The Straits Times, 29 May 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.577 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MAY 29. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 312 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST THE MOTO-REVE Jbigdtweigdt Motor Qyeh l\ H.P. TWIN-CYLIMDER MODEL. K jf^^' Weight, approx., 98 lbs. r "ijym^fes. lightweight twin-cylinder motor-cycle, ■V;\] having all the advantages of a heavy machine without the weight, encumbrance, j and noise, difficulty to start and control 9:1 *Th*®^^sJP''' >*"
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    • 164 1 ROBINSON AND COMPANY. BEBT QUALITY ALL-WOOL BUNTING DECORATIVE MATERIALS FOR THE FLAGS UNMOUNTED COTTON FLABB. CORONATION. OnJoi. Jack.. OQttOB UniQn Ja Art Muslin, pltin ooloure. In Red, Pnoe Etch White, Blue 4 Yellow, 26 ins. wide. '%\tt 2 yards lone ftll printed $3.75 p. nh n«.«- w „2* all sewn
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  • 993 2 iNTURES OF THE DUKE OF ST. OMARS." Amazing Story. osurrs of a remarkable character were t the Old Bailey on April 27, concerni- adventures of Ralph Campbell izio, otherwise Paisley William Lloyd ortli, seventy six, described as a in, who pleaded guilty to committing with Sybil Rhoda
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 571 2 A City Constable Nervous Depression, Lassitude, Rheumatism From all lands, deputations come to study the mttiuxi which lias made tha London Constable superior to all others. "The mtthoti by which I makt myself tqual to my work," says Constable Lawrence, "consists of taking Phosferine at internals, as in this way
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    • 56 2 Try It Once. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chamberlain's Pain Balm wonderfully effective. It is also an excellent liniment fos lame back, stiffness and soreness of the muscles; sprains and bruises. One application will convince yon of its merits. Try it. For
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    • 413 2 WAH HENG CO. Photographic Stores, DRVBLOPING, PRINTING k BNLARG ING AMATBOR8 1 WORK. Plates, Papers, Films, Obenrioah, Oamsras, Ten mi, ana General Photographic Material*. Frame* of erery Tiriety nude to order No. 95, North Bridge Rd., Opposite idelphi Hotel p FOR LADIES d-JORET^HOMOLLE-S-APIOL l/t f hi mott *sr* r— s
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    • 101 2 "Hazel ine' Snow' (t*ade ma*k) B Purr and I iSBK Neither g mountain I WaHl nor snow K'^^^^^^^^B greasy Creally rfdumd for Prickly Heat Its soothing and healing properties produce a delicious feeling of cool- ness and comfort. The ideal balm for painful sunburn, r it instantly relieves the smarting
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  • 1274 3 THE DEVELOPMENTS OF RECENT YEARS. General Rise in Production. At a meeting of the Indian Section of tin Koyal Society of Arts on April 27, J'rofcsNoi Sir Thomas H. Holland, late Dirtctoi of tin ecological Survey of India, mid a paper on The Trend of Mineral Development
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 650 3 JssL Coronation WSimii-A 4' f 0 i U*>TT*% *> K Dazaar NOW OPEN. Come and Visit. WE DON'T CHARGE YOU ANYTHING IF YOU DON'T BUY. Special Prices to Everybody. FLAGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MEDALS, BROOCHES, HAT PINS, ROSETTES in red, white and blue, SOAP BOXES. STATIONERY BOXES, PICTURE HANDKERCHIEFS, etc..
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    • 43 3 Croup Can Be Prevented. When given as soon as the croupy cough apptars Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it succeßßfufly. Sold by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 400 3 MARTIN'S STEEL. M m.)*m- Ladles f Jf* J[ It Cures Back-Ache All external achea and pains can be cured by the application of tbat wonderful remedy known as Utttot •rieirtal talm. For back ache it baa no equal. Well rubbed in, it easts tbe pain— brings almost inttant relief. A
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    • 140 3 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. AND CO., LTD HEAQOFRCES: BRANCH OFFIC'.S: Caxton Ho«ae. Wertai.*,. t 4 M(J fl Wiwjhai|er Honge Loßdoß BINOAPOBE wMva 6, Beach Street, Penang. Jr^ Balthazar's Bnildiog?, RansooD. Stafford. Woolwieb. Mate.. And io India, Australia, etc. MANUFACTURERS or Electric l lit as. Hw Pta.t htm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 597 4 STEAMER BAILIMBB. ¥7¥o\ STEAM NAVIGATION C 8 FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, OEYLO AO3TRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN, PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued f Cliina Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, an American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 I Devanha
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    • 568 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. KJ JAPAN MAIL I STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contraot with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twinsorew Steamsrs maintaining this service have been specially designed and oonstructed, and are
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    • 627 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL BTEAMBHIP CO U. 8. MAIL LINE. The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisoo, operating the new 18,000 tons, twin-screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA, MONGOLIA MANCHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF SIX FIRST-CLASS STBAMERS,
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    • 245 4 BTEAMER BAIUHBS. Canadian Pacific Railway Go.'s Royal Mall Steamship Line. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Via China, Japan, Canada and the United States. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Empress of India" j Twin screw R.M.S. "Empress of J.p«" R.M.S.
