The Straits Times, 21 July 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.623 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JULY 21. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 302 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky rue best Cox's Air Gas Lighting System THE CHEAPEST LIGHT ON EARTH. COX'S AIR GAS MACHINE. f*~"*l Short Description. l^S^llfc I L— I L^Stv Cox's Air Gas Machine is an entirely m !f-contained plant IjßjZ ({•noratiux in itself a Petrol Gas in proportion of about 1J
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    • 81 1 Robinson A Co. jttst tjit:fa.cic:e:d: t KODAK "N.C." FILMS. "KODAK" PLATE CAMERAS. BRITISH MADE ENSIGN CAMERAS. Plate and Postcard Sizes. Latest Models. *rSS^ POPULAR PRIDES. Cameras fitted with "ENSIGN" ANASTIGMAT LENSES. ||pSttfl7 "ALOIS" ANASTIGMAT LENSES. tjfkJ' RAPID RECTILINEAR LENSES. Robinson Co. FFcESH ENGLISH PHEASANTS j. CROWTHER SHAW. GROUSE Merchant Tailor
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  • 751 2 ROMANTIC SCENES IN MINING CAMP. Exhaustive Search. Scenet) closely resemblinK those of the New World in the days of the gold rush are being enacted in n quiet strath amid the wild moors of Sutherland. From a dream of the imagination Kildonian goldfields have now become an actual
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  • 350 2 The Process of Rendering It Waterproof. Silk of vaiiouH qualities, weights, and colours i"i ins the base of the manufacture of rubberised silk, and in some instances it constitutes the largest item of cost. Another trade name for this product is waterproofed silk. Itiiblic ris the waterpi oofiny
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 'KEPLER' SOLUTION NURSING MOTHERS y^sa^A r 1 Krplcr Solution derive great benefit from this y T^-.W'l| delicious tonic food. fc \r I o I L HJ WH^Wi Kfl Kepler bolution sustains the hmtViikUT strength and builds up the f&Ms%&* I body. vSss.2s r£S£ H It increases and enriches the I
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    • 259 2 KELLY AND WALSH, LTD. READY EARLY IN AUGUST) Tho New Map OF THE WHOLE OF THK Malay Peninsula SIZE 6 FEET X 4 FEET, SCALE 8 MILES TO 1 INCH. Price in sheets $6.00 Price mounted on Canvas and folded for pocket 9 OO Price mounted on Canvas and rollers
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    • 276 2 THE CONTINENTAL STAMP CO. NO. 84, NORTH BRIDOE ROAD, SINGAPORE. Juat Prepared PACKETS of ASIATIC STAMPS No. 1 cont. 100 Asiatic Stamps at 2/6 p. pkt. 2 200 4/8 „8 800 4 400 Ul- 8 600 15/ Rate of exchange is 2/4=91. We guarantee all oar ptamp? aro genuine, in
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  • 1417 3 AN OBJECT LESSON FROM NEW ZEALAND. Scientific Reformation. A striking personality in colonial public lifo is the Hon. Dr. J. O. Findlay, AttorneyGeneral .nd Minister of Ju.stico for New l Zealand, who has been in England with the > l'riinc Minister of New Zealand attending the Imperial Conference.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 534 3 New Grocers' PROVISION STORE 169, Orchard Road, 169, OPPOSITE OXLEY ROAD. All kinds of tinned provisions and Household Stores always In Stock. Monthly accounts allowed. SEHNA MOHAMED KASSIM. 84a 7412 PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE Developing and Printing. JUST ARRIVED: Wellington's Plates Films. KONG HISB GHIONB k GO. NO 104. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD.
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    • 99 3 VICTORIA HOTEL, VICTORIA STREET. CONCERT EVERY NIGHT. First -clans String Rand, comroßed of ladien and gentlt men. Only best liquors served. Electric lights and lans. Sole Proprietor, L. HACK MEIER. 18-7 17-8 h£* A mar**— ga IRON SAFES. Suitable for Plantations, Accountants. Secretaries, lDtor»nrc Offices and Private Residences. »200, f
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    • 55 3 The Up-to-Date Woman. The woman of to-day who lias good health, good temper, good sense, bright eyes and a lovely complexion, the result of correct living and good digestion, wins the admiration of the world. If your digestion is faulty Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct it. For sale
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    • 135 3 [The REGISTERED TRADE MARK of JILMilkmaid! Full Cream Milk *3SE/£j( IS TUE HALL-MARK OF '^^M PERB^ECT PURITY $n Jw' < HB n^ C uarar| t ce °f i'^hest Qualify. V]^§.^il UNTOUCHED CV HAND. The Original and Best. L LARGEST SALI£ IN THE WORLD. J Sold by all Druggists principal Provision
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 604 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. KOit CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN, PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Throng). Bills of Lading issued for China Coast. Persian Gulf, Continental, and Ami rioan Ports. Straincrx will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1011 I
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    • 560 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been opeoially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 647 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE SIAM STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LD. EAST COAST SERVICE. For Pabang, Bnrserah, Tringganu, Bisut, Semerak, Bacho, Kelantan, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, Patani, Singora, Lacon, Kobsamui, Bandon, Laogsuan, Cliumpon Taku, Koblak and Bangkok. Duo Departure 8 p.m. REDANO July 20 July S3 Mi YUGALA July 34 July 36 •.s. BORIBAT
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    • 520 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND DEUTSCHE MMPfSCHIFrFAHRTSCES. HANS* BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg BromeD Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homeward", tbey are despatched fortoigbtly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct,
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    • 664 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Horddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well known mall steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen. Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sootbamp ton, Gibraltar Oenoa, Naples (oonnoctina Marseilles, N plea, Alexandria, and vice versa! Port Said, Snez, Aden Colombo, Penang, Singapore.
