The Straits Times, 30 October 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.708 SINGAPORE. JtoONDAY. OCTOBER 30.. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 147 1 WATSON'S No. l O Whisky rue best 1 i BOYS' MAN O'WARJ Washing Suits STRONG WASHING W^W RECEIVED QUALITY RLLLIVLD Hc,ys" Strong Man O'War aifk Washing Suits, wiili Navy f v3' 111 11 M L*% i* detachable Collars and Cuffs. K1; X"" pefolllt. Exact to illustration. BBlM^ it ALL SIZES
      147 words
    • 316 1 ROBINSON CO. These garmruU ttre fci ntifi. <c3r ~^«Hf JS'^^^ cally cnt and madron ti.L i:i'-t jp^ s VS/k y* -7)P« approvtd priuciplus, and are \<3Bl suitable for all climates. M *j. v sS^B 1 L< '^v^ft fusliionaMe cut waterproof, V \^P H\ 8 £^^h\ wi;l. cits-do lUr. as illustra-
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  • 450 2 INTERESTING DEED OF SALE READ IN COURT. The Will of Heaven. The following interesting Chinese deed of the sale of a girl was read in the course of the hearing of a kidnapping case before his Honour the Acting Chief Justice and a jury at the
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  • 347 2 No Particular Feature to Induce Buying. The Globe's review of the tin market for the week ended September 23 was as follows Last week closi*! at £lSi> cash, X'lT9 Ills, throe months. This week closed at £171 ss. cosh, £'169 la, three months, or a fall on
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  • 189 2 The sensational announcement was made that two Frenchmen were going to try to &y round the world in an aeroplane, but the news, unfortunately, was just slightly exaggerated, states the Paris correspondent of the Daily Telegraph. Two Frenchmen have been found, M. Mamet, the former pilot
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 576 2 A Clergyman Nervous Collapse, Brain Fag, Neuralgia For getting things done, making things go, the invigorating stimulus of Phosferine cannot be equalled, says the Rev. A. H. Field. Fuily aware that as a clergyman he is bound to make sure of the accuracy of bis estimation of Phosferine, this gentleman
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    • 59 2 Sufferers Take Notice. There is no necessity of your being constantly annoyed by a ticklins in the throat, which keeps you coughing and disturbs your sleep and rest. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cut the phlegm which is the cause of the trouble and clear the
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    • 287 2 K. NAKAGAWA No. 2, High Street JUST UNPACKED New Japanese Curios, Etc., FOR Xmas Presents. EARLY INSPECTION INVITED. London Selling Agents TEA. INDIGO I him in \Sold on comBRISTLES I miMion in British OILSEEDS and Continental HIDES SKINS Market*. RUBBER. DRUGS COTTON. WOOL Samples valued. 85& anS GENERAL Iconngnmenu inPRODUCE
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    • 235 2 fj^3\V? t m r b d k e 'VANA' BRAND y| Tonic Wine Hastens Recovery A Iw/i I After Illness I V V<S^ -^?y Miiiuirnt to convince i l^ the suiicrcr thai 'Yaka 1 m i a powerful restorative. .-.1 I When most remedies fail a course of 'Vaka' quickly
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  • 1040 3 COLLAPSE OF THE CRAFT WHILE LAUNCHING. No Loss of Life. The Times of September 25, gives these details of the wreck of the British naval airship at Barrow, reported at the time by Renter The naval airship which has been built for the Admiralty by Messrs. Vickers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 235 3 "PURUB." (Patented) THE NEW COAGULANT. Superior quality of tho manufactured article. Higher percentage of rubber extracted from the latex. Disinfects the latex. Retains its full nerve oven after years. Loses none of its good qualities on a long sea voyage. Rapid, efficient and producing clear coloured RUBBER. HOLDERS SPRAYERS. Recommended
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    • 78 3 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger jointc Internal treatment of any kind would be worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely and massaging tbe affected parts three tiroes a day, a cure may be effected. It will afford somo relief at once and by continuing the
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    • 452 3 K.NAKAGAWA NO. 2. HIGH STREET. Satsuma Wares, TEA SETS, OTHER PORCELAINS AND I GENERAL STORE. f DMAM Or CARLISLE write* I wai almnel beyood eiperleno. I I m.rtjrr lo f°at for twenty W ye.r.l™ Wo* I I L oxdMM. which ere ample ud Ml; of I I 1 1,11.1.-111, n
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    • 91 3 OTOMUNE'S Annual SALE Commencing from JhIPSL if ~i KttV Ong Sam Leong Co., STEAM SAW-MILL AMD GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Always have Timber and Planks to Suit all Requirements in Stock. Hardwood of all Sizes. Teak Always on Hand. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Steam Saw-Mill, Town Office, 41, Robinson Road. Kallang Padding, Telephone
