The Straits Times, 6 April 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.533 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 0. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 141 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky TH£ BEST for all Unequalled Jlnyvoftere. MUSLIN Q| ere SILK t aw*i DLUUOtO CHIFFON LAWN a^w Entire Clearance of the Existing LACE CAMBRIC Stock, to make room for CREPE DE NET. Mew Lots expected Shortly. CHENE. Ladles' Dept. Ist Floor Grasp this opportunity of obtaining Highest
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    • 59 1 THE "EMPIRE IS TUB IDBAL Typewriter KOR f J SIMPLICITY. HARD WEAR. HWH EFFICIENCY. Foolscap" Model takes paper 9" wide til 2 Brief," Model takes paper 131" wide $140 Policy" Model takes paper 18" wide 9162 1,500 in use in British Government Offices. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS TO The Borneo Co.,
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    • 321 1 THE TERRITORIAL TARGET RIFLE. -T^^—^iV^B^^^^^'^^^BaBBBBBBHBBBBSBBB^BaBBBBBi^BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi^^BBBBBBBi^B (303 BORE' This is the well known Ixm« Lac Kd field Patten Kifle. which has beoo modified by tbc introduction ol ll Dew back swbt a«a, leaf aad bed (2) pew tore sight and ptotsasor (.i a charger (pude fcridsje," (4) a— w (iaipir) aaga/iae
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  • 1091 2 . THE WORLD'S PRODUCTION AND DEMAND. Significant Fibres. In tin raira- <>( a special coinroercial article, a writer ia The Time* make, aome in HtructivenoinU on tin- line of oil fuel an (ol Inwa: The employment of oil aa fuel on a ■iiiiintTi'ial acale had it- beginning
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 151 2 Kepler 1 fe Solution MaK_ci Fat, Ftejh. Hone and MxtJctm J* KrpW Solution is a food-Mt fkjfa miy a medicine. ilVl i* The food that strengthens the s/j! weak and fattens the wasted. K\ The food that enriches the blood iOl and fortifies the constitution. V The food that sustains
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    • 57 2 Danjrcr Avoided. There ih little dauber from a cold except wlun followed by pnt-umonia, an<i thm never happens when C'luunbfrlainn Cough Reiutv •iy in lined. Thin rcmuly lian won ita groat repntation and exteoaivc aale by ita remarkable cores of col<l» and can be relied upon with implicit confklcnce. For
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    • 341 2 MT NEEOLEWORR AND FLOWER DEPOT 217, Orohard Road. AWARDED MEDAL AMD DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE. AORI-HORTIOULTURAL SHOW SINOAPORB, 1910 Arranged Floral BlM>«m, Booqneta, iboweri aad Floral fc— of all o— lpttona, Wedding ordan riMTvi mmbmJ attention MANY LOCAL TFBTTMONULS Man Mm***-*. t Cut Flower* rom ow own Nnraariea qoitr FNak.
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    • 223 2 For a Thousand Household I'sts. MONKEY BRAND Makes Copper like Gold Tin like Silver. G. OTOMUNE AND COMPANY. DEALERS IN CURIOS FINE ART OF Japan. MODERN HIGH-CLASS WORKMANSHIP RBNDRHS Special Interest TO Art Lover AND Curio Hunter. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. NEW NOVELS (COLONIAL EDITION) At $1.15 each. Ureed. by Marie
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  • 256 3 Report Discloses Satisfactory Positron. The annual meeting of tb< ICoval ..l.uiial ln«titute waalieldoD ManliT. at the Wliiulitll Kooiiih. H..U-I Mrtropole. Lieut, (.vii.rml Sir .1. BMM Kilwarrlmthi' chairman' pn -idi^l In ii~ i. l».it tin (<«in<il HUktl thai tin Bjata of the paitt yivtri-xhibitnl HiibHtantial profrrewi ami d<
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  • 683 3 staaaavai i.iht. i'ol. <i. a. iirtn. k. \<nnifrtuniaadant. S. V. C Singapore. April I. 1911. s. v. Am.-. I M< inbti- in |i<~Mvsi.>n ..(iiflo Bra u.|..t«1.«l to returu tin in to tin- Ih-ill Hall for Anuoun-r's in-pfctiou a- -h>h a» paaaJMl Baaata, 11. s. K. A.
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  • 239 3 . Tbe Secret of Renewing Energy. Tli^n- in no «n< bmm ssaaMssam m aaasMsaj saaaj annnrin|r. than ih.- utter l.i—i tmlr whirh in m> iix-vitahle a saajasssM of ih.Iniliaa climate during the (rrralrr part of tlie year. The wearinnw of tbr sn.l the utter diaiarliaatiuo to in.lul^i'
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 545 3 GREAT SALE OF BOOKS BOOKLOVERS IN THE EAST INDIES. Should take advantage of Tha Tiatea Book auks Rreat Sale of Surplaa Book*, erataiaiag Dbisiaais of karsaias, maay of which PAYS YOU are not likely to be net with s«aia. Ran hooks, important hooka, books of all kindt ate cfletcd at
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    • 12 3 Wo«l» (in-at rVpprriuint I'urt for all internal complaints I'v-t-uU-ry. t'oogtia. (MM, <U.
