The Straits Times, 29 April 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. NO. 28.552 SINGAPORE, SATtTRDAY. APRIL 29. 1911. PRICK 10CKXTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 286 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST THE M RIVAL ICE CHEST O- -J| fTndowhftsiHr ths most |x»pular inrdimn-nrir.Ml refrigerator OH the nvivl Made with lit't OOVW, die irerhamlier upeninjt at the top. with ice 'l<h.r <>n tfaip front. I'r I 2q Bksßovable sids flues, giving keosjs»4 silpsrUor Ills i<-<« kAanber
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 849 2 BRILLIANT CELEBRATIONS IN THE CAPITAL. Italy's Rl|hts la Rone. A ink) an iii:|>nt clt'nt<ii<i<iibiii4t nf popular -■itliiiHia»iti «b» fl< brat ii l on Man li 21 tin uiiini'iv.iiy <>f the |iroclauuUion nf Home rh lli<- capiul aj MM Italy. Kin» Victor drove with Quii-n Klcua. ««-o»ti'l by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 443 2 •'Mawl.nt 1 Bnew" MtiaHna Snow -'Najalaa' 9mm" 'Kuan' Baaw" rUialina' Snow Hanlint Snow -'Mlirfil' 9mm" Mavatim' Saow" HuatMK 1 Snow Haiadr*' Snow" "Mmliil' Snaw" Hmtetmt' Snow Mn/riin* 1 Snow Half lint Snow Hanftae anaw Ha;elin»' Saow" H*«lin«' Snow Ha/dine' Snow" "Hajifcii' fcaa" Haidina Saow Ma/*hne Snow Ha«lin« Snow f HaMnaa
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    • 70 2 Keep it at Hand. Kiip riia.iiibc-1 lain s I'ain Italiu at liami, Beoome aeqnaintcd with iU many unea and intrinaic merit* an.l it will save much nafferiaa aa well aa time and money It promptly i. li.-vi-M Urn' pain r.-.nltuin from cuts, brauwa, npraina or iujuriea from any cauv aad
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    • 454 2 i m PLACES ON HERMBf BOY Lower Lip Broke Out in Sores. Spread All Over Chin, then on Legs and Thighs. Did Not Improve. Sent for Cuticura Remedies. Soothed Him Wonderfully. In Six Weeks He wis Cured. "WTtfT, mr l.a I«>t »M«%fcW«n rjuith* •M. hM tawr t| '.>ok* o«i In
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    • 187 2 1 NECKLACES OIUKMOB AND COLOURED PRECIOUS STONES. Wo ire exhibiting at our s«ilo rooms a tollectior. thr above in various designs >nd cordially invitr the public to inspect them. ISMAIL AND RAHEEM, BRA! BABAH ROAD. There's Renewed Physical Mental Energy in every drcp of fei "THE WINF OF UFf I
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  • 928 3 GERMAN CHANCELLOR INI THEY ARE ITOIMvN > No For mola for Definite Dan Lomloa irt»|«|*i i I- 1 !it ■<« ImU'li !..*.> ISerlia. dated Mai. i. tl.i i n recaption of i-.if»i r A i«:tii sii(j<n«lions on .ii!. .••n. Tli. wilt. 1. c Ull-s [n |>. -i« i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 735 3 G. OTOMUNE CO. Deaten In Curios Fine Art of Japan. MODERN HIGH-CLASS WORKMANSHIP RENDERS Special Interest to the Art Lover and the Curio Hunter. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. IDIR,. J\ IWATSTJBO, Denial Bur^aon NO. S3, ERAS BASVH ROAI> Trtatateot %o\ \Vorkman«aip Koaraaleed to be of Ibe JU«bW. (>rier. From kyaf 1
      735 words
    • 60 3 Danger Avokfed. Iht-if in littlf tUii^cr (rum a aaUaMßfl wluu foilow<«lby pneumouia. ami tliu. bctci happen* when (liamlx rlnin Cough Ih-mt dy in tucd. Tbin n-inwly ban woo it* great rcpaUtiuo and cxtc-nsivt- sail by its n mark able curm ol oolils an.) ran be r*-li« <1 npoo with implicit
      60 words
    • 274 3 f RUBBER GOODS] at Lowest Manufacturers' Prices I;} ]Knjn\.< aafl SMiotV \r»\ lutin No. 4fe.'. S»«iio. No 600 I r. r lII* In. r..i I R.i I li-- 1..i Ha lirk.k...--l! STANDARD SIZE TYRING for tin- INDIAN and KASTKRN MARKETS Quality and Satisfaction Guaranteed stl.LlNt I I Enquiries solicited for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 562 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &6. STEAM AVIGATIGMCB I CHINA,.iAPAN, PKNANO. CEYLON. IUSTsULU, INDIA, ADKN, EOYPT, MBDITEKRANKAN. POUTS. PLY MOITH AND LONDON. Through BilU of Ltding issued for Cbina Coast, Per-iin < ilf, Continental, and American Ports, steamer* will leave Singapore on or about I MAIL LINES (hituxird i/or China.) IUII I
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    • 565 4 STEAMER BAHJNBB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained bo tweea Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, Ijondon and Antwerp, aodor vail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Oovornmont Tbe New Twin-screw Steamer* maintaining this service have been specially designed and uuirtiiicisiiil. and are fitted witb
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    • 644 4 STEAMER BAILINGB.J PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP GO. U. 8. MAIL LINE. Tbe great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN aad BUROPB, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating th* now 18,000 ton*, twin screw steamer* KOREA and SIBERIA, together witb the well known steam. r« CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN t'HI'RJA AND PERSIA. CHOIOB
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    • 251 4 STEAMER SAILINGS Canadian Pacific Railway Co s Royal Mall Stssmihip Uim. TUB NATIONAL HIGH WAY TO BUROPB Via China, Jap.m, Canada and ms Cnitbd States Route from Hongkong, via Siianghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Empress of India" Twin screw R.M.B."Bmpre.,ofJapan". learner, X.M.S. Bmpresn
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    • 534 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG MB DiUTSCM DAMfftXIIIff FINITUCf -MAMA MfMU. Combined Service. The stoamerii > >( those C >ra pan if< maintain a r-KUl«r »tr»i«' -n H ssstflM lir, lu.-o Antwerp, and Rotterdam, an. l tho Straits, Cbina and Japan. Homeward*, tbiy are dunpatclied fort nightly to;
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    • 594 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Horddeut scher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Tbc fant ar. I v.-il kaawa mail utoanMn of tint >m|.*n> uil lanasakMf from BreoMa H%mb-iv rai It'll -Un. aaMara, Soutbaaay Napl*. (onaMctan« MancillM. N pi AisaaasMa, an-1 vi.» versa) Prt Said. Sue/. Vl.-n Ootaaako, >'"oaarf, Hingajwre.
