The Straits Times, 20 April 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.544 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 20. 1011. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 312 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST TUB LATEST Rubber Squeezing Press. With worm and wonu wherl raising ;md £^^y*|^y loHMiiag pear. Standard opening between *zjfj&^ plates i>- t indies 1 > 1 1 1 presses can he had to £^M £*3&mL<^m\ open any distanc(> upto XX. Plates, lieam and BB
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    • 82 1 OLIVER tpacial Ik jl* U •MsEJTR^fSgr-:^ for I *ii Ettatt nfiSß^^^VP^^^^^a^3v4 Carp< vr^V SjSSB^ No. S. M Foolscap* 1 t.ike^ piper 9" wide 121 0 Brief takes paper 1 34" $230 Policy" takes papei IH" wide $240 Special takes paper 24" wide $320 i" Special takes paper MY' wid.- f370
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    • 225 1 Robinson A Co. THE ATHLETIC OUTFITTERS CRICKET BATS POWERFUL Jj^»fty_ JDttT'VTIXGTb« inreottOD oi the Force Hat codjdk nc an. w era in the N»tiorai gam It in a Kicotitic lontruuiunt, »oj will Mm out a ball firtlur than any otber bit with lew it) rt Tlil- handle v roi-tructod willi
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  • 928 2 THE "SIMPLE LIFE." PROPOSAL TO START CHAIRS OF HEALTH. See Cure and Open-Air Sleeping Rencdy. A Simple I. il. ronforvnop and axliibi tion wa» oprnul un Marcli '21, at Caatno Hall, \Vi~itmiimtcr. Tlir < \li»>itioii ittclf attrartod linen albmtion. ami tlmn- were large atuti ilanrr al tlio saraßl loctnrcs wblph
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  • 94 2 in. it <1.v,1.»|u,,. nis .ire \p»x t«din fliiasiii noitli of Sylhi't I Mstrict, and in certain parta .<f ('...liar. HayM a writer in Capital, where petroleum as known to cxwt and liaa unco bwii found pr. -lit. an.l proved in ijtiantity by au Indian y.-utl. man well known in theleKal
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 116 2 KEPLER' SOLUTION NURSING MOTHEkS jm^r^=^ derive great benefit from this jp?f'" j°!_ vt '<|M delicious tonic food. |jflt?fifr»]» Kepler S)lution sustains the EtmiMTißß strength and builds up the It increases and enriches the I&9Bh£]| It is easily digested, and its gf rich, nutty malt flavour is most t£"'*T~^UdW T'-^w, Remember
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    • 60 2 Danger Avoided. Tberc is little danger from a cold iw4^|4 li.-n fullowul by imi'iiuiouia. and this nevur ha|>pt'os »l>. N t li.iuil* rlain s Coanh Remedy ih uaod. Thiß rvuitxly liaa won ita great reputation and uxtenairc sale by ita remark able curui of cold* and can be relied upon
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    • 271 2 WAH HENG CO. Photographic Btor«a, DIVBLOPINO. PRINTING ENLARO ING AMATBUBB' WORK PUaaa, Papers, FUma, Cbemioala Camera*, lea ass, and OeaunU PhotanraaMa Mstariaii riamea ol evary vajriaty naaoV to ordoc. No. 95. North Bridge Rd., Opposite. AoalabJ Batai B. VAN DER TACK rTvs Star* aad beat Maaioan O*tfar« oannot be eqoallud.
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    • 524 2 WRISTLET WATCHES Gold and Silver Watches in leather wrist straps, at various Prices. Gold and Silver Watches. IN AT GREAT ?JWk MODhKATI. VARIETY. l^^ytff PRICES. Workmamhlp Guaranteed. ISMAIL AND RAHEEM, brasbasahrd HOLIDAY TICKETS. ietwsca April 15 and July IV If II, Holida) Tkketa to and from all the places of
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  • 683 3 STR4KGE AFFAIR IN A FRENCH TRAIN. English Norse Wounded and Robbed. V it Kiiklikli nurse li\iug on tli l:i>fr» lin- been tlio victim of a outran lm|>t>ily. it doe* not i| lull the NMMJMMM will be fatal tin Mi .11. -jionilcnt nf the L r „11
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 631 3 GREAT SALE OF BOOKS BOOKLOVERS IN THE EAST INDIES. wawaW take adftma^e ot Tbe Times Book C'lub'H grpat Sale of wnil Snr l'"" w*aw», WwawWwl Ihoofandß of bareainr, many nf wliicb PAYd YOU BM Ml liki ly to be n«t *ith aftaia. Rare acok*. iruportant book*. icok» cf all kirt)a
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    • 110 3 for all internal couiplaiul-. l»y««-nt«-ry. Cr.uylis. Colds, etc. Uke WuoraV OawM I'tpix rtnint ure. F W V CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No 25, South Bridge Road. Fintclam MicLaoical Dtntistry. Oold Crewo-t Bridge, Filling and Vulcanite Duration of Wear guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. FULL UNE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Beat Tooth Powder, and BranlHS for
      110 words