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  • 130 5 FIXTURES. Priday, July ai. Hish Water, 5 29 a.m.. 6.81 p.m LasjWatrw Council, 2.30 p.m. Municipal C'>rami»«ion, 8 p.m. Sp. cial Sjrvicfß, Middle HI. Church, 8 p.m. Saturday, July aa. Binh Water, 7.16 am 6.32 p.m. R. I oatward 111 vi due. Special Strvicon, Middle Rd. Church
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  • 296 5 To-DAT. Anamba and Natuna Islunds Valentyn 8 pm Batu Pahat Sii Wougiee 8 pm Port s welt! nham and Tclok Auson Selangor 8 pm Malacca and Muar Lady Weld Bpm Pulau Lint, 1! ibaul and Htrbertst'i he Komet 8 pm I' Si'iihau, Siugkawang and l',i:i- 1 411..U
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  • 160 5 The IS I. co itract packet str. Thocgna hiving left Pi oaoi; at 8 p m yesterday, ui4y be expoctcd to arrive here to morrow morning. The M. M. company's Ftoamer Toirane having lett Colombo at 10 a.m. on the 19:h in»:aat. may b cxrec'ed to arrive
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  • 382 5 Latest Arrivals. Ajax, Brit. str. 1177 ton*, Captain Owrn, Jaly 19 From Liverpxil, Juno 17. (i.e. W. M msti.-iJ 4 Co. For China, Jaly 21. Wharf. If in Fo S 1 in. Oat. otr. 212 tnnn, Capt tin OJmk.jLily 20. From Snub**, July 18 G.c. ami 71 d.p.
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  • 104 5 Wharve* at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TVNJONG PAGAR East Wharf Basw— Persk. East W.Siction No. I— Chilks,,Chew. Shiibs Wharf— Ardarmnre. Main W. Sict. No 2— C Apc»r, Mini ris. B— Vao Ncort. 4— Nil. 6 Phrsnans. Bosch. 6 Ajax.Cilyp'O. Van den
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  • 203 5 Expected to Arrive. Dm P. and O. steam-r Mongolia, connrc'ing with the Bteamer D vinha at Colombo, dmJnly Mr and Mrs E C Ward, Mr L S Wvadd, Mr T C Curry, Mr and Mrs F M Elliott. Mr and Mrs Ward, Mr and Mrs M W
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  • 229 5 Finance Commerce, XCHANQK. SlNOAPORl, JDLT 21, 1911. On Lohdoh— Bank 4 m/a 2/4 J Domand 2/4^ Private 8 m/l 2/4 j do 8m/i 3/41 On GiiMiMi— Bank d/d 288J Private 8 m/i 342* On FsiKoi-Bank d/d 294J Private S m/s M 200 Oh iKDiA-Bank T. T. 174| Private 80d/s m,
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    • 166 5 :ssne 12 10 10 Belat Tto 10 10 Braanft 10 10 BruHeh Hyo 10 10 Kanaboi El £1 Kinta Tin El £1 KledanfjTit El £1 Labat Mine* 10 10 Malacca Tin >/. 6/- Pahang Consoi El £1 Penskalen Bl £1 Puuor Babro £1 £1 Pueing Lams 10 10 Rahman
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    • 588 5 ißsue 5 Value Buyers Sellers 3/- 2/- Allagai 8/10 4 2 2/. 2/- Anglo Maiaj 17/4} 18/1+ 2/. 21. Batang Malaka 3/1 2,6 41 £1 Bato Caves 11.10.0 12.10.0 £1 £1 Bato Ti«a 8.118 817 6 £1 £1 Bnkit Kajang 1.18.8 2.0.0 £1 £1 Bnkit Lintang 8.15.0 4.0.0 2/-
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    • 121 5 Iwue 2 Value if Buyers 10 10 Barters Smeltiun 10 7 £1 £1 Bluotrio Tramway* 8/8 10 10 Fraser k Noave 42 CO 100 Howarth Erakioe 100 7% Pret. 100 100 Kat» Bro. Ort. 100 100 8% Caw. Pret. 10 10 Maynard Co. 37.00 Seller* note 10.0 C 7.0
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    • 46 5 Buyers Bellrrt Spore Municipal 4|% of 19 7 «1,800,000 0% 7%pn Spore Mnoicipal 4J 0f19C9 11.000,000 6% 7%pn Spore Municipal 4% tSOa.MO pa> Buyers Sellers Howsrth Brskine 8% 1800,000 par Riley, Hargreaves 8% t284,000 Singapore Electrio Trau>wayß6% XBSO.OOO w S'poro Municipal S 11,878 000 nom.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 For all intornal cainplainto, Dysontery Coughs, Coldß, etc, take Woods' Groat Peppermint Cnro.
