The Straits Times, 8 January 1913

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 24.075 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8. 1913. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 206 1 *6W^99 BEER THK I'OKLAK BRAND. KATZ BROS., LTD. FOR d*^S J Travelling Requisites ff^^Ff »ww^s|«P« ENTIRE NEW whmm|^^mm^^ r JL? J^^L. m v r r >it t"^... I Brief Ba^s Overland Trunks Square M Cabin Trunks Gladstone Bags Imperial Kit Bn.ffs Dress Baskets Cash mi mk Uniform Cases. Attache Cases
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    • 101 1 ROBINSON'S Tropical Sun Helmets. IN EVERY WELL-KNOWN SHAPE. Robinson's Sun Helmet. The "SIRDIR." A well kuown Helmet, covered superior White Drill on a Felt body. Kitted witb best fitting* and well ventilated. Price Stt.OO each. SILK AND COTTON. PUGGAREES ALWAYS IN STOCK. ELLWOOD S Sun Helmet. Tin" well known firm's
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    • 58 1 Robinson's "NiwShikar" Shape. The most Popular Il»lm<t ie S.nijsport. Fitted with White Puggaree, boet fi'.tioKi and well veotilattd. Price: SS.SO eacb. Sizes in Stock. Gi. b,\6}, 61.7,71, 7J, 7;. Robinson's "Singapore" Sun Helmet. The Leading shape, liiibt in weight, strong and durable, well ventilated, it forma an ideal Helmet for
      58 words
    • 100 1 DDMISY i CO.; CHAMPAGNE ADAMBON 6ILFILLAN •ID CO.. LTD, ELLWOOOS SHIKAR" HELMET. Covered with white drill. jMi bilmit in much improved m appearance by aw of a puggaree. Mm cact>. SHARPE CHIN STRAPS ANO LEATHER BANDS. ETC.. FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF HELMET ALWAYS IN STOCK. No. 1OS, ELLWOOD'S
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  • 892 2 EFFORTS TO SECURE A LIGHT ON THE REEFS. Shipmasters' Opinions Desired. Mr. L. A. W. Brooks, bon. agent of the Imperial Merchant Service GuildT Saigon, sends us copies of correspondence exclianged between the (iuild ana Foreign Office relative to tbe establishment of a light or lights in tbe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 352 2 <=4^*jjgj|if Illness take jEgßßaiiir' SS A N A BRAND Tome Wine Every dose of this valuable tonic nourishes and >trcngthcns the debilitated system. It begins by enriching the blood the source of good health and thus every organ of the body is benefited. 'V.ana' is especially serviceable to persons residing
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    • 40 2 Something to Remember. In bajing ooagh medicine tor children. bear in mind Uuvt Chamberlain's Coogb Kemedy ia the beat tor cold*, croup and -a hooping coogb, and that it contains no harmful drag. For aale by all Dn-pensaries and Dealer*.
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    • 831 2 Warm Days their pleasures some discomforts. Then it it really refreshing to remove every trace of dust and perspiration by using CALVE RT'S Carbolic Toilet Soap and any day it it good soap to choose for ordinary toilet we. Pure and cleansing, pleasantly perfumed and anbieptic for 10 crystal carbolic
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    • 203 2 Redio POLISHING CLOTHS. These cloths contain within thcm-elves all tbe materials required for cleaning and polishing almost any kind of meUl, thus dispensing entirely with Una of paste or liquid. Tbey are serviceable until worn to piecea and are more lasting than any other metal polish. SO cents each KELLY
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  • 679 3 TRADE AFFECTED BY LABOUR DISPUTES. Annual Report The annual report of tbe Port of London Authority for tbe year ended March 31 last states that the trade of the port daring the third year of the authority's administration, although in excess of that of tbe previous year,
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  • 197 3 Visit to Hongkong to Gather Information. A trip to the China coast is the probable sequel, sajs a Hongkong paper, to the appointment of Austin Craig to the chair of a-HHistant professor of oriental history in the University of the Philippines. Mr. Craig believes that in Shanghai and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 302 3 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA. LIMITED. Established 1860 The first Life Offloe in the worl to introdco: the non-forfeiture principle to Policies. A Mutual Oftio*. Me Shareholders. Low rVsmiums. Annual Ineoms 5i, 284,364. Fund* C 7.291.280 Claim* paid ce.O7B.seo. ALL profit* are distributed amongot Policy holders. Clsims paid
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    • 10 3 For Children's Hacking Cough at Night, Woods' Great Peprenniat Core.
