The Straits Times, 26 August 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.962 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. AUGUST 2«. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 126 1 THE WHITE HORSE CELLAR. I.sTAP 1741 Special Display OF MEN'S PYJAMA SUITS Exceptional Value C Smart Patterns. j Prices: $2 75. S3 50. $3.75, $4.50, $5.00, Jgd $7.00, $8 00 $10.00. SEE WINDOWS. L J KATZ BROS., Limited. KAHN SYSTEM OF REINFORCED CONCRETE THE TRUSSED CONCRETE &TBIL COMPANY 400,000 square
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    • 134 1 ROBINSON CO. Arms and Ammunition. B. S. A. Martini Miniature Jtm bore fxlTI©S. noRK P -jM) S<<. •> Model, with detachable barrel. Beautifully fifura-engraved, I.iklilv tin npecially picked walnui stock with aperture luck -nrlr. .v tnd bead or riim foresight, .310 bore. War Office Mil I i Rifle, Standard Pattern,
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    • 34 1 JEFFREYS PILSENER BEER Sol* Agcnta ADAMBONGIIKIAN. MO CO IT! SAFES fim raoop For Offlo« Op Home, The Reliano* Safe Worha, Birmingham, AUSTRIA'S VERY BEST PATENT SAFES $25 I SSOO. A. FRANKEL&Co.. 375, Victoria Street.
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  • 715 2 EFFECT ON THE NATIONAL DEBT REDEMPTION. Government Inquiry Suggested. The) neriou* fail in Consols, to which refereooe wsa made last night by Sir Felix Schuster, has, say* the Daily News and Leader of July 20. undoubtedly caused "on sidrrable and growing anxiety in financial circles tour
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  • 207 2 Modern science, which works from facts to theories, not from theories to facts, stands in strong contrast with the science of the ancients. Indeed, the contrast in so great, accordin to Nature, that nowadays many of the theories of the alchemists seem almost unintelligible and confusion
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  • 53 2 Eight new transatlantic linen are now being built fur the Canadian trade says s cor respondent. The Wh te Star, Cunard, Allan. and Canadian Pacific companies are each building t»o new boats. Canada is looked on by thr steamship companies as likely to become tbe best country for this business
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 533 2 A Working Housewife Nervous Depression. Neuralgia, Sleeplessness A cheerful, bright way of looking at things, a brisk activity which easily enables her to «io almost as much as two ordinary persons, are some oi the tmtmJtatt brntfili Mrs. Parker derived from Pbosfehne Like rr.ost hard working mothers, Mrs. Parker never
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    • 54 2 About Colds— Some Good Advice. Itoo't trifle with a cold is good advice for nt men and women. It may be vital id case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs snd colds in children. It is Rale and sar*. For sale by
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    • 348 2 Sinuapore lalnrauni' Stores TAXIDERMIBTB. BIRDS OF PARADISE For Sale. BIRDS AND ANIMALS MOUNTED BTC OSAftwISW in ef Ml lIMS mm QtfiMAffl aaia tmaAaawS i a 3-i8 London Buying Agents C We r oar mnrtc— m hmyum atrrni* (or Hru^h or octitoriMal n»otla. %i ahliah* .1 m IRH. but ihoro«tt*My
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    • 814 2 LV^ VANA BRANO Ti Tonic Wine i^r JFJ For Debilitated tt^^'v^'H Bodies and Brains K^«< recovery after it' j Recovery <>i .i|>[i»iit( ami d^cstivc power. Recovery of a heakhy supply of H ttalisiiij; li|<mh|. V Rtco\ery of and ph) r I -*^V Recovery oi buoyancy <>t sinrii- *sJ^--isaSJr *vk
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  • 1163 3 GIRLS TRAPPED IN A BLAZING BUILDING. Eight Lives Lost. As wired by Router, a terrible fire, involv ing the loss of eight lives all women and severe injuries to several others, occurred in tbe danger zone of the City of London) on July 38. In its swift
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 320 3 Synoleo Washable Hy^lenlo Synolao i* a paste Distemper and i* the product ol Messrs. Wilkinson. Hi.y wood Clark, Ltd., who are tbe larsjast and oldest paint manolac tarer* in tbe world. It is manafactnred in tbe palest and darkest art shades, whioh are teat to li«ht and line. Like oil
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    • 56 3 Cure for BiUotuneM. Biliousness is due to a disordered condition of tbe stomach. Chamberlain's Tablets are essentially a stoiusch medicine, intended especially to act on that organ to cleanse it, strengthen it. tone and invigorate it, to reg a late the liver and to banish biliowuu-wi fositively and effectually. For
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    • 360 3 FRASER CHALMERS. LTD KM, I. AM' sUMFaCTMCM Of IWU ■MXJM A KKIU bUCHMCRV 0«r tww-Wlsi SSlsstsrH* •mm Usarsinoa ssa Ifflel •asf". Midi ls Bakt BaAMcaa* 1 SINGAPORE ■MUM. TlLaokAiis Vmvu ii 11 1 18 I Tin- KaiuoQ* Medicint will cleanse the Blood of all impuhtieti from what fll sUIKF'ft vor
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    • 449 3 GHEON6 BROTHERS Dentists. No 25, South Bridge Hoaa Kiist nlss* Muetiaoical :>■ ai.suj 3uid Crowns Bridge, riilioii sod Vaioas Dnratooa of Weai gaaraoit«>l CjHABOBS MOHBIUTB FULL LINE DENTAL BUPPUEB Best Tootli NsjbJbjbj L d Uratbe* lor salt WAH HENG CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORES DBVBLOI'INU, PsUafTUM AM BNLAROINU AMATKt l<s WORK. Plstos.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 641 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, CBYLON. AOSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading iaaned tor Cbtaa Coast, Persian Quit. Coatiaoatel aad American Port*. Steamers will leave Siagapore oa or about: MAIL LINES 1818 Uom-ts*rl [for K^ropn (Coaaeeauia at
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    • 693 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly service is maintaiood be tweea Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Oovernment. Tbe New Twin screw Steamer* maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, aad
