tbe Singapore Polo Club cups will be played on Monday next at 5 p.m. The teams are White.— l Dr. W. A. Taylor, 2 Mr. E. J. Strover, 3 Capt. Wbitamore, 4
      69 words
    • 75 10 S.C.C. Tournament. Yesterday'" results are as follow FIIIKNDLY PaIHS. Lyall and Beauchamp beat Black well and Teale w.o. Scoular and Cobnitz beat Threlfall aud Wakeford, 21—12. SixiiLK Handicap. Elphick v. Pitceatbly (postponed). Championship. MicDonald beat Wilkinson, 21—14. Bond beat Winfield, '21—11. Monday's Ties. Doculk Handicap. Chamberlain and Beauchamp
      75 words
    • 264 10 Qarrison Golf Club. Following is tbe draw for the first round of tbe first knock-out tournament: First Round.— A. S. Bailey bye, R. J. Addie v. G. R. K. Mugliston, Capt. C. L. Hickling v. Lieut. A. Creery, C.V. Miles v. Capt. M. F. Day, Major H. G. Pinches
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  • 315 10 Tho Canadian Pacific Railway Company's new liner Empress of Asia, sister ship of the Kinpress of Russia, is expected here on the 25th inst., on her maiden voyage to Hongkong. The list of her passengers is as follows: Mr. Henry Agnew, Mr. J. Allen, Mr. E.
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  • 93 10 Professor Dumbar, of Hamburg, who has been studying tbe plague at MaUng for some time announces a new theory as to the transmission of infection. According to the savant, this is effected by a mould which bn has found in tbe pus of patients and which also apparently occurs in
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  • 1096 10 ALLEGATIONS OF A BRITISH MISSIONARY. Banishment Threatened. A British missionary working in Assam, whose banishment was officially threatened because he refused to keep silence mmwMm au alleged system of slavery under the llritish flag, has arrived in England, and The Daily Chronicle is to-day in a
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  • 719 11 Revolutionary Proposal in North China. Tbe Peking Daily News publishes the following which throws an interesting tight upon tbe intentions of Shrug Vun, formerly Viceroy of Kansu, whose real policy has been the subject of much discussion and speculation for so many months Tbe Cabinet has
    719 words
  • 148 11 Mr. H W. I'illsbury, proprietor of the Man Chester, N 11., I uion," arrived at lioston on the steamer Cincinnati from Europe un May :;l with his bride, whom he met while uiaUiiiH a tour of tbe world on tbe Cleve Ui..l and whom be married
    148 words
  • 51 11 Munykck fri.|iicntly has complaints to n.iiki against the Singapore post office, and it will b«' interesting to know whethrr en ,|ijirit'H will be instituted at thin cud into the reaooDM which led to a position of yesterday 'b wail Uinu received by tbe Singapore post office in such a disgraceful
    51 words
  • 740 11 Prices Quoted In the Market Tblf Morning. Singapore, July 13, 1018. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning RUBBER SHARE*. Norn. Valoi. Botim. Sills ai. 8/. Allagar 3/- -I'4 1 Anglo-Jara 4/7* 5/7* 1 Anglo-Johore 7/8 8/8 3/-
    740 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 48 11 The Man Who Gets There U Itw aaaa who baa bloo* raal riab Ni ai*ed an 4 piaaty af tt— <■ hla body WATUBUITt NETABOUZEI ON LJVU OH COMPOUND makas Wood— Jots of It— life XiK i vin*. Wain ■aarlahlag, rtnagth r*pl*Blah<B« MnnH •F ALL OHIMUTt ■us wsd «a.
      48 words
    • 47 11 When Hargreave* ia the roaring days," Dieovered yellow go'd, Not il ibe droM be (eand ooold bay, Tbat which would kill a cold But silver now from ail bad coughs, Kvjujption will i o-are. Sin<<e e'en tbe wiiow'o mite will bay, WjoIi' Gieat Pi ppti uiint Caie.