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    • 58 3 *W^ Or«eU«t »f all Tastes 7/iatis fi?AS££&A£AV£± SINGAPOFE SODA WATER T. NAGAI CO. Japanese Curios and Porcelain Stores. NEW GOODS ARRIVED Suitable tor Wedding Presents and Presents to send Home. Our Porcelain is manufactured at our Factory in Japan to Our Own DMagn and is of very high-class quality. INSPECTION
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    • 633 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING MCE MEETING linger S at A JttUm Hnri nmi. Will be h«ld oa Taesda*. May Thursday. May 11. aad -lisas say, staf 18. PROGRAMME. FUST o*l TssosWy 1. THB OPBMNO BTAKKS.- MM »«00. A Uaadieap lor Horvss tbat hsra never won a Stake M nor*
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    • 637 3 Aad into two Sta«>-« and ron«titnting two Kioik for Hor-ia tlntba*-'- mo in Race* 1 •or 4 os tbe First Day. All Horaas entered to be divided r>y the Haodicapper into two cU-a.iv ic. II raen litn<liraprx<l in I to be aVsihhj to run Ih Sin«apor. Plate aad II r-ea
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 626 4 BTEAIER BAILMHB. PTfR). STEAM NAVIGATION CB. KOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANO, CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT, MEDITERRANEAN, PORTS. PLY MOITII AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued tor China Coant, Persian < iulf. Continental, aad American Ports. Steamer* wUI leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward i/or China.) 1911 Araadia
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    • 542 4 BTEAME. BAIUWB. N.Y.K. JAPAM MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN UNE. A Fortnightly service is maintained betweea Yokohama via port* to Marsoilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Ooverameat The New Twin screw Steamer* maintaining this service have been specially designed and uiißitiiin>iil aad are fitted with
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    • 942 4 STEAMER BJUUN6B Canadian Pacific Railway Co. 3 Royal Mall llomth.p Line. THE NATIONAL HI OH WAY TO BUROPB Via Chima. Jara*, Caxada avd tbb Cxitbb Statbs. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japaa), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Empress of India") Twin screw R.M.S "Brnpr-sof Japan'
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    • 538 4 STEAMER MlUmt, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG AXD DEUTSCHE DUdPFSCHIFFFAHRTSGES. HANSA BREMEN. Combined B«rvlc*. Tb* iHsmar. of tbaar Coeapaaiaa msiatsiß a ragalar asrvie* betwaaa Hambarg. Bracasa. Aatwsrp, and Rotterdam, and tb* Straits, Cbiaa and Japan. Homeward*, they ara deanatcbad fortnightly for Havre and Hambarg and oaoa a moatn for Bremarbaven direct,
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    • 634 4 STEAMER BAILINBB. N. D. L. Horddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL UNE. The fast and wi-ll known mail (teaman of tbu Compaay sail fortnightly from Rremsa Hambarn. via Rotterdam, Aolwerp, Hn'iiliamp toa. OibralUr Oenoa, Maple* (oonnaotiog Maraaill**. M plea, Alexandria, and vie* verm) Port Said, Sua/. Aden. Oolocntx. Peaaag. Siagapors.
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  • 146 5 4> FIXTURES. Thursday, April 6. High Water. I 4 a.m.. 4.12 p.m. Tennis ChanipioDnbip. Final. llarujntoo Circus. 9 p.m Friday. April 7. High Water. I H am 6 42 p.m. P. aad O. outward mail doe. Harmiton k Circus, 9 p.m. Saturday, April 8. High Water, 4
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  • 228 5 To DAT. Malacca Port I >ick«on »n I I'.irt Sw,.ttenlniu Malacca 3 pm I'enang, Rangoon and Calcutta Bangala 4 pm I'enang Oraccbus 4 pm Malacca an I Muar Kaka 4 pm K\ii'l| riuas-,10, etc Han Ixoog 4pm Hon^kuDg aii. l Mislrma Maru 4pm Itatavia. C'heribon and
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  • 145 5 Mail Steamer Movements. The P. and O. oatward mail steamer Assaye having left Colotubu at mid night, on Saturday. th< Ist instant, miy be- <xp< ;t«tl to arm l>ir< sa Krulay aft< moon, the 7th instant. The Imp Qsbjmi mail uteamer Loetxow haviDg left MiogkoDg on the ~>tb inatant at
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  • 251 5 . Latest Arrivals. Mora. 11 M. cru.. 4800 tons, 800 crew. 10 Kuo», 7000 hp. Com. Nichols*. April 6. From Manila, Mar ;il Senior Naval Officer. For Hongkong, loc Roads. lmfferin. K. I. M. S. 39AP tons. 280 crew. 18»i b.p < jni. Huddlestca. April .V From Colombo. Mar
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  • 106 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAGAR East Wbabt Basin— Kuaotan, Manila, Van Heimskirk. East W. Sictioh No. I— Vorwaerts. Fultala. Snssa* Wbarf- Oiang Seng, Natuna Main W. Sbct. No. J Bangala. B—Monmouthshire8 Monmouthshire 4 Vat Sbing Nil. ling. 6
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  • 125 5 Arrivals I'er nt<>sm»r Kaka, April .1. -From Malacca I Messrs. F. F. Wallace aad Gallaghar Per steamer Selangor. April 6.— From Telok Anaon via ports Mewrn A. H. Malet, C N Bailey, W. R Rowland, K. P. E. Mosael and Inapt. Bourne. Per steamer Devanha. April 6
