The Straits Times, 28 March 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. NO. 28.525 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MARCH 28. 1911. PRICK IOCKXTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 423 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST FERRO. The World* Standard Two-Cycle MmHmm Mmtmr. THE 1911 MODELS. IMPORTANT FEATUIEB. The Most Perfect Control of any Marine Moton I'll Phm Motors tmbody an entirely new idaa in ontroilinK mocbaoism wbiefa Rraatly iaereaaes eOciancy aad My overcome,, common aanoyancca. THIS FK4TURE IS BXCIISIVK
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    • 60 1 THE "EMPIRE" I- THE 11-EAL Typewriter roa SIMPLICITY. HARD WEAR. HI6H EFFICIENCY. Foolscap* 1 Model takes paper! ft* wide ill2i "Brief,* 1 Model t.'kc^ paper $140 Policy" Mcxlel t;ik(*> paper Ifr* wide $162 1,500 in uee in Dritisli Oovern-I nu'iit Ofltai. WllITi: FOR I'ARTIII LARS TO The Borneo Co., Ld.,
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    • 349 1 THE TERRITORIAL TARGET RIFLE. (303 BORE 1 This ia Um> well known l^trng Lm ho field Pattern MsW, wbicb bas been modified b T MM introduction 01 1) sew back si«bt suds, leaf aad bed (8) new (ore si|(bt aad protector 1::' a ebarger (vile bridnc, (ti a new (deeper)
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  • 661 2 HOW DEGENERATES SURVIVE THE FIT. Sir J. Barr's Dictum. A r<inaikaliU s|««li irtnmtik by Sir J. Ban, Un \\<ll known |>liy-inau, at a nxietinu of tin Liverpool l.i.yi. Ii of BM KugunicH Education Six-u ty. W, were alwa>it UiwaitiuK Natiut, said Sir .1. Itarr. and natural tclwtion di<l
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  • 215 2 Mishap to Steering Gear Results in Disaster. Tin Rriuali raaanin < In. Ii ncxpo »ar« boaad ab H .lillie 1111.111 I Hca. ili»|iatcli i" Hm' \s;(lii says:—Whilst "ii bar was aaaa Naaaaaki m Veaakaaßi vai KnU-. tin steaasai awaaded afl tin- Yoahiiiu I m.ira.Nak.i Tadudistrict, Kaya^aprt-fti turt', in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 92 2 Ik 'VAN A' k TONIC WINE Q 000 000 1 ft cr o One or two closes <aaiiy, yd M v strengthen body, brain and o U nerves, and counteract the y\ fatigue and depression (j °^i produced by extreme heat hr o <=> Fortifies against Malaria Of all Chemists
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    • 92 2 Bc«t Liniment. slight iui iiUutH and injurioa are a frequent oocurrcnit mi tin farm anil in tlir ■NaaJi simp. A nit SMMM mMbsl 11 >ften the cauw of inu< h annoyance and IbM of liiui". imiy U 1 untl in about one-thinl the ti,,if usually saajaSMJ l>y applying (ham berlain'it
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    • 496 2 ART NEEDLEWORK MO FLOWER DEPOT SI 7, Orchard Road. AWARDBD MBDAL AND DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZK, AORI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW BINOAPORB, 1910. Arranßxd Floral Baskets, Boaqoeti. sbowors aad Floral forms d all iV—iatiiais Weadioff order* reesrve apeeial aMentioo MANY LOCAL TBSTIMONULS Cat Flowers ran oox owe Nurseries quite Freeh NURSBRIBS AND OARDBNS.
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    • 254 2 WHEN GREEK iiiicls (irrck. thru tonics (lie tun cH i-« .ir. hut hrn Siinli^lii SssSßj aasfta Ihtwctkly v\.i-.|i rt in .111 1 is\ liiiimpli ■< SUNLIGHT SOAI' l iv\ rMr SI \l 11, HI V\ > I AVRISTLET 1 WATCHES. [9 Gold and Silver Watcher Afl in leather wrist straps,
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  • 1062 3 LORD RSHEBS DAUGHTER AS THE RANEE MUDA. A Weddmg Romance. To tin) S\l»ia. cUuuliUr of 1/or.l KOht. b»-.(.in«*»>> lin niarria|<c with Mi V\n. i llnoki-. tli<- l;an« Mmln <>i «'n.«n I'nn.-i M .t »i-n\ »■< Sarawak, and MM t" on, tin' uio«t nmimntk- wivcr, ij.mi. I V-i.i.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 14 3 Kur all internal ixunpUinU. Dym-nkry,' Cough*. Colds, etc., Ukc Wi«l« Urvst I'opl* nuint Cure
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    • 304 3 1 MOTION CO. V atchmakers, Jewellery, Opticians. REPAIRS PROMPTS BVECUTr.I'. m ■■J l r r^* dv? I fw Bmmm*. C^m^k Hi frntt*' r» ■»!<■■ 4 C* MMMi BEH6 CHUNG NURSERIES. Orchard Road. H«*e always in Stock Splendid tpea iij"b« of Orchid* irom Sooth America and Native BtaU«. Flower p»nU ol
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    • 163 3 <qL Sozodoxvt 4 ,'2*. •*t*Q** t- *JA it«ty fr^ iroi th c'codortMT mi I tome ",i rf s m t^ m L> F r rv ll* •««**> and i,^~ ■»lo Ht tetlh ill!-: .tel Irvnjlkrs lit gum* I2jlj*|ip|r And< A.t-i ret irp i: Ifcttet* -rr Uwtto-dar.rJ^.crjc^/ it r ..Ics :.r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 617 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P.&6. STEAM NAVIGATION C 8 ii»K CHIN*. JAPAN, I i;N\NO, < EILON, I :\Ll.'.. INDIA. ADBN, EOYPT, MBDITBBBAJfBAM, VoiiTS. PLYMOrTH AND LONDON. Tliroogli Bill* of Ltding issued for China Oaaflk. Poriiao lull. CjotincnUl. and American Ports, -teameni will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES O. 'Id.) IMI
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    • 539 4 BTEAMEI BAIUW6S. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained be tween Yokohama via ports to Marscillee, London and Antwerp, under mail contract witb tbe Imperial Japanese (Government The New Twin screw Steamers maiataiaiag this service have baas specially deaignod and acl
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    • 665 4 STEAMER SAIUN6S. PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP CO. U. 8. MAIL LINE The groat steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Hooolulu aad Sao Francisco, operating th« new 18,000 ton., twin aorew steamers KOREA aad SIHEKIA, together with tbe well known steamers CHINA. ASIA, MONQOLU MAN CHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF
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    • 252 4 STEAMER SAILINGS Camdian Pacific Railway Co 's Royal Mail Steamship Una. HIE NATIONAL HIOHWAYTO EL'ROPB Via China, Juan, Canada axd tub I'mtbo StaTbs. Roote from Honskoag, via Shanghai, Nsgaaaki I Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Bmpresi of India") Twin screw R.M.S.'Bmpr-s of Japan', 6^« X.M.S.
