The Straits Times, 21 April 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Time s. NO. 23.545 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. APRIL 21. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 375 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST THE LATEST Rubber Squeezing Press. With worm and worm wheel raising and B^^^Tf^^. lowering gear. Standard opening between B^^ M y^< |)lat<-> is 4 inclifs, but presses can !>e had to AJ^M^^^X open any distance up to 10". Plates. Ijeam and \wßSSE^^m\ hand-wheel of
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    • 211 1 Robinson Co. THE ATHLETIC OUTFITTERS CRICKET BATS powerful J-^gSflJhf] iDiE^iviisraTbe lorentiOD o< Ibe Force Bat commcaooa a new era in tbe N»tio:al Raoir. It in a acieotitic iastriimeal. nn i will Mm c-r cut a ball farther than any otber bkt wit'j lew ittjrt. Tbe b»n lie n c oofctrocted
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  • 1613 2 THE CROWN COLONIES AND NAVAL NEEDS India and the Imperial Conference We ootc witli |(reat KatiHlaction the state mcnt laiely made by the I'r.ine Mim-U r, in mi- wet to a <|Uentiou put toliua by Sir .1. H. Ituix-rfet. tliat Uie rci>rc«entation of India at Uh> coining Impciia!
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 385 2 "■H./Hint 1 Snow" Haieline 8now Hanlin* Snow Ha/Hin. Snow 1 "Hairline' Snow" Hairline Snow Hanlin* Snow Hairline Snow •'•Ha/eline' Snow" Hairline Snow Hawtine Snow Ha/eline Snow' Snow Ha/Hine Snow Haralinr Snow Haielme Snow Hairline' Snow" Hairhn. Snow HaM»ine Snow Haiehne Snow Hairlmr' Snow" Haicline Bnow H»»lin« Sntw Hairline Snow Haieline
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    • 323 2 Daniftrr A\oi<Jcd. is little ilaun>i (mm a i-01.l t-M-ept win n MbmaJ liv pnriiiimnia. ami sWs in i lia|>pt'iis win n liaiiib. rUiii h Cough RasM i. This niiHilv lw- •'■piitatinu ami i \U umv. sals l>> it~ D-mark ahli MHMi ot aaUi an<l can be n li*l nr>m with
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    • 571 2 QUININE DOES NOT CURE MALARIA. Tut Onm I'fc'Hl. ItKMklil l« Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mkkr is Ki'Kmrß IsvV, Mi Hendrik HaTt-ga, an MtHHPt. A. van SUv.rcn s "National. Scboenniagaxyn at Scmaranj;. .lava. Hiiffenvl ■■v.i. I v with Malaria atom- turn- that h< luul to «o away d>r s.v.-ral months in
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    • 193 2 A. W. Tully, TURF ACCOUNTANT. Now doing business on the Forthcoming Singapore Meeting. TREBLE EVENT 5000 TO 50 ON RACES 2. 4 AND 6 DOUBLE EVENTS 2000T0 100 ON RACES 2 A 4.246.4 &6 DOUBLE ON AM TWO KYENTS WITH AN ENTKV No ENTR\ No BET STRAIGHT-OUT ON ALL EVKNTs.
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  • 951 3 FOUR El ROPFAN CAPITALS TO BE VISITED £20.000 in Prizes l>ay by day tin nit. i.-i is^i-ow -my amongst aviatoro m the j^i-oat competition fm i\>i.i«m 111 pll/.es '\hlcll Hill COllllnell.'e 1)11 .IIIUI- hUiU-h a 1.*****011 pnpci Tliih aerial <<»n l<--t is called the Kuropean Aviation
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  • 122 3 l>r Williams ,1m k«>n lias arrival ..n .1 MMrt (MM tn Komlwv anal Nnrtheru Imha. Ha- is a •lutintini-lii-il Aim 1 nan MMMM of BMM ImmMMMM ami SanHkrit MMMMMI ami has foi lonx been I'mfensor of link) Iran laiiuuiiti-s 111 MM OaMMMM I MVMMMf at Nork. lit is a un-at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 323 3 G. OTOMUNE CO. Dealer. In Curios Fine Art of Japan. MODERN HIGH-CLASS WORKMANSHIP RENDEHS Special Interest to the Art Lover and the Curio Hunter. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kua'a Lumpur, Klang, Port Swettenham, Ipoh SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ESTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, Qomee, CoaKulatinp:
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    • 68 3 Keep it Mt Mand. MMf Oiatuberlain'H Pain Halm at hand, kMMMM ac<|uainted with its many uitea and nit 1 iri-.n- in. -tit-, anil it will Have much suffer inu an well an time ami money. It promptly ri'lirvt'H tin |iain rtwiltinK (rum ciiU. bruiam, -prams or injurica from any caune
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    • 277 3 CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No 25, South Bridge Road. First clans Mechanical Dentistry. Uold Crowns Bridge, Filling and Vulcanite Duration of Waar guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tcoth Powders sod Broubt* (or sale, i BOyRILI MARTIN'S MTL\hrlaSleal PI ILLS r»Mli bmi> h> HI ImdluatMt tv^m^iw I "-■a.,i». soux-a-PTo-
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    • 127 3 Milkmaid M "->MAID B«A»»jji IMI I I 1/ tT^\ pjif I IUIIA Xji |^WrewiDrvsf:DMM f 'J MILKMAID Trade Mark TT^a^ is on every Tin TftADC MARK Largest Sale in the World Sold by all Druggists principal Provision Dealers. TESTED AMD RELIABLE DISINf ECTANTS Whalley's Concentrated Sanitary Fluid. A 8 SUPPLIED
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 598 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION C 8 HiR CHINA. JAPAN. TENANG, CEYLON, AISTRALIA. INDIA, ADBN, EGYPT, MKIMIKISUANKVN. POHTS. PLY MOITH AND LONDON. Through Rills of Lading issued for China CoaMt, Pentian Oulf. Continental, and Am< ri.-aa Ports. Steamer, will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward {Jot China.)
