The Straits Times, 7 April 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.51 M SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. APRIL 7. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 224 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST I for all. Unequalled Jinywljere. MUSLIN m r|| |CC-c SILK LAWN DLUUOLO CHIFFON Entire Clearance of th« Existing LACE CAMBRIC Stock, to make room for CREPE DE NET. New Lots expected Shortly. CHENE. Ladies' Dept. Ist Floor Grasp this opportunity of obtaining Highest Possible
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    • 319 1 THE TERRITORIAL TARGET RIFLE. |PJ^^ -303 BORF' Tliih i* the wt 11 known Loop Lei' Kntield Pattern KiiV. ulii;h bin bern modiSed by the inlrxluction cf 1) new back -ia<l>t ■lide, leaf aod bed new fore tiyht and protector 0 a charger gui4e bri l^c, i4i a oew (<le»per) iuik<
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  • 803 2 'colony has a bad attack of i the shivers. A London View of Events. I -The s,t ra ;t, and nn Income Tax 'is tin' li. wlinj; of tin leading article in the lant l^.iidi.ii tnl Clinm Kx|in-sN to liand. The l^n.s Hi. average Britisher, whethei he
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  • 134 2 11l a |..ll> i mm. l I* In.-- tin Bayaj Institii lion. M MMI liiliii TIMMi < ivi inlisli I .1 i „i K\|« nun ujU Iliynics at Cam luiilii" t him i sitj stßMs that mii a tbe sun tranawitU'l |»ower e<|iiivalent W> T.iam I <
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  • 142 2 km ibaal Weyinmith. litre 1.. licM a LiHUit|;iianl ap|>oiutiueiit, I'ayiuaHter W. )t. Hisk. who luul Hcen 3* yearn of service in tin Navy. At tin- early aye of I'.t he iieUsl as seen-Uuy Ui OmMH Wise. He nerved m buar<l tl» (nicy .tn.l ih«- Dutpe at. in tlio llaltk- iv
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 206 2 NEED KEPLER SOLUTION (OF COD ll¥eM Oil IM HALT IiTRiCT) This delicious, digestive body builder exerts its influence upon the very source of nutrition— the blood. It fills the veins with rich, vitalising blood, and rapid improvement takes place. The cheeks fill out, the limbs 1 become covered with healthy
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    • 12 2 Wowlh Creat Peppermint ('are for all internal eoinplaintt. Mytentrry, Cough*, Colds, etc
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    • 684 2 |OF INTEREST TO AILING WIVES lIbTmbBNwIM > M.ithkk iv I iiiv \int ian> 01 Sii>k*imi SiikiiKmmi an tUrn lUrry MB Wkli. M Dr. Williams' Pink Pills It i- inipuhHihlr tit iiini.n. i>l MM*] in lift' than to be alwayH aihni;. anal yi-t that is tlir i omlitiam t>i wlm Ii
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    • 447 2 G.OTOMUNE AND COMPANY. DEALERS IN CURIOS FINE ART OK Japan. MODERN HIGH-CLASS WORKMANSHIP RENDERS Special Interest TO Art Lover AND Curio Hunter. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. NEW NOVELS (COLONIAL EDITION) At $1.15 each. < .retd, by Marie Connor Lafehtoa. x WaU o( Dc i »J- by L G Moberly. Tbe Man
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  • 816 3 ADMIRAL HENDERSON PASSES THROUGH COLOMBO. Discusses His Naval Scheme •>n I. .ml lin liuiiM'wanl lamiiil <•i a klihli mli nil I'okHiilm a ila\- I U*****..1 Sir li<t>inal<l 11. n.1. r-.n I win. is 1. turning to Xi l' ■> l..i> m« oHu|iUt< .l liih n|«>it on tl aavaldMMac
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  • 82 3 Mi I'.rKmv. t!>. taariM t vba att. n 1.. 1 t.. K.liimit -ni. W illicit witli v I-H/..1 nt tin i lloti whin In ha.l Ukcn .11 I. is Oak "tta I: h ■■I frmn bonpital. II appran-d be 'i aniuHai *m i 411.1 tin .|in -:i< 11 of
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  • 98 3 It I.h- always Utu •liflunlt to imdenUaa wll\ til. < r.i«ll>U ..f till aailj llsir ■ImmU have aocti an irritating and t u,..i, 1,-. Mr. .1 v. Boaarwaa 5..,u iit ii, i. tin- ..f ill. h.miM.w aad hitm I I'.mil'i v v— itioa i m Mhcd tin ■Taterj. Tin ■■Hkiiowinu
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 435 3 TESTED AND RELIABLE DISINFECTANTS Whalley's Concentrated Sanitary Fluid. AS SUPPUEO TO THE B SSS kM THE CORPORATION ROYAL HOUSEHOLDS !^v| B^M OF THE CIH OF LONDON aiaiartau TA*a« uu ol Wballey'a CoaeaatratOne Gallon SuS^vSl ar 200 Gallons. leotant yet diacorered CAN BB HAD FROM LEADING DISPBNSABIBS AND STORES THE UNION
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    • 147 3 IVBMMBJfIfISrF^- 2 „Jf jr m /IW.TuIW, TURF ACCOUNTANT. Now doing business on the Forthcoming Singapore Meeting. TREBLE EVENT 5000 TO 50 (N FACES 2. 4 ANO 6 DOUBLE EVENTS 2 ANO 4, 2 AND 6. 4 ANO 6 2000 TO 100 WITH AN ENTRY, No ENTRY NO BET STRAIGHT OUT
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    • 70 3 Keep it at Hand. Kaaa < hainU s r.un Baaa it baad >- i. .|ii:tllil< .1 with iti intunsi. in. i ii, mnl it will say. millii iaa is will its tinu ami iii. ,ii. y It |in»n|itlv rt-licvi tin' |tmt i< nulling from ruts, hruisot. "i .my
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    • 317 3 A Sure Curt for Aches and Pains Very Itw ac bee aod paini an b< yoori I lie rr ach of Ihia moat wenderful of all pain caret. Neuralgia. Rbtanatiain, atiff i >inU, paioi of tbe n.ek, tbroat, back, cheat, arms, I, E aad '*at— «aai»b (a a norpririosly abort
