The Straits Times, 26 March 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.832 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MARCH 26. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 111 1 BEER. KATZ BROS., LD. Gentlemen's FANCY TUNIC SHIRTS Meat Stripes $1.35 Each Soft Fronts Stiff and Double Cuffs. ALL SIZES IN STOCK. Special Value. KATZ BROS., LD. J^^ %g\m 1^ I I Munici°pa.itie., WM WM W^ m I Aerated Water Factories. mm w w kaaa ftsask Ta P ioo« F«otoHe«.
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    • 39 1 SLEDGE MILK IS GENUINE Swiss Milk from cattle grazed on the FAMOUS PASTURES OK THE BERNESE ALPS. i mm l S I^HESE Aj^S MIIKCJ Aak fort SLEDGE BRAND Unsweetened Condensed or Natural Sterilized. Sole Importers: J. TRAVERS SONS, LIMITED.
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    • 307 1 i^oßi]srso3sr j±i<tjd co. Everything for Men's Wear. Actf '%^:'..4j. tj-Jg ?J jc', R fl F' ft.' J I r OUR SPECIAL" INDIA 6AUZE SINGLET AERTEX CELLULAR SINGLETS. BHBS*9l?B $9.00 P.r dox. JJ-JSfi OUR INTERNATIONAL GAUZE BINGLET. DRAWERB TO MATCH. $10.50 to «1«. SO acoordiog to size. To all fiz»« 2S-4«
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    • 3 1 DRINK MarteH's Brandy.
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  • 1641 2 Scottish Cup and International Rugby. In connection with International Rngby football, Scotland is passing through troubled times, says the Weekly Scotsman of March 2. It was confidently expected that in the match with Ireland the Scottish team could hardly fail to secure a victory. The result showed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 166 2 'Hazeline* Snow (TRADE MARK) The Original /^lislpL Non-Greasy <$\'**7"' > '^^^vSh Better than Toilet K Sffl j o Powders for Per- ¥jk 1 \'j f apiring Skins and xSr^, iy Florid Complexions ns^. <j/6r Beautifies the Skin "'Hazkline' Snow" prevents and relieves painful sunburn removes roughness and excessive colour, imparts
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    • 154 2 Should be Pleasant to Take. When a medicine mast be given to young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation gives it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has
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    • 210 2 CIGARETTES amongst Medical Men. /^^n The perfect hygienic conditions f* under which State Express JL "'^2 Cigarettes are made, the absolute /^HPy^*^^ avoidance of every form of /^^fflffi^^v\M f /^5V^' added matter, and the sublime /J^lH\lr I maS^ quality of the tobacco used, make L---1T them the most healthy smoking
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  • 724 3 AFRICAN TEAM SELECTED FOR ENGLAND. Points of Players. The following are the cricketers chosen to represent South Africa in the triangular cricket matches to be played in England this season P. W. Slier well, O.A. Faulkner, L. J. Tancred, G. C. White, S. J. Snooke, A. E. Vogler,
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  • 308 3 A lecture of an interexting character was delivered before member*) of the Royal Institution, by Mr. O. K. B. Elpbinstone, upon the gyrostatic coiupass. The lecturer, after giving a summary of the history of gyrostats, demonHtrated some of the ways in which the principle underlying their action
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 44 3 Croup Can be Prevented. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup aud prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it successfully. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 626 3 ECZEMA SO BAD HAD TOTIEJSJANDS To Prevent Child from Scratching. Running Sore All Over Head and Face. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Quickly Removed Soreness and Proved .a Perfect Cure. "My child suffered with a yellow running •ore all over his hrul and face. I attended (wo hoopitala with him. The
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    • 131 3 /in jF**\^^. I, ~0MONKEY BRAND Makes Copper like Gold; Tin like Silver. 10V) GLASS RUBBER TAPPING CUP. HALF LEMON SHAPE, Size 1O Oz. Csed on the Leading Rubber Estates Locally and the F.M.S. Sample Free on Application. APPLY TO G. Otomune Co. PT J.CoHis Browne's jf^i/ff/0 Th« ORIGINAL and ONLY
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 625 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. ff O. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON. AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOOTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issotd for Ciioi Coast, Persian Oulf, Continental and Amerioan Ports. Steanors will leave Singapore on or about: MAIL LINES 1912 Outward (for Ohina.) Apsaye
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    • 692 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP 00., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New T win-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed and are fitted with
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    • 696 4 BTEAMER SAILINCS. THESIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringgann Binot, Semerak, Baoho, Kclantan, Bangnara Telnpin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kohsamni, Bandon, Langsnan Cnompon Taku, Kohlak and Bangkok. Due Departure 3 p.m. YUGALA Mar. 37 ABDANO Mar. 97 Mar. 3O M. MAH IDOL Mar. 31 April
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    • 520 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LIMe! HAMBURG. AMD OIUTBCH MMPFBCIirrF4HRT9GES "MRU" UCMCR, Combined Service. The stoauiers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hambn-g Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tue Straitp, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhavon direct,
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    • 600 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Rorddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South, ampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1057 5 STEAMER SAILIH6B. AUSTRIAN LLOYD (Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Government). New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai. From aod to Tripfte and Ven ce. calling at Port Baid, Snea, Aden, Colombo. Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai, and at Pecang on the homeward voyage. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Dae to arrive on or about Due
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    • 577 5 STEAMER SAILINGSCANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. S Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPE Via China, Jafax, Cahada and tb« Uhitbd States. Route from Hongkong, via Sbacghai Nagasaki (Inland Sea ot Japan), Kobe Yokohama, Viotcria and Vanoonver. R.M.S. "Empress of India" j Twin screw RM.B."Bmpre«.olJa P an» JJ»«£_ R.M.S.