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 649 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. pTFa STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOB OHINA, JAPAN, PENANO, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTB, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about: MAIL LINES 1911 Outward (for China.) Delta Nov 8
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    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-sorew Steamers maintaining this servioe bave been specially designed ana oonstruoted. and are fitted with all
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    • 484 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pahang, Borserab, Tringganu Bisut, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Bangnara Telnpin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kohsamui, Bandon, Langsuan Cbumpon Taku, Kolilak and Bangkok. Due Departure 3 p.m. •.a. MAHIOOL Oot. 3O Nov. 1 Will not oall at Pahang, Berserah and
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    • 521 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD OEUTSCHE OAttPfftOMFr f *HHTSCEB. Hm*. IRENE* Combined Service The steamers of these Companies maintai n a regular servioe between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly (or Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month
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    • 626 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS. ss." Coronia" 4,084 Tons. •s. "Glenogle" 8,760 Tons ks. Seang 800 6,799 Tons. *.s. "Seaog Cboon" 5,776 Tons. FOR PENANG AND RANGOON. p.b. GLENOGLE, on November <i. FOR HONGKONG, AMOY AND SWATOW. ss. BBANG 888, Novomber 19. Tnis steamer has excellent accommodaion (or passengers,
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  • 116 5 FIXTURES Monday, October 30. High Water, 8.65 a.m., 2.2 1 p.m. M. M. homeward mail duo. M, M. outward mail due, Bi Andrew* Socioty mooting, 6.16 p.m. Pbilbarniooic Orchestra practice, 616 p.m. Tuesday. October 31. High Water, 5.31 a.m., Ml p.m. Wednesday, November 1. High Water, 7.2
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  • 157 5 To-Dif. IS* Ceylon, Australasia, Mauritius, India, K^ypt and Europe, etc. Tonkin 8 pm Malacca, Porr Stvettenbam and Telok Anson Perak 8 pm Iniragiri Aing Thye •pm Pontianak and Baiavii Alting 4pm Port Swottenham, IVnang, Nogapatam and Madras Teoata 4 pm To mobbow. Batavia Hsiphong \t am Sarawak
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  • 105 5 The M. M. company's steamer Toarane. left Colombo at 3 p.m. on the '25th instant, and may be expected to arrive here to day at about E am. LiiPT Singapore. I >ept. 26 N. D. L. Sept. '28 B. I )ct. 2 M. M. )ct. 6 P.
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  • 737 5 Latest Arrivals. Sea Belle, F.M.S. Govt. Yacht 400 tons, 42 Crew 126 H. Power Nacodah, Get 29. From P. SwettenLam, Oct 28. For I'ahang, Octal. Itoads. Alting, Dut. str. 706 tons, Capt Blombert, Oct 28. From Pontianak, Oct 'M. G.c. and p. Ships Agency Ltd, For Pontianak, Una
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  • 50 5 Arrivals Per steamer Chow F*. CM 29—From Labuan, via ports. Messrs. Allard, dc Kroes Woolley and Rogers. Per steamer Broawer, Oct 2).—From Djambie. Mr. Bezemer. Per steamer Perak, Oct 28.—From T. Aneon, via ports. Messrs. W. .1. Lees, Wynuaardtn. Armstring, Gevring, Mr. and .Mr-. Bryne, Mr. Orr.
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  • 249 5 Finance Commerce EXCHANGE. SIMOAPOKK, OCTOBBB 80, 1911. On Lokdoic— Bank 4 m/ 6 2/4 A I Demand ty*A Private 6 m/« 2/4] do Bm/« 2/4 J3 Oh OaaHANT— Bank d/d 288J Private 8 m/« 342} Ok Films -Bank d/d 394 Private 8 m/i 388} Oh Ihou— Bank T. T. 174
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    • 154 5 Issue 5 Value 10 10 Belal lin 10 10 Bruang 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 Kinta Tin £1 £1 Lahat Minos 10 10 Malacca Tin 61. 6/- Pahang Consc 1 £1 £1 Penakalen £1 £1 Posing Babio £1 £i Posing Lama 10 10 BahmaD Hyd £1 £1 Rahman Tin
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    • 566 5 Iwne Vaiae Bayer* Seller* 3/- 2/- AH»K»f 8/ 8,6 2/. 2/- Anglo-MaUy 16/3 16/3 2/- 2/- Batang MaUka a/- 2,8 £1 £1 Bato Caret 110.0 11.10.0 £1 £1 Batn Ti k 8.7.0 8.16.0 £1 £1 Bakit KajaDg 1.19.8 2.3.3 £1 £1 Bakit Lantang 8.10.0 3.15.0 2/. 2/- Bakit Mertejam
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    • 123 5 Issue 3 Value Buyers. Seller* 10 10 Baste™ nom. Smeltiof m. 10.00 10 T m. 6.50 41 41 Bleotrio Tramways 8/8 8/9 10 10 Fraaer Noave 4760 48.00 100 Howaitb Erskine 86.C0 67.60 100 7% Pref 81.00 100 100 Kati Bro, Oct. m, 186.00 100 100 a 8% Cum.