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    • 655 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. SINGAPORE-BANGKOK. For Pahang, Benerah, Tringgana. Bisut. Semerak, Baobo, Kelaatas. Bangnara. Telnpin, Paaarai, Patani, Singora. Laoon, Kohsaoiui, Baadoa. Laogsoao Taka Chan, poo Kohlak and Bangkok Out Ospartup* S p.m. a*. MAHIOOL Aug. 2 J Aug. 28 a REOANO Aug. 20 Aug. SI Will
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    • 540 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, j HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND MVTSCI ■aaWriMIM ■aMTMO. sjmw IUIH Combined isrvlo*. The steamrrs of these Companies maintain a rogular servioe betweea Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, aad Rotterdam, aod the Strait*. China aad Japaa. Homewards, they are despetchod fortnightly (or Havre and Hamburg once a month (or Bremerhavea
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    • 651 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, IN. D. L. •rddwittsohwr Lloyd, Br«m*r IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tbe fast and well-known mail steamer* of this Company sail fortnightly trotu I Hamburg, via Rotterdam. Antwerp I ampton, (iibraiter, <Kooa. Naples conn'-ct ing Marseille*. Naplu«. Alexandria and %iot versa) Port Said, Sac*. Al n Penang. Singapore, Hongkong
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 631 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL -"3^ WITH THE AUSTRIAN CONTRACT i'***^ GOVERNMENT New Monthly Fast Line. Trieste-Shanghai. From and to Trirato aad Venice, calling at Port Said, Soos, Aden, Colombo, Singapore. Hongkoog and Shanghai, and at Penang on the bomowarid voyage. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Due to arrive on or a
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    • 690 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. APGAR LINE OF STEAMERS. The undermentioned mail ataamara ol Urn above Line maintain a regular asrrios be tween Calcutta and Japan, calling at Peeaog Singapore, Hongkong aod Shanghai en route. FLEET Tout C'jmmaudf "Jaraa 6,018 L.T. Abcbdbacom >aa ,o»i Arcaa 4.90 C
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    • 571 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. S Royal Mail Bt.arr.ahip Utf. THI NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPB Via CaiNA. Jaraii, Caaaoa ajrc raa »i hi Staraa Route trout Hongkong via Shanghai Nagasaki (Inland Sea ol Japan Eobe Yokohama, Viotoria and Vaaeoovcr 8.M.8. Bmpreas ol India") Twin aerew I Steamer* RMS Bm
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    • 920 5 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING (Vndtr SB A. HuU* of Hicinj<, Will be held oa Tuesday, October 8 Thors day. October 10. and Saturday October I.'. m.' PROGRAMME. FIRBT DAY. TCEitIAY, TllllKk H, IWIJ 1. THE PAVILION STAKES I Valne MOO. A S. Iliog Race. A Handicap
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    • 831 5 I tha hour for Scratching 5 p.m. on tha DAY BEFORE tha Raoa. Owners ol Oiimns are entitled to enter for either ot the following aeries ol Racue Kkaa Smn So. 111 1 First Day- Race No. 4. Second I>ay-Kaee No. 1. Serin So. t First Day Race No 7.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 HI I I L^Bkß^akw -^a^B^B^B^L^H aW wr Xi S- i* I THE BEST BEER FOR A TROPICAL CLIMATE. INCREASE YOUR FLOW OF LATEX. Use SULPHATE or MURIATE of POTASH with your Manures, and note the difference especially in times of DROUGHT. MANURES always in stock. Double Superphosphate, Ordinary Superphosphate Bonemeal,
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    • 481 6 TktaaJNM No. B. ■■fMUIng 1«7«. fJk*^ THE DISPENSARY. LTD. iSH SOm CHEMBTB. PMARHACIBTB. OPTICIANS. 3 48-B, Haffles Place, SINGAPORE WiW^|^ DEPOT FOR ALL KINDS OF M^'UM Patent MadioinM, Toilet Requisites, Par. fi&JP rumsry, Madioated Winss, lurgioal InstruSlM&^^^wT merits, CKemioal and SoiantMo Apparatus, •■*"<?&)* Medical. «jrgioal and Sanitary Appliano*a, Madioin* Cheats.
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    • 107 6 MOUTRIE PIANOS ARE GUARANTEED FOR 5 Years. S. Moutrie Co., LIMITED. THE ARCADE. SIMOAIOKK I*OO-CHIN» STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. FOX HONOKONO AND JAPAN. Tbe Company's steamer YATSHINQ, I, 'HI tons. Captain Anderson will be das patched for tbe shove ports oo Moods v the tttb instsnt. tl4pm For Freight or
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    • 95 6 Strength Real bone, muscle, and nerve strength is the natural result of taking genuine Scott timrision the sffeal health-tonic No Imitation is so Good I as this original Food- Ton k witS 37 years' reputation o\j hind it. Known and 1 approved by Doctors. Prai d by Nurses. ReZ cummrnderl
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  • 146 7 FIXTURES Monday, August 26. Hi«li Water. 10 85 am., 9 10 p m The Scconl Mr*. T»i |i.r»y. Tbeetre. 1 ictJa.T August 37. Hirh Wat..r 1).((9 ra. 10 14 p m Th. I. iar«. Viet >ria Theatre. Wednesday. August iH «t-r 112) am 10.17 pm. I 1
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  • 293 7 MM I laggi l'tiiKkalix an 1 lUii»Q K«m«ral 'a Apm H«tu I'alitt Aiuk Hin 3pm H iru'Woow. Amoy and Swatow II ait Waa I I pm Malacca and SI oar Kaka 8 pm P >wittenbam acd Ttiok Anton Perak H pm it inKkonK and Japan Vaulting 3pm
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  • 719 7 Latest Arrivals Ipito. I r 156 ton«. M 5 U h.p i" jiii. Vorater, Aa« 21 From B i-ib»ja. Au« IV r r Puloo Sauibjo. Aug M i.lBao Maaj >■ n »tr. i~b ton*. Oaataia nl.aat. I; uian-iin. Auk Ti 111 1 Ha i iii; rur >iDi2t;ora, Ajk
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  • 105 7 Wharveji at which VeaaeU are Berthed To-Day. TANJONO PAOAR ttt Waiar Baaui Nil. ■a«T W Sacrioa No. I— Taroba, Kuoiphiu. Saaaaa Waaar— Hong Wa? I. Mam W Sect So. a- Ka-.i ■>«!(. Oord. Jetteric latani Ya*. Sbinj I—"aroo.I "aroo. Penang. 1 I mv
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  • Finance & Commerce.
