The Straits Times, 23 February 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.805 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 255 1 ROBINSON CO. To Those Homeward Bound. 3^ 3^ ~"2a Overland Steamer L Trunks in rTffflffß'i^MMHt JHBBi TilF j^^l Green i A' &y WJllesden m fc*** > Canvas, and f^, BEST SOLE LEATHER STEAMER TRUNKS cowhid"! in [W t.icptd corner turuod odges, drop back, best lever look oo n J <ie
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 1192 2 HOME SECRETARY RECEIVES A DEPUTATION. A Bill to be Introduced. A deputation on demoralizing literature, organized by the National Council of Public Morals," was received on January 23 by Mr. McKenna, the Home Secretary, at the Home Office, Whitehall. Mr. McKenna was accompanied by Sir C. E. Troup,
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  • 647 2 Some Recollections of a London Centenarian. Undoubtedly one of the King's oldest subjects is Mrs. Sarah Wadsworth, of Bleojßßbury, who recently entered upon her lO.iid year. She was born in a thoroughfare off Aldersgatestreet, tho daughter of a watchmaker and jeweller, named Harvey, on January 26, 1809,
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  • 234 2 A remarkable whirlwind btMady was enacted at a public Mia In U in thu Palais dc Justice at Marseilles. Two lawyers were shot down by an unaed litigant whose goods had been distrained upon, and the mau then shot himself. One of the lawyers is in a
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  • 99 2 Sawtry, Huntingdonshire, has five octogencariansand old age pensioners who arc members of one family. They arc Mrs. Mary Ann Stapleton (aged eighty-six'i, Mrs. Klizaboth Bedford (eighty-fouri, Mrs. Martha Sprigs (eighty-two), Mr. John Nickcrson (eighty live), and Mrs. Xickcrson (eighty). The first three are sisters, and Mr. Nickcrson is their brother.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 151 2 BEAUTIFIER j. SNOVV^f I Elegance and ''jk "'Hazeline' Snow" v* Let the skin be rough or wrinkled, dry or t greasy, H.\/.i:i.i\i Snow" will do more to restore its youthful freshness and fine texture than any ether preparation. The and completely, and is stimulated to beakhy action. The pores are
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    • 12 2 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc.
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    • 737 2 HIS BLOOD REVEALED Rheumatism to Be The Cause of Senhor Romero's Pains. But Ail Remedies Failed To Eliminate The Trouble Until It Was Dispelled By Dr. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. To tho experienced eyo of the skilful physician a drop of blood reveals secrets of the utmost value in the case
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    • 113 2 New Grocers' PROVISION STORE 169, Orchard Road, 169, OPPOSITE OXLEY ROAD. All kinds of tinned provision and Household Stores always In Stock. Monthly accounts allowed. BEHNA MOHAMEO KABSIM. 8-4* 7-4 THE NEW STUDIO THE NEW STUDIO!! THE NEW STUDIO!!! The Singapore Art Studio, No. 103, North Bridge Road, ADELPHI HOTEL
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  • 727 3 HIS APPOINTMENT TO NIGERIAN PROTECTORATE. Story of His Career. Hongkong hears with gratification, though tinged with regrets, of the promotion of His Excellency Sir Frederick Lugard to the joint Commissionership of Northern and Southern Nigeria, says the China Mail of February 14. His Excellency lias been
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  • 102 3 Those women who object to the use of the time-honoured vow to obey might bo rcmimlctl, the Law Journal points out, that it carries with it one of those legal consequences of favour to womanhood which crop out everywhere in our ancient system. The old doctrines of subjection to marital
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  • 86 3 On the 7th instant the water police at Soerabayn stopped a boat thut was trying to Set past one of thu Customs Houses. They found in it about U kilos of opium, a quantity of opium pills, and 2.">0 Straits dollars, the importation of which into Java is forbidden. The
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  • 43 3 The executive of the London Central I'nemplojcd Hody has accepted the offer, submitted through the llritisli I". migration Society, of a Sydney resident to pay £6 per capital for 1,000 men who arc required for railway works in New South Wales and Queensland.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 83 3 Mothers Should Remember This. W i i-li to call your attention to the fact that most infectious diseases such as whooping cou^h, diphtheria and scarlet fever arc contracted when the child has acold. Chamberlain's Cou<^h Kciucdy will quickly euro a cold and greatly lessen tho danger of contracting these diseases.