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    • 513 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. 2 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCHE DAMPFSCHIFF FAHRTSGES. HUM BRtMEK Combined Services. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly (or Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for
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    • 612 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company Mil fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar Genoa, Naples (oonneotina Marseilles, N plas, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Pooling, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 131 5 FIXTURES. Monday, May ao. High Water, 11.21 a.m., 10.87 p.m. Philharmonic Orchestra 5.15 p.m. Association oop tie meeting. Tuesday, May 30. High Water, 0.8 p.m., 11.17 p m. Wednesday, May 91. High Water, O.f f. p.m. Derby Day. Thursday, June 1. High Water, 0.1 a.m., 1.48 p.m. P.
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  • 169 5 To-DAV. Cat* Ceylon, Australasia, Mauritius, India, Egypt and Europe, et:. Australien 3pm ludragiii Aiug Tbye 3pm Malacca. Port Swettenham and Telok Anson Perak 3 pm Itatn Pahat Aiug Hio 3 pm Shanghai -ud Japan Bacentaar 4pm Port Swettenham, Penan^, Negapatani and Madras Tar.i 4 pm iind j
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  • 63 5 Ipl. 24 N. D. L. Ipl. 27 B. 1. Hay 1 M. M. Jay 6 I. &O. ■•I iy 8 N. D. L. Hay 11 R. I. May 15 M. M. flay 19 P. <>. May 25 B. I. day 29 M. M. May ■lane 17 Mm
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  • 98 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TA.NJONO PAOAR. Bast Wbabf Basin Nil. East W. Section No. I— Nil. Shkirs Wharf— Vienna. Main W. Skit. No. 3— De Carpentier, I tchia. B— Tara. 4— (ilenogle. 6 Mataram. 6 Protesilans, Gorgon. Laoook Dock
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  • 164 5 Arrivals. Per bteamer Nubia, May 27. From Colombo Mr. and Mrs. Dove from Penang Mr. W. H. Stephens. Per steamer Tar a, May 27. From Madras via ports: Mr. A. Reel, Mr. E. M. ISaula Mrs. Cornfield and Captain B. Wendscher. Per steamer Lady Weld, Stay 28.—
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  • 524 5 Latest Arrivals. Batavier, Brit. sir. 215 tontt, Capt Simpboo, May 27. From Natnna Inland. May '25. (i.e. and 55 dp Teo Hoo Lye. For Natana Is., May 80. Roads. Borneo, Dot. str. 25C0 toss, Oapt Dencher, May 27. From S-,agen, May 22. c. Ships Agenoy, Ltd. Uoc. lioadp.
