The Straits Times, 19 April 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 Th e straits Ti mes. NO. 23.54.*$ SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 19. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 392 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST FERRO The World's Standard 2 Cycle Motor. FERRO STATIONARY ENGINES. jßjjr'^'^^fr TL« F«rto SUticD«ry KDrfiDt is bimple txd ecooomical to operate, is e«sily attached Us J '■BrJ* 4 to any kicd of macbioery and is built to withstand long, hard and oontiouous serrice JL~
      392 words
    • 183 1 POINTS ABOUT wmmmm i^i— i— W ZAMBRENE gaEjfelTGffie RAINCOAT. #L It is NOT a mackintosh, hut it DOES I keei> out the rain. y y *It is equally suitable for Hue m wet weather, and for Town. Country or I Sporting u^. S^^r^^> In appearance, it is similar to ordinary
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 945 2 INTERESTING GIFT TO HIS MAJESTY. Tercentenary Celebratloo of Famous Translation. lv Ui. I'lir.nii l(.».iii at ItnckinKliaio I'alace a M«nr was cna<t>sl last month which stnt tin iuin<l travelling hack through Uh-ccntiiri-s to tli< (lay* oC Whitehall l*aUo<', hlmu JhMHi I- Kins;, aud Lii Majorty gave onlom for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 141 2 m i HBaV t *~*~r^^^^BwmV i&f'^*?- bbb Baft 1 //*X J^b^B&b\b\W 3^l 1 i \b\\ Wm? I l 2m* \tikam ia4T Ifr V —l^if /^a^BBaJP "L BUM VANA' Tonic Wine THE IDEAL INVIQORATOR FOR BODY NERVE AND BRAIN The vitalising effect of its blood' enriching constituents becomes evident after the
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    • 4 2 asSOFTas^d| ■LandSMOOTH I ■■^■■■■>*>*>IBIBBBa^BaEBHiBaVBft^IBBBBB4*aMBnI
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    • 186 2 A. W. Tully, TURF ACCOUNTANT Now doing huftiness on the Forthcoming Singapore Meeting. TREBLE EVENT 5000 TO 50 ON MCEB 1 4 AND I. DOUBLE EVENTS WOO TO lOO ON RICES! A 4.2&. 2 6. 4 k 6. ASLO DOUBLE ON ANY TWO EVENTS WITH AN ENTRY, NO BNTRV NO
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    • 778 2 BHAPB OF OUR LABKLS -^^Lf^^fe6aa*aßßw»aaßß^aawaS#^B^S Bam We hare iiuprored oar SODAWATBR aad thin in now AT LEAST AS OOOD aa U» beat in town, oar LBMONADB. TONIC, OINOER ALE. UINOBR RBBR, LBMON SyUASH, ICE CRBAM SODA, ate., etc, are BETTKH. Send yoor trial ordet to Til* 6jitra>lf Aerated WaUr Factory,
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  • 844 3 ENGLAND BEATS SCOTLAND AT TWICKENHAM. Kricht, Fast Game. Mi. 1 mii. tin- roij Uxt j;mii!< -t" «..Uli tint li..- t.iken |>lact f.x inau\ null tl>. :»!< uIU Cup at Twi uluni im M.ik I- IM l>\ Ixatin;; Scotlan-t \>\ '1 Kittle ami a ti\ toaipial ami ati>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 347 3 yELLIMANSy ftjl EMBROCATION V ■!■>*■ nlia^(™'°" 1 OH Nll L v OJI _1 1 C| |mv *~t SMS* tlii— tr aim I I Hi yfttjr l tVfaaul IwtlM.raal I SaKanac >i^l^Hl Hi FTJim I 111. Mill. We Ttr.d Mv jiStßmt lw^''iW>f '<><• larS«rttt.*lk> Iro. CaU MUM I.v MjHafT I ■ls'^*lF'll
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    • 138 3 Kui all internal coiiiplaiiit- i> Cou k lim. loliU. etc.. Ukt Woods ( I'lpixrimnt lure. Wu lia\ <■ in «toek a iarge vaiiety of old and rare Aniatio Stamp-. Price, mod. rare Soltctioo can be tent with Kood referenoea or ca-li depoait. JUST ARRIVED: Stamp and Poatcard Albomn of i
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    • 374 3 IAM CARPENTER'S WONDERFUL CURE OF SKIN DISEASE "I la»T» Iwi ifTlirl*.! I>r t«»n-- »^ar« whhanot..' Ol M. I) paurla>K an an^fKln* on i CuuM do. air- 11.,- frlp ..I i mau doctor, tt •!..»>'. but ..i .n..i.^ nt iraar a«a ihn >ln t r»r«on In Ihr foru i>! v I
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    • 390 3 Sr—^*ir*m-^m\ milk I3TTiTib 4^2P-?J Those who ass If ESTLK'S r"000 for Infsats and ConTAlssosnts pltc« thsir trnst In a wUmUri srtiols fsTorttbly regarded by ths Msdiosl Profsssion for upwards of M ysars. Being partly ootaposad of milk, ths addition of water only is rsquirsd to prspars Urn Food for immsdiaU
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    • 48 3 FOR SALE. Tin Mining Land. Tli' owd< r m prepared ♦o arcotupaoy t r iotoiidinK fur iif r unr the property and tnrn ihh tl.v noil any »)>ere di-Kir. il a. proof u(*. Kor teima and further particular*, apply V. Deposit*, c c Strait. Tituca. ii -at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 597 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGITIBN C 8 FOR CHINA, .JAPAN. PBNANO, CBYLON. AISTHALIA, INI>IA, ADBN. EOYPT, MEDITERRANEAN, POKTS. PLY MOl'Tll AND LONDON. Through BilU o( Lading issued (or Chin* Coa»t, Pemian < lull. Continental, and Aiu.ri.-an Ports. Steamer* will leaf o Singapore on or about I MAIL LINES Outward
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    • 561 4 BTEAMEB BAIUHGS. N. Y. K.I JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly sarrioo is maintained be twecn Yokohama via port* to Marseilles, Ixmdoo and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial J spanner. Oovernmeot. The New Twin -screw Steamers maintaining tbi. service hare taM *P~M}7 constructed, and are
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    • 640 4 BTEAMEB BAIUMCB. MM WML STEAMSHIP CO. U. 8. MAIL LINE. The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN md EUROPE, via Honolulu and Su Francisco, operating the new 18,000 tone, twin screw steamers KOREA ud SIBERIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHL'RIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF
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    • 266 4 STEAMER SAILINGS Canadian Pacific Railway Co s Royal Mail Staamahip Una. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPB Vu China, Jai-an, Canada and ihi Cnitid States. Roate from Hongkong, via Shanghai. Nagaaaki (Inland Set of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Bmprea* of India" Twin aerew R.M.S Bmpreat of Japan R.M.S.