    • 152 3 7/iat/s frASAe&AkAves SINGAPORE SODA WATtP £s*iAosA*f<»*r2S>*aa. JAPANESE FIREWORKS WOCLn BE ONE Of THE I!E*T TIIIXOS BY VE»NS Of V\HK H Tf> CELEBKATi: 1 UK ffttlFt CORONATION. I.u-Re ntockn rt a'l ik-«c.'ntioD are arriTiDg Urdera are iarited. loW iiiion purchaarra of special »i«t aoe M 8' or 10- io dtaoK 'er,
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    • 145 3 r^^WCEY BRAND! For a Thousand Houscliolil Usci MONKEY BRAND Makes Copper like Gold Tin like Silver. G. OTUMUNE CO. Dealera In Curios Fine Art of Japan. MODERN HIGH-CLASS WORKMANSHIP RENDEKS Special Interest to the Art Lover and the Curio Hunter. INSPECTION CORDiALIY INVITED. GREEN ISLAND CEMENT C 3.. LTD. Portland
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 611 4 STEAMER SAILIN6S. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. rolnHtW UPAN. I'KNANO. CEYLON, 4U4TBAUA, INDI V AHKN. KOYPT, MKM TKKKANKW POUTS. PLY ■OOTH AND LONDON. Through Bill* of Lviing mmrt for Chiua Coast. Pursian OwK Continental, and American Port*. Steaiuora will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES OuhLtri <J,'T (hin.t.) 1911 I li.-lta
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    • 586 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service i* maintained bo twtwn Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London ani Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese (Jovornment Tbe New Twin-screw Steamem maintaining thi* service have boon specially designed and constructed, and are
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    • 666 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO U 8. MAIL L'NE. Tbo groat i-teanmliip line hiwwf CHINA, JAI'AN and BUROPE, Tia Hooolnlo and md Kraocisoo, operating th*> new 18,000 ton", twinncrew itMmtn KOREA and SIREIIU, together with tbo well known nU*m»r» CHIVA. ASIA, SIONOOLU MANCHURIA AND I'EKSIA. CHOICE OF SEVEN FIRST-CLASS
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    • 258 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Giiiiiaii Pacific Railwaj Go 1 Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL UIOIIW.YTO EUROPE Via Chin k. Jatam, Canada and thb DwsTsw) Sr am Roate from Hongkong, 111 Shanghai, j(sga*aki (Inland Sna of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. X.M.S. Empress of India" Twin sorew R.11.3.»8mp« M olJAp.n' R.M.S.
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    • 519 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. *^WBf^WSBBf •'*BB*r*BB«aBBB B^B > OEU7SCNE OAMPFSCMIFf FAMRTS6EI "NANtA MEMIR. Combined Bervioe. Tbr staamers of tb^ar Companies maintain a regular service between llambarg, Bremen. Antwerp, au 1 Rotterdam, and tb< Strait!, Cbiaa and Japan. II .ine»ar U. tbey sre deMpatcbed fortoigbtly for Havre an-l Hamburg
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    • 563 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. N D L. Worddcutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Tli. fut anl -1 '»o m*il ataamers ot BSSfOsssaaa) f>rtoii{htly from H-i-idm rtsjaaaip;. ils Rictsiwaai \m* >„ S-w.bamp Mar-<«illr«. N pi Psaaag, Biaastpor* ghai, T«iag%ao, au I X .1. t V .baas mid back. Throngb tiok.t- bn BBSSsI
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  • 115 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, April jo. B^h w»ur, l l.i a.m Mi p.m. Friday. April >i. H>uh Wmit. a.m.. 4 S p m. I,i t(iH'»tivi' Council. J..M) p.m. P. and < outward mail doe. Saturday. April n. ilitfli Witcr. LM am A.IS p.m. Sunday. April 13. llik'i W.iir.
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  • 201 5 T" I'AY. Malacca. I'nrt Dieknoo and Malacca 8 pm Auinj aod Swat.iW fi'PD'lKin 8 ptU llatittkok Sol*a 4 pin I'.attvia. ili.ribon and ■MMMnag in»DK>enp 4pm T<> UiIKKOW ■in -ylon, Austra lax*. Mauritius lodia. A.I. a, Kv'viit vil via HriDilisi I Eurapt, m M A INnanii. M*lacca,
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  • 141 5 The P. and it»*rd mai! strain >r l>. Ita havinit l<ft Oalaajwa at 7 p.m. on Bajßßfwaf tli- 15tb instant, tu.y b< <ip -td to ltrr*a sm on h ri.Uy morning, Uie 21*t inMant. The Imp. <i-riuro mni lUamer KWa\ having left lloni(kong on the 19th ioatant
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  • 263 5 Litest Arrivals. Kan Yonii tag, Brit. «tr 2*o tobn, Capt Uku«. April JO Krom Bahm*. April 16 <i c. tod I>i.l p. Hock Seng For Billilr.i. fcyrflSl Ko»N MM, I'.nt i-tr 47H4 ton*. iptain IJ-mi. ■haw. \pril J). Krom Hongkong. April 15. (I.e. mail »n1 |< I*. &i)
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  • 99 5 Vessels at Tanjang Pagar and keppel harbour. Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAR. Bast Wh«w Basin— Manila. ■aH Ss.tiok No I Tentta. Shikk* Whakp Pathan. Main W. Sacr. No. 2 Ischia. Donera. 8 K g» Maru 4 Itvih. Nil. Castor. Laooon Dock 7— (Under conatruction.) W«t
