The Straits Times, 18 March 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 24.133 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY, 'MARCH 18. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 300 1 **W^99 BEER THE POPULAR BRAND. Latest Novelties JUST RECEIVED. 'i A magnificent range of Embroideries. I j Flouncing in Lace and Embroidery. Smart designs in Beaded and Net Tunics, Blouses and Robes. New Flowers, Feathers, Millinery, Ribbons, eto»J The Latest Neeßwear Novelties. I A Hovers, Nets, Veilings. |H KATZ BROS.,
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    • 185 1 BOBINSON CO. Are Now Showing A Choice Selection of SBB3S I STERLING SILVER j Jl XT D ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS All Suitable for Wedding Presents Solid Silver Rose Bowls Electro-plated Tea Sets Solid Silver Tea Services Electro-plated Entree Dishes Silver Bon Bon Dishes Silver Fish Eaters in Cases Silver Manicure Sets
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  • 912 2 MEN'S SUPERIORITY IN GOLF AND HOCKEY. Advantage of Strength. There would appear to be a growing desire to arrange matches at various sports between teams of women and teams of men. We have received lately a letter (says The Standard) suggesting a golf match between kucli teams,
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  • 527 2 Electioneering Methods in By-gone Days. The English Historical Review for January contains a very interesting account of the elections to the Exclusion Parliaments of 1679-81. The great question of the moment was the succession of the Duke tit York (afterwards James II.), whose rights were opposed by
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  • 576 2 Choosing of Careers for the Young. At a meeting of the London Kotary Club, held at the Trocadero, Piccadilly, unaer the chairmanship of Mr. U. J. P. Arnold, an address on The Dignity of Business was given by Mr. H. E. Morgan (Messrs. W. 11. Smith and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 For the Skin "'HAZELINE' Snow" The ideal application for that objectionable j,Teasy or shiny state df the •iiiii|ilf\iiin for which [xmilers ure usually employed. "'Ha/mink' Snow," unlike ftmitn, cuntiiins nothing to clog tin- |K>rc^ of the skin. On the contrary, it acts as a s cleanser, aixl stimulates the jxiies
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    • 11 2 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night i Wood*' Great Peppermint Cure,
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    • 78 2 A Family Necessity. Every family should be provided with Chamberlain's Pain Balm at all times. Sprains may be cored in much less time when promptly treated. Lame back, lame shoulder, pains in the side and chest and rheumatic pains are some of the diseases for which it is especially valuable.
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    • 299 2 A Natural Remedy I Time was when disease was thought to be dtlC to the direct influence of evil spirits, and exorcism and KMgic wore invoked to cast it out. Science Ins taught us wisdom. The evil spirits exist still. We call them Disease Germs," and they also must be
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  • 734 3 MORE DECADENCE THAN PROGRESS. French Savant's Theory. Is civilisation progressing or decaying? The discussion is rife in Paris, apropos of an article by M. Henri Joly, of the Institute, in La Revue. Is, for instance, L'Affaire Roclietto and its curious so]uel, the disappearance of the accused, an
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  • 251 3 Standard Oil Installation for Colombo. The liquid fuel tr 'c, which in Ceylon is at present practically in the hands of one firm, has, says The Times of Ceylon, been used as a motor power in the island for five years or more, principally on tea
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 517 3 PIMPLES COVERED FACEAND CHEST Festery, Irritating and Sore. Inflammation Caused Unsightly Blotches. After Three Years Tried Cuticura Soap and Ointmentand Was Cured. "The parts most affected were my face and chest which MM at times covenii uiih fntery pimples and M m irntatitij: and sore. I have been to various
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    • 461 3 Armstrong «the WORLDS SIMPLEST WRITING MACHINE ONLY l 0 be BOld below above price. Wrlt e at once for particulars of this special offer. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., PAB DEPT., SINGAPORE. MHMMMMMMi T. NAGAI CO. •JAPANESE: Fine Art Curios and Porcelain (ANTIQUE AND MODERN). All orders executed promptly. Goods packed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 614 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAYIGATIBN CB. FOB OHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, HGYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued tor China Coast, Persian Gulf, Ooatueatal and Amerioaa Ports. Itoamers will leave Singapore oa or about:— MAIL LINES 191» Uomevord [for Bwrofe). torn Singapore
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    • 660 4 steamer smmss. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 717 4 STEAMER BAHJHBB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringgano, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kalaataa Bangnara, Telupia, Panarai, Patani, Slagora, Laooa, Kohsamui, Bandon, uangmaa, Taku, Churopon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Oust Departure. .•.PRACHATIPOK Mar. IS. .•.BORIBAT Mar. 19 Mar. 22. .•.YUGALA Mar. 84 Mar. 96. .■.ASDANG M«P. SI April
