The Straits Times, 22 March 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Strai ts Times NO. 23.520 SINGAPORE. WEDNESE&Y. MARCH 22. 1011. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 286 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Department. m Beat fl 'Jf 4B 1 English t j-j >»ft' r!<^£ Manufmc ure Me, )%»v *3«^*-lffih t^HßHrlr bHBXB JB GLADSTONE BAOS. Nat Brown Cowhide, in various »tjli», H BB^BH iW V Mch with Bnwd Leather Strtpt. Brua ,gji] f
      286 words
    • 229 1 I a^B^a^BßteMßMtaaWV ..^^a^Bk am rm ft 'lI JM xfUjMld mt VT*2 jCJiirf Ki^ to 90U* W -X'^lLy HHB Ifa^BßK rrlSp **"> i*** <•*'•• (M*. »Mtrc#«.u«. B^B^S jEiaSI VV moT b a b n^le< *o to ntako two dUbe*. I^Bf^M^ ■Ll'^HHNbeSbbßHb^^ 11 inch**. I/id tI«M. Xo. m-.' l. -r— hi 1
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 916 2 OFFICIAL RFPORT «>N PROGRESS OF TH6 SCHEME. Tbc Graoting of Degrees. Tlir HougkonK |i*jii-ni have, through Mr. K liun:. ,i tniy lU"j{istrar (if tin. Hong kong I'nivonuty t'l.iiiiintUi-. mvvh,.l Uie minute* "f a inerting o( tin- •■oniinittoc tlie Hongkong I niwrsity which waH heM on IVwrmbrr V*. Uwt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 110 2 !C<nncinted Adults NEED m KEPLER' nua mat SOLUTION (OF cod Lire* oii im mil ixtract) This delicious, digestm: body builder exerts its influence upon the very source of nutrition- the blood It tills the veins with rich, vitalising blood, and rapid improvement takes place. Hie cheeks fil out, the limbs
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    • 51 2 AiMFtr to the Question. How Ui euro ixilil in a i|ut«tion in which many are inU" *Uxl jiint now. i'liajubur.ain h Cough .-euio«ly haa won ita great n-putation and immun«! aale by it« remarkilili' cure of ookla. It nan always be depended upon. Kor wlo by all UtHpcnnark- <i and
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    • 523 2 HABTinrs SAPIOLfcsnrEEL. BaleV-s2S^9> fflff V aa""Mm&zßHSsM} Mr 1 aULSa* £J!27!!i, w'AJS.iAA%fiS?aJV/ik! m f "■"■a**l i «r iwaii Hi I lMi^.Mte»aMl« K k«(tite nAJixin. ci i. aseininnaT nsMumn. KOHB HIHB GHIOI6 k CO. NO 104, NORTH RRIDOBROAK Cnmnms of variooa kinda in stick plate* pnnera, ese. SUrercd Plnte Olaaa of any
      523 words
    • 344 2 ii If The Value of LEMCO w^ mmm^^^^^^^ I" s lls Purity the n m .nt -I with which Ounce for ounce jtifailr it-ff'cV .tik ntration. there is I T" IxnK relied ■>" lh< wnpr mtsthri IVIUKt ||v BEEF I v. 1 In valuable in Sick Room Kitchen. LEMCO U
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  • 677 3 A CHAFUINS REMINISCENCES OF THE P.M. Rev. G. M. Thompson Interviewed In tl BBSaVS "I a n |<nt .11 ll I \.l\i itiM 1. of an llit.rM. wptk fieaakl Mouteath itMaWfaSß, «>.. v mr ..f St. Amln-wx. Croy.lon. remarks an- ipu>t»il ntanln l.i> 1 \|«-rit-nc«-s •hli a
    677 words
  • 305 3 The Introduction of Seven New Ordinances. lln bu*im-»» for .i.ii-nl. 1.U1..11 at the m«< tint; of Uh- l^yi-.Uti\i Council cm Friday is a> fiillowg: Motion l.y tin- a.tmu Tna-.nt.r: Tltat this COlllll il a|ifin.». a r. \..r <-J^.",~.ft) Uinjj tlit un.-\|»-nil«tl |»rti..n of tin ■ssa i^».77h tak. n
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 415 3 fPAIM ARIBIMO PB,— a— A Xt Tan«l itomia. i k 1 EC# fr-mOM. *>.«• Ilk v «'««4I*« fj .J !\v la»lj»»a«jajr V*J .^ii^lf» h«t lf«at«l by uaiag y^ 3ff*>W 1.1-IVIAN'S menrjiut I *~lBr '-^JLS^^ 7 g-ivca in the rr— > J| l.llinaaa R.K.P. bouklrt <»». ra«cs, (illuatratrd) which ia pl
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    • 17 3 For all internal uuniplaintH. I>yarntory. I I •.Minim. I'olda, etc.. Uk. Wuudu' DnmtJ I'.-pj-t riuiiit Cure. 1
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    • 811 3 Healthy Life in the Straits Settlements. t ..II ni.,1 true, «ayin K Life north l..n,_ 4,|»-n.l. upon thr |i».T," applies more to, ntiih-ntu ia tbe HtraiU than to anyone else— oady tboac wbn au«Ter know bow "very much more. And yet there in no n» n *'hr this •L.miI.I n
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    • 819 3 NESTLES Ji W ■eF'-W— 4^ MILK I -af iTll ll ..TOP!' ■1 mm AM M t Thoae who use NKSTLE'S FOOD for Infants and Convalescents place their trust in a ataaaUrd article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 35 years. Being partly caipaaai of milk, the addition
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 621 4 STEAMER BAIUMBB. P. O. STEAM MVIGATION CO. for chin*, japan, penano. Ceylon, au stkalia, india: adbn, boypt, MBDITEItRANEVN, PORTS. PLYmoan andlondon. Through Bills of Lading issued (or China Coast. PersUu < ul(. Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 I
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    • 545 4 BTEAMEI BAIUMB. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly service is maintaineil bo tween Yokohama via porta to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are
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    • 637 4 BTEAMER BAILIHQS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO U. 8. MAIL LINL Tbe great steamabip line between CHINA, JAPAN and BU ROPE, vU Honolulu and San Francisco, operating tbe new 18,000 tone, twU screw stesisn KOREA and SIBERIA, together with tbe well known ilmmiri CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE
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    • 260 4 STEAMER SAILINGSCanadian Pacific Railway Co s Royal Mail Steamship Line. TJIB NATIONAL HIOHWAYTO EUROPE Via China, Jafax, Canada and thb Cnitbd States. Route from HoogKong, via Shanghai, Nsgantki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanooover. R.M.S. Empress of India" Twin screw X.M.S. Empress of China" I and. 19
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    • 594 4 STEAMER 3AIUN6S. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUFBCHE DAMPFSCHIFFFAHRTBGEB. 'HANSA" BREMEN. Combined S«pvic*. The steamer* of these Companie* maintain a regular service between Hambarg, Breaaea, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, an<t tbs Strait i, China and Japan. Hnmevsrd*. they are dispatched fortnightly for Havre and Bambnrg and onos a month for Brcmerhaven
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    • 663 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Morddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL 6ERMAN MAIL LINE Tbe fast aad well known rnsil uteamer* of tbi* Company sail feftmgblly from nrim— Haroburi; via llotterdam, Antwerp, Smtbamp too. OsMbbbßl Qvu'ie, Naples (eonasettng Maneille*. N.ipln, Alexandria, and vice versa| Pjrt SaiJ. Susz. Aden Colombo. Panaos;, Hingapsre lion^timK
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 570 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tnr ••<■•—•— of this Cot npaav maintains a regular direct servio. between Calcutta, Straits, H nek.. lit; Bbangbai and Japan, lakin* cargo, on through Bill. f L»img for Canton, Oaatnw, Amoy, (befoo, TienUin. Newchwanf, Yangtsxe Port., Form>u, tbe Philippine., etc etc. ttsuMn Tona
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    • 565 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR UNE. OF ITEAMERB. Tbe anderaeotio-ed mail steamera of the above Lias maintain a regular service be twes-Cala nttaand Japan.'oaUinc at Penanc. magaam i, Hoogkong aad Shanghai ea mote FLEET Toaa Commander "Jai-»" 6,018 A. Stbwabt Oaaaon Arc. a 4,600 8. H. Bblso* 14 Abb-too* Areas 4JOO O.
