The Straits Times, 8 April 1911

Total Pages: 16
13 28 The Straits Times
  • 13 13 The Straits Times. NO. 28.535 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. APRIL 8. 1011. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 244 13 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST bargains for all. Unequalled ZRnywfere. MUSLIN m r|| .ere SILK LAWN DLUUOLO CHIFFON Entire Clearance of the Existing LACE CAMBRIC Stock, to make room for CREPE DE NET. New Lots expected Shortly. CHENE. Ladies' Dept. Ist Floor Grasp this opportunity of obtaining Highest Possible
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    • 226 13 POINTS ABOUT mm^^mmmm —^—^——m ZAMBRENE RAINCOAT. #L^ it is NOT a mackintosh, hut it DOES f keep out the rain. y 4lt is equally suitable for fine <>r w t -t r i J A wtather. and for Town. Country m *^*f^ 1^ 6ix>rtintf use. c ln appearance, it i-
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    • 3 13 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 618 14 lAIN FEATURES OF THE ROYAL ENTERTAINMENTS. Garden Party, Review and Processions. It iv n,, aaaaMi M §f«| KM main featureN •>f tlie Royal proigraiiiiiii f.>r the Coronation fejttivitWM. naw. as. far ah the Court ia ilirortly (M>ncrrm«l in them, will be^in on M.nil i\. .lunr 19. It m
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  • 339 14 Association and Rugby Scores. MiHMi football agaaai ay U> March A*> an: K ir.u brlow KaaHak iHp ari aaasi iti»lf<>rl c ity B, H« MM Itovirs >>. at SI,, fficl.l \< wuantkI sited t l« toa ii. at Kiriiiinuhaiu. Kn^li-li I M|M rii-t ,lni«i.,n \,.tw Forssi Maim Id
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 180 14 'Hazeline' Snow' fT***B* BSSMHI JaßsT mm£/^ T^ f f Pur. ,nd -HAZEUNeJ Nritber S^aBBBBBaI <? It ky mount. iin nor for Prickly Heat Its soothing and healing properties produce a delicious feeling of coorness and comfort. The ideal balm for painful sunburn, J it instantly relieves the smarting X sensation
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    • 14 14 Wood* Great IVppermint Cure for all nil. r mil couiplaintn. I 'yientory, Coughs, osbb\sb«j
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    • 622 14 JAPANESE FIREWORKS WOULD BB OHB OF THK BEST THIN OS BY MEANS OP WHICH TO CELEBRATE THB COM I Mi CORONATION. Large stock* of all description are arrivisg. Order* are invited. Ink ndiog purcliaarra of ipesisl aiaea, aoe a. or 10" ia dismetar, sis reqoeatad lo spsd in tboir ordtn,
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    • 150 14 WRISTLET WATCHES. JS&I Gold and Silver Watches In leather wrist straps, at various Prices. Ladies And Gentlemen's 1 GOLD SILVER WATCHES. drear "s^ts Moderate Variety. m^*«sjHr Price*. I|E WORKMANSHIP QUARANTHED. M ISMAIL RAHEEM, inH Bra* Baaah Road. FOR SALE Tin Mining Land. Tbs owssr ia prsasssi to accompany tbe inteodiag
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  • 1531 15 HubHMlieti Uiat Uie onlution uf tin- probkni in to I- ii K ht. At a eoHt .pnU iiiMKnifteant »s)^,ni|»i,il with th itlay t-i In -mi ilm»l on eillM-r ol tlie nclm-iim*. befiwr luentiofMol. th« < .nvirniiM-nt can pMWMi MM st)>ra««- for 18. ipiantitv MMMMMJT Ml «iivei
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 897 15 Bronchitis A Nurse's Experience. i <-s lijm l~ tt< i f irihtH th*n moM proplr fi.r MMWMMMS tlir be«t NMMMMi MMMMMNI >'' MM. a MMM Mf MB. MIM) MMMMI MtM Hi. iik Inn in MMM fMU CMMS not f< I iilhl until MM tin il Ann» i I MMMh
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    • 192 15 keep it at Hand. If < liainbrrUin Pain Halm at Imii.l. I«-<^.iim- aoiioainUxl with it- many iikl iutriOHic MMMi au<l it will mavemmli suffrr tn»( a* well a>. MM an<l moiny. It pMMMMJ MM Ur- |*iii MMMMMJ from i-iilt.. brui>«-«. Hprains or itijiiriiK fnmi any mmmbmmlmml WMimJIH lnal.-.| in MMMM.
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    • 154 15 Will. Ml C.IVKN TO 1 ANY I^KSON WHO CAN PROVE TH VT I Sunlight CONTAINS ANY KIKM VA OK AIH'I.Tr'RATIoN M w-Va uh.msoimk ok Aw tA any iniikiois y^k cm. mm m s TRY Till M»"^ SI MIL MI > v v > THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. IB)eTA.BT_,TBHB3ID *****
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 643 16 STEAMER BAIUNBB. p. e?7>. BTEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA. JAPAN, PENANO. CEYLON, AISTHALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MKDITEHRANKAN, POKTS. PLY MOITH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Pemian iulf. Continental, and American Porta. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward '/or China.) 1911 I
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    • 524 16 BTEAMER SAIUNBS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN UNE. A Fortnightly service ia maintained be tweea Yokohama via porta to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese (iovernment. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this serrice have bean specially designed aad ooßstracted. aad are fitted with
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    • 642 16 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO U. 8. MAIL L'NE. The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and Kan Francisco, operating the new 18,000 too*, twin screw steamers KORBA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CUTRIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF
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    • 282 16 STEAMER BAIUWBCanadian Pacific Bailwaj Co s Royal Mail Staamship Line. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Via China, JAraM, Canada amd tub Umitbo States. Route from Hoagkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R. M. B. Empress of India") Twin screw RM.S.-lmprs-ofJap.B". R.M.S. Empress of
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    • 550 16 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. DEUTSCHE DIMPFBCHIFFFAHRTSGES. 'HANSA" BREMEN. Combined Sarvlcw. The li as men of these Companiee maintain a regular service between Hambars. Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait*, (.bins and Japan. H'>mewardi, they are despatched fortnightly tor Havre and Hambarg and onoe a month for Bremerbaven
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    • 644 16 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL 6ERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and wrll known mail •teemrr. ol this Com pan. sail fortuin'itly -m Br<-n>«n Qamburk!. via» r.liamp ion. (iibraliar O<n» Naples (oooaeosiag MaraaillM. N pls«. Aleiandna. and new versa) Port Said, Sue/.. Ad«n. Colombo. Peaaag, Kingapora.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 663 17 .ER SAILINGS. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) AND WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tin New ll.mlf Via China, Japan. Honolulu, and San Kraacisco to all lomta in the I'nited States. Canada, Mexioo, and Europe. Operatmt the Ksw lI,Mi tea Trials Screw Uaart I—r* "am sac Cklye Saw, tßsQeeeesef tkePadflc
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    • 222 17 UNIOM 88. CO. Of NEWZEALANO. LTO. SINGAPOP.E TO NEW ZEALAND uibbi r. AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, LYTTBLTON AND DUNBDIN, ALSO CALLING AT SAMAF&NG AND FIJI II IKDCI BMBNT nlH««l. The Company's Steamer Apart ma 6,704 ton*. J. K. Stringer, Commander, maintain, a regular tour monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Excellent
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    • 656 17 STEAMER 3AILIHCS. INBO CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tbe steamers of this Company maintains a regular direct service between Calcutta Strait*. Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo, on tbroogb Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow Amoy, Cbefos, Tientain Vewcbwang, Yangtaae Ports. Formoaa. tbe Philippines, etc., etc. StMmtrs Toes Commander Kii-»n.'