    • 85 7 Ob L»»c»p— B*sk 4 m;« Demand Private a m/t m/t 1/4! Ob <t«»B»»»— Bank d/d M| Privafe I d. 242« Fui i-Buh d/d IV4 Private I n./i '.v <.■■ In>u— B«ak T. T. "41 PrivMc Hdii Ob HoiMcat- B«nk d/d PrinkNdu 1761 18{ Mi Ob SB*»»B4i-B»Bk d/d Private N
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    • 139 7 itemkter buyer* 1 140 do (Coke No. II aapX«ft«(t MM Ccipr* Sundrud 1 1 00 dc Mixed ir M Toupee, BUok -n U> co Wbite 1% neo s«*o KU or tetwa 4 M do Brmai Nc I ■on Pe»r! t-»KO 1 71 Coffee Ban f 8 00 Coffee Piletibu*
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    • 150 7 iMoe S Value if j- Mm 1 10 Beial Til 10 10 Bniwm 10 10 KaoaW 41 41 Kioto Tia 41 41 Lahal Mine* 6/ Pahaag Coawi 41 41 Peukalea 41 41 Puniim Bahro 41 41 Pnting Lama 10 10 Babnaa Hyd 41 41 fUbmaa Tia 41 41 Rambataa
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    • 567 7 lane S V»IM Boyert. Sellart I/- I/- a i-i f H 2/. 1/. knflo M»»y 16/ 17 <t 3/- 2/ Bttui Malik* Il< 3' 41 41 Batn Care* li 5.0 12 15 0 41 41 Batn Twi 8.156 4 l t 41 41 Bokil Kajaa« H' 41 41 Bokil
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    • 112 7 Mac S Value Bojwt Seller* 7/6 7/6 lleetrte Tr»mw»ji II 1/6 10 10 Ptmm Ne«,T« 61.60 62.00 100 Bowftrtfa Brakiae tO.OC 100 T% Pn< 9UO BTJO 100 100 K*ti Bro. Uel IMJ» 100 100 h 6% Can. Prat note 10 10 MaycMd Co. M.OO 100 100 h UkT|(re4.xi 110.00
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    • 37 7 Bartxt taUtr How«rtta Inklae 1900.000 ptr Riley Uw|jn»TM 1384.000 i| SinK»pore Blectrie Tnnwtni% 4X50 000 B'poreMaaieipJl 11,878,000 nom bay *<■— Spore MooMip*! of MM II.MOXOe 1\ Sport' Municipal 44% *****6 *****.000 10%|B Spore Municipal 4% l«».900 p«t
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 a »iiti»u i Kii<t iai tv \\f 1. in i'li li r aad Mm rynic» »ay in |ii«ot<l off with a C'Ucli. in. v i 1 \»i- no cou^ti cr ooid, 1 lv »nft
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    • 295 7 AUCTION SALES. How ell and Co. Aafraat K. Al Haleroua. t-inht (reeho'd aai at McWxrton Road at '2 80. A unit 27 -At HaWavaa, ian.l at Pa»ir Paoj idk at U*. AajawlSl At ».\lir rrt land at Pnlau faawg, atr. at 2.80. Augaot IT.— AI aaleroom. valuable town proptrtie'. Naa.
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    • 141 7 CIGARETTES In every civilised country in n tui||!, the Wor!d "Stale Express" LCIf Cigarettes are the recognised A 0A 0 555 pinnacle of quality. There is 50 not an atom of impurity in a 65 CtS. j million of them Packed in patent I—— air.tir.hi lina •aaunr< the perfect condition
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    • 70 7 SHOW-GOERS SHOULD NOT Ml^S THB CAPITAL PROGRAMME li I ON AT THK HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO-NIGHT. 9 «0 M 11 ix Th* School T*aoh*r and th* Watf. H.ograrl' I I'antoral Corned; hrama). Neighbour*. Biofirapb (Farce Comedy). A Oaah Through Th* Cloud*. Biofrraf h {Faroe ConMiij). ALM) GAUMONT
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  • 18 8 i -On August .'j. at Uie Nursina Home. St. Thomas Waik. H I>. Langdon ancd 83 year*
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  • 1081 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, AUGUST 26. CHINA'S LAST DANGER. No one is inclined to make adreroe -via menta about the Salvation Army jost at pre •cat. The universal deaire to warmly praise the real goodness oi motiri that underlay all the work of the late General Booth, and to acknowledge
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  • 23 8 Tbt German mail steamer Luctcow will sail (or turujn to morrow morniDfc at 0 a at instead of this evening at 6 p.m.
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  • 27 8 A Human villa ha* been discovered at Buckinghamshire, and eicava lions are being carried out under the auperviaton of Mr. Cocks, of the Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society.
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  • 38 8 Miners at Mount Morgan, near Dolgelly. Wa'ea, bare dug into a reef of gold, and are reported to be opeuiog an cxu-naite vein of quartz. Several thousands of pounds' worth nave, according to another account, bocn already extracted.
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  • 39 8 Mr. K. L'Eatraiuc, the general manager of Ileaufort Estate, baa made a very fine road from hia estate to Beaufort and it i» now poaoible to drire or ml.- fruiu Uuaufort K*UU to Woodford Estate through the to« a.
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  • 30 8 till Piab. Ltil. will i-ay an inU-rnn divi (lend of 20 per cent, on S« pU-inb. r > making. to date. IAO par cent for the current linan rial V. ar
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  • 40 8 The freehold prnr< rty known Ms field, situate at Amlerson Its*- 1 Tanglin. area l!.lt" .1:1 fe« t, r>cen sold privaU ly by Mewr«. Powell and Co to I! r. MMJf of Singapore, for 1 1 i.i km
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  • 32 8 > very severe storm struck IVnang early ruing and luMteil fully an hour Th. full fore of the MJMmI was felt in the ral .'pic hail narrow ii. being killed by HJMMJM)i MMaV
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  • 37 8 Tht Cliini-se \s«ociatiin »l tin MMMMMI ->l the IsMJMMMMMI of Ml vantslaxt night. Th.-n MMMJCI cellent and sti.ui. MMnaMH M On a vote being taken the MMMtIMJ MMmW against registration by J I to 7
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  • 48 8 Id. Imi.l hallas of Shanghai has been com mitted fur trial on a charge of fraudulent ...n\.r-i.'n of ten Chinese lU-piiblican bond* to his own use and thereby feloniously steal ing same. Accused was ailmitU'd to bail, himself in tfutl and two British MMMJMk I f li «<> each
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  • 46 8 A meatinK ot members ol the r'aglish speaking Hindu ...intuunity held in th. I'eruiual Temple. Serangoon Itoad. on Satin day to take preliminary st. |>s f .r the arrange ment of the community trmpli and festivals. Mr. N subrailu w.t-presid.-ut and coiumitUs will l» anpoinU-i later.