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  • 232 5 Finance Commerce. CXCHANOt. SIHOAroBB, Ai-sil 8, 1011. O« London Bank 4 m/s tft Demand 1/41 Private 6 ir/s 2,4* i do 8 m/s 2AI On Gbbbant Hank d,d 389 Private S m/s 348 On FaANca— Bank d/d 296 Private 8 m/s 309« On India Bank T. T. IM| Private 80d/t
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    • 178 5 I«me 3 Valued 10 10 BoUU Tin 10 10 Broang 10 10 Branch Hjd 10 10 K»»«l»ni XI XI KioUTin XI 41 Kledang Tin 10 10 kaulu Tin XI XI L*b*tlfinea 10 10 Malaee* Tin 6/- 6/- Ptiutag Cooaol XI XI I'engkalen XI XI Pqhdk Btbni XI XI Fuunn
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    • 585 5 I wit Value Bayer*. Seller*. 2/- V- AlUkm 4 I 6/ %l- %l- An«io Malay 1 U 1.4.0 2/. 2/- Batons Xalak* I I 8/XI XI Batu Ca»ei 16.00 16.0.0 XI XI Bata Tiff* 4.12.6 5 0.0 XI XI Bukit Kajang 2.15.0 2.16 n XI XI Bakit Lintang 4.1.V0
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    • 124 5 Imam Valoe Bayers. 10 10 ■■■tin Sawttia* 10 7 676 41 41 Electric Trtmwtji 8/8 10 10 Fraaar Near* 8V 00 100 Howartfc Krakiae 100 7% Prat 100 100 K«U Bro. Dal 100 100 H 8% Coir. fnt. 10 10 M*yaMd Co. MOO SeUon oom 10.00 7.00 4/8 411.00
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    • 48 5 Buyers Sellers Mowarth Brskine 8% 1900.000 par Riley, Hargreaves 6% 2, 8* pm Singapore Electric Tramways 6% 4860,000 Spore Municipal 6% 11,878.000 mm. Huynr* St>il< r. Spore Municipal 4|% of 1907 $1.800,C00 6% 7%poj Spore Mnuicipai 4J% ofl9oH $1,000,000 7% H%ana Spore Municipal 4% HMM.WO 7%pm
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 Never mind the why and wbercfcre, I ..m can level rank, and therefore. If my laas you truly care for, Vi.u are welcome lad. I'm sure Thus tbe Ma of l>erweotwat< r Spoke to one who loved bis daughter! Why t because the swain had brought her Some of Woods'
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    • 445 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. April i -At Pluacardeo, No. 19, Naniim Riad. teak hous ;ho'd furniture, property cf A. (ientl. X-] at 1 April 11 X' *eleroom, building allotment situate at Taojong Km. etc at 2.9?. April n— At 9, St. Thomas Walk, household furniture, etc.. property of Capt.
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    • 500 5 LAMBERT &BUTLER'S Smoking Mixtures. K^iMi^^^B hacked in nb. aih-tiomt tins PRICE 70 CTB. PER TIM OBTAINABLE AT H^ftßLflLSß^nj John Little Co., Ltd., baumuiiajraJ Robinson Co. PRICE 90 CTB. PER TIN INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COL. LTD. The steamers of this Company maintains a regular direct service between Calcutta Straits, Hongknng. Shanghai
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    • 490 5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVISnTKW CONMNV. UNITED. FOB PBNANO, RANGOON AND CALCUTTA. Tbe Company's Steamer BANOALA, 8.948 tons, J. R. P. Alexander, Commander, will be despatched for the above ports on Thursday, the 6th April, at 5 p m. She baa exoellent accommodation for first and second class passengers. For freight
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    • 142 5 HIGH-CLASS Telephone No. 819. UNDERTAKING. •Hnssp MM* Sir.«a»o~e. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY B«gsj to inform tbe public that the kind patronage accorded bim during the pass (aw years, baa made it necessary for him to acquire another new Rubbartyrad Heame, which surpasses all others in the Straita. Mr>. DaUeqr
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  • 1166 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, APRIL 6. THE GOVERNOR'S TASK. Sir John Andprwn l<«ve» at ii^ht o.licl to morrow- morninK 'or Kuro|» l|. will bt abnent. probahlv. fr.Mii four to ttitv t mouthan.l the will not b<- one of r. -tfu! eaae. W. -doubt if tin- <i..v. rnor of a
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  • 18 6 lli. li.-«i.l.utml School for Malaya at Kuala Kan|(Har will, in futur. la I. Th. Kuala Kangxar Malay OmmMw"
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  • 28 6 Thr K.'-w i.-li prayer meetini; will Ml h. 1.1 on MomUy n. xt. atti.^i a.m. in tli. Cmmm (iirls Sfllin>l. (iovi ruini lit Kill. LmMMT, Ml, \V. Murray.
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  • 22 6 The prioeH realiivd at the Siiina|K>rv HuhlMT Kxrhanuu auction yenU'nlay 1. for sh.t t J.Ui'i |nr pi.ul. for rrepi I*l per |>icul.
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  • 34 6 Miiir. Outline ami Co.. a«i'nts of th. link it Kajang Kubbpr KsUiti-. are in receipt Ol a cable from tlw wrrlaru". inloriiimy Uh-iii tliat an indrini <livi.|i-nd of five per cent. liaH been ik«-uuvd.
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  • 34 6 Tramp (itaaunont art- at tin- pitMedt monii-nt paying increamHl attention to I'aloutta liar bour. Tin pla|(Uo iv I'hin.i and th. MM oilM«d crop in th.- Immh IHMI .Invcu tliciii toneek (or caiyo in Imlia.
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  • 39 6 Tin l>iim.'iii«arii |B*aMMM) IliibUi i ..n--|kui\. I.iiniteil. MM .!•< tared final of Ml ci nt MM| a total of Tl i for the year. Kifty |«i .int. wa- the Mai |iaid last year and U Mf Mt tin l»f
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  • 40 6 Tin MMMI MMi of Mm, Ltd.. in Cal. ntUl. In- MM*] fioin the oM MIaMM in l»alhou-i.» Spiare. Went, to n<« and s|ileinh.| MMnMM in the MM, >n.| still im iiuish.,|. OiDaadera BaiMinKa, »t th. h. i.l M Ch\. straet.
