The Straits Times, 13 February 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.105 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 186 1 i i BEER < TUB POPULAR BRAND. KATZ BROS., LTD. Just Arrived Just Arrived SPECIAL FOR GOLF PLAYERS INSPECTION INVITED. A Fine Selection of Golf Clubs DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS All Heads Warranted Hand Forged and Finest Finish. James Braid World's Champion 1901. 1905. 1906 6c 1908. BRAID'S OWN MODEL
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    • 173 1 I ROBINSON CO. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF VIYELLA FLANNEL. Tropical Viyella. "Viyella. oMH Light Summer DAY Ht&4^Hl The New Make. V S Weight. Viyella Flannel. For day or Night wear, unshrinkable. The ideal cloth for Ladies', Gentlemen's, and Children's wear. Stocked in two weights. The New Tropical and Light Summer Weight
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    • 4 1 s > DRINK Maxell's Brandy.
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  • 327 2 Airship Expedition to Explore The Interior. Lieutenant Paul Graetz, the adventurous young German explorer, who has just returned to Berlin from a motorboat trip across Africa by way of the Zambesi and the River Congo, is already hard at work upon his preparations for a new expedition.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 272 2 The Food of Health KEPLER 1 COD LIVER OIL with Malt Extract Fattens and strengthens Delicate Children Emaciated Adults Consumptives Nursing Mothers Delicious to take Easy to digest 1* All Chemists. SCf YOU GIT KEPLCIf J±Lj. Burroughs Wfilcome Co., London Stw Yokk Montreal Sydnkv Cap! Town Mil** BIISOS AIKKs IJOMBAV
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    • 565 2 S.V.C. Orders. By Lieut. Col. O. A. Derrick, V.I)., Commandant, S.V.C. Singapore, February 11, 1913. s. v. c. MallrstiiT Rifle Range. I The rangn is allotted as under: Saturday, Februaiy 1", 1013, at '1 p.m., S.I1.K. V. Club Shoot. Sunday, February 16, 1013, at 8 a.m.. Maxim Company, S.V.A. Saturday,
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    • 441 2 FRESH MILK. New Australian Cows per s.s. Euryalus Morning and Afternoon Delivery H. S. KIRWAN. PRIVATE DAIRY. Telephone 'AO. 8, Koek Koad. 10 2 15 2 Pjj&sl JOHN ,1 AMI-SON'S WHISKEY unequalled for ll:ivour and purity. Guaranteed t.i be PURE POT STILL WHISKEY Famous for over 1 00 years. John
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  • 930 3 SOME OBSERVATIONS ON HER ART. Ethical Value of Music. Mish Marie Hall, who is shortly to give violin recitals in Singapore, has made the following observations on her art which will bo read with interest in view of the forthcoming visit: I suppose all really serious artistes-exe-cutive
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 448 3 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA. LIMITED. Established 1 869. Tin nrst Life Office in the worl to introduce the non-forfeiturt{principle to Policies. A Mutual Office. No Shareholder*. Low Premiums. Annual Income £1,284,364. Funds £7,291,290 Claims paid £6,078,960. ALL profits are distributed amongot Policy-holders. Claims paid in any part
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    • 81 3 Beware of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say beware of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 624 3 BED BASH ALL OVER BODYJKIS Irritation Almost Unbearable. Could Tear Her Legs to Pieces. Had Suffered from This Itching for Years, Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and Is Completely Cured. I came out in a. red rash all over the body and l'T-. Every winter aa soon as frost began
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    • 606 3 HIGH liLIvJII XI »^TO»%^V LOW THE Armstrong .*the WORLD'S SIMPLEST WRITING MACHINE ONLY T. t0 be sold below above price. Write at once for particulars of this special offer, SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., PAB DEPT., mmmm—mmmamnm SINGAPORE, ■—■■miii m■ i DRY GINGER ALE (In Ball-Stoppered Bottles, Large and Small) FRASER
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 632 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. rCB CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Tbrougb Bills of Ladiag issued for Ohlaa Coast, Pursiaa Gull, Cuatiaeata! and American Ports. ■learners will leave Singapore oa or about:— MAIL LINES 1918 Uomamard t for Hmropt) rrom^ngapore
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    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. < A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 746 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringganu, Bisul, Semerak, Baobo, Kelaataa Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kohaamui, Bandoa, Liaugsuaa, Taku, Obuiopon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure. •ASDANQ Feb. 17 Feb. 19. ...REDANO Feb. 19 Feb. 23. PRACHATIPOK Feb. 34 Feb. 38. •.BORIBAT Feb.
