The Straits Times, 13 March 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.512 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MARCH 13. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 289 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Department. English R^ T&jL^Jm* '"^bblH Manufac ure WBmJ^S^OS^^^ >^a\W 47/f/y. |H rT^S"-"^ GLADSTONE BAGS. <p «j Not Browa Cowhide, in variooa atyloa, e«rb wiili Broad Leatli*r Straps, Braaa fja^,:' ,;isf^' or Nickel Killing, and Kn^lmh tuaaV Lock (^JHH^hP^^ Snea 16"
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    • 215 1 Ac 'v f a TO THOSE ■BSP ROBINSON'S A vary itron|, yet light, Imperial Cabin Trunk. Kitted with wood Bkttena at the top. 91S. Have A Strong Sarvtoaabl* Cabin Trunk. Black Japaoed Canr*, leav'btr Boori ar.d iroo fapporta aa illartration. $17.50 > m M > b-^|^^^^^- LING RUGB. L r^fn^^R^H
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  • 1588 2 LANCET ON DR. GILHORE ELLI&'S ANNUAL REPORT. More Generalisations Acceptable. Tlie Lancet thus ref*>> U> tIM- report of tlie P.C.M.0.. of Uk- Straita SettlementH for 1900:I he r> ]»>i t on tin- medical dppartiuvnt of tlie StraitH Settlement* (or 1900 ia wimewhat lav in itM appearanqp but this
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 620 2 A City Constable 1 ,ii ii J J 1 J asMaasßßsV J 'k'""^ ji Nervous Depression, Lassitude, Rheumatism From all aasds, aapautiaat coaaa to study th* wutknd w»iu-h has made tha I^omlwn (on „ie taper iof to all others. "The s»«-/A,W l>\ vksCM I make ,i\s (Onstablr I awrefHc onsists
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    • 367 2 For all internal ocmplaiass, Dyatntery Courli*. Colda, elr M take Woods' Great PeppcrtDiot Ltxut* MARTIN'S APIOL asTEEL .al^atTforLadiesJ sT*I JnfL, J r*tmmh MmmmtT tar Mil is m. Tv~. n ur~ 1 Mar**, »M.m NM taww. w. -%n «-w M aKM-&calL£a)amaaa4BaaaSaaa. Littk s Oriental Balm Cures Rheumatism If every man and
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    • 156 2 'Kepler' fe Solution MaKcJ Fat. Flesh. 3on* and MujcU J{F Kepler Solution is a food not tf\ V a niediciMe. /7\ i J The food thai strengthens the H 7 weak and fattens the wasted. jCT The food that ennclies the blood /C\ fx^ and fortinei the constitution. T The
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  • 885 3 AN EASY METHOD OF OVERCOMING IT. •>f all tka subtle an. l depressing rff.ft« of beat, auna ia mm trying to the resi.leat ia the tropres than the way it diMurl* sleep E>fn thflaa who have newt known what it i* t<> lie with unclosed Bfßßj
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  • 779 3 THE PRINCIPAL SUBJECTS TO Bl DISCUSSED A Canadian View. An ..Hi. ml |>rt*nimmc uf tlie matters to U IdMruNwvl »t Oh fi>rtli<i>iiiiiiK lui|ierial Ton d^N txo-n [xibllsli.-cl a im^r&.iuiM wlikli. it v. believed, hax been inspirnl >>\ th, (olonial OBi-f. and one which, tlic BtwMj I Standard iin.lcn.Un.l-.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 372 3 THE PLANTERS 1 STORES AGENCY C 0. v LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klanf Port Swattanh.m SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ESTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, Ooogea, Coagulating Pans, Spools, Strainers, Glass, Alnminiam, Earthenware and Terne Plate Latex Oops. Acetic Acid, Coagnlators, Bprayerß, etc, etc. Robber Mangles and Machinery. Large** aad mot variad
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    • 60 3 ■BFOR LADIES"" D-JORET*HOMOLLES APIOL tht most Mrs rtmeof tqtinit (fit SidntMt. tut itht' tiftctt ci'ntt tj /ft* dc/ajt qi «a«_ rtfuut It.-mat »t^"IW»»^l«> »».a»Hopor« f«s'» CHUB KKIB LEE AND P. 0., NO. 8. RAFFLES PLACE. Auctioneers. Estate and Commission AfenUand Contractors. ■ORTOAOEa LOANS arhangi:d AND LABCUR OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SUPPLED.
