The Straits Times, 13 May 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.564 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MAY 13. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 275 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST KATZ BROS., LD. Agents for the Bc^ifir Bottles and Icy-Hot Junior '^JK Mounted in a handsome nic- ■b^H .^SBL kel-silver case. Of beautiful i j 7^^£k h m>- s similar to and as emcient liA jfl design, finished like a piece of O m
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 857 2 DIVER'S AWFUL ADVENTURE IN THE THAMES. Air- Pipe Cut 50 Feet Below the Surface. Details of a thrilliug fight for life 57 feet below the surface of the Thames havo just transpired. -V diver named John Thomas, tmployed by the Pori of London Authorities, lias liad
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 189 2 laaaaaaaaaCr V //^^Baaaaßv i/^^^^B^aaaal aaß vavJl IL vTT~"^^^H I aaaaaE^"T^^lr I laaaaaaaaaaaW^^—^l Vr^£*JU K tßavS "i'^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaU 'VANA' Tonic Wine THE IDEAL I NVIGORATOR FOR BODY, NERVE AMD BRAIN ■HI The vitalising effect of its blood' enriching constituents becomes evident after the first few doses. Appetite is restored, digestion is aided,
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    • 134 2 Try It Once. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chamberlain's Pain Balm wonderfully effective. It is also an excellent liniment for lame back, stiffness and soreness uf the muscles; sprains and bruises. One application will convince you of its merits. Try it. For
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    • 562 2 JAMES ROBERTS' GUN S «tUa» r»r II llai vi TNI •FEOIA4. CLUB «UN f»a» tH aar attraa, fll^aaf^^ Ts^^^^^aaaaaaaaaa« f imc urlTl)ajnaac«aban«li, Oreoner tmble crnaa- baited M*» I<k«« :pC*tol huo atock af aaleeto. wjjinit, liMley t Kilyj- t.nrwmd a-««aar, a*n lapmd aarl Uior.m«hly reliable in ewrrway. WtcalUa •■oatfrae. li-'iiT.riwtt. Wmo
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    • 593 2 NECKLACES I DIAMONDS AND COLOURED PRECIOUS BTONEB. We are exhibiting at our sale rooms a collection of the above in various designs and cordially invite the public to inspect them. ISMAIL AND RAHEEM, BRAS BABAH ROAD. The Life-Wine for the Work-weary. Wearied by work and worry, iH-rve-sli.ikrn. aVareaai .1 .m<l
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  • 764 3 LETTER FROM BISHOP FERGUSON DAVIE. Need for a High Type of Clergy. The- following appeal from the Itislioii of Singapore has appeared in the Ouanlinii Sir, I wish to make use of yum columns in order to bring the claims of the Diucrse of Singapore tothenotice of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 776 3 rUSHUNCOAL-l The Best Steaming Coal in the Par East. KRKSII STOCKS always o» fc.nd OUTPUT 3(100 TONS •tDairen, Nowohwan K ind Tient 4. UU ITU I UIfUU IUnO sic Depots and also at Chef 00, nk BCD fflalV>^i>^ Shanghai, HoDgkooß, Sinßapoce rdf UMI and Penang. MIRINIi Dtr>»»T»C»T South Manchuria
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    • 99 3 Croup Can Be Prevented. Wlun K' v cn as soon as the cronpv oongh appears Chamberlain's Congh Iteuic'Uy will ward tiff an attack of croup ami prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it successfully. Sold by all Dispeusaries and Dealers. To EXPLORERS OF COUNTRY far
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    • 477 3 THIRTY YEARS OF DISFIGURING ECZEWA CURED "T.rtr riMi I was a little fir!, Uhty yvan »£>>. I had MifTrrol tortures from erzt-ma In one of Its »i,i-i forms. The dbaaar runs in my fa mil v, and mine wn of a acaly ami mo>t dUHgurinu kind. The eczema foiin- v
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    • 95 3 l^j^aTEY BRAND j For a Thousand Household Uses. MONKEY BRAND Makes Copper like Gold Tin like Silver. SHAPE OF OUR LABELS IbßclT^ij rj f^ff^^Bl. We bare improved our SODAWATBR and this is now AT LEAST AS GOOD as the best in town, our LEMONADE, TONIC, G'XGEH ALE, GINGER BEEH, LEMON
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 598 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN, PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Golf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamors will loavo Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 I Delhi Jaly 14
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    • 563 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is maintained be. tween Yok(hama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 608 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL BTEAMSHIP CO U. 8. MAIL LINE The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, vU Honolulu and San Franoisoo, operating the new 18,000 ton*, twin-screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamors CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MANCHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF SEVEN FIRST-CLASS
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    • 285 4 STEAMER BAIUH6BCanadian Pacific Railway Co s Royal Mail Steamship Unm. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Via China, Japan, Canada and the Unitbd Statbs. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.3. Empress of India" Twin screw RM.S."Bmpre«ofJ.pan" R.M.S. Empress of China" I
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    • 502 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND DEUTSCHE MMPFSCHIFFFaHRTMES. MANSa BREMEN Combined Servioe. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular servioe between Himbarg Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hambnrg and onoe a month for Bremerhavon direct,
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    • 614 4 STEAMER BAILIN6B. N. D. L. Norddautscher Lloyd, Breman. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well known mail steamon ol this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar Genoa, Naples (oonoeoting Marseilles, N plen, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Hue/., Aden. Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 648 5 STEAMER BAIUNCB. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Route Via China, Japan, Honolulu, and San Francisco to all Points in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. Operating th« Haw 21,000 ton Trial* Screw Turbine Linen "Tenyo Maru and Chlyo Maru," tha Queans
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    • 165 5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. TO PENANO. RANGOON ft CALCUTTA. One of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Paseengers and Cargo booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to Bast African Ports, Mauritius and
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    • 600 5 STEAMER SAILINGS INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The steamers of this Company maintains a regular direot service between Calcutta. Straits, Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo, on through Bills of Ladiiig fpr Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtsae Ports. Formosa, the Philippines, etc., etc. Stoamers Tons Commander Kutsano 4,806
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    • 403 5 RAFFLES-BY-THE-SEA Penang. THE LEADING EUROPEAN HOTEL (No oonneotion witb any other Establishment of a similar name). RECOMMENDED BY THE MEDI. CAL PROFESSION on account of its healthy position, lofty airy rooms, and wholesome food. Cuisine under the constant supervision of the Proprietor. Electric light and fans. Private bathrooms and verandahs.