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  • 39 6 Tin- followun; ti itpota for March an n-porUil- <io|ieng tWrfl pii uls. N.w i l-.ti pi.nls. T.kka Mil I'i.ul-. Kolhillx MMaßMak The output „f th. New TaoMMM tin iniiies in Kehru.iri wa- IM BJaMaa in March ITcUI pi. uls.
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  • 43 6 Innns-eiit (laragraph it was sUU-l that Mr. T. K Triieman. ..f MMM^Bai, ha.l l« n lin.-.l f.,i iioii M#MMMM m th. Iliiti-h Coa sulaU' at Shaii-h.ii Mi Tiiieiiiaii w i it.s that this isjncoirccl. The iiiforination was Uki n from a MMmImI I'-'l"
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  • 52 6 A e.«.lie was uk.'n by a cn»-.«hle at Kana the oth.i MaT. Wh.n MMMMI the man »a* still ahv.'.'hut he died lav r Sine, tin n the MMMI has U-. n .aptur. .1 h\ in. .11 Malay and brought in for the usual 'r. w.r.l The reptile was about ten
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  • 48 6 The K.I.MS huffenn arrived in IMMI |»ire roads yesterday afternoon an.l this MMMaaf for MMgkMa MM i- taking t.. th. latU'r |».rt. fnim In.lia. 1". ofti, i- MM IM N <>. and men of th. l.Oith Baloehia, MMM| of tin lloiiykoiic and "sin^a |«n. \itilli iv. under M and-oii
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  • 73 6 i WaahiMlon diapatch t.. th. N« ioik Pana --liti -t..t. Ibaa UN iM hnk ..f tin hlu. Hope diamuod ..;.|>ais tiiliat. show it- If.- It- 11, 11, 1Mr. ami Mi- Edward atcLaaa ir. mm N 'I'll. I. j. 1.. York ami Pana. In it- porcbaaa prj baring I. n lii.^l
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  • 72 6 ■1. h.u. .1, cMad that it uul hr unni m—i j loltoblaaj pohlic inoairt int., the 1 11. 11: ihiit; tin .leatli ..t Mr. llu;. 111-..11 .tml Mr. 1 i.ipp. i!..n Ibroagh anaaii pMooaMg at a DalkeiUi *up I -uin. clearl) pointed to Mi II ,t. hi-.u s eld. 1
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  • 89 6 Th. h. in in in 'it the Birn in^ham orpun ll||«.l\- olll'l.ltt.. meetiuk: of the ei!y cv 11, il that a o'lilraet r.i mmm) tl,. rah* .t CHjOOOhad .'i tirin. Ih. Ml M waa 1.. 1 i\. d uith ,rus of MMM to win. h th. r. pbad
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  • 99 6 rhevi ted q nation of h..« th, principal in the La<l\ <."lna 1 I .veiitrv. whi.i, t., form part of the oioiiation „i, I M itionn. has MMI •ettle.l 111 1..***** of th. 1. ■I out l.ieallv ill the last 1.1U..11 IMMM The th.n appeared in -ilk MMIMBgH
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  • 125 6 While on tin- w.iy Imn to ">>'.. llaiit;.«>n. a Kuropean named .1. \lli-oii. lot 111. rlv MOMMt iv th. ImM )«>li.e. jillii|>.-.l overlmard froinih. f. 1 1 I. all etfoits to si;ve him |n..v.-l Mb, Th. dccnaaeil mm J- 1 MM 01.1. Mt«ag 1» n 111 the 1 ■abort MM*
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  • 156 6 A pro-<i'iitioii MJMMJ °»t of an ,i. i.l.nt in MM lurl.-n \>a- 11..11.1 h. tl AtU'ii.laiit tin- for. 11. >>n. nip 11 I .Mi.i ..I th. -v niu lain:, Ii I'iil.iii Beaar, MM MMMmI with Immm Mm vowel ply for MM without MWMf .1 oartMMtad Wmmh mi mmml Hi guilty,
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  • 179 6 liy afUrn.hin. th. s. I Tn.i^i-ti.n. Mr \ <>|» msl tin- pr< liiiiin.iiy iii,|iiiry mt ih. rirciiiustaiio m ol tin n.nit alruiimn ScrHM^o'ii Kiwi iiiunli-i >•( wlurli a klini; hull.. 1, .art drivi-r Is wrllMil. Tin a<X'lls<il ih aili-yi^l t<> h;ivc ymic U> tin- li.mis, Klni'^ uluw w itli whom
    179 words
  • 254 6 . Df <i D I if. r IMM hMH yrmiiU'l nun 111. .ntli* Mi. M.iiii,.i.|ilk. RmtSWI I I ■nninbtl *m irt«nt .h. nn-i. Institute d>i M,,h. Ml ■> r. wm lvv..n. who to Mm t«. in < tin 14. ofl th. fin. in It is »UU»I tlißt Kit
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  • 25 6 Moan. II I. I M Wadai 1. in. 1 an. i I.4ft) (t. .(nil r. lit »J n nt ".i- -M t i
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  • 47 6 i I .It <.f i.iticm- -I v M -i nt li ii- lin publii atton uml Miitput.- Tnooten on 18.44 picnla, mm total \.i |! tol«! profit 100.41 U. X.ii -limit 1 1 i ul. i< \.i..i- op >.n.U. |ol«l i übl. \.ir.U t\
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  • 53 6 in^-t. i- ap unougllw liters, .low us.. I. phants. U. dtnennea, juyyl. i th. r atti i in.l ll.u in baa all o< :i knows ju-t how |o >■ iit them to th. ,ntaye. Ih. and will if..i ml to as;.nislnm als,. di..\ a packed t. Bt, in
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  • 103 6 Jelutong in Sarawak. iii Ins .uiniial i. |«.rt. la ItlU, am Hi. wak Mr I 1.- imtu j. liiuini; expo) pu.iU ,ii..l is rained at •?<).««. which in J>i v ill- si,, ,11 d that i \|»iit..i in IWI9. HliiUt is „iil\ i,,.,r. -i..1! „1 in s 1|.,» 11, 1,1-1