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    • 494 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND Of MTlCItt DUWfKNIFf FMITMES. »«H lIHIKI Combined Service. The .learner, of thotr Companies maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremesi. Antwerp, and RxKfrdam. and ths Straits, Clnn» and Japan. HomewarJ*. they are despatched fortnightly (or Havre au.l Bain burg and once a month
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    • 572 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. IM. D. L. Norddout scher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL UNE The iMt and Ml known mail jU»men of lliH('<.m|»n\ uil fortnightly fr 'in llr.ra^o Hamburg. »i« U.iu-rdam. Aulw.-rp. Soutnamp 100, iiibralur Ow, Naple* (ooooectinf tfansilie*. M pi •-■■>. AJaasfliria, an. l »i.-«-»erssl i. Sue/. A.len Coiocnbo, I>d»o»\
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 685 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. HOLIDAY TICKETS. Between April 15 and .Inly 1">. I!>U. Holiday Tickets to and from all the places of the Netherlands-India Archipelago (Singapore ,m<l Penang included) will be issued. These tickets entitle the |iassnngnr to make a return voyage againsi paymeni <>t' single fare and are available for tny
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    • 534 5 STEAMER SAILINGS THE HEAP ENB MOH LINE Of STEAMERS 6INOAPORE TO BATaVIA. CIIERIBOB AMD BAU ARANO. tail T«tM Wwk. m -OUbr gang.- 1 1» tow. Gtpt. 3. Craig. -Otaog An«.- 890 tow. Cap*. C. Kroitaa. •a "Zwmm,- l.tuuioiu. Capt. Jamu Sbepbtri "Bdaodale." I.IM too*. Capt. A. Dnatop. Th«y ban eioallaot
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    • 372 5 Choose THE! PIANO AT THK Piano Company, ROBINSONS. Sole Atlanta for ALL THE BEST MAKERS. We ti Dbt »tock In oust made I'ianos, like some small firms do here, but sell only Biropeaa Pianos, which have stood the test ri Iny y .r- kj :i a*NsM chma«« PRICES FROM $250.
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    • 45 5 THE EAST ASIATIC CO.. LTD. I M HAVHK ANI> .H'KMlAiil.N. Tin' MINTANi. arrivu here from Itan^Wuk on Mm _'< >th ia»tau'., and ive a prompt dv- pitch f >r tin- abovo porta. Kor further particular*, apply to THK EAST afUTM LTD. ■flask 10 4 -'0 i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 163 6 MOTOR CARS Singer Motor Co., Ltd. Martini Car Co., "Ltd. Commercial Car Co., Ltd. PRICKS ON APPLICATION. "UNDERWOOD" Typewriter. THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY Pltet* on Application. Spare* Stocked. Repairs m Speciality. SOLE: AGENTS: Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. KONG HING CHIOSG CO. NO. 104. KOltl UUDOI ROAD Cameras ti
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    • 62 6 T8 RUBBER PLANTERS. For aalo, 1,000(100 robbtr stamps and' Mi-dUngs io small an 1 larye ijnaotities, age* ol trees ranKioK from 0 month" to 2 ytars I Supplied loose, in bamboc packing or id raiw* a* dcoirttl Kwaan corner o! (ireliard Koad aod Cauahiil R~ad Priest to be acc^rtain of
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    • 91 6 J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers, Jewellery, Opticians. KBPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. SAVARESSK S'SANTALfI CAPSUUS MIUHt Of on. ANp COMIMB Of MfJBIMNL CuruiKTr or cum. wnii no mnnnmimiJ >A^H"r<m. T '^A,VAitr t aisiL.V Bmpire LUMPUR. c/ \UI Ct Fm.B. A Naw First -clmaa Hotel. Fitted with Electric Light aod Fans. Five tuinntcs frctn
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    • 203 6 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. INK AX ENTRANCE to BORNEO WUAKr > Talephonc loai. »S. a Htock* oi ail kinds of KKOZK.N MEATS, etc.. cao be deiivtr. k ShippiaK at the Wharvt*, or il the Siogapore Roads, oo short notice. OFFICE HOURS Wot-k days 7 am to 9 p m.
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    • 155 6 P»TRONI/K!. T^L, itIOTALTI USEFUL PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding Otder gifts IS NOW ON VIEW AT De SILVA'S. Inspection Invited. B.P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller. I'hill II I.KKT AUCTION SALE OF War Department Stores, AT THE MtDMANCB DBPOT. PWLO lik\M On Wednesday,
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  • 101 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday. April 19 iliieli Wattr. 0 SI am, 2.4 p m. Thursday. April ao. Hik*< Wafts*, 1 In a.m Hpm P. and O. honiuward mail dor. Friday. April ji. High Water. l.Si a.m.. 4.5 p.m. I.' K'^'ativu Council. '2.30 p.m. P. and 1. outward mail doe.
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  • 203 7 T" DAT. I'urt Sin tWnhaui and T.1. .k Aowd KmU Bpm I' M >»" tW-Dliaiu an I 11.I 1 Dtoit l.»m» Bpm Bafcl l'*liat Sti \Vooß»fe 3pm M»lacca »0.l Mum 1.i,1yW t IJ 4 piu Iv.ta Tinj-Ki 11. in 4 pm Sourab»> II »'UI< Bg, Am panao
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  • 124 7 Til. I* and O. hoimward mail Ht< %mer I' I.: bavssg lift Hoogkong at 1 p.m on Hal iroay, tbe l'tli inntant, may be expect* '1 tv a*riv< beas on Thursday, tbe JUib mutant, at A am. I itward mail steamer l>,lta having l<ft Oaassaas at 7
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  • 332 7 l',.«U-j. Ml str, 3154 tons, Capt tiewarlid April 17. I rum New York Mar 6. O.c. HulWobecb Bro~ For Manila. April 10 ■safe h.rki nffl« Oar. str. Mil tons, Capt Fnriots* April H Krom Newcastle. April I. OaaL I'aterwon Siuioon Co Inc. Krai*. Klevo Brit str I'M toon.