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    • 91 3 The REGISTERED TRADE MARK of J-L Milkmaid! I Full Cream Milk £*fHH^5| IS THE HALL-MARK OF S*^ PERFECT PURITY >< i\) fulfil wl Cuarantce of Highest Quality. I^Sr 'I UNTOUCHED BY HAND. The Original and Best. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Sold by all Druggists principal Provision Dealers. K.A.J.Chotirmall&Co. "jf**
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 592 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. fi?O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. rOftOmiA JAPAN, IKS \N<», CKYLON, AI ITEAUA, INDIA, ADEN. EGYPT, MKI>IIKHK»\K\N. POKTS. PLY MOCTH AND LONDON. Through Bi'U ot Lading issund for China Coast. Poniian < I jlf CantinonUl, and American PorU. Steamers will Uiavc Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outulrl r
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    • 538 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly senrioe is maintained be tween Yokohima »ia port* to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract witb the Imperial Japanese (»OTernmt:nt. The New Twin screw Seniors maintaining tins serriee ha»e been specially design.*! and constructed, and
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    • 637 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO U. 8. MAIL L'NE. The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 18,000 ton*, twin screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known *W«m»r* CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHL'RIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OFSEVBX
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    • 288 4 BTEAMER BAIUMB. Ganidia,n Pacific EaOwaj Cos Royal Mail Steamship Un: THB NATIONAL HIGHWAYTO BUROPB Via China, Japan, Canada and thb L'nitbo Statbs. Roate from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japani, Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Bmpress of India" Twin screw R.M.S."Bmprtw. of Jap.."- *£™1 R.M.S. Empress of
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    • 556 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBUR6. DEUTSCHE DIMPFSCHIFFFAHRTBGES. 'HANSA' BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of them- Companion maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremca. Antwerp. auU Rotterdam, and th« Klr*iti. Cum* and Japan. Homeward*, they are despatched fortnightly (or iUtre BBji Uamburg and ooo* a in »th for Brcmerliaveo direct,
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    • 551 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Rorddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fait and ssH ka wn bbsM stsssßjassj of sntoOaßßßany wil lortoightlj from llramao liainbiirt;. via K.f.-'.U r.UampN»|l'M 1-V.IIDHCWBf tn.lris. anil i ISO, I'aoaag, Sni|{»|>ne lloni.'< n^ Sli«nijhai. i Hwik; as IK na and hack. Through tickrti i
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  • 148 5 FIXTURES. Friday. April 7. High Water, 1 5H a.m., 8.42 p.m. P. and Ok outward mail doe. HarniHiun h Circus, 9 p.m. Saturday, April 8. High Water, 4 2} am.. 8.1 pm llsrtiiston's Circus, 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Sunday, April 9. High Water. I M am.,
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  • 305 5 To DAT. liatu I'ahat Sri Wongsee Bpm Hjogkott;, Shanghai and Japan MonVhire 8 pm Hongkouii Kum Sang Ipm Malacca. Tort l>ick§on, Port Swcttenham and Telok Aniioo Selangor 8 pm Khio, liilhtoo KaUvia. Sourabsy- MB, etc. 1 >o Carpentier 4pm Malacca and Muar Lady Wold 4pm RanKkok Mm
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  • 136 5 Mail Steamer Movements. The I', and <>. outward mail steamer Assaye, having left F'eoan. at 1 p.m yesterday, may be expected to arrive here at about 5 p vi to day. The Imp. German mail steamer I.oetxow having left Hongkong on the sth instant at noon, may be expected to
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  • 347 5 Latest Arrivals. Edgar. H. M. era.. 2408 tons, MO crew. \i nun*, 10.000 hp. Com. Miller. April 7. r r iv I'cirttiiKiQth. Keb 26 Senior Naval Officer Kor Sydney. April Roads. hakrabhongn. Siam. str. 352 tons. Captain Yoldby. April ti. Krom Bangkok, Msr 80. O.e sd<l I[> Bast
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  • 106 5 Vessels at Tanjong Pagar and Keppel Harbour. Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAVIONO PAGAR. Bast Wh B»<is -Kuantan, Manila, Van Ueimakirk. East W. Section No. I— Vjrwaert*. Kultala. Shbbss Wharf -Mancs»,ter Castle Maim W. Ss. r. No. Cbins. Nuentung S MoLmouthshire 4 -Vat >'bing I— Valdora. 6
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  • 142 5 Arrivals Per Monmoutbshirp. April 5. From London via |>->rti Meodame* Mv-ky and child, Hilton. B«**et. Warisg scd child, Messrs. S. Ardon, t l.jne. Harvey, Beer and Master Hilton I'or stesmer I'eosns. April A —From Kelan. tan: Mrs»r* J. A. Wood. K A Hill and Mr* Hatching* Pir
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  • 165 5 Per P. and <> Mooltan. connecting with the stesmer Awaye at Colombo, due April 7.—Mrs J Bioni*. Mr* Kintfhorn. Mrs Peter. Miss Shearer. Mr P K Palmer. Mr Stuart Mr E A Swan. Mr C Paaehard. A P Baker ■fa Sliaw. Mr .1 S Beytn. Mr Heywood.
