The Straits Times, 19 September 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.082 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 THE WHITE HORSE CELLAR. ESTAB. 1742 SPECIAL OFFER OF I MEN'S E FINE MATT, WHITE TENNIS SHIRTS E I $1.35 each. J D Shaped and Made in England, Wash and Wear Well. D 0 All Sizes 12 to 18 inches. 0 w w K ATZ BROS.,LTD. COOL ROOFS. See page
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    • 21 1 SIGNAL DELICIOUS gi-V f I fc*' Asparagus Carefully selected from the delicious growths of CALIFORNIA. SOLE IMPORTBR9: J. Travers Sons, LIMITED.
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    • 115 1 ROBINSON CO. Cash Sale Bargains. S MEN'S INDIA GAUZE SINGLETS INDIA GAUZE SINGLETS. ALSO I SHORT DRAWERS TO MATCH. ALL CI7CC R f^nP <E*-^ Half SIZES rl oo n cce c 3>O« O Dozen IN STOGK British Manufacture. ri Gruyere Cheese AND Roquefort Cheese ARE THE BEST. FRESH STOCK AT
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  • 393 2 FORTUNE LEFT BY THE GREAT COMEDIAN. Bequests To Theatre Charities. Several bequests to theatrical charities are made in the will of Mr. Edward O'Connor Terry, the famous comedian, whose estate has been valued for probate at £44,056, of which tbe net personalty has been sworn at £10,056.
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  • 413 2 With Foreign Countries and British Possessions. As a Blue book, there has just been issued the annual statement ol tbe trade of the United Kingdom with foreign countries and British Possessions in 1911, with comparisons for tbe preceding four years. A table is given showing tbe total
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  • 75 2 A quantity of petroleum from a barat pipo i rom tin oil steamer WaHhiogton whicb ba<i j <eu discliarniny alongside tbe outer daui of lie harbour works at Bombay, (-might fire by .in i i 1 1 1, inst., tbo flauit-g li u.\nu<z huudredg t feet iiitd tbo air and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 232 2 \f THE I DEAL TONIC nc ose ANA ls jL*"^PJ li sufficient to convince the A <[ i convalescent of its value. A JiLs i~j ANA helps to nourish \\\JCf<v the debilitated system and \\^f—<^ re-tnrc vigour to body and brain. X w Tonic Wine \'an is purr, its tonic
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    • 61 2 1 Digestion and Assimilation. It is not tbe qnantity of food taken bat the 11 in unit illy stxl Hint HKsimilattil Uiat niv<g ■'r< u «4t 1 1 ami vita ii t y to tbe Hytrm. Clianj>rrlaiii'» Stomach and Liver Tableta invi^■rate tbe Btomarh and liver and enable Oiem o
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    • 513 2 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RUBBER SEEDS. For sale Seeds from old trtes at 92 CO per thousand, deli vend on tail in Hacks Apply o tbe Managi r, Labu fi-tatr, Laba. 16 0 319 PIANO FOR SALE. Upright Piano by H. Kriebel, Berlin quite new. Fine tone. Apply 187, Orchard Road.
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    • 308 2 Synoleo WMhmbl* Hygienic Distemper. Synoleo ia paste Distemper and is tbe product oi Messrs. Wilkinson, Hey wood h Clark, Ltd., who are tbe largest and oldest paint manataoturers in tbe world. It is manufactured in tbe palest and darkest art abades, wbiob are fast to light and line. Like oil
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 349 3 SIMPSONS SCOTCH WHISKY The Bine Fnnnt-I line of steamer* nailiog from O!a>pow and Liverpool to tb* Ka*t«-D ani Pacific Port*, as well as Scab Africa, Aostralia, and other important market* cf tb« world, aie tbe largest oariiom of whirky from Scotland. It was, therefore, appropriate that Simpson's should bn\e cr.'ccU
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    • 841 3 S.V.C. Orders. Bt Liidt. Col. O. A. Dirrick, V.D., Commandant, S.V.C. Singapore, September IT, 1912. a. v. c. Ballestier Rifle Range. I The range is allotted as ander Saturday, September 21, at 1M p.m., Chinese Company, S.V.I. Wallace Cap." Saturday, September 28, at 23.0 p.m.. S.R.A. Short Range Handicap. Sunday,
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    • 694 3 SUFFERED 14 YEARS WTHSOpNB Itched and Burned. Skin Came Off, Leaving Them Raw. Tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment. They Soothed from the First and Cure Has Stood Test of a Dozen Years. "For fourteen j-fira I suffered with my 1 feandi The akin cam<- off in patcboi. tearing I UT
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    • 85 3 A venarius 1 CARBOLINEUM The Famous Wood Preserver AND Ohfendorff'm Rubber Manure Obtainable from the sole Agent* RAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT CO. Pure Indian Tea from ASSAM. No. I quality I lb. tins $0.75 N0. 2 lib. $0.60 No. 2 21b. $1.20 N0. 3 lib. $050 KATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED. MANURES FOR RUBBER,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 672 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pTty o STEAM NAVIGATION CO. fOH CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANG, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued tor Ohlaa Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Amorioan Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about:— MAIL LINBS 191 a floflMward {.for Bnrope).