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  • 251 5 Finance Commerce. exchange. Sinoapou, May 29, 1911. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4} Demand 3/4/, Private 6 m/s 2/4JJ do 8 m/s 2/4 1 On Obrmant— Bank d/d 288. i Private 8 m/s 342} On Francs— Bank d/d 294 j Private 8 m/s 299 On India -Bank T. T. 174
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    • 162 5 Ifisne 72 Value 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Bruang 10 10 Braaeh Hyd. 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 KinUTin £1 XI KledangTin 10 10 Kuantan Tin £1 £1 Lahat Mines 10 10 Malacca Tin 5/- 6/- Pahang Conaol £1 £1 Pengkalen £1 £1 Posing Uahra £1 £1 Pnsing
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    • 569 5 Issue Value Buyers. Sellers. 2/. 2/- Allaear 4/- 4/4) x/diy 2/. 2/. Anglo-Malay 17/7* 16/10 z/div 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 2/1 2/4 £1 £1 Batu CaTea 14.0.0 16.0.0 £1 £1 Batu Ti«» 4.13 4 JO £1 £1 Bokit Kajang 2.1.10;. 2.8.10} £1 £1 Bnkit Lintang 4.0.0 1.10.0 £1 6/-
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    • 128 5 Issno S Valuo aJ Bayers. Sellers 10 10 Eastern nom. Smelting 10.00 10 7 7.00 £1 £1 Eleotric Tramways 8/8 4/8 10 10 Fraser A Neave 88 00 49.00 100 Howartb Erskine 45.00 100 7% Ptet «00 100 100 Hati Bro. Oct. 180 00 140.00 100 100 a 8%
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    • 45 5 Bayers Sellers Howarth Erskine 8% 1800,000 par Riley, Hargreaves 6% $284,000 2* Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £880,000 Spore Municipal 6 11,878,000 nom. Bayers Sellers S'poro Municipal^ of 1907 11.800.C00 8% 7%pm Spore Municipal H% of 1909 11,000,000 7% B%pm Spore Mnnioipal 4% 1802,900 7%dia
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 Sick Headache. This rUstoMBJM aument results from a (livu-il. iv.i condition of tho stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dottu or two of Ciiumborlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attack may be warded off, or greatly lessened in severity, by taking a clone
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    • 351 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. May ao— At saleroom, valuable laotl and bouse property, situate at Prinsep St., at 2.80. May 80— At saleroom, valuable town pro perties, Ken» Cheow Street, at 2.30. May 30 At saleroom, freehold land off Coronation Road, at 2.30. May £<> -At saleroom, bouse and
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    • 739 5 STEAMER BAIUNOB. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tbe New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Francisco to all Points in the United States, Canada, Mexioo, and Europe. Operating the New 21,000 ton Triple Screw TurWne llnsrs "Tenyo Maru and Chljo Maru, the Queens
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    • 47 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY. Undertakers and Monumental Masons. ESTABLISHED 1881. JUST RECEIVED: New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallio Wreaths, etc. Monuments ol every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES Tbe Best to be bad in the colony. With Plumes in use. TBLBPHONB NO. TIT NO. IST. ORCHARD ROAD
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  • 1108 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, MAY 29. THE MALARIA DANGER. Soiiu: interesting statements were made at the meeting of the Municipal Commission on Friday with reference to the terrible mortality which has recently occurred in Singapore from malaria. For a time, as our morning contemporary has been pointing out, the death-rate
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  • 16 6 Returns show that 65,915 persons passed tho turnstiles on the opening day of the Glasgow exhibition.
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  • 19 6 Tho management of the sugar factory, Bantool, in Djakja, celebrated, on May 16, the 60th year of its existence.
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  • 21 6 The German Tulefuukon Company has received the order to erect wireless telegraphic stations on the most important islands of Netherlands India.
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  • 22 6 A telegram from Berlin, dated lTtli, to the Deli Courant, says that Abdul Ham id, the ex-Sultan of Turkey, has committed suicidr.
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  • 36 6 A London telegram to tho Times of Ceylon, dated May 22, states that tho Linggi reserve is jC6O,COO, and the carry forward £10,255. The crop estimate is 1,120.000 lbs. The output for 1910 was 874,000 lb*.
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  • 37 6 At the Singapore Rubber Exchange, the plantation sheet offered at the auction on Wednesday, May 24, was sold at 1256 per picul. A consignment of Borneo wild rubber was withdrawn, the reserve price not haying been reached.
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  • 56 6 The annual sports of St. Joseph's Institution will take place on Saturday, June 10, at 2.30 p.m. His Excellency the acting Governor has promised to attend, with Mrs. Brockman, who will give away the prizes. The parents of the pupils, friends and benefactors of the institution are invited to be
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  • 41 6 A programme particularly strong iv dramatic subjects was presented at the Marlborough cinematograph on Saturday night. The pictures were much appreciated and there was great laughter at the conclusion of the show over the original humorous picture, Babylas inherits a Panther.
