The Straits Times, 23 March 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.521 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 215 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Department. H Beat m :L Wfrjt&&^ English B '^QBSSl*' Mmnufmc'ure Only. ■I Si OLhDITONE BAOS. '^^4i^9HBB^BJH^HHL Nat Browa Coirbide. is tarioaa atylra, H Sj^H «•<* witb Broad Leatlier Strap*, Braaa dfl I J or Nickel KiMJa«a aad Eiwliaii made Look.
      215 words
    • 55 1 "EMPIRE IS THE IDEAL Typewriter FOR SIMPIICfTY. HARD WEAR. HIGH EFFICIENCY. Foolscap" Model takes paper 9" wide $112 Brief Model takes paper 134" wide 1140 Policy" Model takes paper 18" $162 1,500 in use in British Government Offices. WRITK FOR PARTICI LARS TO The Borneo Co., Ld., BINOAPORB. A. C.
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    • 244 1 la—ra Eat rat I toiwt naaw^MMatf. CgS B|lft CisS W th moT ble h dl «> h« to sake two diabw. 9^> IbIbBHHSbBHbTI 11 iDchoa. Pric V*M No. 114.' L. Ba. It* Cavat *t Sti aiaiOHNni m«aar tea*. Bf at Eleotro plated. Id Lastber c orerad, ,\<i*+ Uned Caae. J
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  • 667 2 TO UNITE IN PRESENTING A GIF r TO THE KING. Loyal Project Following the loyal rxain^lv of MaryH of the Empire, who arc Robecribing toward* a I imiaatioa present to (Jaeeo Mary, subject* wlk< bear the Christian name uf Oeoron intend prewnting a gift to toe King. Alreaily
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  • 87 2 A wire from Danzig nxyn that Uie execution, by buhcatlini;, of a wrTant Rirl named Mikowcrt took place at Instcrbur^. in Uast Fill— ia. ami wan marked by wnfcatioual circuiiiHtauceii. The lua-Uniiiii apimuul attired in a frock coat, hiIK li.n. and ■Mai ijloTen. Wlien he had removed the black cloth
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 103 2 "'Hazeline' Snow" Pur. nncl "fIAZELttJB Nclthef rool ns SSiflfjJß ijaaaaam stic *y A ,^^l La iVPXIVf 1 1 "Pali for Prickly Heat Its soothing and hcaKng properties produce a delicious fecaag ol cool- ness and comfort. The ideal balm for painful sunburn, it instantly relieves ike smarting sensation and remotes
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    • 88 2 Beat Liniment. Slight accidents and injuries are a fro<|nent occurrence on the (arm and in the work shop. A cut or bruise which in often the cause of much annoyance and lorn of tins, may be cured in about om- third the time osaally required by applying Chamnurlain'n Pain lialin
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    • 402 2 K.UNG Hlliß CHIOI6 k CO. NO. 104, NORTH BRIDOB ROAD CaoMJias of rarioos kteda ia stock, plates. papar*. tta. Silrered l'Uto Glass of aay sue, Plate or BeTelled. AIM Mouldings of nay daakja lot banua? pictures or mirrors at m Mlarate prioos. UoTolopinK. Printing and ItHisnlilis; aad aalarg<Bß Irom nay
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    • 188 2 SPECIAL DISFLAY or NECKLACES. Diamonds. Bubies and Pearls. Peridots and Pearls. Amethy*tB and Pearls Topaz and Pearls. Turqunine and Pearls Jade. PRICES FROM $25 XO $10,000. A lan?e collection of new and different designs to select from H ISMAIL AND RAHEEM'S, Bras Basah Road. A NEW SPECIAL PERFUME Jumt Arrived
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  • 1300 3 LONDON INSTITUTION SCHEME OF STUDIES. A Prematare Announcement. r"or tin preerat. aanoanu M at* M fnturt of thttLuadon Institntion tml ™ii>ninM-li«tiw»fo«-»S«hi><'l Ijin-jti-•Kes and otlier udaoatiimsl pMtaaani BMel Ureawaed a» prematare, n»v* Tl>u Turn—. No such ncheaie could be iwl«|>U^i until a/U-r consuitatiun of Uw large body of l1"--prietorm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 547 3 GREAT SALB OF BOOKS BOOKLOVERS IN THE EAST INDIES. Sbooid take adMu'ace of The Tfana Book Club's (peat Sale of Sorpiu* IMb*, ecataiaiaft tboaaaada of aaraaior, many of wbicb PAYS YOU are not likely to be bm* with aaiia. Bare booka. important book*, book* of all kinda are cftatta a
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    • 125 3 Kor all intrinal roiiinliuiit^. I>vs4 ntory. OajBJM, lol.lh. i-U'.. wki V/aaav l'«|>|>iTiuint din-. Japanese Dentist, 74 BRAS JABAH MMO Vt. K. TMtada ia Ifce only Japaaeas t>aaal ia too town with whom 70a oaa ooanlt diraot aitber ia Bogliab or Mala*. i>aialaM BitoaoKon from II aaeb Gold Caapraß B
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    • 116 3 MONKEY BRAND Makes Copper like Gold; Tin like Silver. Ms ESTATE SUPPLIES OF Every Description FROM ADAMSON. GILFILLAN CO., LTD. THE DENTAL HALL, NO. 1. BAFFLBS PL4GB fOPPOSITB JOHN LITTLB 4 CO.'S BIILDIN" Uaaar tae anparrinoa of TZTI. J". IWATSUBO DBNTAL BUBOBON, Who atay aa» ha toaad at fa. Bras
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 610 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. BTEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PKNANO, CEYLON, AI'STItALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT, MEDITERRANEAN, PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Throogh Bills of Lading issued for China Coast. Persian tiolf, Continental, and American Porta. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 I Delhi May 19
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    • 537 4 BTEAMEI BAIUMQB. N.Y.K JAPAW MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN UNE. A Fortaightly eerviee is maintained between Yokohama via porta to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Oovarnmeat. The New Twin screw Steamers maintaining thi* aamoa have boon specially designed aad contracted, aad are fitted with
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    • 648 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL BTEAMBHIP CO U S MAIL UNE. The great staamsbip line between CHINA, JAPAN aad BU ROPE, via Hoaolulu aad Saa Fraaoiaao, operating tba new ***** ton*, twin sorew steimars KORBA aad BIBEHIA, toasabar with tba wall known ■t CHINA. ASIA, MONOOLIA MANCHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICB OF
