The Straits Times, 16 March 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.515 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MARCH 16. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 240 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. l KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Department. (fl sT** "'-v Beat ami »:i» *S EUffUok aaK^E^^SiaaMali vflaaal a "*^^|r^ Manufac ure Jj Sllbh Only. w\\\vJaTf*&vzv^^&&a\\^ \\W%F^-< WaWaaWaXWaaWamaT* J| S-Mlßj >r OLADST>ONB BAGS. K Xlrt Bro»« Cowhide, ia **rieaa rtjW, b JTiabfnHnlff faaf iM- al rh
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    • 58 1 THE EMPIRE" l> THE Il>E\L Typewriter a Ik^^^^ Haaaaaaaw SIMPLICITY HARD WEAR. HUH EFFICIENCY Foolscap" Model ti»kes paper 9" wide $112 I'-riff M<xlH takes |ki|hm* 3J" wide $140 Policy" Model ta.kes paper 18" wide $162 1,500 in use in British Government Offices. WRITE FOR PARTICI LARS TO The Borneo Co.,
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    • 268 1 IS BSI^ Homeward Bound mmmtmr ROBINSON'S A vary strong, yat light, Imperial Cabin Trunk. Kitted with wood likUcno »t the tup 525. Have Mte^aaaaaf A ttaaa^SfaHlaini^JJal ■Taal aaaaaV -2 aaatJafll f E a^aamaa.-. -r-. lf^T O(CK nSV Bf a^aL '\^aa^^^^^ AllllAC aa^ai 1^ t* f^^ uHAI HO. A Strong ft«rvio««ble
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  • 648 2 SALVAGE OF THE LUTINE TO BE COMMENCED. £1,100,000 Prize. lt«iicwe<l inu-i.-t in tlie British frigate Latiae. which over ace\turyaax> was wrecked oil Holland while carrying btillioa valued at almost a million aad a quarter from Yarmouth t.i Hamburg, will be iroaU'l by the announce m.nt that i urth.
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  • 267 2 Shipowners Urge Initiation of a Government Scheme. la* OBwawai Bar n« li v:<. mill. vi nt I lirium keiagatwar witli a fimteaaal Maiitiuii )'<>\\<i aa. <U.ilt uith at Slnaaaa »t Hrn bbbbbJ akseanaj uf tin Clylc su*aui«ln|i o»mr> kmmdttkm. Mi .1. It. Harrison. th< |t« nt. .t i«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 123 2 I v y V Ji mm I I «_^H j I /f\T Wlr J/C AmwSAm^L^Lm S^3cl I J BBS LlisV\ 1 esaW )ll!vll es^il VANA' Tonic Wine THE IDEAL I N y AT O R FOR BODY, NERVE AMD BRAIN The vitalising effect of its blood' enriching constituents becomes evident
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    • 92 2 Beat Liniment. flight accidenta and injurios are a frequent oc. 11 rr. nee on tho farm ami in the work -hop. A cut or brniHc which ih often the. ceuaa of much annoyance and loss of time, may bo curul in about 000 third the time usually required by .implying
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    • 438 2 GHiie me lei aid ro, NO. 8, RAFPLBB PL4CB. AuctlMtMrs, Estate ami Cocnminion Arent.«ai»d Ceatractor* MORTOAOBI LrOANS ARRANGED AND LABOUR OF EVBsT KMeaFTION SUPfIIEO TERMS MODBRATE Tel No. X». Tel. Addraen -Aaotioaair." 16 2 II 11 ft aTM^BStfy saT MM MtteTVV a TAI BKie CHIARB lURSERIES, Orchard Road Hare always
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    • 1363 2 SPECIAL DISPLAY or Necklaces. Diamonds. Rubies and Pearls. Peridots «wi'i Pearls Amethysts and Pearlf?. Toj>ar and P«\irK Turqnoirw> and Pearls. Jade. PRICES FROM $25 TO $10,000. A la rytMol lection of new and differ» i nt dodgM lomlml from ISMAIL AND RAHEEM'S, Bra- Basah Road. 1 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE
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  • 962 3 FRANCE AND THE ADOPTION OF GREENWICH THE Old- World Prejudice Ha I'ari, correHpoodent of Hrn tt !<■»; rallied on Kebroary \f> On Saturday tbeSensW- ssai .1 iU< ajaajljal <4 in«-iiM k-li time in hmm-. afU-r a l<«u ami stubburn reaiatamt- <>n In hail >i tbf OuMrratory
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  • 147 3 ll appear*, that the (ioverniutut «i India BJBjawl to discard the trnu Knra«iau in tli>' txMiiiutt I'onsun .iikl t>> -übntitiiU' Anglo Indian." sayn tht Calcutta SUU-Muan. Mr. Porter. Secretary to tli- (kmrrururut of India in tin Ih-rwrtim-nl of KiliK-atmu. hax intiii,;it. tins c on- 1 -1..11 in a IctUr addn-Mi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 427 3 GREAT SALE OF BOOKS BOOKLOVERS IN THE EAST INDIES. .-.boaid take advantage of The Tines Book Clubs great Sale of Surplus Book* containing tboaaaaiis of baraaias. maay of which PAYS YOU are not likely to be act with semia. Bare books, importaat books, books of all kinds are offered at
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    • 12 3 Woods Great Psffei t Core for all hitaraal waatalsti Dyseatsry, Coaghs OsMw)Sß>
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    • 321 3 CHEONG BROTHERS, Derjtists, No SS, South Bridge) Road. First class Mrchaaioal Dentistry ("4d Crowns Bridge, Killing aad Vulcanite. Duration of Wear (roaraateed. CHABOBS MODBBATB. FULL LIKE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powders and Brashes for sale. fZ tX wiimim.^ 1 V^gk aTSMsmsrs -ii. r sj.cim. a*.. s.-».t c»u«t(. CRUSHED FOOD. Trj
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    • 175 3 M^raC^Y BRAND i For a Thousand Household I srs MONKEY BRAND Makes Copper like Gold Tin like Silver. THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. IB3ST-A.BLTSIIB3ID 1883) AN UF ACTUBBBB OF PURE ROPE lITIANi OABLfUID 4 STUNO i/r a» ir •■teitr rteio* frawa, 8— fass aa, ssfl f rMihiri wUI be forwarded
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 591 4 BTEAIER BAIUHBB. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA. JAPAN. PENANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MKHI 1 KHKANKAN, PORTS, PLY MOI'TH ANO LONDON. Throagh BiUs of Lading issued for Chins Cosat. Peniaa i sast Continental, snd American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about I MAIL LINES Oufvani
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    • 549 4 BTEAMEH BAIUNaS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly service ia maintained between Yokohama vis ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanesr ciovernmenL Tbe New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed sad auaast noted, snd sre fltW
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    • 651 4 STEAMER SAILINGS PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP C 8 U 8. MAIL UNL The groat rtssmshtp line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu snd Ssn Francisco, opsrstiag the new 18,000 ton*, twin screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known l CHINA. ASIA. MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PEKSI A.