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    • 493 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AKD OEUTICH OtMPFICIIM MIITMtI. 'Bi»li IRENE! Combined Bervloa. Tbe steamres of these Companies maintain a regular sorvioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven
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    • 642 4 j STEAMER SAILINGS I N. D. L Horddeutscher Lloyd, Brant* IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail steamers o' this Company sail fortnightly from Bri-mea Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and Hat versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colorub]. Penang, Singapore,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 452 5 "JENATZY" Motor Tyres. Hooglandt Ad C^o« 9 sole agents. STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY GO. The New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Francisco to all points in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Hurope *ratlu rh« Ms* 11,000 toi Tripta Icm
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    • 349 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LIMITED. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. Tho Company's Steamer FOOKSANG, 8,10? tons. T. A Mitchell, Commander, is doe hore on Thursday, tho 18th instant, and will bo despatched for above ports at 4 p.m. on Saturday, tbe 15th idem. She has excellent accommodation for first
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    • 401 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAY. CO.. ID. APCAR LINE j* STEAMERS. The undermentioned mail sti mei ti at tb-. ibove lane maintain a regnltr service be Iween Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penan^ Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route PLEET Ton* i emaiacdti' Jatad o,ols C. P. Siddom. Qaiooai
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    • 642 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the COLONIAL ENGINEER'S Office, up to mon of the 24th February. 1913 for the fallowing works 1. Whitewashing, painting snd repairs to Office and He'birium, Bjtauic Gardens 2. Whitewashing, painting an j general repairs to Cad< ts' Bungalow 3 Whitewashing and
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    • 594 5 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be receive.l at tbeCOLONIAL ENGINEERS Offioe, np to noon of the '28th FcLrnary, 1913, for the following works:— 1. Ocnetai (Spain, painting and colour washing to Changi uoi -.-nuient Bungalow an 1 outboaeee 2. Laying cable between Power Station and Govcrnmi'st Koaao underground 8. Lighting (he
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 173 6 We have pleasure in announcing the arrival of MISS GILMOURJ An expert fitter and Corset Demonstrator. She will he pIMMd to see Ladies who are interested in the latest modes of Corsets. Call at once as her stay in Singapore is brief. WHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW CO., LIMITED, M^fr J J^^B -^l^bbW.
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    • 133 6 T. NAGAI CO. -JAPANESE: Fine Art Curios and Porcelain (ANTIQUE AND MODERN). All orders executed promptly. Goods packed and shipped to any part of the world. No. K-L. Adis Buildings. High Street, SINGAPORE. THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. (Established 1883) MANUFACTURERS OF P(JRE Mani, ROPE 3 STRAND 'CABLE LAID 4
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    • 360 6 To Estate Managers and Agents. KEROSINE OIL FOR BUNGALOWS, COOLIE-LINES, WATCH-HOUSES, ROAD-LAMPS, CLEANING OR JUNGLE-CLEARING. For particulars and prices apply to THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM GO. (Straits Settlements), LIMITED, Winchester House, SINGAPORE. 17 1 162 TO Miners A Ore-Buyers. WHY LOSE MONEY by selling parcels of mixed ore, containing Wolfram, Magnetite,
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  • 133 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, February 13. Hi/h ■/•tar. SJO a.m I 1^ p.m. Lady Frederick Friday, February 14. Hiyli Water. SJI a.m.. :S.4> p.m Legislative C'oniu-il. SJB. Saturday, February 15. Hi:'h Water. LSB a.m.. r > 12 p.m. in. Ass. Kntertainmcnt, S. l>. 1., ontwar.l mail due. cliinesi. New
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  • 198 7 Today. Mala., a an.l Muar Kaka 8 pm Port 111. k-on ami I'ort S\m ttenbam Si lan«or 8 pm ISatu l'aliat Amy LeOS¥| 3 |)in Bangkok llil.l 4 pm llilliton. Batavia. etc.. V. iler Lyn 4 pin Batavia. (In ■ribon ami Samarany Giaug Seng 4pm Ks'l'enani; and
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  • 161 7 Tho Imp. German mail steamer P. E. Friolrich left Colombo at noon on Sunday, February 9. aii'l may br iStpaetal to arrive IMPS H Satunlav luornint;. Ft binary 1">. The IS. I. contract packet stianiciTir4.\ witb mails fniiii 1, 0n. 10n up to tbe evening of .Iriiin.ii-y
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  • 67 7 juift binoapobi. u .Ian. 10 M M. .Tan. U X. D. L. ■Ian. If. B. I. .Ian. M M. M. .Tan. '24 l\ O. Jan. 27 D. L. .Tan. M It. I. Fib. 8 MM. Fob. 7 1'. a >. Fi-U. 11 N. I). L 1 IN
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  • 514 7 Latest Arrivals. Hampshire. H. M. Cruiser 10HOO tons. 700 <n v I,'iins 20,000 li.p. oin. HiiiiUt. Feb IS From Colombo. K. 1> 7 S<nior Naval Otli.n. For Honykouy. Feb 15. Rds. A-abai M:mi. .lap. str. 174S tons. Captain HakaSM, Feb 12. From Muki ..lan M. I;. Kafabsv For