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    • 904 5 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE 8PRING RACE MEETING. {Under SKA. Bultt of Boeing), Will be held on Tuesday, May 7 fhnraday, May 0 and Saturday, May 11, 1912. PROGRAMME. FIR3T DAY. Tuesday, Mat 7, 1912. 1. THE OPENING STAKES.- (1.80 pm.) Value IftOO. A Handioap for Horses that liave Dot woo
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    • 767 5 the hour for Scratching B p.m. on the DAY BEFORE the Rao*. Owners of (JriffinH are entitled to enter for •-ither of the following seriee of Races Fbbb itriM No. 1 First Day— Raoe No. 4. Second Day— Race No. 1. •itriet No. 8 First Day— Ri<» No. 7. Second
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    • 664 5 ARTICLES FOB SALE. CALVES FOR SALE. Apply to the Manager. The Sicespors M d.-l Dairy, Limited, River Valley Road. 19-1 n HOUSE FOR SALE. No. 79, Waterloo Street. Apply to Mrs. J. E Braat, No. 100, Selegie Road. 21 8 20 4 SHARE OF A RUBBER ESTATE FOR SALE For
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 156 6 If it be not true, spoak it not, If it be not seemly, do it not." Marcus Aurelius. The one and only Sole Agents PATERS N, SIMONS CO., LTD. ORANIT&. OLUnCHE OSTAFRIKA LINE The a ß derßi,nod M 0 F r, t «cd J^fiBS%£J: t^XZ into cottra-.tß for the oopply
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    • 108 6 Two New Introductions by Frase^ Neave, Limited. DRY GJNGER ALE. Wholesome and Satisfying. An IDEAL Drink. Bottled in a 10-oz. NON-RETURNABLE BOTTLE, namely, the "Dan" Crown Corked Bottle. A BOON to Planters and Upcountry I'eople. Price, ex Singapore Factory, $1 per doz. Price, packed (4 doz.) F. 0.8. or F.0.R.,
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  • 213 7 Daily, (Except ScndayI Bt Train. Pedorated Malay States, Malacca •nd PeL^os 9 pm O.-mr.n. Tampin, Malacca, Sereruban, Port Dicksoo, Port Swettenham, and Kuala Lumpur 6 am T0-D1T. Bsta Paliat Mm Lcong 3 pm Itdragiri N :< Thy I pn Mal&ooa and Muar Lady Weld 6 pm Pott
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  • 48 7 The P. and O. outward intermediate RUsmer Palawan is expected to arrive at Peuang at 6 p.m. on -7th instant. The Imp. Gtiman mail bteamer Kleist left Culomho at noon yesterday, and may be expected to arrive here at noon on Saturday, the tOth m-t.
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  • 72 7 jin Sisoapori. D ?«b. '22 P. (t. hVb. it* N. I). L. Mb. -JH B. I. Uar. 4 M. M. Uar. 6 P. &U. tt.-.r. 11 N U.L. Mar. 14 B I. Mar. 18 >I. M. a*r. 21 P. A O. Urr. ia N. D. L. Jua
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  • 322 7 Latest Arrivals. Amherat, Brit. Btr. l: toes, Capt Scott, H ir 25. From Sambai, Mar '28. O o. and IB dp. Thong Ek. For Sambas, Mar '27 Roads. Curooia, Kai>. str. 2949 tons Capt Laredci, M .r M, From Swatow, Mar !9. U.c. and 2>i 4 dp. Oiouk
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  • 106 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONG PAGAK. Bast Wbabf Basin— Min, Bq. Jone. Bast W. Siotioh No. I— Teenta. Shubs Wbakf— Nil. Maim W. Sict. No. 2— Bombay Maru, Lai B— Malacca. Sam; 4 VorwaertH. B— Darvel. 6— Ping Suey. Nik
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  • 51 7 Arrivals Per str. Lii Sinn, M»r 25. From Calcutta. Mesare Hyatn and M. Alii. Per str. Selaogor. Mar 25. From Bangkok. Missrs. .1. Bell and Geok Yew. Per str. Malacca, Mar 23.— From Port Dickflsn Messrs. R. Duouinn, Ch<.a Swee Client.'. Mrs. Cbee Swea CbeDg and Miss
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  • Finance &* Commerce.
