The Straits Times, 1 July 1911

Total Pages: 14
3 16 The Straits Times
  • 604 3 AN APPEAL FOR EDUCATIONAL FUNDS. Parental Derelictions. A l liim st' Woll-Wisher, TntrngtUvingji," in tlic coarse of a letter to the ltau»oon Gazette, writes Most cliildrt-n of Chir.Hte in Burma are obliged to turn then FattM into Burniniis and give op Chim M nl< as anil habits
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  • 376 3 Her Overseas Emigration and Immigration in 1910. From the statistical abstracts of 1910 it appears that in that year the emigration of Germans to overseas countries kept itself in narrow limits and was greatly surpassed by the immigration of overseas countries to j Germany. Only 25,5:11 Germans vent
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  • 16 3 Some Pacts kera^^fl Do y< Know ten ctiHOH of rheuiAV lu^i of tin- mua^H PBWt whottVJ
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 345 3 Ke SURE -the Teeth are so that it would be a pity Bieglect them— especially when clean them so well and Btty with Your .xal dealer stocks and seUs it. Mstati r. C C-Jvel C._ Maacbolcf. FnsUil x» E UNIVERSAL (Patent Fumugator) IUIMENDEI) BY THE DEI'T. OF AGRICULTURE, F.M.S. WHITE
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    • 649 3 ERUPTION ON BOY GREW UNBEARABLE Cried for 18 Months, Day and Night. Scab Formed from Head to Foot. Was Told Only Time Would Cure It. Tried CuticuraSoap and Ointment First Application Eased Itching. Kept On. All Scabs Cleared. Now Bonny Boy, Spotlessly Clean. "My IV.Wn rrar,<l<-hil<! liacl soiw wMle apott
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 590 4 'STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOE CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MBDITBRRANEAN, PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leavo Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 I Assaye
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    • 552 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail oontract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and oonntrncted, and are fitted with aU
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    • 602 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. U.B. MAIL LINE. The great steamship lino between CHINA, JAPAN and BUROPB, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating tbe new 18,000 tons, twin-Borew steamers KORBA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF SIX FIRST-CLASS STK.
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    • 289 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Canadian Pacific Railway Go's Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPB Via China, Japan, Canada and tbi Unitbd Statbs. Route (rom Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea o( Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. RM.S." Empress o( India" j Twin screw aM.S.» Empress of Japan" figXtoZ.
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    • 503 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND DEUTSCHE DAMPfSCHIFf F4HRTSGEB. "HANS*" MEHEN. Combined Service. The steamers of these Oompanies maintain a regular service between Hamburg Bremon Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tho Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they aro despatched fortnightly (or Havre and Hamburg and pnoo a month (or Bremerhaven
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    • 617 4 3TEAMEM iorddeutschl Tho tost^M this Comp^^H •t4>, a.brai™ Marseilles, t^H Port Said, i^M| Singapore, Hongkonc;, Sanflßl^H Nagasaki and Kobe to Yok.>hali>^H Throngh ticketa are issned ft v| Africa, to New York via Eur<%#°fT^^M to Kurope via India or Amet*<». V" wt >i^^B round-the-world tickets, at redoori tjatei They are due
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 766 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYfjKISEN KAISHA (ii-Mental S.S. Co.) and msm PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New* v'l* China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Franoisoo to ail Points ibejdbnitfld States, Canada, Mexioo, and Europe. Oatmrlß* tha »*l#|B|.tas Trlpts Screw Turblns Uaert "T«wj« Ham law Oblys Mam, the Qyaam of >«*'% L Escaped with Wlrslaai
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    • 622 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The steamers of this Company maintains a regular direot service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo, on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chetoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtsse Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc., etc. Stftamors Tons Commander Kutsano 4,806
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    • 893 5 SELAN6OR TURF CLUB. SUMMER MEETING. 1911. Tuesday, 4th Thursday, 6th and Saturday, Bth July, 1911. FIRBT DAY. Tuetday, 4th July. 1. THE BEGINNERS— VaIue MOO. Distance H. C, A race for all horses tbat were Maidens on May lot, 1811. Weight Ost. Ex-griffins allowed 71bs. Winners of one raoe, other
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    • 517 5 tbe Selaogor Cub or on application to th» Secretaries of any of tbe asxooiated* Clubr. The distanoe round the comae is 1 mile 7Si yards. The following is the scale if weights for •ge. ye»*B 8.9 4 9.0 6*B 9.1 Gentlemen Rider* must bo member* of th* Selangor Turf Club.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 453 6 MOTOR CARS Singer Motor Company, Limited. Martini Car Company, Limited, Commercial Car Company, Ltd. PRICES ON APPLICATION. "UNDERWOOD" Typewriter. THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY. Prices on Application. SPARES STOCKED. REPAIRS A SPECIALITY, SOLE AGENTS Peterson, Simons Co., Ltd " -it. 11 ytt be fairer than you are." THAT is
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    • 717 6 CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE BRAND MILK TO ALL THE Government Medical Institutions IN TUB Federated Malay States. BOLE IMPORTERS: J Travers and Sons, Limited. T. NAGAI COT Great Assortment of JAPANESE PORCELAIN WARE. Inspection Cordially Invited. Prices Moderate. NO. K-L, ADIS BUILDINGS, HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY.
