The Straits Times, 25 March 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.52:1 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MARCH 25. 1911. PRICE 10 CKNTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 528 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST FERRO. The World* Stmndard Two-Cycle Marine Motor. THE 1911 MODELS. IMPORWWT FEATURES. The Moat Perfect Control of any Marine Motor. I'll Kerro Motors embody an entirely new iiea in controlling mechanism wbioh greatly increases afficieocy and akHtakaf overcome* oommon annoyances. THIS FEATURE IS BXCLI/3IVK
      528 words
    • 314 1 THE TERRITORIAL TARGET RIFLE. qq^^^^iM^ )jjai^ss»««f|T' r 303 BORE' TWa ia the well known Ixmb Ue Inttrld Pattern Kill.', whiob has b»n u.0.1,6.«l b T Mr .utroduction ol ill Dew back aifffat ■Ixle, leaf and bed (3i new fore sißbt aad ■roteelor ;c;a oharKor bridge.' (4) a new (dot-pen
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    • 3 1 DRINK Marteirs Brandy.
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  • 642 2 THE DRUG MABIT AMONG SOCIETY UDIES. West End Physician's Views. The .|n.--Li.m («t ilrugii ami drink ix not ufu n afacnaatid in its immediate illation to wotuen. an. l yet tin snbj. < t conKtitutm omof the luuet nn(».rtant prolilcins that can engage the attention of thinking im-u
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  • 306 2 Competition of the Natural with the Synthetic Product. In .11 .uklus- ulm-h Har.»n S»ln tUy dc Ihajnai laawatly al UoFiifferpon u> t! c Behar iii.liv.. plaatl ra, In i miaaai iliat In•Tark.aH th<<lirtt lion al ni.iikrlin^ll 1 natural tm 11. him., Baatakm I vis. n tin- iii'l'i-iiv
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  • 236 2 THE WEARY-WILLIES OF THE WORLD. How 1 Famous Pbysidaa would lure ihtm. Hbbj 1 1 more nubUl ia<lMmti..q iU »ajr in wbirh tlx- Ikhljt tiaaagai from time U< I u«- tkan that affonfcU b* tat aaaaatioiu of tv IwaMwaaJ. It hi within evrrjrone'* esaariaaea that a tiim-4 aaßJal »hrn, for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 104 2 H^ KEPLER SOLUTION NURSING MOTHERS tierivr grrat benefit from this !fj^.'..'"J^gJ delicious tonic food. ufQaUQ^IH Kepler Solution sustains the ESJ* mm strength and builds up the E3ggg^QK I It increases and enriches the EjjJSjSM I It is easily digested, and its ja rich, nutty malt flavour is most g.'TSlßrr^ W
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    • 90 2 Beat Liniment. Slight accidontH and injurie* arc a fre•|ucnt oocurronoe on the farm aad in the ami k •.hop. A cut ur brintu which ia often In cauae of uiudi anuoyanoe an<l loaa of .1111 may be curuil in about one third tbe lime uitually required by applying Cham burlain'*
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    • 343 2 KOHB HINB CHIOBB k CO. NO 104, NORTH BRIUOB RO W> Camera* ol varioo* kiada ia atock, plates papers, etc. SiWerod Plate Olaai of aa; BBBi Hlaia or Bevelled. \.*i .Moaldinir* of aay deaajrn for franiio* pictarea M inir'or* at moderate price*. !>• rulopio({. Printing aad Hetnoebinff and oolar({iDii from
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    • 381 2 SPECIAL IDISUPXjA.Y or NECKLACES. Diamonds. Rubies and Pearl* Peridot* uxi IV.iHh. Amethysts and Pearln Topaz and ftoaWla, lWaßwiM ;md Pearls. Jade. PRICES FROM $25 XO $10,000. A la rj?«' collection of new and different led from ISMAIL AND RAHEEM'S, Bras Basah Road. OngSamLeong&Co., BTEAM SAW-MILL AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Always have
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  • 590 3 NEW COMFORTS TOR THE ATLANTIC TRAVELLER. The Latest Cunarder. 1., n tl.e ill I'linaid. i. .1 I hoistul her I'.lue IVttr tlirt. Mh NT •trained out from the M< met IN I Tcnacl "huh han yet Ut n i tin tor wrvico between Itoston i rfawL
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  • 282 3 Great Excitement Caused at Shanghai. \i atM i i to roll ih. ..tin a* of I ■MM Mi Shanghai Bunk on tin tin l;lth in-t. tauscil a i;ri'iit ilial ol < it. mint in Slian|>liai. ManUeil io tin- -hootiny <>f tin ».ml,l I* tin. I. tli. eoßeetinw
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  • 140 3 Tlk ui't profltAol tli. (m.-. ii UlauiU tiiicut C-oui|iauy, 1.U1.. during l.i-t \, nft.i writ iug nil Mt.lHl'M for Iwl .1. Li- pMtMtafl (•>■ <k-|mx-iatiun on buikiitiK". I'lacliiiicry. etc., ami mi lulling tin- ainotint ImoiioJil ((irwanl from the preTHMiH year. amounts lo fHii.i.r 18, from v\ln.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 837 3 f~ *****11 l ■SMB-SB-SB-B-SB-Smß-SB-SBB-SB« Builds Up Strength I "I have gained over I one stone in weight 9 1 DMi Sit V' i ill M pSHawMI to learn uf the crest benefit I MwJ r I :nn>.»oo. At tfe* atwl of tbe sumnitr I MMMBwSJ rut. il i i." .ii.iJ
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    • 16 3 Km all inU-rnal n>in|il«iiits |)yw nUry OMJ^a, lolda, etc.. take Wuoda' (irt-at li i mint Cure.
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    • 459 3 Hi CAME OUT IN COMBFULS Eight Bare Patches on Child's Head. Skin Raised, Crusted and Irritated. Afraid cf Losing All Her Hair. Cured After Using Box of Cuticura Ointment with Cuticura Soap. "I am Ita I xv M Clri'a hf»l li fjaoi|.l<|.i I MM '.l"« <xir bni ol Cutkur* IMMI
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    • 279 3 1 I I ilebuoy Soap is invaluable gmtf. for Washing Nurses' and *^^fl Patients' clothing. It is a preventatiyc against in- fwMk\ fection, and its regular j^^^J '3 use will keep the /^-jR^L house sweet and \T/ T yk cleans, pusjnes. n^j FL AND DISINFECTS. Z^** m*. ,t-i ml f—a^^)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 620 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. lIS*. JAPAN. tfnUM CEYLON, aUiTBAUA, INDIA AIiKN. MTTT, MKDI TKKRANKAN, POKTS, PLY moan and lond >\. Throogh Bills of Lvliog ixui-1 for OMaaO tat, Pi rtian jK. Continental, and Aruiriran rwate Steameni will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward {for Chin*.)