    • 110 7 Sikuapobi, Mabcii 26. 1913 On Lo»dq»— Bank 4 tn/> 3/4 JJ Denand 2/4/, Private 0 m/i 2/4ft 8 m/» a/4, Oa Gimaki— Bank d/d 288* Private > ra/» ■> 242, On Fumi-Biak d/d 284 Private B m/t 389 Oa I*du— Bank T. T. 1T4 Private 80d/i 176i 0» Hohoioh*—
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    • 137 7 OJHOAFOBB, JgAHCH VSti 1H1VJ Ganibirr buyers I 10.80 do (Cnbe No. 1) napteked 18,60 Copra Sundried M 10 90 do Mixed Pepper, Black buyers 22 00 do White t% bnyers 81.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 4.4s do Bmaei No. 1 nom. Pearl Sago e SO Coffee Bali 88.M Coffee
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    • 155 7 Issoe 2 Value S. Bayers tteUet* 10 10 Belli Tin 10 10 Bmang 10 10 Kanabui 41 41 KintoTis 41 41 Lah»t Mine* 10 10 Malacca Tin 0/. 6/- Pahang Conaol 41 41 Pengkalen 41 41 Posing B»hru 41 41 Puaing Lsnik 10 10 Rahman Hyd 41 41 babman
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    • 602 7 iMne 2 V»1qo Bayers. Boilers ■>l 2/. Ali»K»r B, ii 8/0 3/- 3/- An^io-Mal** 16.44 17/6 2/. 2/. BfcteDg M»l»k» 2/6 2.0 41 £1 Bata Caves ***** 14 0.0 41 41 BatnTiga 818 9 4 0.0 XI £1 Hnfcit KajbLv 2.18 9 a 0.0 41 41 Bakit LiDiu-t; 4
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    • 122 7 lime 3 Valae Buyers Seilore 10 10 Burton norn Smeltiß* >0.00 io t coo 41 41 Electric Tr«mw»yr> 8 6 8/8 10 10 FrMer Neave 47.03 47.35 100 Howarth Krakioe (0.00 100 7% Pro* 92.60 57.60 100 100 Ksti Bro, De£ 180.00 100 100 8% Com. Pret. nom 10
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    • 46 7 Buyers Sellers Spore Municipal 41% of 1907 11,800,000 7% Spore Municipal *i% of 1909 »1,000,000 7% 9%pra Spore Monicipal 4% $602,900 par Bayers Boiler 8 Howarth Brskine 6% 1900,000 pai Riley. Hargreavos 6% #384,000 I* Singapore Blectrio Tramways 5% 4860,000 Spore Muuioipal 6 11.H78.000 aotn
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 52 7 N v !:ny til. of viwnec'ion, O< of alter- i.aili diH-e.tion, A 'xl the Hiibjunt of protection Mil bmml Ht all ti" < iiiduru. Is. i. I'r. c.iou is alluring, 1 1 ii'ri colds you :alk ot turing, N i mo c > iij.lih you'll be I'Ddu'iog, if you at*
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    • 384 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Mtrch 27.— At saleroom, 93 Cases Port and Claret, at 11. March 80.— At "Oruston,' Grange Iliad, teak household furniture, etc., property of C. Fittock, Esq., at 2 April I— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. April 4. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. April
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    • 510 7 J. F. BELLS Celebrated Three Nuns Tobacco In lb. Patent Airtight Tins. Price 85 cents Per Tin. OBTAINABLE AT JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD.. KATZ BROS.. LTD.. ROBINSON CO.. WHITEAWAY. LAI DLAW CO.. LO. The Choicest Products of Cognac are those of the SALAMANDER BRAND U.V.I». 25 years old, 40 years
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    • 401 7 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at tbe Colonial Engineer's Office, up to noon of the Stb April, 1912 for the following works: 1. Erection of new servants' quarters at Government House. 2. Erection of a new pantry for Native Female Ward at tbe General Hospital. 8. Painting and whitewashing
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    • 59 7 To- Night To-Niglxt AT THE Harima Hall Cinematograph, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SIX NEW AMERICAN FILMS Will be shown To-Night Stuff Heroes Are Made Of 1,000 feet. Dyspeptic's Double 1,500 feet Fugitive ...1,500 Wizard of Oz 1,000 A Sitter's Lov* 1,250 message of a Violin 1,250 REVOLUTION IN CHINA. ALSO GAUMONT'S
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 183 7 DAILY TIME TABLE. FIXTURES Tuesday, March 26. High Water, 2.7 a.m., 4.27 p in. Opening of Ka'ang Ri'iorvoir, 8.30 p.m. Slipway and Hnginrtt-ring Co., v :f J p,m Licensing Justices, 2,80 p.m. Wednesday, March 27. High Water. 2.59 a.m.. 7.27 p.m. Krasnr and N-nvn. Ltd meeting. Snni!"i Oau Tin Co.,
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  • 553 8 The Straits Times, TUESDAY, MARCH 26. ALOR GAJAH. The report of Alor Oajah Rubber Company is now before- the public. Mr. W. M. Simc is a director, and Mr. S. W. Moorhouso is also a director. Messrs. Sime Darby and Co. are commercial agents, and Mr. S. W. Moorhouse of,
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  • 515 8 We wish to say quite gravely that the explanation should be demanded in the interests of commercial morality. Mr. W. M. Simc is perfectly well aware that properties have been mismanaged occasionally in order that their selling value may be reduced. His own and his firm's connection with I'egoh and
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  • 34 8 I ;>■ breaking a pane of glass in tho window of \ong Hi »in's house at 13 South Bridge liiiad. a thief last night managed to steal a silver belt and chain— total value fii.
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  • 47 8 Drapery goods, states the annual report on the administration of the Tonga, or Friendly Islands (Pacific Ocean), where clothing is regarded as an encumbrance, were the principal imports last year. Although the popu'alion is only 21.9J8, tho imported drapery cost XT2,K)O. Xlj.luj was given for preserved meats.
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  • 13 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on |kil;c' 7 and on pago 11.
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  • 17 8 Tho P. and O. outward intermediate steamer Borneo is expected to arrive at Colombo on April 6.
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  • 25 8 Mr. Yen Hood Kirn thanks all those who attended tho funoral of his wifo on Thursday last, and also those who sent messages of condolence.
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  • 23 8 Tin; Peking Daily News report that an oxcellent scheme is on foot to form a nucleus volunteer corps of English-speaking Chinese in Peking.
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  • 26 8 Captain Showers, Chief Constable of Essex, has instructed his officers to proceed under tho Gaming Act against promoters of whist drives in public places for profit.
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  • 38 8 Mr. Kurt, of Bruton Uoad, reports to the police the theft of some of his clothing, value t2">. One of the articles, a pair of shoes, has been found in a pawnshop, having been pledged by a Chinaman.
