The Straits Times, 24 June 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.908 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JUNE 24. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 205 1 ROBINSON AND COMPANY. For Ladies' Smart Foot Wear and Coloured Hosiery. Ko.«4ro6L*di**'Fin*aiao*Kidßluoh No. ***** N*w Styl* Short «r Ribbon Lace Sho*, Grey suede upper*, Buokl* Sho*, in Qity Snede, Black and Patent Leather Toe Cup. Cuban Heel. Brown Olace Kid, Cuban Heel. Price: $7.75 per pair. U Price: $7.78
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  • 985 2 SPEECHES BY EARL CURZON AND EARL ROBERTS. Valour and Drink. In the Royal Army Temperance Association there are enrolled 67,433 members, of whom 88,405 serve in the Indian Army. Of the members in the Army serving at home 28,880 are total abstainers, 2,795 belong to the temperance
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  • 881 2 VIEWS OF THE MERCHANTS IN CALCUTTA. Smuggling and Revenue. In view of the critical state of the opium trade in India at the present time, a representative of the Statesman waitod on one of the largest opium merchants in Calcutta to ascertain his views on the subject.
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  • 153 2 The most valuable piece of salvage work ever undertaken is nearly completed, says a Home paper of June 1, all the .£750,000 worth of gold and silver in the sunken P. and 0. liner Oceana off Eastbourne having now been salved, except four bars and one box of
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  • 51 2 Albuhera day, when all panisbment is repealed and the day is devoted to joviality, was celebrated by the 4th Battalion Middlesex Regt. at North Raglan Barracks, Devonport. The anniversary is observed in commemoration of the battle of Albuhera, fought on May 16, 1811, when the regiment earned tho sobriquet of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 588 2 A Vigorous Elderly Lady Age Weakness, Sleeplessness, Sciatica It has been life to me for more thnn ten years says Miss Mason in acknowleJ^inn how completely PhoaferiM skives her the vigour and strength to overcome the feebleness aial infirmities of 70 years uf age. Since t.ikin- Pho--ferine, all sleeplessness and
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    • 52 2 Causes of Constipation. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise, insufficient mastication of food constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, are tbe most common causes of stomach troubles. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and yon will soon be well again. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 209 2 ipp^S-Si Strong liM^^iF In Body, Brain and Nenc TAKE 4 VANA'— i Tonic Wins You will toon fed like dew being, with :i healthy appetite, buoyant spirits, a cool head, steady nerves am! j fresh hope and interest in \our business and i icial life. When Exhausted by Sickness 'VANA'
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  • 1733 3 MARKED IMPROVEMENT IN THE ACCOUNTS. Additional Output of Tin. The fifth annual meeting of the Labat Mines, Limited, was held on May 30, at Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Mr. Walter James Payne presiding. The Chairman said Ladies and gentlemen, I think you will agree with me that the
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  • 316 3 Queens 50 Years' Residence in Great Britain. Wednesday next. June 26. will be observed as Alexandra Day throughout London. Although the fiftieth anniversary of Queen Alexandra's landing in the liritish Isles, to become the bride of the future King Edward VII., will not take place until next year,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 335 3 The National Mutual Life Association of Australasia Limited, Established 1869. Tho flrat Life Assurance Office in the World to apply the NonForfeiture Principle to Policies. A MUTUAL OFFICE NO BHAREHOLDERB ALL PROFITS BELONG TO POLICYHOLDERB. Annual Income il9lli $10,268,128.00. Funds $57,434,777.00. Claims Paid $48,680,853 00. STATEMENT showing tho progress of
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    • 11 3 For Children's Hao'.ing Cough at Night, Wo.ds' Oroat J cp^iuiiut Lure.
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    • 94 3 This Famous Medicine will cleanse the Blood ot all impurities from whatPI ARK P'ft ever cause arising. A UUUIIIC O mte Remedy for Eczema, Bad Legs, Scrofula, RLO(in Blood Poison, Sores of uu all kinds, Boils, Ernp- tions, Ulcers, Glandular MIXTURE. Swelling.. *o. Of all Stores, kc. 45 yean, auooesß.
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    • 178 3 SINGAPORE OOLD STORAGE W^^§l CO., LTD. BRANiT ,NBAR ENTRANCE BORN.O WHAHJ) WQyj <;| x.i.phon. toae Polishes and Pleases. Makes copper like gold. UBeastoonoiaUai*dioiFKOZßr^ MEATS, etc, *o bo <kti,rred to TTj,, Xl, c s j| ver Shipping at tho Wnarvu> or lIKe »"> the Siojapore Routs, os «fc O rl r%
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 617 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. 1 P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOB OHINA, JAPAN, PKNANO, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BGYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLYMOOTH AND LONDON. Through Billn of Lading iaaned (or Cnina Coast, Persian Gull, Continent*! and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about:— MAIL LINES 1918 Outward (for Ohm*.) Devanha
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    • 674 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained be- 1 tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. I The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining I this service have been specially designed and constructed, and
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    • 657 4 STEAMER SAILINGB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. Foe Pahang, Benerah, Tringgana Bint, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Baignara Telopin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kohaamui, Bandoo, Langsnan Cbumpon Taku, Kohlak and Bangkok. Dim Oapartun S p.m. a.a. M AHIOOL Juno 96 M. REDANG JuM a« Juno 39 Will not
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    • 524 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AM) KUTKH MHPFICiIM MMRTMEI UIU IREMEI Combined Bervloe. The ntoamers of these Companies maintain k egular servioo between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homeward*, they are dnspatebed fort sightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month (or
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    • 624 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. orddeutscher Lloyd, Bram«r. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. U The fMt and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly (rom Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples toouneot ing Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Snei, Aden, Colombo. Penan*, Singapore
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 931 5 STEAMER SAIUNM. AUSTRIAN LLOYD (Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Government). New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai. From and to Trieste and Venice, calling at Port Said, Suea, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai, and at Penang on the homeward voyage. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Due to arrive on or about Dae to
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    • 610 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CCS Royal Mall Steamship Una. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Via China, Japan, Canada and tie Cnitbd Statbs. Rouse from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sec ot Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanooaver. R.M.S. Bmpress of India" Twin screw R.M.8. Bmnre. ot Japan" Jjm-^ R.M.S.