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    • 267 5 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (NEAR ENTRANCE to BORNEO WHARF) Telephone 1028. »St a stocks of all kiuds of FROZENMEATS, etc, can be delivered u> Shipping at the Wharves, or id the Singapore Roads, on shirt notice. OFFICE HOURB Week days 7 a.m to 6 p.m. Sundays 7 a.m. to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 230 6 '1 ins ci li-biati d beverage is supplied by all First-class Hotels, Clubs, and Stores tbrougbuut tbo World. A cents: s y m Co Singapore. I Huttenbach Bros. Co., PcnanfJ. M I 2 11 OngSamLeong&Co., STEAM SAW-MILL AMD GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Always have Timber and Planks to Suit all Requirements in
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    • 823 6 SALES BY AUCTION. FORTHCOMINS FURNITURE May 18. At 26 a, Syed Ali Road. Teak household f arnitnre, Harmonium, etc. May 20. At Silver Bank, 107, Orob'ard Roid. Teak household furni'ure, good collection of plants and orchids, etc. May 20. At Gaol Honse, Sepoy Lines. Superior teak household furniture, etc The
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    • 686 6 NOTICES. THE EASTERN EXTENSION AUSTRALIA AND CHINA TELEGRAPH CO.. LTD. A Wireless Station hu been estab'isbed at Cocoa Island?. The tariff for Mess ige« from Singapore for British Ships via Cocos is 11.05 per word. 8-S-b 18-5 TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders are invited for the erection of New Premises and Laying-out
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    • 292 6 Justus Van Maurik's @igars. SELDOM EQUALLED. NEVER EXCELLED. Specially Recommended MacKinley, Begalia comme il faut 55.00 per hundred. MacKinley, After Dinner $4.00 MacKinley, Entr'Actos $3.50 Bismarck $6.75 RETAIL FROM: A. KADER M. SAIBOO, ANN LOCK CO., HOON KEAT CO., J. LEVY, AND YONG HOA SENG CO. Wholesale from HANDELSVEREENIGING "HOLLAND,"
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  • 135 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, May 13. High Water, 10.45 a.m., 10.34 p.m. B. I. outward mail due. Race*, Last Day. Fillis' Circus opens. Singapore Lads Club Sports, 8.80 p.m. Sunday, May 14. High Water. 1 1 HI a.m 11.59 p.m. Jackson Miller K ice Swimming Club. M. M. outward
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  • 246 7 To-day. Batavia, Cheribon and Samarnng Gi<tng Ann Bpm Deli and Asalian Ranee 3 pm Batu Pabat Sri Wongsee Bpm Penarjg, S ibany, Pddan^, etc. Bantam 8 pm Bengkahx, Siak and I'.ikan V. Hogendorp 3 pm Hopgkong, Shanghai and Japan Poona i pm Port Swettenham and Penang Ipoh
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  • 135 7 Tli' M. M. compauy's steamer Tourano left Saitioa at K a.m to day and may be expected to arrive hire on Monday, the 15th iobtaot, at about C a.m. I The M. M. company's fteamer Tonkin, having lett Colombo at 8 a.m. op jdnesday, the K'cli instant,
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  • 509 7 Latest Arrivals. PoloruH. H. M. CrnUer, 2137 tons, 224 {'row H «un« SCO') 11. Power Com. Davidson, May 12 I-'roni Hongkong, May 6. Senior Naval oilic.ei. For Portsmouth, May 14. Roads. Be'uravia, Grr. str. 42^5 tons Captain Ilildebrandt, May 13. From Shanghai, May 2. O.c, H Meyer Cj.
