The Straits Times, 23 January 1912

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.779 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JANUARY 23. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 144 1 BEER. Popular Motor Cycles NEW SHIPMENT OF 31 H.P. 2-Speed Humbers. 3£ H.P. 2 Matchless. 31 H.P. 1 Excelsior. 31 H.P. I Norton. Expected this Month. .1 3| H.P. 2-Speed Indians. 31 H.P. 2 Bats. I 31 H.P. 2 Rudge's. 2| H.P. Twin Motor Reves. SIDE CARS IN STOCK. KATZ
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    • 24 1 Momi Qdests AND 9lass 3b at ex <Sups. STOCKED BY The Borneo Co., Limited, SINGAPORE, AND A. C. Harper Co., KUALA LUMPUR AND KLANG.
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    • 189 1 ROBINSON CO., Singapore. COMPLETE FURNISHERS. Estimates Free. Sa *^c] W^^" The "Lullaby" The "Cancasy" Adjastable Baby Chairs can be adjastfd to (oor different positions by Rimpla movenient of hindle. May Bentwood Adjustable Baby Chairs, caned backs and be used (or Rocking, Wheeling or at fall height for ase seats. Simple
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 707 2 MUJIKS RUINED IN THE URAL DISTRICT. Despair and Despondency. How ruinously the recent crop failure affects the Itussian peasants in the I'ral districts, is illustrated by a brief sketch which appeared in one of the last numbers of the Navoyc Vremya. Market-day in a West Siberian town.
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  • 429 2 King-Emperor's Address on Leaving Bombay. In leply to au address ou the eve of his departure from liombay. His Majesty »aid I thank you sincerely on behalf of the Qmm and myself for the kind and generous terms of the address of farewell which you ■■I iv
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  • 554 2 A Confiding Practitioner and His Resident Patient. Dr. Doyen, the celebrated surgeon, has got himself into hot water for declaring that the spirit of commercialism enters so largely into the calculations of some of his colleagues as to constitute a reproach to the profession of medicine, writes
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 125 2 TO BEAUTIFY. f&f^y r, and Preserve t|K jj (S> The Complexion is made soft, smooth and beautifully clear by the daily application of /"Hazeline' Snow" Dullness, ijreasiness and blemishes J^^^ disappear, and a charming healthy tone Jllllf j^ j is obtained. Jlllf One <>l the special properties of "'Hazeline 1
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    • 38 2 Try This for a Cold. Cliambcrlaiu's Cough licmctly has won its great rcputatiou and extensive salo by its remarkable cures of coughs, colds and croup. It can be depended upon. Try it. Sold by nil Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 137 2 For all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. LILLYWH9TES Improved 'Specie! Driver' Bat MADE OF FINEST QUALITY SEASONED RESILIENT WILLOW. As DSfd by P F. Warner, E<.q., F. R Fofttr, Es.j., ac.i other lctdint; ciicktt-'ts throughout the World. TO BE OBTAINED FROM MESSRS. KOBINSON CO.
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    • 391 2 10,000 OATINE TOILET CASES TO BE DISTRIBUTED FREE Remarkable Offer. Write to-day and secure one. Thk Oatini: COMPART, of I-omlon. arc tlic finest Dais ulndi i> positively the most distributing absolutely free to all nailers soothing and healing that OB posof this paper 10,000 dainty toilit outfits as sibly
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  • 276 3 Escape from a German Fortress in I Silesia. Captain Lux, of the French Army, who was arrested at t'ricdiiclisliiifeu last December and MaAaaead in July to six years' detention in a fortress for attempted espionage, escaped flaring Wednesday ni«ht from the fortress of ilut/. in Silesia,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 956 3 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LTD. Manager's Report for Four Weeks Ending December 30, 1911. The re-port of the manager of tlic Raub A. <1. M. Co., Ltd., for Die four weeks ending December 2, rends Cn-iitlciiH'ii,— 1 herewith U'x, to hand you mv ii ix>rt ou your mining
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    • 435 3 Transmission Line between Bt. Koman and 15t. Malacca, stops at Power Station, repairs and clean ups. Sukfack Obk in- -in 1■ Bnanal Aans tk-2 tons. Hukit Jellis 747 Uukit Malacca Sl9 Uukit Uetui Ml Total of 2,111 tons proilticiiiK, :t:;i oz. Amalgam, 10' Jo/..J o/.. ltetortcd Uol<l and 104.9."i o/.