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    • 299 5 4UCTION S4LES Powell and Co Jnly 25— At RAltronm, valuable freehold building allotments, situate at Rodyk Street and Vanaon Koal, at 2.80. July 25— At oa'eroom, valuable 99 and 999 ytarx' leasehold propert'ei. at 2.40. July 28 At saleroom, freehold residential property, konwn as Linglands, No 112, Rivr V.lley ll>«d,
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    • 310 5 Hrdatl) London CIGARETTES. Out of 1,000 lbs. weight of the finest tobacco, only some 120 lbs. is good enough for the manufacture of State Express" Jsj| 1& Cigarette*. 1^ j oh cXI I IbM K3#^ MANHOOD. 9. Nk_\ *> nai *^ff The GOLFER «'<>». »o6icc» cyg t ia if bis
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    • 146 5 HIGH-CLASS Telephone No. 818. UNDERTAKING. «3, Prln M p Street, Singapore. MR. ALBERT L. A DALEY Bega to inform the pnblio that the kind patronage ftooordod bim dnring the pass few years, has made it necessary lor bim to aoqnire another new Rubbertyred Hearse, which surpasses all others in the
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  • 1060 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, JULY 21. MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN. Wo are publishing to-day a letter from a cultured and able, though not a wealthy, member of the local Chinese community. It describes a night ho spent in the native ward at the infectious hospital, and we have every reason
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  • 11 6 Tho next Philharmonic Orchestral practice will be held on Tuesday afternoon.
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  • 22 6 The Gackwar of Baroda has invited a number of Morris dancers from Berkshire to go to Baroda and introduce the dances there.
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  • 32 6 A telegram to Batavia from the general manager of tho Kcdjang Lcbong mines gives the output for Juno as f0110w5:— 5,287 oz. gold and 31,072 oz. silver, valued together at about f.U00.000.
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  • 45 6 The Pcrak Pioneer hears that a planter of the I'arit liuntar district has been arrested by the polico on a chargo of shooting a liongaii watchman, and was detained at the I 'm it Huutar Host House on Sunday ni^hi under an armed polico guard.
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  • 18 6 Lord Curzon lias issued an appral for 100,000 to provide for new premises for the Royal Geographical Society.
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  • 26 6 The outpnt of tin ore from Rruans, i limited, for the month of June was 45.7"> liculs The scarcity of water is still being soverely felt.
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  • 27 6 Three Chinese, living at 10. K&llang Itond liave Ik -I n arresUxl by Dotictive Inspector I'aylor for being in possession of counterfeit coin and instruments for counterfeiting.
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  • 38 6 Tho following aro tho returns of the Scr>ndah Hydraulic Tin Mining Co.. Ltd., for lune:— Output pis. HO.H9, value $:i,978.4r>, Landak ore Sl'.'i, working aXMSJOM 13,784.39, profit 8967.17. New faces being opened up accounts for the small output.
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  • 56 6 A sense of proportion is a handy thing and it takes a very well trained faculty to com prchend tho nicety of allowing hail of ?•'•< •> to a man charged with robbery of v tin of Three Castles Cigarettes value H8 cents I'lii- case in point came up in
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  • 47 6 Apropos the recent article in these lolumns regarding the carelessness of the authorities in allowing a asOOOSpOOOd body to remain where it was found, at Koßpd Harbour, for 17 hours after notification, we understand that the acting Colonial Secre try lias been making inquiries into the facts.
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  • 52 6 Six hundred thousand rubber seeds were sent to Trinidad by the Su|>erintcndeiit of Government Plantations, F.M.S., last year md two hundred thousand rubber seeds to Mr. B. O. Stoney, Labuan. Requests were received from Trinidad and Java for 1.000,000 and 100,000 rubber seeds, respectively, aud the order was completed early
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  • 68 6 The Rev. Father Chevaunche, of Perak, is confined to his bed owing to a rather serious bicycle accident he met with a few days igo. He was returning rather rapidly from Kota lioad. and when passing Mr. (ioldham's house at Klian Pau, some dogs made a rush at him. causing
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  • 67 6 A London wire to Colombo states that tho Kubbcr Share Trust and Finance Company. Limited, have made a profit for the year of 90^00. No dividend is dpcl.irtd, all the prolit lieing carried forv.iird owing to the In i\ v di'iut ii ition iii securities amounting to £*****0 sterling. This
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  • 74 6 The native element ap|K>ar to be taking tho keenest inteiest in the gang robbery ease now being heard at the AssiaCS, before the Mtaajl Chsal Justice. Sir Archibald Law. The court was crowded this morning as l\ issim Ali, Mohamcd. Ang ISoon Seng aud Mingu stootl in the dock listening
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  • 72 6 Tlie following estates in Perak now maintain hospitals: Ayr Tiiwiih. I! igan Datoh, Brieh, Chenior, Columbia, Changkat Sal il;. Cicely, (ietloiii. 1 Gula, Gapix, Iliilileu Streams, .liv lleng. Jong Lui' lor. .Tendai itta. Kal'imiMiu Kamuning. Nova Scoti i. I'ling. It- g.llla. ltubaiia. Sabrang. Sengat. S'fi^ei Ki'iid'li, Sii'igei Wiingie. Srliha. Stia'hiuasiiic.