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    • 564 4 STEAMER SAiLINGS 4 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. DEUTSCHE DAMPFSCHIFFFAHRTSGES. 'HANSA BREMEN. Combined Service). The (learners of these Companies maintain a regalar aervioe between Hamburg, Br»mea, Antwerp, and RotVrJaa.and tbs Btr*itf. Cbiaa and Japan. H'imesard*. they are de*patched fortoigbtly fnr H»v re and Hamburg and ooo* a mantn for Bremerhavcn direct,
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    • 630 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Horddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL 6ERMAN MAIL LINE. Tin- fast aod well known mill iMnun of tin* Company tail fortnightly from Bremen flamburv. vi« K turdar. Aswwarp, S,.itriamp ton, (iibrallAi ti< Bwa, Nap'.rt lo>noecting Marssille*. M p!.-«. Alexandria, an I I l'virt >*id, Basja, Aden Colombo.
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  • 170 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, March 38. High Water, M 4« am.. 10.9 p m. liaodraann (>pera Co., Theatre, 9 p.m Wednesday, March jq. High Watur. 9.81 am.. MM p.m. prisn day, 10 a.m. > M V l>, hating Society, H46 p.m. llanimann OfOM Ci., Theatre 9 p.m. Thursday. March
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  • 196 5 T" DAT. I'ort l>.rkson ao<l Port nham I'oh Ann I pm >• ttt-nham. I'cuaok' Colouil-o Nore t§m I vli Calypao 8 pel Muar and Malacca Lady Weld 4pm (■in I riuassinandCotie S I'orneo Ipm Bangkok Singapore 4 pm IVnani: and Cjlombo Snubia 4 pm Tm bwsbWV, Penang.
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  • 133 5 The I -up lirmtn mail steamsr P. Ludwig having luft I'olombo on > inilay. laaf Maa iu-tan: at I p iv.. miy be expected to arrive here ol r riiay. the .'list invant, at 7 p in. The R I contract packet -tr Tbocuwa. it Ntvapataiii at
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  • 392 5 9 Latest Arrivals. t »pt IhM I CO SiiubjH, Mar _'">. Qc. and 14 ii p Tlio Dt Ek fm I'uutianak, Mar 29. II '.v Kian. hit. str. 1021 ton. i art Huh rib, M*r K I rom ISatavis Mar i.-oh Kur Mtuarang, Mar t >ns, (apt l.i'.tmann
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  • 102 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-D«y. TAN.IOXO PAOAR Eist WHARr Basii. -Ku.^ntan, I-uh Wo. East V. S«vti<>\ No 1 liakata Maru. Shkiks Wiukk -Sappho. Main W. Sk. r No 2 Taroba. Kut Sang 8- Nil. 4— Nil 6 Oorgnn. Chiengiuai. t Prometheus,
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  • 101 5 rivals Per ft< im«r <orgoo, Marc!, 26. From r'rt mantle via rortu Mr and Mr*. Kangrr Mr and Mrr .Innes acd Mr. T K Krowne. Per ateamer Kio'a. March -7 —From Telok An«on v>a port" Hbbbwl G -chrsne Bosch, Friend. V, lg>> juncil. Hsgsar, Kerr. Acton \V
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  • 239 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. BMOAPOEB, Maß. H 28, 1911. Ow LoMDoa— Bask 4 m/i S/4/, Demand 2/4| Piivaten ir/s V*\\ do 8 m/a 2,4| Oh QakXANY Bank d/d SStf Private 8 m/a 348 Om FiAMca -Btok d/d 299 Private 8 m/t 399 i Ok India Bank T. T. 174) Private SOd/a
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    • 172 5 Iwae S V»lne S. 10 10 Belftt Tin 10 10 ISru»DK 10 10 Brimeh ll ji 10 10 K»n»boi Cl £1 KioUTio ill XI Kli-dMK Tin 10 10 KatnUii Tin tl XI Lthat Mine* 10 10 lUUom Tio > S I'abum Oonaoi Cl I. ukli»l.-ii Cl XI fating B»Lru
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    • 601 5 km v». Ql Bayen Seller* •i/- >/■ Allagu 5,5 2/- 3/- Au«lc Mala? 1.4 J 15.4) i/. 2/ Batons Mal'aka Ml 8, £1 XI Bato CaTM 15.00 16.0.0 XI XI Bata Tiga 4.12.8 5 1.6 XI XI Bukit Kajang 2.15.0 818 XI XI Bukit Linton* 4.1.0 6.0.0 XI 15/-
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    • 123 5 I -mil- Value ai Bayers. 10 10 R*rtern Smelting 10 7 676 41 41 Eleotric Trtmwajn 8/8 10 10 Fraw Ne»ve 88.00 ICO Howkrtb Erakine LOO 7 V, Prel. 9000 100 100 K»ti Bro. !>• t. XX 100 8% Ciiu'. Prel. 10 10 M»TD»i^i Co. 26 03 Dom 10
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    • 51 5 Buyers Sellen Howarth Brakine 6% MOO.OOO par Riley, Hargreavea 6% 281. 000 2* 8J pm Singapore Electric Tram wars 5% tUOfIX Spore Municipal 6;, 11,878 000 nom. ,/rri. Is* ri S'por. Miioicii i. o( IVO7 ll.Buo.Cou 8% 7%pu» Spur. Muuicipsi 41% odoou i.000.n00 7% e%ptc Sport, Municipal 4;, IoUi.WO