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    • 468 5 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE Strong Australian Hor*e, Victoria and Harass*. Apply W 1!. rning*. i W Mans field A Co Ltd.) 8-< o TURIOUT FOR SALE Strong Australian Hare, Victoria and Haraesa. Apply W. A. I>arke, e/o Uaruco Co.. Ltd. aO-8 J8 3 FOR SALE 80 H. P. oOLINUKR
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    • 240 5 SALES BY AUCTION. LMI S»LE. At Moaars. H. L. UoKhlaa A Co.'a Saluroom. Oh J7. 180 r.a. FresbnM land hmolmm lurvoia Iload, !>.«•■ trictn of Tunglin an <:iaymor<>. Hio^anurn, Area WTOt n-iarefot. bt ing pur* 1 ..f 1.-H 3 of Qraat Ka, M, il. L. CO(ili(.A\A Co., 1 iniijun
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 216 6 MOTOR GARS Singer Motor Company, Limited. Martini Car Company, Limited. Commercial Car Company, Ltd. PRICES ON APPLICATION. "UNDERWOOD" Typewriter. THE MACHINE YOU WILL EVENTUALLY BUYPrices on Application. Spar em Stocked. Repairs m Speciality. SOLE AGENTS: Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd C. HELD AND CO.; a I SHISTLNOSOE3CIIAFT far BCHIFFE AND PLANTAGEN
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    • 335 6 f th. RUBBER ESTATE jTt) VALUES. /T7 Y^l I* P k OOIIPRKHBVSIVB BURVBT, ■•*J^ w> W with many Tables of Valuation, foreeaeta of r>roduotton. «nd Katimate* of (future Proflta. LUMPUR. c/ KUtiZl Tb.^OU^H.of^aW-pobli^ F M. 8 receatly have been reprinted in a coe Teaient pookot form. Prloa 1 SI or
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    • 113 6 PATRONIZED '^a9^aQK BY ROYALTY USEFUL PRESENTS. A Wide Range of New Designs in Sterling Silver-ware SUITABLE FOR Wedding Otder gifts IS NOW ON VIEW AT De SILVA'S. Inspection Invited. B.P. do SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller, 01 AND 68. HIOH BTRKKT FURTHER REDUCTIONS Im the Price of MICHELIN TYRES From the 15th
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  • 155 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday. March SS. Ilitfh WaU>r, 2 2 a.m., H. 16 p.m. I 0 Tinni. Toomaroent. V. M C A. D.-bating Society, h45 p.m. Han. lin inn Opera Co., Theatre, U p.m. Thursday, March aj. Hiirh Water, 'iltim, 4.82 p m Hamlinann < ipcra Co., Theatre, 0
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  • 199 7 To LAY. ttenbam and Talok Anton Kinta 3 pm Bant>kuk Hridge 4 pm Muar and Malacca Lady W. Id 4rm Iniragiii MmxKala I [in To MiIBBOW. I Ii i) ing, I'pylon, Au«tra la*ia. Mauritin.. India, Ad. n, Egypt, and via ItricliM for Europe, c'r Marmora A am
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  • 102 7 T!i<* P. and O. iritw»rd mail iti-auu-r Dt'lhi having left Coaaaaae at 11 pin on' ti Htl. instiot. m»y bi np-Uil la arHva bare aa Kmlty aft< moon. the n h, in.taut ,lIKT ».|\..U'.>k«. U -b l B. I. •..b. &> MM. •Vb. 28 1 b. n
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  • 214 7 Latest Arrivals. i Apn. I'.ai t'.r. 27 H ton*, Captain Kigari, Mar 21. From Hoaitkonß, Mar 14. (i c and rip. Hi-liu Mtyt r Cu. Fur Bombay. Mar! I i» (lioininv. Oer. str KM tons. Capt Brubn. Mar Jl Iron. Swatow. Mar 18. lie and 1121 rj.ii 11.
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  • 53 7 Tima balh on Keai Caaaaaag .ml \l it Kal« r drea ilmly at I pyai Maajaaßasn ■taadanl time. rom-H|M>n<linK U> 0 a.m. Orreawidi aaaaa Uaaa, Tin tinu «un is riti I .it I.' o'da k aooa, Indira ting SfcaajnaaN ataadard time, oa i\,rv day excepting Haaadaa;, waaa H k aaai
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  • 108 7 Wharves at which Vesiels arc Berthed To- Day. T-VNJONO PAGAR. F.ast Whaif Basis— Hal (Ooldmouth East W. Kictiom No. I— Nam Voog, Capri. Snaaas Wbabf -Nil. Maim W. Sbct. No 2 Don< ra Japan. M ,i Tambor. 4 <.-td m v 6— Nil.
