The Straits Times, 18 April 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 28.542 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. APRIL 18. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 303 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST FERRO The World's Standard 2 Cycle Motor. FERRO STATIONARY ENGINES. Tbe Kino Stationary Edkiii is simrle acd economical to opeiate. is eavly attached > to any kicii cf macbincry and ii boilt to itbstand long, hard and contiououi temce. In domain: Hi Ftno it
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    • 68 1 OLIVER »«<< Istatt 10 Ihl- JBta. accounts. No. ft. Foolsca])" takes paptf $210 i'>rk'f takes papOT 13|" wid- $230 "Policy" take* paper 19 wide $240 Special takes paj>er 24" $320 pfpaoial" take- papar 30" wide $370 Mo. c. "Foolscap $240 |260 "Policy" $270 Note. When buying an, Oliver ascertain whether
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    • 210 1 POINTS ABOUT m^ «i«»i»ii».»»i— mmmbm PP ZAMBRENE fMuk?Gti@ RAINCOAT. I|L 4 It is NOT a mackintosh, luit it DOES f keep out the rain. I *V i- equally suitable for fin* 1 <»r w<t s^*>y weather, and tor Town. Country or *^sV^A l^ Hln appearance it i^ similar to oniinary
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  • 988 2 FAMOUS AMERICAN AUTHORESS CRITICISES SMART SET. Modern Extravagance Mm. <M'rtnnl. \ the well known \ui<TH-mo niivili-t. with n puuuon on both -i.l. s of tl» AtUnti. ii now in Ijoodem. In an inU-rvifw »itli a ivpi.-^nutive of tlic ■bbbJm SUmUnl. Mi-. AtlH>rton liad sonn: int. i .-.tin.;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 158 2 'Hazeline' Snow' «ml h f"" 1 1S sticky mount. un r jß 3MJw PS^^v n r !sn->\v |H «r..isy for Prickly Heat Its soothing and healing properties produce a delicious feeling ol cool- I ness and comfort. The ideal balm for painful sunburn, it instantly relieves the smarting Jf sensation
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    • 111 2 Better than a Planter. Fur pain* in Mm *%al or clit^it dampen a piece of Hanncl with Chamburlain'a Pain Ilaliu nml bin. l it on over the s. at of pain. There in nothing better. For -<ale by all Dwpcnaarics and I >< aI. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217,
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    • 191 2 ••^bbbbbbbbbbbl bbbbbbbblbbbW A. W. Tully, TURF ACCOUNTANT. Now doing business on the Forthcoming Singapore Meeting. TREBLE EVENT MOO TO 50 ON MCE S 1 4 AND 6 DOUBLE EVENTS 1000 TO lOO ON RACES! A 4. 2 4 6. 4 6. ASIA) DOUBLE ON ANY TWO EVENTS WITH AN ENTRY.
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    • 729 2 when c;rki:k mccls QpaaJk, rim conies I hi- luR-of-\\;ir. hul «4bM Sunlight S<i.i|» Meet! lluv\crkl\ x\ .isli it i> .111 i'.i«.\ triumph. •< SUNLIGHT SOAP tu\ Tin M K.MT SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING MCE MEETING r S. B. A. Bmlm of Bmei-t), Will be held oa Tuesday. May 9,
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    • 593 2 •400 Two Handicaps dividtd mto Stakes constituting two Raoua for K\ 'rifiia* that have run at tbe Meeting. All Horaea entered to bt- divided by tti.- Uandicapprr into two Classes, te, I aad 11, •aehelaan shall be wparafc ly bandicaprn d Honaa tiandicappol in Claw I shall bt> eligible to
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  • 830 3 GIYS AND LONDON TEAMS' RUGGER CARNIVAL. fun at Richmond. lln H wan a ran- cxodtiH of «il«l spirits fmiii t«i. of Ur- Ijoixloh hrt-|.ital- ii M 16 to KhLdioikl, wlm-m ilh lin.^l > < p tinalj U t»<t n •■■>' 'i Ur- Im.lili i- I I^.imloii
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  • 183 3 GERMAN STEAMER AGROUN D. The Bergedorf Runs Ashore Near Cape Comorin. Aooi.lin^ u> a Uailrai- win ..I April I B* (icnnaii riMM Her^t-dorf ;i- Kiiiii.iiiiinitliaii. MM <. ape C'mm.iiii. niulit of April A. It ap|x-ni- that sli. «i< boim.l lor Iliinibiiri; via (°<x-liin anil liiiil ymaxlion iff OHM Cotuorin. Another
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  • 810 3 AN EASY METHOD OF OVERCOIING IT. <>f all thr mibilr ai..| inynalnj iff. ,t. •>l brat, niiiM- i* moiv trying tn Hk- ns.i.lcnt a th.- tmpirs than tho wmv it BntHki riMffk Kwn thoNr hi.M n.vr kMtn xliat it 1* t.> in. «ith nukani tgm, m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 19 3 Kur all int. rnal n>ni|>laJDU. l>yaenU>ry. Coiij;l h. l uWlx, i-u- ukt V lirtat li IH» 1 iniiit Carr.