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  • 255 5 Russia! and British Surveyors to Join Forces. A *hort time ago a «rieuli»t holidaymaking in Aaia made a private ami individual ex ploration of tin mountain region of North Hi- n til me. I with tile «toiy of having ween a woiuierful mountain, which h. ■iiatlf
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  • 348 5 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday. April JO, I0II.) > f „M, \f I Xl: K»»Tri 7 a.m.-Matii.-Fintt Laaaaa Numbers I—l 4. I i.. ft. L Hymns It I 7. i.-. a» mm i Cmi ntm N ■nm Intro't Ul iRfM "-marl Hyiuu M(MhrtMJ Hymn at V .iiimutii. .n
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  • 89 5 Tli. Hntish \V,.kl\ MM MM) M.inu. MiuUrliurk ha» hceii MMMMMMJ M MM MM mil nf MMMMg. Id' became no .li lulrnt upon tuhait-o that Ik aaaM M no v.irk with out it. "Finding tint tin- MM becoming liarmful. at no» MM MBBWwi with a preparation
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  • 64 5 Mr*. Chapman C'att. the sufliagml MMMT, had her attention i-alltxl. at a dinner at the Colony Club iv Raw York. b> a MMB> \-iung woman who was very tightly laced. Look at her. aaid Mm. Chapman Catt* neigh>>>ur. ahe'a paaaina every dish MM is actually laced too tight to eat.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 855 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) and WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Route Via China. Japan, Honolulu, and San Franeiaoo to all I' unl* in the United States, Canada, Mexioo, and Europe. Ossratist ths Raw 21.M6 tea Tripai Sara* TsrWas Uaart "Tas»a ■ars aa* CM»a Mar., th*
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    • 619 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The stratner* of this Company maintain* a regular direct service between Calcutta Straits. Hongkoag. Shanghai and Japan, taking oargo, oa through Bill* of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefos, Tientsin. Newchwang. Yangtsae Ports. Formosa, tbe Philippines, ear., etc Stsaaart Ton* Commander •hn^v. 4,9»6
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    • 642 5 STEAMER SAltimS. APCAR UNE. OF STEAMERS Tbe aadsnaaatioaad mail ateamara ot she above Lias maintain a regular aorriee be waaa Oaleatta and Japaa, oadiag at Peaaag Singapore. Hongkong aad Shanghai sa route PLEET Ton* Commander •Jaraa" 8,018 A. Stbwabt Oaaaoat Aroaa 4,900 8. H. Bblsoh AaaATooa Arcaa 4,800 C. F.
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    • 50 5 Oft I bear of people groaning With a oold they cannot cure, And I think what useless moaning Haptaaa mortals do eadare. If they'd only think one minute Get Woods' Oreat Peppermint Core straight off; Thee they would know what virtue* ia it, Soon they have no cold nor ooogh
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    • 578 5 LATEST ADVERTISKMKNTS. FOR SALE 600 Shares in lUMMKK A Co LTD Apply to D. J Reek, Haiumur A Co Ltd t* 4 i 8 CHINEBE CLERK WANTED Wanted, re* peoteble MMMJ <'lnor< nm be good at figure* and oorrtwpond^orf Oood rslavßaens neoeasary with Kiiaraob Apply 11.t.i Strait* Time* li 4
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 222 6 AJrVTfully, TURF ACCOUNTANT. Now doing business on the Forthcoming: Singapore Meeting. trebleTevent 5000 TO SO CN lACEB 2. 4 AND 6 DOUBLE EVENTS 2000T0100 ONRACEBf44.Sft6.4ftI ASLO DOUBLE ON ANY TWO EVENTS. with AN ENTRY. NO ENTRY NO BBT. STRAIGHT-OUT ON ALL EVENTS. Kr further particalars aad prices, apply to IS,
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    • 290 6 M.s. com Turf Commission Agent. Book now open on the forthcoming SINGAPORE MAY MEETING. Treble Event 100 TO l 100 TO 1 RACES 1. 3 AND 6. Double Events ANY TWO BACBB Also Double Griffins FROM 15 TO 1 FRCMISTO 1 For farther pirticula.-s. apply Mo. 10, The »reads M
      290 words
    • 300 6 SATISFACTION Ju»l twelve letter* expressing exactly what we offer yov. We are-^^ COMMERCIAL •HO POSTER PRINTERS- ROOKBINDERS STATIONERS Give «s a Trial Order. Estimates supplied Free oa Applicatijn. THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS. LTD. TCLEPHONE He 348 HIGH-CLASS Tal— howa Mo. eis UNDERTAKING. »t*--t. «.ng.poMR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Batata to
      300 words
    • 394 6 The Dispensary, Ltd. CHEMISTS, PHARMACISTS AND OPTICIANS. FOR ALL KINDS OF s~ Patent Medicines. ,^f^^S^y> T llet Xtt Uitit P^" 1 MtdJcated Wine, iW^LBBB^^T >ur(ical Instruments. V^V'^^Hf'l chtmiial and Scientific Apparatus iV^^O^tl Medical. Surgical and Sanitary Appliance* \^js^\%r^y Medicine Chest*. •KCIAI sTTtITIM BIVEii Ti TMt EaWMMIT Of i»T»TI NMMTMJ MB
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  • 162 7 FIXTURES. Saturday. April >o. High Water, 10 42 am., 10.32 p.m. B. I ootward m«il doe. Race entries clo«e. I'aya Übar Cburcl/Dedioation, 4 p.m Sunday, April jo. Hiu'i Wat. r. 11 V 8 a.m., 11.1 p.m. M. M outward mai! due. Monday. May I. Hiirh WaU-r. 0
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  • 236 7 To MS. Saigon Kampot J pm I'-oaog an 1 Calcutta K >iv Ssdk Bpm DoM Raaas 8 pm Malacca aod Mnar Kaka 8 pm Bao«balw, T. Tin^i. Siak an.l l'*kan llrv^ndorp 3pm Ilatu Pahat Aing Hin 8 pm 11. sjghaafl, Amoy and Swatow Merapi 8 pm Ii
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  • 167 7 I vuer Vi le .1o la (.t«t 1. It Sa>K>n at 8 a.m today *nd aiay be > xp»ct< <\ to arrive berc on M jnday, May 1 at about Ham. The M M o Mup*D> i rtoamer litipliong hanri; I. f: Hittut at 11 a.m. do
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  • 276 7 Latest Arrivals. lli.dr. 11. I i M Crsstar, 41C0toos. 487 I v idp. 17. 00 H. Power Com. P. K. < liinr. April H, Vrm Sbaogbsi. April 1. For jlonibo. Inc. Bid low. <i( r st' (088 tons I apt Forme* Vpnl.'H. hrmn ll.mhnru, Ma>ch2B. O.e. mail
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  • 100 7 Wharves at which Vessel! are Berthed To- Day. TaNJONO PAQAR Bast Wa*ar Basin- Van der Hagea. East V. Sictiom No. I— Tboagwa, Darioa. SH..KK WtiA*r-Mrrapi. M*i> W.Sa. t. 50 .2 Taroba. Lai Sang S— Ktim Sang. Prrak. Miuderoo. H 6 Mm, Manila. Laoooh
    100 words
  • 99 7 Arrivals Per .toaropr K»ka. Voril IS.— a*Ml M«laor». Me>sr*. J. Sncxlvra-. J. M. Wrlsb, K S .lan-/. ao<l O' Swee l nit. I'.r »t, iruir Msra,*. April '2H Krom PsUmbart; Mf-s>rs wan.n'Mcody Ptr «t. aim r Taruha. April 22. From Penan? |m| K S i i lotu
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  • 419 7 Per P. and <>. steamer Nil', doe April SI Mr. W lUffoodeo. Mr* K W Csn-y. Mai M O (iHrrard. Mr 0 Murray. Mr E II King Sr-.srm.n, Mr. Orn-w. Mr and Mr. Oordon Croat, Mr X M Lewi*. Mm tVaW, Mi- A It «i- Mr* A