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    • 644 3 LOSS OF WEIGHT IN MALARIA. How Doctors are Working to Restore it. The loss of body weight is one of the most noticeable of the direct consequences of Malaria Obviously, therefore, it is one of those most distressing to the patient as well as to ins iriends, for it interferes
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    • 184 3 KELLY AND WALSH, LIMITED .B JUST PUBLISHED: 1912 JUST RECEIVED 1912 Two New Works on the Whitaker's Almanack Rubber Industry ciothsi.6o. i>r6oct«. In ODe Tolome, 170 pagO", illustrated. J^ZZ bound clotb. Price $8.00 WHO'S WHO $5.50 THE RUBBER INDUSTRY hazells annual 2 .00 Being tbe Official I! port cf the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 623 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. RITO. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CHYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADHN, BGYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gull, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about:— MAIL LINES 1919 Ottoard (for Ohina.) India Feb
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    • 671 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London and Antwerp, under mail oontract witb the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 661 4 BTEAMEB SAILINGS'. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, Benerah, Tringganu Bisnt, Semerak, Baoho, K^yifa"! Bangnara Tolnpin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kohsamoi, Bandon, T^ngsuan Chumpon Taku, Kohlak ud Bangkok. Dv« Departure S p.m. HEDANG Feb. 34 PRAOHATIPOK Feb. 35 Feb. 38 NATUNA Feb. 38 Mar. 3
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    • 525 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCHE DUIPFieilFfFURTMU. "UNI" NEbUI. Combined Bervloe. Tbe steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhavon direct,
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    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. lorddoutseher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Suet, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau,
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  • 133 5 FIXTURES Friday, February 23. High Water, 1.7 a.m., 1.17 p.m. Lcgislativo Council. 2.30 p.m. P. and O. outward mail due. Saturday, February 34 High Wator, 1.85 a.m., 2.0 p.m. Uirls Friendly Society ontortaioment, 9 p.m. Sunday, February 35. High Water, 2.6 a.m., 2.56 p.m. Monday, Febiuary 26.
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  • 255 5 TO-DAT. Port SwotU'nbam and Telok Anson Kinta 8 pa Malacca at.J Muar Lady Weld Bpm Bangkok l'atani 8 pm Ssurabaya, Singa l'.iija Auipannu aud Macassar Z,v<ena Bpm PenanK and Calcutta Nam Saag Bpm Bangkok Profit R pm Saigon Kampot 6 pm Tomobeow. Hon<!''.ong, n uwli.i; nod Japan
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  • 43 5 The Imp. German mail stoatnor Dorfflinger lit; Honykouj; at noon on Wednesday, the 21st inst., and may bo oxp.->ctei to arrive hero at noon on Sunday, tho 25th inst. She will probably be despatched for Europj on Monday, at noon.
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  • 68 5 Lift Singapore, E Jan. 2J M. M. Tan. M 11,I 1 .v <>. Jan. 29 N. D. L. F. b. 18. I. Feb. SMM Fib. «P. .v Fub. 13 N. I). L. K.b. IS 8.1. Fub. 19 M. M. Fib. -1-1 V. (>. Dpi in Lone February
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  • 406 5 Latest Arrivals. Northbi ..b. R.I. M.S. Trans. :i 33 tons, Com. Shr.irnM-, KbJJ. Prom ll'konj.', Fob 17. S. Naval Offioar, For Calcutta, Fcb 28. W, Brilp, Nor. str. 050 tons, Capt Folkman, FibJi. Kr,,,u ;;.n,kiU, Fob 17. G.c. and d.p. Low S -mi l'o' liangkok. luc. Koads. Colnaihn
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  • 103 5 Wharve at which Vessels are Bert .ied To- Day. TANJONO I'AGAR. Bast Wbakf Basin Nil. East W. Siction No. I—Curocis,1 Curocis, Lightning, Shiirh Whabf— Sliimosa. Kaga Mara. Maiw W. S»ot. No. 2— Klarj^. B— Nil. 4 Janus. B—Van8 Van Noort. 6 Patani, Capri.
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  • 21 5 Arrivals Pjr Btr. Van Nonrt, Feb 23.— From Djii. Mr. and Mrs. Stewarr, Messrs. Simon, barncaricre, arid Takaki,
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  • 46 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Sin-japore stauilaril time, coiresponding to 6 a.m. (iiccnwich mean time. The timp-^nn in tired at U o'clock noon, indicating Singapore Rtandard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • 241 5 Finance Commerce. EX CHANGS. SaoAPOKn, Ffbrcaby 28 1812 (hi I en>o«— Bank 4 m/» Dema id 2/4'^ Private 8 c/a 3/4 ft 8 ml- 2/4* On Oirmakt— Bank d;d 38(4 Jrivaie 8 m/> 3424 Ok Fbakob— Bank d/d 264 Private 8 m/i 389 On India— Bank T. T. 174 Private
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    • 149 5 lasue IS IMmZ 10 10 BelM Tio 10 10 Brnang 10 10 K&naboi £1 1 Kinta Tin 41 41 Lahat Mines 10 10 Malaooa Tin 61. S/- PahanK Cornel £1 £1 Pengkaleo £1 £1 Pusting Bfthra £1 41 Pneing Lama 10 10 Rahman Hyd 41 41 Rahman Tit Bayers
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    • 608 5 li-rno !9 Viloc qJ Beyers. Beller* 2 2/. Allatfar 8/8 8/7 2 2/- Anglo-Malay 15/1' J 16/0 3 2/- Bstang Maiaka 2 i 2 6 £1 £1 Batu Caves 11.15.9 12.7.6 £1 XI BataTiK* 815.0 4 0.0 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 2.14.6 2 17.7 1 £1 £1 Bukit I.intang
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    • 118 5 Issue 5 Value Bayers (tellers 10 10 Banter* noiu Smeltis* !O.CO 10 T 6.00 £1 £1 Bleotrie Tramw»y« 3 6 8/9 10 10 Frasor k Nesve 47.03 47.25 100 HowarUi Brskinr E7/.U 100 7% Pret 92.50 S7.FO 100 100 Kate Bro. Del. m. 180X3 100 100 8% Cxxtc. Pie.