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  • 101 7 Vessels at Tanjo ng Pagar and keppel Harbour. Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAR. East Watar Basih— Maaila. East W. Sbctio* No I Tecsta Shssri W'hiki I'athan. Maim W. Sbct. No 3— L'gbtning >—N'l 4 mi H m I-NM Clow Fa, Bisley. Laooon Ikx k 7—
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  • 509 7 Arrivals Prr steam' r Lightning. April IS From Calcutta via port*: Mt-vro llolmnn and Hah. l'ir •Wtmer Nopd Tnnif. April H.— From Htnuknk M<>a»r«. C. (roach. R Alexander. 11 r.-noiao. P. OoM J. T WwaW. F. T. Friedrum.. E. .1 vVait i, IT. l: II Taylor. I.
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  • 242 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. BIHOAPOU. Af»lL 19, 1911. Oh Lonwjh— Bask 4 m/i V 4 Dra.and S/4J P.iYatefin\'« do Bm/i a On Oii>»t BtDk d/d U9 Private S m/t 348 Oh Frahcb— Book d/d 396 Private 8 m/i W»i Oh Ikdm— B*nk T. T. IN| Privkle Nd/i 176* Oh Uonokoho— Buk
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    • 180 7 lime Valued 10 10 B. :»t Tin 10 10 Brainy 10 10 Bru«eh Hyd 10 10 K&naboi XI KioUTin £1 £1 Kledan«Tin 10 10 Kaanten Tin £1 £1 Lshftt Mine* 10 10 Mtltoet Tin 6/- 6/- I'»li»dk Conaol £1 XI 11.I 1 nnk»li-n £1 £1 Pa>in K B»lira XI
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    • 624 7 lavoe "3 Valoe Buyer*. Seller*. a/- a/. Aiu«»r 4 1 s/i 8/- Anglo Mala? 1.1.4 U 10) a/- a/ Batons Malaka 3,0 8. 41 £1 Bata Cave* IS 0.0 16.0.0 XI XI Bata Tiga UU 5 0.0 XI £1 Bnkit Kajang 3.15.0 8.16 m XI £1 Baku LinUog 4
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    • 123 7 Iwe 3 Value Bayers. 10 10 Men Smelting 10 7 Ml 41 Electric Trtmwtfi i/8 10 10 FnMer Smn 8V 00 100 HowtrUi Krakine 100 7% Pref. 100 100 KM* Bro. iM. 100 100 N Cud. Prel. 10 10 Mftjoard Co. T, 00 Seller. oom 10.00 7.00 «/3 4H.00
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    • 50 7 Bayers Sellers Howarth Brskine 6% 1000,000 par Kiley, Hargreavea 8% fJtH.OOO 2 t ...pea Singapore Electric Traniway*S% ABO.OOO Spore Municipal 6% 11,878 000 nom. Buyers Saltors Spore Munioi pal 4) fc of 1907 11.f100.t00 8% T%iss 8 purr Municipal of 1908 •1.000.000 T% B%pav B'pore Munu»pal 4% l«Oi.9OO 7%dia
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 Better than a Planter. Kur iwini in tli*- -.ill.' <>r chmt dampen A BiaSS rt.iniii I with t liunlx rUin lain Itn'ni mil bi ill it <>n .>v,r tin- *«t of pain. Tli' M bl MbMbb kaMsv. Kur Hale by all Mbß) uitrii'i aod Dsal
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    • 334 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. April 32 At Newlaoda, VI, Urn«e Kitd. tnak hontebold (omitarr, rare collection of pl»nt». four Heated rubber tyred Yiotoria, Australian borne. *tc at 1 :<O. April ll -At Spotti«wood« Park, off Neil IU ttie property of W. A. I>arke. Bh) at >. April Jt At
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    • 500 7 LAMBERT &BUTLER'S Smoking Mixtures. J^jjjj[g£]jffl PACKED IN ilk. AIR.TIOHT TINS PRICE: 70CT8. PER TIN t wtl.r. vl B^BaVßHaßßVl^nj John Little Co., Ltd., ■Wiif ififlj|jy >v 0 Robinson 4c Co. PRICE 90 CTB PER TIN Justus Ydn Maurik's (Bigars. SELDOM EQUALLED. NEVER EXCELLED. Bpeclally Recommended MacKinley, Begalia comme il faut SS.OO
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    • 143 7 HIGH-CLASS Telephone No. 61 S. UNDERTAKING. MM* •inftaxporaw MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Bags to inform tbe pobUo that the kind patronage aeoorded him during tbe pass few years, baa made it necessary for him to acquire another new Rubbsrtyrexi Hum, wbicb sarpaesre all others in tbe SiraiU Mr, DeUay
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  • 1116 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 19. THE INDRAGIRI MEETING. Tin slian 11..11U i-. af tin- .t^u 1 llulila 1 loiiipanv hav>- iloiic '.In only tiling that was p .-sibl. Milder tin cirriiiiiMtauccs. flirv liavi- a«n-|>W'l Uu- rli-r of tin- promote i» t" make ar. fund of MM ami liavt-
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  • 16 8 Two hundred Mi-lulu is of I'.itliaiin nt ai, t., pi i si-ni at lli, Delhi Durbar.
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  • 16 8 Tl iitput at Mm Tin Miiinii. t I.UI. for March was 4 lf, 7) aiaak,
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  • 24 8 Th. l>ail> K\| st.ius tint yu.,n Victoria s rule is t., U r. >md. m MMM ai divoirt-,1 aMMM fiom th, i.uiit without dlßtllirtloll
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  • 26 8 Dr. BaMMM hil.iNki,. om ot lln ni.^t |,n, greitHive Kihpiuo pliysu uius in tin- I'hilippinc Islands, Ih-lii-m s tint li. in .in. laajßM with l»r. KihhihsoOe.
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  • 27 8 Hi. Kmi; Ins aiaaatagaM Mavarth l'rf»l for a MM jiiiii|>iii^ MM at the International Horse Show at Olympia. Tli. ■MHai ■■< Ml U> ni.hvidual officers of any nationality.
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  • 24 8 \t. I. ui-tni from Km. ill Lumpur tli. i .1.1- i ,i. r I\.■-^ Bdati i a Man »:i~ TM 11. M a*yi uppint;.
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  • 41 8 I.l.i on the Ualll, H gi. Mind, in tin ll.ikiin fiattliall com|» titioii. the Bahai m. t the P. -ngihlioia replay mat. 11. V I.ll^. clo«d of -i wau-hul the game, uhi.h th. won bj Kual to ml
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  • 44 8 1 1 inn. hi (,1/1 ti. Kstraontiaarj In. 11 Ml- y. -t. id 111 1 the llotlll, .Illoli 111 th. Ii I/, tl. of th. Ifth Hist, hy uhl.hthe MMt of MM rilMx.i MM t" It. MMMMd plan, 1. is cam
    44 words
  • 57 8 W hlli ill It. ill. ill a\ 1.1! -I 1 lid. .m.vii ng to .any MMMJOai 'J,»»ls MVMa the \l|>'opl.lil. In- ,11 1, Inn, f. II with him 11. *aj found at th. 1.-.t ol Ml 1., 111- uith both legs hi ok, 11 11. In I ut Ih.
