The Straits Times, 15 January 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.772 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JANUARY 15. 1912. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 317 1 ROBINSOIT &> 00. New Stock of Ladies' Promenade Dress Shoes. No. 160. Ladies' Fine Glace Kid, Lang- No. O. 16:!. Fine Black Glace Kid No. 4767. Ladies' Black Glaoe Kid try Shoe, Lir -iU Hjw. Siaart I'ointed Shoe, 1 strap, steel ornament, Loom Fancy Strap Evening Shoe, opento», Li^ht U»U
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  • 1207 2 MERCHANTS ADVOCATE FOR THE PORTS FREEDOM. Opinion Divided. The Hon. Sergio Osmena, Speaker of the Philippine Assembly, in a recent speech before the members of tho Merchants' Association, said that he favoured the proposition of making a free port of the city of Manila. Considerable discussion
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  • 340 2 Large Loss of Life on a Hongkong Ship. What on the face of it appears to be a grave disaster attended by a large loss of life occurred on the aight of tho 2nd inst. on the West River, when the steamer Kwong Yum, belonging to the
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  • 227 2 Causes of the Shipping Prosperity at Home. There is gold in the tramp steamer today. Shipping is enjoyiug a booti) which even pessimistic owners say will help to make up for recent lean years. The modern tramp" is much more economical to work and stows away
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 576 2 A Captain in Kitchener's Scouts i '^v Nervous Breakdown, Paralysis The wuahr force which conquere.l the most perilous afflictions ambled him feo endure amazing hardships, sars Captain Henderson, j daiic.i entirely from Phesjtrint. li.\po-cd Iv Ii s adventurous life lo ;;i extraordinary series of misfortunes, Iro heiup disabled in
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    • 38 2 Try This for a Cold. Chamberlain's Coacb ltcmody has won its great reputation aud extensive sale by its remarkable cares of coughs, colds and croup. It can be depended upon. Try it. Sold by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 199 2 TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL Coventry Flyorm M B^ WfJOUKTta FThTLLX \BARS. I '^7/ iff 'si, ™™»l' k^'j!i*£i'''h'' U//MEAD CYCLE COMPANY. Xgf ■"■Si»»*# O«pI.A3SB.UVERPOOU Go ling 4 Co.. 33, Robinson Rd.. »in(*por». What s the Use Wbat's tho use of endnrirg those friphifnr paia-. in your face, wben ten minutes' rubbing
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    • 172 2 f^A^NX V "a A r D k E J^ A BRAND l| Tonic Wine P*Bb Hastens Recovery ffm?\\ After Illness Br AlVbT^ '""^s^r s sufficient to convince the sufferer 'Va\a' is i J a powerful restorative. When most remedies fail a course of 'Vana' quickly restores vitality to the
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  • 782 3 REMARKABLE STATEMENTS BY GENERAL HOMER LEA.. Price of Patriotism. According to the China Press, of Shanghai, General Homer Lea, who declares that lie is Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army in Chiua, has been making interesting copy The folio* ing extracts are made from an
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  • 172 3 Missionaries Robbed by Disbanded Soldiers. The Key. Mr. Mackenzie, of the C. M. S., with hix wife and child, stationed at Lengshall, over 100 miles iuland from Pakhoi, fell on tbeif way down to Pakhoi into the hands of disbanded soldiers who robbed them of everything. They
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 256 3 ArwTfuily, TIN MINING COMMISSION AGENT. la now doing business on the forthcoming PENANG RACES Run January 23, 25 27. trebuFevent 3, 7, 8 and 5. 7, 8. 3,000 to 45 DOUBLES ON ANY TWO EVENTS STRAIGHT OUT ON ALL EVENTS. Prico List can be tt>en at the Office, 11, THE
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    • 413 3 M.S.Cowaw Now doing business on the forthcoming PENANG RACES Run January 23, 1912. TREBLE EVENT Races 5, 7 and 8 DOUBLES Any 2 Races ALSO STRAIGHT-OUT ON ALL EVENTS. Prico list can be seen at tbe Office, No. 6, Tbe Arcade. Pbono 1201. Tel. "Facility," Singapore. 11 1 n Fob
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    • 266 3 I Hunyadi MM TtM Best M.tural Aptrimt Wttir. 11 Bb For patients with torpid liver* or sltii(. BBJ BM «iih action of the intestines, a* mi kl.i^ful BB] B% of Hunyaili Janes 1 Wnt.r. taken fasting MM II anhourlxforebreakrast.iictslikc.acharm. MM I freeing them from tbe c^pHHlas and m H B^W
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    • 95 3 FLOORING TILESS SJLS OF VARIOUS DESIGNS. O C^^^ TELEPHONE: 1117. WORKS: W, SDNGEI ROAD- Kfflj\*&£ Q^^jl^ Office: 3, Boat Quay. \§&2&rl§^ Tampenis Cement Tile Works. If you wish to koep the Rubber Trees Healthy TRY CABBOLIWEUIW PLANTABIUIW SCHACHT. For Killing Fungus (see No. 9, Vol. IX, of the Agricultural Bulletin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 609 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FJR CHINA. JAPAN, PENANQ, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN TORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued tar hica Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about: MAIL LINKS 1912 (Mtwird (/or China.) Himalaya Jan
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    • 662 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A t-ort:."- iti> Hervioe ■■> tuaintained betweca Yokohama vi» por*3 to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-sorew Steamers maintaining this service have been Bpeaially designed acd constructed, and are
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    • 584 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE 31AM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, Borserah, Tringgtnu Bisut, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Bangnara Telapin, Panarai, Putani, Singora, Lacon, Eohaamui, Bandon, Langsnan Cbnmpon Tuku, Kolilak tnd Bangkok. Duo Departure 3 p.m. ..8. YUGALA Jan. 17 Mi PRACHATIPOK* Jan. 21 Jan. 34 Mi ASOANQ Jan.