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  • 97 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. T4NJONG PAGAR. East Wharf Basin— Nil. East W. Sbction No I— Teesta. Shbbb.9 Wuabf Bacentaur. Main W. Sect No 2— Nil. 8-N.l. 4— Nil. I— ML B—Chiengmai,8 Chiengmai, Paroo. Laooon Dock 7 (Under construction). West
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  • 320 7 Expected to Arrive. PerP.itndO steamnr Mtcedonia, connecting with the steamer D -lbi at Colombo, due M»y 19.— Mr F M Lid;; -on, Mr ami Mrs R E Stephen*. Mr C \V Sivill, MrandMrsAW B^an, Mr S'ade. Per P. and O. eteimer N bia. dun May 25 —Miss
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  • 259 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Sinoaporb, May 18, 1911. On London— Bank 4 m/g 2/4 J Demand 2/4,^ Private 6 m/s 2/4 JJ do 8 m/s 2/4| On Gibmant— Bank d/d 288} Private 8 m/s 342* On Feanci— Bank d/d 294 J Private 8 m/s 299 On India— Bank T. T. 174
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    • 181 7 Issue !2 Valued! 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Braang 10 10 Branch Hyd. 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 Kinta Tin £1 £1 Kledang Tin 10 10 Kuantan Tin £1 £1 Labat Mines 10 10 Malacca Tin 5/- 6/- Pabang Consol £1 JEI IVDKkalon £1 £1 PotiDg Babro £1
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    • 618 7 Isano 3 Value (2 Buyers. Sellers. 2/. 3/- Allagar 4/1 4/Bex/div J/- 3/- AnnloMalaj IS/- l.O.Sex/div J/. 2/- Batang Malaka 2/3 2/11 £1 £1 Batu Caves 15.0.0 16.0.0 £1 £1 BatoTiga 4.12.8 5 0.0 £1 £1 Bnkit Kajang 2.0.0 2.8.S £1 £1 BukitLintang 4.10.0 6.0.0 £1 6/- Contributory 8.10.0
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    • 123 7 [asoe !2 i,alne Bayers. Sellers 10 10 EMtern norn Smelting 1000 10 7 7.00 £1 £1 Electric Tramways 8/8 4/8 10 10 Fraser Neave 88.00 49.00 LOO Howarth Erskine 60 00 100 7% Pref. 91.00 100 100 Kati Bro. Oti. 120.00 100 100 a 8 Cum. Pref. nom 10
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    • 48 7 Buyers Sellers Howarth Erskine 6% 1800,000 par Kiley, Hargreaves 6% 1384,000 2} Singapore Electric Tramways 6% £850,000 Spore Municipal 6 t1, 878 000 nozn. Bu>ors Selkn Spore Municipal 4}% of 1907 11,600,000 8% 7%pu> Spore Municipal 41% of 1909 $1,000,000 7% B%pm Spore Municipal 4% 1602.900 ~%i<»
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 Sick Headache. This distressing ailment results from a disordered condition of the stomach. All th;it is seeded U> sJbet cure is a dose or two nf (.'lminlxiliiin's Stomach and Liver Tiiblris. In f,u.-t, the attack may bo warded otT. or greatly UsSMsad in severity, by taking a ilu-,.,,1 this. Tablets
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    • 203 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. May 13 —At St. Helen", No. 26- A, Syed AH Road, teak hoo>etiold furniture, etc., at 2, May 15. At saleroom, private effects, etc at 11. May 15. At saleroom, three sets pony In mi. v at 11.90. May 16. At sal room, steol screw
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    • 721 7 QAH/RICK COARSE-CUT. bßK^^^s|^bS^^^^H Price 90 cts. Air-Tight TErm*TjtJf^Ml Mfl KnßLj~tf OBTAINABLE AT John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BHORTHANO TYP.BT WANTED. Wanted, competent Shorthand Tjpi-t, eitbor sex. Apply, stating salary expected, to G.C, co Straits Time-. 18-5 n OXLEY HOUSE. OXLEY ROAD. Single room« available from half month.
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    • 47 7 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY. Undertakers and Monumental Masons. ESTABLISHED 1881. JUST RECEIVED: New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, eto. Monuments ol every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the oolony. With Plumes in n*e. TBLEPHONH NO. 717 NO. 187. ORCHAKD BJAO
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  • 58 8 Westirhoct. At Race Course Villa," 17, Race Course Road, Singapore, on Saturday, May 13, 1911, at 2.10 a.m., Eva Alice, the dearly beloved wife of Alex. W. Westerhout aged 81 years. Penan g and Calcutta papers please copy. The funeral cortege will leave the above address at 4 p.m.
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  • 1332 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, MAY 18. OUTPOSTS OF EMPIRE. An obviously well-informed correspondent, who covers his identity by the initials T.A.E., has been writing a series of letters to onr esteemed contemporary, the Times of Ceylon, with reference to the utter inadequacy of the British naval defence East of Suez.
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  • 15 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 and 7 as well as 10.
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  • 15 8 Bishop Oldham will preach in English at the M.E. Tamil church at 10 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 18 8 We are informed by the Netherlands India Commercial Bank, that they have opened branches at Probolinggo and Ampenan.
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  • 24 8 Mr. Justice Woodward is presenting a silver cup to the I poll Golf Club which will be competed for on Sunday morning, June 25.
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  • 19 8 A matrimonial agency has. been established in New York for bringing about marriages between Austrian noblemen and American heiresses.
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  • 28 8 A Chinese woman living in a lane off Bukit Timah Road reports to the police that two men visited her house yesterday and kidnapped her sixteen- year-old daughter.
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  • 27 8 The Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mining Company's April returns are as follows: output piculs 149.68, value 18,215.08, tribute paid >1.34, landak purchases 8265.44, working expenses 12,906.16, profit 94,992.14.
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  • 34 8 The report of the Zoological Society for March states that during the month 270 additions have been made to the society's menagerie. Special attention is directed to two Siamang Gibbons (Symphalangus syndactylus) from Sumatra.
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  • 38 8 The figures of the Australian referenda upon the amendments in the Constitution giving the Federal Parliament general powers over trade and industry and a proposal to nationalise all monopolies are practically complete, being 440.00J for and 680,000 against.