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 Tin Arbitration Judi;o was clear Well, iicntl. I"' n, MM point. I'm glad to hrar. <>t, whii-li both Hiil<* at>rif." by, >< h, »ai<l Curlywiir, t lie wise, 1 W i n a I aw**od, 1 in HMO, K r ODfgha ai T.< W jodi' <»r<»< rVpaottVal
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    • 384 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. M%r Ml At saleroom. (iur British stea mers, vis: ss. Glenfallooh, Hoot; Mob, Hook Wan I and Hoor Bee. at iM. Mar. 28— \l saleruom, valuable town pro perties. comprising 14 oodowna, a rice mill and 4 shop-houses, at 1 80 Mar. 29— At raleroDm,
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    • 497 5 J^^^___ JJ _^^»«l^ssjs»p'<aSs*'"^W# J "*^#»'.^aaCK| > y**^"*^*^f*?* jH^^^ On taM> W9 Kt<Ki i i Mai ii tt Maaa* Nmbm m._ Obtainab.e.» BOUtOH ROUge I JOHN LITTLE S FoliirrA I ANO CO LTD. v «-TPti*i» aj^MsaW •f« r»wa»m< ar all Mast «f oW bo *-.«< Tart*a To»acw mitt tit iMmtMtm is
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    • 209 5 APCAR LINE. OP BTEAMERB The u'ldermontioaed mail steam nrs of it* above Line maintain a regular aervioe be tween Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penan? Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai ea roate. FLEET Tons Commander Jaraa 6,018 A. SnwaßT 1 OiaooßT Arc»a 4,800 8. H. Bauson AxßaTooa Arcaa 4,600 C. F.
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    • 147 5 HIGH-CLASS Tolaphon.No.Bl9. UNDERTAKING. P»ins*Mi stps«t,^. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Boga to inform the poblio that the kind patronage aeeordod him during trwi dsm few years, haa made it necessary for him to MtßsJsaj snothar nm** Rubbertyisad Hsaras, which surpasses all others in the Straits Mis Daisy ia the
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  • 1114 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY MARCH 28. SHOULD PORT DICKSON SELL? Out of pity for the inventing public we are thinking of offering ouraelTen an rubber estate valuer*. W, Jo not know foniCH seniitostiis cither by taHte or mnell, and we liave a conscientious scruple about asserting that we can tell
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  • 17 6 Messrs. Wearne and Co. of Singa|>ore are amid to bo contemplating opening a motor garage at Ipoh.
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  • 14 6 Oxford and Cambridge University men in Hongkong bold their annual dinner on April 1.
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  • 16 6 Patlie Krerwt obtained a number of cinematograph picture* of the recent royal cremation procession at Rangkuk.
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  • 23 6 Mi— in H. L. I'oghlan and t'o.'n lar^f property anctioo takes place at their salerooms ..i- Wednesday, tin- «Hli inst.. at Ml p.m.
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  • 21 6 Tlie Cuban youth I apa Maura, aged ti, ha* won Ur- iiitirnational rhewt tournament at San Sebastian, with a score of
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  • 20 6 A Malay woman lia* been arrested on a warrant for Uie tbr-ft of »:<6O of which |IM has boon recovpnvl.
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  • 19 6 Captain Iv of Mount Kli/abeth. reports v. the police the theft of four rubber tyres fnmi hi* two rickshas.
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  • 26 6 A bluejacket of 11. M. emitter l"r.~. |-nu ha* been severely in a fight with |M runner* at Kan Alara. midway between Aden and I'erim.
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  • 32 6 A Bengali milkman, who aold milk containing 52.4 per cent of added water wax lined f li«). with the alternative of one month s im|H-isoiiiiiciii. in the first Mftaj court Ui ilay.
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  • 29 6 The Daily Chmuicle'* Vancouver corns pondent *tate« tliat diaiuood* liave own diHcovetnd in the Tulaneen river near l*niux'ton. an.l that Ur- ile|«MtM are *imilar to those lv S.nith Africa.
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  • 40 6 Mi I lioni|~.n. ws-ond engineer of tb. cable steamer I'atrol. was the victim of a serious theft In t«,rti Satiinlav and Sunday nightH. A gold watch an.l a silver one an.l a sum of X4.l>v. were stolen from his cabin.
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  • 40 6 In the Supreme Court, tlii* morning, be fore the acting Chief Justice, in tlie case of Jaeger and Co. w, K. .1. I'nger. iu.lgiiM-nt was gn.-ii by coniM-nt. for plaintiff for *|i«i..n the claim, and the counterclaim was di* misHeil.