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  • 475 7 Arrivals. l'ir Ntckiner Sipplm, March IL From Port hick tod na porta: M«>esM. Maltley. W S \Vatkm«. U Paglar, M. A. HidJie M Jon<H and Tan C'h< n« Look. l' r «Wamer Menyuala. M trch 21 —From Indraitin: MeHHrs. van der Sett, Kail and Halwijn. I'er hteamer
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  • 244 7 Finance Commerce. CXCHANOS. Bi»oap.»«b. Max h 2J. 1911. On London— Beak 4 m/a 8/4 Demand S/4/i Private A ie/a 2/4* do 8 di/i a/4. j On Gbbmakt Bank d/d 940 Private 8 m/s 344 On Fbaxci— Bank d/d MS Private m/i 8» f On India— Bank T. T. 174) Private
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    • 178 7 l«me 2 k tO 10 It. !»t Tin 10 10 Bratoß 10 10 Branch Uyd 10 10 Ranaboi Cl XI KinUTio Cl XI Ki.kl»ok Tin 10 10 kuDtu Tin 11 1 L*h*l Mines 10 10 MtlaoM Tin If. 6 I'alitDg Coaaol ci XI IVnßkalen 11 XI I'u-idk H.hra II
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    • 611 7 RUBB ER (woe !2 Paloe aS Buyers. Sellers. I/- >/■ Allsgar 4 0 4,9 I/- 3/- An«lo Malay 130 1.4.6 I/- 2/- Briui Malak* 2 9 8' Cl XI Bato Ctw 15.0 0 16.0.0 Cl XI B»tu Ti*» 5 1'. i SlO.O Cl XI Bokit Kajaaf! 2.U.3 '2 14 0
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    • 120 7 Value Bq jn 10 10 BMton Smelting 10 7 676 41 41 Electric Tramwayt 8/8 10 10 Fruti Nnt6 88.00 ICO Howartta Erakiae 100 7% Href. 90.00 100 100 K»U Biv. Drf. 100 100 H 8% Cuir. Pnt 10 10 IUyoMdACa 9600 SWlan notn 1000 700 «/8 4H.00 64
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    • 51 7 Bayer. Sellen Howartfa Brakine 6% ♦fIOn.OOO par Riley, Hargreavea 8% faa.OOO 2, 8* pm Singapore Blectrio Tramways 6% 4860.000 Spore Municipal 6% 11,878 000 nom. Buyt»a Sellers Spore Municipal 4,% ol 1907 11,000,000 8% 7%pta 8 pore Mouicipal 4|% of 1909 11,000,000 7% B% pa Spore Municipal 4% M02,M0
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 ■SSI liniment. Slight .i. i BBS nn. l injiiricM »rt- a fre i|ii. nt oa ni'ii i BBS farm ami in the M.nk simp nt >,r brin-*- «liii)i it nfu-n al mm Ii saaaßßßSjaa ami loss of tun-, ssaj l» sajaai in bmbjl SSM third the ll\ reanired ay
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    • 329 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Mar. 24-At No. 1. Malacca Street, teak ottoe furtitare. etc., at 11. Mar 25— At the Government Bungalow. off Fort Canning Road, teak household fur niturr. etc.. at 2. Mar. 29. At ne'oroom, four Britiah atea tits, via tt s Olenfallooh, Hang Moh, Hong Wan
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    • 606 7 Players J IRavy CDiKture In i Ib PaW-nt Sftk Air Tight Tins. tJT PRICE 55 CTB. obtainablb at 1 ROBINSON CO. TAN CHENG SIANG, CHOP SION6 LIM BAW MILL, Timber Merchants A General Contractors. Always have a large *tock of timber and p'.ankt of the beat quality. Ressak, Ktpor, S.raya,
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    • 48 7 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undsrtaksrs and Monumsntal Masons BBTABLISBBD 1861. JUBT RECEIVED: New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monuments of every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the colony. With Plumes in ol«. TILBPHONI s MO TIT NO. IBT. ORCHARD ROaU
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  • 1164 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22. AWAKENING OF SINGAPORE. Half the cliarm of Mr. Darbixhire n engaging personality lie owvm, probably, to the fact that Ik- in of the Celtic fringe, and tin- being so there i« of coune no joy in his life equal to that of being agin
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  • 22 8 A Peking telegram to Hongkong xayt that •lapan intends to place ten divisions of troops in Manchuria. Already eight divixions have arrived.
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  • 28 8 The Holt steamer Keemun, 0,0110 tons. which arrived at Port Swettenhani on Friday was, the Malay Mail believes, tbe largest boat that iias ever called at tbe port.
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  • 32 8 Following the example set in tbe Home land, tbe men of Canada who bear tbe name of George are arranging for a present to the King on the occasion of the Coronation.
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  • 31 8 The Indian Government have deridud to introduce Boy Scout training into all C'adtl Corps. General Baden Powell's hook w to be the text book in all the schooia |urn— ilg Volnnteera.
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  • 13 8 sfnst advertisements of Uie day appear on page 7 an well as 10.
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  • 36 8 A party of the Smith Wa/in-Un Militia has Em aiuhu-liiil l.s Mahsuds near Warn. A native oftiivr ami six men were killnl and thr.t- womnlnl. The Mahsuds capturtil six rifles and i-m a|Nil w itb slight
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  • 35 8 Tin Itollar Steaiuship Comjiany may im In.l, Manila its eaotern port- of call iv Uie near future. Mr J Harol.l l>olUr. Oriental manager of the hue at Shanghai, is Dow looking over the ti.-1.l
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  • 40 8 At tin IMLI V Parliamentary U bating u>night. at M.4.1. a di- n— ion will take plac<- on some a»;tects of tlie recent letture on itl/.nship 1., .wl.-r- the I!, v W. Kunciman. M. A and Mr t, C IWk.
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  • 40 8 J.sV|iiin Kojo. cashier and. at tiiui manager of the Vacuum Oil Co. in Manila. hax been arre^Uil on a warrant charging him wiUi tMtafa. It is aIU-geal Uiat Uiere ia a sliortage 111 his account* auiountnn; U. iin.r. than IMT.iam
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  • 45 8 ataajaaj \r« (>inin-s. with a aaaat at X--".'.i««i. MM -"I<l at auction for i'IUII. the purchaser Ik ing the Hon .1 Aikman. M 1.. G who ni.ul. a lar^. pr<.tit out of Uie wr.i kul mail st..un. 1 Australia, says a Melboiirm «in
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  • 50 8 St. Fran. 1- s. 1..-.1. Mahwxa. has Urn given a half holiday owing 1.. the sucoaaa of tin Cambridge class ai the recent exaiuina tmns. when out of two minors and six juniors presented only one of Uie latter failed. Th. lHiliday was given at Uie instance of Mr (iolln
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  • 46 8 A pt>rtiou of tin .rust of th. crater of Vesuvius, :mhi metres long and -M thick. has subside.l. with the n-sult that a shock of earth. pink. The fiinieiiiai station was ibuiiage.l. Tweiity tour a narrow escapi Vaaajftaa has now Um-ap|N-«rance of having been decapitated
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  • 54 8 A record aHBM i/ure wasma.le on boanl Uie Suang lbs:- at Kau^oou ..11 tin l.ith inst.. on her arrival from the straits. In Mr Tarleton. Su|»-rint< ud.-nt of K\. is.-.' ami ln-|»it..i 11.,ll 110 found hidden in Chinese preaarvm M li> of ..pnim and I.IXI ouncen of m..rpliM No
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  • 51 8 At the i/t-H. yesU-nbtv monniig. before Ibja Chief .In-!:... >.i il M\ .1..n. I.TT Chew was aci|iutUil on the 1 murtlerin^ a coolie at I'uluii I )biu 11. waa h> Mr. V. l> kaowhm Tnloka Sinyh wa- tlien in.ii. t.-l .11 lount- akanajM him with wpingful confinement. ia|« an.
