The Straits Times, 13 February 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.797 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 187 1 BEER. KATZ BROS., LD. Beg to announce the removal of their Drapery and Ladies' Departments to the First Floor of their new premises. Important Notice. NEW GOODS BEING OPENED OUT DAILY. Departments RIBBONS. SILKS AND VELVETS. CURTAIN MUSLINS. LACE AND SILK NECKWEAR. DRESS COTTONS. BLOUSES. FLOWERS. PRINTED COTTONS AND LINENS.
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    • 40 1 DRINK Marteli's Brandy. BARBER SUPPLIES. Koken s and Archer's American barber chairs Xow shipment expected in a few day. Combination Mirror Cases made in our own factory for barber shops. INM'KCTION SoI.RITKD. A. FRANKEL CO., 375, Victoria Street (Only Adhkbs*).
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  • 934 2 BRITISH OFFICER'S LIFE IN A GERMAN FORTRESS. Treatment Since Spy's Escape. Wiring from Berlin on January 16, the correspondent of the Daily Chronicle stated:— It is announced here that Captain Trench, the British Officer, who is undergoing a term of four yean' confinement in the fortress of Olatz,
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  • 51 2 Messrs. Jardine, Matin-son and Co., general managers of the Indo-China S. N. Co., Ltd., inform Hongkong papers that tin- IndoChina S. K. Co.'s river steamer Kutwo, which haa been aground in the Yangtsze for some considerable time past, was successfully floated on the 2nd inst. and has apparently suffered no
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  • 521 2 Strange Incident at a London Wedding. As the result of the intervention of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the representatives of the Bishop of London, the customary Marriage Service was read at the marriage of Miss Una Dugdale and Mr. Victor Duval at the Chapel Royal, Savoy,
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  • 517 2 Position at Shanghai Seriously Affected. The N. C. Daily News, in its notes on the week's finance, says If only the trade had had the slightest inkling as to the possibilities of the position in China it is very probable that it might havo avoided half
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  • 76 2 The Siam Observer, of February fl, says The result of the recession of tlio prohibition of the export of rice from Saigon, which came into force on February 1, is that from 5t),000 to 80,000 tons are ready for shipment. It is expected that a fall in prices will follow,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 153 2 TO BEAUTIFY /j£Sv\ a and Preserve tß^ 1 U d&> The Complexion is made soft, smooth and 111 l daily application of fllll /"'HAZELINE' SNOW" J Dullness, greasiness and blemishes Jl|j|i disappear, and a charming healthy tone f|||||f jlj||f One of the special properties of ifllllf |f|||f "'Hazelink' Snow" is
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    • 86 2 Mothers Should Remember This. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious disoaßcs such as whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough licincdy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen tin danger of con tractiog these
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    • 363 2 BREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. Portland Cement. In Casks of 375 lbs. net. Drain Pipes, any shape In Bags of 250 lbs. net. Gutterways Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed Glased Paving Tiles Paving Bricks Prioes, samples and fall p*rtioul*ra will be forwarded on application to Agent W. A. STOP
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  • 621 3 BRITISH STEAMER WRECKED OFF SCOTTISH COAST. Fifty-four Men Drowned. For two days this week, says the mail of January 20, great storms raged in and around Great Britain and on Thursday took a terrible toll of life when the Liverpool steamer Wistow Hall, a screw
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  • 237 3 Fanatic Sentenced to Death for Murder. Allahabad High Court lias confirmed the sentence of death passed on liaghunandan by the Sessions .Tudgc of Mir/.apur for the murder of a Hindu girl under peculiar circumstances. It appears that the deceased was gathering firewood with other girls in a
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  • 79 3 A Tokio wire sajs A meeting of mem--Iht> of I'.n halm nt, lawyers and journalists has resolved to urge the Government to recognize the Chinese revolutionary government before the other Powers do bo. The Opposition parties will not introduce in the Diet a resolution that the revolutionaries be promptly recognized,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 42 3 Croup. If your children are subject to attacks of 1 croup, wittuh for tho first symptom, hoarseKm Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the ■MMk may be warded oil. For «ale by |all DiapeMafM and Dealers.
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    • 400 3 K^L, vj^ll^^ The Vt* of alt Tonics P y Proven kf mcd\ lor all Nerve <^C*^ Bntita.i/1). m»ln AH Oioiu^ J. MOTION ft CO. Watchmakers, Jewellery, Optician* BBPAIBB PBOMPTLT BXRCDTBD. I Oa-tine proauu. that condition or the skin which I. real beauty, and which you cannot !-.<.: by uslnrf toap
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    • 211 3 against Infection by IHO the use of Lifebuoy \_J /^HT^^att all climates and at *^V V f»M FOR PRESERVATION S^/- /^F y Vfl Proprittor. of Saallgat Saip. T. NAGAI CO. (JAPANESE CURIO AND PORCELAIN STORE). Just Unpacked A GREAT ASSORTMENT OP SERVICES FOR Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, Ice-cream arcd Fruits ALSO
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 621 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading isanid for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. B(eamers will leavo Singapore on or about:— MAIL LINES 1912 Ontward {for China.) India Fob 23 I
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    • 687 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, nnder mail contract with tho Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILINGS^ THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringganu Bisut, Semerak, Bacho, Kolantan, Bangnara Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Looon, Kohsamui, Bandon, Langsuan Chumpon Taku, Kohlak %nd Bangkok. Duo Departure S p.m. ■.■.YUGALA* Feb. 14 a. s. ASDANG Feb. 14 Feb. 17 s.s. MAHIDOL* Feb.
