The Straits Times, 8 August 1912

Total Pages: 11
1 11 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.1)47 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 8. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 THE WHITE HORSE CELLAR. KSTAB 1742 VALUE FOR MONEY JUST RECEIVED SOCKS A LARGE CONSIGNMENT SOCKS Men's Cashmere Socks IN BLACK AND NAVY. Bizo h' y l'» W and 11 in P er dozen KATZ BROS., LTD. Contractors Plant FOR DISPOSAL See Page 3). United Engineers, Limited. Sapporo Black Beer
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    • 139 1 ROBINSON CO., Complete House Furnishers, Singapore. u/adu/ipu HH^^^ K Bedroom Suite Late«l furnishing Catalogue (¥av. 1912 sent upon rtquesl. ESTIMATES FREE. ROBINSON CO., SINCAPOBE. SHERRY!!! A E BRAHA1 yi CARMEV SHBRKY MAS/WILLA SHKRKY OPHTHALMIC uiTiilAS CLUB AMONTILLADO c D'Jllm.ld. Btrc.t By Ciw or Bottle, doty [aid. or Export B t
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  • 908 2 A NINE MILES PROCESSION UP CHANNEL. Magnificent Spectacle. The apccial corn-up, .ndt-nt of tho EveniDß Standard writing Aboard H. M. 8. Hibernia iff Spithxtad, on July 6, naya Tb« magnitode of Britain 'a n-a power nt-Trr reoi»rd more atriking and complete L'lpreMtion thiin it iss to Hay
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  • 186 2 The Shanghai rormpondent of the New \..rk Herald writon to the locai Mercury aa (ollowa The apiMaraace of a paragraph in the Manchuria Daily Son t tiatiDK thai a man nauii'd Joe K. Mikulec BH arrived at D«lny 00 a world walking journty, at the ooocloaioo of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 580 2 yM The ideal Tonic 7-7 i^^aVA nc osc ANA 8 \tw[^B sufficient to convince the I ]th\Fy 'fl convalescent of its value. li'W A i\s' > helps to nourish Vff J I lC < t > ltJtec^ system and '-_^f rc-fxrc i^our to Ikhlv and brain. .v. 0 1 'VANA'"*"
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    • 560 2 RED RO ALL OVER BODY AND LIMBS srhation Almost Unbearable. Could Tear Her Legs to Pieces. Had Suffered from This Itching for Years. Used Cuticura Soap and Oirtmerttand Is Completely Cured. •■leaaweot Id a red nab all orsr tb* body and lags. Erwy winirr ss tooo v fra*t bsaM to
      560 words
    • 252 2 Synoleo Washable Hyßlanlo Distemper. vjn.lio is a (asto UisWm^r -mtl is Mir prodaot ot Mc-w- Wiikii 11. y*ooA k Clark. Ltd.. who are tbe Ur Kt--tK t--t anil oldttl paint nianofac ta Wt iv tl>< world. t macufwtarnJ id Urn r* acd a*rk<st ar*. 'ha* which arv Ca»t In lifclit
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  • 641 3 H» LiauT.CoL. O. A. I>»mo>. V.D, COMMAKDAKT, B.V.C. siDn»r«.rp. AoKoat 6, 1911. V. C. B*Ue«tirT Uirte llaage. I Th« t»n(r *llutt«l v onder Saturday. AugiMt 10, at '1M p.m.. S.R.K (t.) Mnkkitry Sooday. Au|(a«t 11, at 7.»0 a.m.. WMM Mnaketry. Saturday, \nguit 17, at 'JJt p.ui S.I; K
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  • 159 3 British -American Tobacco Co. A viM-ting of uliauttioldeni of the Britiah A i.i. n< an Tobacco Company waa called for on July '12 to increase the ordinary ahare. capital of the rompany by 12.000.000. Th« praaaat autloriM-d ordinary capital is £4,A00,000. 0f which X4.1M.74V ba« been iaaned and folly paid,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 255 3 C. G. HIBBERT CO., LTD. Incorporated In England) KLANG and IPOH. GENERAL MERCHANTS AGENTS. Agtmt* for C G. HIBBERT Co (Established 1767) London and Southampton ••KANGAROO" Brand of Bottled Beer. FORTNUM and MASON'S, Ltd Piccadilly, London High-Class WINES and SPIRITS. ESTATE TOOLS AND UTENSILS OF EVERY DEBCRIPTI3H Glacial Acetic Acid
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    • 78 3 How a O rest Reputation Was Won. You are nut experimenting un younclf when you take I iiamberlain'a Couttli Kern ody for a cold aa that preparation haa won ita |(reat reputation ami ulcniivp Haiti by Ita n markable corea of cold*, and can alwaya In depended upon. It in