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    • 666 4 BTEAHEB SAILINGS. RY.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly service is maintained bo twoen Yokohama via rx.rts to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, nuder mail contract with the Imperial lapauese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Strainers maintaining this servioe have boon specially designed and constructed, and are fitted witb
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    • 721 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pabang, Berserah, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Bangnara, Telnpin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kohsamui, Bandon, L*nffßoan, Taku, Cbuivpon, Kohlak and Bangkok. Dul Departurs S Paid 1... REDANO Sept. 19 Sept. 21 B.m. PRACH4TIPOK Sept. S3 Sept. 25 b.b. BORIBAT Sopt.
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    • 515 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD OEUTICM DIMPFSCIiri MIRTSKf. ■■»»«i IHEBIIi Combined Servioe. The steamres of these Companies maintain a rsgular service between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg once a month for Bremerbavon direct,
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    • 645 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. IN D L. ■orddeutsohtr Lloyd, Bromat. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fact and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen. Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sonth ampton Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • 151 5 FIXTURES Thjurcday S:ptember 19 Hyh W*-.or. 4 6 a.m., 2.7 p.m. Friday. September ao Hvh W»««'r. «.T a m.. 4 7 nm W^torwitoh Rnqniry, Mir n^ Canrt, 10. Riving Club Dinn-T. U.M 1-. U^UQtm Cin-il. AW nui. laternatiaoal Riwin^ Rico *«turilsf. September ai Hi<h W*t»r, H. 3
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  • 238 5 Too**. B itu P*h»» M r-i'B 8 pm Hongkong and Japan Kuano Maru 3 pm Rntn Pah»t Aio« Hin Bpm Billiton am! B*t»vi» O. O. Mijer 8 pm Kaotok an 1 I'aU'uabaag Janasens Bpm tf%l%ooa anrl Moar tiaJta 8 pm Port Diekdon and -"ort Swottenbam Pelangor Bpm
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  • 164 5 The P. an! O. outward mail steamur China left IVnang at 8 p.m. yesterday. and may bo oxpneted to arrive here on Frid .y morniag, September 20. Tbe P. and O. outward intermediate (learner Nyanz* U dae at Colombo at 8 a.m., oo S ptember 18, and
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  • 680 5 Latent Arrivals. ilmra **r. Taoht 2>J ton, 18 crew ISO h |>. Com. Ksjah of Saraxnk, S pt H, From S»'»wak, 17. Fur Sarawak, Sept 24. hu Arcadia. (K-r str. 84 1J tonp, Captain Marturg, >S, Kom Hamburg, Ana 11. Oc. ami p. H. Meyer Co.
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  • 138 5 Arrivals. Per str. Ban Hong Liong, S p» It, From Bangkok. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. D. Beckett, Mr. K S. Smith. Per i-tr. Ktang, S< pt 16.- From Penang via ports. Or. Lamb, Revd. R. Richards, Messrs. W. G. Baker, O'rl»Uorain, Whithy. Per KotuiM, Sept 18.
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  • 46 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore itandard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • 258 5 Finance Commerce. XOHANOE. 6l»8»FOEi, S*PTIMB«B 19. 1611 Oa Lt>i>*»— Bank 4 nt/a »,4 A Demand n. Private 6 m/i 1/4) S m/i 1/41 Oa Oma<-Buk d/d 188* Privace l m/s 24 Oa FnAirct— Bank d/d 194 Private I a/I ...188 Oa Ipdl»- Bank T. T. 174 1 Private 80 d/i
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    • 161 5 Issue S Value Buyers. Sellcn 41 41 Posing Lamt 4/8 f« 10 10 Kahnian Hyd 11.75 12 11 41 41 R»6m»« Tib '28 It '14.60 41 41 RambnU* 8.26 6.71 41 41 Raab Aunt. Odd 290 810 41 1 Redhills Tia 1.28 2.00 I Royal Johorr 1 10 I
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    • 593 5 I-rae 2 Value Buyer*. Seller* 41 41 Beafie'd 6 94* 6.16.71 id 3/- 8/ Selangoi 3.18 3.4 8 41 41 8ond»T»» 3 0.0 3.0 8 41 41 Serembaa 3 118 3.10 8 41 4) SheUord 3 0.8 1.H.74 41 41 Si»l»o,. 8 18 86 6 3/- 3/- Singapore Pwi
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    • 111 5 GENERAL. Inoe 5 Value Bayer. BellM 100 100 T% Prel. 110.00 U3.M 10 10 S'poto Cold Storage 81.00 MM 60 60 B'pore Dispeaaary 64.00 55.01 10 10 Straits lac Co 10.60 11 M :00 100 Straits S. Ship 160.00 41 41 BteJl Truwport ft TradtaM 6.13 0 618.71 410 10
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    • 41 5 Bayers Sellers Howftrth Hraklne 6% 1900,000 pat Riley,H*me«Teßfl% 1384,000 3* Singapore Bleotrio Tr»mw»TBß% 4880.000 B'pore ManioipJ 6 11,878,000 nom. ttnjett B»IIW 3'pore ManioipU 4}% o*lBo7 »lb_oOoo 7% S pore Municipal 4*\ of 190« 11,000,000 lo%ptn B'pore Monioip»l 4% 1603.000 par
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 T'.< singer sing a »w«i sweet song In a wi ak old voco, each note was wrong Wt!i r itt.-n ell :Kt>i they pelted him: Huoli K-n- roiilT n "ed him Si li went U> M "•linn" at oooe and not W k> Ik' Pt pp< riniot Cnn>, to get
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    • 233 5 4UCTI0N SALES. Powell and Co. September 2i.— At "Shotton" No. 18, TaDggal Hoad, adjaoent to the Newton Railway Station, furniture, etc., at 2. September 21. U naloroom, valuable t > < a propetty, at Qieen Si., etc at 2.80. September 2'.— At saleroom, wine", at 11. September 26. At No.