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  • 53 6 In connection with the formation of a Chamber of Commerce at Ipoh, a local agitation is being started to utilize the natural advantages of Lumut harbour, for the benefit of Perak in general, and Ipoh in particular. The Ipoh paper declares that Lumut harbour as a harbour is vastly superior
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  • 54 6 Sergeant Earl, of the Buffs, was interred with military honours in tho military cemetery, Thomson Road, on Saturday afternoon. A large cortege of mourners followed the coffin, two companies of the Buffs and representatives of all the other corps in the garrison being present. A number of sergeants from tin-
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  • 60 6 The London steamer Buceutaur, of UN tons gross, and 2,283 tens net register, belonging to the Bucknall Steamship Lines, Limited, has been sold to Japanese buyers for about Jtl'i.OOO. with delivery in the Far East. She was built on the Clyde in 1893. Her dimensions arc:— Length, 360 ft.: breadth,
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  • 61 6 An extraordinary general meeting of the Sitiawan Mission Plantations was Leld in Messrs. Kvatt and Co.'s offices on Saturday, the Rev. W. T. Cherry presiding. It was resolved to increase the capital of the company to 950,000, by the creation of 2,0(10 more shares of tlO each. The resolution will
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  • 73 6 We are requested to state that the telephone which is fitted in the cabin on Johnston's pier will be disconnected from to-night for several days, owing to the work which is being carried out by Messrs. Uowarth Erskine. Ltd. at the entrance of Johnston's pier. This is a telephone which
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  • 76 6 .lava papers contain telegrams from The Hague, quoting the following from the Dutch paper, Nieuwe Courant The Directorate of the Algenieenc Maatschappij voor Nederlandsche Cultunrzaken have been compelled to resign. Two of its members H. van Henckelum, jr., and C. J. Dixon who are also connected with theTjakraboewanaand the Soengei
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  • 87 6 (juite a good selection of pictures may be seen at the Alhambra cinematograph which speaks well for the management and enterprise of that popular place of entertainment, which is always to the fore in changes of programme and in high-class subjects. The present series of films contains a good deal
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  • 110 6 An interesting case in the Ipoh Lower Court, in which Cheong ('him and three others sued the Heawood Tin and Rubber Co., Ltd., for the sum of 125,000, amount of alleged daily wages at 60 cents per diem due to them for wages for gangs of coolies engaged by them
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  • 102 6 F. Lee, a European, late of Mauritius, has boen sentenced by the Kangoon Magistrate to three months' rigorous imprisonment on each of the two charges, the sentences to run consecutively, of being in legal possession of nine bales of opium and 207 one-eighth ounce bottles of cocaine, with which ho
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  • 106 6 I cannot make out, writes a correspondent of the L. and C. Express, why someone has not drawn the attention of the Admiralty to the immense resisting power of block rubber. If it were placed 12 in. thick between tho armour and inner lining of batt' ships, no shell would
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  • 427 6 Dr. Leitch is due back from homo by tho next P. and mail and will tike up his duties with the Singapore Municipi'lity. Mr. A. Hoeffer, who has Imh-ii for some time in Penang, lias U-en re transferred to tho Singapore branch of Messrs. Bohn. Meyer and
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  • 59 6 Aviators are forbidden to fly over the routes traversed by the Coronation procession, states a London wire in the Hongkong Telegraph. A Koyal order has also boen issued forbidding the distributing of paper cups containing ivuur. On the occasion of King Edward's Coronation, water in cups
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  • 68 6 A Tokio wire in the Hongkong Telegraph says: The Kailway Board has contemplated a scheme of building a giant iron bridge over the lit kan Strait between Moji and Bakan for the purpose of facilitating the communication between the mainland and Kyushu. Investigations are being carried
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  • 93 6 At a meeting of the Colombo Electric Tramways and Lighting Company, Ltd., hold on April 26, it was resolved to pay a dividend of 8 per cent., free of income tax, for the year 1910, and carry forward jE»,7 10. The sum of .£8,300 lias been transferred
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  • 89 6 Tuau Fang, who was dismissed from tho Viceroyalty of Chihli for taking photographs of the funeral of the Empress- Dowager, has been appointed Director-General of tho HuKiang railways, with tho rank of n Mi him terial Vice-President, states the Hongkong Daily Press. The gentry are tremendously incensed
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  • 147 6 According to the Pinang (iazettc, a syndicate has been formed in connection with thu proposed (lights in Penang by M. Kuller, consisting of Messrs. J. C Jurrjcns, M. It, Thornton, C. E. Uadolius, J. Uuose, Tek Chung and Co. by Lim Ec Phok, Shum Ilin Chun, Lam
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 CAPSTAN MIXTURE ||£Jsj|i SMOKING MIXTURE K]| > Jfl MEDIUM AND FULL !ffij'j^Bls^,nnfi--- v IN }lb. AIH-TIOHT TINS. <Mv *prSf¥f^M Price Per Tin I; 5 H.O WlpMi AO /"^^r^+C OBTAINABLE AT Messrs. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. Messrs. ROBINSON COMPANY. VAN PER TAX'S Celebrated Qastelar &)ute6 (Bigars. 50 in box $2 25.