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    • 482 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. am BEBTBCI OAKPftCIIII 111 RTMCI. MM! n IRE ■1 1 Combined a«pvloe. The steamres of these Companies maintain a regular sorvioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, Ohina and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe
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    • 574 4 steamer smma>. N. D. L. orddeutschtK Lloyd, Brtma IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL UNI. The fast and well-known mail steamers o< this Company sail fortnightly from Bremna Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soutl ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonnooV ing Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and v.oe versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colomb Penang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 474 5 "J ENATZY" Motor Tyres. Hooglandt tSc Co., SOLE AGENTS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Krandsoo to all points in the United States, Canada, Mexieo and Buropc. •aamtlat Ike lew 11,900 U« Trip* tartw TurblM Llmpi
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    • 339 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BURNS PHILP LINE, SnroAPOU to Java Posts Post Dabwim. Tbubsdat Iblamo, Bbisbanb »nd Stdmit via Tobbis Stbatts. Also taking passengers and cargo with transhipment for other Victobian, Sooth Australian and Nobth Qcibhsland Posts, British Naw Gdinia, Nbw Britaih, Tasmaniam and Nbw Zbalamd Posts, Smooth Paitaga. Supai-b Soanai-y A
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    • 437 5 HXKTDS' Post-Hole Diggers. Simple j[^ Effective PT?r i n"P"n 9-inch hole, 22 inches deep JXJLKjKJJXU through clay in ONE MINUTE. Stock sizes 6 in., 9 in., 10J^ in., 12 inch. SOLE AGENTS: McAlister Co., Ltd. TO AUSTRALIA BY THE Java-Australia Line Of the Konlnklyke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Tbe new twin steamers
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    • 493 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TURNOUT FOR SALE. Horse and Victoria, in excellent Condition. Apply F. M. S., e/o Straits Times. 188 268 FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. To let, in bett part of Tanßlin, for pix months from May 16, large and commodious compound Louse. Rtnt Jl5O per month Apply Box No. 195,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 497 6 SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED. (Near Entrance to Borneo Wharf). TELEPHONE 1026. Sea Stocks of all kinds of ETC., c*d be deli»ered to Shipping at the Wharves, or in tt c Singapore Roads on short notice. OFFICE HOURB: Week days 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday* 7 a. m. to
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    • 63 6 PETROLEU M Wood Preservative MADE FROM PREPARED PETROLEUM RESIDUE. 4T^ per 4-gallon tin I. o. b. or f. o. r. Singapore. THE CHEAPEST AND MOST EFFICIENT WOOD-PRESERVATIVE ON THE MARKET. THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM COMPANY. (Straits Settlements), LIMITED, Winchester House, SINGAPORE. JUST RECEIVED. A Large Consignment of POCKET NOTE BOOKS (ruled-feint)
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    • 143 6 PATRONIZED 3Ws|Hpfe^i > BY ROYALTY JC^v e> -^Bw^^ e> j^^^^A Manufacturing Jeweller and Diamond Merchant. A JAPE JAPE NECKLACE A Q1 that wlll ReaUy s *> arWe BANGLE PENDANT Ml LALI I S tlclj BRACELET or or BROOCH, wlth EARRINGS. Special Mtontlon DELIGHT IS IN REALITY lowM to all Orders.
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  • 133 7 FIXTURES. Tuesday, March 18. High Water. .1.6 a.m., 9.4 p.m. Itadella 11. E. meeting. Malacca. Swimming Club meeting. 9 pm. Bandmauu's Princess Caprice." Wednesday, March 19. High Water, T.lO a.m., 9.41 p.m. Jerara Kuantan K. E. meeting, 2.30. Bandmann's Gipsy Love." Thursday, March 20. High Water, 8.30
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  • 212 7 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Delta left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 15. and may be expected to arrive here on Thursday morning, March 20. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Asiayr left Colombo at 11 p.m. on Saturday, March 15, and
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  • 231 7 Latest Arrivals. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit. str. 195 tons, Capt. Troan. Mar 18. From Natuna Is, Mar 17. G.c. and d.p. Ching Sing. For Anauiba Is.. Inc. Rds. Emilie. Out. str. 80 tons, Nacodah, Mar IT. From Rhio. Mar IT. G.c. and d.p. Seng Moh. For liliio, Mb*
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  • 97 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day; TANJONG PAGAR. East Wharf Basin Kaka. W. Section No. 1...A. Neilly, Soyo Mara. Shkrrs Wharf Aikuko Maru. Main W. Skct. No. 2...Kinkasan Mara, Mashoua. B...Kaseuga. 4...N11. 6 ..Chow Fa. 6...Chiengmai, Teucer, New Dock 7.. .(Under
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  • 273 7 EXCHANQE PRODUCE. Singai-ori, March 18, 1918. On London Bulk 4 m/a Demand Private S m/g 8 m/s On Girmant Bank d/d Private S m/s 2/43 2/4 ft 288} 242J On Franci Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/s 299 On India Bank T. T. 174] Private 80 d/s
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    • 158 7 ssue Buyers. SeUeni. aluo 10 10 Ampang 9.00 10.00 10 10 Belat Tin 8.50 8.75 10 10 Brnang 8.10 8.50 10 10 Kanaboi 2.90 8.00 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kinta Association 14.00 14.50 £1 *1 KinUTin 1.17.6 2.8.7* El Laliat Mines 1.4.6 1.6.8 10 10 Middleton 12.00