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    • 207 6 Very Handsome Preseftation MARBLE 8-DAY C|W The Timepiece illustrated is a very handaorfle 1-day Black Marble Clock, striking the hoars and kmC hours. It is a guaranteed Time-keeper and modt.-atd« priced. B. P. Q(? SIIV3i,M«GHS'REET. A New Special EsJnce) '"^jisHJf^S I a The Finest Pdrfume •i l &s£ nlut t^l.zu
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  • 146 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, July i. H ifli Wat 4« 4 0.48 a.m.. US p.m. H. R. A. Piise Distribatiou. V. M. 0. A. Lantern Lecture, 8.80 p.m. Sunday, July a. High Water, 1.41 am, 3 11p.m. N. D. L. homeward mail 'loe. Monday-. July 3. High Water, 2.88
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  • 205 7 To-U4f. Malacca <.nd Mnar liika 8 pm Port Uickson and Port Swettenham o»riyle 8 pm Pant I:. Anaht j and Penai:'.: Ayutbia 8 pm Dpli F^nee 8 pm Sonrabnya, Bsjf I I Mara<>-cr U'lihelm 8 pm Bate l'u!».t A ing Hin 8 pm Hongkoi.^, An>ny and Swctow
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  • 120 7 Tl i imp. Genuic oikil steamer Priuz Eitel Fried'i. having c THoDgkong at noon on tin 28 h iiis 1 .-I!.' may be expected to arrive b< ro en Sislty, tbe 2Dd proximo, at 4 p.m. She will :»bly be despatched for Europe ihe follow -i diy,
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  • 243 7 I lst Arrivals. f?\ BeT^e. T^p. S- Rovt. yacht, 400 tons, 'I 125 Hk N'acolah, Jnly 1. From ffn S«s^ tnii BBlJane 39. Kor Kuantan, 4ly 8. Roaeb.^B^^^ !«rto, Not WTsaTtonß, Capt Solberg, 4n to. Fro::^Brnt>)<(ik, June 25. G.c. and U i.p. Ban Chiang. For Bangkok, tul* 8.
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  • 101 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAQAR Bast Wharf Basin— S. T. Syren. Bast W. Sbction No. I— Thong wa. Shiibs Wharf -Nil. Haw W. Sict^No. 2— Manohe, Daibanna. 8— Perak. 4— Nil. S Minderro. S Miu, AntiloobDß, [Japara-I Lagoon
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  • 321 7 /^rivals Per F. il. S. Gort. jac'jt July 1. From Port S .«d nbftm :ir. and lire J. R. Innes, I Mr. and M W. F, K. tmv MmM* J<. M. Mackenzie and H X, Samy Per Btr. Thonewa July I.— From Madras, via ports Mrs. N.
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  • 157 7 On the 15th inst., at Magelang, Java, a party of about ten girls between the ages of 11 and 11. belonging to Home under the management of Mr. and Mrs. van der Steur, went out for a walk in the care of an elder girl of eighteen. Arriving t a
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  • 91 7 Commenting editorially I. tbe marriage condition^ obtaining in the stern Provinco (Coylon) tin) Batticaloa La§ i holds that it Would bo a good thing formiorcrnment to investigate the matter and lien to legislate to meet the present need, Lid quotes the following instance in suppor^of this opinion: In the preliminary
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  • 242 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Sinoaporb, July 1, 1911. O* London— Bank 4 m/p 2/4^ Demand 2/4 A Private S m/s 3/4^ do Bm/8 2/4| On GißMAia— Bank d/d 288 i Private 8 m/» 242 i On Fbamcb— Bank d/d 294* Private 8 m/s 399 Oh India— Bank T. T. 174J Private
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    • 173 7 Issue 3 Value ,2 10 10 Bolat Tin 10 10 Bruang 10 10 Broach Hyd 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 Kinta Tin £1 £1 KiedangTiD 10 10 Kuantan Tin £1 £1 Lahat Mines 10 10 Malacca Tin 5/- Pahaog Consol £1 £1 Pengkalen £1 Jf Poßing Bahrc £1 £1
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    • 566 7 Isaac 3 Value Bayers. Sellers 2/- 2/- Allani 8/10 4/4 2/- 2/- AnploMalaj 16/6 17/6 2/'- 2/- Bataag Malaka 2/- '2,8 41 £1 Bata Cavee 18.0.0 14.0.0 £1 41 Bata Ti k a 4.0.0 4.H.0 41 £1 Bukit Kajang 1.15.0 2.0.0 £1 £1 Bokit Lintang 4.0.0 4.10.0 41 6/-
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    • 129 7 Issue IS Value Bayers. Seller* 10 10 Eastern nova. Smeltinif 10.00 10 7 7.00 £1 £1 Electric Tramways 8/8 4/8 10 10 Fraser Neavo 40.00 42.00 100 Howarth Erakine 45.00 100 7% Ptet. 81.00 100 100 Kntz Bio. O< t. 140.00 100 100 a 8% Chid. Prof. nom 10
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    • 48 7 Buyers Sellers Howarth Erakine 8% 1600,000 par Riley, Harsreavea 0% 1284,000 H Singapore Electrio Tramways 6% £860,000 S'po-e Municipal 5 11,878 000 nom. Buyer* Seller* Spore Municipal 4}% of 1907 ll,«00,G00 6% 7%pn> Spore Municipal i\% of 1909 11,000,000 6% 7%pm Spore Municipal t% 1602,900 B%dU |M
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 223 7 4UCTIBN SALES Powell and Co. July 1- At "Morton,' Syd Alii Road, fur citcre, at 2. July 8— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Jaly I—At1 At saleroom, stein] lacncb .leather Bell, at 2.80. July 4— At saLronni, freehold building allotments fronting Jervoin Road, at 2.8 c. July s— At
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    • 252 7 W. D. &.H.O. WILLS'S Sweet Qdestnut THE LATEST CUT PLUG TOBACCO In lib. Airtight Tins PRICE PER TIN 9O cents. Obta.ina.ble fk*om Messrs. JOHN LITTLE CO., LD. Messrs. ROBINSON COMPANY. PEACEMAKER t EXTRA Jrf^ Ik T0 BE HAD 0F ALL FINE QUALITY PKj| H DEALERS OLD SCOTCH .^**rf^ Tf AT
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    • 203 7 RUBBER ESTATE VALUES. A COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY, With many Tables of Valuation, Forecast! of Production, and Eetimates of Future Profits. Reprinted from the Straits Times. THIRD EDITION. This valuable tseriea of articles, republixhed first in Septpoibcr, 1910, in a convenient pocket form 1 as been so popular that the second edition
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    • 48 7 RAVENSWAY AND COMPAQ Undertakers and Monumental Masons ESTABLISHED 1881. JUBT RECEIVED i Mew Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc Monuments ol every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the oolony. With Plumes in use. raLBPHONB NO. TIT VO MV. ORCHARD ROaL
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  • 1069 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JULY 1. AN ANXIOUS HALF YEAR. The first haM of the year is gone, and we find ourselves surveying a commercial situation which has many hopeful features for the second half. A part of the great quantity of capital raised for the purpose of rubber planting
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  • 13 8 The total length of the proposed Ipoh to Gopeng railway is 15.51 miles.