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    • 288 4 STEAMER 8/UUWBB Canadian Pacific Railway Go s Royal Mnil Stemmahip U-. mi NATIONAL HIOHWAYTO EUROPE Via CaiMA. Jatak, Cak aoa lsv ths I'mtsd Statbs. Boats from Hoogkong. vis Shanghai, Nagssski (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Vancouver. H.M.S. Empress of India Twin screw R M.S. "Impr-. of Japan'
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    • 578 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAiBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. DEUTSCHE OAMPFSCHIFF 'AHRTBGES. HANSA BREMEN. Comblnad Seirvlcsj. The ills nun of these C maintain a ■agslar service between Hamburg. Bremen, kstwarp. and Rotterdam, and tb* HtraiU. China md Japan Homewards, they are deapalcbed fortnu;btly 'or Havre and Hamburg and one* s month for
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    • 653 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. ■orddoutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Tbt- fast and well known mail steamen of ihiaCompeat sail fortnigtuly from Brass so, Hamburg, via It .lVrrdam \otwerp, t><utaaasp ton. (iibralur Qvi»«. Nsple* (er nnsotiag Maneillee. Naplex. Alexandria, and vioe vans) Port Said, Sne/.. Aden. Ooiombo. Psnang,
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  • 214 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, March 16. High Water, 11 24 a.m., 11.60 p.m. B. I. homeward mail close*. :i p.m. Aviation uieetinu. 4.30 to 6.80. S C. C. Teoni* Tournament. Boxing, Theatre Roy«l. 9..H0 p.m. Priday, March 17. High Wafer, 1159 a.m Aviation mectinc, 4 SO to 6.80. S
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  • 205 5 To DAY. f js" IVnang and Mail's*. taking maiU lor turops, etc »i.i Rambay Toongwa 8 pm Munt i. and I'Alembang U. U. Mijer Bpm Port l>ick«oo and Port >w,ttcnliMu I'ili Add 8 pm Malacca and Muar Kaka I pm Bangkok Triumph 4 pm IVnanit, Rangoon and
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  • 126 5 The hup. Oirnno mail ateamer Kl»ist having' left I'iili.uibo on Sunday, the 12th in* tarr.. at 4 p tu. may be expected to arrive tun oa Saturday, tbe l*th in*l., at daylight The B I contract packet *teamer Teest*. having ft Ni'K*pataiu at 11 a.m. on Sunday,
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  • 390 5 Latest Arrivals. Aimral Magon, K.h Hr too* Capt Ktoard. Mar 16 Kroiu Diokirk. .Lan H tic. and 41»; troops Mnine Comto. For Saigon. Mar 16. Wharf. Bantam I>ut «tr 2114 ton*, Capt Brost. Mar 15. Krom Batavia, Mar W Oc and shipi Ay.ncv. I/.il. For Paleiu banu Mar
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  • 101 5 Wharvc* at which Vcstata are Berthed To -Day. TtNMONO PAOAB. East Wbabf Bamm Nsm Vong. Eart W. S«ction No I -Tbongwa, Bharata. Sbbie* WHAir-Perm. Mas W. Sr r No 2 < i Apcar B B—Ami'al8 Ami'al Magon. 4 Snowdonian Paroo. ft- K'toDD. Kintuok.