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    • 56 3 S Lifebuoy Soap is invaluable 4-j^ J Patients' clothing. It is a y£i^ fection, and its regular ~l\Vn CLEANS, PURIFIES, Ws| tB-M M Mnnutaclurtd by the f=~^^/^'^^^sna»nflf ~^^/^'^^^5na»nfl Proprictort ol Sunlight So.p. ismahTand^raheem Bras Basah Road, Are now showing a splendid selection of Loose Diamonds IN PAIRS WHICH FORM SUITABLE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 620 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pTFo. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MBDITBRRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issuid tor China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about:— MAIL LINES 1913 Outward (for China.) Himalaya Jan 28
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    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. Fortnightly service ia maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antworp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 673 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringganu Biant, Semerak, Baoho, Ke'.antan, Bangnara Tolnpin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kohsamui, Bandon, Langsuan Chumpon Taku, Kohlak \nd Bangkok. Du* Departure 8 p.m. Mi ASDANQ Jan. 34 Jan. 97 MAHIOOL Jan. 28 Jan. SI Will not
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    • 528 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCHE D»mPFSCMIFP■URTMES. "fIAMa" MKHEI. Oomblnad Bcrvloo. The steamers of these Companies maintain a rognlar aorvioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strain' China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fort* nightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhavon
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    • 675 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D L. lorddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamera of hia Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, lambnrg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South,mpton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connectng Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe r ersa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, 'enang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1051 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD (Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Government). New Monthly Fast Line Trieste Shanghai. From and to Trioeto and Venice, calling at Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hungkoc;; and Shanghai. OOTWABD. HOMEWARD. Duo to arrivo on or about l>ue to sail on or about 11.12 1912
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    • 587 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. DIRECT SERVICE TO JAPAN VIA HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI. AND TO CALCUTTA VIA PENANG FROM SINGAPORE. T iking oargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton. Macao, Swntow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtsrc Port", Formosa, the Philippines, etc.. etc., etc. Steamers. Tons Commander Kctsano
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    • 645 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. Tho undermentioned mail steamers of tbe above Lino maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling ht Ptnnog Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEE T Tona Commande> "Jap*"" 8,018 A. 9tiwa»t Gk»ooet Apoa»" 4,600 S. H. Bilson 1 Arratoon Apcae 4,500 O.
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    • 242 5 DIETHELM CO., LTD., Singapore, Distributers for Straits Settlements, F.MS., and British North Borneo. Every fortnight fresh shipments of the newest numbers. Obtainable in retail from the prominent general stores and music dealers. RAFFLES-BY-THE-SEA Penanrf. A SELECT UP-TO-DATE FAMILY HOTEL. Under tha direct management of tbe Erjgli^h Proprietor and Proprittrtfs, Fitnated
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    • 228 5 THE STRAITS TIMES Cad if obtained at the following places in Singapore Hwm .It hu Little Co, Ltd. Ham K.lly nud Wa mi. Ltd. Rnßl. h Ho:, I. Ade!pl.i H -1 Ilotol i*. i'Krr. o; ll'.t-.l v»n \V jk. 'itauit ;rd Uoad. MaMTI K b Co.. 90. lira^ BMth Road.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 FOR MILK STAND WITH SAFETY ON MILKMAID BRAND. WATCH OUR HUT AD. |Tw|uD|scL()BE THE POINTS ABOUT BENTWOOD. IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST AND To Importers of "Selected" Quality only Justice. (No connection with any other Furniture House). HEAD OFFICE. 166-1. ORCHARD ROAD. BRANCH DEPOT. 17. VICTORIA STREET. PHONE 244.
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    • 204 6 "If it be not true, speak it not, If it be not seemly, do it not." Marcus Aurelius. The one and only Sole Agent* PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. FLOORING TILES^ El of various designs. i^£ TELEPHONE: 1117. H^^^^P^^^-. WORKS: 94, SDNGEI ROAD Office: 3, Boat Quay. Tampenis Cement iTile Works.
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    • 216 6 MARTELL'S BRANDY In England more Martell's Three- Star Brandy is sold than any other Brandy In London more than three times the quantity of Martell's is sold than any other brand of bottled Brandy. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS. SOLE A6ENTS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND F.M.S. Adamson, Gilfillan Co Ltd. SINGAPORE.
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  • 139 7 FIXTURES. Tuesday, January aj. High Wator, 1.7 a.m., 0.20 p.m. Passing of tho Third Floor Back," Theatre. Penang Races. Wednesday, January 34. Hieh Wit-ir. 1 M vm., 1.0 p.m. Much Ado about Nothing," Theatro. Thursday, January 25. High Wator, 2.2 a.m., 1.41 p.m. Penane Rac<">. Othello, Victoria
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  • 263 7 To-DAT. Pcnang and Colombo Iyo Mara 8 pm Port Dickfon ami Port Swottonham Penang 8 pm Malmvi hd<1 Muar Lady Wold 8 pm Hongknnp, Shanghai and Japan O. Apcar 8 pm 1 1 millions.'. Shanghai and Japan Glamorganshire 8 pm Batavia, Cheribon and S itiiirang Giann Ann
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  • 102 7 The P. an l O. homeward mail steamer Dilti left Hongkong at 1 p.m. [on Saturday, the 20th ins?, and may be expected to arrive here at 5 p.m. tomorrow, Lift Singapore. Dua in London. 1 Aruivkd. IK c. '21 B. I. January 18 Jm. 13 Dec.
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  • 585 7 Latest Arrivals. Ban Whatt Hin, lint. str. 105 tons, Capt Troan, Jin 23. From Anambao Is., Jan 22. Copra and 87 d.p. Chiog Siang. For AnambiH Is Jan 2j. Roads. ylmi Maru: Jap. str. 8142 tons, Captain, Jan H. From Bombay, Jan 2 Gc. and p. I.
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  • 202 7 Arrivals Per steamer Produce. Jan. 22. From Bangkok. Messrs. Tuowsder and L. Itickenmecker. Per steamer Ipoli. Jan. 22. From T. Anson via ports, Mr. and Mrs. (1. Bn and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. Petit. I>r. A. Saivat, Mrs. Elliot, Mr. Mrs. and Mis J. McClymont, Dr.
