The Straits Times, 14 March 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.513 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MARCH 14. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 247 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Department. Bent M il^^Lm h English W VT ?*±j /^aP H« 1 v '-^Bt^B&^^HHaS "^s^B^B^B^BM Manufac ure H&2^HBUBSi £^^H tw Only, B^a^B^BT ■mi sMfIK GLADSTONE BAGS. M.I '^Jr* **j' *£*\j*h, > Not Bro»n Covbida, in various style*, s^ssJl TKi^-M earh
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    • 57 1 THE "EMPIRE" 18 TDK IDB&L Typewriter KOK ,TT^j^gl^sW SIMPLICITY. HARD WEAR. HI6H EFFICIENCY. Foolscap" Model takes paper 9" wide tll2 brief Model takes paper 13J" wide $140 Policy" Model takes paper 18" wide $162 1,500 in use in British Government Offices. WRITK FOR PARTICULARS TO The Borneo Co., Ld., SINOAPORB.
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    • 250 1 TO THOSE HBhSSH Homeward Bound A very itron|, yet light. Imperial Cabin Trunk. Fitted with wood BaUcnn at the top. MS. Have GSSS^SsS§&& Everything A ItPOng ler/loMkl* Cabin Trunk. Black .Japae.<1 I'aoTf, t Ica/hrr Boosd aed iron oapperta aa i iiMtration. ♦IT.BO.acli TRAVEL- V^mL. nM ■^^■1 O9 HOLD- Em ■O
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    • 12 1 DDMIBY 1 CO. CHAMPAGNE AOAMSON. 6ILFIILAN m»cc i to nu aointh. t
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  • 892 2 Police- Dogs of Europe. ORIGIN OF THE MOVEMENT IN HANOVER. Prussian Goverameat Actlta. The new Pru«uan Kudgpt pro% i«l«-» a sum ol twenty -seven tlKMnand markN for the etiuipment of a breeding and tnuniac eata-l>!i-lum-nt for the f»lioe-honndfi. The Hritnh (ioveruinent still looka with imlifTerence on the polictwlog. nn< I
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  • 202 2 The seventh annual m-ral meetiuu of the ClientooeHe Syndicate ».a* held on MomUy at Ipoh. aays the Tinu* of Malaya. In the unavoidable aburnoe of tin Cbairinan, Mr. Malcolm Ihincan, owinf{ to indispiautioa, Mr. Ocorgc Ritchie of Heawood Katatc, a codirector, wan voted to the chair. Tlie
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 Emaciated Adults NEED IL KEPLER' SOLUTION (OF COO Lift* 011 tm BSIT IMTO4CT) This delicious, digaUfr body builder exerts its influence upon the very source of nutrition —the blood. It fills the veins with rich, vitalising blood, and rapid improvement takes place. The cheeks 61 out. the limbs become covered
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    • 13 2 For all internal oomplaiala. Dyaaatary Cooßfaa, Colda, oto* taka Wooda' Greai Peppermint Cure.
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    • 388 2 WAH HENG CO. Photo^r*a\phlo Stores i DBVBU)PINO. PRINTING BNUARG INO AMATBUB8 1 WORK. Plafcoa. Papait* FUma, famaliih, Pbotograafata BTiUriili FraoMt of awry raiiatf aiaaa ta ardor No. 95, North Bridge Rd., Oppoaite adaipfai Botal. M C. HELD AND CO. ACSRUSTUNOBOBBCHAKT BCHIFFE ANDPLMTAGEN Offijr CaTaoaßh Bridge Boildiac*. nppo aits General Poat
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    • 179 2 When creek meets Gmli. ilu-n comes the lux nl w.ii Init when Sunlight Snap m«<is the \\crU\ \\.isl« u i- .m «.is\ triumph. < SUNLIGHT SOAP SI M H4II SFECIAT, IDISIFIj^Tr or Necklaces. Diamonds. Rubies and Pearls. Peridots and Pe.irlAmethy>sts and Pearls. Topaz ami Pearls. Turquoise and Pearls. Jade. PRICES
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  • 891 3 FORMER FIRST LORD OF THE ADMIRALTY. lugganlor of the Fbhtyuvd Route Karl (ay dor. one of the gu-aU-st railway administrators of hix time, aud Kir-t I^.ml irf tli. Admiralty in tlie last I'iiiomtration. liaH pawmd away at '1.. U iyl.l <•( a stu uuoiit and active
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  • 159 3 In the HotiNt- of CoUiinuUN, un Kt'bruary IS, Mr Noel limton ank«l tin- Sccn-Ury of SUtt- (or Koreicn Aflairn wbethcr a bill luul been introduced into tin- Dutch House of Parliament tor the expropriation of certain ouncrwtonaire < oinpaiiK s of Java, ran largely by
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 434 3 MAINTAINS THE UIGUESI REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE VOUft WEALTH and Fortify the* System against Disease with Pronounc*d by the HIQHCftT MEDICAL AUTHORITIES roV-S^ul Jorpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, ad j: WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN BLOC D. Fortify the System against Disease litta PURE BLOOD. (WILKINSONS SARSAPARILLA <u aa^S^
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    • 35 3 kheumatk Pain*. When yon have rbeumatiam in your foot or intt« p apply Chambrrlainii I'ain Balm aad yuu will Ki-tuunk relief. It coat* bat a trifle. Why suffer? Fur vale by all Dispcoaariea and Dealer*.
