The Straits Times, 28 December 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.758 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST 1 KATZ BROS., LTD. I Great a Reductions ON ALL TOYS I Up to December 30. i Remaining Stock must be I cleared, prior to removal to 1 our new premises. I KATZ BROS 7, LTD. STEEL REINFORCEMENT. <$. H Y-RIB FOR CONCRETE FLOORS,
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    • 155 1 AN UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL. 50,000 MILES ON A HUMBER 12-H.P. CAR. Bo*wick," Bkloiavk Boad, corstorphinb, Moprc Tbe Scottish Midlothian. Actomobilk Co., Ltd., Sept. 1, 1811. 6, Hoik Cresckmt, Edinburgh. Dear Sira I am writing with reference to the 12-h.p. HumbiT Car wbicb I purchased from yon in February, 1910 I cannot
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    • 203 1 ROBINSON CO. MH|H|| TRAVELLINGSU|TCASES fl^^^^^M^^SJ^jfe '^B GREAT VARIETY. li S PR1CE5 5 72.50.575. 585. $95. $125. 5150. 5185. 5195. ''.'^^^^^^■^ZZ^.'t^^r^KJiiZmJ^S^ Sterling Silver Fittings. Ug H Prices $75, $100, $135, $140 BEST BUn HIDE Suit Case with Waterproof Covering and Leather Lining as illustration. Containing 2 Military Hair Brushes, 1 Hat
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  • 704 2 SALE OF THE TREASURE OF YILDIZ PALACE. Spirited Bidding. The niuch-talkid-of sale of the jewels and gombcspangled toys of Abdul Hamid began at two p.m. in Taris on November 27, nnder the auspices of M. Lair-Dubreuil, seconded by a large number of his stall and most effectually
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  • 244 2 Month Spent in the Largest Asian Glacier. Dr. \V. Hunter Workman and Mrs. Bullock Workman have just returned to India from their seventh Himalayan expedition, -on which they devoted their attention to the Eastern Karakoraui, and spent a month in the remarkable Siochen glacier. This glacier, the largest
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  • 372 2 The Modern Method of Caring Neurasthenia Although Neurasthenia id n term uf quite modern use, and pnibracrs a very groat number of symptoms, nervous exhaustion is a condition which h:ig long been known. Among the commoneat Bymptmns are heuilache, a sense of pressure within the hea<i, sometimes a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 186 2 /y The Ideal Vk INVIGORATOR ='VANA'- J N C 1 WINE VITALISES:— THE BLOOD Acts B u eneficiall y upon the •Yana he lps to form pure Entjre m vitalising blood. The brain •Vw\' fortifies the brain '^*V^3fti' against the effects uf over- t^SCL. work and mental strain. The Nerves
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    • 75 2 Serious Side of a Cold. Do you know that of all the minor ailments colds aro by far tho most dangerous It is not tho cold itself that you need to fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most of these are known as germ diseases. Pneumonia
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    • 168 2 HIS MAJESTY S BRAND. SOLD 1M CASES OF 12 SQUARE BOTTLES. USRANTt^vV c APPOINTMENT rQ Qdllnsb. Ron eht ßrows l jo Glasgow london Rautenberc Schmidt &C°, Sole Importers for Singapore r—f BntkitU. fmlvwi. H?> Fw OT^o'ini.*^ SrCSTSEHT f^T\ »T CHMIITI (qP\\ w:*r —tm***—nm MulUr Maclean Co.. Bembai Calcutta. GRUSHEB FOIIO.
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    • 220 2 When the Teeth are cleansed with Odol the whole mouth is rejuvenated as the body is by a hath. Price }ier jlash 90 eh. Of till C'lieniixts d Htores. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kusia Lumpur, Klang, Port Swettenham, Ipoh SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ESTATE REQUISITES Tapping Knives,
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  • 385 3 ADMIRALTY INVITING MEN TO VOLUNTEER. Selecting Applicants. The Admiralty is inviting volunteers for the Australian Navy, 1,680 officers and men being required out of a total for the fleet unit of 2,500. The remainder of the men will be recruited in Australia. It is expected that the unit
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  • 547 3 Quaint Regulations Laid Down By Bermondsey. Rigorous precautions are to be takuu by the Borouyh Council of Uermocdsey to ensure that their employees are the elect of the locality. The council have considered, but postponed for a fortnight the adoption of, a host of new aud revised regulations
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 486 3 I Messrs. Tie important i I Midland Rubber company I I Limited of Birminqiiom, Enqlond I are open to appoint buying Agents in various districts H B for the sale of their well-known goods. The Midland H B Rubber Company has been established as manufac- B B turersr for over
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    • 41 3 Something: to Remember. When buying a coagh medicine for children bear in mind that Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is most effectual for ccids, croup and whooping cough and that t contains no harmful drug. For sale by 1 11 Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 491 3 KHY MING, Confectioner, NO. 81, BRASS BASS A ROAD, Begs to inform tbe public that he has opec ixl Branch Confectionery, at No. 18, Victoria Strict, and is prepared to take orders for Xmas and New Year Cakes, made of the best ingredients and at moderate prices. loe creams made
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    • 109 3 WHEN GREEK meets Grefk. then comes the tug-of-war, but when Sunlight Soap meets the weekly wash it is an easy triumph. < SUNLIGHT SOAP 196.1 TRY THE SINMGHT j> WAV. > UNIVERSAL (Patent Fumlgator) RECOMMENDED BY THE DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, F.M.S. WHITE ANT AND IN USE ON NEARLY EVERY RUBBER
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 616 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. R 6. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PBNANO, OBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT, MBDITBRRANBAN PORTS, PLYMO DTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and Amerioan Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about:— MAIL LINES 1911 OmUtard (for China.) Delta