      47 words
    • 231 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BABY ORGANS Prices from $25. B_— mr ■J i ;i *^£^1 Wif v _5. It- t^J^ii*** S. Moutrie CO., LTD. THE RITZ THE CARLTON THE LANGHAM THE SAVOY THE CECIL One and all supply DENIS MOUNIE'S BRANDIES. Why? Quality Tells. Garner, Quelch Co., WINE MO SMUT MERCHAIU, Battery
      231 words
    • 458 11 To- Night! Xo- Night!! OUR NEW ARRIVALS: 12 European Artistes, LADIES GENTLEMEN. BOSE'S~CIBCUS AND Royal Menagerie. Location: BEACH BOAD. GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. COMIC FNTREE8. COMIC ACROBATICS. MASTER EQUILIBRIST ACT8, MUSICAL ACTS. PANT0MIME8. World's Champion Track Cyclists. Rates i $14, $4, $3. $2, 91, 6O ct». and 25 cts. Booking
      458 words
    • 298 11 NORTH MICHELIN I Tyres 5 ARE THE BEST. SOUTH X>u.]c>ii?e Bros., AGENTS. 17c BO 8 Raffles Hotel SPECIAL DINNER To- Night. Dancing After Dinner and Open Air Concert on the lawn. By kind permission of Lieut. -Col. Marrable and Officers, the Band of the K.O. Y.L.I, will be in attendance.
      298 words

  • 1527 12 USE OF FAMOUS HUMORIST'S NAME On An Inferior Composition. In the High Court, on Jane 12, Mr. W. Pett Ridge, the well known writer of fiction, sued tbe English Illustrated Magazine. Ltd., for damages for an alleged libel, and for an injunction, the case being hoard before
    1,527 words
  • 650 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list in London:—n
    650 words
  • 32 12 She: Vncle suffers from the liver. He takes a little canter every morning. He: Jlyis. I expect it's the big decanter tin nijjht before that's the cause of the trouble. London Opinion.
    32 words
  • 696 12 Ships Manoeuvred on Minesown Lake. Models equipped in a manner which is five, ten, or it may be 20 years ahead of the times, are taking part daily in one of the most impressive spectacles yet produced under cover in London. Three times daily in the Empress
    696 words
  • 187 12 Four occupants of a balloon, one of whom was a lady, had an unpleasant experience and narrow escape while starting for a race from Berlin. The Telegraph states that the balloon rose boriously from the grounds of the Schmargendorf Gas Works, where it had been tilled, and before
    187 words
  • 183 12 According to a telegram received by the Asahi from Moji, Mr. Matsuoka, of the Government-General of Formosa, who went to the South Sea Islands for the purpose of reporting on the prospects of business there, has returned home by the Shinano Maru, With regard to
    183 words
  • 444 12 BUREAU OF INFORMATION TO BE STARTED. Essential Co-ordination. A feature of recent endeavour to improve social conditions has been the increased attention paid to tbe welfare of children, states The (Hobo. Thousands of voluntary societies exist in the country whose object is the protection and guidance of children
    444 words
  • 292 12 A Decent Ending to a Decent Life. Liszt was, as everyone knows, a sincere and strict Catholic," says the The Hamburger Nachrichten, "but therewithal a man of exceeding tolerance and indulgence towards those who held other beliefs, as well as towards all human infirmities. It was not
    292 words
  • 243 12 Million Pound Line for Mails And Parcels. In the House of Commons, Mr. Herbert Samuel (Postmaster-General) moved the second reading of the Post Office (London) Railway Bill, which, he explained, was a simple measure, but it called for a million of money. It is to enable
    243 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 410 12 <O C f,\ A/J *^r w t J> M CO I XSBLE Zm O 1 W|ffiTHnH@^ prj i lfl-4-E 1 6 .7 SAVE THIRTY PER CENT. TERRELL S EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR STEEL OFFICE FURNITURE White- Ant Pro< f— Fire Proof— Damp Procf. We can sell cheaper because we purchase a
      410 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 469 13 J I hie id V which sells most in i^y Wm^ Singapore, F.M.S., etc. *^^V-. U %^'tS*^ Leading everywhere. You won't get a better beer in the market, therefore ask always and everywhere for Beck's Kevßeer SOLE AGENTS: Behn, Meyer Co., Limited. PHOTOGRAPHII FOR HIGH-CLASS TAILORING »™^oBtud.o Developing, Printinc and
      469 words
    • 496 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. BURNS PHILP LINE. Simsapo-s to Java Posts Pomi Diiwn, Thcesday Island, Be. isbans md Stdkbt t:« To_us Straits. Also takinß passenKets and cargo with transhipment tor other Victoriam, Soora AusTaU— cam and North Qubbnsland Ports, British Naw Gcinba, Nsw Britain Tasmanian and Nn~ Zealand Posts, moot h Pm»i*.