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  • 97 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Uay. TANJONG PAOAR. East Wuarf Basin Mm. W. Section No. l...Taroba, Dilwara. Shbkrs Whakf Soyo Maru. Main W. Skct. No. 2. ..A. LTreville, I'ataui. 8...1 jina Maru. 4...ltanri Maru. 6 ..C'ailnms. 6...1\i0u, Talthybius. Nkw Dock 7...( Under
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  • 276 7 Finance Commerce EXCHANOE Singapore, hMM 13, 1913. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4& Demand 2/4^, Private 6 m/s 2/4;, 8 m/s 2/4,; On Germany Bank d/d 238} Private m/s 2424 On France Bank d/d 294 Private 3 m/s 299 On India Bank T. T. 17 li Private 30 d/s 175|
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    • 167 7 s e 1 Buyers. Sellers. alue q; j 10 10 Ampane 9.75 10.00 10 10 Belat Tin 8.75 4.00 10 10 Bruang 1.00 LM 10 10 Kanaboi 8.00 8.10 10 10 Kampar par 10 10 Kinta Association 14.50 15.00 £1 Kinta Tin 1.17.6 2.3.9 XI £1 Laliat Mince 1.10.0
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    • 601 7 S£l Bu ere 2/- 2/- Allagar 8/2 £1 £1 Anglo Java 94} 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 14 9 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 2/8 XI £1 BatuTiga 8.16.3 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 8.0.0 £1 £1 Bukit Liutang 4.10.0 2/- 2/- Bukit Mertajam 2/8 £1 £1 Bukit Rajah 11.5.0 2/- 2/- Sembawang
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    • 110 7 £1 £1 E. Smelting Co. 10/6 1.0.6 £1 £1 Prof. 1.3 6 1.6.6 7/6 7/6 Electric Tways 2/10 8/4* 10 10 Fraser k Neave 49.50 60X0 100 Howarth Erskine ').">.OO 67.50 100 7% Pref. 115.00 120.00 100 100 Katz Bro, Def. 135.00 10 10 Maynard Co. 26.00 28.00 S&l
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    • 41 7 Buyers Sellers United Engineers 6% $1,234,500 par Singapore Electric Tramways 5% £350,000 Spore Municipal 5% 11,878,000 nom. Bayen Seller* S'porc Municipal 4|% of 1907 $,1,600,000 7% Spore Municipal 4J",, of 1909 5 1,000,000 10% pm Spore Municipal 4% Stiii-.'.'.KX) pa*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 Coughing, Rn'MziDir. opitting, wlic zing, Hied-. ;<hj hot, and f>,t nrar freezing, I'd no ploanare, »tindine. walking, "ting. t-iU nt. talking. Vi ry lii^'d »h iuv tenjporatorp, I ju«t took Woods' Great i'epptrmiat Care, Tin n I got rrlibf. iv»8" pleasant Mtie!y with me to be present
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    • 326 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. February 14. At I'tuted Engineers' Yard, Taujon;; Him, a steel suction dredger, at 11. February 15. At Cluuy House, C'luny Rd., furniture etc.. at 'i.-'X). February 15.— At No. 84, Barker Hoad, Imiu-iIimIJ furniture etc.. at 8. February 19. At E. W. Abram's Horse K<|K>sit<n
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    • 67 7 THE CHINESE NEW YEAR FEATURES AT THE HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDGB ROAD. Special Film produced by the Itala Film Co. "ELiike a, Sister" (A Sweet Love .-story combined with a spirit-BtirriaK aeroplane accident) SCPPOBTID IST SHE IS A PIPPIN Biotfraph. (Farce Comedy). JINK'S BIRTHDAY PARTY Biograph. (Farcu Comedy). Gtvumont
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  • 1154 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13. THE MUNICIPAL BILL. The Municipal Bill is -.till before the Legislative Council undergoing that search ing examination in detail which is possible only during the committee stage. There are some impressions, we understand, that an attempt will be made to modify what are known
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  • 30 8 The aerated water plant sold by auction by Messrs. Powell au 1 Co., yesteruaj, at the Harbour Aerated Water Factory, 11-1 Middle Road, was purchased by Mr. Koh Teoug Wang.
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  • 49 8 With regard to a statement concerning the P. and O. and 1 loyal Mail lines, both com panics have given categorical denials to a report published in the Liverpool Courier, to the effect that these two organisations had completed arraugements for an amalgamation, with a total capital of iMo,ouo,ooo.
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  • 57 8 A batch of twenty-three Chinese were lined up in the second police court yfesterday and charged with playing in a common gaming house in Weld Koad. One was fined JHI and the others |.*l. A further charge of escaping from legal custody was proved against one of the gamblers and
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  • 55 8 The booking plans (or the forthcoming visit of the New Han diuana Opera Company were opentd by the Koumsou I'ianu Company ttiia morning, and judging from the business done the companvji season should beat all previous records. Those who desire, to secure good scats ill, to all appearances have to
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  • 22 8 Another bicycle theft, tho victim on this occasion being a Malay, was reported to have taken place outside the Town Hall yesterday.
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  • 31 8 At the Short Street Girls' School, last night, under the auspices of the Tamil Epworth League, Mr. lUwsou, of the Anglo-Chinese School, delivered an instructive lecture on the Power of Thought.