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  • 47 7 Time balls on Fort Canning and Mount Fabcr drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • 266 7 Finance Commerce. ■XGHANGB. Bihoapom, Jam-aky 28 101 a O» Lo»do»— Bank 4 wit m, J/4| Demand w S/4, 1 Private|6 m/i 8/4 j 3 8 m/» 2/4 i Oa OiaaiKT— B»ck d/d 2881 Private 8 m/i 242J Oa Fiahc i-Bick d/d 2B4 PrivsteJB n/t 2i9 Oa I»du— Bank T. T.
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    • 160 7 ißaue 2 Value 10 10 Belal Tin 10 10 Brnang 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 Kinta Tin £1 £1 Lahat Minof 10 10 Malacca Tin 5/. 6/- Pahang Conscl £1 £1 Pengkalen £1 £1 PaoinK Babia £1 £1 Paging Lama 10 10 Rahman Hyd £1 £1 Rahman Tib Buyers.
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    • 608 7 Iwue !2 Value oj Buyers BoUtm 2/. 3/. Allattar 8 9 4!, 2/. 3/- Anglo-Malty 17, 1J 18/ J/- 2/ Batang Malaka 2I J 2/10 £1 £1 Batn Caves 1 1.15.0 12 0.0 £1 £1 Batn Ti^a 314.9 4.4.0 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 2.15 0 2,i7 6 £1 £1
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    • 125 7 Issne S Value Bnyen Sellen 10 10 Butoii norn Smeltlnfc m, 1000 10 T 800 41 41 Electric Tramwftj* 8,6 8/9 10 10 Fraaer Neave 47 03 47.25 100 Howarth Brakine f7 0 100 7% Frei. 81.00 100 100 Kat» Bro. 001. 180.0 C 100 100 a 8% Com.
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    • 46 7 Buyers Bellfcrs Spore Mnnioipal i\% of 1907 11,600,000 7% Spore Municipal 4T%4T% of 1909 11,000,000 7% 9%pm Spore Municipal 4% 1602,900 par Buyers Belle s Howarth Erskine 8% 1900,000 pat Riley. Hargroavos 6% 1284,000 H Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% 4860,000 Spore Municipal 5 11,878,000 aom
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 33 7 What Woods havo the suburbs OfSydnoy? Who'll tull? Tht re'» CualHWood and Eastwood And li'irwood as wull. Aut imnl othcrß, Some olrli.r, Homo nower. Ami ix. 'h mod h taking Woods' I't-ppuiuiint euro.
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    • 211 7 True Test of Merit. You judge a man not by what he promises to do, but by what he has done. That is the only ti test. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. For gale
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    • 249 7 AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD LANDS AND HOUSES, At 11 ir Sals-room, On Monday, Fkbecaby 5, 1912, at 2.80 pm. 28, Omar Road. 70 and 71, Minto Road. Vacant Land at Minto K jad. 89, Jalan Kwaotan. 91, 99, 100 and 1001, Qaeen Street. 14, Upper Nankin Strtet.
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  • 1032 8 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23. CAPITAL AND COMPANIES. The Economist of December 30 contains an interesting article dealing with the amount of capital invested in new public companies during the year 1911. The first item that catches the eye is rubber, which had £19,14:1,800 in 1910 and only £3,712,400
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  • 28 8 A tube containing radium to the value of 40,000 francs (about £400) has been lost in Paris. Finders have been warned against the danger of handling the substance.
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  • 34 8 Koh Joo Jang, a clerk in the employ of Messrs. Behn Meyer and Co., Singapore, has absconded and an investigation of his books is said to have shown defalcations to the amount of 1046.
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  • 35 8 The Twilight Club will meet tho White Star Club's first oleven in tho second round of the Juvenile Cup competition, on Saturday, tbe 27th instant, at S. p.m. sharp, on the St. Joseph's School ground.
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  • 29 8 A Royal Commission recommends the provision and endowment by private benofactiun of central buildings for tbe University of London before the submission to Parliament of any scheme of reorganisation.
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  • 13 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 7 and on page 10.
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  • 25 8 Messrs. J. O. Monnet and Co., send us a calendar advertising Salamander brandy, and Mr. Seymour Buckingham forwards the Essex and Suffolk Fire Company's almanack.
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  • 42 8 Information has been received from the Consul General for the Netherlands that the master of the steamer de Kock, reports that on the night of the lHth instant the gas light buoy at tho mouth of the Djambie river was not burning.
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  • 39 8 A little three-year-old Chinese girl disappeared from her home at 61 Pagoda Street on the lGth inst. Diligent inquiries have been made since, and yesterday she was found iv possession of a Chinaman at Changi, who has been arrested.
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  • 40 8 The troops engaged in tho Abor Expedition were delighted by tho receipt of a telegram from the King, conveying his Majesty's hearty wishes for Christmas and the New Year, and looking to a successful and speedy termination of the operations.