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    • 570 17 STEAMER 3AILIN6B. APCAR LINE. OF BTEAMERB The aadanaeattoaed mail ■teamen at the above Line maintaia a regalar servioe be tween Calcutta aod Japaa, ceiling at Penang, Siagapore, Hongkong aad Shanghai on route FLEET Tons Commaader "JaW 6,018 A. SrawAßT Obsoobt Aroaa 4,600 8. H. Biuon Abbatooh Aroaa 4^oo C. F.
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    • 340 17 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED FOR PoKT SWBTTBNUAM \\H PBNANO. The Company Turbine steamer LA VIA. 9,108 tons, will leavr tbe Singapore Koad* for tbe above ports every Wednesday, at 4 p.m., arriving at Port Swcttenbam in time to connect witb the 8.80 am. train to
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    • 351 17 I \ll SI \l)\ I kIISI Ml MS. New Grocers' PROVISION STORE. 6g. Orchard Road, i(>y, OPPOSITE OX LEV ROAD. All kinds of tinned provisions and Household Store* always in Stock. MontliU m i (iunt> allowed. SEHN4 MOHIMED KASSIM. 84 BINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. NOTICE. i Ladies attending the Rsouh ob
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 919 18 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING (fnJtr S B- A HuU* <■/ lUieings, WiU be bald on Tuesday, May 0, Thursday. May 11. ud Saiarday, May 18. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. fur tday. May 9. 1. THE OPENING BTAKEB- Value t6OO. A Handicap (or Homes that have nivi r won
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    • 498 18 o'otook p.m. on Thursday, 11th May, at the Rsmm Couph. ln*llrao**th**dv*PtiHdS«oond prixe will only rxi given wKsn trisr* ars flvs Starters, tha property of different owners. NOTE: Th* at tent ion of owners is called to Ruls SB, which makes the hour for Scratching 5 p.m. on t he DAY
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    • 376 18 TAN CHENG SIANG, CHOP BIONG LIM SAW MILL Timber Merchant* A General Contractor*. Always have a large stock of timber asd plank* of the beet quality. Reemk, Kapor, Seraya, Meranti. Poooab, Dae Ballao, Ballow, Cbsnghai, etc. Orders receive our prompt and earetal attention. MILL (iFKICE, TOWN OFFICE, 2*B, Syed Alwi
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    • 164 18 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (NEAR ENTRANCE to BORNEO WHARF Telephone IOM. USea stocks of all kind* of FROZEN MEATS, etc., can be delivered tc Shippiasj at the Wharves, or is the Singapore Roads, on short notice. OFFICE HOURS Week day* 7 a.m to 6 p.m. Sunday* T a.m to
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    • 282 18 The Dispensary, Ltd. CHEMISTS, PHARMACISTS AND OPTICIANS. FOR ALL KINDS OF Patent Medicines. j^OjjjpfiKjfWpL Toilet Ucquisitcv Perfumery. V Medicated Wines. surfkal Instruments. jVV^K Chemical and Sclentlfk Apparatus fct^••! Medical. Surgical and Sanitary Appliance* Medicine ChcsU. •PCCIAL »TTISTIOS tIVU TO THE EQ«mKST Of ESTAH MOsrtTUS AM MSKItAtICS This is a branch
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  • 153 19 FIXTURES. Saturday, April 8. High Watnr, 4 1 > a iv., 8.1 p m Hamilton's Circun. 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Sunday, April o. High Watt.r. I 11 a.m.. Ml p.m. N.I) L. homeward mail doe. Monday. April io High Wat. r. ;SHim, 9 31 p.m. Hamilton
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  • 202 19 Tv DAT. l>. 'i »nd Anahan lianee m Peoanu and Calcutta A \pcar Bpm Batu I'ahat Hong Wan 8 pm Antuiba and Natuna Is and I'm.a in*»t Flevo 3 pm liillit n and HaUvi.i 0.0 M |.r Bpm llongkali*. T. Tinggi. Siak and I'akan V. Hogendorp 3
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  • 113 19 Tin Imp. Ciermaa mail steamer Luetiow having left Hongkong on the '<th instant at noon, may be expected to arrive here on Sunday Mm 9th instant, at 10 a.m. Sue will probably be despatched for Europe •a M odsy. st noon. ■I VPoKI U U«r M. M
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  • 438 19 Latest Arrivals. Arratoon Aprar, Brit. >tr. 2931 tons. Capt Hudnon, April 7 From Hongkong, April 1 (ie and 1701 d.p Patemon Simons a Co. Kor (.'alcutte, April 8. Wharf Aing Thye. Dut. sir. 90 MM, Nacodab, April 7. Krom Indragiri. April 6. (ic. anil 'md .p. Cbooa.
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  • 101 19 Vessels at Tanjong Pagar and Keppel Harbour. Wharvea at which Vessel* are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAOAR. Ea*t W'ii,i:i Ba*in— Manila. Kast W. Ssition No. I— Oranje. Kaltala. Shbbb.l Whakk KuanUn Maim W. Bbct. No. 3— Cbina. Perak •—Nil. «-N'l 6— Valdura. liendoran. 6 N'oi ntung. Kaxembe. Laooon Dock 7—
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  • 489 19 Arrivals. li r ateamtr I 'red ace. April 7 Frcm Bangkok I Capt. Jobniion Per steamer A. A pear, April 7 r rom Hongkong Messrs. A. Harper S. Bell and s:aff Sirgt. Kor»ytb Per steamer I'erak. April B— Krom Telok Anson via ports: Meaars Cbamier, Sullivan. Kile.
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  • 329 19 GUN-RUNNING IN THE GULF. Indian Government's Preparation For Vigorous Repression. Tin- A'lt.icsU- i if India March HI ntaU-« that the public will learn with iviry Mha> faitiMU tint buth tht liritish BM Indian (fovirniii' lit- arr detcruiined to lay heavy toll i»n the gun runnent on Uie IVrMan (iiilf cuaot.