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  • 81 8 The new .1, in h at Pant Buntar d.-aheaUsl a>Sa> AbmV raaaa ly ia last w.s-k t..i tli- tir-t time Tin ,hiinh 1- i;..tli» in character, well ventilated and adu.iral.U built and is n« with ml asls -u>- tile-. and it lias cool to daU- t4.6Ki. of w I. lias
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  • 80 8 The homeward bound P. and •> mail steamer, the Marm.ira. from lions; koun shortly U for. h a.m. to-day an I of anchoring iv the mails went alougsi'i. tin P. and t). company wliarf. The mail alaMi at -ivoi-l.a-k b. morrow morning Subs. rih. rU< the Strait-; who
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  • 80 8 Tin -burner Ka.-1.-rn. wlu.h w,on > ilaiuander Itauk. 111 Mori U .ll ls.i\ rt ..It.ll int.. .l.» k .it >\.lne> on IV 1., ahout 4i> plat- s will li'.iM- I l»- taken! the others can be rt-js»ire»l without re val The two rolllllK ho. k- will lui.t ki 11ew.1l.
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  • 100 8 Afu 1 a nsent trip 111 Java. I have Is* 11 wouilenui; why tli. Government dias not 1 :ii $i'> uoU-h. h«) s a corrvs|«iiident w 1 itnii: to the Kuala Lumpur paper. He add* It is raUier along ry fnuu alii) note- to a %'•>> nole I believe then-
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  • 105 8 Tlie cast in which a man named H. A. Sovsa. of llatu.n. was iv Uie (olomho l>istm t Court to a year s ritjoioua impns-iniiieiit for misap|iropriating |«rt of tin pr:/.. W..11 l.\ a hoy namul ll— ill il ill. »h.. .In w Itlaek ilurk in the r,i •ut
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  • 117 8 Messrs. Adarasou. Gilfillan ami Co. forward IM ..f tli. —\.nt «v.>ml report of the S I in. l Insurance Company, for which Uiey an- tin- agents. Altogether the year was a satisf.t lory one. sml the .linvlorwere Uius v. mark the .lubil.. hv n coiimiiuilin^ .1 Uinu- in
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  • 137 8 A horrible crime, the motive for wind, is believed to bf jcaluiiHy. wh in-rpelraU'd in hat at Uie Unnl milestone. St-rangoou Road, on Monday night. Tbe hut wait mx units Iby .i Khug widow with one child, it girl of about eight yean. There wen- apparently two mi n paying
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  • 344 8 I. i.iil. I Ilit-hc-on. -Ir.l llrahuuuis. )ia» ksjssj |»t .iu.,1--.) t<< tli<- of captain Admiral von Gnmi^k. <iiiri-u.ii of ih. 1 tl. Admiral (inehler. has arrived at Hoaajhaan and h.t- taken ommand of Iv- flagship, the Scharnhorst Mr. and Mr- Hater. I S.IUI. Mi .1 IV
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  • 121 8 ■J friend- will hear with tftTt that no furtliei li..|» .aa l» in. in ii.uu.stion with the •I 1 HpUiu Kdward .lame- Hull. 1 ..t tin on >ant: Hi- .l.a.| In«I\ was Chiuwsngtao Harbour two d tl.e H,.,,yk.n- T. 1.-iai! m-t lln tun. ml .f the
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  • 148 8 1-li-i.l.n 111.1 tin; ..f tli. Ibstnlof I -nig .lii-tire- »n- In i. I and l.u-111. s-liki Mr KirmsU.m. Miiioi''. pn -nli.l 1 aMI board aMMatiag of Meaan v Gaha gan. and W K H,..,. l>,- M,.|.| iin>.k. t ommamler Kaddifli aad Mi Mllthorp. the s,, r.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 345 8 Steel Roll Top Desks I Acoaiicnment ot tbe latest rtjle SaniUry RoU Top Daak* just received Then daak* are olegantly flaiahed in Olive Orcca or Dark Green enamel They are IMed with Aotomatie Yale Curtain locks, which look all Uie drawers limnltaneooaly rTlhey are flre proof, White Ant proof aad
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    • 223 8 SCOO FEET OF FILMS or thr KINKST Ql ALITY IN THE WoHLK KKilltK IN THE CHANQEOF PROGRAMME ALHAMBRA To-Nlght. 6 iukkct from the worlds best makers Picturesque Scenes of Cambodia Microscopic Ivtim-s of tin- Blood of Oviparous Animals wlioae young are hatched from Eggs. A Litllt Polish. Wiffles Goes Fishing
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    • 245 8 Property Sales. Till' following Slll^rt|«.r> |im|a Itli c. iIi«I>>miI <>f by .tuition at Moan !'"»< II unl IV -will nKiiu yi-iU-nlny rihnoi (rn 1 1 I allotment*! flouting Itarki total art-a .'iH.7ll7 H.|ii»n- feet, part MR. UTmm Ymmj MOO; tin., frarbold allotment* 41 Itliob) (•haul, u.Ul II t. |»rt of
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  • 191 9 MORE DETAILS OF THE REVISED AGREEMENT. Hopes of Friendly Agreement With Germany. KaxTEa* Tkleobah. London, March 'Cl. t onstiinliiiopli Ult grain states Uiat the ngr. mt nt the I'orU- and the Hagdad Kailway Com|«ii his Ism sigiml. It is i \|>i Uil that the railway will reach
    191 words