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  • 237 5 Finance Commerce, BmoAfoan, Mas. v 10, 1911. 0a Lokdom Bank 4 m/i 3/4 A Demand t/4,'. Private 6 n/a t/4 ft do Bm/i 1/4(1 Giiiim Bank d/d 340 Prinhlmli 344 0* FftAVca-Baak d/d 296 Private Sm/a 29»» Chi Im. ia Bank T. T. IT4| Private 80 d> 170( 0k Homokomo—
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    • 172 5 Iwae L'tlae£ 10 10 Belt* Tid 10 10 Braan« 10 10 Braaeh Hyd 10 10 kaaaboi 11 11 Kinta Tin II 41 Kledan* Tin 10 10 Kgulw Tin 11 11 I^tiat Mines 10 10 MaJaeo» Tin M- 6 I'ibum Cooaoi 11 XI l'.n«k*l.n II tl PotiDK B»bro II £1
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    • 599 5 ,aloa Bayer*. Sellan. I/- 3/- Allaoar 4 9 6,5 I/- >/■ Angio Malm; 1.8.0 1.4.44 I/. 3/- Bittu Malaka 3,6 8' El XI BatoCa»«« 16 100 16.10.0 tl 41 Bata Ti«» 6.2.6 6 10.0 tl 11 Bakit Kajaa« 3.13.6 3 0.0 11 11 Bakit L»Ua« 4 100 6.00 El
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    • 123 5 [•mat, 5 Value Bnyerm. 10 10 baton Smeltißß 10 7 6.76 41 11 Bleetrie Tramwsyt 8/8 10 10 Fnaar Netve 88.00 ICO Howartta Krmkine 100 7% Pnt 9000 100 100 Kate Bra. Drt 100 100 8% Chip. Pnt. 10 10 yUjn%ri k Co. i 4 60 Sellers nom. 1000
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    • 51 5 Bojen Seller* Howarth Brakioe e% 1000,000 par Biley, Hargreaves 6% 1i84,000 3, Si pm Singapore Electric T ran. warn 6% 4860,000 Spore Municipal 5% 11,878 000 nom. Buyer* TliHaw B'pore Municipal 4{% ol 1007 11.800.C0U 7%pa> 8 pore Mnuicipal 4{% uflwov 11.000.000 7% »%pn> 8 pore Municipal 4% ,902,900
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 The man who whiapors down a well Abont the goods be ba* to sell, Wi n't Wap the gleaming golden dollars Like he who climb* a tree and hollers, Tbe man who a oough alone, To wear him down to skin sod bone, Won't be in ha»lt>> so sourd sad
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    • 348 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co Mar. H-At 71 V, River Valley Kwd. teak household furniture, etc property of O.C I Wat«on. Esq.. at .O. Mar 1H At Kaeburn Eitate, off Neil Rd.. I teak hou« hold furniture, etc property of J. S M. Rennie, B»q., at 3 80. Mar. 31
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    • 419 5 I Obtainable at: ROUtOI\ ROUtfC I ROBINSON I I JOHN LITTLE Felucca I ANOCO.LTD.* 1 1 0 w I I at* mnM"'« *r ta Mas* *T fka tea* DRESSER WANTED IMMEDIATELY. An experienced dresser wanted immediate It for itabber Batate ia Negri Sembilan < Good salary offered to competent man.
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    • 382 5 POSTPONEMENT. Tbe sale of Mr. J. 8. M. Rennie furniture at Kaebnrn Batate on Saturday, tbe 18th instant, is now postponed. POWBLL a CO.. Aootioaeers 168 1-5 MORTGAGEES SALE. Oh Tcbsoat, Max h 31, at -'80 r.a Freebold land containing an area of 40 675 square fett, being lots IN
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    • 144 5 HIGH-CLASS T.l.phon. No 818. UNDERTAKING. phhmp laWMai s>n|.po«.. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Bage to inform tbe pablie that tbe kind patronage accorded him during Mm pass few years, has made it necessary for him to aoquire anothsp now Rubbsrtyvstel Hsbpss, which surpasses all others in the StraiU. Mis Dajay
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  • 1118 6 The Straits Times THURSDAY. MARCH 16. CASTING OUT THE CRAMMER. Tlieri are many nun. ymuii. middle itj^ii. ami even old who will heave a mkl) a* they read Mr. Ha!. lam upeoch ann.llllll ing that vuni nations for Sandhunil an- to In- abolished. The\ will recall the pound* xpent on
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  • 17 6 Si» sbtm|>s issiusl at hoini rxintly MM- l u. l. tlir Brunei I'lu k on nil papt-i
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  • 17 6 At th. Utgmtm liiihU-r BaakMMi *mM| auction yisatrnlay. Ur- »li«t irffinil -old at %M>* pat |>i< -ill"
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  • 29 6 Tin furniturr sail- Rt tin- rvHith-u»- Mr .1. S. M. lUnnii Kat-burn i-xtaU'. wlih-Ii MM .ulm rti-il to talu- pU»v no tli< IHth in-t i« l--t|. .iii-l in.WhniU ly
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  • 29 6 The deeueMt coal pit abaft in Uie world turn hi«n completed at Wcannoiilli Colliery, mar Snnderland. It i« fathoms ifeep. and lftft. nsi.l. Tlk- work baa occupied tin yi-an>.
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  • 34 6 At tin neral v..* tint: ..f I'lu I'iali. Ltd.. which waa hekl at IVnang on Saturday Mean. <). Xacbain ami HI- orbott elwtrd directum. The otlier din>cU>rs M.-s»m. <<til Law. It Schubert and .1 l\n\
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  • 10 6 ri tpiit ..f kyai M 1.t.l Kebraary. war urn Iha.
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  • 47 6 A Iniiamaii «h.. had usiir|»i| tin fuuc tions of the I'.rst Mffiee BJ < arrynig IT I. it. rs from Muar to Siuga|a.rt' was \i«u-r iUy In the second |mlii<e ciMirt today in lia.l Ui \m\ a fine of «l in ri~.|»s 1 of a. Ii 1,-tU-i
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  • 43 6 Till ease of the kltMli rll K\Ullsl.,|l 111. gra|>li Coinpanx v. W H. .leffers«in »n> to have been heard in the Supretu< oiirt. t., day. but Mr. .lustne Fhaafl hahaj engagul on the \a>v. him I'ong BMBMBI iutn.ii th. h.mim-j «hs a.l|,,in ncl
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  • 49 6 M.5.,. KuafT and t, »l>.liavi i.-signeil the u-acher«hi|M of tin r'r. S. 1 100 1 at I'enang. an going tv take u|> a|i pointments an Sii|»rinU inlent of rnaciilai Sch.nils. Kiilah. and AsnisUnl Master of ih. K.nglish S, h0., 1 I 'al 1.1 n- r. s|»i tiv. rj
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  • 50 6 'I li. BaM meilal of tin Institution of Mining and MaßaffJanjg haa haM ,is w, ml., r lit in 11. aaaaaaa "f 1 rsonal wrviceo 111 tin advanci men! of tv huo logu al .ilu.atioii. aaaf in ihi |.ioni,.ti,,n ..f the highest ml, r.-t- of tin aaaaa| .m.i inMallinalial profi
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  • 66 6 lUl.i. h.iMiig ap|a ami in Kuala Lußipur It i-oi.leinl that all iafa uitlilll til. district ahall be or inu/./lisl iwiUi a iiiiiml. of a type tv be a|,|r,.v.i| hy tin Itenldcul until furthei notice. \n\ dog found at Urge UIIUIU//1.-.I will In- 1n. 1.:, to be d. aaaaai an-i
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  • 76 6 \V. would iviniud readers ol tin saJi „f xaliiahle oil |«intingi V- l» Ik Id at tin Kubber Kxchangc. an- tioii moms, in Itohin sun Koad. at l.Mi p.lll to morrow The sel.itioi, 1- very varied, include- a Baay trait of the laU Kmc Kdwanl. and al«.. on. of
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  • 71 6 Hailji ■ .lalau Plaßßa> vkaaaalaia diaiiionds. entrusUs) another luwlji tin othri day wiUi IB.IW worth of jewellery which the latter was to go to I'iilati BBBBBM BI -ill After waiting for a rt«mmable peri.Kl lladji KusofK- himself we:lt U> I'lllau Sambo, to ««s Mliat his agent waa doing. \oh<>ly h.,ue\ei.