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  • 66 8 Hastings Oaatar, uhicl daU-s Iron, the MMI of William the OMMMsTaT, and d«-s<rib. I sm one of Uie most inU resting feat r south coast, wa* offered for salt by auction at Lewes on .luly M with other I. .t* of about 4.3<«> acrik of outlying portions of tl.. Stan
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  • 58 8 fswiag WMMrnia to Uie «h.ta«iali--h. r i J. Uk- demands a salary of Xl"i«»1 a year. I. ment does no: -< Mb. iis|» s.-l to grant tliis diiiiand I*, i- probable that I Jenk* will n-fuse t" arw-pt MM pHMMki "f M I loan I of HMMsM r» ca i«
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  • 59 8 n .Inly I'i. with regaril to a rumour that the London aud Lau.aslu.t. Life and (tcneral IHMM Association ;_v to absorb th. BaaMiaa M. tr politan Assurance Company, tht secreUi) of the former company said it was true neg .luti.jD- w. r. prficeeding. but tin y »>re at an larly
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  • 75 8 K srx.ial London cable to Uie Cinang ita/tiu- announces tliat the Itntis'i b«bt«M Pars Uubbcr Co T .Ut owning H.KMI acres in MMak Sorth lU.rn.^. W»l acres of which are in rubber. ha» annouu. «d a iiivi.l. aw for the year of In r out 1... same source of information
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  • 88 8 Tl.. storm winch bm-t m. i Tientsin ou sstgßsi 11. aJte; a long spell of Mn-.-n .1 in. an immense amount of •sssasjl I*, illy s»y- tli*. I. and T Tunis f tiling o:lingr.lined walls. t1o»le<l bbbssbs ai I have be«n tin orvler ot lh« in*. U .ric lighting wsMi
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  • 85 8 In tht small African city of Inhambam Mombasa, there wa* an organised riMii fc recenUy owing to the order ol the l'orttiguene Governor ImsMbbJ Dative women to appear on the sirevta wiUkiu: coats, their 1 r.—hiUierto being a Hh>rl skirt from the want to Urn kaeeK. I 'he wlnJe |>
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  • 88 8 A I'aru correspondent report* thai W Souhert, ihvisional comuiissary. has raided Uie flat of a certain M. K»br. m tin Ki. I'igalle. Kabre was suitptsjted of Masss] opium, morphia, anil cocaim on a l*rge scale, lie had mauy li.-urn, movliy women, wh.i \i4iUxl liih ruouis. bo-.h by day ami by
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  • 95 8 Mt-wv I). <>. itobcrtMOD. Ltd., have just coiupluted a largo timber tuuxkaiiK wharf at Sunxi-i Aur. I'orl Swuttvnhaui. 1 in* whail will enable tbo lUilway I>i [>*rtuieut Ut AsSl iuuclj Dioro rapidly with car^o than hvretu fore, aud will undoubtudly aani<il tliv rapi>i despatch of goods from Tort ■VMttMknsß. I'hc
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  • 139 8 Apropos Uie local paragraph tint apj* .»r. .1 od Krulay regarding what wan deacribud an a "curiosity in the nliapc of a aliaik of aorta, oorraapuDtlunt *;uiU aouw) furttivr information. In. Un^tli waa acti. «;ly li feet and it lurnv<l the scale* at oti i lour (iicula. Imcurrrspunik'Dt idiulihol tin-
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  • 22 8 M Matthews, of tin Nursing iloasa, Bt. Thomas Walk, n turn- to Singa|i Kngland in a few week- tnin
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  • 57 8 Mr Mm W. |(lvi-,( Uhl y.a^a.'.r..l tl.. I and U. I'aliua. ili<-<l of an HMMjriMJi no K'ruix v it til.- I'mang (ii-iHTiil Hospital vi Inn a patu nt ti Dr. Laving Inn «hi|i Mi Tunklay. lor a loiii; tuu« >lt>vaHnl liiwl Ut-n on the Mi>nv'<'''i "D tlit' Australian run mi
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  • 50 8 with I'li.tili ihou* Mi I K < i.r.1l. -Uim J I' ..Hi of the lioii^ in ir. tin on .In!) Bl I'laod Ml the toundal: o as a u> .-t«?i for f..r I M »!>■ 'it t«i n:\ > i ..< (lodalmias i orn i MMMsV *1 >*lii- Im
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  • 67 8 Tile death is .nir. in.'i-l .>t Mt I K axfIMMMM br.kir. oue of the be«t known gentkinen of tin I mun.ty ie Hongkong Mi K vi- baa MMM bj yarht to >vi at Mm In- mm north d :h Ooloaj H. msjmjmlml t<> htM i dip. .tn. l aasMaaMMM he
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  • 58 8 lln < nyaj. i Hakarrj BvraV •I-.. ii. I'uwak pilivs.. v'evlon. oulj s..ii ot I. Maheriv 1> I 4V.ID Hurst. Westoo super Mare, and grandson of the late Colonel II Mmi tod i aim ld< t daughter nf Li i iasjaj 111 1 II Lg IfaMasV ICiyal Army M.-licai MMJPBw),
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  • 89 8 riK-nds in llns pait if Hi w.<r|.| M. and Mr. v. l, irle will be inU-resU^l UMM that MM] MM MMM in Mi l.arl. «*s Mt uiauj yua's in tl >. KM M railway department and afterwards can* down Ui MMMMMN as MMMMi i ol MM »ngs aors Kranji llailway
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  • 99 8 The 1 K HiU.i,i Maru ulnch ar iillj asnraiag bmiuhl fnnii I iron Mi r agir, tl» Htraiti I Writfbi, a new aimist.iii'. Mi Uh l> .bb> i K-laU < '.ll> I- .|i>el:,b.ilkilit here w. re Mr W. Uottschl tl Railway Usaam, or Siames... wl »"inn a t.\i (ducational course
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  • 112 8 Wo have to acknowl dge with thank* lit each from Malacca and ■('s \V and ti from "T His., paj I: Kl. tin following; •XX B. II It I' n, II.AI 1 n, an.l >II II »-J f,,r this evellent Naval train ing oiup which is luu.
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  • 98 8 Tlm- N Dastf Vi»- i.turint |a tl,. pmpoHed ieKi-'.ratn>nof M-rvant*. sa>> 1 1.> evperidn ut in BinsjaHM »iil U With U«. n iuter« si by tiouw keeper* through out tin Faf Kisi. Alih muli Mi .ingliai i» ao .ut< rn«t. ni.i s4 itleiin nt and. consequently k
    98 words
  • 114 8 Ipoh' s Town Hall. Mt W. IV Uutue. acting IhMi ut I'eraW, a.xnuipani<il (<y Mr. A 11. Hiibback. (i .m mm. Dt Archiki t *nd Oet Jackton. >urveyur OssMral. lia-s lx« ii visiting Ipoh t< \n v> tin propuMsJ si; t ut tlie Dew low v hall aud post office.
    114 words
  • 173 8 At s milting of the lx->;mlatiTt Council on Kriday. the acting Usssaosl B*MNl*vy will t1111..W I llA*. ll. i- ..ill], ll i|.| ooastag into oparation of the Ke^iitratiuD of SMBBJapOH '>i luiaii. IN, willun thf area* m tlie isijii.l >m ed in town sub Jimm.hi WIV. ami luukiiiiK
    173 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 200 8 %oer V>obaeeo 1 "springbok Finest Quality Genuine -J Magaliesberg Tobacco BMJMMJMJ IB TBS Transvaal. In 4-oz. linen bags, OBTAINABLE AT 30 CTS. ROBINSON k CO.. Per Bag KATZ BROS.. LTO, WHITEAWAY.LAIDLAW&CO..LD. JOHN LinLE k CO.. LTOh j* BENSON'S y^ k WORLD-RENOWNED V WATCHES y^i'- A™ Me BEST. J^£ J WARRANTED
      200 words
    • 160 8 A BULL'S EYE I ALHAMBRA J j I WORTH SCORING. TM HTTtI THM I VIB MIMf THAT Na VI tCOwfO lITTU TNM EVER WNf tCVE R SMOWM VIEW THEM TONIGHT 1 10-NIGHT" isnci SsroM. Show. 9^o to 11 r.». ■fMMf Ml TM MMMtIM. Rritannia Film. Kpisode of The Kng ish
      160 words
    • 13 8 Latest adT.-rtixonieaU al the day appear on page 7 and on paste 11.