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  • 54 8 Ml W I I n, J 1:. ill I of the rVaaas H l.:d h.i- 1- ■MMMM MHI hy th. India (iovi mini Mltor.i 1 nit 1 .21 1,, it 111, rst .l.n ,1.1 coolies in Java t"i si I\i< 1 on tin 1 aliiloma and itllit 1
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  • 57 8 Tin li.iM^i-.ok poaa ai. i;.irlN.l m tin 11 long t.llkid of in W MllltolllM. 11l p.. old las) ul OM will, the little nil lull button on th. top. the MMMJMM 1- flat tofi pad, hk. a -ill,. 1 ,ip wi;li d.nk red bum round tin low. 1 put .111
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  • 49 8 I 1.. 1n,..- of l.yloii r. c.ids a markul 1 haiii.l I- 1 imboun Aprilß 11. „v -how. ,s (.11 and .1 (airl) stiot,: •m iiiith. 11.11 almost i.. ;h. dimes rival oi whit I- known .1- the littk vn .Us.. .11 thoii-jh tin 1. 111, k. pt otl
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  • 14 8 r an I .lull lit'kl "ii i .li.n tli. Kcl i 1u.i.1. .ml ■Mill
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  • 24 8 1 iiui ui-. Mi Lew i- II ,r, „1111 replied that h. -i.l. i. i in. .is. moat 1 illy and that th, otion.
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  • 40 8 ,:r. i inform-, lit. I i raat oa tin i whiih t writ v U-imtli This, h. it. mnat I* f. ir ill' ..i ..\.i U li > ;n- li- •■nil lilt ti i\ nt r M"i In. 11 I 'be».
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  • 63 8 ii. w 1 tat< r baa |u-t been 1 m-II known eiat. 1 Kawah M vi.» k in 1 ..v MOMtaM icsidi ut of liunl md .1 t, tourists ventur isl ollt t. i.i. h. I to tl are ralllel mMmmM MMM! Ml OM ot the lady tourisi. MMMMd M
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  • 34 8 sunn. 1,: the I, .l.llll^ liielcliallts ol lit. 1t.1111..| I; 1 5.,,,,1, „,i I M --111 .it .lap 111. s. Oyutkh 111.1 oil N 1 .hum' m;. law 1 him to, Ih. .> MMMJ attrib
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  • 54 8 IMy t-, a I. ,11 lon wit. M.v, b J i tl, iag th. 1 i eruiug shipping Mibiin in rie* of Mr. 1.-.,!- Botha* propoaal to hriaa a ■v~.hiti.>ii u|-.ii th. aohject hafari th. Im to, th. 1 in 1, rrning Mr Klshei s and >n .1 aeptl
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  • 95 8 Iv the lions, of t uumon-. on tin luth in-: Mi. K.ll 1 11 Mi .loi, 1 ISuiiilllMlllliim the pioMlntty ..I piagOO to the dls tint- 11. un wln.h I him pork MMMMMurlad Mi Hums replied that tiny would s. 111 1 I. k v i.ivuimii, m I; t.,i
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  • 90 8 Ini^ to a I.'il-.M li le^raiu in 1 OIOIIIU,. the \n-lo\|.ili\ Babfa Mf'l MM i-stimat. lor 1911 is li. of dry rubber. Th. MMMM M I*lo WM nXUMO Ib and th< ..11, o mil actually hai -t .il wa- ataJSl Ib The CotnpMy paid diwd.nd 100 an
    90 words
  • 108 8 l,i mi i, ii aappiyiaK 'l.,tri. powei IroiM th. Klin,,' Kill in |)Ul|> s. IM I I Hill-' is ill. UUtl Im dist.ui, t th. nils t,,.Mi Colombo k ■hOM si\tv Mill, s Tli, I ai. 11l tl,. I. i Maahatijra aiatoiot, m i .i ii-t v tin Kmi l>
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  • 117 8 \t .i Maatiag of tl» t h.ut.r.<l Baak -irnlia lad i hai i >'-• i Uoaaaa Ul.xrain Ma., h U, lh< li.unn in ail russ,..! at 5.,111. l.nyth tin' BroviM haagrta ti.m of uol.l int,, 1... 1 i.i ..f whirl, sariax I*lo up wards of si\uin n.illioiis bad dis i|.;»
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  • 156 8 ..|.t. P M 1, i i i arrived f. i uhl Imm In-, ii 111. stn I Wi .11. .1-. 1 \a li. 1.1 in I-. ii > _'l Mi KUm M CO 1.-. I UIM I lli> M.i]. Nt) l.y tli. Hoi l.ll'llt .1 W Curraffll.
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  • 30 8 nest, a -p.. i hum r 1h- 'ing i;imii at Kit"- II lelldel.ll the 111 In* oi HN a-bo will proud. *****-11 f.l th. foi MM -.I tl,
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  • 16 8 At 1 ill.i o lock this 1 nil battleship cniin Ih, pn, 1
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  • 40 8 In M Ih. 1|.|,,.h.M-101, ol II K.ll. 111, hoWi the t olonv at th. !i II .1u- I with I 1 |„st|>.n,il „1 bring allowed ,n Mi v pbi II f..r ih. in. l r. I
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  • 88 8 Minis!., lot I Bab h. |„i it M, lln.ii, n. I the piovision ol ol mom j t.. .ipnp a pio|«,iy orMMuasd expedittoa lo explore the llllkllown port H Mated thai Mi H not Aploratioii but 01 n with a OOaJ dl- .d In n „,l 11.
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  • 83 8 ii i iipti..n i tin !-!.uii ..I mum) aa. loot p i \t Kin. i in I lli. actirit) a) Utl) Mit.,ri,,,.l ■...I ..I I!, Mi tli..t tl,. lit" I Ii ul I t .im.l !I, ntIUU nuabliani bad >- n hi Uti. .i>- t«. lli.