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    • 323 3 1 nHfIIRY lull Tte Bloc Fuaocl line steamers sailing (rum Glasgow aod Liver Mini sjinrdunavAjH pool t0 |he EiJlera Ind PaC(l i t Port 9 M we|| M So|||h Afrjcj C2>J? *J*m\ Auslralia and olber important markets of ibe woild. are the largest *XKclgxM9MMv M\ carriers of «bbky frim Scotland
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 658 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CBINA. JAPAN, PBNANG, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA. APBN BG VPT. MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLT MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bill* of Lading issctd for Jtuaa Coast. Poraan Gulf, Coattnentai and Atarrisaa Port*, fttnajior* will leave Singapore on or abont MAIL LINES 1w1» (/or "iwi Aag
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    • 730 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP ISO., LTO. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe i« maiotaioed between Yokohama via port* to Marseille*. London and Antwerp, and- r mtil contract witb tbe Imperial Japanese Oov-irnmont. Tbe Now Twin scrow Steamer* maintaining tln« service have been specially designed aod eoo*truct«d. and ar.- fitted
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    • 747 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Paiiaog, Bfltaarah, Tringgano, Burnt, Semerak, Baobo, Kelaalaa Bangnara, Telopin, Paaarai, Patani, Siagora. Laooa, Kohaamm, Bandon. Laagaaaa, Cbuß.poa Taka, Koblak and Bangkok Due O«partup* B p.m. MO ANO Aug. Aug. 1O a.a. PRACHATIPOK Aug. 12 AU*. 14 aa. BORIS
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    • 568 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. MB MMTKI MBJff»BW** f«IITM(t BAItl Combined aervlo*. Tbe Bteamret of tbeae Companim maintain a regular rervice between Hambjrg Bremen Aatwerp, and Rotterdam, aad tbo Strait* China and Japan. Homeward", tbey are despatched fort aigbtly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremorhavoa
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    • 696 4 BTEAMEB SAILINbS N. D. 117 lordd«uttoh»r Lloyd, Brtmt IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL UNI Tbe (ant and well known mail Masai ol thin ('ompaoy kail fortnightly from H- :..o Hamburg va Rotterdam, Antwero. Baaflh aiupton Gibraltar, Ueooa. Nspe- |Hal ot ing Mar^uli.'*, N'ap.e*. AUixandna, and no* vena) Port Said. S.i.-i A.l -o.
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  • 107 5 FIXTURES iturad.T. Au«ust 8. d kb W««t>(, B.«f am I.SO p n> Friday. Aufu«l 0 H h W». 7 ».ic «.H Pro 1* Kin'ativo Council. 'i.M p m P. ao 1 O. oatwtrd mail doe >.lurd.T. AuKUft IO HiK'i W»t.-r. 9.18 am 7.94 p.u smndmy, Auruta 1
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  • 175 5 T*-Mt. tfaiteot »nd Mom Kak« B ptu Port Pick -on C'»rly 0 f m Port Oick«oo »nd P s« it. n!i*u. S»ppho 8 pm Btta r>»h»t AiD|{ Hin 8 pui »d.l ,T*pao Jelling* A pm P*ni<nr and C'ticatt*. TorilU 8 pm rib n »nd "•'■3:»r»o k OiMIK
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  • 190 5 Thi I ar '< > itward wail rt*«ra»r A«>a?i- I' t*M at 1.11 a.'i. and (u»> I rag* I ril 7 aorniog k« 1 9 lli» Imp. 'i 'ra\n m%il it> im^r P Alic» lift H utkrni' at 4 M A 'mat 'I j*y b.-
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  • 480 5 Latest Arrivals. AmLanrt. Biit. »lr. 1M tea*, Cap* H«etl, aw 4 Fioui Bagaa, Antf 6. Oc Mid !M dp Tb->DK Kk. Kf B*«u, Aom If. HJa. Han Hiu Ohm. Hnt »tr. i«i tola. Cap* 'Wu-k>d. IM 7. Krutii rVnt auak Aa* 6. •i c and W4 d.p. TUon*
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  • 94 5 Wbarva* at which Vmmli art Bcrtbcd To-I)«y TANJONO PAOAK Biaiw— Nil. lut W Sacitow No. I— Sileaia Saaiai Waaar— Klanv. Haiw N I 2— Ku: >«n« B— Erinpnr* 4— •—Nil. -Nil. HavDaOi T— I Under eoo«tmetio« Wut Waaai Wiegand. 1»Iudr» >au>!«*« Wbabf
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  • 212 5 Arrivals. Nratt r. It w j Aa < << -from Maar. M' r K M P.-t «r. M .rk-. A'ijj p. From PaUmbaCk.'. M .ax li BaMan and H > aop-ii P. r-tr Krxoui Aj« !.--Km: loiratin M' Fral o I\r «tr Eri"rara \tu 7. K'OTJ Ca'culta.
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  • Finance & Commerce.