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  • 51 8 Chan Peck Mow. of 3.'! Circular Road, went to sleep on Saturday night with the keys of his safe beside him. When he awoke next morning the keys were gone, but the ssife remained locked. Yesterday hi; had Unlock picked when if wus found that the sum of S'V77 was
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  • 51 8 An electrician named Whi taker was on December '23 at Rochester on a stage at a girls' school, where he was superintending the limelight operations during the produc tion of an operetta. While ho was handling an arc lamp his wet boots touched the electrical regular, aud he was instantly
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  • 51 8 A regrettable accident occurred in Java on January 1.1, in the new buildings of the Escompto at Bandoeng. A pillar gave way and Mr. Elonbaas, the architect, was thrown down. His skull was fractured, and he received other injuries of so serious a nature that his condition is regarded as
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  • 53 8 Some little sensation seems to have been caused in Oxley Itisc lost night by two men of the H.G.A. in the course of a wild nightout. It is reported that they broke into the house occupied by Mr. Payne and did themselves proud on cake, meat and sodawater. Incidentally, they
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  • 62 8 The Siam Observer of January 17 has the following paragraph We learn that the Norwegian steamer Pronto, which hail been in the Bangkok- Singapore trade for some time past, chartered by the Chinese firm. Bang Seng Chiang, has been sold to a Yladivostock firm, the purchase price being something like
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  • 77 8 Early this month a Malabaree named Gomes reported his younger brother William to the police for having stolen SloO from him and disappeared. The incident has ended ideally by William returning to the fold with the money intact. His excuse is that he wanted to visit some friends up the
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  • 87 8 Members entitled to play for the gold medal for 1911 are reminded that this medal will be played for on Saturday. 17th inst the first day for tho monthly medal play. The competition for Sir Archibald Law's prizes will be played in February < ntries close on Jauuary 31. The
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  • 88 8 According to statistics published in a Paris newspaper, the length of the cinematograph films in the world is 90,000,000 metres, a metre being 39 inches. The value is estimated at 45,000,000 francs, or £1,800,0 X). Some of the films are from 2,j(X) to 3,000 metres in length. Americans and Germans
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  • 97 8 A Keutcr message from Gibraltar of December 22 states that an Artillery District Order which has been promulgated says: "General Perrott is nstiflad to hear of the excellent work done by the Artillery Itocket Detachment at the wreck of the Delhi, lie is aware of the hard aud strenuous times
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  • 120 8 The P. and O. Company's steamship Mantua, carrying the Christmas mail to the East, arrived at Bombay yesterday morning, well in advance of scheduled time, says the Times of December 23. Tho mail, which left London on the Ist inst.. totalled 10,315 boxes and bags and occupied 847 tons of
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  • 117 8 Of the ships of the P. and O. Company's N class already under construction, the Nankin, says the Shipping Oozotte, is expected tn Ik- ili' iverod in the spriL^, and the Novara soon afterwards. Two additional vessels will shortly be laid down, bringing the total of the Nile class to
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  • 366 8 Mr. 11. L. Dennys has boon elocted Prosi dent of the Hongkong Law Society. Mr. H. N. Marriott, of tho Malay Mail. Kuala Lumpur, is in Singapore en route to Java on a holiday. Lieut. C. IVeedy, R.E., has been granted leave of absence- from Februaiy 10,
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  • 82 8 Following is the fourth list of subscriptions to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, sent us by Mr. E. M. Janion, lion, treasurer Already acknowledge. l $:i:).'i DM -Mrs. Cullimore: Mr. J. W. Simmons 5.1, Mr. E. Wickham 8.1. Guthrie anil Co.'s stall lIS, Municipality staff »S, P.
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  • 82 8 The Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company's steamer lioinauy, which stranded on I ulo Senang M Sunday ni^ht, got out of her riillicult position without assistance on the rising tide yesterday forenoou. The lighter Varunha, as we mentioned, was scut out to i;ivc what aid might be necessary, but none
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  • 166 8 Further information respecting the Mm sageries Maritimcs Company's new steamer Paul-Lecat which is Hearing completion and will be put on the China Hue during tho present year, appears iv the N. C. Daily News. She is of l(i>J(l tons, other particulars Man as follow Length, .Vifi
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  • 210 8 We have Marital a number of very long lotterK in reply to the protest inail<; by "Free Born Cliimtiuan about the chan^iu^ uf e'liiutse into Knro|x'»u names, and uthir matters. Wa MJPM that we i-innot print all tin si- 1< tti-rs Owlag to prrssuru on our span 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 Famous \A/HISKY Brands zzt#* r Ms?.tV Hacgregor.Caidbbx»() Glasgow London. lonooh i cussow. Suppliers of Scotch Whisky to The House of Lords, The House of Commons, and to the Houses of Parliament, Canada. SOLE AGENTS: Caldbeck, isAacgregor Go. CRAWFORD'S Very Old Scotch Whisky. PER CASE OF 12 QUARTS $11.25. Sole Agents
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    • 262 8 SELECT PICTORIAL GEMS NEW Subjects to Interest and Amuse AT THE ALHAMBRA To-Night. 2nd Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. MAKING GET AS IN JAPAN. Imperium Film. A RETARDED PUNISHMENT. Humorous. PATHES ANIMATED GAZETTE 70th EDITION. Containing the Latest News of the World including the Latest creations from Vttris in Hats.
