The Straits Times, 29 January 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.784 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JANUARY 29. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 185 1 BEER. Popular Motor Cycles NEW SHIPMENT OF 3| H.P. 2-Speed Humbers. 3i H.P. 2 Matchless. 3| H.P. 1 Excelsior. 3| H.P. 1 Norton. Expected this Month. 3| H.P. 2-Speed Indians. 3| H.P. 2 Bats. 3| H.P. 2 Rudge's. 2| H.P. Twin Motor Reves. SIDE CARS IN STOCK. KATZ BROS., LD.
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  • 774 2 ADMIRAL FREMANTLE ON GERMAN DEMANDS. Morocco Crisis. The United Service Magazine for January contains an article on The Morocco Crisis and Churchill's Clean Sweep," by Admiral Hon. Sir B. R. Fremantle, Hear-Admiral of the United Kingdom. Few, he says, will doubt the connection between the Morocco
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  • 747 2 Some Curious Husbands and Singular Wives. In certain provinces of India it is considered unlucky for a woman to be a third wife. When, therefore, a merchant, of Badson, in the I niml l'rovinces, who had previously buried two wives, proposed for the hand of a ymmn
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 602 2 A Captain in Kitchener's Scouts 1 *h A-^\ »T Nervous Breakdown, Paralysis The waster force which conquered the most perilous afflictions and enable.) hint to endure amaziag hardships, says Captain Henderson, is derived entirely from Phes}tiu:e. Expoted by his adventurous life to ;in extraordinary tenet of misfortunes, Iron being disabled
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    • 38 2 Try This for a Cold. Chamberlain's Cough Kctnedy had won its great reputation ana extensivo sale by its remarkable cures of coughs, colds and croup. It can be depended upon. Try it. Sold by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 205 2 THE ORIENTAL SPECIFIC s the Specifis for the Specific complaint and of whatever landing Price 91.25. THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT An f fficacionfl Ointment for both external and internal Piles. Price 81.25 and N ets. THE CITY DISPENSARY, Silegie Hoad, Singapore 15.1 i 111-la GRANITE. Xbe undersigned are prepared to
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    • 174 2 %fio*"~ 4 VA N A BRAND vl it Tonic Wine -^3r\ Hastens Recovery A $lr After Illness t M^B^^^^^ th<- -luffrnr that 'V.\\.\' is a powerful restorative. J When most remedits fail a COUfM of 'Vaha' quickly restores vitality to the blood, the brain, the nerves and the digestion. It
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  • 609 3 FRENCH SCIENTISTS WOUNDED IN SZECHUEN. Murder of Father Castanet. Captain Xoirct, tin- French naturalist, an explorer whose two companions were reported to have been killed by Lolo tribesmen in sonthwest Szechucn, is staying at the Astor Hotel, Shanghai. He brought news that his colleagues, Dr. Legcndre and
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  • 419 3 Big Vessels for South American Trade. The Conipagnie General de Transports Maritimcs of Marseille is about to odd two tiuc new ships. Salta and Valdivia, to its fleet, specially intended for the Soutli American service. They arc each of 10,000 tons, 140 meters long, and 16 meters
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 364 3 The Straits Times FOR F.M.S. READERS. The New Mail Train Service enables us to nend into the F.M.S. each evening a Special Edition of The Straits Times containing all the important telegramß and ncwH roccived up to a iate hour in tho afternoon. This edition can be bought in tno
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    • 283 3 DR. S. YAMAMOTO, JAPANESE DENTAL SUR6EON. No. 51. Victoria Street FIRST-CLASS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED AND Extraction Painless. Prioes Oold Capping from S2.{o upwards Oold tiling 5J.00 Amalgam nlliog 0.50 Cement filling 0.40 O. Percba filling 0.80 Joining Crown 2.00 Bridge work 4XO Treatment 040 Cleaning tartar 0.70 Extraction 080 Porcelain tooth
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    • 12 3 Wools Groat Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, C'cughs, Colds etc.