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  • 41 6 I MM an.l lon. two assistanton Selaba estate. I'erak. liave app. ir.-l m Court, on a cliarge of causing hurt to Mr ■I.KM'pli. chief clerk, on the nUle. Mr. Sharpe wax fined ».VI for caiiHing hurt, an.l Mi l^wi*'J."> for abetting.
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  • 38 6 On. I ieriuan MMMM were pMM* in transit by the I'nntCHH Alice, l«""i thmiigli Sinua|»ne >•-;. nla> Th. -lint; to Hamburg after compl.tiui: commission at Tmngtau. Tb. ar. ottui ml by OmmW Witukin.l. IMotM.i an.l Mayer.
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  • 51 6 Tht Taipui", pa|*r of Satiinlav MBMM A Kuropean paiw^nge. from Tapab I Tagiali Uxik it into bis h, .i.i mMm to ih linl^i- the illiv.r of the drivt the car hiunelf. He drovt it into a drain anil upwt it. causing mjuries toMtMal passengers. 11. is |a U
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  • 76 6 I' sn.l tliat a number of tb. mM*BI ar.iun.l Santlakan Itay attribiiu- tlie eaaaaa to la*t year s comet. The av 1 .|u.stion is evi.leiulv fount) to be a eru\. We MM* «sja MM* nays tb. I! Nil. H.raM. W ivin« tb. MJ| of a as M with lebi
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  • 84 6 An explosion < at (iro Do. k in the Dim! Hall of the M lli U hlan.l liowiu,. llnga.le. K. K. A. au.l <h.l ilama^" U> the building. It wax cau*e<l by th. biir-tiiin of a boiler in the barium- i.. .vi. which w*s compleU'ly wrecketl .M.ijor r. Siiutb.
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  • 70 6 A rcviul issue .>f the Lamjiaa (iaxetU- con tame.l the follow inn notice Tli. k.-.t; has that Mi Wtlham K.lwanl 1 1 Km n. late lieutenant ami Baa. major. I uatta. lusl List Australian Coiuiuonwealtli Forces, shall et**e to be a member of the l>i*tingtu*hed Service (tiiler, U> which
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  • 86 6 Hi. Director of St. Jom pli s ln*tituti<in wishes to at- know iudge with grateful thank* a donation of WfM which lie ha* BBjaJtßji fn.iu Mr. M TMMJ Ham. Mayor of Satuarang. This has enabled the director to pay off all ouUtand ing debt* incurred by tli. envtion of the
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  • 95 6 A telegraph •Msfa, working on the San.lakan Bsjlioa near Sungei Kulu. report*, say* the K. N. H. H.ral.l. that h. was attackt>d by two full gniwo orang titanx He says that he only *ave<l liitiis, If from Uieir clutches by throwing him* If iuu, the river. The head mandon- think*
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  • 98 6 While II M.S. l>r»iuetheu* wu in N.«-f,,lk Bay recently for the |»irpow >»f carrying out tii-iug practice, two of her officers hail a vary uncoiiifortabli' cxperiem-e. Lieut. Haii.lh-y and Assistant PayiiiaMtvr l>rayHon were away in a skiff under Hail when tin- boat ra|mixed. and they were forced to *wini half
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  • 114 6 Mr. K. K. Stubbs, who asja Kent by tin C ulunial Surrtary to Ceylun. Hongkong, ami the Strait" St-itU-ini-ntH, to inquire into ami report upun certain department* of tinailitiiniHlraUonit of thorn' Colonies, baa returnoi to tin- < ulonial OUum-, and hax drawn up a valuable n-purt on the reaultM In*
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  • 490 6 t M|>t. ami Mr-.. K A. Turner i 4 NBBJHBai an' paying a «lx.rt i-it to l|«.li I ncrville. of 111. M Kt-giiiM-nt. has btvn apr*Hnt«d Mibtarv Atuu h. at Tokio Two olt 1 resi.l.nls „i Siuga|a>n M.s^is T. S. ThoniHon and A (..nil. |bm for bom.
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  • 59 6 M Missis H I. C.ighlan an.l i moms mii Monday, th. following Siagapon |>lo|ie|-tl.-s «,t. .I|s|«-m,I oi 1- hold Un.l. with iMM tlieni.ii known aAver .lerneh. No »nl s^ 1 J n Kl u'. Km Mk Bmi for IllMsV The lull. ihhei i-*tau-. .listr i.-t of Sumbawaag, »l-.nt
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  • 86 6 us here |«>Kitivfl) on Satiinlav n. \l. \pril 1 It is tli. hil show, as always, aii'l hits saaamaj n. w nn.l mm- |at Itob Lm* is Assm from Hongkong ami iaaaHhai tli. new gaar of the circus Ullt~ M»tK ail.l s.i f.irtll -something a long way out
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  • 101 6 BBBBBjaW trial Uaik pin.-, on last of the Helen, a small craft to trail. betvs,-. li ih. ruhU r .-slaU-s on the coa*t in Mm v rntory aaj Siugaiion The asjaaj |mI dim. nsi.*s are length sir. 1,. .in Hi depth 7 >• Sh, titusl out with
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  • 102 6 Tin- hlii|i|iiih; i imiinitv of tin StralU have been -an: ■aarvaaat of th. Tort that from about April H. foi thrc or four ilays. thnt' Hubiuarine veitio'ls will lull, rtli.-l in Sinya|«.r. 11.xt.1-. st-awanl of th. northern portion of th. n.-u m.,1, iti.l. > conNtructioii It is