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    • 438 3 [La-rolaj I/T S^FT Ai VtLVEV, *•*> k<»ps 111 bOft, SMOOTH md »nllt If \r\ «M t"« round rW [Umuvfi *nj prevent* Rouc^rteM. J 'i. UedacMk InilMKMfc T»n. etc V 1 I kl\ 1 THE SIMMER HEAT \'J, a son, b Stop That Pain! Accidents will happen. Disfaee and various ailments
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    • 122 3 Nerves Q! old have them. Boat aln;.-e them. They y tret lind. starved. Symptoms: Loss of appetite, sUeplessness, indigestion, irritability. eventually a wrecked constitutor. Alcoholic remedies stimuI late only; they do no Ll good, much harm. f SCOTT'S Emulsion soothes, nourishes, and feeds. the nerves. A natural nerve- food,
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    • 28 3 BRIGHTNESS and good spirits follow the use of Sunlight Soap. As the sunlight lightens the landscape, so Sunlight Soap lightens the day's work. Sunlight Soap TRY THE HMJGHI
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 652 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. fOB CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CEYLON. AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Ladiag isstied tor Obiaa Coast, Persian Golf, Coatiaeatai and AnerWma Ports. tteamer* will leave Singapore oa or about- MAIL LINES ISIS QmMMr J i fu* Huropt)
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    • 620 4 STEAMER SAILHWS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe bave been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 713 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 81AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringganu, Bisol, Semerak, Bacnc. Kelaataa Bangnara. Telupia, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laooa, Kobsamui, Baadoa, l^angaoan, Tako, Cbn»poa, Kohiak and Bangkok. Due OipsPtUM •.(.BORIBAT Jan. 8 Jan. It. .s. PRACHATIPOK rf an IS Jan. 16. a.c. VUG ALA Jan. 3O
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    • 499 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. MB mbtki ■wrmuw lAIRTMEI. IIIU Combined ■sta'ailusi. The steamres of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad the Straits, Cbiaa and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched tortnightly for Havre aad Hamburg and once a month tor Bremerhaven direct,
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    • 637 4 STEAMER SAILIWaa N. D. L orddetjtsohcr Lloyd, Br«mv IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail (tear > r> this Company nail fortnightly from B- n 1 Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Souto ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Nap'.es (soanut ing Marseilles, Napica. Aloxandria, and versa) Port Said, Sues Aden, Colon:!.--!
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 700 5 NOW RISADY THE SINGAPORE BUSINESS MAP DIRECTORY FOR 1913. to its. by M. olound. ihcw'ng a clear pUn of tlie MM qoarterf. Bf ma of notions aod numbers the nimo and address with the exac*. location is t-kcid (rci aMf Ist sol tho varioos styles of basineasM are so clashified
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    • 840 5 I BTEAMEI BAIUIWB. BIBBY LINE Of fast twin-topcw Mail Paasangf Steamer* between Rangoon, Colombo, Suei, Port Said, Marseille, and London. Proposed Sailings for 1913 HOMEWARD. Dtpartnres Departures Steamer Stiamii from firm MABMiiles Rangoon Colombo Loiidom HBREFORDSHIRB Jan 0 Jan 15 t\b Fob B LEICESTBRSHIRB Jan 23 Jin 28 Feb 15
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    • 659 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED SERVIOK OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. CO.. LTD.. k THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CO.. LTD. SSTWBBM F^msnt l* Perth North West AwatPAllan Ports, Java «"d lir|apop«. F. jgaiar Portaigbtly sailicgs bc-tvee: ?inj<apcre and Wetttora Australia, callinfr a Java (aa indnccmcr. offers), Derby, Kin«> Scald (Pert lor
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    • 588 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMeNTS. NOTICE. Lost, one scrip for (00 shares member cf scrip aod naiubrr of shares uckoowm in tbe .Basil Sembawann Itabber I'inUtioDs, Ltd. Scrip in aamo o( urixioal al ottee Wto Trow Beoß. aod transfer form unsißnrd. The P^b ie art w roci not to deal with the c
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 144 7 FIXTURES Wednesday, January H. Mi'.h Wai, In N a.m. M M ii it« ll I mill .1 i. I .1 i m.| mail .In.- I p.m. Thursday, January II Wat m i n in M i -v. in, l. r. lU. Victoria Taertw. Friday, January 10. il
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  • 417 7 . To P\Y II n«. \ni •>• an.l N iUm <• ufnll'Xih t pin PriRJ li.l.ili an,l 111, II. I. II I ('ilolTß Spill Malai i. I. K«i tti iiliain an, l Tl Ml \n-oii Ip,,h I pm llnnukoni:. sliaßi;uai MM .la|uii .It l;in<a pin I', it Hwetl<
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  • 412 7 . Latest Arrivals k. IL I. M Traaa, t ipt Harold. .1 I |l I >. _•■_>. n I o'V>. i For H koag -i .in v t t .ii— t \i|»i ii, 7. In. in Pi— h .lan J an, l ti 1 I I I 9.
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  • 104 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAXJONO PAOAB. East W.ivkj Mvsin I ,1, \V. Sk. thin No. 1...(i1i no.^le. Krinpira. BaanM Wiukk Soyo M.un Mmn \V. m,! r. No. 1 Tlwanw fatal Mam. T 'iTtiijiii Ayuthi.i. 5 ..(iins,iii. 6...\..ith1.n-.k V,<talia. Marmlii.
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  • 118 7 . Arrivals. l'ir -tr. Sum Tun«. .Lan M. From HangIkok. Mrs. Klli-.n. WMM .luilar, Howell, Mi --r- Dian-. I'.ishop. Lafm Weyel. dc H. L. Tyeetk linan Liat. Walker. Wultor. I', r str. Kaka, .lan s.— Krom Malacca and Mnar. Mr. 11. 11. Hiulkou. I.i str I'trsia. .'an >*.
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  • 313 7 Tin s< ,-reUrien of the I', rak Kubber I'lan t.itiuD». Limited, have issued a circular to tie shan liniileii. wliieli «taU that tho MMMN have had under con»ideratioa for I nee time past the ijuestionof extending th« rulti«a'<'d area of the company'!! propcr'.y. Ml. i careful consideration
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  • 270 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE PRODUCE. SISOAfOBI. .TaSC U:V 191!. On London Bank 4 m,s Demand J4' I Private 6ms M 3 m.t 1/4* l On Girmist Bank d J Private m's On Filimi Bank d d 294 Private 3ms ■JM j On Imia Bank T. T. IT4Private 30 d. s it;.