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    • 45 5 Bayers Sellers Spore Manieip&l 4|% of 1907 •1,600,000 7% S'poro Muoicif al H% of 1908 $1,050,000 7% »" Spore MonicipaU% »8! 2,900 par Bayers Sellws Howarth Brukine 0% $900,000 pai Kiley. Harirreavof. 6% •'284,000 1+ m, Singapore Eltjctrio Tramways 6% £860,000 S'porßMunioipalo 11,878,000 mom.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 MuthoHplah lived seme hundred years, At luast, that's what wu'ro told I'm sun hod have his share of cares. And tuany a vasty cold. Thank go jdn«'ss we 1 re not alive In priiuikl days obscure, For lots of us coulil not survive, Without Wood-.' Qml Peppermint Core,
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    • 332 5 AUCTION SALES. Pcweii and Co. I .b J-^.-At saleroom, Motor Csr, at 11. 1\ b ■>*.—AI 5-A, Urove Road, (Tanjon^ Katcngi. household furniture, etc., at 4. March 1. —At saleroom, valuable teak hou=eliokl furnitnrp, etc., at 11. March 2 —At No. 21C-3, (Jueen Street, teak furniture, etc at 2.3?. Mar^h
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    • 376 5 CIGARETTES at the Smoking Concert. £g|jgw When you pass round cigarettes at the jjt -%g Smoking Concert be cure they are State JsvJjT" Express the cigarettes of quality that >K||kv /W^ W 'H proclaim your social standing. In Xi(L CVery deU o( maleri; 1 anrf manufacture '^^^^^-^^V^ V they are
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    • 83 5 To-Night To-Niglxt AT TBE Harima Hall Cinematograph, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. THE LATEST ARRIVAL 6 New American Films 6 WILL BE SHOWN (ON TRIAL). 1. ROMANCE OP BAR 700 ft. 4. THE UNEXPECTED GUEST 1,000 ft. 2. FOR HER COUNTRY'S MKE....1.000 ft. 5. HANK AND LAND SANDWICH MEN... 900 ft. I.
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  • 19 6 Ml- n i.i- On February 22, a.m., at Claremont. Mount Sophia, Singapore, Albrccht Muhle, of Dalmann .v Co.
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  • 1236 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23. THE COAL CRISIS. We do not in the least despair of a favourable settlement of the coal crisis. On tbc contrary, we think that it is highly probable. The cost of a strike of such magnitude to the miners' unions would be enormous, and
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  • 23 6 A committee mooting of tho Singapore Riflo Association will be held at tho s. V.A. drill ball on February 27, at 0.80 p.m.
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  • 16 6 Owing to the rain, to-day's ties in the S.C.C. tennis tournament will be postponed till Monday.
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  • 19 6 Seven cases of smallpox were recently reported from tho Malay quarter of Johannesburg, and of these two proved fatal.
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  • 23 6 The Eastern International Rubber and Produce Trust, Ltd., is calling up the balance of its capital in mid-April. It is issuing bearer certificates.
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  • 31 6 The public examination in bankruptcy of Mr. J. O. Boyd was to have been heard before Mr. Justice Fisher in tho Supreme Court this morning, but tho matter was further adjourned.
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  • 35 6 William dc Sou/.a, of 6, Mackenzie Road, reports to the police that, while ho was upstairs for twenty minutes, last night, someone stole four chairs, valued at ?H, from tho lower storey of the house.
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  • 33 6 The Sourabaya Courant states that the Government are considering the laying of a sea cable, between Weltevreden, Semarang and Sourabaya, so that there may be less interruptions than is the case at present.
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  • 40 6 Daring the year ended December 31 last 11,274,146 gallons of wino were consumed in the L'nited Kingdom, compared with 1-.',725.1J7 gallons in I'JU). The quantity of Australian wine consumed rose from 780,391 gallons in 1910 to 811,479 gallons last year.
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  • 50 6 Swimming Club launches leaves as follow Saturday, February 24. Johnston's Pier, 2-li) and i-ll p.m. Club bungalow. J 1"> and 5-30 p.m. Sunday, February 25. Johnston's Pier, 9, 10 and 11 a.m., M 0 sad M 0 p.m. Club bungalow, 9-30 and 10-30 a.m., 12 1">, 3 ami 5-30 p.m.