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  • 212 19 Bequests of Sir John Aird. the Famous Engineer. The will with two codicil* of Uie late Sir .lolm Ami. tin famous engineer and ion tractor for Uie Nile Dmm. ha* been paasialßsV ally proved at ALMMao The tmUtor be«|uestliM to each of his sons an inumtliaU' legacy uf
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  • 244 19 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SIMOAPOBB, AI'SIL 8. 1911. O« Lohdok Bask 4 m/s 1/4,', Demand 3/4' Prirate6n/B 1/4 r do "m/s 3/4 ,j On Gbbmakt Bank d/d 3SU Private 8 m/i 348 On Fbamcb— Bank d/d 396 Private 8 m/s 299 On India Bank T. T. 174 PriTate 80d/a 176, On
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    • 179 19 lana !2 10 10 Bel»t Tin 10 10 B ruing 10 10 Brimeh Hyd 10 10 Kinaboi SI 41 KinUTin 11 41 Kledaog Tin 10 10 Kautu Tin 11 41 L»b«» Mine* 10 10 Milan* Tin 6 I'thing C'ocaol tl £1 Penßtulen 11 41 I'o»idk B*bni II 41 I'ucudji
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    • 603 19 Imob 3 Yalo* Bayer. Seller*. 2/- AU««mr 47, •> if. 2/ An«lo Malay 129 U.l| 3/- 2/- Baton* MaUka I-> 8/--11 XI Bata Caves 15 0.0 16.0.0 XI XI Bato Tigm US4 6 0.0 XI XI Bukit Kaj*n« 2.14.0 8.16 o XI XI BakitLiotanff 4.1 M 6.0.0 XI 16/-
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    • 122 19 I«oe 3 Value Bayer*. 10 10 Wmktn Smeltu* 10 T M V 6 41 41 Bleetrio Tramway* 8/8 10 10 Fraaer Neare 89 00 100 Howarth Knkinc 100 7% Prat 100 100 Kate Bra. Drf. 100 100 8% Com. Prat 10 10 Mayurd Co. 30 00 Sellon oom. 10.00
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    • 49 19 DEBENTURES Buyers Sellers Howarth Brskine 6% 1600,000 par Riley, Uargreaves 6% 1384,000 3i Hpm Singapore Electric Tramways S% 4860,000 Spore Municipal 6% $1,878 000 nom. Buyers Hellers Spore Municipal 4)% of 1907 11.600.C00 7%pa S pore Momcipal H% of 1909 11,000.000 7% 6%pat S pore Municipal 4% 1603,900 T%pm
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 47 19 Ki-oben Watorehalk, oar milkman. I < a model of that ilk O.tlitK hia oowa in rug* does Knibrn, rain might apoil tbe milk I 000- be waaa't half so hoeest. And the milk was (sr from pare II i atlribotea his conversion All to Wools Oreat Peppermint Cure
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    • 248 19 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. April h At Ploseardea, No. 19, Naasim Road, teak household furniture, property of A. Oeatle. Esq.. at 3. April 11— At saleroom, building allotment situate st Tanjong Kbo. etc., at 3.8 P. April 15— At 9, st. Thomas Walk, boose bold furniture, etc.. property of
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    • 281 19 runabloat BOlltOll ROlltfe I JOHN LITTLE 3 Felucca /f rciutta z/ mo en AMD CO LTD. ■->»«»— a«.«wtto.l-P rmu w an isaaaskai Sf «:i Mssa at tw aaaa ••tanrf TsrUak Tuaarii saaar Itai nSlrlni Is Cawa> svamibi 1 1 Insl «f si Bta*atss»T as Justus Van frlaurik's (Bigars. SELDOM EQUALLED.
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    • 143 19 HIGH-CLASS Telephone Mo. 819. UNDERTAKING. PHno— B>tP— t. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY B*«a to inform the public that tbe kind patronage accorded him during the paaa years, baa made it neoesaary for him to aoquire snothar n«w Rubbartypeid Hosipo*. which surpasses all others in the Straits. Mr. DoJoy
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 188 19 WEATHER REPORT. Kandaog Kerbau Hospital. April 7. 9 a.m. 8 m |M Rainfall Bared. 83 Fab. 39.861 39.H0S 19.900 Temp 88.0 88.0 78.8 0 lSia Wet Bulb Tber 79.0 7h 0 76.» Dir. of Wind calm calm N.B. Max Temp. 89.3 Mm i 78.0 Max. in Sun 138.5 Te rad.
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  • 993 20 The Straits Times. SATURDAY. APRIL 8. TALK ABOUT TARIFFS. The world ha* been indulging in much talk about tariffs lately. England and Japan liave pastil through a Aery ordeal ami have emerged, an usual, with the Japanese Hcatlie lens, ami Uie lintish en<leavourinK to coonoie tliemaelvea with the thought that
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  • 13 20 The quarantine restrictions against mein on account of plague liave been withdrawn.
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  • 21 20 Messrs. Situe Darby and Company. Ltd.. inform us that Uie March outturn of the Middleton Tin Mines, Limited, was *H |>r-ulm.
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  • 23 20 Sentence of three months imprisonment was ill on Uie pickpocket who was arrested in the crowd at Hanuston's in us on Saturday night.
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  • 19 20 It is notified tliat H. Liddicoat, European Supervisor, Preventive Service, Government Monopolies Singapore, has been dismissed the Government service.
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  • 24 20 The (teruian steamer Kiel, homeward bound from Java, on entering Uie docks at Marseilles, collided with one of Uie quays and sustained serious damage.
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  • 29 20 The Ladies Sewing Party of the Preaby terian Church will meet on Tuesday next at 4.30 p.m.. at The Manse, Cavenagh Koad. Uie row lr nee of Mrs. Kunciman.
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  • 34 20 During the carrying oat of alteration-, to the quartern of Mr. K. Haaitach in Kort Canning Koad. that gentleman ha* Rone into the holme formerly occupied by Archdeacon laard. at 8 Fort Canning Koad.
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  • 41 20 HaniiHton s circus is still «oiny -1...11The second niHtiii.s will he held this afU-r noon, while to uiyht Uw ih a complete cliange of pn^ramiiie -a real <-liaii|{.', iv the sense tliat the majority .n' til. turn- will be entirely new.