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  • 43 8 A member of the church choir for over forty years, with six sons and two grandsons also in the same choir, is tho record of Mr. F. Prowse, of Abbotskerswell, near Newton Abbot, to whom tho vicar, churchwardens, and congregation made a presentation.
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  • 45 8 Wo are informed that Hilit estate, a small property in British North Borneo, has ceased operations and that the manager, Mr. 11. L. Cox, has obtained an appointment in the F.M.S., while his assistant, Mr. P. A. Bclton, is now on Kuala Pergau estate, Kelantan.
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  • 47 8 A l-'.inasian named Nelson Garnell was tiin.i s dollars yesterday by the furth magistrate for having killed a fox-terrier with an airgtin. The fine was awarded to the owner of the dog, but at his request the court ordered it to be handed to the S.P.C. A.
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  • 52 8 The latest news to hand as to the Canton trouble is that 200 of the revolters— who hail been taken prisoners were taken out of gaol on March 16 and shot on sonic open ground to the southwest of the Sharaeen. The situation is much quieter, little or no tiring
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  • 51 8 The steamer Deli arrived alongside Messrs. Windsor and Co's wharf at Bangkok at i p.m. on March 19. after crossing the bar at 10 a.m. She left Singapore just before noon on March 16, thus accomplishing the journey iv the excellent time of seventy-four hours, two hours longer than the
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  • 47 8 Of tho 237. '11 non c, I'liissioned officers and men in the llritiftli Am y, according to an official rrtarn, 167,181 belong to the Church of England, 17,1:;:! are Presbyterians, 10,481 Wesleyaus, :!.9H:t Baptists and Con1,546 other Protestants, MjUa lioman Catholics, 23:! .lews. 1.\r.l Hindus, Mohammednns. etc.
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  • 53 8 The I icrinan Colonial Society has decided to despatch an expedition to study the conditions in that portion of the Cougo which has lately been ceded to Germany under the I'rauco-German Agreement. Nothing, how ever, has yet been decided regarding the dotails of the undertaking, nor the date of its
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  • 55 8 A C'liiuesc who was arrested on February H at Kalumpang in connection with the robbt ry of 5.1.000 from the clerk of the firm of Han '•><>. Kuala Kubu. was tried at the A«iM hold last week in Kuala Lumpur before Mr. Justice Serc-ombe Smith. He was found guilty and
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  • 65 8 It is interesting to note that no less than seven Dclhis havo been built on the site selected by the Government of India for its capital. Their remains cover an area of nearly 45 square miles. The most ancient city was, of course, Indraprasatha on the left bank of the
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  • 81 8 Dr. J. C. Baggs, of the Koyal Society's Club, St. James's Mivet. London, a passenger by the P. and O. Assaye, gave information to the Colombo police on March 14 that he had lost considerable property from his cabin while the steamer lay at anchor in Colombo harbour. His loss
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  • 74 8 At a masked ball at Hcrford (Westphalia) a young girl was discovered crucified iv the ballroom. The girl was apparently in a cataleptic trance, and it is thought possible that she is a victim of religious insanity, but so far there is no explanation whatever of the circumstances uuder which
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  • 69 8 Work for tho furtherance of tho malaria crusade has been inaugurated by tho Health Department of the Municipality. Two notorious swamps in Orchard Hoad district have been tackled first, one being I'ay ah Goyang, off Killiney lioad, and the oilier boing a patch of swamp oil Kramat Uoad, at tho
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  • 111 8 Mr. It. U. N. Audi iHon, State Engineer, is on a visit to Ipoh. According to our contemporary iv lhat totvu, says the HbMM) Gazette, lio is proceeding to Kuala Dipang to inspect tho uuw bridge, which is being constructed at that place. We havo bceu wondering if his visit
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  • 359 8 Tungku Mahkoka, son of 11. 11. tho Sultan of Selangor, X.C M.C., left Klang on Sunday on a trip to Kodah. Lord Burnham has boon re elected president of the London Press Club, which position ho has occupied for the past ten years. Mr. C. W. 11.
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  • 51 8 The Langllolloway Compiny will pay a tin-, days' return visit to BiMUOfS, owning oil April 8 with Macbeth. The otl. i- pi ivs will be Sweet Nell of Old llrury on April U ami Hamlet on April 10. The booking plan is now open at the Itohiusou Piano
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  • 50 8 Following are tho rcsultsol 'crushing opera tinns at Kaub for the four weeks ending iinl instant Bukit Komau -Stone ei.i-.lied :\;I.VJ tons, gold obtained BW ozs., average BH ton I.J'J dwt. liukit Malacca Stone crushed 2,441 tons, gold obtained 179 ozs.. iveia^c per ton 1.17 dwt.
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  • 53 8 As already announce-!, a ba/aar will bo held in connection with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the Victoria Memorial Hall, to-morrow, from 4 10 to 10-M p.m. Lady Evelyn Youug has 1- in. i ly consented to perform tho ceremony. In the evening thero will bo a concert
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  • 84 8 The Landak Uubbcr Kstate. thc> property of the company of that name now iv liqaidfttion, was sold by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co.'s saleroom yesterday afternoon for $3,030. It consists of about :<. Ih- acres, of which 93 acres are planted with 14,800 trees from I\.