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  • 539 5 Arrivals I'er *t. .uurr K<i;% Maru. \pril 19 From London via r rU Mr. and M■« W M H ark »nd rln .1 aVsBBm I B M*uodr. 11. K A D Bwaaa, M Shir»i-lii and A. llaioett l'« r --©inj-r D Ihi, April Bt.— Fbobj Hong koDy
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  • 250 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. BiMO*ra>i, Apkil 20, 1911. Ow London— Bask 4 m/i J/4/, Demand »/4i Private 6 m/a 3/4 ,V do 8 m/i 8/4 H Ok Oiuiki Buik d/d J8» Private 8 m/i S4B Oh Kkan. B»ok d/d *96 PnrateBm/a S9O« O* India -Buk T. T. 174, Private Mil* 17«*
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    • 176 5 lwoe Valued 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Bruang 10 10 Brwwh Hyd. 10 10 Kaoaboi XI XI KinU Tin XI £1 Kledaag Tin 10 10 KuanUn Tin XI XI L»b«l Mines 10 10 Malacca Tin .V 6 I'aliaoK Connol XI XI Penxkalen XI XI J'a-iDK Bkbra XI XI
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    • 619 5 Value Bayer*. Seller*. 3/. 3/- Allt«*r 4 4 410 3/. >/- Anglo M»Uy II 22/6 H. 2/- Batons lUUka I I 8/ XI £1 B**u C»»e« 16 00 180.0 £1 £1 B»tn Tig* 4126 SOX XI XI Bakit Kajtna 3.15.0 2.1«.n Ml Bakit Lintena 4.15 0 6.0.0 £1 16/-
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    • 125 5 Value Buyen. 10 10 WMliri Hmeltiag 10 7 XI 41 Bleetrie Tr»mw«yi 8/8 10 10 FrtMt Nnn 88 00 100 UowarUi Krmkine 100 7% (Tbl. 100 100 K»i« Bro. Ori. 100 100 B 8% Coir. Prat. 10 10 M»yn»rd Co. 27.00 B«Uan norn 1000 700 4/8 ltf.oo 60 M
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    • 46 5 Bayer* Seller* Howartfa Brakine S% »800,000 par Riley, HargTeevea 8% 1J84.000 3* Singapore Electric Tramway* 6% 4860,000 Spore Municipal 6% 11,878.000 nom. Buyer. BeUeta Spore Mamcipai 4)% ol 1907 11.800.L00 8% 7%pm Spore Municipal 4{% of 1000 11.000,000 T% B%pm Spore Munioipal 4% »60J.000 7%dm
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 41 5 Better than a Plaster. Kor pains in th. ,ir cho*t dampen a pjasa *i tianm-l with ChaiuU'rUun'* lain H.i'.in and bind it on aaaa tin- neat of pain. TtMM si nothinn bitur. For sale by all 1 >i»|» nxaritt. and Dcak-r*.
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    • 283 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. April 2*2 At Newlaads, VI '1 range Kiad. toak household furniture, rare oolleotion at plant*, four seated rubber tyred Victoria, x-istraliaii hone, etc., at 1.80. April M— At Spovti-.w00.1-> Park, off Neil M the property of W. A. Darke. E-.j at 2. April 24— At
      283 words
    • 246 5 GABBICK COARSE-CUT. Ixl 4 Ib K^l^wiiaHß^CcH Price Patenl fflrsiP^^^^^^"**! on t Air-Tight [^M;lfp| C OBTAINABLE AT John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. rUSHUN COAL~ Q The Best Steamino; Coal In the Far Eaat. FRESH STOCKS alwa r on band fIIITPIIT THNV at Dairen. NewcbwatK and Tient UU ITU I OUUU
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    • 205 5 80CIETA ANONIMA NAZIONALE 01 BERVIZI MARITTIMI FOR UONOKONO. The Italian s.s. CAPRI. 4.300 tons. Captain P. Figari. having left Bombay on the 16th instant, may be expected to arrive here on Friday, the 38th instant, and will have prompt despstcb tor the above port. For freight aad paasage, apply to
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    • 49 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY. Undartakars and Monumantal Masons BBTABLIBHBD 1881. JUBT RECEIVED 1 Mew Oooda ol Superior Quality and Finiak. Marble., Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monument* ol every descr ption RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Beat to be had in the colony. With Plomea in oae. TBLBPHONB NO. TH NO. IST. OBCHARD ROaU
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  • 1148 6 The Straits Times. THursday, april 20. CHANGKAT SERDANG. rt"c liav.- t „,,n,,l 1 i.j.nt l.j the 111. 1 tors of 1 L.iM^Uat "s. 1.1.1 ny Kubber Company t<> tli, MIMMM "f MMMB. It contains. amoiit> otlitr iuUrotin^ iums. «v, I, as tin rcioinininilatiou of a ml o five
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  • 23 6 Th, (■■•M inor of a|« Vn.l. has been arrenlvd and in being brought |g lia»M on a charge of almse uf authority.
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  • 39 6 '11k Kn|«r I'aru Itubber ksLaU-s pay a final dividend of l.'i ]M-r it nt making a total of B.", per cent for the year, and carryiu^ for ward i:.°l.">l". A divi<leud of ten |ier cent was paid for n
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  • 36 6 Then* will be another 1 liange of programme at the Harima Hall ciiu-matograph Bl ni^hl. when a number of new films of the Itio^iaph Co. of America, Italia anil tiauinont. will be thrown on the ncreen.