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    • 282 3 A Two Years' Swelling on the Knee Cured. A. C. Lehman, of Waynesboro, Pa., writes I have been the victim of a largo swelling on the knee for two years which doctors and embrocations failed to relieve. After having received treatment from four physicians of oar city and finding no
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    • 124 3 I BRAND FOR MILK STAND WITH SAFETY ON I MILKMAID BRAND. J SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. AND CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICES BRANCH OFFICEB Cazton Honse, Westminster, l, 2, and 6, Winchester House London. SINGAPORE 8, Boaoh Street, Penang. TfUnhO Balthazar's Buildings, Rangoon. Stafford. Woolwich. DaUton. And in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 638 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. e?o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued fcr China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental acd American Porte. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about: MAIL LINES 1919 Outwrd {for China.) AH'ayo X'
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    • 645 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. rtytk: JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 669 4 STEAMER SAIUH6B. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, Berserah, Tiinggana Bisut, Semerak, Bacho, KelanUn, Bangnara Telupin, Panarai, PaUni, Singora, Laoon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Langsaan Champon Taku, Kohlak ud Bangkok. Due Departure S p.mMi MAHIDOL Jan. 81 REOANQ j«n. 31 Feb. 3 Mi PRACHATIPOK* Fab. 4 Fab.
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    • 521 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCHE MMPFMIIFtF4HRT9OES. HMU UEMEE Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular sorvioe between Hamburg Bremrn Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tue Straits China and J.ipaa. Himew.viK they are despatched fortniuhtiy for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhavon direct,
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    • 693 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D L. Rorddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast ani well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonneoting Marseilles, Naplos, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtaa,
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  • 92 5 FIXTURES. Monday, January 29. High Water, 4 48 a.m., 6,82 p.m. Philharmonic Orohestra praotioe, 6.16 p.m. Tuesday, January 30. High Water, 8.43 a.m., 8.19 p.m. Municipal Commissioners, 8 p.m. Wednesday, January 31. High Water, 6 51 a.m., 9.38 p.m. Thursday, February 1. High Water, 8.4 s.rn 10
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    • 143 5 ■mm Malacca, Port Dickfon and P. Swcttenbam Pontianak 3pm Port Swottenham and Tt-lok Anson Perak 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka 3 pm Bangkok Bried 8 pm Tomobkow. Kerimun OUnvgi 9 am Cucob Hock Hye 10 am Sarawak and Gocbilt R. of Sarawak 10 au Penang and
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    • 106 5 The Imp. German mail f-teamer Prinz Eitil Fri> driebbavmg left Colombo at 7 p.m. on Satnrdiy, the 27th inst may be expezttd to ar'ive here on Friday, the 2nd proximo, at daylight. jin Sinoapobr. Dem in London .'Arrived. )cc. .MM. i January 17 I Jan. 17 )ec.
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  • 170 5 Arrivals. Per str. Darvel, Jan. 29.— From Labuic Mr. and Mrs. Gardjne, Messrs. C. K. Cameron and C. T. Lvnck. Per str. Ipob, Jin. 29 From T. Anton via ports. Hnn. J. Turner Mr. and Mrs. R. C. M KiinVrsVv, Mi« Landale, Mist I >ily. Messrs. Hopkin,
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  • 242 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANOI. Sinqapobb, January 29 1012 Ob Lo»do»— Bank 4 m/t a/4 Demand m 2,4 PriTate;6 m/t S/4|| 8 m/i J/4* On Gbbmabi— Bank d/d m 88Bi Private.»;m/B 342, O» Fbamcb— Bank d/d m 284 Private 8 m/i B*9 0* IroiA— Bank T. T. 174 Private 80d/i m 17.';
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    • 156 5 Valued 10 10 BeUI Tin 10 10 Bru»nR 10 10 Kanabol 41 1 Kinto Tin 41 41 Laba* Mine* 10 10 M»l*oo» Tin 6/- 5/- Pahang Cotn 1 41 41 PenskAlea 41 41 Piibuik Bahto 41 41 Pusinn Lam* 10 10 Rahman Hyd 41 41 Bahman Tu Bayer*. 6.76
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    • 574 5 Issue 2 V»lac Bayers. Seller* I/. I/- Allanr 8/0 4/■il- II- Anglo-Malay 17/- 18'1| 2/. 2/. Batons Mauka 2/4 210 XI Ml Batu Caree 11 16.0 12 0.0 £1 XI Batu Tiff* 3 17.6 4.8 9 Ml Ml Bnkit Kajang 2.15 0 8 0.0 XI 411 Bukit Lintang 8.10.0
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    • 120 5 Inane 5 Valae Buyer* Sellers, 10 10 Barter* aom. Smelttifc 10.00 10 T 6.00 41 41 Bleotrie Tramwayi 8 6 8/9 10 10 Fraser Noave 47 03 47.26 100 Howarth Erekine C7.SO 100 i 7% Peel. 91.00 100 100 K*ti Bro, i>ef. 180.00 100 100 8% Cam. Pret. nom
