The Straits Times, 27 December 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times NO. 2- I. oo lt SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27. 1012. PRICE 10 CENTH.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 209 1 BEER THE I'OrULAU BRAND INDISPENSABLE TO Engineers, Mechanics, Motorists and Users of Spanners. Patent Cimbric Spanner only Sliding Jaw Spanner which ii absolutely instantanwuii in action. Works on face* of nuts and noes not ianusje corner^ (agrenl feature in the caM "t Bright <>r Plated nuts). Iferhanical efltoctiveneiMs combined with
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    • 232 1 ROBINSON «S& CO. GIFTS FOR THE NEW YEAR. The "Ball" Bag. Ladim rmari hliok ba«« in floe wnwd hci»nan Puu.a wiib hammered nickel fraiuo Kinule »v. Bill. A Ttry hand* v. raw jl twosilv t-ni ant. d l,%ir nl kroh U-t. urn«. t»o thick -.ilk cord bandits wit'i taawlf, two
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  • 646 2 INSURANCE RUES FOR WAR RISKS. Much Fluctuation It would appear to the man in the street, say* Tbe Financier, of Xorember 29, that insurance against the outbreak ot war in Kurope amongat Uie Groat Powers should vary according to the latest newn available. In a certain restricted
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  • 241 2 Australia's Unknown Forest Wealth. AUMtralia's unknown uenltli 111 liti trees wan tbe subjtit limit riving a lectun by Pro \v. II Warrt-n. 'iVan .it tin fatuity of Science awl i'lialli- IYufvnMtr u( Engineer ing ruivi-t-it\.<if »\.liuv. uhirli wa-xlrliver-c«l »t tin- K«iyal ..f \u« ..u -The Hanlw.«»l Tiiubti-H
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  • 83 2 The Abysainian (iorernment ia reported to have erected a cartridge (actor; at Adia Abcba, and to have purchased German plant with a capacity of ten million partridges per annum. The factory will have small arms, repair shop*, with English mechanics. A hydro electric plant has been supplied from Wsaahaatet. It
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 A Skin r^JSJK Beautifier of Matchless Jj> j>^ Elegance I If and Efficiency yi|tyr^ "'Hazeline' Snow" iTR AOE MARK) ■Jl^i'^aSl^v Tin ilishguring hands of B^l tnlu a!U climate pass lightly I over the complexion which cjj^Jq »s kept clear, smooth and I x^ youthful by the daily IMC of n
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    • 40 2 Something to Remember. Ia buying a counh medicine (or children, bear in mud that Chamberlain's Coagh Keiuedy is the best (or colds, croup and wboopiDti coujjli. and that it mn tains no harmful drug. For aale by all Dispensaries aadDealen.
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    • 569 2 DYSPEPSIA. Win I- ..f tar c.nimoiMst af tho to »IM inicr|>lainl«. Ivsj. W m n-«|»>n>iMr for an in..r.linal«. aniMint nf Buffering, in.l.^-.|, it an*<N-u some people m> terj-iltly that tli.y aetiially .Irrs.l to takr f.«.1. Manr ciaditioas pi...lnr.- this disorder, whi*h may la»t an. l Imvobw an m>vi
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    • 193 2 Redio POLISHING CLOTHS. Theae cloths contain within n)*elre» all the materials reqaired for cleaning and poliabivs *:>uost any kind of mital, thus dispensing en tirely with tins of paste or liquid. They are serviceable until worn to pieces and are more lasting tbaa any other metal Ipoliab. 2O cent! each
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  • 1214 3 SERIOUS SHIPPING LOSSES IN THE YEAR. Business Revival Maintained. Tlir report of tbe I'i-nin-iilar and Oriental Steam Navigation otupany state* that, after providing for Uie insurance claim* which are exceptionally heavy, the surplus, including £G"C>\~ brought forward from the last year's account, stands at £307,141 Deducting
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  • 201 3 Tli« hupcrial Merrhant Service (iuild have received inlurmation to tbe effect that through tlioir efforts in the war of rcpresenta II tion and an oßiccrs' meiuorial addressed to one of the largest coasting companies on tl» nvtr Clyde, some twenty eight ofricers serving in the company arc bow to be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 243 3 The National Mutual Life Association OF AUSTRALASIA, LIMITED. Established 1569. The fir*t Life OBoe ia the worl to introduce ibe nonlorteitore principle to I'oucies. A Mutual Otiloa. "O Shsrsholdsrs. Low rVemluma, Annual Ineoma «1.a8*.»««. Fun««a a17,9»1,950 Claims paid £6,078,960. ALL profits arc distributed amoog»t Polioy-bolders. Claims paid in aay part
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    • 88 3 Straiirht at It. Tliere is no use of oar bnttioK around the bush." We mi|(ht as well out with it Hrst aa last. We want 70a to try Cbamberlain's Cough Keiuedy Uie Best time yoo have a ooukli or oold. There is ao reaaoa so far aa we caa see
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    • 311 3 NEW YEAR IS COMING 00 YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTO TO BE TAKEN P I»l**aa«*> Cull at The Singapore Art Studio. OPPOSITE DILPHI MOTEL BUILDINQI No lU. North Hridtre Road. W-12 *T 11 1 Wateraian's (Ideal) Foiiiit^inPen The SELF-FILLING H. Styfe. L .Prt>. do.n the by. d.p x > UJ*"*
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    • 288 3 St. Mchho'm Collkoi. Xj!tsj^ss»^^^^^v Ulaagow. •UUi July. 1808. M s^^l^i^Kr^ia^V ANALYSTS REPORT U^^^^^^^^l sis bf s ramplt ol f* -t C^fc" Alexr. Fergneoa Plm^^^llV Co'i WUisky. 11l f Vjj^^L^Aiv I b«- weli matuit-d BH S I and of firvllent B>s7 m/jk ufbuoy other Spirit. I«W~ IS ALI TH AT A
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 645 4 BTEAJEK BAILINBB. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOB OHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CBYLON, AOSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bill* ot I<adtag iaawad tot JUba Coast, Pnrsißß Gulf, Coawaeatai aad Amartoaa Ports. ■tuinr* will Isavs Blagfet* oa or above: MAIL LINES IBIS BewMSMrd for M*rof*) I