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    • 45 5 Bayers BeUtrs Spore Municipal 4|% of 1907 $1,800,000 7% Spore Municipal 41% of 1909 11,000,000 7% S"pore Mnnidpal 4% 1602,900 par Bnyora Snllen Howarth Brskine 0% $900,000 ptr Riley, Harereavea 6% 12*4,000 3* Singapoio Blectrio TnmwaTB 6% 4850,000 M Spore Manioipal 6 11,878,000 noo.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 Sprains. Sprains rc(|iiiri- ciinlnl treatment. Keep iiuiet ami apply C'luuubi'i'laiu's Tain Halm fieelv. It will nniMvu tho MMSMSI uml quickly restOM tin parts to a healthy co:iiiitii.n. For kulu by all Dispensaries and L)cak rs.
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    • 304 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Oct. 80—At Pulo Brani, War Department store*, at 2 Oct. 81—At saleroom, valuable freehold ret-idf Dtial properties, at 2.80. Oct. 31—At saleroom, house property, situate at Macao Street, at 2.50. Oct. 81—At saleroom, freehold building sites, fronting the sea at Tanjong Katong, between the Swimming
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    • 367 5 SMOKED SARDINES CHOICE jSFy -feNJT^ j FLAVOUR RRI-AIfCACT I n/ nnmuinv bntAM-Aol I f^^iM^_y~ _jrr^i jS^.sii-z, ORDINARY TABLE> I! i -^T^-'vcr J SAROINES> [2j^^^^^^^rß^^^Wrl^r^BSilS^M^*^^^^^f OBTAINABLB FROM RETAILERS OF REPUTE. mZrn-. J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD. PRELIMINARYJfOTICE. AUCTION BALE OF A Large Stock of Wines, Liqueurs, Sprits, eto. (In Good Condition), To
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    • 237 5 C. H. Willis IS HERE And doing business on the SINGAPORE RAGES Run on November 7, 9 and 11. TREBLE EVENT 3,000 to 30 Races I, 2 and 6. DOUBLES ON ANY TWO EVNTES. STRAIGHT-OUT ON ALL EVENTS. For prices, apply to s, xhe: arcade:. 1 el. Straight. Telephone: 526.
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    • 144 5 HIGH-CLASS Telaphone No. 818. UNDERTAKING. '""mp street, «in««poM. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY B«g« to inform the pnblio that the kind patronage aooorded him daring the past (ew years, has made it necessary for him to aoqoiro another new Rubbertyred Hearee, whioh surpasses all others in the Straits. Mm Daley
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  • 1119 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, OCTOBER 30. THE TRIPOLI WAR. Our Italian friends are already beginning to see that their arrival in Tripoli is not regarded as a heaven-sent boon by the Arab population. We do not doubt that these Arabs would prefer to lie quite free, and that they would
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  • 13 6 Quarantine restrictions against the port of Pekalongau on account of cholera are withdrawn.
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  • 19 6 It is wired from Berlin that the German colony of Mogador has founded a handicraft school for South Morocco.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 and on page 8.
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  • 32 6 The Orient lino have arranged that from t In 1 beginning of next year the steamers of the li in .both out wards and homewards, will call at Toulon, instead of Marseilles.
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  • 29 6 We note that the Continental Tyre and Rubber Company, of 17, Collyer Quay, advise another reduction in the price of their tyres. The revised list is dated November 1.
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  • 27 6 The Singapore Para Rubber Estates, Ltd., pay a final dividend of 10 per cent., carrying forward £2,782. The estimated crop for the current year is 120,000 lbs.
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  • 30 6 Messrs. Garner Quelch and Co. will open their business on Wednesday, November 1 and will be pleased to see their friends at their office, 43, Raffles Place, during that forenoon.