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    • 643 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A. Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamors maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and oonstruoted. and are fitted with all
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    • 626 4 STEAMER SAILINGB. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, Berserah, Tringgana Bisnt, Semerak, Baoho, Kelantan, Bangnara Tolupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Laoon, Kohsamoi, Bandon, Langsnan Uhampon Taku, Kohlak \nd Bangkok. Dim Departure 3 p.m. ASDANQ Deo. 3O a. a. PRACHATIPOK* Doe. 31 Jan. 3 MAHIDOL Jan. 7
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    • 536 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD ■EOTiCK MbWFKIIHMMTMES. 'lUU" BREMEI Combined Borvlee. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhavon direct,
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    • 619 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. lorddtutsoher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 964 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN TEOYD (Under Mail Contract with the Austrian Government). New Monthly Fast Line Trieste Shanghai. From aod to Triorto and Venice, calling at Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Dne to ar<ive on rr about I>»9 to sail on or about '.112 1912
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    • 580 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. DIRECT BERVICE TO JAPAN VIA HONGKONG AND SHAN6HAI. AND TO CALCUTTA VIA PENANG FROM SINGAPORE. Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton. Macao, Swatow, Amoy, Chefcn, TientsiD, Newobwaog, Yangtsze Port", Formosa, the Philippines, etc.. otc., etc. Steamers. Tons Commander Rutsano 4,806
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    • 394 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ma M. MESBAGERIES MARITIMES. Mail Line. t*OB CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON. ADRN HGYPT AND Sf ARSKILI E Outward. Hoxiward. 1912 1912 Sydney Jan 8 AnrtraHen Jan 8 K. Simons Jan 22 Caledooion Jan 22 1 Dumbea Feb Tonkin Feb 5 Toarano Feb 19 Sydnoy Feb 1» Australian Har 4
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    • 496 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CONDUCTOR WANTE j Wanted, Coi dnct^r mast have tirst-clasa rcftr nres bd I be able to convertm in both Kn^li-h and Milay. Apply, eUtiug salary expecUd. to the Manager, Singapo'e Model Dairy, Ltd River Vallny Uoad »U 4 1 13 MOTOR CAR WANTED Wanted, Motor Car. Two-neater, complete.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 283 6 JL Buy your Wines \g- WHOLESALE PRICES. La Toot Morin Claret, 24 Pints 9 8.60 per case. La Tour Morin Claret, II quarts 7.50 Traver'B Tawny Port 18. SO Ship Brand Sherry 13. 50 Gravo 900 The abovo I.avc been sptci illy selected with the greatest cart- to mn t
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    • 340 6 SLEDGE MILK |Sjgjg= ijjjSCjjjjjSSSs IS GENUINE jyp||J> Swiss Milk From Cattle grazed on the Famous rß^ BERNESE ALPS ifcg PASTURES. Ask for: SLEDGE BRAND, Unsweetened Condensed Milk. "SLEDGE" BRAND. Natural Sterilized Milk. Sole Importers t J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD At the Agri -Horticultural Show held in Singapore in August, 1910,
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    • 162 6 #Poumofor Cough, Consumption and all affections of the chest. This excellent and energetic preparation is based J X^^^ on the latest bacte- th riologic experiences. fc^ Immediate relief is I \^^BPJ^^V I the chest and euros j f ''if^ Asthma and Con- V BY ALL OISPENSARIEB. I K. A. J.
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  • 111 7 FIXTURES Thursday, December aB. Hieb Water. Ml a.m., 2.68 p.m. Catholic Club Treat. Friday, December jq. Hi«h Water, 4 8 a.m 4.6 p.m. New Year's Dance Taoglin Club, 9.15 p.m. Municipal Board, 8 p.m. Saturday, December 30. High Water, 4.67 a.m., 6.24 a.m. P. and 0. outward
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  • 225 7 To-d*i. Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow HoDg Bee 8 pm Labocan Bilik, Tandjong Ba'ei and Penang Aya'hia 8 pm Port Dickson, and Port Swettenham Selangjr 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kika 8 pm Pcnane, Rangoon and Calcutta Torrila 4 pm Sonrabaya Bcogalen 4 pm Tomorrow. IS" Ponang, Ceylon,
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  • 137 7 The P. and O. outward mail steamer Delta left Colombo at 7 a.m on tfoudaf, tbe Htk inst., and miy be expected to anive here on Saturday afternoon, the 80th inst. The Imp. German mail pteauer Kleist having It -ft Hongkong at 1 p.m. yesterday, may be
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  • 434 7 Latest Arrivals. Glatik, Dtit. str r.30 toDB, 22 crow 2 Runs 600 )).p. Cspt Wink. Dec 28, From Rtiio. Die 23. For Samboa, Deo 28. Rda. Altin^. Dut. str. 705 tons. Capt Blombert, Dec 27. Fiom Pontinnak, I c M. (i.e. and p. Ships A^rucy Ltd. For Batavia,
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  • 100 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TANJONG PAGAR. Bast Whabf Basin— Nil. East W. s^tion No. I— Klang. Shi iRs Wharf— Si»m. Main W. Shi, No. 2— Pathan. B—Fitzclarence.8 Fitzclarence. 4— Nil. 6 Hong Bee. a 6— Nil. N«w Dock 7 (Undor
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  • 168 7 Arrivals Per steamer Klang, Dec. 28. From Pen any via ports Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Baker, Mi-s Hilliwell. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. B. Miller, Capt. Wortbington, Mrs. Worthington, Rev. A. B. Champion, Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. T;il; ihis Messrs. H. Grcmtninger, F. Hilton, A.