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    • 590 7 I*? 6 Buyers. Sellers. Value 2/- 2/- Allagar 2/8 8/1* £1 £1 Anglo Java 8/7* 9/6 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 13/10* 14/10* 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 2 6 8/£1 £1 Batu Tiga 8.16.8 4.2.6 1 £1 Bukit Kajang 2.15.0 2.19.7* £1 £1 Bukit Lintang 4.10.0 4.17.6 norn 2/- 2/- Bukit
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    • 111 7 vXi Bn y ers BeUer £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 19 6 1.1.0 £1 £1 l'ref. 1.3 6 1.6.6 7/6 7/6 Electric T'ways 2/8 H. 10 10 Fraser Noave 50.60 61X0 100 Howarth Erskine 15.00 65.C0 100 7% Pref. 100.00 102.00 100 100 Katz Bro, Def. 180.03 189.00 10
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    • 41 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers 6% 11,234,500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 5% £860,000 Spore Municipal 5% $1,878,000 nom. fiuyen Sellew Spore Municipal 4i% of 1907 1. 1,600,000 7% Spore Municipal 44% of 1909 11,000,000 10% pm Spore Municipal 4% »602,900 pw
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 Mr. Binnß had so many sins On his mind, that he feared to die. He bee*a to repent of the time bed upent. Bat hi-* wife, who »•»> nt%nliug by, Said Bioor my love, it ii hot above, And Eternity laota for «yer, Try some Woods' Great Peppermint Care. Ol
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    • 338 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. March 22 —At Bryn Hyfryd No. 9, I'piior Wilkie Road, furniture etc., property of Capt. E. Edwards, at 2. March 2?.— At Xo. 71-D, River Valley Rd., English billiard table and accessories, etc., at 2.30. Match 22.— At Central Station, household furniture, etc., at 8.
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    • 69 7 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDGH ROAD. To- Night's Features; MY HERO Biograpb. (An Indian Drama. Tells bow a boy aad bis sweetheart leave tbe Settlement and almost become tbe prey of War path Indians). PAPERING THE DEN Biograpb. (Faroe Comedy). ROSCAMBOLE'S GLOVES Itala. (Tbe cleverr at trick oomic seen for
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  • 1139 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, MARCH 18. THE WAR OF SEX. Gradually the conditions in England aro beginning to resemble a war of the sexes. For a long time the suffragettes were treated good humourodly even when they were smashing windows and indulging in other destructive tricks, but since they began
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  • 28 8 Two new European constables recently arrived at Hongkong. A third man sailed with these two from Engl&nd, but he was missing when the ship left Singapore for Hongkong.
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  • 60 8 Messrs. Kuhn and Komor's art store in Hongkong Building, has been sold, as Mr. Kuhn is retiring from business and will shortly join Mrs. Kuhn, who left last month for Budapest. The store is one of the oldest efttabliuhments of the kind in the Colony. Mr. Kubn, who Las been
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  • 11 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 and 11.
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  • 18 8 The 21st inst. being Good Friday, tbo cus ternary informal dance at Tanglin Club will uot be held.
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  • 19 8 The Grand Hotel, Ipoh, forward a useful wall calendar for this year, bearing an excellent photograph of the hotel.
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  • 26 8 Messrs. Lowe, Bingham and Matthews, chartered accountants and auditors, have opened a branch office at Hankow, which will be in charge of Mr. E. M. Robs.
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  • 29 8 Someone broke into the premises of Low Soon Tak, at 103 South Bridge Road, last night, and stole a show case containing gold spectacles to the value of 9266.
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  • 35 8 In our report of the Tapah Rubber Estate meeting published yesterday the total planted with rubber should have been printed as 1177 acres, not 1,777 acres. The total acreage of the estate is 2,468 acres.
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  • 48 8 There were no outward and visible signs of tho significance of yesterday, St. Patrick's day, in Singapore. In former years one's eyes were gladdened by the sight of bunches of shamrock, sported mostly by members of the police force, but not a sprig was to be seen yesterday.
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  • 52 8 The sentence of death on Lieut. Clark, passed in the Agra murder cases, will be carried out at Allahabad on March 20 in the district jail, where the prisoner is now confined. Mis. Fulham, whose capital sentence was commuted to penal servitude for life, has been sent to the central
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  • 59 8 On arrival in port last night the master of the Paketvaart steamer Japara reported that at 4.85 on Sunday morning when in the vicinity of Muntok, they collided with a small native schooner. No injury was caused to life or limb. The schooner was carrying no lights at the time
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  • 50 8 Master Koh Lean Ann, son of Mr. Koh Keng Chuan, distinguished himself in the Cambridge Local Junior Examination by obtaining 3rd class honours, with distinction in arithmetic and history. Master Koh Lean Aun won the Guthrie Scholarship, and obtained Ist class honours in the Cambridge Local Preliminary Examination last year.