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    • 45 5 Bayers Selltn Spore Municipal 41% of 1907 11,600,000 7% Spore Municipal H% of 1909 11,000,000 7% 9%pm S'poro Municipal i% $602,900 par Bnjsii Sellers Howarth Brskino 6% 1900,000 pa* Riley, Hargreaves 6% 1284,000 I* Singapore Blectrie Tramways 6% £850,000 >. Spore Maniwpal 6% •1,878,000 acm.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 True Test of Merit. You jtulMcainan not by what ho promises tn do, but by what lie liiin done. That istho only true Ust. Cliunhci i.iin'H Cough Itumcely judged by tins stiiniUrd has no superior. lv< -pie ererywbaM Bfaah of it in the highest torum of (iraisc. For sale by
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    • 366 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Jan SO At saleroom, agricultural land, et<\. at 2.30. Jan 81. At Julian's Auotrilian Horse I!< pr«it u_. Nos. K and 4, Kook lioad, Hotsi s I rd 1 Carnages, at %M, Feb 1. -At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. F-b 8.- At the Bsllcvue
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    • 250 5 JUNIOR CLERK WANTED. Wanted, Junior Clerk for Accounts department. The East Asiatio Co., Ltd The Aicade. 291 81-1 AT THE HARIMA HALL ciMEssx.Tooxrs.pia, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. The 2nd Edition Picture OF THE GREAT REVOLUTION IN CHINA. CONTENTS I— The Foreign Warships at Hangkow. Rebels' Man of War. The great fire
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  • 15 6 DEATH. Macbban. On December 81, at Windsor, Annie, widow of late Win. Macbcan, of Singapore.
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  • 1003 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY JANUARY 29. RUSSIA AND BRITAIN. A year or two ago, Russia was in tbe agonies of a more terrible form of revolt than that which is now uprooting the old landmarks in China. The Government was so strong that, though the people were discontented, they could
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  • 26 6 The first Austrian Lloyd mail steamer from Trieste, the Bohemia, arrived alongsidu section 8, Tanjong Pagar, before 7 this morning where she is discharging general cargo.
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  • 35 6 A team from the Juvenile Football Club met a team from Mount Wallich Football Club in a friendly match on Sunday, the 2t)th instant, and was won by tho former by 2 goals to nil.
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  • 36 6 Tho Nordonal (Johore) Rubber Estates, Limited, is being floated. It acquires 1,300 acres planted with rubber. The authorised capital is £'280,000 issued in Xl shares, ot which ■">!). i-.i shares aro offered to tho public for subscription.
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  • 45 6 It is believed that some of tho planters of Malacca are chatting over the preliminary iirriiii^i'ini-iits for a calico ball to be- given at the Stadt House as a farewell to the Hon. K. \V. Collins when he leaves for homo some time in March.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page S and on page 8.
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  • 14 6 A native detective was murdered on the padang at Malacca a few nights ago.
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  • 22 6 The sum of $35 was stolen during the week end from a table drawer in a house at 803 East Coast Koad.
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  • 22 6 A coconut famine is reported from Kuala Kangsar. The price per nut has jumped from 4 to 7 cents in a fortnight.
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  • 25 6 It is stated that about 3,000 tons of plantation rubber have been sold forward for 1912, at prices ranging from 4s. 3d. to 4s. 9d.
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  • 22 6 On the Esplanade on Saturday the Law, Civil Service and Municpality beat the Merchants in the S.C.C. cricket tournament by 43 runs.
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  • 29 6 Chinese lanndrymen in Now York presented to each of their customers a neatly tied package, containing a pound of tea and a box of nuts as a Christmas gift.
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  • 28 6 The Soap Factory, recently started in Sadakan in one of the bouses of the largo block below the Ice Factory, completed its first boiling a few days ago.
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  • 36 6 According to the Mining World, fortunes had been made and lost in the tin market during last year, the market having been highly speculative, prices fluctuating at a range between highest and lowest of over xm
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  • 39 6 Hun Jee Choon, a trader of l'JO Middle Road, has complained to the police that one of his partners has committed criminal breach of trust in respect of $4,000, the proceeds of the sale of passage tickets to China.