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    • 344 3 jrni Sozodoivt J HgflfU Fwrj—t wet a tootliwash or powoVr. V?V^ Maat are Ml tatutrd ami tr>- one aflrr anothrr. Aad till Ihe Irctri are not a> \vKit< hvgiennalK 3lf#iAUUj^»J 4^ M lhr> llllIO (1 nr-i ij^ I Let tkeiD try SO/ODONT w^V»M*-*-^^rt'atl It Jon what wanted and i»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 581 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. \K~V~O. STEAM MVIGITION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN. PENANO. CBYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT, MEDITERRANEAN, PORTS, PLY MOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Ladiag iaaned for China Coast, Persian Ualf, Continental, aad American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 I Delhi
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    • 534 4 BTEAIEJ BAIUH6B. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly servioe is maintained be tweea Yokohama via porta to Marseille*, London aad Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, aad are fitted
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    • 655 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO U. 8. MAIL LIME. The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN aad BUROPB, via Honolulu tad Saa Francisco, oparaMaa; the new 18,000 Baa, twin screw rs KORBA and SIBERIA, together with the well known ilin— CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICB
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    • 290 4 STEAMER BAIUHQS. Canidian Pacific Railway Co '8 Royal Mall Steamehip Line. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BCBOPB Via Cbiha, Jatam, Canada ajro thb L'sitsd States. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nssaaaki (Inland Saa of Japaa), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Vancouver. R.M.S. Bmpress of India") Twin screw aM.B."-»" fl X.M.S. Bmpreas of
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    • 579 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA UNE. HAMBURG. MB DEUTSCHE DAMPFSCHIFFFAHRTSGES. 'HANSA BREMEN. Combined S«rvlc«. The steamers of tbese Companies maintain a ragaJar service btlwua Hamborg, Bremea. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg aad oaos a month tor Bremerbeven direct,
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    • 672 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Horddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well known mail steamers ot this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via RoMardam, Antwerp, Bonlheatp ton, Gibraltar Oenoa. Naples (conaeotaofl Mart'-illee, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Hoax. Aden. Colombo. Peaang, Singapore. Hongkong.
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  • 197 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, Warcta 14. Higb Water, 10 8 ajn., 11.8 p.m. SioKspore Assirr*. S C. C. Tennis Tournament Concert, Ttutonia Clab. Wednesday March 15. High Water, 10 40 am, 11.88 p.m. S C. C Tennis Tournament I, M C A. Debate, 9 p.m. Thursday. March 16. High
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  • 204 5 To DAT. I'ontian.k BtaUinGaan 8 pm Batu I'aliat Aing Hin 8 pm lVnang and Calcutta Kum Sang pm Port Dickson and Port Switteuham Malacca 8 pm llatu Sri Woogsee Bpm Hongkoog. Sbsogbai and Japan rlecstrae 8 pm Muar aad Malacca Ltdy Weld 4pm Bangkok Singapore 4
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  • 129 5 The Imp. (itrinan mail steamer Kl*i»t having left Colombo on Sunday, the l-'lh instant, at 4 p m., may be expected to arrive hen on Saturday, the 18th insi at daylight. Tbe B I. contract packet steamer Tee.ta. liaving Uft NuKspateui at 11 a.m. oa Sunday, tbe
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  • 398 5 Latest Arrivals. Amhrr.t, Brit. str. 185 tons, Capt Scott. Mar 11 From S»njb\s, Mar 11. Go. and 14 d.p. Tluok Ek Kjr I'jotianak, Mar 16. I; 'ads II tn Yong lam Brit. str. 2ho ton*, Capt Angus. Mar 18 From Batavia, Mar 9. Oe. and f.i p. Hock
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  • 101 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TtNJONG PAGAR. East Wbaik Basin Nam Yoag. East W. Sbction No. 1 -Thong wa, Bharata. Whakp-Nil. |dwiaa Maim W. Sbct. No. 3— Baron Fairlie. Snow- 8 l.\i Sang. 4— Stambool. f— Marodu. 6 K-cmuo.
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  • 360 5 Arrivals i'er steamer Mahidol, March 18. From Bangkok Mi«s Donl and Mr. Lui;. Per *'«amer Bin Vodk Seng, M*rcli 13. From H*t4>i» Mr J J. na fltmrnhnim n Par ktetmer de Kork, March 13 —From Djtmbie: Mewr* C. Hi»ch* and C Urwn. Per ateamer Ln Sang. March
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  • 234 5 Finance Commerce. BnoAPoaa. Mac. h 14, 1911. On Lobdom- Bank 4 m/a 1/4 A Damaad 1/4* Private Obi/* 1/4 i do 8 m/» 24, On Oiuim Buk d/d 140 Private S m/i 344 Chi FkAMca— Bank d/d MS Private m/« IW, Ok India Bank T. T. 1741 Private 80 d/«
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    • 175 5 lama !5 Vtinti 10 10 BeUt Tin 10 10 Brouf 10 10 Bnwah Hyd 10 10 Kaaaboi 41 XI Kioto Tin 41 41 KledaogTia 10 10 Kuaotto Tin 41 41 L»to»l Mine. 10 10 lUlaeoft Tin 5 6 I'shaoß Cooaol £1 XI l'.-nuk«l.-n 41 41 I'anng Bftbra 41 41
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    • 633 5 Iwue 7 1 VftlM^ Bnyen. SWkn. if- AlUftar 4/11 1,8 if. If- An*Jo Malay 1.8.6 1 M« V- 1/ B4tawK*liki 3,0 8, £1 XI B«taC*TM 15.100 £1 41 B»»a Ti«m 6.V.6 6 10.0 £1 XI Bukit Kajang '2.IU.0 3 0.0 XI XI Bakit Lintel* 4 10 0 6.0.0
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    • 124 5 I«oe 2 Value Bayer*. 10 10 liHin Smetttog 10 f 675 41 41 Bleetrie Tnonji 8/8 10 10 Praaer Neave 88.00 ICO Howarth Ernkine 100 7% Pret 9000 tOO 100 KaU Bro. Drt 100 100 B 8% Chip. PnL 10 10 Mayoard Co. 24 60 Sellen Dom 1000 700
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    • 49 5 Bayer. Sellen Howarth Brakine 6% 1800,000 par Riley, Uarßreares 6% 1384.000 2* 8* pn Singapore Electric Tramways S% 18*0,000 Spore Municipal 6% ***** 000 nom. Buyer. SeUan B'pore Municipal 4|% of 1007 »1.«OO.COU 6% 7%pm 8 pure Mouioipai of 1908 11,000,000 7% N%pm Spore Municipal 4% M<M.«OO T%pm
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 Oar politicians have their fling Of course," aaid Dismal Daa; But can I agree on anything Bo»b>ew m« if they oan t Said Cheerful Cbarles You're got the blues. But needn't make thing, bluer They all agr<* to take tin ir screws, I Aad WooJs' Great Peppermint Cure
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    • 208 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Mar 14.— At saleroom, a abare in the aaaets aad affect, of and in a partnership called tbe Melrkek Rubber Co at 3JM Mar. 15 At saleroom, (even gentleman s saddle*, etc at 11. March 15. At ralerooa forty cases Sterilised Milk, at 11. M.r.