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  • 102 7 At Hromen. t»K? wll known CoUoa mi|i»rl hiiii-h- af 1i.1.tu.1. r I'UU' Msl ■HHbbW on April lUi stop ]«ymi'Dt. The nrnior of tlic tinn. HarrOaav I'Uu I'r.-si.l.nt sfHsj b.wnl df aasactoni of tin- North <ii niian Lloyd, rolired fruiu tin- |artn*rsliip Uwtt yi-ar. sod omi' <>f tin' son. u> cover
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  • 237 7 Finance Commerce. BiMO*rou, Apkil -N, 1911. Chi Lomik»— Bank 4 m/. 1/4/, Demand 1/4* Private Sn>/a 9/4* do 8 m/. l/4if Ok Gievakt Bank d;d SB9 Prirate B>/s 148 On Fbamo— Baak d/d ...296 Private Ib|i 2904 On Ikma -Bank T. T. 174} Private 80 d/i 176* On Hohokono— Baak
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    • 177 7 ha»9 Vain. 10 10 Belt* Tin 10 10 HruanK 10 10 Braaeh Hyd 10 10 Kanaboi 11 11 KioUTia II 11 Ki«-dan« Tin 10 10 Kutntaa Tid 11 XI Lahat Mine* 10 10 Malacca Tin 5 6/- PabaDK Cooaol 11 11 I't-DKka.i-n II 11 Pnting R»bro II 11 Pnaon
      177 words
    • 606 7 Value Bayers. Seller*. 2/- 2/- AlUgar 4 0 6 5 %l- %l- An«lo Malay 109 1.1 i V- 3/- Batons Malakft 2 6 41 £1 BUdCitm 1500 16.0.0 41 41 BatoTiga UU 5 0.0 41 41 Bakit Ktjtmt l(in *-l*-9 41 41 Bakit Liotanfl 4 1.1 0 6.0.0 41
      606 words
    • 133 7 Iwo "5 Value Bujror*. 10 10 Barters Smelting 10 7 41 41 Electric Tnmwiji 8/8 10 10 Frmaer Near* 88 00 KO Howartb Brakise 100 7% Pre*. 100 100 KaU Bra iH 100 100 a H 8% Chip. Pral. 10 10 Maynard Co. 17 00 Seller, oom 10 00
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    • 48 7 Bayer. Holler* Howarth Brskioe 6% MOO.OOO pat Raley. Hargreavee 6% 1284,000 2* Singapore Blaatrio Trau,wav«6% 4860.000 Spore Manicipal 6% 11.*****0 nom. buyer*, ttei.ari Spore Manicipal 4J% of 1907 11,600/.00 8% 7%p« 8 pure ManioipaJ 4|% at 1909 1.000.000 7%8%p« S pore Municipal 4% lAO 2 900 7%dm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 194 7 AUCTION SALES PewaM and Co. April 29— At No. 95. Kampoog Java Road, teak hon«ebold fornitor*, eV\, at 1. April 29 -At Amaranth. No. M, Ca'cnagh K >al. teak liooaebold fornit ire, eto., at 5 May 2— At saleroim. ten godowns at Ho Poah Qnav. tc at 2.80. May 2—
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    • 510 7 The GARRICK Cigarette I'ffJ;!* A LARGE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. Packed in 60s r^c GARD^ Price: Tins. *^ySJ per tin. OBTAINABLE AT JOHN LITTLE b. CO., LD., t ROBINSON a CO. Justus Ifan JAaurißs Qigars. SELDOM EQUALLED. NEVER EXCELLED ■paoiaally Recommended s Mat Kinley, Begalia comme il faut $5.00 per hundred. MacKinley,
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    • 259 7 ESTATE OF NOORBEC BINTE BEENAANADEB 1 DECEASED). AucfioiTsALE O» Momdat. Mar 8, 1911 At our Salrroom. 1. Freehold land and boose No. S. Klang Road, total are* 4.751 aqoare ftet. 2. L-a«thod land at Corooation Road I Area 9,788 sqoare feet. Anooal Kant to Cents. CHINO KBNU I. BE 4
      259 words
    • 47 7 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY. Undertakers and Monumtntsl Masons. BBTABLISHBD 1881. aVWT RECEIVED: New Goods ol Superior Quality sod Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, eto. Monuments of every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the oniony. With Plumes in use rILIPHONI NO. TIT NO. IST. OUCHABD UOaD
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  • 1180 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, APRIL 29. DOCTORS DIFFER. I Our know bilge ol sanitary engineering h I *otuewhat superficial, and probably there are I local wiU who will nay that there i- do I oucaaion to apologise, an in thin respect it doe* not ■litti r fruru our know ledge
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  • 14 8 11,,,, Kill l» -Ml,, 111 K*****1.1l «t ill. J.ili.irr I'lmn-li ,iv Snmlay M«y 7.
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  • 28 8 I.isU>ii t<-li-urmm -laU-o tlml ati online to tlit' l>iario aroiiiiiiixniiiii lias Unm «|>|>iiinU<i tv ik«l «ith Ute Macao hmniUi ■|iii -ti.n and oilier iiiatU-ra n-latintj U> that colony.
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  • 48 8 Application wan made in tin Mit<lra* Ili^jli Court od April 10. on behalf of Sir Qnqgi Arbutlinot for an order for las final dimliarue. 'llii- I'hirf Justice paoaed an order mm iimln Section W) of the Inm>lventM Art ami ptmtol tin petition for final hoarin« on July 'fl.
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  • 72 8 Mnwrx. Outline and Oh l»»v«- ruceivul cable advice (rum tin- ilin<cU>r» o< tin K.M.S i Malay StaU-m Kubbrr and Coconut I'laota tion», I.UI that a call of is. (hi. per nhan baa berni made on tin- partly paid iltan-* of Uie company. |»yabl«- M May .11. In th. caae uf
    72 words
  • 14 8 ulvrrtinpiiM-ntM n( tin .lay »|y»«i <>n i«ui I and 7 iw «ill a« I"
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  • 47 8 Mis- ll.,»l. Fab] of tin nnrsini; Htufl o( til K.itn «...j»li l,,~|.it*l. |>r.N.-<tls Emm on leave l.\ tin I*, ami <• Uwy on M Tli. May lialf ><»rl> iiHvtin K <•! tl,. l>,« in. t OnM LadasoftM Kaaiara An lm- la^o will br b*U in HMM >.ii SatimUy. Mn\
    47 words
  • 15 8 in. l 111 IX I tii.i oy we iwrij niM-tinj; lit DhtrMOraad < lihiiUt at pin
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  • 44 8 t .lapani-w »*h am-oUil at Su.liia. lewt.> >t MMta^Ni clmr^. .if foiimi hi |mihm-mhuid of |)hi>U^nipli- of IVU'nif OraiiKntmiiin. nn.l til. soiitlirni «Ih.i. „f th, (.u!f „f KinUml. A 1., KtaUil tliat 1 1. 1 i.i. 1 I- n ,1, t.un.-cl in CM-t..l\
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  • 53 8 I Ilh.ui. a >tniit« I. in (hi ni-n- iiih^i. in. l ...iijiirtT. mIh.I. fmtmwm M. l i|.h..n- TaaUa »n.l tambolU. aii.l «h<i |ilm\.-.I »t tli< Tli.»tr< Ibiyal on ThiirwUv la»t. ill yir. an r\)iibiti<>n iiiayx mi, l |„w, ni*in at tin ll.iiiu, Mill. t.. ii'i.ri>» niulit. i UH'DI ill||
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  • 57 8 v b*H »s»-,nt f,,r -KM-ntih. n tuok pU» at tmmhmm mmbMj Th.r. •HWI iittl. «m.l jit' tli. tin,.- ,in.| th. U»!l<».n .Inft. .1 t.. Urn noiitli .Hst I i |M*.nt- ..I ll,< U11...11 n tli. prin. i|...l ..f th.Htak Mehaol, tad M.-nrs ll, 11t Mul>nt i.-lit... ..t Ui. MIU) Hn.l
    57 words
  • 82 8 Tin Xi iti~Ji 1 ri< li i rti-. t „f -l.aiu. i~ l» t\\,-> i. Inilmii ami n. itjliboiinni; port* i- bcinfc -tr.nntlun.-l b> tin A<l.litn>n o( wvoi ntt-anicr*. Mm Uu-«.t to »rri\i Uiiil' Klli nfa. wliuli i« s|,-|,tlv »ii|»ri.u to tin i .1««,.f ■M Ims maximmii tfmi >>f 17
    82 words
  • 60 8 H> n.ial nmaintj of ill. OanMa pCoammj K.«in.«. „i lUiuhurc the MM, ll<m Allart Btllil h..- ii m.i.iiol fa\.ui,ilil< Oik i brfi Jim. l, ii.l tli.ui tl« pnfmd in (k r hat th. Cwin|>aii\ n.i« ili-|>m*f» of m MIII.XII |i,|iu I ni..iir\ Tii, htiud kam t r. hi* I ttn.l.