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    • 263 4 STEAMER BAJUNQB. Canadian Pacific Railway Go 'i Royal Mall Staamahta Urtw. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BIROPB Vu Cmixa, Jataji, Canada aid thb Cnitbo Statb*. Route from Hjagkoag. via Shanghai, Nagaaaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Vancouver R.M.B. Bmprewi oi India l T win sore w aM.B.-«-ar-.ofJa-a." Jjff^n
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    • 589 4 STEAMER MIUMBI HAMBUR6 AMERIKA URC HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCHE DAMPFBCHIFFFAHRTBGEB. 'HANBA BREMEN. Combined S«rvlc«. The *t«sm*rs of tbeee Companiee maintain a ragalar sarvies betwaea Hamburg, Bremen, tatwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straiti, China tad Japan. Homeward*, they are dmpatchad fortoigbtly For Havre and Bambnrg and oaes s month for Bremerliaren direct,
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    • 659 4 STEAMER BAILINBB. N. D. L. ■orddautschtr Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well known mail •teamen of tbi* Company sail fortnigbtlv from Brumes Hamsnrß. via Rotterdam. Antwerp. South*— |i toe, (tibraltar O«n<ia, Naple* (eimoeetiag Marasillee. Naples, AUxandna. and noe versa) P>rt Said, Saez. Aden. Columbo. Heoaag. Kingapore,
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  • 145 5 FIXTURES. Thursday. March »y High Water. 2 «9 am 4 .82 p m Baodmann Opera Co., Theatre. 9 p.m. Friday. March 14. High Water. H 28 a.m.. 7.10 p.m. P. and 1 1 outward mail doe S poro and Johore Rnhbttr Co.. meeting. L>>gi*'ativ« Cooncil. I M
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  • 270 5 Tn I'AT. Malarea Ptirt l>irk<on and I'ort Swi-tU nl.B'. Sapoho I |>tv I'ontisnak I in Hrn < man 8 pm MnnV B *nd I'aletubaog O (1 Mijer Bpm Bt'u I'ahat S-i WonK*ee Bim Katii I'aliat Ainu Hin 8 pm Ratavia Bantam 4 pm StmaranK Myrmidon 4 pm
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  • 175 5 Tlii I" and O. nttward mail steamer MM li»\ini( lift Colombo at 11 p.m oa Saturday. th. lHtli mutant. in»y be- < xr< P«a| to ar'i\i hen on Kruliy af ti rooon. the 24:h instant. The Imp. <>ermtn msil nteamer Prinsnas Alioe having left lioniikong oa the
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  • 290 5 Latest Arrivals. at II M cruiM-r, 7700 toas. S*U cr.-w, II i-uns. 1 .(XXI lip Cony Streatft-ld, i in Nttaai Msa, Kib :i MasjaJOaaMi I I HeasaaMg, M*r ji Wl, Hiok" M«ru .lap. »tr. Ml tons, Ciptain I'amon. Mir 11. Kr im It, mSav Mar 10. ((<■ l'*t«r»<n
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  • 107 5 Wharve* at which VesseU are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAR. East Vmr Basin— Nil. East a Sbction No I— Nam Vong, Capri. Shbbbm WBAar Nil. Main W. Sict. No 2- Dunt-ra. Nuentung. t— Ni'. 4— O Apcar m Nil. 6 MTroii'ion Crosont. Laooom
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  • 96 5 Arrivals. Per ■teamrr Marmora. March '11 From Hongkong: Messrs. J Jooekbeer, T. Vsn Hant, A. Burelnff. r. K J. L'oyd. Thio T. Siat. I). M Mistry, Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Hilmes and child. Per -t«sm«r Sel*ngnr, Mstli From Telok Anoon vt« put* Mr- W \-ov. Mee»ra
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  • 242 5 Finance Commerce. SIXOATOBB, MIHH 28, 1911. OiUnoa-Buklß/i J/4^ Demand i Private 6 m/s 2/4 A do Bm/s 2/4 i 4 Ox Osuiant- Bank d/d 240 Private 8 m/s 244 Oa F»an. s Bank d/d W6 Private Sm/s 199, Oa Im.i i Bank T. T. 174| Private 80 d/s 1761 Ok
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    • 172 5 [■roe 10 10 Bel*» Tin 10 10 Braan* 10 10 Bnweh Hyd 10 10 K*n»boi (I 41 KintaTio 11 41 KledaaflTia 10 10 Kointao Tin 11 41 Lfttakl MiDea 10 10 MaUees Tin 6 PabM«C<»aol Cl £l D -ri l r 11 41 Pa»i>4| B«bni II 41 I'umng Lam*
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    • 606 5 mat 3 .'aloe Z Buyer*. Seller*. I/- >/■ Allagar 4/10 S, 64 I/. 2/- An^lo Malay 1.4 8 1.8.1 j I/- 2/- Bitui Malaka 2/9 8. tl 41 BttoCtTM 16.0.0 18 0.0 U 41 Bato Tiga 4 12.6 6 1.6 11 Bukit Kajaag 3.14.6 214 0 II £1 Bukil
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    • 120 5 Value Bnyan. 10 10 lattara 10 7 671 41 41 Blaotrie Tramway* S/> 10 10 Fraaer Nea»e 86.00 ICO Uowartb KrskiM 100 7% Pnl. 90.00 100 100 Kata Bro. IW. 100 100 n 8% Chip. Pnl. 10 10 Ma;oard Co. 9800 SelJert MO 1000 700 «/> 4(1.00 MOO 0100
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    • 51 5 Bayers Seller* Howarth Ermkine 6% 1000.000 par Riley. Hargreaves 8% 1284.000 H »t pm Singapore Electric Tran-way* 6% 48*0,000 Spore Municipal 6% 11,878 000 nom. Buyers Sells** Spore Manicipal 4J% of IVU7 11.800.C00 8% 7%pai 8 pure Mooicipal 4J% ofi9o» ii 1% 9%pm 8 poro Munioipal 4% W02.900
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 325 5 What is Labour I asked the Teacher. Said the *?boolgirl, smart snd bright. It is Labour to be coughing, As some pepp'e <*o all night I What is Capital I be a%ked her, After a brief interval. "Woods' Ores I I'eppermiat Cure slit aa awtrcd. Mother says that's Capital. LATEST
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    • 612 5 raadnatseai of the Eawt J^^_ Is brought h«m« to you I* J Ik. strfoctloii to whics £f~* l^BasV. Emrptun Cifirttitt tin* km srwifiii »r M««tn. .aaaa MASPIRO Futßl'S -^^^k v Jk V iii Kwn i.« kf»n4« Jk~ VaassT' Bouton Rouge S.nd Felucca Egyptian Cigarettes Tel *aw^-~- '^^BBsaaal 'i'Tulic conJlt.on*. mi
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    • 259 5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY UNITED FOB PENANO, BANOOON AND CALCUTTA. The Company's Steamer I»l NEBA 6.416 loaa. D. L Neilaon. 8.N.8., Commander, will be despatched for the above porta oa Fri day, the 24tb instant, at 6 p.m I Sbe baa exoalleat accommodation for firat and seoond claas paasengera.