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    • 501 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCHE DAWPFSCHIFfFAHHT9GES. H»«S» IREMEI. Combined Service. Tbe steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbo Straitp, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhavon direct,
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    • 621 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. IM. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Breme IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well known mail stearaors of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong. Shanghai,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 992 5 STEAKEB SASLISGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD (Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Government). New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai. From ard to Trieste and Vr nice, calling nt Port Said, Sue«, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai, and at Pei>ang on the homeward voyage. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Duo to arrivo on cr about Due
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    • 613 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. DIRECT SERVICE TO JAPAN VIA HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI. AND TO CALCUTTA VIA PENANG FROM SINGAPORE. Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Nnwcbwang, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc.. etc., etc. Steamers. Tons Commander Kctsano 4.800
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    • 438 5 JTEAMER SAILINGS. aEadian Paoiflc Bailwa; hi Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Vu China, Japan, Canada and tbi Unitid Statis. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe Yokohama, Victoria and Vanocuver. R.M.S. Empress of India" j Twin sorow B.M.S.''Bmp«*, of Japan" fj»~ R.M.S.
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    • 369 5 Jame3 Lilljwiiite, Frowd A Co LONDON. ACTI/AL MANUFACTURERS The 'Fetich' Football (Association or RursßV). Mado of Tussclino Waterproof Leather, The most durable and Symetrical Football produced. Used by all the Loading Clubs. TO BE OBTAINED FROM MESSRS. ROBINSON A CO. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER OEPOT 21 7 i Orchard Road.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 182 6 "If it be not true, speak it not, If it be not seemly, do it not." Marcus Aurelius. The one and only Solo Agontu t PATERSSN, SIMONS CO.. LTD. NOW ON SALE, Donor snore Price i values Dividend Prospects of the Leading Dollar Companies fully worked U ftAct out k
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    • 306 6 "PURUB." (Patented). THE NEW COAGULANT. Superior qnality ot the manufactured article. Higher percentage of rubber extracted from the latex. IHsinfeota the latex. Retains its full nerve even after years. Loses none of it» good qualities on a lone sea voyaue. Rapid, efficient and producing clear coloured RUBBER. HOLDER'S SPRAYERS. Recommended
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    • 160 6 Far East Oxygen Acetylene Co., Ltd.. Singapore: branch. Oxygen Gas. Dissolved Acetylene. Oxyacetylenic blowpipes and blowpipe cutters for quick cutting Iron and steel. Autogenous welding of all Metals. All kinds of repairs to ships, boilers, motor cars, etc. Application of the Dissolved Acetylene Gas for lighting Motor Cars, Launches, Steamers,
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  • 167 7 FIXTURES. Tuesday, February 13. Hiirh Water, S.:tO a.m.. 8.49 p.m. Tim Great Ktyraond, Theatre, 9.15 p.m. Singaporo l'o!o Clnb meeting, 6 p.m. Wednesday, February 14. High Watir. 0 54 a.m.. 9.44 p.m. Hjipocra K'llih t inneting, noon. Tne (ircnt lUytuond, Thoatre, 9.16 p.m. Prcbbyt. Church meeting, 8.46
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  • 230 7 To-dii. Port Swettinhnm, Kuans: aud Colorubo Nyau/.a pm Malacca and Mnar Lady Weld Bpm Port Dickon and Port Swotti.nham Ponang 3 t nj FortDidpwa Malacca 8 puj Tobin" Tingfji, Pontianak 8 pm Bangkok Cbowtai 4 pm Mnntok and Palembang Japara 4 pm To-MOBSOW. Pulau Bataui Hock Tew
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  • 145 7 The B. I. contract packet steamer TUon^wa with mails frcm London up to the evening of January '26, left Nr°apatani at 9 p.m on Saturday, tho 10th instant, and may be expected to ar.ivc here on Saturday marniag, (he 17th inst. The Imp. Gorman mail "jtectnor Yotk
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  • 377 7 Latest Arrivals. Aataaaasi Bri*. wtr. ::OJI ton», Capt Head, l-',b IS. l-'ri'iu Yokob*ma, Jan 20. G.c. W. MansDiild ,v Co. fat L'pool. F. b 16. Hdc Am. I. Treville, Peh. air. M7t tons, Capt Mauson, I-.I- IS Krom l>unlirk, Dec 31. Gc. anit p. Muino Cuiuti For Saigon,
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  • 104 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJOVO PA OAR E*st Wbabp Basin— Nil East W. Section No. I— Tceeta, I'nda. Sbiirs Wharf— Nil. Main W. Sict. No. 2— Edavana. B—Taikotan8 Taikotan Mara, n 4— Amiral L. Trcvillc. n 11 6— Se'ancor. i,
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  • 148 7 Arrivals. Per htr. Kbora Hang IVb IJ.— From Poatiaßak. Maaiia. .1. Lad; and H. K.>btrtp. I'er r'.t. Nyaai Fi b IS. From Yokubama via ]i.-,rts >ii >^ra. F. H. Bisgbam. R.Brooke, j P. Haafa Mia, H. Borough. H Armstrong, C. Heed, Cr; tcah, A'iaiop, W. Kir;.'. T.
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  • 247 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANQE. Simqapobi, Febbcary 18 1912 Or Lo«do»— Bank 4 m/i a/4',;. Demand a/4',", Private 6 re/.« M 8/4# 8 m/t m. 2/41 Ok OaanAiii— Bark d/d 288 i Private f* tu/f U424 Ok Fi*»ci— Bank d/d 294 I Private lvi 2f 9 i Oa Ixdia— Bank T. 1.