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  • 134 8 Mr. .1. Howard, of the preventive service, prosecuted Low Seng, boatswain of tho steamer Glenoglc, in the third police court yesterday, on a charge of im)>orting eight bottles of cocaine. A second charge was that accused, not beiug a liccns. d medical practitioner, veterinary surgeon or chemist,
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  • 152 8 Another sale will soon be made by tlio State of Tcxns of all the (iuayiilu rubber shrub ii4i\v gMWiag upon its public lands, liuls for the puiiluisi: of tile shnib were received by tliu Stuto hand ('oiinm^simur up to .March 11. Tin: State Land l>i |i;u
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 227 8 MAISON FONDEE EN 1828. Courvoisier's BRANDIES 1869" nnd "Three Diamonds." The Brandies of this old established firm are now more generally used in tho principal London Clubs, Hotels, and Kcstanrants than any other brands. STOCKS KEPT BY i Oaldbeck, Macgregor Co., SOLE AGENTS. LITTLE'S Cash Clearance SALE Commences on Monday
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    • 209 8 HIGH-CLASS PICTORIAL GEMS OF Unusual Interest AT THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. To-Night To-Night t 2nd Show, 9.80 to 11 p.m. TNE ELOPEMENT. An English Star Film produced by tho Britannia Film Co., of London, depicting Animated Replicau of tho Dainty Pictures (inspired by the work of tho celebrated Painter John
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  • 262 9 FOOTBALL CLUBS GIVE COAL TO RAILWAYS. The Joint Conference Fails to Find Solution. Hbutkh's Trlkurax. London, March '25. 'Ill' coal negotiations have been adjourned until tomorrow. Some twclvo thousand men in Scotland and North Wales, who have been forcing Mm hands of the luadcrs, resumed work to-day
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  • 122 9 MEETING WITH KING VICTOR EMANUEL Discussion of Mediation Probable. EtxcTH'a Tmiim London, Marsh H, Kihl; Victor Enumiel lias lift Home for Wuio- to meet the Kaisi-r. Later. Rtnrtw wim bwu Venice that there was an nliin-iiiMii' MM when Kin^ Victor Emau I boarded the llohen/olleru and jemtai
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  • 89 9 FRENCH DESPERADOES ROB A FUNK. Motor Driver and Cashier Killed. Kkctkr's Telkqbax. I Imi. March 25. A sensational affair is "Hjmtllll from Chautilly. Six tapaaloM killed a chauffeur ami m/i il motor car on the Mootgcron Koad and I'rovc t'i C'liantilly. Four of them cntere<l u bank, killed
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  • 46 9 Rnmra'i Tbumkml London. March 25. An Oporto BMMge says three more bodies and various remnants havo been removed from the MOM of the bomb explosion. Nearly fiv<- bradiedoMhuged bombs and a quantity of gold and not. I have 8008 fomul in the dcbiis.
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  • 17 9 tt*m I i. S IM.K.SHAM. l."U'l.>u, Hmh -'">. The Mthhf lias ratified the renewal of btioß.
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  • 78 9 Automatic Effect of the New Naval Scheme. JtlUTKK'S TkLKQKAH. Londou, March "J5. Discussing the German programme the naval correspondent of The Times thinks it is hardly likely that the British programme of four Dreadnoughts for tho current year will be enlarged, but moro men and more money
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  • 56 9 Serious Loss of Life and Property. Rbctrb's Tkleokam. London, March 25. lteutcr wires from Perth that there has bocu ;i three days' typhoon in Xorth West Wcstralia. Many vessels ami buildings liave been wrecked, and hitherto a dozen arc known to have been killed and many are
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  • 24 9 liKCT'.iiH ""LFORAM. London, March In a Kugby match Wales v. France played at Newport, Wales won by 11 points to 8.
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  • 207 9 iFrom Oi'B Own Correspondent.) Penang, March M. The annual report ot the Penang Chamber ot OoBBHOMO refers to a colourless and generally uneventful year. It notes that was good, although the volume decreased somewhat towards the close of the year. Prices of produce generally were
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  • 137 9 (Fmm 01-r Own Corhkspondknt.i Kuala Lumpur, March. The annual general meeting of the Seredah Hydrunlic Tin Mining Co. Ld., was held on lstli inst., Dr. E. A. O. Travers in the chair. The chairman, iv moving the adoption of tho report, said the output for the year was
    137 words
  • 49 9 (From a Malacca Cobkrspomdint). Malacca, March 20. Information has been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Liniite], that the prior of fine Para in London yesterday was 1 per lb. value. Tho price of best plantation rubber h quoted at 5, HJ buyers. The market is quiet.
    49 words
  • 38 9 iFhom Ouk Own Coisubspondknt). Kuala Lumpur, March 26. Tho Kuala correspondent of the Malay Mail telegraphs that an Indian constablo shot dead a Sikh sergeant at Kliauintan and afterwards locked himself up in a house.
    38 words
  • 36 9 E Tong Sang, of 88 Tcluk Ayer Street, who is presumably a dealer in boots and mkk s, i-e)x>rts to tho police that 25 pairs of f-hoes were stoleo-froui his house yesterday. Tho value is 805.50.