    • 87 5 StMAPOM, Actrn Itia OaLavDaa Bmk 4 sv» Mi UIEUd l/« A Pri»»K 0 m/t Bm/i 8/4J Oiuwt-Btak d/d m Ptivfti« I n/» V*AWOB— B»Dk d/d W4 Private I m/» m. IM I'ilnu-BukT.T. M PhTtto Hdji i BwMNt-Buk d/d Prirftte M d,. 1M I 8«*»«»ai- B*nk d/d Pri»»l- M d/t
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    • 141 5 SIMAVOM, AC«C»T 8 1911 (Hmlier m« do iCnkc No. i laptoktd )4»r Copra Sondnea 10 40 do Mixed i; io P<wr, Black ai tb do White toyir. fro NwoHnoiSiratik do Braei No I M oom Pearl 8e«o 571 Coffee BaJi m MOO Coffee PftlembMfl. 10% Imi m ,88 M
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    • 145 5 Bojtrt. 8* Hen I 10 Belat Tib 0 10 Broke* 0 10 K*n»bc, II 41 Km»» Tib II 41 L*b»l Minet 1/ 5/- PahMiK CoMoi U 41 Peoskfcltia II 41 Pawn* B«hra II 41 Posing L*ma 9 10 Rtlimu Hyi II 41 KtbiiiuTii II 41 htiußnUß 386 1.7S 1.16.8
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    • 574 5 Vftloe Bayer* U«.lMt a/- II- k i,« 8/- I/- Anglo-Mtl*) 14/9 If Ot M. 2/- BaUBM JUi»k» 1/6 2 8 41 41 Btto C«vm 18 6.0 12 16.0 41 41 BfttaTi** 8 10.0 8u 4« 41 41 Bakit iUjMf) 3.16.6 8u 1 41 41 Bakit Ltntaag 41 4.9 ft
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    • 114 5 Valoe Btijot" Beilon 100 100 1% Pr«t UOCO 11'iW 10 10 H'pote CoM titoraßi 81 00 M.OC 60 M Spore Diwfammty MOO U OO 10 10 Strut* lee Co I 9 60 >\XK 100 100 Slr»il» 8. Bbip MO 00 41 41 Shell Ttftuport Tradiae f P.O 6B 410
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    • 44 5 Bayer* «*U*r Bowartfa Irmkiao *****X10 par Ritej. HtnratTM 8% ISO4OOO ii Siaopore Bleetrir Traßwane% «8«C,00r Spore Moaioipal 6 |1.87f^00 n m Bnjet* Bailer* Spore Mnietpai of 1907 II 800.000 T% Sport Mantcipai 44% of 1909 *****.000 10<tpi& 8 pore Municipal 4* IMMMIO p*i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 1,.t*.1t drop-, n f waltr. Liuir aaaM I wiud Hri. k in ii rl'i. tit Tliuoiiii p«m. behind No(> tin MU« I N KlliblUK* »>l tti- arlaj iii» Tatt i ••>■ f aaa ilir bk*. th<m Wuv-Ib' I'.^peiUiiut C^ro lur elull*
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    • 250 5 AUCTION SALES Powall and Co. A o* tut 10. -Al aalerooa: private tffrcts at M 80. Aosnot 10. At aaU'roon, wax poiiaLad honarbold farnitnrp. at 11. Anna*! 31.- At Central P Mcf Rl«»ir>n Sonth B'i'iff Riad, l. T o»ervicable Poll, c Storf-" «tc at 'ISO Chlng kene Lac and Co.
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  • 1038 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8. SUGAR BOUNTIES. Net (.'Uini^li ha-. Ih n published t» enable u< to f'jini au opinion m to wbrtlit-r n not the decision of the Itnlish (iovirnuHDt t-i withdraw frutu the Sugar Convention in wai ranted. There U*a k.vo noiuc friction lulluwiuu upon »liii rropk
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  • 13 6 Tin- output of tin- lUhman Tin Co.. Ltd., •luting July waa l.Utk'.U picnla.^
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  • 36 6 Seven new rubber companies were re^is laaal iv Ksmjl Sembilan during lull aod about 9,0(11) am* Maaj Hilile.l to the an* alienated for rubber cultivation, Mhich aa> at the clone of the year, approximately IH9.4UU acriH
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  • 52 6 A departure which would iloubtliai liorrify Ihc contention buuuil habitue* of Hume court* was to be noticed in the Hong kuu« Supreme Court uu Auguat '1, when U.Ui judgea and ooanacl Mirrcadured dignity to Ue»t by (Jiepenting with their wig*, 'lliuy lookod quite like ordinary uum tin S CV Morning
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  • 32 6 In tin ours.' of thu demolition of an old building in M.wk.-n/u- lUwl yi«-U-nisy after noon a wall f. II MMMBarj and KIIIIII a Boyaaeap man who waa standing ben. ith it
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  • 47 6 It is rumoured tin- aaaaaal Him W«. o< (olowan. has now UKtablmhetl his headquarters in tin islaii'l of Waaaj Kaam, haaaaa, and that four w, II to do Chin. -s. 11 l» -in; lii 1.1 tin ii- «n i.i|'ti vity aaaaaaajl the payment of ransom
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  • 67 6 1 ba -iieru! of Haft iii <1« .venrdiug to au Ami-rican c ink'iuporary. at alaaVal know»liat t<> 110 with apnuoit. i Mrfaaaaat r.-a<)s. smy iara at har.l li' ill tin ounty gu>l.' b'U fmt what BMM ..1- uirk t.i yive thi- f II who whs mltk txiiiK drunk ai.
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  • 66 6 v Loii'l'-n »!i. in ug Paat, .iM'edJtily M Baja -trik'is inv«de-l ictoria docks and aaMaMal tin lakaaaai who win- aaMaaaaVg kaan tin- OaaaaaaM :vii.v ti.ii'i ll .iiigl-'Hii.'. I'nd.-r r<'..r al lusilUil. "f BaMMMa. UH) K bmM tlie »caael Ih. I hir.-M i],,|. aaa fr.-< lal> BBBBaai aud a liiri-.