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  • 53 6 The Humane Society has awarded the Stanhope Gold Medal for the bravest deed of the year, to Mr. Charles C. Halliday, of the Cunard Company. When second officer of the Glasgow steamer River Clyde in November, 1910, he attempted, at great risk from sharks, to rescue a Chinese liremau in
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  • 55 6 A fatal accident occurred yesterday on board the Japanese steamer L'jina Maru, which is lyiug iv Singapore harbour. While walking along the dimly lit 'tween decks about 8.30 a.m., a Japanese fireman stumbled into an open hatchway. He fell to the bottom of the hold, fracturing his skull, and died
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  • 62 6 Messrs. Tyres and Co.'s Tablet Block, which has been so succus, fully iri use on the F.M.S. Railways for the last two years h-nveeii Prai and Ipoh, under the efaargi of Mr. A. K. Langdon, is, it is understood, to be extended on the 26th inst. from Ipoh to Tapah
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  • 60 6 At present the beauty of the well-kept esplanade at Medan is somewhat marred by an ugly wooden building, roofed with corrugated iron, in which the local bioscope pictures are shown nightly. The building of the proposed hall would enable this to be removed, and might prove a means of inducing
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  • 72 6 The next half-ycirly general meeting of the Ipoh Club has been fixed for Saturday, 9th proximo, when tho report and accounts for last year will be submitted and an estimate of tiie receipts and expenditure for this year furnished by the secretary. The election of officers for I'Jll, which consists
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  • 81 6 An Association football competition for a cup presented by a director of Messrs. Van Nic aud Co., Medan, has been started recently. The c jin pet ing teams are the Deli Planters, the Lankat Planters, the Deli Srmorweg XI. Van Nic XI, and Handel XI. The first match resulted in
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  • 87 6 Mr. Acton, second magistrate, yesterday committed to the assizes a Hockchia man named Ting Ket on a charge of attempted murder. The complainant was one Ting Ong Eng, to whom accused owed ILK Ong Eng went to accused's house on the night of January W to demand payment of the
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  • 115 6 The Rev. W. S. Kellcy and the clergy of St. Thomas, Kuching, wero At Home at Bishop's House on Tuesday afternoon, says the Sarawak ia/ette of February 16. Ham during the previous days and in the morning had made the grounds very soft and wet, but the afternoon was tine,
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  • 133 6 The municipality of Shanghai arc importing a number of English policemen to protect tho foreign settlements there, says the L. and C. Express. Fifteen stalwart English constables are now on the way, and 40 or 50 more aro preparing to leave England shortly to undertako duty in this part of
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  • 329 6 Mr. H. E. Nixon, of Dovjn Estatt/, Malacca, has gone home fur six months. Mr. T. A. Boso, of Kuala Lumpur Engineering Works, has been transferred to Klang. Mr. M. B. Shelley lo appointed to act as Assistant Registrar, the Supreme Court, Ipoh. Secoud-Licut. 11. do R.
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  • 114 6 Tho death occurred on Thursday morning, the 22nd instant, at the early age of 21 yeais, of Mr. Albrecht Muhle, an assistant iv ihe firm of Messrs. Dalmann and Co. Mr. Muhle was apparently in the best of health ami spirits till last Tuesday morning,
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  • 131 6 A letter received in Shanghai recently gave an account of terrible massacres and atrocities which have been perpetrated in tin' province of Szechuau. The letter is dated Chungking, January 38, autl referring to the siege by banditti of a city named Shuonkin. it says that at length
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  • 151 6 The (ireat ltaymond concluded his season at tho Victoria Theatre last night, and is to be followed by an amateur performance in aid of charity, on Saturday evening. On Monday Mr. Leo Dryden makes his bow to the Singapore public. Mr. Drydeu, who is well known as
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  • 180 6 I Among the forthcoming entertainments to look forward to in Singapore not the leas! pleasant in prospect is the return visit of Mdlle. Eva Uuutliier, vhose coucert is due to take place in tho Teutonia Club on March 1. With happy rucnllectious of this laily's appearanco
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 133 6 Fascination of the East J^^^ Is brought home to yog In Ihc per'crton to which ~^^|Ak Bouton Rouge "IUS^^ Sf -J\*J^^^a^LßalM^MaLZ lJ §and Felucca 'JIIHB-' Egyptian Cigarettes a revelation lo the cljarette connoisseur. A Luxury to the Man of Taste. Obtainable at *_£rV JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTO.. ROBINSON CO. To
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    • 152 6 MAX LINDER AND M. PRINCE with their I'proarious Laughter-Makers AND A Careful Selection of NEW SUBJECTS FROM A Variety of Maker* THE PROGRAMME OF PROGRAMMES AT THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. To-N igh t. To-Ni^ht t t I 2nd Show 9.30 to 11 p.m. SPRINCTIME'S FLOWERS. Patbc Production in natural colours,
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    • 13 6 Latest advertisements of tho rlay appear on pago 5 and on page 8.