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  • 87 6 The annual aaaeral inimlliin ill the Young M- ii s r.i ii'-viilent Society will hoM m Friday, July H, at 7.30 p.m., at 6-4 Beaoh lend. The praneilt OOmniittee consists of the following gentlemen Mr. Chew Wool Pah (president', Mr. Chia Clung King (vice pivsidenti, Mr. Choo I. ye Yew
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  • 98 6 A tire that threatened serious damage to property, and possibly to life, broke out on Wednesday evening about 5. :i0 iv the general store of Chin Huat Hin, 6, Upper Circular Koad. The outbreak occurred immediately above a room where, at the time, were stored over 200 cases of benzine.
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  • 132 6 That surreptitious cock-fighting still goes on in Sing;i|)oro is proved by the 008 ismnal hearing in the police court of prosecutions on that score. Olio such case was heard by Mr. Maundrell, third magistrate, to day- The deft ud. mt MM a Chinaman living iv Inn ring BtnaL A Malay
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  • 159 6 News of a tragic affair at Gedong coined from Ipoh. It is stated that Mr. Hrooksbunk, a European employee of Messrs. Hiley. liargreaves aud Co., employed in building a bridge on Gedong estate, struck and ki.led a Sikh after a quarrel. News of the occurrence which has reached Penang is
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  • 382 6 Tho Bishop of Calcutta, speaking from tho pulpit in Calcutta, saiil he hoped to return to India on tho conclusion of his medical leave. General Sir John French has boon appointed Aide tie Camp (ieniral to King (ieorge, vice (ieneiiil Sir William Ni who vacates the
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  • 93 6 The Rubber (irowers' Assnciiition, at a banipjct in London on.lulv 7. presented Mr. Henry Witkliiiin with an address, a chetiuo for a thousand guineas and an annuity in recognition of his introduction of I'ura rubber into Ceylon. Sir John Anderson, whi was amoug the guests, iv promising
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  • 212 6 The Sungei liaia tin linne-i report a tMd of U tnn~ s ,-wt. for May, as a remit oi i;ti.) hi mis' sliining sivs ii mitt in the llulboarne Aigus of .Itiue l!l. This return, it is Stated, shows a dear prodtol over JCl,OUO, equivalent to
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  • 321 6 The valuation of the jewels of the lato Bam van ISenie/ky ami his wife) iliMwneil ill IBM wreck of llie La S, ■yni took \iUrr (in the Itli. r>th and titli inst., at tho building of the Java Bank, Baiavia, in tbe piwnreof the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 66 6 W. D. «&H.O. WILLS'S Sweet (Sdestnut THE LATEST CUT PLUG TOBACCO In Jib. Airtight Tins PRICE PER TIN 9O cents. Obta.ina.ble from t Messrs. JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. Messrs. ROBINSON COMPANY. WALKER'S BLACK J SCOTCH LABEL WHISKY. SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. Plague Cholera Typhoid Small-pox, Etc. PREVENTED By
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    • 229 6 ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME AT THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Extraordinary Number of Pathe'B Animated Gazette New ill mi Edition. Interesting Investiture of The Prince of Wales at Windsor Castle. The Cliampiou Prize Fighter Jack Johnson surrounded by a crowd in London. Colonial contingents leaving the Horse Show. Their
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  • 310 7 DEBATE ON THE PARLIAMENT BILL. Third Reading Passed Without Dividing. Riutkh's Tklkoram. London, via Durban, July 20. The House of Lords was thronged witli peeresses. ili|>l»inats and distinguished. Colo nials and Indians in pMaresqM attire when I, .id Mmley moved the third reading of tho Parliament
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  • 220 7 GREAT PREPARATIONS AGAINST THE EX-SHAH. Protests Against Russian Neglect. Rel-tkii's Tkleokam. London, July J't. A Teheran menage says the' MejliMhai empowered the Gjvernmwit to proclaim rigorom martial law. An expedition s'irts forthwith agiins" th c-Shah, oonaisting of liv, hundred BakhtiarU, five hundred retorm 1 c ivih-v. an I
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  • 105 7 MORE DETAILS OF IMPERIAL SCHEME. Rights of Dissenting Judges. ItKCTKIt's TkLKHKAM. London, via Durban, July '20. A Blucbook siuiiiinu ises the proposals for un ImiH'iial Court of Ap|*al to which the Imperial Conference agreeil. It is |iio|h>s 'i| to eombinc the House of Lords and the Judicial
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  • 49 7 France Asked to Surrender Valuable Territory. Rioter's Teleoram. London, July 20. The Times understands that Germany lem mds complete cession of the coast and interior of tho French Congo up to Sanga Kivor, including Libreville and Loango, anil also France's rights of preemption in tho Cemgo State.