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    • 149 5 HIGH-CLASS T.i^hons Mo. ei s. UNDERTAKING. «S, Mnaaa Itraat, Wn«aa»r«, MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY H|<| to inform tba poblic that the kiad patroaage aooorded him durina the pass ti w yrars, baa made it neeer-aary for him to j--~- n~it*'''l- na-rr Hubaiar tyrad Maan-aa, which sarpaaara all others in
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  • 50 6 Mi Mm, i Itn March Tl. at BBan, rVaii ru k MiQj.oit. sou of .lonkfrriiian Minjoot. aytil yuan. I>«'iil\ rt-KrctW-d. l|-.h and Fenanx |>apcrH please it.pv. Low -(iv Manh 11. at Kaßß^ak. Khiok Chiang i.lacobe>. manauiuu |iartn.r of the firm Kiam II. lieng Co. at ilautkok. agwl 09 yean.
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  • 1034 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, MARCH 23. GERMAN SAVINGS. SIIIUI lltlli llllle .IH". It IIIHCUSaIOQ took pla«.i'_in tin IteicliHtag which ia inU-reMtiuK for two n«HOOH. It brought out the amazing extent Ui which Germany ha* prospered in recent yean", aid at the saint time tlie curiouii way in which that wonderful
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  • 13 6 Ih. Inch Krnnetli Kubber KnUU-m, Ltd. announce an interim dividend of fur Nt
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  • 18 6 At Liverpool, on March 8. Jil.iiilii personx mobbed a Lady who wore a harem skirt in the KtreeU.
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  • 17 6 Wont Australian ex|»rt« to the Strait* Settlement* during 1910 amounted to UN aii against £.10,771 in 1»».
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  • 20 6 No rain having fallen tor over two month* at Pontianak. water is being Hold in the HtreeU at famine price*.
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  • 38 6 A scheme in on foot to provide t'oloiiibu with a new, large hotel, on the moiit modern and up to date linen. Three or four well known European business men are at the In ul of the concern.
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  • 13 6 Latoat advertiwraraU of the day appear oa page S as wel! an H.
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  • 25 6 Mr llolman. Attorney (ieneral. BBMkanl at an Irish iiMsHmy at Sydney, asid In ho|«si U> BBJ Ireland obtain liome rule within tin next few month*.
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  • 26 6 After fiHir days' inraaiiaiit rain >dow ban been falling our Simla. Solan. Siihathii. lHu«hai. Kaaauli. and Miimuhi.-. the fall re UWUrini. over s f.-.t dts p.
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  • 26 6 The ltntish Kteaim-rs In. lrani au.l India pura. both willkiiouu in then. waU-rs. of about M.iKm t,n» devl weight mpac'if wilIU U> tli. lapali.-^. BBnV
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  • 39 6 With a vMw Ui fainiiiK l>r. l.ny. assist in. an.l t., profit by Ins rien, in eon notion with plague. China lum requested that he should be appninU-d to set an anoint ant Mntisli delicate at tin forth, omin(ommiHnion
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  • 44 6 Speakint; at a Inm-lteon at Yakura Sir IVny (iiroiianl. Governor .rf K*.-\ mention,, l that l-«.rd HiU-ln nt-r wa« no stru.-k with the pr.»|K«'tM of the |B*aMaMta that he had applied for land, and wax returning laU r IU the year to delelop It
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  • 48 6 11,. (i.iveruui. Nt of Ohio has ouoUMBMi an a<-tion. allt-^ini; eouspira. v for the restraint of trade. s|>ainnt M •BBMBaiai e ngaKfd in the maimfai tun- of in. and.-« i.: lam)". Tin :Ci cotupaniea an- said U. form on. „f tlie nxMt powerful tninU id tin lintel SUtea.
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  • 47 6 At tin UMMBV \.sUi,U>. Tuloka Bhayk, 1.-.I for wrongful i onhn.-iiient. rape an. r,l.l>!\ wa» ae.|uitu^l Mr .Ins in Kinliti then r. I lew-d th. Chief Justin and ith th. haariafl <>f a oaaMi of poaaaaaioa oi (xmnterfeitinK <°nin and nnplenM-nts preferret ajjuiist Ma I. im
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  • 49 6 lii. u.s,. i, i 1 1. ianswah Mparti that, during th. mouth of .lauiarv. th. iania* f.... Ltd.. d. s|Mt. h d fioni then works at Baa iii.l DM' I ■•f -.Id and '.r>* o/s of sih.-r. wlnl. their rahhai isUU at Italian MM fta. ..t rahhat hi faaißaii.