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  • 216 7 Admiralty Purchasing Largely. PRIME MINISTER CONDUCTING NEGOTIATIONS. A Welsh Leader's Speech. Rbdtkk's Tklkoram. London, February 22. In addition to large purchases of American coal the Admiralty yesterday arranged to secure the balances of coal from the Welsh collieries on the Admiralty list, and it will be sent
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  • 127 7 WALFISCH BAY AND ZANZIBAR DISCUSSED. The Rights of Parliament. Rectkr's Telegram. London. February 23. In the House of Commons Mr. Goldney asktd whether there had been any negotiations for a possible cession of Walfisch Bay or Zanzibar. Sir Edward (irey replied that for many years the possibility of
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  • 41 7 UECTERM IkLKhKAM. London, February 22. In the match between Argentina and the M.C.C. team, the former made 209 in their liist innings and 1:(6 for six wickets in the second. The M.C.C. scored 157 in their secoud innings.
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  • 47 7 Rectkr's Tklkqram. London. February 22. The Paris portion of tho Tokio loan has been largely over subscribed at a premium of one and a quarter. The L'judon and New York portions will be is-,md today, the former at '■I*, aud the latter at 'J7
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  • 38 7 KKCTBR'i TELBaRAM. London, via Durban, February 22. A si mi -uuVial BOte issued at Berlin say the statements in llie Lok.ilau/eigcr are purely < "iiicctural. and then fore likely to raise false hopes aud unfounded apprehensions.
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  • 37 7 MY HAT'S IN THE RING." Rkutkk's Tklkokam. London via Durban. February 11. On an admirer asking if he was standing for the presidency. Mr Roosevelt answered "My hat s in the ring. You II know on Monday.
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  • 22 7 i>i Onuuunn uk I. low, Tnmn Berlin. February 22. The Chinese Ke])ublican commanilerinchief hM demanded the surrender of Mukden.
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  • 422 7 Consideration of Proposed Working Scheme. (From Odb Own Correspondent.) Penang, February 22. At the meeting of L'lu Piah Mining Co., Mr. Corbctt presided and spoke of the highly satisfactory report, owing to the high price of tin enabling satisfactory dividends to bo paid. The company had acquired
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  • 58 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, February 22. Mr. Pasley, divisional manager of the I illicit Tempurong Estates, Kota Baru, reports that he, along with his bailiff, was held up near the Sixth Mile by Chinamen. One of them fired at Mr. Pasley with an automatic revolver.
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  • 140 7 ,Fuom Uc". Own Correspondent.) Penang. February 11. At a meeting of tho official Immigration Committee at Kuala Lumpur on Wh inst., the chairman intimated that the total number of arrivals in 1911 were 101,818 adults and 7.2.">: l minors, whereof 7H.:)7(» and 6.01 a were supplied with
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  • 200 7 Drum Major Andrews, tlio crack sprinter of the Hulls Bogiinont. al Singapore, called at the China .Mail otlice, Hongkong, and iuformed the editor of his successes in running, at the Manila Carnival. He won both the quarter. mile ajxl tlic huh' -mile and was second in the
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  • 501 7 RECOMMENDATIONS ON SUBJECT OF QUARANTINE. Uniform Rules Desired. The Manila papers, we notice, contain more information regarding the proceedings at the Medical Congress than has been published in Hongkong. The following information, says the Hongkong Daily Press, was apparently supplied by Dr. Heiser Resolutions adopted at tho
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  • 502 7 The Proposed Sale to a London Company. A s briefly reported in our issue of yesterday, an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Cheras Rubber Estates, Ltd.. was held at the registered office of the company. Federated Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday at 3 p.m. The
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  • 20 7 Mr. H. Tcrstecg, a well-known Amsterdam journalist, is on his way to Java as bead editor of the Java Bode.