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  • 45 8 Fillis's circus, which has just come from a highly successful visit to Penang and Sumatra, opens on the Beach Road ground to-night. The show is well reported upon and should be the means of providing a very pleasant evening's entertainment. Further details are published elsewhere.
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  • 51 8 For stealing some brass cocks from eugines at Sir John Jackson's works, Mr. Maundrell, third magistrate, sent a Chinamau to prison for a month today. It was stated in the course of hearing the case that the hriu lia;l lost thousands of dollars worth of brasses from their engines in
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  • 55 8 Two Chinamen havo been arrested on a charge of stealing a bicycle belonging to Lieut. W. J. Armstrong, of Pulau Brani, and another man has been charged with assisting in the disposal of stolen property. All three appeared in the third police court yesterday and were remanded on bail of
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  • 85 8 The Times' Rio De Janeiro correspondent cabled on April 18: The Para-Amazonas project is vague as yet. The main feature is a scheme to organize a bank with £4.000,000 borrowed capital, the two States guaranteeing the loan, and also the interest, to the bank on the capital. The bank will
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  • 123 8 Ten Chinese deck hands in the London steamer Foxley were arrested at Hull on April 18, soon after the vessel arrived at the Alexandra Dock, on a charge of refusing to obey the master's orders. According to the statements of the officers, the Chinamen, when tho vessel wafe in tho
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  • 154 8 Although stone-blind in ono eyo and, according to medical testimony, barely able to distinguish between light and darkness with the other a truculent old Chinese beggar was arraigued before Mr. Firmstone in the District Court to-day ou a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to a woman, with a knife. He
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  • 502 8 It is notified in the Gazette that Mr. Seah Liang Seah is to be temporarily a member of the Legislative Council in place of Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn. Saturday, June 8, 1911, will be observed throughout the Colony as a public holiday in honour of the anniversary
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  • 40 8 The hearing of evidence on the chargo of murder against Mrs. Proudlock, which was to have been taken on Monday at the Solangor assizes at Kuala Lumpur, lias been jxist poned, we are informed, till June 7.
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  • 60 8 At the Assizes yesterday, before .Mr. Justice Fisher, the three Chinamcu, iudicted on a charge of attempted murder, were acquitted. Mr. J. (>. Campbell and Mr. M. 0. Johaunes appeared for the accused. Tan Hon Sam was indicted for using as genuine a forged document. Tho jury fouiul
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  • 143 8 Reviewing the state of the tin market in the week ending April 15, the Globe stated Last woek closed at i.'l'.U ss. cash, i.'IHU ss. three months. This week has been interrupted by the holidays, and the market closed on Thursday after morning change, and will re-open
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  • 220 8 Writing in the British Medical Journal recently, Dr. W. Coates gave his views as to tho cause of the great rise in cases of appendicitis of recent years, 'tinned meat aud fish, he states, were introduced some time in the fifties and came into fairly general use
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 328 8 Jiavana Qigars CLEOPATRAS BOCK CO. VILARINAS HENRY CLAY. PROMINENTES J. S. MURIAS. In Boxes of 25. Sole Agents t Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. fl Jiirano Japanese JL Wable XVater »J|M| Per 4 doz. Pints $4.25 Nett. Per 8 doz. Splits $6.00 Nett. UU-**^ BOLE AGENTBi HU John Little Co Ltd. IMMEDIATE
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    • 207 8 ALHAMBRA The Show with a Reputation FOB HIGH-CLABB PICTUREB AUD MUSIC Select Programme To- Night Subjects to Interest and to Entertain. YOU WILL REGRET MISSINQ IT IF YOU DON T COME 2nd Show, 9.80 to 11 p.m. THE RESEMBLANCE. Dramatic Play by Daniel Riche. Excellent acting. TAORMINA ITS GATES, FOUNTAINS
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  • 100 9 AEROPLANE TESTS BEFORE HIGH OFFICIALS. A Cabinet Minister in the Air. Rbutbr's Tblboram. London, May 13. The Premier, Mr. Balfour, many Cabinet Ministers, the Board of the Admiralty, the Army Council and two hundred members of Parliament have witnessed comprehensive tests of aeroplanes at Hendon. Mr. Balfour,
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  • 81 9 Mr. Balfour's Opinion of the New Bill. Reuter's Telegram. London, May 12. Mr. Balfour, speaking at the Albert Hall, gave his heai '.y support to Lord Lansdowne's bill for the reform of the House of Lords. Mr. Balfour said the Second Chamber must be able to
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 74 9 Rbutsr's Telrgram. London, May 12. All the Consulates, except the Russian, were burned down at Kirin on the 10th inst. They were fired by the Chunchuses who have committed other acts of incendiarism cast of the Chinese railway. The damage is immense. Der Ostasiatische Lloyd Tkleoram. Berlin.
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  • 43 9 Dbr Ostasiatische Lloyd Telbgram. Berlin, May 11. The Kaiser goes to Wiesbaden for the May plays. He will receive General Nogi in August, at Swincmucnde. M. Sassouow has improved. Consul General Sanden isappointed Minister Resident at Bolivia, with the title of Ambassador.
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  • 44 9 Dn: Ostasiatiscoe Lloyu Telegram. Berlin. May 11. The Kaiser has christened a Metz fortress with th<- inline Luitpold." I'iin a Lattpaji! thanked the Kaiser, and expressed the hope that the fortress would be a means of maintaining the forty years' peace.
