The Straits Times, 12 April 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.5:1k SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 400 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST FERRO The World's Standard 2 Cycle Motor. FERRO STATIONARY ENGINES. The Ferro Stationary Engine is simple and economical to operate, is easily attached -*J It) *°y m c I'nery1 ner y n<^ la t witlmtand loon, bard and continuous servioe. In desißßinK the Ferro
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 969 2 WHY SANDHURST CANDIDATES ARE PLUCKED." Debate on tbe Army. Mr. HahUnr, in making ill. annual state utent an tl>< aliq Kstiuiaten in tliellouseof oiiiiij.iii-. tk-nniU'lv ileclared aKainiit ooru]iiUs.irv xtinr. Britain OHik] not pomibly obtain the Army site needed for oYcnmui ork on any but a voluntary baai*.
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  • 30 2 l>i TalbotH unthroncim-nt sk Kwlkhi of Winchester is now Axed fur May o. and lie hopes to take up Ins residence at Farniuuu I'aiAlc at tlic end of tliat month.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 631 2 '"rUislins' Snow" Haielins Bnew "Haiil.i' 9mm" HaMline Snow Ha/Hme 1 8oow" Ha/elms 1 Snow Wawis. 9mm Htntint Snow Huslina Snow Ha/elms Snow "Nlrf.l' laaw" Ha/stins' Bnow Ha/ Snow Ha/slins Snow Wusaaa asaw Haielins Snow H./elin." Snow" Ha/elms Snow "Mmilii' asaw" Ha/dins Bnow Ha/ Snow Haielins Bnow Hajaftas 9mm Ha/eline Bnow
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    • 40 2 Better than a Pbutar. For pains in the wide or chest dampoa a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of paia. There is nothing bettor. For «Je by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 531 2 CMEONG BROTHERB, Der Usts, No 25, South BHdgoßoad. Kir»t clans MrchanieaJ IVntiatrr Guld Crowos Bridge, Killing and Vulcanite Duration of Wear guaranteed. CHARGES MODBRATE. FULL UNE DENTAL SUPPLIES Beat Tooth Powders and Brnaben for sale. WtBI.D mP!\\^ VtrxUgWOWHM Stuhr's FINEST TABLE DELICACIES. Genuine Caviare. Anchovies in Brine. Peeled Shrimp*. Shrimp*
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    • 188 2 G.OTOMUNE AND COMPANY. DEALERS IN CURIOS FINE ART OF Japan. MODERN HIGH-CLASS WORKMANSHIP KBNOERS Special Interest TO -Art Lover AND Curio Hunter. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. OngSamLeong&Co., STEAM BAW4HLL AAD GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Always have Timber and Planks to Suit all Requirements in Stock. Hardwood of all Sizes. Teak Always on Hand.
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  • 1013 3 RETURN OF IMPORTANT OFFIC'AL COMMISSION. Needs and Ambitions (tin ilu UHKt important nii-»i»n« t<Australia. Ui n-port upon tin imluMri il .1 K iu nltural prt*|ni-tH of lit. i miinii.uw. —ltti. has just r. tr> K'iKlaiKi .ilt. r an abaaasa ataaai -in uiontlm. Tlm partj »a» lieaiktl l.x
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 323 3 1 j Embrocation ta|j| ra-ax'-^Hi I '■""> 1- iHr »T4«i c, "imvu^T.- «!■»< m, TTr 4T7 i1 IVAN'S CLLIMiNt i fTI pt law a». VnTll tm. (m—. Hcltiiaiilw. »rii.i -I < Spi.-iiMt^i-istfWMi- I. »■>«*«, i«t« t»r»*i ti>ji t»i4. j 1 Ipll II »i limmlM. HMraifia Iraa C«M. CcMii'k* k X
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    • 7 3 r MAKES^£«SKINi asSOFTas^B VELVET VHTJIHW I >^ i
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    • 483 3 ROUGH AND SCALY SKIN FOR YEARS Face, Neck and Arms Affected. Becam« Very Red. After Washing was Sore and Painful. To Go Out of Doors was Awful. Instead of Getting Better, it Got Worse. Used Cut cura Remedies, and Skin Is Now Smooth and Healthy. "For mi ..r 11 win
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    • 505 3 H^arTTTTlTaal tl^°-iJ Thoss who oas NBSTLE'B FOOD for Infants and Convalescents place their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by ths Medical Profession for upwards of 38 years. Being partly oomnoead of milk, the addition of water only it required to prepare the Food for immediate use. Nestles Pood
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 603 4 STEAMER MlUlllt. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA. JAPAN, I'ENANO. CEYLON AI STHALIA. INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT, MEDITERRANEAN. PORTS. PLY MOITH AND LONDON. ThrooK>> Bill* of Lading issued loi China Coa»t. Persian <ial(, CoatioeaUl, and American Port*. Steaniors will loavo Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward {/or China.) 1911
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    • 533 4 BTEAMEI BAIUNBB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN UNE. A Fortnightly service is mainiained between Yokohama via port* to Marseilles, London and Antwers, under mail contract with tbe Imperial .lapaae*e Ooverameat. Tbe New Twin screw Steamer* maintaining this service have beet specially designed aad ooatrocted, and are Utt«l with
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    • 656 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIRC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO U. 8. MAIL LINE. The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and BUKOPB, via Honolulu and baa Fraaeiaoo, operating tbe aew ISfiOO ton*, twin screw etesra*rs KOREA aad SIBERIA, together with tbe well known rtmmm CHINA. ABIA, MONGOLIA MANCHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF SEVEN
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    • 279 4 STEAMER SAILINGS Canadian Pacific Railway Co.'g Royal Mail St««m*>hip Una. TUB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Via China, Jatan, Canada and til L'nitio State*. Route from Hongkong, via Sbaagbai. i Magaaaki (Inland Sea of .Tapani, Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vaneovrar. R. 11.5. Bmprau of India) Twin screw B.M.B."«m«wwolJap.." R M.S. Bmprees
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    • 514 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE. OF STEAMERS. The andarmenttooad mail ataanmra of the tkore Lias maintain regular aorriea ba hraoa Calcutta and Japan, oaUin* at Phmr. Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en roote FLEET Tona Commander Jams 8.018 A. Sti wait Geboobt AroA« 4,000 8. H. Bauoii Aaa&rooH Apoab MOO C. F.
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    • 620 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. IM. D. L. Horddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The (Ml and w.-ll knnwo m»il •teamen of tbu Com pan > tail fortnightly from Brinn Hamburg, via Itiiu-nkm. Antwerp, Soatbaßßpton, OibralUr U.n Naple« (oonanMsg Maneillea, M pi Aleiaudna. and vice nm) V ,r\ Said, Sue/.. Aden Colombo.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 853 5 STEAMER BAIUNGB. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) AND WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. The New Route Via China, Japan. Honolulu, and San Krancisoo to all I'ointa in the United States. Canada, Mexico, and Europe. Ossratiaf the Maw Il.tM tsa Triple Screw TsrMaa Uasrt "Tsa»s Mara aae Carts «,m. thsQ«es«ssf tNsPaeifle.