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  • 263 7 Finance Commerce EXCHANQI. SiKOAPou, Dkcembbr 28 1911. O« LoaDO*— Bank 4 m/s M 2/4 1 Demand m 8/4,", Private: B m/i m 2/4 U 8 m/t m. Sim Oa GBBBuai— Bank d/d m 388| Private 8 m/i m 342^ Oa Fbancb- Bank d/d 894 Private 8 m/t 2W9 Oa I»pia—
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    • 154 7 ißßue 5 Valued 10 10 Belt* Tin 10 10 Bruang 10 10 Kanaboi 41 £1 Kinta Tin 41 £1 Labat Mines 10 10 Malacca Tin 6/- 6/- Pahang Codbcl £1 £1 Penskalen £1 £1 Poßiog Babra £1 £1 Posing Lama 10 10 Rat. roan H;d £1 £1 Raiiiuau Tin
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    • 581 7 Value Buyers Sellnrn 2/- 3/ SiLini i f> 6 45/--£1 £1 Sendajsn 29/- 3\/£1 £1 Seremoan 2.15.0 300 £1 Sheliord 2CO 2.6 0 £1 £1 Sialang 2 IS 2186 'II- 2/- Singapore Para 2 9 8.8 2/- 2/. Strait* (Bertam) I/. 64» 2/. 2/- Sumatra Para 7/ICJ 671 £1
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    • 121 7 Issue 3 Value Bnyorg, Sel'e-s. 100 100 R. Hargreavet 97 53 100 00 100 100 7% Prof. 110.00 10 10 S'poro Cold Storage 1!7. 00 28.00 60 60 S'poro Dispensary 60.00 66.03 10 10 Straits 100 Co. 10.00 100 100 Straitfl S. Ship 265.00 270.00 41 £1 Shall Tranpporl
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    • 45 7 Buyers Belkrs Spore Municipal 4}% of 1907 »1,800,000 7% S'poro Municipal 4J% of 1909 11,000,000 7% 9%pm Spore Munioipal i% 1602,900 par Buyeri Sel ■->'■ Howarth Brakine 8% 9800,000 pat Riley. Hargreaves 6% 1284,000 1+ Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% £830,000 Spore Munioipal 6 $1,878,000 mom.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 37 7 Muscular Rheumatism. It is worse than useless to take any modiciucs internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a five application of I'liambt rluin's I'.iiu ltalm. For fialu by all DispuniiarieH aud Dualurs.
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    • 117 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Dec 20. -At saleroom, Two Motor Carp, at 11.30. I .Tin 4. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 1?. Jan 8. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Chins Keng Lee and Co. Des 29. —At saleroom, freehold land and house, at 1M Dae 29. At saleroom,
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    • 265 7 W. E). M. O. WILL'S SWgf @6estnuti THE LATEST CUT PLUG TOBACCO In |Ib. Airtight Tins PRICE PER TIN 9O cents. Obta.ina.ble from: Messrs. JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. Messrs. ROBINSON COMPANY. GRAND HOTEL DE LEUROPE. Special Dinner ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30. Tables may be Booked in Advance. Monsieur RE VERGER'S
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    • 71 7 TRAVELLER WANTED. Wanted, by Import Firm, an experienced and energetic TRAVELLER for the F.M.S. and the East Coast of Sumatra. Apply &0.E.N., c/o Straits Times. 28-12 8012 To Help THE CHILDREN MD SOCIETY. "The Shadows" AND Ali Baba" UP-TO-DATE AT- THE TEUTONIA CLUB, January, II 13, at 9.15 p.m. Tickets
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    • 146 7 HIGH-CLASS Telephone No. 818. UNDERTAKING. Prln.ep Btreet, SingapoM. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Ba|i to inform the publio that the kind patronage accorded bim dnring the paat tew years, has made it necossary tor him to aoquire another new Rubber. tyred Haarea, whiob surpasses all others in the Straits. Mis
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  • 13 8 Grant.— At Edinburgh, Daisy, the beloved wife of Andrew Grant, M.1;.. Jobore.
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  • 1100 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. SOLDIER GOVERNORS. Sir Frank* Swettenham has raised an extremely interesting question by his letter to The Times, from which we made a quotation yesterday. The complaint ho has to make is that, when vacancies arise in the Governorship of British Colonies, it frequently happens
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  • 9 8 The former Viceroy of Canton has arrived at Kobe.
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  • 24 8 The Shipping and tho Import and Export offices will be open for one hour from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on New Year's Day.
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  • 39 8 There was fire in Calcutta, on December 19, at the University Press which was burned down, resulting in considerable loss of books and manuscripts, and printing requisites, valued at half a lakh. Tho origin of the tiro is unknown.
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  • 28 8 It is probable, says The Pioneer, that during the Royal visit to Calcutta tho name of tho Governor selected for the Presidency of Bengal will be made known.
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  • 33 8 With reference to the paragraph published yesterday, relating to tho theft of 8850 from a Japanese residing at Uaflles Hotel, we are informed that the theft, did not take place in h hotel.
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  • 34 8 The directors of the Aycr Molek Rubber Co., Ltd propose to declare a dividend of 24 per cent., for tho year ending October Ul. 1911, with the approval of tho shareholders in general meeting.
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  • 35 8 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held to-morrow afternoon when, among other business to bo considered, the board will receive the report of the Finance and General Purpose.-.-; Committee on appeals against valuations.
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  • 43 8 A Straits-born Cantonese boy, 15 years of age, named Cheo Slice Lam, has been miss ing from his home since the lHth inst. His brother, Chee Ah Wai, of '277 Tcluk Blangah Road, will reward auyone giving information as to the boy's whereabouts.
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  • 42 8 The British gunboat Robin made a sue cessful journey to Kweiping, South China, and brought away the two British missionaries, (Mr. and Mrs. Worsnipl who were shut up in tho city, and of whom no news bad been received for several weeks.
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  • 49 8 The Hongkong office of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha is in receipt of telegraphic communication from the office in Seattle that the steamer A waMaru, which left that port on December 19, was returning to Seattle for certain repairs to be effected and was due back there on December 21.