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  • 68 9 Dkr Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tbleoram. Berlin. May 11. The Reichstag Commission threw out the Alsace Lorraine constitution bill by 13 votes to 12. The voting in the Alasace Lorraine question is declared to be inadmissable, and the parties will now negotiate to rectify the orror. Berlin. May 12. The Imperial
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  • 37 9 !)Klt Ostasi VTI-.i UK LIoDY TbLKKRAM. Berlin, May 11. At Brussels, the King of the Belgians, toasting President FalliercH. dwelt on the necessity of a g<xxl understanding between Belgium aud France, on economic affairs.
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  • 32 9 Dkr OMWitivTisriiK Lloyd Tklkgkam. Berlin, May 11. English rc|xuts from St. Petersburg announce tin- couclusioii of an agreement with au Anglo -French coui|)auy for the reconstruction of the Russian Fleet.
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  • 49 9 iFiioii Oik Own Couhkspondknt). Kunla Lumpur, May 12. Tho Hamburg-America liner Aracouia has gone ashore on Blenheim Shoal, Pulau Angsar. She is jettisoning cargo. Commander Mills. Harbour Master at Port Swettenham, has luft for the scene in a launch. Ha further dcUils lire available at present.
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  • 98 9 Concerted Action for the Protection Of Foreigners. Reotkr's Tblbgram. London, May 18. A New York telegram states .—The Mexican insurgents have proclaimed Juarez the capital, and have appointed a provisional Government. The foreign diplomats at Mexico City have met at the American Embassy, and decided to take
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  • 24 9 Dkr Ostasiatischb Lloyd Telkoram. Berlin, May 11. The Duma has passed a vote of four million roubles to suppress the cholera.
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  • 131 9 Scratchings and Selections for This Afternoon. The following are the scratchings from the races this afternoon Singapore Plate. Sweet Home, Dalrviiiplo, Phonograph, Hateras, Honeybear, Nnc if era. Mirage, and Frou Frou. Stbwards' Cup. Chanticleer, Bay Ronald, Carlo. BDM*MM Puksk.— Zanibar, Darley Dale, Ho- hill. Bostra, Marano, Little
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  • 282 9 New Bill for Encouragement of Recruiting. The document laid on the table at the Legislative Council meeting yesterday, in connection with the Tamil Immigration Fund Hill, concluded in the following terms The object is, as already stated, to en courage the importation of labour, and the proposals
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  • 14 9 Bukit Katil Rubber Estates.-970 lb. Trafalgar. -401 lb coconuts 16,000 nuts.
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  • 146 9 A Penarth acrobat named Daniel Ryuall, who was booked to appear at Abergavenny, found himself stranded at Pontypool-road Station with no train going in tho required direction except the express to Hereford, which, in the ordinary course of events, does not stop there. As the express approached
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  • 1054 9 THE TREATMENT OF THE TAMIL IMMIGRANT. No Workhouses Wanted. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held yesterday afternoon. There were pre-sent:-His Excellency the acting Governor Hon. E. L. Brockruan, C. M. O.; His Excel lency the General Officer Commanding the Troops, Major-General T. E Stephenson, C. It.,
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  • 1437 9 CURRENT YEARS PROGRAMME AND ESTIMATES. Sir Frank Swettenham's Speech. The following is a more extended report of the annual general meeting of the Selangor Rubber Company held at Glasgow, on April 12, Sir Frank Swettenham, G.C.M.G., presiding. It is taken from the Financial News, which paper prints
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  • 311 9 Boulder Breaks into and Damages Detectives' Quarters. Of the many accidents that have occurred in the course of blasting operations at Mount Wallich, which is being quarried by Sir John Jackson, the most serious to date occurred on Thursday afternoon. About four o'clock on that afternoon what
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  • 513 9 Depressed Condition of the Market After the Holidays. l'i oin the London and China Express, of April 21, we take the following The market for Para has been a little irregular, with only a limited business doing, but prices close steady. Hard Fine on the spot and
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  • 107 9 THE STOCKS AT HONGKONG AND TREATY PORTS. Indian Government's Guarantee. Rbuteb'b Tblbgram. London, May 12. The Hon. E. S. Montague, Under Secretary of State for India, in reply to a question in the House of Commons, said that in consideration of 21,000 uncertificated chests of opium in
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  • 231 9 Duma Debaters Charge Him With Abuse of Power. Rsutbr's Tbleoram. London, May 12. A telegram from St. Petersburg announces that after several hours' debate, the Duma, by 202 votes to 82, passed a motion charging M. Stolypin with transgressing the constitution by employing the Imperial prerogative for
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  • 66 9 Dbr Ostasiatischb Lloyd Telegram. Berlin, May 12. Russia's alleged influence upon Germany concerning Morocco, and her offer to mediate, are officially denied, it being pointed out that an alliance exists between Russia and France. According to the Neve Freie, Russia has no reason to take such
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  • 24 9 Dbr Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tkleoram. Berlin, May 11. A sudden attack by insurgents on the French camp at Merada was repulsed.
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  • 33 9 Dbr Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telkoram. Berlin, May 11. The uniform maritime law, which was fixed in Brussels, in 1910, has now been handed to the Reichstag. Negotiations will be continued in 1912.
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  • 33 9 Dkr Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tbleoram. Berlin, May 12. Sir Eldon Gorst's annual report on Egypt says that the policy observed so far will be continued, despite counter-proposals of the Nationalists and others.