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  • 48 7 Kicthr's Tklroram. London, via Durban. July 20. The Australian Antarctic expedition ship, \nrora, leaves Lonelon on Tuesday and calls nt Capetown, thence sailing to Hobart where she embarks the' leader. Dr. Mawson, and his statT. She carries a monoplane which is now being tested at Brooklauds.
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  • 36 7 Dbr Ustasiatischk Lloyd Tklkoram. Berlin. July 20. At Iriindi. in German Kast Africa, caravans (if native traders have' been plundered and slaughtered. Energetic measures have been taken and uo serious trouble is anticipated.
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  • 86 7 Rioter's Telrorah. London via Durban, July 20. At Bislcy, a Scotsman and a Welshman with 69 each have tieel for first in the Alexandra. Irvine of Tieutsiu with CS is third. For the Keilap:>re Cup the sceiresare: England anel Canaela 7M, South Africa and Guernsey 7!!, New ilandT23,
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  • 41 7 Dkr Ostasiatiscue Lloyd Tklkoram. Berlin. July M i. t th it. bM led by uu officer named FraukeulxTg. a Gorman pitrol party in NgamUand (Sosfh W,-,t AMoa) has been .'anghtered is o!li i illy uncontirmed. Invcsi;gatious are being maele.
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  • 34 7 Der Ostasiatische Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, July -0. The situition in Mexico is straiueJ and f >rcigners are demanding the protection of life auel property. It is said that America intends to intervene.
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  • 21 7 H kit Kit's Tklk.;i:\m. London, July 21. Lord Kit 'lie uer gi:s to Egypt at the end of September.
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  • 154 7 (From Ocr Own Cokhkspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. July 20. The wedding took place yesterday at St. Marks Church, of Mr. H.C.M. Kiuekrsley. foii of Capt. H.W.C. Kiudersley, late 29th I!eg;. inent, to Miss Collis, elder daughter of the late- Major-General Collis. i briele was given away by
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  • 36 7 (Kbom a Malacca Corrkspondrnt.) Malacca, July 21 Information has been received by Malacc <übber Plantations, Limited, that the prirf fine Para in London yesterday was 4/0 jer lb., value. The uiarkot closed steady.
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  • 106 7 A young Malay was brougl'' before Mr. Maunilull, third magistrate, today, on a charge of theft of a purse containing 8 1.10 from the person of a native engineer belonging to Klang. The complaiuaut was upproached by accused on tho csplanaelc yistinlaj 'evening and in auswerto his pleading, he paid
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  • 989 7 THE ALLEGED TAMPERING WITH $7,500 CHEQUE. Curious Statements in Court. In the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Justice Fisher continued the heariug of the action brought by tho Jimah Rubber Estate against the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation iv respect of the alleged conversion of a 87,50
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  • 72 7 The following properties were sold at Messrs 11. L. Coghlau and Co.'s salerooms on ;;<i.lal.ui Bcsar, shop-house, 099 ycais leasehold, quit rent *1, area 1,56n *j. ft., monthly reut 1 20, bought by Mr. .1. A. Klias, for 82,750. SS, Kobiusou Koad, statutory grant No. 11l 10,
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  • 1083 7 HORRIBLE NlfiHT IN A NATIVE WARD. Educated Chinaman's Disgusting Experience. To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,— ln April last year I had the misfortune to become an inmate of the Isolation Hospital, Balcstier Hold. My ex|>crieiicc of a night's stay in the native ward was
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  • 56 7 Tho Women's Imperial Health Congress was opened in London on July 0. It is pro posed to begin work in India this year in the direction of influencing women to induce uatives to accept sanitary administration. Several Indian gentlemen partici[>atcd in tin discussion, docluriug that compulsory edOM tion was the
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  • 424 7 The Australian Dash for the South Pole. Dr. Mawson, whose expedition is to leave Kngland on Tuesday ne'.xt, en route for the South Pole', is himself in Australia. H. will join tho ship at Hobart. The e\|x'elitioii is expected to be absent about two years, and
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  • 350 7 Belated Action Against Apcar Boat At Hongkong. Considerable comment has been aroiiseel in shipping cire-les in Hongkong at the action of the a'ltheiriti' s in putting the steamer atherinc Ajicar in q:i v. inline under unmual, anel, it is omtawtod, hmmommtj circumstances, states the China Mail of June