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    • 658 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPJIII MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN UNE. A Fortnightly aarviee U maintained between Yokohama via porta to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail oootraot witb tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin aoraw Steamen maintaining this aarviee have been specially designed aad uubbwiiiiliil and are
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    • 669 4 BTEAMEI BAIUNBB. THE SUM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. Pot Pahaag, Beraerab, Triagganu. Bisoi, Semerak. Baetao, Kalaataa Baagaara Taiapia, Panarai, Pataai, Siagora, Lam, Kobaamui. Baadoa ~n Tata, Cbawpoa, Kohlak aad Bangkok. Due DawaiPtMrw S pn •••a* ASDANQ Deo. 28 A STEAMER D»c. SO January 1, 1*1 3. WUI not eali
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    • 502 4 steamer mums. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG ajrn laMmn, •ibm bmbmi Combined tervlos. The atwamri'i* of these Companie* maintain a regular asrvioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, aad Rotterdam, aad the Straits China and Japan Homewarda, they are despatched tort nightly tor Havre and Hamburg oaee a month tor Bremerhavea direct, ealliag
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    • 639 4 BTEMEI BAILMM. N. D L. ordd«utsch»r Lloyd, Bramar IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL LINE. Tbe fast and well known mail Bteamur. ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sooth amptoo. Gibraltar, Oeaoa, Naples (ooaaesting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vie* vena) Port Said, Soea, Adea, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 756 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) And WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe Now Route Via Cfaiaa, Japaa, Honolulu, and Saa Fraaaiaec la all points in tbe United State*, Canada, Mexico and Europe, •sarattac ths «ew 11.9 M tee Trtptt Sar*w TsrMaa Ihsw-j -•atavs Bam" -Taayaßari" (kiis Mar., the
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    • 273 5 INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO LD. Wraet Sarvwa ts Japan via Msstsssg A Msathai aaw to Ca cutta via ■waaa| from tlataaara. Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading tor Canton, Macao. Swatow, Amor. Cbetoo Tientsin. Newcbwang. Yangtsse Ports For mosa the Philippines. to., etc.. etc. itsamsK Tons Commander Ectusa t.WS
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    • 662 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIBATION COMPANY. LIMiTtD TO PBNANO. RANGOON a CALCDTTA. Oaa at abe Comtaay'i siean. trs v isteolel to leave Tanjon« Paga: Whirf everr wstk. Pa«-<en|*ers and Cargo bocW by t'.o abec •teanstrs at throncli rates tc all po>ts t India acj C.ovlon, alsc to la.i Afrioaa
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    • 605 5 Selangor Turf Club. Protframma. NEW YEAR MEETING, 1913. FIRS' DAY. TCIXIMY. VBTH JaKIUI, l'P Race 1. Ik* tsBBBBt C-p (»'la»« 'B; a Cup prwMatat with *3SO aasea bj tas Club Raoe 3. The ampant aewi (Class A a Cae araiaataa ,bf •its «380 aaaea by tka Cla*. Twc Handicap* dividt
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    • 685 5 have run at tbe meeting tin trance 130. Distance R.C. Rao* S. Tkt Oversiiht PeWa* «ace, vafcM %AOO. A Handicap for all Homes. Tho winner to b, put op for nai« for 1800 All snllint; rules to apply Entrance %'IO. Distance 7 far long*. Kntri. fit thin race closr at
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    • 397 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT. MOTOR CYCLE FOR tALF. For rale Triumph MeW Cjelc. Apply TO LET. FULLY FURNIBHEO. ■»n |ii Koad, .tr .i i Tiaai aaaan (iiirilt n. Tt uti>- C -tirt. >-sblt>»nii il Can b. let n i n. m sny term-. App'y Mm. i. Dwwlaa H il v CHINESE SALESMAN
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 BRILLIANTS, JEWELLERY WATCHES We always keep a very larvc and well assort i i r( Brilliant-, loese and set. 'iptions la 1 j-carat and M ctrat God, and Watebea of the B»st Mabufacturva io tin World. 111 1 also lisve very god Ooldsmitbs wl.u work only uodtr Europrao upeiTisi^n, can
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    • 74 6 K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL Co., Jewellers and Silk Merchants, 51 SB, HI H h Street, Sln^apora JUST RECEIVED A larnc quantity of IVORY FIOURKS. SILVIRWARK J APANESK OOODS of wvary desenption and design. BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS FOR We have tbe Bneat spocialty selected cllwrtion of HIGH-CLASS JKWKLLKRV AND JAPANKSE DAMASCENE WARE
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    • 658 6 Kmerlean Oculist nnd Optician. Specialist in Examining the Cye and Correcting Defective Vision. Will ho at Empire Hotel, Kuala Lumsii', Isoi:i-j 1 to B, lochnivc. sni at Grand Hotel, Ipoh, .Uuuary 7to 1 1 in-ln-i v.v Hi-. rjrjpsjriM ( (or u:u'n.iiruto tbe eyt s and corn-ctiOK delictive Ti-ion, an I
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  • 83 7 FIXTURES Friday, December 27. Hga w,t.r ii nn. n M a.m >l Ma pal mi in. Saturday. December 2«. Hi-I' pra in. j I 10. > i i I\l I; V. I'ul.. llram. ..I .In. sunday. IKcember 29. II > 1 -i fM K. II kItI t
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  • 56 7 H pin II I ('III 9 pill I I BBJ :i 4 881 l»n»"M n« 7 am r. ai,. 1 11 am I rat 11 am i j pan A- i i i a t tanpa Duly F.\ IU Taan F<«l- r.i-- an ll' 9 p:u r
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  • 9 7 t 1:10 a.m. < 1■ M I
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  • 36 7 I v. n r, i M S hi. I I I M. l> I. v AI.MTPR 1>... mUr II It. 14 1- 1... |i K Dm -i -•< January i I. I 11 M Mail* lor Huropc.