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  • 59 8 Shanghai papers state that as a first measure the revolutionaries propose to appoint Dr. Sun as President of a Republic composed of all tho provinces they have now under full control. This would be a temporary measure, aud the supposition is that it would be done with the idea of
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  • 65 8 There was an entertainment to the children of tho M. G. Tamil School, last evening, at the school premises, :!t>7, Sirangoou Road. The Bar. W. T. Cherry presided and the Rev. A. J. Auiery and Mrs. Amery, auel the' teachers and friends of the school were present. Christmas gifts were
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  • 66 8 The following paragraph, dated from Chiuwangtao, on December 15. and signed by Kimg Tien Cheng appears in the China Press On behalf of tho undersigned, representing Chinese residents of the Straits Settlements, now travelling in China, please urge the peace commissioners to make strenuous efforts at conciliation, and to abstain
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  • 79 8 Information was received at Karachi, on December 18, that a goods train proceeding from Hyderabad (Sind) was derailed at i vhia Station about five miles from Hyderabad. Sleepers had been placed on the line wtih the apparent intention of causing the accident. The engine left the track and ran down
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  • 93 8 At Shanghai, on December l.*>, aboutop.m while the shroffs of the Hongkong and Shanghai were engaged in receiving money from the native banks, a man who had been acting in a suspicious manner suddenly snatched a handful of notes from a table, securing $1,000. Plain clothes constable No. 240, wlio
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  • 118 8 Sun Vat Sen had a busy day in Hongkong on December 21 say s the local Daily Press. He was met by two launches which came alongside the steamer. They were crowded with sympathisers and friends, and he went on board one of the launches and MMMMd t3 a Chinese
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  • 118 8 Though the week is far spent it cannot be too late to offer congratulations to the special choir which gave selections from the Messiah and carols on Christmas Eve in St. Andrew's Cathedral. Tho soloists, Miss Ida van Cuylenberg, Mr. G. W. Johnson, and Mr. W. J. Lewis, sang with
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  • 130 8 The following paragraph, under the heading of Claim oy Norddeutecher Lloyd, is from the Hongkong Telegraph of December 21 The case was continued beforo Mr. Justice Gompertz, Puisno Judge, at the Supreme Court today in which Messrs. Molchers and Co., agents for the Nunldeutscher Lloyd, sued tho China Romeo Co.,
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  • 341 8 It is reported that a house has ben take'ii in the Hongkcw district ol Shanghai for Dr. Sun Vat Sen. The British North Borneo Herald hoars .hat Mr. li. V. L. Pritclmrd has been ordered mine by his de>ctor, aud leaven Borneo by he- Darvcl today. Mr.
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  • 41 8 We have received a telegram from the traffic manager of the F.M.S. liailways. at Kuala Lumpur, announcing that the 1 repairs to the railway hive MM SOBEpMed anel that trains are running as usual between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.
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  • 94 8 Sir West liielge'way. pri siding at a meeting of the Ceylon Pcarllisheis, regivtted exceeelingly that the MMMM showed all ailw is,- balance e>f 1 1 IH..", 17. The company had paid the Oylem Government altogether £129,000 la rent The Mte added the present position was due to
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  • 106 8 At the Children's Concert, to l>e give v at the Victoria Hall, on Saturday, at 5.15 p.m., in adjbion to the pieces to be played by the Thilharniouic Orchestra, there will several vocal items by local amateurs. These will include the following songs: Savannah Lullaby," (Robert Datton) by
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  • 124 8 Pulo Obin is anything but a peaceful place, aud the lat. st of the periodic*! ciimoH that punctuate the pivgnss of the little community h:is just b <:i repotted tj the paMft The earnplainant is Lim Lyo Whang, who mmga spirit aud chanclu shop MSI
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  • 207 8 An extraordinary goueral meeting of shareholders of the Sinjohpak Kubbor Ktttatus was held, on December 19, at the olticrs of Messrs. Andrews, von l-'ischerz aud George, Ltd., the secretaries and general managers, .Shanghai. Mr. Horatio Robertson named, aud Messrs. A. M. A. Evans and von Fischer/, (directors)
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 184 8 Famous \A/HlSKY Brands iSL **ti <*& POLO MACGREGOR.CALDBECKiO I CUS60W <^5&~ Pj 10H00H GLASGOW. Suppliers of Scotch Whisky to The House of Lords, The House of Commons, and to the Houses of Parliament, Canada* SOLE AGENTS: Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. SUN BRAND STERILIZED MILK In Medium .rind Small Tins. SOLE AGENTS:
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    • 189 8 A Never Ending Source OF Amusement PLEASANT VARIETY OF NEW SUBJECTS AT THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. THE PEOPLE S POPULAR PICTURE PALACE A CHOICE .VARIETY OF MAKERS' FILMS IN OUR Grand Change of Programme TO-NIGHT. 2nd Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. Ancient Rome. Pathe's perfect picture production. Tweedledum and Frothy
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  • 292 9 RUSSIAN DENIAL OF ATROCITY STORIES. Serious Position in British Sphere. (lUotib's Trlioram.) London, December 27. Koutor wiros from Teheran that the Indian sowars wcro re attacked near Kazoniiiii, and two wore killed. Tlio situation at Shiraz is vnry serious. Mr. Sinister has notified his willingness to band over
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  • 124 9 UNIONISTS TO USE THE PAPAL DECREE. Conflicting Opinions On Its Effect. Rki'ter's Tklkgbam. London, via Durban, December '21. The luiouists state that the Papal decree, with rofeienco to excommunication for callin*; ecclesiastics before the law ouits without o.vlcsiastical saurtion, will be the basis of au appeal to
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  • 59 9 Lockout Notices in Lancashire. Kkutkk's Tklkobam. London, via Durban, December 27. All tin? cotton mills ;it Blackburn have posted lockout notices to-day. It is believed that the lockout will be of short duration owin^ to the disproportion between its cause utid its diru < Lockout notices have
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  • 37 9 Hp.i tub's TaUHUM. I .iindou. via Durban, December 27. Router's correspondent in Mexico says General Reyes, leader of the revolt against President Madcro in Mexico, has surrendered, beiug disheartened by tho defection of his partisans.