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    • 1197 5 LAMBERT BUTLER'S bfe= Smoking Ifb'S^lfl Mixtures. i^£§jjj[J PACKED IN Mb. AIR-TIOMT TIMS PIKSE: nCTB.ra.THI aMSja-**---^ OUT UNABLE AT R^*BafesSßßßß«aVas^ft John Little A Co.. Ltd., h^^||| tan p99VBCaBBB*aW^P3>J Robinson A Co. PRIC£ n CTB Xl TIN MALACCA PLANTERS ASSOCIATION. Ibe next General Meeting of above Association will be held in the
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    • 147 5 HIGH-CLASS T.i.phon. No. eit». UNDERTAKING. Mniss Str^t. Smltpor.. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Waga to inform the public that the kind patronage accorded bim daring the pn few years, has made it at pessary for him to aoquire another naiw Rubber. tyrad Haara a, which sorpaases all other. In the
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  • 1094 6 The Straits Times TUESDAY MARCH 14. MALAYAN GANG ROBBERIES. The high roatbi of Malaya are probably an *afi- aa the streou of London, and if anyooe attempted to become sensational becaune there han been a ■omewhat aaaty KanK rubbery at (teuuw. we should treat their fears with contempt. In a
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  • 44 6 A Chinese coolie, while resting after having carried a load of rice, on Saturday at North Boat Quay, suddenly dropped dead. The sale of valuable promises in Beach Street. l*enang. the property of Ng 800 Bee, of l'erak. is postponed further to .lune 18.
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  • 44 6 One of the moat flagrant cases of milk adulteration that has come before Mr. Firmstone. nrst niagiatratu. for some time waa brought by lnspect>ir Cuckney today. The percentage of added water waa 60. The Kengah whose work it was was fined ll<lo ami cost*.
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  • 21 6 Mr. P. I'owan. living at Kamimng Bahru. n-iuwts Ui Uie yxAvx Ww tlu-ft of YXI. f..r which he Hiispects a syce-
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  • 21 6 Mrs. of the OnenUl Hofal. North Bridge Road, alleges that her premise* were broken into last night and t*o stolen.
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  • 26 6 The e\ sultan of lUiio is said to be taking up his residence in Trengganu. with the Knler of which State he i- connected by marriage.
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  • 30 6 For failing to report the fact tliat his wife was suffering with smallpox, a svev employe! by Mr. A brains. Orchard Road", was to-day fined MO, or fourteen days' imprisonment.
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  • 29 6 The Coininoawualth linverniiient of Aus trails is appointing a British omeer u< ot-|{s nise an extensive system of wircltwt telegra pliv. (lovernment ban rucouiiuendeil Adim ral Ili-mli i .it
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  • 32 6 Mrs. Choa (iiang Tbye and Mi < h<* Eng Wan be|< to thank the laihes and men wlk> have been kind eumiyh Ui -hu» their sympathy towards them in their late sad bereavement.
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  • 33 6 A labourer named Bedford lias confesMsl to and circumstantially described the tuunler of a watchman at Uie Cafe Koyal iv London, which he intended to burgle on the night of December 5. IWM.
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  • 35 6 Reuter understands that a Koyal procla mation eoiicerning Uie lvlhi Durbar may Is oxpocUol as soon as the actual 'Lite i- if M od. The proclamation will be issued simul taneously in Kngland awl India.
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  • 37 6 In order to avoid clashing with an evening fixture in Uie Victoria Theatre, the usual weekly practice of the Philliaraionic orchestra will be held in th. Victoria Memorial Hall on Mon, lay afternoon next, at five o'clock.
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  • 35 6 A salutary fine of f&H). wiUi the alterna tive of six weeks' nu|>ris»nment. was impoHed by Mr. Kobinson. third magistrate, yeatorday. on a Chinaman convicted of aaatisting in the management of a common gaming house.
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  • 33 6 A correspondent ask- from when do tli Portuguese d.tle their arrival iv the h'ar Kast'.' From UN when l>i.^. > L«M ii Higoeira Malacca, or fn>m Augu-t I.. 1.111. when Albuquerque capturol Malacca.
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  • 50 6 It will interest I, sal shipjiing people to learn that during a recent |ieriod of tlin-.-months, vessels an aggregaU' tonnage Ml 1..v- liave boen treau-d with thef.inioii- litxl Hand brand composition manii factureil by Suter. Hartmann and Kahtjen. for which the local agents are Me»sr-. Meyer and Co.