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  • 252 7 Particulars have reached the HHM (la/ette of a narrow esca|>c from death experienced by Messrs. W. M. Dodds. acting Superintendent Kngineer, PeMM Sugar Kstates Co., Ltd.. and .1. S. WHOM, el tlowarth, Krskinc, Ltd., Pcnang. who were last Friday involved iv a motor ear aci i
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  • 65 7 Since January last the commanders of vessels calling in Madras have been asked their opinion on the recent improvements to the harbour. Their replies indicate tliut nautical opinion is uuaniiuously favourable to the change, in the position of the entrance from i ;i-t to north, and sugegestieins aro Hindi 1
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  • 105 7 SPANISH GOVERNMENT MAKES APOLOGIES. Offending Soldiers Punished. Rrdtkr's Tklcukkm. London via Durban, July 20. A Paris message says (be Spanish Ambas *ador has calleel on M. de BerfM anel express eel re'gri't for the- Ale-.i/ar in, i, lent. 11, <aid the' Spanish iovi'rnine nt MM auxieius for corelial
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  • 99 7 LABOURITE OPPOSITION TO MR. LLOYD GEORGE. All Night Sitting Necessary. Rkutk.h's TmVMUK l.oiidem, via Durban. July M Clause' ten e>f the' Insiiranee Hill wan aelojited last night after a narrow elivision. Mr. Lloyd (ii'orge refused to bind, I the Tivasiiry by MMMMM d, aiaU em all sides
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  • 31 7 BMmft'i liumuh, Loll, lmi. via Durban, July '20. In the Uf«paol Cup ran-, RatbiM wa» ridden by Crisj). Insiele' tin- ilistance, Dalna Crag took eoiumand anel won easily-
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  • 27 7 Redtkr's Trlrdram. London, via Durban, July 20. Six thousand nun IMMMSMg all grades of workers at Cardiff docks havo struck in sympathy with the scameii.
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  • 28 7 R.utkr'h Tklr,,haji. London, via Durban, July 20. Tho Chief lUbbi't) funeral took place, at Willesden and was a simple', MJNMrM service. Tho King was roprcscute.el.
    28 words
  • 292 7 DEBATE ON THE FISCAL POLICY QUESTION. Mr. Harcourt on Goinjj Too Far. Rkutrk's Telkoram. Loneleni, via Durban, July 21. In the He>uso of I 'ominous. aWteg dMM> sion of the' Colonial c stimates, Mr. Lytteltoa said that npirt from the discussion of foiei^n alfairs the ri'sults eif the'
    292 words

    • 54 8 team known as the Arcadians have em. ml for the Singapore Football League. The i V.i Shooting Club's monthly handicap will take place on Saturday, at SJK) p.m., Tbe Swimming t'lub launch on MM leave, at 7. 0, 10, UO, and ÜBQ, returning at (180,080,
      54 words
    • 19 8 S.C.C. Tournament. The following tio will be played on Mon-day:-Champions-hip. Hay V. Archdeacon I /.a 1. 1.
      19 words
    • 57 8 1..1.. T.C. Tournament. The n suit of plsf iv the Ladies' Lawn Tennta Club tournament, last evening, was as I'.llov C'iMMiiosMiii' I'mks. Miss (Jtinn and Mr. Mis. Mayson aud Mr. Carr, 6— 4, I '2. Lamiks' DoubLM Handicap.— Mrs. Sanderson ami Mrs. llaskms best Miss Carver and
      57 words
    • 287 8 Singapore Cup Competition. A hip emu, l MMBSM oil 'lie S.C.C. portion e.f tlie Kspliimi.le, ye-i, nl.iy, to witness lln- replay ill the football tio between the. llulTs II ami the Wanderers, and the ■mm ".is :i keenly ooartestei one. The ran, the MMD with the less
      287 words
  • 637 8 Details of a New Johore Estate Flotation. Farther dsteili of the Bum! Hangar (Mil, iv. llnlilxr CotOfMiy, Limited, show that li baabaea farmed, with a capital of £70j000 in XI fliarcs, with the object more particularly ot acquiring the Soagai Dtaai Estate, oooaMiaa oi 2/MOaerea, ttkmkmim the
    637 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 332 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l venture to appeal to the wide circulation of your paper in support of a subject which though of passing interest to many is of much importance to uot a few, I refer to the maintenance and upkeep of the
      332 words
    • 365 8 To the Editor of the Stra'.U Times. Sir. -The hi^h ratio of mortality of Singapore during the !;t>t \vuik i> euongh to make every man s hair staud on its en<l. Keyond j oiling a few pools where larvae are Mm ing and dumping on some low
      365 words
  • 232 8 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. Messrs. Fraser and Co's weekly share circular dated 19th iust., states The marked improvement in shares to which wo referred in our last circular was only temporary aud the market has once more assumed a very dull tone, business iv rubbers
    232 words
  • 782 8 Prices Quoted in tbe Market This Morning. Singapore, July 21, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Norn. Value. Buyers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 8/10* 4/4* 2/. Option* 1/9 2,6 £1 Anglo- Java 4/8 6,9 1 Anglo-Johore 9/-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 40 8 A nation of bailors, Uur country libs brrd Some would r*tb< r have ug Ail parHons iuhiead. Tho' both art all tight In H.eir placn th. r. no donbt, Give v- W o,i-' Peppermint Cuie Win n colds are about.