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    • 53 5 POPULAR PICTURES PROGRAMME HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NOBTH BRIDOB BOAD, TO-NIGHT. Lena and th* Oaaaa. Biograph (A Story of Old Holland). Th* Spirit Awak*n*d. Biograph (A Story of the Christian and Renegade). Th* Hop** of th* Regiment. Itala (Farce Comedy). ALSO GAUMONT GRAPHIC, No. 33. Telephone No. 1116, Beaoh Road. K.
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  • 1094 6 The Straits Times, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. ADMIRAL WILLIAM. Probably there has been do prouder moment in the Kaiser's life than that daring which he listened to the cheers of 82,000 German bluejackets on 1 18 German warships. He has every right to be proud, for the fleet which has made
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  • 14 6 There are now 119 permanent stations and nine flag stations on the X.M.S. railways.
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  • 22 6 The output of tin from the Tongkah Har bour Tin Dredging Co. for the week ending the 14th iust. was seventeen tons.
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  • 22 6 In December nine wireless stations, covering the whole coast of Chile, wilt be opeued lor the uw if the public and navigation.
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  • 25 6 A first interim dividend of five per cent for lie current fiuancial year h<t» been decluieU oy the board ol the rUhmau I'iu Co., Ltd.
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  • 38 6 We are asked to any that Mr. .Sullivam, v) (lie .\ukI'> CllliiL'HU ■"H.', Will hr MM to- in Ut at 8 o. iv a leui u< .>■ 1 1 ~cli'>ul, on nuiuu t-aclH aud Figurea auuul ihc Auivricau Heyubliv:.
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  • 12 6 Latest advertisement* ot the day appear on page 5 and on page
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  • 24 6 A private enquiry is bting held today aboard 11. M. K Prometheus, in the roads, into the circumstances of tho loss of tbo Waterwitch.
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  • 33 6 It is stated that the ferry steamers which are being built in fclnglaud for the Indo Ceylon Kerry will be tilted with oil fuel equipment as well as with plant for burning coal.
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  • 34 6 Reports are to hand of a big 4 warm of locusts having settled near the township of Am pang, Selangor. luvestualiou of the damage they are doing is being prosecuted by the Agricultural Department.
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  • 39 6 On tho 11th inst, Messrs. Ramsay and (1.i.1. 1i 11, of the Pelepah Valley Kubber Estates, and a friend, tracked up and shot a lino rogue bull elephant, which has lately done a lot of damage in the district.
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  • 37 6 A telegram from the Hague, dated the Bth instant, 10 tho Deli Couraut, states that the Itoyal Dutch Petroleum Company have begun lo compete with the Standard Oil Company in the sale of lamp oil in America.
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  • 36 6 The Ist Kiug's Own (Itoyal Lin is., r Regiment, who were stationed here some years ago and whose officer* presented the polo cup bearing their name, leave India for Dover, their new station, on December 20.
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  • 38 6 Prof. Herschell Parker, who conducted an expedition to try to scale Mount McKinley, tho great icebound Alaska Peak, has been obliged to abandon the attempt, alter reach ing a height of 20,000 ft. 404 ft. from the summit.
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  • 40 6 Many interested in the Teluk Annon district wll be glad to learn that the road to Bagan Datoh has been carried through. To Dr. Sclater has fallen the honour of being the first motorist to drive thiough from Teluk Anson.