      13 words

  • 202 9 CONTEMPLATED DASH UPON THE PRETENDER. Fine Service by Military Aviator. *****11, TILB.tkAM. LaBMMMs Angu*t 24 Th. I mi. s hears from I'.o i» Colonel Haogin preparing for a .l.i-l. to M.nrakesh with I.imi men 1 il LftHHJ Ml M*M OMhMJ southwani an I muy join him.
    202 words
  • 84 9 FEARED RUN OF THE BRITISH CROPS. Deplorable Condition of Military Camps. Kftibk'" Tblbobam Loudon. A HMMI 14 I -'I; I. -(*rate i indelinite disa«iruus weather iribl. M MMI fXI it and tbc whi tml no sigos of hangi. Thirty MMM MMMMMM rain is rt p. rt««i froui lierbrvhw
    84 words
  • 65 9 A SENS\TIONAL OITBREAk IN LONDON. Provincial Service Interrupted KaiTßk TrlsuKaH. l^imloo. A3|^i^t N Tl. n he< L a rr. Nt the new |»j«t >ri It piralvK-d the IMMJMJMI lh were i n the wiMtn i 1 1 I •>! nnjuku U'lched M MM! in^i' Ml '.I Ii
    65 words
  • 24 9 uan-Shih-Kai ami Sun-Vat-Sen Meet at Peking. Karrsa s Tiu.iiui. ii V ignat 90 tint In -Mm I :■< im nt on all
    24 words
  • 91 9 Overseas Section of the Military Staff. I. II IK TIIMUI. Ixindoa. August 34. hVtitcr learns that th* overseas section of the Imperial lu-ncral Staff io London now nomnt* of ulonels l>-gge Australia". Hobin Vew/oaland' I'liackiT <Can»la Sooth Wrica will uD«J.Mibt.tlly send >« re pr««* utative io due course.
    91 words
  • 29 9 Rarrsn I ImMMMB. London. August M \s»*itl. has starusl for Canada where he will investigate labour conditions md the wirkint f tin Canadian Industiial DMMMM kM
    29 words
  • 29 9 Kuril's TBLB.tH*» Ix>ndon. August 24 Ihi M I:■ s. IMHMM and the Kent v. Glouoeotei MMMM were .liawu. The other* wen abttnJontsl owing to laiu MMBI
    29 words
  • 21 9 ThLf'.Kll I. ndon A tii. ,1 Aga DMM has abaLlou.-i his MMMMM* wMg to his appro*/ > MMM and K*Mt
    21 words
  • 40 9 IKbctbb's Tblbukam I. nl >d. August 'H LaMM MMMM -IV- v.. MMMMMM of I ii t gr*ph- lhat th. rtv .It ;s suppresn bels U -it g thru thousand killed .tud fu ii thousand cafturwl in MMMfti
    40 words
  • 19 9 Kirrik' Tmiikia Lmblbm ig'ist i\ A KMIMMMMJ 1 ■#< u Goebeu in her trial uiadt l" 4 knots.
    19 words
  • 100 9 Criticism ol Government Attitude On Medical Matters. Kk. OMM «»wk CoiißtsrovMikr Koala Lumpur. Au k An lin*ry meeting of the Planter* As sociation wa* Ueid to day. at Kuala Lumpur. :ind. r the rhairtuan-hip of Mr Marfadyeo. MMM n the ImMM Code. Mr. Mac rely ■MMmII th<
    100 words
  • 346 9 Motor Driver Charged With Causing Death. Ie the --ou-1 poMOS uu'irt this morning Mr h 1. Taliua beatd Iki uiiuning of a I n Ui.i.j»ry inquiry luU. a cliari;i aMMMJ <li*;l. by ra.-l> act agaiust a Majaa motor lurry driver named Imbue. rupluyi-d by M« s»r» Krwi
    346 words
  • 1109 9 FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS OF CHINA. Ao Official Explanation. T'.m ninety fourth ordinary I ia f yearly general meeting uf the shai. lioMeis of the UonxkonK and Sbanuliai Itaokui^ Corpora tioo wan held on the 17 th MM* in the City Hall, II .n^kmi; Mr. K. Shelliru. icliainuam. presiding. In
    1,109 words
  • 32 9 Mr T. K V Koeacr marshal oi llb.Mi I ourt at Shanghai, died on August 10, after a few hours' illnes*. Itcatli in understood to hare bivu -.ctUuvo a* o U > bok-ia.
    32 words
  • 1242 9 POLICE STATION RAIDED AT HONGKONG. Three Constables killed. I>. v.- of the piracy, on Itritiith territory at Hongkong, on the night of August IV, are now to band, the lu'ly Pram, of the 10th inst.. containing the following account One of tlie most daring outrages which baa
    1,242 words
  • 79 9 iKBOa W»H' A CoKHBsI.iSI.IM Malacca. August M. Information has been reooived by Malacca Kubber Plantations, Limited, tbat the prior >f fine Para io London yesterday waa 0,1 per Ib. butine** done. The price of be*t PlanUtioo robber is pioted at 4 11 value. The uiarKi t i-
    79 words
  • 620 9 MR. ALLAN WILKIE' S COMPANY. Successful Introduction of a New Combination. Ml \lUi; WilKl. All.) hi-., ii. I a« tin IrM MMM *l oiiui-Ij i >i> Ml M «l<.juat< MMk i iuie-. vtt liave I. a I U-fort, but tin ir limila MiVM api'inot ami nnir n.t b« MM
    620 words
  • 77 9 Week -End Volunteer Camp. Tin Maiiui Company. >\ A, .m), r chaige uf Lieutenant* Tongue and C'utlibctt. spent Saturday and Sunday at TanjooK Kntoni; to tin tin annual niacliini bmj I lie launch Laura fcrrns! the nun from tor l>ri!l Hall pier acroa* to > which was nitelic.l n< ir
    77 words
  • 112 9 VIGOROUS DENIAL BY THF EXPRESIDENT. Demand to be Heard in Reply. KarTßß's Tblbobam. London. An '.ork mesaage says that Mr Arch nluming Ins i MMM I* I Congreas committet hMMMI that li bntion to Mr. MMMVcIt s election find in 1904 waa not n turned. The Standard
    112 words
  • 46 9 ALLEGATION OF HUSHING IP A MURDER. Savmj; the Credit of Graft Protected House. Hrl T«B- TIICIEAB N.w \..ik HMI Mm Cm rail an I md d< vl 'hat k] h. r tl Tii- uatuial causes, an.l tin saajgrsted thai tin i- ml. i'.loU
    46 words
  • 45 9 Illl'Tlk S TILH .RAH IxiD.lon. MMJ Halifax. Komi Svu». that while lh> Conr.aights wi r. MMM to St An k'lt Hi. b>>a: bloke down and M) MMI I MM two hours. They w. re finally t-jwt.l t then destination by a ti'hin^ ste-amer
    45 words
  • 57 9 ttSl-TSk'» TlLßokA* Ixind.m A.iguat M. Count lt< r. it >ld ik st Hukhar. -I and ithe gue*t of the king I>bb O-.tishtis.hb LMVS Tri.r..m« B. rhn. August M. Count tier. 1it. .1. 1 is HastsMJ MM king and Vueen of BmMMMMMM at Siuays. th. Noue I'tuaae snnuising that
    57 words
  • 96 9 !>■» IMT«*lt1l>lHI l,Ln||. TbLBUBjUI. K.-rlio »..i.: ist -^4 <>v his i. n MMM JaBMMi Ir.u. 11.-ur) ■it I'r l-iis Wiii vis.'. th> OmMTi s<i.l will pro bably join a hunting party at "-pal i Th. k MMMMMI »i. anti Austnan eampai|{a ■< tin l*aru pras* against the BMMMMMMI
    96 words
  • 50 9 l>ii OMBMaafMMB IsiMM Tilioium. rkil .i Ii 1-. i< l--t v. MM G, nuaa tt idmow-i a flying uiach.n. whub. witbuin taking arm can rist vertically and »W| .uiv»hti. iv llm air The newspap<.rH >Ul> that lh< MMMM military anttiorilic* art uiakin« trial* with th. luacLiue.