    36 words
  • 823 9 EX-MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE'S FALL FROM GRACE. Good Character Procures Release. At the Singapore Assizes, this morning, S. M. Yesndian, an employee in tin Municipal Engineer's department, was brought up for trial before the Chief Justice, Sir \V. H. Hyndman Jones, on a charge of forgery and using as genuino
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  • 299 9 Sebastian Bacli, says tho Journal ties Dcbats, wrote a cantata on the subject of coffee. It is well known, and lias often been performed. Much less familiar is the fact that he also wrote a cantata ou beer. The music, unfortunately, is lost, but M. Egar
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  • 1498 9 TRADE STATISTICS FOR PAST YEAR. Gratifying Rubber Auctions. The annual general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Exchange was held in the Exchange Itoom, yesterday afternoon, thu Hon. \V. \V. Cook, presiding. Others present were Messrs. M. E. Plumpton (Adamson Giltillan and Co.), K. Ltramall
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  • 526 9 Payment of Eighty Per Cent. For Last Year. The following is the directors' report for the past year presented at a meeting of the shareholders held in Colombo yesterday (25th insti The directors have the plcasare to submit the repent aud the .■■•■counts of the company for
    526 words
  • 112 9 One ol' tho oMest tea firms in Yokohama, Messrs. Hellyer aud Company, who havo had their tea-firing godowns aud olliccs in Yokohama for forty years, are closing their plant and will remove their works to Shidzuoka. The Japan Advertiser states that Mr. C. I.. Steduian will havo an office in
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  • 191 9 EMPLOYMENT OF SOLDIERS TO QUELL RIOTS. Sir Rufus Isaacs Defends The Prosecutions. Hkutku's Tki.kiikam. London, Mutch 25. Mr. KaniHay Macdonald at Bradford, and Mr. Thomas. .M.I'., of the Hailwayinen'ii L'nion, speaking at Neweantlc, denounced syndicalism as di-istious to the workers. Mr. Thomas added a suj'jjestion that a railway strike
    191 words
  • 170 9 j MEETING HELD IN SPITE OF THE STRIKE. Starters For Lincolnshire Handicap. Rhdibb'i Tnmn Itemlam, Mmh 2.'.. At LiDculn for tin- <>i>cmut: at the flat racing season then? \v:is a iiii- attendances despite the strike and tin; inii^^y threatenin» weather. Tlit Liucolnslmv hotting is 4 to I
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  • 36 9 Enormous Rush of Applications. Kkitkk's TklkiiKam. Lou. lon, March 25. The French railway loan of ;l()0 million fiancs at 4 per cent has beeu covered thirtytwo times. The deposits alone totaled 1960 millions.
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  • 35 9 018 OsTASIATISCHH LloYl> TkLEORAH. Berlin, March M. Berlin, March 25. The I'ortc has annouuceil its rcadiucss to consider proposals for ponce, provided the question of the annex itioii ol Tripoli is liminated.
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  • 34 9 DKR OsTASIATISI'IIK LLOYD TeLKURAX. Berlin, .March 25. The battleship Elsass during a fog collided with tho Swedish steamer I'ollux. The latter sank, but uo lives were lost. Tin- Elsass was uninjured.
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  • 21 9 Dkr Osi-asiatisciik hum hUMIE Berlin, March 25. M. Crozier, the, French Auibi Vienna, has retire.! owing to ill health.
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  • 36 9 Dn OsTASIATISI UK LloVI) Til— >■■ Berlin, M.ireh '25. At a meeting of tho Kattoaal Liberal members of tho Ki:ichsta^, npyftoltrnn was expressed towards llerr lUsscniiu:u's UU doadei to bapport tli.. Yoang Liber i'».
    36 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 37 10 Ad oleveu of the Juvenile Football Cluh met an eleven of the Sunrays Football Club in a friendly ganio on the 21th instant, on tbc B.C.K.C. ground, and won by one goal to nil.
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    • 26 10 S.R.E.(V) Shooting Club. Tho monthly shoot took place on Saturday and resulted as follows Sapper Flinn (scr.) 82;Scrgt. Webb H1.6; Sappor Davis (scr.) 81.
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    • 519 10 Singapore Uolf Club. Tho result of the Sweepstake competition in connection with tlie Singapore Oolf C'ulb was as follows: First Round. I'atersou (> beat Dove 12, two uod one. Rucuwaldy 18 beat McDougall 12. lour and throe. Mastorton 9 li. a Knox 11, ono up at 19th. White H
      519 words
    • 336 10 C. Sinolks. J. Hodgins v. F. A. Toale unfinished. R. W. Buckley boat J. W. Haddon unfinished. C. V. Bailoy beat Lt. Peareth 6—2, 2—6, 6—B. 11. Millard beat I). Walker 7— s,l-6,6-8. K. O. I'ash v. O. D. Me. D. Kerry unfinished. I). HINOLKS. \V. E. Kayncrv.
      336 words
  • 494 10 The Necessity for Agricultural Scholarships. Mr. S. S. Thorburn, a retired Indian Civil Servant, read a paper on the subject cf Peasant Scholarships versus Patchwork Compulsory Education for India" before the East India Association at Caxton Hall. Lord Keay. who presided, said that as that was the first
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  • 110 10 The Ist ISnttaliou Middlesex Regiiuont, now Htationcd at Diuaporo, will proceed to Aden next trooping season for twelve months sojourn at that attractive station. lv the usual course the Diehard* will return home from Aden at the end of that period, twelve months being the ordiuary stay for a battalion
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  • 3913 10 BOARDS VIEW OF THE COMPANY'S PROSPECTS. New Management. Thr first nnnnal general meeting of tbe Java Para Kabber Estates, Limited, was held on February 20, at Finsbury Pavement House, Finsbary Pavement, E.G., Major Frank Johnson (the chairman i presiding. Tbe Chairman said In moving the adjournment of
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  • 673 10 The Distribution of the Company's Assets. In tliu Companies (Winding-up) Court, on February 27, Mr. Justice Neville bad before him a Court summons of the matter of the iirowncomet (Malay) Uubber Estates, Limited, in which the liquidator asked for direction as to distribution of surplus assets of
    673 words
  • 31 10 Leave has been ■.'iviti by the House- ol Lords to Colonel Alexauui 1 Hunry l.ri'Ji to lodge a printed case in support <>:' claim to the baronies of liurgii, Strabolgi, and Cobliam
    31 words

  • 1258 11 Proposed Opening-Up of Uncleared Land. Tin' following circular Iioh been issued by Messrs. Kvntt and Co., the secretaries of the Margai Rubber Estates, Ltd. Vmir ilirectorK have pleasure in forwarding herewith a copy of tho vMttag agent's report upon his visit to these estates in February lust, which
    1,258 words
  • 736 11 Shareholders to Appeal Against Winding-up. A Hpccial meeting of the Gold Count Rubber and Mahogany Company, Limited, was In-Ill on I i l)i -iiiiry 26 under the pn sicU ucy of .Sit lirodrick C.D.A. Hartwell. The Chairman said that be bad to informtin- Rharcholders that since the
    736 words
  • 13 11 1 1 <iraitf» Times is not responsible tot u|>iuiuUH of its correspondents.