    83 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 153 8 RONEO-LITHO The Ideal Duplicating Machine for from 3 to BO Copim. Haoii writing, Typewriting or Copying i'.-n.-ii can be produced in aeveral colour" at one operation. InMUMI roll HrMMOM BILLS OF LAl)lN<i INVOICES iamrtm orokrs gl DTATIoNS MUSIC sl-Ki IHCATIONS MKNI ooruwoi DocuMßm flans KTC BTC KTC. v, >f frmplitmtimj
      153 words
    • 203 8 NEW AND HIGH-CLASS FILMS Pat he, Gaumont and American Kinema ALHAMBRA SELECT PROGRAMME To-Night. M MUOaa ROMANCE. i Auuman himiiia Kiln.'. TMI CAIMVU Ml TM£ COTE UN, 1111." iniMt I'litiin-^iu. rr.Missi..n. will worth ■OMT IS MUT .iinniit Kilt,,. TMf CASTU BNOST." Pmmm'» CIIIM tin. iiiat<>Krapliy. me smsiiAK. i mmlc PJaj
      203 words
    • 10 8 .Mhertiscmeiit-. of tin d.n appeal on (Xi;;. 7 a- I
      10 words

  • 120 9 THE REBELS BEAT A SILENT RETREAT. Trying to Involve Inited States Government. lUitiks Tataniß Laadaa, iprfl Ml ■1 tii m kmrnrnV aaaMaaal th, whole id. 111- atti.kin- n aWaaaad treat bed at \-,mp. leta. 1 1. pillstil hy till 1. la-Is a tatared tw,. ma MIS. Tiny stiuiat-
    120 words
  • 23 9 \ccepts Invitation to he Nations (iuest. I »-.K\M. I. n I. .11. \piil I l i ill from tin'
    23 words
  • 35 9 Trench Boy Conquers Wilding. BaVTBB'I T»Lr..KvM. London. \p. il |s laad t. tun- thampion. h impioii-hi|' bj 1 I r. 11. h l"\ I -i\tt-.n. naiiinl l.aui, 111/ Ih. Mm, ahowed woadi
    35 words
  • 24 9 .HM. Loadoa \i Kill, I j •ush lln 111 wa- w 11 b) .1 Ki.lii -ii. lit-, R !,-t 1 1.*****1-l.
    24 words
  • 37 9 Km It K TaUMMUM. 1... ll. l'll. Vpul I'l. 11l tin H Mt I I' v, lull Itioa Mn 11 (rums Hill I'l-10l- I!, II will a1... la mi1.. and will In llBlpilHlli
    37 words
  • 46 9 Loadoa, li Iti/. it M Kalln n-s I Ih- iii,..i-h 1 MMah ■andapa l-i. -i.l. nt. and th, I-.. 1 of Tumi. -1.. li- 11, hI; -ii. at M lalli.r.- l.ittl.ship to -r.-. I hii.i It Pmj .«%m. K. ilm. \piil Is his
    46 words
  • 38 9 THE PRICE OF RUB BER. I 1 1 i*> 1 Ka rfl l.». Ih. Hiaati-m Maw v aej h.iv. lion, Lauadoa which rahfai 1 |ul t I,- Hi h ..I H I- Mi "VI .1 la r. ,1
    38 words
  • 55 9 France Sending Additional Troops. DmOsTAsuTiscni l.Lnvr. Tblkoba*. ll.rlin. \pril Ih. I 1 am, 1- inhnt; four battalions to Casablanca 111 consopien of the unfavour al.l. |N>siti"li in Moi" N.\- Ihr.ii-h OaraaM sources is more favoiirahl. and -i i. t lit although Wm is aMaohed at srvi ral
    55 words
  • 46 9 FWM Ol H OWV ('..IKKsI'oM.KM I Kuala I iimpiii. \pnl ii-1.-uiam fiom l|«ih -nys that a bit; fall al > arth ha- t-ik. 11 pi. 1.11. 11. a lomU'li- it the 1 Iv I'lah tin adaaa rHaoMNaawanj hanwA, f I »l BM -I' il
    46 words
  • 40 9 iKkom a Malacca CoaaaHpoNOBMT.) Malacca, \pril HV Information has bctu rcccivnl by Malacca Kubrar Plantations, that the price it fine I'ara in London yvntcrday was -'„«l per lb.. 11. rs. The market dost I linn- 1.
    40 words
  • 312 9 The Dc\elopment of i'ic Singapore Business. th. bead ifnarti m the ji. it tii m of ,-l,i-tri Mi "v. Da th. iad h.i- .11 in I. and I', naoii in addMoa to upy a rorj 1 ot til. I lioxly tinMi 1 K '■nninx Thou 1 1
    312 words
  • 292 9 Man of 72 Starts for Australia to Get Married. I hath OMOfod tin roinalic. of an lush alio wluli In- wiison his am iiia to gat ojoniad ■taoolaoi witii •in uln, I I h. slory was laU at a St. i. is ipjoajoot on William
    292 words
  • 53 9 lln Ku.ulil MoOjWooJ I or|«.iatioil has iiiianinioiisly pMooi a i. solution that tin 1,.- i.l, lit shoul'l l.ik. mU'|>s to inviU' Mis tin' Kiiiv; h'.uil- i..r H tiki- his lioparton tot Kn^l.ui.l [roai uoa port, anor tin- i oiiipl.tion of his In. han lour i onuiition with tli.- < oi
    53 words
  • 818 9 DRAGE V. MAI LEF. INCH. ORTON AND COMPANY. Partner or Broker In the s,,ipi,-nn Coiut. this tiioilllli- tin as. ol I Ihai;. Nlmili frimh. Ortt.n and Co. wan iiHitiniinl la-lot. Mi .lu-tn, Kishn Ih. plaintiff rlaiim-d «h.:«.i ill.-xl t" In his -han of roiiiiuissiou a- a hloki
    818 words
  • 279 9 Drastic Measures to End Rinderpest In the Philippines. It is i. |N.rt4-.l that ,i >lr««ti<- raui|iaiKii. ■■■■■Jag in natun- llmt it ill roin|ilcUlv vioo out all tracts of tin- rm. lii |a st uhi< ii his I*-.., vast «tiiiM aaooaal Laaaal |>n> in. s has hoM doafaM
    279 words
  • 575 9 NEW SUGGESTIONS BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. To Secure A Uniform System. Jaat laid on tilt' tal.l. of tin- lions, of, tin- report of a Ik'iiaitmi ntal Comiiiittec of tin ll<wid of lnulr ioiiUmil'i"|"~lls Which Will. It 1 tint la f)WBI to tin-in, 1. \ohillonis. tin
    575 words
  • 322 9 The Neptune's Fine Shooting With Newly -Fitted Appliance. Ih. in v. li. ...liioi. has aiii»wl al l"mleiiuiiilli finin tin I lam an ohm sin has 1..n, iiryma oal 1 aanoaol gaaaan tnal- win, h an likely U> hn. aa importairt effect oa Um dpai|{aaaf oai tutun l«ttl. ships
    322 words
  • 159 9 Completion of Arrangements with Java and the Straits. MMaoaaaM to a.• •vi is-,.. afaV Muni.. I im. s All ananui iim-iiU foi a |wr •i is |«.-.t ami mom v oi.l. i ojntaai In twi. II till rilllippill.'s .ll|. mi; it-iTitoiN will l» aaaaalatai wulnn tin m\l
    159 words
  • 3275 9 MR. WINkELMANN AND THE LATE MANAGER. Offered Compensation Accepted. An > vlraoniinary Kirn ral m. .tin- tl,, iadaagW (Aaaatni XnbU-i ami UaMap n ha I 'iiiii|iany. I. til was In 1.1 at tin r.o|st.n<l oftii. so| th. ...iiipaiiv Tha II to i th, n|..rt from tin oinmit!.-.