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  • 52 8 ntly ■iaetad Falow mil laatitnt M. i K I i ThoaMwO. Mi. kJ. >. M «9gMdew. K W T Ui.,,.r. >.(,. W. K. Miller. \m.-.ut H. IVar*»u. fh»rlei I', in, Hun I l'i|»i all tl,. F-edermted M.i, l aptniu lUtnuM Ml Ul M, Vb.M Fikm l«h .if Sinuaimrc .11.. 1
    52 words
  • 71 8 KaliaMl I vi..v Club bi11.., ■Miuent iM"-*j. a nmuli hum pavtil last iii^lit mi win, I, Mr. \l..liain,.| il.r'aliiin. who raeeired M in JOTI 8 ll.niii.l i l-» Ua i MagMMB will mot M> 8 Alni.l Ally au.l Mi 5...1, Voaa l.nn »i!l D "vnnl. imi Hi, Wi In. -i.i\
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  • 77 8 At ill. < k'tm ral rueeliDK ol mi<iiii> r> at ih. Twilight Hub. bald at M KampoM Kahru \Umtl y.sUnUv. HaUbwi^wm lUi-Uil i>fh««i» fi.i ihf t'liouiDK \i prMtdeot; Lira Kee Ciieuk. ri.-< pnwlcnl in. l .nptiMi Qtm H.« MMHqrMHtOT; Chw IWk I.nn. 1i.,n.. anINMM T«j *tim iTii«Bg. I tmrj NNI
    77 words
  • 91 8 An unfortunau- a<< »l< nt li*|>|>.ii.-.| a Nil wain Kliya. wlu-u \i-itor t. tli.- islaml Mrs. Itorf,-. was r»tli. i Iwlh nij'm.l l,v .1 In. II In atU'iiipliUK Ui pHI HftwaM ckrt an<l a |>ilUi sh. «t» rau^lit by tli. horn .UK- of t)i. bulls, who .lut; Tin-
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  • 101 8 Tin Jam Ihhli i iv- an m-ii.iri' m~-.1.i1.1.-l in th« >oiimbny« limrt whuh uiav bi >f interest hi noiiir (olicy hokient. Tlw \in-Unlmiii«<li.- Lit.- lnstirnii<-< s,»i,n ihftl I tii. liability lo |»y on |h>lk wli.i. tin- uiMiirtxl iv«» lux ■l.vttli b\ I .1 „If .wliiiiiii-t. r. i|. hut .v. i.l.ntiillx
    101 words
  • 109 8 Will, j-i'iii BMllß| "I til. Hainuiirj; \in.-.i. an I. mi tl.« rhitiriiuui. 11. St'liiDokul. <>( tli< NiinMcuUchr Haul.. sUtol tllllt til. -.1 1 1. >I1 ot I.iwii.s. n Hi;i|t),~,| t| lt ■M M MmM hi tli.. annual r.|«.it Tli. fn'iylit Imltir ..II HHmt nil.- ountioii) .m.i tin Ni.rili Kiiiii'iiaii
    109 words
  • 129 8 Tin loinmittM' appointed »t tin la»t publi< iiKftin^ In lil in l|-ih. U> iim-i It wliat furin the l|»li anil iliiitrul l<x*l in. uiorial la Uag K<lwanl nlhmilil take. iiiiiuiiiiumHly cuiic tv the>!! that a lo< ill mi'iimrial wan m>l franlbli auil Uiat it would l« ~t to ttuppurl
    129 words
  • 236 8 i Mi WinnuJt- eam&tHm km m tv n«.» I lIlHt It I- |.l. I- |,1 I 111- K\«, > tli. UK,,., X.l.nMMHUlillt 111. iM.Mriiin.ii' M, M.ii 11.'. k.i as Simni-h i. I'oMalal ii IT. M I ry, d Mm i i>.t« ii iii'l-inU-.l |c ai-t m
    236 words
  • 46 8 I ii. i. rirad ia *ia n nun;, tin nun. i .is, i hUi l .v In. Ii I t" r.nul.iii.i on tin- iHin-ion tin iiati.n (Q Hymn tl» tag ..I It. ir Vlmiriil I' K < mnl <<\<lutnpti aahrtai with tin part
    46 words
  • 44 8 W< Himlil niiMii.l MM lU!t!. Ht*il an- f>ni\ idtnt| .1 i i.i .liiiim r t.. niylit but tin- main uttnn ti.m ..f tli< eveaiag will follow «liiii til. iliniu hull will t» (..r rolltr sUtin- Tli.r. will U •MIH I|WU-<I. mmmmmmmm
    44 words
  • 62 8 I ;i. fur tin |n <ri<a| frtnii \|ml May 11. inltlvaUil i 1.1. i un mtich opart .tut> I. wUUk u> Mm fM H on so at I vtluniii Immi* ai> a- iiikl. |n r pi. ill ni'i i.i- mt $ttc t 111. rr|« ■|i
    62 words
  • 153 8 I'riurt- Mti.l I'nii Hifliihi Knolinm. who will r.|...-«nl tin Kin|> i. i ll»Coronation .if King QlHp, »r< i \|»-< t. .inn. In tv to moirou .vi unit; l.v 111. K. .11 n.i.U hi Xi ,i, a. M.-i t,\ V.111.11.1l I ..MM! I it- tin .l.i
    153 words
  • 211 8 I i,.1. :h. mpia ..I tl,. I, in. < tiwncsmsioa iiawtini; .f Sti i < Inn. In 111 U-t m^lit iin..ii. .11 thai "a Mum. ipaJ the (liiiiiM i mil mt U forthwith |iimiriwl In iii.imii^ tin in. .ii. ii. Mi n, w Irf-nK i
    211 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      313 words
    • 151 8 ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS ENTIRE CHANGE PROGRAMME ALHAMBRA (Reach TONIGHf TO-NIGHT -'n.l si]..w, :i:.v> u> 11 p.m. MMMCUUt VMHCTIU I'OMPIUIM. Travel. Spurt moil Ka»)n<m AniniaU*! N. w» of tin- Worl.l Cl.ver Variety Torn Special Culouml Dramax and a selcc tiun of HUMOROUS SIMJCCTS MM MIH. UNMT, MMHWMCIMM A Sa/e Tip Sp.