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  • 19 8 It may not be generally known that sapphires, garnets and topaz are from time to time discovered in Kinta.
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  • 21 8 The Rev. W. H. B. Urch, D.D., will preach in the Middle Roac! Baba Church on Sunday evening at eight o'clock.
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  • 41 8 Those who arc fond of daruns, ax well as tnose who arc not, may like to know that tie Malays declare that tigers arc very fond <m durians and devour those which fall from tf high jungle treca and burst open.
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  • 40 8 I A typhoon is reported from S. t. of I-.. ii! the Philippines, moving W.N.W., wlncff* indicates that it is coming in the direction of the Malay archipelaj*. Master Mariners vjill be well aUvist j to look out for trouble-.
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  • 8 8 Mercury has rtvcntly been f fcmnd in tTpper
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  • 15 8 I The American Consulate- General will be closed on Tuesday next, July 4, Independence Day.
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  • 16 8 The proposal to erect a Presbyterian church in Kuala Lumpur is receiving some attention just now.
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  • 23 8 The Malay States Guides expect to bo represented at the meeting the BengalPunjaub Rifle Association &t Mecrut about the end of the year.
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  • 23 8 The next monthly meeting of the Church, Workers' Association will be held at The Parsonage, Fort Canning Read, on 'Wednesday at 4.80 p.m.
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  • 27 8 There were 22 fatal accidents during 1910 on the F.M.S. railways. In four cases the individuals were railway servants. The victims comprised 12 Chinese and 10 TamiU.
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  • 31 8 Mr. Jos. Christraens, who flew recently in Singapore, has made a number of brilliant flights round Pretoria in his Bristol biplane. He is the first airman to tl\ in the Transvanl.
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  • 39 8 The Deli Courant is informed by the local agents of the Koninklijke Paketvaart Mij. that the company will add two more steamers of 1,800 tons to their co&st service. They will be of the same type fa the Elout.
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  • 54 8 Two cases of alleged theft of pineapples were reported to the police from Thompson Road. In one, the own.*' states he sent off a cart-load of pines to town and nothing hax been heard of them sinfe. He values the load at 542. Another uA states that M has lost
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  • 50 8 A smart capture was made by lievuiac Officer 29 at the Middle Koad landing steps, yesterday afternoon. A Hylaiu boy lauded at the steps and when the Revenue Officer searched him, he found concealed round the boy's waist five tcntahils tins of chnndu. valued at Sl5O. The boy was arresuvl.
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  • 71 8 A Chinese female, living in Pagoda Street, missed a box containing jewellery and money to the value of 5 1 11 yesterday from her house. Later she saw the box in the possession of the wife of an ex -policeman but the latter did not know how it came into
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  • 67 8 Yesterday, four Japanese stowaways on the Glcnroy, from Moji, were fined 82.J eu.ii, or 14 days' rigorous imprisonment, by the Master Attendant. The men's plea was that they were coal coolies and fell asleep while at work at Moji. When they woke up, they found the ship had left the
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  • 76 8 At the Chinese Church of St. Peier and St. Paul, Queen Street, to-morrow morning, Bishop Carillon will ordain the Rev. Michael Sect. a Straits-born Chinese who is the first of Liv community to enter the priesthood in Malaya. The service is at 8.30 a.m., and the Acting Governor will attend.