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  • 71 6 The spirit of her late departed husband appeared to Hoh Ah Wan. at In r pr, nt husband's aboile. lti Ai:i,,y Stnrl. Is-t ni^ht -h. -a\- and prou:|ited h.i to sit fir. to the houst-. She did her U-«l by thr.,» inn a lighUsl rag. saturated with kerosine. below th.
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  • 63 6 Singap.>r> n.-w do^ dtUi'tm did not oul ou duty lasl uiyht. a- wa- nitt-ml. .1. He was "off colour. The ruason ascribed t., tin- is Uiat he wa- U-.i-«-,l U>, much on i^e out. but neverthless. it mention the fact without pi. tliat he -|>ent yeKtortUy iv th. m. i
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  • 69 6 Two Malays appeansl in the thud court. JsastenUy sru-rn.sui. and «.r.c..nvi, t ci I of a charge of retaining stolen property. The property involved was jewi llery to the vmlne of f.H'ii which hatl been stolen from a Chine**' trader while travelling a* a pansen ger on board the
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  • 73 6 Duan Bartlett ha* been appointxl th. rir-t Chancellor of the I'hihppim-- CniviT»ity. He was bom in IH.'>2 in Hsverhill. Ma— ai-hu— tHe gnuluaUtl at Dartmouth College and finally became a lecturer on Knglish lan guage and liurature at various educational institutions in the Cnitisl States. He is author of First
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  • 91 6 At Uie opening of Uie V.M.C.A. I'srlianiin tary I>ebaUng Society to-morrow evening His Kxcelleney the Governor will prenide. The Speaker of the Parliament I- Uie llev W. Murray. M.A.. and it* committee consist* of Messrs. K. Warner. K S. Adler. K C Peck. K 11. Kobinson. and the General Secretary.
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  • 90 6 Mr. lleineken. general director of theNorth German Lloyd Co.. lia* been travelling Uiroiigh the K*r Kast inKpectiui; tin .oiidi tions of the various Lloyd agencies and in vestigating the conditions of the traus|iort businuHM and the pnmibilitieH of increasing Uie facilities of the uoni|ianv. which is mak ing great progres*
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  • 110 6 A scheme in on foot to p»ul>ii«h a free public library in Kuala I.uiMpui fur all race*. It ia hoped to raise |15O,(W0 la cover all coat including a handsome l>iiilding on a hiUgranted by Government. The Hclieuic li.-i--roceived approval in hiuli <|uarU:ra. Tl»> Malay Mail obwrv<» For a tuwn
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  • 380 6 I'll. .It-nth Irn-H taki-n |>1»<-.' .>( Mr Kllmt Stock. the |»uhlish.r Hi. death is MNMd Mr Robert Speuce Watw>n. P. C. Mi X .1 .laikson. Lieub'naut (iovereorof East Africa, lias been a|H,ioint«d (ioveranr of I'ganila. Hi- MsjCMtv kiln; (iiiir^e i- U -..i, nearly every day riding in
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  • 115 6 Anothei prnsaiution f,,i ..irryini; passenger- on a l.«»l steaim i the second within a week wa-heanl by Mr KirinsUine. ii -I i.i i mlant in i- tli. i| of ill. Kuin Sant; .Hid hi .t'llilltUil Ilimiiu orn-il 114 th. -1 I fraction beiug. presumably, a
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  • 237 6 It i- officially notified that the ilistribu Ha of umpires and officer-'i^ forces during the military „|si.tlioiis in Singapore on tlic night of March IM 19 will be a* follow- DMIMkJ Suff- l>initol. Major- Genernl T. K. SWphenson, I 11.. Com iiiandiuu Troops S H
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  • 269 6 ri,, wArn <>f Mr. ii ii Kilt-. ..(Mcmtm. Francr ami l'tnuiuiti|(. aii'l Mi-- I. mi i Spitta! lU.t.b. of lu-Im«. «tm 5..1. iiiiii/1-.I at St. Andrew I l\ttlnilntl OB Saimdiiv aft. i noon. iu-i>ii l/ard ofliciatint; Mi V H. c.llius hU m hart i. i.m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 Try ohsntfe of WhUky to MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Parliament Blend. c7 w IAC6BE6OB. CALDBECK 4 CO,, London and Glasgow. BaTAßuaaio IHO4. A. >u|>|.ti-.| ti> tni Nouti or i osoj tni house or coaaoss »n.| t" th* houses or raauaMcaT. caaaea CALDBECK. MACGREGOR CO.. Bole A^enti. BENSON'S j GOLD EXPANDING BRACELET WATCHES
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    • 264 6 TtU LATEST MAIL IIW4 ALHAMBRA New Subjcts I New Subjects I I OUR BRANO PtOBMHHE TOHD6HT imcludkh nuis rmoM Pat*. Wmm aaa Mar* aeriaa, (New). Also Artistic and Hnmormis Pictarea. aaartaaa Uaaaw. Comedy. Baaeiaa *aaa Ur. (New). Win Ce. ftaaelal Cee*. *New). ONLY HKiH-CLAHS PROIirCTIUNS KXHIBITED AND man m ULmmm
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    • 13 6 latwrt adrertisemeaU of the day appear on page 5 as well as ri.