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    • 575 4 STEAMER SAIUH6B. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN UNE A Fortnightly service is maintained be twees Yokohama ri« port* to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contrast with the Imperiftl Japanese Oovernmert. The Now Twin screw Steamer* maintaining this service have beeo specially dutigned and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 651 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. U. 8. MAIL LINE. The urcat steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating tbe bow 18,000 too*, twin-sorew KOREA aad SIBERIA, together with tbe well known steamers CHINA. ASIA MONGOLIA MANCHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF SEVEN FIRST
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    • 276 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Canadian Pacific Railway Go '8 Royal Mall Steamehip Una. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EL'ROPB Via China, Jar an, Canada and tub I'mtid States. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Bmpres. of ladia" j Twin screw R.M.S. BmptOT of
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    • 507 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. 5 it HkV (Ml DEUTSCME MMPfUHIFF FMITMEI "HUM" MfMH. Combined Servioc. The steamers thuscl'impaaie* maintain regular aurrioe betwoon lltnibjrg Brcmea Antwerp and ItoUcrdam. ami the StraiU. Cluua and Japaa. HomewarJn, tb-jy are despatched fort nit<!itlj In Havre and liambarK and onoe a month (or
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    • 643 4 BTEAHER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Horddeut sther Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tbe fsst and w.-ll known mail •teaman ot iliiil'-«p>^ sail bf*ass*jsly from Urira— llatnhurt:, vm It .ttorjmii. aaVWSfB, S.iubamp ton. OWMawar <•' ii N»p!.-« (.--.nDortiof M«n*ilkn, N piss, Ai.-um lr-». awl \>oe vsrsa) I'rl SaiJ, S:ie/. Aden
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  • 112 5 FIXTURES. Friday. April n. High Water, 1.61 a.m.. 4J p.m. Legislative Council, 2.30 p.m. Saturday. April M. High Water. J.vt a.m.. 8.18 p.m. Sunday. April 13. High Waftar, 1 11 a.m.. 740 p.m. m Oaaapat Day N Ii I, homeward mail doe. Monday. April 34 Hikli Water.
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  • 283 5 Tv DAY. Inlra«m Ainu Tbye Bpm K'jala I'iliacu. IVkan. TnMH KclanUo and l'*t»ni Will o the Wisp 8 pm Maltcca. I'ort >ick«on. I' irt >*< tW nliam and T< ink Ad« m hhl|R 3 pm VW'.arca and Mn»r K»k» 4 ptu Itluo. I' littaoj HiUvia. s.>urab*ys. etc.
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  • 142 5 Tlif Imp Oatasaa ntcamer Kleist, havioK Ii ft II mukoni; ou the 19th inntant at nom. ruiy b>* .xpnc'ti to arrive lure Iny ih. .'f.-ii instant, at 8 p.m. >lie will probibly bo despatched for Europe lay, st noon. I In- M M. company', uteamor Bourbon
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  • 368 5 Kook Sarg. f(ri». »tr 8100 ton*, Cspt Mitch. li, April a 1 Frnm Uongkoi< K April IS. 'O c. and '..H d,. Boostead A Co. For Cal ApiilW Roads II w U«ng. Brit atr. '295 ton*. Captain Morn- 11, Arril From KnanUn. April 19. <>c and hi dp.
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  • 110 5 s>— Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN.TONO PAQAR Bast Viur Ba*in Maoilv East W. S«i tion No 1 T» .-rta, Mandaaan SHiaas Whikk Nil. Maru. Mais W. SliT. No. 3— lvhia. Uuaera. S Kaga Maru 4 -B nmolir. M 6—
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  • 81 5 Arrivals Per Hteamer Hye Leonr. Arril 2".— From Koantan via port« Measr*. S ,lack*on. H W Bray. A. W. Hurl v! J. WiUon and W. B. LwkbaM fiver Per Hteamrr Stppho. April 20.— From K. antan »ia rorto Messrv. F. J. S t o'der. i»f«. (I h.rnri,
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  • 248 5 Finance Commerce. BmoAroaa, Ami. 21. 1911. On London -Bank 4 m/i 1/4/, I Demand 1/4* Private 6 m/i 1/4 do S m/t m, 1/4H Oh Oikii.l Buk d/d 180 Private 8 m/i 148 On Fbanci— Buk d/d *M Private 8 m/i 29»t On India— Bank T. T. 1741 Private 80
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    • 178 5 lwne 3 Value 10 10 Ikiat Tin 10 10 BraaoK 10 10 Bramfa Hyd 10 10 gf»«W»i 41 £1 KinU Tin XI XI Kledan* Tin 10 10 KutnttD Tin 41 £1 I.tbat Mine* 10 10 Malacca Tin 5 6/- I'»b»D»( Cooaol £1 £1 l'.oi(k»li n 41 41 Potion B*hra
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    • 614 5 Iwoe "3 Value Bayem. Scilecm. >/■ AllaftM 4/3 4/10 i/- 3/- Anglo ifaUy 106 1.1.9 ■2/ 3/. Batana Malaka 2•> 8/XI £1 Bato o»tm 16.0X) 16.0.0 XI XI B»to Tiga 4.12.6 6 0.0 XI XI Bokit Kajan* 3.16.0 8.16.0 XI XI Bukit Linlaag 4.15.0 6.0.0 XI 6/ Contributory 8.10.0
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    • 126 5 l-ue 1 VtAae Buyers. 10 10 KuWn Smeltia* 10 T 41 41 Electric Trunwij. 1/8 10 10 FrMar N«n> 38 00 100 Howartb Brekiae 100 7% Pro!. 100 100 KjUi Bro iM. 100 100 a 8% Cod. Prat 10 10 Mayurd Co. 87.00 Seller. 10 00 7.00 4/8 :m.00
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    • 48 5 Buyers Sellers' Howarth Brskine 4% par Riley, Uargreaves 6% 13M.000 2 t Singapore Electric Traa.wavs6% «»«0,000 Spore Municipal 6% 11,878 000 nom. Buyers Sailers Spore Municipal 41% of 1907 tI.aOO.fOO 6% 7%ps» 8 pore Municipal 4{% of 1908 11,000.000 7% B%psa Spore Municipal 4% IftOi.BOO 7%dis
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 Better than a Plaster. Kor painn in th. aMfc Si iln-»t dampt-n a piaVl <>f rtinn. 1 with Chamberlain's Pain Halm an. l bin. l it on >>v<-r the m»t of pain. That*, w aatkaaa asMav. Kur sale by aU Uutpcusarios and Dvalurs.