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  • 38 8 The service at the Houstead Institute on Sunday at 8.15 p.m. will be conducted by the Rev. W. E. Horley of Ipoh. The Metho dist Conference male quartette will render a number of sacred pieces. All are welcome.
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  • 36 8 The third magistrate yesterday concluded the hearing of the charge of theft against two Chinese deck passengers on board tho steamer Ipoh between Malacca and Singapore. Both were convicted and sentenced to four months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 51 8 Two clerks named C. Fernandez and Hator Jokil Jorikus appeared before the second magistrate yesterday charged with being drunk and disorderly and using criminal force to a tramcar conductor at Tanjong Pagar. On the former charge they were cautioned, but on the latter a fine of 95 was imposed on
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  • 58 8 Mr. Dallas's company fully maintained the high standard of their work in The Woman in the Case, which they played last night, at the Victoria Theatre, for the second time on this visit. Lady Frederick, the piece chosen for production tonight, shoulJ draw a good bouso. The company close their
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  • 74 8 On the eve of the Chinese New Year, Teong Yen Sun, of 85 Jalan I', had a visit from a coolie employed on a twakow which was conveying a cargo of bricks on his behalf. The coolie wanted an advance, but Teong Yen Sun did not see his way to
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  • 73 8 Advices from reliable sources in St. Petersburg state that the Russian Government has ordered 116 military aeroplanes from St. Petersburg, Moscow, and other firms. The Moscow firms have received orders for 70 machines of 80-horse power each, while firms iv the capital have received orders for 30 aeroplanes. Tho remaining
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  • 85 8 A pleasant evening is promised at the Sea View Hotel on Saturday next, when a special dinner will be served, and the guests will have tho pleasure of discussing the menu to the strains of Hackmeir's orchestra which has beeu specially engaged. There should be a moon on Saturday and
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  • 87 8 In the police court today a Chinese expoliceman was charged with having deserted from tho police force seven years ago and with stealing his uniform on that occasion. He had been away from Singapore since then but returning recently was recognised and arrested. His excuse was thiit he went on
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  • 83 8 The Yokohama Chamber of Commerce re ceutly requested the Eastern Australian Steamship Co., through the British Consul(ieneral and Messrs. Coraes and Co to ex tend its service between Australia and Kobe to Yokohama, as a result of which the company has decided to inaugurate a through service betweon Yokohama and
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  • 122 8 A second Siak dividend claim was beard by Mr. W. S. A. Bourne, C.M.U., Assistant Judge, in 1 1. 1 i.M .'s Supreme Court at Shanghai, when S. Michael claimed against J. K. Bingham, as liquidator of the Siak Indrapoera Rubber Concessions, Ltd., Tls, 460, be ing money payable by
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  • 141 8 A Chinese shopkeeper wants all bis wits if he is to baulk such dodgers as have cheated W.ih Chin Choo, of 17 Kobinson Koad, out of $46 worth of goods. On December 2'J a man came to his shop and ordered goods to tho value of the sum mentioned, for
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  • 142 8 An Indian named Abdul was charged in the third police court to-day with rashly and negligently driving motor- lorry No. Ml belonging to the Singapore Carting Co., and also with driving without a licence. It appeared that he took a corner into I pp. r Hokien Street very badly and
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  • 401 8 Sir Robert and F.vly Haden I\>wpll havo •jouo for two months to North Africa on account olGomml Badoa-FowoU'l health, llw engagements for two months have been cancelled by doctor's orders. The Rome correspondent of the Paris Eclair telegraphs that King Victor Emmanuel and the German Emperor
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  • 116 8 Having regard to the enormous increase n the imports of coconut produce during tho I<ast three or four years, Messrs. Curtis Gardner and Co., Limited, caused a request to be sent to the Board of Trade for the figures relating thereto to be marked separately
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  • 186 8 On the arrival of the It. I. steamer Kllenga at Ranuoon from the Straits at 8 a.m. on the 4th instant, a curious incident occurred in the smoking room of the vtssel, where the first class passengers assembled to declare any dutiable goodx. In the
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  • 284 8 The figures of our trade with China, says the Journal of the American Asiatic Association, are by no ninai.s satisfactory. For tho ten months ending with October, onr exports to China and Hongkong, including Japanese and German leased territory, amounted to 126,86(1,000. Ajjain-t
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 202 8 1 TANS AN /^Sg-^y|>«k A NATURAL TONIC WATER iSijfiSSSSw^ IN F INTS AND SPLITS ■^S^^aj^cT^A KRESU STOCKS ARRIVE MONTHLY. illil THE TRADE SUPPLIED. \^lfejSSr SOLE AGENTS: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO. L Jj Mangoes in Syrup. r .-lb. Tins, 8O cts. [■)J^*?^b| lntlian Lichi in Byrup< l'/rlb. Tins, 35 cts. Sole Agents
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    • 95 8 A PICTURE FULL OP EXCITING INCIDENTS: NICK WINTER AND THE STOLEN FAVOURITE In which Pathc's Popular DetectiveArtist excels himself. STILL DRAWING CROWDS TO THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. SUPPORTED BY Luxembourg Girdent. The lath-Chair Man. Incendiary Indiana (Thrilling American Kinema picture). IND The Grten-Eyed Monster (Max Lindcr). 2nd Show, 0.80 to
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    • 10 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on pages Sand 11.