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    • 155 7 Irr-oe 5 Value 10 10 Bel»t Tin 10 10 Brnang 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 Kintal in £1 JGI L&bat Minos 10 10 Malacca Tin 5/- 6/- PahanK Consol £1 £1 Pengkalen £1 £1 Pasin^ Babia £1 £1 Lam.% in 10 Rabiuan Hyi XI £1 I: .nui an
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    • 589 7 Ieisuo B Value Buyers. Sellers 2/- 3/- Alia«ar 8 3 8,9 3/- An^lo-Malay 16,9 17,6 ■if 3/. Bating Malaka 2 1 2 9 Ml jl MtaCw.-. 1115.0 1226 11 £1 BstaY-yi 3 15 0 4 0.0 41 £1 Enk't lit ;i3 h 2 .18.0 2 18.6 £1 A l^ViJ
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    • 120 7 Issuo !2 Value (2 Bayers Sellers. 10 10 Bmter* norn ttmeltiß* 10.00 10 7 8.00 41 £1 Elootriu Trainw* js 8 3 8/9 10 10 Frssc* Noavu 47.03 47.25 100 Uowarth BnikiD- (7.(0 100 7% Fret 92.50 07.30 100 100 Kats Bro, Dei. 180.00 100 100 8% Cum. !t
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    • 45 7 Buyers Sellers S'poro Mnnioip»l 4)% of 1907 ll.BO-J.OOO 7% S'pore Municipal 4i% ol 1909 •l.OOO.nOJ 7% 9^pm S'poro Municipal 4% 9002,(03 par Bayors Sellers Howsrth Brskine 6% 9900,000 pu Riley. HartfreaveB 8% «284,000 1| Singapore Blectrio Tramways 5% £863,009 S'pore Manioipal 6 ll,87t*,000 wt
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 55 7 Safe Cough Medicine. Motlii is MRlhn object to H'vinj! their ebildren medienm that oontain cßbttei and lor tlii-i raaaoo CbaßriMriain'sOaaßi iteiuedy li;i> brt'oiiic u gi'iicral fiUoiniU'. This remotly OaataiDl rililllillj uothiug iujurious and for tin prompt relief cf roughs, culils, croup and whooping eongb, it has no ei|ual. For salo
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    • 270 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Ftb 33. At folcroou), freehold land at Spicer IM.. etc., at 2.8 C. Keb 16. At saleroom, Excellent filverplatedware, etc., at 11. H L. CorbUn and Co. March 6 —At saleroom, Important sale of town proportivi No. 180, Victoria S5. etc., at 2 30. March
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    • 436 7 Obtainable at: BOlltOXl ROUCfe I inuu i itti p 0 and >* nuDlnoun I JUHN LITTLE 7? P^liia^PA /7 k jFu v^a v* "c- la zf dun nn I AND CO,. LTD. E«jrprtan Cigarette.^^ •r« recoftilcd br Midi of tht tun MlKt*d Turk tb Tobacco under ideal rcidiuoa. la Cair%
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    • 46 7 To-Night To-Ni^ht AT THE Harima Hall Cinematograph, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Last Few Nights Only. "THE COLLEEN BAWN" WITH AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAME INCLUDING Gaumont Graphic (2nd edition). Latest News of Home and Abroad. Booking at Uarima Office, Beach ltoad. Tklipiiosk 1110, K. HARIMA, Sole .'roprirtor.
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  • 19 8 Sarkies.— At St. Leonards-on-Sea, on the 11th inst.. Tigran Sarkies, of Raffles Hotel, aged 51 years. By cable.
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  • 1052 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. WHAT ABOUT CHINA? What once again is going to happen in China Up to a certain point ama/.iug progress was made by the revolutionaries. The imperial armies seemed to melt before them. They came, they saw, they conquered. Hut when a certain position had
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  • 35 8 Messrs. Lewis and Peat send Us copies of their chart and report on Para and plantation grown rubber for I'M I Readers desiring copies should make early application to us as the supply is limited.
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  • 35 8 Canadian papers say that tho new C. P. R. mail-contract for the Liverpool-Hongkong service, will materially reduce tho time of transit. Tho voyago from Vancouver to Yokohama will be cut from IJJ to 9} days.
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  • 57 8 The White Star Company have appealed against tho finding in the Hawke-Olympic case. The Imperial Merchant Service Guild sends us a long review of the ovidenco given at the trial, public opinion having taken exception to many conclusions arrived at in tho judgment which seems prejudicial to tho officers of
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  • 14 8 The Tongkah Harbour Tin output for the week ended February 10 was 601.80 piculs.
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  • 18 8 The Singapore Lads' Club prize distribution takes place in the V.M.C.A. lecture hall on Saturday, at 8.30 p.m.
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  • 29 8 The Shipping and tho Import and Export offices will be open for one hour (from 10 to 11 a.m.] on Monday, 19th inst., and closed on Tuesday, 20th inst.
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  • 35 8 A company with a capital of .£2,500,000, has been formed in England to acquire the rights of the Pertnutit patent for softening and purifying water, and the Luminator patent for preventing scale in water pipes.
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  • 40 8 Under the new regulations forbidding the public to throw papers down on tho pavement, a French policeman in I'aris compelled a tradesman to pick up an envelope he had dropped. Tho envelope contained banknotes to tho value ol l I".
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  • 41 8 Mrs. .1. Smith, of Hi Gaylang Road, was the victim of a most audacious robbery yesterday, while she was walking along High Street, in broad daylight, a Chinaman snatched her bag and made off, successfully evading pursuit. The bag contained $03.