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    • 545 4 STEAMER BAIUNGB. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A K.irtnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, Londoo and Antwerp, under mail oontrant with tbe Imperial Japanese Government Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this sanimi bave been specially designed and was* mr tori, and
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    • 894 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP CO U. 8. MAIL I>NE. The great steamship Uoe betwern CHINA, JAPAN aad BUROPB, via Hoaolola and San Francisco, operating th« new 18,000 ton*, twin screw steamer* KOREA aad SIIIEKIA, together with the well known steamer* CHINA. AHIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF
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    • 591 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. DEUTSCHE DIMPFBCHIFFFAHRTSGES. 'HANSA' BREMEN. Combined Service). The (teaman uf three Compairie* maintain a regular Mrrice between Hamburg, Brsmss, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Sir uu. I hina and Japan. H"mc»ardii. tkey are deepatcbed fortnightly for Havre anil Hamburg and onos a raoatb fur Bremernavcn
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    • 641 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL 6ERMAN MAIL LINE. and 11 kniwn mail *te*mers of this (°<>ni|i*>Dy f'>rtuightly fr .m Hremea Basabarg, via Rotteraani Antwerp B i'.li\mp N*|il-i (omiMcttac Marseilles. N alsa, Alsaaaana. aai visa vassv] l'rt Said, Sj./. Ad I'eoaac. Sm^ap <rf. ■aafj*wa s > Shanghai.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 983 5 STEAMER BAIUNSB. APCAR UNE. OF ITEAMERB The undermentioned mail steamers of th« above Line maintain a regular service be tweea Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang. Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en roote PLEET Tons Commander Jaraa A.Olt A. Stbwabt GaseoßV Arcaa 4,600 8. H. Bautoa AaaaTooH Areas 4.800 C. F.
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    • 625 5 STEAMER BAILIN9B. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. In (teenier* of this Company maintain* a regular direct *erviee between Calculi*. Straits, II nskoatf Shanghai and Japan, lakin* oargo, oo throash Dill* f Idling for Canton, Swatow. Amoy, Cbefoo, Tientain. Newcbwang, Yaogtue Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, sto., stc. St*am*Ts Tons Commander Krnuw-
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    • 667 5 SALES BY AUCTIOI. VALUABLE CUR OS AND ANTIQUES A KEMARKAKI.I m COLLECTION IS NOW ON MEW At Meson. H. L. Cogbl.n A Co. s Saleroooi* The whole will be offend at AUCTION 0a FiihAY, Mai:, b 81, and iollokin*. Bbßßj AT 10.30 AH. The collection comprises some famou* oriental Pottery
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    • 546 5 ABTICLEB FOB SALE FOR SALE Strong Australian Horv Victoria aad Harness. Apply W O l| Ln<ngp Man* field kCo Ltd.) MH FOR SALE. A new motor boat, 4o HP. length W x 8" s 5". Will carry 20 bags riot Apply Osg^iau end Co. 8079 h 0 POSTAGE STAMPS Postage
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 877 6 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE BPRSNG RUE MEETING ilruUr H H. A HuUi H,icingt, Will bo held oa Tuesday, Way 9, Thursday, Msy 11. and Saiurday, May 18. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tumdaff. May 9. 1 THK OI'EMNO STAKES.— VaIue Via.) A Handicap for llor-e* that have i ■BSat won a Stake
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    • 599 6 Day muat b« mad* b*)for« aim o'clock pm. on Thursday, 11th May, at tha Race Coups*. Inall PSOMtheadvsrtis>dB«>ond sWis will only be given whan thara ara five Start era, tha pro party of different ownar*. NOTE Tha at tent ion of owner* ia called to Rule SS, which make* tha
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    • 420 6 Justus Van Maurik's (Sigars. SELDOM EQUALLED. "EVER EXCELLED p»>«cia»lly Recommended t MacKinley, Begalia comme il faut SS 00 per hundred. MacKinley, After Dinner $4.00 MacKinley, Entr'Actos S3 50 Bismarck 56.75 RETAIL FROM: A. KADER M. BAIBOO, ANN LOCK CO., HOCN KEAT CO., J. LEVY, AND YONG HOA SENG CO. Wholes
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    • 302 6 SATISFACTION Ju»l twelve letters expressing exactly what we offer you. We ape-****, COMMERCIAL MM POSTER PRINTERS BOOKBINDERS MM STATIONERS Give us a Trial Order. Estimates supplied Free on Applicatijn. THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS. LTD. TELEPHONE Be 348 The Dispensary, Ltd. CHEMISTS, PHARMACISTS AND OPTICIANS FOIt Al.l. KIM'S Of M Patent
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  • 179 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, March 25. Hmli Water. 4 80 am, M.:t.l p m. Bandtuann < taaaj Co., Theatre, 9 p.m. Sunday, March »6. High Water. B.M am. 9.19 p.m. S ll I, homeward mail doe. Allrt-nco concert. M flu p 111 Mondar. March 27 Uajß Wat. r, 7
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  • 215 7 I hat. an I Tort -swab ul> liv Malacca I pm Saig m Hop Saug 3 pm T. Tint'tfi. BaasJaaUs, Mak and I'akan V. Hogendorp BBJ IVnant; and Calcutta Liiihtmng I aaj C»loiiibo C. dc Eizaguirre 4 pm I'ijlau Batata Axmeere pm Cucob (ilaniryi 4 pm K.