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    • 78 3 Rheumatic Pain*. Wln I] you have rli.uiiiaUsiii in your foot I or innU-p apply haniUrUiu'i Pain lUIIII I ami you wi'l g» t ■|uitk nln I. It. I tnHe. Why mitln.' |..i mk fcj all Hi- I [H-uviri.-. auil IKal.r-.. I HOWARTH ERSKINE LTD. 1 j H)^ A 1"• 9
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    • 310 3 SIEMENS BIOTHEIB SIEMENS BROTHERS Wswlw. Ltd. ANO COf| LTD HIM Off ICEt BRAKCH OFFICES I Oaoto. Bom, W H I. 1. 4 and 6. Win«h-*.r Hooae. Lostdnsi SINOAPOai. fffjfjrg 8, Beawh Street, Peaaat Bta.s_a w^_^ k Bahhaaar-i Building Rangoon Matot*. Woalwiak. rHkj.ii A»d ia Udia. Australia. U« MANUFACTURERS as m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 574 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. FTlya STEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA. JAPAN, PENANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN, PORTS, PLY MOCTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Ladiag issued tor China Coast. Persian < i alt. Continental, and American Porte. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Oul<ear,i [for Chinm.) 1911
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    • 541 4 BTEAMEB BAIUH6S. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN UNE A Fortnightly servioe is maintained be tween Yokohama via porte to Marseilles, London aad Antwerp, under mail contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamer* maintaining this aervioe have bean specially designed and const rncterl, aad are fitted
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    • 661 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP C 8 U. 8 MAIL UNL The great itunariTß line between CHINA, JAPAN aad BU ROPE, vim Hoaolnln tad Saa Fraaoiaeo, operating aba new ISjOOO nna, twi B screw sttsmsrs KOREA aad SIBBRIA, together with tbe well known it i CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA
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    • 285 4 STEAMER BAJUNQB. Canadian Pacific Railway Go Royal Mail Staatmaliip Una. THE NATIONAL HIOHW AY TO EUROPE Via China, jATaji, Canada akd ths Ckitbo Statbs. Route bom Hoagkoag. via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Saa of Japaa), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Vancouver. R.M.S "Empress of India Twin screw BM.S.-l-.-^o.Japa.-j gj-- j R.M.B. Empress
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    • 562 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA UNE. HAMBURG. DEUTSCHE DAMPFSCHIFFFAHRTSGES, HANSA BREMEN. Combined S«rvlc«. The atasmar* of these Compaaie* maintain a regular awiiu* bil»**n Haubnrg. Bremen, anlwarp. and Rotterdam, and the Strait*. China iad Japan. Homeward*, tbey are despatched fortnightly For Havra and Hamburg and ono* a month for Bramerhavea direct, oalling
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    • 671 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. iorddeutschar Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL 6ERMAN MAIL LINE. Th« fast and w*U known mail steamer* of Ibis Company sail fortnightly from Brssasa, Hamburg, via Rotterdam. Antwerp. Boalhamp ton, OibraiUr Genoa. Naplaa (eonasntiag MarssiUss. Naples. Alexandria, and vio* versa. Port Hatd. Hoes. Aden. Colombo. Psaaag. Singapore. Hongkong.
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  • 177 5 FIXTURES. Monday. March 13. High Water, 9.9 a.m., 10.40 p.m. 8. C. C. TenniH Tournament. Philharmonic Orchestra, practice, 8.80. Tuesday, March 14. High Water, 10 8 a.m., 11 h p.m. Singapore Asaices. S. C. C. Tenniii Tournament. Concert, Tiutonia Club. Wednesday. March 15. High Wa«er, 10 46
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  • 153 5 Today. Indragiri Aiog Tbye 8 pm Malacca Hong Ho 8 pm Port Swettenbam and Telok Anaoo Perth 8 pm Malacca and Man Kaka 4 pm Bangkok Produce 4 pm Samaras.^ Btzwada 4 pm T" louow. Penang, Malacca, K.M.8. (By train) 7 am BaUvia Van den Boacb 7
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  • 65 5 Lift iMim I >. b. 10 r ao. r. b. 18 N I). L i-Vb. B. 1. hub. -m MM Feb. S3 P. hVb. 27 N I). L. Viar. I B. I. M»r. 0 M. K. M»r 10 I" ft 0 Mar. U N l>. L Dei
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  • 442 5 Latest Arrivals. ltoitor. l>ut. »tr. -.'uietonN, Capt Vis, Mar 17 Krom KotW-rdam, Jan 21. O.e Hand. Kotterdani. For T. Pandan. Mar la Wharf. Olenogle. lirit *tr. 219J ton*. Capt Paddle, Msr IJ. Krmii Rangoon, Mar 8. Oe. and IHO d.p Talk Lee Guao For Amoy. Mar 18 Wharf.