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  • 44 9 Hruthk's Tklkoram. 1 0n i i, i n, via Durban, December 27. Madrid messages say that tivo Spanish columns attacked and drovo tho Riltians across tho Kert river after sovero fighting. The Spanish casualties were two killed and forty wounded.
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  • 17 9 DHH OmOIMi I.LUVI) Tf.LKCIMM. li.rlii., December 27. Tho death is reported of Admiral ■S.inmeru.
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  • 385 9 An Old Campaigner in Japan and China. Mr. Robert Lowe, H.N.R., who for the past forty years has been chief engineer of Htcamships on the China coast and made the first voyage across the Pacific on the steamer l'arthia when the C. P. K. started
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  • 310 9 "OIL KING'S DEFENCE. Mr. Rockefeller's Reply to the Merritt Accusations. The charge brought by Urn Merritt brothers before the Stanley Committee, which is iv vestigatin" the Steel Trust, that Mr. .1. I). Rockefeller acquired au iron ore and railroad monopoly by making a dll loan of 420,000 dollan (JEm/HO) on
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  • 108 9 On the arrival of the steamer Lunka (B.I.) last Sunday at Port Swettenham, under a new arrangement with the Railway Department, a launch was placed at the disposal of the first eiMi passengers to convey them fn,m the ship to the pas>,nger pier, near the Railway Station.
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  • 216 9 11. M.5. Pegasus, of tho Australian Squadi 'in. when coming up the Whangpo yesterday morniug had a passage in which she nearly came to grief, states a Shanghai paper of Deccmbor 19. Wheu the cruiser passed Woosung there was a strong flood tide running with
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  • 44 9 The death occurred on Docombor 18, at Delhi, of Captain Leslie Cheapo, of the King's Dragoon Guards, the fvuous polo player, from Riuallpox. Ho was taken ill after the Kind's Dragoon Guards hail played their match with the 10th Hussars during tho l'olo Tournament.
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  • 411 9 OPENING OF PEACE CONFERENCE AT SHANGHAI. Orders to Imperial Generals. At two o'clock yesterday afternoon, says the N. C. Daily News of December 19, the conference between H. E. Tang SUao-yi, the Envoy from Peking, and Dr. Wu Ting-fang, Foreign Secretary of the Provisional Re publican Government, was
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  • 530 9 Mistakes of Indian Prince Wli n Paying Homage. The following commiiniijno was published at Delhi on December 15. With a view to removing an unfortunate impression created at the ceremony of the Durbar on the 12th instant the Viceroy, with the consent of His Highness the (Jaekwar
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  • 68 9 M. Pankratoff, chief of tho Harbin fire brigade, arrived at Moscow on November 24, by bicycle from Harbin, having taken four months to accomplish the distance of 9,000 kilometre-.. He started with three companions, all of whom abandoned the journey at Tomsk. M. Pankratoll went on by himself, and had
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  • 1363 9 ESTIMATED OUTPUT LIKELY TO BE LARGELY EXCEEDED. Acquisition of Another Estate. The sixth ordinary general meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Rubber Company, Ltd., wag held at the Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., on December 1, the Hon. Everard Feilding (chairman of tho company presiding). The Chairman, in the
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  • 387 9 The Reign of Desperate Chinese Brigands. The following extract from a private letter from Paklioi, dated December 8, has been communicated to the X.-C. Daily News It has been unusually exciting down here of late, as we have been in the hands of brigands and pirates
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  • 362 9 Departure of the Ship Aurora from Mat Tlio Antarctic ship Aurora left Hobart, on December 2, ou her way to tho polar regions. Long before the hour ot starting large crowds assembled. limiting was liberally displayed, and the send-oi) was of a most hearty description. Ministers of the
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  • 87 9 Tbe hearing was begun at the Hongkong police court, on December 12, of the caso in which serious charges of forgery, etc., were preferred against Abdul Rajack Samy, a young clerk formerly employed in the International limili. Mr. P. M. Hodgson, Assistant Crown Solicitor, prosecuted, and Mr. I. \V. Ooldring
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  • 81 9 THE NATIONAL CONGRESS WELL PLEASED. British Rule a Gift of Providence. Rkutfk's Tklkqram. London, December 27. Renter wires from Calcutta that, at tl o Indian National Congress, which is attended by seven thousand delegates, the keynote was jubilation at the Emperor's visit and gift, especially the
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  • 81 9 Serious Loss of Life in Recent Gales. llkctkh's huMK London, Doccmber '27. Seven of the crew of the London steamer (iiiilletuot, who were MMMi during galo in MM !>...> c f Biscay on the 21st, were landed at Greenock, yestcul.-.y. The captain and 22 of tlic crew were
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  • 54 9 Heavy Fighting at Benghazi. London, December '11. A ti'li ",Tam via Koine says that Mfi ill thousand Turks witli artillery advanced on Benghazi on tho morning of tbo SMh. Tlio Italians cannonaded at a ran^o uf two thousand yards, and checked the advance. The Turks retreated to
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  • 67 9 New Commercial Treaty Approved. Rhctkr's Tki.kiiK >m. London, December 'i*. Tlie Krrncli chamber km passed a new Franco-Japanese commercial conveniiou without having divided. •The chairmau of the Customs Committee emphasized tlic advantage of ftti relntious with Japan, aud tho Minister of Commerce explaiuod tho a>lvanta^rs of tho
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  • 62 9 D«K Ustasiatiscub Lloyd Tklkuram. Horliu. December 27. The new Japanese Ambassador will be received by the Emperor on 29th inst. Notes havo been exchanged Ix twtcn the Foreign Olliee and the JayMMM Knili a-sy at Herlin, according to which the right to give notico of the discontinuation
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  • 40 9 Dbr Ostasiatisciif Li.ovd Tklkoiiam. Rerlin, December 27. Captain Brucninghans has been appointed commander of the battleship (iiieisenaii and will assume command in April. His successor as referee for Kiaochau is Captain Vollerthun, who takes charge on January 15.