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    • 152 7 "jy Buyer,. Seller.. 10 10 Ampanc 9.n0 MM 10 10 Tin 3.10 8.6-1 10 10 liruani; Ui \M 10 10 Kauaboi Ui Mi £1 £1 KinUTin J UIM) 10 10 Kampar par 1C 10 KintaA>M<ciationl4..>o 1 "U £1 L^liat Mines 110.0 1.14.6 10 10 Mi.MI. t..n MM It
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    • 576 7 \xSLI B °y ers •2 I Alla«ar I I 3 M 2 '2 Ani;!u Malay 10 4 Klj "2 •> 15utan« Malaka 110 7 XI £1 Hatu Caves 13.10.0 14.5.0 norn XI XI liatu Tina UM UM XI XI Kukit Kajang MJ 5.10.6 XI XI Kukit I.:uuu- 4.10.0 4.17.6
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    • 111 7 Value Buyers. Sellers. 7 8 7 6 Electric TVays 2 10 8-1* 10 10 Fraser Neate i'.Km) 5O.C0 100 Hovrartli Erskinc 4.*>.i>0 MM 100 7 I'M. 1W.50 101.00 100 100 KaU I'.i,». I >, I. 1.JO.O0 100 10U Cum. I'rtf. nur 10 10 MaviKinl Co. 2fi.00 J-.JO 100 100
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    • 45 7 Huyerv Sellers Howarth Erskine 6% *900.0n0 pa» Kiley, Uargreaves 6% »2(H.OO0 -Jj Singapore Electric Tramways 5%' £350.000 Spore Municipal 5%^t1,H75,0U0 nom. 1-ayen MIBI spore Municipal 4J%, ft ItOI n.onn.nno 7% S por. Municipal 4j of MM tl.n"*>.iXin 10% ps> S'poiv Municipal 4% |.>r_>.'j<x) pa*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 57 7 I Ik i'o.i* w»« baJ. the poor old dad W»« U| anil nearly raTin«; Hi had a aaai an.) tl:' n MaM, I!. WaM f.iak.. Hi« »ite wi« «ti< Wq I- I nt Cure Wn' 1,1 mmi him in a Liii uti \:i 1 1 vi been Wil it cm..
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    • 155 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Jaaaarjr 10. -At wlnwat. ll .Ininm 1.i.1.ii. nil,- Oil. at 11. Jaaaarj to. >.l bJavwiaa Jayn \t t. .in. M 0 IpU il bl' .lew, ii. iv at 11. .l.*n.i.nv \t Tl* i »Mr l>. j-.-. K. |>|m I Harbour. nn*m iiiii.!, --..i. i...
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    • 71 7 TRY Three Nuns OBTAINABLE AT: JOHN LITTLE ft CO., LTD., KATZ BROS, LTD., ROBINSON ft CO. ONCE A YEAR ONLY. Cash Clearance Sale. Opening Day, January 13. Closing Day, January 2T. GENUINE REDUCTIONS AND NO OLD STOCK. J. L CAMPBELL CO.. LTD., BATTERY ROAD. ABSOLUTELY %P PURE. Grand Prix Paris,
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    • 49 7 harimai:hall cinematograph. NOBTH BRIDOB ROAD. To -N i Ht Z To Night t THE ONE SHI LOVED Bioßrapte. THE LINK AT HOGAN S do. A REAL ESTATE DEAL do. CHILD OF GHETTO Vltatraph. Oaumont Graphic, No. 49. The Balkan War (Latest). No. 111 C K. HAKIMA Sole Propne«or
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  • 973 8 The Straits Times WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8. PEACE BY FORCE. There appears to be no excuse for anticipa ting a renewal of war between Turkey and the Balkan states. It is true that the posi tion is to all appearance critical, as the allies have broken off negotiations, but they have
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  • 26 8 Roneo, Ltd., are now in a position to sup ply 1913 date blocks for the useful iron bases which were circulated by that firm last year.
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  • 23 8 The Public Services Commission, consist iug of Earl Koualdshay. Sir Murray H.iu.uiul. Sir Valentine Chirol, and Mr. Kamsay Macdonald have arrived in India.
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  • 47 8 The Straits and X.M.S. Motor Service Co. meeting, at I'enang on M inday, passed the resolution to sell the undertaking to a new London couipauy for a purchase consideration half in cash and in I fully-paid shares in respect of each dollar share in the existing company.
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  • 55 8 The Gleulojian which is due here from London about the 11 st inst. brings the following passengers for the Straits:— Mrs. F, V. infant and amah, Mr. 11. 11. Banks. Miss Bedell, Mrs. Caldwell, Master Caldwell, Mr. H. W. K. King. Mrs. J. W, King, Miss V. V. King,
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  • 79 8 At the second session of the sale in Paris of the Henri Rouart collection early in December the picture by Degas, Les Dan seuses a la Barre," was sold for X17,4(»i, although it was estimated only to be worth i;6,i >. No living artist, it is said, has hitherto seen
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  • 90 8 Reports of swarms of locusts still come in at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. K. A. Laing reports that at Salak South at noon on Sunday he witnessed a swarm a quarter of a mile long, and covering the ground from Salak South station righ' up to the cutting of the new
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  • 12 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page I an 1 11.
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  • 26 8 A taibr. carrying on b.i*inc- < at '"I Hi^li Street, complaics to t^e p lice- iMUMM stole a tweed coat fr.ui the door of his .-hop yesterday.
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  • 22 8 Messrs. Krn-er and Chaliuors, Ltd aagents of Holman Bros.. Ltd., mining ma chinery manufacturers, send a calendar issue J by that firm.
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  • 27 8 The Carmarthenshire 1 outward bound for Yokohama, was detained al I'ort Said owing to a slight derangement of hi-r machinery Sue was to sail on Deccmbtr 10.