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  • 75 8 It was suggested to Mr. Kullcr. who performs at Ipoh to-day, that he tlv over Gunong Kerbau. which towers 7,120 ft. over Ipoh and is the highest mountain in Malaya, but ihe avaiator stated that the height was too much for his Antoinette monoplane, which is too heavy to rise
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  • 72 8 The retired Chief Engineer Mr. J. H. Menten, of the Mines Department of the Netherlands Indies, has submitted to the Minister of the Colonies for testing and eventual taking over a sort of automatic carbine which, it is claimed, can be accurately aimed even by unpractised men. Mr. Menten considers
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  • 81 8 The Deli Maatschappij have granted the requests of their assistants who were strongly supported by the- local management. They will in future receive 6 per cent, of the gross profits instead of the nett profits as heretofore. The commeocing salary will bo f.200 a month. They will in future be
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  • 111 8 The Govern u-Coiiiiei) has decided tliat the transmis), by post of tin arm- and ammunition Ir be prohibited and no firearms or amF c ion shall be delivered or transmitted It c Post Office, except with the peruiissl n writing of the Colonial Secretary in*' Island of Singapore, the Resident
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  • 156 8 The Konif £kc Pakctvaart Maatschappy proposes to ulur a dividend of 10 per cent, for 1910, agfilt 6 per cent, for 1909. The report states t.Vt the steady improvement of trade warrants i further extension of the fleet, and that one of the new vessels is to be propelled by
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  • 417 8 ICapt. Samuel L. P. Barker. T)B t, has retired. j^pj We regret to learn that Mr. W of the Lanadron Estates, is h General Hospital vith a broken 11. I Miami, |i I up in tin' linklo. Messrg. J. It. Nicholson and K. I), licwan are appointed
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  • 73 8 We are holding a certain nainbor ,>i the portraits of His Majesty Kin^ Qootgß V. against coupons issued with Lho Straits Times of June 22. W'r Ik h to notice that these coupons \\A\ not be honoured after July 6, as we mufet lit that
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  • 78 8 We understand that ArchdecAi l/.aut received a telegram last evening Bom the relatives of Mrs. Proudlock inforiiiAg him that her legal advisers had beeu Botifiod that the death sentence woe commutfd and that, pending a meeting of the Selan<.joi State Council. Mrs. Proudlock would be ttailt in
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  • 68 8 Wo are officially inforiUfltuat His Mitfcty the King has been pi. a Ml., approve /Am presentation to the (Xli m Straits Settlements of a *JWIy (fi the ?ke Portrait of himself ami tluAof Her Matty the Queen, in coiiiiucn»>,lttion of*!imL Majesties' Coronation. A4?|iMttV^| copies will be
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  • 93 8 The four men arrested in «>>i|BJ on jt/ the mysterious death of a .la-iu^^jP' writer apjxttrcd in the soctoni police coqrt to-day before Mr. Acton. Clief DetectiVa Inspector Taylor represented I ,c pms, intiiin and Mr. Braddell the defend The former asked fora postponement of lie
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  • 82 8 mI The mortality returns for SiJi^H by the Registrar of Births au^H that during the week ending were 490 deaths, giving a > jfl| population of 87.41. M il.irial fll for 125 deaths, phthisis I'J, M L» 1 1 bet i I. bronchitiH 9, >lj^l monia 86,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 240 8 GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH AT THE ALHAMBRA <§ BEACH ROAD. EXHIBITORS OF THE WORLD'S BEBT FILMS Five New and Huge Productions TO-NIQHT. Second Show, 9.30 to 11 p.m. 1. Overture. 2. Ernest Barreau (The 1 landless Man I. 3. Cain and Abel (Coloured). 4. l YOUTH THE WINNER, Employer,
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  • 274 9 CHILDREN S FETE AT CRYSTAL PALACE. Honours for Colonial and Indian Troops. IiKfTKII S TIM.K.I.HAM. London via Durban, .lune 29. The Kiny and IJuecn, the I'rince of Wales, Princess Mary, and IViuces Albert and (leorgc motored from Ruckiughaui Palace to tin Crystal I.dace this afternoon through lw-eriii^ crowds,
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  • 87 9 DASTARDLY ATTACK ON GREAT PROCESSION. Panic Causes Many Injuries Rotim*! Tf.lburam. London, July 1. Madrid MMMfNWytkwa w a- a procession on Thursday of fifty thousand priests and laymen to the royal palace in connection with the Euehari-tic Congress. A rough bomb exploded and there was a wild
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  • 74 9 ■-I, MORE SERIOUS RIOTING AT HULL Five Hundred London Police Called Out. Rbctbk's Tklkoram. I -ond, hi. June ML The Conference at Hull arranged by the Hoard of Trade has proved abortive, the ftrikciti rejecting the terms. There was rioting in the evening aud the police with
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  • 72 9 Brilliant Victory of Vardon in The Tie. Km in;- Th.Ki.kam. London. June :<O. In addition to scores already reported, the following good returns were made in the Open (iolf Championship: Taylor :KV>, I'nncan :;ir,. Vardou and M is-y are playing oIT the tie .11 M holes. liondon via
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  • 40 9 Hai'TMt'h Tmlfi.kam. London, via Durban, June M Tin- German Kast African line inaugurates at tin < ml of tin. year a fortnightly service round Africa, both via ihe Cape and Sue*. l'tit citiipniy is buildiug four new Hteamcru.
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  • 55 9 Important Financiers About to be Prosecuted. ltn'TKl:'s TuiKliHlM. London. June 80. The New York Federal Grand Jnry has returned indictments against niuc combines comprising 83 persons who are allogod to constitute the so-called Wire Trust. Among the 83 are Mr. Piorpout Morgan's son in-law Mr. Satter Lot. Frank
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  • 86 9 Kkuteb'B Tklkiikam. London via Durban, Juno ;JO. Lancashire has beaten Worcestershire by an iniiiii-'- and 66 runs at Manchester. Yorkshire has beaten Nott? by an innings and 27 runs at Nottingham. London via Durban, July 1. Kent has beaten Leicestershire hv an innings and 179 runs at Dover. (We
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  • 35 9 Rbcter's Telegram. London via Durban, July 1. The Shakesiieare fancy dress ball on Corouatiou eve has yielded a net profit of £10,000. This will be devoted to the Shakespeare National Theatre Itind
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  • 48 9 Riutbb's Telegram. London via Durban, June ;><>. Iv the message about a joint committee on Finance Bills read Loreburn, not HaUbury. (The com-ctiou is important. We were surprised to hud the uame of the sturdy old Tory ex Lord Chancellor associated with hostility to hi- party. i
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  • 25 9 Km'TEß'k TtLKIiBAM London, June 30. A Washington message says the Government confirms tin conclusion of a pelagic sealing agreement reported on June 2H.