      40 words
    • 44 8 Best Treatment for Whooping Cough. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has been used in many epidemics of tins disease with perfect success. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      44 words
    • 602 8 SYour Rusty Ironwork RUSKILLA OR-RUSTP To arrest tbe oxidation tbat is gradually eating into the metal, a rcliablo and durable coloring ie imperative. Atlaa RUSKILLA is a deoxidising paint which ants on existing runt with certain tU.ct. '1 be rus» destroying 1 1. n-eots in Allan liUSKILLA penetrate to the
      602 words
    • 400 8 Raffles sH^I Hotel. SKATING Saturday, Jufy 22. at 9.45 p.m. MUSIC BY THE PARISIAN TRIO. PENANG TURF CLUB. GALLOWAY EX-GRIFFIN RACES. GENTLEMEN RIDERS. Race 8 First Pay. 8 Second D*y. 8 Third Day. NOTICB i« eivpn tb»t in confrqneocn M less than 6 entries having been reoivd |a> tbe abovp-named
      400 words
    • 251 8 NOW ON SALE. DOLLAR SHAREVALUES DIVIDEND PROSPECTS or thi LEADINO DOLLAR COMPANIES FULLY WORKED OUT BY TBH STRAITS TIMES CRITIC. This most convtnient band book it now on sale. It in tbe most complete and most careful analysis ever made of tho position and prospects of the Dollar Share Companies
      251 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 135 9 FUSSELL'S Milk Cream. Butterfly Brands, Sole Agents Paterson, Simons Company, Ltd. FOR SALE. ROBBER AND COFFEE PLANT*. About (CO 000 Robber plants from 21 to 3" eirth tnd about *****0 CoS<e plants. BAN HO CbUM, No. 105. M»in Road, Tuipirg. 6-6 8 8 1 j Wr V "^^■■k^^iHßii^Bfliii^Bi^BHH^Blß^^Hß^H^^^^H^HHHElE^HHEHi^ElE^Bft^H A^^MSHH^HHr^Bp^^HßH^^^^^^^^^^K^^^^^^H^^HHHHH^^^H^^^^^^^M PUB
      135 words
    • 27 9 FIRE WORKS Obtainable. All kinds of FIREWORKS suitable for Festivities. Tbe best and cheapest. Addrots L. F. GORS, Mangga Besar, BaUvia. Ttl. Addre^ Lecgors, Batavia 11-8 o
      27 words
    • 287 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. IYI. M. MESSAGERIES MARITIME* Mail Line. COB OHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, ADEN, EGYPT AND MARSEILLES. OCTWABD HoUrWABD 1011 1911 Tonrane July 28 I Dumbea July 24 Polynesien Aog 7I A. Bebio Aog 7 Caledonieo Aog 21 Yarra Aog 21 Sydney Sept 4 Tonrane Sept 4 Conkio S pt 18
      287 words
      304 words
    • 187 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. 80CIETA NA2IONALE Dl BERVIZI MARITTIMI. FOR BONOKONG. Tbe Italian steamer ISCHI V, 4.200 tons, Captain Belsito, having left Bombay on the 16tb instant, is expected to arrive bert oo the 28th July, and will have prompt I despatch for tbe above port. For freight and passage, apply to
      187 words
    • 263 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. TURNOUT FOR SALE. Complete turnout for sale, oonsifitiug of an Auatialian cob, liarcess and I'alamjniu with lampp. Price »87f. Apply H.11.C, cft> Straits Times. li-7 25-7 FOR SALE Well-grown stumps for saio. Manager, Bhafkfeton Estaim, Kapar, Seiaogor. 15-7 ai -7 TURNOUT FOR SALE. Smart rubbcr-tyrid ralanquin with
      263 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 732 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASBURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. KdTiBLISHID 1882. 8.8.0. Iniuranoa in Force, over $35,M0,000.00 New Bußinesa, 1910, 0vir...W,540,000.00 Large Net Supplua above liabilities for R Mervo and all outstanding claims. Direct Government Supervision Cash Loanß, Settlements, etc, made locally. Policies aro WORLD WIDE." J. H. EVANS, Manager, Sooth Eastern
      732 words
    • 519 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 00,000 Shares of £20 each 41,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,625,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200.000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORB BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed
      519 words
    • 807 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TONO BANKING AND INSURANCE 00.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68. KLING STRBBT. Established IM7. Capital paid op 91,000,000.00 Reserve liability of propriot »s 1 ,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tboe Joon S. Sim Kia Jam 2. Nam Kirn Sbno 7. Tbo Hoo Lai 8. Lbow
      807 words
    • 757 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF Excellent Household Furniture, Etc., AT NO. 20, SI'OTTISWOODK I'AKK ROAD, On Saturday, July 29, at 2 p.m. Europe-made round table fitted on bians canton- buntwood settees carved teak and ral'an standard chairs rattan fin niturc, etc. Handhomcly poli-bcd liaidwood ■Muboard oveimatitel with mirror panuls
      757 words