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  • 32 8 I'tincc Henry of the Netherlan Is. who has been suffering from neuralgic troubles, was to go tv the Taunus at the be^iumng of this year in order to Mjdergo medical treatment tuere.
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  • 33 8 The (jueen of Holland has received in audience the newly appointed Envoy-Extra-ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Siaui, who handed to her Majesty his credentials, and also the letters of recall of his predecessor.
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  • 47 8 A Chinaman, living at 40 South Bridge Koad, foolishly left his coat, loaded with gali buttons and a gold watch, hanging in a room in house yesterday. Next time he saw the coat the buttons .and watch were gone aad he values the missing property at NS9JU,
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  • 57 8 It was reported at Hongkong, on 1..-.■.1 >..-.■. ber 11, that a petty officer named l) Neill, of H.M.S. Minotaur, had been mis«ini; fr>in r. I', p. :n ou the i.'th. His body was found on th.-:f"th. floating near the naval camber, in the harbour. Deceased was a first clsss
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  • 62 8 In the House of Commons on December I.'. Mr. lngleby askud the Prime Minister whether his attention had been called to the desire of the Federated Malay States to le represented on the Judicial Cummittee of the Privy Council, and whether he would give his sympathetic consideration to any authoritative
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  • 96 8 The messenger Biuning, of the Dresdner Bank, who defrauded them of m. 260,000 in June last and then tied to America, has be-cn in -it lat Winnipeg. The thief took \vit:i him only m. V'.OOO. while the other m "JIO.iXjiI have be< v buried at Eugter on the rivet Kliine,
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  • 100 8 A special Army Orde-r gives de-tails of the alterations which follow upon the reduction of the garrison in South Africa. Tho fol owiug units are being moved from South Africa to the stations mentioned in brackets: l'Jth Lauccrs iNorwie-h and W«cdon I.lth Hnsfcars iLongmoor'. A sMMff Ist B.igade R.11.A. .Auiballa'.
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  • 124 8 The most r xtraordioary ImMM of r\is MM iv Sh>HsptM iluiin'.' IbtMM Week or M has been, not so much the luavv m •Ju ;ib-euce of sun. The urb ai.i.le a rtlift ellort to break through a C at iv »t \v rv ■iMM this morning, but the af.eii.f.
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  • 113 8 Wor. Bro. C. E. lH>naldson has been in stalleil W.M. of Lodge Nejtri Sembilau. No. 3,."m'2, EC. of which he is one of the founder members. A goodly company of the I'.rcthn n journeyed froa. Kuala Lumpur U> Se'remban for the occasioh. Th» ceremony of installation was most effectively performed
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  • 128 8 His Majt sty's Vice-Consul at Darns BaJsV am i Mr. N. King) reports that acemding to the local l'nss, the- cultivation of sisal hemp in German Kml Afric i yields a crop second only to inblxr in importance It Mst I'r t.c:<irat> The plant was introduced into the country Irum
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  • 144 8 The construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific's dry duck at Prince Kupert is destin ed, in the opinion of experts, to bate an important effect upon the shipping trade of the Pacific Coast. In Hie first place, when the company lays np its steamers, as it does at this time
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  • 386 8 Mi- Will.* Doaghl i- \rect. ti out fr htMt in I ibr.i.iry. Mr. aii.l Mr-*. J. Ward Imtc Iv.i i a Lumpur for Lome in March. The death at Port Said from -mall p>>\ is reported of Major C. K. Cunrull, <>'Xh Punjabis. Miss Audrey Thornton, daughter
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  • 175 8 Mrs. Barnard pre^i.Ud at the ai;i: eral nievtiug uf the .r l.i Club held on Saturday win n tiie rt p r: :.n I'.MJ whs pnaMrtad, sli.iwiol: tint it the I* i;inniny al I.l- the c!:ib had tl me!!ib»rs bu: at the esOMi ort iui; tv
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  • 154 8 . The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction al Mm Powell au I Co.'s saleroom yesterday afternoon: VsV cant land at Klang Uoad. mm »M square' f. .t. frit W I. l>>uyht by Shaft Bh«MI at 3- 1 ceuts per square- fout, 1.7 71 Vacaut landat
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  • 202 8 . Mr. llaulm.inii c.jx ni I hi- ur\\ s-asoa iv Calcutta od the l> )cO mbvi accoiding to the Calcutta pre— the «t|n-ri Company played Lahsw'i Osfaf L a crowded hpMtt scoring The State»;uan tl. v. M jdueti jd. "both in I to In* hwiMMM and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 107 8 Still Strong in Public Favour Crowds Flocking to See The Cinematograph Adaptation of EUGENE SUE S FAMOUS WORK the: Mysteries OF Paris ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD, 1 hour pict urn. In Four Parts. Second Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. AMI THOSE LITTLE FAVOURS By M. Prince. ■I. Kib-t Sb-'W, 7.30 to
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  • 325 9 POWERS DETERMINED TO HAVE PEACE. Attitude on Adrianople Question Rbctbb's Tblborah. London, January 7. The I&alkanitcs opine that tho adjourn 1: ■nt over the Orth-idox Christmas will Bj| rl the Turks time to consider and submit more acceptable proposals at the next mevt M 0 which will be
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  • 183 9 THE UNIONISTS TURNING FREE FOODERS. Representation to Mr. Bonar Law Anticipated. Kictbr's Tblboram. I nbn, .lan 111 y«. Tin 1 Cou-*)rvative papers 1 ar<- gMM| pr.< M an i<l<i of S.i .l.»s.'ph l.i-.\rence Is .Tint a boun'.y <•( t» mmU »l>< it I tasin; foreign, au<l also a
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  • 162 9 FORMATION OF PARLI VMENTARY (iROLP. Encouraging the Republicans Rl I I Ib'< Tl I t IMUM. 1.11. 11 January 7. The I lime* croup of parliament was i I last night. Mr. WodgwooJ presiding. A renolutiou was ado, toil that the group be later w> as
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  • 60 9 TANJONG PAGAR LAWSUIT. Settlement of the Litigation Assured. RbCTBK'9 TILBORAIt. London. January 7. The Times says a settlement between >ir John Aird and Co. and the Tacjong I'agar Dock Board has been reached. Local enquiries which have been made confirm the information telegraphed by MMM* from The Times. The terms
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  • 86 9 . Rbctir's Trlbobam. Loodrt, January 7. Mr. Crisp states that t5 sextuple loan group takes over the balance of his loan, which will be issued as part of the sextuple loan. London, January 8. The sextuple bankers meet in London on Friday to discuss details of the new
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  • 43 9 . Kama's Tblborav. London. January 7. Owing to the increased price and output, the coal conciliation board of the English area has grantoJ the miners a 5 per cent, advance bringing up wages to tho 1"« point, the highest on record.