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  • 261 9 THREAT OF A HOSTILE NAVAL DEMONSTRATION. Suggested Reference to The Hague Kbutbr's Tblboram. London. January 22. While the French newspapers today continue to insist on tho liberation of tho people who were on board the Manouba, as national honour is involved, they assuro Italy that Franco thereafter
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  • 68 9 SEVERAL RAILWAY MAGNATES KILLED. Private Car Smashed to Atoms. Rmrra'l Telegram. London, January J!. Tho Illinois ccutral express dashed at full speed into the rear of a passenger train at Centralia, Illinois, anil smashed to atoms a private car at the rnr. This car contiirud the railway
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  • 124 9 Recter's Telegram. London, via Durban, January 22. A Constantinople telegram from Jaffa says an Italian warship bombarded Khanyunas, Syria. ctOM to the Egyptian frontier, on the 19th inst. London, January M. A message from Rome says the Italians Lave re-occupied Gargarcsh and found no traces of the
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 39 9 Renter's TMmift London, via Inn-ban, January 22. llerr Kiderlen has loft Koine. DKR OsTASIATISCIIK LUm TkLRORAM. Berlin. January 22. llerr Kiderlen lias visited the State Secretary to the Vatican, Cardinal Merry del Val, and has left Home.
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  • 44 9 Rk.ltkii's Tklkukix. l.omli.n, via hurbau, January 22. Meetings of Inionists aud Liberals are being held at lielfast to make preparations for the Churchill visit. The Lord Mayor intimates that he is personally opposed to cancellation. The pilot are enquiring iuto the situation.
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  • 19 9 DKR OsTASIATISCHK LLOYD Tklk.ilUM. l.crlin, January 22. Count von Acreiithal. tlie Austrian Than Cellor, is ill.
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  • 262 9 New Company to Operate In Tronoh Area. (From Our Own Corresponding) Peuang, January 23. Tho prospectus is publishod of Tronoh Extended Limited. The capital is $200,000, divided into 154,000 Ordinary shares of 81 each, whereof 45,000 arc kept in reserve, and 46,000 Cumulative preference shares of 91
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  • 75 9 (From Ocr Own Correspondent.) Penang, January 22. The following horses have been scratched Hap Hvmmc \v: Harbour Light, Lossic, Melodist, Ml Grikhn Race:— Black Knight, Aloha, Scylla. Residency Cip: Progress. Governor's Ccp:— Play. Wallassey. Selling Handicap: Tom Lees, Satis. Random selections before lotteries: Chanticleer, Satis, Tom Lees
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  • 183 9 Sequel to a Collision at Port Swettenhatn. Before the Chief Justice, Sir W. H. Hynd man-Jones in the Supreme Court, this morn itiL'. the action was commenced in which tin- Kasteru Shipping Couipauy, Ltd., sued the Straits Steamship Company, Ltd., Capt. Muir of the 8.1. steamer
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  • 296 9 At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, on Saturday afternoon, Mr. Thomas Muiirn Lamb, of Kdintmrgh, checker of stores in the Federated Malay States, was married to Olga. the eldest daughter of Mr. Oh. Zimmerman of Singapore. The Revd. W. litinciniau officiated, and the bride wok given away by
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  • 677 9 HACKED TO DEATH BY CHINESE ROBBERS. A Horrible Crime. The following details of the murder of Mr. R. J. Felgate, who many years ago was a Sunday School teacher at Regent's Park Chapel, London, are to hand About midnight on Saturday, January 6, a band of robbers, supposed
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  • 208 9 A prospectus printed in London announces the issue at par of 50,4H5 XI shares in the Nordanal I Johore) Rubber Estates. This is the well known Singapore and Johore company which is being placed on a sterling basis with a capital of X2H<),O(X) much against the wishes
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  • 170 9 The acting Harbour Master, Selangor, announces that the Government dredger Kwanta will be working in Klang Straits at the inner anchorage from Tanjong Gila to the new northern harbour limit on the east shore, from January 20. When dredging at night she will exhibit, in addition to
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  • 454 9 MURDER OF SINGAPORE TOWKAY RECALLED. Two Men Arrested in Siara. Nearly five months after the event, the cold-blooded murder of Towkay Gaw Boon Chan, proprietor of the Ho- Ho Biscuit factory, is recalled by the arrest of two men who are alleged to have had a hand
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  • 569 9 Pork Seller's Conviction Quashed in Supreme Court. Mr. Justice Fisher quashed another Magistrate's coviction in appellate jurisdiction I at the Supreme Court, yesterday, in the case of Ang Rang Ho, who had been convicted for giving to a public servant information which he knew, or believed, to
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  • 22 9 Bukit Sembawang. 1,000 lbs. as against November 3,480 lbs. Singapore United. 8,220 lbs. as against December 1910, :t,184 lbs.
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  • 717 9 Mr. Matheson Lang as the Faithful Lover. The appearance of the Lang- Hollo way Company in Romeo and Juliet attracted the play-going public of Singapore to the Victoria Theatre in large numbers last evening, tho principal reason, we presume, being the fact that Mr. Matheson Lang was
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  • 405 9 Gang of Thieves Attack Estate Mandore. Lua Soon, Cbua Poll Khoon, and Low Ah Joo, three Teochews, appeared in the second police court charged witli committing gang robbery from a mandorc named Kug Ah Kiong at the llth mile, linkit Timah ltoad, on Mb inst. Mr.
    405 words
  • 135 9 SOCIETY LEADERS IN GREAT ANXIETY. Efforts to Evade the Reporters. Rbuter's Telegram. [London, via Durban, January 22. There is a great stir in Now York in conection with tho visit of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, who are coming to stay a few days with
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 46 9 Rsctbr's Tklrobam. London, via Durban, January 22. The Daily Mail correspondent in Berlin say 9 Hcrr Solf, who is acting as provisional chief of the German Colonial Office, left for London yesterday. It is understood that he goes to discuss Auglo-Gcrman colonial questions.