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  • 220 6 . Mr I 1.1 Mil k. tin s,m,.i i-iiuiiii, i in Hi, V > K hi- mi i. -I In- i nitl. tli. enmpany awl Iff when- li. lilt* 11. 1- I" r. -i.l. Ml Mtotllil.k lit.l I*, ii f..rt\ on. >• ii- in ".1.. hi.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 Try m. ohantfe of Whitky to MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Parliament Blend. <seoieu D^ MACGBEGOB, CALDBECK ft CO,, London and Olaagow. Established 1804. aaßfaaal t.. THI HOUSE Or 10B0S thi housi or coamom •n.l t.. Ih. mouses or p*«n»aiiat caaaoa CALDBECK, MACGREGOR A CO., Bole Amenta. LITTLE'S Cash Clearance ISTO"W^ PR/OCEEDING- RUBBER
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    • 160 6 GRAND CHANGE PROGRAMME VARIETY &°CHOIcToF SUBJECTS ALHAMBRA Tlm Prawlar EtoctHe Ptetar* fataaa. TO-NIGHT! TO-NI6HT!! New Subjecta. MAX EMMM. Max Linden, WIFFLf I. W#MTOt IH FUlt Comic Play (iabrirl Tiiuuiorv. actixl l>y M. l'rince. TOTO VISITS MUY l« MAtKIUU. (iauiuunt Kiln,'. MVMaWMUtTM. *.K.r.y. PaU« -s t'uloural \rtisin- Sciirw. 1^ iiytli o(
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    • 14 6 l.aU st advertisemi nt- of the day appriir on |m^e a» well as H.
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  • 71 7 ANGLO-JAPAN TREATY. IMPORTANT MODIFICATION OF TARIFFS. Textiles and Metals Relieved. Taaaaaam 1 ...ii. 1. in. Vpi il r. Ih. Vn-1.. .lit|»u. new Janaaaea Tiuiffs ia t, in. |».i Unit lass, sof textiles, and the iron ia .vhi. Ii KnUin i- -|siiallv It I- 1., remain iv for., lot tw.
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  • 45 7 OUTRAGE AT ST. PETERS. Supposed Attempt on the Life of The Pope. |..i. OatMUTMcaa Uata Twmi lUrlm. \pnl I -st r. iv Koine, an insane person md policeman. It i- ■ii|b < »—»i that th. mt. ntion aaate t oil the life 'f the l'o|s
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  • 19 7 AMERICA AND JAPAN. Cordial Message from President to r.mperor. > .KvM. I. on. Lii \pril W i i of the
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  • 22 7 WARSHIPS FOR TURKEY. Tun Dreadnoughts Ordered from Armstrongs. Kk; if H aY l.i idol U> onl.-i .v Draadaoaajaai (raai aY
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  • 12 7 THE DUMA. i- .ii. \pni v Pet»>i -i. itl; neaaaai ataV vi
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  • 9 7 KriTrKs Tauaaaa. 1.0t1.1.'11. \pill led at W
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  • 21 7 THE REICHSTAG. 1.1.' U. TILr.iBAM. It. i liv April 1 1.. i;. i. BBMfl «iii aajaia ea Jaw umbh the baiaaft.
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  • 33 7 Dai i-i v-i \ri-. iik I.i.osn IrinoKvM Iv. ,liv \pnl 5. I 1 1. I.' .11. 1 the i t iiuilv |«y a vi-it t<. Corfu Best Ih. Pi im.inv on
    33 words
  • 50 7 FRANCE AND MOROCCO. I »Kk I *-I v-l M ll r I Li IV, I. Tr LK'.K VM I., ilin. April V m < aboa, ii- n ÜBBBeaaiar at It. iliu. i- la visit I'aris. and In- will inform 11. ir Kid.-rl. n aU.ut hi v. I vi. vv- of
    50 words
  • 32 7 FAILURE IN GERMANY. Daa i»st v-uris. h» I.Lovn T>Lit..K\x It. hn. \pril I i. i l'lat< cotton i U aaa, n ai. Uiukiupt vil.n t lui-tiin flat. on. ol the iwrtiiers. 11l
    32 words
  • 116 7 ipoadeal writ* i.i na u-tom in Calcutta a '•■tii Ui mi v who < ataaai Mm -v. in. i,. Nt ii 1., i. in loaaaj «nt>. and l^.rd Mint., i. ilaiulv |>nvi some encouragement to -i. h pra olni, bj i|.|» .inn in that informrJ attire him-. If
    116 words
  • 303 7 H.M S. MONMOUTH AT SAIGON. Cordial Reception of the Officers And Men. On March A. the Captain of the cruiser Jan Kerymstel yave a dinner U> the oflicent of II M I Mounionth while they partook of tiffin the following day with M. (iourU'il. tin- Lieut, (iovernor. and subwi|iiently liiHil
    303 words
  • 330 7 m Sensational Story of Fiendish Italian Crimes. l Viv b ■tor} 1:1 oiintt tioii with ih. niuid. 1 I his wife kllowil a- Li Sorrentii N on m. IWM. aad i tin Kanji al in -.1 in the rim s Th. -lory is made h} I liavi
    330 words
  • 332 7 Private Secretary's Body Found in The Thames. Mi w Mm. Baxter bald an i»ya -i .<■ ■NUpnev on Wm VII. 11 oVill. of I'aladoai I- Mifhad .1- 1 shorthand wnt»r. and formerly a piu.i'. nrhow 1.-l.v iraa MMli ti..m tl,, 'I ham. -It th. Tumi. I
    332 words
  • 32 7 Th. I. Hlli Mr. V T I'illay h««HHNi in .laffnv Mr. Mm was a member c.f the MmM M ■su't.-t.owmin. Nt Meaaaal S<U i .Hid rctlled i'lj pension MIX \ears «4(<i.