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  • 38 6 I ilaalim i i ;l «.i- 1,014, thr.-e on th. ftgun ih. Th. expi mi., b( introdu. Ed during I'.tl'i of bavins p. in m BBBaiag ..f i n,. priai t.. th. actual tiaimiin pn.x.-.! in it~lf a
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  • 43 6 -n .lohn JaatMMl <..ri- M the n,l th. f.-.'. t Walheh not on hr. aMrtlj Mai ■uuafaaJ lie. i-sMta'.-i tin at., ml .m „t Hi. tuiil luij.- which was I n.H! structure. was considerably Uinai;~l and noiii. of its IMMbI ilestioy.-l
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  • 52 6 TIM-n- was a «.««l lioiist at the llariuia Hall. U»t ni«ht. wlien Mr I way a. the Japanese Consul, and Mi- l«., preM-ut. A number of new and in films u.i. exhibitotl. The hall an.l liave laUly het-u adorn"! with .lapanrne plauu. A aMEaal changi ot pmgraiume in annoiiu.e.l for
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  • 71 6 Al the annual ■BBbbWJ the I iiioii Insn MM Ml it ty of I aiiU.n Ui be h.-1.l at Mont kout on \pril it>. it \»ill be |«-..|>.»«.! final, lm.l. ii. l of «j"|» i sh.n. oa itOt an interim dmdeu.l of MB fm Mat I'M" a, i-.,imi t' i^|
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  • 58 6 Ih. miser < nhnli |«s-m^l through Singa|wre mhik- tun. a^;.. voying ih. lam .iii.l rWrnasmaki u> Aiiatralia. r.|»,n.-,l on h< i arrival at Malta, horn. ».ini bound, that sin hit I 1 1, n, i \.i\ aas »..iili.i tioin Port laMswasa i th. slii|.. an. l the sht It.
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  • 57 6 ■BBBBMMBB allsltii; .tit ..t m of the >iak In lr,i|>» t.i Kit. I.WI »|>|«' U. b>- even in lli.m mas at first nn tuin.-l. i. in irks tli. Shanghai Merenry Tin- l.u<-t .1. \elo|niieiit with nlrrtniv Ui the hiil.j.^ t is tl,. a writ of MimmoiiH by Dr. Kijhuis aoainsl
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  • 60 6 I- iv. Kiiro|iean awtwUnU of Korl irlmUt jute null ».rv taken «rio.isly ill. says a U'l t1 <rain from Calcutta .Lite I the i:»th inst I Mi An.!..* i.uthri. au.l Mr Smith, .linl during the nii;lit. and Mather, Mr. Frank Cntliill. is kta,aMaa ron.lition It in haKaaal that th. fatal
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  • 79 6 Thf tnal of thirty nix of th. leading mem bers of tin N.i|.l.» OmbHBBI foi th. unirdt-r of a man nsui.^l t'u.i'olo uml Ins wif.. uh.. aaaaaW Bat l.tuhn^ l»morri»t. lias begun at ViW-rbo in a lari-.' an. i. Nt rlmr. h. Tin prison, rs an eoonned in urn tin-
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  • 109 6 ■HBrdinu the iiui<in. vi the StraiU of M ilw-ca. to wlu.h atuntion iru Uul> aalai by Mr. M II lUik. r in a IntU.r u> th< Haa] QaaaMa, it is mud that a laaal ihip~ .aptaiu. who wan n.iiiin« BB th. Straits during Uml week. Midd.-uly riwliiHl out of
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  • 94 6 K....nliD({ to report* r». from Thur» lay Inland tlie warrh parti.-* for the mumiih: -xpedition. in charge of Mr. Sunif.n ill Snntli. iv I'apua. liave mi far been uu<mci-e<wful Mr ■I. H. I*. Murray. Lieut. Oovernor ami llnef Indicia! u( I'apua. «UU-d Iv an interviewer Uiat tin- anUfieldx
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  • 271 6 l-.i.l \Uvn. '•>tii|it<in. in. nilx't f..r tin dmwoa ..f l.nut. l» W h Kimin. liim-S<-h.«.|«. ha> emUuk.<d in tli. \|«.u rin. Japan for Mda^kon^ Mi \i. t..i Baraoaa ha» -..n i ln< |>~' in the TaipitiK Hul.l-r rianLatioiis u> tak. over an SHHistsnt inana^ershii I. i Hi
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  • 62 6 >>:imuUte<l b\ the MBRMid tin ...inert i|i\in .it tli. t 1 1. k. i I i r. il- i of the uielllhtTs ..I I mann Opera i oatpaaj pi i seeon.l .it ..f .i i when tin i. Mill hi an entire han_(■MM*, d.uiU ot vasea
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  • 97 6 I d:\nlt U.I of |.i sh,.i. t. ndtM Man I, 81, k) Ha I laaidb Mint i.t.i Ih. limes prncevdil an, l Ih. t. •t tit. .i- in a heiaa i.nn.xl. uiuie the hatas Batdowa anowa 11. at area will I. Brodacing tlB withia a month Ih.