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  • 69 9 Five Accused Given Penal Servitude for Life. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 12. Tho Geiuas gang robbery trial at Sereinban has ended after a hearing lasting three and a half days. Five of the 21 accused were sentenced to the maximum penalty, penal servitude for
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  • 37 9 (From a Malacca Correspondent.) Malacca, May 18. Information has been received by Malaona Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Pan in London yosterUy waa 4/8} per lb., sellers. The market closed steady.
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  • 418 10 Occupation By the Netherlands India Government. Dutch papers give the following particulars about the island of Palmas to which referonce was made in our issue of Tuesday last: Palman, or Miangas as it is also called, is a small island south of the. Philippine Island Mindanao.
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  • 381 10 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday, May 14, 1911.) FolliTU ScsfiAY AFTER EasTKH. 7 a.m.— Matins. First f r— III! DMI IV. 1—23. Scccmii l.! s. John iv. i llvmn ML 7.»."> i.M. Ilol\ Comsic.mon (Choral). Introit Adlam. Barriea Woodward. Hymn at OOartoty ■■•^lI i inn iitC'uuiiminiou ...'i'.Vi. llvmn
    381 words
  • 402 10 Interesting Experiments in Cultivation Of the Bacillus. Interesting reports have been published by Major Rost, 1.M.5., Rangoon, and Captain Willams, 1.M.5., Bombay, on their efforts to discover a cure for leprosy. Part I deals with Major Host's reports on the cultivation of the bacillus of leprosy
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  • 176 10 Further List of Subscriptions Received. .'.mount previously acknowledged t72.019.42 Hi Igkoflfl and Shanghai Banking Corporation 1,000 Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd. 1.000 Banque de 1' Indo Chine l.OiHi Km John Aird and Co. £10. r > at 24 8 16 893.97 t '■■i.i. h 1 1
    176 words
  • 160 10 Mrssis. Charles Benjamin and Co. kindly favour us with the London prices they have received this morning Quotations. MIDDLI MIDDUt Pricks. Prices. Allagars 1 I Lauadrons p.p. 55/3 p. Anglo Malays 10 :< Ledburysp.p. 67/6 Anglo Javas 5/6 LinggU 44/9 Anglo Johorcs
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  • 22 10 An Italian inventor living in Philadelphia has patented a burial casket to hold a corpse. ii .iic il upright on a stool.
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  • 783 10 Prices Quoted la the Market This Morning. Singapore, May 13, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Norn. Value. Buyers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar */l 4/6 x/div 2/- Option* 1/9 8/£1 Anglo-Java 5/1* 8/1J 1 Anglo-Johore 9/8 12,6
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 60 10 THIS IS IX! Waterbury's Metabolized COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND TASTELESS, ODOURLESS. y'/rt. The latest scientino pre j& Jfti* paration of COD LIVER mX*M& OI L Do?" «'> that is claimr^SiTSi toT nd supersedes y»j"j the old- f»ibionod emulsions -—TjhJ whioh uput tbe stomach C, Highly recommended by r^.- tho medioal
      60 words
    • 13 10 For all internal complaints, Dysentery Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Core,
      13 words
    • 294 10 Raffles H£ Hotel. Special Race Dinner TO-NIGHT— SKATING. By kind permission of Lieut-Col. A. D. Geddes and Officers, the Band of the Buffs will play during and after Dinner §rand Jiotel de I Europe. SPECIAL RACE DINNER WILL BE SERVED TO-NIGHT. 85 18 5 E. k 0. HOTEL, PENANG The
      294 words
      88 words
    • 399 10 Grand Opening. TO-NIGHT t TO-NIGHT 1 f FILUSS Great Circus. BEACH ROAD. Every Artiste a Star. The Finest Trained borsex, poniec, dogs, monkeys and baboons in tbe universe. 35 European Artistes Direct from America, Africa and tbe Continent. The besat that money can procure, iDtrodacicg To-Night The Great Sporting Novelty
      399 words

  • 1671 11 Tho many friends of Mrs. Cooper, witc oi Mr. Uwaxd Caspar, .1.P., of Bniosi Black burn, will (says tlw Blackburn Weekly Telegraph) rea<l with interest the Isßosjlßg a. count, courteously forwarded to the Telegraph of her "tiavels in Hrn Malay Peninsula, when- she is mi ii
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  • 667 11 Reraarkab'e Inscription Found on Pedestal. What is regarded as an archaeological discovery of considerable importance has recently been made by Mr. R. D. Bannerjee, Personal Assistant to the Director General of Archaeology, who has recently been touring in the Dacca district. This consists of an ins.-ription of
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  • 1106 11 PROBABLE EFFECTS ON INDIAN TRADE, Conditions in China. Router's summary of the message of The Times' Peking correspondent is obscure in some important passages relating to the terms of the new treaty oetween Britain and China on the regulation of the opium trade, says a writer in
    1,106 words
  • 1202 11 A GRE4T PERSONALITY AND A BRILLIANT CAREER. The Greatest of Elijahs. Sir Charles Santley has appeared for the last time at the Crystal Palace and this month he takes his farewell of the British public, which has been faithful to him for so long. He is probably
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  • 403 11 His Majesty on the 'Phone, but Not For Everybody. "Westminster 882-Hullo Can I speak to the King would be met with a stern refusal in the case of the ordinary caller, yet His Majesty, if he so desired, could I communicate with the most humble of his
    403 words
  • 247 11 Refuse Combings Being Used for Adornment. The thousands of women who wear hair that is not their own in compliance with tbe mandates of a few individuals who assume authority to decide what is fashionable and what is not, may find comfort, says an exchange, in the
    247 words
  • 313 11 OBSERVER'S OWNER Sunday Paper Mow the Ptoperty Of Mr W W Astor. The following announcement has appeared in The Times We are authoritatively informed that the Observer has been acquired by Mr. \V. \V. Astor. and we understand that the paper will continue under the editorship of Mr. J. L.