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  • 44 6 The V.M.C.A. Debating Society will commence a new session on Thursday next. -Mr. A. W. lijati will take tho chair at h-I'i p.m. and Mr. \V. Makepuaco will givo tho opening address. Th:s meeting is open to the public i both ladies and geuileincn).
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  • 42 6 A meeting of Englishmen has been held at Selaugor llub, Kuala Lumpur, the lie sideut presiding— to eousider pivpo-i.s I r the celebration of St. George's day. A committee of eleven was appointed to carry out arrangements fur a fancy dress bill.
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  • 45 6 Reports from China, says a St. Petersburg corii-gpuuduut, state that tho Dalai Lama has arrived in Thibet. Tbe Russian Foreign Oltice confirms the news of tl.e continuance of disorders in Thibet, though there is no confirmation as yet of the return of the Dalai Lama.
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  • 43 6 The following quantities of food were consumed by tlte Dulhi Durbar camps: Cattle, 2,000 sheep, 4,000 grain, 8,600,000 pounds flour, 2,000,000 pounds butter, I,7os,ooo pounds; cheese, 13,500 pounds; jam, 18.40J pounds biscuits, 60,UU0 pounds tinned meat, 127,000 pounds; potatoes and onions, 728,000 pounds.
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  • 62 6 Someone went out with a gun at Changi yesterday and potted at a large animal that was browsing in the jungle near the Government bungalow. As it happened, it was a cow of winch the nominal owner is the Colonial Engineer and it was some time later before the kebun
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  • 69 6 The New Dinner Club, whose members are ail vegetariaus and food reformers, gave an interesting dinner party the other evening. The Ranee of Sarawak, first president of the club, which is now in its second year of existence, had a large circle of friends at her table, including Miss Dorothy
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  • 91 6 A memo, concerning luck is thus given in Tbe Financier I mentioned the other day that very few of tho general public seem to havo made money out of tbe rise in L.G.O. stock, but there are evidently exceptions, for I have just beard of an Englishman resident in China
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  • 75 6 Ai Ping was killed by the detectives sent out from Chcingmai to arrest him on December 23. Ho was tho only remaining man wanted by tho authorities in connection with the murder of Mr. Miller, of the Bombay-Burma Tradiug Corporation. He had eluded all efforts of the authorities for -ome
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  • 106 6 Mr. A. M. Smith, of Messrs. Topham, Jones and llailton, who was iujured in tho collision betwocn his motorcar and a bullock cart on Thursday, was well enough to BffMC pcrsuually in the second police court to-iiay. He was charged with driving a motor-car in a rash and negligent manner
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  • 122 6 Kanco Shri Surajaba Saheb, one of tho Banecs of the late itajah of Porebunder, at present resident at Nupcan Sea Koad, reported to the police that sumo time during tho night of January U her bedroom was entered and a sto 1 trunk and cash-box removed from beneath her bed.
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  • 336 6 . Mr. D. O. Edwardß, director of the Anglo Malay Rubber Co., Ltd., died at homo oa Jauuury 14. The funeral of the late Ho Lck Noo, wifa of Mr. Khoo Han Seng, will take place on Wednesday, the ;tlst inst. At tho installation meeting of Selangoi H
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  • 72 6 . The following prices were realised on the sale of rubber at tho Auction Mart, 77, liiver Side, Malacca, on Saturday: Sheet 1 at 521V4.85 per picul Sheet 2 Mil Scrap crepe 38&00 Bark crepe 21H.7.J Scrap untreated 17.1.51 A large quantity of rubber was put up tot
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  • 142 6 . Tbe authorities are at times somewhat slow in accepting advice with regard to city improvements, but it is time, we think, to draw their attention to the filthy state of affairs existing on the op. v space of ground immediately opposite the opium factory. The dumping ot
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  • 184 6 . It is very seldom tin 1 case, if indeed it has ever happened before, that a steamer regularly making tl.e Hongkong run is unable to pass through tho harbour by reason of there being itiMitlicicnt water to accommodate her draft, says the China Mail of January
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  • 187 6 . It was reixirted MM time n-jo, says the N. C. Daily News, that an elTort to raise money was made by the Republican party by an issue of banknotes to tho valuo of $10,000,000. Wo now here that notes to tho valuo of only $300,000 have so far
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 63 6 I tßoer Xpobaeeo J "SPRINGBOK" _y Finest Quality Genuine Magaliesberg Tobacco ■ANCFACTUBBD IN THB In 4-oz. linen bags, TPSHISVBaL Ull UIO. OBTAINABLE T Perßag JOHN LITTLE CO., LD., I AND ROBINSON CO. LAWSON'S LIQUEUR 1 Scotch ilk Whisky ■••*Jj|sS^*|*O P er case "f 12 qts. llpp $11.25 Sole Agents JOHN
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    • 196 6 PLEASANT VARIETY OF NEW SUBJECTS TO-NJGHT 2nd Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. AT THE ALHAMBRA. PROCLAMATION KING GEORGE V Off England AS Emperor of India AT DELHI With its attendant Regal Splendour. Magnificently portrayed. CAPTAIN BARNACLE'S COURTSHIP (Vitagraph). JACK'S SOLDIERS IN MOROCCO. An amusing Topical Trick Picture. THE GENOESE CONSPIRACY.