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  • 124 6 Twenty four local student* ..f ih< Inu ros tionai Correaooadeace Schools met at tin- mi denonof tlie rrtinnu <ien<<ral Agent. Mi .1 II Wlntakir. Ust iiiylil,. for tin ,1,,,ii>1. naaajsai of |>rewutiug him with a btwiiUful siraaj sjaa an a token of the ntn'in in which h. is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 154 6 Try a, chantfe of lrVhialcy to MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Parliament Bland. c? W MAC6BE6OB, CALDBECK ft CO., London and Ola*gow. ESTABLUHID 1804. A« iippli*! tu TNt HO«S( Of IOBDt TNt house or coaaoat aad It Ih. nouses or Miuistai csaaaa CALDBEOK. MACGREGOR A CO.. ■oU Agents. UTTLE'S Cash Clearance SAL E
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    • 204 6 T^WO MILES or MOVING PICTURES To- Night ALHAMBRA MHETWM MB ■rSMM In tlie fi.ll.m \ou Mitij. -.t- T«t tUH TMK ion the lioftlent of the NiUl. Imperium Film. MtSCT, ECCOITnC CTCUtT. TM TWssUVS IH H.r.A....L. ■sVUW MBHUMEsV Kxi-tll.-nt trick (abject UMIK Ol'T F.IK LATEST MAIL NEWS IN Pathe's Animated Baxette
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  • 190 7 LOCAL COUNCIL'S BY IMPERIAL UKASE. Czar Muzzels the Duma to Satisfy M. Stolypin. IUCTIB TILaOBAM. I, .nd »n. March 21. V SI I'eU rsburg tclegraui says tliat after issuing ukasi-s. coiiuU'rsi.; by M Stolypin. anapaading th. -itnu^s of tin ouncil of Kmpire and the Kntiia till TiumU)'. the
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  • 356 7 REMARkAKLE TRADE SCHEME IN ENGLAND. Foreign Goods in Disfavour. Ra in- 1 ri.r,.K\M. Uaajaaa, M.nch ■_'-> lh. Ml British shopping an it, Lass! I'l'iuiKiul v «nI'li. \Mud.iw- in tin leadiaa; Ibi miglifaiii nl\ Itntish iiianuf i. ;ur,n. ami dernoiistratioii- an uiv. nof tin >r,ieeaaesof nianufa. I n, of
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  • 60 7 (ienerals Nominated to Lead the Operations. Our OsTititTiscai Lu>td Tkukikav. lUrhu. March -'7 in I'i.s- iii spit.- of sympathy with < Inn i ii oiiMiicail tliat only a prompt ■aassMaaiaa t,i Kussia's .leiuan.l- aM pn\.nt in mi,, ial- 1., ts, Iniiski and Nikitin an ap|KunUi| leader, for
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  • 48 7 Relations Very I nsaiisfacton. IUI I«K'« TFLfoRV^. London. Man h '.'h iv- the r'orcii;!! BasßJ t.n v n: -nisw. i .|iii-stmn said that <ier The i. pntatc ■rooerty. an.l Mm expulsion of Oatssssl nuns and olh.r -«il,].rK an I t1,. had created difticui: i.-
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  • 38 7 rUir«R« liv *\m Lasslßß, Mai. h J*. Vaaaa tmm th. Mik.ulo t., I hi Call should icad ihal his Maj.-siy in. .-.I that I'm I all ii-v.i gavi redeii. t.. the ii.i.iouis .lainries.-
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  • 523 7 Outcome of the Joint Conference at Kuala Lumpur. iFliiX o<B (>W« CoaBJBtroNDIMT.I Kuala Lumpur. March 37. At yeNtenlavH niuetin« of Uie l'lauU-rs Vss.iriati.Ma of Malaya, Mr. Mak-olm Cum mini;, who pn«ide<l. annoiinoed that the planter* nub oHUiuittee appointed to tvufer with t loTi-nmcnt roprenentatiTea on Uie In.lian
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  • 332 7 Attitude of Syndicate Operators at End of Last Month. I'll.- t.loh. s metal trail.- review for th. ui-il t-ii.linit K> bruray l'> «late«: Lwtt wwk rlow.l at 4190 cull. £IH6 HH. Mm.-. montliH. Thin week, afu r loin limn ill*'. c*ah. <lips«lati-HW HI". Kin. llir.-.' montlis
    332 words
  • 989 7 PROPOSED AQUATIC CARNIVAL I IN JUNE. Members and their Liabilities. Tin more important buiunexH brought for ward at the annual meeting of the Swim J miiig Club laiit evening wan the recommend ation Uiat an aquatic carnival be held on June IT, ami Uiat a new rule
    989 words
  • 119 7 It in notifted in a X.M.S. (Government (iaxette Kxtraordinary Uiat in exercine of the powers veated in him by section 25 of Uie lUilways Kiiactnn nt. I9IM, Uie General Manager. wiUi Uie approval of Uie Chief Secretary to Government, add* the following word* to elan*.- under
    119 words
  • 610 7 EASTERN SHIPPING CO. AND THE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. Claim for Damages. In tin Supreme Court, Una reorning. before Jic acting Chief Justice. Sir* Archibald Uw, iheauit wm nomm—oed in which Uie Eastern shipping Company. Ltd., arc suing Uie StraiU Stearnnhip Company, Ltd., for iUmag-» ariang out of a
    610 words
  • 190 7 General Pole-Carew's Criticism of a Flighty Brother-Officer. In tin .hs. ussion ..I th. 1 1 1. Kstimatan much >-i iti.i-.ii. ihi.-.t.'.l against thf ofneial publication of (ienrral Sir lan llaiuilum s Meinorittnluiii on oiu|mlwiry NTIIO Lk-iit. ran. s,ir K.'arcw. I nioni-t Member for S.Hith Ka»t
    190 words
  • 212 7 Agreement Come to for Uniform Scale of Charges. It ib atatud uleclaruK Uic L. and C Kx|ir«Mi Uiat a» Uie result of negotiations that were untiaUil when Uie IV ami <>. I om|»iii\ and th. il.-n Line uav<- notiou of their mv nliou to withdraw from
    212 words
  • 360 7 Factions in the Malaya Football Association. The second police court was crowded wiUi Malays this forenoon when a case arising oat of internal discontent among native fooaWlars waa heard. Three Malaya. Omar bin Hakar. Hadji Ahmat l(agi<iin and Omar bin Tarnby, were cliargod. before Mr.