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  • 240 5 Finance Commerce. BIKOAPOEB, Al-811. 7, 1911. On Lovdok— Bank 4 m/s 3/4/, Demand S/4j| Private 8 m/s S/4H do 8 m/s 3/4| On Ossmaxt Bank d/d »9 Private 8 m/s 348 Oa Ksak. b Bank d/d «6 Private 8 m/s 3991 Oa InDiA-Bank T. T. r Private SOd/s 1T8 On
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    • 174 5 I-ne 75. Value 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 HraanK 10 10 Bmaah Hyd 10 10 Kanaka XI XI KirUTin XI XI KiedaogTia 10 10 KuuUn Tin XI XI Lahat Mine* 10 10 Malacca Tin 6/- 6/- Pahang Cooaol XI XI Penakaleo XI XI PotißK Rabra XI XI Punnff
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    • 607 5 Value Bayer*. Seller*. I/- AUtffw 4/6 M %l- II- Anglo Malay LSI 1.4.1* V- 3/- Btlui MaUka I 8/ XI £1 BitaCiTM 16.00 18.0.0 £1 41 BataTiga 4.12.6 6 Oil 41 £1 Bakil KtjUl)) 3.15.0 8.16 m 41 XI Bakit Uataag 4. 1.0 6.04) 41 15/- Contributory 8.10.0 400
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    • 128 5 GENERAL. I woe "5 Vtloe hujtn. 10 10 Mn Smelto* 10 1 n H 875 41 £1 Kleetric Tnunjl 8/8 10 10 PnMt Nun 89 00 100 Uowmrtb Krakine 100 B 7% Pre*. 100 100 Katm Bro. DaL 100 100 a B 8% Cod. Pref. 10 10 MaynMd Co. iM
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    • 48 5 DEBENTURES Buyers Sellers Howarth Brakine 6% 1800,000 par Riley, HargTeaves 6% %JMMO Vi 8* pm Singapore Electric Tramways 6% X8«0,000 Spore Munioipal 6% 11,878,000 nom. Buyers Sellers Spore Municipal 4|% ol IWO7 t1,800.C00 6% 7%pm Spore Mouicipal 4{% of 1909 11.000.000 7% B%pss Spore Munioipal 4% Mtn,9oo 7%p»
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 His eyes were red, his nose was blae He couldn't apeak he'd just say "Tchoo," And everybody round, they knew. And pitii-J him hr bad the flao, At la*t be ga»ped, Wbat tliall I do And swiftly came the answer too, Kor each one cried, O, fool procure A bottle
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    • 243 5 AUCTION SALES PwwwM aadC«. April 8— At Pluseardeo, No. 10, Nassim Road, teak household furniture, property of A. Gentle. Esq.. at 2. April 11— At saleroom, building allotment situate at Tanjoog Itbu. etc., at 2.80. April 15— At 9, St. Thomas Walk, boosehold furniture, etc* property of Capt. Rodenburv. at
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    • 542 5 CIGARETTES. If one chooses /^\y^" cigarette* for any reason, such as /Jw ■■> ■P'^bbl bbbbbV P r ce his selection l^\ may vary but /Jf ahA I those whose choice /m\ BBaßfll I f by quality above all W ij. other co.isidera- M~ B^^ tions insist always on \%V State
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    • 458 5 UNION 88. CO Of NEWZEALAND. LTD SINGAPORE TO NEW ZEALAND biaacr. AUCKLAND. WBLLINGTON, LTTTBLTON AND DUNBDIN, ALSO CALLIXO AT SAMARANG AND FIJI (ir ufDccsmrr orrsß*). The Company's Steamer AaaHma 6,704 tons, 3. K. Stringer. Commander, maintain* a regular (our monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Excellent saloon accommodation amidships,
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    • 52 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY. Undertakers and Monumental Basons. ESTABLISHED 1861. JUIT RECEIVED 1 New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. If ar blag, Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monument* ol every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Beit to be had in the colony. With Plumes in use. TaTLBPHOHB 1 NO. TIT NO IST ORCHARD
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  • 1057 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, APRIL 7. NATURAL NAUGHTINESS. A recent writer in one of the American magazines n-ealU how in hi* youth he had the misfortune to receive a school prize for good conduct. It was not all hi* fault. He had been thoughtlow. during Uie term, ami had neglected
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  • 11 6 Tbe Bank of Taiwan has ntablinhed a branch office in Shanghai.
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  • 19 6 There in a shortage in tl«- strength of the Territorial Army which amount* to 1.4.M omcen. and 48.WA men.
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  • 23 6 In the Ihntrict Court, today, a Malay wa* fined ♦•■l and cosU for failing to report a cane of Hmallpox in hi* bouae.
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  • 20 6 The new works manager of the. Kartern Smelting Co.. Ltd.. now on In* way out from Kurope. i* Mr. Hooifa*.
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  • 24 6 Mr. Jackson, of Tanjong Katong, report* Uiat a ail»«r tea cap. valued at »M, wan *tol<-n from hi* house at the end of March.
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  • 21 6 Harmston s circo* continue* to draw a crowded tent The necond matinee will be Ih.-1«I to morrow, oommenoing at 4 p.m
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  • 49 6 The Cniteci State* (loTernnient lias ac-r.pu-l Ur- offer of Messrs. Loom and .lowpli Duveen to pay i."i40.0m) in full settlement of t'lmUHim claims. The OoTi-rnment have roleamxl the impounded goods. The Arm referred to won- accused of importing valuable wurka of art without paying the dutieH levi able tliereoo.
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  • 25 6 Two peraons wen kill.-l and tlurt.-. n in jured in a p:«ni. caii<w<d by a fain, alarm of tire at a cuiemaU^raph theatre at Middleborough.
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  • 24 6 V llenKali passenger on the steamer M-i. ha- r<.|«.it.-d the los- of Jill lapMß awl thn-c Mfl persons hate been detained on -n-pi. ion
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  • 22 6 The report ..f the ♦unard I f..i HM shows (n-ofits amounting to £VW4.UV. dividend of ti\. mis no ud in IWW.
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  • 31 6 The I'resid. Nt ..I the Chin. \i. haa memorial i/e< l th. Thron. to isssje aa lui|ierial (fcsrree allowing the ofheers and men in the army tv diweard tin ii ipieu.'s
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  • 26 6 mt to the M.ille hnrliili l>.«il\ tin^koiiu and Shanghai llankr ration has under contemplation th. i-stabli-me nt of branches at Mukd.-u. < hangchnn and Harbin.