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  • 69 8 On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of next week I March 25, 26 and 28) heavy gun practice will be carried out from Fort Serapong and owners and masters of vessels are requested by the Master-Attendant to keep as clear of the range as possible. The usual Srecautions in the shape
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  • 62 8 On Saturday last, Mr. Tamby Rajah, of the Land Office, read a paper on Behaviour," before the members of tho Ceylon Tamils' Association. The paper was most informative in character, and was listened to with rapt attention, and at the close those present expressed their warm thanks to the lecturer
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  • 73 8 Yesterday's bicycle theft occurred outside No. 9 Raffles Quay, the owner of the machine being one An Ah Seng, of 8 15 Oxlcy Road, who had left it unattended in the open for a few minutes. It must not be presumed, from the recent frequency of this sort of crime,
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  • 72 8 Thomas Mciuburti, the Frenchman who was arrested last week on a charge of living on the proceeds of prostitution, came before Mr. A. C. Baker in the third police court today again. Chief Detective Inspector laylor appeared for the prosecution and Mr. A. deMello for the defence. The latter asked
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  • 97 8 Two small whalers flying the Norwegian flag, were in Colombo recently, returning home after fishing in New Zealand. They were engaged in whale fishing in Port Hussel, New Zealand, from June to December last year, the fishing being done by means of a harpoon. A shipment of 4,000 barrels of
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  • 139 8 In the third court, yesterday afternoon, before Mr. A. U. Baker, two Japanese, one the managing owner of a rubber estato in Johore, and the other from an estate nearby, were prosecuted by the Postmaster General for bringing unstamped letters into the Colony on Saturday last. The defendants said their
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  • 166 8 The February issue of the Journal of the F. M. S. Museum, a copy of which is to hand, contains notes on the non-Malayan races of the Malaya Peninsula (the Besisi of Tatnbob, Kuala Langkat, Selangor) by Mr. I. H. N. K vans and the third of a series of
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  • 400 8 The Rev. J. A. B. took, Mrs. and Miss Cook arrived from Kurope by tho P. and O. Nore on Sunday. A complimentary dinner was given at the Penang club on Saturday to Messrs. Adams, Phillips, Waugh Houfcld and others who aro shortly going home on leave.
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  • 80 8 At the annual general meeting of tlio shareholders of the Sze Hai Toug Hanking and Insurance Co., Ltd., held on Sunday, at the registered office, 58, Kling Street, tbo directors decided to deal with the amount, 1452,628.99, which was carried forward from last accounts, in
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  • 109 8 There arrived in Singapore yesterday from the West, via Penang, the pleasure yacht Sagctta, chartered by the Due de Valencay, who is accompanied on his cruiso by Baron de Channel and Madame de la Farrcs. The tour began at Marseilles and has been conducted in leisurely fashion
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  • 123 8 Yesterday afternoon, the new 50 ftet, cabin, cruising motor launch Evo, built by Central Engine Works, Ltd., to the order of the Ship's Agency, Limited, went through her trials off Tanjong Katong, there being present the owners' representatives, Messrs. Walcn, Van dor Plas, Spaan and a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 214 8 NOTICE. On and after the 31st inst., the price of IRROY CHAMPAGNE (Magnums, Quarts, Pints and Half-Pints) will be increased by 5 (five shillings) a Case, in consequence of the bad seasons of late in the Champagne district. CALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., Sole A|{entß. John Little Co.'s ANNUAL CASH CLEARANCE SALE
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    • 134 8 RATTLING GOOD PROGRAMME IS TO BE PRESENTED TO-NIGHT Second Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. And comprises the following pictures Babbit Catching and Shootlnf. A Young Terror. Man's Lie. Powerful American Kiaema Drama. School of gymnastics at Jolnville-le-Point (France). The Living Statue. (Max Linder). AS WELL AS HEW PAT HE S
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    • 218 8 Property Sale. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Ching Keng Loo and Co.'s gale room yesterday :-»J9 years' leasehold land and house 12 Cecil Street, area 8,541 sq. feet, quit ront 17 per annum, monthly rent »150, bought by N. Keuben for 128,000 99 years' leasehold
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  • 340 9 GROWING FRICTION AMONG THE ALLIES. Strbo-Greek Antagonism Against Bulgaria. RIUTIR'S TILIOBAM. London March 17. Reuter wires from Sofia that the Bulgarians on Wednesday captured a redoubt near Akalan, outside the Chatalja lines. The Turks attempted its recapture, but were repulsed, leaving three hundred dead and wounded. The
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  • 118 9 IMPORTANT SPEECH BY THE NEW, PRESIDENT. Socialists Overshadowed. Kidtik's Tilioeaji, London, March 17. President Poincare in a speech at the spring review of the Paris garrison at Viocenncs said that while France was auxious to maintain her place in the world intact, and withes to be able
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  • 87 9 CONSIDERABLE CRITICISM OF ESTIMATES. Inadequate Provisions for Aviation. KlCliK's TSLSQHA*. London, March 16. There is considerable Unionist criticism of the army estimates, especially the inadequacy of the provision made for aviation. The total is £373,300, or with tho naval air craft estimates £500,930, the figure being for aircraft
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  • 39 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report. I The market in London yesterday was dull and rather easier. The closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 8/lli Forward 8/llj First latex crepe, delivery next three months 8/11*
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  • 883 9 Statutory Meeting of Company at Penang. The statutory meeting of Sungoi Gettah Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held at the Chamber of Commorce on Friday, when there were present Mr. J. Sellar (in the chair), Dr. Dane, Mr. R. P. Phillips, Mr. R. T. Reid, and Mr. See
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  • 93 9 A Prussian officer, a relative of one of the bighebt officers in the Prussian army, has been arrested on suspicion of high treason, presumably in the form of espionage. He was arrested on February 8 at the instance of the Imperial Department of Public Prosecutions at Leipzig. He was imprisoned
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  • 43 9 The Siamese Minister of War, Prince of N agora .laisri. will probably leave Europe by one Oi the K ist Asiatic Co.'s motor ships for Bangkok about the middle of next month. His Roy i! lli^liuess's lu-alih is reported to show little improvement.