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  • 35 6 The quarters of Mr. W. Peacock, Assistant Protector of Chinese, at Pearl's Hill, were broken into on Saturday night and a clock and two pairs of boots stolen. The value of the loss is »28.
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  • 36 6 The inquiry into the theft of the picture La Gioconda from the Louvre has led to the discovery at the Louvre of a hitherto unknown passage, with secret entrances to various rooms containing most valuable paintings.
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  • 39 6 The Scottish Universities dinner will take place at the Singapore Club to-morrow night. The Hon. Dr. I>. J. Galloway will preside. Those who are desirous of attending ami have not sent in their names should apply to Dr. Krith.
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  • 39 6 The following companies will be quoted ex -dividend from October 27, states a London wire dated October 21. Ceylon Tea Plantations, Harpenden, Kamuning, North Hummock, Klanang, London Asiatic, Consolidated Estates, Eastern Produce, P. P. K. Kintyre, Yatiyanbota, and Tremelbye.
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  • 41 6 The Hongkong Daily Press prints the following Tokio wire, dated October 22 There was a disaster yesterday at the Government powder factory at Mcguro. About 5,000 kilogrammes of black powder exploded, killing eleven nu>n and injuring twenty, besides wrecking three buildings.
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  • 53 6 The capital of Shelford Rubber Estate. Limited, will shortly be increased by the creation of ir>,<XK) pound shares, X,500 to be allotted as purchase consideration for 750 acres, partially opened, the balance to be offered to the shareholders, pro rata, at a premium not yet fixed, says a London wire
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  • 55 6 Tho Java Bode contains the statement of accounts of the Redjang Lebong mines for August. From this statement, the following figures are extracted Output of gold, 5,395.2 oz. output of silver 23,873.1 oz. estimated total value, f:K)7, 105.32 working expenses, f 151,91 1.92; estimated gross profit, flol, 193.40; estimated nett
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  • 52 6 Colonel Hoblyn, U.G.A., held tho annual inspection of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery at Fort I'asir l'anjang yesterday, the battery being in charge of Captain W. Makepeace and Lieut. Campbell. Other officers present were Litut. -Colonel Derrick, M ijor Middleton, (.'apt. Black and 2nd Lieut. Cuthbert. Lieut. Wehner, gunnery instructor, accompanied
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  • 80 6 The Siam Observer is informed from a reliable source that the Coronation of tho Kiug of Siam will take place on December The various ceremonies begin on the Ist wi will not conclude until the Hth. It is expected that H. I. 11. Prince Fushimi will arrive In re on
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  • 92 6 A daring attempt at laylight robbery was made on a Chinese salesman in High Street on Saturday afternoon by two men. When the twain attacked him, the salesman divined that they were after a sum of *'>s which he was carrying in his breast pocket, and he closed his hand
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  • 129 6 A reception of the Chinose, Baba- Malay and Tamil members of the local M. E. Churches was held at 5 p.m., on Saturday last, at the residence of the District Sinn i inten dent, Rev. W. T. Cherry. Thero was a Urge attendance. The members were received by Rev. W.
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  • 208 6 For ways that are dark one may be commended to those individuals of the Singapore Asiatic community who make a pastime of laying false charges against other people. The following two cases aro typical of the mode of procedure. Hee Chop, who lives at a sawmill in Kallang Itoad, has
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  • 509 6 Major-General T. E. Stephcnson, C.H., left on Saturday for the I.M.S. on inspection duty. Sir West Ridgcway sails to the East by the Macedonia in December, ('apt. Want Jackson is accompanying him. We are requested to say that as Lady Evelyn Young will be absent from Singapore
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  • 51 6 The following prices were realized on the sale of rubber at the Malacca auction mart on Saturday. All the lot, were<lis|K)siil of. There was quite a large uumber of buyers iv attendance. Sheet from WM to MM MC picul. ltark crepe 9177 per picul. Scrap tlflttr pat
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  • 76 6 Prosecutions arising out of the recent shooting accident in the godown of .Messrs. Kut/ when a boy named Tan Kirn Cheng was injured were heard iv the third magistrate's court to-day. Kmil Geier, a German traveller, pleaded guilty to a charge, of causing hurt by a
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  • 100 6 Counsel engaged in the Curonia cholera case— Mr. Edmonds, D.1.1., for tho prosecution and Mr. Everitt for tho defence appeared again in tho District Court to-day. Mr. Everitt stated that tho ship had not uriivnl from Calcutta yet but as she had left Kangoou on Friday