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  • 44 6 Tli. I' in,. l n V,r. Ml tli. i. hunnel liner I'loiuetli. ii- took iwi) betWM-n them last week from Tort Swcllcnliain ah mt 8.075 cams of rubber besides cither local pro duc-e, altogether Home t.'-oi |<a> kau<-s. for Colombo and Kui..|. .in |«nt-
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  • 47 6 The action aKainnt Mr. 11. C. N Knight, ot Taipinx, to recover a difference of exclian^e on certain money, to which reference w :i--niadc in .mi issue of tl.. .".th >n-l is brought l.y I I" Jeia<|iiiiu andl'o. of Mbsbbbbbi Ml by .luai|uiiu anil Co.. Kuala l.iiinpui.
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  • 39 6 I'll. -|i..lii, have withdrawn the i.ish anriaii In. li Malay rliauffem employed l.y Mr. Wint. i. Trafalgar .-state It WVM pi. fi rr.^l in con sei|iience of the death of an af|Bd Chinaman «ho ».i- kaaehsd down l.\ ti
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  • 48 6 U. rid. rsland. -i\- U* I that the preliminary -up- an now U-ing taken in HaaflMH to uiud up tin shanuh.ii Mask BsdMna*, Ltd. W< t.• tber tli.tiM.--i- Drnmnsond Ceanai and rinlh|>s L>v. I- i i.'.din.l aj 1.. I. |O 0~. ih. apphe ation of tl.
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  • 51 6 Whil- entertaining an audience in ih. Paank *arii list night with stoi ■tabbed ia On n» k with aankaat I 100 quickly t. .-i:-.-,l .Hid 1. tl 1.l- apoll th. su.ry t.-11, s hMk. Tl.. la* I h> i pill. Ii It on' hlllls. If aiiel lit le. I. treatinen:
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  • 55 6 I iovi rnment I.a/.IU Kxtnuinlmary. bearing elat. April ti. contains th' I'atent lia-sNed under the Saal the I niU-cl Kingdom e -oustituling M) (tovernor and Coininandei in lu.-f of the Straits Seal, in. Nt». which were read at the I^gislatn. t ouncil held at Sins;.: I I. and which
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  • 66 6 Mr M"s^-11. of the pr. \etiti\. -rvi.. ..f the <io\erniiient MaMfMBB, and >U|>ir riaor < lit. illy, with a aaaakai ..t lavaaai onVxn- |isid a vi-it yt-Urdav. with a -.arch t. I. staMMMI BmA. asaaar'l sh..p. I"., tin- ol hand ii. aaHavM to 1» non (.ovcrnment ehandu. and f.mi
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  • 58 6 n eliiploy»il in th. i..n.ral I'.wt I at ill. mil on < h.-ir-.' pt] Mi lull gave him a > hit to aft tani money to M bill- foi n..n, cy. I. r.|wirs nil. l he nlt.-r.-l 1 1 1. figures so mat li> mor. moii.y than he wuMtksaaMi
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  • 90 6 The Times statist that th. schem. f.M a moHciuc iii the ceiiti-i of Uindoii is making steaiiy proyr. -s undei th. chairmanship of Mr All and is evoking warm aassaajkVj throughout the Islamic world. The Sultan of Turkey lias spontaneously mad* a dona tion of A g.-ueral a|i>eal
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  • 97 6 I it square bla.le.l i hopper was pro < I need in the Unnl poll, c court n-tcnln ax the w.*|«»n with which a CMbU ....h. attempUsl to i.iunler two fellow employes in a druggist h store in Market Slr.-ct The man was brought up on that charge but evidence
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  • 113 6 l>r. tierrard report on tbe health of Kuala Lumpur for Kebruary »liowh that during the month then- were 'ill ileaUm. The nuuiU'r of iluaths MMBg the n-«nlent population was U u with a reduction of 14 an coui|iare<l willi th. pr. violin month The < m.l. death raUwan .Jii Hi
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  • 119 6 Tin Us* outward mail Uuukol fe.ur m ■urreyoni to continue Uw survey* Ui< main Kant cu«Mt trunk lino UiroiiKli Kelantan. A |>rvliiiiuiar\ survey will, in all probability, a oorruH|M>n<lt'nt inform-, tli. I'.nui^ (iaxetW'. l»' frntu Ur- present trail* Peninsula lini'. U< a proposed deep seaport nurtli of Tran«. Thin
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  • 371 6 . Th. lat. Sir Charles Kilkr. »l. Matty iinniMin.fd. left tItOJBOO. 11. «.i- the 5.,1, i..|,i i, t..r >f tli. \ih< nw-niii. ■-I that I. nut I 1 W .lustim-. I; i. rejoin- his lutu r\ in Sn)t>^por<' al»ut th. mi.l.l:. of tin- month from the -'.iU-s (uncles
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  • 45 6 A ~|»t i.ii mu-K'al .linn, r will h. ~ii"l »t i hotel to- morrow Bight «h. n tin fin. 1...M.1 I 1,. BbCi will pk] i ...i.. I .Hi' i .it:, i w.u.U .hi tin H llllllt.^l iiuiuUt i- n«.« .niiilrtl.l.-.
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  • 67 6 •li. s..iui «hal bi.^/>. in.', tiny ol shareliold. is in the Otaaa Ulan. l (•mint *.>..». notn. Voiding to tbe latest slian < irculai i" h'ilid from Hoßjgkoag that th, stock has us. n from UH to »•> at which hitu i r.iU a large amount busiueaa
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  • 119 6 I'll, output of the Hocieh de» Ktams cle KinU for March was IJOtiSH picok. r*nßUf Ithai ii mines pnaluce<l won l.y con pi< uls. won BvMbaaan Myioabx Mai Mi pi.uls sipnuli Miaes w.'ii l>y eoaasaay ■."«i pi.uls. won hy triasjasn Jl~' pi.uls. l-.Lill 4-.'". piculs. The output of
    119 words
  • 111 6 The Devanha and Wireless. Writing u> the Hongkong |w|« i:tl. th. lion ll.wett supirinUndeut <>f the I' ill. l (I. (oiii|«u\. sm)s liy Mm court) syof th. JafMMM < >.n. run.. ■>:■ telegraphi.' sUtioii I have mmtmi > from th. su-.uiic i IhAanha at s«-a l«tv>.-. n Sliangliai and Hmm)MH]
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  • 105 6 Tin MKirUiliU returns for Singapon-. is-.iie.l U\ ih. ICi'Kistrai of Ilirtlis .in.l K-aths. -.Imiw tliat .luring the »..k .li.lin U April I there w.i jmiiu ratio |xr mille of |>>piiUti<ui of 11.71 MaUrial few I .-.I foi M a... tli-. phthisis II ...imilsions 1.1. ben lien l'J.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 190 6 OARRICK COARSE-CUT. In Ib. P" Cc Patent «^H KS Lm^- *\s\ Sm 90 cts. Air Tight [IflßflgS^ TiDB- W^z&m per tin" j^L^^^-fcssZn^* TT*. -^^mW OBTAINABLE AT John Little A Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. JOHN LITTLE CO.'S Annual CASH CLEARANCE SALE If No\v Proceeding. NON-POISONOUS DISINFECTANT infection from wkatever cmk ;ins;nL.'.