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  • 100 5 Vessels at Tanjong Pagar and keppel Harbour. Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TaNJONO PAOAR. Bart Wbabp Basin— Nam Yong. Bast W. Sbctioh No 1 -Tboogwa, SnowSaasa. WBAar-Oleaogle. 1 -man Maim W. B«ct. No. 3— Bar. Fairlie, Btxwada. S Guadiana. 4— Oleaatrae. m S— Nil. [Castle. 6— Dcuoalioa,
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  • 66 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Poh Ann, March 18.— From I'ert Swettenli. in via ports: Messrs. Jansen, Brown and Bishop. P«r ateamer Lady Weld, March 18.— From Malacca: Mr. Oreig. Per.teamer Hints. March 18— Fron Telok Anson via porta Mr*. Maude, Mr. and Mr. Peal, Dr. Smith, Metsra. Pnrdy,
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  • 229 5 Finance Commerce, BnraAFou, Mac h 18. 1911. O» Loxdo*— Bank 4 m/» 3/4 A Demand 3/4, T Private 6 n>/s 3/4 f t do 8 m/. l/4i| O*Oa*HAirr Bank d/d 340 Private 8 m/« 544 On fund Baak d/d 396 Private 8 m/s 390* Oa India Bank T. T. 174)
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    • 172 5 Lmiw f«loe£ 10 10 Bel»t Tin 10 10 Rrn&DK 10 10 Braaafa Hyd 10 10 Kanabm Cl 41 Kioto Tin 11 1 Kledau« Tin 10 10 KouUo Tin 11 Ml l*h»X Uintm 10 10 Milanm Tin \l- ft/ PahMf Conaol 11 1 Pengkftlen II tl Puiog B»hru II 41
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    • 629 5 asoe raJoe Buyer*. Seller*. I/- >/■ Allagu 4/9 M 1 I/- I/- Anglo Malay 1.8 3 1.4. 10J I/- 3/- Bataa* Malaka a/6 8' Cl XI BttaCtTH 16.100 16 10.0 El £1 B»tu Tiff* 6.5.6 6 10.0 II JCI Bakit Kajang 2.M.0 8 0.0 tl £1 Bnkit Luntang 410
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    • 122 5 Value Bayer*. 10 10 Butern Smelting 10 7 H 676 41 41 Electric Tmnwmyt 8/8 10 10 Fruar Ne»re 88.00 ICO Howtrth KrmkiDe LOO 7% Pret 9000 100 100 K»U Bra I>. I. 100 100 8% Cun>. Prel. 10 10 Mtyotrd Co. 34.50 Seller. 10 00 700 66.00 91.00
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    • 53 5 Bayer* Sellers Howarth Erskine 6% 1800,000 par Riley. HargTeavea 6% »J84,000 2} 8 t pm Singapore Electric Tramway* 6% XBM.OOO Spore Municipal 6% 11,878 000 bob. Buyer. Sellers Spore Municipal 4J% of 1907 11.000X00 6% 7%pm 8 pore Municipal 4{% of 1909 »1.000.00 C 7% B%pm 8 pore Municipal
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 56 5 Oreat Caesar's gLo*t poor, wasted frame That onou full vigor did r.QMtss, Can I rx- a man in afti but name, Hi. cough has brcu^ht him auch distress Tl»' uml> rtiki r .miles to think N it Winter's cold he'll not endure i >1j ni-Vr nay die, but take a
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    • 428 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Mar 14 At saleroom, a share in the »«■»<» and affect* of sod .a a partnership called the Mekkek l;ul>ber Co at 2.80 Mar. 15— At mtleroom. teven gentleman saddler etc at 11 March IS. At mleroom forty case* StcrilU.d Milk, at 11. Mar. It—
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    • 1045 5 BOXING. BOXING. THEATRE ROYAL North Bridge Ft oavd. America and England's Greatest Light Welgbt: BATTLING NELSON vs. OWEN MORAN. Eleven fast and fmiona round., 6 knock downs, aad Moraa's" terrible left hook to the Body, showing tbe Oieatest Knockout ever produced ia any oght pioture. T»» WILL BE BHOWN ON
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    • 48 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumtntal Masons. BBTABLIBHBD 1881. JUST RECEIVED 1 New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monuments ol every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The' Best to be had in the colony. With Plumes in use. TBLBPHONB: NO. TIT. MO. IST. ORCHARD ROa-
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  • 19 6 John.— On March VI. at Dresden. <«r many. H. M. John, late SUgapore Pilot Service. IBy cable I.
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  • 1013 6 The Straits Times MONDAY MARCH 18. RUBBER PROSPECTS. It ia about ten days »ince we wrote about The Promise of Spring in a faahion that wan Huppoaed. we uadontanrl. to lack the enthuaiaaiu which would have been good for the local rubber market. What in good for tliat market depends
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  • 30 6 Knala Kangaar liaotationn. Uubber 7.418 Ib., coconut* picked 4J.7JJ Negotiations for the sale of the F M. S. Hotel to a Kuropean would-be proprietor are naitl to have fallen through.
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  • 22 6 It i» now officially notified that the title of Federal Secretary han been changed to that of I'nder Secretary. Federated Malay States.
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  • 25 6 The F M S. Government yacht Seabelle, which ban arrived from Port Swctteiihain. ia taking Mr. Justice Ebden and staff to Kuantan. for the Aaaixea.
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  • 28 6 The Irishmen in Penang have decided to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a banquet in the Town Club, on Saturday. IHth innt. Kach subscriber can invite three gneata.
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  • 36 6 According to the Ipoh paper, there would appear to be at present a dearth of officer* in the F. M. 8. Civil Service, judging by the number of application- for leave which have been retimed lately.
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  • 34 6 Sereral of the Ipoh 1011 griffin* running at the recent meeting are said to have changnl hanilx privately at high Agures. Maori Hoy, Olga, Kinttv and Sindang are among tlioMii rued in thin connection.
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  • 37 6 The Knglish Presbytorian Mission is huil.l ing a new Chinese Church in the jungle at Pay* Lcbar. It is intended to invite friends to its dedication next month. Tlie Chinese are providing one half of the cost.
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  • 34 6 The Pinang tiasette ondersUnds tliat the Oovernment of the State of Kedah coateni plates the early issue of a new stilus of postage stamps, ami is at present considering suggestions for an appropriate design.
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  • 40 6 Hi. IHrector of St. Joseph's Institution wishes to acknowledge with thanks a subscription of •I'M! received from Mr. Tan Cliing Kre for the new verandah. Through some mistake, this gentleman's name did not appear in the list published last January.