    360 words
  • 403 7 News of the Swedish Hxpedition In the North West. Kuril., r ii. -w ScientiH. K\|« iitmu. which aadai th. ■saJiajmaf l»i Kin Mjobert;. tin mm. Nt Swulish scientist, is engage.l in in mi; lin flora and fauna of lh. inUrior of th. north w.-st „f \V. St. m
    403 words
  • 182 7 I Iv I olouial OftV. aunoun. .-s that, with .i view lo fiirtlu-iiiii; tlie work of lh. \frnan KnUHiiolofrk^al KeMearch CoininiU.. Mi Andrew l'arne|{ie hat been enoui;h U> place at its disposal a Hum of iI.UHI a v.-ar for three yean to defray Uie ruat of ncndini;
    182 words
  • 96 7 Tin- jury in tin- libel action in wlmli Mr W. E. I \.~.n. SecnrUry to tin- Slikii«lih. Municipal Council, mml Mr. 11.-rbert l>. Hut- lii Hon. in connection with a n-tU-r win. Ii the Utter wrote to the North China Daily Ncwh on January 6. wt-rv
    96 words
  • 62 7 THE NEW ARBITRATION TREATY DISCUSSED. Expected to Pass Congress Next Session. Kama T«L«.mAM l-ondon. March IT. Tin Morning I'iMt k Washington corraspondent say*. Uie Sern-tary of Suir will confer with lYeftKlent Taft to -day r»i;ar.liin. tin- term*, of tlu- Anglo American arbitration treaty. Mr. Taft fully cxp.,
    62 words
  • 30 7 ■ktaHMMM UM IaMMM llcrlin. Tin- Kaiser when leaving Vein saluUil by tin. Austrian torjKil.. ftWt. which wan under the command of tin- (rrau.l lhik< Francis F.-nlinand
    30 words
  • 178 7 Questions in Parliament Concerning The Chief Secretaryship. i Hr it* Oaaaaaroi Kuala l.iiinpm. Mnrcli .'7 In tl.. House of Commons, ou Mil f RmAmmM li»' -v-r.uiv i>( StaU for tin Oatasjaa whether mi \icw of il fri.t* ..f High i i of Mm ill); unit.-"!
    178 words
  • 36 7 iFim* a IUM l'ou«»r.iM»Malacca. M. Information ha* been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations. Limited, tint tlie price of fine Para in London yesterday was r> '.if ptT lb.. sellers. Tbc market closed .lull
    36 words
  • 125 7 FlloVl 1111 l OWN I "KHt-I'M'l-I n.iiiy. March T> \t tli. lull v.aily meeting of tli. K.u pM Hydranh. lin Miiiiiis; C... h-ld u>da> tli. lion U (snag |.i.-.i. I. and nlluilitl Ui x s.ilisfa.'U>ry ImNM >v tin >i >ti t^ A 1 1 v i .1.11.l
    125 words
  • 244 7 "lh. Cli.aolat. fcldier" wat. Htac< la«<aiiiI a«<aiii l>v tli. Kaii.liiiann Co. last ni^lit. and. al Un>u«(h tin hous> wan not mi full uun tin■HmUh of th. |>r«»ioi,s ]N-rf..riiiaii. tli. mnnw nf Ihi lin. i ti»ii >i );ri»t From tli. iiu.ii>. Nt Mi««!.- ini.-nt -huh h. i
    244 words
  • 25 7 \n .nlntrtral <-oncert will b>- given by tl. I'lulhat m»ni< I h, In-xlra at tlu' TfnU>oia 4 "ltil liy km.) |>-niiiH«iou. on TiMwlay n.\t v.\r,
    25 words

    • 132 8 Ki>r the alrntta i'up England beat t.v 1 |..ints Ui H. At lialf tune the scorf wan U> -I M, V Mamal r. f. r.«*l ins fnoUml) match between il.i Bakal Kmmmamt K< p|«l lUbi>ur Ctaha, hi ill. llnkuu. ii|ir.»iii|»titi..!i. yrnu-r 'l.i\. it tli<' lUMIc nvUiiiatiun Tin
      132 words
    • 52 8 S. C C. I mi ii .iiiu-iii 11,.' IssViwias] is ti alaj l> >1X. I nl. n. beat Kill.y f I -M\..l»- .1 1. i. I I II tMHMMMjr, I Nl w. DMI i II law* tl I ii on 'io\sini' l'\n tad 1.. l^olil ruat "»t< ,in
      52 words
    • 101 8 l.oriK S« im. 1 1 nit MM -iK, r ineilul I tin -vMinininc in-trniUirs if tin < I. n.s. isrinimiaM Cfasb to aaj MM sMiiiniiiii^ from to«n to the .hil> lions, w,l! lurbj Mi Km, ll— k. soa ..f Mr. K.u I'oli Id is only I mh, ..i'i .n.i
      101 words
    • 209 8 ->ep«>> I im> <iolf Club. -1.i.l in. n i nu.UI f,.i M ii. I 1.,, 1., n «..u by Mi M.lvilli. Tli<- (..lluw urn it tin ii- Kirn i< t.i tin i I'll) < l,.in.|'ioii-li,| •til 7 Cl.i will i oiniiienee as ~».n a- date. ;li. r.siill-.' i- in
      209 words
  • 85 8 Vli IS. A. I. I). l> I'll mi; < Mr. V. <i L. D.H. K.C.B ill- the well n^.i|»>i> Jolin I i M VMM i It ,1. Ho. ■ana will I- |> nuiaded t<> Hi. still i.. I tl.ii th. ii wok has »,.i It is
    85 words
  • 401 8 Scores in Recent Association and Rugby Matches. The following arc Immuo football rwulu up to the 1-th in»t. Knuhsh Lcagur. Division 1 Kverton 0. Urn. I for. I City (I; Nottit County I. MMMMMtor I niUil (I Hrmtol City I. Sun.lerland 1 Dl.lliaiii Athleti. >. Notu'Koreot 0. Sheffield
    401 words
  • correspondence.