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  • 146 6 A «iin.>sity in Ih. IaOBM I Is that d. titil..<l eTiiiin. i.itioi, th. tii si time, of all ih. in: Nleobars e\.e|.t till >holn I'.li. H in the inUrioi of th. (.r.»t Tkaat bbobhi .ir. was aat of tin ,|i..iioii la aMeaapt to visil
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  • 203 6 Sikhs on Bicycles, anaed with long «\> and carrying; alasMc BMM of ih.ui\ I liav«- Utu H«-t at large |..r tin ■BMsraM heads for lli«- foMii.l.tioii. „f th. l^agoou l>.« kat ImJm| PagM Ha m i. -(..iiil, nt uli. MN tint! riiiuoiirs hiiiul.u u> th.m. Dal at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 Try ta, olt«a,r»tfe> of Whliky Co IVIACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Parliament Bland. e5 IACGBEGOB. CALDBECK 4 CO,, London and Ola alow. Bstabliibbd IHO4. A. .qppliil THI NOUSC OF .OSDI TNI MOUlt OF COMBOS* •■d to ta« Moults or p«BiiißtsT cium GALDBEGK, MACGREGOR A CO., Bole A^entt. LITTLE'S Cash Clearance JSALE^= COMMENCES MONDAY.
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    • 298 6 MOO FEET Of FILM ,il THI mill yl ALITY IN THK WoltLh VUH HE IN THK CHANOEOF PROGRAMME ALHAMBRA To-Nlght. 6 SSbSSn] Wl DIHKCT KHOM THK WoRLUs KKST MAKKHS riet vi 5,, »of Cambodia. Micrrmcopk-Pietnn-sof the Blood of OvinaroUH Animals whose vouiiK are hatrhed from K|>j;h. A Little f'liliali.
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  • 162 7 REMARKABLE SPEECH BY HERR BETHMANN. The Kaiser Above the Disputes of His Time. lUvtbb'h TmujaAN. Ixindon. Mi, K-.l th. new hi.adnoiiyht iNr BaM t ha- l»ili MMI I>bb MMMMM Ll<ivi. Tru.iun. Mh, MMM t> \t Kiel, in tin pre*< in c of the Kaim-r and K ii-. mi.
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  • 35 7 A Law in Prevent Aliens Holding Land. .H\M. Load I I i ill prohibit. v i; i. 'i. I rillllmlj BBM hill- BW 101 l rl.-11. il!\ inlr. -I i. ,<l bat I
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  • 66 7 Grand Simplicit) of Authorised Version." Biiiim'i TMmuk Lmm mm k I i,. hiiiy 1.1. nul a deputation ot U«lie- on th. MMMM of th. ir\ ..f the translation of tin i.-rsion „f th. Ilihle. y ;.i an addnam -I Uiat ih. maltiplyMß million- ot Mt
    66 words
  • 36 7 Lord l.ansdowne's Health Causes Anxiety. HUIIbVi Lmm, m :t< aorta II Mi II tUaat will it.. th. r v. I I ire a!->, dl- (Hi. ;my i. put I I II ht..n MMMMWaJ
    36 words
  • 24 7 1x.11.l 111 tin II «f < M M Ml \-|-llth " that p.. vi. n: ..t MMMBn w.,il.| Upr,,|«.-.-| this M II
    24 words
  • 29 7 Un ChrraaiATMCMl L&ara T«lk,.raii U. ilin. Mai, h Tin K \i. an.l ..n th. Jtth. M V hi. aBBBaMM «iel I" C. .if. i on tin -'-tli
    29 words
  • 38 7 I>ki; i )-rtsiirisi iir Linn lilt It. i In, MMM t uianiiel ha* l»i-n coiisidtin (iiohlli with llm new Italian t ...bin. l It is -taUil MM *>,ynoi I itloni ha- ttn r lyu Ministry.
    38 words
  • 23 7 Dl UataalaTMCMl 1.i...m. TaaVMOal B, March lh. CM f IV- MMM of tin- MoK lyaai M now. wish.-* t., i
    23 words
  • 54 7 DNWauIMB Urn IkUMm U rim. March M. \yr nts f... lh. .ompl.tioii of th. lUdway havi l>i i, aigued by Turkey mid hy tin ( lh lajjiai Com fMaj on the tail* iv will be -taiUil MliiullArHiitisly al .lift, r, nt pUcc*. awl the line will be
    54 words
  • 30 7 i munm i.l.>»u Telr<ib«« MMM, MMM I 1,, r.n Kasi hu.-i (nabeu Uiuelml a i.« k .nth.- IpMaMl an.l has y..n. to <ienoa v dima '.-.1.
    30 words
  • 571 7 Very Successful Performance by The Bandmann Company. Laxt night* piece at Uie Victoria The»trc ..luioiisly Hiutnl Uie oompany— KuiU«l not only it* inleiiU but it* inclination". Then,onl, I U no mistaking the -vui|»th,tl, atm.xphen- on Ih. stage which sent UK- piece oft with verve and kept it
    571 words
  • 232 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. Maaan hia-«r .m,l w.-. kl> bmm i th. Mad i nst »uUs: At tin daa of dull »ii k ill. latioii. to make hi the price* of »liare*. LmMM liuhUr- have tin. tuaU-d slightly. tut lull' ret,irn.-l to la»t w.i k
    232 words
  • 210 7 iKkoM (111 OW> CoKHKMI-CMUNr.I law Sam, March I.V The I'ren.h nns.r MoliUahn iCapt. t h./oii with ICai Admiral de t a* trio* on luwnl. arnviil here from KaUvia on the v. mny of tin l.lth in*t. The next luorning. th. BBwmaM calliil on the Admiral, who otti.
    210 words
  • 7 7 I ll.t. Cavea.-17.741 Ib.