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  • 45 6 In a report from Slianghai the American Consul nays cigarette* are rapidly taking the place of opium The imports of cigarette* last year reached the value of over ifi< M In lul.liln.n to tlie cigarettes imporu-.1. mil lion* are being made in tin native factories.
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  • 47 6 Two women canned a conny.'.iion at Paris by appearing on the Bouievards attireil in woman's latent aso called harem *kirt an.l Turkish trousem. A crowd gatliered aroun.l the women and compelled them to take refuge in a railway cloakroom, from which they were rescued by the police.
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  • 52 6 A.!, n report*, under date tlie 2nd mil.. a widespread advance of Yemen tribesmen in the country between Sana and the coast. Turkinti reinforcements for Sana were intercepted. Troops are constantly arriving at Hodeida from Turkey. French engineers have gone to H.xleida to proceed with the construction t" the Hodeida
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  • 81 6 In a private letter to the Kditor of the Times of Malaya Sir Krnest Birch, writing from Hyeres in the Soutli of France on February 1.1, aars I am much better but not rid yet of tlie ulcer* in my mouth. However, aa I have to po to London at
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  • 67 6 Yesterday, at 11..41 p.m.. wh. n the MMBI pure came in from llaagkok. nlie was boarde*l by a number of tlie revenue officer*, who alter a search found in a sailor's quarters a box belonging to one Awang. a member of the crew. The box held smaller boxes containing bliang.
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  • 75 6 There was a great exodus from town to the Sea View Hotel. Tanjong Katong. on Saturday night, when an excelU nt srxx ml dinner was nerved on tlie lawn to over two hun guentn. Tlie night wan cool and moonlight and tlie gueotn thoroughly eiij..\e.l tin iiis« Ives. Music
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  • 73 6 Tlie provision of a new orche»tra at tinMarlboroiigh cinematograph h.i- t nlianced the .|iiality of the entertainment at that show, and an a consequence has much in creased tlie patronage of the public, wlio are not slow to recognise the effort* made I>\ the proprietor to cater to their wants.
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  • 79 6 From tlie Colonial Secretariat we have received, for publication, a copy of a letter from tlie I*, and O. agent anuoiin. mi; that the next homeward mall packet Marmora ha- been aupointod to Icaw SiQga|K>re at eight o cI.M-k on Thurmhty inm-ning. 'Jinl inst. On tins occasion the Commander lias
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  • 73 6 The Theatre Royal held a packed audience on Saturday night, when the popular Star Opera Company staged Aladdiu and the Wonderful Lamp. Tlie actors and actrvMsn>. es|iecially tlie prima donna. Minn (iaffoor. did themselves much credit in their n-*|«i nvi parta. new ouatumes and scenery adding to the success of
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  • 91 6 The latent recruit to tin ileU* ti\e ilimsioii of the Singapore police force arrived on Saturday from home by the steamer (ilenstrae. He will be on a somewhat different tooting to his colleagues —because li< is the only four-footed detective on the strength. He in tlie Airedale who lias been
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  • 93 6 About 1..Htl thin morning a tragedy that may have fatal renulta oucurred in a house in Malacca Street. A Chinaman employed in a ilis|»-ii»ar\ got up from Ins bed at that hour and attacked two oilier men. who were, sleeping in the same room, witli a chopper. Hoth men were
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  • 109 6 There »w llie uxiial large week end air dicooe at the Alliauibra > in. uutlograpli on Saturday m^lit. when- au int. rwttini; ami entertaining |>n>nr»iMiiif «w presenter), a feature <>( which waa the Tariety of maker*' tilnut. The twi-nty lifth udiuoo of I'.nln Animated <>*/. tu which waa urnciual, con
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  • 535 6 Mi V. Irving has left the r M S for trip to t l.ii Mr an.l Mrs K str,«l«. Hall harr M Kuala Lumpur f.n Australia Mr. R. S. IV««4on. of tlie Straits Trading Company, has been transferred U> Kawang His Kxcelleii, tin i oM-rnor sails tor
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  • 146 6 It will l» ".-en tr. .in mil mU.rti-.i1.. in column* that Mes«n>. (iitthrM ami Co. au in BS that the Selaugi.i 1 mte.l Kiil.l> I 1.t.1. isl» ingrto«t.-<l in Laaafsa ha Uwparßoai of ac.|iuring llroun illi.- ami Ni < om.-t ■aastas, *ituaU- about H inilix ti
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  • 161 6 IU-adcr* are reminded .if Hi. -crt to he given nt the TeuUnua I Ink BMN illicit by Millie, (lauthier. a young l'ana<! traltu, who comes here with.i very high re piitatioii The vocalist ha.* made aa < v ll' si choice of d|ieratic airs and favourite Knghsh
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  • 193 6 A helpful fneii.l .if ..1.1 v, i aanij t.i ant one s mm i.l »l i- -t »llli Ik. t- i Singai«>re. tin StrHil-. ami MnaaaaVaf, eoiiutrick. Hh K.aik Merah for lull. liat. n..« been received. It lia» reached iU thirty seonid year of |iiiblicati<>n and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 172 6 THE LATEST MAIL lIW3 ALHAMBRA New subjcts New subject« I OUR GRAND PBOAIAMME TO-NIGHT imLCDn nm- r*o« Parka I Msaas aaa aatar. tarts*, (Newt. Also Artistic and Hnmorous Pictures. aaiartcss tlsisn Comedy. aassias •aasMr. jNcw>. In Cs.'» ftaactel SMBlg. (New). ONLY HIOHCLABB PRODUCTIONS EXHIBITED AND ■iws Of auaaaaj m-rtMtT which
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    • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 as well as H.