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  • 87 6 Siemens Br.>s. Itymano work- I.• Uiuplai. iiu|iortant extennioon ai.i ..f th. ioiu|mii\- 1. i11. -ii- in and fr.,111 I', naug Tin -laff then ha- In. n 111. 1..1-..1 by tin transfi r of an assistant eugiueer. an.l th. l.i.unli will U in future hi a nun 1, h. tl. 1
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  • 84 6 winu l'.i|» 1 ha* t;i miiL iwrlu ulais of Ik 1 ml llniin > 1111 n ■ wiUi 1. Urn tinau. lal vr.ll > 'iiding .11 M.ti.h II AaaaM aaa 1 IkMMjßi il im tl..u haM tha aaal grant t lti»«i is t.. I- 111 .11. 1 ..f the
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  • 102 6 With nf. n-nci to the fate of OBJ of tin On HBBBj »Ii" ui-nt BBBaaBMJ at CMatWaainau last month, it is a .sum. -I ataa haWaagateaMa ataaaal 11 •'daak at night. In must ha\. siipgaii wlnl going aa board In- vessel and l«i 11 in n-l 111.1. 1 th.
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  • 98 6 lln King at Bm kiiigham I'ala. .11 the 2nd 111 st received addri-HM-s from the ti.ius.-s of Convocation of Canterbury and York, lv n-plv his Majuity r.-f. rrnl u> hiMsit- a* tin .li if ,r. nt |»rls of the Kuipir. and Mtnl I li..|n that tlnse visits au.l our journey
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  • 90 6 Tin International Court at Bangkok ha* li\\t 11 Us ruliug on a |miut raixeil and aigui^l when the |»tltloll lat ImllkrupU broil^lit t.\ K M. iK.n.iM and 1.u1.. gainst .1 I) Macarthur and 10.. 1.t.l ■MBCaJW for hear ing. tin decision being that the Imal hank rupti onlinaiici- could l»
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  • 118 6 Vli A-outult is n |iorU<d t" liavi' lutn i olu lintUil lit Itouilmy 011 Mi .li. \»«l-;.iiit Kiiyin..! t. tin Itv Ili 1 1 .r >> mi lit Trust, l.y Ins s, unit. I'.itli.m 111. sUir\ i« that Mi I!ii-m» 1. |> 11.. 1,1. in iiin'l tin n at) Imi
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  • 109 6 An a i ti.. tarn .n«>«inupon the latiikriipu-y lliinn Yob at Shanghai lust Hiiuiiuer was luar.l in tin Mixiil < ..nrl tin I. n-<« ntly. lia na. lions «t tin nistan. "f SU'waii. Tomes ami Co. against tv><. native tatnks »t-u i rou HMk-rnlKni 111. i arose out nf
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  • 382 6 M r I .tiilm.ii. I. ft hi li.'mm .limn mail. Mi If .1. I. in. at. 1 BaM Kaaaaaaaj aatak hawaaln aaaM bj ii» r ami <> Marmora. Moils oiiranl. hi. t r.|ic. illative of tin Cans tin ill tin rai Raat, li riaMaaj Malaya. I \fter
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  • 37 6 Urn chut Joaticc, Xii H mtm .-iiiiini, -I vimiat lun' Al. diilrahn point 1111 urn of stolen prup rtj I pwifiuua oonv* "Illliellt \.i.« 1 w. I. tin n ii I U nit; 1 "111
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  • 91 6 Mi II V lii.lley has a moNt ink arlu li in the llullelin of '.In an. l YlO t BUrcß,oarxp in mufttriicting houses foi smoking rnliUi. and aaya tliat tin -lyli „f hoiis. adoptnl 111 .i.-iis lv, tin a.h.m- 1 lln apm s- ,jf emtlon. is..ii..iii\
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  • 120 6 11l- drought lir.ik. up 111 I'- 1 dt\ rn-I.T ml>, ii..rm. I. iißf) la tin.. .Ih>- 1.i.-k. am tin 151.n.l .my yn :it;> <" In I.i .in. 1,.-- mlih -holtstiui Uil 111. mv 1h..r..u«1i .m.i ln.-ki many t. leph.ini In c.N oiiut planlallolis
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  • 217 6 11M1111 of M ChriataMaa liiplaw »a- ..inpli-U'.l at tl» raoßOoame, >. null tli. ti. mi n ha lir.iin .111. 1 tin urn. Inn. .|n» i ■ml iiiiintxi int. 1. -1..1 aaopii t. tin ricinit) id tin^Hr. TWi ni'.i unit ii^iih I to 111.1k. aan il
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 172 6 Try ohan.a of Whisky to MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Parliament Bland. D c MACGBEGOB, CALDBECK ft CO,, London and Glaagow. KiTAiusain IHA4. •u|.|.ii>.i iTNt Ho-jst or ioboj tni nousc or coaaoat ana l>. th» «oujf S Or Mil «T CaßaOa CALDBEGK. WACGREGOR CO.. Bole A|f€»nta\. BENSON'S j GOLD EXPANDING BRACELET WATCHES JSom*9pjfflj2£3PmS&
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    • 282 6 DEW AND SELECT FILMS ■aiarpam* ter WsHatj 4 faaNry af PraaavrMM Kaon SKVKKM. llKill CLASS M \KKItS ALHAMBRA To- Night. BMH. It- Mi.niiiiii-iits and i :i_s,. t .i. StrikinxU lUautifnl SpHom of Photographs nbowins tin- l^st SigliU of lU»iim>. aaMaaMC, Queen al rUl.yl..D. Pi. u> anil li-nt;tliy eaTBBBBI play fn.iii
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    • 13 6 I<atf«t ailvertiseiiicnts of the day appear on page I a« well an aY
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  • 127 7 HOSTILITY OF ST. PETERSBI R(i PRESS. a# i Strong Army Corps in Readiness. K»rTK«'» TItM.KK. bMHHB, March 11. 11.. ->t pMM*burg |w|n rs ...nUiiii stmng Hiitillnn. artn I. and prulict a rnptire ..f r. latioti- nil. I lima yi.-ld-DM Omi-hii-iii LmMM FMtMMMM. Itcrhu Man I, li 11.