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  • 174 7 BOLD SCHEME FOR BUILDING A FLEET. Admiral Henderson's Proposals. IUITES TRLKURAH. 1...nd0n. March 14. M.-lhoiirne Ulegrain says Uiat Admiral Henderson Ink. presented a report on Aus tralian .lefeaoe. uniiicnds a |Mrogramme of construe ti.m sVtide.l into .|iun<piennial eras, Uh- fleet tn lx i-omplettxl in twenty two years at
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  • 91 7 MEXICAN CROWD ENJOYS THE SPECTACLE. U. S. Intenention Not Desired. Krutrr's THnMsUM. Lmrmb, Much U A MB .-l:|s \ri/011.1. slate* that a battle between th. Mexican* t.-.k plao- I lay. j, Fi\>- ImMMrI in- irgenta emerge.! with MM an. l tin.. I RMMMi atlacke<l th. r.lxls
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  • 48 7 Important Concessions to Ships Crews. Drk ll>riMvi-H> InMMJ TMsMsUB. Bt rlin. March IX The HMMMnj shipping MMMMI have reaolved to Teaa th. a-anaaofsUni tmm tin lx fining of Apiil. lii.-r.. is.'* for long m-i\i... n ...ntrol of f.-«l. and irguUtion of )s<\ f.u overtime are b.ingph,i..i..l
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  • 76 7 LUIT POLD CELEBRATIONS. Drr OnvMtafMCMl LlnW* TsmMssasl Berlin. March 18. There wax much enthusiasm at the unveil ing of Uie »lU> Wittclsbacl •niiment in Munich The Kmpvroi William lias |in imtwi his portrait M Prune l,uit|«.|.| At the Ih-rlin l*alace celebrations the K-tis.l and Kais. mi enU-rtsl K-h-liuu the I
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  • 26 7 Drr i>»tasiaiis< iik InVNS Tklkoram. Pk rim. March 1:!. I'll" ap|x>ilitliH-llt of Vie Admiral II. .1 I Vhnllal in < hi. f is
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  • 45 7 D«t« OsTAsl.TI*. H« I.LOVI. TKUOKAM. lUrlin. M an h 1 .1 I 1,. 1:..-t..n 1 hamlx 1 .it Commerce is MMsMsig 1 faj I^l "f stutly for Ann 1 lean business men Ih. > will tray. lin < i.i main in .Inn. ...,.l J,l>
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  • 41 7 Ilintk I LMMMK March 14. V I banks lcl.-_;rani MM the new I ihui. I has pi.s.iiK.l t.i the M.-jliss Si j will. l.n as Premier and War Minister, aud Mutasham suit. 11.. h .is Minister f..r Foreign Affair.
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  • 39 7 iFkoM a Malacca CoHrrsponi>k*t.) Malacca, March 11. Information has been by Malacca Kubhci Plantations. Limited, that tlie price of tint Para in Loudon yesterday was 7' |M Ih VMM. 1 li. i..irklt l..scd .(til. I
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  • 300 7 A Pioneer of the Singapore Pilot Service As ni.h.ate.l in onr edit»m of yesterday cable advice* have been received in Singapore announcing tlie death. U Dresden, (ier many, on Sunday of Mr. H. M. John, for many years a member of the local Pilot
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  • 626 7 Proposed Hall of Residence to be Opened After Easter. It is prohtthlc that after Ka«.tcr a hall of rii.ul nee for Chine*, students will be opened 111 \j ndoii. A committee lia« ln^n for some timecon-i.l -ring the matu-r. and. on February M.nuull approved the scheme,
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  • 185 7 Ih. Census for 1911 was taken at IVnang on Fnday night. Dr. .1 S Itosc and Mr Ward were the officers in charge of the census work within the Municipality. Dattaf Weld <^u.i\. s;i\s the I'inaiig l.ajU'tt.', there are inniimerahle shanties where people sleep at
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  • 494 7 UNCORROBORATED TESTIMONY OF ACCOMPLICES. Magistrates Conviction Quashed. Mr. Justice Fisher baa delivered judgment iv the appeal of Ang Ueck Joan v. Ng K» Seng, quashing tlie conviction of a police official accnaed of demanding money from persons under arrest in respect of bail, and reserving a
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  • 405 7 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Report. Writing from London on February Itt. Messrs. S. Montagu and Co. state -The ar rivals of bar gold were about i*7< l.l of which CMMM w«.s mmmmt for India. Tins 1, a record for shipment in one week during recent
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  • 67 7 I'ort Dickson Kubber Ok. Ltd. UM Ib. Indragiri Suinatrai Kubber and (tntta |xn ha Co.. 1.t.l -rubber 7.(1 Ib.. gutU|» rcha 67 Ih. I^aruulron ItuhU r Kstatea, Ltd.— W.942 Ib. Correapontling month last year 'JU/>SH Ib. Total for first two months of 1011 58.4 M Ib. Total
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  • 57 7 1 Mr. A. A. Outicrrel ha* died at Hongkong. Deceased, who waa about 4H years of age, > waa chief clerk in the Hongkong and Sliangliai Bank, in w Inch institution be had > been employ. si for upwards of thirty years. Mr. (iutiemw waa a prominent and n«pectrd m.
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  • 981 7 MILITARY ASSIST IN PUTTING BIPLANE TOGETHER. Features of M. Christiaens" Machine. Tht- matntinal repoae of the race-course was broken this morning by tlie preparati<Hia for the aviation meeting \hat opens there on Thursday. The Bristol biplane with which M. iirixtiaena ia to make his flights was unpacked
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  • 120 7 Paaaago. have been b.«ik.-.l by the N K liner Kaiuo Maru. for Hrinoe an-l Prinoemt Iligashi Fimhimi. who are to represent la|xui at the Coronation of King George. Tlieir Imperial HighnenaeH embark 00 the Kaiuo Maru. leaving Yokohama on April Vt. The wiiite of rooms iwniwl
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  • 397 7 Government Servant Pleads Guilty To Serious Charge. When the moood Aasixen of the prenent year opened at the Supreme Court, tin* morning, before the Chief Justice. Kir W. 11. Hyndman .lone*, there were nineteen priaon en awaiting trial. One in indicted for criminal breach of trnat an a
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  • 497 7 Special Commissioner Explains His Views. Th. S.^ reUr\ ..f ih. North R (ham I* i .if Ciiiiiiii rt-< has iimoed a circular U> tin ineiiilx-i-s referring I" a r..inl coiumitU<e m. -.-t inn of the I lutmU-r whirh wan faroared «ith the presence of Mr. W.