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  • 119 7 MINISTER GIVES WARNING TO UNITED STATES. Armed Forces Crossing Border Mean War. ÜbttkiT- Tilrokam. I 11. March 111. I. I. uunn trom New York say the Mcxi .au (iovernment has decided to suspend constitutional guarantees throughout the Mpiihln K..UI \mericau warships have been onlered M-it Mexxan |«irtVirtually
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  • 52 7 BITTER IRRITATION ABOUT THE ESTIMATES. Veto Question Prevents Defections. ItIL'TBRS TkLRoKAM. l^mdoii. Mai The l».iil\ (hi de lobbyist says Ih- luv. never know 1 re inte-nse irritation among lUdical- than In- Ut-n by the Navy estimate's. It 1- only tin constitutional crisis Uiat I'M Nt-
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  • 35 7 M. Delcasse's Fleet Comparisons Disputed. Kll'Tßs's TrLli.«t«. 1.. 11, Ion. March M, I 'In I- r. ncli paper- lon test M. Ik-lcaases otimi-ln c<imparis<>ns of tlie Frencli and (0 -rm.'lli MM n
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  • 23 7 Rictii'ii TiuoaAM. 1,,. I. lon. March lh. t-i.n.h cl.«k- Friday night, wen»lt< ri-l t. 1 .r.i n»n h nine.
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  • 20 7 M. SASONOW. l>m <>>T--iMix Hi I.Lorn TrL*..kAji. IW-rlin. March 11. M Inaonow i-. ivering fn»m hi- alt* k of hphtl
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  • 39 7 -k.. uri-. hf Lloti> Tklkukam. Berlin. March 1 1 France int. nd- te> send a punitive ex pt*htion to the interior of Morocco, on account of Uh- municr of a lieutenant and s. i. r.»l -.Idlel-.
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  • 26 7 DhQMbVIMH Lloyd Tkuuram. B,rlin. March 11 iMaHagl lin-ssiige states that the foltl ficatlon of tin- noitln rll Ilill |>orts i- te be undertaken.
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  • 85 7 Dm Ostanmtim'Rß Llovh Telkoka^. Berlin. M.llrli 11. I'm,,, l.intpold of Bavaria lias received tl.i Oml.i ,if the (tarter tin casion of In- niintnth hiiIhtliii. March M, lln I. i,.i- In .ir I y n-feicnccs U, I'riuci l.iut|iold. who. it -ays. has displaytsl tin true 1 ..rin in faith
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  • 41 7 Mm OsTAsiATiMai LunraMUft iW-rl.n. M.ti.h l'J S.»- I \nn.ll -Ute-s that tin li.rkliavi hi. l .in., tli. 1 siicci-ms over the insurgents. In th. Turkish Chamber a vote of von f~l. m. ha- Is-. 11 ni-,1 in l>s.liawid Bey.
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  • 44 7 iFkom a Malax a Cohkksminmimt.) Malacca, Mai.-h I-' Information lias bi-en rec.-m-.l by Malacca 11 ü bo. 1 PkanUtions. Liuiitexl, Uiat Uie prior .if tim l'.ir:i m I hi. lon yesU-rday was HN BBf Ib I The m.irket i-lim-.) ana I
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  • 693 7 Fine Contest in the Championship Final. There are about half a dosen local golfers who form a class by Uiemselve*. and in sci ateh play it is safe to assume Uiat they will Is very clone t igetlier either in medal or in match competition! Of these
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  • 362 7 Necessity of Posting Entries At Earliest Possible Date. Mi Staines Marnier-, the organising manager of Uie forthcoming International Kubber and Al!i~l Trades Kxhibition. writes to iis. from lon-lon, under date- February 17. as follow It will facilitate- Uie working arrangements in connisylon with the competitions if Uiose
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  • 72 7 A Calcutta telegram announces Uiat ou the evening <>( the 2nd inst a Bengali youth threw a bomb of a very dangenms kind at the motor car of Mr. Cowley, the executive engineer The missile (ailnl to explode. 111. -oiith. who was cliastvl and arrested, proved to Ite one Milker
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  • 706 7 LESSONS LEARNED BY LORD MINTO AS VICEROY. Dual Policy of Reform and Repression. lh. (reedoui of the City of London waa. on February 28. presented to Lord Minto in the (iuildhall with Uie customary cetetnonial. There was a most distinguished gathering, including Lord Crewe, Lord Moriey. Lord
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  • 293 7 The Outlook Early in February Considered To Be Good. In it- review of the tin market, dated February 11. the Globe, observe* Last week cloned at U-T It, cash. £IH7 tin months. Tins wi-ek. after touching £171 three month-. cloned at £17H 10k. cash. £17H, thr.* mouths.
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  • 15 7 Mr. Loredav. general manager of Uie Argentine Railway, is on n visit to Koala Lumpur.