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    • 615 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBUR6. AMD OEUTKME MaWICMTr-r-UMTMU. "MMa" MEMO. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Uambarg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and th* Strait*. China and Japan. Hnmeward*. they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and oooe a month for Bremernaven direct,
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    • 272 5 A. W. Tully, TURF ACCOUNTANT. Now doing business on the Forthcoming Singapore Meeting. TREBLE EVENT 5000 TO 50 CN RACES 2. 4 AND 6 DOUBLE EVENTS ON ANY TWO RACES 2000 TO 100 WITH AN ENTRY, NO ENTKY NO BET STRAIGHT OUT ON ALL EVENTS. Fro further particulars and price*,
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    • 511 5 FUJI AND CO., Japanese Store. JUST TJISriP^CiKIIEro New Stock of Goods CONSISTING OF Fine Satsuma Ware, Bronze and Brassware AND AH kinds of Porecla<*nw&re, etc.. etc. MO. C, HIGH STREET. HIGH -CLASS Telephone No. 61 9 UNDERTAKING. PHnaap MMMfc Singapore. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Betsja to inform tbe public
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    • 216 5 EXPORT TRADE OF THE STATE OF VICTORIA. Australia. Tbe State of Victoria baa a large and in greasing export trade in every class of pro doct aaitable for Eastern n <|oirementa. Direct steamship communication lias bit n established with tbe principal Kant«-rn porta, thereby farni«bing facilities or iiuporlationii by Baatern
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 227 6 MOTOR GARS Singer Motor Co., Ltd. Martini Car Co., Ltd. Commercial Car Co., Ltd. PRICES ON APPLICATION. "UNDERWOOD" Typewriter. THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY Price* on Application. Speree Stocked. Rmpmlrm a Speciality. SOLE AGENTS: Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. FOR SALE. PARA RUBBER STUMPS Seed from 13 II scat eld
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    • 62 6 T8 RUBBER PLANTERB. For sale 1,000 000 n beer stumps and w-eilingß in «mall and larg« qtiaatities. age* o( trees ranging from A months to 2 yean Supplied 100 c, in bamboc packing or in ease* »> rli-ire.l Nursnry oorner of Orchard Road aad Cairuhii: Road Pricu: to be aaeartaiaed
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    • 355 6 THE PUSING BHARU TIN MINES. LIMITED. DIVIDEND KO. 3. NOTICI 18 HEREBY GIVEN, tbat a Diridend cf Sixpenoe per share has been declared, payable in Londjo on tbe 10th April, 1811, and will be psid to Lxal Share holders as boos ai the register *****5s to hand. BEARER WARRANT COUPON
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    • 290 6 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE Stroog Australian Hone, Victoria and Harness Apply W. G. Mannings. iW. Mans field A Co.. Ltd.) 8-8 v FOR SALE. To Mining Land. Tbe owner is prepared to accompany tbe intending pur-ham r over the property and turn over tbe soil any where desired as
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    • 158 6 Patronized ma^| by royalty *^sa»ini!t^ T^r^ffl^^as^^r^ USEFUL PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding Otder gifts IS NOW ON VIEW AT De SILVA'S. Inspection Invited. c. P. dm SILVM, Manufacturing Jeweller, til AND 63. HIGH BTIIKI I ARTICLES FOR SALE. IRON SJFES. Suitable for
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    • 64 6 THE Empire mala THntal LUMPUR. c/ WtiCl FU.B. A Nsw First -class Hotel. Fitted with Electric Light and Fans. Five oiioutea from Railway Station. Overlooking the i'adang. Single and 'Krablii Bedrooms, with Private Bathrooms attached Cuisine noder European Superri sion. Cold St rifcc- S ipplins weekly from Siovapur? Hotel Porter
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  • 169 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday. April IS, High Water. 9 51 a.m 10 24 p m lecture on Mtlaria, Su To Sia. 7.4S p m lliriustoD Circo*. 4 p.m. and 9 p m. Thur«day. April 13. Hitfh Water. 10 32 am.. 10.49 p m. II I homeward mail elosea. X
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  • 171 7 I [Vrt S«i tUuliaui ml I. D»r.w Lima 8 pm .teubatu aod \u«on KmU 3 pm -»Jian »Qil I li Merkas pin In ira«iri MtDKgaj* Mtihvi and Mnar Kaka 4 pm II i:_r. .ay »ml SliiDtthai Kniraber^ 4 pm »Dii iiumbay Ceylon Mara tpm T<< huiiiiw NMagi
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  • 60 7 M;»r 10 I' 10 Mar 1 N l> I. Mar M K. I. M M M»r. it i). I r .'7 I). L. Mar. S'l HI \pl I M M %pl. 7 I. \p! M M l> I >CI IN LON April IBM 1 5 8 12
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  • 348 7 Latest Arrivals. paa I' itcin hjt ctu ASCO tons, »Tn cr.w. ir> nun. TtOI lip. (jdj. Vorf, \pril 11 From So ir»baya, \pnl 8. For Batavia. April IB Kjads. lUribat. Siam *tr. 802 tons. Capt Wind. \pril ID. Krom ItaDgkok, April 1 Uc ami 4n ,1 p. Ka*t
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  • 109 7 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. T&NJONO PAOAR I Rast WaAsr Basim —Nil. Kirn W. Sbctiom No I— Ceylon Marn. Tarobs Shbbb* Whaif (iiang S< ng. Main W. Sbct Na 8— V«n Humskirk n 8— Quiloa a 4 l.lirman I Charon
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  • 87 7 Arrivals It r -ii'Siucr (> \T<;ar \nril 12.— From CalcutU via port*: Me- H. T. Firth. C. Hooker. O Liudgnvn. J. I>onsld, S. I. Loo, .1 R I'at. -.1. .1 S H.jlan. S. A. Martin. O. U. Zorab. A O. Itjldy. Mr. and Mm. Alxdoallv. I> r
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  • 405 7 I'er I' and O. steamer Sumatra, due April It— Mm H J Klwards and children. Mr J W Barlul >r. Lieut, and (Jr. Ma«ter Colour. •arat l>r»y. Mr M 0 lar nt. Mr T Light foot Mr K'Chipchase. Mr H I Divie*. Mr W xtapl.-f.jrd. Mr H
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  • 54 7 I 11.,,. mMP »ilml<« iv th.- Maurcta liv ttirlmicN. s.ii.l tin H..11 A l'anu>ns at .1 loHtilution ..ii Mar. I. 111. and Uht..t.J I. 11 ut.l> <>f kMtag ih \KI miliw yit Ii \< rytliinn «..rk- -i snn«itlily tliat tlit MM (■■Mi w not unaUr tlian that nttnltins; frmn U..
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  • 49 7 Time ball* on Fort Canning and Mount Fatter drop ilaily at 1 p.m.. Singapore Kt*n<lard time. correH|ionding to fl am. Orevnwich nu«n time. Tlie time gun in fireil at I' 2 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunilay, wlnn it i* fired at one o'clock.