    497 words
  • 242 7 In the House of Commons on February 13, Mr. Hums inform.-.) Mr K. II Uiat the .h» Ui< Is iii liiiih wlii.h wire a(T.-<l.-.| with ula^iie were remote from the districts fi win. I. pirn luul lii-.ii impurted to thin itMintry No cireuniHtan.-eM ha.) ariw-n m
    242 words
  • 70 7 NEW ZEALAND PREMIER URGES COOPERATION. One For Purposes of Defence. RrI'TRRH TILKi.RAIf. London. March I.H. luey U-1.-Kram itayn tliat Mr. Ward, the New Zealand IVeinier. *p.*kiiiK at a ban.pi.t. mplu»M/.-<l tIM- fart that. I.— i and more oryaniHul i o o|ieration of Ui. with the Motherland
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  • 81 7 RUMOURS OF INCREASED FRICTION. Further Discussion Useless. Rsttkr'. Tnn.kiK Unmloo. Mar. h II Th«- Norm- riMiiya <1.-clar<>-. that furtlM^ diaeaaaionK with I'lnna an- u«.l<>»s. and an ultimatum must be prn«'Dl«l. I*RR OaTAKIATHMBR LtMB TrUIORAM. Ihrlm. Mar. h 1:1 i.|»irt in th. St i lbs, rv. i w\>
    81 words
  • 52 7 Terrible Mortality Among Chinese Doctors. Rai'TiKH m*. ii. l:<. A M l'.-t. -r*nurg m.s., lv st it.-t thai eighteen out of iiiii.u-.ii GMmH d.x-tors at till II li .ii h. 1 Hl.' I. 111;.'-. I .-.I of tilt plague. Th«- hospital is u> be
    52 words
  • 61 7 Hr.l IfK TltLr"..!: m 1...H.1..U. Mar. h 1 I lv llu.- Ho»*-«r match Knglan.l 1 played at New Cross, th. Knghsli fur war. Is swarmed tli>- Welshmen s g.ial. but tin-* ting a steady defeli 1.-. I Vft.r half tun. tin- .Icf.n.. hi -.k. down. an.l
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  • 23 7 Fli'iH Ilk OWa C.u:l:K-|-.i\|.> \t I hwn Mar. h 11 Pcuaug hasiss-n awards) the Sw.ttcnhaui cricket ti.iphv for 1910.
    23 words
  • 82 7 Proposal to Sell the Undertaking to An English Concern. iKhom Oik Ow> I'<irrkhimim>icm.i IViutng. M.U. h If V <i<vml meeting the K.tstern Smelting Com|xinv is call.-ilfoi ih. J"lli nut at which i: is |.i.i|>...--.l in auih.iri*. Mi J.-sscn to sell tin nndti-takiug. subject u> its liabilities. to
    82 words
  • 101 7 Tin |m tin. hi "f Sii Cliarle* .1.;. au.l otlicrs lor tli.- <|ml >r v winding "I 1 the l-oudon ami I' hum syndicate. Limiltsl. came bef..n- Mi .ln-tn Swiufen Katly. vi the Chancery Division, m February 14, when Mi ii.,ii. llr'ownc.
    101 words
  • 85 7 I'll, "v.lltll \fl| an II. Ml.. ..t Illlllv IIM.Hrn n.i rmmmj ..i Hit i Itlll win. li contains ,i < lansc .1. l«rrin.; ..n rilrfn mail Ultra, t* with any BBRBfana HMM) granting debate*. Sir IV linuif iiiiiiikU r of |»mU an. l talMNahs. mtr.xlii.iu>;
    85 words
  • 73 7 In Ui. Curt f Foreign Cause*, Bangkok. an action brought l>> the Itaoque de I liiiln Chine. xuing Mcsms .1 l> Macarth.u and Co. Ltd. hi the mini of T.-s ilium, phis interest bein,} amount due to the hank mi mi overdraft l>. fcudant* admitted th. over <lrmft and the
    73 words

  • 362 8 Details of the Championship and Other Competitions. Below are given the results in tlie various rounds of recent Singapore Golf flub competitions. Tbe scores in tbe club championship wore an follows FiasT Roi'Kb. IY.K v r heat Tripp 6 and 4. Millar Im-ai WmU-r I up. ampin
    362 words
  • 422 8 Results of Recent Association and Rugby Matches. The following ii. football rutultn on lli. 4th inst inaU lies b<-in« played on the ground of tin' ftrst BasjaaJ aj :1> Diviaiaa 1 Notts PavaatO, Brad lord t it\ Evertoa 1. > \wU -rUml 1 llnstol f itv ct.