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  • 25 9 Kutkp. TnmiM London, June, 30. Constantinople MMgM state that the Porto declares the terms of surrender propo-> '1 by tlu Albanians inadmissible.
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  • 250 9 Smallpox Outbreak in Market Street. There was OMMMM of teeth MM| the Chetty community yesterday, and joy in the heart of the embarrassed creditor who missed his money lendci from the office doorstep when the cheques hod been handed round. Yesterday, it may be recalled, was
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  • 13 9 Port Swcttonhatn Uubber Company. 3, 500 Ib. Malacca.- 90,000 Ib.
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  • 65 9 The prices for the period from June 30 to July 13, inclusive, of cultivated rubber on which export duty is loviable on an ad valorem basis in the F.MS, are as under: Shoot and Biscuit 9240 per picul. Fine crepe 9250 Best scrap iv crope
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  • 90 9 1 1 was on one of tin Cyldc steamers. Soino of the passengers were relating thoir experiences of fo^s. Yes said the old salt, I've seen some pretty thick fogs in my time. Why, oil the coast of Newfoundland the fog was sometimes .so thick that we upod to sit
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  • 1038 9 MALIGNANT MALARIA AND MORE SMALLPOX. The Motor Horn Nuisance. The Municipal Commissioners held their ordinary meeting, yesterday afternoon. Mr. F. J. Hallifax, presided, and the other members present were Messrs. J. Carapict, A. W. Bean, W. Peacock. C hia Keng Chia, A. M. S. Angullia Dr. Middleton, health
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  • 22 9 An old Chinmnau was knocked down by a motor car on Gaylang Road on Thursday and baa since died of his injuries.
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  • 1239 9 FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COMPANY. Output May Exceed the Prospectus Estimate The first annual general meeting of shareholders of the Dennistown (Krian, F.M.S.) Rubber Estates, Limited, was hold on Jnne 2, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C., Mr. Charles P. Allen (chairman of the company I
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  • 232 9 Further List of Subscriptions Received. Amount previously acknowledged »H4,188.H9 in) BY THE RaNOOOX Trader Association. Chop Aik Chiang and Co. 100 Tan Kiat Bee 100 Aik Seng and Co. 100 Qim Lam Hin 100 YeoChipMoh 100 ".00. t .u.J.I- 1 [Hi BY llii SVK SBK
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  • 37 9 (From a Malacca Correspondent.) Malacca, July 1. Information has been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price at fine Para in London yesterday was 4/0} per Ib., value. The market closed dull.
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  • 157 9 Share Quotations To-day. Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co. kindly favour us with the London prices they have received this morning Quotations. MIDDLI Ml DDL! PRICES. PRICES. Allagars 4/- Lanadrons p.p. 45/3 p. Anglo Malays 16/6 Ledburys 60/Anglo Javas ■> fi Linggis 43, Anglo Johores 10/-
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  • 146 9 Mr. W. (i. St. Ciair presided at tin auuual general meeting of the Singapore Philharmonic Society, hold in tin- Victoria Memorial Hall, last evening. After the report ami accounts had been adopted, it was stated that an orchestral concert would be given at the cad of this
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  • 108 9 WHY NATIONALISTS IGNORED THE CORONATION. of a Private Meeting Report. Hkitkr's Tklkoram. London, Jnne 80. A report is published of tho proceedings of a meeting of Nationalists called to discuss attendance at the Coronation. .Mr. liedmond urged that it would be an untold benefit to the
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  • 98 9 SPEECHES AT THE ANNUAL DINNER. Colonial Office and the Dominions. Kiciik's Tilkokam. London via Durban, June Ml Mr. llarcourt, Set rotary of State for the Colonies, presided at a dinuer of the Corona Club at which 850 were present, including Sir H. Goold-Adatus, Sir I. Swcttenhara, and Sir
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  • 87 9 IUI'TKH TKt.HiliM London via Durban, June 30. Damages of fifty thousand sterling have been awarded against Mr. Horatio Bottomlej in a claim by Mrs. Klcanor Curtis as executrix for her father, liobcrt Master, an ex-civil servant in Madras. She alleged that Bottomlcy obtained •£.'>?. R'l.'i
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  • 36 9 The Slaughter of Two Thousand Turks. Kkutkk's Tkleoram. London June 30. Hodeidah messages state that the rebel* in the Yemen early in the month surprised a Turkish advance guard and killed over two thousand.
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  • 55 9 Excise Shows Solid Increase. Kbuter's Tklkoram. I .on, ion. July 1. British revenue for the quarter ending June 80 is £38,80rt,673, a decrease ol £18,574,504. The difference is mainly due to inflation of the revenue during the corresponding quarter of 1910 by the collection of belated taxes. The
    55 words
  • 73 9 Fatal Fall on a First VoyageRictbb's Tbleqram. London, June M TranP-C'liannol flights in the Circuit raos aro postimned until Monday, and the aviator* arc resting at Calais. A French Lieutenant named Trochou, m a first essay at aviation at < 'ha lon sur Mnrne, fell and wax killed. London
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  • 35 9 RlDTia'B TILIORAM. London via Durban, June 30. Lady Wantage, and Messrs. W. Palmer mi. l Alfred Palmer havq given two I .undrtxl thousand pounds towards the establishment of a university at Heading.