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  • 251 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Sikoatou, Apul 12, 1911. On Lomdom Bank 4m s 3/4,", Demand S/4» Private OD/S 8/4,; do Bm/s 8/4 On Osmakt Bank d/d BSO Private 8 m/s 848 On Frak, b Bank d/d 806 Private 8 m/s *W{ On Im.ia Bank T. T. 174 1 Private 80d/s 176*
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    • 172 7 lime S V«Jue£ 10 10 tt. :»t Tio 10 10 Brnann 10 10 Braaeh ll jl 10 10 K*n*boi XI XI KioUTin 41 XI KledtiiK Tin 10 10 Kaanten Tin XI XI l.»ti»t Mine* 10 10 XaUooftTio 5 6 l'»likn« Cooaol 11 m IVui(k»l«n XI XI Fa»ioß Baiira XI
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    • 616 7 Valoe Bajmn. I/. >/■ All»«ar 4 4 8/- Anglo Malay 1.16 2/- 2/- BtUu Malaka Ii XI XI Bato Cotw 15.0.0 XI XI BataTi«a 4U6 XI XI Bakit Kajang 2.16.0 XI XI Bukit LintenK 4JJ 0 XI 16/- Contributory 8.10.0 2/. 2/- Bakit Mertajam 8/J XI XI Bakit Rajah
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    • 121 7 Iwoe "5 Value Bayer*. 10 10 gMtern Smelting 10 7 676 41 41 Eleotric Tnmmji 8/8 10 10 Fridi Notre 8« 00 100 Uowartta Krakine 100 7% Pro*. 100 100 K»U Bra DA 100 100 m 8% Can?. Prof. 10 10 M»jn»rd Co. 87 00 S«Uon norn 1000 700
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    • 49 7 Bayers Sellers Howsrth Erskine 6% tAOO.OOO par Kiley, Uargreavea 0% t'284,000 2* >| jfta Singapore Electric Tramways 6% 4860,000 Spore Municipal 6% 11,878 000 nom. Buyers Sailers Spore Municipal 44% of 1907 iI.eoO.COO 6% 7%pm S pore Mauicipal of 1909 t1.000.000 T% B%am S pore Munioipal 4% tAOJ.9OO 7%pas
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 Kvrry morn at nine o'clock Somebody hi am the pnttroan'a knock Baasas all weathers, be does, for snre, All'hrough Wood*' < ireat Peppermint Cure OaaatM and coda he laughs to scorn. II ippier oi«n tbere ne'er was born Krtry morn st nine o'clock, Somebody boats the Postman's knock
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    • 241 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co April l. F>-At9, Ss. Thomas Walk, household furnit ire, etc.. property of Capt. Roden burr, at 2 30. April 14—At naleroim. ten godown* at Ho l'uah Quay, etc at 8.80. April 18—At saleroom, land situate at iHwal strtet. at '2.80. April 82 At Newlands, 42.
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    • 447 7 The Art of Ba.iikiur*i4,«*ivik.«.4iiio VIM JWWUITLIE E >Pl an cl re M ROBINSON PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale Of Superior Teak Household Furniture, a Small Collection of Plants, Etc., AT NO 5, KAMPONG JAVA ROAD (ADIACBNT TO NEWTON KAII.WAY STATION), On Saturday, April 29, a.t 2.30 p.m. Massive pjlislird teak dining
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    • 260 7 lAOY 8 BAOOLE FOR SAL* For sale, a Lady's Side Saddle, almost new Price ISO. Apply i Mesf Sergeant, Officer*' Mess. Tanglin Barrack*. 1-2 4 1.4 MORT6AGEEB BALE. VALI ABLE LEASEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES AT MINTO BOAD, At Ching Keog Lee a Co s Salerrom, On Mokdat, Apbil 24, at
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    • 49 7 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY. Undertaker* and Monumantal Masons BSTABLISHBD 1881. JUBT RECEIVED 1 New Gooda ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc. lfonamenta ol every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Beat to be had in the colony. With Plomes in use. T2LBPHONB 1 NO, TIT NO. M OSOHAKD BOAU
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  • 955 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12. THE INDRAGIRI MESS. i Tin pith of the report presented by a committee of shareholders to Uio Indrawn Kubbcr Company in that the off, i made by the promoters is a fair one, and tliat it mlhhiM be accepted. We would agree ith that
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  • 21 8 The Mm on Malaria by Dr. Clnu Su Lav, at Uie Su I'o sia, at to-night, is free to all.
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  • 15 8 The third magistrate, yeHterday, committed to Uie Assixvs a Chinaman charged with returning from banishment.
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  • 22 8 The trustees of Uie mosque in London in elude Lord Kothschild, Lord Ampthill, the Aga Khan. Amir Ali and Abbas Ali Baig.
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  • 24 8 The Dufferin is expected to arrive at day hrssh on Wednesday next, and will dinembark No. 8 Co.. Hongkong Singapore. r.u K (i. A.
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  • 27 8 An exceptional tide lias destroyed Uie beach at Thorpe to Uie north of Aldeburgh and disclosed a treasure of hundreds of early Saxon coins and antique ornaments.
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  • 33 8 A tutor has been enKaged to instruct Uie Prince of Wales in Uie Welsh language in order that his Itoyal Uighnem may ad<ire«H Uie people in Welsh at his investiture on July 18.
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  • 31 8 The option which Lord Lansdowne granted to Urn nation in connection wiUi the sale of Kembrandt's Mill has now expired, the money not having been forthcoming. The picture goes to America.
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  • 32 8 As no nominations were received for the vacancy in Tanglin (No. HI ward of the Municipality, vice Mr. K. E. Jago, resigned, Uie Acting Uovernor will probably exercise hi* power of appointment.
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  • 41 8 Owing Ui the numerous applications In. h have been made from Kii^land for BBaaaj moilation in the prill. i|«l visitors i. imp at the DaM Durbar for memU-rs of the ■aSjaM of Parliament, tin i imp is alreaiK n.iilv full up.
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  • 47 8 An inten sHiil; jiMlgmcnt has just In n |ikhwi| by the AlUhttlmd Ili^h Court, in which it has been decid.^l for tin first time that no portion of the |«v of an officer in the ntjiilai army can be attiuheil in execution of a ibvrec in India.
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  • 39 8 W fnnn Arcatlia. (iiring evidin. in the Supreme Court, yesterday afu-rnooii. a brokei from The referring U. a client, would not admit that Ins firm did Mini h busin<-SH with him asjaaa] Hheii th. market was rising.