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    • 55 3 ir^OH »*r a»««w»J»»ii«|r 1 V^*^ H.M— L_ |J BJnlLf BjMtMB a C... iMMf a Calcutta B. VAN DER TACK Five Stara and be«l Mautioan Cia^ra caaaot be equalled. A triai will convince yon OERIL BREAD Kuhlminn Sausage. AMD BEST Llgt'OK AND PKoVISIONs Cao be obtainn) of 4. LEVY, 10, ROBINSON
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    • 441 3 fijmk Sozodoivt r *j'* mS ***c$ > &A Saaa? people rnaylai of lK< expense of a good denhLtfo^sjttl Obly Blk b waited It lasts, it keep, rke t«rr, I rv» jj~l I k"" r corro Tartar. r r^L^L_2»l -l l *b lrf^ nc fragrant, I]^^ I**!»BB^T^1 BB^T^ I BbVbB«BB> ■■■mI
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 586 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 6. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN. PENANQ, CEYLON, Al ■jTUALIA, INDIA, ADBN, EOVPT, MKItI TKKRANEAN. POKTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Billi of Lading issued (or Cbina Com!. Persian <ijlf. Continental, and Ami rican Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about: MAIL LINES Outward {/or
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    • 548 4 BTEAUER BJUUHBB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained bo twees Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, onder mail contract with M>e Imperial .Tapaneae Government. The Now Twin screw Steamer* maiotaiuiou this service have beeo specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
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    • 928 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. MOFK MAIL STEAMSHIP M. U. 8. MAIL UNE. The great ateamahip line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 18,000 tons, twin. screw steamers KOREA aad SIBBItIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHIRIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OFSEVBN
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    • 502 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND KITSCNf MMff SCNIFf ruimo. kuu Mtma. Combined Service. Tb* itmnin of thrw Compute* maintaiu it regular **rvioe between Hamburg. Bremen. Antwerp, eui.l RoUrnUm, »nd the Struti, China »nd Japan. HnmcwanU, they an despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and oooe a in jntb
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    • 632 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Horddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast anJ well known mail steamer* at thi* Compaux f irtuightlv from Hrrman Hamburg, vm V. I'.b'Mam. Autw. rp. S->utbamp-ton. (libra oaa N»pl,-< (o<nn«otiaf MarMillr*. N pL«. Alaxandria. and nor vena) Port Said. Sue/. Aden Colombo,
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  • 106 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday. April 1 8. High Water, 0.25 a.m., I'M p.m. Wednesday. April 19. Ili*c>> Water, 0 61 am 2.4 p.m. Thursday, April 30. Hi|<i> Wiirn, 119 c.m 2 5-.' pm P. and O homeward mail dor Friday. April 11. High Water, 1.52 am.. 4.5 p.m. Lvtfinlatire
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  • 240 5 To DAT. Port Dicknon ami I'ort Swettenham I'.ib Ann H pm Peoang aod 1 >.li Calypso 3 pm I'enany and Colombo Tango Mara Bpm llungkali., P»»«b, \.»'ian „,jfii V. der I'arra .'< pm >aii; >n. Hingkong. Shan cliai anil .lapan Anatralien 8 pm Malacca aod Muar Kaka
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  • 135 5 The I', and O. homeward mail nt< atuer l>i-lhi having lift Hongkong at 1 p.rn on Saturday, the 15th instant, may be expecfa'l to arm. here on Thursday, the 2Olb instant, at 6 am. The P. and O. outward mail steadier I >elta having lift Colombo at
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  • 316 5 Latest Arrivals. liltevwr. Ilrit. 'tr. 215 tons, Capt Simp ■too. April 17. From Natana Inland. April IS He. ami cedp Too Hoe Lre. For Natana la April IV Roada. In Vr Nor »tr 660 ton*, Capt Folkuian. April 17 From Hmifkok. April 11. O.c and 11 dp. Low
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  • 75 5 Arrivals IVr ttramer Tangr Maru, April 17. From Yokohama via ports Major H. Kirk, Miss F. I >»vi-, Mr. and Mm. M. Owen and child Per steamer Krji», April 18.— From Malacca Me»«rt. Pear*. L. R Macpbail aod Janioo Per ftteemer Ma.aoo* April 18.— From Port Swetteabam
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  • 104 5 Wharves at which VeasaU are Htr'.hed To- Day. TAN.TONG PAOAR Bast Wh»«f FU-.i> -Mio Mini It. East W. Siction No. 1 Tntli Khiuli Wharf -Nil Main W. Si. t. No. ;l I.i*r i.-icg. IV Cswdor 8 Vi .raiuo 4— Nil. 6 Charoo ft
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  • 250 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANOK. SmoAPoaa, AraiL 18, 1911. On Lomdom— Bank 4 m/s 3/4/, Demand 3/4 Private fl m/s 8/4 do 8 m/s a,4 On Obbmant— Bank d/d SB9 Private 8 m/s 348 Oa K»ax, a Bank d/d 39S Private 8 m/s 299* Oa Ikdia— Bank T. T. l i Private
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    • 171 5 lane 1 Value 10 10 Bel** Tin 10 10 Kniuii 10 10 Braaeh Hyd 10 10 Kmaboi 41 41 Kioto Tin 41 41 KledmK Tin 10 10 Koaataa Tin 41 41 LabatXine* 10 10 lUlMem Tin 6/- 6 l'ah>o« Coimol 41 41 Penßkaleo 41 41 Pnaiog B*hrn 41 41
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    • 603 5 Iwoe 1 Value Bayer*. Sellers. 2/- I/- Allanr 4/4 4/11 I/. Anglo Malay 1.1.6 I.' 0 3/. a/- BUms Malaka 2/6 8/ 41 £1 Bato Cavea 15.0.0 16.0.0 £1 41 Bato Tfea 4.12.6 5 Oil 41 41 Bakit Kajang 3.16.0 3.16.H 41 41 Bokit Liotaag 6 0.0 41