    422 words
  • 49 8 'I h< of the reoonstrui U«l PlanU-ni' Unsasataai of llntish North Ihirnto consist a] M. mbb. W. r f AMiiMiit. m liairuiaui I! I imilmiii ,li.,u. mi retaryi and Memni. Mi rinoii. \^.u ami Anilerxon. They were r.ii ntl\ ,u...r.1,-.l an inUivicw by H. E. the iuliiih (ioveruor
    49 words
  • 92 8 In the Hakim f tip competition yesterday at the Kaffies Reclamation Uround. tin Kathol Munir opposed the Kaffik Moallirain. The former won by two goals to nil. A friendly football matdi played between tbe Bukit Bahru Football Association and the National In ion ended in a draw
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  • 60 8 Sepoy Lines OoH Club. Mish Morri* lia* won the Sepoy Lines Ml flub ladies' medal for March with Uie excellent n. tt acore of 41. The following canU were returned: Mim Morn. Mim llnniL Hunt Mm. Hell Mr*. OuiHluHrr Minn Klcum Mm. KeiUi o=4l an is 49 57 10
    60 words
  • 335 8 S. C. C. Tournament. Following are the results of yesterday* play in the aY C U unio tournament: A. DMWs (■mint and Howe v. Kveritt and Millar. ]«>«t|>oned. MilcM and I'rabli Watt v. Cox and Ti>*lii»\>\ unfin. H Duiblks. Keutter and Moling beat Ruchwal<ly mid Scoular. 7 ft
    335 words
  • 180 8 •in February 27. tbe amifttant District Officer. Kriau" sitting with two Malay «.w«ir.. diiipowxl of a cane under the Malioineilan Law Enactment, in which a Malay, named Mat, was convicted of tlit- afliaaa of having enticed away an iiniimrritil girl from her lawful guard iana. and
    180 words
  • 813 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 14, 1911. Mini I Lyall and Evatt, Exchange aad I Share Broken, iasoe tbe following list of I quotation* tin. morning: Nom. Value. Buyers. Solera. 2/- AlkflV 4/11 5/74 H Option. /I Anglo-Jen 7/9 9/8 1 Anglo Johore
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 53 8 Aiuwtr to the Question. How U> run- a <t>l«l is a i|iu-Mtiun in which ninny an inUn-1..l juitt nuw. h.unUr i^li Baaaaaj luu> Ma its great m piitati.'U »ii. l mum UM- Kale by its n-uiark-nl.l. .in.- aaatm, Ltaaa a'lwuy* be <lc|a n.Uii u|a>u. K<« saU' by all I >i>[aiisarit«
      53 words
    • 35 8 This Is It. tThe latent eaten tiflc preparation of COD LIVER OIL Djes all that is claimed for it aad supersedes tbe old taahioaed emulate* whioh upset tbe stomaeb. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 11.25 AND $2-00
      35 words
    • 12 8 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all latemal oomplaiaU Dysentery, Ooagba. Cold* eta.
      12 words
    • 587 8 LIdHOHL PtNANO The baat aad tbe most frequented Hottluitbelslaad, aad CBAfl HOTEL The only Hiaatorinm ia the Straita, ana thb iu«ciH or RAFFLES HOTEL. BARKIBB BROTHERS, Pioptiaiun. a3TBO LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PUMTER BIUIT WANTEO. A Daaa, 81 yearn of ags, frradaate from the Daaiah Auricoltnral University, seeks position as a planter.
      587 words
    • 416 8 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, March 18. CAU AT Moutrie's FOI THE PIANO Proven by 38 years' Experience OVER 1.900 DISTRIBUTED IN ALL TARTS OF CHINA AND TUB STRAITS. m S.MOUTRIE&CO .LO. TUB ARCADE. CLERK WANTED. Wanted, a thoroughly experienced Clerk to make np Estate Account*, aad to copy
      416 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 241 9 BOXING. BOXING. THEATRE ROYAL North Bridie Road. America mm* England's Greatemt Light Wmlgmtm. BATTLING NELSON VS. OWEN MORAN. Klevon fast and runous round*. knock downa. and MoiaaV terrible left hook to tbe Body, *Jiowin« tbe Greatest Knockout over produotd ia any fight picture. THIB WILL BE BHOWN ON THURSDAY WIGHT
      241 words
    • 920 9 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING MCE MEETING (C/aaV 8. JL A. BmU* of Boeing), Will be held oa Toeaday, May 0, Thursday, May 11, aad Saturday, May IS. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tu«»<Uf, Mmy9. 1. THE OPENING STAKES.— VaIue 1600. A Handicap for Hone* that have aever won a Stake of
      920 words
    • 501 9 are five Start ere, tha property of different owmora. NOTE 1 Tns at tent ion of ownaw ia called to Rule SB, which makes tha hour for Scratching 5 p.m. on the DAY BEFORE the Raoe. Owner* of Orifflu are entitled to eater (or either of the following aerie* ol
      501 words
    • 196 9 patronized '2^RMaaTEwfcs&\ X b\ royai.i v /S) LADIES AND CENTS' J^v GOLD S) WfITCHES K. -Jiß*^^ Or various patterns at Lowest Prices. B. P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller, HIQH STREET. YAMATO'S Spring SALE COMMENCES MARCH 1. 41, HIGH STiR/EIKT. FURTHER REDUCTIONS In thm PHom of MICHELIN TYRES From the 15th
      196 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 476 10 INSURANCE. fiREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. iMd Office Winchester House, SINOAPORB. Board of DtPOOtOPO I A. Dbbbick, Bag.. Chairmaa. A. H. Faib, Bag Managing Director. faraa Fowlib, M.a., cm Chief Mad. Officer r. M. Bluot. Sea. Rer. N. J. Oocvaai a Tow No»s iaa, Beri. Owe 8oo« Tbb, Btq
      476 words
    • 279 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASiuuME Mamm of Ham EsTaausaß» 198». Insuraiies ia Force, over ...SI7,MMM Now ■iißlUßll. 1909. over JUwMM Mot «ii>plMa above liaailiaea for raaerve and all outstandiag olaima, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over MMM was set aside M a special addition to Policy iiantn. J. H. EVANS, Manager, Sooth
      279 words