  • 68 9 THE PART* PROPOSES TO VISIT SINGAPORE. Sir II H. Raphael's Interesting Scheme. iKkoh 01-i Own Co>a«sroMDiiir.) l-olil"!.. March |L II II Rbßssml i» "ig.inisniM .i jwiha i hart, i a nBMBsI lun r by whnh it I- BMBaaai to M-it Sing.i|«.i. Dg. and Yokohama. XfUrnaids the party wil
    68 words
  • 48 9 (inMTnment Consults Financial Experts. Rbi-th's Tn U.nd..n. March .'1 bmmhm Mi Aaqnith -taUil ti nHiilting tin. in. iii exp its and other ■pialitii'd (icrsons. i including repreoentatives ol litf. rent sections f lush opinion, renardinn the future tinaii .f I .i i Lun an.l Inland
    48 words
  • 71 9 Big Field and Very Close Finish. Kki r> Laaiaa, M»r.i, In the olnshir. lutudicap the following »1- the I. suit M. i.itio 1 llraudimintine '2 S|«ui-h l*riuci :t »\..n In .i In ad four It ngth- uetweeu -.-ton. l and thinl. Thirty two rail, and the betting
    71 words
  • 99 9 His Probable Successor Named. Km ma i TssVMßfta. 1. ..m1. .ii. Mai, I _M IM I', v .slung m.-siige -laU-s that M SUilypin has r.-signtil as a n-ult of the i in. il ot r.uipn. .1. fciting a lull intn«lu. inuient iii Poland. !t iaasaaalsd that M
    99 words
  • 27 9 Bwimi In I-.11.1..11. March IL lln lion-, of C oinmons has the |srs..Mii. I of th. navy which is fixed at i m m
    27 words
  • 31 9 UrrTm's l-.ndoli. Mai.-I. U. Ikrliu in. s-age s.iys ih. Turkiafa t iisU.lns man of Itwi niilhon francs has Isi-n and th. lists wen l.~il imuwdiafa Iv
    31 words
  • 627 9 THE GIRL IN THE TRAIN." A Comedy of the Divorce Court. Tin (in lin the Train is not a play calculated to sliow up the merits of every uit iiilst of Uie company that emay* it Somt half a dozen people have a very trying time, upy the Htage Uin>ughiHit
    627 words
  • 392 9 Heavy Sentences Imposed PawnBroker Fined. A HyUin l>>\ foiiu.-ry emplovnl by Dr. II i.i.i n ..f the lieneral Ho-piUl. was arrajfßtd m the di-trut court t<> day "ii ..mi; a aali vat' h t h.illi an.l ii Ins ma-tei and also \olnutarily ausing hurl to
    392 words
  • 182 9 1i.n.11. is the Malay suu-- railways iiMiiplain of tin- prevailing heat, which lias is ii .i. ally .i. iitu.ittil by the large tracts of i..ifst which an- Is'ing burnt. In many cases the |auMeiigers have found it neccs sary U> aHai the window- U> avoid
    182 words
  • 756 9 SINGAPORE THEATRE PATRONS VICTIMISED. Measures to Check the Scandal. Allegations have Us n maile that a |«mi i ion- sysU'iu of gambling in theatn tn kets pioaifs in Singapore. Immediately plans arc open for Uie neason of a company likely to secure considerable |Mtrona«c. ImU-he- of the best
    756 words
  • 329 9 Prosperous Merchant Who Came to The Straits in a Junk. 11,, .1. .ith .111..1 at Itaugkok oil the Uth iii-t.. of Mr. La* Kn.k Chiang, th. fo'lll.lel of the well kliou ll tit 111 of Kiain Hoa 11. uu ml Co The .lec.-a.-iil. who
    329 words
  • 26 9 IKukit K B. RubU-r Co. lld 1 lb for ti working .lay- only, making a total of -■>.7 IH lb. for nine month-
    26 words
  • 712 9 BIG INCREASE IN SINGAPORE'S POPULATION. Classifying the Returns. <'n the Raffle* Reclamation, in a large attap i orered shed, u*ed in connection with Uie recent Agri- Horticultural Show, a cleri cal staff of 140 young men. under Uie auper intendenoe of Mr. H. Marriott, i* busily at work
    712 words
  • 394 9 A Director's Views on the High Price of Tin. The sixt.euth annual mn-tii'u of Uie I Month tin mini wa- hel.l at the l.l\tr]»»il Hotel. Ignition, on K.hruary M Mi. Krank Harvey. wlh> pn-< -nnl that at tin tune of tie last meeting. espn-iaHy in view of
    394 words
  • 677 9 Second Meeting of the Planters Association. iFIOM Or> (>WJf C'oKaBHPOKMtNT.) Malacca. March 19. Tht stt.m.l meeting of the Malacca Planteni' Association wa* held in the Club on Sunday niorninK. ami wu largely attend cd. Mr. K. F. lainli waa voted to the chair in the absence of Uie
    677 words
  • 282 9 THE SWIMMING CLU B. Popularity Maintained and Income Increased. Tlm? rt'purt ami atixiunU irf tin- Sm«a|«.r.SwiuillllDK Club n-fli<rt a \>.\ s.i...»,fn| lln Horkiii^ a.<tuiut hliohs an IDin-aw in in.. .in. iom|wn>l with I<M(9. and aft. i making provision for rayajn nn.l .1. |>r. i lull. >n. tin' rn^lit "I
    282 words
  • 66 9 Price* for tlu period from Man h 17 v. mi imlumvi'. of ukn.iU'.l rubber on wlinh t\ |iort duty in U-riahk- in Uw K M. S. uu an ad vali mm bams, are aa fullow» s!uvt anil biM'nit MWpnrnJnal Fine crepe 885 Best ncrap in crept'
    66 words
  • 72 9 PRESIDENT MUST PACIFY OR RESIGN. A Treaty *ith the Insurgents Suggested. Dm Ostaxiatihi hi Lloyk Tklbu*am. Imtliu Mai. I, M. Senhtir Kimaiitour ha* arn\.-l Hi linnyti to IVonKli-nt l>ia/ a NtaU'liM-nt of tlif .li tiiaml- by tlii' I MnftniOvMM tuent. Thews ar. iitht r tin- eh.-.