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  • 559 9 INVESTITURE OF THE CHIEF SECRETARY. Ceremony at Kuala Lumpur. Sir Edward Brockman, Chief Secretary of the F.M.S., was invested, yesterday, with the insignia of a Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, the ceremony taking place in the Council Chamber at
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  • 438 9 Mr. Wray's Report on the Malayan Exhibit. A report has been issued by Mr. L. Wray, I.S 0L on the British Malayan section at the New York Rubber Exhibition. It gives details of all the exhibits, and Mr. Wray remarks that 'ho Governments of the Straits
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  • 46 9 Mr. H. L. Bailey, of the Convict Establishment, Taiping, has been granted eight months' full pay leave and leaves from Penang with his family for England by the P. andO. Somali. Mr. Bailey is well known in football circles as a strong fullback in Mm Waiteta
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  • 1651 9 REASONS FOR DISAPPOINTING RESULTS. Current Year's Estimates Exceeded. The fourth annual general meeting of the Glenealy Plantations, Ltd., was held in Oresham House at noon, yesterday. Mr. G. A. Derrick presided and the other shareholders present were Messrs. B. T. C. Garland, H. A. E. Thomson, A. Reid,
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  • 683 9 The Girl in the Taxi Proves Very Attractive. We have nothing but praise for the spirited way in which the members of the Bandmann Opera Company have set themselves to overcome the prejudices of theatregoers admittedly hard to please and to re-establish themscves in that niche of
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  • 226 9 MR. CHURCHILL ON BULDING DIFFICULTIES. Delay, and Probable Loss. RaOTll's TILIORAM. London, March 17. The correspondence between Mr. Churchill and Mr. Bordcn has- been issued. Mr. Churchill sums up the matter by saying it would be wholly unwise of Canada to attempt to build battleships at present.
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  • 170 9 MAD SCENES OCCUR IN HYDE PARK. Women Chased Up and Down a Street. Rictir's Tklboram London, March 16. A hostile crowd of ten thousand turned out for the usual Sunday suffragist meeting in Hyde Park. Mrs. Drummond's mounting of the platform-cart was the signal for pandemonium let loose. She
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  • 65 9 RjCTIE'S TILIORAM. London, March 15. The Kendal bye-election is a bewildering affair. The latest development is that Col. Weston, who has been hailed as fighting for national service, has repudiated a message from Lord Roberts, saying his scheme is much humbler than the latter*, and falls considerably short
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  • 28 9 Ridtih's Tmlboram. London, March 17. There has been a gale on the coasts and deep snow. In many places the telephones and telegraph are affected.
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  • 24 9 Dm Ostasiatischs Lloyd Tiliorax. Berlin, March 17. At the centenary festivities, the Kaiser was present and witnessed a torchlight procession of 5,000.
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  • 62 9 (From Oub Own Correspondent) Penang, March 17. The directors of the Lunas Rubber Estate have raised a loan of 1100,000, at seven per cent., to clear off the mortgage and open np the dirty area referred to by Mr. Duncan in his report. The tappable trees show increase
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  • 64 9 Viscount Tredegar, whose death at the age of 82 occurred a few days ago, served in the Crimea and rode with his regiment in the balaclava Chary v. He was Lord Lieutenant of Monmoutli since 1899 and represented Brecknockshire iv Parliament from IHSB to 1875. He was the owner of
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  • 2330 10 THE QUESTION OF LOCAL RECRUITING. Trial of Northern Chinese. A general meeting of the Johore Planters' Association was held at Johore Hotel, on Sunday, March 9, when there were present Messrs. E. I> Bryce (in the chair), H. E. Burgess. A. L. Buyers, J. A. Brown, A. Vesterdal
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  • 167 10 A rugby match has been arranged to be played on the S.R.C. ground on Thursday evening between teams representing the S.C.C. and the K.0. Y.L.1, regiment. The following is the draw for the Davis lawn tennis enp Australia v. United States Germany v. France South Africa v. Canada
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  • 543 10 S.C.C. Tournament. The following ties were played yesterday:— 0 Singles. Aspinall scr. beat Robinson owe 1, 6—l,6 1, 6—B. Winter rec. 3 beat Robinson owe 5, 6—4, 6—4. Shervington scr. beat Byatt owe 2, 4—6, 6—8,6—8. Watson scr. beat Buchanan owe 16, 7—5,7 5, 6—2. Challen rec. 2
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  • 10 10 Langen (Java).— 26,107 lbs. Kempas.— 6,ooo lbs.