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    • 449 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co April 83- At Nowlands, Sff, Orange i; >ad t ak household furniture, rare collection of plant*, four seated lubbertyrcd Victoria, Australian borsr. etc at 1 30. April ii -At Spotti«woodt> Park, off Neil Ki tho property of W. A. Darke. TV« at 2. April 24
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    • 676 5 flrdatl) London CIGARETTES. Out o! 1,000 lbs weight of the finest tobacco, only some 120 lbs. is good enough for the manufactur< °f "SUte Express" r^^^B^^fsW Cigarettes. a» p€b^^ v s^ag** ifSfm x».sss. es os. jut uKIIUI. B^^ MANHOOD. a, r^w l,i.- GOLFER By ikMt (I I in. «»r». li.
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    • 151 5 HIGH-CLASS Telephon. Mo. SIS). UNDERTAKING. 4», IVtnawp »tr— t. SMngapapa MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY SJa<a to inform the pablrO that tbe kind patronage aooorded him daring the pass lew years, has made it necessary (or him to acquire snothsr n«w Rubbsrtyi ad Hasu I**,1 which sarparaes all other* in
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  • 1009 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, APRIL 21. TANJONG PAGAR. lh« nix.rt .it tht- Tanjoiin Taijar 1 »<>o] Boar<l. just kjHgi««aMH llu »ho|, of th, year 191 li. In one vnn. is not a verj satiHfactory docuuient. becauw th. ncl revenue for tile wt^-on<l half year is th. «t. pra^titally. r.tHjr.l.ll m
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  • 19 6 Tin monthly handicap MMt of lh, S.II.K.iV i Sh..."tin- Cluh will l». held on Saturday at I'M* p.m.. sharp
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  • 23 6 The MM againnt Mr. K. (iriftin. a MMM in the Kochicn Trans|«>rtation and Tow lloat Company, has bwn withdrawn, says a Shanghai wire.
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  • 34 6 First cla«M appraisers' li.-ens.-s have been granted in I'erak to Metutni. A (irant Mackie and W. 11. Stephen* iv MMMH to Mr. A. H. Malet. and in I'ahang to Mr. A. M. h. n/i,
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  • 32 6 Subadar HameMr Misr and one ne|my of the Hrd Rraliiuan* have left by the Ihitf.nn for Ihimlmy to join the .-ontini.. in represent int- the lu.lian Army in Ix.n.lon at tin Coronation
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  • 89 6 I Hi.- of a K«nn of c.»>lu-. on a rubbei estate on tin- .)<U|»UK CliiiiKir K.«d. I| were liast.niui; u> their MMBJ MMM on account of a storm recently, took refuse iv the kiUh.'ii. lie luml him. l. wh. n a big tr<»- near by wan .lown. H
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  • 20 6 'Ilii M.tfl *>. 1'n1.,,, 1;,.,,,, |>r.-iii.i..l,U MtBS Koyal Kn-iri.T-MM* t.. tl». |„li,-.. ||m theft .1 vhlui-,1 at f,,.,,, Hi in
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  • 34 6 Hi. I Co. Hongkong l; trni 1. has arrtTad ben ii tUma on th. hull. mi. ui.lud.s tan! 1 I. Hickling. 1.,. „t ii K a 1 IMTJ Hid al».nt BO s M
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  • 41 6 lh. KwiauaUfl CM laun. h will 1..v, .loliu»t..i, s |'i,., Satunlaj at IWaad MU I""- MbaraiMj n,, 5,,, day, lh. laun, I, will Law the pi, fo, th. rhih at \>. 11l in ;il returinne ,t M»MBn I" I.' 1 6JO
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  • 53 6 ~t.rt.ix afUmooa i1..,. m „,,w,i „i anon IU lutmes 1,, 1.., nation grcniml lo witness a football mat. 1, Ih tw.. ,1 the Kabul \inan and th. Tanjong I'agai t»-ain. in the Hakim .111, competition. Th, V mans played a Rood auae and best the latu r hy two K
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  • 62 6 Tin MM ll.odston.. win. I, ha- MMM l> gone horn. from t hn.a an.l \ustraha. is r.-iK.rliil U> liave ha.l in her ea,y.. million i-arcam-K of hi, kens. a bold full of pigs and a M] lai-, .|,i.tulit> of ..1111.-.I eggs from CWM and the Kar I another jwrt of
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  • 52 6 Th. \diniralt\ Int. 0,.|, r.-l i w... k \:i leave |a Im MM M tin I IK ol ti inn sin,. M.i lm. who w,!l ratamaMj t.. Knyland from HsagkaMJ in t|,, I'elorus. This .oni-essioii is mad. in .ti ■•deration ..f their arduous duties iarMfl theii two xe.uv ooaimixaion in
    52 words
  • 64 6 A mm isbiu,^ out to HMfM th, erection of U>e L'cylon wireless installation He- will r in. .in th.',. far about s,\ uonUu in •■•del t«' se. the .utcln Wall Ull.i.i WMgJI This makes n laai that the initiation „f t"h. svst. in will not |,a\. t., waH Bntil th.