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  • 53 20 The Kaliman Tin Conipany'H output for March wta 1 1'.' picula. makitig foi thus months I.IHK piculs. against 2.1W1 and UM pi. ils iii tl responding ri."l- of the |ireceding year*. The Kaiiiiia.i ilydraiihe C.itii|»aiiY s niitput ws»s :i.'.n pu v.-i. t.n MMM inontlis |.:i:«i piculs. against I.4'si. W«l and
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  • 68 20 The i-harge brought againnt Mr Archibald Ooiiglas, firnt mat)- of Uie steam, i Itannoek burn. of slwoting two Chini«e seamen —after Uie vesnel liail liw-n buaeh.'<l m <"lis.siii.iii. of a collision in the Channel wax dmmiamd at Dover on March 11. but the < liairman »-h I-..1 the defendant to
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  • 71 20 The new pala<e at Kan near I'etclui bun. the erection of which was coiniiiein-t-d by His bite Majesty the King of Siam. is rapidly approaching i-.iinpl.tiou. tin- only nu portant part to be yet built being tin- "loftyowner dome. A great deal of marble has been used in Uie
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  • 74 20 A iiUKltie series of animated pictures is la iul screened at Uie U ham bra cinematograph when Uie AmmaU-d Gazette pictures are now in the twenty ninth edition Tin tihnin. hide views of the fatal tire at Southwark. the farewell at Southampton to Ih. lanti Guards as Uiey leave for
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  • 98 20 .-•in the German Consul, al liangkuk in which Ah I'oli \js.\ S.-ng. Kirn Sn-w. Ah ll, ik. and (Inn Ann -v.-d the N..rd.l. ilUcher Lloyd orient liv. lynnjLlo, 4na*apM alagnlta liave been busItJnjnJ hv plamtitt- M the i. -ult of a clli ■nan th. Oka Wag and plaumtt ti'i.ttuii. h
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  • 121 20 The >)ianghai Time- i- informed Uiat a .Inati is coiiiiii. ncinu ..|sratn.n- in China, and is hoping to make loans. The syndicate is composed of the London City and Midland Bank, which it will be remciii hasnl rliMfe-d the liircliall loan of th. Bani|uid llutreiiner of tin K t-u ru
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  • 107 20 couipany has just dccii f.>rm«d at dam. under tin title of the Indian 1.1. .yd. with a capital (4 •*****00, for tin nniii tenaaoeof a regular service b.t»vn Holland. British India, and tin l>>th In I this |nu|>~ the follow ing steal! bi«-u bought from Me~«rs. Kurness. Withy .ml
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  • 134 20 Hi. Mil i\ 84 ties i .Hide, h.iv. ls*-n nuvle happy with a new set of pension rules, which allow of Ih. ii being r> tir.-l on ii-iun after only ftfu-en years servi.t without the neces sary meilical certificate, aad irrespM-tive of Uu-'ir age. says Uie Perak I'ioue.r. Tin- usual
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  • 149 20 A home yoked U> a trap— Uie properly of a local horse nsjaaMaarj t. -.k. flight and Uilltsl without its driver this morning in thoroughfar*- by the riverside betweeu the 1 1. eminent building and North llridge Koad. It danlied down by the treasury into Uie road by Cavanagh
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  • 148 20 Xeasrs. fain! awl Co., of (irwuork. on March 14. lauiuhul Urn twin-screw mail anal |«MH'UK<r xtuamer Mt«lina for tlw I*, and O. Company Her iliiu.-uxionx art- Lt.n|(tli, 570 ft beam. 6.1 ft. depth. 4" ft. gross Umna^f. UVM ft. Tin- Mnlina is fltUol throughout with a cellular. double bottom fur
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  • 315 20 . l>i T. Murray li.4.-rtmo t». U nj|wr»ril> CorolMT (<>r Sini;»|»'ri Mi H \in.ent II l>..wu ..f Mananjnaj lias b.xn eli*cted a member of tin- Itoyal f \rt». Mi I Miiart is h|>|«.imi<-.I h iiii'IiiIm i >( tlx l..«i.| <.f MMatOtm, W hIiiuh ami OrphaiW IVunioiis IkIiuaiui m.
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  • 110 20 Tin- annual n-|«.rt f..r l'.'ln. -übuutu-il at tin- uniting of th. N.r1.1. uts. hhel.l in Bremen on Mar. ti 11. sliow> iuii. as. in both pa-Mngi i .in- 1 traffic iluring llie |»-t >..• am. Mint. -I to :lM.160.(««l mark-, an marks in I9UB
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  • 121 20 Mauled by a Tiger. Vn ,nl ,t. id. nl ha»hap|a i i. I'ii Kiw.s. in ekargi oi th distti.t the Bontbay Bartnah Tradug .i|>.r.iti..u 1.t.l s..\s the li.tii^' Taata ..f i three u..ks M, HMkikon h■■ mt Mi Klw. lit out o*l a stkootina > \|»-.htn.n t<i tin
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  • 174 20 It is ii. .ti11, .1 Unit „n account ..f U nali. 'ii. the general arrangemeutx of tin Kub la i Kxhibitioii haveliadk>be slightly Ills ml. but that th. alterations are to the advauUgc of Mm \hibitors and otln n. ■n. f n. -I i in S>.
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  • 206 20 The woman who. at report««l mt-nlly. wt Are to her room in a ltouw iv Am al tli> prompting of her flanaaaj husband spirit w»s brought la-fore Mi Kobinxon, Uiinl magiHtrate. yuttenlay aftrrnom. for the Bsa hiiiinarv in.|iiir\ on a charge of at tempi. -.1 hum
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 319 20 Try change of Whliky to iVIACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Parlianwnt Blond. *J U MAC6HEGOB, CALDBECK ft C 0, f Condon and Olaagow. EsTtBLIBHtI) 18M. tni housi or connoss m.I 1.. th« iiousts or riitmir cimui CALDBECK, MACGREBOR A CO.. ■ol* A^entt. LITTLE'S Cash Clearance RUBBER FACTORIES DRYING SHEDS SUCTION GAS PLANTS ENGINEERING
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    • 202 20 EXCELSIOR PROGRAMME ALHAMBRA Unique Series. TO-NIGHT! TO-NI6HT!! •2nd Show. 9JtO to 11 p.m. 1. MBIML f*uH MkAvAW A Bft> afsCM I *MMhCL A4I ;t TtTt wmti mmn m mnntn (■*> n i. -nt Film I. 4, MVM Urn MUaTM. s.A.P.r. LenitUi uf .V Kilm about I. KM) feet. 0 Wt*
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    • 16 20 LaU-st advcrtiitciucntK of the day appeal 1 on pane I and T as well as 10.