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  • 398 7 I atest Arrivals. list laaa, apuin I M I 1 I I U7m ii-- apt l.j>. W. M 1 r II .n.'koni; I- I I is IS, I|. Iml.u M > I i I laaaa, i I Naadaok. U I i ■■■ii- ,i|.ia a l l aavia. Dae
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  • 93 7 Whar\cs at which N essels are Berthed To-Day. TAN.KtNr, PAOAA. Ei-t Waaaf Mtam W. S 1 i r-.-. "> Vaii N.-*t. "BrFR- WH»nr Miin W. H II tana Maw 8.. I...Fwk saag. f> XIW I' X ..7 I C w -i iv Hll
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  • 55 7 Tiiui UalU nn Kurt arming an. l Mount Kahar ilnip ilaily at 1 p ra.. Singapore I tini< corn -pomlmK to 6 a.m. i »n li mi'an time. The turn yun in hntl at U k n...n indicating Singapore ••uiuUnl time on rTcry day «-xr. -ptimj Moaalav. when it
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  • 232 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE SlNiiAI-iR*. I »X' rVMI If, 1912 On LoKDwii Bank 4 m,( 4f. Dcniand I Private Om 2 4 8m |IOnOiMisv RankJd Prirate ru s -MJ; On F«a»c« Rank .1 d 294 PiivaU in H Oklxdia BankT. T. I*}. Private 30 d,'l IT: Ok«iiL d d II)
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    • 147 7 c 1 Buyer,. 10 10 Ampang 9.00 10 10 Btlat Tin Ml 10 10 Hruang Ui 10 10 Konaboi I H XI XI KmtaTin 1.r.7} 10 10 Kanipar 1C 10 KintaA'.sfK-iation 14 .V! 11 L« WM 1 10.0 10 10 Mi.l«llit<>n 1 ■•> 6 Taliani; Cotmol 9 A XI
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    • 483 7 [T? c 1 Buyer*. Seller.. AlUear 8 7 2 2 Anclo Malay 13 1« lj I llatan- Malaka XI ill Isatu C'a*e* 13.10.0 14 5.0 noB U XI Ha: i Ti»;a 8.11.3 8.17 0 XI XI Bukit K.^ar..' XI XI Hukit l.intans 4.10.0 4.17.6 2 2 liukit M.rtajaui 1U
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    • 95 7 Stel Buyer,. M» M Eloctric TViys 210 84) 10 10 Krast-r A Wave 4<.M«) MUM 100 Howartli Kn.kinc4.mi MM 100 7 l-n f. MM IMJt ioo inn K»tz iin.. m-f. l [00 100 I Cum. Iii nniu 10 10 i MM 100 100 K. ll*r«n«vf» KIVIJO llil.iU IN
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    • 46 7 Ituyin, S.-I Howarth Enkine 6% •Ono.rmo par KiWy. HarxTtavi* 8■„ f-JnI.OUO J4 Singapore Electric Tramway* 5% £350.000 Spore Municipal s 11.m7h.000 nom. liuyon baUaM Spore Mnnicipal 4. at tM •,1A«M1OO 7% Sport- Mtini<-ipal 4| ..f r.«M (]i.»i»»i 10% pa S r«>r« Municipal 4 >„ MOBUNH pa*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 39 7 The bappy day* we upend la health, flaoaj all too aona tv kiiJ« awar i aaea racl. of u», M b pn j. !i U t laaa Vaail i'l-pprtmct Core, A Jru« that I BMalk iv BMgkt hi gold.
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    • 181 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. \ttlnln-|. r i^n.irtor-i. I Maana. 1 i an.] (iij it. 1 Aontraaaa Mara, eat. i I •■r UKI mi N.. f. IMHlaji WaiH Ja»a at aaoa. ii.r I ih in.i lil.vkmootl hn HI T al ItoeJ. Xt 4. ii. anr»-WrarH .1 iv larv -At ul.r.«>m.
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    • 230 7 'j CIGARETTES Not an ounce of Tobacco Is used for their manufacture that haa not f|pc|gj» matured for at least fivr years. SmoKers of "STATE EXPRESS" Cigarettes enjoy the advantage of this strihing fact, for it gives them b 5 CIS. cigarettes of exclusively superior quality. i 1 1 Pacßed
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    • 66 7 HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDOB ROAD. To-Night! To-Night!! Special Film made by the Itala Film Co. (A Mo»t Thrillinn Dramatio Subject). SUPPORTED BT UKI THE OAT, THEY CAME BACK Bio«r«»lt. iHarot) Comedy I. ON THE TOP OP HIS NOSE Itala. <Koarin|(ly Fancy I'ntm Ij Gaumont Oraphio, No. 48. Tha Balkan
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  • 31 8 Ok Sot i.k. On November 2:t. t\ Iloarncinoulh. Kd-1»D'1. Xi r liusdJ de Sou/.*, latecf the Straits Settlt-ments liovernmt nt Service a(;ed 63 ye-ars. renantf and F.M.S. papers please- copy.
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  • 1094 8 The Straits Times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27. MORE AND BETTER DRAMA. We published. yisUilay. a UtUr setting forth »oiue objects and nations (or ihe -Übli>liUn n: recently of the Shanghai IMayKotm -%o<:iety. These art- very Watf that we Iv D.t K l 't enuu»;li youd draiu.t 01 other theatrical entertain went
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  • 22 8 A shaik st-ye-n te-et luu^ and wiixlnn^ ;«i iiiy »i»iu< ims ott-u taaaM in tin KTm§ by a boaluiau ut Sutton lirni^t-.
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  • 39 8 Mr. W. Newton, representative of Mr. (X Blank CMHJk Chi new loiUi fame, hat arranged to meet the membeni of the I'erak i luiis.- Chamber of Commerce, Huh afun noon, to diacuss Chinas financial alUir-. w ith the i.,.
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  • 57 8 When an action brought by J. M. S. Xavier a^aiust Messrs. Arndt and I ompany was calkU on in the Hongkong Summary Court ii-.-. utly, the I'msue Jud>;v iuuiu»u d that an interim receiving order had been made aga.nst the defendant firm, and adjourned the case sine die. The plaintitl
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  • 63 8 A serious collision look place in Hongkong liarbour tx.-twut.-D the Kussian aluuurr ladiuiir and tiie steam launch Kimo Mam. Tlie Fiuo Mara was lyinn broken down iv the central (airway when tbc Vladimir wax entering. Apparently the Kuttnian was unable to stop in time, as she xtr.ick the steam launch
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  • 13 8 LatoHt ailvi-rtis,-Mii-nts cf the day appe-ar 3a page 7 an I 1 1
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  • 25 8 The CMMBSJ War I >e|Mrtiiii'iit. snys the Chios Mail. li»m ilitiili'l lo lay n railways in Kalgan. and hare unit-red four teen trains frmn OMMMf.
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  • 27 8 The troopn in tin- Kumian legation at Puking have been incrosMsl, staU s a li kin_ IMM MMM OMmj Mail, to j< -nearly double their usual number.
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  • 38 8 Fried chicken tlir»-»- tinuti a day. tea ami culd drinks, fret smokes, tin 1 ust- of motor cars, and a pound a day wages won a few of the attractions ulfi-nsi by Kansas farmers to secure harvest worker..
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  • 45 8 A two MMMs MMMS, ur 'palace. as it is dwrilx-ii Hy tin- MMi ii b< my built by MM n <>> tl» Ni w Smith Wall I i iverniucm fur tin nlil bla l> warrior. Kin^: MM In- 1,1 in <n t'aniiini'. at i.r.iftou. N. Wales.
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  • 34 8 A I'itil.i- bmpMMML MMMI tin' .'iiispioes of tin mtaitsChiatsr h In II .a tin Cmmmm ul. in' I: ,m tin ..Ut itist. .it :np 111. toe MSMM arrange-me-nts for tin Chini New Year S|».lts.