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  • 1160 11 It is not safo to be joyous in this isle of mists and melancholy, writes James Douglas in tho Morning Leader. We still take our pleasures sadly, and even in our hours of ease we are stiffly solemn, sternly cautious, suspiciously austere. But we aro learning
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 37 11 Mother What are you crying for, Bertie Bertie Tommy hurt me. Mother How did he hurt you Bertie I was going to hit him, and he clucked his head so's I hit the wall. 800 boo I
      37 words

  • 1508 12 It would be safe to say tliat never since its foundation has the Royal Archmological Society of (ircat Britain held a more interesting or more im|K>rtant meetiug than that over which Sir Henry lloworth presided the other iflwaonw at Burlington House, says the Daily Telegraph. All the world
    1,508 words
  • 528 12 Experiences of an Aviation Pioneer. Mr. Henry M. .lullerot, who has returned to England from India, where he has been giving demonstrations in flight, as chief pilot of the British and Colonial Aeroplane Company's Commission, related some interesting experiences. "We went first of all to Calcutta," says
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  • 250 12 Fancy for Sombre Furniture Now Extended to Tea Services. Women are wearing the most brilliant colours tliis year iv their toilettes, and at the same time they arc Hurroundiug themselves with a setting of black. Black wallpapers. carpets, and furniture are the present craze, and the newest
    250 words
  • 496 12 CRIMINAL'S FvCE NO INDEX TO HIS CHARACTER. Results of Scientific Scrutiny. It would seem in the face of scientific investigation, that -the prevailing belief that the criminal bears the stamp of his character in his face must be abandoned. The Home Office has placed criminals under a
    496 words
  • 642 12 Team Travelling to Ltarn, Keen, But Lacking in Initiative Jarnsctji, the famous racquets player, champion of the world, and likely in my opinion to remain so after his match with Charles Williams, told me some interesting things about the coining Indian cricket team writes F. B. Wilson
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  • 1351 12 DESCRIPTION OF A NOTABLE PUBLIC WORK. Progress Towards Completion. The railway from Canton to Kowloon was originally necessitated, states a contributor of The Times, in order to thwart the proposals of certain other countries, whereby it was suggested that a railway from Canton to the coast should be
    1,351 words
  • 566 12 Tho following passengers are booked homeward P. A O. Per Delta, connecting at Colombo with Moolt&n, sailing May 19.— H. H. the Sultan of Kedah and suite, H. H. the Sultan of Perak and suite, Mr. Oeorge Fraser, Mr. H. L. Coghlan, Mr. W. M. Gawler, Dr. and
    566 words
  • 163 12 No one who has ever walked along Prince's St., Edinburgh, at night during the past century can fail to have noticed the quaint little clock at the east end. After Monday next, only those who know of its existence will ever think of consulting it after nightfall,
    163 words
  • 1039 12 Within the lost two or throe, years the mport of the soya bean (Glycine hispida) into this country has riseu from a negligible quantity to one of considerable ini|iortaiiee, remarks The Timos. The trade is carried on chiefly through tho three ports of Dalny (Darien), Vladivostok, and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 34 12 Painter (to his servant)—" Now carry this picture to the exhibition gallery. But be careful for the paint is not quite dry yet." Servant "Oh, that's all right. Til put on an old coat."
      34 words
    • 49 12 Vicar's Daughter I suppose tho rain kept you from tho funeral last Tuesday, Mrs. Blogg." Mrs. Blogg— Well, partly, miss; but to speak true, wot w ith the rheumatiz and doin' away with the 'am and the cake afterward, funerals ain't tho jaunts they used to be for me
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 101 13 BRIDGE'S RUBBER MACHINERY. Washing, Creping and Macerating Manchies. BLOCK PRESSES VACUUM DRIERS DA COSTA COAGULATOR. Stocks held in Kuala Lumpur. UNDERWOOD" Typewriter. THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY. Prices on Application. Spare* Stocked. Repairs a Speciality. SOLb" AdENTS: Paterson, Simons Co Ltd. :d:r,- j". iwatstjbo, Dental Surgeon NO. 82, BRAS
      101 words
    • 217 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FRESH HORSES by very boat from Australia for sale. VICTORIA and GHARRY turnouts for private biro a speciality. HORSE, FODDER of tbe best quality always on band. CAREFUL SHOEING. Harness repaired. 18-8 17-9 FOR BALE. RUBBER AND COFFEE PLANTS. About SOO.COO Rubber plants from '_»1" to 3"
      217 words
    • 167 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE Full grand piano in excellent condition. Apply to Mrs. F. G. Keillor, 41, Tbe Arcade. 27-4 c n FOR BALE. A new motor boat, 40 H.P., length 82' z 8' x s'. Will oarry 20 bags rise. Apply Gaggino and Co. 8079 b n RUBBER
      167 words
    • 46 13 PATRONIZED '^Jt^BJSSaS^L." in ROYALTY. Various Assortments w^^^^fe^ BROOCHES SET WITH PEARLS. PERIDOT. TURQUOISE. DIAMONDB. ETC. B. P. DE SILYA. CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE BRAND MILK TO ALL THE Government Medical Institutions IN THE Federated Malay States. SOLE IMPORTERS: J. Travers and Sons, Limited.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 473 14 __JNSURMCL GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. I UNITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors i Q. A. Derrick, Esq., Chairman. A, H. Fair, Esq Managing Director. fBTBR Fowlh, m>., en., Chief Hod. Officerf. M. Blliot, Esq. B*t. N. J. Coovrecr. Tow Noah Pan, Esq. Oho Soon Tee, Esq.