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  • 39 6 Mr. M. Aminur Itahman, a Bengali Mahomodan of good family, who has been studying at Edinburgh University, has been appointed on probation Indian Assistant to tue London Adviser for Indian Students, in Huccesui. n to Dr. P. K. Ray.
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  • 52 6 A hu<;e alligator, 17 It. long, with a girth of 6 ft. h iv. at the thickest put of the body, has becu shot on the river bank opposite the Eden Gardens, Calcutta. One shot from a Service ri tie w, is sufficient, the bullet entering the soft tiesb beuiud
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  • 40 6 The hearing of the divorce suit instituted by George Ucvauasaiu against his wife, Grace, iv which the petitioner named two co res pondents, Sundaraui aud Dorai, was concluded in the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Justice Sproule reserved judgment.
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  • 46 6 Lord Maiden, the famous breeder of beagles, who had a pack of his owu of fourteen couplets has jm>t sold oil his dogs to Mr. Lucas, another wellknowu man iv the dog world. Of these fouriecu couples, Mr. Lucas is Bending to Ceylon six hIhImI couples.
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  • 58 6 A few days a^o, a post van in Sourab.iya met with an accident aud was ovtiilurnud. The coach box was broken off abjvo tho tootboa I. I'hereupou a number of letli M, which appear to hare slipped in the sp ice uuder tho box, fell oat there were letters ano
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  • 49 6 The American Bell Telephone Company is bein<f prosecuted on a charge ol hiving com uiituxl a breach of Ihu Sheruiau Ann Trust Act by creating a monopoly. It IB alle^inl that the oinpany endeavoured by secret maii'i-'ivres to acijniru thu Htoi-k of every telephone company in thu I'nittd status.
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  • 49 6 "It is hereby notincl that no interference in the free export an 1 import ot tradiug products hujii as rice, paddy and biinilar articles will ho allowed without my spceiai sanction," is the teuour of a iiuiiuc.ukii. appearing in the Sarawak (iovcinuicut Gazette, over the biguature of Itajah Brooke.
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  • 48 6 His Excellency Phya Vi-tutr Kosa, thu former Siamese Minister at London, was stuug by a suake, of tho venomou:! variety, willi triaugular head, reddish tail ami short greeu body. The pail began to swell, and medical aid was suuiuioncJ, ani ll.s E.tuelleucy is making satistaciory progress toward recovery.
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  • 62 6 Mr. Bramwell Booth appeals for i 11 ,500,000, which, added to legacies amounting tv £jO,UOJ, will suth'co lor the erection as a memorial to his father ot a naming home toi Salvation Umoera which will be a uuiveimty, aud a huui.tuity project dear to the Lite General, liv hopea lor
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  • 66 6 Tho Trichiuopoly correspondent of the Madras Mail MM Ueliuite lulonuatiou halt Otxu icwi. l'll by llic railway ot MauraH iroui tho homo uoaid regar:iug lue removal ol the headquarters to Aiadraa. A laigu biiui has •>*■< ti saucilouod tor tin run ttUucliou of iv Madras. Tile removal
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  • 83 6 Eleven officers, two staff sergeants and sixiy nine oilier rauks oi the Malay .Slate* Voiuuieer Kidcs are to tako part in the 6iugapore ui^univri s. Col. liuuback ami tUt> aiijUlaut are lo be attached to tho gener al man, six ofliteiH will be attached to the bulls, ami itie rtuiaiuiug
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  • 99 6 Ipoh haa a new fire engine. It is of tin Uoiiiils lurOiuu iyp-., bltuU willi a 4J ftx_i encase, uutlioimH U> ellcciually itacii lln liiglnnt buildiugx lv Ipuli. lv, Hi. BU^IUU W<M lll.Ji-.U^liiy tLMOI MM tKMU; Bli. jii^J, auil i.x.i Hi hi iciulus, Hie lv. COUnuUl.iliUU Oc)Ui£ &l tin
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  • 359 6 His Higbncsp Rajah Brooko of Sarawak, in command of his own yacht tho /ahora, arrived in Singapore, this morning from Kuching. Dr. Theodore Leighton Pennell, of liannn. ou tho northwest frontier of Imlin, medical missionary under the Church Missionary Society, who died on Match 2il, left estate
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  • 188 6 A Year on the F. M.S. Railways. Introducing his report on tho K. M. S. railways for 1911, the Oeneral Mana^or, Mr. Anthony, observes:— I havo attain to report a satisfactory year. A striking featuro was tho great increase in tho number ot passengers carried namely, 10,347 H96 compared with
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  • 235 6 As II .buy ltobeits san^' last niuht, tinItMRMH Company "won't bo back In mouths aud months aud mouths," but they are assured of <pnte as wui vi a welcome as of yore win n they do conio a am. Their work of the |ust vvi ik hi»