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  • 37 8 |ir.ivi!in nts ar< r. i« t bt in contemplation in the localities ol I'ihii i.n-1 MisMMa lin v mmhlm d tin Ami Hvi i mm tensive dnslging o|w rations iv "suiyira hrn kmi on tin east Ma.
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  • 52 8 Tin- management if MmM MMM wi n At MM b tli on CaMMMM K*f .ml mi tin evtningof CMMBM Mli Tlif laryt liili d'iwustain was prettily MMlsi and tin ,ts; I. (estooaad with Chinese laaterns, a large nuuilx i 'if g'lt »ir. i. g.ilesi with refreshments and a pliasant time
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  • 50 8 Sign r i aveaagbi, tin- gnaMsi Italian aatboritj .m aid aaJatasiM, lias 1. that the MaMMag Mtribsted i Kuysdai MM IMM 1 .r tWO is buta '-It-wr lukl. m iaaitatioa, Iks irk f ,i 1: 1--1 in iint< riaa, aasl i is mmW ius.limy.i considerable nuiiibtr of them a^ MMmJmsi
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  • 66 8 sir NMck IMM who is on a visit It Ceylon, is aTgiag tl>. ttablwbntent tin r. a restart li laboratory i m the Ul> s il th"s. i-i tiie I Al s,. 11, !urtlni of Mm OfMHM tlmt to tl.-- fumls „f -.In t 1. |.i al Mi ii- in.
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  • 59 8 The King winnings on the Tori have amountt-d tv a little over XI '«>i. and as '.hi-. I- idni, ut to cover tile cost "t MM mainU nauci ut MM HMal MatMBjCiMB My m -tv-. active cunuectiou with s|>.irt t another twelve Uiontlis. He innl. some little time ago MMI
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  • 43 8 Tin I'.mjili. the m Mm Eastera shipping Compal been (oruiali launcuel at l'tu»u;. Uie cen uiv/oy Uiun i»if iiutil im v. Sin M sV rt v. «iit- of Mm It. an X- r Imm -crvic-s. an) M b. i..i!t i as a sMsasaUi
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  • 66 8 Souic il' if tin Ki'eu by MMM ka tin 11 tl re-ct-ntly. I!- n. I Mi HUu I .i- i. I Had rx-vu "[>■ raagßS for Urn regulars tail special reserv— .mil aW UN oa n. raaay »1«. aMM Ui r.t ••■nt un dor con«i v i' 'i forth. rt-i;alan
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  • 89 8 The new building uf tin- IV king Club which has bitu occupi. I by tin ii.i-mb.r-. for tin- past tlir, < BfjaMMV hai mm', nays China pa|ier. bitu formally upem t by a Maaakan li»u ii, t kjali reoeatly. at which Mr. 11. in tl.- unavoid an a| Mr.
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  • 80 8 !»tnation pnblisln I iv ilie official tia/.. t:< al ln.L uj»on thi own< n~ Uh :iii|MiiUkn<'i a'l I niciiisity n( k-<|un^ t!i«-ui Ir- ..I h.- ti. awa rli-ar «l .ill -kli r.tis<- wmiM s.:v. to barbour »r btf>>iii<> asaawkaa l.» tor tli<- aswas. Alili.itli v is al all tiim-s riuiui-nlly
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  • 109 8 An cxtraordmary p<>«iti.>D has be«eu tak< n up liy Hit -stud, uts at llu- "Mm I. r'.ind I >.iy Triiiiiu^ UaSaasa. llKaiiH Mm yk iswksj at s c-rtaio ca( liit tin y nliji-t-t t« l.iiux M auy lun^i r M tin- I that MMM i- a -tr itii; sbmM .it
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  • 117 8 Mr. ii. A. Ue.lfi.rd, late Censor of Clays aud now Censor of Cinematograph r iliun, la en gigcsl inorgani/in^ the British Itoarl of Kilm si wtucli he is tin ihr.-, tor. 11. stated to a newspaper representative that the Imni of working had uot been awiplstul office liad been secure
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  • 298 8 I'r. anl Mr- Inn Im. r. Lumpur from tin ir trip to lluraaa. tl in Mr Ian lUtuilt.m I left I'.yl.iD K-ypl un !>.<■. mb. i i|.t \V I). S. S»n.l.n<, It (i ha« Uvn »!'!>• niUil wjoobJ cIaiw 11 I. .1 m nun
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  • 26 8 Mr. AM nee* that M will .\irty a paasengt-r dvi on s.uu.l .i several I I i iux"oiij pany the aviator ia In-
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  • 41 8 The asMaraMy MMad Mm I date N cruis.r u.t- 0. n i.". li in. pail Kn Ma in bvc Cruis< r !«jiiadrue. :i Urn Kai r. .-t Mill M MMI by Hit lln:i[ at I ountautiu.iplt
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  • 127 8 I ;iuy -:>:. .1 kjßißMoawi f sorsaauoa at BaaffkolL. It Imm aaaaMal vi Fes. MHMMIt, tm lOsaarai an.ltakt- ..Mr llit 1.t_,l Vat Ma wlii.'li kM MjaM tr. ,111 l'liy-4 v Ki^ol tin Ban "vtkla pruprrty in tlu Pakaaai district. Tin Mm ariaespal oajeet ii viaw
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  • 208 8 Karly y« -l< r.l iy n iuw! tu tlit ir pr, ciii- Stn-el linhini ii-. ui.ially U«|>t o|» v, lUsnl, IU I Will II II") ~h > II- I to n|^ v n. th. uly II.IU- uaaa, and two i Inuaiiii n i t wbuta ■laatssilki
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 664 8 SMOKE jf^sy mT^ M OBTAINABLE AT: JOHN LITTLE i CO.. LTD.. KATZ BROS. LTD., ROBiNSSN i. CO. ENGLISH HARNESS At Little's RECEIVED PER SS MISHIMA MARC JUST RECENTLY f 1 BLACK BROWN. Hone Cob- Pony. No. 1. $71 10 $68 25 $63 50 all Natt. LACK A. BROWN. $56 40
      664 words
    • 153 8 A SPLENDID PROGRAMME FOR THE SEASON Is bcinK prrfttntcd ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. 6 NEW PICTURES 6 7.30 TO 11 P.M. I'miiiincnt amonf{ which is THE WHEEL OF DESTRUCTION IN TWO PAHTS. A crest sportinu drama, with most thrillmy incidents, which has its sunny as well M its grim side. Mystsrtsss
      153 words

  • 155 9 PORTE SENDS ITS ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS. Powers Advise Moderation Uaitaa's TiLauaAM. I^oadoa. IVernibcr #>. I .nstantinople iu>awa w > say* the .nt y .-.U rday tcsßKrafbed the coaater proposals of the I'orto in tlie peace ns. I»m o«t*-i»ti-. us Lloyd Tilidui Li rlin iK-cembir '13. I'nnei MMM 1
    155 words
  • 76 9 TERRIBLE GALES AND M\M WRECKS. Dtplorahle Chapter of Accidents. I 1 BMMBaM. l^in Inl' r rof f oar 1 it a j MMI warehoMM ia Itaadee. anl the jule swollen with water M which fell, killing I tU-r was extneated I awailMMJ Urn 1 with Jifituhy l>j ibamloni
    76 words
  • 55 9 Ilia OsM-UII-i lIS I.L- W IlLBiilUB M rlin I 1- 1 I r. |s rt fi. I r.t uiiu. nnus tin ilepar iure of a Moagoiiaa deputatu* for St. K-tenburg to thank the /ar for his support provem.nt in MMM anlaa inUuti nt- ■|iH'siioa peaofully Thaw* will
    55 words
  • 15 9 I I>LB.1(*«. IU MM. Ke. lubt-r mV I I ■>''. a il. inr.M*
    15 words
  • 428 9 Sporting Watches With Visitors From Mcdan. (Kaox OraOaa OimmbmmmmmJ I'enang. l>ecembcr M. Orer thirty player* and supporters from Mulan arrived on the morning of the UiU. for the series of matches with the I'enang Crnket lub. They were most hospitably entertained, and the following events have be>
    428 words
  • 418 9 Exciting Experience in a Borneo Gaol. I hi I I ro>.> Hi raid pubh«be* The other lay w.ts sittiog in uffice writing, a IBMJ haprx-nxd. It MM ab>> it noon »nl the iiy «xs sultry and hot t .iuplet« 1 .•ml hi.ik- n only hy tli" ti.