      151 words

  • 146 9 THE POSITION OF EUROPEANS CRITICAL. Heroic Attempt to Relieve Bremond Fails. IIBfTBK s ImMMM, I^iik loll. April 2H. i in.-xsaites -Late that the bold itlU'lnpt of M lloihwl li. lull ollsiil.ii MJMI M M. a/ai by ti«N.p».. to take nioiiex. ammunition, and MHpMM to M«i"i I b.i-
    146 words
  • 74 9 (iIII.DHALI MEETING FAVOURS \kIiITRATION. Impnri.ini Speech by Mr Asquith ItrLTm TkhmE 1...ii! .n. \pi il M 1 iklhajl at Mr .ill- MO*ad I VMM MM, A| Mi \~|'iitb -.ill that Ih. t'.to great Knglisb iku, MM t.. 11,. .-on. bis that all wai MMMM tb. in ii"t
    74 words
  • 47 9 Prime Minister Favourable to The Scheme. MVTM*I T«. > Ixin.l.'ii \|r ImmMi Mb i... iv. -I < MMMMMM I'i.s.utin^ MMMd l.\ f- -1,. stablishin. Nt ot 111 Co 111. ll Mi \~pill, -i. ply m -\iii|nth. ti, H. -aid b. I MMM Ib. t.. th. MM
    47 words
  • 54 9 The Government Suffers Defeat. MMM iMMMI Lmm, Apnl Ml i I', i-ian I'ar liameut lias dis. ;i— .-.I the im|>erial loan mm. ut motion that the MMMI NMMMJ of tli. con tract p.-s.d ni.m.-lia'.l. Iv oil the -i "Ull.l ii. ,h i- lit to a MMM of
    54 words
  • 32 9 Kbl'Tßß's TrLKOBAI. i."iid..n. \pui Ml I', run lalsMrMMi s.,y the MMi ie|N.rt tliat tb. in. ii i. In I- lead. i. HMM 1 b.i- b>. ti apliu..! it MMM
    32 words
  • 41 9 lUi'Tmc's TMMUm I^ \pnl -J.i ll tb. I MMMMd Uniaii I Kadian. I Kn. n k Moii bj a hli. .it In In tting 7 to I MMMM t.. I MMMM MMMM*. M I Ha ma
    41 words
  • 35 9 DM OMMKaIW Ml 1.i..,w I'lLiuim Im iliii. April Vt Vienna. S.UII ofti.-ial MMMMMi aic k'lv.-n llutt tb< i. Hi. ii., mMMmI ruaaous for IM adjouriiiucut <>f th. Knit: al Hal \ia i-n
    35 words
  • 20 9 DmOmmuumm I. low. Tan him i -ii. i. .11 i ti vi HUM -ut. MMI th. -..I 1,., fc
    20 words
  • 75 9 Subsidiary Linggi Company Shortly Expected. iKkom Om OMMMMM oliMiibo, April 2* Tlie announcement of the Anal dividend of l.mggi I'lanUtions is expected daily. It in piMsible that it may amount to li. |«-i cent. A subsidiary l.mggi company will shortly be pla<-.-l on the market. SliarelKildem will have
    75 words
  • 66 9 (Fb.ii Oik o*n CotRisroKDRKT.) Kuala Lumpur, \pril Ji. Tin I'lanters MorcK and Agency an in i,-..ipt of I abl. Iron. 1.011.1011 i;n ing the follow Mg I" "I 1 uliln 1 1 I"I -111i.1ti.1i1 s| N .ct and Hmm) la ♦>! Cmm 11.-! t- 10.1. r.ui-
    66 words
  • 40 9 (F»o» a Malacca Co»a«spoxim<«r.l Malacc/A. Apnl M. Information lisa been MMMMi by Malaooa MMMI HmMmM, UmMmV that the prior of fine I'ara in London yenter lay waa I I per Ib.. The market I Imml MM*
    40 words
  • 149 9 M.ssis Ciiailcs \l> il jaiin n an I 10. kindly IWM the l.oll.l"ll pin they luwe I tin* morning Ouotatu.ns MiDOLt Miomr r^iru«. Pane-. I Lanadronsp.p. I i- 7 UmmjVi 1. 1.- 11/9 l^mdon Vsjatic- I.' >i uatia- Til I.umutspp. Ii p.
    149 words
  • 139 9 Total Increase of 150.000 in the Colony's Population. I'hi ->:i|N-riutend<'Ut of tin Census forwards tin follow ing statement of the population of the Culonv. subiect to final corre. tious Siiin»|».n- Muiii«i|i«]itv miniry ChfMaaa I land l-1.m.l t 1 nuns tVnsiiH IWH 1911. iv.VMi HM7S TiM 1 M".
    139 words
  • 27 9 M, M o Harnanl of Colombo. for.»»HtH that it i- prolMbl. tb. MHM west MMMM will MMi a little earlier this year than usual MMI May I.V
    27 words
  • 87 9 hollowing tlie example of the tvpew i Uing sin^l competition 1 1. lil at MM York mi .lummy Ihlkl. in which Mis* KnU won the first I'M/, out of 1 Ht» > competitor*, th. (MM) Apphan.x Co. at Wcltcvn-dcn. .lava. liavc It-, nli -I to pioliiotc thm- -iiinlai i-ompelitloUH tli.
    87 words
  • 164 9 SENSATIONAL OUTBREAK AT CANTON. Viceroy's Vamen Demolished. iKrom Oi-K Own loik».hponi.».vt.i Hoii^koiio. April Mi i.nU.n reportM ataU- that the foreiK» drilled Chinese aoldient arr in league wiUi the revolutionary party and intend M seise the city on Satunlay It i« alw. IMHMMMI that the MMMMMMi ha\< thrown bombK
    164 words
  • 558 9 Anticipated Rise in Shares of Young Producers. I-ioiii tli. 1... n l"ll all.l I Intl.. K\pi. s- „I Apnl 7 w. tak. th.- MiMrMi The mirk, i 1,.i I'aru baa bat I with kittle biisin.— iii^. an.i pn .ii' 1.,».r M ii.l Kin tli. Ma* MM* Ipril
    558 words
  • 211 9 spond. Nt ol tin- Overman Oaily Maii recall), an accident at Hongkong in tin following lettei I notice that ai-ontingenl of i« ii officers and lion «-iiiiiiuiKHi.iD««l offioT* of tli<- Hongkong Volunteer Corp*, will attend tin Corouation celebrations in AM It may iiiUk-hI yoi'r
    211 words
  • 1351 9 A VOTE FOR THE CORONATION CELEBRATIONS Penang Government Wharves. A in.vting of the l^-gislativ. Council waa hel.l y.-HU-rday afternoon. There were |Me ■-nt -His Excellency tlie acting (iovernor. ll.iu K. 1. Hroektnan. C.M.ti Mis K\..l leney tile (ieneral Officer Commanding the Troopa, Major (ieneral T. K. Stephen»i>n tlie
    1,351 words
  • 493 9 Further List of Subscriptions Received. Mi .Union, lion treaHurer "1 lb> Knit; K.lwanl Ml Memorial Kuu.l MBM th. following furthi r list of sub*, npt ions ii „n.,1 Aui.'iint pi.M"n-lv a. Wn.'u l.^li;.«l M I HIM-I CuiOßKk "I ("-IUh Cm Mi T«si Sian Kb. tiDm ii..