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  • 52 6 At an luU-ruationii' li»tn at Ufafaaat, Mm aaa. BMMlai] ary Hat aar lax |m.i \...r. exprr* .1 tin ipWaa that Mr. W. T St.-a'l au.l Mr 'lino. Ufailay, oi l<oadoa •bawanflaat ia woaM .1 aakftaaliaM ia n Urn tl —111 1 Ih Btoaaiag U ii I couM U cnlli'l tMM
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  • 53 6 Tv« commit. i.'i M.1... 1.. 1.1 k uir«tiu>.' in th. iil-l rOCMBB, Sliauylim. oa -luly two Imuni. At tlif O'ticlusiDij th> y dMMMaji that tin-re w.i» arthiag public a* th<- artual cani|iaigii I remral iv li !l 1 will ll till 0881 i Inua aaaal «<>rV, htd not U-4-D iaaMajataaMi
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  • 63 6 li i« aY Muaa aaaal OMaaral in >l,iuuli»i. lm» addtcaMcl Mr. Ivan Ctaaa, tin OaaaaMaaMßai fur Trxle an<i Faaaajp aflaita, atalaag thai In «ill mako aa inv> >lit;ation ri-^anliuu MM BaWah miWh m ajravaa aataaai mm aarthara cry i(ato as to plant fur tlit (x>qhli action ■<< I ih. >.ity
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  • 75 6 V HiitiHi »l)n, a'conlini; t^aointtui (V'lary. lia< lih'l > l;t< aaaj ipi m i.e. in tin Ka»t. writing from Ti.-ntkin. say- lli.i- V in ;>• in Ipa in in ti laai >>f Mm Biakan Im h«»i conic tlit-rc frum Mrkmanri tli* r BaaM <■( tin- aaalli II" •fficiniii ia ill
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  • 89 6 The ii. i« to tinallpgcd uianufacttiM at counter', it dollars in 'Hhanithai i- >>till {truct^Hiiiig. ai I baaa aaai taki a aaon torn than aaar.aaaa th. N. c Daflv Np«« Worbiagi np-m the- cl .en tin y I <l oi»Uiu.d. U took int.. cintoijy a m aMry Mai w<ll ku>.un
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  • 86 6 Nlr R I). Cuti-inini; MMbIbV ..nhnary U' ticral imitinu' of tin N|.an"h->i Malay'KM I.- I h.ll oa Jail in lh>- Chamber of Commerce room*, siian «l ai. T\ir aaaart an i and a vote of thank* was acoor.l 'y ..ft'-i tlii- i .mini awataaj ana kaaa fat tl..-
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  • 105 6 IKtailn havi just i.-ai-hxl l.ish. r riolaaj m Paraajaaaai Oaaaaa, follouiuc an outbreak aiuonu tin Italanta n.itn., advaucxl in it.nsid. i;ilil. n tin- Kur p«-an ih lilt aunt-, ulnchth.y iitti raaWaaaly paaaaMl It m Maari that n uum BM of iii.ii. woiii.u. and i hildr. v have barn carrie.l away
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  • 122 6 Why I |aaa»l th. <• KM I wa» tin titl nf a Mriking address by tin Hop. Mr i laud |MM at tli<- w« kly i:k. nun of th. Uonukou^ (.iarriHiin brim. I. At th<- Inn. h ..t Ko^land Haai Socuty. 11. BaM hi join. -I •Im- C.t.M 1«-»-»iim-Ir
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  • 104 6 Th. civil act I'll biou^ht by Captain Khriuaun an-"""' I lie Niu^a|iuri Mrtiin. Vlutur Service. Im JI" lUltia^ci in t< ijio f wiiii^ ili»!iii»« MM <li«|ium<(l .'I l>\ tli. l>iitricl Jinl*;.-. Mr. r'irui<<toue, yvatpfia^ tfUruoon. I'Uiutitl wai n.t in HMMMMI but Ills counsel, Mr. Muml.ll. mil In ln.i Inn loslrui
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  • 28 6 Tin- f'lnt-ral of th I -nil t*ke i ilat< wi >. |.v i, I. r il. r to be at T«ki.i and tin banal pi Kyoto
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  • 27 6 Mi l.i n i I IBMIM han hi.. l liih titi(>n to be eihi'it' -.1 in! aavalMd a« aa adi eata mid "f tu. SettleiiM-nU.
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  • 26 6 Maj'.i (>• aaral r lienrial Strait- Satli ini-ntn. r. -.urn.-l In. h Ii ■litv in .la|*n liy the I', an. l <> BmJI rUaui" IKIU. tl.i'< BaMMag,
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  • 25 6 W II Ii tlii« atu-ruiv.n, aLil may BaaaMj ba i|».iiii. I b) N ir .liintir.- Sproiil.' If tli. I'iiimii .1 b\ null t i BBM)
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  • 24 6 l>i .1 W IK,-;, v. wh nftn ai> Nataaaaal ia litHaakaac '< ft wtak Hra. M aad I oa i. li Harl l>r. Uaalii
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  • 18 6 Mr I: T. I. Li.-.-. II BM Mi I Ii!.:: i ili•i. n and, m aa darian ll
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  • 24 6 ■l i I mIuI, ta, Hi. marb wd I •.1l- 1 1 'I ii. i M i> i. baa bt Urn bmtmi tii.l. ■afaaad.