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  • 20 6 At M, ssrs < aMMM and I mooM jn I MBllllllld l| ft., monthly rent *>*'. MM 5.,1,1 u> .1 V
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  • 51 6 Immm hi .in. k Hi Hmim m ill. |,r, mis. -i in \,u Yoffc which W< ■l.pwn Mat in. .nth rcaaHiag m t!.. ,i i..v all. l CO v. BMMMMM>MH in tl.. tirst IBHHiin Tin. is tin mult an him by lli<- jury aWa in- thai tl lie aiatb
    51 words
  • 64 6 1 lain of th. (i. iinan s-, 1 tt'i.iu.i. :it Cocoia, i> 1*, it.. I to 111. p"t oDl'.itlnt f 11 IT, <;.riu;in. lell ok ilkwu.l. lieiug kaoekad du.n kj a bmm|. All.tloil.lo sal, him 11. 1, iinsii, ssful .is he MBfe aft.i h. I, 11. It is thought
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  • 58 6 Ih. Miisin Bnaaaa Kaiaba aead oa a com iwiiatn. staU iiu nt .1 th. shipmenl sof eon I from M..|i. W.ik.imatsii. Kai.itsn KaMMßki, Knchinotsii. Muk, and Homiaoyc ,*****111: rh. l>-s. ISM 111. 1 1910 iilnih :..lal MMMMF, sl,i|>|H,| ft,, mi tins. pla..s bj tin- .in 11. Nt tn in. of
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  • 63 6 Ih, Til,, s -i.!', thai a confer. 11 BMMMMMWB) of ihi Vtlanti, riMMMMJ com |«tiiies win. h his BMM BMMMJ at (.'olooae, MM i' MH*d a frn ■ndly iinii-rstandini: Tin luooting was coicerntsl with tin- renewal of lui'lll II!. 1. I into hi th. „lll|Hillles ooartitntinfl th. Kortii Atlantic Klnppinc
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  • 72 6 Mi W,,,5t..n t MNM liis MM n awardtsl nominal ii (oiisiiiaim workingiuan H|M-akt 1 »h>, asid. at 1 mis tint; in I N v ,>n-lut, lha' I liell m a brave man aad t.« 1 th« mm my. not MM Mi. ■hurehill. n h>> arokl 1.. 1 „1111s, t. 1
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  • 52 6 [taring tin rain, ihc group in Ihi I«mli<>ii ki it telling Uieu bad trealbei aad liii. -w.-.tih. i !>■ -I Ui. in I. «l|. II siui'Ji. An old I i.l\ !;i.K «itli i/.... U In m aad boaa I Whal ia th ro» n- tli. ii li\ Mr then war
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  • 82 6 thirty-si im Ihi Illi iartaal Hi 11 fimail 1 armchair ia MM MMM with a w,,iind in th, MJ in Urn MNMMt, -aid that Ml found two letten tlli' SM-.I to In nt l.y tin de aaaed 1 1 .late.l M..i. 1. M .in. 1 the oth. r April 4
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  • 73 6 n th. vi MMi MUm 1 yt- in th. Yam. who ln.s at 1!,, a, 1 1 1 with I--11 of hills having bo 1 I int. 1 and publUhci printing, thereby 1 onimitting an offi n \l of 1HIS; aa I 1 ask.. l t I ii..: laoaßd 1
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  • 104 6 Yet auottier explosion on a IU M .hi h,u I 111 Mi Sein, k ii ins. injarinn am MWiltg slight injuri.s to tin I MMHI '.h it ih 1 urn, I, ilor b -niii in id, over, it bmvia I „1 Urn five I'll euyim- IaOM to in v MMI
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  • 156 6 RaBMWM "ii UM 1 1 1 ■1>1 1 r v int., the iri'imi, „f th, Broaadiaiioi theOtbeUooa the sand at ill, Mv, in., nth uf t1,,. Ki. the curt MOMMMi MM aBMBM it \i neonwary U, tak. .11 Iv si. m of a UghttMßM "I tli. pr»i ision
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  • 150 6 \t >/., l».»i 111. I 1.. W BBBM 11..».nt1i. Ki-ku,,. l.ul lor lidw b) tli. d.-1.-ndanls lotlM |>lanitl!f for Vorii ami Ibbooi mm*, hi u. proviaai 1 hy mm plaiutill 1.. i th< .1. I. n l.< ii th. 111. plniulitt »a» a i oiilra< l-,r (MIVMN "au"l <>■■
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  • 177 6 I'll. Km- I, II:. d rtchflttnii ti'iH I 1 Mm 1 II an L.iMiiu l"i Urn I 1 koBH Iv th. an. raooa. Ih, 1...11.1... Kiaa ha- appHilt.ll Mi aad Mi John Kran. Mil CoUsllls f.M |h, Mr. I K. M. I sh..nlv g..inu Ii «-is t"
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  • 53 6 The canton T raged y. Th. i aatoa is aid t.. b »t< i. i- lo l'< kwR in u»"- il" I .l--.l n pUOMbI haw mmm! tot i. „.ii Ui. liKt.alld lo uitth I Is 11,. i■li t uli.-i 111 I -"...k |-,il, ,1,,, II Wllll D> in. l
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  • 25 6 Steamer Telemachus on Fi re. •board I hnrniim ihip v 'I i i kepi \v,.iUmi- mm! sfa bad l» n ouu i unuont ..i Hi.