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  • 158 21 A THOUSAND PASSENGERS IN DANGER. Fear of Using the Life-Saving Lines. lUtra'i Tkls.ikah. London. April n v Hrn Vast telegram says Uie North German l.loyd IVinxewt Irene w asliorc on Kirn Islantl. >h. ha» a Uionsand paweng<iT» on board and the situation is s> nous. Later. Ihi
    158 words
  • 181 21 Anglo- Japanese Tariffs. ARE THE CONCESSIONS MADE FARCICAL Strange Provision For Tariff Reform. lliiiii'h Tiiuiim. I.oniloj. April 7. I ilitiid i.-<i-ption to h joMin il- BMMBBsrj bat the Standard ami tht i as I'h. lii:i-« "ajMii lliem as fairly satia. -tin .h-uip|»araii(. ot the romentioiis is ,111 outward aign
    181 words
  • 98 21 BANQLETS AND SPEECHES AT ROME. Fidelity to The Triple Alliance. lisa <»STAs|Atls< HK I.Lovl> TrLKIiKAH. Iterhn. April 7. The Uianta exchangeil in connectioa with th.- i mw!i Prim, s visit to Home empluvtim.' relations between (tenuany and Italy, and the |x a< eful policy of the Triple
    98 words
  • 57 21 German Scheme of Equalisation. DmOMMMbM Lloyd Tklkukah. Berlin. April 7. it- 1 1. virument. and a ma JO nty of the lieirhstat' CoiiimiHniiin agree on i -non of inakinp a hundred dollars ssjal a taeU. Mi. KiiehuselM is of opinion tlist the Iteiehstag will |iass the
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  • 47 21 Dbs OHbWMMI L.lovi> Tilbiikah. P.<-rlm. April 7. Petersburg letter in n Vienna politi i-al p»|s-' says thai Itusaia ban made no plans f.jr military measure* in I Inn., in the event of tier ilt-maml* not being fully complied with. SJk- will cumplaiu at I'ekiug.
    47 words
  • 117 21 . (Fbok Ocb Own CoßßßsroXDßirr.) Ixwdon. April 7. Tlie rubber market is somewhat unsteady and price* are variable, fine sheet being quot i-d about A i. No clearly .k-hnul tendency can be ooserv isl. but Uie prolatbility appeant to be Uiat beat qualities will fluctuate round about A
    117 words
  • 65 21 . Fkom On Own .iiu».m-.imiim i Kuala Lumpur. April 7. I in- .i.lvauce statement of F. M. S. tin \|>.it- hi tin- firs* three month- of tinyear furnishes the following tigrres .I'erak U ">.lH6 pieiils. Selangor ">».» i9 picula, Nogri Sembilan 6.H.11 picula, decreases of 4.9U4.
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  • 457 21 . Programme of the Festivities in Singapore. It will be seen from an advertisement appearing in another column that the coro nation couiniitu-e has pre|iaretl its scheme of I. hratioiis for Sinua|«>rc. Thursday. I i:n 11. will lie a public holula;' and opi ns wiUi a nvn w of
    457 words
  • 80 21 . Kembau Panjang. 700 Ib. Aver Kilning •"•60 Ib. Ki>ta Tin^i i.lohore' Rubber Co. I. Km Ib. IVlcpah Valley i.lohorei Kubber KstaU-s »VHI lb. Kamuning il'eraki Rubber and Tin i'o.— Rubber U.4r>3 lb.. net revenue from tin mining 16.2H? and the totala (or Uie first nine months of
    80 words
  • 126 21 l^.n. lon telegraphic advices to Colombo announc*' the following rubber dividenda Hikain Cubber KsUte. Limitod. H per cent. Tlie pnm|K«-tUH estimate (or this I'erak Com pany's first year |10UM was 81.4OI) lbs. of rultbor. n«lising s profit, at 4s. per Ib.. of i>..'.'Hii Hi. llukit Kajah Kubber Company
    126 words
  • 55 21 l.ieiiu tiant 11. A. Thowlea. The Huffs, has been |wsted to the 2nd battalion, on restora lion to tlie establishment Second I.v ute limit .IB Sharp lias been posted to Uie '2nd battalion, on first appointment from the Koyal Military College. Sandhurst, but lie will d<> .luty with tin Ist
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  • 1041 21 A FURTHER RESTRICTION OF ACTIVITY. Period of Quiet Baying. The Lon<lon and China Express, of March 17, has the following report on the rubber industry The market for I'ara lias been very dull, with little business passing. Hard Fine on the spot is i|UoU-d 6s. jd. value
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  • 111 21 There ia a rumour, which has some show of probability, that Dean Gregory's nucoea sor at St. Haul's Cathedral will be the present Hwhop of Kensington. Dr. Kidgewsy. It will be a curious coincidence if the Dean. pries of Westminster and st Paul's are both given to ex Bishops, almost
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  • 1297 21 SIR R. POLE-CAREW'S SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT. Military Officers Maiden Effort. Tin 1 mail brings an extended report of the debate in the House of Commons on the Army lalimiUi during which, it will be remembered. Sir K. Pole Carcw made some reference* to Sir Ian Hamilton's book and
    1,297 words
  • 603 21 Rubber Industry Affects the Local Labour Supply. Tlic i.|«.ii by tin i .-Initial Knginvrr -n the I'vil.h. Works DMrtMNl in MM i- priuU-1 an a supplement Ui the StrHiU Settlements liovernmetit (tn/ett* This shous that the total e\|»-nditure uixier all Iniwls of lim, in <*• h Settlement
    603 words
  • 334 21 A Private Person's Power to Effect Arrests. On a recent morning s pullcrl.—- ink-ha. gaaerously staintil with fn-.h blood, who found on a lonely nnul in kandan Kcrbau district. Whoever found it took it U> the |.«-al police >Uli«u. wln n it woo I«v«iiiitin- centre uf
    334 words
  • 732 21 ARCHER-SHEE CASE. 9 COMMON S DEBATE ON ADMIRALTY BLUNDER. Father's Claim for Wreck of Son s Career. Rai-TBBK TbLBOBAH. l-.n.1.m April 7 Oiscussion ha* be«-n revm-d m tin Vr. In i Shoe case which, it will be remembered, con i-erned the dismissal of a naval cailet on a cliargeof tlnft.
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  • 24 21 K«l T«K s TILBOBAH 111 H. ■i.inutu*- lias hi-cu a|>|«>inU-l si 'onsider the financial relations between Ir. Lan I and Great Kritain.