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  • 64 8 Efforts are being made, says the S. 0. Morning Post, to ascertain the approximate date of arrival in Hongkong of General Sir R. Baden-Powell, the chief of the boy scout movement, with a view to according a fitting welcome. It is hoped that the Kowloon Boy Scouts, organised by Key.
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  • 62 8 A member of the stall who is noted for being a keen and careful observer, informs us, says the Yellow Dragon ithc organ of Queen's College, Hongkong) that the Chinese arc adopting not only European costumes but also European customs even to the extent of whistling music hall tunes in
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  • 72 8 Mr. Leo Dryden who with his vaudevilles is shortly opening a season in the Victoria Theatre, brings with him, besides the wellknown song The Miner's Dream of Home, of which he is the author, a series of song playlets suggested by such plays as The Only Way, David Garrick, Mice
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  • 73 8 In memory of tho late Wor. Brother T. H. Sohst, who was W. M. of Lodge Zetlandiuthe East in 1073, that. Lodge went into mourning at its monthly meeting last evening, when Masonic funeral rites, in an abbreviated form, were observed. Tho timehonoured hymns Days and moments quickly flying and
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  • 83 8 Five Tamil coolies were prosecuted in the second police court today by Mr. Stevens, manager of Bukit Timah Rubber Estate, for leaving his service without giving notice. Mr. Stevens gave evidence as to the absconding. The accused made complaint against the inandor whom they had worked under, and stated that
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  • 104 8 The non-magnetic survey yacht Carnegie, which has been doing good work iv all parts of the world in correcting shipping charts and making a magnetic survey of the oceans for tho Carnegie Institute in Washington, arrived at Manila on February 2, 7:! days from Batavia. Tho yacht belongs to the
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  • 131 8 At the annual general meeting of the White Star Club held at the Club House, 98 and 99, Tanjong Pagar Road, on the 10th instant, the following were elected officebearers for 1912:— Patron, C. K. Pang; president, Soh Hun Hap vice-presidents, Clma Choon Watt, Tio Chong Poll, Lee Kiah Hock,
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  • 241 8 The N.C. Daily News of January 29 says Ac incident which appears as it were intended to infuso a touch of humour into the otherwise dull and dreary days of tho closiug month, is the so called ruu on the ilougkong and Shanghai Bank by the Chines.'. it started with
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  • 361 8 Mr. Maurice Maude i.s goiii^ on a t:ip to Java. Mr. C. T. Hamorton, of Haytor Kstat<s, lias returned from homo. Sir Charles Elliot has boon nppointtil Principal of Hongkong University. Mr. 11. C. Robinson, Director of Museums, I .M.S.. has returned to Taiping from India, Lord
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  • 113 8 An interesting situation was suggested during the hearing of a case in the Mrs* magistrate's court to-day. Ismail Taiuby, a Tamil, of 70-4 Thomson Road, was cliarg ed with failing to report a case of smallpox. Dr. Campbell, Assistant Municipal Health Officer, stated that he visited
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  • 143 8 Last night's BUM] robbery happened at Maudai. It was asfasted, in the presont order of things, that one would nn-ur somewhere, but Hrn robbers eliis, tor their attack an insolated house iv the jungle: two miles ott the Mandai Road and over twelve miles from town. The
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  • 233 8 A pretty rmMhM was KolniinUcd at tho Cathedral of tho (ioo<l Slicplicnl, yi stcnlay moruing, at 9, between Mr. .1. I. Raamsdonk, of Messrs. Moraux iind Co., and Miss Milliccnt Laporte, third daughter of Dr. Laporto of Claruiiiont, Mount Sophia. The otliciating clergyman was tho Key. Father
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 74 8 Famous \A/HISKY Bpands Macgregor.Caidbeck.o CASCCW LONDON 1 CLASCOW. Suppliers of Scotch Whisky to The House of Lords, The Houso of Commons, and to the Houaea of Parliament, Canada. SOLE AGENTS: Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. CRAWFORD'S Very Old Scotch Whisky. PER CASE OF 12 QUARTS $11.25. Sole Agents: JOHN LITTLE CO., LIMITED.
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    • 178 8 ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT. A Series of New and Carefully Chosen Subjects From A VARIETY OF MAKERS REUBEN IN NEW YORK. Thanhouser Film. MADAME ALICE'S AGENCY, Or Domestic IHiss Assured. WIFFLES, POET. M. Prince. MARCO VISCONTI. Film dArt I taliana. CAST. Marco Vitcontl. Signor Dillon Lombardi. Ermelind*. Signora Gemma
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    • 13 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 7 and on pago 11.