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    • 535 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERSKA LINE. HAMBURG. MB OEUTSCHE UMPFKIIFfF»HRT9GES. HANS* BREMED Combined Servloe. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad the Straits, China and Japan. HimewanK they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhavon direct,
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    • 673 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Rorddeutseher Lloyd, Breme i IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ot this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Aatworp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonmctiog Mar<wil!cs, Naples, Alexandria, and vie > versa) Pori Said, Suez, Adon, Colombo, Penang, Singaoore, Hongkong,
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  • 137 5 FIXTURES. Monday, January 15. Higb Wator, 6.41 a.m.. 8.60 p.m. "Princess Chrysinthemuui," matinee. Tuesday, January 16. High Wat«r, 7.41 a.m., 9.52 p.m. Snorting Club mooting, 5 p.m. "T iiui.iu of the Shrew," Victoria Theatre. Cninero Christian Association, 8.80 p.m. Wednesday, January 17. High Wator, 8 M %.m.,
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  • 243 5 To-DAT. Port Swottonham and Ti lok Anson Perak 8 pm Malacca and Mtiar K ika 8 pm Malacca and Port Dickson Pontianak 3 pm BanKkok Brit d 8 pm Prnang and Calcutta M Sang 8 pm Bangkok Wongkoi 4 pm Tomoeeow. Keriman Glunsgi 9 am I'.il in
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  • 748 5 Latest Arrivals. Aing Thyo, Dnt. str. 71 tons, Nacodah,' Jan 11. From ludragiri, )in 12. Gc. and 19 d.p. Sang Hoc. For Indragiri, Jan 16. RoadH. Amiral de Keroaint, Fch. str. Bt7l tons, Capt Simon, Jan 13. Krcui Dunkirk, Nov 2U. (i.e. and p Moine Comte. Left for
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  • 98 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONG PAGAR Bast Wharf Basin— Nil. Bast W. Siptiom No. I— Rumphias, Taroba. Shuirs Wharf— Nil. Main W. Sict. No. 2— Kum Sang. B— Dirius. 4 G'enogle. 6 Marndu. 6 Erlesbarg Perseus. Niw Doc« 7 (Undwr
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  • 167 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Perseus, Jan 13. From Hong-, kong. Mr. and Mrs. White. Per steamer |Bouiboa, Jaa 13. From Saigon. Mr. Cailand, Mr. and Mrs. Cilcutt. Par steamer Darius, Jan 13. From Sydney via ports. Mr. and Mrs. Mawley, Messrs. J. Lamb, H. N. Winter and F.
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  • 259 5 Finance Commerce. ■XOHANflB. Simoapou, January 15, 1912 O« Loxdo»— Bank 4 m/» m 3/4 1 Demand m 3/4 Private^ m/i 3/4]] 8 m/i 2/4* Oa Qi.BABi— Bank d/d H 28R* Private 8 m/l 242* On Fux Bank d/d a 394 Private 8 ml* m 2t9 l)» Iwdu— BaDk T. T.