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  • 25 21 Dbb Ostasi.ti* m Lloti> Tiuoui IU-rlin. April 7 i aptam lismeyer lias been apfnunUsl chief of the German Cruiser Fits t staff
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  • 29 21 Da> Ostasiatiscib Luitd Tkliukak. rhrhn. April 7 l»i« uiiienU have been stolen from Uie Foreign OnVi at Cans Tiny do not cuaomra qaestioaa of (liiiiubii |mlli
    29 words
  • 32 21 D«« (Htauatucbi I.Lori. nMsWI IWrlin. April 7. KrarH-c. wiUi Uu- ap|>r.>val of Spain, is in quiring whether tlie Power* favour intorven tion on behalf of tin Sultan sfasW Hand
    32 words

    • 44 22 In the Walk, i trophy fthootinu rompeti tioii for Mar. li. Mm IVuang ladicii acored IHO. \n UaasintßM (,~,tl>all wan played r,n ili, s I: C. aawasaV saasnvaaji bi'tw<«n I. .in.l an i'lr\. n fiom the Hie home team won
      44 words
    • 31 22 S. C. C. I ournnment. Th. fi.llowmi; in ,n Mas s. (X (...lawn U mils, nl was tiuish.'.l on tl I \i mun b.-at Tlm-lfall M 7 .V
      31 words
    • 94 22 Ru K r>> I rillh I'l.m 'I "ii 1 1 n i iM-lw<«-n ;i t. mi from i ,1 in. 'In i fi..iu II M I Mouinoiith. wlii.h is expected to arrivi- ill I < Mmbj «,H be th.' fnUoww« full hi, U. t W. r. van (.'uylvnburg Uin
      94 words
  • 206 22 KING EDWARD MEMORIAL FUND. List of I u n her Subscriptions Received. II.. II .u Tita-ur. i ..f ill. Dm K.Uar.1 II Mi ,11.1! Knn.1 i MlUUi nit lial .1 mi tin i MbMripMM I |.i.Mcm»ly ■ckaowledRed IHJW.W Vlnn~.ii (ultillaii an.l Lul Mi I in; i ;li MLM Low c
    206 words
  • 133 22 In the Madras 1(^1, Court, b.f.. ri Mr. Jsbv sad Mi Jbbbbm \t»lul lUliim. aWiaaj Ism .ours.- of an bhmbbM, Mm I'uhln Mi K Naajsar, mU tliat ska ■Bgßjestioii- fiom Mr JsjstsM Mimro about ■ibilitj of Hi. lack s(aaMk raaai Koing ■lusMeni Mamli M wtw it I l« all right
    133 words
  • CorrcaponDcncc.
    • 81 22 To th.' Editor of the Strait* Time*. afu-r Sunday, European*, Tamils. Malay* and Chinenc, prcHUuiably all 'inployt-H cf the Muniiipality. are to be »oen working aloun I pixr S,ranm«.u Roail on tbe laying of pipe*, la Uiik work so Tery, very iuiitortaut that our CommitMioneni ahould 1.-pm th.-s-
      81 words
  • 387 22 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday, April O, 1911.) P»L\« Sr\m\. 7 a.m.— Matihs. Kimt Ix-rnoo K\,«liis I\. i,| Uww S. Malt. \X VI. llviiin SW. 7.4."i Holy L'ovmcmok iCiiobali. Adbuu. s.T\i..f Simper. Hymn at Offertory M Mvuiii at C'on.iuunion. MtM. Mmiih :tt Mmmk -is .ML I r.M rsi
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  • 181 22 Mfwrn. diaries It* njanun and Co. kindly favour uh with ilu- Luuilou |h iooh they have ■Msjaii tin- morning Quotations. MinoLl MiDDLI Pairs*. Pairs*. Allagam *> I^ana<lronNp.p.X3.lA.i)p. An K l<i Malay* 2:1 Ledburys 62 -i Anglo Java* 7 6 LinggiK SO 9
    181 words
  • 84 22 . A in from IV-king t<> tin- Hongkong Ti'U'Krapli says:— The I'rittidrnl o? the NaUoual Anwiiibly liaw advised Uie aenatorx not to mb-rfrn- in fi«vinn diplomatic i\ue* tioa*. He ankod them to submit their opinion* <>r nuggeatioDn to the (irand Conn cillont for i .ii-i.l. ration, and
    84 words
  • 1098 22 Prices Quoted in tbe Market This Morning. Singapore, April n, 1911. Messrs. Lyail and Evatt. Exchatme and Share Broken, issue the following bat of quotation* this morning Norn. Value. Buyera. seller*. 3/- Allagar *"I 51! 8/. Option* 1/10 8/XI Anglo Jara 7/8 Ml 1 Anglo Johore 0/8
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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    • 16 22 r'or al! internal complaint*. Dysentery. OMaaJha, l 'Ms. etc.. take Woods' (treat IV i>i« nuiul Cure.
      16 words
    • 300 22 E. 40. HOTEL PENINB The best and tbe most treqoented Hott 1 iv tbe Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Straits, ABB TUB BBAUCMS Of RAFFLES HOTEL, Sinftaporw. SABKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors. U2780 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS LiOIES LAWN TENNIS CLUB SUBSCRIPTION DANCE. To be held at Th* Tanglln Club,
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    • 535 22 Raffles Hi; Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER To-Night. By kind permission of Major Geddes and Officers, the Band of the Buffs will play during Dinner and afterwards oa the Lawn. HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS AND ROYAL MENAGERIE Of PERFORMING IILD AIIMALS. TO-NIGHT! TO-HIGHT!! CUR FIRST GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Mew Artist as. Nsw
      535 words
    • 115 22 Jumt Received MUSIC OF ALL THE Operas NOW BEING PLAYED BY THE BANDMANN OPERA CO. S. Moutrie AND COMPANY 6RANITE. The undersigned are prepared to entet into contracts tor the supply of Oranits crushed aad soroeoed to any si see FMBER GUMMING. •S. Wiaebeatnr Hooas. VOLUNTEER CLUB. A Subscription Dance,
      115 words

  • 2077 23 U\ It. K. ttVuK iv Th> Wi.rii. AiiUmin stooil hy the window in Uic corrulor and watch**! his fellow clerks trooping down the star, on their way home aft*r their day s work. He looked at hix waV.-h: it said two to the half hour, and
    2,077 words
  • 204 23 At CainU-rlcy. the ileatii Uok place of t HI. .lohn I'ennvciiick, the well-known Imlia i-ugim-eiing expert, and last prcxidcut of tiie Itoyal Indian Kngine<-nug('ollegeon('o.i|i<'r hill. The late Colonel. «H.i wax 70 \.ars of age, served in the AbysHinian campaign of lMfi". and wax mentioned in disfiatchcH.