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  • 714 7 THE AFFAIR AT NEW BRIDGE ROAD BAR. Bartender's Story of the Crime. Mr. Maundrell, third magistrate, took some evidence to-day in tho preliminary enquiry into the New Bridge Road Bar gang robbery and murder, with which five men are charged. Mr. Seth, D.P.P., prosecuted. The first witness
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  • 255 7 Loan Raised for Development and Working Purposes. The report of the directors of the Rcpah Rubber and Tapioca Estates. Ltd., for the year ended July 31 states that up to the end of July, 1911, there were 475 acres planted with para rubber trees, and
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  • 99 7 The Great Raymond gavo his last performance at the Victoria Theatre last night and will commence performing for a short season at the Theatre Royal on Sunday. Those who have not yet seen him have missed a great treat. No illusionist could be quicker and cleaner than
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  • 892 7 Latest Details of the Chinese Outbreak. We take the following from the Malay Mail: A desperate attempt wu made on Wednesday afternoon by the moh to rush tho Central Police Station in Sultan Street, Kuala Lumpur, and but for the prompt action of the inspector- in cliarge,
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  • 174 7 The Brussels correspondent of The Times, writing on January °2(), says that the com mittce which has been formed under the presidency of General Baron de Heusch to arrange for the celebration, on Juno IH, 1915, of the centenary of the Battle of Waterloo, has decided
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  • 86 7 PROLONGED CONFERENCE OF DOCTORS. Question of a Living Wage. Kmmm'i Tman«it? London, via Durban, February 22. Tho British Medical Association sat for fourteen hours at an iusurauce conference at the Guildhall yesterday, aud then adjourned. It is understood that it decided not to refuse to treat with
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  • 63 7 INCREASING PROTESTS BY THE AMERICANS. Continued Fighting Reported. Recter's Telegram. London, via Durban, February 22. Router wires from Washington that official advices indicate that there is wide spread anarchy in Mexico. Several cities arc in the hands of the rebels, and the protests of American citizens against
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 40 7 llkiikr's Tirmmir London, via Durban, February 22. Very cordial telegrams have been exchauged between Count IJenhtoi I, I i. n I Vthruanu aud M. Sazonoff emphasising the desire fora continuance of the intimate relationships bequeathed by Count Aehrcnthal.
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  • 25 7 Kkitku's Tkli.'.r\m. London. February 1 '>. ■antat wires from Melbourne that the Chinese in Australia arc enthusiastically celebrating the inauguration of the Republic.
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  • 43 7 Recter's Telegram. London, February 22. There is a by-election at Manchester on the appointment of Sir Arthur II aworth as a Junior Lord of the Treasury in succession to the Hon. C.iptain (iuest, who is appointed Treasurer of the Household.
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  • 24 7 Der Osta-i.ytisi uk Lloyh Tnmii Berlin. February 'li. (i rand Duke Adolf Friedrich of Mocklon-burg-Strelitz has been appointed Governor of Togoland.
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  • 32 7 Der Ostasiatiscuk Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, February 22. It is reported from Kiachta that Ulgi has been proclaimed as the capital of Mongolia. The Mongolian Government is levying duties on Chinese goods.
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  • 60 7 DlB OSTASIATISCBK LLOYD TKLKORAM. Berlin. February 11. Tho Porte has announced officially that all Italians will be expelled as soon as any Italian squadron appears in the Aegean Sea. The Italian Chamber of Deputies has received the bill for tho proclamation of the sovereignty of Italy over
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  • 45 7 Der Ostasiatiscuk Lloyd IlUMlia Berlin, February 22. The Norddeutscho Allegem. Hie /.citung states that the AIMMMBI M has not yot been before the Buudesralh. Tho pa per controverts tho rumours that tho secretary <>f the Imperial Treasury is against increase of armament.
    45 words
  • 53 7 (From a Malacca Corrkspondint). Malacca, February li. Information has boon received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the prico of fino Para in London yesterday was 4/7 per lb. value. Tho price of best plantation rubber is quoted at 1/8 sillers. Business was done at Id. below
    53 words

  • 714 8 Controversy Over Tennis Doubles Championship. The Manila <jf 1-Vhrnary lfi, says: Ti. have the doubles championship and the I am heU over until next year and tin n playi o oiv. as advocated by Gaunt, tho Singapore champion, or award tho cup to Panning and
    714 words
  • 211 8 The report ofllie bo;ird of directors for the balf-yoar ending December 81, 1911, which ma to be prea nb d to the sharaholdam i>t the Si.mi Navigation Company, Limited, ;it the wrath oramai} gaMcal lm-rtinj; to bo held at tin company's ollicc, ou Wednesday,
    211 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 282 8 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, I presumo that our representatives on the Municipal Board must be cognisant of tho disgraceful condition of our chief thoroughfare Orchard Road and I further presume that they have done their duty by prodding tho President's ribs about it. Such
      282 words
    • 126 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. "Impartial seems to be determined not to disclose his name, but I am glad he admits he is insignificant, and 1 can assure him. his publications have been looked upon as such. It is a pity he should be
      126 words
  • 466 8 Lawn Tennis. 5.C.C. Tournament. Weather permitting the follow my ties in the S.C.C. Lawn Tennis Tournament will be played on the Esplanade this afternoon I'KOKKssIoS l'Ui:-. Army 1. Major Stanbury and Lt. Chippendall v. Broken i I'euuy aud L'antre'l. lianks VI. Backlaj and A. W. Smith v. Tel.
    466 words
  • 7 8 Kuala s.iwal.. 1,1 ■■>. lbs.