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    • 124 6 GRAND CHANGE PROGRAMME VARIETY ft'cHOICE OF BUBJECTB ALHAMBRA TIM Prwter IleetHe PMan Maam. TO-NHJHT! TO-MI6HT!! New Subjects. ■AX IMAMS. (Max l.iml.ri. WffRII, WWTW tHRMII (onnrl'lay by (tabriel Timinorv. actrd by M. li iv. tot> mtn tomn m iiiwrnrt .(iaumont rilnn. MVWAMMLUTIL %AMJt. I'aUi.'H ..l..iir,-,J Artistic Series. Length o( Film about
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    • 13 6 I^ak-Mt advertisement* of the day appear on |»kc I as well as N.
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  • 94 7 TREATY DOES NOT ADEQUATELY RELIEVE. Certain Exports Must Cease. lin ifi TiLnnKAM. I -.n. 10n. April .1. 1 -union \|»>rt4-rs have imi-ii inU-rview.-il. and whil. admitting that the reduced Japanese .lulu's an much betU-r than tli. (•< iv i.d tariff, theii effii ts on the lower clasHes of
    94 words
  • 51 7 COURT OF EMPIRE. Important Proposals for Court of Appeal. Urt tkk's Tklioßam. l^mdon. April »>. ill tli. -ulnoiis Mr \s.|U,Ui staUil that the MMaMM of coinbining the I inctions of tin l'nv\ I ,1 and of 1... I. ls in on. MMMM Court of MMM M con-: 1 th. Imp.
    51 words
  • 23 7 Turkish Troops Relieve Sanaa. 1...11.10n.I ...11. Ion. \pnl 7 mtinopl. MMMtMB says tin t I which w is besieged >
    23 words
  • 42 7 INSU RANCE MONOPOLY. Italian Proposals for a State Scheme. '-.Hill. London Vpnl 7 I I shortly intr.-lii.. I. gisl.itioti for n.>p..|y ill life I 1- th> i. from will be I. in. Iv to ..LI ai;. and invalidity p. nsions f..r workmen.
    42 words
  • 36 7 Criticism of Herr Bethmann's Policy. ]>n. O-t 1-1 in-, nr 1.1...M. Tt 1.K..H1M. 11. MB, \pul I live party in the Prussian H iv. atta. Men > MMMMMI of Ms poliej on other matti 1-
    36 words
  • 35 7 Km Tin'- Tklki.kam. Im, \pnl 7. 11l tl.. Irish WMMMj 1 won by live lengths. MJMMg 0 ti> I agam-t Irish Woddiag, to I against 10 to I MMMMi Ma \>l. 1
    35 words
  • 46 7 DM Oslam ITI-. HK 1.1...H, TrLJIOBAM. I., rim. \pril 1. Ih. 1 low n Ii inc. and I'rmci-ts liavc ar at MM an.l met with an enthusiastic Tin Crown I'mic. bnuight a MMMMi •itur fn.m the hais.r t.. King Kinanuel (rf
    46 words
  • 30 7 Dim osn.uris, 11* Lmhbi Tbliokam. It. Im. \pril Ih n lusioii ot tin Itisso ierman uego MOM mutual mU-n-Os in I'.-r-is hay. U-.ii pnstponeal until tin- r.-.
    30 words
  • 198 7 Terrible Loss of Life in a Factory Fire. I in bruki out ..ii March J.i in .1 1. 11 st,, r ,y building in Ne« \..rk. MMaiai I) IMMM in ui.if.w t nr, 1 s. largely cehiloid inanufai-tiirem. 011. hllndr.ll vi.l tif'ty (Mi MM MM lives
    198 words
  • 804 7 CLAPHAM COMMON TRAGEDY. Morrison Defiant When Sentenced lo Death. I I union U-legram MtfeM in Australia. ilsU-d MM IM. A«erih.s, t M final soomin the trial of Sunn Morrison on a charge of having iniinlcrd l^-on IU-nm at Clapham Common M HM MMMBg of New Year's Hay. The line ailopUil
    804 words
  • 196 7 Replies to Criticism of His Conduct in India. Dr. llongaid. the well known traveller. MMMMM Urn Cniwn I'rince s reply to criticisms as U> tin- us. of Ins opportunities while in India, particularly the statements that His Imperial Highneos devob-d his time t>. hunting, golf and |nlo,
    196 words
  • 70 7 In < oiisn|ueni-e. it is allcgi-d. of some MMMM MRM taken plan- iv the ofheers mess nf the Army S«-rvice Coqm at Aldei shot, an m.piiry was lu-lil by Uh- comluandinu M». Tlh- result of the impiiry is that two or more subalterns have kni-ii 10nl1n.1l Ui their .piarUrs |h
    70 words
  • 380 7 CORDIAL FAREWELLS AT THE P. AND 0. WHARF. Arduous Work Before His Excellency. Most of the leading citizens of Singapore were at Uie I*, and <•. Wharf this morning U> bid goodbye to Sir John AmlersoD who goes home for a few months Ui deal wiUi very
    380 words
  • 481 7 Murderous Attack Lpon Batavia Railway Officials. Ih. follow inn is ...nd. from ;i r. |«i: in the Hatavia S'leiiwsblad <In th. morn 1111; "f March -24. a clerk by the name of < II .1. Waal, in the employ of the railway Itatavia. suddenly attacked with
    481 words