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  • 250 6 A number of ntu<l«ots of the International Correspondence Schools mrlat tin 1 Students' Association llooius at >le .>un/.i .Street, lant ni^lit, to welcome Mr. A. N. Spencer, tho I.C.S. Colonial Ageut, who is paying a Hying visit to tin -<■ p;irtH. There wax quite are
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 180 6 TO-NIGHT'S CHOICE PROGRAMME COHPRISIB A Powerful Pat he Drama "HIS BBSETTINa SIN" A Picture which though not of a very lengthy duration is nevertheless ono quite out of the ordinary if only for its fine acting. A Phkttily Coloured Oriental Drama THE SPaHl'f 10VE, an appreciative picture, both for the
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  • 197 7 DISGRACEFUL PARLIAMENTARY SCENES. Members Carried Out by Police. Kbitbk'h Tblrobam. London. September IH MoHsages from Budapest say the opposition renewed the nproar in Parliament yesterday morning. An oppositioner shouted "Scoundrel" to Herr Booethy, Minister of Commerco, and tho latter ntru'-k tlic insulter, where upon other members of
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  • 249 7 PREPARING TO SIGN THE NEW COVENANT. Huge Gathering at Enniskillen. Rll'Tll".'" TILROBAM. London, September 18. Arrangements for signing the covenant at the City Hall, Belfast, on the 28th are very elaborate. There will be a third of a mile of desks enabling MO to sign simultaneously, and the
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  • 163 7 KING GEORGE AT THE E\STERN MANOEUVRES. Vivid Scenes of Mimic Warfare. Kbi'Tßr'r taHMft l.on i .i, Hfttmkm Ml The King his arr.v, I at Cambridge to •Ueinl tin tuaumuvrin. lie st.ijs at Triuity Col leu He inototed iv the undicsx uniform of a fii I<l to vi-il
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  • 23 7 11l T»KK TvLKi.hAH. L -ndon, Septemlei IH Ix at the climuipioo county, York•bin, by an innings and Itfl runs.
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  • 49 7 British Steamer Badly Damaged. h«i' TmaoßAa London, September 18 A Salonika message s»ys *h a British steamer Carrowraore, while trying to cross tho mine field at Capo Kara, without a pilot, collided with a mine and was so badly damaged that she had to be beached.
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  • 43 7 Kll-TSRH TkLI ItIAH. London, September 18. Mr. F. E. Smith speaking at Whitby said Mr. Churchill's federal schemo was an attempt to hoodwink Ulster. He declared that tho Government was solely responsible for the Belfast riot on tho 1 1th.
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  • 56 7 Rbotbr's Tslborah. London, September 18. At tho Ring, Illackf riars, Mehigan, the lightweight champion of Australia, won what is described as the light-weight championship of the British Empire by defeating Matt Wells, who was disqualified for foul hitting. Ho struck M' higan twice at the end of the fourteenth
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  • 38 7 RaOTBR'3 TKLK.tHAM London, September 18. A Peking message says the acting Premier in a speech in the Assembly indicated that the Government's intention was to comply with Sir N. Jordan's requests in reference to Tibet.
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  • 38 7 Rbotbr's TcißOßts. London, September 17. An Ottawa message says an agreement has been concluded whereby Imperial Consuls will furnish Canadian business men with foreign trade reports. Canadian trade •gents will be eligible for the consular service'
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  • 60 7 Kbi-iib's Tblbokam. London September 18. Ten of the Australian cricV»ters have left Southampton for America. .Mr. Bardsley is not going, but the eleven will be completed by Australian students in the Uuited States. .Mr Gregory, who has been interviewed, said I that the Englishmen are at present immeasur
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  • 55 7 Ht.TSR s TILIOKA*. London, September 11. Tho deaths of Colonel Sir Horatio Davies, f.iiinerly Lord Mayor of London, and of ;Mijir raha M .r U'int Marsh Edwards are announced The litter j lined tho 74th Highlanders in 1877, MrMl in the Straits Settlements and Hongkong, anJ won the Victoria
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  • 43 7 Oik Osusun*. hii LIMB Tklsokam. 1., rlin. September 18. Simon Copper's native band has betn creating disturbances in S. W. Africa and has crossed over to ienniu territory. The South- WVst African government is negotia tiug with the British Commissioner.
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  • 38 7 TRENCH BRAGGING." Dm OHMUHMH l.i.ovn Tklkobam. Berlin, September 18. The I'opolo I! i iiin. i, in face of tlio French bragging with regard to the Mediterranean fleet, announces an Italian naval bill to create a balance of power.