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  • 102 7 The Imp. <„riu\n mail Nteamer I'ruize** li, ha\ioii lift MooukoDg on Kst Mai instant at noon. m\y b» expected to arrive Sunday tli. i»>th iu«taot at noon. Sue will prubtbly be d. >patcbod for Europe nday at ojn ■eb. M M M h. M f k 0
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  • 304 7 Latest Arrivals. Kan 11 Liong. Brit. *tr. 710 ton*. Capt ■aattaa, aWSfI, Krom Bangkok. Mar 18. (ir. and 10 d.p. Low Sum. For Bangkok, Raaam, Baa l''li (iuao. lirit -tr 67« tons Captaiu ■Miiitli. HarSl liiu Uali Msr 14 Gc. >nl -I dp. ll. ap Kng M
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  • 101 7 9 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAR. East Wharf Bahim— Kuantan. East lactssa No 1 Nam Vong. Smim WuAKr -Nil. Main W. Sict. No. 2— Taroba, Sliinkai Maru. S— Nil. 4-Nil •—Hop Ssng. 6— Nueotung. LaoooN DotK 7— ll'nder
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  • 53 7 Arrivals Vet >t.-*m-r IVrak, March My fW Telok An-on via pirtH: Mr. and Mm. Tatlor. Mr. and Mr*. WuiMon. Hn. A. I Welwttr. Mr*. Siuirl. Inopt. Lavender. Or I. C. I'itt. Meaars A M. Glen, H 11. Winter, P. G ISiujco. Wyngtardt n. I' Dertries, Oill and
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  • 281 7 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday. March 26, 1911.) ForiTH BtnMai Lhv, 7 a.m. MatOM Ptost LasaM SaMsJa XUL ,1 Ia >. I. iik. 11. 1 Jl Hymn Ml 7 I". A.«. HaU C.iMMIMc.S iCHOIALI. Ml. S.r\i.. Smart. MyiniK :l7n. I.'n and l.'l. hi i-.m.— stsajsMM MM IsMMBt. U<'«l»>um-h
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  • 241 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANOE. SiMUAPom. Mai. h 1911. On London Bank 4 m/* 3/4 Demand H Private 8 ir/s 2/4,; do lull 2/4 < On Oiimaxt -Bank d/d 840 Private 8 m/l 344 On Fiasi Bank d/d MS Private 8 m> l *W\ On India Bank T. T. 174, Private SOd/*
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    • 174 7 »iui 10 10 Is. l»t Tin 10 10 lirusDK 10 10 Brunch Myd 10 10 Kio&boi Cl £1 KinUTin tl 41 KiedaimTin 10 10 Kuulu Tic ci XI I.ahal Mine* 10 10 MaUoeaTio fi I'ilium Cocsol LI £1 I'tDKkalen Cl XI I'j-idk l(»lira Cl XI I'iiudk Lama ,0 10
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    • 618 7 Imm Value et Bayers 2/- AlUgar 4 9 2/- 3/- Anglo Malay 1 il- 2/- Batons Untkt I w £1 £1 Bttii CavM £1 £1 B»tn Ti«a 4U 4 £1 XI Bakit Kajang MM £1 £1 Bakit I JnUnn 410 £1 15/- Contributory 8 10.0 II- 'il- Bukit
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    • 118 7 I'tloe Bayers. 10 10 B— torn Smelting 10 7 67S 41 tl Electric Tnmwkji 8/8 10 10 FrMec Ne«v« 89.00 100 Howftrtii Krakine 100 7 Prrf. 90 00 100 100 K»ti Bro. DfL 100 100 8% Cun?. Prel. 10 10 M»jo»rd Co. WOO norn 10 00 700 4/8 64
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    • 50 7 Buyer* Seller* Howarth Brakine 6% MOO.OOO par Kiley. Hargrove* 8% rJ84.000 '2 i 8, pa Singapore Electric Tramway* 6% 4860,000 Spore Municipals^ $1,878 000 nom. Buyem MalUr* Spore Municipal 4} of istoT ii.aoo.roo i%pm Sport) Mnuicipal 4{% iw>* 1% H% f »i S pore Municipal 4% »004.900 T%pm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 Tin re wa« a worthy curate, who A omyli could not ci. I ksai, a tli young and old With Waadi llnat I'.'prxrtiinr. Cur.. Taasaartl aWtaJII taayaaafl tin- bald' .r who paid no pr« r*V. tbeou all And no win called I Wmid -iat l'< p|»riui'it Curato.
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    • 202 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Mar M U > jvernroi Dt Bungalow t! Part Canning Uoad. ttak household fur citare. etc at '2. Mar. Z". -At Fort Canning R .ad. vaiuab c hor*. s an 1 aansajM itc.. at Hat, Ml— Al naleroom. I >nr British stea ni'-r«. rii nfslloch.
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    • 531 7 LAMBERT BUTLER'S Smoking Mixtures* |^jXjjrftjfflffi| PACKED IN ,lb AIR-TIUMT TI>S PRICE 70 CTB. PER TIN iihtalN M'.i.k \i iC^HsßßaCtf^ll John Little Co., Ltd.. igji^iifi^ial Robinson Co. PRICE 90 CTB. PER TIN Ribl. Suiwlay S. 1i.«.1. 4.1S p.m. Rev. William Kiim Milan. M It. l> Paassa* STKKfr \\\i\< Obbm Smulav Boaaal;
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    • 489 7 AUCTION BALE Of OFFICE FLKNITCKE; MILNERS SAFB; EMPIRE TYPEWHITER, BTC, To be held at NO. m, WINCHESTER HOI SB, COLLYBR (HAY* On Wiiimssdat, Mai. h 29. at 11 IM. On view from '2Hth instant POWELL a CO., Auctioneer*. 25-8 288 GOVERNMENT OF SELANGOR. WANTED. Applications will be received up to
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    • 146 7 HIGH -CLASS Telephone No. SIB. UNDERTAKING. *a. p-I"»«p Stf«*t, s.n^.po^. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Bega to inform the nublic that the kind patrona** accorded him during th« put few years, ha* made it necessary (or him to acquire another new ffiibbf tywd Hmpm, which surpasses all othira in the
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  • 1153 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, MARCH 25. SOLD! *im munot ii frain froiu txpruMin^ r»x«^t nver wliat uciuinil at tin meoting of tinSin^aporr ami -loliort liubbtr ompauy yeoU nlay I^K-al opiniun »a« strou^' a^aiast tin ->al< of tin |no|M rty t.. l<ondon on UmtrrlilH pru|k>s<^l, yet Looilou n»U* <.»<|it local opinn
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  • 17 8 Moiuson ha» be»n M-nUneiil to death for the muril.T of the .lew Heron at lapliain in January.
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  • 16 8 Mm. Footer, of Mchw. Tannliu Koatl. reportM to the polKi- Ur- tlieft of «:«> from an ahiieira.
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  • 23 8 The Canton Viceroy hac iai liai to make Swatow Mconuly furtin«l by Ur- aPMaiaa of land l«att«rios on both ahbja of the entrance.
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  • 27 8 The Harpeli Ii v (laaMgßr) Kubbi'i t'omp any. l.iuuU^i. pay a final dividend of Ml |»i ceni.. maVinn a tioUl of 5.1 per cent, for the year.
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  • 27 8 The Kin*- of the liilniann liaa mut a chn|Ue for A'"H to the Liverpool School of Tropical Me«lieine. with a letter of appr. lion of their work.
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  • 32 8 A i .rUiU |«rs..n hail applieil Ui the Hoanl of liiu-rioi for Uh- privilege of miming trainii in Peking. The re<|ue«t has bovn complied with. My* a wire in the HonKkouK Telegraph.
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  • 31 8 It in notiliul in tlu- (iovirnimnt (ia/<tt« that. uD<lcr the Socieliet Onlinann-. 1:«" tin < iovcrnur in t 'Miik il i» natiHfinl that tl» TanjuoK katoojt Hwiuuuin« Tarty lum cowvd ■t<' \»«t.
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  • 13 8 LaUwt ailMTtiM'menU of the day appear on pagu 7 as well as 10.