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  • 432 9 SYMPATHY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. National Relief Fund Opened. Rbotbb's Tblbobam. London, February 12. The Lord Mayor is communicating with the authorities with a view to opening a Scott Fund. Worldwide sympathy isexprcssed in foreign and colonial legislatures. Lord Cur/on presides at a meeting of the Royal Geographical Society
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  • 70 9 A Statement Promised by Mr. Churchill. Rbotbb's Tblboram. Berlin, February 12. At question time. Or. Macnamara said Mr. Churchill considered that it would be better to deal with Admiral Tirpitz's speech when the estimates are presented as he could thus give the position as a whole. In
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  • 44 9 Kbctbb > Tblbuha* London, February 12. Mr. Maxse, editor of the National Review, which strongly attacked the Marconi contract, has been cross examined by the Mar coni Committee. He refused to name his informant-*, aid the committee reported him to the Speaker.
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  • 45 9 KBCTBk > TtLIUKAIt London, February 11. A message from St. Petersburg reports that M. Djorjiedf says he is going to London and has been charged to inform Russia and Britain of the independence of Tibut and to D their attitude on the question.
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  • 48 9 Rbctbb'i Tiuiiub. London. February 19. Herr von linn. German Consul at Shanghai, is appointed Minister at Bangkok. Daß OsTAkIATISCHB I.Lt-TH TbLBOBAM. lierlin, February 12. Tli' n port that Baron von der Golti sue ceeds Herr von Buri is erroneous. Hie successor has not yet been appointed.
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  • 89 9 British Government and Prohibited Provinces. Rbctbr's Tblburam. London, February 13. Sir Edward Grey, in reply to Mr. Rees, said His Majesty's government had consented to the inclusion of Chihli and Kwangsi in the list of provinces to which the importation of Indian opium was prohibited. Sir J. N.
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  • 21 9 Rel-ter's Th.l.ham. London, February 12. The House of Commons has read the Aerial Navigation Bill a third time.
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  • 34 9 DlB OSTASIATISCHB LIOYD TBLBORAM. Berlin, February 12. The fusion of the ShantuDg Railway with the Shantung Miuing Co. has been approved, and the railway capital will be increased to 60 millions.
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  • 60 9 The East Asiatic Company's Dail) Report. The market in London yesterday was quietly steady. Tho closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 4/3] Forward 4/2J First latex crepo, delivery next three months 4/2 J Tho auction lots arc selling steadily at following prices: First latex crepe 42\
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  • 284 9 France and Belgium's Greater Army. In view of the proposed reorganisation of the Belgian army, a Paris «o< kly paper discusses the chances of success of a foreign force invading France on its northern frontier. The eastern frontier of France is so strongly fortified that in
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  • 330 9 Germany's Scheme for Guarding Her Frontier. By the middle of Jauuary, writes a Berlin correspondent, another aerial cruiser will bave been added to tin- aeronautical arm of the kaiser's army. Tbe new cruiser, which is of the Zeppelin type, will be known officially as the 4." and ill
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  • 1082 9 CHINAS EARLY INTERCOURSE WITH THE WEST. Early Records Discussed. Mr. Byron Brennan, C.M.G., presided over the monthly meeting of the China Society in the Caxton Hall, London, when the subject for consideration was China's Early In tercourse with Foreign Countries by Sea." In the absence of Professor
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  • 1176 9 REPEATED AND EMPHASISED STRONGLY. Directors' Discussion in October Admitted. To The Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Although in my letter of yesterday's date I stated that I declined to enter into further correspondence on the subject of Sungei Gau, the reckless statements contained in the sworn
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  • 461 9 BELLA DONNA'S CREATOR. A Personal Sketch of Robert Mm The following interesting sketch of Robert I lichens, the author of Bella Donna (both novel and play) are kindly contributed by Mr. Fitzroy Gardner, the business manager of tho Dallas Comedy Company When Robert Hichens was writing indifferent short stories for
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  • 372 9 King Presents Site for Permanent Building. A memorandum has been issued (in Siamese) regarding King Chnlalongkorn's Civil Service College, to the effect that tho ultimate aim which the governing body have in view is to develop this school into a university, says the Siam Observer. The realisation of
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  • 119 9 The directors of the Nyassa Kubbcr Company have sent to shareholders notice of the third call of '2s. per share. The directors desire to make the payments as easy as circumstances permit, bat there is immediate need of funds to carry on the company's business. The directors have initiated various
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  • 217 9 HEAVY GUN FIRE IN CROWDED CITY. Battery Charged By Cavalry. Kbutbb's Tulicjram. London, February 12. A battle is proceeding at Mexico City. The Federals are bombarding four thousand rebels who are holding the arsenal. Reuter wiring from Mexico city says: There has been street fighting hero before, but
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  • 388 9 TURKISH BATTLESHIP RUNS ON THE ROCKS. Powers Refuse to Intervene. Rbotbr's Tilbqrav. London, February 12. France has made urgent representations to Bulgaria to allow French nationals to leave Adrianople. A Constantinople message says Hakki Pasha visited the British Ambassador prior to his departure for London. He breaks
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  • 26 9 RSUTSB'S TILBOBAU. LoDdon, February I' 2. The commander of the Perseus telegraphs that the missing caiter has boen given up as lost.