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  • 71 7 ACTION IN MOROCCAN INTERIOR EXPLAINED. Rules of the Foreign Legion Illk lUll-111". H> 1.1.0t1. TkLKORAM. MMMB, HMM 1".. 11.. I ii ii. I < I'M ruiinnt ha> informed lh> liiTinan Itovernmeiit that lln reinforcement* sent Ui M 'li. proUi'tionof |»~t* and trade only. BHM th. PmHJM MJMMoa
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  • 20 7 Ambassador Denies Interference Stories. iMTafttaTMCM tjiTT> IkaMMaM. I:. .In,. Mar.h U. Kerhn .1 ■Imliiiiaii in MMJ
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  • 36 7 Til MMI B I, UV. I li. 1.. in. in < roii I. li in. iii.l I will visit th. Kui|« toi of MMM "li MM MMMMJ II tu-: v i-i-. \n MM
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  • 34 7 N. D.L. RESULTS. ••I »-i \i i- hk I. uoii' IrLi-.hiy IU rl.n. Mai. h II ilh Hi iimi Lloyd Cohmmj writ.* •ff SI .Million mark- HMM Mmlml hii.l In., million in dividends
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  • 36 7 i i-i i-i, ri- iir 1.i...»i. TmUHMUUL r..ilin. MMMk I.. .d.iti i piimlple- of the run MMMNMB foi Visa. Lorralln MM U.n v th. MMMMMJ afUi tin final „11, —lolls of tl I
    36 words
  • 53 7 KM 1)1: I I I V'.hlM. Uhmmb, mmm U >1 11.I 1 I. HHMJ M an I. MM MMB Issllnl which sa\-th;tl tl i. n— 101 l IMBMMMd U> .11 MM nitoth. MMMMOI tin HMntl vlinllntlatlon I n ..I th. Mun-tr\ al M i i ,mg
    53 words
  • 33 7 Km i.i- I• i .i: \m. I I H M.i.l. I It i- lint -h MMH «.i..|.1u..- I In .ii MVCMHMd for tin Itnt.-li \nn\ MHBMJ a MMI "I mil.
    33 words
  • 24 7 Km Ilk- TMBIBIM LmBMM, Mai. I, 11. I 1.. m MMfl -ay th. I. te .ii ..f K p- to. ;'l.t\ <
    24 words
  • 332 7 Revised Definition of Limits Issued B> the Admiralty. Tin A.limraltv MMM approve*! of the following i. ms.- I dehiiit .1 hunts ..f the Mediterranean an.l rjtst Indies stations Mediterranean.— <l| Within the M.sliU r rauean icxcept a- in |«rai;raph tf and in.-lu.hng the Suez Canal and
    332 words
  • 266 7 \utinn (ilitvc Contest Precedes the Decies- Gould Wedding. Hi. Hon. KoUrt K. i. -fold win. wt lit MW t. MM nca foi tin MmMmM of Ills brothel. 1^..l |i.ii.-s. tun. by van MMUHMa Mi. Vuthony I>re\el, junior. 1.a.1\ UMMB l.iolli.r in law. in an exciting
    266 words
  • 217 7 Stanhope Gold Medal Awarded to Trawler's Engineer. Hi. Mauhop. -old HMM which MMM tin M HMM MM r.illUil with the MMMi act of the year, was awarded by tlu Koyal Humane 5..« i.-ty on Kebrnary 14. M Krauk *MMMi In. t .'n-iii.i i ..f tin
    217 words
  • 254 7 Tragic End to Birthday Fete in Chisa I ii.-.. BM hroii^ht MM -t..i> ..f a Magb mmKmji to i. v ..learns. .i at lia I In ll MMMM a) tl.< bMMMM of a 111. 11l bat of MM southern I'r.-slnl. r,an \|i lon iinaUu: till, atrnal
    254 words
  • 727 7 WAR OFFICE PURCHASES MORE AEROPLANES. The Scarcity of Pilots. The announcement made in a Id uU tele Uraiii U> day that the War Office ban MMMMJ to aild four more aeroplane- U> tin army air .i|iupinent. making a total of mmm all. follows upon mature i-onsiiUration which
    727 words
  • 379 7 Risks They Run in the Suppression Of Anarchy. 'lln iininlt-r of a youut ln-a.l in stable in Calcutta ilhiNtraU-s ,'n more says tin AllahaUi'i MMrt th. dime's the Helical |«.lin liavi- to I i. in their .("-rations for tin Hiippn-sion >>f anarchical viol.-mi- It has U.oiin
    379 words
  • 1523 7 GOVERNOR RECOMMENDS PIBLIC DISCUSSION. The Y. M. C. A. Debating Society Inaugurated. White one wouhl like hi have n a rJ>ed houw fur tin- inauguration of the M. A. Parliamentary Debating MMM in Uit- new building in' Inlianl rUaul. ev.'uint;, there ny i\id<;nce that atnonn tlioae
    1,523 words
  • 363 7 Deliciency in Some Years. Despite Appearances. II an in tin -1,.-:. IM i- ,il».nnwly with MMM <<» wall., i MahMi BMMI i. )>'lff on tin piililli'iiti.m "t 1 rainfal'.fioin tin r.vor.U ut llic U.v <l 01.-. »at.>ry. BMa Ml M.>niinK T^>«.l<i I'ln-aT«-ray«- aiiiuiHl ramfiill Ml tin