    50 words
  • 63 9 (>■■> H-l.i'lTlM'Ul Ll/'II Tk[.». llerhu. A'lgwt %i. Th. i- -iioehe suffenatt from aI M H< han no fever but hi* phyM cians HMMMMMmI him w !<• for some t,u*r Cms- j i.ntly he «:ll be absent from li' Saxony, when- he will be lepit-svnte'd by the Crown I'rinee.
    63 words
  • 20 9 L>«k CHTtsuris. ub TmMMMMi I: boKsai' i MMM I'a-hd M CMlDvoliou with (sitt.) McnutiatiaM win ili'.V
    20 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 24 10 KaarMM foi thi l|>.h Olympic cl.hh- I the I !il pianpoa*: aoraaofa eoupetitioa Mi I K k Ttaaj >r. Lw
      24 words
    • 8 10 .11 nwatiM will be 11 line the training
      8 words
    • 88 10 c t. -'nd \l W.'l and «C. on th. K-pl.i' If. .-il i-aten by MM m r. I 1 D War I b i Blaokweli b Coopai I. W. K. I, Dr. K K1.1.r I tt. Taj il. in h.lack «oo I i l.i. i. Smith l> Cooai I
      88 words
    • 35 10 Mmgmjmrt championship I i II I on s«t ii I hr I I K< dim i-. and H I. 1. lii P. Uaj a Kippel Monthly Medal. i K. p|»l lur ■j. i »»s
      35 words
    • 97 10 Ihe Hulls cup. f ii. |i i apt. < K. Kwart. M.ft.A., ml > i| I s.K.K.> i I.- vk.l r. -p. i iaaji I th. r inning I i Covet H i Che*. (Tab griml l» ii.g >\.. hih Kmt M MM Urn -mi only r Wai
      97 words
    • 86 10 1.1. IC. Tournament. M 111 bo pla\ M M.>. Mi* l!i. K.-in-l- I i. i Maw li -i ..1..*. Mr rw, > 1 1 ■ton i will baa* place after the following Mai l iavo < bwi DoaMaa Kmal teas, aad Mr C'anti.ll am I v Miss I
      86 words
  • 473 10 Experineats in Progress at Washington. \4tro:io!i,. s Md other i.ntitic men -utioiiiil at tin- I mU*l >uu> ohm Waaaaagbai bm peaarj mteruiiul in th. e\|a run. Uls which BM beini; r.iu.lurU-1 •.li tin- n.w *ff*nj U.vto coinpaiw Tin- i» tin fifth of this typ<- of roiupawi to
    473 words
  • 114 10 pr. lly welding was soli-nun-. n th< lith instant U twi.u Dr. I V MiiM, v. often I ...1 Co.. Silimpopoa, an.! s i..i. t Maebia It. all Tin- nuptial knot waa I ii.\t:,. 1 s It Itaawhb iliaii nflhi 1 Mr i-Uv S< inbill. I:
    114 words
  • 138 10 Tl»- vacancy oaaaed by tin- preferment of tin Her. I. I. li.uison to tin- hapUincy o1o 1 V.tlh IVrak has U. titled, and trust.-,* h.nini; a. c. tlio apphcatioi. II 11..1.I 1 .1. I v «i laead t«, work iv Urn Dion ■of Baaajapere Mr. l'«
    138 words
  • 1124 10 Life History of Europe's Oldest Botanist. Mr. Mordeon < übiti Cooke. who wa* eighty iieven yean of age on July 12. m the olli st niyeoloniHt in Kurope, having been continuously working and willing on tin sub]«rt for nearly half a century. His bola nical work- number
    1,124 words
  • 543 10 A WEIRD FUNERAL Quaint Superstitions of Papuan Natives. Ih. n. nambei .f that excellent ly. The- Colonial Office Journal, i eularly infari-,tmu The K NeaM .liwusm. amou^ oth. i matt, i- the BaaaßMl at nt MaajMtraai ia I'iSaraat Cn »n olonies. In this roun.-. ti- ii Urn -I,'iirnil ■ayn
    543 words
  • 595 10 Miss Decima Moore's Adventures in Africa. M.^- l>. iui:» \l«'i. tin w«|l kn<' n aoUfit. liv anivitl home in Ku^lau.l ft. r a t< o uinDtti* ktm id tin- hinterlands "f I an.) tl» MJOMI when the Nil.- ha- Tins is the «<<<> nd 'irnt'y whirh Mi-s Moore
    595 words
  • 657 10 Dividends Expected in Six Months' Time. Ib) ft inn nnn ,it the ltrt'iii.t"ii Mk.iv I!i i til* r l.<UUi l.iiintcil. w li'l.l .1 ily atthc [ J". Ki.: 1.. i;. < i.. I K i •n|«ny l>r. M.linTin ii pn m tilat.v. lli< 'I. an N .in ...t..