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    • 121 5 I-ue 3 Value Boyen. 10 10 WMlira sm«itum vI 41 41 Bleotric Tnmtip 8/8 10 10 Fnw Nem B. 00 100 Howtrtb Krakiae 100 7% Prat 100 100 K*U Bro. iM. 100 100 8% Can?. Prat. 10 10 Msyntrd Co. 37.00 Sellorm nom. 10.00 7 00 4/8 40.00 60.00
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    • 50 5 Buyers Sellers Howarth Erskine 6% •fIOO.OOO par Riley, Hargreaves 0% |3»4.000 3 T pm Singapore Bleotric Tramways 6% 4860X100 S pore Municipal 6% •1,878 000 nom. Buyers Sellers Spore Municipal 4|% of 1907 11.a00.C00 6% 7%iai Spore Municipal 4J% of 1909 11,000.000 7% B%pss Spore Municipal 4% 160-2.900 T%dia
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 Hi Ip the weak if you are strong Kxspcct the old if yon are young Own your fault* when you arc wrong Aud when you're angry hold your ton>;or Pa? your debt* before you bet. Back not a bill for rich or poor, Ail when a cough or chill you
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    • 495 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Ce. April 18— At «alerooii), land situate at Uiwal Street, at 2.80. April 32 -At N-wlao'.n, O, Orange Riad. t*ak household furiiiture, rare collection of plants, foar seated rubber tyred Victoria. Australian horap. etc., at 1.30. April 33— At Spottiawoode Park, off Neil X I tbe
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    • 473 5 The GARRICK Cigarette Baft* A LARQE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. Packed in 60s [IR^^Sf?/^ Price Air-tight f* '^&B£Bm 6O CTS DS> |i^**aa«aapHßWß per tin. OBTAINABLE AT I JOHN LITTLE A CO., LD., k ROBINSON a CO. Dlt. J. I"WATSITBO, Dental Sup^e>on NO. 83, BRAS BASAH ROAD Treatment and Workmanship guaranteed to be
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    • 47 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY. Undtrtsksrs and Monumsntal Maioni BBTABLJSHBD 1881. JUST RECEIVED! New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monuments ol every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the oolony. With Plumes in use. TBLBPHONB NO. TIT NO IST ORCHARD ROAD
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  • 1118 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY. APRIL 18. MONROE VERSUS MEXICO. People who follow the couth of inU-rna tiouaJ affair tboughtful'.y are taking much notice of what i* happening between the United States u 1 iliat disorderly minor republic known v Mexico. The man in the street ia inclined to regard it
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  • 27 6 The estimated population of Ceylon on the last day of the fourth quarter of IVU) «v 4,144.147. The recent census showed the correct figure to be 4.0W6.0-21.
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  • 32 6 No (ewer than nini-Uin niasU-n. of local steaun lannrhe* arc being iharuiil at tinHongkong Mann. Court with baring otmtrncUvl tin- tU-aiiii r «atli«rni. A|»-ar while in the central (airway of the harbour
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  • 10 6 MM putils of ftolfraui l!.. I M S. in M«rv»i.
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  • 14 6 A Hylaiu buy einploye-l by Major I The Huff* has absconded with in not.-.
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  • 16 6 It S>M*sW that th. Ik >rt of S...irabay« is il.i infecUtl owiny l<i tl plaKUe.
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  • 14 6 Th Maharajah of Tl aneoie has yu.n K.Vm io the International Kubher Kxhibiti-.u fund.
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  • 21 6 Mr UHr has boiwht The OsWII i says a l^omlon telegram dated the Mfc inst Mr. (iarvin will i-ontiiuie ax eiliu.i
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  • 23 6 The severe weather which is prevailing in Kn^land now ih primarily the causa- of many deaths, says a Um.loii wire of April 7
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  • 29 6 will be a .hanjie of jmmmmtm st th. I 1 mint Mill i lticinatiiifrsph to ni^ht. when a niiiiiU'r of uew (iaunioat him-, will be thrown on the screen.
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  • 33 6 The total amount ..f gsM \|»>rti-l from ■I I in March wax I.'.Un »hi. h paid ILMi duty The «l, ,1, Kaub. The total mM mmmttt this \.»i t.ieu.l of Man his ITT'.
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  • 34 6 At a i-onfiTen. c at the Institution of Nava Architects in London. Mr Du-ml. them engine invonUw, sUt.^l that a battlc«hi| »i;h his entitles was ilr. in \.viitMn He was forbiddi I SB say
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  • 36 6 The I'ioneer l.on.l.iii rorrespnndent wins that a» a result of protest), in th. H (.'.mini. .us against new Army order rn|inr mi; olfiors t.. huy an e\|»nsn. s«sh f..i sMMbMbb, the .i.lii ha.s bein with drawn
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  • 35 6 shanghai ire of April I S for the •ssMgss si the sMM K\ cliange. ll i. suit is e. >minenci<l at the Mi I I; M i. I. brokei. an. l heanl on \pril !'.<.
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  • 46 6 It is -told m BfaßaJsataj Mi IsTra m*l ..inoliaii. «h..i toiirink; Cssssjii with onspi. ouu inplatiui: a tour of tin Kai £aat with repertoire which eompristn many ..I the most am isin^ (' s that the r'ni;li« has known duriuc m nt years.