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  • 50 8 At lluutsv ille. Alahnma. 1\ siiilm ;iggregat in- «;(.Vt.i»in and 111 s.iiu awj"«atinu 11,*****0 have l»-n Hloxl against tin Louisville and Nashville and Soutlu i v It til ways n-s|»stivelv M ai .unit ..f alaaiai laapai bills of laahsi la aaßjajaetiaa wtth tin failure of Measrs. Knight, \ain-. v an
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  • 54 8 A sensation was caused in U.ndon on March TJ by the arrest of two l.rotlu rs naiiiiil Kowron. |mrtner» in a (inn of I. atln-r manu factunrs in liertnondsev who recently failisl with an ap|ureiit deficit of sMaVMI They art' chargisl with ronsp:rai v to defraud Mi-tsrs llooth llrothers. skin
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  • 56 8 Official permisMion lias bitn paarlai for tin Bristol aeroplanes tod" the IK Iln Durbar, and several Bristol biplane, and II appear in cliargc of some of tin Is .t known of the woii i addition U. public demonstration-* tins. machines will also be aaai during the man. ril\n— to he
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  • 72 8 lln Knghsliman .1 al.utu |«.ints out that •afkaj U> the taking up the time of the jtid^i-s of EM l alr'itta ll io|, Court l.\ the recent s.ihtioii trials and ..tin r -.»oik. v. y BBriaai arrears in ordinary cases, are accumulating. Then- are now no less than six thousand
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  • 67 8 An iiii|»irum arroHt has bis-n made by the ILnigoon i«.li.-e of Maun" Tun K who was senU'nceil to trans|iortalion for life for daeoity oiiiiiiitt-il iii tin Maubin district in Ism". After serving one year in ilangoon jail, the «as remo'veil to Ali|>ore. when. In escaped with two other-.. The tlir.
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  • 80 8 HanusU>n I nr.-ns n. uearint; th. iU stay here and Uiose who wish to sty this really good slum should not forget that thenan- only five nn.n evening performances. There is another inilinir for tin youngsters tliis aft. in. ..n. and Uie final matin. on Sa'.Miday afWrnuon. On Saturday ui^ht
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  • 80 8 Macassar can now boast of a daily |>n|« r of its own. The l>agbla<l Ostakas, as it is allnl. ma<le its first appearance there on March il. Hiaaa nl.irui men: .in.) reiii^ain/.iliou of Maar, hitheit" a private |M|«t issiusl Its lollstltuellts liy the firm of I I uiil I". It
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  • 89 8 Die following is suppli.-l by tin- Secretary of Messr.. Kat/ I U tin fiHirtssSta annual general m.s.-ting of Kalz lirotheis. l.imiUil. held at tin comiianv icgisU-rcd office, yesterday, it was divided to approprut.- the 1 1 1 profits of this eossfaay, «li.~ rApital is »l.i««ij«m. ax kUaw* M |H-r cent,
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  • 104 8 To the south of (»shima a nshiu^ lf.a bereft of sails and ours was uothisl M tin st> inn r Tjiiiiahl, a hutch su-amer. win. h arrived at Hoiiykony. ssj April t, umler the command of Ciptaiu .1. I. Setolka, from M oji A Japanese sU-amer was enile.ivouniiy to take
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  • 101 8 According to a London wire, dabal April H. the Habile (tovt'i-nmcnt han suhmitUsl si Parliament a customs tariff which it is estimated will yield an additional ten million florins. Of tins nine millions will be devoted to workmen's and old age pen ftious. The tariff is not exclusively proter tionist,
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  • 157 8 Speaking at a dinner given Ui oUbrmU the juhilc- iif tin liougkimg (runeral CliamUr of Commerce, tin Hon. K. A. Hcwetl. chairman, referring to the fact that a third of Urn n were of ottier nationalities ili.m Hritiah said Tin- way in winch wu coo<liu-t our Dimim** in tin
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  • 475 8 Tin deatl i. annoiinctsl of Sir Cajmai Ihmlon Clarka. Sir 11. 1 i. aiiiM has been appointed High omuiissioin r f Cyprus. Iln death has taken pla.. of Lieut Coloiii I l^sln Indian sanitary commissioner Laai Milnir BM i an. -lUil all ■■n^.tt'i-iiii'utK l>\ nmliial advice,
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  • 81 8 A loiii; pi. .cession of traunais y. sti i. lay afternoon proceeding I coiiveMll- na\al Ml' II U> til. nnali'iy »lnn the bod) of bl iging v.' H.M > 1 1' i M ,i .itilul wn aths somnaded tin oafla srhscsi asMai with I I'niou Jack and pla.
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  • 132 8 The April number of the V^riculturaJ Hull, tin of tin Straits sod I i I. rated Malay now to 1,.vi.l M, flaimua c inti'l' iU i L.i *rln le on orafaafsag and akWaiig pl.mts. srhsoaas mw 111 51|..1l 1* .1^ SSM I. atUntlotl l» \olld tin
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  • 252 8 We are ho much aorust"ine<l U> the U rn. iH-ptuy Governor, that Mr ltr.« knian in likely Is be iMBM m that way b> many people. It shuuld be> I. however. that his h|>|>>iiil 111. lit is .|l||U ihßen lit to that maile Ms] tein|iorary tlnrmi*
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 128 8 THK RONEO-LITHO Thai ld««l Duplicating M»ohtr>« for from 3to BO Cop*—. Handwriting, Typewriting or Copying Pencil can be produced in several coloarn at one operation. iNVm-ABLB f'l- EBPEOI.IIIM. BILLS OF LADINO INVOICES MANIFESTS ORDERS QUOTATIONS MUSIC SPECIFICATIONS ■MM COPIES OF DOCUMENTS PLANS KTC ETC KTC. mmpli'l Ihiftlnatimj Maihhn th, Markrt.
      128 words
    • 211 8 BPECIAL VARIETY PROGRAMME or NKW FILMS CHOICE SUBJECTS pasaj Pat he, th* Imperium Co. and th. Amerioan Kinems ALHAMBRA To-Nlght .'n.l Sliow. > to 11 p.m. TM HUT Ml FUmM. M KYOTO liv ajatasi s I'rn.liu tiun. WIN WM TM MI r American Kiucma Film. "UM L£ML" Italian Art Film,
      211 words
    • 14 8 I^U-st advertisement- of the day apr» sr on page 7 as well as 10.