      473 words
    • 270 14 mumuicE. HOME LIFE INSURANCECO..LTD. Off China. Head Office, 51a, Kiangse Rd Shanghai. To the Chinese Gkntlkmcn of Siksapoke REMEMBER that it is tbe UNEXPECT- ED that is always hippening in all parts of i the world The Home Life issues all sorts of policies to suit all sorts of requirements.
      270 words
    • 523 14 BAMKIN9. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares ol £20 each £1,300,000 Reserve Fund £1,025,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200 000 BANKERS. National Bank of Sootland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounts are opened and interest
      523 words
    • 670 14 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TONB BANKING AND INBURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLINO STREET. Established 1907. Capital paid np 11,000,000.00 Reeerve liability of proprietors 1,000,000 00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tici Joon 6. Sm RU Jam 2. Nam Kirn Buhq 7. Tio Hoo Lai 8. Lr ow
      670 words
    • 1023 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OF Excellent Wax Polished Teak Household Furniture, A Good Collection of Plants, Etc., THE PROPERTY OF H. MARRIOTT, ESO... Xo bo Held aat Gaol House," Sepoy Lines, ON SATURDAY, MAY 20, AT 2.30 P.M. Carved wax politbcd te»k hat and umbrella ttand fitted with miiror
      1,023 words

  • 764 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Cars at the Coronation Auother si^uiticjint token of the passing of the home, writes Gerald Bis* iv tho Standard, is the announcement which may be e\|>ccted officially at any moment that cars will be allowed at the Coronation. This ig only
    764 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 341 15 The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY The firm has set itsoll to prodaoe a oar o ideal efficiency without the least sacrifice of comfort in *U Particulars securing that efficiency. That the object in View r .1 has been achieved will be readily admitted by the Irom tne motorist
      341 words
    • 110 15 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Conghs, Colds, etc Japanese Dentist, 74 BRAS BABAH ROAD Dr. K. Tflntada is the c nly Japanese Dentist in the town witb whom too o*o 00 isnlt direot either in Bnghsb or Malay. Painless Bxtraoticn from II each. Gold Capping 6
      110 words
    • 273 15 ASK YOUR DEALERS FOR AURORE MILK Absolute purity and highest quality guaranteed. RETAIL PRICES. Sterilized Natural Milk, per case of 48 tins $5.50 Sterilized Natural Milk, in bottles, per case of 48 quarts S 13.20 Condensed Milk, Unsw.eetened, per case of 48 tins S 7.75 Condensed Milk Sweetened, per case
      273 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 789 16 The WORLD'S RECORD HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED WITH CHAMPION MOTOR OIL. FINEST BRITISH PRODUCTION. EVERY DROP LI'IJRICATKS." Sole Agents: SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. EURASIAN CLERK WANTED. Wanted for Bangkok, a Smart Eurasian Clerk with office experience and knowledge of sborthand and typewriting. Apply V.V.V., c/o Straits Timoa. 8-6 n CHARGE
      789 words
    • 614 16 TO BE LET OR 8010. OFFICES TO UT. With immediate entry, first and second floors, No. la, Raffles Quay. Apply Outline Co., Ltd. 1-4 TO LET. Nob. 80 and 55, Robinson Road. Apply Nathan and Son, Change Alley. 1-5 n_ GODOWNB TO BE LET, Nos. 18, 15, 17, 19 and
      614 words
    • 692 16 NOTICESNOTICE OF CHANGE IN SPELLING OF NAME. I, Oaw Boon Chan, of No. IS, Syed Ali Road, Singapore, Merchant, whose name has heretofore been spelt Go Boen Tjban, DO HEREBY GIVEN PUBLIC NOTICE that on and after the day of the date hereof I shall spell, write and sign my
      692 words
    • 631 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT d CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS. 6ovsmm«nt and Municipal Contract**. Telephone No. 421. 108 109. Market Street THE SINGAPORE OIL BYNOICATE. LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION). Notice is hereby given, that the creditors ot tbe above named Syndicate are required, on or before the sth day of June, 1911, to send
      631 words
    • 462 16 BOARD AND LODGING. BMRD AMI RESIDENCE. Comfortab'o room with bath room and Verandah attached, near town terms moderate. Apply 108. River Valley Road. 18-8 q BOARD AND RESIDENCE board and apartments at 11, Dboby Ghaut. for single gentlemen. Terms moderate. 1-5 815 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Comfortable single and double room*,
      462 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 238 16 Straits 13imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of 91 per four lines for ono or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exoeeding four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.c. cards, on page 6, Inch Scali Ratbs are as
      238 words