    3,275 words

  • 141 10 QMfftna (Jolf Club. f...ii amtt »'i- ttkm Ml (<-rUnKn<t<i lx>i{< v ••<>nipi-titi«in at tin- Uarrinoo ItoM t'luli Mi Km. M wiin all MM with lln iHMriHJ wrc tli- l»»l «-.irii i. laraed All MM— N. Huiuiilirvys 1 down I; M I MM 4 down. I. I; Drums 7
    141 words
  • 781 10 Prices Quoted ia the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 19, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Eratt, Exchange and Share Prokers, issue the following liat of juotation* this morniog Norn. Value. Boyera. Seller*. 8/- Allagar *!'■> Options 19 >/■ XI Anglo-Jarm 7/ 8/ 1 Anglo Johore 13/0 2/ Anglo
    781 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc.
      12 words
    • 444 10 RUBBER FACTORIES ENGINES!! MACHINERY!!! We are specialists in the construction of Steel-framed Buildings, .ml m lo|j Agents for "RUSTON-PROCTOR" Suction ( Plants, and HKKTRAMS"" RUBBER MACHINERY. WE AKB IX PO9ITION TO SUPPLY THI MOST ECONOMICAL AM) IP TO-DATB INBTALLATI. -n--l>eaigD« aad fall particulars on application RILEY, HARGREAVES CO., LTD., Singapore.
      444 words
    • 285 10 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER ON SATURDAY, APRIL 22. By kiml permission of Lii-ut-Col. GtoViee and OAoere, the Band of thf Buffs will play during Dinner. DANCING AFTER DINNER. A. De Wilde TURF ACCOUNTANT. IS, ARCADE Singapore Races. RUN MAY 9. 11. 13. Coronation Cup. 100 1 PLACING THEM 1. 2.
      285 words
    • 164 10 THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT A n efficacious Ointment, checks bleeding soothes the pain and gives relief for a eoa sidurable period. Priot 11.26 and 76 cts. THE CITY DISPKNSAKY Selegie Road. Singapore. 9 1a bj v W^ ,O Tv iOy. W. J. GARCIA, Orohard Rd. A $700. THE STAR OPERA
      164 words

  • 425 11 MR. E. J. HAMMOND REPORTS ON HIS RECENT VISIT. Ihe Board's Policy. -.i, ri. l Ni..ti..M- I" U >» l*mim, ■•>. \i »J I ,1 ..I tin d tan I froui* «wl t...1.u.. II StrnM Mi lira 1-"' I, ..I ~|> "l •> -l.nm into il:I M I
    425 words
  • 217 11 Dividend ol Sixty Five Per Cent, fur The Year. < torabo on April I U Hon. Mr. H. rim Hiding M< F- I- I'"" i: ■nUiui. in- II l«\n. D. an,l R.H. X I i liainnan. in |«ropo»ioK tin .-lili. report .ml acciMUitk. »aiJ tin I :hi
    217 words
  • 208 11 Shares in the Anglo-Java Estates Disputed. n,. 11,.,, RufimH. Thayer, Juda> ci Oh L\s< LI Cbil Shanghai Bell ».W. K. ..u.i. Thw n t.,i In. i.-h of olitra. t for til. übbytlM (.laintitl t" .1. f.n.lant "f i.m hmi .In. l -hill.- IU til, AngloJ»T« I Limited.
    208 words
  • 782 11 SATISFACTORY YEAR PRODUCES 80 PER CENT DIVIDEND. Estimates for Current Year. 111. tlm.l .tiiiin.-il U'l" '-'I llui»n.l. (flalMfpr) Robbei <- ÜbM, »as h.M i.ii M.v. I, I ,->,. a|. Xl M. 1" Ma* 11. i i .111.1.111 1 1- 1 Tli.' (M-t >«-arli«sl 1 i s.uisfa. l.i\ ..iii-
    782 words
  • 591 11 OUTPUT AND MONTHLY AVERAGES OF M\LAY\N ESTATES Exports of Para Rubber ll.iwn- |<übli-hi<i 1 1 >• larfMM I -U'l- tnin- ,i» lit-, ni-l. w. MM t.-lbuUtr tliriu -> us t,, ,|,,m tin- iiiiiiillilv |iri»lu.tiuii -mi. the 1» of tin M t.^itliri with th< ni.nthlv Miit|iut. (mi turn- <
    591 words
  • 77 11 .v. in.), 1.i. .1 la t|..iM> id th. following utotmticaol tin exported I'.n i iI.U > I Jm SO, 1911. iHinxapon hi M ircli -an.l t.. .i nfoadinii i-i..-1-..i l»Hi and !•'■< I- Naj blmi mren Total* >• i»".i i. "i Uj. I', nui-nla. Bruti x do
    77 words
  • 261 11 Dividends for Last Year Total ISO Per Cent The .1.1 pan) !>-it In Ib UW nl •how* m. lodine tl,. I of 11.77. liiaWni- the 1008. .in. l payiao thiei iattrini .livi.l. n.l-. tl ih. Api" rral ot th. than boUi 1- I M 1.. 1
    261 words
  • 216 11 The Britiab and Colonial Druggist tin .1. IMI 1. 111. I "t I .llMp-l. .1 veteran plant )N im, b) the |«rt 1,, look in iiii|».rii!.. |uilllll. 111.1 robber plant* into India from South Am .m .11 l>imil«iU.ii in I- i In- :i|i|in Mil" 1
    216 words
  • 224 11 I'IRCHASi: 01 TWANTA) ESTATES AGREED ro Meeting in London h.1.l on March 17. in Londna til ilKllt of .ill I an-. D with 1. oinpl. ti fan 1910. (m Kiibbn I ti .11- in Urn William ll. <>l 1 1 Mi Milne, horn win. tl..- Wll I
    224 words
  • 33 11 DEATH Of MR. DAV ID YOUNG. The Pioneer of the Rubber lndu>tr> In British Guiana. Urn (ollowiiii «'< record th. .Lath on Mood l>aw<l V 1 I allowed Mr. > that tl,. 1 tui my
    33 words

  • 213 12 cur. -|«i ii nv. "Jar. aai fr..n. a>haa lattai it is togtafcaaai t» mf. i that ha asaaaai Baaaataa t.> tin uililxi r.l l>ora<lo. nrnd» im .m iiitrreatiag I, tt. r in -l. f. tin- ..fill, raaaaf kaaav *Mah iil.iin. an. l i Mt. rariaiaf nun.