      14 words

  • 76 9 TROOPS AMBUSHED BY ARAB TRIBES. Thousands Reported Slain Hn im s TkljuiKaM. lA.ndon. Apul 11. .1111 from I', run says that natives from th. inU-riiM- sUUj llukt form- of MM Turk- ha- been annihilated by a stratagem. V I", run uieHsage daU-tl April .*> says tliat is captun-l
    76 words
  • 101 9 THE MARkET STILL CONTINUES IRREGLLAR. Prices Somewhat lower. i»\ ..|:l:c-l -o\i.»\t U.U.1..11 \pril 11 Tin liubbtr Auction w liich ofieneil to da> wa» again marked l>v I aoad deal of in-l tin pri..- wen slightly lowi 1 -ijan fortnight ago Ih. 1. aw M t..n- ..11 aaajaaai
    101 words
  • 37 9 I nmn of the Colonies Advocated. Rkitir's TauaMaM. I->!idon, April 11. I 1 1 -ill. mcsHage s.iv- that Mr. Ward. 11,. alautl I'niiii.r. s|<.-aking at a i system of parataai l»' n i. aMtag n-iMi
    37 words
  • 47 9 The Admiralty's Reply to Foreign Increases. lln 1x.m1..n. April VI. hi- n ,u..iis.>l iv navy nrrl.* by an ami., in. m.tit thit th. Admiralty are i inn. Bttag ith tt it■f t I hi- i- I. n.lfl a- Britain's reply to the r-
    47 words
  • 38 9 [H i- 1 \-!\i ii f 1.1...M) rIIWIH K-ihii. \pril 11. a, .!:i.-- tin i 'rown -ii. ii i. r .i n t^> Berlin th> visit- t him and !.t|ktn h ul Ui Ih a!i:tud >n.-.|
    38 words
  • 44 9 DnOfToumcai Lum Tklkokam. K. rim. April 11. 111. risit .fth. \mericau Fleet to Kiel in. l other <•. Tii.tri |«.rt- i- .tu.iillv tn 111 1).!"I»T 111. 1 1.,- .nib. I th. rteet Will ii .i~ in tin i ran. a n
    44 words
  • 38 9 Timm I^in.lon. April 1 1. \>t P. -tt rshuiyu It-nram M of Kmpire liasappniM-.) '.he stimaUs for the nuvtl 1 10 million nmbluM. which i« iIAIIMM) i" 'ililes above the figure fixed by tin Duma.
    38 words
  • 35 9 K»..v > CtHBM(MI i.■ Jm, April 11. lalaywa to I lit lums of vl.'U from LaaiH -.i>*t \ngl.. Malay Itubbcr Co. Iml dividend of i-. i»r,.nt.. mak- I M|» i .nit for the
    35 words
  • 53 9 .Kaon O k nn Oa KnaU l.iiiiipur. \|H-il II lh. ri.inu f \H. v. are in r. ipl ..fa Ijoii.lon .ihl, (Mag th. following I ihl» r I'UliUtnili 51,.,t alxl I rap Balk S. ray •>. l»l> I lltl.-nt.-l l!»iiih,.ii t lii 11... .1 IV., i.i
    53 words
  • 36 9 (Faov a Malacca CoauuroxnurT.) Malacca. April 12. Information liaa been received by Malacca Robber Plantationa, Limited, that the price >f fine Para in London yenterda* waa Ml perlb., vain.. The market l.~il tiat.
    36 words
  • 274 9 Defendant Denies knowledge of the Contract K. lon- the acting Chief -lusti... Ml \nhibaltl l^tw. in th- Supreme Court. M tenlay afternoon, the claim of Tan Mong Tho. a merchant, of Killiney K.«d. against 11 llean. broker. ..fM;>ii-<n Ntr.^-t. in re»pect of a tmnwi'-tion in rubln-i
    274 words
  • 353 9 One Thousand Officers and Men to Sail for the Gulf. in. I^> Utcd from Bombay, on March :MI. state- -< r. is-ne.l yesterday for tin imme<hat<' mMMmMm "f the uuits that are to make up the military part of the xpeditiou against tlw l
    353 words
  • 162 9 Messrs. (.'haxles Iknjamm and Co. kindly favtiiir us with the LajMN pn.-es the) have reoeivetl tin- moining IIMM I ifcwpp fft.lUp. Anyl.. Malay- J I U-lbiirv- :MS :< Anglo .Uvhh 7:< Lin^iH* M \nuli) .lulimvs 11 > l>>n<lon A»iati< -1 Anylo Simmtran
    162 words
  • 11 9 Kine Hard Part I M per Ib. Plantation Kiibber
    11 words
  • 335 9 TRADERS GIVE THE GOVERNOR SUPPORT. Acknowledgement of Unpublished Memorial. W. refer.. -il tin other day Ui tl« nine t.. ii. of tin commercial community to o|« n ly declare hostility to lh. Shipping Con ference. and exprewwd our belief tliat then- was no gowl reason for the
    335 words
  • 243 9 Three Contractors Sue the Company Th. limah liuhb. KslaUs. 1.t.l .in addi tion tv having litigation in hand in Singapore ih at the moment a |«rtv to several suits being heard iv "s. rembuii. Three con tract- .rs wht> have been employe. I to do work the
    243 words
  • 233 9 Interesting Addition to the Sights Of Battersea Park. Ha m.«lel .lapanes. gank-n of dwarf trve» win. h formed au inUrestini; feature of la»t mhi -la|Mn British Kxhilution liax btten in BtaJM iv ftatUrsea I'Hrk.cloM- to the Altiert Bridge. At the aJm of the Kxhibition it «a- pi.
    233 words
  • 175 9 Medical Side of the Institution at Stake. ii Ui< hI poMtion Ims ai is. n m connection with Uie I 'nivi rsity l>ill which luui just been |taamxl by the Ijegndativc Council, nlwrn-" tht- China Mail. Tin member* of the Senate of tlie College of Medicine, who an-
    175 words
  • 814 9 MR McKENNA EXPLAINS THE NEW ESTIMATES. Always A Supreme Fleet. The Time* says that tin- debate on the Navy tatimate* in Ur- Mourn of Common* wis highly interesting yet it failed to attract a large House. The only party tliat w-a* fully reprencnted wax the«
    814 words
  • 270 9 In the second police court. yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Acton, tin preliminary inquiry into Uie uiunlcr of a little Klinx nirl. off Scrangoon Koatl. of which a bullock cart driver named Veraaamy is accuaed, win concluded. The mother of Uie victim appeared in court with her bead
    270 words
  • 934 9 Cannot be Strict Lest Nightsoilers Strike The following corruipondence may be allowed tn speak for itwlf. WiUi nlwMHai to Uie cloaing letter, however, it may be asked when the municipality expecta to have removal by Newer* in operation. If nui*ancea remain unabated until Uien. heaven help oa! F.
    934 words
  • 29 9 Tin- Acting Governor, the lion. K la Brockman, C.M.«i and Mnt. Brockman went aboard the Britiah cruwer Monmouth, y«tac day evening, and were received by tbe Commander and officer*.