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    • 161 5 Is-RUe S Value S. 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Bruanß 10 10 Kanaboi 41 £1 Kinta Tin 41 41 Lahat Minpf 10 10 Malacca Tin 6/- 6/- Pahan K Conm 1 41 41 Penekalen 41 41 Posing Bahrn 41 41 Pusinn Lust 10 10 Rahman Hyd 41 41
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    • 594 5 laane S Value Buyers. belle** 3/- Allaaar 4/- 4'B 2/. 8/. AngloMalsy 18/4 j 19/3 ex div a/. 3/- Batana MaUka 2/0 2/10 £1 41 Bata Cavoe 11.16.0 12.0.0 XI 41 Bata Tigs 489 4.18.9 XI £i Bukit Kajan* 2.16.8 2.18.9 XI 41 Bnkit Lintang 8.10.0 8.15.0 2/. 8/-
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    • 126 5 Issue S Valae (Jj Bnyerg Sellers, 10 10 HMtor> norn BmelUafc 10.00 10 T 800 41 41 Kleetrio Tr»mw»y» > 6 B'9 10 10 Fraaor Neave 47 00 47.50 100 Ho worth Erakine C7.CO 100 1% Prel. 91.00 100 100 K»ta Bra, OtL 180.00 100 100 8% Coid. Pi
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    • 45 5 Buyers 8elcrs S'pore Manlolpal «l% *****7 11.800,000 7% S'pore Municipal 4i% ol 1909 11,000,000 7% 9%pm S'poro Municipal 4% •003,800 par Buyer* 8el(at Howartb Hrskine 8% 1800,000 pM I'.iloy. Hargreavcs 9% 1384,000 1* Singapore B leetric Tr»mwaT8 5% £880,000 8'pore Municipal 0 11,876,000 »om.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 True Test of Merit. You juili^i aniMi nut by what ho promises to do, but by uluil DC fan dour. That is tho only true t<st. PllMlllw Cou^li Remedy jud^inl by thw Htnmlartl hast no Mi|icriur. l'toplc i\> lywhiTi' np»\ik of it iv the highest t<!rius of i>r.iiHO. Kor bale
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    • 161 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. J.»n 15 -At Riley Hargreaves A Co Ltd. Read St., General Engiaeer's Stores, at 2.80. j Jan Mi ~M saleroom, freehold property, known as Siglap Estate, at 2.30. H. L. Cogtilan and Co. J»n 17.— At saleroom, 801 Tongoa I Rubber Estato fully paid ordinary
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    • 407 5 SMOKED SARDINES OBTAINABLK FROM RETAILBR3 OF REPUIE. IM %U: J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HAIRDRESSERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY. For Bangkck. L'beral ttrms to fu'.table men. Aip'.y by writing to G. C. P, e/o Straits Times. 161 «M HOUSE TO LET. Buchelors Hall," No. 6, Lady Hill, from February 1, 1912.
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    • 279 5 An Entertainment in Aid of the Girli' Friendly Society, SINGAPORE. MRS. CHARLEY'S MECHANICAL TOYS. PLAYS AND DANCES. Victoria Theatre ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 27. AT 9 P.M. $200 $2.00 PLAN OF SEATS AT THB ROBINSON PIANO CO. 161 28-1 TURNOUT FOR SALE. Turnout, consisting of a rubber-tyred gig with bood, a
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  • 1005 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, JANUARY 15. HUSBANDS AND BUTTONS. There are questions we approach with tho nonchalant confidence of those who know their way in the dark. There are others we approach with a weather eye upon the legal gentlemen who love a good solid libel action as much almost
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  • 31 6 Mr. Lloyd George spoke 728 columns of the Hansard official reports during last session Mr. Austen Chamberlain was second with 346 columns, loss than half. A column is about 450 words.
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  • 47 6 Messrs. Whittall and Co. are advised by cable that tho directors of tho Seremban Kubber Estate Co., Ltd., have entered into a contract for tho sale of 1H tons first latex crepe at t 11* per lb., for delivery two tons monthly, from April to December, inclusive.
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  • 53 6 -The latest F.M.S. Gazette to hand pro claims that a parcel of land at Tanjong Rambutau has been reserved for the purpose of a site for a Rest House, to bo maintained by the Chairman, Sanitary Board, Kinta North. This will bo good news for those whoso business takes them
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  • 57 6 The Marlborough cinematograph had a hamper house on Saturday night, when the attraction apparently was the long historical film Henry VIII anil Anne Boleyu, though other good pictures, among them one depicting a dog show, were put on. The long nlm is hping replaced by a number of now pictures
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 and on page 8.
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  • 26 6 A new daily paper called the Somarangs-ch Handelsblad published its first number at Semarang on the 2nd instant. There arc now two dailies in that town.
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  • 34 6 The Anglo- Malay Rubber announces a third interim dividend of 15 per cent., making 43 per cent., and the Kukit Rajah Rubber Company a second interim of 2j per cent., making 50 per cent.
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  • 44 6 It is stated that the doctors opposed to tho National Insurance Act aro rising a fund of i!500,0(K) to guarantee tho medical profession against loss, and to mike a boycott of tho Act possible even in the districts where the doctors' organisations are weakest.
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  • 48 6 A girl of eighteen has eloped with a man and taken passage in a Rotterdam Lloyd steamer bound for tho East, says a telegram from the Hague to Java papers. Her parents have telcgraped to the authorities requesting them to send her back as she is under age.