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  • 84 10 In the Chancery Division, on February 18, Mr. Justice Joyce sanctioned a petition by the New Chinese Antimony Company, Limited, lor the reduction of its capital from £40,126 to £16,250. Mr. Hughes, K. C, explained that there had been a loss of over £25,000. The reduction wonld be carried ont
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  • 261 10 Straits Times List, The following fixtures for the current week, and important forthcoming fixtures are kindly supplied by the secretaries of the various clubs. Convenient forms on which to make the returns will be supplied on application to the Manager, Straits Times. Singapore Cricket Club. Fixtcrks fob
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  • 625 10 Custom That Goes Back to The Vikings. Every year, on the evening of February 21 the eve of St. Peter's Day, piles of straw ar« lighted throughout North Fricsland, on old sepulchral mounds, or in places sanctified bj tradition. From place to place these bonfire* answer
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  • 64 10 An accident of a peculiar nature occurred recently at l'raya East, Hongkong, a tram car colliding with a junk A car waa passing aa a junk wan leaving and as the sail was being hoisted a gust of wind swung it round across the street, the boom striking the tram
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  • 1805 10 RUBBER CURING EXHIBITION AT SIONE ESTATE. Qualities of Hard Para. On Friday last, aa we briefly announced in a telegram from oar Kuala Lumpur correspondent, a demonstration of the Byrne rubber curing process was given at Siono Estate, Selangor, which was attended by several high Government officials
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  • 124 10 Arrivals. Per str. Menggala, March 17. From Indragiri Messrs. Binder, Khoo Chiang Bee. Per I p«ih, March 17. From T. Anson via ports Messrs. Cricbton, A. H. Tait, J. T. Marriner, Lloyd, Harrop, It. C. Phillips, Cornmere, Lee Phun Hock, Seah Thag Leah, Laverbach, J. Bibbie, H.
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  • 179 10 The number of companies established in Formosa in the course of last year was -52, both large and small, and the capital amounted I. 26,801,300, of which Y. 7,423,300 was already paid-up. The different concerns thus established are 4 sugar mills 6 traffic enterprises such as
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  • 79 10 A Malay houscowner named Shaik Abubakar Lajam was prosecuted by A. S. P. Sheody, in the fourth police court, yesterday, on a charge of issuing a receipt for $24 which did not bear a stamp. He was defended by Mr. A. K. alt. Terrell who submitted that the receipt was
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  • 911 11 Rapid Improvement in Condition of The Estate. The third annual meeting of tbe Good Hope (Selangor) Rubber Company, Ltd., was held at Colombo, on March 8. Mr. J. P. Blackmore presided, and those present were Messrs. A. J. Denison, R. Whittow (directors), and il. V. Hill
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  • 130 11 Mr. J. \V. Jamicßon, British ConsulGeneral at Canton, ban issued the following circular to British merchants in Canton. "The Republican Board of Foreign Affairs having addressed a letter to His Maji sty s Minister at Peking stating that at the present time, when tbe disbandment of troops is proceed-ng throughout
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  • Correspondence.