    • 126 8 I U I. i the >t.aits Tim.-. •sir May I. through the MMMMI of your valuable paper, .all tiie MMMMI M tinMtiuu -i|*l CowiuiaaioOfr* to the lighting of bU in Malacca M.~t of th. street*. ..I lite. h.i\. been left in total Is this s*f. for
      126 words
    • 321 8 T.i tli. KdiUM th. Straits Tim— Mi lllllf »X'> til. llnurs r>( alt. ml ami' at th. lt;irtl< Institution wire alii T.-.1. in < nrll.T Htnit l« iuk iii«<l. ,tinl .in earhi i tli. liMiirs b. .li|4 Iroin 7 li n.iii. t«i I |>. in. Til.-.-
      321 words
  • 834 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Siagapore, M reh l9n Hem. Lyall ud Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, iasue the following list of quotation* tin* inorning Norn. Value. Buyer*. Seller*. 3/- Allagar 4,-9 6/1 4 8/- Options 1/10 8/XI Anglo .Itn 8/ 9/ 1 Anglo Johore
    834 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 29 8 \n*»tr to the Question. Htm i.. Ma \mU i- i mmbUmj in waaak juat BOW. lliauiber Ij Im «<m it-. MSMI l>v it- Kin.trk always v <i, ..I raapMMMM
      29 words
    • 30 8 This Is It. tTbe latest wientiOo preparation of COD LIVER OIL Djee ail that ia claimed for il and supersedes whioh upaot tbe ntomaoh. OF ALL CHBMIBTS. $1.25 AND $2.00
      30 words
    • 13 8 W..1, lin.ii Peppermint Cure for al! intiTiml iiuupliiiut I'ywmtery, (.'otighn, I ,v
      13 words
    • 543 8 E. A 0. HOTEL PENAN 6 Tbe beat and tbe most frequented Hotel iv tbe lalaad, aad CRAG HOTEL Tbe only Sanatorium in tbe Straita, aaa Tan saANcaas or RAFFLES HOTEL, Ungssofs SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. u2780 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Victoria Theatre BINOAPORE. THE BASDMANK OPERA CO. TO-NIGHT TO-NISHT The Balkan Princess
      543 words
    • 691 8 Raffles Hg| Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, April 1. JOHORE GOVERNMENT. P. W. D. APPOINTMENT. Surveyor and Road Tracer with a com petent knowledge of running trial traces and level acctionn for ro*d*. waterworks and general Engineering Scheme*. Must be skilled in ptottiog work neatly anl taking out quantities. Applications
      691 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 176 9 FUSSELL'S Milk Cream. Butterfly Brands. Sole Agents Paterson. Simons Company, Ltd. C. HELD AND CO. hi BCHIFFE AND PUNTAGEN I kvaaacli Bridge PaiidiDt;--Ve (icniral I'ost offin. open to H o clock pply haaWaaa acd Stores lor -lips and E-Utes. Ship scl KiU" AgenU ifrot* for Bskiioo. Ice Machines. 7 4
      176 words
    • 166 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Strong Australian Hone. Victoria anc Harnes*. Apply \V. G. Htnnings, (W. Mans field A Cc. Ltd.) s :i v PABISHODES, FASHCH IILUREBY N'i> Jl3, ORCHARD HOiD. I Latest Parisian Models, selection ol I Flowers, ribboas. htir ornament*, etc 1 Orders careful ly attend* <l to.
      166 words
    • 247 9 raffLesbythesea F»en«.r»rf. I THE LEADING EUROPEAN HOTEL 'No coanectioa with any other EaUblith meat of a timilar name). RECOMMENDED BY THE MEDI- CAL PROFESSION on account ol I its healthy positioa. lofty airy rooms, aad wholesome food. Coiaine under tl.n coasts ot supervision of the Proprietor. Electric light aad ffcns.
      247 words
    • 70 9 taw£Js*£ JjAA PATRONIZED 'dXßigEmlxLl' lA ROYALTY. USEFUL PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding Other gifts IS NOW ON VIEW AT De SILVA'S. Inspection Invited. B. P. dm MIL VA, Manufmcturlng Jeweller, ■I AND 68. HIGH STKKKT. CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE
      70 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 492 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. i Head Office WiscbeiUr House, SINGAPORE. Board of Direotorei O. A I>Mt»UK, Esq.. Chairman. A. li Faib, Eov Manaßiaff Director i'si« K "irui. m Chief Med. Ofßcer V M Blll.t, Esq. R«v. N. i. Oocvaai b. Vow No»n Pak, Beg One 8oo« Tbb,
      492 words
    • 302 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE »SSUR»HCt OMMIT OF MMM. Bsraßuaaao 1883. Iniurtnc* bs Fores, over .SH.MMM mmim SlMalriaaa. IMB. over •USa.tM Nat Surplua above Uaksliwaa for reserve and all uutatoadian claims, over $2,076,000 (Straita Currency). Over UaJM waa as* aside aa a special additive to Policy raaarvM. J. H. EVANS. Maaaiprr Sooth
      302 words
    • 521 10 BAMKiHQ. CHARHRED BANK OF INDIA, AUBTHAUA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital ia 80,000 Bhares of /aOaaoh MVXOJOOO Reserve Kund XI.BOOOOO Keservi I Jabihtf of Proprietors... 41.300.000 BANEBRS. National Baatt of SooUaad. Tbe Ixmdon City Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooooats are opened and interest allowed
      521 words
    • 443 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TONG BAWUH6 ANO INSURANCE 00. LTB. NO. 17 AND 68. KLINO BTREET. Established 1907. Capital paid up Reaarve liability of proprietor* 1,0004)00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. TaaTacaJoon ft. Sia *U» Jam i. Nabi Xii Banu 7. Tao Hoo Lai B. Liao Obia Hb>> a Tah
      443 words
    • 1115 10 SALES BY AUCTION. VALUABLE CURIOS AND ANTIQUES. A Remarkably Fine Collection IS) NOW ON VIEW AT MBsSRS. H. L. COGHLAN I OD.* sVO^aMMXEI The whole will be offerol at ON FRIOAY. MARCH 31. AUD FOLLOWING DAYS. AT 10.30 A.M The collection compriws some famcim orkcta! I' tti y l irrelain.