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  • 37 8 iipi ralaad at 490,000 baa faeai inaad in turioiiH cities 111 the I lilUsl Slat the Customs campaign start.-! 11,. dvt«ctir<s« re|..rt lliat the dru« is MaaUj smuu^l. .1 o\ii t lh t'auaihan and Miai, an boroVn..
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  • 42 8 Ih. skeleton of a wry young child, with only i- small |nnr of skin h.IIh rlfn; to the aaani of the feet, was found yestcrdin by the lii^ll(i-side at the thud milestone. Thomson I toad. It must have bun tbrre several months.
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  • 55 8 Tin (iulhri. >. hoiarshi|>s at KatH.-s I list i tutioii. the exaiuination for which laaft pi on aW In.ll insUnt. wen award. si |a rWai S,,k Worm *ud w The Conimer -ial -hi|H at liie same institution hat. been awarded to S. Salmon. H (i. Sta. h. Tan Siak
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  • 52 8 Commenting 011 the anmmnci nn nt that the Duke of ounaUKht will repn-seut tin Kinu at the Jubilee celchtations of Italian nnlependeure. ih. Tribuna -it- that th. Msll ilim uot cxi hide tin piwsil.lity that KiM^deorye on his retnrii ft. hi, m 111 1 may be an honoured |(Ue"l at
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  • 43 8 At the Aaaixea, yeatcnUy Chan Kani wax an|uitte<l on a diar^e of attempted i..l>Ur\ anaai with flaaa«MM waaaaa and \n l.m who adimtu^l his nuilt. waaaaattolvi JMnn rigorous im|>risoiiiiieiit for |«.ss<ssinn counter feit ioiu. and Uinn in [ossi-ssion of impl. ineiits for counterfeiting.
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  • 52 8 Tin 1 al I.-st (irti. London while not prohibiting tin i«~iinn of letti rs in trans parent 1 uv. lo|» with internal a<ldri"«ses. intimates that hih-Ii letters are subject t. delay over letters aildn-ssisl in tin ordinal t way owing to tin fi eater diffienlty e\|«i niieiil in divipln nun
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  • 43 8 »er«ti ilitti 1. nl ualioiialiti. repreasoUsl m olomU. harbour on .in .Lit win 11 tlie follow inn reaaabi occupied bertha llntish. Maiiiloin.i iman Itiairthia nh. unnan Viuerii an. tin ta. lit l.xsistr.n t Vustriau. Izvor I'nuli Komnn Willetu 111. .nil so. Kitam
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  • 54 8 vaa tuld to th. lit i>\ a hiiiaiuan. H- -.ii'l he had MM 1 with Ilim 111 silmi at pa] s-. Win nln tvellltopa\ tin 111. li'.J.lrl. liny asked him ;..k. 1 p tin in. nn t tad ba j >1 .tin-, far Uirin. l.iv 1 .li- money ttas him
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  • 55 8 Tin plague bat aim —.t ...nipleulv &mt out l iriau Kail way Inn mi. l in tin- Kwaatung loiim urriDK ilaily in tin- aaigfckaariaf CbtaaM to»us lias aleo bee* iwlu. .si bj lialf. It 11 bt-lu-vul that tin impr. iv. im n: M .|.i. lo 111. k<m4 •mm. ;i..n
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  • 45 8 Tli.- total anyUlnia <>f iVvl.m as March lo «m vw.r-.i. tin- aaaagaa i .27.1119 i.n th» ]«i|<nlatiiio of l'.n'l M in. r.a*. of 117* i n-nl. Tin IM MyM Tii. >>f military and shipping I' ■■>>'> larv an. l s)ii|'|iiu^ in MMI ihe total I- J.i'.M.irJl
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  • 71 8 iin w i. i me ■>f r«m. cWag*s •UiikliU'i \ll tin' member-. <>l lli< Imperial Family, in u.liiit :1m I 1 i IU-geul and all the I >m mn Mn.i«t. i- in 11,I 1 kiii. a i way. I ii. hriir ni uoitliU phi tlini millions M il.ii.. tlie
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  • 77 8 I'll. I. II. l in *"**fllf"~ undei ill. ItilU of Xile Ordm.ui. I i .11- I '|n .nil t.*l to »J».l. ay.iiiist M MM. li. I l m. tin- Im amount. iii'l in IWHtofMIJS iii pun. ii>; Mlhofaali «*m ri«ister.-l. in I'.nri. MO In 11,I 1 naiic tli. 1.
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  • 73 8 Da I-, puhli-ln in extra ordinary st..t\ ot horror from Kusniar vi. \.< ..i iluii. in tli, it journal, x weddiui. i«rtv of ij" aaraaaa while out sliiiniUK at Obsti|a>ff. Ilitai Tasllkelld. ».<■ ilia. k.. I lit m.'ii- o< wolvea I: nniiiukls siirroiindeil tin men ami no n and killei!
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  • 104 8 loiiipauvol Bagiaaat Vobwaa inn formi-.! in I'.ilomlio. The in. Nt oven ito ori«in U. Sn H.ur\ Met .ilium, who first nn nllom-.l his inUutlou to form such a corpaatthe VoluuUir Camp in l'.»'s lln aaajaal has tin baaM] aaatoval of the 1;..\.il KiiKinmnt Slati vi Oal U>. who think
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  • 108 8 Tin following in ruli has Ui n imule by tin < i..\ernoi in t ..inn il ,in. lei the (Juaran tine and I'm t. oVkmi ot |, ilnlinmiiv 1 >tln. h shall briatg .m don Ui :i i».rt of the Colony to In' bMM at 5,.. Ii |«.it slull „ii
    108 words
  • 98 8 The re|>ort of the \d\is..iv < •ItiiuitU-a foi tin 1 "ropical I>, I mid ha* been liwtuod an a ISIu: It. »>k Tin n|>>rt i- pn f.K .-.I by a memorandum hi^ik^l hy Sir .1 lUd«{i'»ay.tlu. cliairinan. ulm sUU« that tin revenue of Tin Tropical DiwaNt* IU-^anli riili'l (ih
    98 words
  • 265 8 I In urn id of tin w idowif hi. LI MarabaJ Hit llooald Martin H iir 1 In. Havli .donald Ih. HaaM W..,i 1,..,,- m M, .1 K.sidi. of the Hong Kong Htujk, has l>.n promotad Ui take chargr of th. Haiiut...!. bran, h of th. hank.
    265 words
  • 67 8 I'd. ii iii.i. .*l Itaiidiiianii < i.'utiiiui to in nut im i tilling v .ip|i«raaee was again nta|Hsd nil Urn «ooe»« ot puwnlati", a t t»Hn repeated lo a dehnht«il hoi.s. Ih. Mr* Uaßai I'nu in. eat went wonderfully w. II «.is .\pi. that mm ii
    67 words
  • 165 8 mi. ...11.,'t. I v.i. I. md < irti. im I'l" lu-u. from foi.sts. Xli .in.l tin Baanli «.i- M M vi ItM in his aim laid on tin tut. Conn, il in >i tinn Tin in. n ■1.l I. Ills. |s '111.