    7 words
  • 1024 7 ERRATIC MARKET MOVEMENTS MAY CONTINUE. The Positioa in February. Some finthei orM-rialiotis on th. tin market are eoiitaintil in an article priutnl in (ImLondon Tiiuca of Kebruary an follow b The riewa expreaaed in Uieae «iliiiiins on January an to Uw pomibility of a further eoDniderable riae
    1,024 words
  • 75 7 Mr. 11. T. Montague lt.ll. wlk) ha- nlin the .ihtorship of the North-China I>aily News, which be liaa held for nearly five yean, waa preaentod with a large aitoer bowl and tray of Chinese workiuanaliip, by aome of Ilia numerous friends in the Settlement. Tin staff of Ur- paper
    75 words
  • 522 7 MARMORA SAILS FOR HOME VIA BOMBAY. The Exodus of the Season. Tin yioattwt day* of the annual h<i(ira m Siut-aixire ia that ou which the I', and 1 1. liner Marmora makm the through run to Kii|(lan<l rim Bombay. Haamgea are bookeil week" ahead and by Uie time
    522 words
  • 372 7 Paris Doctor's Theory of its Appearance. A in.. ln. ii 1-i -poiid.nt wtit.-s in lln >t*ndanl DbbbM Kontosn.iut. head of the M.-lnal bbbbml of \lltallaUMrivo. man l.itiire ■BBMaij hamM the S.-i,-u- d. 1 Inter nit ilen Kofiitaus de I'ari- 011 Vp|» ndii Hi- in Maihmamar. remarking on
    372 words
  • 189 7 Excellent Results Obtained by the Penang Schools. He BVJBB in ycHtenlay'i. ***** th. achie\e<l by SinKapnre scholars 111 tin > .mi bridge Laical Kxaiuinntioiis foi tin- ..litre 'Mi. full lint of r.-iilu looUin-. deUils the whole of Ur- nchools in Malaya, and from it wfaei- tliat I'enanj;
    189 words
  • 319 7 Results of the German Flagship's Firing Tests. Tboac tli.-ori"U who hold tliat atiii.*pl«ri. oonditionK arc reaponaiblc- for tin excellent ahnotinK nuulo by war«hirM in Far Kaatern wtlen will be inU-r<t.Uil Ui learn that tlw croiaer Scharabonit. tin- (iennan rU«mhip in Ukmp watera. ac<|uitted henwlf ailmirably in Uie
    319 words
  • 482 7 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Report \V,,tin L f.. 1.,,.,,|..n. m I JBUMRU >■■■ i- liter proriaioa rot ibbmliiiliii arfll bbm Knulaii'l Til.- 11. 1 iiirt'iv .1 aiiioiint- t.. 17-.'«« i It l i a I. 1. nitt. I vt 1 itn Hood ill.- "ilv. r
    482 words
  • 251 7 lo liik annual n-piirt (or ItMii. Hi i.m.h, tin acting l'nnc-i|ial Mixlical Officer of Sarawak. -tat«-« Uiat tin- Kt-neral h.-allh of th. country in th. \i-ai »*>. m.«l. raU-h X"*"' 11. ajrihai: TIM-n'has lnM-n an rutiii ii nt of rlnil.'rathroiiKlH.iit tin w hol.-ioiint. y »,- aaaWaal
    251 words
  • 72 7 ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO ARRANGE COMPROMISE. Nothing Done Before Coronation. Kit-TKK'N laaMMal London. Mm are Mmnc runioun. in tli. Common*! lobby that lii.- <x>n*tituti<maj mi.ii. will out b> l»-f..t. tin- coroeation. Th. r«hi Mill will not BBBMBBI Ufor. aat in I of Vn^ii-t mi tin Dafl) I
    72 words
  • 20 7 I'm OaVMUIa* lilail TasaMUfl Imtlii, M.v Tli. Jaßaaaai MiliUiv 9aaaaM < ..innn--i.,ii i- \|»< U-.I Im ilin hi M
    20 words
  • 43 7 LONDON RUB BER PRICES. I 'M A MaH, 1 '..111 ■MiKNT.I Information ha« b>-.-n n«i -iv. -I liv Malacca Rubbi-r I'lautatiuus. I.muiU-.!. tint the |>riut >f fine Para in Loodoo ymtenlay wan tft ocr 'b.. -.-11.-n.. Tli. mark, t .-|.~-l v, t» i
    43 words
  • 118 7 Hippopotamus Attacks and Kills a keeper. \n < n iii. i i>> n iii|i|«.|".t..' hippua •I. i »at. i tl,. i til. Mls<-K<- Itll.lllll t ■aaai t>. l> ai gaad bmvh with lbs -t. .111.^1 t< I" Ml til. leaning work 1,1. la .Iriv. it aaoh
    118 words
  • 222 7 Sad Affair in a Calcutta Public Thoroughfare. M i i: ii. .11. iv i .if tli. K-tat. .f tli. M ii..ii..|.i 1 M -.•miiiiiU'.l "in. ah I 'Ii- I i' shooting hulls. I' "Itll i I-A..U. I. Mini. 11l a ti.ia KbMTj mi 1 ii.
    222 words
  • 229 7 M, Umm D i *m* «»•< >mj a Well known \mcneaii writer Hn.l tray.-11, i ainnd uti n »t ho ■M i l» MM UIV.IM. «.-l M. mM that during hi- sU\ in IVnaug hi MM i -|>i U lot „f ti>. H.H.1.. Ttjaanai katfval ud
    229 words

    • 46 8 Nam.-, for rs.-«oionies get more dainty and fanciful every clay. A horse running at Lingfi. Id wax alkd Inflajumation. Mi la-, 1..r. the wclMcnown billianl BMBSMMJ ikiliii- that thr.s m ksha i-.»ili<i< have HMM him of a pU waU-h awl chain and f-'iAO.