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  • 322 7 . LIBERAL MINISTERS CHARGED WITH JOBBERY. Neglect of National Defences. Kbotbr's Teleoram. London, January 27. The Albert Hall was packed with an enthusiastic audionco to hear Mr. Bonar Law's first speech in London as Unionist leader. Ho said there wero signs that tho country had had onough of
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  • 142 7 MANOUBA TURKS YIELDED UP TO FRANCE. Another French Steamer Searched. bnn'i Tklf.i-.ram. London, January 27. A Tunis uies-eje aaji the French steamar Travignano has been seized by Italian torpedocrs on the coast of Tunis and taken to Tripoli. London, January 2H. The Travignano was released after a
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  • 147 7 SIR CLEMENTI SMITH ON ITS RESULTS. No Further Conference Required. Rl ii i-h 's Ti [>-.i:am. Loud. hi, January 27. Sir Cleinenti Smith, interviewed by Renter, said tlie quest ion of opium had been finally dealtwith by the conference. N.j further conferenci would b n.-i-ess-iry. Tho niiu of
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  • 34 7 Dm Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telegram 1m rlin, January Mt Iha Cmwu Prince el Awlria laM arrived at Her! v in or Icr to iHcnd the christening of tin Kaiser*! i itw^w.
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  • 121 7 . The Farewell Scenes at Malta. Rbuter's Telboram. London, January 28. Router wires from Malta that despite threatening weather immense crowds farewelled the King and Queen as the Medina sailed away. The warships wero manned and royal salutes wero fired. Whon the Medina reached the French warships tho
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  • 75 7 Ordering Five Regiments to Be in Readiness. Reutkr's ''klhuram. London, via Durban, January 27. It is stated in Dublin that three regiments of infantry aud two of cavalry have been ordered to be in readiness to go to Belfast if the magistrates require them. The Liberals arc still
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  • 53 7 . Rfcter's Telkoram. London, via Durban, January 27. Tho author of the robbery of the Lyons mail ou November 20, has been arrested at Brussels. He was formerly a postman on the Lyons line. Securities of tho value of 40,000 francs have been found at his house, and
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  • 49 7 Rkctbr's Telegram. London, via Durbau, January 27. A Tokio message says the Japanese Minister of commerce has announced that he is informed through American official sources that it is intended to levy a toll of a dollar per ton on shipping passiug through the Panama Canal.
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  • 56 7 Bbi-tkk's Telegram. London, via Durbau, January 27 A Calcutta message says the Viceroy, in a speech at a public dinner, said he believed Indians were loyal to the core. The Royal visit had infused a new spirit of confidence which would bear fruit a thousandfold. It had already
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  • 52 7 Rblter's Telegram. London, via Durban, January 27. A Berlin message says the Czar has pardoned the German Captain Stucntzner who was sentenced at Warsaw to three years' imprisonment for espionage. The Kaiser has reciprocated by pardoning the Russian Lieutenant Vinogradoff recently sentenced to a similar term
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  • 36 7 . Rkutkr's Tklkokam. London, via Durban, January 27. The Australian Commonwealth has concluded the purchase of a Strand site for London offices. The price was X'37!*,7'i(i. which is equal to 12 pur foot.