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  • 55 6 Nallatliambi I'illav. s L'eylon UiuiiHHioner and recruiting a^ent. N.^apatam. ami 1 1 1 r» aasociatea have t»i n eh Mwlras. by Saudaram. a strait- Settlement* rwriulinu kanyani .with .li-cyini; ix«ilich he hail [WCUHid. They were ac-|!lltLed by tin ■loint Mani-lrsU the frirl— ce recunliil in iticatinK that the .tuplainant h;m»elf
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  • 69 6 KtrUw-pn last Tlmrwlaj anl Kmlay. a tinef i".»t acceiw to tin .|u.iru r- in tin General Honpital MMW by Mr-., lluxt-.n anil MrI'oriielin* A h»lf li.».p iliamuod rim; valued .it AU Mmh^BH li tlie former laily. ami it gold, betule I broi. 1 1 mill ruby centre an.l I ■pU
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  • 70 6 to a I^ondon uin in th. Ossssl Mainicln. dated March a BBBBjaai from CommaiidiT SaoM < \|»i|:tiou to the Starr tic ha- bisn r.i.nnl in New aland and trausmiiusl to U .n. 1..U It states all the ■numbers „f tin |«r'.v are well New tuoun land has been di—
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  • 71 6 A large number of friend- of tin late Mr Leoug Kam Tsiin followed Ins remain* Ui the Cantooeae cemetery in Thomson Road. on Satunlay. when- "the inU rni.nt t.-.k [iU.> M.~t of the iatarprrten of tin Supreme aud I'ohce C.iurt* and the BsJsM stations were in tin i-ortcgc. and two
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  • 77 6 I. I', n- Niugh... the I vloii con*tabli with the murder of Mi I 1 A V Mainwariug. Awiistant Superiuta ndi nt of Mb* on March 16. ha* be»n sentenced to .!.»th The judge, before |«a— lug sentence of death, luquirtsd whethei the accused liail any cause t<. -how
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  • 70 6 The pro-ias-tus lias been issued of the Low lands Rubber K*Utcs. Limited, w ith a capital of sVMM m .1 10.000 s*. shares. The present issue i* IHO.Ua) uliares. The company is acquiring 1.'27» acre*, part of the HaaajH) of ih< Molt-Nworth Hrotlurs Itubber F.*UU«. l.imiUsl. at Trincomalif. The Kight
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  • 72 6 Tin Anglo Indian pren*. in Calcutta, com ment* severely on the action of (ioverument iv relea-ing IS Khulna Bengalis who pi. .id. .1 guilty to charges of conspiring to w against tin king. The men hail collected arm* and committed .laconics. hi n th. were placed before the Sji,-. ial
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  • 121 6 A oillininD wlm-li mii;lit well have lim<l fatal rvwills. „-,m nil at Bangkok in (root ..f Ml— Wiulnor ami Co.'k wharf, a (vv. (U\a«.». l« t«tin the KiuaJl motc.r launi li nwniil by tli. l'il..t Company, and a lary.i su-am launch l» lonynn; v. tin- It I! IV|«rtm<nt The pilot*
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  • 311 6 to Um H-mykonj: Ti-1.-yiapli. Mr ■Mm M. imik. r 11. .i:..,i M P OaVr reform, r. li lyin,j ill Mr I' l>.t\ ..I Bank, han left HongkunN for .Upon. liawin; htH trannfi-iri-,1 to tile I*koasMM l.ram li On tin .till mst nt tl Tli.-atrv. unt. .11.
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  • 93 6 Au extraivnlinary general n MtWH "I th.' Indrawn .Sumatra HuhU-r sn.l 0 ittapi-r. h« Compaov. Lul., was h. 1.1 at n.-.u i the registered offices in Tlie An*l. wlun the sliareliolden. were ankeil t>. r..n-i.l. r ;ln tin- mmmMm intaM st the annual general uiet-tiiit: >>n Ketimary
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  • 116 6 I tchuriiii t.i th. V.ith China l>ailv New.. dat..l from l-uiaufii ..u April j. -.i\-^ The lv v , Marray, of tl can Preabyteriaa Miastua ..f tinatta< Uiil .li Mar. h H, by rnttian-. a, *l h north ..f T-inanfu. Isiflll tv I jIWIJ M.
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  • 167 6 The -tart ..t llie deb-etive sUitioli. RBBSBMSSI Koatl. were anything hut BSMMad »li. n tin ir sluiiibers were disturlieil at an early 11..111 ye«terda\ morning tiv an outrage... i- row in ■I Chief IVtivlm ln-|». tor N'oUin an. l "v rgeant Hilary went la gaU- and found
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  • 151 6 Ainoiit; ..fTU-ial ap|»>nitiin lit- n..titi.-.| in tin l»»t h M > i i UHk| Mi H. D. liriftiths to b. offi.ial iiuuibir of tin Kiili r»l I oitn I w i.. i la ju-t KaperinU n.l. i mMn ...n M.i i U. b>' an AitHisUiit Kuunii. i. I'Wh
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 Try a. change of WhUky to MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Partlamttt BUnd. D^ MACGBEGOB, CALDBECK CO.. London and Glasgow. ESTABLISBID 18M. TNI HOUSE Sf COMslOsit. sad ih. hoiisis or p»»u»«isT naiDi CALOBECK, MACGREGOR CO.. Bole* Agents. JOHN LITTLE CO.'S LAST 3 DAYS Tuesday IS. Wednesda) 19 Thursday 20 1 1 1 1
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    • 249 6 PATME, AMERICAN KINEMA IMPERIUH A COMICA FILMS ALHAMBRA NKW AND ENTERTAINING SKItIKS To-Nlght. Ju.l Show, 9 JO v. 11 piii a PtCMC is THC NaVftll HUM." Vm» m UK" i( ..iiiicaKilini •luaniNsßT." -,»..i wan mmk ■wcmi," ..i,,,, nay b>Max l.imlt-ri AND MANY OTHEK PICTURES AS WKLI Pathe'B Animated Bazette «>III
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    • 13 6 Latest advertisements n( the iUv »|>|«»r on |«ue I as well as N.