  • 139 7 Japanese Super -Dreadnought. The launch of Uie battleship Settau took place at Kure Naval Yanl. on March AC), in Uie |r. s, -11, „f Ur- I'rown IVince. The function was among Uh- most splenilid of its kind. II I. H. Uie I'rown Mm* on the Kaxhuua accompanied by many
    139 words
  • 35 7 The -I. nth oceiirrtsl st Han-illy on March ->«>. of Major < It liailil. y. MMMM High laud. rs. from double pneuiiionia. Tin- death ban als<. taken place of the Kight Rev. William Hull, y h h
    35 words
  • 1245 7 THE FIRST OF THE FAR EASTERN FLOTILLA. C. 38 Reaches Singapore. MMM »unns. this morning. H MS K.l^ar wait HtuaniinK down by Uie Karimon lalandH toward* Singapore with one of what may be ionmiler<i|tiie mi. 1.-iis of th. first mi-is flotilla of submarines in Uie KHUhIi Navy. By
    1,245 words
  • 630 7 Meeting of V.M.C.A. Parliamentary Debating Society. The m.-etinn of tin M Parlia meiitary l».l>iitiii^ Hoc let) ..11 Wnluolay niKht wa« atUn.leO by wine thirty or inonKuropmns. ami a very int. 11 slin^ ilebaU- ou an in.. .111. lax lull took |.U. Mi I'.^-k 111 trialmt-.l tin follow
    630 words
  • 354 7 Missionary Work Among the Hillmen of Sumatra. ,oir.-»lX)l|.|eut wnU-«. of Sumatra 111 the Mm Uk. .hstn. t r. a U-rror U> tin liuuh an.l .ill Kiirti|*»iiM were »irn.'l off then UrriUny. Tilings are I'lian^l nuw a* is ivnl.n. ..I by tl,. r.v. holnlay trip of
    354 words
  • 23 7 l>i \l<\ 1.. Miirrav. laU- of tin ntuaiuerl 1-ajnaiik; AW at 11. nuk.K)^ on March W. and I «v buriixl at llapp\ .«ll>-\
    23 words
  • 71 7 PRESIDENT TAFT RECOMMENDS RECIPROCITY. Would he Welcomed by the People. ItllTlK's TILri.KAM. I^iuilon. April A. A Waslnn^U.n b-Uifnun ntaU* that I'r. Hi.l. Nt Taft. in a ruOHHa^e Ui Ommm early hHmj .hi the ■MSJMJI ity Hill. He na\s tlmt while the xubjivt »< un.ler liHcmwion In hMMJM ..n\
    71 words
  • 85 7 CHINESE TOWKAY SUMMONED. Kkov <>i k <i»\ CaajM I. MMMj Aplll 7. |..»ki\ i .an Nyoh lU-. i,,v beon Hiiiiiiiioaol hen mi a diary, of ,ia\ inj" ma.l. a f.ils. il.f'Uration. thirttxn y<*rM »i"o in i-olili.-. ti..n with the t-HtaU- of the laU- uln. ,h..l in 1M8.".. Molnal cvi.l
    85 words
  • 16 7 LONDON R UBBER PRICES. PMM Mill- > CoMMrMM ■1 Information ha« l> I p.. r IK. s.
    16 words
  • 186 7 SINGAPORE SHARE MARKET. Messrs. I' rase r and Co. s \\eeil> Share Circular. M> -M- r i. is. i ..ii.i i -,,1,11. dated th. Ml, it W< HMI f> -w i hang. t.. I. | in tin mar k' t fur tin pMI VMM BtMWB continuet«. Im iln.tly lonhiml to
    186 words
  • 90 7 MARCH RUBBER RET URNS. M. it a it*.— 4.o*l Hi hot* lUhl.. .-t.iU 1 -.1J It. \hi, "Ih Cheng estate I I.V i Hi Viol (is)all .-stat. M 111 Cliciiioi. M*M, I. nla Kaliini|>oiig. lK.nm Ih ItubU, KsUU- of krian Mo Ih.. la tin., months lni'.l'.i Ih. against .lawa IMO
    90 words
  • 267 7 take Uh- follow me IU-iu from Mini We mi. l. island tliMt a M ..f tli. i.|-.,t i.v Mi i: I Matt* "f Uh huh m Mm nnh »f i, i wit to il" Straits Settlements and I Malay Sutrn. aM IMCMMi tin- country. W«
    267 words

    • 308 8 During a novni-. boxing maUli at Urn Sporting t lub of the otHitwit antM.Toiu havey.u I -on. lon. i fell in the tlunl riHind bataaaa bWwbai bun struck and lit- 1 from heart failure. Tin- following golfers have Higniftcxl their inleiilion of taking |»rt in Uie
      308 words
    • 38 8 Rifle Shooting. 5. 1.. sh.K>t. I oUowiag in tli. -<■..■. ..f :h. H. L. lot April in tbe oui|« titi.ii f..i tli. Walw Mi- ri-li.i K. 11 '.'7 Mm MoaUoa '-'7 Mi- -.'7 \li- K. M.- IM. 1 Ifl
      38 words
    • 38 8 >. C. C. Tournament. m n ia iM m th lawa II urns tournament on the EsplaDulf ling. »h follow < hmhion-hii- I'Mit*. ■ii. in. l V» ii.kix- II »\i.i. \r. mi Darby >l Pfantt m.l Ml aal
      38 words
    • 355 8 .Singapore <M>IICIuh--i:a^ter Holiday*. Priaai IMb, till May IMb, I'tli. .iii.l Monday ITtn. a n- will In bfkl, 1 1.. member* of 1...11 < In*. All mas* .m with ill- |>ii"ii v. 1 in. b elm i.i n. "ii „1 IS. I rasa*! vi I boli nil in Urn '-w
      355 words
  • 33 8 It i- sUUtI that the Kmperor of Japan, tlnoii-i, Priae* Higanki Koaw band nfttaj i. ini-siou. wi11. t....i.i1. Killed, N.rge with id. highest aajani of the Oraad Caaiaa •.i th. t bryanaUa ataaa.