      46 words
    • 197 8 home koullv ill. following arc lioiuc football re»u!ts uj) to March 1 1 IMM hS.nsti G i r .i iiu K. imi. OsMMM t, s.windoii 1 U.i. kbnm H..»irs:t. \V. st Mam 1 ,t. .1 I 1 1. -tbv fointy I' I 1 itx I II iiul.-> m V
      197 words
    • 169 8 B, C. C< I "in ii.'imi nt saHad Mm Mi a -t > ,i. I Mt lilli_ Baaaiaa. I „,.tt I.Ht I. 11. S t, I 7 i Bn Macfcay. S 11. 11.1. is, II Klphlck |»r.t|».|l.»l \i». aMMi II tBMI If \ll.n beat KoUvwi ■mi TiiiMM t
      169 words
  • 191 8 \t th. BaagtMMJ magiHtrai v. on th, ll tli :i-|».k.n young KiigliKhman nauieil BbBMbI with vagran.y. lie liaving givea IniiiM-lf up U. the |»ilii h<..i11.1 find no means, obtaining employment. The d.f.n.l.tnt asU l.w Woiship. Mr K. K. llallifav. tint h. 1.a.l MM for two years
    191 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 385 8 To Uie Kditor of the Strait* Times. Sir.— l shall certainly vote with your cor re»| ■•ii'li vi who itignii himself A Share holder against the proposed aale of our estate upon Uie terms no far diacloaed in tbr circular, ami if you will allow me apace
      385 words
    • 637 8 i Mm K.lti f ti» BtaMi Tm.. Sir. —If <M>virnnifUt real n*w>n f"i refiifung (acilitit* i- what you -'m>;i- .ath.-r a pity that it •IhhiM »a^U- Has time ..f tin i liambrr of Ciiuuic-rwovei it uuupleof t.iU SBaajta. \ml »«n If •Mas* rifts' in ymir hi it »«-iiis
      637 words
  • 68 8 Aiiot l., i .linili by misadventure lian occur re>l in tin- ranliH of the Caiuuruu lli-lilauilir-.. l'nv:iu Dsajgiaa, al 11. Company, buing acciil. nullv ilrov.nt«l in tin- 11. bbal l^akt-, Itanga lon Hi' went into a nhallow part bat en- t.Jini. i I a well Ksi, ut'iug one the lant
    68 words
  • 792 8 Prices Quoted in tbe Market This Moraiag. Singapore, March 38, 1011. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt. Exchange aad Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotation* tbis morning Norn. Value. Bayera. aeuara. 8/. Allagar 4/10 */8 1/10 8/--11 Anglo-Java B/4* 1 Anglo Johore 10/ 18/ 3/- An.{lo Malay
    792 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 42 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COD LIVBR OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not npset tbe rtoma< h aud is nurivalled lor coughs, colds, brouchitis aod all pQlmonarv troubles, and is a g«Dc ral tonic (or building up the system. OF ALL CHBMIRTB $115 AND 52.00
      42 words
    • 35 8 kht-.matic I'ain.*. Win n you have rlieumatiain in your foot or innU'p apply Chamberlain. I'ain Balm ami you will gvt quick relief. It costs bat a trine. Why suffer For sale by all Dispeaaariesaad Uealers.
      35 words
    • 15 8 j Woods (treat Peppermint Core for all c internal complaints. Uyseatjry, Cosjgbs, 1 1...1.U, i-U <
      15 words
    • 428 8 E. 40. HOTEL. PfNANQ The beit and the moat treqoeated Hotel in tbe lalaad, aad MAG HOTEL The onl y Saaatorinm ia tbe Straits, ABB TBB USAKCBBS Of RAFFLES HOTEL, •Ingapors. SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors. B— LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BHORTHAND TYPIST WANTED Wanted immediately, Shorthand Writer and Typist. Speed essential. Apply by
      428 words
    • 830 8 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, March 25. THE BTAR OPERA CO Tlkt Me* sa4 Halai WaH*t| Utartalaar. AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, North Bridge Road. To-Nijfht, No Performance. TOMORROW, FRIDAY. By Special request That Orand Fairy Play "CHATRA HAWAI-MAJLIS" will be staffed. A new and charming Actress and a violinist
      830 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 183 9 Minimax FIRE EXTINGUISHER Has extinguished 17,000 fires in 5 years. v Zingessol i WASHABLE DISTEMPER Made by Orr, the original producer. Various shades stocked. Prices on application. Conolite FLOORING A handsome, durable floor at a cheap price SOLE AGENTS: Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. FIRE WORKS obtainable. All kinds of FIREWORKS
      183 words
    • 134 9 iOARD AND LODGING. BOARO AND RESIDENCF CoKfortable tingle and doable rooma. t Caano Hoose, 08, River alley Road, 'eaaia Court. 8 8 BOARO ANO RESIDENCE Comfortab'e room with bath room aod eraadab attached near town terms moderte. Apply V. H., c/o Straits TiaMa. 18-8 BOARD ANO RESIDENCE. Comfortable single and
      134 words
    • 253 9 RAFFIEBBYTHE-SEA THE LBADINO BUBOPBAN HOTBL (No ooaaaeUoa with any other Eataaliab ment of a similar name). RBOOIIIIBNDBD BY THB MEDICAL PBOFBSJION oa aoooont oi its baaltby poaiUon. lofty airy rooma, aad wbuluaooie food. Coieina under the eoaatent saperriaioe o< tbe Proprietor. Electric light aad tans. Private hath rooms and verandahs.