    363 words
  • 149 7 Colonel Dies from Injuries Received in Kashmir. 111. MM I- an in. .il of < 0i.,,,,l > l> Turnbull. who «M MMd bj a ImMMI MMI l-lHinalwl. K»sliini> OM <>f In- MJiVMi broken awl l».tl. arniK ,m,| h.n.l w.-r. injnnil (hi n«.vi|i( at Snna«(ar iifiabfl I'•
    149 words
  • 271 7 Urn ..I tin .ll\. i-ioii- of tin Mnni, iaal I'luployr was illii-traU-l by a a-, i tin -.-1111.1 |«.|i<'. i. nut t..,la\ w li. n ,i Hvlani ii«>ln »a- i-har|(n] witli oiiMtnH-tiuK it ni'ini, i|«l am I Mil ami «n|. n-uii; ,riinin..l fan Tin .ii.|.lov. i. lion,
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  • 67 7 CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE I RGE INQUIRY. Sujyjested Imperial Council of Commerce. KHITIIB T«LmiK«M l^.n.lon Mm a imitinc th. aaarfatßl rimini- t L'oiiiiurruc hao |«hw^l n n— .|iiti,.n t>\ a larK< initjoriu iirginK Um> (iov. riuniot t., ,i|,|«.int tin Ht.on^. -t |»~-il,l, Ibiyal l hum., iD.|iim- infai tin- ilmirability
    67 words
  • 40 7 Lord Kitchener to Preside Over an Inquiry. MBAM J^. ii. lon Ii m. n.,1,1, n. MaauMHM 'in tin H oiiiiiioii- that acorn.ii ,|,|..ii,; «d Ii iin.-.tit;at. th. riMnaM ,f Baval ■aa)aaaM< U.i, l »ili praaaUj MaaM
    40 words
  • 38 7 Kum Mm. < <'<>**■ Malxx-a. Mai. I, M luforiuation luw b.-. n aMMMai by MftUccs Rubb. i I'lauUtiuDs. l,inuU-.1. that tin pride >( tim I'ara in LmmMl w-i.i IV Kan AT per Ib NMM. Tin markft blmml en.
    38 words
  • 278 7 American Tourist's Attempted Suicide in Calcutta. i>lt..r- MA) nig '1 <!>• at If Mil I Hotel t alcutia. on ■bached when tin 1.-mut that a ii. 'w arrival ia tin mmJ iia-i mmb nun. I attempt t., i -iii. i.l. I lii -unfit! Mmnc man. -*v- I
    278 words
  • 210 7 In al.u. i i.. Hi. Pinaaa <• tt. Mi II I C.ilx.i writes f M.u.i. uigiugili. ini.--i;\ f..i Mm caution wlul-t ■■riflini m I H -i.l. ol ii ..t- m iall\ ;it night at tli> pi.scnttmi.. when niiiiuriHik hii.l extensive junyl. ami 1....-1 tn.- .il.'^m 111.
    210 words
  • 119 7 111. n. .it.iliiy ii'tui ii~ !..i Singapon li\ Urn i;. -1---H "i Birth- .v. 'l I. >ili- ahow .in. in in. mm i.i.i- M ill. i. h.i. Iti ilMtlw JPTinf n raiir p-Tnii'li of |«.|.,,U1i..p ..i I 1.1 .l,i fcl iil in :t-' death-. plithi-1- I"
    119 words
  • 24 7 Kdwaid f U-hiukull OH bef..r. tin MMMMI magistral, today a .lutig. wilful tnwpami at the Taaglm l«n*l» H< mm mmmnjml with i -■in
    24 words

    • 146 8 Match at Teluk An.«on. In a fonmome prof.— sum yolf mat. Ii plsyol at Teluk An-.n oil S%tunUy after ii. vi n less than twelve eoiiplen c»ui|iett«l ami a »ei\ iutcicatin|> .o'ii|» tition re»ulu»l. s.,ystl,. Times of Malaya. The prizes, tw., liaii.|s.,ine aaaa, aasa m..h by Menan.. Maar Maj
      146 words
    • 305 8 S.C.C. I ..urnanu-nl TV t..1|..«11i_ n plawl \.-Ul V. s. I I. ii. 11. Wll-.1l I. ..I bMMBBBB, w. i. s.| S Kul. h. i i...t l Imii. > I t, 7 I >-in..i>- BH Bl i- I'-.i I. I Thomas beat I' J Otay. ft
      305 words
  • 178 8 Csptaio's Graphic Slory of Ship's Foundcrin}; it Sea. Lloyd agent at Hatoum r. |«.rt- the fol kvwing st<«-y. t'l'plii' in it- matUr of fact Ulhug. of the -.ii.1.1. ii lisap|M-araii( c of an llllkliouu stea I 111 the hnanjJß of the sea Th. in.. -ter .'f
    178 words
  • 521 8 His Majesty to Wear the Mantle of George the Fourth. The King ha» .1,-. mU-I to wear at his Coronation the Imperial mantle or pall worn by King Orarge IV.. instead of that worn by King Kdward VII.. which it i» thought it wan His Majesty's original intention
    521 words
  • 587 8 Another Cheerful Malayan Bruin Joins the Collection. jc<«>l..vh»l i „rr.»|«.n.l. in „> tin I lobe it th<- nptllr 11.1.1-. tli. /..».l.<i. al i. hi. I. n- Lbbbsbbvlbbi kktory paaariaa 1 many inu-rt— tinn ami important wMition*. yuiu raaaatij BBMBaI Baa *****8 hnaaj Basal in fr.»iii tli.