      496 words
    • 590 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Fra-efsoo to all points ii the United States, Canada Mexico and Europe Ipsrttlal MM 11,001 to. Trip* tar*. TvrblM Ihlmo Miru -TM-a-tar OHln -Jam," Mm |mm> Bf
      590 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1593 14 SiNfiAPOftE 8 ONLY COMPANY. LARGEST PAID-UP CAPITAL OF ANY EABTERI COMPAJY. PROSPEROUS and PROGRESSIVE. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE! Wineh M t«f Houu, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE i 32, Okl Jtwry, E.C. The Compaay has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Ooart ol *****84, aad oomplies with the
      1,593 words
    • 419 14 INSURANCE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, Head Office: SHANGHAI. ASSURANCE In force $15,612,031 SECURITY to policy holders 2.698.508 INCOME for year 1.332.597 registered in Great Britain onder the (1809) Assurance Acts acd ban deposited with tbe High Court £20,0.0 as a fond for the >eourity of policy holders. All
      419 words

  • 1051 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. An Insurance Act Conundrum. A point of no small interest to motorists in connection with the working of the Insur ance Act, writes H. C. Lafone in The Globe of June 11, has just been the subject of correspondence between the
    1,051 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 120 15 GAS AND OIL ENGINES, STEAM ENGINES, ELECTRICAL GOODS, MINING MACHINERY, DIESEL OIL ENGINES. Write for particulars, SINGAPORE. Ltd. KUALA LUMPUR. SIDDELEY DEASY, B. S. A., FORD, and STUDEBAKER CARS, Dennis Commercial Vehicles WEARNE BROS., Ltd., Orchard Road, Singapore; Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur; Hugh Low Street, Ipoh. TSUDA CO., 10, Banda
      120 words
    • 66 15 I MOTORISTS I I /fv%*^^ Should remember that M I I^/JWvirl there is only one 9 I TROPICAL TYEE I continental! HI-RIBBED. I Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., I Telegrams: SINGAPORE, Telephone: 1$ ■■CONTINENTA. 17. Collyer Quay. 290. Hg (JHLJSf^^LJMES 9 Straits Motor Garage HAVE NOW IN STOCK: REGAL, OAKLAND
      66 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 878 16 1 fibrocementFl is made of the best PORTLAND CEMENT reinforced with Asbestos. It has therefore the strength and durability of CONCRETE, and the FIRE and HEAT resisting qualities of ASBESTOS. S R SUPPLIES IN H 0 A s Slates for Roofs J I Sheets for Ceilings. C U•• They harden
      878 words
    • 523 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUBEB TOUT. To let, No. 21 and 22, Sambau Road. Apply Nathan Son, Change Alley. 11l a BEABIDE RESIDENCE TO LET. Juanita," Teluk Kcrau. furnished. Apply to Mrs. Martia, 9, Mt. Sophia. 11-0 a FURNISHED SEASIDE REBIOENCESTO LET. Bolmont, Benzoline, Ben Ledi, off Tanjong Katong.
      523 words
    • 572 16 NOTICES. KMM KIAT A GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractor! 105, 109 109, Market Street. Telephone Nos. 431 and 1174. GUANKIATffCO., SHIP CHANDLERS OOVKBKSKNT CONTBAI'TORS. OINKBAL IMPOBTKItS AND BXFOBIKRS AND COMMISSION AQKNTS. 87, Phillip Street. 'Phone 12F8. Telegrams: OOaMUT. 106 a NOTICE. Syed Omar Bin Hussin Albar ar.d Syed Mohamed
      572 words
    • 566 16 ARTICLES FOB SALE. RUBBER SI UMPS FOR SALE. B Minyala Estate, Port Dickson. 4-7 8 8 FOR BALE. PRIVATELY. Exquisite aqua-marine earrings for pieroed ears. Apply U. (i., c/o Straits Times. 8-7 14.7 FOR SALE. 20 ft. Motor Launch, 7,9 H.l'. Kelvin Engine, in perfect order, spend 8 miles. K.
      566 words
    • 654 16 SINGAPORE CLUB FIXTURES. Straits Times List. The following fixtures for the current week and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by tho secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Saturday, Cricket,
      654 words