      253 words
    • 70 9 PATRONIZED 'dSSMmOEv& BY ROYALTY. 7i BKannCavßl^^ USEFUL PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding &ot6er gifts IS NOW ON VIEW AT De SILVA'S. Inapection Invited. B. P. dm MILVA, Mmnufmcturlng Jewel It. 61 AND 68, HIOH BTHKI.I CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE
      70 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 454 10 INSURANCE. 6REAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., UNITED. Head Office: Winchester Homt BINOAPORB. Board off Oi root ore <J. A. D«sai< a. Bag Chairman. A. H.Faib,S»«. Managing Dfaeßtot. U I«bt«k Fowub, M.8., cm Chief Med. Offi.-. r V. U. BttioT. Bag. Bey. N. J. Cocteih a low Noan Pam, 8a.,. O»«
      454 words
    • 309 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE DBSUUNCE OaWMT OF tIWIH. Baranusaao 188 S. Intxranet in Force, over |ITJwMM Maw ■ulhilll. 1908. over. IMBUM Mot Sm-plua above UabiHtias far reaorre tndail ootataadiag claima. over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Oeni m.m was att atiae aa a apeatal addition to PoUey tewrves. J. H. EVANS, Manager, Sooth
      309 words
    • 528 10 BAJiiuwa. CHABHRED BANK OF INDIA, AUBTRAUA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid ap Capital in tOJOOO Shares of JtX each X1,»0,000 Reaorvo r nnd M *l,ftooJoo Keservi Liabilitf of Proprietors. <l,'JOO 000 BANKERS. National Bank'of Scotland. TU London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoeooats are opened
      528 words
    • 613 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TWfi BMKIN6 AM MO. IT AND 68, KLINO BTBBBT. Batabliabed 1807. Capital paid up 1 ,000.000 00 Reaarve liability of propriuton IJOOJOOOO OOUBT OF LURBCTOBB. 1. Tia* Tecs Joow Bn Ku Jan lam Kirn Snao T. Tao Hoe Lai 8. Luo Cnu Hbk<» 8. Tab Cbbbo
      613 words
    • 1339 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OF* Beautiful Tonkin Silk Embroideries, Inlaid Ware, Chinete and Japanese Porcelain Damascene Ware, etc.. AT MEB>RS. H L. COGIIL A m.'S s vLK BOOtBi On Friday n«xt, March 24, 1911, at 10-3O a m \VITHOI T RESERVE Now on »i«-w H. L. COQHLAN A CO..
      1,339 words

  • 1044 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The King and tbe Ctr Thr Kiuj; liait <i< vora) rant Daimler* an<l Meroedut. An (ai back aa l«tt). h. U.ujjlit his f* rst Daimler, aad had it fitted half witii pnrniiiatK awl lialf with noli<l tyrex. Thi« 1 an-annciuont was
    1,044 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 315 11 The Cir for Silence «nd RelUblHtv." WOLSELEY The firm has w.-t itauK to prodaos a car of ideal efaciency without the leant sacrifice of ooiulart in Vu PAH itUIdW -.raring that effi?ieu9y. That tbo objoot ia view f bas area achieved will be rea-lily admitted by the rolll mcto'ist who
      315 words
    • 51 11 Aiuv/cr to the Question. How to cure a coM is a qocatioa ia which many are inte->»tod juxt now. Cluunber bun's Cough jim^ly liaii woa iU (Treat nrputatioa sad iiiii.iom.- Hale by ita rwuark able care of hiMh. It can always be de-pi-mlnl upos. Kor salo by al) Dispeaaaries an.l
      51 words
    • 538 11 SALES BY AUCTION. LARD BUE. At Mos. r.. II L. Coßblaa Co. Saleroom. Oh Movdai, Mabcb 97, at 130 p.m. Fraabold Uad froetinc lerrois Road, M> trictf ol TaagUa aad Claymore Singapore, Area 88.704 •.pare leet, feint: part 1 of Lot S ol Oraat No. 42. H. L. COOHLANA Co
      538 words
    • 569 11 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING MCE MEETING (Undtr B. A. Bmic* of H-wmt\ Will ba bald oa Tuesday. May 9, Thursday, May 11, aad Saturday, May 1 PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tumif, M*f S, 1. rUE OPBNINU bT/SKK— VatSS •600. A Handicap lor Horaas tbat Lave ■ever woa a Stake ol
      569 words
    • 678 11 ■Mk class aball be n?pariU'ly lianiliuaofw-l. Horsa* liaadieaepcd io ,-la« I •hall U. oli«ibl>> Io ma ia I'.tc Vo 1 aoJ hevara lianJi. app--! ia claw II ia Kaoo No. I. Batraaoe, 110. Dislaaoo, Race Coarse. i 4. THK 81NO.\rHiKKPI.\l'K ANJ TIIK SDiOAPOBB I'l K>K aluu Stfli an.l »«00, luipaetively.
      678 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 866 12 w JOHNSON'S ELEPHANT' Brand CEMENT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. OOCTOft WANTED. I>octor wanted for Tin, K M.S Apply M.I! co StraiU Timus. ASSIBTANT WANTED. Wanted. Assistant (or l; jbber andTobaceo hoteu in British North Borneo (Kaat CoaM). Preference given to man with seme experi enceof Kstate work. Apply,
      866 words
    • 535 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. Whole of sewed floor of Commercial Union Assurance Company's building, e/o BoWaaon Hoed aad Telegraph tttreet Apply to Co.? meroial Union Assurance Company, lanttaii olMI^ TO KLH. OFFICES AND OODOWNS. Near the Square. Apply 8, MANASSEU A 00. HOUSE TO LET. Cree
      535 words
    • 358 12 NOTICEB. KIM KIAT 00. SHIP CHANDLERS. Telephone No. 431. 108 Jt 109. Market Street. NOTICE. Mr. A. W. Tully begs to inform his clients and the general public from the April 1, 1911. that his address will be No. 13, The Arcade, Singapore. A. W. TOLLY. Turf Accountant. 3CB 384
      358 words
    • 606 12 NOTICES. RUBBER ESTATE FOR BALE. US ACRES TANOJONU MALIM. Selaagor. F.M.S. 3 miles from Railway Station. 1000 trees now being topped. For further particulars, apply to T. I'CHLEY PARBONB. 7. Battery Road. 30 8 81 8 NOTICE. Notice is hereby givtn, that the bo»ine«h of H. Bohaafer A Company, preerntly
      606 words
    • 366 12 NOTICEB. NOTICE. Notice i. l.ereby gives, that wr, tin and. meatianed. have sold tbe goodwill, stoak ia trade, book debts anJ liabilities of tin business lately oarried oa un<*cr the style of "Kwong lisp, at No. 10. Caul Street. Seremban, including all its branch firm* in Negri Sembilaa and Singapore
      366 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 243 12 Straits ?Dimes. ADVBBTISBMENT RATES.— Miaoallaao oa. wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of II pat tour lines (or one or tws insertion. Notice* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not SToaiitisg (our lines, II saoh insertion Kor p.p* oarda, oa page 6, I'i. lava Soau
      243 words