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  • 34 9 Rfx'Tbr's Tklkuham. London, via Durban, December 27. The vault of Prince Alexander, father of the King of Servia, in a cemetery at Vienna, has been broken into and the sluill stolen.
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  • 28 9 Rkuikk's Tklkuham. London, via Durban, December 27. Tho Daily Express says that Their Majesties, in 1912, will pay a series of State visits to European capitals.
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  • 65 9 Rbotbr's Tklboram. London, via Durban, I) ■comber 27. The weather continued glorious for tho match, M.C.C. versus Eighteen of Bendigo. There was a fair attendance and tho wicket was good. Bendigo made 164, Mackay scoring 37. Hitch took 7 wickets for 47. The M.C.C, in their second innings,
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  • 48 9 (From a Malacca Corhbspondint). Malacca, December 23. Information has been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Para in London yesterday was 4/4 per lb., sellors. The price of best plantation rubber is quoted at 4/9} value. The market is steady.
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  • 612 10 Difficulty in Obtaining Sufficient Tappers. The first report of tho Bantam (Java) Kubbcr Estates, Limited, which covers a period of 14 months, states that it has beon iui|X>sxiblo to present tho accounts before nuiii" to tho unavoidable delay in getting all details from Hatavia. On tho advice
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  • 269 10 By Likit.-Col. G. A. Derrick, V.D., t'oMMAM'ANT, S.V.C. Singapore, December J7, 1911. s. v. c. Anus. I All Short Ufa must be returned to tin' l)i ill Hall at once for overhaul and audit. S. V. A. Duties. I:— Orderly officer for week comnifiii ing January 1, IUI2
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  • 54 10 is tlic I'dtigh translation of a •voh discovered by the police .n it mi- parts of Shanghai aud d down Notice That <ieH to-morrow (Sunday) from to I>. assassinated us they arc riiuieuts of [In Maiicliu ilo^s. .locs not assist in the good work lots. Anyone fouud Uimperiug notices also
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  • 451 10 Many Visitors at the Kuala Lumpur Festivities. The weather in Kuala Lumpur during Christmas, except for an occasional shower, was all that could be desired, and the festivities, which included a Skyo meeting on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, Rugby and hackey matches, a Scottish pipe programme
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  • 312 10 Lower Perak Residents Enjoy the Festivities. Favoured with lovely weather, writes a correspondent, the Christmas sports held on board of the Straits Steamship Company's steamer Kinta. at Teluk Anson, proved a most enjoyable function. The Kinta was transformed into a veritable fairyland and great praise is
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  • 101 10 Tlio Bukit liahru Football Club beat the St. Joseph's school u-am at football, yesterday, by two goals to nil. Mr. Gillies refereed. The man who bowled tho first ball for Kngland ay.iin^t an Australian team William Calfyn still lives at Keigatc, Surrey. He went out with the first
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  • 101 10 With reference to tho refloating of the Ii.M.S. Empress of China, which had been on the rocks at Shiratiauia since July 27, the Japan Daily Mail says Perhaps no higher testimony could be paid to English shipbuilding than the fact that this vessel, after many years' service, should have lain
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  • 44 10 The Java Times states A marriago is arranged and will shortly take place between Mr. John Vcrschoylu Campbell, late K.A., of tlin Sn.Un^; Central Plantations, aud Miss Allies Evelyn Ashton, daughter of the late E. Ashton, West Australia, and niece of Mrs. Strode Hall.
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  • 761 10 Prices Quoted In the Market This Morning. Singapore, December 28, 1011. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list ot quotations this morning Norn Value. Buyers. Sellers. 3/. Allkgu 8/1 8/9 3/. Options -/9 1/6 1 Analo-.lava 5/10} 6,7} 1 An^loJobore 7/- 10
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 Name (or the greatest Power," The teacher asked most pleasantly The answers came in quite a shower, Ensland, Franoe, or Germany. Bat all were wrong until thero came A piping voice, as yet obscure, Please teacher I can tell the name, 'Tib that famed Woods' Great Peppermint Core."
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    • 348 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. When a man drinks a GOOD stoat he drinks and eats at the same time, not only actually quenches thirst, bat oonsumes nourishment. FOSTER'S is the beet stoat brewed by Guinness. Garner, Quelch Co., WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Batfery Road, Singapore. Telephone 881. 26 9 26 9 13
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    • 267 10 Raffles HH Hotel. Fancy Dress Dinner and Ball WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 1. (New Year's Night). By kind permission of Major C.E. Cobbe and Officers, the Band of the Buffs will be in attendance. Two prizes will be awarded during the evening, one for the Best Dressed Lady
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  • 748 11 NEXT YEAR'S CELEBRATION OF ITS 25OTH ANNIVERSARY. A Scientific Record. In .Inly next tlio Koyal Society of London for liii]>iovin^;I iii]>i ovin^; Natural Knowledge, generally known by the short title of tho Hoyal Society, will celebrate its MM anniversary, says a lioinc paper. The full programme lias not
    748 words
  • 242 11 Mail uri\ ins from Honolulu (apart the DMBt am.l/lllg phcllomi noil Her ob-crved within tin' crab i of a foleaao by a white man. says the Japan illiiwlli I It was no less than a trenii ndons bubble of lava. Instigated by gai tram the
    242 words
  • 997 11 UNNECESSARY WORRIES OF THE MODERN WOMAN. Power of Self-Control. The prevalence of "worry" amongst women of all classes is self-evident today. It lias become fashionable to have nerve*,' writes Dr. Elizabeth Sloan Chesscr in The Morning Leader. Everybody lives at high tension, burns the candlo at both ni'k.