    33 words
  • CorreaponNrnce.
    • 97 8 . To Uie Kditor of tbe Straits Timaa. >ir. We w. mid correct a Bouiowliat rai*lt«<ling paragraph which appeared in your issue of the lat mst., in re*|iect of Uie new .oni|«iiv to be formed over Uie Uinmat I inu-d Singapore Rubber Katatea, Ltd. Tliih will be isHiie.l on
      97 words
    • 761 8 "Wit of Cumberland 50 Years Ago." To tli. K.litor .if tl» Strait* Tiiuea. ->n llnvinn nal with HiU'n-^t y<>nr Iliatlrt t'hax- in Ciinihorland id Mb kaak and kaawiag tliat many „f y..ui laaßnrl arc •lanuy I iiiiil>rmiis. 1 n*naa%l it nni;lit pn.v. ..f kftjßßal v, iliim t«. ln«r >.ik-»- again
      761 words
  • 39 8 tWN»«d WalfH. whim. iii\»r,- is t.. lak. |il;m-« mwli lux iiiaxl.ti Rperch m :«i. at l>artui.mtli Naval Colleg?. win 11 lit- rcnkirctl tv the Mayor <>( I >art mouth the Hilv.-r our which is tlw bailk't- of 111. WaWrtmiliff*.
    39 words
  • 768 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, April 7. 1911. Itaarm. Lyall and Evatt, Bzchanae and Share Broken, iaaoe tbe following bat of quoti%Uon» thia morning: Norn. Value. Boyera. Seller*. 3/- Allagar 4 6 \TOptioM 1/10 11 Angl<*JaTa 7/8 8/4* 1 AnKlo.lobort. 12/6 2 Anglo Malay
    768 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 32 8 This Is It. tTue latent aoieotiflc pre paratioa ot COD LIVEB OIL. Djm all that claim ed for it and loperaede* theoldbMhionedemalaioaa whioh npaat Urn Momaoh. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $125 AND W.OO
      32 words
    • 14 8 For all internal complaint*. Dysentery, Couglia. Colds, etc.. take Wood* 1 Great I'eppennint Cure.
      14 words
    • 426 8 RUBBER FACTORIES ENGINES!! MACHINERY!!! We are specialists in the construction of Steel-framed Buildings, and a» Sole Agents for "RUSTON-PROCTOR" Suction Gas Plants, and "BERTRAM^ RUBBER MACHINERY. WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THB MOST ECONOMICAL ANI> LP TO- DATE INaTAIA ATI Designs and full particulars on application RILEY, HARGREAVES
      426 words
    • 256 8 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, April 8. By kind permission of Major Oeddes and (Jfti<.-t.T>, the Band of thi« Buffs will play during Dinner and afterward* on the Lawn. HARMSTON'S Grand Circus AND ROYAL MENAGERIE OF PERFORMING VrILD ANIMiLS, AOMIN TO-NIGHT AT 9 P.M. Our Great Programme by our
      256 words
    • 122 8 SURVEYOR WANTED Wanted, a capable surveyor (or temporary work Apply Asiatic Petroleum Co Ltd I'.ukid' tick I>i'par«iu>'Dt. 5 1 I I THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT An pftoacioo* Ointment, oheeka bleeding aoothea the pain and give* relief (or a 000 ■iderable period. Prioe II 26 and 75 ota. THB CITY DISI'KNSAKY.
      122 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 177 9 Harvey's WhisKy "R. V." Jl genuine Seotef) at a reasonable price. Where'er you go ask for "R.V." ACE OF CLUBS LAGER BEER BRITISH BEER BREWED BY The Wrexham Brewery Co. A BEVERAGE FOR CONNOISSEURS. Sole \ijent PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. C. HELD AMD CO. IBUSTCXOIOKSCBAtT SCHIFFE AND PLAHTAGEH CavsMutfa Bride*
      177 words
    • 156 9 BOARD AND LODGING. I BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Comfortable room* Ncsr town. Ternn moderate. Apply C.V ,c o Straits Time*. 84 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. ComforUb'e room with ba'.h roirn and traadab attached, near town terms moder- ate. Apply V. H c,o StraiU Times. 18-8 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. I Comfortable Bingle and
      156 words
    • 117 9 THE Empire LUMPUR. c/ WVCI FM.B. A New First -olass Hotel. Fitted with Kloetrie Liffbt sod Fans. Fito ruinates from Railway Station. Orerlookinq the Padang. Singlo and Doable Bedroom*, with Private Bathrooms attached. Cuisine tinder Earopesn Supervision. Cold Storage Sapplios wnekly from Singapore Hotel Porter meet 3 all Mail Trains.
      117 words
    • 178 9 i L^^^^^^sror^^^k^^M^ USEFUL PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding Otder gifts IS NOW ON VIEW AX De SILVA'S. Inspection Invited. B. P. de SUVA, Manufacturing Jeweller, UM RH i.r KONG HISB CHIORG CO. NO. ICI. NoltTU isVD M K')\l> Cameras of vuioat kiodn
      178 words
    • 117 9 Singapore Naturalists' Stores. TAXIDERMISTS. BIKDS AM> ANIMALS UNHID, BTC. BB| IK MTIMAL HIfTMY tPtCIMEU MO RCQVISITIt Of ALL KIIDS. Bird c! P«r«di»« for Sale. NO. 177 ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE 8 2 ■-"-'li RUBBER ESTATE VALUES. A COMPREHENSIVE MHVKY. With many Tables of Valuation Forecast* of Production, and Estimates of Future
      117 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 444 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ABBURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office: Winchester House, SINOAPORB. Board of Director* O. a Dbbbick, Esq., Chairman. A. 11 Faib, K.*w Mana King Director. Pbtbh Fowlib, m.b., cm Chief Mad. Ofßcer t. M. Elluit, Esq. Rev. N. J. Cocvbbis. Tfow Noam Pan. Esq. Chic Soon Tbb, Bag.