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  • 35 7 The East Asiatic Company's Daily Report The- market in Ijomlon yewUrdaj nt ijuiet. Tin cloaidi; pncio were: Hard fino Para spot 4,7 forward 4/6} First latex crepe, d<;livfry Dvxt three uiunths 4/6|
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  • 111 7 A Japanese sailor named Sakamoto, of the .liimn-i MMM Kitani) Mum, was produced Mi Mr. E. L. Talma, second maiiistrate, Uiim morning, on a charge nf mischief by pushing a ricknlia valued about $4*i into tlio -i H at tin' ltorneo Wharf duriug Weducs <>,:\ ni^ht. In tin'
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  • 117 7 YOUTHFUL AMBITIONS OF THE CHANCELLOR. Emulating William the Conqueror Rbdtbb's Tblbobam. London, September 18. The first ot four volumes of biography of Mr. Lloyd George each at 9/- has been published. The material is largely supplied by his brother in the shape of letters and a diary. The
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  • 307 7 Policeman Exonerated from Charge of Violence. The cac* in which Budb Ram, P. C. 440, was charged with violence towards a Malay lunatic named Rajop, was disposed of yesterday afternoon by Mr. Arthur, in the third court. The evidence of P.C. 58 and two coolies,
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  • 363 7 Notes on Preparatory Work at The Racecourse. The training this morning was if anything ia-n r than Saturday's exercises. Although conditions were favourable for speed trials, the horses were not called upon to show their merits in this respect. Loyal Blue was, as usual, among the first
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  • 173 7 A young-looking Chinese, named Wee Ab See, was charged before Mr. Pirmstone, this morning, with using false description in respect to certain cigarette packets sold by him. There were three charges against the accused in that he cold these falsely described packets on the Stb. 9th and
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  • 1729 7 GOOD PRICES FOR HEVEA AND FICUS. Crop Estimates. The second ordinary general meeting of the Hayoep (Dutch Borneo) Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on August 22, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.G. Mr. Robert T. Byrne (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman, in moving the
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  • 552 7 Homicide Charge Reduced to Causing Hurt. The case that enga.ed the attention of the Chief Justice am) jury at the Assizes yesterday afternoon was that in winch a sampan coolie named Gob Chin Huat was charged with culpable homicide, not amouutiu to murder. Mr. S.-th, IVI'I'., called witnesses
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  • 137 7 PEOPLE BURNED IN BLAZING WRECKAGE. Train Derailed at a Lancashire Station. Rbdtbb's Tblbobam. London, September la There has been a railway disaster at Ditton in Lancashire and twelve persons have been killed and fifty injured. Later. It is officially stated that 15 were killed and 48 injured in
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  • 138 7 POSITION AND PROSPECTS OF EAST INDIES. The Flushing Fortifications. DRH OsTASIATIsrjHM LLOYD TbLROBAM. Berlin, September 17. O,neen Wilhrlmina's speech from the throne, at tho H.iguc, emphasi/.cs the fact that Holland's relations with thu Powers are of the best. The development of agriculture, trade, industry, and shipping arc favourable,
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  • 54 7 ADDITIONAL INTERIM DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Some Satisfactory Results. (Kko* Odr Ows Corrrsponuknt.) Londou via Penaug, Sept. 19. Kianan announces a second interim divi (lend of 2') per cent. MMJsi Kruit pays 5; Straits Plantations 0 Batu om*M a second of 40; Riverside 10; I'.iUiin^ k s. i:ond of
    54 words
  • 98 7 Denial of the Twenty Millions Loan. Rbutbk's Tklboium. London, September 18. Renter wires from that it is officially denied that Italy is no-jotiatiu^ a loan in viow of banding Turkey twonty million sterling. Dhh OtWHOMH Lloyd Trleoram. Berlin, September 18. Tho Porto has air. \i ly
    98 words
  • 60 7 r>«: I >LHrk<> London, September 18. The committee of tho Kail way men's Society ha* expelled a member for encouraging the pickets at the huad.iu irters in Kuston lioad where the clerks arc on strike, thus incurring a charge of victimisation in addition to underpaying. Several branches
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  • 36 7 Kipr»'< TKLK'mm. London, September 19. A Tokio iu<')W4go I'riuce Arthur of Connaught atteu U the funeral of General Ni'^i whose onli-rn will be carried bj I.i i'.ish officers in the proci -ssion.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

    • 143 8 1 A team of tho Juvenile Football Club met a U-aiu of tin- Mount Wallich Football Club, in a Mail uamo of Rocorr, on tho Malaya erouiKl, on Wi^im mlay, llio match rrKultinji in a win ior tlio former by 1 goal to nil. The committee of
      143 words
    • 81 8 Singapore (101 l Club. Captain's cup competition Tho third rouud of this competition must be comploted to-day, the fourth round by tho 22nd, the nciiii final by the ->»th, and the final of IB holes on or before the 29th. Foursome competition The second round of this competition must
      81 words
    • 479 8 S.C.C. Tournament. Ychter Jay's play resulted as follows: Vktkkan*' DMHia Carvpr and Hooper owe 8 v. Makepeace and Buckland scr., postponed. A. SisoLts. A. K. Terrell, owe 4 v. Wilson scr, unflnUlitd. Howe owe 15.4 v. Ruys scr., unfinished. B. SINULBti. Nathan hot. v. I'hipps ncr, unrecorded. C.