    165 words
  • 222 8 11,. ;ulni. ill i ..mi.-, uith tin s% m. mix is „f t! i,. m mi,,, in iaaugoimted by Uovemnien< '.111 111 f1.,111 I. HIM, II^ lilt.. ,1. lit .111.1 li.nilii. Mi ollts. Ui lII. HI. Vl. 'lull I- lioiii \pnl to UitiinUi.
    222 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 Try change of WhUky to MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Parliament Blond. D^ MAC6BEGOB. CALDBECK ft CO,, London and Olaagow. Ertabushid IHO4. A. .up|.li-.l 1.. TNI HOUJI Or LORDS xouif s or ptßLiaataT caaaa* GALDBEGK, MACGREQOR A CO.. Bole A^anti. LITTLE'S Cash Clearance "j SAL E COMMENCES MONDAY, APRIL 3. RUBBER FACTORIES DRYING
      100 words
    • 188 8 T"WO MILES MOVING PICTURES To- Night ALHAMBRA MMTHiM kw urn umttm In the follow inu mibjocta r TM MM THH .on the Botdan of fbr Nik-). Inipt'rium Kilm inmsct, ucuTtw craisi* TM TWMIfI PR si t.n.u BtfltTTt mftmn K\i«lUnt trick w*j<vt THE KOUf MHO i.imik in I i.ik l.\lr>T M\ll.
      188 words

  • 129 9 SIR EDWARD GREY ON BAGDAD RAILWAY. Effects on Persia of Anglo- Russian Agreement. Kii-rn-, Ttu,,mi. Ix.ndoii. March '24. In tin Hous. „f Commons Sit Kilward I that any agni-inent uiimt en-, it. Uiat the Bagdad C.ulway. including its bran ,1.1 la BBM U. Hntinli Traile free from preferential
    129 words
  • 50 9 GREAT RACE AND EXCITING INCIDENTS. Second Place Gained After a Fall London. M.v ilu-i as follotli.l. u-id. 1. ■J Won I m,| an.l thud against Katl 'i. but "illy Canlai-n. ttln-u baatiaf tin laOMai nine ra Hathnally. but th. juokl v „f th' BMi and cam. >n
    50 words
  • 48 9 ITALIAN MONARCH BREAKS OLD RULE. Three Socialists ia New Cabinet. Ktl'TKK's T^Lr.KIM. I ■nloll. Mil, h tS. ■.1 h\ King K ing tilth him the i iMthaa 11. Mu. I, M I tin Itl ..loluti i> ..11, tt.-l t.. in. In.l. bWm bl i- loriuini;.
    48 words
  • 75 9 SH\RP DEBATE IN PRUSSIAN DIET. Imperial Chancellors Answer. Dai O-l t-UTI-. IU 1.1..M, TrLf.RAM. H< iliu. March M. In tl,. 11,, l ..nsi rtatlt.-s tin 1.,,t, nil,., nt al.. .In ialißikd yiiHian ..f tlu.i Hunde-mt ratM in Tint contelldxl • I ui_. i. .1 The ll.i|-tl.ll t1.a.1.
    75 words
  • 38 9 Dm i>-i 1. 1, u5. aa L*ava titi It. i lm. March .'I. I 'in, J ot Miui-ui- i, xl iii the i miiBMBT ot the \ui,n Km a- ''on: I IMMMI lln M WOMMI i.
    38 words
  • 20 9 Dm o,i i,ni,,,iii 1. I, ,ii. Ttaaaaaa K. rlu, M.v, Ii |1 dis- ■triaa I'arham.-n; i« niiiiin. Nt
    20 words
  • 30 9 DBfkfMUm nr I.i. w, TaUSaam 1. lit. M.t.h M. •I I- HH :h. I. uin, l,jii K oi th. m K.,^ i i a I, I M
    30 words
  • 43 9 KrfTFß's TKLaOBAM. Londoa. March 24. V i ,nf.'.-encc of Ur- Krue Chjorrhei and l't«ce Societiea. held in Loudon. haa decidxl to i npii-st the Lord Mayor at Ixmdon to form a national comtuittpe to arrange for nm liugin various townx.
    43 words
  • 28 9 R*l-TK*°H TIUOKAM. I^.ndon. March M, The LalaiuriUs. have to llnlll rxluctioii of the vote for the Coronation an a pnite-t against abw-ni-e of civil repn^-ntalion.
    28 words
  • 103 9 The Quantity Entered for Tuesday's Auction. Km,,* Oi k Own OBMMBaMMMT.) I lon. Match Hi I li. Kul.U i Market ha- la-, n rather .pi let. an.l pi ices of tin. .piahti,-- have fallen about J.I l-i paaai -inc. the auction It i- -Utxl that arx.ut M
    103 words
  • 171 9 Man.< harlni Benjamin aad Co. kindly Hour ii- tMtli tin 1.,, n1. pin. s liny have- Quotation*. M'UliLI MIBDU l»mir»» Pmrri. I. .iuadion-p p t. Anglo Malay- IM 1..-1 I iry» l.inggla Ang10. 1,, 1 \>i\ I^.iidon \-i»tie»l:i c. .-7o Uuiuut- pp
    171 words
  • 467 9 Specific Denial of a Wild London Canard. m% ha- Hi. follottmg The t itimii n.«-pi|«i „f Laaaaa, g. m. i.uU ~i nlialili iii us mfoi mation. has 1,, nil- in ti tiol. l' -Lit. 111. llts It |,lll.l|shxl 111 It- isxll. a in, n raaaaai us by mm km.v!
    467 words
  • 22 9 Hal^owin. Ciibbcr KsUiU-h. l.ul. UML'rillb Kuril, i Itnl.U i Katate, liagau Serai.— r'.rr laaimn -<•- b I Kebruary. :I.iVI Ib.