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    • 697 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD. KAPCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. The undermentioned mail steamers of .lit ibove Line maintain a regular asrrioe between Calcutta and Jspan, calling at Penang Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route FLEET Toni Commando* J*»a» 8,018 L.T. Archdeacon 1 Ommmon Aro*» 4.BCC J. 8.
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    • 412 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INOO-CHtNA STEAM NAY. CO.. LP. Dlrsct Service to Japan via Hongkoni Shanghai snd to Calcutta via Psnanf from Singapore Taking cargo on through Bills ot Lading for Canton, Maoao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtsso Porte, Formosa, the Philippine, etc. etc., eta Steamers. Tons Commander Rotsako 4,896 «L
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    • 85 5 Made in Dublin. BOTTLED FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION b, READ BROTHERS, u«-«d Dog's Head Guinness witb tbe Dog's Head Label on every bottii. Is superior to any stout because It is brewed from the only .tout water in the world; the DUBLIN WATER. Keeps in all climates. Always uniform and standard
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 i w JP (^i** Mr ■BhPß^^^Hl l •Wi i i ii.'fiv! iii nn isi i.'i T o mjJrMi^f^ STHmi T SC7TL£H"PJ AW>!bO!"i.C!lFiaAN*(. l t ->2-. l( FEOEK-?EjKAWrMA-ti 4 SM.M THE BEST BEER FOR A TROPICAL CLIMATE. Special SHow of Latest Novelties IN DIAMOND, JADE AND OTHER UP-TO-DATE JEWELLERY. Also A
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    • 384 6 DO YOU RECOGNIZE That the daily aae of an Antieeptio Mouth Wat h ia an IMPORTANT DUTY not to be overlooked, (or the simp'e reason, that p<micle« of food sccamnlate in the cavities tnd interstices of the teetb, thereby c»u»idk FERMENTATION which eventually leads to decay. ALKADENT is an Aotiteptio
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    • 378 6 TEA SETS TEA SET OF 42 PIECES. Con,pcB'd of 12 t a cup* and nancm of the fineness nf aoefgiiLitll, 12 plate", 2 largu plate* »n I tea pot, milk fm sit<ar basia, fin^rr bowl. Very bandBonn \j d< cnr«ted in red aod noli! and other colours with fine baodpainted
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  • 86 7 FIXTURES Monday, June 24. High Water, 5.41 a.m., 6.14 p.m. M. M. homeward mail doe. Tuesday, June 35. Higb Watjr, 7.12 a.m., 7.6 p.m. Wednesday, June j6. Hiuh W»tor, H.H a.m., 7.55 pm Belat Tin mooting, noon. rnursday, June 27. U gh Water, 9.25 am.. 8.33 p.m.
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  • 178 7 To-DAt Malacca Sappho 8 pm P. Swotfcioliaru j and T lokAeaa Perak 8 pm I Batu Pa'i it Sri Woogsec 3 pm Port Sw. nh un, Pnnang, Necaj.i. \tn and Madras Taroba 4 pm i Bagan C. Hock Kian 4 pm Penang, Colombo, A kn, Sjiz, etc.
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  • 150 7 Tho M. M. ompiny's steamer Nera left Sait-oa at 1 1 a.m. yesterday, ani may be expected to arrit-j btrc at about 13 a.m. to morrow. A Q rmRD ftoauier passed through the! poit from Wi st t i Ka-t at 8 p m. ytsrerdsy, sbnuiDt! no
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  • 633 7 Latest Arrivals. Ban Liong, Dut. *tr. 275 tons, Captain Bflh rt-un, Junn2:i. From bmashin, JuLe 19. G.c. I: ii K> ug. For liiuass.u, June 27. Rdg. Carlyle, Brit. str. 284 tuus, Capt Duringtr, Juuo 11. From Port S'uam, June 21. G.c. and 4 d.p. Straits Steamships Coy. Ltd.