      479 words
  • 112 8 "ih|Kindent htud» to the Times of i < Mm following extract from a letter rutcii l>y a ImsVsM luilmu missionary as abowiiTt; tlie vii w taken of tho after-results ol tl.i Kui^k vicit: -The King and Queen's risit MM way off but it is truly
    112 words
  • Correepondence.
    • 351 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l have read with great pleasure in to-night's paper your leader re-opening the question of a Medical Mission for Singapore, started by Mrs. Aim ry, also Dr. Mildred Staley 's letter on tho subject, and can only hope that
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    • 477 8 To tne Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Judging from her letter in yesterday's Straits Times it would seem that Dr. Staley is in ignorance of what is being done in Singapore about the training of native midwives. Tins is being done in the only way that makes for efficiency,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 F. O 5. (FINEST OLD SCOTCH) MAKES NO EXTRAVAGANT CLAIMS. It is a simple, moderato-prioed wbioky, specially obosen for this market, and is of real merit. If yon have noi tried it yoa c»nnot critici-o when yon have ÜBtel yoa will appreciate its fine quality Garner, Qualch k Co, •IRC
      62 words
    • 511 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Coughing into Consumption i Only a Cough bnt yon stop it while it is ONLY a cough. WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND j The finest preparation made I (or combating severe coughs. c I1I 1 CURES any cough that is < only a oongh. Very palatable OF
      511 words
    • 602 8 NOTICE. CONTINENTAL. NOTICE I* HEREBY GIVEN, that Vbt above Trade Mark is tbe Role and exelotivi property cf tbe Continental Cacu'chono am' Oatta Percha Co., nsed to di*t ngnif>h all articles mannfaotnrcd by them, snob a i Rnbber Tyres of all kinds for Motor Care Carnages and Cycle*, and Aeotssorusof
      602 words
      334 words
    • 144 8 g jfc. DO YOU KNOW M JB THIS MANP rWLEON t|L KENDAL THE WORLD-FAMOUS PALMIST AND ASTROLOBER. HOTEL DE L'EUROPE (Room 01). FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. The Graphic (London) says "HU delineations are nothing short of marvullons." The Standard (London) says "He is without eqnal in bis profession." ■Le
      144 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 364 9 The Best Quality in Brandy i; MARTELL'S I BLUE SILVER LABEL R To say that a Brandy is better than Martell [L^l|l Ihu is an empty boast to beat Martell foi (j^vj fpll Quality a frank impossibility. ll l\ k9E Obtainable from all Dealers. 10.000 Ten Thousand UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS ORDERED
      364 words
    • 700 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CCS Roy«l Mail Steamship Una. THH NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO KUROPB Vu Cbima, Japan, Oimad* mv ni L'hitsd Sriisf Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai Nagasaki (Inland Sea ot Japan), Kobe. Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Bmpress of India") Twin screw I Steamers RM.B. Impress of Japan")
      700 words
    • 485 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. APGAR LINE OK STEAMERS. The undermentioned mai steamers of the above Line maintain a regular servioe between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. PLEET Tons Commander Japam 8,01» L.Y. A bchdsacon Gaaooßt Arota 4,80U J. K.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 486 10 INSURANCE. IREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. It ad Office Winchester Hook, SINOAPORB I Board Off Directors. 8. A. Daisies, Bsq., Chairman 4 H. Kaib, Bao., Managiag Director, m aa Kowuß, sts., 0.a., Chief Med. Ofßoer. r. M. Blliot, Bsq A. D. Allah Bsq. Taw Nsah Pah, Bsq. Ohs Sssa
      486 words
    • 318 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established IWW. Direct Government Supervlelon Government Audit* Policies are WORLD WIDB aad Non-Forfoi table. Larga Nat Surplus above liabilities to* Keaerve and all outstanding claims. Now Business, 1011, over... 18,800,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc, made locally Numerous modern sohemes 4. H. IVANS, Manager,
      318 words
    • 535 10 BANKING. CHARTERED RANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL OHABTBB Paid up Capital ia 80.000 Shares of 420 each m 41.a00.000 Reserve Fund 41,060,000 Reserve Lost Uitf of Proprietors... 41.200^00 BANKHRb. Bank of England. Tbe Loadoa City a Midland Bank, Ltd National Baak of Ssotlaad, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH.