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  • 594 7 SIX WEEKS WITH SCARCELY ANY RAIN. Comparative Records. What are the prospects of rain 1 This •weius to be Uie question uppermost in Uie niinds of everybody from Uie head of Uie boom to Uie tnkan ayer who pictures long jaunts to replenish failing water supplies. Singapore
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  • 165 7 In all fifh^n of the Chiuamcn all. -g.-«l to have been concerned in the big gang robbery at (iemas Uwt week have be«-n »rr. -t.-l l,y Uie Malaon (lohce in Tampin district. Nine of them were found on a jungle path making, it in believed, for
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  • 174 7 The member* of Uie China s.«i,i\ with their friends were received by th. Prexiflent. H. K. Uh- (.'hinew- Mininter. at a conver msione. liekl at Hh- Caxton Hall. Wextniinster. on Uie evening of Kebruary 16. AiiM>ngst Uww preaent were Sir John MeU»vy Brown. Sir Walu r Hillicr.
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  • 446 7 Prominent London Dealer Visiting Ceylon. Mr. Hector Moriaon. a prominent member of the London Stock Kxcliangc. is riaiting Ceylon wiUi the object of obtaining first hand knowledge of the rubber industry In an interview with a repreaeatetive of the Tunes of Ceylon, he gave Ins views
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  • 155 7 Advance Figures for First Two Months of This Year. Wi have Uh- advance statement of the <\|»«-t of tin from tin hederated Malay State* during Uie months of January and r'ebrtiary. 1911. aHcompared with the eorraaponding pi-noil o( the previous year. The figures rattles and cents
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  • 229 7 Messrs. I. vail and K\att. nn ageutx. have nvcived information tliat the directors of ilia Phoenix Assuranci C'oiuiiany. l.imite.l. have decided that tile rrversiouary uonuit on with profit pnlicien in force on Itiiviiibrr HI. 1910. shall be Ka. 17 (or each It- l.(«»> awiu re<l (or
    229 words
  • 110 7 Sir George Kcp|» 1. (hie! Coin niissioiier ol thr Frontier I'lmnnr. while ou tour near Charnula waa inforntod that a band uf thirty raiders, under the faaioUM out law Hakim t hand.waii hiding in a cave near Abazar. says a root-nt tetcgraiu fnun Calcutta v.
    110 words
  • 143 7 PROSPECTS OF ANGLO-GERMAN AGREEMENT. Germany's Interests Commercial Kit/Tin Telsulam. London. March 11. The Berlin 00-ei vati>e pa|ier him/ Zeituni; cotniuentin^ on tlie Ita^dail Railway situation nays if Kn^lan.l pria< i|«l concern M to exclude foreign sea|«iwer from the I'enuan (iulf. then a- <ienu»tiv -mterextH are purely oouimercial
    143 words
  • 27 7 UriTu- Tmmi». Ixmdnn. March 12. I lie .oudition of I'rin.i Adalbert of IViih iiia i-.|inte natiofacuiry. and the Kinprror and Ktnpr<-*s have to IW-rlin
    27 words
  • 81 7 r mm (Ii R llw> CoBU(-p<»Da Ihe II I. -teaiiMT KapurtliaLt. winch went axhori' on a nlmal U> tin north of l*nlau An^sar at nndiiixilit on Thursday i_"i ol) »t p in., on Satunlay. Mi- Kaightlej SuiUi ..r Kellie Smith i died on boanl the ml at M.-f
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  • 45 7 Kmh (lit Own OhmmMMl Pcnang. March |:l. Th. steamer Kurvalii- eollidetl with Swettcnliam pur on Sumlay afternoon. Two bollardfi an<l a portion of piei w. it -t.,\< in the damage being estimate*! at $'..<"«' The stcamei hail tuo of her plate-* knocked in.
    45 words
  • 340 7 Pioneer Planter Inspects Old Trees At Heneratgoda. Tlurv was an intcn-siiug Msitoi at 11. v. ratgoda when Mi II A Wi. khan- f mi MM of a —tin inn I""V V which went from Colombo to tin- (ianlcns. «y» tin Times uf Ceylon. It l- lianlly
    340 words
  • 35 7 FEBRUARY RUBBER RETURNS Kuhber Kstate- ol Kuan. ».7 4"lb. 11,, short mootli ami wintering tr.i „»in^ to prolong! drought account (or tin- tic cn-ascd output. Mm Kulilmi 1.t.l IJM lh against 4 f.'H in .laniiar)
    35 words
  • 41 7 111. following pric.-s fur MiLLr sold w... n aliscd on Saturday at tin Malacca Auction Mart Bott sheet VM.I.M i per pi. ill Best 1. 1- M-jt -i Scrap iam.lll Kidding was very k.-cn and l.n-l lot- wen
    41 words

    • 37 8 The Ml India cricket team proceeding to Kngland this summer has been Anally selected. The young Maharajah of Patiala has accepted the captaincy of the team, which sails by the mail-boat on May ft.