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  • 54 9 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report. The market in London yesterday was weaker. Buyers are nervous on account of the lar^c ijtiantity. over 1,000 tons, to be offered in next week's auction. The closing prices were Hard Fine Para Spot 4 Forward 4.6) First latex crepe, delivery
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  • 400 9 PENANG RACE MEETING. iFion Ock Own Cokrispondbnt.) Penang, January 7. The weather at the first day's race meeting was shuwery and clouJy. but the attendance >,>■(. au<l included 11. E. the Governor an<l Lady F.vtlyn Young. Tho results \\< n Mix hi Ila\l'l< ip. one mile. Lnde*t ir iWoodgate)
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  • 831 9 ANOTHER MORCH" ASHORE NEAR SINGAPORE. A Disastrous Coincidence Lcsh than twelve hours after the news ol the wreck of the Peter Morch reached Singa pore yesterday, a coincidence extraordinary in shipping annals was revealed by the arrival of information that the Alexcy Morch, a vessel owned
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  • 55 9 . Pbotbr'o Tblkqbax. London. January 7. A Toulon telegram says ei^ht men were killed by an explosion of a steam pipe in the engine-room of the French battleship Massina. 088 OSTAJIATISCHB LLOYD TbLBOBAM. Berlin, January 7. On the French warship Massena a steampipe exploded, with eight fatalities. The
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  • 39 9 . Dis Osiasiatischb Lloyd Tblbobam. Berlin, January 7. A strike of compositors is proceeding at Amsterdam. The cruiser Strassborg collided with a Danish steamer the former is making water forward. Both Teasels have put into Jieleb (?i harbour.
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  • 21 9 Raima's Tslboram. London, January 7. Sir Sydney Olivier is appointed Permanent Seen tary to the Board of Atjiiculluit.
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  • 2075 9 LOCAL RUBBER SYNDICATE IN LIQUIDATION. End of An Unhappy Career. i 'in of the first local rubber ;x>m panics to be liquidated through strew of adverse circumstances is the Sri Slamat Syndicate. Ltd.. which is at present in process of dissolution. It is not a well known company,
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  • 212 9 . Attacked on Dark Road by Unknown Assailants. The death occurred, shortly after twelve o'clock last night, in the General Hospital, Singapore, of Mr. D. C. Oakley, manager of Sedeuak Rubber Kstite. .lobore. The oc currence came apparently rather un< SB* "U.I ly for though Mr. Oakley was
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  • 22 9 Lord Islington airired at Tuticorin on December 29 from Colombo and 1< M for Madras the suue <> I) by the MftM boat.
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  • 111 9 BRITAIN AND THE VIOLATION OF TREATIES. Necessity of Being Represented at Lhasa. Rbctbr's Tblboram, London. January 7. The Times, discussiug the Chinese a<. tion in Tibet, says that if Yuan Shi Kai and his advisers think Britain will not face another Lhasaexpedition, they make a miscalculation. Britain
    111 words
  • 105 9 CURIOUS PROTEST BY SIAM AND FRANCE. Anxious About Their Revenues. Rbutbr's Tblborax. Lon Im. January 7. At <jucstion time in :1k- II ,-< o: Cituuions Mr. Aclaml said the Government <1 h > n<>: intend to terminate the opii-.m MMMMM4 of 1911. The Goverument of ludiu ha.l
    105 words
  • 89 9 IMPORTANT SUPREME COURT DECISION. Probable Effect on Food Prices Rbttbb's Tili .kam. Lin I. m. .i.;n my 7. The Supreme Court vl M* 1c::...l States Las delivered judgment in connection with the cotton cornericg case, the clTivt .if w Inch iR to make cornering en change iileg 1'
    89 words
  • 67 9 . Rbctbr's Tili .kii. I. u.lon. .Un lary 7. MR Duar Teleite. the retiring Por tuguese premier, says the cabinet redfMai as the situation which called it into being namely, fear of disturbances mWM] fi 'in Ml Koyalist invasion, had now disappeared. London. January 8. SenUor Almeida has relinquished
    67 words
  • 91 9 KacTia Tblbobah. Londun, January 7. The Daily Telegraph says it is believed that the I' ike of I •eVunshire will move re jection of the Hotuc !.-ilc Ltut in the II j^of Lords. London. .Tanuuiy IL On the rtport sta^;. jf tli<. II .me B in the
    91 words
  • 40 9 . Rbctbb's Tiii'iun. London, January t> The Board of Trade returns for December show increases in imports of £9,1 10,811 and in exports of £2.t»i7,159. These increases make a record year by MUMUM imports and MMHJM in exports.