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    • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page S as woll an 8.
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  • 97 7 POWERS REFUSE TO JOIN IN A PROTEST. French Reply Not Yet Received. Dk.h Ost \si \TiseiiK Lloyd Tklkoram. Berlin, May 27. Russia asked the Powers to join her in her warning note to Turkey in reference to the concentration of troops on the Montenegrin frontier. Germany, England.
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  • 106 7 GENERAL MADERO HANDS OVER THE TROOPS Departure of Ex -President Diaz. Riutru's Trlkoram. London. May '27. A -Mexico city telegram says that exrrcsideut Diaz has left secretly for VeraC'ru/. London. May 29. Kenhor l>iaz is probably coming to Spain. Acting l*resident Barra proposes an immediate settlement of
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  • 40 7 Mammoth Dreamland Suffers Big Loss. Rectrr's Teleoram. London, May 27. A New York telegram says a fire occurred yesterday at Coney Island, a 'mammoth dreamland pleasure resort. The loss is estimated at over two million dollars.
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  • 40 7 Reutkk's Telkgkam. London, May 27. According to a Washington telegram. Attorney < icncral i, -kerslam, replying to a roholutiou of the Senate, states that no criminal prosecution will be initiated against tlie > Mien* of the Standard Oil Trust.
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  • 62 7 Rectkr's Telegram. London, May 29. Worcestershire beat Oxford University by nix wickets. Yorkshire beat Derbyshire by i»n innings And .seventy live runs. Middlesex beat Lancashire.- by au inuiugs and eleven rims. Notts beat Gloucestershire by an innings and IM i im*. Warwickshire beat Sussex by two wickets.
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  • 17 7 Dub Ostasiatische Lloyd Tf.lkoham. Berlin, May 27. Baron Ht-xthauscn departs ou June 2 for China.
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  • 20 7 DEH OSTASIATISCBK LLOYD TkLEORAM. Berlin, May 28. Hovanncs Khan has been appointed Ambassador for Persia at I.i rlin.
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  • 18 7 Rectkr's Trleoram. London, May '29. The Reichstag Committee has approved the provisional Japanese Commercial arrangement.
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  • 18 7 Deb Obtariatiscuf Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, May, 28. The Russiau Duma has adjourned till November 28.
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  • 23 7 Kkotir's Tkleokam. London, May 27. Paris messages say that M. Berteaux, tho late War Minister, had an imposing military funeral.
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  • 443 7 (By an Occasional Corkbspondbnt.) Modan, May 24. The Deli Spoorwegmaatschappij (the local railway company here) have declared a dividend for 1910 of 10 per cent. Cholera has not yet abated, and indeed in some quarters is giving rise to uneasiness. Fresh cases are occurring almost daily. The
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  • 457 7 Anticipated Large Decrease of the Visible Supply. The Olobe's tin market received, dated April 21. states I .a-t v eek closed at £194 10s. cash, £189 15s. tin, i months. This week closed at £193 15s. cash. £190 ss. three months. The turnover for the week was
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  • 180 7 The Times of India correspondent at Aden writes on May 7 According to reports received last evening, tho Mullah has raided Odhad, thirty miles from Burao, and looted thousands of camels and cattle. The Mullah is at Datnarc, which is a few days' march from AVarsingli.
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  • 793 7 IMPORTANT STATEMENT BY MR. JUSTICE FISHER. Perjured Testimony in Malacca Case. In the Supreme Court to-day Mr. Justice Fisher gave judgment in an appeal from Malacca. The appellant was K. Appadorai. an assistant surgeon with the Malacca Municipality and lie was convicted in the police court
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  • 41 7 The following prices were realized at the weekly sale of rubber at the Auction Mart, Malacca, on Saturday Fine sheet $244,80 per picul. Sheet 1286 Bark crepe 1161 Scrap »141 All lots were sold. Bidding was very keen.