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  • 22 6 *m i bj Lloyd I:- »Ik>ws lons van I belonging t.. th. I n,u.| Kingdom Thrw Japan too* t Making th.
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  • 41 6 the Ist I Inninkilling Kuailien will leave limtsiti (or Ind arill M1...W. where th. flUi Inniskilli -y^, H ru. Nt -I. ii. Light I rill replace th. Innwkillings < hina Th. 2nd battali t th. SoaMistla was neroi prerioosl) in I
    41 words
  • 28 6 i uoun before ih. p. and II i.i ran li. i > .ml., Australia on h.i st., Hotel. Cukmibo. coni i omiiMMUtion si ii port, and •'-'i v «p
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  • 88 6 robabilm tl >--im will h.n. Load L'urion ..t K hrssiib nt at tin lime ..i tin i onmattoo t'"" >■■"- i Ukrwia ban „v.i the affairs „f 1 1 HoCMiT, hut be 1..i- d.. id, .1 i,,,t t-. ott.i h.uis. le. -non. .md the oancil ban pi LonU 'ur/oii
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  • 122 6 0" MM I Ma. int\i. i Nmmj, and Mi .1 Lrmif. n si. l, nt MJM ..f tin MMMMI li. \t« nsion. MM MM makiin: iiniiHiM and taking ..I, -'>' s at the ha, an.l ii.ouili „f th. h.H|.,|, Cu.r and. lh. I'inaiii; <.a/. th nuiids. a t on th,-
    122 words
  • 125 6 A natural phenomenon, that is rarel\ MMMMMMi. wa.s noUil by th. ..Mi. i »U«mer Kan Usmg duuun her just eOMnlassd MJMII MM Handj.mia.sMU Ui >>in a|».r, Out in the o|*n *-a. a hundr.-.! miles trom Mrj land. Hun rloud* of MM Ml mil with. Th. „,s,vts h11., 1 th. an
    125 words
  • 139 6 Among notable MM in LMM just now is Hi. Km. the first I linns, to obtain a MMMaJ diploma. Dr.KfeMM Ml h. In i, in slavishly, -..pying W, sum manners MWMM UIMM, »h.r. M*h in charge of a .lisj» nsary an.l a honpiul of H U-ls. s|,. -lu,-s in
    139 words
  • 244 6 lh. Kin* on M ,mm Hit 1..U.,,d M .1. ueth.r. who bauds ana In- appointim Dl Leon. Real \dmiral s,, „|,n f hard k. nnH 1 th. Htion 1 1. it. s in I ion injiiu. Mi II Kobnison. wuh Mm miii II liidl. v and
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  • 21 6 I 11., Adouviim l iliridi nd t paid a dividend ul p. i lUtcTim Jividi ml m 11,. IHM..
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  • 114 6 llm mM „i iii, t ,,,i > >l II" Ution. t. I. ■yi.ini !.lt.-l til. Ulli in~l II K Duke, h. oMgrral '-i I. .1 In.ljuilU „l|, ,lt. I ,v, lllllV 111. r, MIIIM H •Mh I- inn ,n, I tiTFoutbonU fi batli partiaa »h, n «.i~
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  • 113 6 J«MM hroiii, I. le.ii ii that th. Do* eminent has t-. isillulll Third K\ *f" -iiil ToMMM Mnds to the amount ..I MISjOOmOU M ih. end of next mouth Th. of th. bonds will m U ..llow.-l m MM 1 mi ...u bonds inst«...l of
    113 words
  • 186 6 The Mattel of naval defeuce of the Middle Kast formal tin- siibj. t ..f MMtioM in I'arlianunl on the lTtli m-t h.-n ..lon, \at. MM whetller. 11l TICW of ill. 111. t ..sin. ■Hrk tra.l. -t.. India and th. KaaU-rn I'nmii (oloilHs. tin li.i\i rum, m h,,,,|,|
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 208 6 n n th« W* •Mfan «m1 i M> M fa,,, p^ mt ()b lWllt Bouton Rouge I JOHN LinLE Feliiira /f IMO CO LTD. ««tp«- a«.r.«^SP mco j iii|miii< v* all MmU ml A* •tlactaal Tvivk Totecca tkr i nilt#»M Cmt* ttwy caa do* to purtfcattaVJ W ail f LAWSON'S
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    • 198 6 NEW AND HGH CLASS FILMS HU<H P«th«, Ctumont and American Kinema ALHAMBRA SELECT PR GRAMME To-Nlght. M ARIZONA MMMCC" i xni.ii. an Kirn ma THE CARNIVAL ON THI COTI UN, 1111." A nn~t I'll tiin^|ii. well worth son "MMVISKAF lUimiont Kilmt. THE CMTU MMST." PMIm. Cafaa (in,. nmt.^;r.i|.|i\ TIK
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  • 163 7 GRAND VIZIER STATES TIRKISH ATTITUDE. Ik-sires Persia to he Strong and Independent. Hrrirk- Tnn.i.m I .on, Inn. \pnl .1. l oii-t.iiit,iio|.l. U that ill 'hi Tlllklsh h.111.U I tin -lyn Mllllsta I stat. in. nl ii I ..i. .yn l-obcj I-. i -,.i In sjnd that
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  • 26 7 SUM! PtMMfllT COMPANIES RESILTS. highlands and Lowlands lift\ Per Cent. t. 1... \pril .ii that tin til IC 1 1 i 7» J 1
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  • 15 7 I'm German Campaign in Spanish Press. BaMUM. II il. 1. 1--1 i
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  • 40 7 FUrraa'a Tai 1..,in10n. \pnl Jl a* i iy- th< Mi M' in n pij i il in ,1. Mi. ill. l f.M t- M 1i.a11.1-. I t11.51.1. I, Vll|l>.lss.|,|.,l It i. in. n IK aath in lan imi
    40 words
  • 48 7 |l|. U-11-lll!.. ai 1.1.M- TII.P'.RAM. I:, *****. \|'lll t ik. not tin sitnati'.u -a ii.lriy tli. Sultaa'lt tramps ot tin II |.i l.stu. Uh I i. Bob al p. uota\|«.-.. i i, ih< i. are hopes th.v tin ■s.iltan s own truOf will b. su!'