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  • 99 7 Wharves at \vh'<h Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONG PAGAR Bast Wbaef Basin— Nil. Bast W.Sbction No. I— Sui Sing, Tarobi. Sbiirs Wiur- Nil. Maim W. Sict. No. 2— l«chia, Fook Sang. B— Nil. 4— Silesia. s— Paroo. 6— T.-ncer, Peleu«, Circe. N«w Doci
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  • 160 7 Arrivals. I'er str. Haiphong, June 23.— From Batavia. Mesers. Smith, Stolz Coronel, llwd inirs, M. Khaliria and J. Klialiff.i. It r vti Selesia, June 22.— From Hamburg. Mr. Martens. I'.r itr. Kalwi. .liiui 2:;. lioin Malacca. Mr. ChHMfi Per str. I'tuain;. June 2:!.— From Port Swettenham. Colonel
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  • 257 7 Finance Commerce. ■XCHANOE. Swaaroßß, Junb 34. MIS On Loiioob— Bank 4 m/i l'»J Dsmand iii-it Private 6 m/s i/J',] S m/s l/4i Ob QutMun— Bank d/d »88i Private B m/» 2«2i Oh Faaaoß— Bank d/d 394 Private m/s 399 i m l«ou- Bank T. T. 1741 Private Md/s ITS} 0»
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    • 151 7 I«rae 3 10 10 B«,i»l Tib 10 10 Bnuuix 10 10 K»n»boi 41 41 KinU Tib 41 41 Lahtt Mine* 6/- Pfchang Coniol 41 41 Pengkftlen 41 41 Posing Bthto 41 41 Poaing Limi 10 10 R»hm*o Hyd 41 41 Rtlimia Tib 41 41 Rambaten Bayerr, Sell r*. 4.40
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    • 551 7 Value 2 Boyer* Sellert 2/. 8/. AUnar 2 5 2 10* 3/. a/. Anfjlo-Maiay :iB/9 IS,--3/. 2/- Batang Malaka 3/8 a 6 41 41 BataC»»cB 13 5 0 18 0.0 41 41 B»tn Tiga 2IV 8 8 7.6 41 41 Bukit Kajang 2.118 2.16 0 41 41 Bnkit Lintang
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    • 110 7 I«rae Value Buyers Sellers 41 41 Elcotrie Tramwayt 8 0 8/9 10 10 FrMer Neave 61. C0 62 00 100 Howaitb Erikiae (0.00 100 7% Pref 02.60 87.60 100 100 K»ti Bro, Dot 180.00 100 100 8% Com. Pret. nom 10 10 BUjnard Co. 30.00 100 100 R. Uar(ireave«
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    • 45 7 Baron Ballet i Howmrtb lrak:ne 4% 1800,000 par Riley. Hargreaves 8% 1284,000 2J Singapore) Biectrio Tramways 6% 4880,000 Spore Municipal 6 11,878,000 nom. Buyen SeUect Spore Municipal 4| of 1907 11.(100,000 7% Spore Municipal 4i% of 1909 11,000.000 10%pm Spore Municipal 4% 1602,900 par
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 Archibald Chumley had a cold, Ho hated oou to know it; Hut whin a Mlow'h iio-c ia red, H<- cauuot help but tbow it. Archibald Chuiuley lovid a girl, So buxom, fnir and comely, Sho K»vti him Woods' NffMBTM Cure, Aud now aho'M Mrs. C'Uuiuluy.
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    • 284 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Jnne 2.—A t saleroom, freehold residential bui'dinn allotment*, fronting Scotts Road, between Orchard Road and The Entrance to Tin T uiiilin Club, at 2.80. June 29. At Newlands," No. 42, Orange Road, t >ak household furniturp, etc at 8.3\ Jane 29.— At Diisydale," No. 27,
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    • 403 7 I CIGARETTES Not an ounce of Tobacco Is used for their manufacture that has not !"C!V' matured for at least five years. Smokers of "STATE EXPRESS" Cigarettes enjoy the advantage of this striking fact, for it gives them DO CIS. I cigarettes of exclusively superior «JJ" quality. No. 1 5Q
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    • 162 7 NOTICE OF REMOVAL The Girls' Friendly Society have removed from the rooms in Victoria Street to tbe flat over the Art Depot, 217, Orchard Read. 246 24-6 CLERK WANTED. Wanted for F.M S., a Clerk well op in Shipping uid Insurance work. Should be able to use typewriter. Apply EXPORTER,
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    • 61 7 DRAMATIC AND AMUSING SUDJECTS IN TO-NIGHT S PROGRAMME HARIMA HALL CINEMATOGRAPH. THREE WnnOn WORTHY OF MENTION ARE FUNERAL OF KING FREDERICK VIII OF DENMARK. One is Business the other is Crime, 1,000 ft. Biograph Won by a Fish 600 ft. Biograph ALSO The Latest Gaumont Graphic Containing recent.happeninss at Home
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  • 12 8 Nixon. On Saturday, June 22, Alexander Kennedy Nixon, aged 31 years.
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  • 1051 8 The Straits Times. MONDAY, JUNE 24. RAILWAYS AND PROFITS. We arc glad to see that Mr. Aajuith has promised a deputation of Chambers of Commerce that bis Government will fully inquire into the trade disputes law of Canada with a view to ascertaining whether it can bo applied to England.
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  • 20 8 The Ceylon Company of Pearl Fishers was to meet on June 21 for winding np on cancellation of the lease.
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  • 14 8 The members of the Straits Hunting Party shot another deer at Pulo Damar \usterday.
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  • 30 8 It is reported that three coolies employed on a Chinese mine, at the 4th mile, Cherras Road, Taiping, have be n buried alive owing to a Blip of the overbunien.
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  • 28 8 The final payment regarding the litigation in the Osborne case has been made by the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants. The total cost to the society was £11,42:1
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  • 31 8 Kedah is ceding a small tract of country called Blakar Smamang to the X.M.S. The consideration istJU.OOU in ca*h and the construction of a ro<td 23 miles in length into Kedah.
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  • 26 8 Rinderpest has broken out among the caule at Kapala Petas, Province Wdlesloy, and the exportation of cattle from the Province has been prohibited until fuither notice.
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  • 29 8 The directors of the Criterion Tross, Ltd., Penang, proprietors of the Straits l.cho, hare decided to appeal against the judgment against them on tho charge of selling obscene publications.
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  • 39 8 A wire of June 13, says Cholera has broken out at Bombay in a very bad form. A very high mortality was reported yesterday, 347 deaths being attributed to cholera, the total attacks being 126 and deaths 119 isic!)
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  • 37 8 Mr. A. Harris, who resides with ether European employees of Messrs. Topbaui, Jones and Kailton at 695 Kampong lialiru Koad, reports to the police the theft, from the house, of two topees and a silver cigarette case.
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  • 51 8 The Bombay Port Trust have received a telegram from Mangalore, stating that the British India Co.'s sUamer L'mU is in di fficulties off that coast. The Port Trust are unable to send a tug to her assistance. The Umta is of .'.,422 tons and was due in Bombay on June
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  • 39 8 A motor-car, since ascertained to belong to the Straits Kickaha Co., 7i Bras Basah Road, knocked down a Chinaman at the 4th mile, Thomson Koad yesterday evening, but drove on without stopping. The victim is not very badly injured.