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  • 41 6 Mr. EL P. Church, tho liquidator of the Dimbula-Travancoro Rubber Co., Ltd., (in liquidation,) has paid to the shareholders a final dividend amounting to .010(7 per cent, on the paid-up capital. Shareholders should have no difficulty in checking the amount received
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  • 44 6 Canon Rawnsley ;'t a meeting of tho National Coronation Bonfire Committee at the House of Commons said there, were 1,655 Coronation bonfires in England I Devonshire, with 270. having more than any other couutyl, 516 in Scotland, 160 in Ireland, and 68 in Wales.
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  • 49 6 Professor Barnes, of the McGill University. Montreal, announces that he has invented instruments for automatically recording on board a ship the proximity of any other sl.ip. or of icebergs, or land. He hopes that by the use of these instruments the risk of collisions and wrecks will be minimised.
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  • 48 6 A Shanghai paper of January 3 says:— Complaints of passengers on the steamer Buelow which has just arrive! from Kurope. of the loss of a number of articles, led to the arrest of a steward named F. Dunkcl. Consular officials are now said to be investigating the circumstances.
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  • 53 6 A London wire of January 3, states Forward sales at 4s. 9d. per lb. have been made by the Kapar Para itubber Estates Co., Ltd the l/lu Kantau Rubber Estates Co., Ltd., and the Parambe Kubber and Tea Co. of Ceylon, Ltd. They have sold 44 tons, 24 tons, aad
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  • 54 6 In the Supreme Court, this morning, Mr. Justice Fisher gave a long judgment in the appeal case of M. C. Mansoor on the prosecution of Capt. Bower, charged with conspiring to import arms. The conviction w:i- qu tahed and the acquittal upheld, the defendant being allowed $100 costs. Mr. Braddell
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  • 78 6 On the arrival of a Dutch steamer at Sourabaya on December 30, from Singapore, says the Sourabaya Courant, one of the pas sengers who hoc) found accommodation in the house of a friend was taken ill. Medical examination showed that he was suffering from plague. He was at once taken
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  • 73 6 At the half-yearly general meeting of the Straits Youngsters' Association, held at the Club House, No. 5, Cornwall Street, yesterday, the following officers were elected for the ensuing half year: President, Mr. Cheong Chee Yang vice-president, Mr. Soo Chong (ii Inn. secretary, Mr. Chew Hock Chye hon. treasurer, Mr. T
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  • 89 6 On the night of the Tth inst., a bluejacket, belonging to 11. M.5. Asttaea. was killed on tho Hongkong Peak tramline. Presumably, the man was walking down the line when he was overtaken by the 9.45 car, which ran over him, and his right leg was practically severed. He was
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  • 86 6 The annual general meeting of tho Bukit Bahru Football Club was held on the 12th inst., at 223, Beach lioad, the residence of Mr. Low Cheng Chai, and the following were elected as office-bearers for tho ensuing year: President, Teo Tong Kwang; vicepresident, Khoo Tiiim Tick. hou. secretary. Low Cheng
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  • 52 6 The China Press, Shanghai, of January 3 states Five police probation officers, who have been out here from England for periods ranging from six months to a year, announced last month that they would not sign the agreement under which they would become full members of the force on account
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  • 40 6 King's Regulation and Uioy have boon given their passages home. Their names arc Backlog, Hickling, King, Proudlock and Findlay. They claim that the agreement shown them before they left home was different from the one they were requested to sign.
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  • 117 6 In honour of his mother* birthday, Mr. Cheng KiMiii Suug, proprietor of the Stur Opera Company, ami his bi'otlu r, Mr. Cheoug Koon Hong, entertained their frieuds at a iliunor at their residence in North Bridge Koad, on Saturday eveniug. Thero were a good many European gucHUt present. T he
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  • 424 6 Mr. S. .I.Nathan has become a naturalised British subject. Mr. I". Mead, acting Conservator of Forest*, I'erak, who has bevii ill, JMOtadi to Kn::l;iiul on long Icavo on tlie 18th inst. Lieut. E. J. Strover, :!rd ISrahmaiis, has been granted leave of absence with |htiuih sion to
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  • 46 6 Princess Chrysanthemum." The last performance of the children's play, Princess Chrysanthemum." will bo given this afternoon at "> o'clock. I'ri'cs will be presented to the children at the dose of the performance. Those who have not yet seen this delightful production should not miss this final opportunity.