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  • 870 7 MR. STANIFORTH SMITH CABLES FROM THURSDAY ISUND. What the Party Discovered. As we haw already briefly ann.'iinc<il. the an\i.t\ in rtyanl to Mr. Sutniforth Smith's \|«iliti..n in I'apua was s«-t at rest on March 19 by the receipt in Melbourne of a U'le^ram from the AdininistraU>r announcing his
    870 words
  • 233 7 111. enormous growth in the number of in. 11 ami womeii who now write bookn of ihfferent kin. ls as a means of has Nil to the inauguration of a new profession This is the calling of a lit. rary consultant an. l tin lust practitioner
    233 words
  • 617 7 FIRST TURBINE STEAMER IN LOCAL TRADE. Features of the Lama. I'enanK wan all %U"K about it before sni^a l-'n .>er became aware that the first tut hn c driven steamer in Ute local coast tra.lthad made its appearance. This ik the IS. I. vemel I. ana which
    617 words
  • 502 7 PLAGUE AND ITS SPREAD. Lecture at the London School of Tropical Medicine. |>ap> i 'in I'la^il. alii 11~ "<| read before the Hi.mU r. of Uw > of Ait- by l>r .lam. I anth- I ■aajßrj at Mm I ..union Sch...l .if lr.i|>u 111 Medicine. Sir Shirley Konrtet Murphy Medical
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  • 396 7 MUTINY ON A LINER. Chief Officer Charged with Shooting; A Chinaman. Then was a k rious disturbant on Mart li 8. on hoanl the Seottiah steamer burn, which was in the tarlv hours of the morning iisn.n in the Channel. Shortly after no. m mfmm ■> revoh, r
    396 words
  • 299 7 THE KING'S CORONATION. Arrangements in the Settlement of Shanghai. i Mi E. D. H. 1..- M.<i (on-ul n. iai. at Ibe Britial other vv. l.icli the Be. w huh t .I ■1. -.hoiild bee. 1. brat, dm SI Ih. Tuntiiii;. which was ver) lai tcli. 1. -I wa- held in
    299 words
  • 124 7 Hongkong' s Military Contribution. oir. s|<ondellt writes to thi H.iiiykolli; l>ail> I'n-ss as follows Mm in. lit Co baa none to th, iik. Coiiipiuy. aud olhei i.«al i.nicein- I lvi Cement ,unot ...mist. Haiphoaa and Canton. The -out of tin whole thliii; is IBM -'II r lit la .Milit.n
    124 words
  • 132 7 Mr. guan Kai. coiupratlore ot the I'acilic unship Company, nceiilU loeiwd a aiilwanai f. Mi I B "/Oeoa rVeai dent of the l-orll.tml Kloiinu^ Mills I on, ■aajJTi rmllaiid. Hi. ol which coiu|«.in\ Mr." guan Kai is the MBBt at HaßSpaaf, placing at his di-p.> to
    132 words
  • 71 7 The Admiralty have decided to sell nun roan Kiln aa obnolcU ami until for further „ni. i. 111. an' tlw battleshi|M ('amper down, the cruiser* Tribune. Pique, and Ke tribulion. tlie s|«i ml sorrioe tmncl Id a\. i the slia.p i'lyili th. .l.^tmyei C'oiitest. the In> I. fen. 1 \.--l
    71 words
  • 58 7 GENEROI S BEQLEST FOR CLIB SCHEME. Non -Commissioned Officers to Benefit. IUtTiR- IbaaaajMß. 1.0n.10n. \pril -t.i khioki r. Mi Ham*) I'.ourk. broth, r of tne Karl of Mayo. f. .f India. aa a million II U.pieaths.illhls Wlfe.doeain trust ai provide iub for n..r —1..***** ofrio 1- tin balai
    58 words
  • 42 7 LONDON R UBBER PRICES. t I MIH. v COBBBMOW Malacca. \pnl Information has bo n to. ivul by Malacca Kubber I'lauUtions. I.innUil. that the price >f rim Para in I-ondon yenU-nla; waa •>, per Ib.. seliera. The market 1 lot* I |nn t.
    42 words
  • 34 7 1 M I (Iwx OKKKSPIO Pi Ii 1 Ih. KBori li Penany 11 im Indol the follow inu tin I |s p|- 1 fjl ton- win:. |w |.j« r 111 tons toll.
    34 words
  • 419 7 MARCH RUBBER RETURNS. s 1 North H 11. I ■l in, S, Brieh. H:tTi 11. I Ib. I \l -...It 11. >:> a. T.inj. Ih. (.len.aly I'lnntati w Lab SBl Ih Ib Kan,|..n. K i I I. ln. Ih Ib. Initol Id, an- l)l> Kubb. .(.Tim Ih. W s, 11.