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  • 159 7 FIERCE BATTLE RAGING NEAR FRONTIER. Bullets in a U. S. Town. GRAVE ANXIETY DISPLAYED AT WASHINGTON. The Mexican Government Calls For Volunteers. KlCTßk's TEUItiBAM. LMMMj. April 17 Ih. Times orn-spondeut at M.-xi.o lty says th. PmMml power is weakening in |>rac ti.-.illy < v. rv M.\i.-an sUtiv Th.
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  • 36 7 Two Bye- Elections in Prospect. RcrTlß°» TILI..R»M. 1...11.1..11. April IT \l, i ha-. Wn I. -.•••ioB lo i|i|>..m:-l \*»istant i •in Irtroll.r ..f tli.- Viti mai l>-b: Thh tawdw twhfilatikm Mr *»rv« •!,tll<X«l.
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  • 19 7 THE WORKMEN' S BILL. Kia-Tia'ft taatn Lain, .\pnl K. Mi I. mtrxiuce thp W,,rkin.i) Kill "n W t -<lnf«l»y.
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  • 33 7 I>IK O<T»sUTIs. HP I.LoYI. TKL«"»»lli Iterhn. \pril 17 .111 hi. uthal. tin- Austrian Prune Minister, has r v. r.-l from hi- MMMI MMM and will MM M MMM M H>]
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  • 320 7 The Disease Possibly Due to Fish Poisoning. n »r. HMMI < Ik* iv< i "f< is I ■hum rvaUona upon th. powMi th. .il pr. i.l. n. ..f hol.rain Itang 1 k..k It si.v- I'll. Md that eMMi «l .In. hra ,«iii: .luring tin niontlis
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  • 59 7 of Mm .1.ip.111. MMMMM now play the following programme of r.-|.l.nia.|. tin- attei noon, under 11 I Mi T SeUignchi. bandmaster. IK ..t .-...X> 1 .*****. 11 Ipfaia iim in 111- liluck I MHi in. 11 Strauss ri V.nli 1 il. roil W.l.r 1 in. v \n~ Hin.ling I
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  • 309 7 The Visiting Agents Assurance of Satisfactory Progress. The ftnrt annual general wetinK ol Un Kamanaii KuMx r Coiui»iiy. Limited, wan held in Kuala Lumpur on April 12. a»y. tbe Malay Mail. Tlif MMMMIi n|iort ami »UUi. .niinU for the year t-iuliuK l».-..n. ixr :il. Hit, Wtm .Inly
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  • 550 7 Traffic to be Entirely Stopped in Three Years. Ml MMHMifcf ikmCUmm Legation. ii.l.ii paper of March M, that the expectation concerning the negotiation* now new— MMJ lrt».i nMm Mfl and Chin*..' ii..M riiin.nt- is that an agreement will be al whereby the traffic in opium will
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  • 35 7 Hi. following pricesof rubber ware real iscd on Saturday at Uie Auction Mart. Malacca Kinesherl taW per picul ■Mai t241 »17» Htnag mm H55 OMMMM was briak ami all lot« were -.1.1
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  • 939 7 TARTAR-GENERALS ASSASSIN RECENTLY IN SINGAPORE. An Act of Vengeance. Kxchanges to liand from Hongkong bring full details of the attaaawnation of H«M cellt-ncy Ku Chi. who was foully don.- to death 'by an anti Mancbn. namod wen Shang Tiioi. ag<jd native of Slum Tak. who admitted that
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  • 145 7 Great Loss of Life and Enormous Damage to Property. A disastrous conflagration took place iv tin Yisduwara district of Tokio. yeaterday at n.n.n. r.|>orU a wire in the Hongkong Tele uiaph. of April 10. All llir geisha dancing houses, t.a h)i..|»i. eU-.. were destroyed by tli.- Aunt*, which
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  • 512 7 HOW BRITISH INTERESTS ARE GROWING. Impressions of a Visitor. Mr K. .1. Hammond. u( Die Anglo .lavs Plantations LUI.. who nan returned to Ixnduo after a long viait to the Ka*t. m an interview with a representative of Uw Kvening Standard had Rome interesting remark* to make
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  • 252 7 Judicial Decision on Legal Tender Against Sterling in Perak. Mr. .luuticv Kbden decision in tin >- I Joatiuim and Co., of Kuala Lumpur. agaiu»t Mr. B.C. N Knight, of .lebong. wttlea the vexttl .|iu-ttion of what in legal tender againot .trthn- in I'i-r.ik. rtaten Uie Perak HIMMI
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  • 198 7 Cleveland Due Next December with 500 Passengers. As HUted aome time ago. two round the world tour* are being MMMMai by tli«' Ham burg American line to be taken by the steamer Clevulaod. and further detaiU are n..w available. The linit of the tour*, which will be eastward,
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  • 57 7 Tin- Slieriff* of London, who are responsible for entertaining Uie iudgea. eminent i-oiinwl and the jury in murder trials at the Old Itail.y. have Lad to pay a bill of UN guinea* for Uic jury in thi' MMMI tlapliaiu murder trial, at the raU' of i.l 1» each per .lav
    57 words
  • 398 7 Final Dividend Amounting to 125 Per Cent. Recommended. The direcloni of Um> Pataling Rubber (■".•.tau- Syndicate, Limited, report (nr the feu- 1910 that the total crop of rubber liar reeted amounted to :i:i3.oofl lb.. a» a«ain»t 151,000 lb. for 1909. After d.-dv. linn freight, insurance, landing, and all
    398 words
  • 291 7 Defective Steering Gear of the Yarra and Parramatta. The naval authorities tak. view of th. mysterious defects in the sti-er ing geai of the MMIMMMI ParramatU and Yarra. ami the MmJmM -nils. IIMfM an.l northern |».rt» has tie. m aK-iiil'.u.-l says a Melbourne win of Mar. h
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  • 45 7 Malaka Piuda Hubber Kstau« 1.1 Oil lb Mm Ksuu -UM lb »heu.p.slak KstHU-.-9WHb. Taiping Knbber KsUtt-.. l.ul 1M I'a.Ung Kubl«r C h:«ii lb Sua Mauggis KubN iCo 1.1-l Ib t ..n^.h.laU^l Hubbei bM«M.-Ml lb. Ainherst Hubber KsUU'. Kebniary March imt|.iit IJM lb.