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  • 125 6 Judging from the huge houses that have honoured the performances of The Sha doivs the Children's Aid Society is likely to benefit largely. The hall of the Teiitonia Club was actually packed on Saturday even ing at the second [Kiforuiance. and the "standing room only "sign could have
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  • 167 6 An enjoyable evening was s|>ent by a largo number of people, including many ladies, at the pavilion of the Singapore K. creation Club on Friday night when the club gave their first concert, which proved a very successful function. The programme comprised sections by an orchestra of the
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  • 211 6 Mr. Muthoson l*M intends to present Unremarkable play. "The Passing of the Third Floor back," to the play -goers of Singapore during his visit here. Wt are told that Joromo K. Jerome followed the Charles Dickens plan of sketching from Batata while he as collecting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 144 6 I I ffioer Wobaeeo J "SPRINGBOK" Finest Quality Genuine Magaliesberg Tobacco MAKUFACTUKKD IN TIIK In 4-oz. linen bags, Tl^tHlS Vaial. UU U I 0. OBTAINABLE AT I per Bag JOHN LimE CO., LD., I AND ROBINSON CO. JOHN WALKER AND SONS' fS3k CELEBRATED 111 Whiskies jflffHj BLACK LABEL |^€4 RED
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    • 228 6 YOU'LL BE DELIGHTED WITH OUR ALL-STAR PERFECT PICTURE PROGRAMME ToNinht, 2nd Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. THE GREAT ITALIAN HYDROPLANE. (Cosmopolitan Film). A t'.lm show-in;; a most remarkable invention of modern times, successfully manipulated by its inventor—a sight will worth witnessing. 11l THE LIFT. Produced by Thanhousor Co. of America.
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  • 510 7 Anglophobia Movement Fails. GREAT SUCCESS OF SOCIALIST PARTY. Congratulations From the British Labourites. Reutkr's Tklkhram. London, January 13. Renter wires from Berlin that 265 results in the Reichstag election were knowu at M 0 this morning. In 13H cases the candidates are definitely elected, but in 127 second
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  • 104 7 CONFERENCE OF AMBASSADORS HELD. Agreement to Follow Britain. London, via Durban, January 13. Km run's TBMUa Renter wires from Washington that Mr. Bryoe, the British Ambassador, has conferred with his diplomatic colleagues as to pros|Mvtive BwepeM action in the .•vent of the United stutcs relieving kmaHttm ships
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  • 216 7 A NAVAL BATTLE IN THE RED SEA. Destruction of the Turkish Gunboats. (Rbcteb's Tbleoram.) London, January 15. A despatch has been received from the Italian commander in tho Red Sea giving a graphic description of tho fight, on the 13th inst. He says he was convinced that gunboats
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  • 71 7 Constitutional Reform Defeated. Kkitkk's Telegram. London, via Durban, January If. The Turkish Chamber by 12.'> votes to 105 has adopted a constitutional Bill increasing the power of the Throne. The vote is equivalent to rejection in the absence of a twothirds majority, and it constitutes a defeat of
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  • 76 7 Kecter's Tklkgram. London, via Durban, January 14. It was announced that the word obey would be omitted from the marriage service of I'na Dugdale, niece of Viscount Peel and Victor Duval, both of whom art prominent sutf 1 auUts at the Chapel Royal, Savoy, yesterday. The
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  • 35 7 Rkctkr's Telkuram. London, via Durban, January 13. The Argentine railway strike continues, although the period of grace has expired. Troops are guarding the hues, and drivers aud firemen are being engaged in England.
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  • 38 7 Rkltkk's Telegram. London, via Durban, January 13. M. MMJM tioiu New York say that the Brazil Federalists have shelled Bahia, and tho palace and other buildings arc destroyed. Twenty were killed and a hundred wounded.
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  • 19 7 Redtbb's Telegram. London, via Durban, January 13. The death is announced of General Sir Frederic Maurice.
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  • 23 7 RKUTKa's TILKORAM. London, via Durban, January 16. In the billiard match at Liverpool Gray made his 18,000 while Stevenson was at 17.2211.
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  • 105 7 Riutkb's Tklb-urax. London, via Durban, January 14. Router wires from St. Petersburg that it is seiniollicially denied that Russia intends to establish six now consulates in Mongolia, h. will the existing consulates at I'rga, Kobdo, and Uliassutui, or to incrcaso the guards of whom there are 150 at I'rga
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  • 828 7 BRINGING THE PROPERTY INTO FULL BEARING. Further Capital Required. An extraordinary general meeting of the members of tho Merluiau Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C., on December 21. Mr. K. H. Sharp presided in the absence of the chairman. The Chairman said
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  • 257 7 Encounter with the Marshal of the High Seas. Au alleged outrage on a British ship by the Government of Liberia, the negro Republic in West Africa, lias been notified to Sir Edward Urey by tho Imperial Merchant Service Guild, Liverpool. To the latter organisation Captain E.