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  • 32 9 . ItSCIt-K TILI .I.VH. L< n MB, January ■>. The death of belli Pasha, a famous slave, trader, who was ahirwards the coadjutor of Gtncnl Gordon a t!i< i 'an, an
    32 words

  • 2352 10 CHAIRMAN REPORTS IMPROVED POSITION. Litigation Ended.- Tin MMM ordinary general meeting of •-"iia Malaya 1 libber Kstatus, Limit..! MM h< I<l on Lteccuibcr 11, at Salisbury II iun, l.mdon Wall. K.t Mi llcnr !.[|(>. Tin i hairman said Ladien and gentlt--iliu wt r< t that our chairman,
    2,352 words
  • 878 10 Dividend Foreshadowed— Tbe Financial Position. Th. MMM MMMf] PWMJ MMMJ of the Kiiilhh).^ iMala.eal liubber IMMMMM, Limited, was held ou IVcember 12. at the oftii.s ol tin- MMMf. 4. Lloyds Avenue. X.1.. Mr. T. C WM ichaiiuiauof the i. .in May) presidium. Tin 111. in iii.iv said
    878 words
  • 208 10 Remarkable Gems Discovered in New Zealand. Itefore very long the geui markets .if the world vill In. ir <ii am» opal field winch has Ui v discovered at Tairua. iv Sew Zealand. A i iiii|Miiy li.i- been formed tv exploit the tind, aud c \|ierts ulm have
    208 words
  • 2923 10 Tangkah. The report of the Tanijkali kubbrr. Kstatc, Limited, states that the crop of rubber harvested for the year to September 30 amounted to 54,000 lbs. against an estimate of 40.000 lbs., and as compared with a yield of 17.413 lbs. in the previous year. After deducting freight,
    2,923 words
    • 132 10 The Soath African K-üby team beat llouccster, by 11 pjints to nil, at Bristol. I'ntil tanker notice, the BjCC. ground wil! be elo-ed for all yaiues. OWMf to the wet state of the course, the Singapore golf links are also closed until further notice. It is unotlicially
      132 words
    • 73 10 Sepoy I. me* Golf Club. The medal for December, played for on Saturday and Sjud.iy. .lauuiry I and '■>, m won by Humphreys. The following wire the scores returned J. L. liuuipLrcvs U A. Hill J. K. l>avi<J 1' .1. >|>ruulc I. W, H.iM.n... H. N. >.[Hr 11. \V.
      73 words
  • 168 10 Setiibrong.— l,">2 lbs. LMMM '.lava ,—ttjMt lbs. Mcrlimau. :ij.i/"i lbs. There was no fur tlirtc days owing to rain. Lanadron.— <>l.'j.j** lbs.. corresponding mouth last year 4MM lbs., total tor twelve months of i'Jll. tmXtti lbs., total for corresponding MHMi last yi ar MA7M lbs. stnawan^
    168 words
  • 49 10 Wben the Moldavia arrived at Plymouth aft'.r the great .-.lorm at the cod of last MMM, ->l.<- ku«.w nothing of the mishap to the SmIMMJ a- the storm had disabled her j»a wfeMM installation. A l.i- M was rarfcoai l Horn the Mol i.ivij uu the I h-.t arrival.
    49 words

  • 1166 11 I v X-I..XVL f..| I 1»M— «1 KuaU l.uui(..i. .Ijnu.iry il CMbbbbm aai Ml -.rv.<l by all biwiuess |h ..pit MM Uh Hnnaturiii all ..\ir\\<i. b.»ik(il w«ll 1' I-.-. -in I n. i inb< r- n[ tinb.irarrHU^i'l forth) j. -t|«.ni m< nt uf any civil li\.
    1,166 words
  • 85 11 Whilst Mr br Smith wan i .it Ku.iU Lumpur in ir\in* a I'uina man chartjol the munlor of a dllow cuolic. a Kuri.ptan surxiyor iilltil to produce plans atlilrtssiil Mr. .lunticc Stuith without lining the word*. 'My lord. Ills lordship at ■Hi a-Wt.l. Who art' you »[>takini; to? \ou
    85 words
  • Corretpoittcncc.
    • 103 11 To the Kditor of the Straits Tiim s. Sir. -In view of the large sums now being -pint on anti malarial measures it seems a pity that the Government allows its own property to become a breeding place for monquitoeh. If some officer will inspect that low-lying piece
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    • 308 11 To the Kdi tor of the Straits Times. sir,— lt is assuring to see that the recent agitation in this connection has not been in vain. There is every likelihood of the OaaajnaaaaJ adding a clause regulating domestics in the new Labour Code, when amended, and
      308 words
  • 313 11 Death-rate Overtaking the Birth-rate. Owing to the death rate overtaking tin birth rate tin n is a t 11 1 1 r. sayn a home (tapir, that the population of Kn^Liml and Walts may at some indt finite period become extiuct. That is the conclusion to be drawn
    313 words
  • 72 11 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Kubber Ansoriation's si^ty uintli auction was held yesterday, when 119 cues (pels. 164.17 or -21.HH9 lbs.) were offered and sold. The pruts realized were: -1 t Smoked f IV) I usmoked tl'fito 289 Crepe No. 1 220 24(1 200 214 I 190
    72 words
  • 120 11 Local Inventions. Tin. >ultau of Selangor has granted exclo* sire privili'^en in the State of Selangor in reopect of aat WaMPaig invcnUons —Mr. O. A. t r«ib. of Cany Island, an improved tap i)irj({ knifi- for us.- on rubbir estates." Mr. F. 1. llallaii). of Kuala Lumpur, "improTCtuonti id the
    120 words
  • 778 11 . Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, January 8, 1913. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt. Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of notations this morning RUBBER SHARES. •>O)i. IlLl'l. DLVIRS. .MLUU. 2/- Allagar 3/3 8/10 X 1 Anylii-.Uva K 10J 10 1 Anglo-Johore 118 U
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 8 11 For Chronic Cheat Complainta, Wooda' Great Peppenniai Core.