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  • 84 7 . Km i Kit Tklkuram. London, January 27. The match between tlie M.C.C. team and Tasmania was continued at Hobart today in warm weather and before a good attendance. The wicket was in excellent condition. The visitors compiled a score of 57-1 for four wickets, and declared. Hhodos
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  • 69 7 Keutbb's Tklborax. I, '.ndon, via Durban, January 2S. Tho Kaiser has created two now docorations, the Royal Prussian Gold and Silver Crosses of Merit, on the occasion of his birthday. Dkk Ostasiatischh Lloyd Telkoram. Rerlin, January '27. Tho press is unusually vivacious on the occasion of the Kaiser's
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  • 254 7 TWO MORE DEADLY BOMB OUTRAGES. Yuan-Shih-Kai Refuses Manchu Honours. Redtbr'b Tbleoram. London, January 28. Router wires from Peking that a Chinaman wearing an officer's uniform threw a bomb at Liang-pi, the Manchu ex-com-mandant of the Imperial Guards. Liang-hi's legs were fractured and he is in a critical
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  • 45 7 Rbctbr's Telegram. London, January 27. The Connaughts have left New York on their return to Ottawa. London, January 28. The royal party had a very hearty farewell and the Duke expressed his pleasure with the visit and looks forward to a repetition.
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  • 28 7 Rbctbb's Teleoram. London, via Durban, January 28. The Thames ironworks yesterday resolved to accept a reduced wage if the Admiralty placed the cruisers on the Thames.
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  • 43 7 Rkctkr's Telegram. London, via Durban, January 28. It is reported that the Government is contemplating a change of plans as regards women suffrage. This is the result of radical representations about the urgency of abolishing plural voting without incurring other controversies.
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  • 39 7 GERMAN NAVAL BASE. Dbr Ostasiatiscbe Lloyd Tbleoram. Berlin, January 27. The English press has been somewhat excited by a report from Paris that Germany is to establish a naval base at Trieste. The report is declared to be unfounded.
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  • 36 7 Dkr Ostasiatisch* Lloyd Tklkoram. Berlin, January 27. The Kaiser has offered a prize of M 50,000 for the best motor for aviation purposes. The prizo will be awarded on his next birthday.
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  • 27 7 Das Obtasiatischi Lloyd Tkleuram. Berlin, January 28. Turkey proposes to send, early this year, a Commission to Albania to consider a comprehensive scheme jf reform.
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  • 86 7 il'hosi Oub Own Correspondent.) I poh, January 27. The council of the Porak Chamber of Mines at a meeting yesterday, discussed amendments to tho new mining enactments, and the question of immigration. The Chamber met earlier in the day to express their views on tho points. Chinese hooligans
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  • 1038 7 ANNUAL MEETING OF MALACCA ASSOCIATION. Disease on Native Holdings. Under the genial presidency of the HonF. W. Collins, members of the Malacca Plan ters' Association met in annual conference at the old Stadt House, Malacca, yesterday morning. There were several matters of importance to be discussed and
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  • 5738 7 REPORT OF THE SHAREHOLDERS' COMMITTEE. Amazing Statements About Sime, Darby and Co. The committee appointed by shareholders in Nyalas Rubber Estates, Limited, has presented a long report, and copies thereof have been sent to us by several shareholders. The feature of the report is the grave criticism it
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  • 763 8 Third Day's Results. (From Odr Own Corhbspondbnt.) Penang, January 26. The third day's races took place in glorious hot weather, and there was the largest attendance of the meeting. The outstations and States were well represented and the going was excellent. Returns Keoah Ccp.— Mile and distance. Mr.
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  • 48 8 (Fbom a Malacca Corhispondbnt). Malacca, January 29. Information has been received by Malacca Robber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Para in London yesterday was 4/7} per lb. value. The price of best plantation rubber is quoted at 5/8} sellers. The market is quieter.
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  • 42 8 According to a Marseilles cable, dated January 21, the mail boat Salta collided in the docks with the P. and O. steamer Palawan. The Salta was seriously holed forward. The Palawan was only ulightly damaged and will proceed to London t j-day.
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  • 368 8 Farewell Performance by the LangHolloway Company. In the presence of H. E. the Governor, Lady Evelyn Young and a party from Government House, The Passing of the Third Floor Back was repeated iv the Victoria Theatre by the Lang-llolloway Company last night. The selection of a play was
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  • Correspondence.