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  • 382 9 ENDS TAMELY IN A PRIVATE DEPARTURE. Discussion of Armaments Denied. Reciter's Teleoram. London, February 12. Rcutcr wires from Berlin that Lord Haldane and his brothor left yesterday. Thoro was nobody at the station but a handful of journalists, and the private character of the visit wiis thus emphasised
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  • 134 9 EDICT ISSUED FOR CREATING REPUBLIC. Rising at Wei-Hai-Wei. Rbdiib's Tklboram. London, via Durban, February 12. Itcuter wires from Peking that the edict establishing a Republic is expected today. Ueuter learns that a local insurrection 1: is brokeu out at Weihai-wci. The <i rora ment has telegraped to the
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  • 87 9 SPECULATIONS ON THE KNOX TOUR. Strengthening Monroe Doctrine. I'.KIIM.S TBLMI \>l. London, via Durban, February IS. Rente wires from Washington that the visit of Secretary Kuox to the Caribbean countries is regarded as having a worldwide significance owing to its connection with the Panama Canal. It is understood
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  • 78 9 Difficulties About The Presidency. Reuter's Teleoram. London, via Durban, February 12. Hcrr Sp.ih n has refused tho presidency of tho Reichstag, Conservatives considering that co-operation with the Socialist in the presidency would involve Herr Spahn in responsibility. Chaos is expected to ensue when, with a Socialist in tho
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 44 9 Deb Ostasiatiscbb Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, February 12. It is expected that King George and Queen Mary will visit Berlin this year. The announcement in some of the English papers that the German Emperor will visit England in the autumn is without founda-
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  • 29 9 Dia Ostasiatischi Lloyd Tklbobam. Berlin, February 12. Rumours are gaining currency that Baron Burian, formerly Minister of Finance will succeed Count Aehronthal, as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
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  • 250 9 Official Visit to the Sultan of Kedah. (From Ocr Own C'orrespovdent.l Penang, February 12. The High Commissioner, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., and party arrived iv the Seabelle at flu Raman and was met by H. H. the Sultan of Kedah and officials, and a large crowd
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  • 73 9 (From Oor Own Correspondent.) Pcnang, February 12. There was a gang robbery last night in tin- Sungei Durie district", Sungei Bakap. Prot inoe W< 11< ilty. Fiftoi 11 Chinese, armed with pistol- and knives-, raided a sago factory. The iwlico arrived promptly, and throe men were ■mated.
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  • 47 9 (Fbom a Malacca '."< M.!ic;a, February 13. Information has bet received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Para in London yestorday was 4,7 per lb. value. Tho prico of best plantation rubber is quoted at 5,2 sellers. Tho market is steady.
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  • 160 9 A Calcutta messago of the 4th inst. states:— The l>alai Lama leaves Darjeeling for Kaihnpong on Sunday. He will halt at i'ashok for the night and will be received and carried over the Teesta river by Tibetan dancers and sedan chair Wearers from Lhasa. This is an
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  • 294 9 ENGLAND COMPILES A RECORD SCORE. Rhodes' Fine Performance. (From Oca Own Correspondent.) Colombo, February 12. The M.C.C. team concluded their first innings at Melbourne to-day in fine, cool weather. Tho wickot was perfect. Rhodes and Gunn resumed batting, but the partnership did not survive much longer. The
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  • 25 9 Rkl-tbr's Telegram. London, via Durban, February 12. Arnst and Barry are to row on the Thames in Juno for the championship of the world.
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  • 608 9 Details of Huge Japanese Deal With China. A preliminary contract has been signed between the directors of the Hanyang Iron and Steel Works and the Yokohama Specie Bank whereby the latter institution will, subject to ratification by the shareholders of the iron company, underwrite a new
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  • 577 9 DISTRIBUTION OF AWARDS AT CROSS STREET SCHOOL. Full List of Successes. The annual distribution of prizes among the little pupils of Cross Street School took place this forenoon in tho school room. All the children wero present and a number of visitors, including Mrs. C. W. Darbishirc, Mrs.
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  • 293 9 Singapore Shop Assistant Stranded In Rangoon. In taking up the case on February 5, in which F. A. Sefton. late business manager and guide to the Peking Mysteries, (who was engaged by Han Ping Chien in Singapore) made allegations to the district magistrate on January 29 to
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  • 110 9 Major O.sawa, of the Japanese Army, when in China, was allowed to inspect tho jewels of the Imperial Household in tho Treasury chamber in the Imperial Palace at Peking. He said tho display was the mast magnificent ho had ever seen and he thought it would compare
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  • 660 9 f Annual General Meeting of Straits Branch. The annual meeting of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society was held yestorday evening in the Rallies Mum urn buildings. Tho Hon. Dr. Galloway presided and tue other members present wero the Rt. Key. the Bishop of
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  • 337 9 Court of Directors' Report for the Half Year. Mr. G. H. Mcdhurst, as chairman of the Court of Directors of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, signs the following report, the ninety-third, for presentation to shareholders The directors have now to submit to you a general statement
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  • 75 9 It is said that Mr. Leo Bergholz, the American Consul-Gcnoral at Canton, is retiring from tho service in March. Ho came to China in 1878. He was private secretary to tho American Minister in 1882. and in 1883 was appointed Consul at Chinkiang. Since then he lias had charge of
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  • 113 9 THE RADICAL PAPERS GREATLY PERTURBED. Did the Cabinet Approve Reuter's Telegram. London, vil Durban, February 12. The Liberal papers are still perturbed byMr. Churchill's speech. The Daily Chroniclo regrets the luxury passage as unfortunato and inopportune, though meant innocently, and trusts that endeavours to reach au understanding will
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 160 9 STRONG SPEECH BY MR. LLOYD GEORGE. The Doctors Denounced. ReUTER's TIXKGRAM. Loudon, via Durban, February 12. At a crowded meeting iv the Opera House, under the auspices of the National Liberal Federation, Mr. Lloyd George reviewed the whole situation in relation to the Insurance Act and denounced
    160 words
  • 58 9 Kkitki.'s TWIIH London, via Durban, February 12. At a conference of English Nonconformists held in London to discuss Home Rule, Sir Edward Carson said Home Rule meant the extinction of Protestantism in Ireland. No so-called guarantees could possibly prevent this, and he was confident the Nonconformists
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  • 24 9 Rbutkr's Tklkuram. London, via Durban, February 12. Tho Manchester dockers havo resumed work od a promise that their grievances will be considered.