      8 words
    • 305 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. QUALITY, PRICE. SERVICE. We offer you the utmost satisfaction in »ach. Garner, Quelch Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS Battery Ko.d, Siofiipore. Tblephoni 881 24 0 26 9 L!osing Weight by the Pound "Un<Wr WaajhV* laaihlna of ill- haalth, ibww y— r aaaliliial 1 1 f#aw JlHMlBiBg ,1111 _l
      305 words
    • 275 11 IjCHELIN EANS OSS ILEAGE. DUPIRE BROTHERS, JtOEWTS X RAFFLES HOTEL. Special Dinner ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 11. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Sniff on. The onlj flint els»» Hotci in Saigon. Every oemiort SplinJid T<.rand»;i. I kwraaa. With BBBaaajaaMMa FaaaCri titv-i ru -d.l atteni..i.ce as in Mm O.vii fc":;rori»u Kestauran- v taaaaly, lmU>
      275 words

  • 1772 12 ADDITIONAL CAPITAL NOT TO BE ISSUED. Alternative Policies. An extraordinary i;en< ral meeting j i hi ly Kuliber KhU'..- I' uupany. Limited, wa* held "ii Ike-ember 11. at the t aunoo I stint lll»l. I'anuou Strict. K.l'., hf tl .-.■liriny, and. if thought lit. I Urn foil. ami.;
    1,772 words
  • 576 12 Forthcoming Arrivals and Departures. 'flic (i.lK'«iny |>asMn<;or bookings to the Sti.ut^ ajra>. I .mi tin I,..iniou and L'liina It should U' uud< r>t.K»l in MM in-t.iu. I a, Ux'Uin^s may be- pMfMMj and that iuUndiuj; [>.ih^cu^ii> may ah< r Uieir ,ii r;ui^i neata, raMeqoeat to the
    576 words
  • 71 12 Homeward Bound. Pit P mi' I O. l>< I la. connecting at Colombo .»iili Mahrm. -.lilinu January 10.— Mr. and Mm K.ui iKKliir. Mi. C A. Low.uadler. Mr. ,1 IXn, tlUM. Mi>s Kvjr,,. Mr <i. I). W. Mr. .inlMrs. Moore, Miv IVtcr. IV r I", .nil O. Suiuatia. sninuu .January
    71 words
  • 1334 12 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON DECEMBER 12. We qnoto t eSow the bctt «Tsil«ble London lilt Ire m tbe report* brought in by the laot mail, acd add lecal quotation* from tbe li»l prrpartd by Mtmra. Fraacr and C Sine»pcre) en tbe
    1,334 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 102 12 t^o BHi V« i*l§L Bg nt- Ja^H r^ u3 SOLE IMPORThRS: HANDELSVEREENIGING HOLLAND, Sinifaporc. 16-10 w ij 4 18 WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE JUST SECURED PREMISES IN MALACC jPL AND WILL SHORTLY OPEN OUR BRANCH THERE (No connection with any other Farnitar* Hoom). ORCHARD ROAD (opposite entrance
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 693 13 STEAMER SAILINGS, BURNB PHILP LINE Simoapobb to Java Pobts Pobt Dabww. Tbcbsdat Island, Bbisbahb »nd Sf dhbt tm Toebbk 4 r>AiT>. Also tokioc pAs^engers and csrKi wub trs>nsbipment for otlier Viltobmn Sootb Aostbalian and Nobtb Qubbmslakd Fobts, Hiitisb Nbw Gcinba. Nbw B&itaw Tasmakiam and Nbw Zbalaud Pobts, Imooth Pa..*g«. »up«rb
      693 words
    • 93 13 NEW PIANOS ON HIRE AT $1O per month. S. MOUTRIE CO LTD.. THE ARCADE. SINGAPORE ALWAYS IN STOCKS Milk Butter Hocks Clarets Moselles Burgundies H.M.B. WHISKY Ports Madeiras Sherries Cocktail Champagne Brandies SOLD AT Wholesale Prices. Ask for Price List. RAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT CO. Cecil Street. Telephone 40 RADEMAKER'S Dutch Cocoa
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 493 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head. Office: Winchester House, SINQAPORE Board of Direct ore 1 O. A. Daancc. K»q Chairman. A. H. K»i», K*| Managing Director. Paras Vmri is, as. r Chief bM. Officer. r M bTiimi. Baa a n. alu». F.q I Haal I'as. |aa ObM Baaa
      493 words
    • 311 14 nwmicE FEDERAL UFE USUMNCE COMPMT OF C«N«D» EsTAßuaaao ISBS. Dif«et Oovarnmant lupsnr'ilon Oovarnmant Audit. Pc ioios are WORLD WIDE and Non Forfartaale. Lsr«« Mat SupfNua above Uabtlitiea tor Reterve and all ootataadiag olaima. Maw laslßMl, 1911, nver...»B.BOo4XJUj)o Caah Loans, Settlementa, etc., made locally. Nameroos modern schemes, it H. BVAMS, Manager,
      311 words
    • 489 14 BUKIIN. THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. INCORPORATED BT SPECIAL IMPERIAL CHARTER. Capital Subscribed 1f1.000.000 Capital Paid Up 6.250.000. I Reserve Funds 3.100,000 HE A D OFFICE TAIPSN, FORMOSA. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. Amoy Bombay Canton Calcutta iFoochow Hongkong Keelung Kobe Kagi London Moji Nagasaki Osaka Shanghai Swatow Taiohu Tainan Takow Tamaai
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    • 658 14 LUUKIN6. THE CHINEBE COMMERCIAL BANK. LIMITED. AUTHORISED CAPITAL $1,000,1X0 ISSUED CAPITAL |2,0C0,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORSLoe Cboon Ouan, Esq. Cbairmsn. Lim Peng Siang, Bag. Deputy Chairman. Tbe Hon. Tan Jiak Liao Chia Heng, Bsq. Kirn, CM O. Yeo Cbrng Hai, Em, Tan Chay Yaa, E>q. Teo Saon Sian, Bsq. Dr. Lim
      658 words
      356 words
    • 35 14 CHEON6 BROTHERS. Dentists, No 25, South Bridge Roio. First class Meahanioal Dontnirj Gold Crowns Bridge, Filling and Valeaaite Duration of Wear giaraotecd. CHAROBB MODBRATB FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Beat Tooth Powders and Brashes for sale.