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  • 197 6 A correspondent writen Anyone looking at a heavily, and ofttiiuec, over laden bullockcarton the busy streets of Singapore with its ponderous yoke pressing upon the necks of the draught oxen, would naturally come to the conclusion that a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals does
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 CAPSTAN MIXTURE HA High-Class SMOKING MIXTURE Man v facto rod in tWO S t ron gths MEDIUM AND FULL IN Jib. AIRTIGHT TINS M I F tIMDP* *S" Price Per Tin 4O cents. OBTAINABLE AT I ffessrs. JOHN LITTLE A CO., LTD. Messrs. ROBINSON COMPANY. EASTERN PRESENTS nw«l| Western 5
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    • 221 6 AN IMPORTANT QUESTION SETTLEO AT THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT P If a pleasant evening you would spend Tin place to take your wife or Friend THE ALHAMBRA For Hearty Laughter, Fnn and Mirth To see the Topics of the Earth THE ALHAMBRA It's always Up-to-date and
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  • 436 7 Victory of the Imperial Troops. FEEBLE STAND MADE BY REBEL FORCES. Yuan-Shih-kai the Probable Prime Minister. llki-i Kit's Tklkgram. London, October 29. A Sia Kan Sian telegram from Router's special corrospondont with Yin-Chang says thu Imperials yesterday morning advanced towards Lin Chin Miao supported by gunboats. They
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  • 102 7 CONSTITUTING A NEW FLEET UNIT. Dreadnought Cruiser Expected. London, October 2->. The Morning Post st:itcs that the destroyer Welland joins the Kibble and tho I'sk, which sailed for China mi the 2Cth, at Malta. They replace thu 01.l ilestroyers in China as tho beginning of a reorganisation
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  • 336 7 HOLY WAR AGAINST ITALIAN INVADERS. Heavy Losses in Recent Fighting. Reuter's Telegram. London, October 28. Reuter wires from Malta that it is estimated that the Turks and Arabs behind Tripoli now number sixty thousand. They are well armed and provisioned and the main body occupies a strongly
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 33 7 Recteb's Telegram. London via Durban. October 28. A message from Bushire says the consular reinforcements from India are disembarking. No active opposition has been offered, and the town is quiet.
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  • 44 7 Rectek's Tklegbam. London, via Durban, October 28. The American boat train, crowded with prominent persons including the United States ambassador to France, collided with a local train near Stafford. Three persons in the looal train were injured, two of them seriously.
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  • 20 7 Rbdtbb's Telegram. London, via Durban, October 2H. Mr. Kirkwood M.P., has intimated his resignation owing to ill health.
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  • 41 7 RmjimAi Thlbobam. l.niiiiun. via Durban, October 29. Lloyd's Xews sajs Lord Haldano will shortly bo appointed Lord Chancellor, Sir liufus Isaacs Lord Chief Justice, Lord Alvorston a Lord of Appeal, Mr. Simon Attorney General and Mr. Buckmaster, Solicitor General.
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  • 24 7 Rioter's Telegram. London, October 28. The result of the Keighley bye-election was Buckmaster Liberal) 4,567 Ack worth (I'niouist) 8,842 Anderson (Labour) 8,452
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  • 30 7 I >«K OsTASIATISCHE LLOYD TbLEOBAM. London, October 26. At the Hague during the consideration of the Foreign Office budget, members expressed dissatisfaction with the course of negotiations over Venezuela.
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  • 38 7 Reuter's Th.h.ihii. London, via Durban, October 28. Bombardier Wells and Gunner Moir have abandoned their proposed boxing match owing to tho impossibility of securing a hall in London. This is the result of the Johnson agitation.
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  • 35 7 Rkuteu's Tkleukam. I ...ii. i. iii. October '29. The Pope ou Novotnber 27 creatcH seven leen new Cardiualx, including ISourno of ■Westminster, Farley of New York, O'Connell of Boston, and Kulcouio of Washington.
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  • 254 7 CONSTERNATION AMONG MONEY KINGS. Three Years Litigation Expected. Rbdtbb's Teleobam. London, via Durban, October 28. A Washington message says it is unofficially stated that the decision in the Steel Trust case cannot be given for three years, as a vast volume of evidence must be taken in
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  • 69 7 Thirty Three Million Persons Starving. Rectf.r's Telegram. 1., nd. m, via Durban October 28. The Russian Government has decided to allot ninety -three million roubles to relieve distress through the bad harvest in EastRussia and Siberia. London, via Durban, October 29. Rcuter hears from St. Petersburg that
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  • 84 7 Russia's Proposal to Increase Her Exports REC rill's TSLBOBAM. London, via Durban, October 2H. A Brussels message says the Sugar Committee has decided in favour of acceding to the application of Russia to export 400 instead of 200 tons of beet sugar in the event of a shortage
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  • 38 7 Rrutek's Teleobam. London, via Durban, October 28. A memorial to General Sir Redvers Buller has been unveiled at Winchester Cathedral. There was a distinguished gathering, the troops forming the army in Natal being largely represented.