    • 513 10 BMHUNt CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRAUA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT BOTAL CHARTER Paid op Capital ia MMJOO Shares of £30eaoh 11.J00.000 Reserve Kund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... 41.300 000 BANKERS. National Baak ot Scotland. The Loadoa City a Midland Baak, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Curreat Accounts an opened and interest
      513 words
    • 590 10 BANKING. THE IZE HAI TONB BAWJMB AND INSURANCE OIL LTD. NO. IT AND 68, RUNG BTBEBT. Batablishsd 1907. Caaaai paid op IIJOOJOO.OO Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,***** COURT OF DIBBGTOBB. 1. Tarn Taoa Jook S. Sn Kia Jam 8. Nam Km Saao 7. Tao Hoo Lai I. Liao Cmia Hbmo
      590 words
    • 1391 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OaT Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Etc., THE PROPERTY OK O. C. WATSON. ESi.i AT 71-W. RIVER VALLEY KOAD. Oaf Saturday, March 18, mt 2.30 p.m. Beautifully carved task cabinet with miiror panels ezoelUot teak drawing loom anite opbolstend ia red baise carved teak whatnot'- with
      1,391 words

  • 687 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Redaciog Maioteaance Costs. At the moment inventor* are bony endeavouring to lemen the annual maintenance bill of inotorisU. Tyres pronent to the mirxU of many the chief expenae of a oar. Whether tliey are. right or not i« a matter of
    687 words
  • 291 11 A Thousand Leave Malaya for Their Home in India. It will probably interest planter* U> Uuow one tlioiiHanil aaalni lift I'ort Swetten ham Unt week, (or N<t>a|iat«iu. Thin (act. aayn tin- Malay Mail, giri-* unc furiou-ly to think. To take ih« (^rtumitic view, we are ulail to
    291 words
  • 46 11 I n<l«-r the will of I'itpuin TlxmiaM llndgm llmthorn, ILA., who left mtate of the groan value of X7t,7fiO, of which the net pontunalty baa been sworn at 174..VM, a rain of £!,(«> goes to Albert Kdwanl Penny, lately t- f~» in the P. and O. Cooipanv
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 350 11 WOLSELEY f^ 2\ IvS NONE SUPERIOR. Full partiruliiis from the Sole Agents: CENTRAL SSES SILENT KNIGHT cc ROVERS Arriving Shortly t 8 Hl'. Mdklc cylinder, four seated Can. 11 H.P., Two-cylinder five seated Can. In Stock i JO H.P., 0 oylinder, mtbd seated. STANDARD," painted Black 15 lIP.. 4-cylm.l.T, fi
      350 words
    • 87 11 Bc*t Liniment. Sli|(bt aooirlanU sd<l injurien an a froquant oocurroooo on the farm aad in the work shop. A cut or bruise which is oftoa the cause of much annoyance and loss of tinxv, may be curwl in abuut uno third tha time umially requirud by applying Chamberlain's fain Halm
      87 words
    • 325 11 Singapore laturalists' Stores. TAXIDERMISTS. BIRDS AND ANIMALS MOINTBD. BTC. DBAfcUS IN mtmw muNT mcm« M aiseisiTU arau nam Bird of Paradise for Sal*. NO. 177. ORCHARD ROAD. SIN6APORL ••i aau WARRANTED RFTEEN YEARS F--\ Oovontry fly 0 r s TMU 1 9.W -M 9 KOIB HUB CHIOIB ft CO. NO.
      325 words
    • 164 11 STANDARD OIL CO., OF NEW YORK. Devoe's Imperial Brilliant 52.70 ix>r em, Sylvan Arrow $2.16 par es)M. Bole Wholesale Selling A^cnii MESSRS. HAS BUAN A COMPANY, Bee Kok Oil Trading Co 4, South Canal Road. DT J.Collis Browne 's M mjft£) *k*r TiiiOmqiNALawd OHH.V OENUIWaH Tke B.M am—if kaowa toe
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 919 12 wmmmm—mmmmm* JOHNSON'S m—m— ELEPHANT' Brand CEMENT. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. PRESSMAN WMTED. I'rrtamsn with fint-class knowledge of WlimMale machine. Only txperienced men nwJ apply Good salary given to suitable msn Apply Printer, c/o S;rait» Times. 261 ASSIS'ANT WINE D. Wanted. Awiniant (or Kubber andTobacoo Ista* m Kriti-h North Bo»n«*
      919 words
    • 580 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUSES TO LET Terrace Houses in Wilkie Road, Raat •26. Immediate entry. Apply Guthrie aad Oo.Ltd. OFFICE GOOOWN TO BE LET. Witb immediats satry Ho. 7. Malaoca Street. Apply to OOTHKIB CO.. LTD. OFFICEBTO LET. Whole of second floor of r iiniiiasl Union Aawjraaee Company's
      580 words
    • 566 12 ARTICLE 3 FOR SOLE. FORBALE. A aew motor boat, 40 H.P., length 82' z 8 z 6. Will cany 20 bags rioe Apply Oaggino aad Co. 8079 b o MOTOR CAR FOR SALE Foor cylinder Darraoq ear, 18 H. P.. seat five, very comfortable, in excellent ooadition; Bargain. Apply K.
      566 words
    • 569 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT ft GO. SHIP CHANDLERS. B**n>Vwß^4ks¥aaßB a it Bbbsbl lameaa>ia*ashskl rtii t■■at n r 1^"""* swttaiMßaßjaii wmm\rwml9r%. Telephone No. 421. 108 A 109. Market Street, NOTICE I, the undersigned, Chua Pong, will not bold myself responsible for aay contract*, or hneiness traasaettd in my name, unless tbe same
      569 words
    • 322 12 NOTICEB. FRASER AND NEAVE. LIMITED. Notice ia hereby given that the Coupon s< rial No. 1H on Miaro Warrant* to B.*nr of this Company for tbe Dividend declared at the rate of 15 and a Btnua oft or together 2U per anntm, on account of the year f nded Slat
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 243 12 Straits '(Dimes. > ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— MiseeJlsne ous wants of every description are inserted at tbe prep&id rate of II pnr four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not BTeeectiug tour lines, II eaeb inanliiia. For p.p.o. cards, on page 6, 12. Ihcb ScAia
      243 words