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  • 629 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Cylinder Measurements. In tlir cum-ut nnmboi of The Autocar there is an muivstiim article by Louis Coatcleu on tins w Inch is a reply to Mr. Pomcroy. tin- last nawul hi nili man being the chief engineer to the Sunbeam
    629 words
  • 423 15 Revolution in the Shipping Industry. itapiJly as the motor-ship ba>> forged to the front of late, it in probable, Hays The (ilubf, that few of the general public yet realise the great advances rendered possible by the use of oil both for mercantile and naval purposes. In
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 233 15 CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, Ltd. SOLE AGENTS r FOR g Wolseley, Arrol- Johnston Minerva, Palladium a. AND Pilot Cars. g Z Make a point of seeing the New 15-30 H.P. Sleeve 2 Engined U DUB ABOUT END OF JANUARY. Particulars And Prices on Application. FORD the universal car. Price Complete 51,675.
      233 words
    • 89 15 Straight at It. There is no use of our beating around the bush." We might aa well oat with it first as last. We want you to try Chaniberlain'a Coush Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There ia no reason so far as we can see
      89 words
    • 313 15 BY APPOINTMENT MOTOR XYRE A U FACTU REnS TO HIB MAJESTY KING 6EOR6E V. THE MOTORING PUBLIC WANT DUNLOPS The enormous preponderance of Dunlop tyres at Olympia 1,356 aa against 875 of all other makes combined is evicU-nce that the public taste is sound. The spread of technical knowledge amongst
      313 words
    • 84 15 DRAPER, 213, ORCHARD ROAD. Just unpacked, a large assortment of LADIES' HATS, Trimmed and Untrimmed. BOOTS AND SHOES. Try Our Non-tread Over-shoes FOR WEAR AND COMFORT PRICES MODERATE. no. ei-3 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS DynimpWorki, LM. AND CO., LTD HEAD OFFICES Caxtoa Uoase W -stm.OKScr, Loodob WORKS i Stafford, Woolwich,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 481 16 A patent self-contained Er E~ f_U M Mj m(tal cleaning and polishing doth, for any kind of metal. No PASTE. NO LIQUID. NO MKSS. NO WASTE. '-20 cents per piece. Serviceable until worn to pieces. Special grade bright part* of Motor Car. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTS. ASSISTANT WANTED
      481 words
    • 310 16 WANTS. MECHANIC WANTEO. Wante.l an experienced mechanic to up keep motor. boats and do general fitter's work. Apply Bebn, Meyer Co., Ltd., Eetatt department. 21 Bl MECHANICS. The Mechanical Engineering i.arses. arses of instruction by pout of tho International Correspondence Schools will tit aoy ambiti3us mocbanic who will otudy as
      310 words
    • 560 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICE 10 LET. A large and bright Office, 2nd floor. No. 100 3, Robinson Road. Apply to The Bank of Taiwan. 17-13 n FURNIBHEO BEASIDE REBIDENCEBTOLET. Belmont, Benzoline, Ben Ledi, ofTTanjong Katongand 88, Kalestier Rd. Apply H. Soma pah, 19, Raffles* I'laoe, or 817, Scrangoon
      560 words
    • 779 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. MOTOR CYCLE FOR Mil 6 H. P. Free Engine Indian Motor Cycle and sidecar in go:d condition baa been very little used. Spare tyre, Speedometer, etc. Particulars from E. A. H. Mackenzie, Alexandra Barrack-. 71 91 SEA-SIDE REBIOENCE FOR SALE. For sale, privately, the comfortable Freebold sea
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    • 721 16 NOTICES. TO OLO ETONIANS, HARROVIANS ANO WYKAMIBTS. A Dinner wid be held at the Empire Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, for O.d Etonian*. Old Harrovians and Old rVykamiats on MB* January. 1918. Will anyone who is able to be present kindly notify F. J. Dopuis, Banting. Kuala Langat, F MS before 18th
      721 words
    • 686 16 NOTICES. KIAM KMT A GO. SHIP CHANDLERS ll ■"•Waal tmiMtJU. Telephone No. 431. 106 108 Market Street R.M. 8. DUNOTTAR CASTLE. Theß. M.S. DLNOTTAR CASTLE 6.M7 tons, is doe here from Hongkong on 11th January. 1918, and will be despatched on Sunday, tho 12th, p m (or Europe (ealliß^ at
      686 words