    418 words
  • 48 9 It M -UU-1 that Itishop Ufroy of l*ahore ■Wail l>r Cople*l«>n as the Metropolitan >f lul:» The p'ltan elect, who is «o Inshii'.'in. waa horn in Ui Ou'Uty of l>own. was or lam. I.n 1 T.« ami joined the I'ambridfp Mission m Ih'lii in the same
    48 words
  • 813 9 FINANCIAL ADVISER'S ANNUAL REPORT. The Railway Loans. Tl»- annual report of the Kinancia A.hi*i on the Siamese Budget ia do) <>l tiiniiti)- i wt are told to expect a falling ofl in revenue for Uiia year P* rt 'y uiiniuised by a decrease of expenditure but.
    813 words
  • 74 9 The Christina* rvice at St. Andrew's Cathedral will be i-outinu-1 on Sunday at 1 vensoni; the follow ing carols will be sung v iill-ly s, Ur b; S.e Amid the Winter's Snow, ici Cou-e Vi- I. ifty. fat) In KxceUis (iloria. At y p 11. then' will
    74 words
  • 163 9 Strong in.hgiiat.on was expressed at a i.e. Nt meeting of tin Kolki-ston< Kduoaiioa Committee with ngard to drawing frou the nude at the local School of Art. Councillor Ca K. Mumford stated that young people in their teens bad been drawing from the node girls
    163 words
  • 534 9 HONGKONG'S STATION WELL IN SIGHT. Project Progressing. Id tlic Hongkong Legislative C'onnc'l, in I >•■< -i-inU r I'.i. His Km -ellency the Governor ma<j<> an interesting announcement upon the subject of the proposed wirelem telegraph station (or H' n^k iny. In view of the mi portanre of the
    534 words
  • 502 9 Death of An Old China Customs Official. The »b ingl M i .1. ,it)i nt the v ng ii I i baii 11. nry Palmer. of th. i iiim m i rttMMMg i" MMMMI a ii.'.ir.lj. II..!.; < .ii-. l- \<i» the ii iv of Ulth. I>>
    502 words
  • 35 9 Mr. R. S. Stewart, partner in Menrs. Krown, Phillip* and Stewart. Ipuli. in iliuitly .'oing on a holiday trip to South Africa, a* he lias u< t been in tin- best of In tl. lately.
    35 words
  • 742 9 Christmas Pantomime Successfully Introduced. "Cinderella" had a very successful send off on her Christmas career in Singapore lant night. Tin irturia Memorial Theatre was ijuih* crowded witli an audience predinptMed to appreciate and if the "gi>ds were inchn ed to transgress the liuiita of appreciation, and to offer unsolicited
    742 words
  • 263 9 Amusing Sequel to a Patient's Smoke. A curionn problem c-onccrniDu a pi|x uf tobacco for a patient wi a sanatorium wan diacloatd at a recent meeting of the hublio Insnrance Committee. It seems that Sir I. .ill- I'ii.u i .11. w.'.o i- tin of hublin.
    263 words
  • 121 9 SATIS. AC TORY PROGRESS OF VICEROY. No Change in His Policy. KacTiK a TiLaoaaa. l-milon. l>.^-i inbir Jr. Renter wire* from iHlhi that in the eveo ing l,ord llaniin^e w MMMMI torily. 1-ord Hardingr is much bctU r 11. I l 0 sbeerenin^ that the attempt hail not
    121 words
  • 43 9 REMARKABLE PICKETING IN LONDON. Insurance Panels Bcin^ I ornud MMM, I. 1 I in the sub], et nf il 11. :.'l U.r i-l, Ml •.hoiij;h MMM t.i MMt .1 .1 1 imittee vis Ms] he!. l at It wa« ion. w!
    43 words
  • 33 9 P.ic-tih T»Lr im I- A >y.|ii. v ii.-«.. mf i.vi_' McVca iu ;li»- *li.rt<i'iitli round o( a SefeeJy BW<ih>lJ fi^l,'. M r« f.i.-ht in th<< ptnckiest luanncr but was li.>|n
    33 words
  • 43 9 Rii-tix'h TmNBML I. m I i- i iTin Kini; ha I a hIi. I I iy hot i^ will i vities at San Irinjjlia'n M I .nablt hum jestenlay with liin r myal ti«i. or to partuipatc in > ilinorr party.
    43 words
  • 72 9 I>«» QMMM mi I.loyii TatiokAM. Id it* ann'i.ii r. |«>rt tli. I'.t ti ~h.tiubi.-t of (.'iMimicrccdiacUMml'liiiK affair*, in tlun fanlnon -Owid^ tii tin .n- ;rr.t n..n .\|»irt trad li.«s rt, r. I. but tli. -itn»tion »ftor a M rWU| h In tin- aulimiD. tin r. »> livelj
    72 words
  • 26 9 l>»k BMMHMM Llou> IMMHI IWrlir. I I ll»« p tluD I" N ilu.l-.U til. I IIKIL. M,,lti>. knd a mi rituriouo »< -man.