    29 words
  • 89 9 INTERESTING PROPOSALS FOR TRADE UNION. Sugjjested Association in Russia. rUI-TIK TILBOKAM. 1^.11. 1..H. Vpul I. The Ruaman Minister of meros baa Mibmitted to i! bill f..r th. aj tablithiuent at St I't-u-rshnrg of a ICiiano -lapane* coin|«ny to devel..| betweea Raaaiaaml-lapan. ami promote com mercial iuU-revt* generally
    89 words
  • 217 9 Harmony and Lnanimity at the Annual Meeting. i iii k <i«v L'oauurovM ■g, vpnl 11 was a small »tt« I bolder* at the annual im-etini; of tin I Smelling t'.>nipany h. 1.1 t. ..lay The |trom«ilingi> m .1 with ■Ml iv and iimuimiilv I'll, m |iort in
    217 words
  • 384 9 Chamber of Commerce \nticipates Considerable Growth. OVa <>WS l.iUKff \pul IS, I'll. I. |».rt bY I of "mm. ii < nn'jv ,nt.i til. i. tin '"in iinltit ol tin Cliambti bai the bringing forward -.1 ,i b with th. iM,|..iUli..ii .it mi mi.,- li.piorH
    384 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 117 9 Local Property Sale lln following Sintiapore pi. pertu-n were li,|-r-,.l of »t Mewnt rowt-ll and 10--altr.-.iii yetU-nlay afU-rnoon K'ns bold land and dwelling Ihhim- 14 lialinoral Koad. IM s. put re fei't. |»rt of yrant 44). K K N K. Smnaya I'illav »:l.00l). Vnr hold I in. l ami dwelling
      117 words

    • 188 10 Tl>« |«.I.i |«.iii. tin Kn»;lnh U»m had arrival »t V fast ..n \pril in excellent i oaditton tr.lon. th. -..If. r. is leaving Kngland. having ohUine.l a |M«t in America. Hay* a LaaaWl wile of April I W hil. at I Kiln, the Kiiik anil IJiuvn inU-ii'l
      188 words
    • 57 10 \aisit> I ...iii Kace. 1 ih. 1K1....1 Mai I tin), i m 1" h.t11.1. sh..\\ Oxfunl Urn II i'iilii, isinith liil'li;. .in.l u.ll an. l p nts which euahle.l them to idightly. bat Oxford iwawaawJ an. l :i I. a.l. Ik 111^ two length* n>. two < ui'l
      57 words
    • 106 10 .■vc.C. v- H.M.5. .Mtinmouth. H in hue h. M the till M■> M..iim..ii:li in with the bail tu.l p il in h.tlf an 1- ton Pwiwg the til-'. whi h Bayl) failed .i._ igorer the Na ih, hill well within then ..|.|.,n.i. md grriag th< m uunV i«
      106 words
    • 318 10 Foot ball. LMsTw* Matches at Home. Hi. mui.h Ml>i..n I i Plymoatk I S rtliamp- 'hi Ipril I ih. following i.vult. M ,t. I irat l>i\i-i..n f 1. Bur>- 0 KrMtol Cttj 0, i .i < W.dn. -1..v 1. «..i-il. I .1. I H I. H.inderlaad I l'i.-t..i, N..i
      318 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 116 10 To the Has*) of the Strait* Tunes. Sir.— An mi|n>rUlit Ul.urain was sent me from HaajaaMsa on -l»iU nit., ami aft<T iiiiuh lU.imry »vi finally forwanli'.l on here from the laaa] aaal office <>n April Although my adflresfi is known, ami registered at the Malacca I'oHt
      116 words
    • 665 10 tin „f th. Ntrmt< Tiiiio Sir. Tin v]»<,hi-s ..f Sn K.hvar.l (irey .iii.l Pn -i.i. lit I. ilt ..n th. aaaaMUl Illlliutlli^ the ii l^ll I'lUli' force 111 luter ■MM II Aaaarva Mm aMaatiaa yam li.itr |.;u.| tin ii by yoin 1.a.1.i i>f April 111.
      665 words
  • 157 10 Nli William It. |!i.k*m wli.i Natal Mm ■tat Vim I'r. -...I. n til. I niUil St. I l hi-. i. iU'. n. I-. »;i\, tl Times N.v» mr. -.|«.inl. nt. tin' seen ii. l Mr. fnruegie's .In..' Mftaaßlla uitlulritH tin rrfr.jni tins \..u. ill. I. tin rl»
    157 words
  • 778 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April li, 1911. Measrs. Lyall and Eratt. Exchanoe and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotation* this morning Norn. Value. Buyer*. Seller*. 2 Allagar 4/4 6/1* a/. option* i/»o 8/ XI Anglo-Jara 8,9 1/9 1 Anglo Johore 13/6
    778 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 60 10 It ban l«. n .Him-.. 1 U,:»t th. i alwawal .11 niaiih Iron, l h. ls,-u 1.. St. I'auls Caasiatal la atu-ml aaaaaal rhurrh parade tm n.'ii lh. v will v- m dby the Onairh aaaaW A similar i,,,i.1, will I- iii*l. by th. Konan Cathuhc lr.a>|M 1., stimnsUr Calliolral.
      60 words
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    • 13 10 For all internal complaint*. Dysentery, L'on-h... folds, etc.. take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure,
      13 words
    • 408 10 RUBBER FACTORIES ENGINES!! MACHINERY We are specialists in the construction of Steel-framed Buildings, .md ,i> Sole Agents fos "RUSTON-PROCTOR" Suction Gas Plants, and bkktkams RUBBER MACHINERY. WE IKB IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THE MOST HOMMMMi AND LP TO-DATE INBTALLATI l>eaigna and full partioulars on application RILEY, HARGREAVES CO., LTD.,
      408 words
    • 284 10 Raffles M Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, April 15. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. Tbe only first class Hotel in Saigon. Erery cotniort. Splendid verandah. Rentaurant. With management, French kitchen and attendance as in the finest European Reetaurauta. Manager O. Feraudy, late from the Grand Hotel, Paris. Saigon. Theatrical seaitsn (from
      284 words
    • 91 10 COMPAGNIEGENERALE DE PHONOGRAPHS CINEKATOBRAPH3&APPAREI.B DE PRECISION OF PARIS I CINEMATOGRAPH PATHE SINOAPOKK (iENKKAI. Ai.ENO I)arioK hiv alxtenoii (com the Colony, Mr. I. N. MOBAICO bolda my Power ul Attorney aod will be in full charge of our „wri«ti L. H. CO I HANT. Oeaeral Agent. 10 4 li 4 TO
      91 words

  • 1286 11 THE HEART OF THE BRAZIL RUBBER COUNTRY. Notes on a Recent Journey. •nun Put a. Uic very metro BOM of tin Itra/ih.'tu iiibb, indiisti'y. la tin httli villace of Santo Antonio, s Baal on tin ths raaai i from a vast mlweik HMMlai foi lian-lupmi
    1,286 words
  • 402 11 Directors Describe the I'evelopmenl Sinn. AcqaUilico. I |p, of the MMMMMi MMMM I. iv. issued to the lion in SI and ot iln pro|{n M mad. •ut of tin propert) sine.- its th. mam |«.iutt ..f the An oni. ial It a MM "f .-ists of w
    402 words
  • 204 11 \ll < \tiaordinary u.ncial MMaMMJMiMMI MMM I'aru liiibber UMMM il.llinU.ili was held on March 17. Sir William Hood I i. ai In i. who pitsiddl. said that the nuxtiug was held for the purpose of endorHing an «i;i. i-iii< nt with Messrs. Outline and I '•>. .ui'l
    204 words
  • 1139 11 LARGE ANGLO-DUTCH COMPANY ON THE MARKET. The Rotterdam -Deli Hevea. Mill-. t1.1t.. 1 h in.ill. I- l.spolisil.l, f.-r til. following foniast of lmn> tobnci-o rubU r concern in Sumatra A ti-rtain iiiiioiint i>f picjndicc appuars t» exi«t ainonyst MM! MM|M in Mm. my Ij»ne ayalllsl tBMMB laud.