    • 130 11 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,— l read in your last evening's issue, that tbe names in the list of the successful candidates in the Cambridge Local Examinations you published, were arranged in the order of merit. May I be permitted to say that it
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  • 626 11 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Bulletin. Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co. write on February 20 Cold.— About £700,000 arrived in the form of bar gold, of which £242,000 was reserved fur India. In the absence of any other external demand of importance, the bulk of the
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  • 124 11 Another case of sati is reported to have taken place in the northern part of Calcutta. A Bengali, who was employed as an assistant in tbe firm of Messrs. Butoo Kristo Pal and Co., chemists and druggists, of Boniield's Lane, had been suffering, it is said, from paralysis, for some
    124 words
  • 727 11 Prices Quoted In the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 18, 1018. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning ngi. iudi. dutirs. niiLiu. 2/- Allagar 2/8 8/2* 1 Anglo Java 8/7* 9/6 1 Anglo Johore 9/- 11/8 2/- Anglo-Malay
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 43 11 Coutfhin^ into Conau m ption Only a Ooogb bat yam step M while II la ONLY a ooogh. WATERBURTO METABOLIZED COD LIVER (HI CCMPOUND The flnost nrepa'aticn made fcr combating severe ooayha. CURBS any oou«h that hi Mtyaooogh. Very ptOatabta. •us atnd $aoa
      43 words
    • 8 11 Fob Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Oture,
      8 words
    • 222 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUMM THE WINE OF KINGS. Sole Agents Garner, Quelch Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Battery Road, Singapore. Telephone 88) THE CROWN DRAPERY, SBLEOIE ROvI), Begs to inform their patrons, that a new shipment of Hats, Flowers, etc., will arrive on Wednesday, March 19, per s.s. HIRANO MARU. 178
      222 words
    • 206 11 BUY BOUTON ROUGE. Nh Cigarettesegyptiennes |BoUTO^pOU6E STOCKS HELD BY John Little Co., Ltd. Robinson Company. BAFFLES HOTEL Special ON SATURDAY, MARCH 22. SPECIAL JNNNER and DA IMC EL Book Earl y Book Early. at the SEA VIEW HOTEL, Music by Monday, March 24, Hackmeier's Orchestra. EASTER MONDAY. STAMFORD HOUSE. (Formerly
      206 words

  • 1248 12 OLD ENGLISH HOSPITALITY SURVIVING Ceremony at Simpson's, An American doctor who has been investigating diet in New York has discovered that tho richest men have the lightest luncheons. He found that in all the great financial houses the only man who has a generous meal is tho
    1,248 words
  • 734 12 SOCIETY ON THE STAGE. The Confessions of an Earl's Daughter. All Vienna society (writes the Chronicle's Vienna correspondent) istalkingof the coming appearance here on tho stage as a dancer of Lady Constance Stewart-Richard-son, daughter of the Earl of Cromartie, and niece of the Duke of Sutherland. A drama entitled Judith
    734 words
  • 721 12 Orders for tbe Battle of Copenhagen. A Nelson relic of marked interest and historical importance is to be sold by Me-srs. l'uttick and Simpson to-day week, says The Daily Mail of February 7. It is Nelson's Official Letter Book for the period February 20 to October 22,
    721 words
  • 578 12 Midland Engine-driver's Startling Adventure. An exciting incident in the career of Mr. Robert Weatberburn, who for many years was a district Locomotive Superintendent in the services of the Midland Railway, is recorded by tbe hero of the adventure in the January Railway Magazine. Tbe Kirtley-
    578 words
  • 1180 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this list
    1,180 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 327 12 TO THOSE LIVING ON ESTATES. LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS. Most delicious. Once tried always used, i'acked in case.-* containing 48 tins, assorted. LIBBY'S SLICED BACON. Is now obtainable in tins of 1 lb. Size No. 1 and lb. Size No. and in glass jars of 1 lb Size No. 1 and
      327 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 525 13 Charles Heidsieck's THE WELL-KNOWN rfife/ m brut WHITE vintage 1906. »Af-i| AJm. Supplied by Royal Warrant OLrAL K« to H.M. King George V. Sole Ag-ents AITD (21 BEHN, MEYER &CO-, LTD. OLD SCOTCH WHISKY MELLOW WHISKY well matured, ASSUPPLIEDTO MEMBERSonHtHOUSEoaORDS/V^W 7 at a VBry priCe &mm«* chA'«h4(/ /o^\^jL Give a
      525 words
    • 678 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SHRVICE OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CO.. LTD. bitwiii ramantle Perth), North W««t Australian Port*, Java and Singapore. Begnlat Fortnightly sailings botweei SinK»pote »Dd Western Anstialia, oallicß at Java (m indneoment offers), Derby, King* Soond (Port for the Eimberley Gold
      678 words
    • 190 13 Elis Blaster's Voice' REQgRDS 12-inch Double-sided Records Plum Label $2.50 each. n oi o Wedding Dance Waltz Gottliebs Orchestra. l iia \Eva Waltz n oor» I Crl de Coeur Valse Girl in the Taxi Waltz n„ n I Hltchy Koo Two-step Mayf air Orchestra. Beautiful DoU Two-step -0.-jlm going Back
      190 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 504 14 INSURANCE. NORWICH UNION FIRE OFFICE. Founded 1797. HEAD OFFICEB. NORWICH AND LONDON. Losses Paid exceed £28.500.000 Lowest Rates of Premium. Prompt and Liberal Settlements. THE BORNEO CO., LTD., Agents 14 15 L'ARDIAN ASSCUANCB OOMPANI, UaHTBD, LONDON ■naaoribed Capital 45.000.CC0 Total Invested Funds Jt,2M),OGO Aunal Inocme 41,103,000 Ate oadersigned, Apdbts for
      504 words