    26 words
  • 22 9 !>■* Qnmmm Um Immhi I'.irhii. I i i I* r Tl.r Knipirc Bud k tt I. Ml riMN nc 1 tn-it.
    22 words
  • 181 9 Writing on November Mmm M, Harie) W.. |>r I. I: \loltoii. ..f ■....11 aj BmmM tin MM nt: Society of Mi.liciu. ri is t-i Ml .i The l»an^.:- f Klectricitj, In hi S I. Iliu. U. of K-nn 1 v 1. Ix lon- the
    181 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 41 10 The CHb li.nnchea will run as follow* to m'.rrow I^ r ,u. returning at 4". and 530 pm S ■mdav Ib. launch.- l*Te at 9, 10 ax) 11 .-^turning at X) and li 1"., 3anl .-..Kir 1
      41 words
    • 82 10 The swimminK Cl\ib. \\.,lu.~l.iy »a«ai.%la day at thr Swim ..ttra-tions— over and above Mm ordinary attractM na of Uh institution— w.x for norioea. a |,n»tiua HM pr.-sentation of Tin' race was .v. by 11. 1' .the -ry Urge and r. „r. N I<X i via* i- HM li-t
      82 words
    • 99 10 >inKapore -"»el«nKor. uUch between t«*m- r> PP 1 i »Dl S^Un^T. wbicli Ml .tliuoittMiuUL-liMtlie I on the iy nine >° U»« prepuce of ■>""' tr r-i, i jst A.C.( l>. .1. Jooe». I. M V«Joo. It Brukm»n i half I. hipp.-n.Ull. O. n«tone. A. W. IK ll> i Topbw
      99 words
  • 13 10 Proposal to Supersede the Present Copper Coins. I I I
    13 words
  • 45 10 Arrivals 1., I'roßi PsMlfini i. mi K.-lant*n Itm bi I'/n »>• 1 llo|»'. r lla-ly W>-ld. K-c «>.— From Mr Le< Kirn >an. c -.v Kin. Penani". via 1. ii.'Jei. L. HinU-r *nl II K 1U r an c J'V— rrom Bangkok Mi Kiaife
    45 words
  • 65 10 N.wi ma h..u HHlnl by Mr. A I S iii/a, of th* Wi li>w« and Orphan* pensioo which occurred i« Nov.-mUr m 1«M. at Bournemouth, at tlie bt tber, Mr Ferdinand d. S.«i/a. a ntir.d iwtubt r tin Strait- »ltl. Hi was tin ■v.u/a. of II Urn i. winiii.i I
    65 words
  • 491 10 Special Attention Being Given Now To China. The British Engineer* Association, which m incorporated on April M of U.U year under a certificate from the Board ol Trade. and wu brought into bein* tor the purpose of promoting the ibUtcW of British on icinw-nnii nrw* in China
    491 words
  • 273 10 Inited States Commission to Visit England- >r. Uicciuh rritU American Lava I r.D. E■< tin-laud fruiii Franc- an.l wnl by -iv, n Ucilitiea bj tin- auUiuiitil I seven. U.irack» a'oJ »luJ farm', nod lMf*ct .t. i bri«*a. i «valry. ■UH i" Headed l»v BritfaJurit. MMI t .1. Met
    273 words
  • 214 10 Akbar, a Sanitary Hoard Inspector, ba» bicn aentcDced at Kuala Lumpur to two yean peaal servitude for criminal bn-acli of tru«t as a public servant in respect of 1702 I I tail the alienation being tli ft U>had coll.-oU-d home UM«iueol< and stall rent* and not accounted
    214 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 353 10 To the Editor of the StraiU Times. Sir More going into the discussion that whether gambling has approval or dia appro v»l of tbe Oof eminent, let me stretch iloß the ethical measurement and see if it xiuaret the requiete standard, ">a stands tile criterion s strict teat of
      353 words
    • 164 10 To the Editor of the Strait* Times. Sir -At the rnk of being duboc 1 I'untani ;*1 or any other of the usual epithets by which I shall probably b l< signate.l. may I throu^L you columni t-.-*t against the I linfin M^linu fJHi t ..r > mi..y
      164 words
  • 409 10 Concentration Belter Than Competition. p, .-..r V.m H.~ t W I v. an v:- I. i I. i." -In ia> m fan .1 •choufui •cooomwu th.- ,nl >m ili. vi.i.ii-i niii "f »H lmunu M Ih me >v tl»- ir ...n-.imr tl:. i l |..\v.-l iv t'><
    409 words
  • 760 10 SCOTTISH SUFFRAGETTES 1 TREK TO LONDON. Their Monster Petition. The last triumphant stage of the suffragist wa jk froui fcdinburgh to London of six valiant ladie* oanw to »n unexciting end in i Trafalgar square on tho afurnoou of Satur day. November 16. ami flbetr arrival in
    760 words
  • 283 10 New Direct Route Via Isthmus of Panama. A direct pircel post with IVrj vn tl.i sthtuu* of Panama ban been arranged for. FLU service, which ii to supplement tin present service via Magellan, will be to ali departments except Luroto. The postage charged on parcel* nt by
    283 words
  • 279 10 Famous Invalid Who Changes Her Mind. Mm. Hani*, erf New York, who jumped into prominence a few M*i a«o by de daring Uiat incurable* have a perfect n^lit to die, and wlio petitioned the S.w York Legislature to sanction fitimnasia in Ik r special case, come*
    279 words
  • 376 10 Successful Experiment at London Zoo. Every one is. familiar with the aonul tiansforuiatiun o! tadpole* into (ro«». Little titli like creatures, with fringed Kill*, pro trudiDK from the *i-les o( neck md a swim mini! Uii. suddenly chanir into laud auimalu liffcr.Dl in slur*- and colour, and broathinit
    376 words
  • 415 10 An Official Return for Over a Century. There ban been i«.uod as a ParliMMMUrj Paper a nturu. ask.-l f..r by Mr lharle* Bathurst in Au.u-t U-t. »bowiag i year fiom ItOO to IIMO, inclusive, the RMM price of lintish wheat per u-r. tin Inchest an.l
    415 words
  • 955 10 BUSINESS CONDITIONS IN SOI TM AFRICA. V Canadian Branch Opened The ordinary annual general BMliaa of Krancr and ihaluier. l.iuiiWxl. was held oo November Jl at WimhenWr Houw. <M.l road »tr.vt, K« Mr. Uoocrt Knyhsh hair man of the company presiding, lii the course of bin speech
    955 words
  • 75 10 HaajM assj riTiiv.d by sjnMi M P •-li China Morunii; Pnai, of tindratli •>! Mr. Oajnf|Bi l'*in. of >. M..n:r»- an I i ,i.. Sliaimlni. bi.>th. r .<( Mr. K. I'aine, ll.jiit; lh.- d.i-.-aH.^I gentleman, who luul b>^u <It\' v y. ir- in Shanghai and was I knuwa in II
    75 words