    22 words
  • 505 9 SHORTAGE OF AREA AND PROPOSED SALE. Particulars of the New Company. nhortagc in the plant**) acreage and a pi,.|.~,-.l to 1.., n.1,, ii are annoiin. xl in circular* i-»uxl to the -haieholders iv the Pat* DMMM Kubber Co.. l.ul. Holh matt, rs will la- ilis, n-si^l
    505 words
  • 132 9 Further List of Subscriptions Paid And Promised. Ml K M .laui.xi. baa., i the Iwaid V|| Memorial Fund ah for pobneatioa tl.. laaWkaj furtln i li-: subs liption- ran foai Amount piivioi i-l y ai-kiioH I. The HUaaafi Mi i ...1. >„„ „iid Hatthi >-
    132 words
  • 275 9 kari mata Matan Borneo) Trading Co. will l« s.^.n from onr mltertise m. ut t-oliimus. the K*rin:,tta Matan ißor nwi Trailing oinpany. 1,u1.. Itao beaa formxl with a eapital "of |AOu\ooo dividod iaaoMOuno aaaraa at »1 each. The under t-ikmu is BaaaMaf fnim Mr. Tan Howl liuan. i th. option
    275 words
  • 2147 9 PROTECTING THE HEALTH OF ESTATE LABOURERS. Planters' Interests to be Benefited. Si\ mm DMSHUreN wen' intnahi. <i| into tin- U-ywUtive Connril at th< riMv-ting. yenlenlay afteraooe. There were pcwMent Hi» Exoelleary the «overnor. Sir .l..liu AnaVmon, (J.C. Stli.; Hi» Kxtvllency the OhubI Often- ConimaadiuK the Tmoiw. Major ftearral
    2,147 words
  • 2156 9 SINGAPORE JOHORE. OPPOSERS OF PROPOSED SALE OVERWHELMED. Premium on Sterling Shares Expected. The merlin*;* <>< the Singapon aai Mm Rubber Ltd. MMMMB) tt.t, iMnM by ft hM MHka of -li.v. 1, ..1.1. D I Beyd pi.-id.,i mi M. •lago Hblbw, aaVaakaTa, waM aha present. Tin ordinary «> u< iil iin.ting
    2,156 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 187 10 Singapore Johore Rubber Co., Ltd. ■h. I htoi of th. -.•.i.uis Tn... a, ■s.. M il,.- in., tin- ..f aharehnldi h. 1.1 i that th. pmaaaal t<> m II before the nut tiny waa iaaaanW to In in i at ere. I aaan hobjan aad in i> the Hem
      187 words
  • 972 10 Satisfactory Reports on London Share Market. Tlie following information is taken from the London and China Kxpreaa of March 8 Tin- market fur Para has been strong and adraneing. with a fairly good buMDena pan* ing. Fine Hani on tin- »p"t i" now <|uoteil >;ilue last year
    972 words
  • 734 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March %>, 1911. Meeare. LyaJl and Era*. Exchange and Share Broken, imue the following list of quotations this morning: Notn. Value. Buyers. Heller*. 21- Allagar 4,« 6/1) 8/- Option* 1/10 8/XI Anglo .Java I 4J 1 Anglo Johore 1"
    734 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 36 10 Kheumatic Pain.*. li. ii yuu have rhfiimatiHin in your foot or iii-u p apply Cliaiubt-rlain's I'ain Balm and you will got iiuirk relief. It coatn but a trine. Why suffer For aale by all Diapeßaarieeand Dealers,
      36 words
    • 11 10 \\,«.U aaaaj Naaaaaahjl Oaaa for all luumal eoiuiJaintM. Dys.nt.i> lougliM. Colda.etc.
      11 words
    • 542 10 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER To-Night. E. A 0. HOTEL, PENAN6 The beat and the moat frequented Hot. 1 iii the Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Strait*, i ABB TH. BBAHCaB. Or RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. SABKIES IiUOTUKKS I'.-oprietor*. BwM LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Victoria Theatre ■INOAPORE. THE BAftDMANH OPERA
      542 words

  • 577 11 lln r .v U.-n uotliing |»triic.ilai ly 1 letting aUitit the following 111. i.l. ut.. but it will nun ly be eonttMletl that it wa- otic of the most cvtraortlinaiy net urn-nee* that hay. til II place. v. n at -en MJ Irihutor of Th. U-atlini; Light. Shangliai
    577 words
  • 363 11 Curious Facts About the Religious History of India. .v\\" ttllli; th. L,- U< I I- "f ,1111-1. 111 ..nii.-. 11..11 with 1111—-i..1111 v work 1 tarvl'oa 1.. v II v -..i.l that part in tin 1. h^ionhistorv ..I •*..ith lii.h.i ll w.-i- In iii.-an- at son-
    363 words
  • 12 11 I.i.t an axiatoi hi- I n-hi t.. look il. w 1, oil
    12 words
  • 513 11 Fatal Seizure during Test Match At Melbourne. Kllllll.. lln lun. Int.n interval at th. T. »t m-iU I. at M. lU.urnc. W I. Munl.« 1.. HiMM Australian v.U-ran cntkeU-r. hail an MM MM) ll thl aftt rn.«.n William l.lovl mU|MI woil.l wi.le fame M crickeUr.
    513 words
  • 376 11 Australian Journalist's Opinion of Tbe Straits Settlements Mi I K. Ka. Xii 11 a \i,t..tian joiima h*t. Hho ha.* MM iv Siugai«>n-. liar. lurn.-i an.l 101.l ll.< 1. I raa) >ny „f th. pr,~pe.ts „f th. Straits SetUemcnU. H. .|.«.riU-- the MMMf ,s a para.hs.
    376 words
  • 223 11 In Kiun-wi. k then ix a ytMiuu man. Un hi 11 to oiisi.l, iahl. wealth, who I* llilprl S..IU-.I on a little bit of U-rnlory. mil I can n. vi I. ay. it till the .-ml of 111- ,fay*. unl.-s he lust -.14 1 i!i. In-
    223 words
  • 963 11 THE SUDDEN DEATH OF BARON ALBERT DE ROTHSCHILD. Head of the Vienna House Karon XIU-it <lt lloth*. IIIM. hi. f"f thtVi.nna Uuikinu Ihiiihc. has dial -.ii.M. ml\ at the a«c of 07. Hi* mukltn .k-iiii«- <*uw>tl h nl. sj,n-M.| ntjrt t. a* In- hi* a .-oiiHpiciHHiM •inure
    963 words
  • 138 11 A curious cant of a »peci«t nitn«|iiiUi fttl r. Knlai 1> by a »|»t-i.-H of ant i« i-eeonlc>l by Mr. K. '.lacoOHon. The immipiiUi. a wiiall t-iirriuK in .lava, acoonlinK U> the .lava Tim.-*, f r.t lvi vis tn<m w lien anUt -loao.lfn.. It hU>|m an ant au.l Htrokea tin
    138 words
  • 1109 11 THE COLONIES AND THE HEAD OF KING GEORGE. Some of the New Desigas I In- New /eajawi 1 n rnment lias re- in. sUil Mr. Itertiaia Maekennal, A It. A tlie acnlptor. to furniali the tleoiun for a new aerien of potiUme »Umf- for the l«..iui ill.
    1,109 words
  • 74 11 In 11.. h.-reafU-r. Uie man cnciiiiUntl a *in|(ular ymtip of aninuwW -two or thntlieaveni. au otter, an.l some «eaU. all "Jiiver UK. though the cliniaU-. U> say the I. a-t of it. wa» *****.1. •■We were akiuiietl foi yutirwif. > Imv tin > \|.l.uin'-l civilly u|«.ii olix-miiii: hi* perplexity 11.