    213 words
  • 78 12 I ilini Kahtoi I Ing with .in I in win. h .11 ill. ■I ulloli I I I I 1 1. .v work "ii th< till |'ii .111 ill m.i. n.n South. That, ni In- i.i until pi int. ill ii. tin ili.iiihl ."-I i I tin wli il. .1
    78 words
  • 90 12 I 1 the following '.In pinlit ciiii. in thi ir 1010 |„i\.,,. .it the final dindi ml 1 P I 'in \|n mlilni. ..11 rubber exU ns,,,i,- in I i übb) i li. 'l ill I" v ing writing itioa ob bml.hliu to sUtl i .in 1 a i I.
    90 words
  • 348 12 Written on Frs^ment of Clay Four Thousand Years Ago. Ttoefeaaaary al a übfct on whi.h *a» wntt.n |wrt of a Uabylooian aci.mnt ,t ih. Mom) fo I tin snbj.vt of awry int. u-*t inu livtur. -by I'rofctwoi I'ini h. 1..-<tiir.-r in \s-yuaii .it linv.rsity c
    348 words
  • 425 12 1 1 >.ii. al ti.'l. «ln I I I by .n-j ;h.--l tion .n l>i< I Ooarx. i I 1 I in <.. i i dklMi workem «rho with lo ii,. i I. i,n ,n ill i- i I nvland M YaaWl lichind. iptar .1 tl>. th.
    425 words
  • 751 12 THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF NEW KNOWLEDGE. What is Scientific Method si. m i- simply well oidortsl knowkdg« knowledge tliiTi f..r. nmy contribute U> the growth aj -i«u. <■. although nut unless the newly •cquirrd data tin. l tli. 11 plaoa in tin i< I hi., i,-
    751 words
  • 960 12 STORY OF A SI RANGE ITALIAN TRAGEDY. Pastmasters in Crime. Writing Iroui Home on March 11. llnleader coriVH|«iml<-nt thin re(i-rrt-< I t" il» t '.iiiioii.i an.l the trial has riv< n ri* t-. i. Ii an iuiiiK-us. amount of m Baaaai Th.-n is k small old Uiwn
    960 words
  • 305 12 TALE OF THE CHEAT." Mr Collier's Great Picture Realised In Life Tl.u tn. II ..ii. .''ln. < otter, "ii.ii be hi* hi ii.i.l Jaatifti itimi naiux in pro' I bj l.ii/il. ;l. si II .11: I 1 Tin «l..i\ ...nriin- .1 uoiimii ulm wan 'li~ c.tll. I ■■I v.
    305 words
  • 97 12 Reported Rubber Syndicate." A wire t" tin I- in. in. in Hrn K M ir. I. 11, I Th.- Fraakforl 1. 1/. -it. p lUioli Uram to tin tt.. t thai at I". l!r:i/lliau rubber t\| DOB r.r.i/ii Thai ujwltt Mk~i i bouKht iij> MM kaaa al rahaar, mkUh
    97 words
  • 236 12 I 1...1 .1 aaaa I tO I' i I', lln. I I i Ka\emlll.. Mi ,-,l Mm l< Miss Mi II Miller. I. 1 ttmaintf Thaaaav Mi K. < Cluwlwh-Ii Mi M v i I V Phillip*, lion i. I: v-l un. Mil I Mi I. M
    236 words
  • 57 12 CORONATION MUS IC. Official Order of the Stnkt in The \bbey. i i\ r Sn I i, I. tl, .1 .t|.| a proKntmuH U-r but i Ix-tlian riod i|.iWß Uk- I t I i Anth. in. i.ii.k the h 'i 1,.: > I i i, Ani.-ii i>m veafol I «H..,ia
    57 words

  • 1214 13 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON MARCH 22. A number of nbaroa in which local inroator* are intonated an not quoted d local «har> li-U, and there an occa«onally «id< marKio* between quotation" ben aad in Lomltn. We jaotc below tho boa* available
    1,214 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 313 13 1/ GIFTS At a kiadlv. Ucriul. taafMr token ol lna*<U«p aal «<nd«dl. M could tcardi ihr waaU mcf aad mtw lad the rqual ot Waterman's (Weal) Fountain Pen Tkti pea v indcpd a Ibjbjbbi Ii workt wcil alwayt. Can be cat ried tke pocket with ulrtv. l« umpte in (oo.|imiion.
      313 words
    • 290 13 CONTINENTAL SOLID TYRES PfIPV vtt ssl> (i M- Ko <^ (;i) Mail Contr.utorv n Thazi. Burin, i. untt- t WUI I our represents -We tak.' this opportunity to atetc that wn have in-.-n rorj pleaai with the "Continental" Solids fovaapplM for tins car. Thej an without doubt the best we
      290 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 473 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COUNTED. Head Office Winchester House, SINOAPORB. Board of Direct ©re a A. Daaaica, Esq.. Chairmaa. a. H. F»m, Esw Managing Director Pbtbb Fowlib. M.s., cm., Chief Mad. Officer r. M. Blliot, Bsq. Rev. N. J. Corvm k Tew Noam Pan, E*|. O»e Booa Tea, Esq.