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  • 1459 10 THE EASTERN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. An Interesting Enterprise. The Financier MMMMNI the cm that while Bujtieb capital it EomHmj Ma loreiaa countries, anil i> taking ;iu ever grow ill^ inten-t 111 tli< aWHM D< 'MliuioUs "I tin Knipirc, n 1 1^1.-. been inadequately mindful of India. Yet our
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  • 437 10 Excellent Crude Oil Found Near Newark. For some three yearn past a colliery syndicate ban been conducting boring operations at l\rlli;iui. a mile or two from Newark, Nottinghamshire, and after tbe coal had been proved the borehole was carried below the level of the coal measures. Tbe
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  • 18 10 The Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club tournament tics arranged (or yesterday are postponed to Friday, 14th inst.
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  • 61 10 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. 'Il» competition for the l.ulu-s' spoon for February, on Monday, resulted in a tie betmm Mrs. Carver and Mrs. Gan&loser. The scores wt re as follows Mrs. Carver 48— 2=46 Mrs. Gansloaer 48 2 46 Mrs. Green 52 6 47 MiM Mc-Xair 49 2 47
    61 words
  • 49 10 Pelcpah Valley.--8.iea lbs. Kota Ting*' >.loh<ir iJUB lbs. Sii;intmi; 1 C'luvclly.— Djapotra (1'i.irayui J.rtoO lbs making a total for tlir tin luont'is >t the current financial year of It lndragiri. ibj., making a total for the three uiontb'j of the current financial year uf y,08» lbs.
    49 words
  • 2066 10 Purchase of Estates from London Sumatra Approved. An extraordinary general meeting of the United Sumatra Kubber Estates, Limited, was held on January 13, at Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Mr. P. E. Hervey presiding, for the purpose of considering and, if thought tit, of passing the following resolution
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  • 171 10 Arrivals. Per str Kucbiog, Feb. 13.— From Sarawak Mr. and Mrs. Marsden, lievd. Hoover, and Mrs. Hoovor, Messrs. Piersoa, ballon and Bateman. Per str Dunera, Feb. 12. From Uangoon Misses liaymond and Marr. Per str Kinta, Feb. 12. From T. Anson via ports Messrs. Charles E. Draper,
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  • 79 10 Representatives of the Imperial Government and of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand will meet at Vancouver probably in May in connection with the Empire naval defence. Tbe principal questions for discussion will be tbe necessity of cooperation between Australia and New Zealand for tbe protection of common interests the desirability
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1319 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Although a lover of my fatherland, yet I, for one. believe with all sincerity that so far there are no visible improvements iu the state of affairs in China to testify thai she has profited by the last revolution.
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  • 778 10 Captain Mikkelsen's Adventures for Twenty-Eight Months. Captain Kjnnr Mikkelsen, who was lost in the Polar Hegiou (or twenty-eight months with one companion, Kuginevr Iversin, has been in London lecturing to the Bom] (juorgrapliical Society. 1 went to tind HM MM left by Krichsen, who, with two
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  • 190 10 In the Companies Winding up Court, London, Mr. Justice Swiufcn Ka<ly decidi d a suujuions taken out by the liquidator of Tauali Brunei Rubber Company, Limited, for the purpose of determining the rights in reference to a fund representing the balanco of a guarantee sum put up by tUe vendors
    190 words

  • 614 11 BRITISH GOVERNMENTS SHOW AT GHENT. Comprehensive Exhibit. A nutting of the members of tin committit ap|>"iiit<il under the Board of Trade, which has in hand the arrangement of the Tropii -al,, K\hib<tion to be made by tin British GovcnUDSStt at (ihent this \<;ir, wis l,el<l iii Loinlon
    614 words
  • 353 11 Unique Site Selected Near Portsmouth. LbjbMMM Harbour, near Portsmouth, wliu Ii i> MBffaaai to have been selected by tin- Ailmiralty M vi aircraft base, is in many ways uniiiue amongst the harbours of Kngland. It is mhbl by a narrow neck between Uayiiafl Island and Kastney. Further
    353 words
  • 82 11 The probable cost of new harbour works at Kishguard. for the construction of which Parliamentary powers are being sought by the Kishfjiianl and Ko— -lare Railways and Harbour> Company, is estimated at £M\>.W2. of winch the propos<-d widening and exteu -i. hi of the breakwater will MM an expenditure of
    82 words
  • 737 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 13, 1918. Mi win Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Norn. Valui. Bdy»R9. Sillies. I 2/- Allayar 1 j :i 7J C 1 An»l..-.J.iva 9. 1* 10/3 1 Anglu-.lohore
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 8 11 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Core.