  • 422 11 RECORD OF A 1 1 MWIIH.r WELLS CENTENARIAN. Congratulations I mm the king 'If. Has] (>L'lin iit'.u. lauttbter at Taaasaa Kvans. ami the widow uf I ii biattd Ik-i <>ri l.uu '11.-.IHI bnth'lav aft TiiDbri.lye Wells on No I Ilii hini; asai hir hi- luaity n U.i
    422 words
  • 189 11 Contract Placed with the Pearson Firm. Tli« now works in connection with th< port i .f al|»rais.i. the contract fnr which has U< n placid viith Mcokts. bY IVarsou anil Soe), were formally inaugurated on OctobtT K. Tin works' .1 bnnkwater, which will start from Puprat
    189 words
  • 336 11 Habits Which Destroy Roots of the Hair i sm int> n: alp aa>l sq neatly I rt»«cjn«. Kit'", sj Saw] Wl ii Ik. I l^)• hats HI <D Uy. tl.i y cv: I I -i. it Ij ill ji KUtuiuer ami saw ußualh v woniesv >oil tit
    336 words
  • 112 11 •■ill) -t>>l> the tuutor yadit !>■>». Uloagias; 4« Mr. J. McTs>-n»rt, A.U Ui i< an<l put out to sea. The yacht wa* »ii i bhsMtatj tittt-d bu»t, o|ui|>p«xl in luxorioux ntyW-, su<l it» >lisa|>p>-araiice eaoaad a roasKkrsbk' n«a'i«n. Later it was <li» pad thai Urn tin. raa, use
    112 words
  • 814 11 Prices Quoted in the Mvket This Morning. Singapore. December 27, 1912. Mewm. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange mil Share Broken, iwoe the following list of quotation* thin morning No*. Vall-i. Bct«*». S«u.»i«>. 2/- Alla«ar I 8/« 1 Anglo Java 7 i M 1 An^lo .loliore B,V» 10/8 2
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 8 11 For Chronic rbeat Complaints, Woods' Oiaat Peprx-nuiat Care.
      8 words
    • 329 11 LATEST ADVF.RTISEMFNTS. Our Statements lilt* our liquors art p«liab'e and trta** ara some of them. Wi> fur ocr •nrp'itu cntri^bt acd have do ron<i|(i meat. Wp buy culjr fr m sc'Q-1 itik iao.l Rro*t r- uo mijdli men. Bcrnli »<< ru direct Ir m pUcj cl origin cud.ulle frt «lit».
      329 words
    • 229 11 >w Bout on Rouge 1 Felucca 1 .^EGYPTIAN..-/^ 1 on r*s£*iy\ to the mm oi iasl*» TriMfc CBTAINAVI K AT John Little Co., Ltd., Katz Bros., Ltd., Robinson Co. Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER New Year s Eve, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31. Dancing After Dinner. EXTENSION OF LICENCE. H> kniii permisMon of
      229 words

  • 207 12 WAR TO BE AVERTED BY STKIkfcS. Demonstration in London. M In Id It tin N.\.11l t Ihl lilt. Ivi Utlon uf 111, i a War. Th..., 'I lll.itLlll' tin li.Mis. \> ii and h. v 'I I. i. n t. ..-I MMI ml that held in 1
    207 words
  • 69 12 I M I I I 1.1 b.i" I II I r. •t Haak> i I tint lim i ol late. 111 1 k|..«* I I "I I -I-'. «l: VII I ilarran irusa th. -hot I- ill. to it. >..ld i I
    69 words
  • 1418 12 Cutting of a Continent Nearing Completion. Htm that the gn-at Panama Canal is within iiieamirable di»taaeeof being au .v toinphslml act tin following article from the linladclphia tafMi will be read with some inWrettt "sonic time in \t summer or fall, no exact date being specified, a
    1,418 words
  • 530 12 Experiments of Dr. Charlton Bastian. The learned societies are now meeting for the first time since Professor >chaier gave his memorable address on the origin ut life at the British Association meeting al Dundee. The tint of the learned societies to deal with the I'jestion, which
    530 words
  • 360 12 Internal-combustion Engines as Prime Movers. Before tbe Society ul tnuioc. rs, Mr. Wm. P Kurtaall. M.I.Mir.K M.I. Xulu.K.. road a |wt|H r un llie j(i Deration and electrical trans iuiviiud uf power fur marine transpoitation. The autlior H* T< a brief skeleton history .if tbe application uf mechanical
    360 words
  • 814 12 FORTHCOMING ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Latest Lists Tl»- hsWwiag immi l>..kin^ to tic Str.u:- Ml Uikiii liom MS London and ('lima BxprcMH. It should li. Un Ii isi... l tli it. in some iiistan,,-.. uuikiugs l» and that intending |wis~. ngi is may nlt.-r tin ir arraugciiieDls. suits..
    814 words
  • 345 12 it .un "Uj< 4 in ■kaiini i« I. mil H it is a» a mli eaairy extricates), beeaJate tin lid cau be |>1111.-.| .town au.i the l«^iti"ii t I. lianigß wnlj aaiflj -„ii s,, v Lh.W'ilsou in Befon the l*.«'t..i j.lst published l>> Mess,,. 1.v,1n. If.
    345 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 157 12 MIGNON. INCIAIUVJ IVn| k^HßT P 14 Records fM Yl4Y 14 «itn?oo«e(ous >V_^^s^SS^rr~rr-^y WE CAN DO IT We have bought out a wholo Factory 2,000 RECORDS TO CHOOSE FROM 300 OUTFITS LEFT. XT CAN LOOK XJ CAN LISTEN XJ CAN B-Y At the Largest Furniture Emporium East of Suez. (Mo connection
      157 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 298 13 ADLER TYPE f*mfc* WRITER Visible writing, permanent alignment, marvellous, simple and solid construction, a first-class reliable typewriter at a LOW PRICE. sle a kms BEHN. MEYER CO., LTD. ft Aix-la-Chapelle Springs J V KAISER-WATER H A Refreshing Dietetic Table Water. OBTAINABLE FROM: I BEHN. MEYER CO., LTD., E TJ Sole
      298 words
    • 694 13 STEAMER SAILINGS. BURNS PHILP LINE. L Staairou to Java Pom Pobt Dabwii. Tbobbdat Ulamd, Bbmbams md Stdnbi ti» I Tobbb* Stbait*. Also taking puKinen Mid «*«*o »ilb transhipment for other Victouah. SoOTB AC.ITL4LIAH tod NoBTB QcBSWSUm. Pom, Bsjtub Nbw Ocimba, Nbw Britain Tashaviab ud Nbw Zbalaso Post*, •"MMhPiNM^ T-r^-tr loiiurt
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      132 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 498 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office: Winchester Houm, SINGAPORE I Board of Dtoaotewwi O v I >«a*i. k. K*| Chairman. A II K»is, K«| Maaagiag Director. Prrsk Tmmm, Chief M«d. Offteer. I f M I UJS*. BBB| I aX Allah. Kiiq. .v I r.-«| Ok,, leaa Tbr.