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  • 18 6 Mi. ■aahaWW.i tad i- f 111- >■ I t I. ,llk BM\in^ tak. i. i iayaaa tl.. Uaka
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  • 62 6 ii.-v, rai Heaattal, aadoai !Ummi j .i |>iof. nioa ia ill- r i r t- aahiWaaiid hii kii aticilh airth Dr. wi 1. baa thin par*, of Urn w.i1.l |h ak ul f.rty t»u >.»:- 11.- i- a aatrtaoi li.Uod, and us a yaaajg bbm aarvrd ia Urn lulmu hit
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  • 38 6 1 ii'- r. aari I < Kubbac i pr 'fit-. it Wl and a aartiaa "f tin pn proviilinK i i d mliag la I.m.i. ad of aad tba tor th< yaai akaaaaad t 1 Itiratai
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  • 85 6 *M tllM Kni;ll-li hli||,uiiiM:ii^ indii-iiy CWplnjarJ at •i. I. IhJ, an ii- grata tow 7T(MMIO toaa waa under H luorf tli.m im tin- l marly oDOjOOO toa* mon llaw ta Urn Jbm .fiaiter atlaatyi bad hardly a tilth .-< th. Kanliali tool btb. Id. i LHriag
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  • 124 6 ti trarti.- at tl waa tin- cau««- of a fataliij 'i I oerUiu Hi. ji Oiiixr d..ubl< in kali i »i n appru *lv n »n. th. i p ill. i .1 tl ...i mUlia t.i. .1 to hi. ,ii l>ut. bf ll" hul.i. (at 1»').n.l
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  • 125 6 I'uriii- tin ulioli ,it< rn,»i» I in iiih Supreme I .win in d< unit* in appelUu jtin^lntK n Wl.|-|lH|. Chief .Illittlo 'vr II Hjßlt— I .■I l.y Ml JuaUOl I mOm r. M Kbden. an IMI Im ed loading UK f In* li utk.l broth, i. |H
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 260 6 CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., Wholesale And R«it«.ll WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Ales, Beer and Stout Importers Tetotboae No. 1«O. U*»» *»>■■■"■' BKAN'CHKS AT. l f NO N. GLASGOW. BHAN6HAI. HONGKOI6. TIENTSIN AND KUALA LUMPUR. 111 408XC189 TbKOCOHOUT THB EAST 4LAWSON'S Per Cass of 12 Bottlas Liqueur .(Red Seal) Q-| -j AC
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    • 13 6 Lateat adTertiaemeaU of tbe cUjr »p|»<*r 00 page 6 and oe page 9.
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  • 105 7 GRAVE FRICTION ALL ROUND TURKEY. Massacre of Christians n«t nk Itaaaam 1.. x.1. n An^uHt H. It i" HMMMMi at Uln u« that a veritable DMHKjiiri. foll.util '.Ik- bomb alTair at Ka'i'hiiii. hataM] Im MWM liouri Fifty Oliri-' liil aiid upwaid* of '.MO •toiimli-.! I Ti-i.iir.iao|.l« iiie*»agt
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  • 81 7 twtamtm I i.. I m < A Klibmk h»« privitt ap|K'mtineut at a large aalh'. I ' Mr Fllinuwortli will b> «hnrtly. I 1 it U bint»l viaMfan h i an ii~|iieted an.l in the r. r hv) at a I ol Miuia IwiaaVMJ nnjontie* n
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  • 115 7 MR. ROOSEVT.I T ON THE NEGRO (.M ESTION. Mr Wilson States his Programme. i Kit ma Trt f..«\« n. Am tint 7. m unanimously uitt<* in i i clv.i. replyiag to a w.. i BMat of tin a. y !i-. tli. I )'.irl\ tin r< tin- m
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  • 49 7 Penal Servitude for Dublin Fire Raisers. rUcrma'i TsLaoaAM. Ixmilon. AnKUat 8. Tin Ihiblin miffr»uett«?ii. Mary Leigh and Oladya Kvaoa, han. bt*n icntonced to 6v.yi*r» penal aonritode (oc tho outrage at a l>ublin thratn-, whi-li tiny atUmpted to «et on nrc on tli*. BW of Mr. AfK|.iith» «in-ocli therein
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  • 103 7 Kii'in T«t» <*\* London. Aai{u*t 7. Tin- Kn-li-h yacht-men an- -till in prison at K>. I. (i.-rmin papuni tako tho case *nl praito tlK> atertoom of the laaMM m. untendoot iv de!«ctin« tlieni H,. ,-.i .<■•<■ ir-- -1 bj »och trivia Ktfataa* >Mii;«.- .!n- fl^ which »a«, >tv
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  • 23 7 turT>a taataii London. aaj| lUtot-i.l baa aw >■»■ clia:upion-<lii>> at e«ton »npi i ■■M Hi- Maw «ai tminulii IH* M.-cond«. in 6
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  • 18 7 I.- T« Lod' *ai a wiuter likt- mrf tas'iaUii-n aul too ooi •tl ..'I Iti L
    18 words
  • 30 7 Kairria't Tili<iba« L .o.lon \i|{tnt S. Imiralty ar» inn.lin^ a t->rnedoer to brin^: tliv bnlii« nf tlii- buy aoo'iU ilr.>wm.<J M ii'lay from Sbappey to London
    30 words
  • 43 7 l>E* ()»Tk»nTiv at I.Lvvr. TaLß'>aAM. iarftai Aiiipnt M tr Knli-rlin.inauinl«:rTiew withaFiguo mmti n.-l tbe diaarmament pro i- II I that the proposed Franco ipi i 'join. a. only po«»iblf if both cool to an mji ritacdina a« to part. hoaocinu ..Jad railway.