      37 words
    • 127 8 (Urrison OoM Club. The final for the cup presented to the Garrison Golf Club by Mr. A. Young and Mr. and Mrs. de lluiigemont was contested on Friday last by Captain (>. V Humphreys and Lit ut 11. P. Wedd. Captain Humphrey winning by 4 ami 'i. The conditions
      127 words
    • 149 8 S.C.C. Tuuraament. y,nU h got si game of cricket wan witne«te<l on the Ksplauadt on Satin day when the fM < toiirtmineiit «as loiiliiiiieil. the Teleuiiph side meeting a coinhiniil eleven of the Law ami (nil "Miner The Telegraphs Mint ki the wicket first and put touether Ml to
      149 words
  • 237 8 Important Seizure of Illicit Notes At Canton. »Mu-. s.itne illicit hatiknotex the Tai Thing Bank aapaaaai ..u the market tin have Briai h >i of attention to th. forgery uf notes ami counterfeiting of cuina. List year Magis ■g Kiun 11. ii warn upjioi'iiuil to in .v.l
    237 words
  • 271 8 1., tli. stums of tin DwilßtaA rev .|< n-<l h\ tin eoaaaiaer] \lli.uubra antl ,11.. 1,1,1. f.,11..*,-l 111 th. rear of the tl,, lemaius of tin hit. Mr. < tOiaaji ll<\. wan laaaaval fiotn his i.-si.l. n. M 11. .u5. HeaM lUiail.
    271 words
  • 98 8 An < ii..i < r<|>t into an wioiint .<f v pi. I liy .t D'lircM'iitativc tin Time* oi MaU>H -it. m i,»ii mtmmm Mr II M.ll.y. ..f T.lnk (MM, i- havm- h ...I.I I I .ill. I .|il..t, ,1 in tins |>HjH-r. It :1ml tin Mx.oii.1 -<U>i< I
    98 words
  • 571 8 SIR T. LIPTON'S ADVENTURE. Visited By a Supposed Madman Armed With a Razor. Sir Thomaa Lipton, who ia at preaeat Tuuting Ceylon and ia expected to paan noiue time in the StraiU and Java anortly, had an unploaaant adventure at bia bouae in South gate, a few week* afjo. In
    571 words
  • 440 8 American Manager Arranging Novel Tour of the World. r'rom au American ivcliauif Katlior that Kyrlf Ifellrw ha» coiupU-U*! arranxeBMBti for a novel theatrical tour of the worlil that would serin Ui be Uas-il on the duality theatre whrmr familial alolli; the Mi— iiwiupi aatd oth.-r Mi.1.11.- Waatara
    440 words
  • 786 8 Prices Quoted ia the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 13, 1911. Mum. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following liat oi quotation* this morning V Allagar 4/9 6/7* 1/- Option. 1/MH 8/XI Anglo- Jara 7/6 9/14 1 Anglo Johore 10/- I.H 2 Anglo Malay
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 58 8 Answer to the Question. Maw rtu run a „.1.1 i» 1 t 11 m mam arc int. n ~t« .1 ju»t now. I li.milxr ■at k. „,,.iv iu.s it Krt Al npuintiou ami iiiiiikiuh- sal.- by its remark »lil. mi. „f „,UU. It ran always be. le prntM npoa Km
      58 words
    • 40 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Doee not upset the stomach and is nnr, vailed lor coughs, colda, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles, and ia a general tonic (or building op the system. OP ALL CHKMIBTS. $115 ANOS2.OO
      40 words
    • 12 8 Woods Great Pryniiiiiat Cure for all f internal oomplaiata Dyaentery, Ooagha. OoW^etc.
      12 words
    • 707 8 RUBBER FACTORIES I ENGINES!! MACHINERY I We are specialist* in the construction of Steel-framed Buildings, and as Sole Agents for RUBTON- PROCTOR Suction Gas Plants, and "BERTRAMS* RUBBER MACHINERY. WE ARB IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THI MOBT ECONOMICAL AM) UP TO DATE INSTALLATIONS. Deniga. and fall parUcolan on applioation
      707 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 112 9 YAMATO'S Spring SA^LE COMMENCES MARCH 1. -3rl, HZIO-I3: STREET. If it be Dot trne, speak it not, II it be not seemly, do it not. Marcos Anrelins. The one and only MolO Agents PATERSOH. SIMONS CO. LTD. OngSamLeong&Co., STEAM BAW-NILL AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Always have Timber and Planks to Suit
      112 words
      668 words
    • 136 9 B. VAN DER TACK Five) Star* and be>t MaMl—w Cigar* raaaut be eg tailed. A trial will eoaviace yon. GERIL BREAD KUHL.MJa.NN lAUBAOCI Beat Liquor* aad Provision" Can be obtained ]ol I LEVY. 10. ROBINSON ROID, Wrinlaaili aad Rsaafl Dealer. TMB Empire SE* Hotel FMS. z »">» I Flft-olaaa MotaJ.
      136 words
    • 384 9 PATRONIZED J^gSRJyKWgr B> KOYALTV /g\ LAMES' AND GENTS' J£ GOLD WATCHES Of various Patterns at Lowest Prices. B. P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller, HIQH STREET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS Im the Price of MICHELIN TYRES From the 15th February, inclusive. Ask for new PRICE LIST from DUPIRE BROTHERS, Arfeinta). Oriental Jiair VOasf).