    493 words
  • 48 9 \u »rtl».iuakc wax registered at tin Colombo tin the lntl, an.l I'.nh innt. It began at IHi Mm. p.m.. Htan<lanl iii-mii tun. tli* vibration- nachiuc, a maximum at l'ih. T'Hui. am. an.l la-tint, till Hi 'i-Otn. a-in Calculated .lii.Uk Ceylon. 1.70 M mile* I'.wition of focua. nm.-rtalli
    48 words
  • 1210 9 MR. PEIRCES SEWAGE DISPOSAL SCHEME ADOPTED. Dairy Farm To Be Started. Mi K. .1 Hallifav IVenid. Nt of tin Mum cipality. oceupieil the chau .it h in.-, lint ol tin ComiiiixaioD. nlay afu-rnoon when there w. n pi. sent M. --i .1 I M s Xngulha. II I.
    1,210 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 30 10 I E i un Urn S( I.. Mist,' I Pi. I ».lllt«-d jllst I- utioii ..I ii wa» t<> o.- pnllarl I lib f.. tint busin. iioveruiiieiii BoTTOMUI
      30 words
    • 52 10 n H.iard -mi this port. I h.n. aaafd uii.'i.iti. ally by ~.i n.1.l in tlis port lav. l\. ~.m. ..t th. lllglble i. ban! Shipping Ada, publish which l»-.k 1-. I l\ ..f the h I brrewitfa "1 n m this i N \i i i >
      52 words
    • 330 10 I .|ii.ilih l < i li. i -i- proved U i int.. a BUDS with I skill or list of BJ the iii.iiiii. i an 1 raaj Ikkdl Ul'l. the t witli Shlpptßg I ls'M. Is elia.Uil H- I I i .i. „pprov.i| as final investiga m i.illi.s s|,.«li I
      330 words
  • 143 10 I- llnli-li i>ak IHM ilnrabli- ti This i|ii at a l^iii'lmi County Councils iui«-ting .luring a iliitcusHion od a pf.|> to aban.l.ui tin am tion of throe ii. v sjHi Baft BBBSI in irtoria I'ark. Mr. Waltir Bvyaalsß i i;m.| tin <|i nation an to whi'thir llritish
    143 words
  • 14 10 Kilh*'* riivu* is now in Miolan and will iuiur <>o to Singapore from there.
    14 words
  • 932 10 Mr. Baddeley Reports on the First Year's Operations. Among tlie ofßrial papers made public at the LoginlatiTe Council meeting yesterday was a full report by Mr. K. M. Baddeley upon the firot year* working of the GoTernruent Monopolies Department. The report is in.xt able and comprehensive and
    932 words
  • 60 10 The follow inj; will represent the S.C.C. T. Telegraphs (wibuent of the cricket tourna nieiiti in a match to be played to-day H. M. Cautrell. Capt. Uooke. Lieut. Clarke, P. C.riffitl. ,lon.-». 11. K. S Ahn.ler. A W. Be»en, W. K. V.mler. C S.vern, H. D. Uutley. O. C. Clarke
    60 words
  • 46 10 Mr. K. tliioin. at |>r««nt imploycl uo Katnunins Kstate, baa been a|>poinUxi Man ager <>( the Sunj(ei Siput Rubber l'lantiui< Co., Ltd.'s estates, Uic properties lately acquired from Mr. Edwin Phillips, formerly proprietor of liang estate, in that neighbour hood. Mr. Huaon takes over charge on May
    46 words
  • 694 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Sinjaaor*. April 39, 1911. Messrs. Lysil and Bratt. Kzobance and Share Broken, Ibboo Urn following bat of quotations this morning Norn. Value. Bayers. Seller*. 3/- Allagar >/. Option* 2 XI Anglo. lara 7/ 1 Anglo Johcca 8,9 12 6 2/
    694 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 537 10 SINGAPORE RACES. List of Entries for tbe May Meeting. Kollnwini! are the entries (or tli< Spring moetinK next month RUST OH. Tassrfay, May 9. I. Ths Opssin.. Si ,i,». Bolater. Darby Dale. Tom Lees. Prince r-Auaibk', Chanticleer, Marano, Para King, (.rani. Spout. Cantua. Bowhill. Honeybear. ■1. Thi Lawn Stakbs. MM
      537 words
    • 13 10 For all internal complaint*. Dysentery. CouKbs, Colds, etc. take Woods' Great Peppermint Coze.
      13 words
    • 483 10 Raffles jgj Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER TO-NIGHT. SKATING! SKATING! After Dinm-r Music l>> THE PARISIAN TRIO. E. AO. HOTEL. PENANS The beat an.l the most frequented I Hot-. 1 iv tbe Island, and CRAG HOTEL Tbe only Sanatorium in the Straits. aSB THB BSANCBBS Of RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. SAHKIKS BUOTHKUS Proprietors.
      483 words

  • 1932 11 k LITTLE KNOWN CORNER OF NEW GUINEA Native Characteristics. U a m. sum,: „f tl»- Itiiynl Colonial lnati 11 1 i, linkiii<n*li|»|»fOß I'apna anil the Papuans was rrpro in the I nit«l Kmpin .lourual. Id tit* MM Ma rriiiarlo. Mr .li-nkm-. mU I h<-
    1,932 words
  • 153 11 Iv the market pU. of the old fa-luon.-l lowu of UavMM sUud- the Market CMM, •In li hear* the following iu*ci iption v* wa Ito "On of .l:uniai>. IT.Vt. Itnlli HaaM, of I'oiu-rne. 111 tint, couuty. agrtssl with thns oth. 1 w onion t.. buy a sa. k
    153 words
  • 1195 11 write to the Daily Trle|{F« a* folloWHTwelve thousand five hundi.-d |s.uiid« I'r.ahgM.u*. truly. How euviou* might not have been Jlay.ll! or Mozart. Schubert or 8.-.-1 1 loTi-n -at one time even Wagner ami at moat tiuica the majority of oar ow n Ml poaen— of a fellow -composer
    1,195 words
  • 1466 11 The following article in taken from Uie lilaagov Herald where it appeared over th. l«K-u.looym Audrey 6> Haven There i« no more delightful time to be active in Uie Kaxt than between the hours of I nd Ha in It 1- then, with the dew of *lfs p «till
    1,466 words
  • 676 11 The Process of Manufacture into Pipes. When a manufacturer 1- buying hauiu. 1 1. hat. a MMMM M* MM "f rough blocka Hiibinitted fm his inspistion To a .-•■rtain cxU-nt .s;iy* a writer in the Cigar and Tobacco World' hi 1- hiiving in the .lark, for one
    676 words
  • 134 11 The little hine*.- ti*h known a* th. mm t,-h raMMrkaUc hi it- briUianl nij; BM an.l MM*. Iv the -unliyht it -Inn.- 111 :i MMMW j;lov» of MMM Tli. MMMI I'" > M.n.l- MMM Ml li.-«.l Ui the tail The parii.list Mi brought to Krance China MJ M MMM
    134 words
  • 74 11 \n iuter<-«ting hclm-iii. k»-I wl.i. h might well set a pr.-cd. nl lot ••th.-i iiationU> follow, is that for the inU-r. halt t.wsors Ih-Iw.s 11 ti.. I in\.-rsiti.s» ..I lUu.'.l an.l of Tail* II" HMM >>>U and tli. I'niUol SiaU-* I m«ersit\ li«>,..h.i. Ml Ml arrau-;. Hunt w li. r.