    13 words
  • 59 11 To MM Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— May I be allowed to thaiik you for your very able leader in to-day's paper, I sincerely trust it will have Home little etfi-ct ii[x>u our parsiuiouioiis Ooverniuent. and be the iiKUiiH of improving the present disgracel'ul state of
    59 words
  • 67 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— ld iuduxtiiul, as in ordinary war, prol>;ibly the chief sutferurs are the non-aim butanls. Is it possible therefore, to open a I mi' I here on behalf of the innocent victims i'l the Coal Strike aud to cable n suits
    67 words
  • 866 11 Prices Quoted to the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 26, 1912. Mom»b. Lyall and EvaU, Exchange »nd Share Brokers, iaane the fallowing lilt of quotations this morning Norn Value, buyer*. Hellem 3/- Allagai 8 2 8 9 3/- a Option! 1'- 18 i 1 Anglo-Jaw 6 8
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 12 11 Woods Great Peppermint Cure (or all internal oomplainta. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, eta
      12 words
    • 379 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. A I tbiogs are good until sometLiug better comes along. Hunt's Ports are better than most and have oo superior. This statement is not for Wine Connoisseurs. They have long known its truth. Garner, Quelch A Co., WINE MD SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Battery Read, Singapore. Telf-phooe 881. 5!69 *****
      379 words
    • 387 11 Raffles I§|| Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, March 30, In honour of the 500 American Tourists arriving by the S.S. Cleveland. A BALL Has been arranged for that night and an extension of license has been tipplied for. BOXING A Boxiog Tournsmcnt will tikn place On Wednesday, March 37, In
      387 words
    • 273 11 YOU WON'T MISS a good r-ii-,. drama like THE BOHEMIANS OF PARIS pnttv Pa<he piodue'ion in two parts tiom'La V.ode Bolume'by H.nry Mnrßer, IF YOU KNOW that we have it on to nivht and WHAT A SPLENDID FILM IT 18 It is ti e pic cc de resistance of our
      273 words

  • 2870 12 THE ACQUISITION OF THE NEW PROPERTIES. Difficulties Overcome. Tho adjourned ordinary meeting of the Muhcsa Rubber Plantations, Limited, was held <m February '2H at Winchester House, OH Hroad Street, E.C., Mr. Alexander Ilothune, Jl'., Chairman of tho company, presiding. Tho Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report
    2,870 words
  • 1513 12 Passengers Expected to Arrive. The following pasaeutjer bookings to the Straits arc taken from the London and China Express. It should bo understood that, in some instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements subsequent to the issuance of this list in London
    1,513 words
  • 447 12 The committee of inspection appointed on December 7 last by the shareholder a of the Deiuerai'ii Rubber Company, Limited, have issued a lengthy report to the shareholders, from which it appears they have formed the opinion that: Tue company's busiuess both here and at Deinerara has been
    447 words
  • 91 12 An issue is about to bo made by the Merlimau Kubber Estates, Limited, of £40,' 4)0 first mortgage debentures at par, carrying interest at 0 per cent., and repayable at a premium of £5 per cent, by drawing commencing in 1017. The slock will be transferable in
    91 words
  • 1259 12 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON FEBRUARY 29. wr quote below the best available London list from the reports brought in by th« last mail, and add local quotation* from the list prepared by Messrs. Fraser and Co. Singapore) on the corresponding date
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 272 13 Howarth Erskine, Ld M SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for: THE IbTUI&TI I -=r mSB UU 0 S of Cholera, Typhoid and BL.JF M Uf Uff l^__ ll^BK other Germs. A 12-inch Filter may now be seen HB^^ ii! w Bb^^^ *TJ^a» in operation at our Town Store, |Ijbj ijk H 9^/^^T
      272 words
    • 288 13 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTO. Portland Cement. In Casks of 375 lbs. net. Drain Pipes, any shape In Bags of 250 lbs. net. Gutterways Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed Glased Paving Tiles Paving Bricks Prioea, samples and full particulars will be forwarded on applioation to Agent W. A. STOP
      288 words
    • 274 13 CHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists, No 25, South Bridge Roaa. First-class Mectianical Dentistry, Child Crowua Bridge, Killing and Vulcanite Duration of Wont guaranteed. CHAROBS MODBRATB. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth PowderH and Brubhon for sale. RAFFLES-BY-THE-SEA Penan g's MOST SELECT RESIDENTIAL AND TRANSIT HOTEL. Terms more moderate than ti-tab lsliments oi
      274 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 546 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE Board of DIfWOtOMI A. A. Dbrbicb, Esq., Chairman. A H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Paras Kowlib, a A., 0.a., Ohkf Mod. OffloarF. M. Elliot, Esq. A. D. Allan Esq. Tow Noah Paw, Esq. Ohs Sooh Tbb, Esq. KaooSiAN
      546 words
    • 293 14 INSURANCE. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Ot China. Head Office, Sla, Klangse Rd Shanghai. To tbb Cawasa Gintlbmbn or Sihoaj>obb REMEMBER that it is theJDNBXPBGTBD that is alwayß happening in all parts of the world I The Home Life issues all sorts ot policies to suit all sorts of requirements.