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  • 48 7 Reutek's Tbliobam. London, via Durban, October 29. Lord Minto has been elected Lord Rector of Edinburgh University, defeating Lord Crewe. Mr. Birrell has been elected Lord Rector of Glasgow I niversity, defeating Lord Charles Beresford. Mr. Andrew Carnegie has been elected Lord Rector of Aberdeen University.
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  • 68 7 (Fbom Oik Own Cobbespondbnt). Kuala Lumpur, October 30. Exceptional floods have occurred at Kuala Lumpur. Many districts pre under water and motoring and pedestrianism in certain places is extremely difficult. Hundreds of houses are flooded, the river having risen to a great height. The Episcopalian Methodist Church,
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  • 49 7 (Fbom a Malacca Correspondent). Malacca, October 30. Information has been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Para in London yesterday was 4/4 per lb., value. The price of best plantation rubber is quoted at 4,'t> j buyers. The market is quieter.
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  • 203 7 RUMOURS ABOUT ATTITUDE OF ENGLAND. French Demands Upon Spain. Deb Ostabutischi Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, October 29. The Norddeutscho states that the conclusion of the Franco-German treaty is imminent, and hopes that when both parties become calmer they will recognize its utility. Strange rumours are bring spread concerning
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  • 15 7 Kecteb's Telegram. London, via Durban, October 28. Canada has bought the cruiser Aboukir.
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  • 275 7 Question of Securing Better Class of Labour. (From Oub Own Corkbsponpent.) Kuala Lumpur. October 30. The Planters Association of Malaya met in the Ipoh Club, yesterday, Mr. Skinner presiding. Mr. Maude of Perak suggested that a deputation should wait upon the Dutch Consul in Singapore regarding Javanese coolies.
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  • 145 7 Meeting of the Self-Government Society. (Fbom Oub Own Cobbbspondbnt.) Penang, October 28. The Straits Echo reports that the Canton Chamber of Commerce has wired to Tai Kee Yin, of Penang, that a great public meeting has been held at Canton, with the full countenance and participation of the
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  • 736 7 EXPIRES FROM HEART FAILURE WHILE PLAYING POLO. Authority on Chinese Affairs. (Fbom Ooe Own Correspondent.) HongkoDg, October 29. The Hon. Warren Delabere Barnes, Colonial Secretary, Hongkong, while playing polo at Happy Valley, on Saturday afternoon, fell from his pony dead. A Naval Officer who was present
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  • 220 7 Futility of Lenient Punishment in Cocaine Cases. The report of the Administration of the Excise Department of Bengal during 1910-11 states that the total receipts for the year amounted to RlBO lakhs. The receipts nndor country spirits show an increase of 1! tj lakhs, under ganja Hi
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  • 33 7 Mr. Stanley Cooke, the nowly appointed secretary to the Royal Hongkong Dockyard, with Mrs. Cooke and family have arrived in Hongkong. Mr. Cooke was formerly secretary of the Royal Naval Dockyard at Malta.
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  • 2258 7 REQUISITIONISTS ENQUIRE AS TO POSITION. Victims of Unfortunate Reports. In consequence of a requiflition put forward by a number of shareholders, a meeting of the Indragiri (Sumatra) Rubber and Guttapercha Co., Ltd., was bold in the registered offices, Commercial Union Building, |on Saturday. Mr. O. W. M Kculemans
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  • 409 8 The Duties of the Inspectors-General Of the Forces. A memorandum has been issued from the War Office, aud published as a Parliamentary paper, defining the duties and responsibilities of the Inspectors-General of the Home and Oversea Forces. It states that the duties of the Inspector-General of the Forces
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    • 37 8 The Straits Junior Football Club met the Westminster Athletic Club in a friendly match on the lilair Ltoad ground, yesterday. The game resulted in a win for the former by two goals to one.
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    • 149 8 Singapore Golf Club. The Captain's cup competition, the conditions of which wcro nine holes match play against l>^v under handicap was played during the month of October. Members were allowed to take out any number of cards the winner to be the member who returned the four best cards.