    74 words
  • 653 11 Strenuous Worker who did not Waste Time. After a short illin-**. it. n.liii. .lays;. Kin. l. 11 the well known count) court )nttf»e. rath.r *n.l.l:nlv at his re Hi.leiiii at t'niwbomOKh. Suhw x His I iioiii. luul for »oiue time HunVrtil from );a*tru tro.ihl.
    653 words
  • 387 11 Ce\ioi Visitor's Experiences in the Mediterranean. Ills. 10.i.,.s a- |.l..wnu in H«ai ai ny 1111; in tli. t Kin .111 from tin Kaat n.i.l. in tli. Klll-- IU ihli l>nisi.,n. lo.inloii. in nn a.tion l>r.>iii;hl t>> Mr. Aithnr IVydell. a Turf foninii«i"n a«ent I.
    387 words
  • 64 11 Klnaliian Sin Ml i-iulitv tvv. tmmm K.»k. mmmkmJm* mm haa never Utn sh»\.-l mtinia,U-« llutt by .iII-.h iiik lint la -an I t>. I"' luw >*vf.| ax luiit h money wi aii onlinarv Unn-r *.< umulal. from all Minrtt-s in a lid tune. Hi lum aaiaaol '.^.(•■l aliavt-H. ninth,
    64 words
  • 984 11 "v.iin hill.- nliili- kl I- MM boxing in tin i a Mow M tin- jaw at luoiucnt nnil bi>lli utnt ilnwi in. I .mi Homaii M| at Mit I sal \illav«-. to th. Nhini Tak .listri. t of Kwantunt: |n..MO««, U»vi- birth tn on.- .laiik-liU-r au.l tun
    984 words

  • 1440 12 INITIAL EXPECTATIONS MOKE THAN FULFILLED. Yields and P/ices ..ii.l unlinary general m.vtinn of I m I: ibhl I I ,>lil|*n\ l.llnll.-il. w.iI,. I.I ..ii V, l.nmi\ .11. at tli. office, tin. Grace i-liun I. >ti,.t. K Mr. .1 Sam n .ft Holiu.s iliairiimii c>( tin ii>ni|Kiny. who |ircsi<le<l
    1,440 words
  • 290 12 Tl ii «ii- a trial IMM] <>ii tin' Thames at Mniiiiiu r-iuitli. »l a m devio for |MMJ lint! marine viswls UiHt may. if sun i —filly da r< loped. I. -ml la a revolution al tin |.t. ut in. lli.. U u.ttiny "'ir »hi)~ through the
    290 words
  • 230 12 l>i. Onflory, tlir Ik-Hii •>[ >t. I'hui itu ii thnt h< lia» unil. ml to Uh- IVlUM Mim>tel III" rrsiyuAtnm uf tin; Ihuu-ry. TV ry \l> l>r. Mrt6HMT< »ho is in In- c i 1 "war. Int. -rUcl in U$mkm hi iiU.iit -i\l\ y.ii- ,<n<<
    230 words
  • 142 12 S..MH- it'iiiai kalilv st iii-tK -s art- avnil*lii< in tin official n )>>rt n^anliiiu vi<4ent iVnUin n in NYu York iloriafl tin yiar 1H10 I'll. loul rimiUr of vii.Unt <UalliH Li-,1 \...i waaMi. nf uliith iiuiiiUr IV. hi n <• I i.mnl. i. this UniK an inrrrww of
    142 words
  • 948 12 The King' s Club. HISTIRY AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MARLBOROUGH. How It Originated. One lay in 1HM Kins Kdward. th. n I'mm n( Wale*, and xeveral of hi- coui|>anion* oat down to Ulk iu Whin Club. Tin- Prince of Wakw drew from hiHpftcketooe of hi* famou* cigaro and -t^rtt-d to
    948 words
  • 199 12 Tin l..'.n< it r< |«nts very rcmarkahk- ex ample of tin |»>ilitii<> al iuiud iiirlu< in.- in controlling botilv fuuctionx which h«j> rerrntlv l«<rn brought before tin- in.h, :il fr»Unut\ in Vicuna. It i> staled that a man who lately came under the owner-ration of an Austrian pliysiciuu |whhphh«i "such
    199 words
  • 1687 12 CLASSIFICATION OF RUBBER PROPERTIES. Old, Middle-Aged and Young Tl»- Kronomint of February 1H. I. us an iDMtrnctivf article upon Kubber Share* and YaliM-n. There are. it «*ys .-.m, -.Mm rubber companies in exiatenr*-. all of which were (in unit .~UiihiI>Iv.Ui i-nrich their share lloUk-m. We say onfeMinibly.
    1,687 words
  • 777 12 i- -1. 1 Mm 19 I'., ham. nt. I ma> s«y. I tlunk. of tl,. lal v. r»»|i..:i,l.iit. I aal l>> In- airtb aad 1 InUon ad him t.. 1.1- (raw >*o wrote, t.,«a,,1--tli, elaai ..i In- Ma] »m,I prahlr lit. tl,» v.Il. l,\ 1. ad
    777 words
  • 985 12 Tl.r following pawxt-ngfrs .11. I borne wan 1 1 ft a nailing Match'-* M, Ma, Mi C. V. 8 Bitfaraaffh, Mi 1 Oiinlette, rbrd Mr- K(..r.1. and two, luldrcn. Mrs Mmlh. Mis- 1',... Ml ami Mrs. Hlair. Mrx. an.l Miss Antoni-/ Mi I ***** mm Mrand Mrs A
    985 words
  • 18 12 A rvliiarknbl. Mr .1 i: Ulur.-.n M v I,, III In- r. BOr* M Um llia| Uin|> wlii'
    18 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 183 13 BRIDGE'S RUBBER MACHINERY. Washing, Creping and Macerating Machines. BLOCK PRESSES VACUUM DRIERS DA COSTA COAGULATOR. Stocks held in Kuala Lumpur. UNDERWOOD" Typewriter. THE MACHiNE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUY. Tilce-. on Xpplication. Spares Stocked. Repairs a S peciality. SOIL AOENTS Paterson, Simons Co, Ltd. C. HELD AND CO. 1 Al -RISTLNQSGESCHAKT
      183 words
    • 96 13 THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Port Swettenham, Ipoh. BUPPLIEB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF EBTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, QafßJßaj Co.i^ulatiiiK Vans, Spouts, Strainers, Glass*, Aluminium, Earthenware Terne Plate Lat-x Cii|)s. Acetic Acid, CoaKulators, Sprayers, etc., Rubber Mangles and Machinery. Large«t and meat varied Meek cf Ektate mpplion
      96 words
    • 219 13 TiTROM/ED iS^BlKti^&L^ -IIV USEFUL PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding Otder gifts IS NOW ON VIEW AX De SILVA'S. Inspection Invited. B.P. dm MILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller. M AND 63. HIGH STI RAFFLESBYTHE-SEA TH THB LEADIXO EUROPEAN HOTRL A& J"Vf f^ f V* /3
      219 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 480 14 INBURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office I Winchester House. srSOAPORB* Board of Otf-aatai-a O. A. DvaaiiK, Bag.. Chairmaa. A. 11. Kaib, BtM ManaginK Direotor. Pbtbk Fowlib. b.b., I h Chief Med. Officer j F. M. Blliut, Esq. Rot. N. J. Ooc»mi». Vow Noam Pan. Ea<i. Ono Soob