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  • 46 8 We notice by tho China Medical Journal that a Medical Journal in Chinese will be published shortly, both in Peking and Canton. A correspondent to the M. Journal states that the Canton Government is now employing six foreign traiued physicians, one a graduate of Edinburgh University.
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  • 57 8 The office on Singapore United Rubber Estates was broken luto by thieves uu Saturday night. They gained access by breaking into the rubber store which adjoins the othce, and, by means of a ladder, climbing over a partition that seperates the two places. They then forced the safe and stolo
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  • 60 8 The police were summoned yesterday to investigate a case of alleged theft reported by Mr. W. B. Hutton, a resident at The ta.les, Killiney Koad. The property said to have been stolen comprised clothing to the value of »3"J, but on investigation the police discovered that most of it Hi
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  • 71 8 The New York Globe beads its report of Mr. Smith's speech, Oh I What an Ass and it declares that as a summary of the evidence given at the inquiry the committee's report is farcical. Other New York journals call attention to Mr. Smith's recommendation that buoys shoulu be carried
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  • 76 8 Messrs. Quilliam, of Liverpool, solicitors, acting on behalf of the relatives of Thomas Hart, marine fireman, of Liverpool, supposed to have been lost in the Titanic disaster, have received a remarkable statement trom his motlier. She says that her son has arrived, and informs her that he had his discharge
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  • 86 8 At the request of several United States bishops, tho Vatican has consented to the display of cinematograph pictures of religious subjects in churches, on condition that the host is removed during the pert oi mances. The Vatican decree extends to Great and Greater Britain, as well as to the United
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  • 114 8 The subject of clean weeding on rubber estates has received a side reference as the result of the Horticultural Exhibition. It must, of course, be understood that the conditions of agriculture in England and tho tropics are widely different, and, because apple trees in grass in a temperate climate are
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  • 127 8 Slight as the clues were tho police have lost little timo in arresting the men who are believed to be responsible for the murdoroos attack on Malay I. C. 638 in Merchant lioad on Saturday morning. Although the injured man was too near death to render any assistance, Inspector Taylor
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  • 405 8 Captain Chancellor, C.P.0., has gono on a short holiday trip to Kolantan. tin Wednesday, the 19th inst., Mr. W. 1> Scott, British agent, Trengganu, was taken ill. But later advices show that he rapidly recovered. The F.M.S. yacht Sea Belle arrived on Saturday from Port S.vitteuhaiu with
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  • 48 8 The dates set apart for mobilization and manu uvrrs in Siuy.iporr this year are as follow -Tuesday aud We>lues<l«y, Septeui be i. 17 and IM, mobilization Thursday. September 19, demobilization Friday, Sep teiuber '.20, Saluulay. Sei>tembt i _'l ami Sun day. September °J2, field operations.
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  • 106 8 For several months past, says Le Temps, the French postal authorities have adopted telegrams for deferred transmission at reduced rates to various European countries. This service has now been extended by agreement with different foreign governments and telcgiaph companies to several nou European countries, including the United
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  • 163 8 The homeward bound French mail steam er Nera was due to arrive in Singapore this morning but information has been received at the local office of the Messaneries Maritimcs that the vessel will not arrive till tomorrow morning about 10 o'clock. The delay, according to
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  • 188 8 Early yesterday morning, the kebun at Essex Lodge, Scott's Koad, found Mr. A. I). Cox, of Messrs. Adaiuson, (iillilUn and Co., lying unconscious on tin ground beneath tin 1 verandah of the house. Medical assistance was at once obtained and tho unfortunate gentleman was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 172 8 I 35oer Wobaeeo "I "SPRINGBOK Finest Quality Genuine Magaliesberg Tobacco MANCPACTURBD IN THI Transvaal. In 4-oz. linen bags, OBTAINABLE AT 30 CTS. John LITTLE CO.. LTD.. Per Bag. ROBINSON CO.. KATZ BROS.. LTD.. WHITEAWAY.LAIDLAW&CO..LD. ■H^^_l_Elfl_^HH!|HH___H_H_E_Hr B OB r fi SH m |H Orange Pekoe Tea, 2-lb. Tin $2.35 \^!rjM Assam
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    • 226 8 j_ PICTURE OF 1 UNIQUE INTEREST "ONE HUNDREO YEARS AFTER The Title gives no indication of what the Film is like, and leaves yon to guess the kind of Picture it in. YOU WILL WANT TO SEE IT, AND WILL ASSUREDLY APPRECIATE IT. In addition to this film, the following
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  • 513 9 ROOSEVELT WITHDR\WS FROM CONVENTION. Prepared for Independent Campaign. Kiltkk's Tilkobam. London, Jane 22. I Renter wires from Chicago that the I convention is quieter, anil tho regular I Republican;) have assorted their control of it. Tho procoeliugs are confined to votes on reports of tho ere dcntials committee
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  • 96 9 TRADE PARALYSED AT LEADING PORTS. Government Arbitration Refused. Kiutnr's Tiliubam. London, June ■> Itcutt* wires from Marseilles that the port in at a standHtill owing to the Btriko. The ('uuipiininr Transatlantique lin decided to lay up all its vessols. Masters and men have refused Government arbitration. Tho
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  • 38 9 Hkutkk's Tklborax. LondoD, Jauo XL The Kiu» at Windsor Park rcviewod fifteen thousand mcuibcrß of tlio St John's Ambulanco Brigade, includint> huiuo overseas cod tin^cntH. It line ilisplay and the TrimsvaolcrH were promiucnt.
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  • 60 9 Port Authority Refuses to Give Evidence. Reutir' 3 Tklkob km. London, Jane 22. The Port of London Authority has refused the invitation of Sir Oeo Askwith to give evidence before the Industrial Council regarding tlio anr<*:UH-uU. The men's leaders held meetings yesterday and said there was a prospect
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  • 72 9 German Scientific Expedition. Rittib's i'vLßiikty. London, Jane 22. A German Arctic expedition via the North West passage, under the leadership of Lieutenant Scbroeder Suauz, starts in Jane 1913 and will be absent tbrco to four yean. It returns via tin) Pacific and Atlantic. ll.mi rary presidents, including
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  • 45 9 KIITI.IS HLIUkAM. London, Jane '2:1. A family gathering was hrld at Windsor to celebrate tlic Prince of Wales' birthday. He continues bis studies in I'arU and will return probably on Thursday. The Prince is said to be very popular in France.