    657 words
  • 46 10 Mr |mi orii Xi Ut. wan man lot at I'm .k. n ham I'itri-L I on July -I. to M t r af Ml M i Mr* PMd, of Km II House. Uockaaliain. auil i Mst< rof Mr I A. I'owcll, w.iiku.wn iv K- ut cricket
    46 words
  • 308 10 PREPONDERANCE OF BRITISH VESSELS. Record Tonnage in I'M I a Whii. Pap i i-- 1 n Jalj .-.1 iitutnt th. H ill- 1 1 <ll i 11.. i It., t -.1 in- ainoiint.-l m I'M 1 t-. U iwi i. ah. I aajaiaat i I liojHtusn fi
    308 words
  • 137 10 Arrivals. via |».rt- Ml aan A. It. X i \N ItoaaM I', r «tr. l|. ii. i Mr W.l>-r Pat str 1 11. ill Mr ..lon.-, li r -:i: i i I I pajlllia \|.-sr« I' U ir s Wriffkt. 0 I Ken in. l.. M PUlai.
    137 words
  • 48 10 oouitm t;i.iph. Tbcj to till I th. tin iii.i^istr ittll. 11 1 r v a r. ply couin i •f MM pla.-< f-r a .011,11.. r ntr. i- oppiot. .1 th. appli.-a tion ami direct**! I of Mao ohaOBK to notify tin- unrchttlitH aciuniincly.
    48 words
  • 15 10 The Mm picul raajiacd In public toctioa. at I So. I t
    15 words

  • 337 11 Successful Ninth Anniversay. Tli> ninth anniversary of Uic Indian Christian latioii of Singapon* opUbraUtl on Satnnlay evening at tin Short str. < i irl- ■vli.kjl. Then- wax a large KatlHTin^ aj immiberx. tin ir friends and many latlieo. Among thimc present were the Itwhopof Sin^aporfand Mra. Kcrguson
    337 words
  • 255 11 Hoh \merican Missionaries Were Incriminated. as nuplicatin^ luhtigaton I i |>!iit ajiainnt I f whid ii.- ili l«-n \aiuinit ikahara. tin v tibally 111. BrisOßH n Ij»M b.-. v iv tlit Ij.inJ- of II :lirt-«- to nibs i h.ui OM uioiitli. Ma it was only
    255 words
  • 32 11 M John s Happta, m < D of Mr .1 l> Maaon. < I rWnuuttrr liuoonU of Cey ■■W l.» i l.i.lys, ilaiiulitor uf tbe Uu W. Kai^lit. ChftocTilk. Un Ujc 9ni tM.
    32 words
  • 828 11 Price. Qaoted la the ■arfc.t TUs IHaaainil. Angoat SB, IMS. fli—i Lyall wd BraM, BmabaM* and Share Brokers, iasoe ttw foUowiag IM of qnotaNoM thai ,'in»i«i— Nan Vatae Buyt**. B«Uet«. I/- AlkffM a» 8/1 I/- option* 6 1/4 1 Anglo-Java B/9 6,14 1 Anglo-Jobo** 6 8 8/104
    828 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 12 11 For Children's Hacking Cough at Nktbt. WBeaV ur— > Pi|| i Urn a.
      12 words
    • 303 11 LATEST ADVEimseMENTS. SANS PEUR ET SANS REPROCHE. Without fear, and without n- preach aptly detcribf« every wine we offer. Wilboat lear of competition, aad beyond rrproach ia regard to delicacy ol flaroar, fragrant booqoet, >oi tntMi and cbaini Garner, Quelch A Co wmc am tutiT m tCHam Battery Road. Singapore
      303 words
    • 384 11 VICTORIA THEATRE. Wojld'B Tour. 1911, 12, 13 FIRST APPEARANCE IN SINGAPORE OF THU KMlNr.s I AtTOK ALLAN WILKIE S jppotWd by a M Ix>cdcn Company. iiiclu.l'Orf tali iti-d Aetrrna MISS FREDIBWYDE HUNTERWATTS. TO-NIGHT THE SECOND MRS. TANQUE RAY. H. cry Art! nr Jor.. s' Conj.'dy. IB«9M m LWR8 ftaf.l7' I
      384 words
    • 498 11 Michelin Tyres. BY AP"OINT».<EMT TO HIS LATE MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. All Royalties Use them. TRY THEM, DUPIRE BROTHERS, Aftanta. I c aoe»i RAFFLES HOTEL. SPECIAL DINNER ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 31. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. z=== The oaly first elans Hotel is Saitfon. Bwry ooinlort r>ni,tidid veraadex :.trr;autaat. W t»i
      498 words

  • 1245 12 GREATLVIMPROVED POSITION REPORTED. Development and Finance. The second ordp ay >;• neral Hireling of tin- A>ahan Snmati 1 Kubber KsUte*. I. mil te«l. was held on .luly li. at isahsbury House. I. .iid.iu Wall. Xi m M. Dundas Moiiat .-I. airman of the company) pr« siding. The
    1,245 words
  • 595 12 Strange Stories of His Absent Mindedness. lln Kiyaro ha» BMM amuiinf; renn I llmo|.|,ili- (muliir lium the (n ii M Maurice l>rcyfoua. 11. mMI muili uf Ui be»t work while ii'luiy ou the topn of and no thorough ly Hi his brain ilo it* work in
    595 words
  • 732 12 Possibilities of Cultivated Yarities. luring tin -pant V w ars Uicr. ha« bi<u nuiarkab!.- activity on the part •>{ \>n\ lai inTestigaton ainl ilm* Aiutricau l>.[.trnu>-ni of AyriL-ul*. in. looking to the ilivilopuiint of uew fruit producing industries, i lie story uf tin succvvdul intruducUun A
    732 words
    6 words
  • 535 12 The following paasengtr booking* to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending paxm-ngem may alter their arrangements Riibne. ju nt to the issuance cf t iis list in London IVr
    535 words
  • 470 12 What lias Been Taught by Science. In tl.< mind uf lli. public the calling of the i always associated with a certain f r met-, but il is safe to nay that a. \.ri his work s.. ij-|- »K I the imagr na'.i' ii Mm the cam
    470 words
  • 43 12 On July •>!, 400 memben of the Dreaa uiakera' I'tiiou. xtruck at a Brooklyn factory aa a prutuat against Uie profauity indulged in by the foreman of the male employ) c*. Tli<- striken bope that other women will join in the protest against profanity.
    43 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 150 12 CONOLITE FLOORING AND DECKING Highly Reconimenrhfl for HOSPITAL BUNGALOW and BATHROOM FLOORS. Prloea and Samples on Application. Zingessol The only reliable DISTEMPER manufactured. Suitable shades stocked to suit all requirements. Sole *gen m I !PATERSON, SiMONS CO., LTD. USED BY His Majesty King George V. Asiatic Petroleum Co., S.S., Ld
      150 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 284 13 PILSENER BEER 'KEY BRAND' Imported Since 1876. Beware of Imitations. SSBM BSBf a» SSb* -i BBBBBBBr£jtL'taJ^r OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE i SOLE IMPORTERS Behn, Meyer Co., Ltd. DO YOU WANT A GOOD PHOTO H L. GOQHLAN AND COMPANY, p1,;..;p 1 ciiVt Auctionesrs, Valuers and Surveyors, The Singapore Art xo 6 PLACE StudiO,
      284 words
    • 653 13 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SUE Of 97 CASES SAMSOO (By Order c( the Government Monopolies I irtn.. i 1 At Powell and Co.'a Saleroom. On WIDXBSbAT, AC' .IST -'>. AI 11 M. Samples now on view. POWELL A CO Auctioneers. 24 8 -i 7 9 AUCTION SALE Of UNRBDEEMBD PLEDGES.