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    • 128 8 A very appnv.iativo programme, which ii-i-i n.M'.i il for the large audience at the show !mi Saturday uight, is being put on at tho Alliamura cinematograph, and is well worth seeing. Aiming the pictures is one of Max Liudcis entitled Max Convalescent in which Urn mmmU Max is seen in
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    • 751 8 Singapore Recreation Club and RG.A. Meetings. Fortunately the heavy rainstorm early on Saturday afternoon cleared in time to enable tbe annual athletic sports of the Singapore Recreation Club to be concluded. lOn account of the sodden state of the ground the results obtained were not quite an good
      751 words
    • 98 8 The enterprising manner in which the proprietor of the Marlborougb cinematograph caters to tbe wants of the numerous patrons of that show by the provision of such splendid dramatic pictures as the Gambling Mania and Louisa Miller to supplement the usual run of comic subjects, met with good responso on
      98 words
  • 1013 8 Biirolinrd had arrived in Singapore and before arriving he had stated ho would be only too pleased if an investigation took place. Httd anything further happened? Tho chairman stated that Mr. Uurchard had never called on the directors when in Singapore. Mr. Kmcrson expressed the view that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 It was Paddy Muldoon's silver weddin', Muldoon, sor, ix one of the best But 'tis whiskey and tears they were thcddiDg, For had a cold on his chest. I li 'd pains in his feet and bis throttle, And 'tin thinner he wan than a skewer, But we saved
      60 words
    • 96 8 THERE IS A RAID ON THE MARLBOROD6H CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD, NIGHTLY. The Gambling Mania, is a picture worth seeing. THE ENTRANCE FEE i" small and well worth doable. YOU SHOULD SPECULATE on a ticket ami see this moral masterpiece THE GAMBLING MANIA. Duration over half anhour Other Interesting, E lifying
      96 words
    • 422 8 Raffles Mi Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, Nov. 4. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Salmon. The only first-class Hotel in Saigon. Every comfort. Splendid verandah, hentanrant Witb management, French kitchen and attendance as in the finest European Restaurants. Manager Q. Feraudy, late from the Grand Hotel, Paris. Saigon. Theatrical season (from October
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    • 316 8 DANCING. Miss Gomes gives private tuition in the Valse and Ballroom Dancing at "THE RETREAT, PASIR PANJANG (about 1] miles from Ktppel Harbour tram terminus). Tbe Valse, Boston, Donble Boston, Aero Valse, Two step, New Two step, One Step, Reels, Caledonians, etc. Elementary and Finifhing Lessons, Afternoon and Evening classes
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 725 9 MINIMAX FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. For home, warehouse, godown, or factory. Has extinguished 17,000 Fires. Always ready for immediate use. Sole Agents: PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. "UNDERWOOD" Typewriters. If you want thorough satisfaction buy an Underwood. Full exchange value allowed in the price for oid machines of any make. Universally First and
      725 words
    • 753 9 STEAMER BAIUNGB. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route Via Cbina, Japan, Honolulu, and San Francieoo to all Points in tbe United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. OpuPktlng the Haw 21,000 ton Triple Screw lurblne Linen Shinyo Nlaru 1 Tenjo Maru and Chin
      753 words
    • 541 9 NOTICES. STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ "NEDERLAND." NOTICE. All steamers of tbe above line, cc mtuencing with the s.b. KBMBRANDT, which leaves Singapore, on Deoember 2, will call at Southampton, both on tbe Homeward and Outward voyages. 25-10 2411 TENDERS INVITED. FEDERATED MALAY STATEB RAILWAYS. SUPPLY OF COOLIES FOR LOADING AND UNLOADING GOODS,
      541 words
    • 412 9 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders aro invited under the following heads for supplies to tho Municipality of Singapore from Ist January, 1(»12, for one year. 1. Bakau and Hiotangore Rollers, Ka-tau Stick", Flooring and Rooting Tiled, Chinese Bricks and Lime. 2. Timber. 8. Miscellam ous Article 1 4. Painter's Stores. 5.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 436 10 INSURANCE. GRE4T EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Ufflce Winchester House, INGAPORE Board of Dlraotoiwi O. A. Dki.uck, Esq., Chairman A. H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Pktih Kowlm, m.b., 0.m., Chief Med. Officer F. M Elliot, Bsq. Re». N. J. Gouvmor. Yon Pan, Esq. Ons Soon Tkk, Esq. Kii.miw
      436 words