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  • 33 9 IiELTKR's TILKIiBAM. I.i.uilon. June 22. A Brussels message says a buiub exploded yes'it T<l;ty ui^ht with terrific force in the letter box of the Gerniau Minister. No one was injnn<l.
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  • 43 9 KI.ITKKS TkLEOKAM. London, Jane 22. Lord Haldauc, opening a territorial drill hall at Plumstead. said he had not ceased bis connection with the army, as the Premier bad asked him to continue on the Committee [)f Imperial Defence.
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  • 27 9 Rectek's Tklegram. London, June 22. At the Horse Show at Olympia the Canadian Seftou jumped 7 feet 5j inches which U a world's rccoid.
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  • 22 9 KIOTIH'B TlLB'ihAM. London, June 22. Legislator Sinclair has been appointed to succeeded Sir Joseph Ward on the Imperial Trade Commission.
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  • 28 9 RbCTlh's TELKOHAM. London, June While a waggonload of shells was being unloaded one exploded, killing an Italian officei and 7 bluejackets and wounding three others.
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  • 34 9 RIDTKK'ti TILEORAM. London, .lane 23. A Dieppe message says that in the lightwoight championship of Europe the Frenchman l.olnpy knocked out Digger Stanley in the seventh round. It was a fine fight.
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  • 49 9 Rictek's Telegram. London, Jane 24. A sensation has been created in Berlin by the arrest of a Russian Captain named Kostevitch on a charge of espionage. He has been living in Berlin (or some months, ostensibly studying aviation in the interest* of the Russian War Ministry.
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  • 90 9 Dkr Ostasiatischi Lloyd Trlkqram. Berlin, June 23. Dr. Bethmanu, after meeting the Kaiser, will go to Gastein to take the cure. M. Scrbyeff, at present at Athens, has been appointed Itussian Ambassador at Berlin. The German Imprial Treasury shows a balance for last year of 249 million marks.
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  • 37 9 1 >BR OsTASIATISCHI LliiYl) TkIeOBAX. Berlin, Jane 22. The German survey ship Planet has found on the east coast of the Philippines a depth of 9980 metres, which is the greatest jet discovered.
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  • 433 9 :\NON BARTON-PARKES DIES AT TAIPING. Memorial Service. It is with sincere regret that his many riends throughout the Diocese of Singapore iv ill learn of the death of the Rev. Canon F. I. Barton- Parkes, of All Saints' Church, Tai liny, wl.ich occurred, after several weeks' llncss, at
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  • 286 9 Directors' Record of the Great Calamity. Reference is made in the report ot tbe directors of the White Star Company to the loss of the Titanic as follows: The directors would, under ordinary circumstances, have closed their report without reference to events applying to the year 191*2.
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  • 39 9 Dbb Ostasiatischb Llotd Telbgkax. Berlin, Jane 22. At tbe Kiel races the following were the placings in the Schooner Race 1. Germania, 2. Meteor, 8. Waterwitch, an English boat. Prince Henry's Tilly won the special class race.
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  • 41 9 Die Outasiatischb Lloyd Tblbqram. Berlin, June 22. The Czar has received and entertained 240 members of the Duma. He thanked them for their settlement of questions of defence, especially the provision of funds for the navy. m^.^^—^^ m
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  • 210 9 A very valuable addition to Hongkong's fire fighting appliances was made on June 13, when there arrived on the steamer Mocmouth from home a fine new motor tender for use at the Central Station. The new tender, which was constructed by Messrs. Merryweathers to specifications which had
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  • 1712 9 PROSPECTIVE COST OF YIELD DISCUSSED. Rubber Prices. The sixth annual general meeting of the tatn Tiga (Selangor) Rubber Company, .limited, was held on May 29, at Winchester louse. Old Broad Street, EC, Mr. L. T. lonstead (chairman) presiding. The Secretary (Mr. 11. M. Graham) having cad the
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  • 543 9 Thoroughly Pleasant Evening at Dutch Club. If any exception can be taken to the pianoforte and vocal recital given by Miss Grace de Kozario, A.X.C.M.. A.H.C.'V, andMrs.H.C. Jackson, A.H.C.M.. at the Dutch Club on Saturday evening, it is that the venue is emphatically uot suitable for .-uch an
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  • 38 9 The following prices for rubber were realised by public auction at the Auctioi Mart, 77 River Side, Malacca, on Juno 12 Sheet No. 1 12)2 50 Sheet No. 2 2i7 50 Bark crepe 1&~> 60
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  • 195 9 SOME FINE PERFORMANCES AT STAMFORD BRIDGE. Glorious Weather Conditions. KBUTBR'S T«LHiBAM. London, June 22. The athletic championships meeting ,t Stamford Bridge took placu in glorious feather and thero was a large attcndanc« ml much interest in view of the Olympics. ft the mile Owen won easily, his time
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  • 109 9 STRONG MEASURES AGAINST STRIKERS. Explosion of Bombs and Cavalry Charges. KICTBKS TbLBOKAM. London, June 22. The Lisbon Government is determined to ;nd the tramway strike which has lasted ibree weeks. It has arrested the leaders, md the first trams ran yesterday escorted >y troops. Three bombs were
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  • 93 9 DISCUSSIONS EXPECTED AT PEKING. General Terms of Agreement. Rbctsb's Tbliukam. London, June 22. There will be further meetings of the liv Powers bankers to discuss the future irraugements as necessity arises, but it is uncertain whether they will assemble in London, Paris or Hcrliu. Meanwhile, further conversations
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  • 65 9 Some Astonishing Scores Made. Kkiter's Tblboram. London, June 22. Tin- open n'li championship is taking place at Muirticld. On the concluding day of the qualifying rounds Tom Hall made a fIS, and a record two rounds in 144. Macfarlauo did a 74 which is the amateur record.