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  • 91 6 In th. > M 11. \t. a) I;, si'l.nts of Sll M > will h glad 10 welcoi tin. ,>ri-i"ii not ool) Us awn 111. ami fri.nds bal the hi v. raj pool 1 cordially invited t.. attend •>■• II I Ti has kindly oaaaaßtai lo Braaw
    91 words
  • 168 6 1 1,. nmi; ..f Ih. 1 Fbe 1 my 1- il Ib\ tl« ..1 .-MUM,,,.,,, ,Urn It. i w K. I, is, I, „.1,, n 11,. prayrn „.l l.\ tl,, < ..I'niial 1 liaplam S Law, Mi till, of tl pital .ii,.l |ii-|. H) 1.'.il '11,, I,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 Try n, ofiarttfei of Whisky to MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Parliament Bland. D^ M\CGBEGOR. CALDBECK ft CO., London and Glasgow. Ksi n tisiin' 1804. A. „.,.|.l: I I* TMI HOUSt OF IOMOS tme mouse or coMMOat. nouses of p**li*«eht caaaoa CALDBECK. WACGREGOR CO., Solo Atfenti. DANIEL CRAWFORD'S FINEST VERY OLD SCOTCH WHISKY
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    • 284 6 NEW AND HIGH CLASS FILMS i MM Pat he, Ctumont and American Klnama ALHAMBRA SELECT PROGRAMME To-Nlght. M JUMZOU ROMAMCE. \in< i v an kiiiema hilini. THI CaIWIV/U. ON TNC COTE aZIM. 1«11." Illimt I 1 li'tni-N.|,it l',,,n. well worth MMVIS MEAF' i.i'iinoiit Kilnn. THE CASTU OJMMT." I'alhe s nirtipipliy.
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  • 55 7 SMTVNS TROOPS GAIN GREAT MCTORY. Position of Capital More Secure. I MllM \|'"l XV MlMi'a i .hi X.v ffiii th. m:KM i. t- Is and n., 1 Hi) \mpnm th. iitm>in« Daa OnasuTMcai Lun» T»i—ii« 11..1111. Vpi I I' l MM that it ml. iiti.m t.. -lid
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  • 37 7 Press I rj{es Greater Imperial Co-operation. ItninH-. TMJMSAM. ii. \p. il Ji'. Bui UsHIIIU tl" I'lf th. \uq. nail oiif. li-mand dis. i .ti v h the -"Mi. *Wi .i rira to MUMMhia
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  • 15 7 I tLKiKIv I., rllll. \piil I* which is I i lluuu.
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  • 11 7 RUSS IAN PREMIER. a, \| \-> M >■ .|.ni-t.r It in ill he
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  • 9 7 DmiOrmuiwm Lum TrL«.iRiM. \|M ii l».
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  • 5 7 Mr. Da
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  • 8 7 KriiK. a I-.-. 111. II
    8 words
  • 22 7 THE CITY AND SUSU RBAN. Uadoß, \|'Hl -h. < it\ and 8 1 ..^ihs BattuMj Maaaraoav IB u> I .1 (aiaal i i
    22 words
  • 34 7 iKH"* A MaLAITA l"HKl!sP.lN|.t M. M'^'l Information has been MMMWi by Malacca K'ibb.-r HmmHM l.i'nit«-.1. that MM pri« of fine I'ara in ItMMMI y.sUrdiy wan ■'> r Ib I Th- MllTlli dull.
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  • 171 7 in llMfari "f the i ih, oantew "f Chi Lroaglj deaonnoed to. Moriuon i- IBM I'M a- I" 'I i" I"-UU ll igrant |m pi_.uid.i o( M.,i „,,,.I ..ii throughout KuKlan.l. sh. -ud. List v -ills felt I ""I I »ah under th. I. <m,. i d
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  • 452 7 Preliminary Expenses To Be Paid And Dividend of I Per Cent. Th. „m,,.a1-..,r.ilM,.t,.,U"fthe han K InU Serdaan Krtatas, UmMbb, is nlle.l for Kridaj Mm Mlh mst wh.i, Mm d.... r«aarl and t- Jaaaan >•- iIIIh s.ihmitt.^. lie laaart, which is s.yn,,! hx Mr. C hMKHfIW „i
    452 words
  • 313 7 Great Increase in the Demands of The Admiralty. TIM rapidity th. development of ml .unititH fur ituxiliiiry puqiwt. such a« running tbi dpuunoa when tin tin- ar. .mi hi th.' Mag oil fuel \m th. mtJm\ bailon mhtm -in)^ an mAm ataMß mi th. N.ivy
    313 words
  • 788 7 TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S CLAIM AGAINST AN OPERATOR. Nominal Damages Awarded. In th. Snpnine loiirt. this mommy. Mi. .l.istu-,- Kisii. i «aye pul^im-m in th. a. lK>n hron.'ht h> the KxUnsion. aaa and CWaa Taiaanah Caaaaaay, UC MMMMa Mr. William Hay MIM, <» i-M> rt aaaar, hi **g* Saah
    788 words
  • 128 7 • of the -harem -km laliiltta has ereaU-d eoii-ideiahl. luU r. -st. Its intr.idii.tion U> the ity i- due U, the i-nu -i-prise of a firm who have a MWy" exhibiting tli.' skirt in their .-KtabliMliinont at int. i vals throughout tin day. Tin StaU» ■mi
    128 words
  • 32 7 Tlk- Shah luu. made a donation o( Al.t«»> to the fun.l for tl«- establishment of a iuoni|Ut in lxKidou. Tl»c I'entian prime luinwtc-r and minister for foreign affair* lav. joined the committee.