    204 words
  • 1185 23 HOW BIRDS ARE OBTAINED IN INDIA. laterestiag Interview. Those who admire the beautiful bird* in m zoo have perhaps only a distant notion of the means by which thine feathery deninen* uf tin forest* are obtained for tin- collection. Few can realize that a single Rroup
    1,185 words
  • 2188 23 COSTLY INDIAN AND ENGLISH STONES. Hie Stars of Africa. 'Dump who study their paper* carefully will perhaps have noticed an inconspicuous reference to the British Kegalia. It wan simply mentioned that their official keeper* and protector* were already taking thought for the ncoeaaary transport of the
    2,188 words
  • 204 23 . Although in some caws nervous bn«kdown xeems to come without warning, a very bolt from the blue, it is only because Uie premoni tions were mi obarure ax to be unrerogniHable by any save a doctor. Very fr»|ueull\ however iHayx tlie r'amily IVx-ti>ri. tIH-n- are forewarning^
    204 words
  • 930 23 Vs. it i« tin thin t n.l ..f tin *...|_-r Malr i^oi-u. may hut I warn lli. m that tin' harem t;.>wn fraught will sitfmricanre. They may try to lau^h it ..ft. but women are;. Thc\ <l.i l» ridiculous if it please* tlit-m 1 lint
    930 words
  • 164 23 Long- Lost Masonic Regalia Ketxntlv Mi I M Dougall. Ulaxgow. hax bisn in I'iins hniiuii^ for iinous and antu|iies fm ihe otush Nnliomtl K\hibi lion, and in the course of hi exploi.-d th. v.tilts of th. lown Hill, and Inn In came l| k with the dust ,if \e«is .lust
    164 words

  • 1331 24 THE FIFTH ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. Dixidend Expected This Year. ■I: -,idiuai> i;.li. Ml 1 BMJ ol the ICnl.l. 1 oiii|iany waM held on I ...ilkok. »hen Mi t. llhol/ pi.51.1.-l Th. MMI pi.sclll«.lc Mr, J. ltoc.k. apt h OMmmm> 1 <it sxhoiiiiiL < 'apt I .-s. .ipt
    1,331 words
  • 586 24 List of New Books Now Ready for Issue. Tin follow in_ n.w U.k- .11. n.w i...1\ at tin liatti.-s l.ilnaiy l.i. Kvelyn. The 155.11. „t Lift > KIT.* \n.|o -ix. Ma.- 1. vi. Main t lair. H lo.Tfti iieniitt. Arnold. The Card H 10.761 Idea. Kiev 11-1.1... 1.,
    586 words
  • 677 24 IVORY AND THE IVORY TRADE. Curious Facts About the Elephantine Tusker. In a pa|<ei i.-wl before tlie Hiinteriau Mr. J. Bland SutUin. r. a. < s., K ave some inU-n-Htinu fact*, re^arilinn ivory ami lh. ivory trade. The tusks of the elepliant an the |H-rinanent upper ineiHor us-th. and an-
    677 words
  • 390 24 Growing Demand for Pipes lo United Slates. I Ik |>ii. 1 of in.-. i~ haul", which some four years ay.i him 40 pel cent still remains high, but import* is of tin article deny that any scarcity exists. Tin lu^h price is dvi the\ say. Ui
    390 words
  • 112 24 Ihe late l.oid Wolverluuupton once >om plaininl about the perpetual worry which is added to the careH of he.uls of dcpartmcntM )>y th. bail handwriting prt-valont in ofheial life. Me illuntratod thin by a ludicrous incident that liappened when the House .>f Ix»rds waX sittine in ommitUi- on the Kcfanu
    112 words
  • 556 24 Business Nei Explain Why the Too Conscientious Fall. U i! pMttibU' to b. i'>i < ni*4 Minions in bafUMM life f Should a bimm-^s nun or woman work all nut i \<rv day. should a littU bit b.- 111 hand for tin grWi Uiat iiniHt coiup
    556 words
  • 630 24 4 Thousand Acres of Rubber Expected by September. Hi. MM*] ii..-. tin- tli. M.-ugkiliol i-ntntl .loliore Itnbbci Cntnpanv l.iuiiU-d. was held on March Hat tin legist.,. -d .rfhces. Kinsbtirv Hoiis. Ith. mh. 1.1 MMBt, h Hi Xrthiii .1 Kki t\ presiding Tli<- Cliairiintn said Tlii- meeting. you
    630 words
  • 673 24 Notable Example of Engineering Skill. II w Mrifi MmM) lndi.111 -tame now stands w Uli MM MM on a hmli Mult uvrrlutkiuK tin llmli Kivri turn Oretpm. III.. fWUafai mil.-. ihI. In I.., in. -il.nt ■liltnity tin ma»siM form 1..11- ts.lf boldly .i_.tlll-t tin skylltl. hi allll.-sl
    673 words
  • 231 24 A Kus-i.iu journal i;iv<-s the following oll.stn.n ol iiiarriau. BMMMMM typical of different nationaliti.-s A Itussian Natasha, my httl. d..\. of my s.Mll. I love you with mv whol. l.e.ut with in whol. bi-int; I law you madl\ I will love you unto death, and
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  • 165 24 The Ankle Skirt. Mi Man y Kinums liax eiiU-ie.l tin lists in defence of tin ankle skin. Hi 1 it- The Times asking Is it 100 laU- tv siiki;.-.! that one or more of our fashionable |mKrait (winters Hhoiild paint BMM tin ir fair ami MMMMMi MM in tin liMieiu
    165 words
  • 85 24 Ih. l.truHt- of Kuro|» ...>.p\ an area of TMUMMOO aenw. about HI por'cent. of the total land ar. of Ute continent. The mont woodeil country is Finland, follow .-1 by lt.».nia and iier/.e»;ovma and KwaMßi tli.' Last MaMMMNI an Portugal and ' Britain. Tlh- proportion of forest area <te creaaox
    85 words
  • 892 24 I following passtngfi- .11, b.- k.^l holm wai I I 1 I 0k BMMM, MMM Xpul I.' Ml I I 1. 1.-. ..In Id. Ml II I: I Mr M,.b. Mis- II. ■linings. Mis (.>id.,..!t Mm W, Dank and infant Mi tad M Shai|- MMKk and Ml
    892 words
  • 191 24 In tin Ml MMM and v. 1 y ii,i)>.i Unit de|wrtm-ul of athletics win. h'now MMM place 111 tin ciiii u -it 1 11 111 ..f <\. iv>J tlie 1-. 1 oines from undue MMMM on the |«rt of iiiimatinc and und. |..|»<l \ollth. liiy>ulh th.-re
    191 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 283 25 BRIDGE'S RUBBER MACHINERY. Washing, Creping and Macerating Machines. BLOCK PRESSES VACUUM DRIERS DA COSTA COAGULATOR. Stocks held in Kuala Lumpur. UNDERWOOD" Typewriter. THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY. Prim on Application. Spares Stocked. Repairs a Speciality. SOU: AOCNTJ Paterson, Simons Co. Ltd. MORTON, H:K~U !K)R>iK^ by v, ry b*t from
      283 words
    • 153 25 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Comfortable sinsle and double rooms, at Cambo House, 98, Hiver Valley Road. Tennin Court. 84 2» BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Comfortab'e room with bath room and Yeraadab attached, nesr town terms moderate. Apply V. H c,u StraiU Times I 188 I" —7 POARD AND REBIDENCE.