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  • 63 9 Kioteb's Tili»ba«. Lonilon, Juan 22. Sussex beat Cambridge by 4 wickets. NortliautH beat Kent by 240 rnDB. Yorkshire beat Notts by five wickets. Derby beat Leicester by S3 huh Middlesex beat Essex by seven wickets. The South Africans beat South Wales by 330 runs. Gloucester beat Worcester by
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  • 707 10 AMERICANS IMPRESSIONS OF ROYAL COURT. A Golden Age of Amity. London is tho most peaceful place for an Ameiie-an to day," Raid Mrs. Kline'r I.lack, of New York, to an Kvening Standard representative on May 20. Mrs. Black is odo of the leaeling advocates of peace in the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 147 10 To the Editor of the Straits Tunes. Sir, Ancnt the correspondence under the titlo of Systems of Shorthand," which appeared in your i*sue of yesterday's and to-day's, it may be of interest to your British readers to note that the Home Correspondence School of Springfield, U.S.A., the Straits Agency
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  • 76 10 The Commercial and Financial World (Now York) states that tho business of William I oris-- and Co., the oldest British Inn. I North China, long carried ou in New .uk L' 1 tho lato Me K. .1. Frasor Campbell, bet a succeeded to by Messrs. Dowler, i'^ lies md Co.,
    76 words
  • 40 10 Mr. O. Moir, the Veterinary Surgeon, Pvrak North, is going on long leave during tho first week of August. Mr. Percy Short, the very capable Veterinary Surgeon, Porok South, will act for Mr. Moir in addition to his own duties.
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  • 1145 10 Mr. David Drummond and Miss Annie Blair. The Presbyterian Church was charmingly decorated in white, on Saturday, when Mina Annie Blair, daughter of the late Capt. John I sluir, was accompanied to the communion table by her brother Mr. F. Younger Blair, who gave her away if marriage
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  • 708 10 Australian Experiences and English Opinion. A paper on Australian Railways," which was read before tho Colonial Section of the Royal Society of Arts on May 22 by Mr. .1. O. Jenkins (ex-Premier of South Australia), provoked a discussion on the nationalisation of railways, in which part was taken
    708 words
  • 170 10 Jewels from the Forbidden City of Lhasa, the ancient capital of Tibet, form part of a collection of precious stones now in London, which is one of tho finest ever brought out of tho East. They have beta collected by M. Jacques Cartier, and include enormous
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  • 644 10 Drastic Measure to Remedy Beetle Scourge. The Mindanao Herald of May 11 contains the following article on a new measure to safeguard coconnt trees in the Philippines against the beetle scourge Act No. 286 of tho Legislative Council of Moro Province, passed April '29, 1912, is
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  • 406 10 Old Songs of France Heard in Canada. The special correspondent of the Temps, who has been attending the fetes in Canada in honour of Champlain, the founder of Quebec, notes with pleasure that the old French songs still have a strong hold on the emigrants from Normandy,
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  • 685 10 Pen Picture of Danish King's Resting Place. I'oskilde, where the funeral of the late King Frederik took place, is a sleepy, peaceful little red-brick town, paved with cobble stones, remarkable for a picturesque Rath Mans, and dominated by the finest church in Denmark, writes Lady Jephsou in the
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  • 399 10 Rival Claims of United States and Japan. Two battleship, each of which is claimed to be the biggest in the world, were launched on May 18 one for the I'nited States Navy and the other, at Barrow, for the Japanese fleet. Both claim to be the first to
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  • 690 10 GROWTH OF HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. Romance of Ocean Travel. At an inaugural luncheou given at tho Carlton Hote-I, Lemelon. to i-elebratv the launching of the, Count TOM Rial geraky, the London agent ol the Hamburg Amirika Line, after rea.ling a telegram an nouueiug the safo accomplishment of tho
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  • 356 10 £3,000,000,000 Provided by the British. Three thousand million pounds was stated at the Statistical Society on May '21 to be the aggregate amount of capital provided by the people of this country for the construction and equipment of railways throughout the world. These remarkable fi.uics appeared amongst
    356 words

  • 1493 11 llc.iw cycil ami weary, the Ihx'tor dropp«d inln ii long chair, lit a cigarette. :"i'i Htrctclu-cl liis leys cmitcnUilly. It whs tt n o'clock or thereabout* ou a dear, moonlit. l)i 1 1 inliir ni^ht, huililcn, piercing cliill al tornatiny with soft warm waves M smitid air,
    1,493 words
    • 28 11 Tin llkunwn race horse Severity, which was yetting into form for the Selangor uu etin;;. broke a leg last week aud bad to be shot.