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  • 38 9 Rkcter's Tkleobam. London, via Durban, February 12. Parliament was originally fixed to meet on February 13th, but the Nationalists feared that the IMk would be unlucky, and tho opening has consequently been postponed to the fourteenth.
    38 words
  • 46 9 Rkoter's Trlkuram. London, via Durban, February 12. Lord Pirrie, who was proceeding to London, was pelted by a crowd at, Lame with rotten oegs, herrings, aud small bags of Hour. Ills clothes wore ruined, and he had to bo rescued by the ]>olicc.
    46 words
  • 97 9 Keotkb's Telkgham. London, February 12. The death of Lord Lister is announced. The death of Lord Wandsworth is announced. London, via Durban, February 12. Thcro will bo an Abbey memorial service for Lord Lister on Friday. Tho death of the French Engineer Dclaunay, inventor of the famous Bcllcvillo boilers,
    97 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 185 10 A committee meeting of the Straits Chinese Football Association, will be hold at the fllllniwi oluntoac Club, Heath Koad, at O.:iO p.m., to-day. It is reported that the Pcnang oriekst match with Selangor at Chinese New Y*BI has bet '> abandoned, owing to the inability of Belancor
      185 words
    • 108 10 Kcppel Ciolf Club. A foursome match-play competition will be played dozing the Chinese New Veai Holidays commencing on Saturday, the 17th iu-t. Member* must enter individually, the arrangement of jiairs to Ih' made by ballot. Preliminary rounds, ti holes, tiual Is bole*, [or two price* presented. Entries close on
      108 words
    • 429 10 Singapore Polo Club. Thi quarterly tournament for the Club Cups, tour handsome trophies uiosnuted in 190-' i by the late Hon. Warren D. Harms. s-., i l i y at the Race Course ground, when an interesting match was pl.iyi d between teams representing th Buffi ami tho Civili
      429 words
  • 149 10 The prospectus of the Mendati (Bnmatra) Bobber and Produoe Estates will be published on January 22, (says the Financial News of the l'.lth ull.i by Messrs. Harrisons and Croaftetd, Limited, under the auspices of the liuhber Plantation* Investment Trust, Limited, the i.-sue being 200.01N1 shares of
    149 words
  • 6 10 Ffi f,nO lbs.
    6 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 227 10 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,— What for arc they so busy persecuting a poor old harmless victim of Malay Piracy when they ought to be bettor occupied iv stopping thrco Europeans who drove a motor car up Orchard Road last night at 11 o'clock and
      227 words
    • 319 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. (Mr, In your sub leader of the 10Ui you state, the Government has met the public protest against a oueinau system aud secret mi. lilies handsomely.' May 1 thereanent request you to urge the Government to abolish the M one-man
      319 words
  • 385 10 Hongkong Appeal Case Before Privy Council. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council have heard an appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court of Hongkong of July 11, 1910, dismissing three appeals from judgments ot the same court in its original jurisdicliou. Mr. Duke, K.C., and Mr.
    385 words
  • 816 10 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORTS. Imperial Institute Compilation. The Director of the Imperial Institute, Mr. Wyndham It. Duustan, has issued a volume of reports on the Rubber and Guttapercha industries says the Financial News. The reports deal in detail with the growth, development, and prospects of these industries
    816 words
  • 197 10 Signals Exchanged with Port of Sabang. Bombay liailio station has been doing particularly good work duriug the last two months in the way of long distance coniinunication, says a Kombay message. This is partly duo to tho fact that the cold weather season is tho most favourable
    197 words
  • 780 10 FORECASTS OF PESSIMISTIC PROPHETS BELIED. Good Prices Realised for 1912. Business in the rubber share market has again been decidedly brisk, (state Messrs. Lockwood and Co. in their London Letter to tho Financial News of January 19) and, though quotations do not show any marked changes on balance,
    780 words
  • 272 10 Hongkong (Selangmi Rubber. Limited, has been formed with tho object, inter alia, of acquiring and developing a rubber estate situated in the Mukim of Kajang, in the Selangor district of the Federated Malay States. Tho property is nine miles from Pataling Station, and has boon opened and
    272 words
  • 73 10 The women of Illinois have been ballotting for a list of tho world's greatest women, and have arrived at this result Carrie Chapman Catt, Mary Baker Eddy, Frances K. Willard, Harriet Beccher Stowe, Jano Addams, Klla Flagg Young, Einiline I'ankhurst, Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony.