      535 words
    • 573 10 BANKING. THE; BANK OF TAIWAN, LIMITED. INCORPORATED BT SPECIL IMPERIAL CHARTER Capital Subscribed V.1 0.000.000. Capital Paid Up 6,250 000. Reserve Funds 3,100,000. HBAD OFFICE -TAIPKH, FORMOSA. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES. Amoy Bombay Canton Caiontta Foochow Hongkong Keelnng Kobe Hsgi London Moji Nagascki Osaka Shanghai Bwatow Taioho Tainan Takow Tamsol Tokio
      573 words
    • 504 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE Of EXCELLENT TKAit HOUsKHOLD HUKN'TURB, ETC, At "," No. l.i. TunLtal Road, Adjacent to tbe Newton Railway S::uicn, On Saturday, September 31, at a p.m. Beautifully carved teak drawing room cabimt with mirror p inoln exccll«nt wHte enarrelltd isttan chair* snd tab!e«; polished t ak
      504 words

  • 906 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Question of the Sonometer." In a special article on motor noises, the Globe prefaces the views expressed with the query Will the equipment of the policeman of the futuro include a sound measurer Though such a question, the writer goes on
    906 words
  • 99 11 The Frankfurter Zeitung describes a fight between an eagle and two chamois, which an AlpiDo Swine guide had tbe raro opportunity of witnessing at a distance of about thirty meters. These encounters usually take placo at ioaccessable heights and are consequently wi Mum seen. As a rale, the eagle comes
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 312 11 Wolseley Autocars. To Uiot* who are henitatiug betwren <he Wolseley and the BOCALLBD cheap ear, wo would remind thtm that tbe FIRSI COST is NOT ALL that is to be oonsidered. The oar which embodies the finest pxsmples of engineering skill, in design, wwkmanfthip and material, is tbe oar with
      312 words
    • 58 11 Whooping Cough. It is in diseases like whooping cough that the K°od qua ities of Chamberlain's Cough Ki'iiicly are njoxt appreciated. It liijuint-s the touKh ruuciifi ami aids expectoration. It aim renders the tits of cooghing less frequent am I less s< vcre depriving tbe disease tif a'l dangen us
      58 words
    • 130 11 Continental Tyres have won all the Important Races this year. CONTINENTAL TYRE RUBBER COMPANY, LIMITED, Telegrams SINGAPORE. Phone OONTINENTA. 17, Collyer Quay. 290. FRASER CHALMERS. LTD. WINCHESTER HOUSE. SINGAPORE. SECTION OB BUCKET DREDGES FOR TIN OR GOLD. TH WINES. Special eelected Wines from Risbon Le Zian. Palestine. CURETI.- M( doc,
      130 words
    • 109 11 Regal Motor Cars. NOW ON VIEW AND READY FOR DELIVERY REGAL UNDERSLUNG TOURING CARS. 4-Cylinder, 25 H.P., 4-Seatere, fully equipped. WHAT DOES "UNDERSLUNG" mean? It means SAFETY. ECONOMY. COMFORT AND BEAUTY. FOR PRICES AND PARTICULARS. APPLY TO The Sole Agents: GADELIUS CO., i 34, Robinson Romd. It you wish to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 569 12 SYNOLEO I DISTEMPER I Washable Hygienic Synoleo is a I'anto Distemper for painting artixtic colours on walls. It is the product of Messrs. Wilkinson, Heywood ft CUrk. Ltd., who are tl.i largcHt and oldest paint manufacturers in the world. It in manufactured in the palest and darkc*t art xhados, whiob
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    • 357 12 WANTS. TEACHERS WANTED. Two Substitute Teachers needed for St. Joseph's Institution. Apply to the Director. 14-9 b 26-9 CLERK WANTED. Wanttcl, Clerk with knowledge ot double entry bookkteping for a Tin Mine in Kemaman. Salary 800 per month, free quarterf. Apply by totter to GntLrie and Co., Ltd Singapore. 18-9
      357 words
    • 444 12 TO BE LET OH SOLD. GODOWNB AND OFFICEB TO LET. Nos. 9 and 10, Raffles Quay. Apply Alkaff a> Co., 70, The Arcade. 8-6 a FURNISHED BEABIOE RESIDENCESTO LET. Bolmont, Bencoline and Ben Ledi, off Tanjong Katong. Apply H. Somapah, 19, Raffles Place, or 817. Serangoon Road. 88-11 O_ OFFICE
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    • 687 12 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore require the sei vices ot a Caretaker for the Victoria Memorial Hall and Theatre. The oommenoing salary of the post iB 170 per mensem, rising to 980 per mensem after twelve months' approved service. Preference will be given to
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    • 714 12 NOTICEB. uvMOMMEimrmrnoN. It has been proposed to restart a Lodße in Singapore. Will Orangemen in the Colcnv oblige by sending in tbeir names and ad dresses so that a meeting can be called and tbe I'os tion discussed. For further parti cnlars, reply to Orange Committee, c/o Straits Times. 3
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    • 671 12 NOTICES. KMM KIAT A CO. SHIPCHANDLBRB, •evtreiMel i.d Municipal Telephone No. 421. 108* 109, Market Street. TRONOH MINES. LIMITED. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. DIVIDEND NO. 34. A Dividend of 2/8 per share, free of Income Uz has been declared payable in London on September 80, and will be paid locally
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