      28 words
    • 71 11 Qarrison Oolf Club A iui\e<l foursome com">etition will beheld ou Thursday, July 4. latter 9.:Soa.m.i IM holes un.Ur bandicap against Bogey, three-eights essaMaei BBWMBB to be taken. Kntrance *1 each player. Prize (to be completed if necessary by the club):— Each winner to be given a chit value JIJ
      71 words
    • 77 11 S C. C. Tournament. The taaVarfßg ties will be played tomorrow Friendly Raffja, W. M. Ilutchart ami A. D. Allan v. K. Seuular ami J. EL Muckail. liofiiLK laSMatsN B. M. Woolloo.:,ne and V. A. Teale v. T. B. Mania and .1. Htutley. Dr. A. I!. Simpson tmi
      77 words
    • 102 11 To-day Cup-tie. The mi'!. 'I cap tic hi tweea the Huffs 11. and the Wa'ulereis will he atayai off this aftornuun o!i the jailanj;, when tht teams will be eeeßaweed a; toßew liutts 11. (esteem) i Fitspatricki Deal aad MannerinK; Sully, Holloway ami BewaMi; Caweasaam, Sun, Bneenll. flntithre
      102 words
    • 195 11 S.C.C. II v. V.M.C.A. This match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday and was won by the S.i'.C. by ■J4 uint*. Scores are as follow vm r.\. 11. van Cuylenbcrg lbw b Wilkin 10 O. van t m\!i iilxiy c and b Wilkin 16 S. Gau.ler b Wilkin
      195 words
  • 851 11 Prices Quoted la the Market ThisHorning Singapore, June 24. 1913. Means. LyaJl and Evatt, Kxctaoei -tJ Sharp Brokers, issue the follow .n* lint of tjnotations this morning t— *om vaine nnyere ™iie»« 2/ Allagai 2,6 8/- x.d. 2/- optio«. -m it--4 1 Anglo-Java 6/8 8 9 1
    851 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 66 11 THE REPUTATION of I. ii il n hotels such as Claridgct, Tu. Savoy, IM/., etc., which are frequented by people of means can only be MAINTAINED BY GIVING THE BEST ALL I 111- -K SUPPLY GOLD VINELEAF' BRANDY (DENIS MOUNIK AND GO.) PROOF OF ITS HI6H QUALITY! ASK PM IT.
      66 words
    • 8 11 For Chronic Chest Complaint*, Woods' Great Peppermint Oum.
      8 words
    • 495 11 "atlas" RUSKILLA The Premier Preservative fer Iron and Sleet. "FUSKILLA" IS DURABLE: The concentration and power in Ruskilla" makes it f«i« 8 a?»? g the expense of reDea ted applications; it is economical, a gallon of RUSKILLA" will cover from 600 to 800 square feet. 18 IMPERVIOUS TO RAIN. SUN.
      495 words
    • 313 11 RAFFLES HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, June 29 GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Salmon. The only first ciaxs Hotel in Saigon. Every omrort. SpliDilid TerandVi kotauran-. With management, French kitchen and attendance an in the fintrt Bar^tAa Restaurant*. Maos._'e.r O. Ferindy, late from the Orani Hott!, Pans Saigon Theatrical season (Irom October
      313 words
    • 320 11 H. LAZARUS, CONSULTING OPTICIAN. 8, Battery Road (Firnt Kloori. IMPORTANT NOTICE. As I shall bn away from SiDgapove (for a few days only), I beg to announce to the public that my Comu Ut ion Rooms will be cosed UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THE ORIENTAL SPECIFIC is the Specifis for the
      320 words

  • 1893 12 Everybody is familiar with the idea of the fascination of the snako. It is one of the most primitive things in all Nature lore, playing its part in the very story of creation. Like binls the charming serpent draws" is a similo taken oh good and true, I imagine,
    1,893 words
  • 587 12 Mr. Pierpont Morgan's Young Librarian. The conventional picture of a librarian as a (hud up oM man, an absent- minded Doininio Sampson, whose dmty and parchmentcolours] face bears a startling reseuiblanL-e to hi* U loved folios, has long since ceased, <iys the Btmkmam KuMm, to correspond with
    587 words
  • 465 12 FORTHCOMING DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS. Latest Lists. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements subsequent to the issuance of this list
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  • 555 12 Strenuous President Accused of Intemperance. The New \ork correspondent of the Daily Telegraph wired on May 21 A desperate battle iv the State of Ohio was waged today by Messrs. Taft and Roosevelt in the effort to secure delegates to the Republican nominating convention. Both sides profess
    555 words
  • 877 12 RELIC OF FAMOUS YACHT RACE WINNER. British Gift to New York. To tbe crashing strains of a band playing God Save the King and the hearty cheers of several hundred members of the New York Yacht Club, the gilded eagle from the stern of the celebrated yacht
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  • 181 12 Four Australians, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and I Mr. and Mrs. Dowling, were charged at Colombo on June 14 with having stowed i away on board the R. M. S. Omrah when the i vessel sailed from Fremantle. The accused > stated that they went
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  • 766 12 Sir W. Ramsay on Our Stock of Explosives. Sir W. Ramsay presided on May 17 over the sixth annual meeting of the British Science Guild, which was held in the theatre of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Commenting on the main features of the report Sir William
    766 words
  • 292 12 Limoux and the Portrait of M. Vedrines. Tbe Prefect of the department of the Aude has been instructed to make an official investigation at the little town of Limoux into an incident which was reported from tin re on Tuesday. Limoux is the town which so mingled its
    292 words
  • 684 12 The Day of the Cheap Edition. The tremendous output of cheap edition literature of recent years has undoubtedly given a strong fillip to the cult and many book readers who fnrmerly found their interest limited by their resources can now indulge themselves to many times the former extent.
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  • 453 12 Empress and Conditions of Stage Life. The German Kinpris-t is beloved in (i. r many as a good wife and mother, whose first care is for her husband and family. Few pjople are aware that the Imperial lady tikes an interest iv public affairs. She prefers to
    453 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 261 13 PILSENER BEER 'KEY BRAND' Imported Since 1876. $j Beware of Imitations. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE 80LE IMPORTERS Behn, Meyer Co., Ltd. A.W. Tully Is now doing business on the SELANGOR RACES June 25, 27, 29. TREBLES Races 2, 5, T. DOUBLES ANY TWO RACES. STRAIGHT-OUT ON ALL EVENTS. For prices apply, NO.