      384 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 478 10 INSURANCE. MEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. dead Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Difwatocai m. A. Dbbbuk, Esq., Chairman. A. H Kaik Bog Managing Direotor. Pbtob Fowlib, m.b., cm Chief Mad. Officer V. M Elliot. Em. Rev. N.J. Cocvbbi'r. fow Nuan Pam. Esq. O«o Soob Tbs, Esq. Eaoo Sum
      478 words
    • 281 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL UFE •ssurmce ooanun of otwuu. BsT&ausniD 1888. Insuntnot in Faroe, over JITJtMM N.w tiuolnoon. 1909, o«or IM«MM Nat Suppluo above llsiiibom for rsaorve aud all outMaod ing olaims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over MMN was sat aside aa o special addition to Policy isbsjvbs. J. H. EVANS, Manager,
      281 words
    • 531 10 BAHKIWfI. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRAUA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTED Paid ay Capital ia 60,000 Shares el JtJOeach XI.'JOO.OOO Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reservt Liabilitf of Proprietors... X1, 200 000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City a Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aocounta are opened and
      531 words
    • 584 10 BANKING. THE &ZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INBURANCE C 3.. LTD. MO. IT AND 68, KLINO STREET. Established 190 T. Capital paid op 11,000,000,00 nsßßi n baMMty of proorietots *****)0000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan- Ts< Jooa 8. Sot Exa J*n 3. Nan En Snao 7. Tao Hoo Lai
      584 words
    • 1426 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Etc., THE I'KOPKRTT OK O. C WATSON F.S<^ AT 71-W. RIVER VALLEY ROAD. Oa Saturday, March 18, at 2.30 p.m. Beautifully carved teak cabinet with mirror panels eicellunt leak drawn suite upholstered in red bajaa carved teak whatnot- with mirror
      1,426 words

  • 726 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Progress «f Aviation, Major Baden Towrll i-on tribute* Uio L.llow in« aviation uotcn t<> the Telegraph There ■■an now no lonper l» any qoention an to whether aerial mat-hint^ arc or are not to be adopted in war. In Franco 2U.HOn.IMO
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 348 11 WOLSELEY A^RS NONE SUPERIOR. Full particulars from the Sole Agents: CENTRAL KSS SILENT KMIBHT Arriving Shortly i 6 lII, Single cylinder, foar seated Can. U H.P., Two cylinder five aeatud Can. In Stock t 20 H.r., 6 cylinder, MiTen *eatod. STANDARD," painted Black. U H.I 1 4-cyliu.l. r, fl»e aeated,
      348 words
    • 142 11 Ui-« i Liniment. ->ii-_;lit :k. 'iilt-nts in. l iiijiirk-s arc a In.--,|H. ill MomaM •ml!,.- (aim :iu<l iv tlio uoik sliop. A <m Ijmiis. is .ifU-n t!» aajMe <>f much Aiiuoyano mul !"-< •>( tiiii.-. may l» BMraji hIaAM ..n. thirtl tinIn. ir usually ni|iiii'<>l by applyini; I'luiiii- I'hiii
      142 words
    • 362 11 YOU CAN'T AVOID TYRE TROUBLES But you can reduce them to a minimum by fitting "CONTINENTALS." Once more the prices have been reduced considerably our new Price List is ready and will be forwarded to you. FRESH STOCKS 111 ALL CURRENT SIZES Through all dealer* and Garages. CONTINENTAL TYRE ft
      362 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 890 12 INDIAN PATENT or STONE MsVITaIWaSM Sharpe, Ross Co., Ltd. WANTS. PRESSMAN WANTED. I r. --msn with fin-t claim knowledge of Wk.if.Ulo mschine. Only experienced men mcd spply Uood salary given to suitable msn. Apply Printer, c/o Straits Times. 18 1 ASSISTANT WANED Wanted. A»»istant for Rubber and Tobacco Estate in
      890 words
    • 432 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUSES TO LET. Terraes Hoosss in Wilkie Road, Rent •36. Immediate entry. Apply Gothrie sad Co, Ltd. OFFICE A 60D0WN TO IE LET. With Immediate satry Mo. T. Mateoea Barest Apply to QOTHRIB a CO., LTD. Sm OFFICEB TO LET Whole of second floor of
      432 words
    • 475 12 NOTICEB. FRASER JND NEAVE, LIMITED. Notice Is hereby give* that the Ccupon Serial No. 18 oa Share Warrants to Bearer of this Umpoay for tbe Dividend declare.! at the rate ol i:> sad a Btnus of 6",,. or together *J per annum, on account of the year ended Bi«t December
      475 words
    • 574 12 NOTICES. KIAM KMT s\ CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS. BBBBWaVsV^asBBBBBBwt Abbsb MaaaßaskaaßSß l Talspboas No. 431. 108 A 109. Market Street. NOTICE. Mr. C. B. .lohnson ia no longer is our employ. BKLLAMY AND CHRISTIE 10 8 |M GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified that the List of Application* for Public Hoose Lieenees
      574 words
    • 553 12 NOW CHOOSE I Boohstein Pianos Brinimead Pianos Steinway Pianos Raohals Piano* Collard Piano* Broadwood, Whit* Pianos Krtabel Piano* Ruaavall Pianos Winkelmann Piano* Nwum Pianos Nauika Pianos Strohmenger Piano* Lshmsnn Pianos THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. Raohal*' Auto-Pfayar Pianos Allison Auto-Player Piano* Manual Auto-Flayer Piano* Brintmssd Angelua. Wa WANT to SEND
      553 words