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  • 941 7 AN INTERESTING COMPILATION OF STATISTICS. How the Colony has Grown. The results of the census taken in the Straits Settlements on March 10, 1911, have just been issued in the form of a blue-book. It is one of the most interesting of statistical compilations and is more complete
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  • 64 7 A London cablo to tho Coylon Observer, dated January 5, say n Messrs. Figgis and Company's report es.imates that there are 850,000 acres planted and 100,000,000 rubber trees, 85,000,000 of which arc untapped. The world's supply of 76,000 tons was absorbed in 1911. Mr. George Robert Milno
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  • 67 7 Remarkable Statement by General Carter. Rbuter's Telbobam. London, via Durban, January 14. A Washington messago says Major-Gene-ral Carter startled a Congressional committee on army reorganisation by declaring that reorganisation was necessary if the United States wished to retain its insular possessions. There were [85,000 Japanese ex-sol-diers in
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  • 78 7 Colonies Protest Against British Withdrawal. Redtbr's Tklkukam. London, via Duiban, January 14. A Port of Spain message says the Trinidad Chamber of Commerce and the Agricultural Society have passed resolutions saying they aro gravely concern*^ at Britain's threatened withdrawal from the Sugar convention, and arc convinced that the
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  • 56 7 Rbutkr's Telkoram. London, via Durban, January 13. Reuter wires from Teheran that M. Mornard, who is a Belgian, took summary possession of the Treasury offices, and conveyed to the American accountants a message from the Cabinet that if they further delay a transfer of the offices they will
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  • 60 7 Rioter's Telegram. London, via Durban. January 13. There is great satisfaction at Malta owing to an announcement a French naval division will MM to Malta to greet the King on his homeward journey. The division will stay from the 23rd to the 29th, and will
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  • 32 7 Rf.cteb's huata London, via Durban, January 13. The Admiralty has agreed to await the result of the ballot of the Thames ironworkers before placing orders for two new criusers.
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  • 25 7 Redtbb's Telegram. London, via Drrban, January 14. The Array Council has entei taint d the Board of Admiralty at dinner at the Savoy.
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  • 17 7 Rbuter's Teleoram. London, via Durban. January 14. At Paris Vedrines flew BH\ miles in ose hour.
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  • 75 7 rUCTKH's Tbleokah. London, January 14. M. Poincare has accepted the French Premiership. Oib Ostasutisc uk Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, January 12. Regarding the formation of a Cabinet President Fallicres first negotiated with M. Bourgeois, and afterwards with M. Delcassc. Berlin. January 14. M. Poincare's Cabinet is considered by
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  • 51 7 (From a Malacca Cobrespondbnt). Malacca, January 14. Information has been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Para in London yesterday was 4/5] per lb., value. The prioe of best plantation rubber is quoted at ft, 2 J business done. The market is
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  • 86 7 Gula-Kalumpong.— 3o.2oo lbs. See Koe.— 9oo lbs. Anglo .lavn.- 4JBTI lbs. Tebong.-5,422 lbs. Chempedak.— 2,37s lbs. Senawang.— l6,ooo lbs. Scmanibu. 753 lbs. Sungei Duri.— Bso lbs. Kota Babroc. 4,525 lbs. Pengkalan Durian. 5,483 lbs. Sua Manggis.— l,o2l lbs. Amherst. 2,550 lbs. Consolidated Rubber.— l,7ss lbs. A1ma.— 3,066
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  • 171 7 TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY FAVOURS STRIKE. Great Competition for Supplies. Rbutkr'b Tklrgrax. LondoD, via Durban, January 14. Yesterday's advanco in the price of coal developed into a frantic public donianil, particularly in tlie Midlands and north, and in bouio places none wan available owing to London buying. The Admiralty
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  • 138 7 MANCHU DYNASTY AGREES TO ABDICATE. Terrible State of the Provinces Reoteb's Teleobax. London, January 13. Router wires from Peking that the throne has practically decided to abdicate and to retired to Jehol almost immediately. Ar- rangements are already partly made. London, via Bombay, January 14. Reuter wires from
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  • 169 7 ENGLAND RETAINS A COMMANDING LEAD. Hobbs' Fine Innings (From Our Own Cokkbspondknt.) Colombo, January 13. The weather was hot and tho wicket perfect when Englaud rt sinned their first inniugs in the third test match today. Hobbs, in the course of his inning, .;ivo two chances. At the
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  • 23 7 Das Ostasiatiscbb Lloyo Telegram. Berlin, January 13. Tho accouchement of tho Queen of Holland is expected to take place in July.
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  • 19 7 DSB OsTASIATIStHB LIoYD TeLK<IRAM. Berlin, January 12. Tho Gorman Emperor and F.iupress will spend Easter at Corfu.
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  • 28 7 Der Ostasiatischi Lloyd Tflfibaji. Berlin, January IS, The I'uitod States Ambassador at I'aris. Mr. Bacon, is about to rotiie, having been elected president of Harvard Inivcrsity.