      293 words
    • 534 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRAUA AND CHINA. INCORPOKATBD BT BOTAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 00,000 Share* of 420 each 41,200,000 > Reserve Fond... 41,626,000 Reserve LiabiUtf of Proprietors... 41,200.000 BANKBRB. Bank of England. The London City ft Midland Bank, Ltd. National Bank of BooUand, Ltd. BINGAPORB BRANCH. Ourrent
      534 words
    • 657 14 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TONS BANKING AND INSURANCE 00, LTD NO. IT AND 68, KLINO BTRBBT. BxtabUabed 1907. Capital paid ot ,1,000,000.00 Reserve liability ot proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tarn Taoc Joom 8. Bra Ki* Jut 2. Nam Km Sbmo T. Tio Hoo Lai I. Lsow Chi* Hiko
      657 words
    • 693 14 SALES BY AUCTION. Auction Sale Of VALUABLE TEAK AND EUROPE-MADE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MILNERS SAFE: WELL-GROWN PLANTS. ETC.. The property of C. Fittock, Etq., TO BE HELD AT "ORMSTON," ORANOB ROAD, On Saturday, March 30, at a p.m. Beautifully carved teak cabinet with mirror panel carved Java teak oentre table with
      693 words
    • 148 14 CRUSHED FOOD. Trj It BBS »8H Will to* Utlffl*. 1. K. BELILIOS begfl to inform the public that his Factory for preparing Crubhed Food, at No. 1, Belilios Road, is now opened. Prioe of a bag of Crushed Food, 1 p 10 oat. 14.00 per bag. No. 1 Bran, wt.
      148 words

  • 917 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Under the heading of Pitfalls for Purchasers, J. Milton Kandell writes as follows in The Motor, of February 27 The delivery of a new car is usually looked upon as an event of considerable importance by the purchaser. Owing to this,
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  • 100 15 An Edinburgh correspondent telegraphs There have been call 3d in the Court of Session at Edinburgh 81 actions of reduction at the instance of parties nearly all resident in Glasgow or the West of Scotland, against the Rio Grande Rubber Estates, Limited, 80, George Square, Glasgow.
    100 words
  • 69 15 H.B.M. Consul at Hangchow has recovered possession of the gun, revolver, cartridges, cartridge bag and other articles belonging to the late Mr. K. J. Felgate, who was murdered by robbers on January 6. Two of the robbers have been arrested and condemned to death, the execution to be carried out
    69 words
  • 483 15 A Royal Physician's Experience. I feel completely done up How often does one hear that expression, which means so much to the man or woman who utters it and, as a rule, so little to those who hear it. It betokens, of course, a condition of mentul and
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 562 15 WOLSELEY The Cm or Rerln«ment and. Reliability." IT IS THE RESULTS, in the hands of o e private users, that account (or the enormous demand lor Wolseley cars, that is oompelling 9018 MaOnta 1U expansion of the works by the erection Mmmmim o( new shops by the half-mile at a
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    • 13 15 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Core.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 459 16 IDINE. A tested and approved fast colour. Adheres to every kind of surface, especially Cement, Lime, Plaster, Brick Facades, Wood and Glass, also to Iron and other Metals. Can be Painted on Fresh, Air-dried Walls, and Rough Castings. Dries Stonehard, and does not rub off, therefore is Washable. Can be
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    • 228 16 WAHTB. DUTCH LESSONS WANTEO. Wanted, Dotoh lessons; lady teacher preferred. Advertiser speaks German and French. Address No. 210, c/o Straits Times. 28-3-k 28-8 JUNIOR ASSISTANTS WANTED. Wanted immediately, two Jnnior Assistants, Chinese and Ceylonese preferable. Apply to Tan Tek Joon, United Malacca Rubber Estates, Ltd., Malacca. -3 8 a BOARD
      228 words
    • 416 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. With immediate entry, first and second floors, No. U, Raffles Qaay Apply Guthrie k Co., Ltd. 1-4 o HOUSES TO LET. Brathay" No. 15, Gilstead Road. In excellent condition. Rent moderate. Apply to J. W Haffenden, 47, The Arcade. 6 12 a
      416 words
    • 662 16 NOTICES. $20 REWARD. Lost, between Newmarket Road and Kampong Java Road, a packet containing seven title deeds relating to lands situate in the town of Johore Bahru and some Municipal Assessment Notices. Any one returning ■ame to tbe Kwong Yik Banking Co., Ltd., 26, Kling Street, will receive the above
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    • 549 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, IHWWII md Municipal Contraettrs Telephone No. 421. 108 108, Market Street. NOTICE OF LOSS OF SCRIP. Notice is hereby given, that a Scrip No 1474 for 600 shares of $1 eacb, Nod. *****— ***** in the Ayer Molek Rubber Co, Ltd., has been lost. The
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    • 639 16 NOTICE?. THE MAUKOFF RUBBER CO. LD. Notice is hereby given, that tho Transfer Books of this Company will be closed from Tuesday, tbe 26th day of March, to Saturday, the 30th day of .March, 1912, both days inclusive, for tho preparation of Dividend Warrants. By order ot the Board, BODSTEAD
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