    73 words
  • 714 10 Statutory Meeting of New Shanghai Company. The statutory meeting of the Chcmor United Kubber Company, Ltd.. was held on January :iO, at Shanghai, Mr. James Klliuger, presided, supported by Messrs. Mordhorst and M. A. Stcmpcl, (directors), and S. A. Scth (acting Secretary). The notice convening the meeting
    714 words
  • 433 10 Report and Progress of Yarn Seng Company. The report of the Vain Seng ltubber Company, Limited, state-; Mm profits for vlie year to October .il amount to XlO.O'.Ki Urn depreciation, £-)2S leaving t'J.TTO and balance from last account, £1.011 total, i.'lO.Sl.'i less half-year's interim dividend on
    433 words
  • 773 10 AN ACTION IN THE ENGLISH HIGH COURT. Dispute Over Purchase Price. In the Chancery Division on January 17, Mr. Justice Neville had baton him an action brought by Tan Lo lleong against Mr. John Frederick George Hawkins, of Ipswich. The plaintilt claimed anasnV) pn fni manwi
    773 words
  • 292 10 Views of an Expert on Current Questions in The Trade. An export on rubber plantations (Dr Stevens) has been down to Ceylou. inspecting various properties prior to going on to the Straits Settlements for a similar purpose, says a Calcutta dispatch to the Fiuancial News. It appears
    292 words

  • 1671 11 SUGGESTIONS FOR THE COMING BOOK. No. 1 Alor Gajah Rubber Company. At a meeting of l'ajam, Limited, held on February 8, Mr. W. M. Siuio intimated that ho was about to write a book to show what wonderful results the firm of Sime, Darby and Co. has
    1,671 words
  • 824 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 13, 1912. M esBiß. Lyall and Evatt, Exobaase an. Share Broken, issue the following list of juotations this morning: Norn Value. Buyers. Sellers 3/. Allagar 8/8 4 3/- Options 1/1 1/9 4 1 Anglo- Jar* 6/- 7/1* 1
    824 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 12 11 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Congbs, Colds, etc
      12 words
    • 360 11 TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES We can supply from STOCK both Ordinary and Free Engine Models. The Motor Cycle with a reputation. Sole Agent»» RILEY, HARGREAVES COMPANY, LIMITED, Singapore. The Man Who Gets There |j| Is tbe man who has blood— real noli V red blood and plenty of it— in his body.
      360 words
      81 words
    • 285 11 You Have Misled a Very Good Programme if you have not s»cn our Saturday ooe, but we havu ANOTHER VERY GOOD PROGRAMME on Tonight, ii which seme cf Satnrday's pictures are rctaim d, while the series include-* a number of OTHER FRESH FILMS which give you quite your monoy's worth
      285 words

  • 1788 12 ADVERSE CONDITIONS CAUSE DELAY. An Interim Dividend. The second annual general meeting of the Jin -mbers of tho Sondayan (F.M.S.) Rubber Timpany, Limited, was held on January 16, at tho registered office, 5. Whittington Avenue, K.t'., Mr. J. H. Renton (chairman of the company) presiding. Mr. W.
    1,788 words
  • 288 12 New Coconut and Rubber Company Formed. The Suntjei Kechil Coconut and Rubber Company. Limited, has been formed to purchase and develop the coconut estate in Province Welle-ley, in the Malay Peninsula, kuowu as Sungei Kechil, and the rubber estate iv Selangor known as Pitchikawa estate, buugei K ,!iil
    288 words
  • 134 12 A circular letter, signed by Mr. K. Xorton Dan-son, secretary of the X'llambur Rubber Kxtates, Limited, han been Hent to the shareli.ilil.Ts, referring to the n-pint upon the company's cntates by Mr. John Aird, the manager in India. The report deals fully with all work undertaken
    134 words
  • 44 12 President Taft has commutod tbe sentence on Mr. Charles W. Morse, the banker, who ha* boon nerving a term of 15 years in a ■'.>■-■ ir.iary for violation of the hanking laws. In consequence of his precarious sutu uf health ho will bo rola-std immediately.
    44 words
  • 1669 12 AFRICAN COMPANY'S PESSIMISTIC OUTLOOK. A Committee of Investigation The Mkumbi Rubber Plantation, Ltd., still linger on the crisis to which publicity was given some weeks ago. The position was further discussed at the adjourned general meeting in London on January 17, following the issue of a very pessimistic
    1,669 words
  • 387 12 Passengers Expected to Arrive. The following passenger bookings to the arc taken from the London and China Express received by the most recent mail It should be understood that, in somo instances, bookings may be provisional and that intending passen^org may alter their arrangements subsequent to the issuance
    387 words
  • 180 12 The following list is supplied by the local agenta Per N. D. 1., steamer Prinzoss Alice, due March 2.— Mr and Mrs WF. Lloyd, Mr and Mrs E F Mouldon, Mr and Mrs Gerhard Hon, Mis N Ledeboer, Mrs Murphy, Mrs Albert Hartmann, Mr JI I. Weisgorber, Miss Loviso Hartiuann,
    180 words
  • 1323 12 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON JANUARY 18. We qnote below the best availablo London list from the reports brought in by the last mail, and add local quotation* from the list prepared by Messrs. Fraser and Co. (Singapore) on the corresponding date
    1,323 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 303 13 Howarth Erskine, Ld., SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for: ih§ irufn I H iW" WM B^ H V of Cholera, Typhoid and tfeOT i^K Wff MSS fl^H other .Germs. A 12-inch Filter may now be seen 39 j^^^^ H^^^bl in operation at our Town Store, f^BB fl Si fl jflH *^S^^P Battery
      303 words
    • 848 13 CIGARETTES amongst Medical Men. jP^~*k Th e perfect hygienic conditions under which State Express >— 1 Cigarettes are made, the absolute /p liLi^^fck avoidance of every form of fMzM l^^p\l rf(^S'^' a^ e^ matter an< *h e «üblime /^^fl VB?" quality of the tobacco used, make HjV^*7» v Ju--ny them
      848 words