      473 words
    • 315 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL UFE »SBUR»NC£ OOMPMI Of MMU. Bsraauaaati 1888. Inauranoa in Force, cm* JiTJtMM Now Bualneae, 1900, over .H.IM.MI Not Surplua abore liabilities lor luami* aad all outstanding olaims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). 1 iv. r WMM was act aside m a special addition to Policy r»BTTn*. J. H. EVANS,
      315 words
    • 527 14 BANKINB. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital ia 80,000 Shares of X-JOeach X1.J00.000 ReserreKund H,«00U)00 RcaerTi Liabilitf of Proprietors... CI.'JOO.OOO BANKERS. Natioaal Baak of SootlanJ. The l^odoo City a Midland Bank, Ltd. SINOAPORB BRANCH. Current Accounts are opsaed aod insateal allowed at
      527 words
    • 555 14 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE CC. LTD. NO. 17 AND 68, KLINO BTBBBT. Established 1907. Capital paid op 11,000^00.00 Beaerre liability of proprietors OOCBT OF MRBCTORB. 1. Ta« Tm Jooh 8. Sim Kia Jam •i. Nab Km Baao 7. Tao Hoo Lai 8. Load Cbu Hbko
      555 words
    • 851 14 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale Of Superior Teak Household Furniture, a Small Collection of Plants, Etc., AT NO 95, KAMPDNG JAVA ROAD (ADJACENT To NEWTON h.MI.W AY STATION On Saturday, April 29. at 2 p.m. Mansire polished Irak dining tablt«. rtrved dinner wagnna with mirror Uak and rattan
      851 words

  • 614 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The South Indian Inion. I >»imili ln.lia li.i^ i I 'in. in ii'uil lcpoit sutt^t tliat during tiny. ar 4'.t lucinbtTs were olocted and tbrre were i itionv h i« Baaaslal that tho ■Mtaj i-arK an<l < y l.s
    614 words
  • 122 15 In. oloiiuJ oth.'. li.t~is.,ic4«||a itook ..11. iniiiKlh.'Sontli \Mr ..n \-n-i, iimmyia tion <|oe«:i.>ii. Mi -li, .m, thai on m i..ln-i 7 laM tii.- Karl of ivw. tli.n >•■«.• n Ui> of StaU.- lor the I'olom.- hnMIM t.. Cape I L-paU-h in win. li h. t Lr.-I that til.
    122 words
  • 107 15 i.MMvi. a .1 Klis.l Ba.llll t,.utn 1 i was wiiUd-cil to 1« months niipn-niiij. Nt t... 1,. 1 |Mi- in tin- robbery ..f1i.,;.l Msit..i- si,, i..,, K member of an int<i national gang <.l il<|><>r« who have HMMirnl i.l*t,U*taKtli. n-sult „f u»»rly 100 i.t.i. iuSwit«.Tl..ii' ui-tiiili.i. iirnl th«! lliw.ra. Morn-*
    107 words
  • 47 15 M liarlton in Norilmmb. rland, on Mar. 1 1 ii, a groom Darned .Units Hunter unlimited kiii. i.U in an r\tr*<>rdinary .■iiiUiiM-r. lie built a M <•( wood, soaked with potroleam and, af u-r s» -ttini; fire to it, he tiinw biniwir into the Manic* ami wax iiKiiK-ratwi.
    47 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 273 15 The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY The tirtu has set itncU to produce a car of idoal Vl] t 1- oOciouoy without the Iva^t sacrifloo of comfort in t<n P< ir ll culars aaoaringtbat em^ioncy. That the object ia view r f L has bi«n achieved will be read
      273 words
    • 68 15 Keep it at Hand. K>. p C'hainbi-rl.iiu s I.i n lialm at band, ■aaasja a><|nainu-<l iili itH many dm* and mtriuKM-. iih-xiU an.l it will Haveniooh suffer inn "wl an tun.- .v.l ui..uiy. It prmnptly n-li.v<* the am n^iltniK fruui cuts, bruisoa, sprain* or injurus from any cause and the
      68 words
    • 463 15 I.fmco it a gol%«n I in ■■ui-..f-tbs- I way canm a< the earth. hi Taj I cixking, I r ii. co make* Ihc pUintst TAJ I fire juljt^hle and nouri»hing; Taj I in v< s *a^a srrent,tKcnii luod *a^_^ c" .ilu.. I. etii»-o highly *aA coDceutijtcl pure tretti href. WnWA
      463 words
    • 80 15 tMICHELIN! TYRES Why wont yu li.ta*. THE BEST. to m« P i DUPIRE BROTHERS, >„„» I The Boar's Head Brand OF Guinness' s Stout. Sole Importers H. W Greer, Ltd 43, Robinson Road. 1 OngSamLeong&Co.j BTEAM BAW-MILL AnD GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Always have Timber and Planks to Suit all Requirements in
      80 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 427 16 INDIAN PATENT OF STOUGE «OCOW«S o T ONI. 4ctwm HOSFITAL WARM COOOS SHIOS Sharpe, Ross Co., Ltd. WANTS. SHORTHAND TYPIST WANTEO W.tuted. a capable Shorthand Typist. Ai| y 1.D.. c oStntiti.'! 4 n FURNIBHED HOUSE WANTEO Wanted immediately, a furnished house with I bid icums. trnnin snd stsbling, in r
      427 words
    • 481 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICEB TO LET Whole of second floor of Commercial Union Assurance Company's building, c/o Robinson Roaeiand Telegraph Street Apply to Commercial Union Assurf.nct Company, Limited. ■MM COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. From May :wil,at No. 9, St. Thomas Walk. Applj to Tan Cheng Kce. H, Robinson
      481 words
    • 374 16 TO BE LET OR 80LD. HOUSES 10 LEI No. 80. Robinson Rosd, and No*. 41 sad 44, Anson Itosd. Apply Nathan k Son, Change Alley. 25 1 TO LET. UNFURNISHED. >Tl;\ IHMOKK. Tsngtin Bill- Rosd. at present in occupation of O J. HuaUma. E*.]. Entry May 1. Three largo bedroom*
      374 words
    • 515 16 NOTICEB. THE KITLANt CO.. LTD. Large shipments ot Chinese Sink, h Coolie* arriving weekly. Order* promptly executed. For terms and particulars, apply to PATKRSON. SIMONS CO., LTD., aft*. 89 8 v EXPORT TRADE OF THE STATE OF VICTORIA. Australia. The State cf Victoria has a large and in creating export
      515 words
    • 563 16 NOTICES. KIAM KI*T CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. fgsssasiaasaat Aaaal Mtf lr I— I Cmmit lai a ■■'■•■•■•111 Mk^B ■Mmpal tt^rWirMslVr*. Telephone No ML 108 A 109. Market Street NOTICE. Mr Lacblau Rose Macphail has been admitted a partner in the tirn. of Sannders and llorslsi: as from \pril 15, 1911. i
      563 words
    • 351 16 NOW CHOOSE Bechstein Pianos Brinsmead Pianos Steinway Pianos Raohals Pianos Collard Pianos Broadwood, White Pianos Kriebel Pianos Russell Pianos Winkelmann Pinnos Krauts Pianos Haake Pianos Strohmenger Pinnos Lehmann Pianos I Mi: kfOIiINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED Raohals' Auto-Player Pianos Allison Auto-Player Pianos Manual Auto-Player Pianos Brinsmead Anftelus. We WANT to SEND
      351 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
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      242 words