    587 words
  • 792 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 16, 1911. Meaara. Lyall and Eva*. Exchaage and Share Broken, inane the following list of quotation* U-is morning Nam. Value. Buyer*. Seller*. 3/- Allagar 4/9 5/8 Option* I,lo* XI Anglo-Jam 7/V 9/8 1 Angio-Jobora 10/ 18/--2/ Anglo- Malay
    792 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 39 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not np--Bt-t the rtomacb and ia nnrivaJled tor coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tonic tor building up the sybtem. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 ANOSIOO
      39 words
    • 13 8 For ail internal eom plain u. Dysentery Coogba, Colda, atav, laka Woods? Oraat
      13 words
    • 560 8 LOSS OF APPETITE. i How to recover it easily. It is a awttsr of esaaiderable iraportaaes wbra, for sobm rsaaoa, knows, or unknowa, an individual loses aia appetite. Wbile thu loss of appetite aay bs purely traipnrary, it Bay BSTsrtkshss, be so pro traeted that it nay lead to a
      560 words
    • 367 8 Victoria Theatre SINGAPORE. For 6 Nights Only. loaanv in>. SATURDAY. MARCH 18, 1911. Maurice E. Bandmann I'KBSENTS THK NKW BANOMANN OPERA CO. St'.rdai, Marrh Hk The Balkan Princess M lay. Mirch tO The Chocolate Soldier Tu. <day. Marsh tl. The Girl in the Train Wednesday, Marrh t». The Quaker Girl
      367 words
    • 66 8 WO HOWIE COMPLETE WITHOUT A Gramophone THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MEAN OF PLKK ENJOYMENT TERMS TO SI IT ALL. S. Moutrie Co. (LIMITED). THE ARCADE THE STAR OPERA CO. TIM ante* aaa Mam, Variatj Eatartalaan AT THE THEATKK K<>\ \l North Bridge Koad To-Nijfht. No Performance. REMEMBER! TOMoRHdw NHillT A
      66 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 201 9 FIRE Extinguisher "Minimax Shall we demonstrate and prove to you the worth of a Minimax I*.1 Sole Agent*: Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. FURTHER REDUCTIONS In the Price of MICHELIN TYRES From the 15th February, inclusive. Ask for new PRICE LIST from DUPIRE BROTHERS, Arf«nta. CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of
      201 words
    • 54 9 f e^a^a^a^Hßa^aVßfiaHß^ TMB Empire FM.& A New I fif t-claanMofl. Fitted with Electric Ught aad Kans Five minatea from Railway Statioa. Overlooking the Padaag Single aad Doable Bedrooms, with Private Bathrooms attached. Coieiae under European Sopervi sion Cold Storage Soppiie. weekly from Singapore Hotel Porter insets all Mail Trajja. THE
      54 words
      668 words
    • 591 9 STCAMER SAILING). INDOCHINA STEAM HAY. CO. LTD. Tai ihMin of tim nmfuny maintain* regular direct leriioe brti«»ea Calcutta. Stnuu, Hongkong, Shanghai awl Japan, taking oareo, oo through Billt I*l, nc for Canton. Swatow, Amoy, Chef.xj. Tientsin. Newchvrang, Yaagtaie P»rt*. Formoaa. th« Philippine*, etc ate. SttaAeTi' Tool Commander KcnuM <NI Re.
      591 words
    • 504 9 gj^ LADIES AND GENTS x^x GOLD (Sw WATCHES \^\^m|^^X of various patterns at Lowest Prices. B. P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller. HIQH STREET. Java-Australia Line OF THE ROYAL PACKET 8. N. CO. Regular Monthly Service between Netherlands India and East Australia. The it VAN LINx.HoTEN, 8.000 toos. will be despatched
      504 words
    • 295 9 THE STRAITS "TIMES" Can l»r- obtained mi tin- foilowinK plaoei in LKsgßporv Messrs Jol.a LiltU Co Ltd. Maaars. Kelly vi WaUI.. Ltd. j Kafflei Hotel j Adelph. Hotel Hotel de Kan pc Hotel ran Wijk. Stamford Road. Messrs. Koh a Co.. «0, Bra* itaaali Roa.l Too "Gulden r.jantain. Heacoolea Strut
      295 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 458 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EABTERN LIFE 488URANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office: WlKhester Heasc, SINOAPORB. Board of Dtn— tiw i U. A. Dkbbick, Bag.. Chairman A. 11. Faia, Bao Managing Director Pats* Fowtia, H. 8., CM Chief Mad. Officer K. M. Bluot, Bag. Rer. N. J. Cocvbb-. k Vow Mean Pad, Bag. Owe
      458 words
    • 309 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE MWIMCE COMPMT OF. tMMM. Bsranusnai) 1888. Iweurmfioa ia Faroe, over JIIJ«MM H, v Bininsss. IHW, ore* .(t^JetViM nm swsfiis isovv nsama sor. resecw and ail ootstauJiuK asaims, over $2,076,000 (Straita Correnoy). Over lll,m waa act aaida aa a speasal additica to Polioy nearvss. J. H. EVANS, Misngr-.