    • 278 13 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Meters. John Little Co Ltd. McFsrs. Kelly and Waleb, Ltd. Raffles Hotel. Adelphi Hotel. Hotel de l'Earope. Hotel van Wijk, Stamford^Road. Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Bras Baeah Road. Tto "Golden Fountain," 198, Queen Street The Refreshment Buffet, Tack
      278 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 523 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester Honse, SINGAPORE Board off Dlraotorei G. A. Dbkbick, Esq., Chairman. A H. Faib, Esq., Managing Director. Pbtbb Cowmb, m.b., cm., Chii f Med. OfficerF. M. Elliot, Esq. A. D. Allan E'q. Tow Noah Pah, Esq. Oko Soon Tbb, Bsq. EhooSian
      523 words
    • 306 14 IHSDKIHCE. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Or China. Head Office, 51a, Klangse Rd Shanghai. To thb Cbihbsb Obntlbmbn or SntOAPOBB REMEMBER that it is the UNEXPECTED that is always happening in ail parts of the world 1 The Home Life issues all sorts of policies to suit all sorts of
      306 words
    • 527 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK BF INDIA. AUSTKALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 60,000 Bbarea of £20 eaoh 41,300,000 Reserve Fond 41,826.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,200.000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. The London City Midlaad Bank, Ltd. National Baak of Scotland, Ltd. SINQAPORB BRANCH. Current Accounts are
      527 words
    • 581 14 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TONB BANKIM AND INBUMNCE CO. LTD NO. IT AND 58, KLINO STREET, aVtablisbed 1907. Capital paid irp 11,000,000.00 Beaarre liability ol proprietors 1 ,000,000.00 OOUBT OF DIRECTORS. 1, Tarn Tboe .Took 8. 8i« Kia J»■ 1. Nam Km Sbho T. Tao Hoe Lai 6. L«ow Chia
      581 words
      71 words

  • 1153 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A paper entitled The Repair of Motor Vehicles, by Mr. David J. Smith, was read before the Institution of Automobile Engineers. After discussing some of the difficulties which confronted the repajrer of motor vehicles, the author stated that the requirements essential
    1,153 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 448 15 WOLSELEY Tho Car of Refinement and Reliability." "IT IS THE RESULTS, in the bands of jp» private ntm, that account (or the enormous demand for WoUeloj carp, th»t is compelling Jflflflfl] 10 expaoi>ion of the works by the erection MttiirttM f C of new shops by tbe half-mile at a
      448 words
    • 15 15 For a'l internal complaints. Djaenterv, oml'1 r, Co' Is, otc, take Woods' Oroat i'eppermint Cure.
      15 words
    • 386 15 What Users Continental J I CO December 12, 1911. Dear Sine, THINK OF THEM. With reference to y° ur letter of 4th instant, American Car Sizes in Stock. m The Continental R ibbed Tyres on back wheels of ray car have proved more durIbbbbbbbbbbbbW a bj e^ under the trying
      386 words
    • 70 15 De Dion Bouton NOW ON VIEW. AT THE BTRAITS MOTOR GARAGE, ORCHARD ROAD. 1-9 H.P., 2-CYLINDER CHASSIS FITTED WITH 2-Seater Victoria Phaeton Body, painted Royal Blue upholstered in Blue. FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE BORNEO CO., LD., OR A. C. Harper Co., kualalumpur. SOLE AOENTB, 8.8. F.M.S. 2811 b 376 FLOORING
      70 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 394 16 BURN 6c CO.. LTD.. RANEEGUNGE PIPES For* Wells, Culverts, Drains, etc. Strongest and Qdeapest ALSO BULL-NOSED BRICKS FIREBRICKS STABLE BRICKS CHEQUERED BRICKS SALTGLAZED BRICKS OF ALL KINDS. SOLE AGENTS SHARPE, ROSS CO, LTD., Singapore. WANTS. MOTOR DRIVER WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Wantod immediately, a driver for a Halford Motor Lorry to drive
      394 words
    • 314 16 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Apply Devon Villa," 103, River Valley Road. 2111 n SILVER BANK. 107. ORCHARD ROAD. Engli6h home, vacancy for gentleman. Tennis. Tel.: s^B. 52 4-8 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Comfi'rtable rccius with verandahs availab'c at Cambo House, 93, River Valley Read. 1-2 29 2 BOARD AND
      314 words
    • 468 16 TO BE LET OB SOLD. OFFICES TO LET, With immediate entry, fi at and second floors, No. la, Raffles Qnay Apply Guthrie k Co., Ltd. 1-4 a HOUSEBTOLET. "Brathay" No. 15, Gilstead Road. In excellent condition. Rent moderate. Apply to J. W. Haffenden, 47, Tbe Arcade. 612 a HOUBEB TO
      468 words
    • 388 16 ARTICLES FOB SALE. CALVES FOR SALE. Apply to the Manager, The Singapore Model Dairy, Limited, River Valley Road. 19-1 a MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE. For sale, 18ft. motor boat, 6 H.P, twin oylinder. Apply Cylinder, c/o Straits Times. 8-2 14-2 HUMBER CAR f-UK SALE. One Humber car, 5-eeatcr, 4-cylinder, 12
      388 words
    • 637 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, ■Oreramat md Municipal Contractor. Telephone No, 421. 108 k 109, Market Street. NOTICE. Bolted on January 27, seven Banjorese men and one woman. Any information es to their whereabouts will be thankfully received. Reward if neceesary. Manager, Mtlentang Estate, Toluk Anson. 8-2 J4-2 NOTICE. It
      637 words
    • 290 16 DIETHELM CO., LTD., Singapore, Distributers for Straits Settlements, F.M.S., and British North Borneo. Every fortnight fresh shipments of the newest numbers. Obtainable in retail from the prominent general stores and music dealers. NOTICE "ADVERTISERS New advertisements will be reoeived np to noon of the day on which they are intended
      290 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 228 16 Straits Isimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miseeil&nc ous wants of every description are inserted at tho prepaid rate of II per four lines for ono or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exoeeding four liccs, II eacn insertion. For p.p.o. cards, on page 6, 12. Inch Suaui Rath
      228 words