    43 words
  • 70 7 Kk'.v > Hal v DaaHNNMI, Malacca. \ni;u«.'. 8. Inf.>»ai.vti..n bai b*< r> received by Malacca Itubntr I'Laatatisnn, I.iuiiuJ that tl.t priic if fin* I'ara in Lccdnu y«atrday «v 4 8j p« r Ib Tlu priM o! bwt I'laoUUou rabbet v- i ralu< I in > .«a.l>. Tbu
    70 words
  • 351 7 Attachment of Military Officers' Pay. I In- foll'iwini: l«-tl«-r ha» b.. llr. I l>y I|h rt'tAiy t<> t!i< (iovt rntnent of India riiiwrn in India and (.flic l» in VHIIOIH '.< i b. i i. I lad t-. iMm >"h tin' i .i.j.i t !.m> nt
    351 words
  • 230 7 AN INCIDENT AT THE SEA VIEW HOTEL. Hylams Surprised Following up..n tlio action M the 'Managing director >.( tlio GianJ Ilitt! <!■ 11.v.->» >' diftchar/in); tlio hoi.- of thf *tiff d>r in«ub ordination A •■iiniUr stop him be. n Ukc-u at tIH) Se* Vie a Hut. 1 which
    230 words
  • 378 7 Emplu>ers' Poll will be Closed on Saturday. •Mi-ion in ttj«- BJN \t we MMWd oil ily ZT art- follows l^- > HIM 1- Vre you in f»v..,r of 1«• niAMintf it MfJ lac all [»raoDH in do I -Ured \rv I liiiusj to pay f"e* which would
    378 words
  • 211 7 Tbe f >rty aeventh au.-tioa nf the Sing* porr (ll.Alubir nf louimio KubU-r V»~-f-mtion wan h<M yt-otcrday, when tin r.- oflnol for *al<- l'& caws eijuallinu 261 II aiaati or .ti.Hia lb». and »»M 174 aaBM •i|.Mllum IM.M pu-uU or 2«.D14 lon. Frict-ri-*liM«l: Mi r Dawaon Yt-lverton.
    211 words
  • 1709 7 CROP.S GENERALLY EXCEED THE ESTIMATES. The Outlook. l'h>, i i unary iiu-ftio^ of I>rli l.iva' Kubher l'l.intaliun«. l.nnitol. MM In l<l Wiorlu-t. r llmw i'l i Id. i.l -tie. I < .|..ii. -1 Iv.>r l'liilip|». It. ->.<», I1I 1 th- company.. pr.Hi.liuj;. li.. s.v. y (Mr. W
    1,709 words
  • 392 7 Chinaman Charged with Selling His Daughter The xi«t>-nec of a rrprehrooiblv but Dot uDi-oMiiiion |«ractic«> thai m c»rn. 4 ou aaMafJ th. lovri-r ciiM of Cfc '< -i I' »t in tl.. Settli'iiM nt" wi« in'lioilfl by in MM liKtrd by Mr. Artl. ir, in I
    392 words
  • 87 7 SOME AMVZING LIBELS ABOUT BRITMV Pro-German Pamphlets PrinteJ at Tokio. i:«CT«» Jin HMBI I. .n n I ii Matai my* o l-ii'iii. inontlilv, prin'. i ,n Ku. Mml m 1 n llaaal ot.t In. ln ami all I I i-i Inf.. rl v and «»\.i^. Iv »n'i
    87 words
  • 144 7 DEBATE ON THE W|THDR\\VAL kucy. The Dangers of Foreign Retaliation Kai m r. AUKUHt 7 Mi II :*ry, U*» prod Hi .ii. I drawn! ol llritu. gal i trni.:, n | «hirh nri'h-u'.ly aol lUrially mMb by oavioK that pro to.-'il- havi b.n »i^ii which ({iiiu-df revinJ for
    144 words
  • 38 7 bandits Rout the (ienJarmta H«CT»iv'i IfeMMMJi MjMrt 1 gMMMTM maodeU by thr *.w. I iSiefoM v v inter 1 gwudarim wrr- rout, d a. I'ifiagia apa and 4111 at all tin ir i.rt >..i;ii'l. \i
    38 words
  • 28 7 KaxTik'.-. TiLi.Hvk Londou. AMMMi 7. bUm Oraii, th. I '.iily Mil i t.oponileat who wan arre«U- 1 al Litbon, han U-.-U r» 1, .i- I
    28 words
  • 69 7 Ka iik (feu I. .n.l A MB) 7 Tin- Nit'i t. Sn .v |m1 sliii. Mi i .Wm. i v rtkaaai MMM an.l V\ r k I W roc»ter, wi-ro all ilia-M-. lln I>erby t BjM M-t. and hint t. litnw malclie« wi r»< abandom-d MMMMM iwm;
    69 words
  • 52 7 Ilinii's Tiuui Lon'lon, Ani;n«t 7 V Mi-lh MM njeaMge aayn the, I'omino*. weilth haft loutribuUil twothounand aMMMJ .f aernhnx a nrlu U-aiu to ■Way n KrjMMr, a lUllarat ca<l.-t who pi. -ado 1 a ■MtMMM ob).«tiou ti military »»r> been ordered to uiako up arrt-ara of Mi 11.
    52 words
  • 47 7 I. Mi-Tan hHMiMj a, Au^tuit h Til- t'oiuniini haa rt-il a aecouj tim« ayiJi vole* to, tho TaMMi > liM M notoria^ liberty ol politu-al action to tho unioon aa b -fore thr i»tboini- juli;iniMit. but wilb ittiiiiu N for thi. nn4oetioa o' mioori
    47 words

  • 13 8 1 hr S-raila Tnu.-« 1* Bfll respoosible lor I I ,i«cr>rn-<pon.l' otft.]