    • 368 10 Canadian Pacific Railway Co.'s Royal Mail Steamship Line. THB NATIONAL HIGH WaY TO EUROPE Via Cbina. Japan. Canada and tbb Unitbd Statbs. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nngaßaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Empress of India" j Twin screw R.M.S." Empress of Japan" R.M.S. Empress
      368 words

  • 851 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A Journey Through Shantung. The Hooter writes to the Shanghai Times Motoring in China is not by auy means such an impossibility as it is generally said to be. In fact, in ccrtaiu provinces it is nowa days quite feasiblo for
    851 words
  • 180 11 Kmployeil as saleswoman in a boot and shoe shop in the small town of Kisujszallan, iv Hungary. Fraulein Wardyss, a poor girl, lias just inherited a fortune of £26,000 in extraordinary rircuuistanccH. Hen- Cioney, an cklerly bachelor, was among the customers of the shop, and expressed indig
    180 words
  • 308 11 A New Scientific Remedy. Only those who have suffered from Anuumia can have any idea of the feeling of weakness, lassitude and inability to undergo exertion, whether mental or physical, which this con- .lition induces. As everyone knows, it is due to a deficiency of iron
    308 words
  • 164 11 Say 1 will get rid of this Rhemnatiem— l mill stop this terrib'e pain— l will bo well arid strong, able to woik and able to enjoy life." Then go to the nearest Cbemist or .M ■liirinf Vendor and a-k for a bottlo of Little s Oriental
    164 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 320 11 Bole Agencies CENTRAL nan WOLSELEY IT Mfl I MIT METALLURGIQUE ML/IS \J 1 1^1 MLt ARROL-JOHNSTON MINERVA. \^OJ^KS MARINE MOTORS KELVIN LIMITED. G S R WOLSELEY. STAR CARS Win the X) H.P. Standard Class Race at Brooklands at an average speed of 56.247 miles per hour. Distance 27? miles, time
      320 words
    • 14 11 Woods (ma-. Pcpivrm nt Cue for all intern il compUints. Dygenwry, Coughs, Golds, eto.
      14 words
    • 610 11 I STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY GO. Tbe New Route Via China, Japac, Honolulu, and Shu Francisco I > all Points in (be United Statos, Caaada, Mexico, and Operating the New 21,000 ton Triple Screw Turbine Liners "Tonyo Wlaru and Chljt Maru," the
      610 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 548 12 DRAINPIPES RANEEOUNGE," Sizes from 3" to 24" are Stocked ALSO BULL-NOSED BRICKS. THE STRONGEST IN THE MARKET. SHARPE. ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. DRAUCHTSMEN WANTED. Wanted for Briiiib North Borneo, two Good Drarii{ht»mPE. Apply by letter to Outbrc A Co., Ltd. tl-7 a COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS TAU6HT. Yo'jii<j men am trained fo'
      548 words
    • 398 12 WANTS. HOUSE WANTED. Wanted, fnrnished or unturrjished bonne in Tanglin di-trict Entry January/March, IUI2. Apply to G J M., c/o Straits Time-. 2U-7 2-8 COMPOSITORS WANTED. Wanted, Compositors for tbr Straits Times News Dept.) Good salaries piven to competent men. Apply with recent testimonials, DRESSER WANTED. Want.'d, Fully qualified Dresser
      398 words
    • 552 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD, OFFICES TO LEI. With immediate entry, first and seoonc floors, No. la, Raffles Quay. Apply Outhrii k Co., Ltd. 1-4 a HOUSE TO LET. No. 44, Anson Road, to let. Apply Nathar and Son, Change Alley. 166 a GODOWNS TO BE LET. Nos. 18, 16,
      552 words
    • 585 12 NOTICES. REWARD. A Reward of $30 will be paid to any person giving ir formation to thr recovery o two Micbelin flat tread 920 X 120 MM. trotnr tvreß misved from the store room at Raffles Hotel on June 8. 1911. Apply to C. F. F. WEAIiNE A CO., Orchard
      585 words
    • 753 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Go»«rtim«Bt and Municipal Contractor* Telephone No. 421. 108 109. Market Street. "notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore subsisting between T. F. Anderson Pole, James Bond and Geo. H Harrop, carrying on business as Chartered Accountants under the style or firm of Pole
      753 words
    • 298 12 ROBINSON PIANO tk NEW RECORDS Large Consignment Just Received. CHOCOLATE SOLDIER COUNT OF LUXEMBURO QUAKER GIRL, ETC., ETC. All the Latest. ROBINSON PIANO E. tO. HOTEL. PErUNC The best and tbe most frequented I i t-1 in tho Island, and CRAG HOTEL TUe only Sanatorium in the StraitH, AHI THI
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 224 12 Straits TBimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at tho prepaid rate of tl per four lines for one or two insertions. Notice* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, it not exceeding four lirjcs, tl caoh insertion, For p.p.c. oards, on page 8, t2. Ikch Suam Ratu are
      224 words