    46 words
  • 29 9 Heltku's IWIU London, via Durban, January 22. The Thames and the Trent have overflowed, and are steadily rising, owing to heavy rains and tbe melting snow.
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  • 44 9 Rkutkk's Telegram. London, via Durban, January 22. A Buenos Aires message says the railway workers seem disposed to resume; immediately on condition that the entire personnel is reinstated. The Government has decided to request the companies to settle the crisis without delay.
    44 words
  • 34 9 Kbutbh's Tklkoram. London, via, Durban, January 22. Sir Thomas Gibson Carmichael, Governor of Madras, recently advanced to the Peerage, has been appointed Governor of the I'm -1 dency of Bengal.
    34 words
  • 51 9 Der Ostasiatisi an Lloyd Tblkoram. Berlin, January 22. Count Rex, of Tokio, has received tho Star of the Red Eagle of the second class, Freiherr von der Goltz, the Red Eagle of the second class, and llerr Syburg, of Yokohama, the Red Eaglo of the third
    51 words
  • 31 9 Dbb Ostascatischh I .low. Tklioram. Berlin, Jauuary 22. The reports published in London that Portugal will offer Angola, with the islands of San Thome and l'rincipc, to Germany, are unconfirmed.
    31 words
  • 31 9 DlB OsTASIATISCHK LLOYD TkLKGRAM. Berlin. January 22. It is officially reported from St. Petersburg that the Kusso M inehiii Railway has declined to convoy Chiuosc troops to Chailar.
    31 words
  • 167 9 Miscreants Keep Off Pursuers with Revolvers. (From Our Own Cokhhspontiknt.) Penang, January 21. A daring robbery took place on Saturday (■veiling in tlio house of a Chinese named Nonia, in China Street, in the heart of the town. Four armed Chinese entered and took all the
    167 words

    • 1070 10 Home Football. Position of the Leagues. Four clubs experienced the mortification of losing full points on their own ground on Saturday, says tho Woekly Scotsman of December 80. Perhaps the performance of the Hearts at Mother well was tho titbit of tho afternoon. To win by three
      1,070 words
    • 51 10 Keppel Golf Club. The January medal was won by O. Drummond with a net score of 76. Other cards were:— R. H. Ellis 78, D. Noblo 78, D. Maw 79, J. H. Snnner 80, P. Townley 83, W. N. Mastertou 86, C. D. McLacldani 89, and A. W. Dove
      51 words
    • 334 10 5. C. C. Cricket Fixtures. Ist Elkven. January 27, Law, C. S. and Municipality (A. S. Bailey) v. Merchant (N. E. Bath) S.C.C. February 8, S. C. C. (N. E. Bath) v. The Garrison (Capt. Rooke) S. C. C. February 10, Telegraphs (A. Jenkins) v. Etceteras (H. M. Cantrell)
      334 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 58 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— We should esteem it a favour if you would kindly publish in your columns the enclosed copy of a letter to the North China Herald from our Visiting Agent, Mr. J. ten Kate. Thanking you in anticipation. Yours, etc.,
      58 words
    • 567 10 To the Editor, North China Herald, Shanghai. Dear Sir, -In the North China Hera.d of December 80, 1911. my name is brought up several times in the report of the annual general meeting of the Anglo- Dutch Plantation-!, Ltd., in a manner which I may Miy is
      567 words
  • 801 10 Prices Quoted In the Market This Morning. Singapore, January 28, 1912. Mesas. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Norn Value. Buyers, sellers. 3/- Allagai 8 9 4/4 3/. Options 1 6 2/- 1 Anglo- Jays 7/1* 8 2
    801 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc
      12 words
    • 441 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. He who aspires to be a hero most drink brandy." Johnson. DENIS MOUNIE CO., COGNAC, hold the Royal Warrant of Appointment Purveyors to the King, and their brandy is Gaaranteed pore Cognac. Garner, Quelch Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Battery Road, Singapore. Telephone ..881. 269 36-0 DO YOU
      441 words
    • 499 10 Raffles iHH Hotel. Special ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 27. Victoria Theatre. RECORD HOUSE LAST NIGHT. The Greateat Audienoo that has ever* assembled in Singapore. LANG-HOLLO WAY CO. MAURICE E. BANDMANN ANNOUNCES THAT THE FAMOUS LONDON ACTOR MANAGER Matheson Lang and Miss liutiii Britton WILL APPEAR TONIGHT IN THE MOST REMARKABLE PLAY
      499 words

  • 1463 11 IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS IN PLANTATION PRODUCT. Interesting Annual Review Messrs. (iow Wilson and Stanton. Ltd., in their rc|H>rt on the rubber market for the vcar rill state Although the past year has proved a marked contrast to the preceding on£n many Ms] Hits. it has witnessed devclopaants ami
    1,463 words
  • 577 11 Question of Appointing Committee of Inquiry. The tecretaric* of the Victoria i. Malaya i Cobber Batatas, Limited, in the course of circular accompanying a notice convening an extraordinary general meeting for January for the purpose of considering the appointment of a committee to inquire into the position
    577 words
  • 102 11 According to tlio Indian Agriculturist the best way to manure coconut pulm.s is to dig a trench half- way round the tree, about 9 in. in width and say 1 ft. in depth, close to the extremity of the roots. This trench may be left open for a short time,
    102 words
  • 1019 11 TERMS OF THE PROPOSED NEW ISSUE. Committee's Recommendations. An extraordinary general meeting of the Tangkah Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on I >ccember -'■>. at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, K.C., Sir William Hood Trea.her. K.C.M.G. (Chairman of the company I, presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, when we
    1,019 words
  • 1436 11 INCREASED RETURNS FROM THE TOBACCO AREA. More Attention to Rubber. The second ordinary general meeting of the Java United Plantations, Limited, was held on December 28, at the Cannon Street Hotel. In the absence of the Hon. (has. H. Strutt, the chair was occupied by Mr. E. .7.