    28 words

    • 96 8 Tho conimitoc of tho Ponang Turf Club have again appointed Mr. John. A Brown their auctioneer for tho enwiing meeting, commencing Tuesday, 23d inst. This is, we nre Ulluiiaal. the forty-seventh consccutivo Uaaa Mr. BrOTH ban acted in this capacity for tho Club. After several postponements through
      96 words
    • 48 8 Dishanda Sinjrh v. Chenah. On tlie S.|u.y Kaai li.uade (;rouinl, yesterday afteiiiiK.n, a wrestliiiK match took place betwi an the Sikh i'»\irv constable Diahaod»| Siii.'li and Chenah. The former was smaller than Ch< uali but defeated bin very cleverly after a stru^j; l^ l)f liull ll ilour
      48 words
    • 120 8 Mr. T. F. Lonffmuir. The N. C. Daily News of January siiys To-day Shanghai loses one of its beat and oertajnlj it" most stylish golfer in the person of Mr. T. I. Loagnair, who take* bladeBarton lor ciber eUaMa kj the I. and 0. st< aim i Syii^i. After
      120 words
    • 347 8 S.C.C. Ist. v. S.R.C. Ist. Tbaaa teams met on the Esplanade on Saturday, the scores being S. GL <_'. tan Klkvkn. Phipps b. Le ISn.ov Bi .linkins b. .lames 2S, Beattie b. Jtaaaa (irillith Jones c— b. Jaiues 17, Hev.ui h. .lames '2. Wilkinsc.— b. Keyt 0, Hath b.
      347 words
    • 981 8 Position of the Leagues. Aa SatunUy MOMtota Saturday the Ran- J i i- iiitimii' to in tUc tin ir p.i-iliuu at the j Mid of the Scottish fitiagWl note ituprcgna- 1 b!e ihnn cur, say- the W.t -Uly Scotsman of December 16. it was bond on all si<!es,
      981 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 489 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Thp tire service in Malaca is in a disgraceful and most scandolous state at prestnt. It is ill-iuaiiued, ill-equipped, ill-or-purind. These facts are only too well borne out by recent rvt-nts. On the December 31. 1911, at about
      489 words
  • 962 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, January 16, 1912. Means. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations this morning:— Norn Value. Buyers. Sellers. 2/. Allagar 2/- Option* 16 2/--t 1 AnKlo-.lava 64* 7 6 1 Anglo-Johore 7 6 118
    962 words
  • 61 8 My joints are all cold," said the cook The back of my tongue is quite raw." I'm just overdone," I feel terribly crook, With a pain like a boil on my jaw. My flesh is quite ohilled it's the flu," I'll not take pot lnck said this stewer I'll get
    61 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 317 8 Atlas "RUSKILLA" An Efficient Preservative Against Rust. This well known preparation is in constant use locally. It withstands rain, san and sea, and repeated applications form an integral part of the metal covered. It has been successfully used for bridges, piers, docks, constructional Bteelwork of all kinds and for ships'
      317 words
    • 384 8 Raffles HI Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, January 20. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. The only first class Hotel in Saigon. Every comfort. Splendid verandah. Restaurant With management, French kitchen and attendance as in the finest European Restaurants. Manager O. Feraudy, late from the Grand Hotel, Paris. Saigon. Theatrical season (from
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 313 9 MINIMAX FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. For home, warehouse, godown, or factory. Has extinguished 17,000 Fires. Always ready for immediate use. Sole Agents: PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. "UNDERWOOD Typewriters. If you want thorough satisfaction buy an Underwood. Full exchange value allowed in the price for oid machines of any make. Universally First and
      313 words
    • 726 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Francisco to all Point* in tbo United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Optratlng the R«w 21.0C0 ton Triple Screw Turbin* Llnart Shinyo Maru" "Tenjo Maru md Chi j.
      726 words
      495 words
    • 413 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Lino maintain a regular service be- Uvoon Calcntta and Japan, calling at Penang j Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai on ronte. FLEET Tons Commnndfr "Jap«k" 0,018 A. Stiwabt Gbioobt Apcib 4,600 S. R. Bbuom 1 Abbatoon Apoab 4,600
      413 words
    • 288 9 THE STRAITS Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little k Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel. Adelphi Hotel. Hotel de l'Enrope. Hotel van Wijk, Stamford Road. Messrs. Koh k Co., 90, Bras Baeah Road Tte Golden Fountain," Itcucoolcn Stroet. The Refreshment Buffet,
      288 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 450 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, INOAPORB Board off DlvaotoMi O. A. Dkkkick, Bsq., Chairman. A. H. Fair, Bag,, Managing Director. Pbtbb Kowiia, m.b., cm., Chief Med. OfDcerF. M. Bllioi, Bag. Ret. N, J. Coovaaoa. Tow Noan Pah, Bsq. O»a 8o«» Ts«, Bsq. KhooSian Tah,
      450 words
    • 425 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE MBIHUNCE COMPANY OF MMD*. Kminimm IHB2. S.S.C. Inauranoe in Force, over $46,000,000.00 New Buslnees, 1910, 0v0r...»i,M0,000.00 Large Net Surplus above liabilities tor Reserve and all outstanding claims. Direot Government Supervision Ca*h Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Polioies are WORLD WIDB." 4. H. EVANB, taanager, South Basten Asia.