    419 words

    • 313 8 in eclectic i-oiuprti tmn at th. Omilbub OaM Crab will l» ( \pril I.). faiuilitionn are posted in the (luh hoimc. On tin lad liv afternoon. .111 .I. w n ..f th. I! < in. t .111 i.m 11 fi'.m 11. Knit- al aaaka*. Hit- fn-t
      313 words
    • 71 8 Sex. I nurnamtnt. n th. 1:111. ti. 11 with ii.. x < i I .mi t. *****- I. .uiuaiii. ut lUM ..I. unhuMi.-d. Paonsßami l'u«-. i Haw l> it Miles and fi. I I.. I lll.r-. II haai Milkr an>l •1 B< It Ik -Mlllllli; „f i- i-
      71 words
  • Corrcspoiifciicc.
    • 144 8 i 'in ii.ii>th. M .l.i\ b) :li. rtaWishlt nt in Mai i small h.rsj.iul f..i w. >in. ii ,iv.l, i, .in.l ,i i :i. miiii^ •caool in 0111K vti"ii with it An ..1.1 liiit.h boaa saw l».n v. f..r tin- erari kin.l uf furniture will b.
      144 words
    • 865 8 h'lii-ii ili< Mbbbbi Kw V n punt si } .uliclc „n Hi. -li.,rt ti M kaoa Batata m ■i vi ..i ihs mil nit. limit my lull. -u^. ■Hum will, due i jrooi 'luiiiKii .vi.l i \|i<riunee. Ig ..i,. SSM -..mi; r..uu.| luilv i loosMJ "ivr
      865 words
  • 176 8 Vaaaasfssasalaa^aasasßsM I 111. II. >!!«<■ ..f lU']n<— lit <tn. al InaoJar ban pobUahed the majwit) i. |«it v.n 1.H11!.' Mi F.ilk tli. «>..\ -rn..r < ■in ill ili. l'lnli|.|.ii..-~. laaatlHM with tsSSfW th.- l>ir.-< t..i ..f UMHSI Mr. i ar|» nu i tli. K\.vutiw- ft ih<
    176 words
  • 157 8 A Recruit for the Straits. Tim- Mm MoiiKkonK l>aily l'i.— ..f Mar. h A CMMH frointlir N.» Territory. «Ik> lni.l l» n Bnysaaaaasl by au .nnnratiou agent t.. .nli-t for -mtm.. on a tin mine in the strait- Settlement*, an.l who ha.l ap|» i.ntly .oaNcnU«l. ap|M«reil before Mr. Wood at
    157 words
  • 825 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore* April 6. 1911. Mean. Lyall and Evatt. Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning: Norn. Value. Buyers. Seller*. 3/- Allagar 4,'H 6/1* Optiont 1/10 8/ XI Ant;lo.ltra 7/8 8/4 1 Anglo Johore 12/6 2/.
    825 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 40 8 WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not upBet the ttonutch and ia unrivalled lor coughs, colds, bronchitis rod all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tonic lor building up the system. OF ALL CHEMISTS $1.25 AND $2.00
      40 words
    • 13 8 For all internal complaint*. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc.. take Woods' Ureat Peppermint Cure.
      13 words
    • 566 8 E. 40, HOTEL. PENANG The beat and the moat frequented Hotel in the Island, and CRAC HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Siraits, abb Til ••Aacna or RAFFLEI HOTEL, Singapore). I BABKIBS BROTHERS, Proprietors. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BE LET. BBACONSPIBLO LOIXiB, 101, RIVER VALLBY ROAD a lame upper roomed European
      566 words
    • 610 8 Raffles j|^| Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, April 8. THE BTAR OPERA CO Tas Mch aaa stal.j Variatj Utartalaari AT THK THEATKB ROYAL North Bridge Koad. To-Night, No Performance. TO MORhoW NKiHT. Hy Special Requpst, "ALI BABA" And the Forty Robbers will be (taged. REMEMBER Oar New Acton and Actresses
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 165 9 Minimax FIRE EXTINGUISHER Has extinguished 17,000 fires in 5 years. Zingessol WASHABLE DISTEMPER Made by Oi*r, the original producer. Various shades stocked Prices on application. Conolite FLOORING A handsome, durable floor at a cheap price SOLE AGENTS: Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. c. held and co. R. MORTON, Ai^KrsTUNG3GE3CHAFT far FRE^H
      165 words
      342 words
    • 164 9 RAFFLEBBYTHE-SEA P*»nsu&sf« THE LEADING EUROPEAN HOTEL r (No waaaaton with any other Eaaakliah ment of a similar name). RECOMMENDED BY THE MEDI CAL PROFESSION on account of ita beaJtby position, lofty airy rooma, and wbolaaoiaa food. Coiaine ander the cmiatant laperriaion of tba Propriaaor. i Electric lifffat and fans. Private
      164 words
    • 67 9 PATRONIZED BY ROYILTV. USEFUL PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding §Ot(jer &fts IS MOW ON VIEW AX De SILVA'S. Inspection Invited. B. P. dm MILVJk. Manufmoturlng JmwmHmr, •I A\L> 6.). HIOH STIU.KT CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE BRAND MILK TO ALL
      67 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 555 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House SINOAPORB. Board of Dtfwatorai O. A. Dbbbicb, Bag.. Chairman, a. II Faib, Bso Managing Director Pbtbk Fowlib. Ufc, Chief Mad. Officer F. M. Ellh>t. Bag. Rev. N. J. Coovßßra. Tow Noam Pah, Bag. O»a Boon Tbb, Bsq. Eavw Sian
      555 words
    • 241 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE >sBuwa« eamun of cmmu. BSTABUSBID IHH. Inturcnos ia Fares, over .|»7,MMM N.w ■unlnaaa, IQOS, over JUBMM Mot %u*m**m above llaailiMaa tor raaarva aad all outstanding olaims, over $2,076,000 (Straito Currency). Over waa aat aside aa a apaotol addition to Policy isasrvss. J. H. EVANS. Managnr Sooth
      241 words
    • 523 10 CHARTERED BMK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid op Capital ia 9OJOOO Shares at tao each 1,«0,000 Reeerve Fund. 41,*****0 Reeervo Liabiljtf of Proprietors... 41.J***** BANKERS. National Bank of Seotlaad. Tbe London City Midland Bank, Ud. SINOAPORB BRANCH. Current Aocooats are opened and intataal allowed at
      523 words
    • 487 10 BANKING. THE HE HAJ TOM BMWM MO NO. 17 AND 68, KLINO STRBBT. Eatoaliahed 1907. Capital paid ay 11 400,000 00 Rnesni liability of proprietors *****0040 COURT OF DIRBCTORS. 1. Taa Tate Jooh 8. Sin Kia Jau 3. Naa Kirn Saao 7. Tao 800 Lai 8. Luu Cboa Hbmo 8.