    • 221 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE MBUMNCE COMPANY OF CUNSDH Estabusbbo 1683. Direot Oovernment Supapvlslon Government Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDB and Non- Forfei table, karge Nat Surpluo above liabilities (or Reserve and all oatstanding claims. New Builnui, 1011, 0ver. ..18,800,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, eto., made locally. Nnmerons modern sobemes, i. H. IVANS,
      221 words
    • 434 14 BANKIN6. CHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROTAL CHARTBR Paid op Capital ia 89,000 Bharee ol JSOeach 41,100,000 Reserve Fund 41,860,000 Reserve Liability oi Propriojori 41.503 C3O BANEBRB Bank ol Bngland. The Loedoa City Midland bank, Ltd. Natioaal Bsak of Shetland, Ltd. SINOAPORB BRANCH Current Aeaooats arc
      434 words
    • 485 14 BANKING. THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. LIMITED. AUTHORISED CAPITAL 14,000,000 ISSDBD CAPITAL (2,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS! I Lee Choon Guan, Esq.— Chairman. Lim Peng Siang, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. Tbe Hon. Tan Jikk Liao Chia Heng, Esq. Kirn, CM G. Yeo CUtng Hai, Esq. Tan Chay Van, E- .j. Teo Soon Sian,
      485 words
    • 800 14 INSURANCE. THE IDEAL POLICY is that which permits Policy Holders to gain the benefits of their investments DURING THEIR OWN LIFE-TIME an! in the event of premature death, leave to their heirs a legacy that is free of encumbranoe and available immediately. For particulars of this IDEAL POLICY write THE
      800 words

  • 809 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A World's Record. In attempting the unprecedented feat of travelling one hundred miles within the hour on the Earl of Shrewsbury's 25 h.p. Talbot car at Brooklands, Mr. Percy Lambert achieved a world's record for fifty miles by travelling that distance
    809 words
  • 120 15 The longest authentic pedigree on record was probably that of the late General Plan tagenet Harrison, which is inserted in his History of Yorkshire." It begins with Odin King of AsgaHia, B.C. 76, and among tha General's ancestors are numbered the Emperors Claudius, Diocletian, and Maxi milianus,
    120 words
  • 55 15 H.M. battleship Swiftsure will reoommission on March 25 with a full crew an the flagship of Rear- Admiral Peirse, of the East Indies Squadron, replacing the Highflyer. It is pointed out that the selection of a battleship for this station is a new departure, as secondclass cruisers up to the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 680 15 Fatty degeneration of the h.p. Is a 20 h.p. American car more powerful than an 11-9 h.p. British car? What does the 81 of difference in horse-power count for Is it muscle, or is it fat Horse power i» rated-and taxed -by engine bore. THEREFORE, American automobiles arc built with
      680 words
    • 43 15 Trouble Averted. That little cold and sore throat of yours mast be checked at once or it may develop into something worse. Take a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy and your troubles will soon vanish For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      43 words
    • 149 15 Continental HIGHEST MILEAGE LEAST from yon. allow us xo prove: it. y OBTAINABLE AT ALL Leading Dealers and Garages, OK FROM Continental Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.. Singapore:, 17, Collyer Quay. Telephone: 290. Telegrams: CONTINENTA." Straits Motor Garage Syndicate SINGAPORE. HUPMOBILES All cars landed Ex s.s. "Suruga" are sold; book
      149 words
    • 49 15 WING ON CO. TAILORS, DRAPERS, AND GENERAL OUTFITTERS. GUARANTEED GOOD FIT AND GOOD STYLE Latest fashion plati received every ocontb, D'rect snd Special imp otters of all kinds of tweeds and flannels, etc. ALSO OF ALL KINDS OF FANCY GOODB. Telephone 1173. No. SO, High Street, SINGAPORE. Telegrams Lucky.
      49 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 760 16 FIBROCEMENT is made of the best Portland Cement reinforced with Asbestos. It has therefore the strength and durability of Concrete, and the fire and heat resisting qualities of Asbestos. Supplied in SLATES for ROOFS SHEETS for CEILINGS. They harden with age, and besides conducting less heat they are also more
      760 words
    • 537 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUSE TO LET. No. 66, Robinson Road. Immediate entry. Apply S. Manasseh Co. 4-1 v HOUBEB TO LET. To let, Nos. 48 and 46, Anson Road. Apply Nathan Son, Change Alley. 11l v TO LET, FURNIBHED. DUNEARN, Barker Road, for eight months from end of
      537 words
    • 442 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. DE DION MR FOR MIL De Dion oar, 8 H. P for sale, complete witU ■I accessories, in good order and condition, Apply to Box 198, Straits Times. 148 n FOR SALE. Chestnut Horse, strong and reliable with carriage in c-zcellent condition, lately done up. Also a
      442 words
    • 576 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A GO SHIP-CHANDLERS, Telephone No. 411. 108*100, Market Street NOTICE. TO ESTATE OWNERS. Th« undersigned will undertake con l ract or daily labours on any Rubber Batata, for Tapping, Weeding, Tree-falling, Clearing, etc For particulars, please apply to THE TSAK TSIEK CO., 8-D, Change Alley, Singapore. Head
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    • 623 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. R.ceipt No. 180 having been lost on the 26th January, 1918, and also Duplicate receipt No. 110, lost on the 4th February, 1918, we hereby request any person holding such receipts to communicate with us at once. We hereby give notice that we do not recognise these as
      623 words