      261 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 474 14 IHBURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester Home, SINGAPORE Board Of DIMOtOMI O. A. Dbrrick, Bsq., Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Pbtbs Fowui, «.b., Ma, Chief Med. OfficerF. M. Blliot, Bsq A. D. Allah Bsq. Tow Noam Pah, Bsq. Oms Soon Tss, Bsq. KhooSian Tan,
      474 words
    • 297 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. EBTABLIBHSD 1882. Direct Government Supervision Government Audit. Policies are WORLD WIDEJ" and Non Forfeitable. Large Net Surplus abrve liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claims. New Business, 1911, over... •8,800,000.00 Cash Loans, Settlements, etc, made locally. Numerous modern schemes. 4. H. IVANS, Manager,
      297 words
    • 526 14 BANKING. CHARTERED RAW IF INDIA. AUBTRAUA AND CHINA. [NCORPORATBD BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in ***** Shares ol 430 eaeb 41,200,000 Reaerve Fund 41,660,000 Reserve Liabilitf ol Proprietors... 41.3004)00 BANKBRS. Bank of England. Tbe London City Midland Bank, Ltd. National Bank of Scotland, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are
      526 words
    • 603 14 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD.. NO. 57 AND 58, KLING STREET. Established 1907. Capital paid up 11,000,000.00 Reserve liability of proprietors... 1,000 000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tbck Joom 6. Low Kboon Vii 2. Tan Swi Khi 7. Sim Kit Jan 8. Lsow Chia
      603 words
    • 960 14 SALES BY AUCTION. Auction Bale Of A Choice Collection of Plants (THE PROPERTY OF W B. HOOPER, ESQ.), At No. 9, Gilstead Road, On Friday, Juns 28. 1913, At p.m. Comprising Calanthea Orchids in bloom, Stephanotit, Clematis, Anthuri ami Asparagus ferns, Michaelmas Dairies, Caladiums, etc. ON VIEW FROM WEDNESDAY, 36TH
      960 words

  • 1142 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. An article in The Times on the subject of tyres contains the following observations The brains of hundreds of engineers, inventors, and designers are always employed in tbe effort to produce cheaper and more unpuncturable tyres than exist at present. That
    1,142 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 413 15 WOLSELEY Messrs. Vickers, Ltd. The Gar which Embodies the Maximum of quality, at tho minimum of cost. SPECIAL FEATURES. Silent Running. Great Flexibility. Elegance of Design. Absolute Reliability. SOLE AGENTS, S.S. k F.M.S., CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LTD., Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Without a. doubt THE Car tor the Man of
      413 words
    • 37 15 Partial Paralysis Benefited. Persons troubled with partial paralysis are often very much benefited by massaging the affected parts thoroughly when applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For aala by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      37 words
    • 566 15 A Testimony to DUNLOP TYRES. BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT. Mr. Thomas Hampson, describing In THE AUTOCAR a tour in France and Spain says So bad was the surface that we occupied five hours in covering the last fifteeo miles into Seville, our car being frequently axle deep in thick mud. The
      566 words
    • 117 15 THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. (Established 1883) 1 MANUFACTURERS OF PURE ROPE 3 STRAND CABLE LAID 4 STRAND lftT to 12" 6* to 10" 8" to 10" Price*, Samples ud fall particulars will be forwarded on application to .im Agent W. A. STOPANI, BfcJV* GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. Portland
      117 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 456 16 SNERTOL Paint Waterproof and Aotlcorroslve. For Cement and Iron Constructions. Bridges, Water Mains, Reservoirs, Mudguards, Iron Pipes, Etc. The destructive effects of water have no effect on "INERTOL". SOLE AGENTS SHARPE, ROSS GO., LTD., Singapore. WANTS. BILLET WANTEO. ENGLISHMAN WANTS BILLBT ON RL'BHKK ESTATE in S.S., F.M.S. or Java Can
      456 words
    • 326 16 WANTS. CLERK WANTED. Wanted, capable Clerk experienced in Book-keeping and typewriting. Apply by letter to Williams and Steadman, Architects, Singapore. 6-6 v CHINESE DISPENSERS WANTED. Wanted, two pzperienced Chinese Dispensers. Applicants v ith knowledge of reading and writing Chinese characters preferred. Entry Jane or July. Apply to Medical Hall. 4-6
      326 words
    • 431 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. HOUBEBTOLET. To let, 41, 43 and 44, Anson Road. 39 and 56, Robinson Road. Apply Nathan Son, Change Alley. 11l a GODOWN TO LET. Ground floor godown to let, No. 8, Prince Street. Apply Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. 306 v COMPOUND HOUBE TO LET. Newly
      431 words
    • 485 16 ARTICLES FOB SALE. RUBBER BEEO BASKETS FOR S«LE For sale, rubber seed baskets, F. O. R. Malacca. 16 per thousand. Weston Weston, Malacca. V 0 6 206 PORTABLE ENGINE FOR SALE. For sale, Marshall's 6 H.P. 1900 Portable Engine in good condition. Offers to Manager. K( running Estate, Tebong, Nr.
      485 words
    • 586 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Messrs. Weston snd Westor, Malacca, an prepared to rend experienced Bock- keeper! to write up EsUte A/cs. Terms on applies tion. 206 866 NOTICE. I, the undersigned, hereby give notice, thai my wife, Sect Seng Neo, having left my house and protection on the 18tb day of Jane,
      586 words
    • 450 16 NOTICEB. KMM KMT A CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, ■ivsnawl isd ■mlelami OaatraeUn Telephone No. 421. 108* 108. Market Street. NOTICE. MEBSRB. WEBTON WEBTON. ADCTIONKERS, VALUERS, ESTATE i AND HOUSE AGENTS, MALACCA. I The abovenamed firm are prepared to i undertake Sales of Rubber, Live and Dead Stock, also Furniture, etc. Particulars of
      450 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 230 16 Straits V)imes. ADVBRTISHMBNT RATBS.— MiseeUant tins wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of tl per tout line* for one or two insertions. Notice* ol Birtbs, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, $1 each insertion Per p.p.o. cards, on page 6, 13, Imcb Scam
      230 words