    13 words
  • 90 8 1 th- sUMai of ihe Strata Timea. Sir, I noti.-e tier.- aru noun- errors io tl»« i!>. n-uitof the match Singapore h v M l(.< MUUMki in your f Ik) Ml ui*t. ami I «ill be glad il you will get i«an«- ronecU-d. C W. Bank* .w I'oh
    90 words
  • 236 8 Bow Down To the K "ntor of the Straits Times. I 1 Whiten r may have been r« or her MM ire t«o await 10 your trading k I late. wliK-h will not fail M tXcitv tin- JU*t reaeotiuent of very I Asiatic I refer to the word* ..iwo." It
    236 words
  • 920 8 To th<- Liii.or ->f lli>- Strait* Timea. biii Vow parliasM in thu caiu|>aiga for ■•■»ni» v prutly coiu IVS till-" ant MS p ■^■•ible l*t*tiou ■>-• up to ;h« present h*J tr m 1 but Ktol open ah«.nce of the Utter. it i* perliap* 1. i-vimc Mat
    920 words
  • 45 8 Notes in General. Tli- Mt W.llich football team, capuioed hy I'huii Eng V«a, m>t the J'lvenile Fwtball Club in a friendly game of aoocer yester- lay aft. rncxm The gMM u'ie«l io a draw of urn- K'«l tach K«- < h. ok referecd.
    45 words
  • 144 8 The Chn.-nR.-nai Cup Race. Tli- etiiniDatiog heat in tba contest for tlie ilneocnii Cup. which bad to be portl« mil IbM weik on account of rather choppy >-ea- a the oourte, will be rowrd this iiiasjiag TI- venue of the race ha* been i'hang>-d tolaujong Kirn wl,< ro calm
    144 words
  • 456 8 LL.T.C. Tournament. 4 yiterJay'* play id M.v Ladies' Lawn Teauit Club louroai' I a. Cum Docbli*. Mi ao<l Mr Cantrell rec. 0 beat Mrs. Don net and Mr. Vowlir xt. 6—l. 6—2. 1 --.I u.ud nul Mr. M igli-toD owe 5 Mai Mf« UuekUnd and Mr. Walker rec
    456 words
  • 868 8 Price* Quoted In Ike Mtrkei ThU M«r.iag Blaaapnr«, Aogust 8. 191 J ■swi L.JBJI aad B»»» KzetiMut to <hw Broker* iasac Ibc toUowma lu4 o qu MHH Ibis oiovaoMj i— Nob Value Bovan 1 AIU«M 2,6 >'■ I/. OpMoa* 1 Aniilo J»»* B 1 1 Anglo -Jokon
    868 words
  • 467 8 New Vessels for the Java-Australia Line. We are informed that two new nWrorr* have been ordered by tin- Koyal I'arket Su«iu Navigation Co. for the .l»v» \n<itiHlia trade, mii t» n:_ built in AmxUnlai'i by tin N'< r Ihd>lm.'l < Sehe*|«buuiv Ma-i'-. !i»|i|'ij, and the oilier by
    467 words
  • 186 8 It it Dot ufi«-o tliat tl.- notice boar'] at the liritmb CoDKulatt I.aprx.-D«i to be without a marriage aDnimoctUjeut. but fcucli 11 the cane jutt no*. It it MMllj **y> the N.C. Daily New*, for tlie ntiubtr uf marna^t-a to dtcJino daring tlir muhwi inoalba. ol tbe
    186 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 12 8 Km Children s Hacking Coagb at NicM. Wuuoa' uioi i >pyariinl v>aM>
      12 words
    • 180 8 LA rCS r ADVEifTISEMBNTS. GINS. (ior<*oo Dry Oio (ia aq o a -e bottle*) po*>e«ses tbe peeoliar fltvoor of Qtaoioe Oio an i tha term Dry accurately da«rtbea it. O irdoo't Old Tom Gia (io rooad bottle) is a tweet Rio tod ba< tbe reputation ol a century aad a
      180 words
    • 562 8 RAFFLESjIOTEL Special ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 10. INOO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. > FOR PBNANO AND CALCUTTA. The Company Staamer KL'TSANO. 4 885 ton*. h.C. D. Bradiey, l ooiruaodi r, wi 1 be de-pitctx'l (or tIM) above poiU OO Saturday, the 10th ioatact. at 4 p m. She has ci» l.cot
      562 words
    • 399 8 AN UNRIVALLED SERIES OF PICTURES p*flvidifg h ti' M ara IN TONIGHTS ENTIRE CHANGE ATTHI MARLBOROUGH PK rUM TriK.\Tl<K. IiKvCH K >AD Jud Mi iw, VHO t 11 r Milord L'Arsouillc OR MY LORD THE SCAMP •■in Mm pa-ta. 11. I p.- I. I til II V I .tOO id
      399 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 369 9 OT I V^l I ■■■r^ L*********tf^_ The Best Quality in Brandy martell's'Skß) BLUE SILVER LABEL. Fo say that a Brandy is better than Martell lt^|iM is an empty boast to beat Martell for iJ^kT Quality a frank impossibility. l]f\ l Obtainable from all Dealers. If it Ik* not true, speak
      369 words
    • 609 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CCS Royal Mall •t**msr.lp Uttw. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPB Vu cbika Jaraai, Canada ajtd tbb (.'■ITBO STATBf Kootc from HoogkooK, via Shanghai. Nagasaki (Inland He* ol Japaa), Kobe y okebama, Victoria aad Vancouver. R.M.3. "Bmpreaa of ladia") Twin screw I Swjamen R.MS.-Bmpreasot Japan") rtM.B."Monl«gte"]
      609 words