      8 words
    • 338 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BECOMMENDS ITSELF. "DRY ROYAL" A SPARKLING SAUMAR A Champagne IN ALL BUT PRICE. Garner, Quelch Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT!, Battery Road, Singapore. Telephone 881 26 S 36 8 The Man Who j Gets There Ii Mm man who hat blood— real rich I red blood and ple.ty
      338 words
    • 393 11 NOW ON SALE. Dollar Share Values. (Skcond Kdiiion.) HISTORY AND PROSPECTS OF TIIK LEADING DOLLAR COMPANIES CAREFULLY EXAMINED lIV TUB STRAITS TIMES CRITIC. Ilia uio-t c-nv-t nif lit band bcok is n. w on sale. It is not a theoretical analysis bat a practical examination of tho actual position of
      393 words
    • 288 11 BEESWING FLAKED GOLD LEAF CAVENDISH Packed in I^-lb. Tins. For Sale toy ROBINSON CD. RAFFLESKOTEL Special ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15. Music bj BOOK Orchestra f< \X ±J 1-1/ A/ w N W DANCE SEA VIEW SATURDAY HOTEL NEXT, Febr. IS. STAMFORD HOUSE. (Formerly Raffles lodge) Bras Basah Road. Private Hotel.
      288 words

  • 1548 12 Messrs. r and Stoughton, of London. N. w Yoik -in. I loronto, send us a beautiful volume of Sho Stoops to Conquer." It is delightfu!'y illustrated in colours by Hugh Thomson, and the wonderful play, which belongs to a date when dressing ranked among the fine
    1,548 words
  • 571 12 From Shanghai to Land's End Direct. Within the course of the next six months Ceylon is to be linked up by ocean cable direct with England, and a submarine service is to be established which, as regards both rapidity of transit and cheapness, bids fair
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  • 147 12 The other day two paviors supervised by a ganger were pushing a barrow containing eight paving stones along a street near the boulevards of Paris. At tbe corner of the Hue Rochechouart the men stopped. Another man with another barrow approached I lifted the stones on to
    147 words
  • 1114 12 The Meeting Again Adjourned— Committee's Views. The adjourned meeting of the Lami River Kubber, Cocoa and lianana Plantation Limited, was held on January l">,at Winches tcr House. Sir Bredrick C. D. A. Hartwe pratftagi The Chairman stated thai tlic present iiiictinj; was the adjournment of the ordinal-
    1,114 words
  • 399 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists. Tho following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken li mil the London aud China Express. It should be understood that, in sonio instances, bookings may bo provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements, subsequent to the issuance of this
    399 words
  • 133 12 The following is supplied by tbo local agents Per N. D. L. steamer P. E. Friedrich. due I February 15. Mr. A. G. Connings, Mr. A. van der Wai, Mr. A. E. Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig, Kcv. and Mrs. W. T. Chorry and children, Mr. K. G. M.
    133 words
  • 447 12 Homeward Bound. Per P. and O. Himalaya, connecting at Colombo with Morca, sailing Thursday, February 20.— Mr. Duprct, Mr. A. E. Lcloir, Mr. G. Ldaondo, Mr. A. K. S|xx>ncr, Mrs. D. G. Pciniger, Miss F. E. Stothard. Per 1'. and Sardinia, sailing February 26. Mrs. A. F. Low and infant,
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  • 78 12 Eight midshipmen and ST boys from the battleship St. Vincent were engaged in running exercise from Weytuouth to Portland when, on entering Castletown. Portland, one of the young officers, named Maurice V. L. Hammick, tripped over a railway crossing, and struck his head against a stone waggon. He was picked
    78 words
  • 51 12 According to the Neue Freie Preese, the Austro Hungarian War Office has ordered a large number of aeroplanes, which are said to amount to as many seventy, t > be delivered by the end of February. Hie Zeit asserts that twenty Lohncr Arrow machines and ten etrith monoplane i hare
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 427 12 TO THOSE LIVING ON ESTATES. LIBBY'S ASSORTED SOUPS. Most delicious. Once tried always used, backed in cases containing 48 tins, assorted. LIBBY'S SLICED BACON. Is now obtainable in tins of 1 lb Size No. 1 and A )b. Size No. J and in glass jars of 1 lb Size No.