    • 115 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With reference to tho letter in your issue of the 2ith inst. under the above heading, and with your kind perinis»iou, I hasten to relieve the mind of An Old Thcatre-gotr." Steps have been taken to remedy tho evil complained
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 Whooping Cough. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep the cough loose and expec- toration easy by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as may bo required. This remedy will also liquity the tough mucus and make it easiur t- \['cctorate. It has been used successfully iv many epidemics
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    • 130 8 Raffles 2H Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, February 3. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. The only first-class Hotel in Saigon. Every comfort. Splendid verandah. Restaurant With management, French kitchen and attendance as in the finest European Restaurants. Manager G. Feraady, lmte from the Grand Hotel, Paris. Saigon. Thoatrical season (from October
      130 words
    • 303 8 FOR UP-TO-DATE PHOTOGRAPHS GO TO Lee Bros/ Studio 58-4, Hill Street, off Stamford Road. ENLARGEMENTS DONE IN ANY STYLE. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION i Pleasant Entertainment 18 WHAT WE PROVIDE TO-NIGHT IN OUB FURTHER CHANGE OF PROGRAMME which comprises an appreciable variety of subjects. See the picture* and see if
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 282 9 SPECIAL Cash Clearance Sale FOR TEN DAYS ONLY Ist to lOth February. Tweeds. Coatings, Serges, Flannels, etc.. Hats, Hosiery, Boots and Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Ties, etc. EVERYTHING FOR MEN'S WEAR. GENUINE REDUCTIONS FOR CASH ONLY. J. L. CAMPBELL CO., ba r Va e d ry MINIMAX FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. For home,
      282 words
    • 1172 9 STEAMER BAIUH6B. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Franoisco to all Points in the United States, Canada, Mezioo and Europe. Operating the New 21,000 ton Triple Screw Turbine Linen Shlnjo Man Ttayo Maru md Chili Mam,"
      1,172 words
    • 431 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF BTEAMERS. The undermentioned mail steamers ot the above Line maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penaog Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route FLEET Tons Commander Japan 8,018 A. Stiwast Guoobt Apcab 4,000 S. H. Bilsom 1 AjtKATOON Apcab 4,600 C. F.
      431 words
    • 298 9 NOTICESNOTICE. I hereby brg to notify my ontoiuc that I have removed my bnainepß of a tbirdci «<-s spirit shop known as Tbe Golden Fount nn from Bencoolen Strett to No. Ims, Qukd Street, Singapore. CUBE LKONO HKK. Proprietor, The Goldun Kunntiin. 28-1 29 1 OLD MALVERNIAN DINNER. AnO.M. Dinner
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 572 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office: Winchester House, SINGAPORE. I Board of OlMOtorsi G. A. Drbricb, Bsq., Chairman A. H. Faib, Esq., Managing Dirostor. Pftbb Fowlib, m.b., en., Chief Med. OfficerF. M. Elliot, Esq. A. D. Allan Esq. Vow Noan Pak, Bsq. O»« 8oo» Tkb. Esq. KhooSianTan,
      572 words
    • 286 10 INSURANCEFEDERAL UFE IBOIMNCE COMPANY OF MNMM. BSTABUMBD 1889. 8.5.0. niurtnoe In Force, over $45,000,000.00 Maw Bu.moti, 1910, 0ver...M,540,000.00 Large Nat Surplus above liabilities for Reserve and all outstanding claims. Direct Government Supervision Jaxli Loans,'. Settlements, etc., made locally. Policies are WORLD WIDE." J. H. EVANS, Manager, South Bastera Asia. rUB
      286 words
    • 529 10 BAHKIH6. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA_AND CHINA. INCORPORATBD BT ROTAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 80,000 Shares ot £30 each £1,300,000 Reserve Fund £1,026,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,2004)00 BANKHRS. Hack of England. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. National Bank of Scotland, Ltd. SINGAPORB BRANCH. Current Aooounts are opened
      529 words
    • 618 10 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TONS BANKING AND INSURANCE CO. LTD. NO. 6T AND 68, KLING STRBBT. HsUblisbed 1807. Capital paid up 114)00,000.00 Reaorre liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIKHCTORS. 1, Tarn Tick Joom 8. Six Kit Jam a. Nam Km Sinu 7. Tio Hoo Lai 5. Laow Chia Hino
      618 words
    • 889 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE:. Auction Sale Of VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. A LARGE QUANTITY OF PORCELAIN, GLASSWARE, PLATEDWARE. ETC.. At Hurricane House 2, Stevens Road, On Friday and Saturday, February Sand 10. (Catalogues will be issued). POWELL CO, Auctioneers. 25-1 v PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture
      889 words

  • 1143 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The general principles of motor car design have been standardised to a point where improvements now are largely a matter of refinement, looking to economical use of power and long life, says an American paper. These have of course always been
    1,143 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 421 11 Due Shortly:^^ rt^ metallurgique. three: la-ie h.i». WOLSELEY CARS, FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE SOLE AGENTS Central Engine Works, Ld. SINGAPORE. FORD CARS are without doubt tbe BEST VALUE for tbe money on tbe market. One chassis only is manufactured, 4 cylinder, 22 H.P. K. A. C.; Hating, bat three types
      421 words
    • 13 11 For all internal complaints, Dysentery Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Care.