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    • 57 10 In tho S.C.C. cricket match, Married v. Single, on tho Rsplanade this afternoon, the following will play for tho Married:— A. S. llailev. t. J. Uenjafield, A. W. BovoH, O I. (iiiflith .lones, F. Hargrave, K. L. Dunman, M. IS. McKoan, H. A. Scott, W. I. Spier-,
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    • 52 10 S.C.C. Tournament. Tho following ties in' tho S.C.C. Lawn Bowls tournament will bo played on Monday: Chami'lonsuii". Noiiie v. t.yall, Smith v. Archdeacon Izar.l. Dooblk. Hammiap. Arehitn. I/ard and Brown v. McKon/.i.' ami 1.v.i11.t0 finish, lientIcy aud McKail v. White "anil Hi»v. Crawford and Threlfall v. K. ui-mmi
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    • 262 10 Singapore Cup Competition. Far and away tho best match so i;u iv tho Singapore cup competition was played on thi! S lt.C. portion of the Esplaunde, yesterday, when the Puliui Brani United Football Club eleven, compostxl of the R.G.A. nnd U.K., met the HulTh' first team. The game
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  • 434 10 Curious Discoveries on an Island Near Nagasaki. Mr. Shiaetaka Silica. nUwil publicist, wlio is vow at Nagasaki, went reccutly to the site ol thr oiuo flourishing colony of the l>utcli ami discovered .iiuid rank brambles in a corner of the garden of a lontgMr'* bmUmob tiny
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  • 103 10 MMn, Outline ami 'o. ttiito tli.u they an: this moi nil. in renipt of a cable from Ll'. S, ■<-irt.iiicv. (il 'l'lii-\i;;l Klihbci-, Limited, iufuniiin^ then that tin: diraeton have taided to task a call ofti. par I».iJmm payable in London OB August 1. Tlic call should
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  • 84 10 A S.V.C. S|K-eial order issuwl by l.itut.Coloiicl (J. A. Donick stnt<» -The Com111.inil.uit has much pleasure in publishing the follow ing letter received by him from tho acting Colonial Secretary.— I am directed by tho OHiecr Administering tho Government to IC.JIII st thit you will be good enough to convoy
    84 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 286 10 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— On June 1, there appeared in the I'inang Gazette an account of trial at Nibong Tebal before the District Judge, Mr. R. Scott, of a number of Tamil coolies charg. Ed with rioting and assaulting some Sinkohs on Byram
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  • 394 10 St. Andrew's Cathedral (Sunday, July 2, 1911.) Tuird Sunday Aftrk Tkinitv. 7 a.*.— Matins. First Lesson 1 Sam. 11, I— '27. Second Lesson Acts X, 1—24. Hymn 291. 7.45 a.m.— Holy Communion (Choral). Introit 282. Service ...Smart. Hyim' at Offertory ...281. Hymn it Communion ...318. Hyuiu t Ablutions
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  • 724 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, July 1, 1011. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issne the following list of quotations this morning Noni. Value. Bayers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 8/10 4/8 2/- Options 1/9 2/6 £1 Anglo- Java 5/1 1 8/8 1 Anglo-
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 56 10 THIS IS IX I Watcobupy'm Metabolized COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND jf. TASTELESS, ODOURLESS. vflL Thp latest soientifio prep*ra»ion of COD LIVEK •BaHO OIL Do ea tliat oWmed for it acd supersedes ■{(tlr'ilu^.j tho old-fashioned emulsions I K—Flh- wbioh upect the stomach. ||~sg^iJ Highly reoommendad by Jjs^-y" j the medical profession.
      56 words
    • 57 10 We rend, Tin Speak** took the Chair 'Now, did be take it an j where? If not, wby cannot people say The thing* they mean from day tj day? But when I toll you that I'll take Woods' Peppermint Core for pain and aolio, I take it. swallow it in
      57 words
    • 557 10 LAO. HOTEL. PENANG The best and the most frequentnd Hotel iv tbo Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Straits, AMU THI BBAMCBM OF I RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. j ***** LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TYPIST WANTED. Wanted immediately, Competent typist. One with knowledge ot shorthand preferred. App'y
      557 words
    • 430 10 Raffles aMfe Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER To-Night. Skating Skating 1 Skating I AFTER DINNER. Music by the Parisian Trio. SARKIEB BROS., Proprietors. MONEY TO LEND. 52.000 or »2,500 on First Mortgage. Singapore property. Address Investor, c/o Struts Times. 29-6 17 GRANITE. The undersigned are prepared to catu into contracts for the
      430 words
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  • 2220 11 p.v 8i ikuci Bum in hi Woklu. Private I'olylasc," said the Licutcnaui to that dusky halt caste Miirman, who looked like an Englishman in his uniform, and like ii I'm mull when he hud added to himself n lew native clothes and a stick of grease-paint, did
    2,220 words
  • 73 11 Johnny, a^cd nine, had just returned from school, and had been had several times for an April fool. Just before dinner, after wandering over the house, he decided to got his mother for one. He found her busy in the parlour. Oh, mamma, there's man in the hall kissing nurse,"
    73 words
  • 83 11 It lia been estimated that the average leugth of a man's stride is :U.i inches, and that the distance an average traveller con cover at this rate is 7,158 yards an hour, or 1 1 i yards a minute. The number of strides would be 7,500 an hour, or 125
    83 words
  • 1051 11 SOME HUMANITIES OF OUR VILLAGE MATCHES. Bucolic Batters. O. J. and M. W. contribute tbe following article to the Evening Standard The most natural and elemental cricket in the world is cricket as played on our village greens and rustic playing-fields of a Saturday afteruoon for
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  • 32 11 "Can this man speak English?" asked Judge Smyly at Shoreditch County Court lost month. Oh, yes," replied the witness he worked where I did, and he con swear in English, I know."