      427 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 222 13 ADLER TYPE 'willl WRITER Visible writing, permanent alignment, marvellous, simple and solid construction, a first-class reliable typewriter at a LOW PRICE. sole agents BEHN, MEYER CO., LTD. f! Aix-la-Chapelle Springs KAISER-WATER A Refreshing Dietetic Table Water. OBTAINABLE FROM: BEHN. MEYER CO., LTD., jjfjl Sole Agents. 1 »fflmne€ Henry Si m
      222 words
    • 966 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVICE OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BITWIIK •••mantle i Perth), North West Australian Ports, Java •nd Singapore. Regular Fortnightly Milinga between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King* Sound (Port for the Kimberley
      966 words
    • 47 13 Moutrie's for Music. Waiting for the Robert Rag. New 1913 Rag-time Album. Carnival Two-step. Fire Flies Two-step. Dancing Mistress Waltz. Dream Light Waltz. CALL AND HEAR THEM. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. USED BY His Majesty King George V. Asiatic Petroleum Co., S.S., Ld SINGAPORE. PENANG. 17-lOtt-f ju
      47 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1697 14 INSURANCE. NORWICH UNION FIRE OFFICE. Founded 1797. HEAD OFFICES. NORWICH AND LONDON. Losses Paid exceed £28.500.000 Lowest Hates ci Premium. Prompt and Liberal Scttliuu-nU THE BORNEO CO., LTD., ARents. \A tUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITBD, LONDON •akieribed Capital 41,000.000 Xotal Invested Fond* 46,360,000 Annual Inoome 41,100,000 The nadersigned, Agents (ot the
      1,697 words
    • 657 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF SUPERIOR WAX-POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; SEMI-GRAND PIANO, ETC The Property of Mrs. Sih-r. At Powel! k Co.'s Sale room, On Saturday, February 22, at 10.30 a.m. An excellent toned at rui grand PIANO by M. F. Ricbals Co., nearly uew and in Rood condition
      657 words

  • 1124 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Serious Accident in Ceylon. c The dannn of --trayiu" cattle on Ceylon roads to motorists was again clearly emphasized lately when a Colombo merchant had a narrow escape from death, and a planter who was with him also suffered injuries. Coming
    1,124 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 103 15 WOLSELEY ARROL-JOHNSTON ARGYLL SS MOTOR CARS Due This Month. SOLE AGENTS: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LIMITED, Singapore Kuala Lumpur. US UJ-U FORD THE UNIVERSAL CAR Again Reduced in Price. 20 H.P. 5-SEATER TOURING GAR FULLY EQUIPPED $1,550 This Startling Price is made possible owing to the Enormous Output for 1913, viz:
      103 words
    • 11 15 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, I Woods' Great Peppermint Care.
      11 words
    • 453 15 AT T 4!^ Garages #^Cfc^ Mot o* and 4^t m 2N? Tyres. Dealers Stock i^T Continental Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.. Telegrams SINGAPORE, Telephone CONTINENTA. 17, Col Iyer Quay. 290. FOR SALE A new shipment of pneumatic-tyred Rickshaws. 3 Second-hand E. M. F. Cars in good order, 30 H.P., 4-cy
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 473 16 1 SYNOLEO i I DISTEMPER J Washable Hygienic. Synoleo is a Paste Distemper Urn pamtfng arttitfo oolours on walta. II is the produot ot Messrs. Wllkiaaon, Heywood Clark, 14d., who are tbe largest and oldest paint manuiactirers in the world. It i« manufactured in the palest aad darkest art ahadaß,
      473 words
    • 414 16 WANTS. CHINESE CLERKS WANTEO. Wanted, Two Chinese Clerks for office work by Mercantile Firm. Apply MASS, c/o Straits Times. 112 17-2 NURSE WANTED FOR JAVA. Wanted, a nurse to take care of two boys, ages 7 and o years will be required to proceed to Seuiarany, Java, beginning of March.
      414 words
    • 521 16 fO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICE TO LET. A large and bright Office, 2nd floor, No. 100 2, Robinson Road. Apply to The Bank A Taiwan. i 1712 v FURNIBHED BEASIOE REBIDENCESTOLET. Belmont, Benzoline, Ben Ledi, off Tanjong Katong and 88, Balestier Rd. Apply H. Soma- < pah, 19, Raffles
      521 words
    • 649 16 ARTICLES FOB SALE. FOR SALE. Humber Motor Car, 4- Beater, price 11,200. Can be inspected at 6, Nacsim Road. For particulars, plcaie apply to Hooglandt Co. 2» 1 v WOLSE.EY CAR FOR SALE. Wolseley 14/iO HP. motor car for sale. Complete with all accessories and in firstclass order and condition.
      649 words
    • 407 16 NOTICES. ST. GEORGE'S DAY. A meeting of Bnglisbmen will be held in Malacca Club on Saturday, (hi 16th February, at 6.30 p.m., to decide the form of Entertainment to be hi Id on St. George's Day. Malacca, February 10, 1913. 112 14-3 NOTICE. Mr. KHOO CHONG SENG, of No. 5,
      407 words
    • 686 16 NOTICES. KIAM MAT A CO. SHIP-CHANDLBRS, • sid Municipal Ooiitracteri. Telephone No. 431. 108 It 109, Market Street. TENDERS INVITED. Tenders will be received for dismantling, removing and purchasing tho engines and fittings of tho 88. KALiiOOKLIK. Also for the purchase of brass, copper and other metal* aud gears, including
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