    1,139 words
  • 2080 11 GENERAL REVIEW OF COMPANY'S OPERATIONS. Profits from Pineapples and Rubber. Tin- statutory meeting of the Itukit Sembn wai.g Kuhher Company, Limited, was 1-. 1.1 on February IV at W ise. Old Kr.w.l st,,i i X.C oloiu I Itot Philipps. 1). 50.. Ml' icliaimiau of the compauyi. presiding. M,
    2,080 words
  • 156 11 s|Mvial mesKage to the Financial News from St. rvMMMMJi dated March 16. an nounccd: The c.00.1 r. -suits obtainul from Uie efforts for the last ten years „i with t»». coffee, ami cocoa plantation- m the dis trkU around the HMM BM BM MMMMi soini enU-rprising
    156 words
  • 564 11 ANOTHER BOOM THAT FAILED TO MATERIALISE. The Rubber Marktt in Shanghai. Th.-. vkaawaMad Pi with exaggerate! MMM in MM IMM Sprmy without any nof tlw-ir I'O|l 1,1.1. MMMMMkI llni'B I >. k of iith'i- iii tin Ka-l and in U.u.loii. i- not mm h to oMii'i.nii
    564 words
  • 68 11 iMpaetna <•< Ux Rabaai Fshilm will be MMMM Ml I'h. I iii-ui' t win. a < pi a. ii s. if which i well known MMM Kajah. Vail in Hail- nd.n estates. I BMMMMg stage, and IMMM 6 i-states a am The valuation ol i. I last MMMMVJ Mi
    68 words
  • 25 11 Am extiii'.idin ai v I I Hidden Kubl was to be held tion that the capital of th. pal n< extraord.r U v was
    25 words

  • 365 12 1,1 .n Iran < I>n win i'l«'» <•' natural 1, .i.l I*-, it in li» mr (..r a I..111; tun. l.iiinuli»U«l it. lialtoiis law of to num. ln'l vayii.-lv It l>> I liuik.r, 1»(..n him RUMkl'l "l<* ,v, ■mtiijtiTT-* mmtHtf apaahaak tu\ -iiturii-. lli. ..1.1 L ii.
    365 words
  • 78 12 -|..n.l, vi ..i U perfd in i l.\ in I I 111. nil. ,11.1, I lU. I X .'.kill.; an Mtu I i I blood pa > nl tr nil 11. I N V.ik uaSun>la> ni -> time, i .n. horn il i I. n l.iii.l. |.-s inil.s in
    78 words
  • 443 12 Country Mansion for South African Magnate. Tli. mansion which Mr. K. <i.T. KrksU-in. I'ark lav. tin- South inininu manual*-, is hiiiMing u|«.u ln» Surr.y i-ntate uf iKU-i-Imh I'ark. mi.Uay brtwwn Chertaey and WokiiiK. i" n-markabli- as an example of Knuli-h iloiuoHtir an InU-. tnr. .if the
    443 words
  • 585 12 Court D<cides that Ao Estimate Is Not a Warranty. Ml K V I na« n. \.tuii: A. MI handeUrered in winch Mr. .l.ihn Uh K. Tea I t ompaajr t.>r lU.7U6faf Imi-.mli i mt nt la <li livt r i ihl» i I i hultlo.
    585 words
  • 731 12 AUSTRALIA'S CLAIM TO RECORD IN HEIGHT. California Beaten. Nut only <luch Australia dispute the claim of C alifornia to the |xmi*p«»ion of the higlient treat in tin- worl.l. but Mr. W. K. Harris writes an article iv the Lone Hand with the „1.j.« t <i( showing that
    731 words
  • 253 12 lin KaMMagM >\ l.t>i i- n..w in tlit |ii.« is. of enlargement mtoa com|>aiiy to be na I tli. RM K.ih MmW I l Plaatattoaa. Ltd.. of t7iu»«> iv Al -1,n.-. ultpMMl iM "f '■<M»«i shan (M ill. 90,000 full y paid Khan-" will be part
    253 words
  • 742 12 MYSTERY OF THE WORLD'S MOST ANCIENT GAME. Buried io Oblivion. Lost in tlie dim dmtanees of the longforgotten past, tlie history of the origin of cliefia the most ancient of all belovetl alike by king and peasant— ban formed the theme of many learned writer* Historical
    742 words
  • 138 12 A stranj;. nisUmi of salting new-born Übi.s is still rt«il. iv crtaiu remote regions of Kuroiic ami Asia. The mother iiiiaKines that this c usloin luniks iii.l slren«th to her chiMreii. ami serv.-s t<> kiip away evil «pint« as well Aiiiouu Armenians ..f Kussia it is
    138 words
  • 149 12 Queen Mary i- public -pcakei. though a widely nad woman, without b>'in« iv any scusc a blue stocking, ami, say- ImOUi Own haar. hi proficient in Italian, ti. num. an. l I i. 'in h. pitying tin- harp ami piano well, ami brinj; a great UnitW-r. ami tin- most pert
    149 words
  • 626 12 Mr Hammond Describes the Result 01 His Visit to Java. A meetiiii' of MM nulo hutch,..nof Java 1 Liuiitiil wan held in l^ondon. M March 17. to hear a statement from Mr Hammond, on. .f th. dinitoi- wh., r.nutl\ returntil from visit to Java. Tlm. lion C.
    626 words
  • 376 12 Final Dividend ol Thirty Per Cut Recommended. 11,. .In.. t..i- ..f the Harp, nI. 11 Ull-... Kul>ln 1 I ..iiiiuiin f.i rli. n.l. m-e. mUr .(l.that Ih. profit an.l 1..s- aeeouut. with th. a.Mition af /SM liagfcl from last year, show- a rolit bal.ui. Aft. 1
    376 words
  • 612 12 111. Pillowing |«SH« I- |>. l>«'ki ll.illlt W.ltl r. a < > ■Im \|.ml II M. I I (lrwnfl.ll Mi II l: W v M I Mi- llrnniiit.-. Mm I Mi. W A. l»ark. an.) infant. Ml iim.l Mn I w Nlr.l,|. Ml, llll ;.11.| .111. ...1 Ml
    612 words
  • 159 12 Th. Nyoo|< Rubb I whicli tin li-t mi" 11 I |00 Ml 1111 Im 'Ll. k11..u I iKliHii. attoatod in th. I an. th. hulk of win. li chUU is fully Ih. I ■iii.-ii:. i. 1 II" ll h.ilf 11 ..i.l. r. TI vi.l n|- nodi
    159 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 42 12 •His Honour .Indue I'arry sat to .lay for the lust time under tin palm rather plane of l.aiulx tli ouuty loiirl. an •v.-ninu |«(x r HaffM Thought m to l>ambetli 1 oiinly oiirt and s.^. the ratlier plam- treaa, <i1..1x
      42 words

  • 1238 13 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON MARCH 15. A number of uliaren in which local inTeatora we interaled are not quoted in looal fhare liata, and there are oooaeiooallj *id« maraiaa between "I 00 J*" d Undon. W« quote below the beat available
    1,238 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 396 13 Wat|rrr^an's (Ideal; Saf^Pen I SEALED WHEN OPEN. SEALED WHEN CLOSED. Thn thr pr« yoa ihwld buy if roa ir»rl. oc ktJ aa Miw m I •'oof life. TV chirl h«r». I tniiic at ihn Sdrty" Model v r..i v oi Irak lx»r«r canned Vlhm clotrd. oar u> throw it ap.