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  • 1786 11 THE LANDSCAPE AND HISTORY OF CEYLON. Notes by Sir Hugh Clifford. Thore is a three-column article on Ceylon by Sir H. Clifford in the London Times of May 24, the best parts of which are the introduction and the description of scenery, which is in Sir Hugh's
    1,786 words
  • 513 11 Mr. Bertram Wallis Explains Now It is Done. Mr. "Bertram Wallis explained how he dances with Miss Lily Elsio. the novel staircase waltz in Franz Lehar's musical comedy, The Count of Luxembourg, at Daly's Theatre, London. A ilisadvautagc from our point of view," said Mr. Wallis, "is
    513 words
  • 843 11 The following »rticle contains a few specimens of colossal impudence or, to use the more familiar expression, cheek. Almost everyone has hoard of cases of this kind, and most people have come across one or more in the course of their experience. For ingenious impudence it would be hard
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  • 169 11 Amusing Discussion at Meeting of Guardians. An amusing discussion took place at a meeting of the Eastbourne Uuurdiaus, when Mr. Philip Luck moved that the resolution granting extra tobacco and suuff to certain inmates should bo rescinded. Was it to In- recorded as an historical fact, he asked,
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  • 1188 12 SECOND YEAR OF PRACTICAL WORK. The Production and Labour. The ti'th ordinary general mooting of the Senawang Rubber Estates Co., Ltd., was held on June 12, at Shanghai, Mr. G. Grayrigge, presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said that after writing off
    1,188 words
  • 861 12 Although tens of thousands of travellers call at Aden every year, says a writer in The Times, only a moderate proportion of them go ashore there. The grim volcanic aspect of the place is not alluring, and strangers fear the heat. Yet dwellers in Aden always
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  • 272 12 The insert of the East Java Rubber Company. Limited, covering a period of 10 months from March 1 to December 31, states that the extensions made to date from the formation of the company comprise 625 acres of Hevea rubber, interplanted with ltobusta coffee, aud 147 acres
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  • 2206 12 ADVANTAGES OF THE COMPANY'S SITUATION. The Future of Kelantan. The first ordinary general meeting of the Kuala Pahi Rubber Estate, Limited, was heid on May 25, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. Hartley Aspden (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman
    2,206 words
  • 42 12 1 cannot understand, wrote the son and heir, from school, why you call yourself a kind father. For three weeks I've had no remittance from you. Pray, what sort of kindness do you call that?" And the father wrote back Unremitting kindness.
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  • 1159 12 Estimates of Planting and Tapping Exceeded. The fifth ordinary general meeting of the Third Mile (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, was held on May 80 at the registered offices of the company, Edinburgh, Mr. James Shelley Bontein (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, as
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  • 1081 12 SATISFACTORY REPORTS ON THE ESTATE. The Year's Output. Tho second ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Tangga Batu Rubber Company, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company, Edinburgh, on May 30, Mr. James Shelley Bontein presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, I presume
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 418 13 !!i|PHjjk. —^r Thaf c I> Ws>WF" s^-g;-r "7 "SFtCiaL CONTWtKTAL" Through all Leading Dealers CONTINENTAL TYRE and RUBBER CO., LTD. 17, Coll vex* Quay. INFANTINA. Theinhardt's Pood for Infants. THE MOST RATIONAL SUBSTITUTE FOR MOTHER'S MILK. INFANTINA is a rational Food distinguished by groat digestibility and unique dietetio properties. It
      418 words
    • 152 13 M.S.C?**« TURF COMMISSION AGENT. 10, THE ARCADE, SINGAPORE. BOOK NOW OPEN ON THE Kuala Lumpur Races RUN JULY 4 6 8. DOUBLE EVENTS AND STRAIGHT-OUT. N.B. For tbe facility of clients who cannot attend the above meeting, they are hereby notified that my office will be open for business throughout
      152 words
    • 420 13 i^|:f| A tonic, a strength-restorer, a blood-enriching, lifegiving liquid of refined, delicious flavour, Wincarnis j>^~y| stands supreme for its wonderful recuperative properties. More than ten thousand doctors have i vSvSi testified to its value, and constantly recommend it. IK I 1^ \T\ VBMj\ I IPI Strenuous activity, mental and physical,
      420 words
    • 237 13 9i *.SS >. W fSSfamM e.pttta'«|irio^ r"priM;onlVso-opU»< H.M' VOTCIIT < LCT«fW»lcllU«|»ll«<lK<Tr«Uiao. W^CSRjg^j^^flß' Hntost, 1« Slhn, float* CoU. ii>a So:: 1 U .11 n«i n^iJi^p t% look, Emapmtnt Rings, 10 6to £50. °ara T k^B9 HltbtrW.Kliiwt-.MrputofH'sM-nriilu ','ij t«f p^a o» oWrtrr IM* W.rtw. i»aj f K"-t. SiS-it-ct. Gold. iiP,«lj. No
      237 words
    • 495 13 LIFE WITHOUT good health is shorn of halt !fi vat je. liralth is tbe truest weaii!i. Strange to say the grett innjoiitr of peoi'lr rarely suffer from «hat Is usually called seiioss illness, jet they are fren'.iei'.t^y troubled with All sjrts cf ininor complaints which go torpoilli/e, dull enjoyment sjsji
      495 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 435 14 HttIHAIIGE. HEAT EASTER? LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office: Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of DlMOtorsi O. A. DaaaicK, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Faib, Bso,, Managing Director. raraa Fowlii, m.b., la, Chief Mad. Officer. W. M. Buiot, Bsq. Rev. N. J. Ootmtßtra. f«w Noam Pan, Bag. O»a 8oo« Tbb, Esq. Kaoow