    48 words
  • 30 7 1..-H UsrAsiins, h, Lmvbj TIfUMUa. I., ilin. \pul 10 I'ln- iiuunUwn a xpulitioa ia. tl,- I utiti i It r. turns in ii -..I- i I :1,. \u-
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  • 41 7 One Hundred and Fifty Arrests. Tuaaua. 1 ...m.1, .ii. April H i hampagai oomatrj is laaapaaaffl] i.n- huiidi.-al and fifty, liataaa ia>N i „t th. I. ...I. is .t th. aa I .iftuiij th. causes anal ■1,.. ..k
    41 words
  • 34 7 DM OKMUiaJM 1.i.0.i, Tnr..«AH 11. *****. \l,lll .11. Th. hi,,. „,..1 Kus. mm h.v, iimMt.oii i... t., Banal m ■l.l\s UI I. oil. lo|| i ti. will ihei. -ii Ma)
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  • 603 7 Sir John Anderson and the Selangor Coconuts Company. win nil. paaaai thmnyh Oal ha a few da\s..yo. h, ,i,i, war, l hournl. Su .lolui Ander -II 1.1 Mli W.l- Illta l\ ]a Was| 1,. selltatlN. a.f the Tunis ot yioli. who i Ui ha < Inellv coin.
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  • 388 7 Secretary of State Sanctions A Reorganised Department til till lHc.|N-i .1 |I. |«.iiliu. ut Ayrn iiltiin tor yl.-n sh..w tlial >lat< |>t tn .illy t|>|'i.iv.s '>t tli< (I«*i in"! mjbi -t i. .11 tli. pn M I >■ i^n t in. .if rt< i— HlV tgricaJtori
    388 words
  • 96 7 It is ..fti. i.tll\ .iiili,.iui..-,l that at tin- forth coniiuy 1 1 ii x i Kdncation t'onfenuice. winch will I. In 1.1 on Xpril KM Illelusiv... the mommy s. ssi.nis w ill be in A Deal to ..tli. lal it pns. ntativcK and devoUvl to the olisiliialion h\ them
    96 words
  • 870 7 SPLENDID ACCOMMODATION FOR MEMBERS AND VISITORS. New Buildings at the Racecourse 1,.- In -mi iiioiklc nml tin- I. i |«.iti<nis ..f lli. local turf will be vixitinK the liani-oiirHt-witlnii tin n. \t I. k- f..i tin- |>ur|<"«' ..f |>lunuiii»- on |>robablis ami nayinu •-n fm lulili' 11.1.5.
    870 words
  • 222 7 Vt the first annual .linnci of the Knti-li We-t Africa Association hel.l at the riU m,.u K.-HUiiraut. Mi. W U-v.-r. whti pr. -snle.l. sai.l that niaiiv taaaj in West Africa BJKjMM am i v n. in Ii lower .liath late than l.n. i|«n,l K.\, i\ .oloiiv must .li-|icn'l
    222 words
  • 619 7 GYRATIONS IN PRICE OF RAW MATERIAL Effect on the Share Market I lii following iwrtu ulars of tin- ruhlicr imlii.tiy an- Uki-n from tin- I*MM Mi 'lima K\ „f March .11 The market for Para was very .pint ■In, my tin urcater part of tlir week, ami
    619 words
  • 248 7 British Community Will give A Dance and Supper A lii.-.tiuy ..I tin llntlsh iiiiiuity was hel.l at llatavia on the l-'tli mat to < ..usid. 1 what -v |>~ sh'.uM b>- taka-n to la'ltrat. the ..■ion. ition of KtaajOaafaj I ii> B*aaMNj ■>..- in. l
    248 words
  • 203 7 .1-. which nmy invi.lvr a h.uya of pinu v came b> f..i. Mr., II arfca sat in tin tlm. I |»,li,i- court to ilay ill, win t*n Malays. HH an M inarm. |«nhc couttUbli and tha\ wen- aBMJMi «itli tin It ami robbery liisp.- im Kill. In r \plauicd
    203 words
  • 406 7 Memorials in Royal Parks to king Edward and Queen Victoria. Both tin Kiny .in. l gue. ii Mi \amlra iiarr appr,,\.il tin *cheine ii l^.nilon M, in., rial to Kmn Kilwnnl by the Mansion 1 1.. u5, i at!.. whi.h r.'<lf. a sUtu. t.. Dag
    406 words
  • 320 7 Re\ived Through the Publication Of Correspondence. 1 i. ill 111 st The dis. ussioiiof tin An li. miss.-.! from (Mm 111 l*m sU'alniL his inn. 11. mia whnittnl b> t tin iHiblkmtioa d tlt> a which th. fath. 1 bitt. that th. n hi- U-a n 11..