    74 words
  • 776 11 LORD ALVERSrONE COMMENTS ON SERIOIS EVILS. The Past aod the Present The Lord Chief Jtistuv i* reported to have made some very int. r. -sting remarks Court jnries at the dinner at tl.- I .oil. loii -soli, iu.r* CntBBaBJ -•>%- .luin.M Davfl in the fall Mall OMM 1
    776 words
  • 83 11 Dm mm .ii.-t bbj h.iiiini. 1 in U «..ik- naa bmbml to .\i-t it mm Id I .in. l had b.s-11 MMM m MM tun. .f M 1...1. ..1 Kiupp. tl.e foun.l.. ot MM famous »...k- MMM the w.-ik .f t-tknn; it Ml rMMMajMrj t«. haaakiaji it up t>. l«
    83 words

  • 1018 12 RECOLLECTIONS OF ITS PALMY DAYS. Queen Alexandra's Home. ■ariaamawk rloaaa, in tin MMMaattM pr. nt ||OIM i ill. .ii. i~ Ml with Ih. hit. Kian ami Qaaaa Alexandra. whos. it was for close on foity Mln ii. al tin baMMMJ of the last nstj had to
    1,018 words
  • 439 12 Predatory Birds and the Young Rabbits. I'i.i. -.UI-...U hints M tin aivMBBM of ...lour piotis tioii t-, aunuals A tin knowledge the lustinct of age- thai it still its almost coiiipl, MM) wi-.h il- smroiindiugs would 1 nahl. it t. i.i.l, tli. sight of human 1
    439 words
  • 176 12 In our ..I tl.. divisions in tin- 11., is, I .minions on the Itevvnue Kill a sin^ulai imi.l.nt iN-eiirri I W'.ien tin- ihaiiman isavi th. .i.l.i 1..«k tin* .|.>us' members, tlie Morning Port n l.iUtt. were still crowihni; int., the"A\e MM) lln niessmger mb .luty it
    176 words
  • 56 12 Mt. 1 AghtlUt' against Itcl ami M boanl tin KaaMBM win nit .1. -tr. >\ tin Alabama, working in a powder facUiry. Hail nit; I. mud tin world, and survitinu the San KranciiMxi eurth<|iiake. .lames Winalow n ■arvai his hrst injury in Im.ih.i the olhci
    56 words
  • 75 12 Dickens and the Inn -Keepers. Mr. K Will-, of liirmiughaiii. states that although CI-atlcs Dickens was tin lust fru n.l mo kn|>r~ and licenses! victuallers ever ha I in Kuglaud. yet no single inn in tin- kingdom rnai- ili. sign <>( tin- lin ken- l| a .w Id |>rup(Mc« to
    75 words
  • 713 12 A Few of tbe Principal Points ol Difference. And do tell me. what is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator W.ll. her. the answer in a few plain wor.l- together with a general remark or two on crocodiles, which your friend* will expect you to
    713 words
  • 241 12 1 'heoiuy aiti. It off.>>lthat may not be made ...iitrabaml ot war is nuts I Kilaration of I.ill W'h. -n oiii cruisers all aie seaturrsl from I lnna to IV in. Ami our lli.a.luoiiuhts huutin|{ pliautomt BaVMi tin meall Illue Whi ii foreign |K»iefnl men liantiuen to |iimti<r- an
    241 words
  • 774 12 Some Remarkable Scientific Facts Explained. It M interesting to contemplate the reasons why a pood of water starm free/int: at the top insteml of at the bottom. The h. liai ioui of water at different U-mperatnres is so irre finlar an to net the stir«Unc«> water in a
    774 words
  • 286 12 \V, hail laUly tin MM, i iiaiinaa. i*th< tual üb! ahaaai bbbmMl of the aMM ship "f the ilniihle Huui;.iiiHii |s .v h. known a.s the Bla/. k .lumpion. the nuisnal Siainew twin. »a\s tin- lu.lun I'lanters <.a/.ttOne half" of it. it will Im< reuieiubered. fell
    286 words
  • 91 12 A French philologist claims lln- mud "jockey "an of Kraoi'h origin Krom a kind of Racing Calendar lie quota* Course ala pUune dos Sablous. Lea chevaux soul con doit* |»r deux jarqueU. Jaoqnets." it net-ins, in an ancient diminutive of the name Jao|uea. and wan an old French designation for
    91 words
  • 261 12 Subject Share Speculation Simon Scarborough, •elwolmantcr. Siuth era Shan Sum Seymour Srarboroogh. Simon Scar borough s con sybaritr. simpleton, speud thrift stalwart, sinewy Sarah Salt. Seymour Scarborough's sweet heart sublime, sociable smart, sympathetic, sw.s I rentes n Sunny MaaaU. sUs-k share s.ll, r sin. w.l s<oiindri I.
    261 words
  • 628 12 iii. foil.,* mu paßaaaaaM kaW homeward IV t < 1 11.I 1 \--.n. nil-- sho with M .1. M II P 1 1 1 .M' I- "Miven. Mi I K f H Moon M-- it. Mis, '|..m; ii Mi B 1 <i. K Leas. Mi and Mr- K
    628 words
  • 339 12 Police Self- Defence. WONDERFUL WEAPON TOR USE OF CONSTABLES Scotland Yard Interested. Th.' I paaae, Hhi.h vm raned aft.. U h.iml ..f tfcrl I -ln.wn p vi. l l.inu' in.l minnal- can bi tin last ft m hi. ks I. i110«..' tin kml. .unl th. rrrolra.i not ap|»al to
    339 words
  • 201 12 111. I it. -I HIipnA.'IIICIII 111 I It Is tin Illli lltK'll h\ Mi Swlil I rahan. of a (urn lit Out- lm|«irl»iit eaVi laal tin huim i i> iii n i idfad hot. thus pr. v.iitm^ if from hail out It MM I- •ii provi I bj
    201 words
  • 41 12 Whasyertalkinof It was MfMMI (or mi' u> Ih ili nut.. bucauae I had "lily twenty wvin pii it Mini it Mam In -l« i. Mi rlnr^il witli UM ni.-hnit.-l Alter tin- Mm. In -U i mill Ih triwUsl uith tin ri-i-
    41 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 210 13 BRIDGE'S ROBBER MACHINERY. Washing, Crepiog and Macerating Machines. BLOCK PRESSES VACUUM DRIERS DA COSTA COAGULATOR. Stocks held in Kuala Lumpur. UNDERWOOD" Typewriter. THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY. Price* < i Application. Spares StocUed Repairs a Speciality SOLE MM MPaterson, Simons Co, Ltp. R. MORTON. -tSP^ by v y l>
      210 words
    • 311 13 ARTICLEB FOR SALE. FOR S»IE Full grand piano in excellent condition. Apply t> Mm F. U. K.iUer, 11. The Arcade. 27 4 < a FCR BALE. 1 Aic labip and a gooj r.umb. rol rjiin in iroud o-dcr. Good rrawn fjr -ellinn Apply IM 1, Wilkie Roal i m-t n
      311 words
    • 262 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE A ocw motor boat, 40 H.P., length 9T x S* x I Will carry 'JO bag* rice Apply GaggiM a-«l Co. 3078 q FOR SALE. Km aale, 10,000 sb.-tii carricatcd iron aea damagod. at 1 j per coot. ovioiso a oa a MOTOR CYCLE FOR
      262 words
    • 42 13 Assortments BROOCHES SET WITH PURLS. PERIDOT. TURQUOISE. DIAMONDS. ETC. B. P. DE SILVA. CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE BRAND MILK TO UK TMK Government Medical Institution' IN Ti K Federated Malay State* SOLE IMPORTERS J. T ravers and Sens Limited.