      1,115 words

  • 1071 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Petrol in the Form of Jelly. Some mouth-, ago it wan rccurile<l that a European chemist and i inienter had *ue ooMfully "BWafsasl ii..' hi ,i v,.1i.l l..iin. or, at 1.-.i-.!. of the connitteney of jelly, a«il Im whiih hi- aWsSsi
    1,071 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 276 11 The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY 1 The firiu baa set itwlf to pro-loos a car of ideal efficiency w.thojt the least aacnflce of comfort in V P-iniCUiarS six^irinß that effi;ien:y. That tbe object ia view frnm thp baa bees achieve.] will bo readily a-lmittod by tbe rolu ul
      276 words
    • 40 11 a— aia—aia— a— a— Kheumatic Paiiu. When you have rheumatism in your foot or inxtup apply lliainbi'rlain'H Pain Balm an.l you will get quick relief. It costa but a trifle. Why surfer Kur sale by all Dia peusaxic* and Duultii.
      40 words
    • 685 11 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING MCE MEETING BMW S. R. A. Rule* WiU ba held oa Tuesday, May 9, Thursday, May 11. aad Saterday, May 13. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tueiday, Mag 9. 1. THE OPENING STAKES.— TaJes A Handicap for Hones that have never won a Stake of more than
      685 words
    • 675 11 I j Haodioappcr into two claten, it 1 and 11, each claas ahall be separate:; rapped Morse, basdicapped in claw 1 ahall be eligible to ran in lUoe No. 1 an 1 bones basdicaapol is elaaa II ia Haoc No 7. Entraoce, »10. Distance, Race Oovac. S 4. TIIK
      675 words
    • 391 11 BTEAMEH 3AILIN6S. BURNS PHI LP LINE leiNG.vroKi: to j\.v pOatn, mit I'VRWIN. Till RMIAV Wsji RRISBANK aad HYDNKY via TORMUI STi: \ITB. AJ M ..ikißK paMrac -r. an. l I cargo with traaahipmen' Im RUN Konfll aOSTEJaUAK and N.IRTII VIFKN«L\NI) I BRITISH (JEW G' INKANI BRITAIN, TABMANIAN an I HEW
      391 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 974 12 JOHNSON'S i^m—mmm—mm ELEPHANT' Brand CEMENT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. GOVERNISS W MIME WMIfS. Wanted. Europaeo or Eurasian nursery ¥ivernes- nurse. Apply N., c o Straits imea, -.-I 8 14 TELEGRAPH OPERATOR WANTEO. Wantcil for Britiah North Borneo. Telegraph Operator. Apply Gotbrie A Co.. Ltd. 1»8 818 OUTCH TRANSLATIONS j
      974 words
    • 544 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICEB TO LET Whole of second floor of Commercial Union Assurance Company's building, c/o Robinson Road aad Telegraph street Apply to Com mercial Union Assurance Company, Limited ■MM TO BE LET. OFFICES AND OODOWNS Near the Square. Apply MANASSKH A CO. OFFICE TO LET. Second
      544 words
    • 700 12 NOTICEB. 'UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY OF CANTON. LIMITED. NOTICE. The Acnual deneral Meeting cf Shareholders will bo held at tbe Offices of tbe Society. Hosfckoag, on the Joth April, 1911. wbea the Board of Directors will rtcorr u.fnd tbe following payments A fiaal dividend of ».O per share on 11*09 account,
      700 words
    • 575 12 NOTICES. KIAM KMT 00. SHIP CHANDLERS. B#Tsm«i««t and Musiciaal Caatractara. Telephone No. 431. 108 A 108. Market Street. WAN SIANG CO. NOTICK IS ÜBIIEBV GIVEN, that any parson or person* having any claim or c.tims against the firm ot Wu Siang I Co Share Broker'- jf N? 5 Malacca street,
      575 words
    • 427 12 FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE Ith.rpp.' .ail. p,Tt. two acres PBKBHOLD lacd H .use lv > 1 and all plants, ttc. Let at ♦US per month for b* two years' leas I-or pric?, etc.. app POWB IRON SIFES. S .iubli- In Planta'.i. :iSecrataries, Ins .ranee ofhcea and Priva.Ri^idenons. %XO,
      427 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 231 12 Straits IBimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES. MisoaUnous wants of every description ar. od at the prepaid rate of tl par fear linos for one or two insertions. Notice' of Birtus, Marriages, or Death* exceeding four linos, II each iaserti Kor p.p c. oards, on pagti 8, t'i. Im< aSi its Unas are
      231 words