      425 words
    • 526 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY BOTAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 90.000 Shares ol £20 each Reserve Fund m 41,626,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 1,300 000 BANKBRS. National Bank ol Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest
      526 words
    • 527 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TOV9 BAMINB ANO INSURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68. KM.sfl STRBBT. Batablidhod ltO7. Capital paid up 11.0J0.000.0t Resorve liability ot proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OK DIRBCTOBS. 1. Tar Tiob Jooa 0. Sim Kia Jam 3. Nam Km Sana 7. Tao Hoo Lai 8. Ljow Cbia Hbno
      527 words
    • 494 10 SALES^BY AUCTION. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, KNOWN AS THE SIOLAP ESTATE S t'iate at East Const Road and Changi Ris/3, Singapore with extonoivo sea frontago and containing an area of 448 ACRES t Untf-d with cocanut tn un, fu'ly grown, and a large number of rubber true*.
      494 words

  • 1114 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. During the Prince Henry tour of 1910 one of tho most conspicuous features amongst the various troubles was the frequency with which tho cars took tire, to a greater or lesser extent, says Tho Financier of December 11. Fortunately, in ordinary
    1,114 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 324 11 «ARROL JOHNSTON Ah Supplied to the "War Office. 5 SEATED CAR COMPLETE 1f. 9 H.P. 53, 00P. 15.9 H.P. $4,004?. H.P. LORRY COVERED VAN c c wIoOONBTCB 16.0 $3,750 54.000 $4,960 $4, 800 FULL PARTICULARS FROM Central Engine Works, Ld. Cars in Stock for Immediate Delivery: 20 H.P. "FORD" LSNDAULETTE
      324 words
    • 62 11 Whooping Cough. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep tho cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain's Cough l!enicdy as may be mjuired. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and makei it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics and
      62 words
    • 387 11 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Care. CRUSHED FOOD. T>i It md Tou Will It Satltfled. I. R. BKLIXJOS begp to inform the public that bis Factory for preparing Crashed Food, at No. 1, Beiilioe Rood, is dow opened. Price of a bag of
      387 words
    • 156 11 The X9IX World's Championship (BOTH FOR SPEED AND 100 KILOMETEHS) CONTINENTAL CYCLE TYRES. Obtainable through all Leading Dealers. JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. ROBINSON GO. STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO. AND OTHERS. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE. Petroleum Residue AS A WOOD PRESERVATIVE. Isdere is nothing better on tde market. COMPARE
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 421 12 INDIAN PATENT v STONE FOB FLOORS PAVEMENTS. Write for further particulars to SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTS. PARTNER WANTED. Wanted, a partner with a capital of $I,COO for a paying business. Good prospects. Apply at once to X.Y.Z., c/o Straitß Times. 10 1 »1 STENO TYPIST WANTED. Wanted at
      421 words
    • 318 12 ARTICLES FOB SALE. HORSE FOR SALE. Black Gelding, 16', quiet guaranteed found, excellent for estate use W. Peterson,. lobore. IMS n TURNOUT FOR SALE. One Calcotta-boilt trap by Stuart Co., with a Cbeetcut geldiop, quiet, a good trotter, can also be ridden and a Bet of new harness complete, all
      318 words
    • 485 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. With immediate entry, fl at and second floors, No, la, Raffles Quay Apply Gotbrie Co., Ltd. 1-4 a HOUSES TO LET. ••Brathay' No. IS, Gilstead Rood. In excellent oondition. Rent moderate. Apply to J. W. Haffeudou, 47, Tbe Arcade. 612 v HOUSES
      485 words
    • 677 12 NOTICES. THE STRAITS TRADING CO.. LTD. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF BEARER SHARE WARRANTS. Notioe is hereby given, that on presentation of Coupon No. 21 at the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Chioa, Singapore, or tbe Offioo of the Company, boilers will receive 11.50 per sharp, buiog the dividend acd
      677 words
    • 648 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS feraraiMit md Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 108 109, Market Street. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES. By otiet of the Boa*d of Directors, Mr. R. Delacotte has been appointed to take charge of this Agency dnri.ig my absence from tbe Colony. L. BRICARD, Agent. 10-1 10 1 THE
      648 words
    • 548 12 ROBINSON PIANO CO.. LTD. HEAR I lIX NEWEST STYLE HORNLESS GRAMAPHONE AND COMPARE PRICES Solid Mahogany $100 Famed Oak 85 AT THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD.~ E.&O. HOTEL, PEHAHG Tho best an.' the most (requested Hotel in the Island, aud CRAG HOTEL Tbe only Sanatorium m the Straits, AKB THI
      548 words