      435 words
    • 308 14 MMIaAaCE. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. O* China. Head Office, 51a, Kiangse Rd., Shanghai iTo ran CaiNisa Gbntlbmek or Siwgapori REMEMBER that it is the UNEXPECT I B D that is always happening in all parts of the world The Home Lite issues all sorts of policies to suit all
      308 words
    • 526 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATBD BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 80,000 Shares ot £30 each i 41,200,000 Reserve Fond M «1,825f100 Roservc Liability of Proprietors... «1 ,200.000 BANKERS, National Bank of Scotland. The London City a Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are
      526 words
    • 521 14 BANKINQ. THE IZE HAI TOW BANKINB ANO INBURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KXINO STRBBT. Established 190-/. Capital paid up 11,000,000.00 Reservs liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tax Tbok Joon ft. Sim Ku Ja> 3. Nam Kirn Sana 7. Tao Hoo Lai 8. Laow Chia
      521 words
    • 910 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OP Valuable Household Furniture, Plants, Etc., AT WANDARRI. NO. 1-A, OFF DALVEY ROAD. On Saturday, July t, at 2.30 p.m. Carved teak cabinet fitted with f helves and cupboard below; upholstered rattan chairs teak writing tables, etc. Polished dining table a set of teak dining
      910 words
    • 398 14 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Attractive Auction Sale of Valuable Town Properties, At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co.'s Sale rooms So. 6, Raffles Place, On Wbi>kksdat, Jclt 19, at 2.30 p.m. Lot No. 1. No. 45, Cecil Street. Monthly rental $40. Lot No. 2. Nos. 91 and 96, Arab Street Monthly rental
      398 words

  • 989 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Commercial Motor. Of tin several phases of automobilisin, says an Australian paper, that of the pastime is. perhaps, the most important at the present stage; the uportiun Hide, although it promised well in the iM'^imiiiii;. has lost its lustre and
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 253 15 DUE: SHORTLY: 18-16 H.P., 16-2O H.P., 20-38 H.P. WOLSELEY CARS. CARS OF IDEAL EFFICIENCY. Make a point of setting the Voleeley Imperial Torpedo Phaeton de Lnxe. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, LD., 6a, Battery Road. "Standard" CARS Art- to be used it the Delhi Durbar and by His Majesty King George. DUE
      253 words
    • 44 15 Best Treatment for Whooping Coujch Whooping cou<;h in not <l;in^prous when the cough is kept loose and expectoration rasy by Hiring Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has boon used in many epi'lemicH of this disease with poriect success. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      44 words
    • 315 15 yarrows '^asa steamers. 1 'st^rf-ag.""-!^/! l i, "If I fltj^fy^fetf" l^^^ w^ *r v* ra > YARROWS make a speciality Of SHALLOW DRAUGHT RIVER STEAMERS •HhW propelled hy a STEHN WHEF.I or by SCREWS WORKING IN TUNNELS, fltted with YARROW'S PATENT HINGED FLAP, by whit h mtmm n considerable increase
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 343 16 DRAINPIPES < RANEEOUNOE." Sizes from 3" to 24" are Stocked < i »LS.. j BULL-NOSED BRICKS. THE STUONaEST IN THE MARKET. 1 SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. COMPOSITORS WANTED. Wanted, Compositors for tbe Straits Times (Newß Dept.) Good salaries given to competent men. Apply with recent testimonials, CHINESE CLERK WANTED.
      343 words
    • 370 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TOBELE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED I No 5, Mt. Elizabeth to be let, furnished or unfurnished Apply to A Frankel Co. 206 19-7 OFFICE AND 60D0WN TO BE LET. With immediate entry No. 7, Malacca Street. Apply to GUTHRIE CO., LTD. 1285 v OFFICES TO LET.
      370 words
    • 614 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ROOM TO LET. Room suitable for Married Couple or two Bachelors. Apply Edon Hall, Nassim Road. 15-6 a HOUSE TO BE LET. Dalvey, immediate possession. For part<cul&rp, apply to Messrs. Tomlineon .V Lermit, or Messrs. Powell Co. 24-6 7-7 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET. Noe.
      614 words
    • 633 16 NOTICES. K. GOVINDASAMY NAIDU CO. Contractors and Suppliers of Bullock Carts, Drivers, Masons, Coolies, Sand, Laterite and Granite, at a very moderate rate. For particulars, pleaee apply to NO. 4, KERBAU ROAD. 216 207 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that Mr. J. Hamilton will represent me in Singapore, and I
      633 words
    • 740 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, ■mra—t and Municipal Contractor! Telephone No. 421. 108 4 100. Market Street. THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT OF THE AN6L0-CHINE8E 8CH00L Closed tor the mid-sommer vacation on 12th Jane, and will re-open on tbe 10th July, at which time there will be room for a new class
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    • 355 16 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD AND L0D6IN6. One Room. Apply 27, Syed Ali iload. 27-8 u BOARD AND LODGING. Double and single rooms at 7, Ozley Rise. Tennis and stabling. Terms moderate. 86 2-7 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Largo comfortable rooms with verandah* at Cam bo Hous.-, 9:i, River Valley Koad. 28-6
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 225 16 Straits Wmes. DVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of $1 per four lines tor one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.c. oards, on page 6, 12. Inch Sc ali Ratis
      225 words