      498 words
    • 301 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL UFE tSSUMNCt COBMn OF C*«»M EsTAßUsaan 18H. Dipeiot Oovewiimnt Eupswyialow OowHiaiiat Audit. Pt lews are WORLD WIDB and Noo Forieitabic. I Larg* Wat S*i>aw*ia above Habilirie* for lliMMjrr* aad all ontstaniiing Nm Byalwaaa. ibii, owm...HJKQjaOjJOO Caab Loans, Settkmcnta, etc., made locally. Numerous modern anbems*. 4. M. IVANS, Hanager,
      301 words
    • 535 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. INCORPORATED BT BOTAL CHARTER Paid on Capital ia HMO Share, at 4Maaab ■>«■»«»«■ 41J0OJM Baaarre Paad... 414 KUW Rsserrr UabiUtf of Proprteeor* 41,100.000 BAJUBRS. Baak ot England Tba Loadoa City A Midland Sank Ud Nattoaal Baak at ftanMaiil. Ltd. SINGAPORE BBANCH. Cnrreat
      535 words
    • 508 14 BANKING. THE BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. INCORPORATED BT BPECUL IMPERIAL CHARTER. Capital Subscribed V.10.000.000. Capital Maid Up 6.250.000. Reserve Fund* 8.100.000. HEAD OFFICE:— TAIKH, FORMOSA. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. Amoy Bombay Canton Calcutta Foocbow Hongkong Keelung Kobe Eagi London Moji Nagasaki Osaka Shanghai Swatow Taiebo Tainan Takow Tamaoi Tokio Yokohama, etc
      508 words
    • 1052 14 MLEB BY AUCTION. Auction Sale Of TEN THOUSAND BAGS WHITE JAVA SLG4R (NO. 26) IN GOOD CONDITION, To be held at the Kampong Saigon Railway (lodown No. Oa baattuiKlaty, Ososmbsr as, sat noon. For account of concerned. POWELL CO.. Auctioneer* sen v ESTATE OF TAN KONG LIANG. DECEASED AUCTION SALE
      1,052 words

  • 786 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Rival to (he Motor-Car A practical motorist writes in tlte Oversea Ihuly Mail Is the cycle car k ui °K to prove a rival to the motor car And if so. to what extent ami with what result The cycle car,
    786 words
  • 213 15 Valuable Remedy Discovered by Dutchman. Interesting eTidenoe concerning tbe origin and value of variou« ujetlicinal preparatiooii was KiTen on Norviuber J2, before toe Select Committee of tbe llouae of Commons, wbicb in ioijuirioK into tbe sale and advertisement of patent and proprietary medicine*. Sir Henry Norman, chairman, presided. Mr.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 308 15 Wolseley Autocars. To tboa* wbo are hesitating between »be Wolaslsy aad tbe SO CALLED obeap oar, we would remind tbem that tbe FIKST COST ii NOT ALL that ia to ke ooan dered. Tbe ear which rmaodies tbe finest iiiaiplii ol aaffiaeariaff skill, ia design worknaaahip aad material, is the
      308 words
    • 10 15 IKor Children's Hacking Cough at Night. Woods' Ureat IVppenumt Cure.
      10 words
    • 414 15 BY APPOINTMENT MOTOR TYRE uJ^ W L^K> MANUFACTURER! TO HIB MAJESTY KING 6EOR6E V. THE MOTORING PUBLIC WANT DUNLOPS The enormous preponderance of" Dunlop tyres at Olympia 1,35H a> ugninM 875 of all other makes combined is evidence that the pahUt taatt il -ound. The spread of technical knowledge amongst
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 467 16 INDIAN PATENT STONE a FOR FLOORS PAVEMENTS. Write fur further p.irtkuuirs to SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTS'. CiERK WANTED. sbM l.. rK tuu«tbavt thorough know isat snnfsnt Apply slating ex ml •aswa n '{Hired, to Dr. Malcolm Majaaa^. V .M.S. 10 .1 o POSITION WANTED. tli feajaaßA koowlrdge
      467 words
    • 257 16 WANTS. OFFICERB WANTED. Wanted, lirst and Third officers for osean going steamer. Apply to I'ATEK>ON i SIMONS v CO., LTD. 2112 a CHINEBE SALESMAN WANTEO. WacW.l, Experienced Cl ioe»e Salesmar. v PP'y w 'th t>«- aionialii to, Engineering D.partmect BBUX, MEVBR Co., LTD. 21 HoH o SHORTHAND TYPIST WANTEO. Wanted.
      257 words
    • 627 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD HOWE TO LET To Let, No. 8 a, Chancery I. we. Apply to H s jmapah, No. 19, Raffles Place, or 117, Serangoon Road. KM v OFFICE TO LET. A large and bsajrbt office, 2nd floor, No. 100 2. Robinson Road. Apply to The bank
      627 words
    • 700 16 NOTICES, NOTICE. WEBTON AND WESTON MALACCA. I hereby certify that Mr R. Cecil Weston is in no way connected with the above Firm. All claims against the Firm to bf sent to their Solicitor, Mr. R. C. Oould, Malacca, on or before January 11, 1918, on which date claims will
      700 words
    • 603 16 NOTICES. KIAM KMT CO. SHIPCHANDLIRB. f Telephone No. 431 106 AIW Market Street S. 8. F. M. 8. MEDICAL SCHOOL The diplomas, etc., will be presented, on Friday, the Mft instant, at 8 pm. AU inten Hted are invited to attend. aeii 27 12 NOTICE. THE BTRAITB MOTOR6ARA6E SYNDICATE I
      603 words
    • 697 16 NOTICES. NEW YfJMt LMD SPORTS. Tho ucual Land Sports will be bold on the Race Course, on Wednesday, January 1. commencing at 2 p.m. Subscriber* wishing to obtain Tickets of tfuiinsiou to the Grand Stand, etc.. are requ Hted to make application to the Hon. kfteoustary, 8 G C. Pavilion.
      697 words