      653 words
    • 169 13 It 3i ujb^ A Larke Stock of Japanese Fine Art Curios and Porcelain, Antique and Modern. All orders executed promptly. Goods packed and shipped to any part of the World. K-L ADIS BUILDING. HIGH STREET. Ismail Raheem HAVK JUST RECEIVE!' A VALUABLE SELECTION OF BLUE TINGE DIAMONDS AND PERFECTLY WHITE
      169 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 442 14 INSURANCE. IREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. toad Office Wlßcbe»ter Hoau, SINGAPORE Board of Dlreesore 6. A. Dbbbics, Bsq., Chairman. A. B FAia, Bso., Msaiawit Diieetor Pans Fewua, b.b. oji., Ooief Med. Officer W. M. Buiot. Bsq A. D. auu Bag. Tew Noab Pab, Bag. Om See* Taa, Bag. EaeoßiAß
      442 words
    • 299 14 wmusL FEOERALUFE 188URANCI COMPM* OF CMAIW. BsTAßuaaas IS9K. Direct OoveFnrwent Supei-vialaw Oowariimatit Anairt. Policies are WORLD WIDB aad Nob Fuitaitablß Laras Net Surplus above liabilities to. Reserve aad all oatstsnding claims. New Buelneee, 1811, over...»6\Boo^oaOO Cash Loans, Settlemeats, etc., mad looally. Numerous modern schemes J. H. EVANS, Manager. Sooth Bastern
      299 words
    • 529 14 BANKING. CMAITEKI MM MA. AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA. [NOORPORATBD BT ROTAL CHARTBR ?aid np Cspitsl ia BOJOO Sbsrss of .sen aaab 41,100,000 Beeerre Fund... MIMOJBOO Hiiiiii TiiaMHtr««Pt ■>»«■*■■■.■ *****4J00 BANKERS. Bank of England. rtaa London City Midland Beak. LM. National Beak ot Boottaad. Ltd. SINOAPORB BRANCH. OarreM Aeeonnts are opeaed and
      529 words
    • 657 14 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TOKG BANKING ANO INSURANCE CO.. LTD.. NO. (7 AND 68. KLINO BTRBBT. Bstaslisbbd 1907. Capita' paid np 11,000,***** Beserve liability of proprietors... 1.000 000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tick Jooh 8. Low Kboom Taa Tan Swi Kbi 7. Sim Kia Jam Laow Cau Haifa a
      657 words
    • 1108 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Important Auction Sale of FORTY-NINE LOTS OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTIES. To be held at Powell k Co.'s Sale-room, On Tusiday, September 10, as* 2-3O p.m. Thirty shop boose dwellings bring Nos. 1 to 10, Mansoor Street, off High Street, aad adjacent to the Hotel de
      1,108 words

  • 1175 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A striking sign c 4 tbe well being of Canada ia sera in the common vac ol tbe motor car, despite tbe hindrances outside tbs towns that prevail in the wax of poor road* and other obstacle* to free fucomotion. But
    1,175 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 280 15 WOLSELEY Messrs. Vickers. Ltd. Th« C«p whioh Imbodisa th« Miaimum of quality, at tha minimum of ooat. SPECIAL FEATURES. Bil«nt Running. Qroat FtoalMlity. ■lotfanoa of Design. Absoluts Reliability BOLB AOBNTS, B.S. k F.M.S.. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LTD., Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. FORD the: universal car. II there > iron id
      280 words
    • 9 15 Fot Chronic Obeat Compl unta, Woods' Onat Papfatuiiat O—.
      9 words
    • 437 15 A. Testimony to DUNLOP TYRES. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Mr. Thomas Hampson, describing in THE AUTOCAR a tour in France and Spain says "So bad was the surface that we occupied five hours in covering tbe last fifteen miles into Seville, our car being frequently axle deep in thick mud. The
      437 words
    • 161 15 MANURES FOB RUBBER, COCONUTS, Etc.. Etc. C. I. F. Prices, with full particulars how to use and apply manures lor various produce, will be supplied on application to FREUDENBERG CO.. MANURE WORKS, COLOMBO CEYLON. 12*1 1 18 FAR EAST OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE CO., LTD.. Singapore Branch. OXYGEN GAS AND DISSOLVED
      161 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 658 16 100 Copies in 10 Minutes PLEX r* -i Il.mdwritinu. typing, drawings, circukn, pans, sketches, specifications, brushwork, music, menus, programmes, notices, etc.. in one or more colours, by any noviie. Outclasses gelatines, graphs, ■.n-m ils. etc. No office complete without it. A boon to school", hotels, professional men. S.<rvt.tries to Clubs.
      658 words
    • 467 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. 6000WNS ANO OFFICES TO LET. No* 9ud 10, Raffle* Qaay. Apply Alkali ft Co.. 70, Tt:e Aroade. 86 a HOUBEB TO LET. To lei, 41, 42 ud 44, Acton Road W and 56, Robinson Road. Apply Nathan ft Son. Chance Alley. 11l a FURNIBHED BEABIDE
      467 words
    • 352 16 BOARD AND LOD6HM.! BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Vacancy from September 1, at Rich luond. Hirer Valley Road -21 H fl 8 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Apartment" «ith board for single gentle man, at 11, Dhoby Ohaot. Terms moderate 6 8 d BOARD ANO LOD6ING. For cut ir two Eoroptan d.nt'eujen Terun 160.
      352 words
    • 634 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Will tht repnmutatirr of W H .'o.-hraor A Co. kindly cen.i'iunicat. at on c sitb Box No. W6B, Co Strs<:s Times. 28 8 a a 9 H.C.B. MALAY SIMPLIFIED. Onr correKpondrcoc eaaaa in Malay la a ipeciality for kuro; »m who wi»h to acijoire ■a lanKuai(» aaiakly. The
      634 words
    • 662 16 NOTICES. KMM KIAT A GO. SHIP CH4MLBIUnusual sea >u«Klmi aeatraster*. Tblrphone No. 421 IM a 109. Market Street SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. ANOREW CURRIE CUP (LAOIEB CHAM °lONSHIP) COMPETITION. 1912. (H t.tim *ili b. [>!»5' i nk- Bil .i(<ir< ii IfC ib ladien n ii(t< nt in Sn Matcli p y
      662 words