      13 words
    • 319 11 IHunyadii ft Janos A MM The Best Natural Aperient Water. %1 H Rish nrLon'.T't'h."','. s'l"m". n"u -."5 H anh..nrNf..r,.|.r..,kl.,M 1.i.. ;i ili.iim. I freeing them from <>.<■■ .k-pi. ,si.m an.l M discomfort from which thry sufl<-r." writes JUST ARRIVED: Bismarck Herrings. Rollnops. Sliced Smoked Salmon. Plockwurst and Cevelatwurst. A fall
      319 words
    • 87 11 The Xeil World's Championship (BOTH FOR SPEED AND 100 KILOMETERS) CONTINENTAL CYCLE TYRES. Obtainable through all Leading Dealers. JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. ROBINSON CO. STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO. AND OTHERS. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., Singapore:. x« E UNIVERSAL (Patent Fumlgatoi*) RECOMMENDED BY THE DEPT. OK AGRICULTURE, F.M.S. WHITE ANT
      87 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 478 12 INDIAN PATENT T STONE FOR FLOORS PAVEMENTS. Write for further particulars to SHARPE, ROSS CO, LTD, Singapore. WANTS. MONEY TO LEND. From 52,f00 to $20,000 on firßt-clasß residential proporty. Apply to 6fl, c/o Straits Tin rs. 51 42 DRESSER WANTED. WaaM, a qualified Dreteer for Estate near Sereroban. App y
      478 words
    • 265 12 WANTS. MOTOR DRIVER WANTEO IMMEDIATELY. Wanted immediately, a driver for a Halford Motor Lorry to drive only, cleaner kept; 945. Apply The General Manager, Diamond Jubilee Estate, Ma'acca. 11l v CHINESE SHIPPING CLERK WANTED. Wanted at once, an experienced Chinese Shipping-Clerk and a Storekeeper. Apply in person with testimonials at
      265 words
    • 542 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. With immediate entry, ft st and second floors, No. la, Raffles Quay Apply Guthrie 4 Co., Ltd. 1-4 n HOUSES TO IET. "Brathay" No. IS, Gilitcad Road. In excellent condition. Rent moderate. Apply to J. W. Haffenden, 47, Tbe Arcade. 6 12
      542 words
    • 523 12 NOTICES. THE BUKIT K. B. RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED. The Directors have appointed the undersigned Secretaries for the above Company and all communications should in future be forwarded to Hi -m. WELSH 4 CO., Secretaries. 47 and 49, Tbe Arcade," Singapore. 251 291 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. REFUND OF ASSESSMENT. All persons claiming
      523 words
    • 573 12 NOTICES. MAIN KIAT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. Bo»ernm«mt md Municipal Contrattori Telephone No. 421. 108 100. Market Stroet, THE BRITISH CORPORATION FOR THE BURVEY REGISTRY OF SHIPPING. Notice is hereby given that MESSRS. FITToCR ADAM, 9, Flint St., have been appoint. ,l Surveyors in Singapore fir tbe above Corporation lit
      573 words
    • 326 12 ROBINSON P|ANO CO., LTD. HEAR rui NEWEST STYLE HORNLKSS GRAMAPHONE AND COMPARE PRICES Solid Mahogany $100 Fumed Oak 85 AT THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD." E.&O. HOTEL. PENANG The best and the most freejnentod Hotel in the Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Straits. ABI THR BKANCBIB
      326 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 232 12 Straits Wimes. ADVBRTISKMBNT RATBS.— Miscellane ous wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of II per foot lines for one or two insertions. Notice? of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not ezoeoding fonr lines, tl each insertion For p.p.o. oards, on page 0, 13. Inch Scam
      232 words