    • 582 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO. LTD. APGAR LINE OF STEAMERS. The ondermen tinned mail *t*amer* of il' above Line maintain a refralar service bt tweet Calcutta aod Japan, calling at F'enarn Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en root* FLEET Tons Command' i Jaraa S.ule L.Y. aujma.-^ Oaaaoßf Anu
      582 words
    • 266 9 JHew 1912 Models of the: famous RACHALS PIANO. Agents TMB ROBINSON PIANO CO.. LTD. fiS i M^S ***wa**wi >• s ■bbH B J*BW Bt H CQ 0 (D *'0* HT^L*****!^B*****VVB****r"^wj**************Pw4 1 l 75 t^*~? B~B l > l > ™!?H B^*?ti i*J bbib***bi IB^P <-> ovt J>9^J w ff\ «B*wa*nsl
      266 words
    • 94 9 M. S. COWAN turf commission agent. b:ok now ofen on TAIPING RACES RUM AUGUST 18, LS, 17. TREBLES, DOUBLES AND STRAIGHT OUT. For part ion 1 irs .mil price*, apply 291, Raffles Place 3 8 let) Basolene Light and Cycle Co., 4*61. BBACH KOAD (Nauit to Rafll** Hot*l). MOTOR REPAIRERS
      94 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 481 10 INSURANCE. •REAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Heid Office Wlacbcster House, Boar* of Oiroa*o>»ai 6. A. Daaaioa, Bag., Chafcnaau A. B Faib. Bs« Miaanhan Direotot rataa Fowub. b.b.. 0.a.. ObW Med. Ofßoer V. M. Btuoi, Bag A. D. Auu Bag. Tow N»a» Pab, Bag. Owe 800 a Taa, Bsq KaooSiAa
      481 words
    • 397 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASBUMNCfc (UMPAMY Of CANADA. BhTABLISBBI' 166 V Direct Government »ua>arvia*O« Oonawiamit AueNt. Pol.oMaare "WORLD WIDB" tad Nob Forfeitaalc. I BißjO Met »urp4MO above UaWlittea to* Maaarui aod all outstanding olaims. Mwev Buainosia, 1911. ovi r.. WJOOfiOOJOO Oaab Loans. Settlcoxata, etc., otadc looally. Nomerou modora acbemca J. H.
      397 words
    • 543 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTNAUA ANO CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER I Paid op Capital ia M 000 Start* ol 430 each 41,100 000 Reserve KnnJ. a1.U0.000 Illliti HaoiUtf cl Prepnotora... 41J00 000 BANKBRS Baak of Knuland Tbe Loadoa Ottj A Midlaad Bank Ltd. Nattonal Baak of aootlaad, Ltd
      543 words
    • 453 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TONS BANKING ANO INSURANCE Ca. LTD. NO. 57 AND 68. XLI.NO 81REBT. BerABUaBBO 1907 Capital paid 0p.... %\fXAfiOOSXi Btaurve liability of proprietors... 000.00 COUbT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Ta* Took Joom 8. Low Kbuoh Yaa I. Tah owi Kmi 7. Sim Kja Jan 8. Laow 1
      453 words
    • 693 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OF EXCELLENT WAX POLISHED TEAK HOI'iEHULD KIIiMITKK At Powell A Co.'s Saleroom, Oh Satimdit, A i ti »t 10, at 11 aa. Haodsomely oarvud waxpobabed teak aideboard teak dining table wax polish. -J teak aad rattan staodard cbaiM teak hat aad nmbrella stand wax polished
      693 words

  • 1178 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Tin X.A.C. baa iaaoed itn oertiftoate of the performance of a 65-b.p. Napier car in a ran from London to Lands End by Sbafteabory and Exeter, Laud End to Jotin o' OroaU by Exeter. Gloucester, Carlialr, and Stirling and John o'
    1,178 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 184 11 WOLSELEY Messrs Vickers, Ltd. TtM O*p wtiMti Imbodie* tH« Mialmum of quality, at t*M minimum of ooat. SPECIAL FEATURES. Silent Running. tV«MIt Flexibility. ■le^»wo. of D«*l«n. Abejolut. RoHeaMIHy. SOLS AOBNTB. B.S a F M S CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LTD., Singapore «.nd Kuala Lumpur. SUNBEAM'S Wonderful Performance in the GRAND PRIX
      184 words
    • 8 11 Vut Clironic Cln-«t Complaiot., Woods' OruU fupinmatßt Con.
      8 words
    • 98 11 CONTINENTAL CYCLE TYRES. FROM ALL LEADING DEALERS. CONTINENTAL TYRE AND RUBBER CO., LTD.. Singapore:. Jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml Made in Dublin. BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION a, READ BROTHERS, m Dog's Head Guinness witt tb« Doc Head Labal c. every bottU BaaCi t* U •opcrior to any Mont b«eio— to brewed from the only
      98 words
    • 113 11 MANURES FOB RUBBER, COCONUTS, Etc., Eto. C. 1. F. Prices, with full particulars how to use and apply manures for various produce, will be supplied on application to FREUOENBERG CO., MA MURE WORKS, COLOMBO CEYLON. 1331 ***** JAPANESE DENTIST. Or. T. Hashimoto, MO. 3«7. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. -0 4 it
      113 words