      153 words
    • 165 25 THB Empire LUMPUR. c/ KUcZ I FMS A Mow First -olaaa Hotel, p Fitted with Electric Li«ht and Fans. Fire minates from Railway Station. Overlookini; the I'ad»o«. Single and Kcnble Kedrooms, with Private Bathroom* attached. Coisine onder Baropean doperrision. Cold Storam) Supplies weekly from Singapore Hotel Porter meets all Mail
      165 words
    • 69 25 patronized JaBx3 Cbk'SH** by koy lty USEFUL PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding Qtfyer $ifts IS NOW ON VIEW AT De SILVA'S. Inspection Invited. B. P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller. n AND 63. HIGH STIIKKT CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE BRAND
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 438 26 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office: Winchester House. SINGAPORE. Board of Di*ooto**i O. A. Dbbbilk, Bag., Chairman. A. If Faib, Bwj Managing Director Pbtbh Fowlib, m.b., c.h., Chief Mod. Officer p-. M. Blliot, Bag. Rev. N. J. Oouvbbcb. Tow N«an Pah, Bsq. One Soob Tbb, Bag. Eaow
      438 words
    • 313 26 INSURANCE. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Of China. Head Office, 51a, Kiangse Rd., Shanghai. To Tiir Cni\r Ui m i.» m»\ or SiM.Aioi.i RE MEMBKR that it is the INEXPKCT Kl> that is always hsppeniag in all parts of the world The Home Life issues all sorts of policies to
      313 words
    • 534 26 BAWKJWQ. CHARTERED RANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Ptid op Capital in 80,000 Shares of JOO each X1.J00.000 Reserve Kund... tIfiODJOOO Reasrve LiabtUtf ot Proprietors... 41,*****0 BANKERS National Baak of Scotland. The London City a Midland Baak, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooants are opeaed and inter
      534 words
    • 659 26 BANKING. THC ill HAI TONS BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD. NO. 87 AND 58, KLINO BTRBBT. Estabßahrirt 1907. Capital paid ap 11,000,000.00 Reserve liability of propriesois 1 .000.000 00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Taa Tbcb Joom 8. Sin Eia Jam Sam Em Saao T. Tno Hoc Lai 8. Liao Cat*
      659 words
    • 828 26 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Cottage Piano, Turnout, Plants, etc. etc. The propery ot A. GENTLE. ESQ.. AT" PLISCARDBN, No 19, NA^SIM ROM' On Saturday, April 3, mt 2 p.m. An excellent toned COTTAGE PIANO B\ LoHEN<.KI\ in p-od condition carvt.l and poliabtd ovtrmanttls with
      828 words
    • 244 26 MORTGAGEE 8 SALE. LEASEHOLD LAND AND Hoi .IVLAN SULTAN At thing Keng Lt« k Co.'s Saleroom. On Mokday, AraiL 10, at '2.80 i I All that piece of leasehold l.^nd Mtuatt at Jalan Sultan. >iD«spon estimatl 1 contain an area of 1 429 Mnana 1, < I nai comprised in
      244 words

  • 1055 27 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Test tor Chauffeurs. km >'<» naturally lit to I* a cli»nffear Harvard Inivursity MM applinl tlic methods .if \|«'i niii'iiUl pKycholotty V< determining whether a man is thoroughly litbsl to follow this mmmmimm, tm which <ituiii natural 'i. iiis .it< indispensable.
    1,055 words
  • 39 27 The Kailway Maga/im- 1. tinu. Iy au n«unceH that thr London. Hri^hUM and Nou'li t'oant Kailway is about tv flcctrifv tinwiiol. of it* sy^t« in. 1 1 1 > i-inn 47'J inileHof line. The ncix-mc will U o.mpleted in 1910.
    39 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 229 27 The Cir tor Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY Tbc firm baa »ct itst.ll to proJooe acm o* ideal -js-tip,,]-,.--efficiency without the leant wcriftoe ot oomlort in *U P^rllCUiarS HocoriDß that effioiency. That the object ia view frnm thfl LaH been achieve.) will be rea<lily admitted by tbe tuou.rint who takes a
      229 words
    • 41 27 Better than a Piaster. For pains in th. siile or clMwt dampen a piecu uf flannel with (haiubcrlain'H Pain Ralm au<l biavl it on over tlic mat ol pain. There in nothiaa butter. For oale by all 1 inpeneviea and Dealers.
      41 words
    • 793 27 IDTI. J". IWATSTJBO, Dental Su reason NO atV BRAS BASAH ROAD. Treatateat an 1 Wcrkmaoahip froarantead to be of the Ilifflieat order. From April 1, the Deatal 11 .11. No. 1. Riffle*. Plaoe, will be oocipi. 1 by th* lar*oe*e Cootulaie. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klang,
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 827 28 JOHNSON'S ELEPHANT' Brand CEMENT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD WANTS. SHORTHAND 'YPIST WKNTED M .ntt.l a capable Shorthand Typist. Appiy I U c 0 Straits T 1 iii's. 1 a PRIVATE TUITION Nouiik lady with Teacher 's Certificate is prepartd to give private le*«ons in I'iano and gaarnl educational -übjectn. Terms
      827 words
    • 616 28 TO BE LET OR 80LD. OFFICES 70 LET At Oreabnm Hoote. Battery Road. Apply H. L COOHLAN A CO. 98* HOUBE TO LET. Cree Hall. Stevens Road, entry April 1. Apply to Fraser A Camming. Winchester House. 36 1 b GOOOWN TO BE LET Oodown No. 6. Nanson Road, extending
      616 words
    • 601 28 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FM SUE. Strong Australian Horse, Victoria and Harness. Apply W. O Henning* (W. Man* field A Co. Ltd.) 88 v FORBALE. A new motor boat, 40 HP., length 82' x r xr. Will carry 90 bags rice. Apply Oaggino MdCo. 8079 h n IRON SAFES. Suitable for
      601 words
    • 619 28 NOTICES'. KIAM KIAT ft CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. Telephone No. 421. 108 A 109. Market Street. THE KITUNG CO.. LTD. Large thipmenU of Chinese Sinkcb Cooiic* arriving wet kly. Orders promptly executed. For term* and particulars, apply to I'ATERSON, SIMONS A CO I>Tl>.. Ai.Tnts. 29 1 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tender* will be
      619 words
    • 477 28 NOTICES. NOTICE. It i- 1.. rcby notified MMbM Hfl Owners. Captain, or tin- undt-rsigm d wil! bt responsible for any debts or bills contract, i by the Crew of the British Bark Comet. >TANDAKI> oil. CO. OF NEW \i>KK Ontnia; I night l>ept 80.1 NOTICE. THE ROYAL JOHORE TIN
      477 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 241 28 Straits Isimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miseellane ous wants of every description are in*ert ed at the prepaid rate of II per four Unas for one or two insertions. Notice* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four linos, II each insert i a For p.p.o. card*, on page 6, lucn
      241 words