      42 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 479 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Mead Office WlacbesUr House. SIMiAPOKB. Board of Dii-eotore 9. A. bruin, Bag Chairman, a. H K.ia, E»»j Managing Director Pwrsß Kowlib, ».b cm Chief Mod. 04V r M. BttioT, Bag. Re». N. J. Coovrf b. Tow Nbas Pan, BV|. One Soon Tbb, B«
      479 words
    • 267 14 INSURANCE. HOME UFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Of China. Head Office, Sla, Kiartffse Rd Shanghai. 'I C laf OIMUDIN t SINbAI-OKC KE MEMBKR tUat it U the INBXPECT E that ik always happtnin- in all parts of Tbe Horxie life insues all torts ot police^ to snit ell sort* of reqnirementv
      267 words
    • 540 14 BAJiKIKG. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capitol ia tOfIOO Shares at WO each 41,200,000 Refwrvetuod *1.6: 000 Reserve LiabilHfol Proprietor*... ***** 000 BANKBRS. National Bank ot Scotland. Tl Ix>adon City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooants are opened and interest allowed
      540 words
    • 753 14 BANKING. THE IZE Ml TON 6 BANKING AND INSURANCE 00. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLINO STREET Established 1907. Capital paid op 1,000,000 00 Reanrve UaaUity of proprietors 1.J00.000 00 OODBT OF MRBCTORS. I. Taa Taoa Joon S. Sin Ku Jan a. Nam Kirn Sbmo T. Tbo Hoo Lai S.
      753 words
    • 1060 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SAa^E OF Superior Teak Household Furniture, a Small Collection of Plants, Etc., AT NO 95, KAMPONC JAVA ROAD IAI-JuENT To NEWION BAD V -T \T.o On Saturday. April 29. at 2 p.m. Massive politLi J ttak dining tabli*. i. \(d Jicner waj- i i v.itli ■araw
      1,060 words

  • 678 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Ideal Brake. In llk i -arrest iasui <•( Hiat Uvhuical li.i'iin.i] the Auto. H«yi Ok: telegraph wotoi I tax ooatributor, is an arti'li- on brnk' s tlial Ideaervm to b> wi'lcly trail, for iv l.aliiin I m ,:li 1 >v
    678 words
  • 93 15 Tlhtt is iiu |ir<M|iii t. nniU-i |>i«»«eilt <ii < .iii-Ullrf». that 1..H.1 livni will U »l>l< to ■I* < oinpany tin- Kiny la in IVvnulm. mi it is not vil kn.iun »ho will tak. hit pliKi Tin- Kini; mi. l QajaM .1.. not inU-ivl ti> i ■<■. lint It
    93 words
  • 54 15 I I.iv V'lii 'Id. I. ii )nll«. nr 'Ik. i-> Ifea WMMagta |>hy*i<-i*n« »r.- fUn iiiil" t>p Ixilil mil tin .if tlxir li'lnu|iii-ut patit'iitK. IH. U>r» will draw u|> a bU< W lint' if ill. st-lteme iiinwii awl thnwt naiuoH a|t|ifarinu tliereon will bu nfnHod iiMxlii.U riMM tin- next
    54 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 339 15 v The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY rw baa s. t ttH<<li to pro -joe a oar of ideal blii I ornci nc, «MMt tbo ;«-t rm oi oomiort ll particulars vxariDK tbat efficiency. That >! io object ia view f f v hu own achioTeJ will bo rea
      339 words
    • 14 15 Wooilii Ormt I". p|>.i unut Core for all mUrnaJ coiuplainto. Uyieatarj, *joo%ttH,\ CoUa,etc I
      14 words
    • 490 15 a^' Ifcnh i Cairn i Sex CSj II Tl II BEECHAM'S PILLS lluudrwb and Uvwuand* >>t ailing mm and worn- -i infTrryrliaM I fouuti tha' bldui Pllh ub life wortb Ut nj/ They parity the Bloa4 Cure Billou* A Nerve** Dlur4er« dive tenr to the Nerve** sy*teai C«re Rtnlnmii aad
      490 words
    • 241 15 SHATH I r.\BKLS aaaaaaaa^9^LaVS4S>aaaaaaaa^^aavar*s^J^a2aaaaaV W| have improved ou BODAWATBH and tbb- ia now AT LEAST AS >OOD m Ibr bMtin town oar LEMONADE, TONIC I'OKII \I.E <IV(»gK BEEH. LEMON S^CASH, ICE CREAM miD* PKTTKK -en 1 your trial order to The Btralta Aer«ie<t Wmt«-r Factory, BARUGH Co.. Ld., •5- Enggor
      241 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 778 16 WORLD'S RECORD l!\- BBKN BST\BI.I>HKI' WttM CHAMPION n MOTOR OIL. HUM MREM PMMMM/tMW 1 urn li hkii ati.s Sole AKen'-^ SHARPE, ROSS CO, LTD. WANTS. EK6ASEMENT WMTEO Kur ipean Nurse xekt re engagtmtat. Parti ;lar^ to O L o Stra.ts Time M.1 1 1 EUROPEAN ASSSTANT STOREKEEPER WANTEO Wanted. E
      778 words
    • 616 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUBCS TO BE UTT. With immediate entry, 44, Acs^n Road. 78 Anson Road. Apply to R. s Nathan 18. Chanxe AIU v u9l 6000WN TO BE LET. Oodown No. S, Naoson Koad, ex'.ecdinv through to No. 8, Ssiboo Street, with immediate i-otry. Area, 4.96H niaare
      616 words
    • 604 16 NOTICEB. PE6OH. L'KIITED DECLARATION OF DIViOENO Notice is hereby given that an lutirira I'iudind for the year 1 ndicit August 81, 1911, of ptr phare on aVi Full> Ml tfbares and 10 cent* prr »hurt> on tbc Contributory Shares will be paid to -hart holder* regi>tt nd in thu Hooks
      604 words
    • 624 16 NOTICES. KIJtM KI/IT A CO. Sill P. CHANDLERS ■*^sa^aiMaß^aaasa*# saskal Maasma«tia««kl i*aalt»ia^*MM V^B^VTIMHVIII |H1 aajapajtvi a»s»| bfaiiratlo Telephone No. 421. IOUk 100. Market Strut t GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Applications a ill b>- n.-iu.,i at the Colonial SicrctaryV oflice. Singspi.rt up to 39th April. 1911, for th« post of C t rk
      624 words
    • 368 16 BOARD ANO LODGING. BOARD ANO RESIDENCE. Ujl I I I 50AR0 ANO RESIDENCE wita bath rooui aud i, .1 D* U> tl»» I v Koal BOARO AND RESIDENCE. > i with ba'liroocß atlsclud Brery I KtfMaaf M Tbooiai- >\»!U. ST. ANOREW 8 HOUSE i-,L|iiai;J I'o- Karopcac and Eurafian boj- who
      368 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 151 16 Straits Thirties. ALtVrJ':TI->EMKNT ints at every ed at the prepaid rate ot II i line* for one or two insertions, of H-rtlw Marri*.'« or Death* U not •SOeediag foar Ui.ns. II each 881 Kjr i .p c. oarrU. oc payt 8. I'i. Imcb Sialb i ::i* of 7 Wor insertion*
      151 words