    72 words
  • 24 9 Dwiwi— Luntai lUtlhi. Mnnli Jl i.n.ial Mi. hi. w itwk in .i|i|».u,i. nt nil|. n M 1 i UiiHMian
    24 words
  • 168 9 EASTERN SMELTIN G COMPANY. Shareholders Agree lo Sell to London Syndicate. ir'»"K Oi-r Own CoKMaroNDBKT.) NW| Mar. l> H U tin lii.-.UIl l of s|i»r..|,,.l,|.. rN tlM' i|«IIV. It li\ .".I >"U «U. ..111 tii mitlioris. l|,. tlii' 1 ..n. •m to lx>n.lon t imtpajßy. Tin 11. .n v it
    168 words
  • 50 9 il'mm a Malacca Cokri Mabuva. March 1\ Information baa been reet"\ Ktibbrr Plantation-, l.imiu-l. tint tli.' pnci; )f floe Para in London yesW-rday wax •> <J per lb., sellers. The market cloned dull A daU-d !i |.m. j—ttnlay »i- I I ~!l.i- vi I tin
    50 words
  • 163 9 1 1 1 1 1 1. i•« i Mar. h .'I Tin- adjourntil public in--. ting tth. (..uu ..f tin- Uml king I has iinaniiiioiisly dcciiled I" I -pi tin commitUi' iiiimiincmialion in of a luaU i ml y an<l infant h.-pital. \1 .i ui.nini,
    163 words
  • 229 9 Second Assembly of DelegatesTo be Held at Hongkong. Tin -„.n.i tin im Ka-sU-rn VtHK'iatum of Tropical Medium «ill I- held in Uoaffkou t, Jmm ii> ' niir. anil wan fiini the science and art of tn.pical un .hem. in tin K«r Ka.-t. The tir-t ot tl»
    229 words

    • 109 10 In tin- Kiii;li>h (uotball rup arnii finals t.. i> aWyei »1 aaj Saturda\ n.\t. the mairltra are to hi M follows rllackburn .1 Bradford < iiv.N'.wi-aotle I intol ekaa I h.- i. -played football mab'h betw.« n the Kathol Karib and the Malavu Krrlmktia am l;.i|.t Clubs
      109 words
    • 170 10 ft. C. t. lournamenl. Th. luUuwiag u.s m th. Si.C. lawn tennis t, uui nt I "ii the 1 s,, Id v Thr. Ifal s, |N i I. a! M II I 1 ; Klpl,: Nl Ml M II IM'I. lIVII. ii i ko>l.wi|ii. uiitin. t« at Henry
      170 words
  • 121 10 I kindly with tha Loadoa pri. ih. have i tin- niurniag Quotations. Mioni.l MinnLl Pai.rv I. in wlronsp p. I 1.. Jhara lagJo Jai l.niuu'i-\ll-10.l iiuatra**! t I iiiaiils p.p Is p. U Moaat Austins n i Pad hi. Jw -80 <
    121 words
  • 117 10 ii h. ii» of a man. tll.-l .lohann Klip. bora ia IT 1 haye awl taajathar «l K. Ikhelm. iii ih. Taaaaa, under .urions li. ii hi. atel in lloi I. >t int- ahaaa lortaaM t.. U HviU aiimiigal Ins h. us a baadrad
    117 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 100 10 To the Kditor of the Strait" TimeH. Sir. I undemUnd there are <|uite a number Inui— ii the Straitu Setllementu ami FederaUol V »lay State* who •uiutke. a uiiall .{uantity of opium with th. idea ■>( prevunling (ever. Th< mere fact that they take it with that
      100 words
    • 239 10 To the KdiU.i of the Ktraitn Timw. Sir. taal l<«<ler ill SatunlayM issn, r yardius; bY pro|«~.-l s.ile of Mmbmh and .lohor.pi.imptsin.loeii.piir. hat iv I vantage will l»- si h\ aii iaTeatM (asdlstasfasahad iroin a BBagaJatar) in the ahaiai of that Ha*|wny. the follow my
      239 words
    • 643 10 Te tli. EUtm el aY vi.ut. Times. «>li. In '.I.. 1.-.1-lnu rl t'" 1 s tr»lt« I iaw t.. day it i- «ntt. v We tuiulu fin. l oarsaiTsa t.>< la laat ith i i ..(>;• in wlivtlH-r it would b.- |>>- aibfe to traaafat all tto
      643 words
  • 1044 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March W. 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following bat of quotation* tbi. morning Norn. Value. »uy«. seven. J/. AJlagar Options 1/10 8/XI Anglo JaT» 1 Anglo Johore 10/ IS/ Anglo Malay XI Anglo
    1,044 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 Woods I. p|a i limit ur, (or all tin ul. i Cojamfca,
      12 words
    • 35 10 Rheumatic Pairu. Whin yuii have ihi-uiiiittiMii in your (oot or iUhU-|> apply I'luuiiU-rlain'M Pain Halui «ill yi t .jiiirk rvlie(. It uosta but a mil.' Why Hiill.r.' For «akby ail I'U \n unarivM and Dealers.
      35 words
    • 257 10 RUBBER FACTORIES ENGINES!! MACHINERY We are specialists in the construction of Steel-framed Building*, and m lot* Agents for RUSTON-PROCTOR Suction Gas Plants, and HKRTRA RUBBER MACHINERY. WE ARB IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THI MOST ECONOMICAL AXl> IP To DATE INBTALLATI l>eaign. and (oil particnlara on application RILEY, HAR6REAVES CO.,
      257 words
    • 457 10 Raffles M. Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, March 25. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Salmon. The only first class Hotel in Saigon. Every comiort. Splendid verandah. Restaurant. With management, French kitchen and attendance a» in tbe finest European Reatauranta. Mat agor O. Feraody, late (rom the Grand lintel, Pari«. Saigon. Theatrical waaon
      457 words

  • 3816 11 PRODUCTION MUCH IN EXCESS OF THE ESTIMATES. Mr. A. Lampard's Vitws. llh third oidiiiaiv general meeting of -h.n. hold, rs of th. IniUil Senlang iSumatrai Unbber I'lantations. l.miitiil. was Ih Id on I- 1 Im uars 11, at MM l^rtidon (hanilx r of loiinu.i.i < Kfonl ourt. (annoo
    3,816 words
  • 318 11 Effect of Higher Prices on Cargoes From Brazil. It would apiN-ar. say* Uie IWm <>f Kebru ary that the lii^lh r price ohtanicl foi rubln'i lias ali.adv had some slight effect on the v, him. of shipment*) from lira/il. Two ahipmeuts at present at w* are largei
    318 words
  • 240 11 Tl,. -••crctanc- ..f :he Sim-, i Liang Hub l» i OmH in a MMMM to the MMM hoi, let,. ,Ut«'il Kebriiars I'. -ut< We are in-tin, l.v tin MMMMM l" MMM \oii that, foi tin MMMM of rai-irn; fnr'.h. i w .i k ing capital, win.
    240 words
  • 182 11 The financier i- -ending out a coiumis sioiier to visit the Kaatcru rubber planta tion- and senil to that i»|« i in I. re|N*rts on the management, pogrem. and pnwptvU of Uie estaUM. The gentleman win, has l»i v <k'put<il Ui undertake this n-opon-ible mission ia
    182 words
  • 120 11 The .limliHK of tlw Island <l'ai U KuhUr Katatea. I.imiUil. aiinoiinc. say- the Kinan cial News of February M, that the ii.iu-fer of the pro|K>rty to the MMMMr* took place at Para on January 2. and subwMpientlv the ooinpany'H re|ire«entative again proc««led U, the .st.iv-, to take pueeciwion and mstal
    120 words
  • 24 11 The I'iu.lenioya Kubber ami Tea MMMM* Limited, atate that the following are the plantetl acr«»«o» of the ettUtea Tea. VM acn« rubbiY ">HO acrea.