      487 words
    • 814 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Cottage Piano, Turnout, Plants, etc. etc. The propery of A. GENTLE. HB> AT PLISCARDBN. NO. 19, NASSIM MM On Smturdmy, April 8, mt 2 p.m. An excellent toned COTTAQE PIANO in LOHENOHIN in u<»d condition, carve .l and polished ovtrmsntcls
      814 words
    • 263 10 MORTGAGEE 8 SALE LK\SEHOLD LANI> AND BOOM iT ,I\L\N >l LTAN. At Chiag Keng Lre A Co.'s Saler Ok Mohdat, Apbil 10, at -.80 p. a. All that piece of leasehold Land tituauat Jalan Sultan. eatimaUd to contain an area ol 3.426 f.|uarc hat ajnl oomprised in Government Lissh' No
      263 words

  • 1551 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Depreciation of Cart. W li. n motorist* iliociiM tilt' cost of running tlx'ir mm, and suh' tliat ho many pennies per mile reprewnt llu i-oit of uwninu an<l running- over a lonj; tieriml. depreciation in ofu-n left out of account, or
    1,551 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 400 11 The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY Tlh- firm bas act! to produce a car of ideal tM il-ir-rfneiency without tbe leaxt «crinoe of comfort in rU PttrUCluarS Hccaring that efftsienay. That the object in view f f L uaa been achieved will be readily admitted by tbe Irom
      400 words
    • 316 11 Better than a PUuter. i-or painx m ilu m,i, .>■ < h.-st aaajaai a piece of flannel with Chaiubrrlain's I'ain Balm and hin.l it on over the s<-at of pain. There is nothing l> tu-r. For sale by all Oispensaric-s and iK-alcrs. CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, No 25, South Bridge Road.
      316 words
    • 321 11 ESTATE SUPPLIES OF Every Description FROM ADMSON. GILFILLAN CO.. LTD. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (Oriental S.S. Co.) WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Th. New Itonte Via China, lapan. Honolulu aad San Francisco to all l'oiata in tbe I'nited MUtM. Canala, Minoo, and Europe. Ofsrati.t tas aaw li.aM taa Trials Screw TiirMas linen
      321 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 471 12 ,—m*-mmm— JOHNSON'S w^—m^—mmm. ELEPHANT' Brand CEMENT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. SHORT HANO TYPIBT WANTED. Wanted, a capable Shorthand Typist. Apply .1 D c o Strait* Time*. BOARO AND RESIDENCE WANTEO Wanted by young man, fumithed room. with t.r without board. Apply to A./., c o Straits Time* 8 4
      471 words
    • 474 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. TUMOUT FOR S*LE lor Sale Robber tyred victoria and chest nut mare. Very nee turnout Apply to 8. O. Wilbama. Municipal Engineer s Office 818 8-4 FOR SALE. Strong Australian Hone, Victoria and Harneas Apply W. 0. Uennings. (W. Mansfield a Co Ltd.) a MOTOR CAR FOR
      474 words
    • 554 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFRCEB TO LET. Whole of second floor of Commercial Un*a Assurance Compan va baildiag, e/o Robinson Bead and Tslegrann Street Apery to Cans■eroial Union Assurance Company, LbaJM. nI(M HOUBEB TO LET. No. 80. Roniawn Road, and Nos. 41 and 44, Anson Road. Apply Nathan A
      554 words
    • 493 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the )m i*ass of the Singapore Carting Sy ndi cate ha* bean dissolved by mutual consent, aad from this day th* hoarats* will be oarried on by tbe andersigned under the name of the Tanjong Pager Labour Syndicate. any debt or debt* do*
      493 words
    • 593 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A GO. SHIP CHANDLERS Telephone No. 421. 108 A 109. Market Street. THE KITUNfi CO.. LTD. Large shipments of Chinese Sinkeh Coolie* arriving weekly. Orders promptly executed For tsnuK and partiealars, apply to PATERB<>N, SIMONS I CO.. LTD., AKant*. SSI v NOTICE Notice ia hereby given,
      593 words
    • 391 12 BOARD ANO LODGING. BOMO IKD RESIDfNCE Comfortable rooms. Near town moderate Apply C.I > o straits Times. 84 2 5 BOARO AND REBIDENCE Comfortab'e room with belli room and c raodah attaobed near town terms moder ate. Apply V H, c Straita Time* IHB v BOARO AND RESIDENCE Comfortable single
      391 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 242 12 Straits "(Dimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES— Mianallane ous want* of every doatrlptiuu are insert ed at the prepaid rat* of II per four Una* (or one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriage*, or Deaths, if not st— e ding four lines, II each insertion Kor p.p-e. cards, on page 6, 12.
      242 words