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  • 952 11 FAMOUS PARIS DETECTIVE'S ROYAL CLIENTS. A Book of Reminiscences. Of the forthcoming volume of reminiscencrs by M. Xavicr Paoli, the famous commissary of the Paris detective force and "The Guardian of Kings," called "My Royal Clients," the publishers, Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton, have permitted a representative
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  • 69 11 While a sergeant of gendarmes wns travelling with a prisoner on tho Paris to Bordeaux express train, on December 2, the prisoner endeavoured to escape. The sergeant grabbed him, but the prisoner dragged his captor through a window of the compaitment they were in. A desperate struggle between the two
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  • 565 11 METALLURGICAL DISCOVERIES IN CEYLON. Sir R. Hadfield's Quest. Sir Robert Had field, an ex president of the Iron and Steel Institute of Great liritain, who lias recently read bcforo the Iloyal Society a lecture upon certain phases of iron and steel work of a thousand and more years
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  • 443 11 Great Russian Painter Prescribes Mutton. A St. Petersburg salon was discussing some years ago, says the Journal des Debats, the diet advocated by the Russian painter Riepin. It was vegetarianism in its most extreme form, the artist maintaining that (he grass of the fields was better
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  • 857 11 APPEAL OF THE CENTRAL CHINA RELIEF COMMITTEE. Desperate Situation. From the Central China Famine K. lief Committee, of 16, Kinkiang Road, Shanghai, we have received the following particulars of the conditions in China The imputation of central China if* face to face with one of the worst
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  • 91 11 'What is he?" asked the magistrate at Tottenham, when a woman came to apply for a summons for the wages of her son, who is employed at a picture palace. "He is tineffects," was the proud maternal MM. He is the rushing water, shouts hooray,' jingles bells, and imitates stage
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  • 61 11 The Dutch steamer Sumatra arrived in Colombo on the 13th inst., from the Dutch Eastern Colonies and reported damage, to her propcllor. She was, therefore, anchored outside the harbour until the next morning, when a pilot brought her in and anchored her near the Graving Dock, which she w ito
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  • 1024 11 EFFECTS ON INSANE, DRUNKARDS AND SUICIDES. Connection With Drink Problem. It hits long been recognised that there is a very association between the weatlier and health, but its exact relation is only hazily understood, ami is too often wholly ignored, remarks the Kvening Standard. Tho detailed
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  • 952 12 PLCA FOR USE OF ARTIFICIAL PRODUCT. Composition v. Ivory. Which are the best balls with which to play billianls, Mka tba Iff lag Standard. Tho problem is one which vexes many amateur cueists, and they are not H'eatly helped when they f ml leading professionals advocating one ball
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  • 525 12 Elephants Helping Their Wounded To Escape. in liui ukili, „s in moat pasta .f India. .1. pliant Hhootinx prohibited, and (be only cliuucoono gota of going after than b whea a I t I >i a Military animal raaa amok ami becomes a rogne. Thi Commiaaioaer then
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  • 821 12 Record of Mechanical Progress in Sheffield. Daring the tirst halt of the niueteeuth ecut;ny. s. IV s The Times Kuginecriug Supplement, little or uo mechanical BCOgNBi was made iv the art of type founding. All diMM of type were i let by band, the molton metal being ponied
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  • 940 12 Delay in Furnishing the Estate Accounts. Tin: first ordinary general meeting of the Anglo-Dutch (Java) Plantations, Limited, was held at the Chamber of Commerce Room, No. 1. Y'uenmingyuen Boad, Shanghai, on December 14. Mr. .1. Ellinger presided and there were also present Messrs. O. Mordhorst and M. Stcrupel
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  • 794 12 Sufficient Cash to Meet Expenses For Several Years. The annual general meeting of the Singei l>uri Kubbt'r Estates whs held on December 11, at Shanghai, Mr. (i. I!. I'otts (clinirman) presided, supported by Messrs. Hugo Keiss, and V. Meyer (directors), -and Mr. A. S. Wilson, I
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  • 408 12 Compiling British Museum Subject Index. Before the Uibliological Society, Dr. G. H. Kortesque, superintendent of the readingroom of the Hritish Museum, dealt the other evening with the task of compiling the sub ject index of books, of which the lifth volume has just been published. It was.