    32 words
  • 1065 7 DOCK BOARD'S REPORT RECORDS A DULL HALF-YEAR. Less Work and Less Profit. Ih. rt-milt ol th. half yoars wo.k it Tanjony I'awar up to the end of I' MaaMMiM the l>.«k Board's aetni annual report just issn.^l It si^n.-l h\ Mr. H Laae, the Aetiax Chairman
    1,065 words
  • 320 7 Neighbourly Amenities at Tanjonj} katong. Mi w Jacknoo M th. i ling v. Tan] K MUIDHMII I" U. f Mi I t wnpUinani 11. km Witm-w own i 11. tk.lltjllt 111 1.-M.1..11 t-l f Ht -l\ H bit. li nui-.rt.-l fn»tn An~ti ilia Sin (i,i Ipril
    320 words
  • 93 7 Tli. I him- |-.1.-ri|.!i- V.liinnwl in \i< ..ftlM- intimaU u..ik.n- arrant menu with tlw KaitUin IIIMM *n.| tlrwit Northern (ouil»ni.«. hv Hrrin.t;.-! I* umi\. C&ODjOnO Mmcc tin for.i^ii imfß. iUu- of tli. n. \t lyht.-. ii v.nn.. hUU- I'.-Winn IriMM U> Uiv N Mh N.v»k lialf yearly nJjiwUiM-nU i>f tli.
    93 words
  • 45 7 LEADERS SUtKHKR IN THE LNITED STATES. Negotiations for an Armistice. RaTTEHS TMMMUM. loilldnll. V| 1. 1.-, mi it Htm ■>iK my tint t«.. „l til. \i. in nW HMMMkn •J>. Viurriean tr.«.|w r.1.-ui .«rti- Neat* "U"" the <i;x-Uli i-ti. with tl* MnkM i.t»
    45 words
  • 99 7 RESUL TS OF JIMAH LITIGATION. Arrest of l.ate Manager MMTI the Hearings. rthH •I. tail- lm»., |i,.i,i >. r. it.lmii n-KanliDß llh b« MIU in tlmt lowa. l»f..n Mi '-i- nib.Mi, uli la which Urn Jimli Kiibbti i i in iiiimlxi. wen? brought l.\ I'him \gged to haw h»
    99 words
  • 168 7 Lord Harding Inspects Retired Indian Officers. W..1.U1- I „.|.-l mon in id. n ilifl illllU. ..f tli. i kjoed up ud II Hiwnh wl Ih, tl 1 1 ..t. in »ith I 1008 r. v, 1,, loft th. hei hi. lit „f il.. Viooroy l«« „m.I
    168 words
  • 69 7 Th. TmM refeiriny "n th. Uth v nMMBin > 1-Tt tliit tMMJN eaMM nulls w. r. MOBt t.. I- inis-tinn"' is MM I. called tl» l*Ui iaal hltililtl.m "if th. BftMOMOOe Spinning 1 '.mi |«any of HMMMM, MM St.. k|«.rt Has tin.. i.iim spindles mid MM, BMi Ku'Vptim
    69 words

    • 168 8 (iii \|.i i) 11. Kilniarnock boat ll.iniilu.u ftisulwnuals hj two goals tn nil. and Brad fonl City beat Sumkrlau.l by tliror goals to nil. I mi. t th. RMMMMI RUa II iftarila) altomooa, oa tbi ,ii lli. r. pl.iy .>f the Hakas] Vwf taatea m^mmm mmw H.-.-H
      168 words
    • 41 8 kcppvl (iulf Club. I .il lot the Krppel < >"l> Club April ni.-Ul. (UesWM I" in. l l_' sj T 74, lii th. upecial oin|N utioii. the rssMM »f I. lull l> I! ill. y t.u.l I v I ,»,il ««lk..v,r
      41 words
    • 179 8 iiarrison r-'ootball I tavur. \i ii kcsult- ol Home Matches. I hi I.i Mil t. Dm-. 'irmssl J. r<iMW II .V.rtii Kn.l 1. >h. tti. M I nit.-l (1,> CooMy il.. u 1 Sundl rUiul 3. M 1 V A.astl. ii. Im l>>.i>. Di\>-|.\ I ssrsshi «..iin~l. kpool
      179 words
  • 332 8 Htuccn Sc\cral lires. He Makes Overtures For Peace. I irf India VI. U ■■i r. ~|..n.|. in. in view i if tin- ilt |il<-.l.itl"li~ committed by the Mullah in tl» TTsraaagli ...untu hi. l tin |.r. .liability tli.U li. m ill Ml I :i W.u-viiitli 1 1
    332 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 172 8 To the K<litor of tlie Straita Times. I lim iiiornnii* an aeexlent. win. h f.>r tunaU'ly wax nut serums. ImMJMMmI Ui s stll.lelll of the lUffloi 111-.tltlltl.Hl Thin MM vt.t- on Ins way in a MMMMI to MM MMatl and taat MMMMM the liuililinK a motor car
      172 words
  • 721 8 Political Officer and Party Basely Murdered. i. !>>rt rfwir.Nl «t >itnla from KaHU-rn li.n-,1 tint Mi Sod Wiltiasssna, tsmsMM ii\a. i n. bad i«- ii I with bis |'irt\ iiy \l*>r- on th,\—it ii fi nti, i i- MMsi hv one the ■of the |iarty— apparently th.-n-
    721 words
  • 93 8 I In nil uftkial Nor.kl.uW he Wl^t m. uu/..ituu^. in an artu lr nn the i'n>»Q I'riuee* r. turn, heartily at know Uilyiit tin kind rxoepturn a. .U.1.-.I u> tin- trim n I'rituc m India l«>l)i by Hit' nuthoriticK ami private iii.livi dii;iU Mi.- journal ri'jiiiit'M at the warm -\iu|Mlliv
    93 words
  • 1101 8 Prices Quoted io the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 20. 1911. Hewn. Lyall and Evatt. Exchange and Share Broken, iwoe the following list of .(notation* this morning DEBENTURES. •100 llnwarth Erikine M. 6 par. inn Kil.y Hari.Ttav.t.iCo. Ld.6 8 pin. H«) Municii)»l 6% 30% p»n. 100 do