    320 words
  • 258 7 More About the katonjj Tragedy. Tin ailjimimW li.aniii; of HmmMMM 1 «s. bniiit;lit b\ Mi K.lwar.l Htaal KnU.nn against Mi Walt .la. knoii. ..I tin riaut.-r- labour on .11. ra th.ns „t Mag u'iui t«. iii. Awa <f human hj. an.l <>f oininiltin^
    258 words
  • 104 7 IMPORTANT STATEMENTS PROM PEKING. Triple Increase of Duly at The Treaty Ports. Kami* TttLKiiRAM. 1... 1 id. .11. A IlaM iik --.i..;. fi- ii. I• I .<■. it. tli ,t tin- anti opin- 'liiltli. .|>i ii in ncj;otlati nut 1n. 1.. 1 X new IfHMal will BMa]
    104 words
  • 38 7 BOLD PROPOSAL BY THE SOI TH AFRICANS. New Way of Dealing With Shipping Rings. Kin ri k s Tri-r.-Rw LaaaVaa, I .I). t.,W I, 1 I a..\a IMIM. 'It r tha 111. 11 l a
    38 words
  • 26 7 LONDON RUBBER PR ICES. iKkoh a Mill Coaai Inform. Mhftaa PianUtion*. Limit.. l. that H •f fine Para in I per lb.. I The Bjaj k.-t
    26 words
  • 10 7 MASONI C BANQUET., t to tha II D.D.O.M I
    10 words
  • 9 7 i lack Itiown ,i Knit t I
    9 words
  • 79 7 PENANG CHAMBE R OF COMMERCE. I- itm III! <>w\ I OBBBM IUiIU i n. \t the neriiao ol tli.- I. Many haml» i of lonnn. i.. M. «n, In II tin I 111 win. h he •■BMraad t.. Urn vario pa annual i. |>-.i. el> piibluJied follow my
    79 words
  • 193 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. M.-Hsrv Kia-sei anil < i> w•• cular. .IaU.I -I>th inst r.nsiMi s>. baa aa lia bo n i i scale, owing |Mitlv. boweror, to I liolhlhvs v. lnch oecaajaai Basal of the BJaah mi,. l „,m. Th, t.. ■uaiaaj
    193 words
  • 56 7 111. ,|n, 11 eattUM has lately fall. ■i\ -111 Many of thia*. who h.i\. Ui-ii yinlty f thai are allowing tli> > to grow aaaia, aad taillnM Hi .1. h. -iiij. araaMad from tin OimaaiianaH Maaabj Ha aaaaai iaaa aY wind abaft in Mdaa thun it take* .fWt
    56 words

  • 239 8 Triple Crown Hero Who Fetched A Record Price. Tho hM tri|»k- crown bero of IHOO. Myinn K.>x. ha- 1,. lt t .1.u.1v stu.l St i.»..i. ftrnmom, at Mm U Plmdh y,,% wa» br.^l l>% th. Uu l>uk. „f W.-ntiiiiDntcr in I "I. alt)»>ii|>li imly racing I'mmm, vii.n
    239 words
  • 238 8 UMBM h\, M v p, K|lk i "<uiii«uil»iit. S. V. C. Sin»;«|».i, 1 v.t. kill Miilh^ i tisg ..f tl,. Central t 1 \t. tl» '".t|, iagt Xl M -TWtMHI •las 5. \ni'- Hi M. !..»-i«ii,|w-.»...,,. iU ,f lrt t.i r»-tnru U iOHpa ti..n i\
    238 words
  • 409 8 Capital k, quired to Extend tbe Plaotcd Area. Tlk annual general tueeling of JuuvlKJdem Uk, T.*ra«g« Kakk,, C <*. Lid.. M |,«,id at HuUKkMyi noMtijr. S,r Horau,^ Jlody nZT^r*' u rm n |»int«l out that »on»e alian-lH^lcn, v,i K |,t .vuhklit that they IkJd, toba.x^ Hy U..
    409 words
  • 279 8 Conference of Underwriters Held in London. Tli. lim.« i.[, n. i,, i .>ufi*eace of Hnti«li umlciwriUTN Ih-M iv 1^,u.1,»d. last ui..uth. v. c.uNi.l,., ti,,. of liability f..r "...I, v O b»T({f. and *•>'" r "ni«w that tin i'-mim n<, -houH tmm iiK-t 11 *k-r lh« cloud
    279 words
  • 83 8 1 1.. Rn Mm Huu-l Company, with a ii»na»!fr of tl.. «irau.l Oriental Hotel, is the ••jliuk „,,rit. 1,., buiMiuu at t »l«.nibu. au.l ,t ih suu,l that IU equipment will MM, U-t ot|R r ioU |h v ni.d.l riu. <Mh hh, m lich waM "fK*>>
    83 words
  • 644 8 Prices Quoted in (he Market This Morning. Singapore, April il, ion. Meaarm. Lyall aad Era*. Eichaiwe aad Share Broken, iaaue the followin« lial of quotation* tbia moraias:— Now. Value. Mayers. Seller*. 2/- Alla«ar 4/a 4 9 >/• Options 1/9 8/ <1 Anglo Jar* e/9 8/. 1 Aa«lo
    644 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 40 8 This Is It. The latcai aoteatifle pr« CTf^. PMtion of COO LiVKR ff^Mß OIL. Djea alj that iaelaim,'^VVji.Jl ed tor it aad anpersedea ".r7T7.| tbeoM faahiooedninnJaioßi I which apaM the itomacb. 1 OF ALL CHBXIBTB. 'fS& *1 25 AND $2.00
      40 words
    • 292 8 RUBBER FACTORIES ENGINES!! MACHINERY Zz ttZZ&Ztt?£?7Z B r RUBBER MACHINERY. auction Uas Plants, an«l MIBJ !>-*«■• aad fall partioalart on application RILEY, HARGREAVES CO., LTD., Singapore. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. POSITION WANTED. By Ribber Maoa«er (Hollander' U yrarn 2l< IM HOUSE WANTED. Apply X.\., c,o StraiU Timea. 814 ?74 MOTOR CAR WANTED.