    24 words
  • 346 11 A Reply to the Recent Letter of Mr. A. S. Baxendale. On Wednesday taut, we reproduced a letter to the Time* from Mr. A. S. Haxrndalc in which that gentleman mmmmml 'In ngiireN adduonl by Ur- wnU-r of an article in that paper on January 6. dealing
    346 words
  • 210 11 The d.i.' ..f th. Dmmm Rmmi |«n\. l.ninli'.l. ha\. MMMi i -iiciil ii to th. -h.«n holder-, drawing attention tn th. f.» Mm* the WOjOOO mx pM in ninuUtiM pn (' MMMM at th. general m.i'lni^ held (M DmMMMM M la-t an rioiN U-nn; i— mil It
    210 words
  • 194 11 II „f th. Mm|Ml MMMM ImmMi Limit*-:!, -tatithat tin- a»-i^nment t" the ciiiiMnv of the lea-i ayreiiii. Nt- hiliei'ii ,lul\ cnmpletol an. l the cath and lullv paid -hare- to wliii h th, n'ltliil MMM the MMMMM of MMMMaI MMi duly paid and allotted I lie
    194 words
  • 141 11 MMH baHMd by the lll.lilell Streams Kubber Symlicate »tnUs» r'lirthei capital in now n»|inre.l to MMa| the cllltlvaUtl an a into full bearing- and the directom have <le» nlnl to incrt«»e the capital from CHVOOOto OOJOOO and a rvaolutioo to tin- efTut will l» »ub untUil
    141 words
  • 138 11 1 1\, i t*7mi,IDMI worth of rubber is at pre-a lit en MMH to Kn^laml from I'ara. -ay- th. Financier of Kebuary This n pnwiiti. at least l.iaai ton, in weight. The immM icarruil in Hvveral ntuuufrx, anil will be laotlot] at I,iverj«»)l. Arrangement* bay. just bn'n
    138 words
  • 920 11 EXPERIENCES IN THE BOT4NIC GARDENS. Mr. Ridley's Satisfactory Building. In tin \gricultural llullctin lot this month. Mr. Kidlcv dew nbc- in detail Uw rubber smoking pmorw an practised in the Singapore lintanic Itanl.ns 11. Su many |wrs<>iis an asking about tin bt -t structure for smoking rubber that
    920 words
  • 89 11 111. sad fatality which n.lilnil Sir Kdwaid (in of hit. piMMM hmth. r i.iall-«u numb, i of hiiiiiUi MMMMM with bin gam. broth, r .if l.ldv IV Hath, met Ills death ill UiiN way Then there «i> the lion Qn Dawnav killed by an elephant in Africa. Major Sandbaa
    89 words

  • 808 12 OUTPUT AND MONTHLY AVERAGES OF MALAYAN ESTATES. Exports of Para Robber. Hum;; pubhshiil the ral I w. now t.ibulaU thi 111 -a, ■a to .how the monthly pr, «lu, tiou .in. c tin bngiaaiag of ih. y. n toy. the 1 with the M. .lit ll I V
    808 words
  • 407 12 Becoming An Important Item in Foreign Trade. Mi. John M. Carson, a I uiU liom nniianl commercial agent, in a report Ih. r..a.t tsvfof (lldKnyland ha. 1» come tin .1.1 Im t af \morica. N.ntli and Baatk, sai far as HBjMnM iht i.iw product. hut tin Kuyhsh
    407 words
  • 206 12 \n interesting reminiscence of Abdul Ha iin.l. tin- ex Sultan of Turkey, n given in the description of a visit Ui Vildi/ Kiosk by I'nlo n.l Count (•leu-hen in a recent issii. of th. Household ISnyaal. Magazine The hoiist. was a perfii-l labyrinth of small rooms,"
    206 words
  • 140 12 An ofticer of a liner has remarked that most men seem as 1y11.11.111l about the *ixe of tlie sea as they an- of the distance betwucn the h..i\.nl\ I'lan. ts. Here are a fewfa, t. The I'aciha' anv. is MyOHUMO niil.ta. the Allan ti. .UMmO.mid. and Uie Indian 11.
    140 words
  • 3250 12 CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE STRAITS GOVERNMENT. Action of the Chamber of commerce I orre.|iomlenc.' which has |,il between the Singapore liamUy-of Commerce and the local (iovernmeiit with reference to coaling facilities at Singapore i. printed as an ap |«'mh\ to the Chamber's n-port for 1910 laid hi th. tabl.
    3,250 words
  • 186 12 Young Surgeon Hcrfurms Operation On Himself. M XI. \aml. 1 rVaii.iii. a tu.nty Maf nl.l Itonuianian mir«f<>n in I'ariM, 1- the talk of I'arm for an act of Baal BBNmai •>< a ,1111. |,i. cliaracU'r. 11. 11.1. \mi n ataJMaa a ■■<■» aim stlw ti. ill. action
    186 words
  • 72 12 Til. Kill" .if Spain l,a-| tliai in, iliall Im- in. in »li, Lmmiiiiii. Nt nubw li«sb> art. I'll. „1111 X'-'.KKI Im. buen XranU'.l in pi i/.-s li.ill t.. t li. l»-~l ,1 1,, .ti h hi coadition that it Un 0m.r1.. 111 tin aammj tH.I\. awalha, Mai
    72 words
  • 1134 12 Th. full. in- paaamgani m t»»>htil hamiiK.iid IV A l> P. M II „..1,1.1 Hi P It .1,m ...i Hi Mi Mr.. .\r.iih...ii. Hn lUi.Um „,,,1 me tmm >.. a« -n. Km i;..u h. \i. iv,, ben ami two Ma.t.i. hVuDra. Mi Hn B. i k m .1
    1,134 words

  • 1318 13 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON FEBRUARY 22. A number of tOjarea in which local investor* are interested are not quoted m loeaJ share lisas, and there are occasionally widt marfrins between quotation* bar* and in London. W< qnote below the beat available
    1,318 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 368 13 B. VAN DER TACK Five) Star* and bast Maxioan Cigara oaonot be eqoailcd. A trial will coDvince you. GERIL BREAD HUHLMANN lAUBAOEB AMD Beet Liqaon and Provisions Can be obtained ol J. LEVY. 10. ROBINSON ROAD. Wholesale and Retail Dealer. Rowland's Kalydor Makes your shin soft and smooth. Von in
      368 words
    • 213 13 Three Good Things 1 CONTINENTAL motor tyres. I The Best Think on Wheel*." Our 111-Ribh.>il pattern is ecuiliy Made 1m t'i> Ti 2 1 CONTINENTAL motor cycle v res. Whether for s|)eed ot bawd road work You will not find a better on>- than our "M'«lr I <!«■ ('.in q
      213 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 492 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House. SINGAPORE. Board off Dipaotorai j A 1 1, ksi< a. Km|, Chairman. A. II Fair, Wm 1 Managing Director «>btbi. Fowlis. m.«.. cm Chkl Mad. OActr r. M. Elliot, K»q. Rev. N. J. Codvbbi k. Vow Nuan Pan. B*|.