    7 words
  • 769 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 28, 1912. MOBBI6. Lyall and Evatt, Kxohanzo and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations this morning I— Norn Value. Buyers, Sellers. 2/- Allagar 8/8 8/10 3/- Option! 1/1} 1/9 1 Anglo-Java 5/10} 0,7-1 1 An«lo Johnrc
    769 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 33 8 A WHISKY for the critical ambitious Buchanan's "Royal Household There is no finer at ANY price. Garner, Quelch Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Battery Rjad, Singapore. Tolephone 881. 28 9 25 0 12
      33 words
    • 13 8 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
      13 words
    • 341 8 ■JRIIJMPH' MOTOR CYCLES We can supply from STOCK both Ordinary and Free Engine Models. The Motor Cycle with a reputation. Sole Agents: RiLEY, HARGREAVES COMPANY, LIMITED, Singapore. Coughing into > Consumption I Only a Cough but yon stop S it while it is ONLY a cough. WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COD LIVER
      341 words
    • 485 8 Raffles M Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, February 24. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Salmon. Tbe only first-class Hotel in Saigon. Every comfort. Splondid verandah. Restaurant With management, French kitchen and attendance as in tbe finest European Restaurants. Manager G. Feraudy, late from tho Grand Hotel, Paris. Saigon. Theatrical season (from October
      485 words
    • 246 8 YOU ALWAYS GET A good appreciable change in our Programme and YOUR MONEY S WORTH Out of the entertainment the pictures and music provide AT THE MARLBOROUGH PICTURE THEATRE, BEACH ROAD, To-night's Programme Contains a fine selection of pictures, with a large proportion of humorous subjects, and will bo found
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 320 9 WREXHAM BEER Ace of Clubs BRAND. British Beer Brewed in a British Brewery. GIVE IT A TRIAL. Sole Agents i PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. HARVEY'S WHISKY Jl good Seoted at a reasonable price. $1?-5O pep case, Including duty. Ask for Chop "R. V." SOLE AGENTS: Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. MARTELL
      320 words
    • 191 9 UNION 88. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND, LTD BINGAPORE TO NEW ZEALAND DiaacT, AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, LYTTELTON AND DUNEDIN, ALSO CALLMO AT SAMARANG AND FIJI (IF INDDCBMBNT OFrBRS). The Company's Steamer Aparima 6,704 tons, J. K. Stringer, Commander, maintain* a regular four-monthly service betwten Singapore and New Zealand. Excellent saloon accommodation amidships,
      191 words
    • 746 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Francisco to' ail Points in tbe United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Operating the Haw 11,000 ton Trlpls «cr«w Turbins Linen "Shlnyo Msru" "Tsityo Msru tnd Chl»i Msru,
      746 words
    • 395 9 APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. The undermentioned mail steamers of tbe above Line maintain a regular service be tween Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route FLEET Tons Commander "Japah" 8,018 A. Bt»wa»t Quoobt Apcab 4,000 S. H. Bslsob 1 A««atooii Apcae 4,600 C. F. Hcdsom
      395 words
    • 399 9 SLEDGE MILK E&fi Swiss Milk Ha^g^tf' I From Cattle grazed on the Famous Ips| BERNESE ALPS !i|s^gsj| PASTURES. Ask fox*: "SLEDGE" BRAND. Unsweetened Condensed Milk. "SLEDGE" BRAND. Natural Sterilized Milk. Sole Importers J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD. FLOORING TILES JL OF VARIOUS DESIGNS. 7 rELBPHONE: 1117. j^^^^^^y WORKS: 94, SUNGEI ROAD.
      399 words
      87 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 724 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. BtTAMISHD 1882. S.S.O. Iniuranoa in Force, over $45,000,000.00 New Buvinaaa, 1910, 0ver...»1,840,000.00 Large Nat Surplus above liabilities lor Reserve and ail outstanding claims. Direct Government Supervision Caeh Loans.'.Settlementa, eta, made locally. Polioies are WORLD WIDB." J. H. EVANB, Manager, South Bastc;-a Asia. THB
      724 words
    • 525 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each 41,200,000 ReeervoFund 41,626,000 Reserve Liabihtf of Proprietors... 41,200,000 BANKBRS. Bank of England. Tbe London City Midland Bank, Ltd. National Bank of Sootland, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened
      525 words
    • 615 10 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TONS BANKING AND INSURANCE CO, LTD NO. (7 AND 68, KLING STREET. BstobUehed 1907, Capital paid up •1,000,000.00 Reserve lfebility of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tiok Jooh 0. Sm Kia Ja> a. Nam Kirn Sino 7. Tio Hoo Lai 8. Laow Chia Hino
      615 words
    • 638 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF EXCELLENT TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC. The property of O. B. Harley, Enj.. AT "MIGNON," NO. 18-A, MOUNT ELIZABETH ROAD (OFF ORCHARD ROAD), On Saturdny, March 2, a.t 2-3O p,m. Straw string woven drawing room chair?, selteos, and tables polished toak contro tables; teak writicg
      638 words
    • 212 10 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little k Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh. Ltd. Rafflos Hotel. j Adelpbi Hotel. Hotel de l'Europe. Hotel van Wijk, Stamford Road. Mossrs. Koh k Co., 90, Bras Basah Road. The "Ooldon Fountain," 198, (Juecn Street.