      309 words
    • 505 10 AUBTRALIA AHD CHINA. INOORPORATBD BT BOYAL CHAJtTEI Paid np Capital in tOfiOO Shares of MaOmeb tljaojOU Reserve Fond X1, 000,001 ReswreUaMttyorProfxisAwa... «1 .900 001 BANKERS. National Beak al Scotland. Tbe I^adon City Midland Bank, Ltd SINOAPORB BRANCH. Current acoooati an opened and intena allowed at 1 per east, par aanom
      505 words
    • 705 10 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TOM BANKING Mi INSURANCE CO LTD. MO. 17 AND 68, KLJNO STREET Estsblished 1907. Capital paid q P njmjnojoo nwir? i liability of pcoprissnrs 1.000,000.00 OOUBT OF DIRECTORS. I. Til Tm Joon 8 Sra Kit Jam 3. Nab Kirn Banu 7. Tea Hoo Lai ILucOiuHiv, B.
      705 words
    • 974 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF* Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Etc., THB I'ROPKKTT OK O. C. W ATSOK KSi) AT 71-W. RIVER VALLEY ROAD. On Smturdmy, Mmrch 18. mt 2.30 p.m. Beantifnily oarred teak oaninet with mirror panels exceiit-nt teak drawing r soite opholatered m red baise carred teak whatnot
      974 words
    • 491 10 FORTHCOMING FURNITURE BALEB. March Ik. At 71-. BJaaf talayßaa. The proptrty of O. C Watson. X-, a. j 10 p.m. March lx. At Raebutu Eatate ofiNt: Road. Tbe property >l s M itenn* I H». at Ml pm. March nf. At Fort Canning Koad Th i property of W. C.
      491 words

  • 636 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A New Car for Ceylon S.i Ckaatal ll. tin Ktfvwfll. diainuan ol tin well known SUmknl Motor I'onipaov. LU!.. who introiluecd the nrst >ix-«yunder car into i Vj lon. a. rival in the inland recently froi.i Bombay. His eouti«ny liave just
    636 words
  • 393 11 [\ciiing Adventure with a Tigress In India. I ii> siateniuau it alcutlai ni»i-> «l*-tailn <>t [tta Mitinn m< nI. in ulm li bt-f.-l the Qsssasjl I nun I'niui s rihtot*B| |w» ft y <>v the l-l.ui'l i|>... Mm 'liui sa ill. I'.nli alt Mis
    393 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 349 11 The Car for Silence and Reliability." WOLSELEY The firm haa set i*ael! to proluoe uxar o« ideal efficiency without tbe lea.i •acrifie, ot contort in ■«<•"*" *ecarinit that effieienoy. That tbe object in view T Vr»m tho baa been achiered will be readily admitted by the I roill ill. motorist
      349 words
    • 53 11 An*»cr to tbc Question. How to can A c4l h a .|it.»ition in wliicli many are intt— «t- .1 jimt nuw. (,'harabur lain's Coogh -<ly li»h won itH groat r.-|Hit*Uon aad imnu-nw -uilo by its romarkable cure ef aaaW It run always bade|Min<iivi upon. Far Ball by all Uiiipoasarini
      53 words
    • 282 11 STANDARD OIL CO., OF MEW YOM, Devoe's Imperial Brilliant $2.70 par Sylvan Arrow 99.10 per OMB, ■all Wholesale aVaUllnat Agents MESSRS. HAI 6UAM A COMPANY. Bee Kok Oil Trading Co 4, South Canal Road. USHUN COAL The Beat SUamlng Coal in the Par East. SKSS£SJ^ OUTPUT 3001 TONB aE,^* 1
      282 words
    • 83 11 WAH HENG CO. Photographic StOPM DBYBLOPINO. PRINTING 4 BMLUt**. INO AKATBCBS KOBE PlAtam, Paperm, Filma ChewiOli Cameras, I ss. aad OsaMral Pbotoßrmpbie kfa*eria.t Framei at every variety madt w. ordh* No. 95, North Bridge Rd.. Oajurtl AdeJphi Hole. JUST ARRIVED GOOD AND OBNI'INK ITaUAN BARBBRA CLAHBT (Recom mended) ITALIAN VBKMOUTU
      83 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 855 12 JOHNSON'S -B>Tai..H.VH.««HM| ELEPHANT' Brand CEMENT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD WANTS. ASSISTANT WANTEO. W n. ,1 Mutant for Kubber and Tobacco Estate in British North Borneo .Kast Coast). i. w man with some experi -tat* work. rP iy with copie* of testimonial*, static* 1 I--.1 THKIE I i>> LTD. 0 MALAY
      855 words
    • 511 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUBEB TO LET. Terrace House* ia Wilkie Bead, Beat •16. Imnrr l entry. Apply Outbrie and Co, Ltd. I OFFICE ft BOOOWN TO BE LET With immediat* satry Mo. 7. Malacca Btrsst. Apply to OOTHBIB a CO., LTD. c OFFICES TO LET At Orsabaa Hoate,
      511 words
    • 609 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE, FOR SALE Strong Australian Hone, Victoria and Harness. Apply w O Htnnings. iW Mans Held k Co Ltd.) 8-8 v HOT-. R CAR FOR SALE Four cylinder Darraoi ear, 18 H. K. ■eat five, very comfortable, ia excellent ooadition. Bargain. Apply K. Y. Z., e/o straits Times.
      609 words
    • 629 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. -HIP CHANDLERS. TotepboM No. 421. 106 A 100. MfttkM Strw-t. NOTICE. Messrs. Down and Company, ACCOUNTANTS ANO SECRETARIES. Have removed their office from Ratlin RtMt to NO. 25. WINCHESTER HOUSE, Collyer '/nay Singapore. March 6. 1911. 68 188 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders are invited for the
      629 words
    • 302 12 NOTICES. THE LAHAT MINES. LTD. DIVIDEND NO 5 A Dividend of «d. per Miare ha* r.en declared payable in London on the JUrd of March, aad will be pai i to all local aban boldrr* at. soan as tbe registered liat of shareholders on that date i* received from tbe
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 245 12 Straits Isimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES -MiseeUane ous wants of every description are insert ed at tlie prepaid rate of II per tour lines for one or two insertion*. Notices of Birth*, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each iuaertiun Pa p.p.c. oards, on page 8 Ii Ik. b
      245 words