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  • 1691 12 DIRECTORS FORFEIT CONFIDENCE OF SHAREHOLDERS. Mess and Muddle." The report of tho adjourned first ordinary meeting of the Keraia Itubbcr Estates, Limited, is of special interest in view of the QMStion of alleged misrepresentation in the prospectus being raised. It was held on November 21, at Winchester
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  • 559 12 Passengers Expected to Arrive. The following BMMBgec httnkfaff lo tin Straits are taken from the IrfWutntl ami China Express received by the nio«t, recent mail. It should be understood that, in sonic installers, bookings may be provisional and that iutend ing passengers m.iy allet tin "i- arrangements subsequent
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 203 13 Far East Oxygen Acetylene Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE BRANCH. Oxygen Gas. Dissolved Acetylene. Oxyacetylenic blowpipes and blowpipe cutters for quick cutting iron and steel. Autogenous welding of all Metals. All kinds of repairs to ships, boilers, motor cars, etc. Application of the Dissolved Acetylene Gas for lighting Motor Cars, Launches, Steamers,
      203 words
    • 797 13 c Uhere*s Purity and Vigour I IN EVERY DROP OF READ'S M "DOG'S HEAD" GUINNESS It retains through the entire brewing; process and after maturinf and bottling, the delicious fragrance of the hop with its sweet and soothing perfume. It has the sparkling force of a cleverly fermented beverag* without
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    • 85 13 T. NAGAI CO. $rand ffiazaar JAPANESE CURIOS TOYS. A SPECIALITY IN PORCELAINWARE SUITABLE FOR New Year Presents. No. K-L, HIGH STREET. 1112 12 H. L. GOGHLAN AND COMPANY. Auctioneers, Valuers and Surveyors, NO. S, RAFFLES PLACE. VALUATIONS of Real and Pereonal Property (or Bales, Mortgage and Estate Dnty AUCTIONS conducted
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 803 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester Honse, INGAPORE Board of Director* i O. A. Dbhriok, Esq., Chairman A, H. Fair, Esq., Managing Direotor. Pbtbr Fowlib, m.b., 0.m., Chic! Med. OfficerF. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Couvmob. Tow Noan Pam, Esq. Oho 8oo» Tkb, Bsq. Khoow
      803 words
    • 524 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 80,000 Shares ol 430 eaoh 41,300,000 Reserve Fund M 41,826,000 Reserve Liability ol Proprietors... 41,200.000 BANKERS. National Bank ol Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BBANCH. Current Accounts are opened and intorest
      524 words
    • 556 14 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TONB BANKING ANO INBURANCE CO. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREET. Established 1807. Capital paid up 11,000,000 0) Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COUHT OF DIRECTORS. 1, Tarn Tick Joom 0. Sim Kia Jam 3. Nam Kirn Sbmo 7. Tao Hoo Lai 8. Laow Chia
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    • 484 14 SALES BY AUCTION. Fox* Sale Privately in Small Lots A QUANTITY OF WINES ANO SPIRITS, At Powell Co.'s Sale-room. Comprising No. 8, Vintage Port (1874) Old Red and White Port, Yalnmba Burgundy, Posada Bonrg, Sherry, Cotes Rion's Claret, Woodhouse's Virgin Manala, Red Lion Port, eto. Also four cases Rum Shrub.
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  • 658 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. War in Motor World. For the sake of motorists in all parts of the country the Automobile Association and tin- Royal Automobile Club are carrying on a campaign against a policy recently introduced by a certain tyre manufacturing company, says the
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  • 362 15 A brighter future for the old mt-iclnill artist has been assured by the establishment at Twickenham of the Music-Hail Benevolent Institution. A party of variety artists and interested friends, headed by Mr. Joe Elvin, journeyed down to Twickenham to look over the building. The idea of
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 435 15 «ARROL JOHNSTON As Supplied to the War Office. 5 SEATED CAR COMPLETE 11.9H P. 53,000. IS.9H.P. $4,4700. H.P. LORRY COVERED VAN j c^ R B £.™n C WAOOONBTTE $3,750 $4,000 *4,950 $4,900 FULL PARTICULARS FROM Central Engine Works, Ld. Cars in Stock for Immediate Delivery: 20 HP. "FORD" L4NDAULETTE (six-seated)
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    • 12 15 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc.
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    • 351 15 FORD CAR SIZES IN STOCK. COMBINE SAFETY WITH ECONOMY BY FITTING Continental 111-RIBBED TYRES. (Specially Made for the Tropics). Through all Dealers and Garages. CONTINENTAL TYRE RUBBER CO., LTD. 17, CollyerQuay, SINGAPORE. 17, CollyerQuay. MILK PURE! FULL CREAM!! Strained, Filtered, Cooled and Bottled entirely by Machinery. Milk Untouched by Hand.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 831 16 BURN CO.. LTD.. RAIMEEGUNGE PIPES Fox* Wells, Culverts, Drains, eto. Strongest and (Bljeapest ALSO BULL-NOSED BRICKS FIREBRICKS STABLE BRICKS CHEQUERED BRICKS SALTGLAZED BRICKS OF ALL KINDS. fCIF. AC.^^7S SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTS. SITUATION WANTED. Wanted by an experienced Accountant, i-i'.u ttitin either in Singapore or an assistant on
      831 words
    • 601 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. With immediate entry, B st and second floors, No. la, Raffles Quay Apply Guthrie Co., Ltd. 1-4 o HOUSE TO LET. No. 44, Anson Road, to let. Apply Nathan and Son, Change Alley. 16-6 n HOUSES TO LET. "Bratbay' No. IS, Gilstead
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    • 433 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Batfks will be closed on "MONDAY. JANUARY 1. 1912. New Year's Day. NOTICE. I, the undersigned, Hook Ho Kee, also called Wee Tiong Hock, hereby give Notice to all to whom it may concern, that from and after the 16th day
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    • 618 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT GO. SHIP CHANDLERS, IWHMt Hunldpal Contractor!. Telephone No. 431. 108* 109, Market Street. NOTICE. Messrs. Fraser 4 Neave, Ltd., ben to announce that the Aerated Water Department will be closed on New Year's Day. Customers are respectfully invited to send in their orders for Aerated Waters well
      618 words
    • 449 16 BOABD AND LODGING. BOARD AND LOD6IN6. Apply 21, Sophia Road. 1612 14.4 12 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Apply Devon Villa," 108, River Valley 21-11 0 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. English home, vacancy for gentleman. Comfortable room, private verandah and bathroom. Tennip. Silver Bank, 107, Orchard Road. Tel. 628. 1812 8012 BOARD AND
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 224 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATBS.—Misoellace oos wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per foot lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four linos, II eaoh insertion For p.p.o. cards, on page 6, 12. Inch Soau Ratm are
      224 words