      492 words
    • 240 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA BJTABUSBSI. lWi. Imuranoa in Forac, over |t7JMiMI New Buamsss, li»». over W.IM.MI Net Suralua above lisbilitSM tor reserve and all outstanding olaims. over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). dvor W.m was not aside aa a special addition to Policy reaerves. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      240 words
    • 531 14 BMKIH6. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital ia 80,000 Shares of laOeach XI,'JOO,OOO Reserve Kund X1. 900,000 nsaarve Liabiuty ot Proprieaars... «1.K»000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City a Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORB BRANCH Current Accounts an opened and interest
      531 words
    • 609 14 BANKING. THE SZE HA) TC«G BANKING AND INBURANCE C 3.. LTD. NO. IT AND 68, KLINO STREET. Established 1907. Capital paid ap tIJOOOfiUJOO naanrvs liability ol proprietors UnOJOOOO OOUBT OF UIHBCTORS. 1. Tab Tncc Joon 8. Sin Ku Jab 2. Nam Kirn Bb*.. 7. Tao Hoo Lai 8. Luc Cbia
      609 words
    • 824 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OF Beautiful Tonkin Silk Embroideries, Inlaid Ware, Chinese •nd Japanese Porcelain Damascene Ware, etc., AT MES>i;s. I. coCillL kX OO.V lAU I. On Friday riant, March 24, '911, at 10-3O a m. WITHOI T HKSEIU I Now on vii w H. L. COQHLAIM CO.. Auctu
      824 words
    • 472 14 AUCTION SALE Ve T > Valuable Chinese Jewellery, Etc, To BE HELI- AT CHIN 6 KEN 6 LEE 4 CO 8 HU ROCM. No. 3, Rafrlea Place. ON TNHtMaV. MARC* II »T IH »M Crmr rising Oold Kraboos xt will, Intgi brilhant*, Kruait- nl sriak hril>iaala and lHasiWiii. Oold Hair
      472 words

  • 889 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Motors in Mainland What SwtMßßjßj riyini; ami trying nn.l tup piny ISM 'i^lit lMit.i-.tir U>ui ami !ot~ of otlu r •awS Mkd .nil- ..f aui<i]iio|iiil«i,,ii M l.»>ks. ifmarkx SanU Mai hi tin- Kviniii^ Stan lanl. an tlioii-Ji »< Wtm in f-»r
    889 words
  • 97 15 A.liiiirnl 11. mi. ,r.;. ,1 i>ii tin- miTal 1.-l. m. of AiiHtraliii rvoiniimuilH Ilic <»>n Htiiution o( 52 bWbb with pcntunncl aj UM tl» iMI t., U- .livi.l.-l into hUHfa-rn and WiMturn >liviki.ih«. with syilni'y and l-'ri'iiiaiitk- an pruti.«r\ Inxi, I'.irt I >»r» in «m a HttwDilary bam-; ami Ihavwiaj
    97 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 357 15 The Car for Silence md ReUiblHty." WOLSELEY Tli. firm baa «>t it* If to prodaoe i car of i.loal effici. n-v witho it Uic HJMI Haoriflco ol coiufjrt in ll P^niCUlnr^ •ucoriUK that cSjii'irj. Th»t thu object in view baa bun acliieved will be rea.lily a<lmitted by the Tl*om I
      357 words
    • 6 15 asSOFTas J^H^ndSMOOTrl WLVE Ib-Jeßi MBb-^.^^ 1
      6 words
    • 426 15 HATING HUMOUR FRORKNEESTOTOES Suffered Terribly. Peoplr Astonished by His (>.i ilition. Walking Difficult. Bougit Cuticura Ointment, Pills and Soap. In Ftw Days lmproverr"fit Wonderful. Cured Solely by Cuticura Remedies. "1 anr. bjs I t»il nf 11^ cun ki mi »on ihr Cutlrura BaBMdM i.k i,.ui rsan v.- ha« ■*&«<* •arrtUr
      426 words
    • 281 15 AELESTINS VICHY TABLE WATERS. VICHY MINERAL WATERS °< world rwon are known for their goo* curative joalitiea, but it i* not Keaerally knows that oat of all llin Vichy watoro the oaly owe that can be used m table water is CELBSTINB VICHY TABLE WATER HopitaJ and Oraad OriUe
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 925 16 INDIAN PATENT OTA MH %J9UUtmow HOSPITAL WARDS CMOS SMEOS Sharpe, Ross Co., Ltd. ~r^ TO BE LET OR SOLD. TO BE LET. Mind* Ng 67, Tt luk Biaosah, from April 1. H-ct »n. Apply to *B*ftjw and Davidron 148 v OFFICE SOOOWN TO BE LET With immediate entry Mo. 7.
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    • 637 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. THE CONTINENTAL STAMP CO. Just Removed to M NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. NOW READY NOW READY New Stamps oi Keiantao and Trenganu Also Siam, Borneo, S.S. on Labuan, Brunei on Labuan, etc., etc. PRICES MODERATE. 18a 81 5 PEGOH. LIMITED. NOTICE OF LOSS OF SCRIP. Notice is hereby
      637 words
    • 560 16 NOTICEB. KIAM KIAT 00. SHIP CHANDLERS. Telephooe No. 431. 106* 109. Market Street NOTICE. Mr. A. W. Tully bttjpi to inform his clients and the fMMfal public from the April I. 1911. that his address will he No. 1:1, the Arc.ide, Singapore. A. \V. TULLY. Turf Accountant. 4 I bM
      560 words
    • 628 16 NOTICES. R BB E ESTATE FOR BALE. 216 ACRES. T.\N<i.l(>N<; MALI*. Selaßßor, F.M.S. •i miles from Railway Station. ICOO trees now being tipped. For farther particulars, apply to T. I»U>LE\ l'\RSn\> 7, Battery Road. 903 NOTICE. Notice ia hereby sji»eu that the bukincfot H. Scbaefer a Company, presently carried I
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    • 330 16 NOW CHOOSE Beohsteln Pianos Brinsmead Pianoa Steinwny Pianos Rachels Pianos Collard Pianos Broad wood, White Pianos Kriebel Pianos Pianoa Winkelmann Pianos Krauts Pianoa Haako Pianoa Strohmeniter Pianos Lehmann Pianos THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. Raohale' Auto-Player Pianoa Allison Auto-Player Pianos Manual Auto-Player Pianos Brinsmead Angelus. Wa WANT to SEND YOU
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 241 16 Straits TBimes. ADVKUTISEMUNT RATES.— Misocllane ous wanu ot every description are int-irl ed at tbo prupaid rate of 91 per four Una* for oae or two insortiona. Notion of Births, Marriages, or L>uath«, if not nioseding four lines, II each inaertiun For p.p.e. oards, on page 8, |i. luce Scalb
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