      444 words
    • 362 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSUMNCE OOMPMI OF OMUU. BsTaausßßO 1883. Inuipsnos ia Fores, over 4§7,MMM New Business, 1909, ore* tAMMN Nst Supstus above liabilities lor reserve and all ootstandinn claims. over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over UMM ni set aside as a speeiaJ addition to Policy reserves. J. H. EVANS, Manager, Sootb
      362 words
    • 541 10 BAJiKIWQ. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital ia 60,000 Shares of £30 each 41. -.00,000 Reserve Kund 1.*****0 Reserve Liabilit f of Proprietors... 41,300 000 BANKERS. National Baak of Scotland. Tbe lx>ndon City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINOAPORB BRANCH. Corrent Aoooonts are opened
      541 words
    • 600 10 BANKING. THt tZE HAI TOM BANKING AM INSURANCE CD.. LTD, HO. IT AND 58. KLING BTBBBT. Established 1907. Oaastal paid np HJOBJOO.OO Rasorve liability ot proprietors 1,000,000 00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Taa Tscb Joon 8. Sn Ku Jak Naji Kiu Sana 7. Too Hoo Lai 8. Liao Cbia Hbn
      600 words
    • 964 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Cottage Piano, Turnout, Plants, etc. etc Tbe propery of A. OENTI.E. V I AT PLISCARDEN, NO. 19, NA-.SIM KO \l l On Saturday, April 8, at 2 p.m. An excellent toned COTTAGE PI.VNo in LOHKNCKIN in asal conditio and polished
      964 words

  • 1096 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. British International Cup Tin Mot. 1 ' i lub ..1 Xinerica lum ac ccpt.'.l the chalk-nKi-s i^-uiil by the lloyal Motur Yacht I'hib ami the llntish Motur lloat Club, in connection with tin 1.1. to be hclil. iiiiinieni inc. mi Viijiilst
    1,096 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 363 11 The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY Tin firm ha. mi ito l( to produoe a car of ideal m mrtirnlars efficiency without the least *acrinoe of comfort in r lul P«l"lCUIdr8 nnntaat effl3«eo3y That the object in tww frnm th« ha. been achieved will be readily admitted by the
      363 words
    • 48 11 Better than a Plaster. Fur paiaa ia the -nli or dim* ilampi n a piece of flannel with li.uubcrlain m Pain 1 1 (aim and bi n<l it mi ovi i the neat of pain. i There, m nothing bitter. For tale by all I hr<rKJiaartoa and IValers-.
      48 words
    • 374 11 MARTIN'S t^^- y ■pi 1 1 c ri»iii tm an inMinmm tw~w l»>i>.<l.i.illn CRUSHED FOOD. TriMMita INN MWM. I. K. BKLILIOS begs to ioiorm the public that his Factory for preparing Crashed Food, a* No. 1, Belilioa Road, is bow opened. Price of s bag of Crashed Food, 1 p.
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    • 372 11 TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) AND WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tb. New Route Via China. Japaa. Hoaolulo, and Sao Krucinw to all Points in tbe l.'nited state*. Canala. Mexico, and K.iropi •paruUmt lac Urn tI.«M tea Triple Screw T«rMae liaer* Tmj« Man ana CMfe ■«f»," Urn QaMM eftfee ■aeMte.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 396 12 INDIAN PATENT Ol STORMK tOMWITS I 111 I ftUMER FMTOKIES HOSPITAL WMOS BOOM SMCOt Sharpe, Ross Co., Ltd. WANTS. SHORTHAND WIST WMTED. I. a raruiblr Shorthand Typist. Apply .1 I BOARD AND RESIDENCE WANTED Wankd I', youn*: n-an. fjrni»li»d room with Of witliuu'. board. Apply to A c o Strait*
      396 words
    • 515 12 ARTICLEB FOR SALE. FOR SALE Strong Australian Horse, Victoria and liarneiw. Apply W. O limning*. iW. Mans field A Co. Ltd.) v MOTOR CAR FOR SALE For Sale 80 iI.P. 4 < vlinder. 6 Seater BEBSTON Uurr.Jct Car in splendid running condition. Owner goin». on leuve For further particular* apply
      515 words
    • 585 12 TO BE LET OR 80LD. OFFICES TO ET. Whole of second floor of Commercial Union Assurance Company's bniidieg, e/o Robinson Road and Telegraph otrttt Apply to Com mercial Union Assurance Company, Limited ■MM HOUSES TO LET. No. 80. Robinwn Road, and Nos. 41 and 44, Ansoa Koad. Apply Nathan Son,
      585 words
    • 736 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice in bcrtby given, that tbe business of Chop Ooan Ho Hia, as contractor to Miaaiß Tii|ilmn I in 1 lUiltoa, Limited, cf K< pr« I Haibour, oraws f ram to-day. Any debts due by tbe above cbop, must be st nt in to th" undersigned within two
      736 words
    • 561 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP CHANDLBKS Telephone No. 421. 108 4 109. Market Street THE KITLANG CO.. LTD. Large shipments of Chinese Smki-li C<«li< arriving we, Uly. Orders promptif oxecuted. For terms and particulars, apply to PATKRSnS, SIMONS v CO I.TI> A Kent*. l»t v NOTICE. It is In
      561 words
    • 323 12 NOW CHOOSE Bachatain Piano* BHnsmead Piano* Itanwsy Piano* Raohale Piano* Collard Piano* Broiidwood, White Piano* Krtebel Piano* Ru swell Piano* Winkalmann Piano* Kpsu.i Piano* Haaku Piano* Strohmengcr Piano* Lehmann Piano* THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. Rachal*' Auto-Player Piano* Allison Auto-Player Piano* Manual Auto-Player Piano* Bpin.msad Angulua. Wa WANT to SEND
      323 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 244 12 Straits JBimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miasellano can wants of every description are ic«it ed at tht prepaid rate of II per four linea for one or two insertions. Notiata of Births, Marriage*, or Deaths, if not exoeeding four line*, II eaefa insertion Kir p.p c. cards, on page 6, 92. Inh
      244 words