      292 words
    • 270 8 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER ON SATURDAY, APRIL 22. DANCING AFTER DINNER. §BINOCUIARB FOR BALE. PrUm. Power twelve. Be«t <w I Loßdo in *>"<i n w rom «*0 «o 7.H0 p m C«mbo Uoaw. KiTe, R 2i-4 THE CHANGKAT SERDANG ESTATES. LIMITED. NOTICB ia her, b r pren that tbe Tnot
      270 words
    • 235 8 Oriental Specific. I» Uie Specific for acute and chrome di «*^R«». and of wbatever atand IOK Price I.M THE CITY DISPENSARY. ROAD. SINOAPORB W UO To W. J. GARCIA. Onohard Rd. rROM Nr>f> $100 $700. V Remember Remember IWCUI »TTB*CTIO«. SKCUU ATTIMTtM HARIMA HALL Cinematograph mm BRiiKiß KUMi ted Bhow,
      235 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 115 9 Harvey's WhisKy "R. V." Ji genuine Seoted at a reasonable price. XVfiere'er you go ask for "R.V." ACE OF CLUBS LAGER BEER BRITISH BEER BREWED BY The Wrexham Brewery Co. A LEVERAGE FOR COIMOISS€URS. Sole Agent* PATERSON. SIMONS CO., LTD. R. MORTON, 1 rl<r>li HORSKS by buat from Australia for
      115 words
    • 40 9 FOR SALE. PARA RUBBER STUMPB Son! from 12 1.1 year ol<l tree* Planted (K-totx r. 191T Any ijiantity up to 2 millionFor rates and particular*, apply to Managtr. Muntkibol EstaW Scperintendent, Sedcaak Ettate Johore. riDtendent. Run^am Estate I M 4
      40 words
    • 299 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMPANIA TRABATLANTICA Of BARCELONA FOR ILOILO AND MANILA. The Spanish Mail «teamer CLAUDIO LOPK/ V LOPE/ U expected to arrive here from Europe en Monday morning, the 24th April, 1911, and will have prompt despatch f}r above ports. For freight and passage, apply to BARLOW a CO., Ageata.
      299 words
    • 275 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. UNION 88. CO OF NEWZE ALAND. LTD. SINGAPORE TO NEW ZEALAND IIIUCT, AUCKLAND. WELLINGTON, LTTTBLTON AND DUNEDIN, ALSO CALLIM, AT SAMARANG AND FIJI (It INDLCSMSKT OrrBKS). The Company's Steamer AaaHma 6,704 tons, J. K. Stringer, Commander, maintain! a regular tour monthly service between I Singapore aad New Zealand.
      275 words
    • 310 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE HEAP EN6 MON LINE OF BTEAMERB. BINOAPOBE TO BATAVIA. CIIERIBON AMD BAMARANO. at* Twtos a wash. m -Oiaaf Bang." I.llft tons. Ospt. J. Cralf. M -Otaag Asa," an ton, Oapt. C. KratWa. m "Zwnaa." I, Mo vmm. Oapt. Jum Bbsoaard si -EdaodaU,* I.IW tooj, Oapt. A. Dnalop.
      310 words
    • 89 9 Empire LUMTOH JlOtel FM.B. A New First -class Hotel. Fitted with Electric Light and Fans Five ruinates from lUilway Station. Overlooking tin- Padang Single and Double ttedrooma. with Private Bathrooms attached. Cuiowe under Boropeaa Superri sion. Cold Storage- S B pplii-n weekly from Sinvapore Hotc-1 Porter meets all Mail Trains.
      89 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 486 10 INBURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester Hoase. Board of Dliwttorai ii. A. Dibbick, Bsq., Chairman. A. H. Faib, Em) Managing Director. °btbb fowLis. Mb, cm Chief Mad. OfScer W. U. Elliit. B«q. Rev. N. J. Cocvasia. fow Nam Paw. Bsq. Owe Soow Tan, Bsq. mow Sum
      486 words
    • 397 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CJUUUM K»Ti»Ll»»lD 1882. '"•uxno* in Port* or.r JITJSMM M«w ■mlnin, 1900. oTer MMN N«t Iu>»Im« abore liabilities la* iiwni and all mitaliiidiog claims, OTer $2,076,000 (Straite Currency). Ow lIMN wm set Mid* a* a (peeta) addition to Policy reaerres. «l. H. EVANS, Manager, Sooth
      397 words
    • 536 10 BANKINB. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital ia 80,000 Shares of **> X1,a00,000 Reaarve Fund 41,600,000 Reserve Liabilit r of Proprietor*... 41,300 000 BANKBRS. National Baak of Scotland. Tbe London City a Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCA Current Account, are opened And
      536 words
    • 575 10 BANKING. I THE BZE HA! TON 6 BANKING AND INSURANCE CO. LTD MO. »7 AND 66, KLINO BTRBBT. Ktablwbed 1907. Capital paid op .1.000,000 00 Wsaarfi liability of proprietor* 1 000.000 00 COURT OF DIRBCTORB. 1. Tab Tbcb Joob 6. Sin Kia Jab 2. Sam Kirn Sbbo 7. Tao 800
      575 words
    • 851 10 BAIEB BY AUCTION. 1 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale Of Superior Teak Household Furniture, a Small Collection of Plants, Etc., AT NO 95, KAMPONG JAVA ROAD .ADJACENT To BOTTOM KAII.WW STATION On Saturday, April 29. at a p.m. Mas*iTe poli»l id ti ak dining tables, rarved dinner wagon* wild bbbbbb plaaela.