      396 words
    • 403 13 CONTINENTAL A I Tyres 11th Auju-t 1910. CoVTINBMTtL Tilt! k KIBBRR Co., LTI>. Ukab Sn:s, For I a., moat aatiafied with the tyres yuu auppliad, which I alwara uee oa my racing oar. Yoar tr ?.Ko> MOTOR-VANS CARS CYCLES fttm lilfl. IITI MTI Bmß Hill, ti'li J'in-; MM A I\J
      403 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 728 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE IBBUMNCE OOMPMIT OF OMMM. BtTAaUSBBD 18SS. mursnos in Koroe. over |I7,MMM «aw Business 1900, over H.1M.111 •at Supplue above liabiUMea lor reserve and all ootstaadinK olaima, over $2,076,000 Straits Currency). Over UMM was set aside as special tdditioa to Policy tuauiiia. J. H. EVANS, Manager. South B
      728 words
    • 528 14 BAKKIMQ. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital in 80,000 Shares of £30 each 41,*****0 Reserve Fund Xl,BoaoOo Reserve Liabilitf at Proprietors... 41,300.000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounts are opened and internet allowed
      528 words
    • 638 14 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TONS BANKING AND INBURANCE GO, LTD. MO. IT AND 68, KLINO BTRBBT. Established 1907. Oaf Hal paid ap 11,000,***** Reserve liability ot proprietors 14MOUXM.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tab Twos Joon 6. Sm Ku Jaa 1 Mam Km Sbmo T. Tbo Hoo Lai 8. Ua« Cbua
      638 words
    • 1127 14 SALES BY AUCTION. auction sale: of* Teak and Rattan Household Furniture, Etc.. THE PROPERTY OK CAPT. ROPBNBURG. AT NO. 9, ST. THOMAS' WALK. On Saturday, April 15. at 2.30 p.m. Comprising, rattan fancy chairs polisbtd dining table sod dinner wagon American relrigeratcr dinner sod Iti services glafsware. etc. Ircn Mngle.and
      1,127 words

  • 836 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Affairs in the F.M.S. II routrihiiu-s t<i the Malay Mail the subjoined interesting notes on motoring affairs in the Native State*: Mr. 1.. K. Yxehuan luvi ordered a magniti. ••■nt tie l>ion car. throut-h Messrs. A. C. Harper and Co. From
    836 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 209 15 The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY The firm has sot itoolf to prodaoe a oar of ideal efficiency without the least sacriftoe of oomtort in r UH P«rilCUiare wearing '.hat offiiioney. That the object in view haa been achieved will be readily admitted by the Iroln Ine motorint who
      209 words
    • 68 15 Keep it at Hand. K<x-p i'haiuberlain's Tain Balm at hand, buuMitc ao|oainttxl witli iv many ones and intriniuc luuritH and it will Have much suffering aa well an time and money. It promptly rolierea the pain n-sultini; from cnta, brnnea, sprains or injuries from any raiiati aad the wound m
      68 words
    • 318 15 'SiMapure naturalists' Stores TAXIDERMISTS. BIRDS AND ANIMALS MOINTBP KTir DUIJU IM MTMUL NrtTMT IPUmUt AM MajHSmj m *v imm Bird of Paradise for Salt. NO 177 OUCHAM) ROAD. SINGAPOfIt ••a Mi SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (NKAK BNTKANCB to BORNEO WUARK T.l.phonc IO3S. nSea stocks of all kinds of KKO/Jt
      318 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 496 16 INDIAN PATENT "Z--i tTMME 6000WKS STONE MMmUWaNe 6000S »MEBS Sharpe, Ross Co., Ltd. WANTS. SHORTHAND T YPIST WANTED' Wanted, a capable Shorthand Typist. Apply .1 D c o StraiU Times. I n NURSE WANTED. WaLtid European or Eurasian nurse to tak." chargi of cnt child. Good references indi»ptD«able Apply Mox
      496 words
    • 483 16 TO BE LET OR 80LD. OFFICES TO lET. Whole of second floor of Commercial Union Assurance Company's building, c/o Robinson Road and Telegraph Street Apply to Com mercial Union Assurance Company. Limited. ***** HOUSeS TO LET No. 30 Robio«on Koad, and Nob. 41 and 44, Anaon Koad. Apply Nathan A
      483 words
    • 391 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ROOM TO LET. Splendid ioom to let with board iIOO including Boy aad Dhoby 2{ miles from town. Apply M R, c/o StraiU Timea. 104 98 FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. Two furnished rooms to let with board, is private family, near town vi ry good
      391 words
    • 515 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Daring my absence from Singapore, Mr. L. R. Macphail. co Sai nders asd Horafall, H, Tbe Arcade, has autlioiity to act for The Watsrhoaae Co., aad for myself under full Power ol Attorney. Fr.ED T. V. WATBRHOt SB. 10 4 17 4 VOLUNTEER CLUB A Subscription Daocr. under
      515 words
    • 645 16 NOTICES. KMM KIAT A GO. SHIP CHANDLERS. Telephone No. 421. 108 A 100. Market Street THE KITLANG CO LTD. Large ahipmenU of Chineae Sinkeh Coolies arriving weekly. Orders promptly executed. For terni.s and particulars, apply to PATKRSON, SIMONS I CO., LTD If Ets. 8 v THE MALAKA PINDA RUBBER ESTATES.
      645 words
    • 316 16 NOW CHOOSE Bechstein Pianos Bpinsmssd Pianos Stainway Pianos Raohala Pianos Collard Pianos Broad wood. Whits Pianos Kriebel Pianos Russsll Pianos Winkalmann Pianos Krauss Pianos Haaks Pianos ttpohmangar Pianos Lehmann Pianos THK ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED Raohals' Auto-Player Pianos Allison Auto-Playar Pianos Manual Auto-Player Pianos Brinsmead Angelus. Ws WANT to SEND
      316 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 241 16 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.-M.secllanc oos wanU of every description are insert ed at tht prepaid rate of II p«-r four lines for one or two insertion*. Notice* of BirUis, Marnagi'S, or Deaths if not oxouedißK four lines. II each insertion. Kor p-r-o. cards, on pagt > Imcb S. alb Ratbs
      241 words