    1,436 words
  • 840 11 Expected to Give Good Account of Itself. The annual general meeting of shareholders in the Gan Kee Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on December 28 at tho registered office, 4. Corbet Court, Grace-church Street, E.C., Mr. W. Arthur Addinsell (Chairman of the company I presiding. The
    840 words
  • 1125 11 COMPENSATION FROM RAILWAY COMPANY. Issue of Debentures. The second annual meeting of the Tamiang Rubber Estates. Limited, was hold on December 22 at the ollices of the company. Mincing Lane Mouse. .V.I. Kastcheap, E.C., Mr. C. Engeiingh (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman, in tlm course of
    1,125 words

  • 1373 12 GOVERNMENT'S SCHEME FOR A WATER SUPPLY. Effects of the Drought. Tin lirst annual general meeting of the Braunston (Malay) Bobber Batata*, Limited, was held mi I >eceiulx r '2!> at the offices of the company, Ootooel, K. 8. Dunsterville ichairman of the coiiipaiiyi presiding'tlie course of his
    1,373 words
  • 852 12 Many Improvements Effected on The Estate. We have leeeived the following report of the second auin.:il ordinary general meeting of the Ayer Molek liubber Co., Ltd.. which was held at the company's office so, l:iver Side. Malaecn. on the l.'tli inst.. Mr. Chi Kaug Cheng presiding.
    852 words
  • 806 12 Labour Situation and Financial Outlook. The annual general meeting of the Killinghall (Rubber) Development Syndicate, Limited, was held on December 2H at 4, Corbet Court, Oraccchurch Street, K. Mr. W. Arthur Addinse 11 (chairman of tho company) presiding. The Chairman, in moving tho adoption of the report and
    806 words
  • 324 12 Over One Thousand Acres Under Cultivation. Tlie report of the Sendayan iF.M.S.I Rubber Company, Limited, states that, during the year to September a detailed survey has been made of the company's estate, an 3 as a result it lioh been ascertained that the total cultivated area, exclusive
    324 words
  • 420 12 Rapid Growth on Newly-Planted Areas. The directors of the Pelepah Valley (Johore) Rubber Batatas. Limited, have issued to the shareholders a copy of a letter received from Mr. lvon C. Fraser. iatod Singapore, November 13, which states as follows:— I have just returned from a visit to
    420 words
  • 690 12 Passengers Expected to Arrive. The following passenger bookings to the Straits are taken from the London and China Express received by the most recent mail. It should be understood that, in some instances, bookings may "be provisional and that intending passengers may alter their arrangements subsequent to the
    690 words
  • 1260 12 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON DECEMBER 28. We qnote below the best available London list from the reports brought in by the last mail, and add local quotation^ from the list proparcd by Mossrs. Frasor and Co. (Singapore) on the corresponding date
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 321 13 Howarth Erskine, Ld. f SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for: THE IFIAfFI I alii HB of Cholera, Typhoid and v Vlbn Ww bLL ott Gc A 12-inch Filter may now be seen 1 B^^^ C jn in operation at our Town Store, HQ D taJH (^9cT Battery Road. Price $332. B™ 25
      321 words
    • 191 13 CIGARETTES amongst Medical Men. The perfect hygienic conditions under which State Express J Cigarettes are made, the absolute /^!\Bl^^v^Si avoidance of every form of e rfc^^c' added matter and the subHme /^flmm i \^s* quality of the tobacco used, make WMl~~~~>- I them the most healthy smoking I men can
      191 words
    • 457 13 A.W.Tully, TIN MINING COMMISSION A6ENT. Ib now duiDg business on the PENANG RACES Run January 23, 25 27. TREBLE EVENT 3, 7, 8 and 5, 7, 8. 3,000 to 45 DOUBLES OS ANY TWO EVENTS STRAIGHT OUT ON ALL EVENTS. COMBINATION, 1, 2, 3 RACE 8. 1000-6 Price List can
      457 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 439 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE Board of Direotors i G. A. Dkkp.iok, Esq., Chairman A H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. I'ktbr Kowlib, m.b., cm., Chi« f Mod. OffioerF. M. Elliot, Enq. A. D. Allan Epq. Vow Noan Pan, Eaq. O«a 6>oo« Tkb, Esq.
      439 words
    • 418 14 INSURANCE. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Of China. Head Office, 51a, Kiangse Rd Shanghai. To thh Cbinbsi Gentlimen or Sinoafori REMEMBER that it is the UNEXPECTED that io always happening in all parts of the world Tbe Home Life isaues all sorts of policieH to suit &U sorts ot requirements.