      480 words
    • 276 14 INSURANCE FEDERAL LIFE usumwcE coßMin w o«ium. BaraBUSBiD 1888. in Force, orcr JI7.MMM Maw Bail 1900, ore. JM*MM Nat Swplua abore liabilities tor reaerre andaU oatataadias olaims. over $2,076,000 (9traits Currency). Over WMM was sat aside ai a special add i t<>o to Polioy rsaerres. J. H. EVANS, Managrir
      276 words
    • 535 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIAJND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares of £30 each XI.'JOO^OO ResenroruDd £l,«0C,000 BeMrrt Liability of Proprietors... £1.300.000 BANKERS. Natiooal Baak of Scotland. The Loadoa City Midland Baak. Ltd. SINOAPOBE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opeaed aad interest allowed at 1
      535 words
    • 627 14 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TON 6 BANKING MB INSURANCE CO, LTD. MO. IT AND 68, KUNO BTRBBT. Esfbllsried 1907. Capital paid up >IJOOJOO.OO Reaerre liability of proprietors 1,000,000 00 COURT OF DIRBCTORB. 1. Taß Tbcb Joow 6, Sib Ku Jaß X Naa Kib Sana 7. Tao 800 Lai j, Liao
      627 words
    • 1454 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture and Effects, AT "LAHOI.M .< >T. TUOMAB' WALK. "H HI VEX AI.LK 1 9OAl> The propei ty cf H. Knl r Om Saturday. March 28, at 2.30 p m. Comprising: HatUu r hairs and Üb'rn TRAK MALI. SlANl>>. BIBOLbTTKUIJ TEAK
      1,454 words

  • 730 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. 4 Military Motor Transport In AjaJlBK with tin uivat miuls.|ii<stiou in Aiittralia. tin- auUnuokilc it alnivly recot uiscil .is an a<ljtinct t<> tin 1 uiilit«u> |witiriilai-ly. r»'ilu«iw, ax a branch uf tlic lut.lli-;. n< 1 or)>s. :m<l for th<rapi.l uiovcments of
    730 words
  • 112 15 1..M I Siukvill.- kit h.. 1,1 from 11..- Kllol.- .-..1 l.vimii for IMtMNKHiainxhomiiKirHiiuperbpic tun of Miss LWm ,afu iu,,..1~ Mix. lUclianl MaaV| sii. n.Uu"i ..n.l km kmtkm, Tlmmm v Tlh' pH'tnr. h H'jm in 1.0u.10u. Tli.Mm tat orr. »|.,ii.|. -n: of th. TlllM-H HUtot that Mr. llonry C Km
    112 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 381 15 v The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY Tl.. firm hai its :f to j.rj Ieee a car of Meal efflcienoy witbo ->t tho l^a^t aMrineo of in I^™™"™ nDßthat offl:icDoy. Tb»t th.- object in view f u baa been achio»ed w:ll bo realily a-loiittod by toe )M1 Ul mcki'ist
      381 words
    • 54 15 Ariawcr to the Question. ll. iw to curu i 001.l is a .|in-«tion in which many are iutf mUmI junt now. Chamber bun's <<>U|{li .•■im«ly liaH woo it* gieat n-putaiion and iniiiM'ii^- sal.' by iU reaaarkaU« core .>( ouhU. 1 1 al way* be del» ml.«l upon. Kor aak}
      54 words
    • 383 15 iTo th«» i>v«n«»r>Hr- d '">"» f^\ JArflHfcwfc rIKkWUnnS I tne uyspepiic lh s, om) C h .ad i»t» lk WOI'LD ÜBOXB.iK THI !'.EST I THIVOS IIY MKA\ g oKWIIUH imaaw^B—a^m'^ewaamjnmmavmawtejeammw^B^m^m T IKIEBRATI TIIE IOM MiStlTlj^lW Wm CORONATION JI^L^B^aWawMMB^MTjMHH Eafl^LsJL^a^L mmw^mm stock* of all deftcriptiou arc arrivit.i<. Or.l.rH arc inTiU-d stommk
      383 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 853 16 |BHB i.hiih JOHNSON'S ELEPHANT' Brand CEMENT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. W\NTS. ENGINEERS WANTEO. One European Entjinerr to drive and look •Jttr an Oil MoW Tractor and Plough at M .'.aces ni- Native Kogincer with I 'river's Oortif.oat. to take charge of steam Boiler «nd Wicch for »tuuir>ug work Vpplicaticns •a
      853 words
    • 667 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET Whole of second floor of Commercial Union Assurance Cocipaby's building, c/o Robinson 'load and Telegraph street Apply to Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited nIMS TO BE LET. OFFICES AND GODOWNS. Near the Square. Apply 8. MAKASSEH A CO. I OFFICE TO LET.
      667 words
    • 746 16 NOTICEB. JNION INSURANCE SOCIETY OF CANTON. LIMITED. NOTICE. Tbe Annual (.cnc-ral Meeting A Sharelolders will bo held at tbe office* of tbe Society. Hongkong, oo tbe Joth April, 1911. ivben tbe Board of Directors will re con. n end ibo following paymentx A final dividend of .0 per share on
      746 words
    • 621 16 NOTICES. RUBBER ESTATE FOR SALE. 216 ACRES T.vNd.TONti MALISf. Se-lani; ..r I M i miles fron. Railway Static n. If 00 trees now being tipped. Kor further particulars, apply T. IKU»LB1 PABBONS, 7. Battery Koad. 20 a 31 8 NOTICE. Notice is ber by civtn. that thi- bum. oif ti.
      621 words
    • 349 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT cV 00. SHIIMHANMI.r tavern— at see Maekiaal Ceetraetsrs Te'cphooe No. 4^l. 10h a luu. Market Stret NOTICE. Mi-. A. W. Jnll> !«-•«> to Inform lii> ilifiits .iikl the i~ r > public from the April I. 1911, tli it lii^ tkldreM n ill be H< l Xrcul-'.
      349 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 238 16 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES Misoullane ous wants of everj description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of 91 per (oar lines for ono or two insertions. Notices ot Births, Marriages, or Deaths, it not exceeding four lines, II eaoh insert, .o Fjr p.p c. oardh, on pago 6, 13.
      238 words