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  • 124 7 F. M.S. Rubber Exports. In Uie latext imiie of the KMS (i..\.in (iazctu i- given a comparative state ment of cultivated rubber exported ao f ar this year and iv Ui<- corresponding peri.«l of 1910. The tigures foi Uie various StaU•re:— March Tot 1 S ull r B H
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  • 86 7 A telegram from Peking has v re. ived by the autlioritiefi of the Kiaugnaii Arsenal. Mm orders that tin Chin.-s.- 1 nil— t r lUi. In in to be made ready to go, under command nf Admiral Clung. t«> take part in tin f. -ti viti.s
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  • 587 7 PLAY FOR THE STRAITS GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP. Penang Beats Perak Handsomely at Cricket. (ftooa Ot« Ow* CntM i IVnaiiK April IT I MMMf •>■» provided irni' play. ami thorr liar, bivn mure r»iloc« present thoa usual Th. «.ath.-r Mi Antand the oounie through tin fMH wan in good
    587 words

    • 47 8 In the Makini foothall competition yeatcr lay. on the lUltl. \U* lamatiou ground, the Kathol Karib met th. iVntral I'olioe. A fast game wm>ii, but the KaribH were too strong foi tin |>ohtemen. and won by throe goah. toon. Mr Davidson wan Uie referee.
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    • 295 8 Singapore (iolf Club. The KhmUt iue<-ting of Uie Singapoi. Qai lub hiispr.msl most successful, Uie entries being good ami Uie wt*ther ideal. The coin petitions romiiicnccd on Kriday and 6nishnl evening, when the prcKidcnt. Mr V. K. M Kdhn. announoisl the following rt^tlllt■au i'.jmi-> nrioN Mn.a I'l>i I'his «.i-
      295 words
  • 163 8 Established by H.M.S. Powerful With Six Hits in 36 Seconds. .<l commander in-chief Viceadmiral King Hall' hax api v.-d Ins Australian \i..i by inatiuga worlds rti-onl in gun n. i 1 1 Powerful has spent a fortnight in Norfolk II. i\ Mclhoui in carrying
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  • 131 8 Ih. Hongkoag Dailx I'r.^.s „f Aaril M, .it. Yestsrda) I'rm. Vmmttt thur Louis lUtUnhiirg raaalsal llongl- .lie by t i Kiiipin from Australia It will l» n M. i BBbasaa) th»t about thru- bbbbl ago we pihhshid Ulegraphic news that Ills S. rein- 11 inline--, aajl
    131 words
  • 54 8 afcagteatl It gram froniT.ikio. pnnlol >ii the Hoagkoag Tdearapb, tin la]»ne«.--u is to bi> carried out r.ipnllv The kis-lsot.i Oreailnought. and mist rs all ■hsplaciug uion Uius liavi bt-i'ii laid down at the ■1. Another ci niwi of equal U built al > ok. r-uki In fort
    54 words
  • 1073 8 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Report. Writing from London, on March 23, Messrs. S. Montagu and Co. report The arivalH uf bar gold were itligbtly over ifKii.Umi. of which irj«lf).(»«i wait reserved for India. For tin finit time nincc the latter part uf January, the Bank
    1,073 words
  • 783 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April In. 1911. Ml— LjftU and Kn*L Exchaase ud Share Broken, iarae the following lirt of qootottonn ibia monuai Nom. Value. Buyer*. Seller*. j/. Aik«w *i* *im •2 Option* l/» £1 Anulo .Ut» 7/ 8/1 An K lo Johore
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 46 8 This Is It. \.jj The lateat •oientifio pre j&yj^ paration of COD LIVER WBMMt OIU Does all that ia claim f^i'^k ]l ed (or it and sopersedes F""" T "T"1 the old fashioned emu laions I which upset tbe stomach OF ALL CHEMISTS. SI.2S AND $2.00
      46 words
    • 58 8 Dancer Avoided. i'lnTt- ih littlf danger from a cold except when followed by )>u< iminnia. and tliin never liapprnH when t'tianiberlain'it Cookd Kernefly ia u>«il. Thin remedy luw won it« K rc ri-|>iiUti<>ii and ixU'i: .ivi'Halcby it* reiumrknblt riiri'N of coliU anil ran be rr'iud upon witli iuipluit mniWIencc. For
      58 words
    • 11 8 Woods Oreat Peppermint Cure (or all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Cokte,etc
      11 words
    • 455 8 E. A 0. HOTEL PCMNB The beat and the most frequented Hottl in tbe Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium ia Mm Strait*, All THS BtAMCBBS OI RAFFLES HOTEL, •inftapor*. BABKIB3 BBOTBBKB, Propriaton. ■3TBO LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. EBTHUTEB WANTED. Waatad, ttwrmVi to decorate ud illn minate Mussn Wbitaaway, Laidlaw Ca's
      455 words
    • 505 8 Raffles £fc| Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, April 22. TONIGHT TONIGHT HARIMA HALL Cinematograph, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SPECIAL STTRACTMM tMCUU. *TTBACTIO« I I At 9.30 p.m. Remember Remember A number of new Uaumont flhas will be abown. DO NOT MISB THIS OPPORTUNITY OUARANTBBD NEW. K HARIMA, Sole Proprietor BRITISH INDIA
      505 words
    • 322 8 Jumt Received MUSIC OK ALL THB Operas NOW BEINQ PLAYED BY THE BANOMANN OPERA CO. S. Moutrie AND COMPANY THE HEAP EN6 MOH LINE OF STEAMCRB. HINQAPORE TO BATAVIA. CHERIBOa AMD BAMABANO. Ml T «tes wssk ss *Otang Bsec." MM ton*. Oapt. J. Crmsj. ss "Oteag Asa." W0 tons, Oapt.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 177 9 FUSSELL'S Milk Cream. Butterfly Brands. Sole Agents: Paterson. Simons Company, Ltd. ;ONG HING CHIONG k GO. \o MM SORTS MUDOI I'.cwh ameras I various kinds in stock plate* tc ilvered I'iaU OIMM srj sjsja, I'.aic r 1,, veiled. ■sms t auy >ii -iim fjr framing picturo* mirrors at moderate price*.