      418 words
    • 523 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIAJND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 eaoh 41,300,000 Reserve Fund 41,626,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors... 41.a00.00U BANKERS. National B«uk of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts aro opened and interest allowed at
      523 words
    • 302 14 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TONB BANKINB AND INBURANCE CO.. LTD NO. BT AND 68, KLINO STRBBT. BstabUsbed 1807. I Capital paid np t1.5G0,000.00 I Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 1 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1, Tarn Tick Joon A, Sim Kia Jam 2. Nam Kirn Sino 7. Tao Hoo T 8.
      302 words
    • 474 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF Excellent Java Teak Household Furniture, etc. THE PROPERTY OF H. LALLEMENT, Ksq. AT "VILLA BOHEMIA. NO. 15, PASSIR PANJANG ROAD (STH MILESTONE). On Saturday, January 2T, sit 2. p.m. Beautifully carved Java teak cabinet with mirror panel Europe-made drawing room chairs with tspcttry soata
      474 words
    • 213 14 AUCTION SALE Of PAWNBROKERS' UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, OX TIIUIISDAY, FfMRLAKV 1, ST 10 AM. Ox M.'Miav, Fkiibc u;y 5, at 10 \m. Jewellery, consisting of Watcuos, Chains, Diamond Kings, brooches, Ear-rings, Bracelets, Chinese and Malay Gold Ornammtc, eto. On view from January 80, 1912. POWELL 4 Co., Auctionporo, 20-1 i> S-l
      213 words

  • 1134 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Mervyn O'Gornian contributes the following notes on motorcar engineering to The Times The first of a xeries of informal meetings of the Institution of Automobile Engineers was devoted to the discussion of the moro unusual types of engine. This formed an
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 400 15 One Rhoi'tlv: —*0 r.: METALLURGIQUE. THREE 12-16 H.P. WOLSELEY CARS. FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE SOLE AGENTS Central Engine Works, Ld. SINGAPORE. FORD CARS •re without doubt tbe BEST VALUE for; tho money on the matket. Ono chassis only is manufactured, 4 cylinder, 22 H.P. A. CV Rating, bat three types
      400 words
    • 376 15 What Users Continental I V I Cw December 12, 1011. Dear Sirs, THINK OF THEM. Uith reference to y° ur letter of 4th instant, American Car Sizes in Stock. T The C^^\ Ri^d lyres on back wheels of my car have proved more dura ble, under the trying conditions of
      376 words
    • 113 15 De Dion Bouton NOW ON VIEW. AT THE STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE, ORCHARD ROAD. 1-9 H.P., 2-GYLINDER CHASSIS FITTED WITH 2-Seater Victoria Phaeton Body, painted Royal Blue upholstered in Blue. FULL PARTICULARS FROM THE BORNEO CO., LD., OR A. O. Harper Co., kuala lumpur. SOLE AGENTS, S.S. At F.M.S. 28 11
      113 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 480 16 BURN CO.. LTD.. RANEEGUNGE PIPES For Wells, Culverts, Drains, etc. Strongest and Qdeapest ALSO BULL-NOSED BRICKS FIREBRICKS STABLE BRICKS CHEQUERED BRICKS SALTGLAZED BRICKS OF ALL KINDS. KIF K.UIB SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD,, Singapore. WANTS. GRAMOPHONE WANTED. Must be in tirst class condition. All parti- i si h to Granioj hjne,
      480 words
    • 366 16 WANTS. NURSE WANTED. Nice bright cheerful girl wanted to look after 2 little boys. Small ealary but com fortable home. Apply Nmse, c/o Straits Times. 191 261 MONEY TO LEND. From 32/00 to i 20,000 on first-class residential property. Apply to 6(1, c/o Straits 61 42 CHINESE SHIPPING CLERK
      366 words
    • 444 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. With immediate entry, fi st and second floors, No. la, Raffles Quay Apply Gutbrie Co., Ltd. 1-4 o HOUBEB TO LET. "Bratbay 1 No. 16, GiUtead Road. In excellent oondition. Rent moderate. Apply to J. W. Haffenden, 47, Tbe Arcade. 6 12
      444 words
    • 528 16 ARTICLES FOR SALE. CALVES FOR SALE. Apply to tbe Manager, Tbe Singapore Mudel Dairy, Limited, River Valley Road. 19-1 v MOTOR CYCLE FOR SALF. For Sale, Motor Cycle, a Quadrant 8J H.P. in good runnit g order, in use every day, 1185. H. L. Durham, C/o Whiteaway,' Laidlaw Co., Ltd.
      528 words
    • 666 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, •orsramaat tnd Municipal Contractor!. Telephone No. 421. 108* 109. Market Street. THE BRITISH CORPORATION FOR THE SURVEY REGISTRY OF SHIPPING. Notice is hereby given that MESSRS. FITTUCE ADAM, 9, Flint St., have been appoint* (1 Surveyors in Singapore for tbe above Corporation Registry. 9
      666 words
    • 712 16 NOTICES. CONSULATE-GENERAL OF THE NETHERLANDS. NOTICE. The pawnshops farm of tbe Government of Acheen and its Dependencies will be let for one and for three years, as from the Ist April, 1912. Tenders will be received at the effioe of the Civil and Military Governor of Acheen and its Dependencies
      712 words