    • 307 10 INSURANCEFEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF MUM*. BITABUSUD 1883. S.S.O. Iniuranoa in Koroe, over $45,000,000.00 New Builnasi, 1910, 0ver...M,M0,000.00 Large Nat Surplus above liabilities (or Reserve and all outstanding claims. Direct Government Supervision Caeh Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Policies are WORLD WIDB." J. H. EVANS, Manager, South Eastern Asia. THE
      307 words
    • 532 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. i INCORPORATBD BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80.000 Shares of £20 each 41,300,000 Reserve Fund £1,626,000 Reserve Liabilitrot Proprietors... £1,200.000 BANKBRS. National Bank ol Sootland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH, Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed
      532 words
    • 585 10 BANKING. THE IZE MM TOM BANKING MO INSURANCE CO.. LTD. NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STRBBT. Established 1807. Capital paid up 11,000,000.00 Reserve liabili' yof proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tick Joon 6. Sim Kia Jan 3. Nam Kirn Sink 7. Tio Hoo Lai 8. Laow Cbia Hbno
      585 words
    • 860 10 SALES BY AUCTION. auction" saleWrice, TO BE HELD AT GODOWN NO. 14, TANJONG PAGAR WHARF, On Tuesday, October 31, at 9.30 a,.m. 4,000 BAGS. SPECIAL MILL RANGOON RICE, Ex s.e. TARA, October 4 (To be sold in lots). For account of concerned. POWELL CO., Auctioneers. a«io 80.J0 H. L. GO6HLAN
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  • 872 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Models for Olympia. Preparations (or Olympia arc in full swing at the various factories, and a recent tonr of the workshops in the Midlands proved greatly interesting, says the Telegraph. Both makers of bis and small cars are going to give
    872 words
  • 179 11 The wander fever has certainly taken bold of the Hon. Charles Hedlcy Strutt, observes the Evening Standard. He has left England once more, this time for a tour round the world. His previous wanderings took him to Australia, Borneo, and India, whence he returned in the spring
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 299 11 WOLSELEY "The Car of Refinement and Reliability." For delivery in the Straits or in Europe from January to June, 1912. We strongly recommend prospective purchasers to reserve a chassis now, and the style of body and accessories required can be ordered later. Sole A fieri ts: Central Engine Works, Ld.
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    • 13 11 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, Conghs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Core.
      13 words
    • 283 11 I ON I November I, I WE WILL PUBLISH OUR I New Price List No. 8 I WHICH SHOWS I AGAIN I I A Considerable Reduction I I IN THE PKICES OF I Continental Motor Tyres. Our Tyres may be obtained from all local Garages at prices universal throughout. Continental
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 495 12 WANTS. CHINESE DRESSER WANTED. Wanted, a Chinese Drtcscr for Rubber Estato in Kolantau. Oord pay end quarters. Apply Paterson. Simons Co, Ltd. 14-10 n DISPENSERS WANTED. Wantid, two experienced Ditptnsers; inu9t bo able to rtad aud write Chinese. Apply to Mcdio.l Ha!!. 18 10 v DRESSER WANTED. WanleJ immediately, 'I
      495 words
    • 510 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. BIRDS OF PARADIBE FOR BALE. Apply, Morauz k Co., 19, 20, Boat Quay. 81-7 o PIANO PLAYER FOR SALE. The ADLielui," with about 70 Rolls, in gcod order. Apply Z., c/o Straits Times. 19 10 o TURNOUT FOR SALE. A Calcutta-built Lady's buggy and Chestnut gelding, 6
      510 words
    • 406 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. With immediate entry, fi at and second floors, No. la, Raffles Quay Apply Onthrie k Co., Ltd. 1-4 a HOUBE TO LET. No. 44, Anson Road, to let. Apply Nathan and Son, Change Alley. 168 n 60D0WN8 TO BE LET. Nos. 18,
      406 words
    • 650 12 NOTICESGOVERNMENT NOTIGE. Applications will be received at the Master Attendant's Office up to tbe 4th November, 1911, for tbe poet cf Light Keeper at I.abuaa. Salary 1480-600 by two annual increments of 960 per annum, with an allowance of 1120 per annum for rations, and free ciothing. Applications to be
      650 words
    • 702 12 NOTICES. KMM KIAT A GO. ship-chandlers. llWflM it tad Municipal Contractor* Telephone No. 431. 106 k 100, Market Street. TENDERB INVITED. Tinders are invited for the eupply of Engineering materials required by Sarawak Government for the year 1912. Full particulars can be obtained on application to Meesrs. Patereon, Simons A
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 229 12 Straits Wimes. AD?KKTISEMENT RAlßS.— Miscell&uj ova wants of every description aro insert ed at ths prepaid ratu of II per four lines for one or two insortions. Notices of Births, Mairinges, or Deathe, if not exceeding foor licea, II eacb inscrticn, Kor p.p o. o»rd°, on pago 0, 1?, Inch
      229 words