      851 words

  • 985 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Meditations from Madras TliefiillowinuobiH rration* apun motor sub jiits in i><-n<-r*l ami niotr>r MMMMJ in Maiha>>. iiMMMfiBM MMMf«I in tli. MMMM TmMB, .'\«r th. riMMMMJ MMMI N.-i»rly all tin* MMT*I <*rs n|>|M«r U. btailoptini: S4MHI f.-rmof furred lubricmtMsV l» ■ii.Mt MM
    985 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 215 11 v The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY firm has set itm-ll to prodooe a car ol ideal Dar ticular<» officiencv without the least wcriOoe oi comfort in necorinK that effi;ien:y. That the object in view frnm the baa been achieved w.ll be readily admittod by the motorist who takes
      215 words
    • 38 11 For all internal complaints. IhvnUry. OMMMV OMMV <l. UK. \\.«ls (in»t I'i'PlHTiiiiut Cure. Singapore naturalists' Stores. TAXIDERMISTS. BIRDS AND ANIMALS MOUNTED. ETC DUIUI IN UTWUL MIITOHY SHCIK M AM KMMITES Of MX KINS NO in ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE
      38 words
    • 447 11 THE PROVED BEST CAR is the NAPIER Which has been awarded both the DewtP Trophy and th« R.A.C. Gold Medal for 1910, for the be* monthly performance. No other car ha- cv.r raeoeettod in winning both these prizes in one year. Sole Agent! s C. F. F. WEARNE CO., SINGAPORE
      447 words
    • 318 11 AUCTION BALE Of A gIANTITV M I -\SKU\ R I \ItLK mm To be bold at tli. M.nicipsl ITMMMMJ River Valley Hoad. Oh Monday. Ai-hil J4, at 'J i w A i -.o at 8 15 I- A QUANriT 1 <IK (NSKI!\ H EAItI.K BTORKAt the < >as Works. MM*
      318 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 469 12 INDIAN PATENT Ol oTulNli cto<m€s Sharpe, Ross Co., Ltd. n=" WANTB. SHORTHAHD TYPIST WANTED. Wanted, a capable Shorthand Typist. Apply .ID co StraiU Times. 6 4 I FURNIBHEO HOUSE WANTEO Wanted mmediaU-iy. a furnished house with I bi.l r m- t. oms snd utabling. in Tangl:ri M Tkajsajg Katong. Address
      469 words
    • 448 12 WANTS. ASSIBTANT WANTEO. Wanted, a European Assistant for a Mercantile Hoase in tbe Malay Statec One good at figures and with a knowledge of Engioeers' Stores preferred. Apply to Malaya, c o Straits Tines 20 4 o SERVICES ON BOARO OFFERED. European lady, •xpenenced traveller, good sailor, offers service* o»j
      448 words
    • 571 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ROOM TO LET Board and Lodging (oae rooii Apply 8.8 e/o Straits Timon. »t 364 HOUSES TO LIT. No. 80, Robinwn Road, and Noa. 41 and 44, Anson Head. Apply Nathan Son, Change Alley. tfil n TO BE LIT. FURNISHED Mt. Elisabeth Hooac from Jane
      571 words
    • 511 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. ■OTOR BOAT FOR SALE For tale rmall motor boat, suitable for river journey May be seen in the harbour opposite tbe Navy Hotel. For further parti colars. apply at tlie Navy Hotel. Beach Road 10 4 b 19 S FOR SALE Tin Mining Land. Tbe owner is
      511 words
    • 563 12 NOTICES. KIAM MAT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. Telephone No. 421. 108 109. Market Street NOTICE. Mr Lacblan Rose Macpbail has been admitted a partner in tbe fine of Saamlrrt and HortfaU aa frcm April 16, 1911. 1 D SAINOKKS O O HORSt ALL. Singapore April l.i. 1911. 174 at NOTICE.
      563 words
    • 346 12 NOW CHOOSE BechsteJn Pianoa Brinsmead Pianoa Stainway Pianoa Raohaln Pianoa Gollard Pianoa Broad wood. White Pianoa Kriabal Pianoa Russell Pianoa Winkalmann Pianos Krauaa Pianoa Haake Pianos Strohmenajar Pianos Lahmann Pianos THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED Raohals 1 Auto-Player Pianos Allison Auto-Player Pianoa Manual Auto- Player Pianos Brinsmaad Angelus. We WANT
      346 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 239 12 Straits '(Dimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miseellant oui wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of II per four Unas for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriatres, or Deaths, if not exceeding four linos, II each iassrtiun Kcr p.p.e. oarda, on page 6, I'i. Ixca Seals Ratbs
      239 words