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  • 132 7 The text has been issued in England of a Bill to make compulsory the giving of character notes to servants. The measure proposes to enact that every employer shall give to every person leaving his employment, by dismissal or otherwise, upon application being made, a certificate or character
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  • 92 7 The first of fonr steamers ordered by the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha for work in connection with the Miiki collieries, the Kinkasan Maru, was launched by Sir Raylton Dixon and Co. Tho vessel U of the cantilever-framed type, and is 393 ft. 6 in. long by 63 ft. 7 in. broad
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  • 1119 7 IMPROVEMENTS EFFECTED ON THE ESTATE. Splitting of the Shares. The fifth annual general meeting of the Consolidated Malay Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on May 8, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. G. G. Anderson, chairman of the company, presiding. The Chairman
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  • 817 7 Duty Absorbs 33 Per Cent, of Year's Profits. The report of the Lahat Tin Mines, Ltd., for 1910, which was to be presented to the fourth annual general meeting of the shareholders on May 1 1 is a record of a satisfactory year's work. The directors state
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  • 350 7 PORT DICKSON- LUKUT Particulars of the Linggi Subsidiary Company. The prospectus of the Port DicksonLukut I V. M.S. i Rubber Estates. Limited, announce t that the company has been formed, with the objects mentioned in the memorandum of association, and primarily to acquire the following properties —The St. Leonards estate,
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  • 60 7 TWO FIGHTS WITH THE REBEL TRIBESMEN. Considerable Losses Suffered. Riutrr's Trlrorav. London, May 27. Tangier telegrams stn'e that Colonel Gouraud lost 5 killed and 20 wounded in a fight with tribesmen at Beht liiver on May 22. Another column won attacked in theAlwana region on May 28,
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  • 54 7 GREAT INCREASE DURING THE YEAR. Attraction of the Rubber Estates. Redtrr's Tilroram. London. May 29. A Madras Government report on emigration during the past year states that 85,015 emigrants proceeded to the Malay States compared with 48,719 during tho previous year. The increase is attributed to the remunerative
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  • 40 7 Serious Injury to the Inflexible. Kkctfr's Tklfoham. London, May 29. The battleship Bellcrophon and the cruwor Inflexible collided off Portland while return ing from manoeuvres. The Inflexible had a seven-foot holo made in her, and needs extensive repairs.
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  • 37 7 (From a Malacca Correspondent.) Malacca, May 28. Information has boon received by Malaooa Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Para in London yesterday was 4/3 per lb., value. The market closed flat.
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  • 246 7 British and Foreign Bible Society's Huge Output. 'I' ln annual meeting of tho British and For eign Bible Society was held at (Queen's Hall on May 3, under the presidency of the Mar guess of Northampton. Eight new versions of the Bible have, during the year, been isMied
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  • 195 7 The Modern Tendency to Watch Others Play. Prince Arthur of Connaught, presiding at the coming of age dinner at the Savoy Hotel of tho London Playing Fiolds Socioty, said that all thoughtful persons bad awakened to the fact that one of the chief problems of tho
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  • 79 7 Tho Liverpool steamer Ching Wo, of 3,88.1 tons gross, and 2, Jl7 tons not register, owned by the China Mutual Steam Navigation Company, Limited, managed by Messrs. A. Holt and Company, Liverpool, has been sold to Japanese buyers, with delivery in tho Far East. Her dimensions are Length, 378 ft.
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    • 238 8 The mooting to consider the arrangement oi this year's Association football cup tics in Singapore will take place on Wednesday instead of Friday as previously announced. Selangors Association football team to play IVrak. on Saturday, Juue :S, will be wlllllhlllhllill the following M. A. V. Allen, <!
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    • 63 8 Oarrison Golf Club. Prizes for a mixed competition, kindly presented to the Garrison (iolf Club by Mrs. Itowlancl Allen, will be played for in Juue, commencing on June 4. Conditions, match play, handicap. 1H holes mot necessarily played in one day), open to members of the Garrison (iolf Club.