      177 words
    • 63 9 T6 RUBBER PLANTERB. For sale. 1,000 000 rabbfr etamps acd wed'ingb in amall and large qiantitieo, ages of trees ranging frou: 4 moti-.h» to 2 years. Sor.piidd ioom. in bamtoc packing or in cases Sb deiin J Noraery corner of Orchard Road and Caimhill Road Prioe* to kc ascertained cf
      63 words
    • 96 9 THE SINGAPORE <D A 170. ORCHARD ROAD. BOOTS Sc SHOES Made to Order •V EKPERIUCU JA»AMU WOMMCK. MLT ENGLISH LUTNEI USED Repairs i Halt sole* aod betis a speciality. »8 af* I THE Empire s. KUALA C Mf\ta] lumpur. c/ KUvzl FMS A New First -class Hotel. Fitted with Electric
      96 words
    • 150 9 RAFFLESBY-THE-SEA P«na>att* THE LEADING BUROPBAN HOTBL (No oonaeoMosi with any other Establish ment of a similar name). RECOMMENDED BY THB MEDI CAL PROFESSION on account of ita healthy poaition. lofty airy rooms, and wholesome food. Cuisine under the constant supervision of the Proprietor. Electric light and fans Private bath rooms
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    • 224 9 CHEON6 BROTHERS, Dertists. No 25, South Bridge Road. First class Mechanical Dtntistry, >old Crowns Bridge, Filling and Vulcanitt- Duration of Woar guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL BUPPLIEB. Best Tooth Prwdir> and Brutho- (or sale. CRUSHED FOOD. Tr| It aaa* Vsk Win at Satisfies. I. R. BELILIOS beg* to inform
      224 words
    • 260 9 JAPANESE FIREWORKS WOCLO HE one Off TliK H things in mkans orwtnea io cunun the oomim CORONATION. Large Ktocks of all description are arriving. arc invitod. MMMagpanhM n#J »pi«ial risjaa, hoc as t> or 10 in diameter, are requested to send in tl -.1. r», in throe, dusea each sue,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 457 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASBURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Wlnctaerter House. SINOAPORB. Board of Dis«a«erai a. A. Dbbbkk, Bsq., Chairmaa. 4. H. Paia, Bso Managiag Dirastor. Pbtbr Fowlis, m.s., en., Chief Mad. Officer f M. Rlli .r, Bsq. Rot. M. J. Couybiik. Vow N«*n P*h, bVj. Oae Boob Tbb, Bsq.
      457 words
    • 473 10 INSURANCE. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Or China. Head Office, 51a, Kiangse Rd Shanghai iTi. in Chinks ■awMaßßßfl- aa? fjajaas I REMEMRKR that it ia the UNEXPECT BD that ia always happening in all parts of i the world The Home Life issues all sorts of police- to suit all
      473 words
    • 530 10 BAJJKiiHL CHARTERED BARK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital ia 80,000 Shares of X-JOeach J1.a00.000 Roserre Fund 11,000^00 lUisecreLiabUitf of Proprietors... <1,a00.000 BANKBRB. National Baak of Scotland. Tbe Loadoa City afidlaad Baak, Ltd. SINOAPORB BRANCH. Current Aoooanta an oaoacd and interest allowed at 1
      530 words
    • 552 10 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE CO., LTD. NO. 17 AMD 68, KLJNO STREET ■stsbllafl»a 1907 Capital paid op 11 ,000,000.00 Itmi m liability of proprietors 1,000.000 00 OOCBT OF DIRBCTORS. 1. Tax Taoa Joow 8. Sn Ku Jajr 2. Naa Km Baao 7. Tao Hoo Lai I.