    1,101 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 56 8 Io tbe," said C mutable A.8.C., I very nearly crotks Though the draught* are nearly killing me. I must !ant(h at the Judge's j jkes Kor tbu oolda, well Woods' Ureat Peppermint Core Will do Hut tbe jud«e's wit Is s tuioK that we all of ns endure, Csnss
      56 words
    • 274 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestioD. Does not upset the etomtwh and is ULnvalled lor coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tonic lor building op the system. OF ALL CHEMISTS $115 ANO $2.00 E. 40. HOTEL PEMN6 Tlie best and Uie most freqoeated
      274 words
    • 482 8 Raffles £gg Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER ON SATURDAY, APRIL 22. By kind permission of LfevVGbL fluMpl *wi OmmOßlm, the Band of the Buffs will play during Dinner. DANCING AFTER DINNER. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders are invited for the supply and delivery of about 8,000 cubic yards of eartb tilling on tbe site
      482 words
    • 311 8 Juml Received MUSIC OK ALL lIIK Operas NOW BEING PLAYED BY THE BANDMANN OPERA CO. S. Moutrie AM) COMPANY COMPANIA TRABATLANTICA OF BARCELONA. KOR ILOILO AND MANILA The Spaninh Mail uteamer CLAUDIO LORI "i LOPE/ is expected to srru. l.t-re from Knrope on Monday morning. MM -*th April. 1911, and
      311 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 626 9 STEAMER SAILINGS BURNS PHILP LINE. POM TO I'OKTS. I'OKI DABWIM, THUBSOAT IM..\M>. 881 Bvsk IaaBTDNBI m TUKKKS STIl sWag pameo|(<>rt and I ilh lr»D«lnpin»n'. fiT .illi^r Vl' 1 I Xl \N BUI Til At-SIKU.IAN ami NORTH rBMBLAMO POSTS, BRITISH Nr.W (il INK NKW BBtTAia T\SM\NI\N «ud NKW /.KAI.\NI) KMsTt. Smooth
      626 words
    • 682 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. Tin stMssVal u( this Company maintains a MpswW direct service between Calcutta Straits, Honßkons, Shanghai and Japan, ttkuik,' cargo, on through Hills uf Lading for Canton, Swatow, Aiuoy, Cbefoi), Tientsin. NxwcbwanK, Yanirtsie Pott*. Formota, the Philippines, etc Sts«m«n Tons Coiuiusndcr Kn-iv. 4,f»6 11.
      682 words
    • 936 9 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING iCnAr ft R. A liulct HiOHf), Wit! bo held on Tuesday. May 9, Thursday, May 11, and Sa;urday, May 18. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY TuettUiy, May 9. 1. THE OPENING STAKKS.- Value MOO A Handicap for Hones that li»ve never won a Stake of
      936 words
    • 589 9 ar* five Starters, th* property of different owners. MOTS 1 The attention of owners called to Rule SS, which makes th* hour for Scratching; B p.m. on th* DAY BEFORE th* Rao*. Owner* of Oriffln* are entitled to eott-r for either of tbe following tune* of Races Fbki Strit No.
      589 words
    • 235 9 PATRONIZED 'irSSBBHSNL- lU>YALTV USEFUL. PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding Otder gifts IS NOW ON VIEW AX De SILVA'S. Inspection Invited. B. P. dm SILVA. Manufacturing J ewel er. M a\l> f.i lIK.II sii;i I I CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE
      235 words
    • 143 9 THE BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. KOK I'.'KT SWBTTKNHXM \M> I'KN \N(. impany Turlini- stassaSl 1. MA MM t"u». aril i; *.iUr tli. ali iv.- p irtn .»i ry W i .|n< -day, at 4 p.m., arriving at I'ort Sw. th'nlmtu m MM to c.iDUixt vtitli tin- MO Kin
      143 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 494 10 INBURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office i Winchester House, SINOAPORB. Board of Diraotora H. A. taaawSß, Bsq.. Chairman. A. H. r ai«, Biw Manaainn Director Pwraa Fowui, m.b., cm., Chkf Mad. Officer K. M. Blliot, Bag. Rev. N. J. CorvKi>:H. ■aaj No»n Pam, Bin]. One Soon Tbb,
      494 words
    • 409 10 INSURANCE. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Or China. Head Office. 51. Kiangse Rd Shanghai. T. mi Gsaaawa anaaaaßßwaal Sim.aiom UKMEMHKR that it h the INEXPECT Bl> that is always hsppenint; in all parts of the world The Home Life issues all lortx of policn- to suit all sorts of requirement.