      212 words

  • 877 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Overseas Annual of the Commercial Motor epitomises practically all there is to know about the motor in the spheres of public work and industry. It is, in some measure a revelation to those whoso business does not yet embrace the
    877 words
  • 162 11 The mills of the gods, wo have been taught from our youth up. grind slowly, and on high authority it has been stated that justice moves with a leaden footstep. If we wished to exemplify the latter dictum, we need only refer to a case .it present
    162 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 426 11 WOLSELEY The Car of Refinement a.nd Reliability." IT IS THE RESULTS, in tho hands of private ucers, that account for the enormous 9010 demand for Wolsoloy cars, that is compelling Ant»n4m "lo" lo expansion of the worka by the erection Mnarttm nyenwm. 0 now B i lO ps by the
      426 words
    • 55 11 Safe Cough Medicine. Mothers everywhere object to giving their children medicines that contain opiates and for this reason Chamberlain's Cough ltcmedy has become a general favourite. This remedy contains absolutely nothing injurious and for the prompt relief of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, it has no equal. For sale
      55 words
    • 394 11 TRADE I *Jfc I MARK GARREAGE AND RICKSHA RUBRER TYRE. fttlft-Rim Fo*iy 2 *R,MS> Forl^Rims ForI"R. MS Use Dun/op Quality, It ia the Beat Stoeka alwaya on hand. Suppliers to the Trade only. Particulars ancHestimates given for Solid Tyres, for Motor Busses and Motor Commercial Vehicles of all descriptions. THE
      394 words
    • 61 11 H. L. GOGHLAN AND COMPANY, Auctioneers, Valuers and Surveyors, NO. 6, RAFFLES PLACE. VALUATIONS of Real and Personal Property for sales, Mortgago and Estate Duty AUCTIONS conducted of Land, House Property, Furnituro and other tffecta. ESTATE MANAGEMENT and COLLECTION of RENTS under supervision of experienced Staffs RUBBER AUCTIONS held weekly.
      61 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 438 12 A REMARKABLE CEMENT IRON PRESERVATIVE OK Roth's INERTOL Will Revolutionise Methods of Protecting Cement and Iron against the Action of Water and Atmospheric Moisture. YOUR INQUIRIES ARE SOLICITED. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. CHINESE SALESMAN WANTED. Wanted, an experienced Chinee Salepman for Singapore. A knowledge of Engineering Storm in essential.
      438 words
    • 342 12 WANTS. POSITION WANTED. Wanted by an Englishman, age 84, married, sober and reliable, good credentials. Experienced in Shipping, Clerical, Outfitting, Provisions and Wiuee and Hotel Work. No objection to a small salary for a start. Apply X.Y.Z., co Straits Times. 16-2 28-2 BILLET WANTED. Wanted, billet as Manager or First
      342 words
    • 361 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. With immediate entry, fi st and second Boors, No. la, Raffles Quay Apply Guthrie k Co., Ltd. 1-4 a HOUBEB TO LET. "Brathay" No. 15, Gilstead Road. In excellent condition. Rent moderate. Apply to J. W. Haffcndon, 47, The Arcade. 0 12
      361 words
    • 520 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE CALVES FOR SALE. Apply to the Manager, The Singapo Model Dairy, Limited, Kiver Valley Road. 19-1 a USEFUL TURNOUT FOR SALE. Strong poDy gharry, 2 sets of Harness, c Apply Rev. JAB. COOK 18 2 RUBBER-TYRED VICTORIA FOR SALE. One four-seated nibber-tyrod Viotoria by Steanrt h Co.,
      520 words
    • 658 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. BoTtmrMit md Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 106*100, Market Street. NOTICE. Mr. James Robbie Murray has been admitted a partner in oar firm and will sign the firm. MACBETH BARRETT, Penang. 10 2 38 2 NOTICE. Mr. Lim Hook Soon has this day
      658 words
    • 310 12 ENGLISH MADE PIANOS ON HIRE FROM $10 Per Month. THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. E.&O. HOTEL, PEMANB The best and the mo«t frequented Hotel in tbo Island, and CRAG HOTEL Tbe only Sanatorium in tbo Straits. AM THI BEAMOHaS OB RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. SARKIBS BROTHBRS, Proprietors u2780 NOTICE to ADVERTISERS
      310 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 227 12 Straits Wimes. AOVBRTISBMBNT RATBS.—Misocllaat ova watts of every description are insert ed at tbe prepaid rate of II por four lines for ono or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marrisgeß, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, tl each insertion Foi p.p.o. oards, on page 8,13. Imob Soali Ratm are
      227 words