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    • 145 8 Selanyor v. A rifle shooting match bet'veen the Sulangor Ladies' I :it!e Club and the Ponang LX. C, IUO, l. r io and 20*1 yards, has nsnltod nw follows: PkSaSh. .Miss -loan Smith U.i Mrs. Wright Motion W Miss Thornton 91 Mi-s Mclntyre H6 Miss Wemyss 84
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  • 425 8 Discovery of a Valuable Tree in Northern Natal. it is v remarkable fact, state- the Fin aucial News, that an imperative demand for .ivy commodity has tin effect of unlocking hitherto iiusuxpccted sources of supply; and apparently rubber is not to be the exception to the rule.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 260 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— According to "Dollar Shares Values" position appears somewhat as follows 53,150 pound shares iv Singapore Para Rubber Estates (if taken at 100% premium) =.£106,800 0 0 Cash «:i20,600-^ 87,40:t f> 8 Balance= VM 18 4 Authorised and
      260 words
  • 590 8 Review of Sir Hugh Clifford's Latest Book. Thefollowiug review of Sir Hugh Clifford's latest book appears in the Times Literary Supplement ln a "foreword" to his new story, The Downfall of the Gods. Sir Hugh 'lifford expresses once again, with beauty .U'l feeling, the fascinating
    590 words
  • 31 8 According to a London wire of May 19 to Hongkong, the Government has promised to reduce to half price the cost of cables. Also to make cheapor the foreign parcels post.
    31 words
  • 758 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, May 29, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations tbis morning Norn. Value. Buyers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 4/7 x/div 2/. Options 1/9 2/9 £1 Anglo-Java 5/8 5/9 1 Anglo-Johore 10/- 13/9
    758 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 47 8 THIS IS IT Waterbury's Metabolized COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND. t TASTELESS, ODOI'RLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does allthat ia claimed for it and supersedes the oid-fashioned emulsions which npset the etomach. Highly reoommendod by the medioal profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS $2.15 AND $2410
      47 words
    • 13 8 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Core,
      13 words
    • 937 8 NOTICE TO TIN MINERS We have the largest and moat up-to-date Plant in the East for the Manufacture of RIVETTED STEEL PIPING (All sixes from 5 to 42 inches diameter Prices quoted delivered at any Port or Railway Station, and owing to our large stocks of Steel Plates we can
      937 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 253 9 FIRE FIRE FIRE No home op business complete without a MINIMAX FIRE EXTINGUISHER Cheap— Effective— Never Kails. Write for prices and pamphlets. PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. As Wise «,s an Owl IS THE MAN WHO BUYS AN "UNDERWOOD" Typewriter. Spar em Stocked. Repairs a Speciality. r.'UCES AND CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION.
      253 words
    • 291 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO PENANG. RANGOON 4 CALCUTTA. One of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through ratda to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to Bast African Porto,
      291 words
    • 180 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE. 80 H. P. 6 CYLINDER Standard" Motor Car. Good hill-climber and very fast. Five soater, also two small seats Five lamps, Stepney Wheel, tools and spare parts complete. Excellent condition, only run 18 months. Owner, Mr. E. V. Carey, has left tor home. What offers
      180 words
    • 252 9 ARTICLES FOB SALE. FOR SUE. Piano specially built for the Tropios, A polio Piano Player and CO music rolls in good order. Apply Piano, o/o Straits Times. 20 v TURNOUT FOR SALE. 4 seated, rubber-tyred Victoria in good condition and Australian horse with harness, complete, price 1230. Apply Medical Hall.
      252 words
    • 29 9 Ttiatis /%AS£/>&A £AV£s SINGAPORE SODA WATER FOR SALE. One second-hand F.N. Motor-Cycle in good condition. Complete with born and tools. Price <200. Apply E.H.H., c/o Straits Time*. 20-6 a
      29 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 516 10 INBURAMCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Bead Office Winchester House, BINGAPORB. Board Of DlmOtOfl 8. A. Derrick, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Pbtbr Fowlib, ma, cm., Chief Med. Officer. W. U. Elliot, Esq. Her. N. J. Ooovbbdb. Tow Noam Pax, Esq. Oho Soom Tbb, Esq. Kaoow
      516 words
    • 307 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMMNf OF OMUM. Established 1883. 8.8.C. Imuranoi in Foroe, over HMH.WfI.OO New Bu.inea., 1010, OTer...sM4o,oorM L«r«je Not Surplus above liabilities tor P.sserve and all outstanding claims. Direct Government Supervision Caeh Loans, Settlements, etc., made locally. Policies are WORLD WIDE." J. H. EVANS, Manager, South Eastern Asia.