      409 words
    • 536 10 BANKINB. I CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares of XaOeaeh XI,*XM»O Reserve Fund X1.000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... X1. 300 000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City a Midland Bank, Ltd. SINOAPORB BRANCH. Current Accoonts are opened
      536 words
    • 616 10 I BANKING. THE IZE HAI TON 6 BANKING ANO INSURANCE CO.. LTD. NO. IT AND 68, KUNO STfiEBT Established 1907. Capital paid up $1,000,000 00 Beaarrs liability of proprietors 1 .000.000 OP COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tbcb Joom 8. 8m Kia Jam 2. M*a Kj« Ssn T. Tno Hoo
      616 words
    • 847 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale Of Superior Teak Household Furniture, a Small Collection of Plants, Etc., AT NO 95, KAMPONG JAVA ROAD .W'I.U'ENT TO NEWT< BAILWAI VrvTlnN On Saturday, April 29. at 2 p.m. MasaiTc i«li»l cd ttak dißioft tablt«. aafwli linwr >■«' u< will. Baaaal i tiak
      847 words

  • 464 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motor Launch for Ponlianak. little K.-lwu luotoi l.KiUt Ii which saileJ from Singapore last wcnk, l«a» safely arrived at i'ouiianak nftcr a continnon* mn of 68 li.)u. v. Wo <fc not kuow if ->uli a perform an. lias ben attempt"! m.l
    464 words
  • 217 11 (ierman \tuche s Impressions Gained in South Africa. lv lli. liirm.iu (i>n( Stafl |tt|MM'. Mm 1 i 1.. OalaMl Eswrt. l ..mmiuHler of :i.. mS-Mitli \v.«»: \fn.a, drawsan int. stmj; oni|»ns..u liotwecn tlie British an-l Ocruian ofliwri. with the formal >•( liom 1.. laint.-l
    217 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 192 11 The Car for Silence and ReiiablUty." WOLSELEY The firtu has •H.t itaull to produoe a oar ol idoal rt j.,. 1 u rs efficicne, without the leant «criftoo of oomtort in h vu Particulars seearinff that effisitmoy. That Bm objeot in Tiew fr<im the has been achieved will be roa.Mj
      192 words
    • 133 11 Keep it at Hand. Kcup Chainbcriain'H Pair Halm at hand, bnuiiiM- aojuaintod with H- m:iny unni and intriniuc imrits au.l :t «ill luucli nufforinn an well an time and uionry. l^procupUy rvlwveH tin- pain n-vuim, uu cuU. bniinoß, n)>reinM or injuries from any camr and the wound in heakxi in
      133 words
    • 486 11 THE PROVED BEST CAR is the NAPIER Which has been AwatvM botk IJH Dewap Trophy and the R.A.C. Gold Medal for 1910, for the b.--r monthly ptHoammWM. No OtaMV car h;is ever MeOot*iod in winning Iwitli ili* i s»> prizes in one ftmt. Bole Agerris s C. F. F. WEARNE
      486 words
    • 145 11 M.S.C» Turf Commission Agent. B<x>k mom o|X'ii on tli Matting SINGAPORE MAY MEETING. Treble Event 100 TO 1 100 TO 1 RACES 1. 3 AND 6. Double Events IXI TWO KACBS V Double Griffin-. FROM IS TO 1 FROM 15 TO 1 For farther particular' apply No. 10, The Aroadr.
      145 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 919 12 JOHNSON'S -^i— i—^ ELEPHANT' Brand CEMENT. a SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. SHORTHANO TYPIST WANTED. \Wnted, a capable Shorthand Typist. Apply Hi cj Straits Time*. t n FURNISHED HOUBE WANTED VVauted immediately, a (uroi-hed houpe with I Bedrooass, t.oms sod stabling, in Taoglin or Taujoni; Katong. Address to A., j
      919 words
    • 468 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. HOUSES TO LET. No. 80. Robinson Road, and Nos 41 and 44, An son Itoad. Apply Nathan A Son, Change Alley. 88 1 FURH'SHEO ROOMS TO LET. In Tatg'io, from 113 to MR, Water aod ligtit. Hoard supplied if required. Apply W c o SUaits
      468 words
    • 547 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE A n. w motor beat, 40 HP., Ungth 82' x 8 x s'. Will oarry W be«s rice. Apply Uaggino and Co. 8079 k n FOR SALE Tin Mining Lsnd. Tbe owner in prepared to accompany tie intending pur hastr over tbe property and turn
      547 words
    • 538 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS BBSBBBBsasaamaßßsasßrt Kaaal Missals- iasail *sfs>*tfi Telephone No. 4'il. 108 i 100. Market Street. NOTICE. Mr Lacblan Rose Macpbail hax km admitUd a partner io tbe firn. of Saunders aod HornfaU as (rcm \pril 15, 1911. I D >Al N'I'KKS (i O BOMI VLI.
      538 words
    • 328 12 XHE SINGAPORE Ji S i:o, (MK3H4BII i BOOTS <& SHOES Made i<> Older ■T Cm RIENCED JaPANEU WORKMEN (MIT FNCLItN LEATHER USEO Ktpairn Hall nolex and bawts a aprciartty RUBBER ESTATE VALUES. A COMPREHENSIVE UTatVBI With many Tablaa of Valuation for aoaat a of Production, and tstimstss of Futurs Profits.
      328 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 245 12 Straits IBimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATKS Mnouan. oos wants of every duecription are insert at tbe prepaid rate of II pvr four .mis (or one or twe insertions. Notice*of Births, Marruv», or Deaths, if not oiooeding (oor lines, II each insertion Kor p.p.c. carJh on page 6, %'i. Imcb S<. »lb lUtbd
      245 words