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    • 831 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale Of Superior Teak Household Furniture, a Small Collection of Plants, Etc., AT NO 5, KAMPONO JAVA ROAD (M'JACENT TO NEWTON RAII.WW STATIONi. On Saturday. April 29. at 2.30 p.m. Masam polisltd tiak dining tables, carved dinner wagons with mirror 1 Uak and rattan
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  • 978 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Electric Tram or Motor Omnibus? '111. luceting to sanction the amalgamation of the <ireat Kastern Omnibus Company with the l<ondon <i.-n. ral Omnibus Company completes the consolidation of the motorouinibiiH companies within :ln London area. sUt.-v the Daily Mail. Outside the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 211 11 "The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY The firm ha. art ia*ll to proJnoe a oar olidaal pjj p^cula^ officiency without the least lacn&ee ot comfort in saea*ia«that affloieney. That tbe object ia Tiew t j^ e baa been achieved will be realily admitted by tbe motorist who take- a
      211 words
    • 84 11 FORTHCOMING FURNITURE BALES. April S3. At Spottuwoode Park." off Noil Road. The property of W. A. Darks, aV<] A^ril 23. At Newlaada," *1, Oraaa> Road. Teak booaebold rarniture, ran ooJlbc tioa of plaaU. hour seated rnbaar tyt.d Victoria, AoMraiian bone, etc. April At Amaranth, No. 86, Oavaaacb Road. Tbe property
      84 words
    • 66 11 Keep it at Hand. Kiip OianitxTUiii I'.nn ItaJni at hand, b-i-MiiM- ao|u*int.«l uitli its many linen and nilriuxM: iiktiU an<l it will navi-nioch suffer ius as well a* tiiuu ami iimucy. It promptly rclieven Umi pain resulting from nit*, bruima, sprains or injunoi frum any cause and the wound in
      66 words
    • 455 11 SALE UNDER ORDER Of COURT MADE IN ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO 2OF 1911. IN THE ESTATE OF SUAIK OMAR BIN' ABDULL\H BIN OMAR MAKARIM ,DECBABEI>\ ■RTWIBM Shaik aahid bin Omar bin Abdullah Makarim, axeeutor of the above named Shaik Omar bin Abdullah bin Omar Makarim AMD Shaik Abdalrahmao bin Abdullah bin
      455 words
    • 222 11 MORTGAGEE 8 SALE. VALIABLB LEASEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES AT MINTO RoaD, At Chiag Keag Lea aCo Ale room. Om Motoat, Arm 24, at 2JO p.b. 1. Two pieces of Valuable Leasehold Land lor 99 years, oocn prised in East India Company s Leases Nos. 686 aad 5*7 contain ing the
      222 words
    • 182 11 AUCTION SALE Of I.HANTITY OI DMaaU VHI.H BTOKBS. To be held at the Muoioipa: v o-Laaoft. Rirer Valley Hoad. Ok M'inoat, Amu. 24, ti -it. Also at 8 15 p.m. QUANTITY OK UNSKIIV n E HLK STORES, At tbe Oas Work*. Hoc). Kor Particolara, see > atalofrowi POWKIJ. I lo
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 490 12 JOHNSONS -—i»™»»»— ELEPHANT' Brand CEMENT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD WANTS. SHORTHAND TYPIST WANTED. Wanted, a capable' Shorthand Typirt. Apply ID c o Strait* 1 54 FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED ITaaJai immudisUiy. a furnished house srlk* I swdlwoaaa, t.nnis snd stabling, in Taaghn ur Tanjoni: Katong. Addrea* to A.. c 0 Strait-.
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    • 440 12 WANTS. COMPOSITORS WAITED Wanted, good compoaiton who are well up in stcne work and general newspaper work. Good sa!ari<ia Riven to competent mea. Apply, with recent testimonial", to the Manager. Strain Tim< 17 4 v CIERK WANTEO. Uante.i. for Rubber Estate in British North Roroeo, Chinese Clerk, with know ledge
      440 words
    • 558 12 10 BE LET OR SOLD. HOUSES TO LET No. 80, RobiniOß Road, aad No*. 41 aad 44, laaoa Kjad. Apply Nathan Son, Change alley. 161 OFFIOE ft GOOOWN TO BE L ET With immadiats entry Mo. 7, Malaoca Straet. ipply to OUTUKIE A CO LTD. alttt 8000WNST0BE LET. No*. 18.
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    • 516 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Stroeg Australian Horse. Victoria and Harness. Apply W. G. Hennings, (W Mass field Co. Ltd.) 8-8 v FMBALE A new motor boat, 40 H.P, length B'J' x 8 z s'. Will carry 30 bag* rioe. Apply Gaggino aad Co. 8078 h o FOR SALE Tia
      516 words
    • 576 12 NOTWEg. KMM KIAT A CO. SIIIPCUANDLKRS. Telephone No. 421. 108 4 100. Market Street. THE KITLANG CO.. LTD. Large shipmenta of Chinese Smkeh QafJaM arriving wetkly. Orders promptly executed. For tenuK and particnlars, apply to I'ATKKSON, HsMMI v CO I.TI' l:-. 191 NOTICE. Mr. Lacblan Ro-e Macphail ha-< been adinittt.l
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    • 516 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. During tic ab»nc< <! Mr MalcolL Cumujiag on leare at baaje, Mr. .lamra ie Per Powir will K n a- Acting Genera Manager Linggi Plantation', l.n VOLUNTEER CLUB A Subrcriptioo Dance, under the aaaajasj uf tl abevo Club, will be hi Id <□ ti Drill Ball, on Kuday,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 241 12 Straits ¥)imes. i ADVERTISEMENT IUTES Muciiao. ous wants of every de>acri{>: ed at the prepaid rate ol tl r lines for one or two iaaertioni. of Births, Marnagea, or Deaths, if not expending tour line*, II each insertion, K.r p.p.c. cards, oa pa,-. A, |2. Im aSi i La Kit**
      241 words