      307 words
    • 522 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROTAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 60,000 Shares of X3oeaoh 41,300,000 Reserve Fond £1,625,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41,200.000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Acoounts are opened and interest allowed at
      522 words
    • 661 10 BANKINB. THE SZE HAI TONS MNKINfI AND INBURANCE 00, LTD NO. IT AND 68, KLING STRKBT. Established 1907. Capital paid up M 11,000,000.00 Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS, 1. Tan Taw Jooh 6. Sim Eu Jam 3. NfM Km Save T. Tbo Hoo Lai 8. Laow Out
      661 words
    • 660 10 SALES BY AUCTION. FORTHCOMING FURNITURE SALES June 10. At Mt. Elizabeth House, teak household furniture, etc. Jane 10. At Tan Beng Chiang Nnrseries, nemr Orchard Road Post Office, Large collection of Plants. POWELL CO., Auctioneers. 43 v AUCTION SALE Of LAND AT EAST COAST ROAD, On Tubsdat, May 80, at
      660 words
      663 words

  • 719 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Action Against Ceylon Scorchers. In view of correspondence which has recently taken place with repaid to furious motor driving in Colombo it is interesting, says the Times of Ceylon, to capitulate the steps which can be taken to put a stop
    719 words
  • 209 11 Hongkong Governor's Despatch to Secretary of State. At a meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Council, the Hon. Montague Erie asked the following question standing in his n.u m- With reference to the remarks of the Honourable Mr. Slade in the debate of October 8, 1908, will the
    209 words
  • 42 11 Lady Kelvin had given a sum of H5OO for the foundation of a Kelvin Prize in the University of Glasgow, in memory of her husband, the distinguished Hcientitrt, who died in 1907, and who was for some years Cbanoellor of the University.
    42 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 310 11 THOROUGHLY RELIABLE SECOND-HAND CARS FOR SALE. To those desirous of purchasing Cars which we can recommend, we will be glad to give full particulars of those we have in hand. CENTRAL ESSE LIMITED. |M 9 m F decide on your NBW CAR till yon b»ve inspected our STOCK, U\9mM I
      310 words
    • 11 11 Woods Great Peppermint Core for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Coldmetc.
      11 words
    • 203 11 IS NOT THE Tyre THAT LASTS LONGEST THE CHEAPEST AND BEST CONTINENTAL 111-Ribbed Tyres May be dearer than other makes when you buy them, but run the tyres and then compare the result You will then find that Continentals are cheapest and best. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd., Telegrams: SINGAPORE.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 488 12 INDIAN PATENT STORAGE GOOOWNS 1 111 li I RUBBE MCTORIES HOSPITAL WARDS GOODS SHEDS. Sharpe, Ross Co., Ltd. WANTS. COMPOSITORS WANTED. Wanted, good compositors wbo are wellop in stone work and general newspaper work. Good salaries given to competent men. Apply, with recent testimonials, to the Manager, Straits Times. 17-4
      488 words
    • 355 12 WANTS. y. m. c a house Residential quarter* for men. Each room is tally furnished, is lighted by electricity and has its own bathroom. Boatd is provided, if desired. Apply The General Secretary. 26-5 CHINEBE CLERK WANTED. Wanted at once, smart Chinese deck, quick at figures, and good hand- writing
      355 words
    • 514 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. OFFIGEB TO LET. With immediate entry, first and second floors, No. Raffles Quay. Apply Guthrie Co., Ltd. 1-4 Nob. 80 and 65, Robinson Road. Apply Nathan tnd Son, Change Alley. 16 60D0WN8 TO BE LET Norn, 18, 18, 17, 19 and 21, Alkaff Quay to
      514 words
    • 401 12 NOTICES. OLD WELLIK6TON DINNER. An O. W. Dinner will be held on June 17 next, at Kuala Lumpur, should a sufficient number inform me that they will attend. N. H. DAKBYNE, Knang Estate, Kuang, Selaogor. 24-6 806 SINGAPORE FILIPINO BRABS BAND AND BTRIN6 ORCHESTRA Musicians (applied in bands of 8,
      401 words
    • 637 12 NOTICES. MAIN KIAT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS ■iwriwft and Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 108 4 100, Market Street THE KUANTAN TIN MINING CO., LTD. NOTICE OF CLOSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS. Notice is hereby given that the transfer books will be closed from the 7th to the 12tb Jane, 1911,
      637 words
    • 275 12 ROBINSON PIANO ao PIANOS Fop HIRE ALL THE LEADING MAKES. Tel. 191. E. kO. HOTEL. PENANG The best and the most frequented Hotel iv the Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Straits, ABI THI BHANCHIB OF RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. U2780 VICTORIA. HOTEL, VICTORIA STREET.
      275 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 238 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.-Misoellane oub wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of tl per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not pionnding four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, %'l. Ihob Soalb Ratis are
      238 words